#para: blaine.
asksam · 6 months
TAGGING ➤ @askbwarbler & @asksam
TIME FRAME ➤ Before Homecoming.
LOCATION ➤ Sam's house just off campus.
GENERAL NOTES ➤ Sam and Blaine hangout on Live and get ready for Homecoming.
Sam looked around the room once with a nod, having cleaned extensively beforehand and made sure anything he had out wasn’t going to get him in trouble with the powers that be at TikTok. He then waved Blaine in, but made sure the Warbler was out of frame from his phone’s camera lens even if it wasn’t on just yet. “Do you want to use the bathroom and do your hair in there first before you come out?” He knew the other didn’t want the sight of his ungelled hair released to the masses. If they reacted how Sam did when he’d first seen him without hair gel, he might be doing damage control for most of the Live.
Once Blaine was tucked away in the en suite, the blond took a deep breath then started the livestream with a few quick taps on his phone. “Hey everyone, Sam here! Me and Blaine are over at my house getting ready for Homecoming.” He did a small wave of his hand in hello before pointing off camera. “Blaine has to do his hair before coming out here ‘cause if you saw him before that…” The blond shook his head with a fond smile, hand rubbing the back of his neck. “You definitely wouldn’t recognize him, I didn’t,” he laughs, launching into the story of how he’d tried to blow off Blaine, not realizing it was Blaine. 
“Anyways, while we’re gathered here to get ready for the most part, the other thing on the agenda is getting him to make an account.” Sam goes on as he starts to style his hair in the mirror by his desk, occasionally glancing at his phone to read comments and reply out loud before going back to the task at hand. “He’s still not too sure about it, but how many of you guys want to see more of this guy?” His hair finished, Sam grabs his phone and rolls his chair as Blaine walks out of the bathroom, his hair now styled with an impressive amount of gel.
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wmuhummel · 6 months
Rain was lightly tapping overhead on their covered area on the resort's private beach. The sound of the ocean waves was still a calming presence, and Kurt has let himself slip into a state of total serene peace, gladly tangled up with Blaine on the large day bed. Even with the rain and cloud cover, he wouldn't rather be anywhere right now than right here. The tips of his fingers painting random patterns on Blaine's exposed shoulder and neck. The warm damp humidity in the air stuck to them with ease, and if anything the rain only made the tropical air more soup like then cooling it down at all.
But this was fine. Lounging after dark by overhanging soft warm lamp light, that swung lazily occasionally. Casting a perfect glow over him and Blaine being the only ones in the lounge area for now, making this intimate moment something out of a romantic movie.
Turning his head to press a kiss to Blaine's temple, Kurt gives a satisfied hum under his breath. "Any plans for the rest of the week?" He asks, finally breaking the comfortable silence. They had spent the first half talking between drinks - Kurt purposefully avoiding alcohol so not to make a fool out of himself and sticking to a virgin piña colada - and fell into this cuddle session. "Because I was thinking that maybe we could check out this horseback riding activity on the beach before the trip ends. Not because I like horses, but because it sounds picturesque and very sappy."
Honestly horses weirded him out. They were big, intimidating, unpredictable, and god knew that they weren't the best smelling animal on earth. But this was purely for aesthetics, nothing else. Another check off his hopeless romantic side of the bucket list. Something he wanted to do with his boyfriend now that it was available at their disposal. But...
"Unless you'd rather not do that. Then we can go do something way more out there, like zip lining? Or maybe snorkeling? ....four wheeling?" @wmublaine
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goldenkwilde · 6 months
The Lima Bean was not one of Kitty's usual haunts. Between the crowds that usually filled it up on weekdays, the sugary nightmares on the menu, and the sullen teenager who stood behind the bar who Kitty didn't totally trust wouldn't spit into her drink if she took issue with something (which, let's be honest, she probably would), coffee at home was the preferable option. But she'd had three tests today and her apartment was undergoing plumbing work, so the blonde found herself standing in line waiting for the chance to order a much-needed coffee and pray she wouldn't have to toss it out afterwards.
Her eyes drifted around the coffee shop, much more sparse than usual, landing on one unfamiliar face after another before she suddenly felt a spark of recognition. Blaine Anderson, sat at a table by himself, wearing that Dalton uniform. She hadn't spent much time with him before, having only seen him at homecoming and various showchoir competitions, and honestly, what she'd seen hadn't impressed her. He seemed, like most other nice people, dull and overly chirpy. However, he did have one big redeeming quality; his brother was Cooper Anderson. Every single person in Lima knew that name and had his commercial memorised, and Kitty was no exception. He was also gorgeous, which was a massive bonus. Yeah, she kinda sorta maybe had that thing going on with Hunter, but they weren't exclusive and Kitty was nothing if not a status chaser. It definitely wouldn't hurt to dip her toe into the pond of local celebrities, and what better place to start?
At the counter, she quickly ordered two coffees, glancing over her shoulder as she waited to make sure that Blaine was still sat at the table. As they were ready, she picked up the coffees, a plain black with one splenda for her, and a sickeningly sweet concoction that she assumed he'd enjoy, and turned towards the table. She took a moment to rally herself up, plastering on a megawatt smile that felt extremely unnatural, and walked up to the table.
"Blaine, hi!" She resisted the urge to cringe at how chirpy her voice was when it came out. "I saw you over here and I remembered what I said the other day about wanting to spend more time with you, so..." She gestured to herself, before holding out a coffee. "I got you a coffee. It's a caramel macchiato. I had to guess, I didn't know what you liked." Without waiting for him to answer, she placed both cups on the table and sat herself down, grinning at him over her coffee. "So... how are you doing?"
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talkwithkurt · 1 year
date night -> klaine
( @talkwith-blaine ) it's almost like an olive branch – the idea itself stemmed from what kurt can only assume is his own guilt for any unnecessary ... nitpicky-ness ( * bitchiness ) directed towards blaine. kurt had genuinely wanted to go out with the other; truthful in his words and hidden fears of losing what was theirs. he doesn't want to admit his ( * what he believes could be interpreted as silly ) fears, and he knows that keeping his fears from blaine aligned with their arguments on communication in general – just how many times had he tried to drill that into blaine's head? yet he still remained silent on the matter. the moment kurt had insisted on waiting just a little bit longer on actually planning the wedding, the tension had made its place between them like an oversized boulder and that was that. when the evening comes for their date, with the loft playing subtle tunes from a radio, kurt has found himself standing in front of his full-length mirror debating on accessories. it's a frustrating process and he is sure the whole apartment knows with his groan about the waste of money he'd spent on an hermes scarf that doesn't go well with anything. and when he feels blaine's presence, he can only sigh heavily and offer him an awkward, mildly embarrassed, glance over. 〝i promise i'm almost done. i was trying to pair a scarf for this outfit but i don't think it'll work out. i might just have to call it quits this time... for what i have planned for us we're going to be on the train for like.. 50 minutes anyway so we really should head out. you're ready, right?〞after he speaks, he takes a moment to really look blaine over and he allows his expression to soften a bit as he pretends to pluck a piece of lint off blaine's shoulder.〝you look very handsome, by the way... i don't think i mentioned that earlier.〞
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As promised, Sebastian set aside some time to go out for the night with Blaine. He wasn't just going to meet the other man at the club though, not in a city where driving worked the way it does in New York. Instead, he showed up in his own car to pick Blaine up with a paid driver so that he wouldn't have to worry about parking or driving back. When they arrived at the other man's home, he got out of the passenger seat and opened the back for the two of them to get in for the ride to the club. He'd already been texting Blaine with updates on his arrival time as they drove, so it shouldn't be long before the other man came out. He was dressed for the club, but he was still wearing a button-up shirt with nice pants though he had taken the time to go home and give himself a more free hairstyle than he wore at work.
"There you are, killer. It's good to see you with my own two eyes."
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mercedesjonesx · 1 year
There were too many brushes, she thought. Although she really wasn't the artistic type, not like this anyway. Give her something musically inclined, she'd probably be able to figure it out even if it was an instrument she'd never played before. But painting or drawing and it'd be surprising to find that anything besides stick figures was put to paper. Or canvas in this case. Mercedes picked up one of the brushes and toyed with the bristles while she waited for the instructor to start the lesson, which should thankfully have been very soon. But that didn't keep her from making some kind of snarky remark. She leaned slightly over so nobody besides Blaine could overhear her. "So, if this teacher doesn't show up, can we just drink the booze and turn this into a rager?" It was a teasing question, of course. She was much too old to be throwing 'ragers' anymore.
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broadwaytina · 2 years
You Get What You Give
Tina emerged from her quick subway ride and walked down the street near Blaine’s Upper Westside apartment. She’d always loved the gorgeous old building. It was close to the store, the park and Café LaLo, hers and Blaine’s favorite coffee shop to haunt after a movie. For a long time it had been “Blaine and Kurt’s place,” but it had always seemed to belong a little more to Blaine. Tina wondered whether Blaine’s work would cause him to move eventually. She hoped not.
Knocking at the door with happy anticipation, she looked forward to hearing about the caroling she’d missed, and whatever Blaine had to show her.
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teddyrhodesx · 1 year
Teddy had been waiting for the new Indiana Jones movie ever since it first was announced, he loved action and adventure movies almost as much as he loved musicals. And when it turned out that sadly none of his best friends seemed to want to see it with him, he was glad to have Blaine accompany them for a total bro's night out to the drive-in. Sure, that wasn't the most conventional way to have a 'bro's night', but that didn't matter to Teddy. What mattered was he got his own large popcorn and large blue raspberry slushie and a good friend to watch the movie with. Grabbing a handful of his popcorn he shoved it in his face, being careful not to drop any since even though it wasn't the movie theater, he didn't want to make a mess in the car. "This was honestly the best idea, I mean I love Ana, she's my best friend and Amber, too, she's one of my closest friends, my best theater friend if you will." He paused, holding a hand up quick. "No offence, you're like my best bro theater friend. But I like that I don't feel this need to be all extra, extra careful and proper or whatever, you know? I'm not trying to make a mess, but I can eat a mouthful of popcorn without feeling like I'm gonna look gross in front of you, cause we're like bros, you know?"
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djdomberry · 1 year
Just as always, it'd been a busy Fourth of July for the crew that worked on 105 The Creek. Just as they did every year, they'd set up their own tent in the park since early that afternoon, frequently broadcasting between songs with their own fun little games and activities for listeners. But, as the evening wore on and it got closer to firework time, all of The Creek's staff had settled into a much more relaxed vibe, allowing themselves to go about their own respective plans for the night. Dom was currently leaned back into his own fold-out chair under the tent, his fingers moving over his phone's keyboard as he fired off several firework emojis to his sister to signify that they were about to start. As he looked up, however, he couldn't help spotting the unmistakable head of gelled hair lingering nearby. Smiling to himself, he quickly popped up from his seat and jogged over to the other man, only stopping when he was just behind him to tap him on the shoulder. "Hey, Clark Kent. You look a little lost," he greeted, flashing him a charming grin and quirking a teasing eyebrow. "Either you're looking for Lois or you're trying to find a good spot to watch the show. In which case, I think I might have a great spot for you."
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malefashiontrends · 3 months
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(v��a Una explosiva visión del color para el verano se deja ver en la colección Primavera-Verano 2025 de Harmont & Blaine)
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Alright, I’ve seen several articles and posts lately asking what it is about straight woman shipping gay male couples, and I have to say I’m guilty. I’m going to try to explain.
It’s not a gay porn thing or even about sex at all. It’s many things, but I think it boils down to the relationships and how they are with each other. I realized there are straight ships (like Monica and Chandler and Leslie and Ben are the two that pop into my head) that I have too, and I love them for the same reason. Support & friendship.
These couples are not just a couple. They support each other completely. They are each other’s best friend. They make each other better. It’s a true partnership. They truly look out for each other and have their back.
I think most of the stories I seek out show this. I believe that many past movies and films like to depict guys as masculine and tough, and although a woman appreciates this quality in a man, I think what she really craves is a man who can share his feelings and show vulnerability occasionally. Not all the time. But as a woman, I know safety is so much more than just feeling like my significant other can protect me if there’s a break-in. I want to feel safe if I have a break down. I want to feel safe to express or share when I’m not feeling strong, but I want him to do the same. I want my partner to talk to me, hold me, hug me, and that be enough. I don’t want to be propositioned for sex afterward. Lol.
I think what I love about these characters is that they talk about the hard stuff and they’ve made it clear that they are going to love each other through all of it. They are going to support their other half with the things that maybe others have found unloveable or maybe even things they are insecure about regarding themselves.
To me, these relationships are beautiful. They are not perfect. The characters are flawed, and I like them that way. Blaine has depression as does Charlie. TK is a former addict. Kurt has major anxiety. Nick and Carlos both have insecurities about their identities and struggle with self acceptance. But they share these struggles. They allow one another to fall apart and support them when they need it most, like Carlos calling TK’s sponsor when he realized he wasn’t the person TK needed. Kurt pushed Blaine to talk about when he was insecure about his weight gain. And Charlie never pushed Nick to come out. I think that’s what I find beautiful. Nick does the same for Charlie in season 2, but I’m not posting spoilers. Lol
My favorite fics about these couples are not the ones that are pure smut. They go deeper. Ok, that sounds dirty. Lol. My favorite stories let them talk, hold one another’s hand, and just be there when the other needs it. Don’t get me wrong. I won’t pretend I skip over all the smut. Lol. I used to when I first started reading it. But I think what I started to realize was it’s true when they say that what women really crave is not sex but intimacy. There’s a difference.
I like reading about those couples that share that connection. That can have a conversation without saying a word (but they don’t rely on that.) Those conversations have happened and these characters will continue to talk through insecurities and feelings in their relationship. Because that’s what they have is a real relationship; a true connection; real intimacy.
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You may say it’s a fetish. But maybe it’s deeper than that. Maybe we’re craving this. I love the touches, the looks, the hugs, the reassurance. It’s not about the kisses or sex. It’s the connection.
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you-moveme-kurt · 11 months
«Excessive rain» Part II
Septiembre de 2023
-Llamaré a Blaine… —dijo Kurt sin despegar sus ojos del aparato electrónico.
-Yo yo iré a organizar a la gente para que no haya una estampida y posterior revuelta o algo… —respondió Lily también mirando la pantalla de su móvil mientras avanzaba hacia donde estaba el resto de la compañía— ¿tienes… como… irte?… — preguntó su amiga caminando hacia atrás.
-Si, es decir no… pero yo me las arreglo no te preocupes…
-Ok… llámame cuando llegues…
-Lo haré… —dijo Kurt llevándose el teléfono a la oreja— ¿Blaine?…
-Kurt… justo iba a llamarte… ¿me escuchas bien? —preguntó su esposo desde el otro lado del teléfono.
-Muy bien… aunque escucho mucho tráfico… ¿dónde estás?
-Aquí en Zabar’s con Lizzie… —contestó Blaine mirando a su hija cuando pronunciaba su nombre— en realidad estoy en la calle, llegó una alerta al teléfono y hubo un poco de conmoción allí dentro.. —añadió señalando hacia la tienda de conveniencia como si su esposo pudiera verlo.
-Te escuché, es solo que te maldije un par de veces en silencio…
-No importa… ¿recibiste la alerta dijiste? —pregunto Kurt mientras comenzaba a moverse por el backstage en busca de sus cosas, toda la compañía hacía lo mismo, hablaban por teléfono, entraban y salían de los vestidores, algunos ayudaban a los músicos con sus instrumentos y así, todos parecían querer salir pronto de donde estaban.
-La recibí… jamás pensé que era para tanto la lluvia… —respondió mirando el cielo refugiado en el alero de la tienda.
-Pues lo es… ¿estás bien?
-Con Lizzie estamos perfectos, de hecho iremos a la cafetería esa que nos gusta a…
-¡¿Estás bromeando conmigo Blaine Anderson-Hummel?!
-¿Que?, no… ¿por qué dices eso?
-Porque la ciudad esta en alerta no se que color y tu iras con mi hija a tomarte un café…
-La alerta es amarilla y nuestra hija… —Blaine hizo una pausa luego de poner especial acento cuando decía lo de “nuestra hija”— al parecer tiene hambre y pensé en que…
-Pues no pienses tanto y ve a nuestra casa… ¿tenías que salir a comprar con este clima?
-Tenía, porque una persona dejó una lista con el título de “algo útil para hacer en tu día libre” , seguido de 15 productos extremadamente bien descritos.
-Ok, reconozco lo de la lista pero no ese titular que dices… ahora, ¿puedes por favor tomar un taxi e irte a casa?
-Lo haremos, es más creo que allí… —Kurt alcanzo a escuchar un ruido fuerte como un golpe seco para luego solo oir estática en su teléfono.
-¿Allí?… ¿allí que?… ¿que ruido fue ese?… ¿Blaine?… ¡Blaine!… ¡con un demonio!… ¡maldito aparato de los demonios!… —exclamó Kurt seguido de un grito y un golpe a su teléfono, volvió a llamar a su esposo sin tener respuesta unas 10 veces.
-Señor Hummel…
-Disculpe, nombre es Matthew Wilson… y solo quería decirle que es un honor para mí conocerlo y tocar para usted… —dijo un chico joven, alto y fornido y que cargaba un gran violonchelo sobre uno de sus hombros.
-¿Cómo?… — dijo Kurt sin mirarlo ni poner atención al recién llegado.
-Le decía que..
-Si, si ,si… escuche eso… gracias… —agregó mirándolo de reojo para volver a lo de intentar de llamar de nuevo a su esposo, el chico murmuró un “Ok” e hizo ademán de irse por donde había venido
-Disculpa… —dijo Kurt dándose media vuelta y acercándose a él un par de pasos— ¿Matthew es tu nombre dijiste?…
-Si… Matthew Wilson… —respondió señalándose a sí mismo y poniéndose recto como si estuviera en una revisión militar de madrugada o algo así.
-Gusto en conocerte… —dijo Kurt estrechándole la mano, el chico hizo lo propio de vuelta riendo nervioso— disculpa lo de recién es solo que…
-¿Todo bien señor Hummel?… —preguntó el músico dejando su instrumento en el piso.
-Todo bien… es solo este aparato que … ¡uy!… —respondió dándole otro golpe.
-No es su teléfono, en realidad todas las señales están fallando, la señorita Stewart está hace bastante rato esperando poder hablar con el encargado del teatro para decir que nos vamos todos y no ha podido…
-¿De verdad?
-Si… yo quise llamar a mi compañera de piso pero tampoco pude… asumo que cuando me vea llegar sabrá que llegue… —respondió Matthew riendo su propio chiste.
-Lo mas probable… gracias Matthew…
-Por nada… pero si algo me ha enseñado el cine, es que los teléfonos públicos nunca fallan… hay uno en el lobby… —dijo el hombre señalando hacia donde dijera.
-eso es verdad… gracias de nuevo… —contestó Kurt tomando sus cosas y echándolas dentro de su bolso de cualquier forma— espero que llegues bien… —agregó ofreciendo su mano para despedirse.
-Igual usted Señor Hummel… —añadió el chico estrechándola de vuelta sin que se lo pidieran dos veces— Señor Hummel…
-¿Puedo pedirle un favor?, solo si quiere, no hay problema si me dice que no…
.Ok… —dijo el aludido frunciendo el ceño al pensar que le pedirian quizás que.
-¿Me puedo tomar una fotos con usted?, si no, nadie me creerá que pude hablar con Kurt Hummel… —explicó Matthew haciendo unos ademanes engreídos cuando decia lo de “Kurt Hummel”
-Claro… no se como interpretar esos gestos… —dijo de vuelta Kurt haciendo los mismos ademanes engreidos— y si no te importa que salga con cara de loco demente… no hay problema,…. —dijo acercándose a él, Matthew sacó su teléfono, abrió la aplicación de la cámara y tomó, lo que Kurt mentalmebte pudo contar, unas 363 fotos seguidas.
-Gracias Señor Hummel… —dijo el músico mientras miraba las fotos sin convencerse todavía.
-De nada y gracias a ti por el dato del teléfono… —terminó por decir Kurt intentando por última vez llamar a Blaine.
-Gracias Señor Hummel… —repitió el chico mientras se volvía a poner sobre el hombro su enorme violonchelo barroco, Kurt sonrió un segundo pensando que aquel consejo del teléfono tal vez no le servía para nada, tantos años de comunicación inalámbrica y digital lo habían hecho olvidar cómo se usaban ni cuántas monedas necesitaría para hacer una llamada, movió la cabeza como despejándose de todo y se encaminó a la salida, le ofreció ayuda a Lily con lo del encargado pero esta le insistió que mejor se fuera, que luego podía ponerse todo más feo. Kurt no esperó a que se lo repitieran y aceleró el tranco sin mirar atrás.
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wmuhummel · 8 months
This was a first. A first he didn't even realize he would get to check off his list, not while living in Ohio of all places at the very least. He had imagined it would happen occasionally once he got to New York, but truly this had thrown him for a loop, having to stare at the texts shared between him and the upperclassmen Blaine Anderson for ten minutes longer after the conversation came to a halt. Leave it to Finn coming in for whatever reason to snap him back down to earth, dropping his phone in the process as if he had been caught in the act of doing something he shouldn't.
A date? This was a date, wasn't it? It involved duetting together, and it was after nightfall, and a restaurant. He had joked about it being one, but now he was completely unsure as Blaine hadn't confirmed nor denied it. Because he didn't go on dates. He had hookups, sure, which he picked up in the sleazy gay bar by himself with perfect strangers, for the most part. But this was Blaine Anderson. The Blaine Anderson, who had to be one of the most influential guys on campus and knew everyone. Or so it seemed, as Kurt still didn't know this guy very well. Still convinced he and that jock had something going on behind the scenes and weren't telling anyone - he had yet to be convinced of it otherwise.
So, no. This wasn't a date. Not if Blaine and that Sam guy were bound to the hip at all times. Although his shoulders sag while coming to this realization, he refuses to let it deter him. It was a platonic, friendly thing, nothing more, and at least he'd get something that wasn't the cafeteria food out of it. Like socialization. Something he wasn't used to letting himself do outside of school functions.
The outfit of choice was carefully styled to be simple, comfortable, but still original enough in his taste of fashion design to make it obvious that he knew how to layer, how to color coordinate, and put everyone else's clothing choice to shame in simple black and purple tones. Subtle enough not to stick out, but enough color that wouldn't fade him into the shadows.
Right at seven, Blaine's true to his word and the two of them set off in Kurt's car to the location. He does permit Blaine to choose the music of choice, even if it comes off of his Spotify playlist as he had to keep some limited control over what he was fine with listening to in an enclosed space for fifteen minutes with traffic. And once they managed to enter the Italian restaurant, Kurt requests a booth to the seating host, nearest the small stage. If he's going to be performing here, he wanted to ensure everyone knew he was here and who he was here with.
"Word of advice," he starts once he and Blaine are seated and accept menus, "avoid the garlic parmesan, because it won't leave your breath for hours afterwards. Yes, I'm speaking from experience." His tone is light, joking, but he still shoots Blaine a pointed brow raise while flipping the menu open. @wmublaine
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d-criss-news · 1 year
Darren Criss celebra con los mejores fans
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El cantante hizo una pausa para presentar a sus tres coristas, quienes colaboraron con él en el EP "Homework" | Foto: Liliana Estrada
*The singer paused to introduce his three backing vocalists, who collaborated with him on the "Homework" EP | Photo: Liliana Estrada
Darren Criss ama al público mexicano, debido a su buena vibra y el amor que le brindan en sus conciertos, y no dudó en demostrar ese cariño durante el concierto que ofreció esta noche en el Frontón México, ante mil 600 personas.
"Saben que México tiene los mejores fans del mundo, ¿verdad? Están locos, es increíble, si este show es increíble esta noche, es por ustedes hijos de perra. Vamos a opacar a los demás países del mundo", expresó el artista, luego de iniciar su repertorio con "I'm so excited" y "Fuckin around".
El cantante hizo una pausa para presentar a sus tres coristas, quienes colaboraron con él en el EP "Homework", y lo acompañaron durante todo el show de esta noche. El público no dejaba de gritar su nombre, aplaudirle cada que se acercaba a la orilla del escenario o les sonreía. Mientras tanto, el concierto continuaba con temas como "Somewhere only we know", "Cough syrup", "Hopelessly devoted to you" y "I can't dance".
Darren también recordó su paso por el teatro musical, al interpretar temas como "Granger danger" (al lado de sus coristas, Lauren y Joey) y "Goin' back to Howarts", los cuales forman parte de la banda sonora de la obra "A very Potter musical". "Hemos tocado un par de canciones que todos conocen, pero todavía tenemos algunas más. Quiero que sigan cantando conmigo", dijo en la recta final de la presentación.
El originario de San Francisco, California, incluyó "Torture me", un cover de los Red Hot Chilli Peppers, el cual aseguró es uno de sus temas favoritos. "Me hubiera gustado escribirla yo. No es un hit en la radio, pero chequenla, es maravillosa", comentó. Recordando su paso por la televisión, interpretó "Teenage dream" de Katy Perry, canción que formó parte del soundtrack de la serie "Glee", donde dio vida al personaje de "Blaine Anderson". "¿La están pasando bien? ¿Están aprendiendo algo? Espero que regresen a casa diciendo estuvo genial, quiero regresar a verlo pronto", expresó con alegría, y prometió visitar el interior de la República en su próxima gira.
El concierto finalizó con los temas "For a night like this" y "Day that the dance is over". Antes de despedirse, Darren reiteró su cariño hacia México, y externó su deseo de que todos los presentes hayan pasado una noche inolvidable. "Gracias por estar aquí está noche, los amamos. Gracias por su energía, vamos a terminar el show con alegría para que vayan a casa a decirles a sus amigos lo bien que la pasaron".
*Google Translate
*Darren Criss loves the Mexican public, due to his good vibes and the love they give him at his concerts, and he did not hesitate to show that affection during the concert he offered tonight at the Frontón México, in front of 1,600 people.
"You know that Mexico has the best fans in the world, right? They're crazy, it's incredible, if this show is incredible tonight, it's because of you sons of bitches. We're going to outshine other countries in the world," said the artist, after starting his repertoire with "I'm so excited" and "Fuckin around".
The singer paused to introduce his three backing vocalists, who collaborated with him on the "Homework" EP, and accompanied him throughout tonight's show. The public did not stop shouting his name, applauding him every time he approached the edge of the stage or smiled at them. Meanwhile, the concert continued with songs like "Somewhere only we know", "Cough syrup", "Hopelessly devoted to you" and "I can't dance".
Darren also recalled his time in musical theater, interpreting songs like "Granger danger" (alongside his backup singers, Lauren and Joey) and "Goin' back to Howarts", which are part of the soundtrack of the play " A very Potter musical". "We have played a couple of songs that everyone knows, but we still have some more. I want you to continue singing with me," he said in the final stretch of the presentation.
The San Francisco, California native included "Torture me," a Red Hot Chilli Peppers cover, which he said is one of his favorite songs. "I would have liked to write it myself. It's not a hit on the radio, but check it out, it's wonderful," he commented. Remembering his time on television, he performed Katy Perry's "Teenage dream", a song that was part of the soundtrack of the series "Glee", where he gave life to the character of "Blaine Anderson". "
Are you having a good time? Are you learning something? I hope you return home saying it was great, I want to return to see you soon," he said happily, and promised to visit the interior of the Republic on his next tour.
The concert ended with the songs "For a night like this" and "Day that the dance is over". Before saying goodbye to him, Darren reiterated his love for Mexico, and expressed his wish that everyone present had an unforgettable night. "Thank you for being here tonight, we love you. Thank you for your energy, we're going to end the show with joy so you can go home and tell your friends what a great time you had."
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bearcreekhq · 7 months
Just popping in on the main to say that while we did slip up and forget to re-stock the queue on our ad blog last week, we are still here and waiting for YOU to come join us! While we've still got some paras going on from our event, there's plenty of dash interaction as well and we'd love to have more people to write with and new faces to see! So why not come check us out, if you play canons like Santana, Tina, Mike, Sam, Blaine, or Brittany - any of them, we'd love to have! Or if you'd rather write a bit more OC, why not bring in a sibling or a cousin? Acceptances are every night at 8pm EST, so what are you wating for? Get that application in!
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Seblaine Para
Hi Seblainers :)
Bee and I just finished a really long para in our Season 4 rewrite set at Dalton - so I thought some of you would like to have a read. If you haven’t read this kind of thing before, start at the bottom of the page and read upwards, go to the next page by clicking “previous” at the bottom of the sidebar on the left. Hope you like it, it’s a rollercoaster and includes some stuff I did not expect to happen! Some posts NSFW, they should be tagged, let me know if I missed any. It’s fun to write Blaine for once, I was never able to nab those roles in the heyday of RPing on Tumblr. 
Here you go!
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(gif by the amazing Anis)
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