#alternate earth
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sabrerine911 · 13 days ago
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"Rogue, Nightcrawler and the Cajun situation" (Marvel Earth-911b)
Was in the mood to sketch this up between commissions.Been wanting to do more with these two siblings. Tried to come up with a really dumb scenarion(I know some people might think that Gambit would do the deed even without losing the bet, but I dunno, havent read comics in awhile, maybe this was his hidden plan! )
Anyway I wanted an excuse to draw these 2 in civilian clothes, for Kurt I liked the idea of big casual red t-shirt to go with his blue fuzziness, for Rogue I wanted to go for a super baggy/puffy hoodie since this variant of her is more of a buff gym-rat archetype. I do have a question for the audience tho for her. Should I make the beeg hoodie green and her under shirt white/grey, or vice versa? (also, the dein mann was to specify that Rogue and Gambit are married in this continuity XD )
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vveedwart · 4 months ago
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Not the most visually interesting picture, but a rough idea of a couple characters. Two individuals who graduated together and intern at a research station in what was formerly known as North Western Alaska. They are in a set of company gifted quadrupedal pajamas, most likely heading to the dining hall. Both characters use she/her. Cole (Tirut) and Iver (crown)
Crowns are made by @charseraph
Tiruts are mine
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silkwhim · 1 year ago
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Sophonts for a shiny new project ✨ Beatha (bay-ha) ✨, an alternate earth set a couple thousand years ago
The first species (green bg), Lau, are offshoots of Indriidae and are most closely related to sifakas. They originate in Madagascar but now occupy most of the continent of Africa.
The second (yellow bg) are a species of wallaby (yet to be named). They originate in the East coast of Australia, now occupying most of the country as well as most of Asia and some Pacific Islands. They are the earliest sophonts.
Finally, the Kepa-ka-o-o, an ancient relative of corvids. They originate in Aotearoa, with many relatives across the Pacific Islands which they now also live across. They have many colonies in Australia and Asia, having a close relationship with the wallaby sophont.
Despite the distance, it's not uncommon to see Lau living in Asia and Oceania and vice versa. The Americas and Europe aren't completely untouched but they don't hold very large populations of the three sophonts due to their mostly colder climate which is not preferred, however there are colonies quickly growing in South America in particular.
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elliwiny · 1 month ago
Today on Opportunities! (9.07)
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Change of plans!
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nirvanacuga · 10 months ago
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Made a fanart for Second_Sol's web novel in RR!
Set in an alternate Earth with much much more water, humanity believed they were the only ones existing in their lone island until their recently launched satellite revealed two different islands on the other side of the planet. It's a 'first contact' premise, and I can't recommend you this enough 👹! Lots of science involved in the writing so go check it out
Textless version
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smallcloisville · 9 months ago
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Clark in alternate dimension when he finds out Lana is happily married to someone else: 😐😞
Clark when on Earth 2 when he finds out Lois is marrying someone else :  I promise, Lois, I will never let this happen to us. I CAN'T LIVE IN A WORLD WHERE YOU DON'T LOVE ME😭😭💔
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leatafandom · 2 months ago
Fandom/Ship: Smallville/Arrowverse/Supergirl - Clex - Clark Kent/Lex Luthor, Kara Zor-El/Lena Luthor, Lex Luthor and Kara Zor-El 
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 827
Warnings and Tags: bonding, Lex knows Clark is Superman, Lex Knows Kara is Supergirl, Lena knows Kara is Supergirl, Lena knows Clark is Superman DIY gifts, Kryptonian, established relationships
Summary:  Created for the Clexmas Prompts: "You know, I heard that hot chocolate makes everything better.” + Holiday Traditions + Bonus Challenge from @panthemanluca: Use the word: lexical
Author Note: Look, I did it @lucathepanman! xD I kept snickering the whole time as I was writing this. It's so cute and another prompt from @idabbleincrazy Clexmas Event! My little earth 69 just keeps getting flushed out more, I just can't help myself. So it's a mess of corrections and blending between Smallville and Supergirl but for simplicity's sake in this universe Lena has a different mother from Lex and Lex is around 10 years older than Lena. This also means that Clark, on earth, shares the same, about, age gap with his cousin.
Read, Homemade, Rated Teen, in full below or on my Ao3.
*note, this story (and all of my others) on Ao3 is locked for registered Ao3 users.
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“Maybe this was a bad idea,” Lex sighed, looking around his old notes and research before looking towards the Kryptonian lexical device Kara had on her coffee table. 
“No, it's sweet, Lex,” Kara said, looking over the corrections she had made. “Plus Kal needs the help,” she added, clicking through the view screen before adding, "I think a physical lexicon would help him.” 
The older man groaned, sitting back on her sofa. “I didn't think it would take so long,” he sighed his own Kryptonian was basic, enough to get around the fortress without blowing it up but nothing more. “How long do you think my sister can stall your cousin?” He questioned, flipping through the documents Martha had sent him. 
Kara laughed, smiling. “Please, he doesn't stand a chance.” She snorted slightly at Lena's plan for their 'bonding' weekend. “I think Ms. Grant is joining them for lunch today.” 
Lex laughed. “Now I feel bad,” he put his papers down to look at her. 
“It'll be fine.” Kara waved a hand at him, grabbing her chopsticks and take-out carton. “Lena was really looking forward to it. I don't think they've ever spent time together.” 
Lex hummed, thinking about it. “It makes sense, I suppose,” he started. “We don't spend much time together, Lena and I.” Due to their age differences and how much time they all spent apart, none of the Luthor children spent much time together. “Actually,” he looked at the blonde eating beside him. “Until I had the idea to make a physical Kryptonian lexicon for Clark, I don't think I've ever called you.” 
“Yeah,” Kara said as she swallowed, head tilting to the side. “I was surprised you had my number… and then not very surprised,” she added. The Luthor's have always had a way for obtaining information they wanted, reformed or not.
“At any rate,” Lex's smile was sly as he grabbed an egg roll. “I appreciate your help teaching me and helping me put this together before Christmas.” 
“Of course, Lex,” she looked back at his notes. “You got pretty far on your own,” she squinted suspiciously at him, lips swishing from side to side. “But I get the feeling, you really didn't need my help or this,” she said pointing at the projected Kryptonian she was double-checking herself with. 
“No, probably not.” Lex's sly smile crooked up into something smug. “But your help makes it go faster, and Clark won't snoop through your apartment for gifts.” 
“He better not,” she teased, smiling as she finished the last of her food, looking back down at the next section she was working on. 
As she settled back into continue translating, she paused. Despite the thoughtful gift, she wasn't quite sure why the billionaire was spending so much time on a gift instead of buying one. 
“Can I ask, what made you think to make this for Kal?” She asked, looking over her girlfriend's eldest brother. “You guys could buy each other anything, why make something?” 
Lex's smile faded, lips twitching as he looked from her towards the finished pages and the glow of the Kryptonian viewer between them. 
“My mother and I used to always trade homemade gifts,” he started with a drawn out breath. “As opposed to the overpriced and impersonal gifts Lionel preferred.” A sad smile flickered across his face, reaching for the remains of his take-out carton. “Clark and I decided to renew the tradition this year with Martha,” he added, looking back to her saddened expression. “We’re making her a set of clay cookware.”   
“It's good that you’re reclaiming it,” she said, sharing the somber smile. Kara sighed, remembering past holidays with her parents on Krypton and Christmases past with the Danvers. “You know,” she said, sitting up straighter as she thought of her mother. “If we took J’onn’s car out for a spin, we could probably get it bound somewhere on New Krypton and be back before Lena releases him.” 
Lex considered the idea, it would make it more personal than taking it to the book dealer he'd found. “That would be perfect, thank you, Kara,” he said, his smile returning before looking at his empty take out container and the mountain of words, rules, and notes they still had to check through and retype. “Ugh, but first we need to finish all this.” 
Kara blew out a soft breath, nodding as she adjusted her glasses, looking around them. “We can do it,” she said confidently, “but how about,” she stood with a stretch heading towards the kitchen. “Hot chocolate? ‘Cause, you know, I heard that hot chocolate makes everything better.”
Lex smiled at her. “I heard it was especially true with marshmallows,” he added, stretching his own spine. “They can be very motivating.” 
“Aha!” Kara cried, “You are in luck, sir,” she said, pulling a bag of marshmallows out of her cabinet. “Two hot chocolates with a pile of marshmallows for motivation coming right up!”
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chaoskirin · 1 year ago
Book Review--Silverwing by Kenneth Oppel
I always read the reviews before buying a book, but I knew I was going to get this series anyway. I LOVE bats.
I need to put the "bad" first for this, because the rest of my review is glowing. This is a deviation from my norm, but if anyone's started reading the first few pages and thought, "Oh. No." I want to encourage you to KEEP READING.
So the reason I almost put it down after a couple pages because the beginning really doesn't catch my interest as much as it probably should. It seems like it's going to be a rivalry between Big Strong Bat Kid and Little Runt Bat Kid, and while the characters were supposed to be children, the author sort of used stereotypical child interactions, I guess is how I put it. The rival character is named Chinook, which I dislike. It's not really a great idea to name your characters after Native American nations, especially one that's been so repeatedly shafted by the American government. So I have to take points off for that.
In any case, Chinook has a lot of lackeys, one especially, that pretty much kowtows to everything he says. I can't remember lackey's name, though, because thankfully he disappears after the first chapter and is never heard from again.
Interactions after that are MUCH more natural, and I truly enjoyed reading the entire rest of the book. The main character, Shade, is a "newborn," which just means he was born that year. He is capable and decent at hunting, but is slightly naive due to his youth. This is played with wonderfully in the story, and is even mentioned in relation to the other main character, Marina, who is a year (or two, perhaps) older then him. She knows more, and he even calls her a know-it-all in his meta at one point because of her larger span of knowledge.
This story also doesn't treat adult characters as idiots who have to capitulate to the limited knowledge of their own children. Shade has some role models, including Frieda, the elder of his colony, and his mother, Ariel. As well as a mysterious white bat named Zephyr, who has special abilities that have come with blindness and age.
The plot, in summary, is that Shade wants to see the sun, which is forbidden for bats because of their lack of taking a side in an ancient war. The owls patrol the dawn and dusk for any bats who haven't roosted, and are entitled to kill them to maintain the law. When an owl catches Shade out as the sun rises, the king of the owls demands that his colony give him up so he can be killed. That's sort of another problem I have with the book--adult characters of other species (owls/pigeons/etc) have no compulsion to give children any sort of break. It's EXTREMELY cold-hearted, but I can't really take any points off for that. I'm not going to spell out exactly why here, but we've seen the worst in people lately, and I can't really fault the author for discussing things that are happening, for real, in 2023.
Anyway, the colony refuses to give Shade up, despite the protestations of another bat elder, and this starts a war with the owls.
When Shade gets separated from his mother, he has to find his way to a place called the Hibernaculum, but he's not on his own. He meets another young bat, whom I previously mentioned, named Marina.
They also meet the trilogy-long villain, a meat-eating bat named Goth. Goth is a killer, and the actions of him and his lackey, Throbb, mean I find this book a little inappropriate for younger children. I would personally bump the age rating up to 5th grade at the earliest. He's a killer, and has no qualms about dispatching anyone who gets in his way--as well as keeping those alive who are still useful to him. He's an extremely effective villain.
I do want to note here that one other reviewer was like "bats can't do _" and I want to remind everyone that this is a fantasy world. No continents are named--only places--and the animals have been in an uneasy truce for millions of years after a devastating war. They are intelligent, capable, and interesting. I would love to see more worldbuilding, but the amount we got was plenty for me to be able to understand that this takes place on an alternate, fantastical version of earth.
Without posting any spoilers, I can say that the end of the book is satisfying and pretty awesome, and I really couldn't wait until even the next night to start reading it. I immediately opened book 2 (Sunwing) to see what happened next. This review is just for book 1, though, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I can only take one star off for the beginning and the use of Chinook as a name, but I highly recommend this to both appropriately-aged kids and adults.
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desdasiwrites · 2 years ago
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– Naomi Novik, His Majesty's Dragon
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ariel-seagull-wings · 8 months ago
Scarlet thread, spun on the wheel,
Twisting on the twirling reel,
Like the dancers turn and spin,
While I now my tale begin!
Now upon a time, two cosmic beings who could see simultaenous lives and times unfold, decided not to watch passively, and instead decended onto Earth to intervene.
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Crossing time and space, they found four newborns:
By their powers, two infants that shared the power to reshape reality were fused into one mind, and two infants that shared the power of longevity, self-ressurection and harnessing of celestial energy were fused into one body.
And then mind and body were made into one unity, that would be raised by the nurturing living continent of Okkara.
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That being was both a gardner and mason: in gratitude to the living continent, they plowed the fields, planted seeds, and, not wanting to bar other earthlings from sharing his happiness, built homes from the bricks and clay of caves, grottos and mountains, and the sands of the beaches, so other, more vulnerable people would someday find a safe haven in Okkara.
This is the legend that is told.
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sabrerine911 · 1 year ago
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I did it!
I colored ALL of them!
My Earth-911b X-men sketches are done!
Earh 911 is mostly how I dubbed the Earth they are from back then, just stuck with it.
They are based mostly on the 90's version, X-men Legends and some other more modern sources. Some of them are considerably more powerful/stronger version of those but that's the general gist of it.
(added some extra description stuff on these versions, some more similar to the regulars than others)
Now Im officially ready for X-Men 97! (was planning to add a bit more info on my versions, but these high effort posts never blow up so I wont bother with that effort XD )
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vveedwart · 3 months ago
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Chihuahua Dreams 1
Pebble's den
This is Pebble the Chihuahua, she lives in the Alternate Earth setting that RUSTHUND and the "research crew" characters are from. Chihuahua Dreams is to help me do some worldbuilding before going into the RUSTHUND comic.
Pebble is a feral Chihuahua, born into the city by domestic parents but never socialized properly to humans. Her "den" is a long abandoned alleyway with an emptied out ac unit filled with clothes and other soft things suspended above an area filled with water.
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artist-issues · 4 months ago
you guys thought I forgot I was supposed to post a story for Team Chesterton in the Inklings Challenge but no, I did not forget, I just failed
I decided I wanted art to go with the writing before posting anything and that there was a mistake
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doctorslippery · 2 months ago
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elliwiny · 1 month ago
Today on Opportunities! (9.0)
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KYAN MAKES HER MOVE! Let's get ready to rumble!!
Here's the fun part - For the rest of book 1 we're going to upload a page EVERY WEEKDAY! Get ready for the thrilling finale!
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ashitakaxsan · 1 year ago
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Makima chan,you're likeable:)
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