charlierhodes · 2 days
Charlie: aw omg that sounds promising! the slow dance at the wedding? that's straight out of a rom-com. 😍 Charlie: WAIT! this wouldn't be the wedding you were asking for advice on what to wear? AMBER!! YOU DIN'T TELL ME AT THAT TIME IT WAS WITH HIM? Charlie: i'm HIGHKEY offended but i love you so i forgive you 😘 Charlie: ANYWAY! it definitely sounds like there's something brewing between you two, but having that conversation about where things are going is crucial, especially after what you went through with teddy. Charlie: i think you should go for it! it doesn't have to be a super serious "define the relationship" talk right away, but maybe just feel him out, see how he feels about everything. it sounds like he's into you too, but clarity never hurts. plus, it'll give you both a chance to make sure you're on the same page and avoid any misunderstandings. Charlie: do you know when you're seeing him next? maybe find a cozy moment, bring it up casually, like, "hey, i've really been enjoying spending time with you. what are your thoughts on where we're at?" you got this, amber!
Amber: i really wanna say it was the universe conspiring against us, but like... tbh he definitely pulled away from me. ☹️☹️☹️ Amber: thank you!! i mean, to be fair, i think it's totally funny that's how things worked out, but other than that, i think it's totally fine! Amber: i mean, i THINK we're on the same page??? and, for once, i really do feel like he likes me too! it's not like with teddy where i was constantly on the struggle bus trying to figure out if he liked me back to the point that i sabotaged myself bc i didn't know that HE didn't know that i liked him! we were keeping it pretty friendly but lately we've been getting more and more flirty and he even took me as a plus one to this wedding he was taking pictures for and we had this super romantic slow dance! Amber: but then i guess... we haven't really had any like super blunt conversations about exactly what's going on with us. and, after teddy, i think i've learned i probably shouldn't wait too long to do it, so... do you think i should start that conversation with him myself soon?
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charlierhodes · 2 days
Private: Oh, honey, I know that struggle. I'm always finding myself scrolling through Netflix, and end up watching the same few things over and over. Settle on anything good to watch? Though, honestly, kind of shocked you even have the energy to stay awake after such a long day. Early mornings are the worst though, I can fully relate to that. Thankfully my days don't start until 8 so the earliest I'm up is 5:30. At the moment, I'm catching up on Love Island! I've been terrible at keeping up with the newest season.
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Private: At this exact moment, outside of writing you? Scrolling through Netflix and trying to find something to watch. I got in from work not too long ago. Been awake since 4:30am. My Saturday night plans are usually nonexistent due to my early wake-ups! What about you, Charlie? What are you up to?
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charlierhodes · 2 days
Oh my gosh, I used to love those books! Not that I ever read an entire one, I mostly just picked through and read the stories that I found most interesting. The Moth is very much like that in a sense, so you might like it! And I'll work on a list of the ones that might be particularly challenging while operating heavy machinery and whatnot. Oh, yeah, the ones I listen to definitely go along with like the latest episode and everything that went down during the season. Sometimes things that don't make it into the final edit and on the air, which that can be pretty interesting. I haven't watched Big Brother in forever either! I did try a few seasons ago, but it just didn't feel as exciting as it used to. I definitely get that reality tv isn't for everyone though, I guess I just kind of developed a taste for it because of my mom. We used to watch them together when I was a kid, and I just kind of ended up liking it too.
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Honestly if it's inspiring or like, a happy ending, I can hang in there. I did read all those Chicken Soup for the Soul books when I was a kid. But if it's really sad or tragic, I would love a heads up. Can't be driving or herding the goats like that very easily. You know, I never got much into reality stuff like that. I liked Big Brother for a while but then it went off the rails. I'm guessing the podcasts follow the shows?
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charlierhodes · 2 days
That's awesome to hear! It sounds like Oopsy Daisy really knows how to cater to flower lovers like us. Having both lilies and sunflowers in the bouquets sounds perfect—I might just take you up on that offer to customize one if I can't find the exact mix I'm looking for. It must be so much fun working at a flower shop and getting to create beautiful arrangements every day. What's your favorite part about working there?
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Hey, you and me both, girl. Granted, I've got flowers in a lot of places in my place since it's kind of my thing, but I absolutely agree that flowers in the living room is a must. Then you're in luck! I think a large majority of them have both lilies and sunflowers. Of course, I'm not the only one to put them together though. But if you come into the shop when I'm working and can't find one, I can hook you up and arrange one for you on the spot.
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charlierhodes · 2 days
Charlie: ALMOST?! Charlie: AMBER!!! Charlie: WHAT HAPPENED?! Did you lean in and he pulled back, or was it one of those almost-but-not-quite situations where the universe conspires against you? Charlie: Also, crushing on the brother of your old flames current girlfriend? That's a twist even I didn't see coming! Charlie: That's... wow. Charlie: But hey, love is complicated. As long as you're both on the same page about Teddy and everything, maybe it's worth exploring where things could go with Seth. What does he think about all this?
Amber: quick q though! is it weird that i'm now crushing way hard on the brother of the girlfriend of the guy that i was previously down bad for??? Amber: bc i feeeeel like it is but also i don't care! 😤 Amber: anyways yeah! it kinda really started way back on v-day when i was working at troubletones and seth was there because he had a date but he got STOOD UP! can you believe that?! but whatevs that girl's loss is my potential gain! 😇 Amber: but since then we've just been hanging out like super often and really enjoying spending time together! he knows about teddy and everything though so i think he's a little hesitant to let himself go there with me because he's worried i'm rebounding with him which ughhhh i really do feel like i'm over teddy now but i can't blame him for feeling that way. Amber: ANYWAY. that brings us to founder's day where we were hanging out again and he won me the cutest unicorn at the darts game! but then we had a little moment and we ALMOST KISSED!!! i know we didn't but ALMOST!
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charlierhodes · 6 days
Charlie: 👀👀👀👀👀👀
@charlierhodes Amber: hello hello, miss rhodes!!! i do believe i promised you an update on the latest gossip in my love life? 👀
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charlierhodes · 9 days
"The Moth" definitely leans towards inspiring and uplifting stories, but they cover a wide range of emotions. They usually give a brief description before each story, so you'll know what you're getting into. A lot of them do follow the shows, yes, but sometimes it's more about the stuff that doesn't make the air, so it's fun to listen to those during the season. Funny enough though, Big Brother is like, one of the reality shows I couldn't get into. I don't know what it is, because like, I love The Circle and it's kind of the same? In a way? Ugh, I wish I was more helpful in this podcast thing, but really I was just in the same boat myself not too long ago, looking for more things to listen to besides music when it was slow at the bank.
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Honestly if it's inspiring or like, a happy ending, I can hang in there. I did read all those Chicken Soup for the Soul books when I was a kid. But if it's really sad or tragic, I would love a heads up. Can't be driving or herding the goats like that very easily. You know, I never got much into reality stuff like that. I liked Big Brother for a while but then it went off the rails. I'm guessing the podcasts follow the shows?
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charlierhodes · 9 days
How did you know I needed fresh flowers for my apartment? The bouquet I just bought a week ago recently dried out, so I'll definitely be hitting up the shop sometime soon because I just can't stand not having flowers in my living room. Plus, supporting local businesses and celebrating Pride at the same time is a win-win. By the way, what kind of flowers are in the rainbow bouquets? I'm a sucker for anything with lilies or sunflowers.
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Are you looking for some colorful flowers to decorate your apartment or house or whatever living space you currently reside in with for Pride month? Then I recommend coming on over to Bearcreek's best flower shop, Oopsy Daisy. We've been putting together special rainbow bouquets this month and selling them under a BOGO deal, so come and get your Pride flowers now.
Yes, my manager asked me to promote the flower shop on social media, so I figured I might as well do that by making my own account on this thing finally since it seems like the rest of the town is on here, too. So... hey?
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charlierhodes · 10 days
You might on some! There can be some real touching stories, so if you want to avoid those I can try to come up with an episode guide of some sort for you, give you some of my favorites. I'm not a long time listener by any means, I only recently found it myself in the past couple of years, but I really like it. Other than that, I mostly listen to the podcasts that go with reality shows, like Love Island and the Bachelor.
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Actually I haven't at all! That sounds cool though. Am I gonna cry, Charlie? Give a guy a warning if it's gonna get emotional, please. But really, that sounds unique. I'll have to give it a whirl, thank you.
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charlierhodes · 11 days
Have you listened to "The Moth"? It's this storytelling podcast where people share really personal, true stories. Each episode feels like you're right there with them, listening to someone spill their heart out. It's pretty addictive once you get into it.
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Anyone got some good podcasts to recommend? I usually listen to those or audio books while I'm working on the farm but I'm all caught up and need some new suggestions. I'll give mostly anything a try at least once.
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charlierhodes · 16 days
who do you ship with yourself, your brother, and your best friend?
Well, my brother has a girlfriend, and so far they seem really great together. Plus we all know I'm a sucker for the whole "friends to lovers" thing... I just picked the wrong pair when I tried to make that match. Anyway! Teddy and Ana are doing fine, they're still new-ish so, we'll let them figure their stuff out! As for Amber, um, excuse me miss? You've been seeing someone and failing to fill me in on the details? I need to know EVERYTHING before I can give my official support. But Amber knows best, so if she likes him, I ship it. And I guess that brings us to little old me! And I haven't really dated in a while, like it's literally been about six months since my last date so I don't ship myself with anyone.... yet. My DM's are open, just you know. Throwing that out there.
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@teddyrhodesx @ambersrose
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charlierhodes · 16 days
If you were a dragon, what would you hoard and why?
Hair ties! Honestly, I feel like I already do just because I can't seem to keep track of them. You ever buy a pack and then the next day they're just gone? Like, where do they go?
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charlierhodes · 16 days
FMK: Nick, Stevie, Chase
Talk about a brain teaser! I actually had to sit here for a minute and think about this, and I think we settled on:
F: @stevie-evans
M: @chase-baudelaire
K: @nick-duval, but like in a Romeo and Juliet way except, like, you don't die... and I don't die... nobody's actually dying in this version.
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charlierhodes · 16 days
Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances?
Um... murder?
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charlierhodes · 16 days
[PM from Stevie] Hey Charlie! You mentioned your DMs are open, so I thought I'd reach out and say hey. So...hey!
Private: Well, hey yourself! What are you up to? Don't tell me you don't have plans on a Saturday night? That's just tragic.
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charlierhodes · 23 days
have you ever gone skinny dipping?
Only like once! And that was just because I didn't have a suit and I wasn't about to get the only clothes I had available wet. What would I wear after?
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charlierhodes · 1 month
Charlie’s grin widened, clearly pleased with Finn’s change of heart. "That's the spirit!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands together. "And don’t worry, I promise I won't let you look like a wuss. Besides, if we both lose, we can just blame it on the game being rigged." She winked playfully and started leading the way toward the ring toss booth. As they approached the game, the sound of cheering and the clinking of rings hitting bottles grew louder. Charlie glanced over at Finn, her excitement evident. "You're up first. Show me what you've got!"
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Finn was still a bit reluctant to go for it, admittedly not even sure he believed the ring toss was actually any easier this year. But still, there was a definite challenge in her eyes as she spoke and Finn couldn't help himself. "Well, that sounds like a challenge, so I think now I have to," Finn replied with a chuckle, smile forming on his lips. "I'm not trying to look like a complete wuss here," he joked back. "Alright, alright, let's do it."
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