#papyrus fan club
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justanechoflower · 2 years ago
Hi Floweyyyyyyyy so I’ve been thinking.. considering how Papyrus started a Flowey fanclub in a couple of timelines, did you ever think of making a Papyrus fanclub as well? I know it sounds stupid, but you can think of it as just a funny thought :P
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ophanstears · 6 months ago
Gosh, how time flies... I wanted to dedicate this one to my comfort friendship. :') There is a lot to be said and just as much to be drawn but I will let this video do the talking for now.
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chaos-blooming · 4 months ago
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nerdstify · 1 year ago
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made this for the anniversary. forgot to post it.
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momentomori24 · 10 months ago
Flowey and Papyrus have been one of my favourite Undertale relationships for years (even tho we never actually see them interact personally in the game don't ask me why) and I'm so fucking happy there's been a surge in art for these two sillies since the newsletter and Q&A. As well as just more official content of them interacting in general, FINALLY. To anyone who's made art for them-- thank you for your cooking services. You've kept a desperate, starving thing fed this month. To anyone who hasn't-- please consider cooking some food, please.
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random-autie-fangirl · 9 months ago
🎭 Lying headcanon for Asriel/Flowey
(Headcanons still from the same ask game that you can totally ask me questions from if you so desire)
What Asriel does post-pacifist is he downplays how much he cares.
How much he cares for Chara (though he certainly wasn't lying at first when he said he didn't forgive Chara, this is later when they start being nicer to him again. It was Chara who started this animosity by the way, but it's like ... "Oh, you don't forgive me for killing everyone, you hate me, huh? You never wanna see me again? Well, okay, then, I don't forgive you either, I don't wanna see your stupid face ever again, Fuck off!" And then he proceeds to see Chara over and again for the next few years until the animosity fades on both sides, because Frisk and Chara share the same body and it turns out he likes Frisk more than he hates Chara. See this is why I prefer the buttercup plan being a betrayal of a previously good relationship because being sort of forced to interact with a best friend you had a massive mutual falling out with is somewhat funny, but being sort of forced to interact with your relentless bully of three years is just fucking awful)
for MK (MK is impossible for anyone to dislike, trust me, Asriel tried at first to dislike them, mainly being jealous of their friendship with Frisk, but MK was kind, endearing and positive enough that he feels really bad about it (and MK’s reaction to bullying just isn't funny, they just brush him off and y'know...it later becomes very obvious that Frisk is definitely not leaving him behind),
for Toriel(he still really likes his mom, I am pretty sure he greatly prefers her to Asgore, and that's who he lives with, even if it might be a bit awkward living with her alone first it feels somewhat nice, doesn't it, to return home? And in the underground, he was hanging out in the ruins when Frisk came...with Toriel, though that might be just because he was looking for souls, and plus...the skeleton fam are always next door, if he wants to spend time with Frisk or Papyrus),
for Frisk (Caring and bright, like MK, but certainly not a goody two shoes by any means. Down for chaos and trouble, you mess with Frisk and they mess back, and that's just what Az likes about them. They forgave him when he didn't forgive himself, saved him when he still believes he doesn't deserve to be. (Though Frisk uses it constantly to win arguments and the like... Or Frisk is always allowed to pick the first movie on movie night because "no murder" privileges, Frisk gets the last cookie because "no murder" privileges, Frisk gets to ride shotgun because "no murder" privileges, and if there's a limited supply of something, Frisk gets the first pick, once again cos' no murder privileges.)
Who... understands about the presence of Chara and about the resets. And well...I often think about Chara and their "best friends", that one person they see as an equal above all else. But, well, Asriel has his own issues and he has his own best friends to feel weirdly intense about. In the underground, he idolizes Chara as that person...the exception to all the noise, the one person he feels that he can still care about, a potential partner in crime. And I think post pacifist, he kinda latches onto Frisk in the same way, at least to start with. In this case, it's paired with a crush but it doesn't have to be, for example with Chara, it evidently wasn't.),
and finally for Papyrus(still his idol, in the fifth anniversary thing, one of the people we know for sure that Asriel interacts with apart from Frisk is Papyrus, much like MK, I think Paps can be so kind that it starts to make him feel bashful and be significantly less likely to be cruel or act up, unlike Frisk and Chara who bring out the fire in him, either playfully (Frisk) or genuinely angrily (Chara). Also since Frisk lives with Paps, he'll come over just as often to see the skeledad as to see the skelekid, lucky of him to have both favourite people live right next door and in the same house. Why doesn't Az live with them then.... Because I like Friskriel. Also because living with Frisk would mean living with Chara, and neither Asriel or Chara want that (you can also see why he would be less than thrilled to see Sans every day of course).
He'll give gifts anonymously, hide his face away so Frisk doesn't see him blush at them, downplay or backtrack on compliments (or just mumble them), make excuses for caring actions, can be very clingy but never in public(and if you ever see him on Frisk's shoulders, it's just because it's easier than the pot, not cause he wants to be near Frisk or anything, or sometimes it's "Frisk paid me" liar). He's not a little weenie who "cares" about people, it's just because.... uh...
You know, general tsundere stuff.
And (apart from the blushing thing) this isn't just specific to his crush on Frisk but to every relationship he has. He has a reputation to maintain, he doesn't want to be teased, he always wanted to be "strong", to be seen as a "big kid" and that still goes now even if he's done trying to impress Chara or act cool for their sake. (Now, honestly, I think he might be trying to impress Frisk and MK, even though Frisk doesn't care and actually likes the fact that he's kind of a dork and MK is... actually pretty easily impressed, in fact, and is probably more annoyed when Asriel is mean, partially in an attempt to be "cool" and "tough" and "uncaring".)
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jmbringitonworld · 3 months ago
A Good Father 2
AO3 link for people who prefer to read fics there
This is the follow-up to my fic A Good Father.
I know it's been forever since I posted the first chapter, but life has been... difficult since then. I've already talked about it before on my blog, but to sum it up, my father's cancer got worse. And worse. And worse. He finally passed away a year ago, right in front of my mother and I. So, as you might understand, I've not been feeling up to writing for a long time. I've especially been unable to write daddy-daughter fluff.
But this story has remained in my mind! I never forgot it or lost my desire to continue it. After a couple of nice comments, and some encouragement from a friend, I finally managed to claw together enough motivation to write the next chapter. So thank you!
I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, and I'm very sorry that it's taken me this long to get it out.
The shrill cry of a baby pierced through the air and tore Asgore from his slumber. Blearily, the King of Monsters forced his eyes open. Impenetrable darkness greeted him. He groaned and closed his eyes once more.
With a deep yawn, he slipped out from beneath his soft, warm blankets. And promptly failed to catch his footing. He tumbled to the floor in a messy heap, accidentally snagging his covers as he went and dragging them down with him.
Frisk continued to cry.
It was with some difficulty, and no amount of grace, that Asgore disentangled himself from his sheets and stumbled to his feet. He gave his head a shake in an attempt to dispel his lingering drowsiness, and rubbed at his tired eyes.
With plodding steps, he made his way to the baby’s cot.
“There, there, my child,” he mumbled, suppressing another yawn and reaching into the cot. “Come here. I’ve got you, Frisk. Daddy’s here, don’t cry.”
With gentle hands, he picked up his daughter and cradled her to his chest, right by his Soul. Immediately, his Soul started pulsing with soothing magic, in an instinctive attempt to pacify his child. Frisk, being human and thus not naturally attuned to magic, did not respond as favourably as a monster child would have.
Nevertheless, she’d been surrounded by Asgore’s magic since birth and had therefore come to draw comfort from the familiar feeling of being enveloped by it. That, combined with her father’s safe and loving hold, calmed her down enough to reduce her loud wailing to upset sniffles and muted whining.
“Good girl.” Asgore leaned down to gently nuzzle Frisk’s head. The baby’s hair tickled his nose. He resisted the urge to sneeze. “Daddy will have your food ready in no time.”
With practised ease, Asgore managed to prepare a bottle of human baby formula with one hand, while the other continued to cradle Frisk to his Soul. He then carefully warmed the bottle up in his hand with controlled use of fire magic. When he was confident the milk was at the right temperature, he brought the bottle towards his hungry baby.
He paused. Doubt crept in.
Just to be absolutely sure, he let a few drops of milk fall onto the tip of his nose, the part of his body least covered by fur.
He sneezed.
Definitely the perfect temperature.
Satisfied, he once more brought the bottle to Frisk’s mouth. The baby eagerly latched onto the teat and started guzzling down milk, happy to finally be able to sate her hunger.
Asgore hummed, eyes soft and Soul fuzzy as he gazed at his child. It was a feeling he hadn’t felt in so long. He still hadn’t gotten used to it yet. He doubted he ever would.
After Frisk had filled her belly, Asgore carefully burped her (“golly, human babies are very strange”), then changed her nappy (“so very strange… and smelly”).
Sated, clean and warm, Frisk let out a contented yawn and drifted off to sleep.
Asgore held his baby for a moment longer, savouring her presence - the precious weight in his arms, the comforting warmth seeping into his fur, into his Soul - before gently, reluctantly, placing her on a bundle of plush blankets and pillows on the floor of his living room.
He lingered beside Frisk a bit longer, his eyes glued to the rise and fall of her tiny chest. A quick Check showed that her vibrant red Soul was as strong as ever.
With great effort, the King of Monsters tore his eyes away from his sleeping child, and made his way to his bedroom, to get ready for the day.
Once done, he peeked his head into the living room to check on Frisk - still alive, still happy and healthy and sleeping peacefully - and then trotted towards his front door. He opened the door and was greeted by the sight of an empty courtyard. Confused, he stepped outside and looked around.
Still no one.
Frowning, he retreated back into his house and closed the door.
“Hmmm.” He scratched his head, eyes going to the clock on the wall. “Did I get the time wrong?”
Just then, he heard a knock on the door.
Opening it, he was greeted by three very familiar skeleton monsters.
“FOOFFY!!” The smallest skeleton let out an excited squeal and wriggled in his father’s arms, reaching towards the large, furry goat monster with grabby hands.
W.D. Gaster gave an exasperated huff and tightened his grip on his squirming son. “CALM DOWN, PAPYRUS. KING ASGORE IS THE RULER OF MONSTERS, NOT A STUFFED TOY. BEHAVE YOURSELF.”
Asgore chuckled, reaching a hand to pat the toddler on his skull. “Now, now. I don’t mind. If it will make him happy, I will gladly act the part of a teddy goat! Hahaha!”
Papyrus grabbed the large hand petting him and wrapped his arms tightly around it in a big hug. “FOOFFY!! TEDDY!!” He looked down to the third skeleton monster in their group, who was quietly observing the events from the safety of their father’s tall legs and long coat. “SNAS! ‘OOK! FOOFFY TEDDY GOAT!!”
Sans grinned at his younger brother. “yup, sure is, baby bro. very fluffy.”
The Royal Scientist sighed. He shook his skull, before a smile crept onto his face. “GREETINGS, ASGORE. I APOLOGISE FOR OUR DELAY. LITTLE PAPYRUS MADE QUITE THE MESS WITH HIS OATMEAL THIS MORNING.”
Asgore chuckled and waved off his friend’s apologies. “Oh gee, it’s no bother, WingDings. I know how much of a handful kids can be! And your youngest is quite the spirited little fellow, as usual. Howdy!”
He wriggled the hand still trapped in the monster toddler’s hold, tickling Papyrus and causing him to let out a peal of laughter. The child flailed his arms with the force of his mirth, releasing his prisoner. Asgore wasted no time in retrieving his hand, using his newly-freed limb to gesture his guests into his home.
“Come in, come in, folks,” he stepped aside to let the skeleton family inside, “Frisk is in the living room. Would you like a cup of tea, WingDings?”
“OH!” The doctor blinked at the question. “YES, PLEASE, ASGORE.”
The monster king smiled at his friend and ushered them all into the living room, before departing to prepare a pot of Golden Flower tea.
Frisk was still fast asleep, as the skeleton trio approached her.
Papyrus stilled for a moment as he eyed the new and mysterious figure on the ground. It wasn’t long before his curiosity got the better of him, and he squirmed in his father’s hold, demanding to be put down.
Dr. Gaster cautiously did so, with a stern, “BE VERY, VERY CAREFUL PAPYRUS. DO NOT DISTURB THE BABY.”
Under his father’s watchful eye socket, Papyrus toddled towards the dozing baby and squatted down beside her.
He tilted his skull to one side, then the other, frowning down at the human as if trying to figure her out.
With surprising gentleness, he reached out a finger and lightly poked Frisk’s cheek. His eye sockets widened at the plush give of the baby’s cheek.
“SKISHY!” he squealed, awe filling his expression. He grinned widely and looked towards his father and older brother. “IT SKISHY!”
WingDings smiled at his youngest son, fondness lighting up his eye sockets. He approached the pair with quiet steps, and knelt down beside them. His hand hovered in the air, prepared to intervene in case Papyrus got too rough in his excitement.
He reached down towards the baby. He hesitated for a second, then stroked a finger down the human’s other cheek. Frisk shifted a bit at the sensation, then settled down again. Her mouth stretched into a gummy smile, before smoothing back out as she went back to snoring softly.
The eldest Gaster’s face softened, the edges of his mouth curving into a smile. He looked at his youngest son, then his oldest. “THIS IS KING ASGORE’S NEW DAUGHTER. I TOLD YOU TWO ABOUT HER. HER NAME IS FRISK.”
Papyrus blinked at his father, taking in this new information. He looked back down at this ‘Frisk’ creature, brows furrowing in consideration. After a moment, he seemed to have come to a conclusion about her.
“HE-’O FISH,” he addressed the human and gave her a wave with his gloved hand. “WANNA BE FENDS?!”
Frisk yawned, limbs twitching in her sleep.
Papyrus took this as a sign of agreement.
“NYEH HEH HEH!!” He laughed excitedly, eye sockets lighting up with delight. He then called to his brother. “‘OOK SNAS!” He gestured to the human, “I MADE A FEND!”
Sans gave him an uncertain grin in return.
Unlike his father and brother, the elder of the Gaster children hung back, casting a wary eye socket on the snoozing human.
He’d heard a lot about humans, and knew that they could be dangerous. Very dangerous, as the last fallen human had proven. This one might have been even smaller than his little brother, but who knew what she might be capable of if given the chance. Who knew what kind of monster she might grow up to be.
For his family, for his precious baby bro, he would remain vigilant.
Just then, he felt a large, furry hand press against his back.
He looked up and was met by Asgore’s kind, inviting smile.
“Go ahead, young one.” The large goat monster gestured towards the human. “Why don’t you go say hello to my child.”
Unable or unwilling to refuse the king’s request, Sans gave him a shaky nod of his skull. “uh, okay. sure, mister dreemurr.”
His eyelights flitted to his father, who gave him a reassuring look and an approving nod. Drawing courage from his father’s confidence, Sans hesitantly joined his brother’s side and crouched down next to the human.
WingDings backed away to give his sons space, and retreated to stand beside Asgore. The two fathers look on with bated breath.
Papyrus giggled and waved excitedly to his older brother. “SNAS, ‘OOK AT MY NEW FEND!”
Sans did. He traced his eyelights along the soft contours of the human’s round face, mapping all of her many unusual human features. With a sharp focus belying his young years, he carefully examined and catalogued each and every detail he noticed.
Papyrus grabbed his hand and yanked it towards the human. “SNAS! SEE HOW SKISHY FISH IS!” He poked the human’s cheek in demonstration and laughed as his phalanges sank into the flesh. “SKISHY FISH!”
Sans gave the human a dubious look, but relented in the face of his brother’s insistence.
The young skeleton monster brought a single bony finger down to the human’s face, and under the two adults’ watchful gazes, very, very carefully gave the human’s cheek a poke.
His brother was right. The human was indeed very squishy.
Sans blinked.
He poked the cheek again. The human was also soft.
Another poke. And warm.
Frisk was evidently not as enthused by all the prodding as the skeleton monsters were. Her tiny mouth turned down at the corners and her brows creased. After some fidgeting to dislodge the offending fingers, her eyelids fluttered open. Her eyes roved around for a bit, before settling on the larger of the two nearby figures.
Sans froze.
The human’s eyes were bright and clear and full of innocence. Just like his Just like his brother’s. Just like any monster child’s.
Sans couldn’t move a bone - his whole being held captive by the force of the baby’s gaze.
The human’s hand flailed in the air before catching on the finger Sans still held close to her face. Those tiny, fleshy digits curled around Sans’s own larger, bony one.
The human gave the finger she held a firm tug. Sans felt a faint, answering tug in his Soul.
“heh. human. don’t you know how to greet a new pal?” Sans gave the human a toothy grin. “here, lemme show ya.”
Slowly, delicately, Sans closed the rest of his fingers around the human’s small hand.
“i’m sans. sans the skeleton. nice to meet ya, frisk.”
Frisk smiled at him and let out a giggle.
Sans smiled back. He could feel his eyelights fuzzing around the edges.
Papyrus cheered, eye sockets sparkling, and clapped his hands. “YAY!! NEW FEND!! NEW FEND!!”
The eldest Gaster sighed in relief, glad at the lack of any incidents, and delighted that his and Asgore’s children were getting along. This was more than he’d dared to hope for.
Next to him, Asgore looked to be on the verge of cheering and clapping himself. He grasped his friend’s arm excitedly, wide, shining eyes fixed on the three children.
“Look Wingsy! Look at that! Our kids are getting along! Golly, ain’t that just swell?” He turned those twinkling eyes towards WingDings. “They’re going to be the best of friends, I just know it!”
The Royal Scientist gave a start. “WINGSY…?” he muttered under his breath, colour spreading across his cheekbones, before speaking louder, “AHEM, CERTAINLY! GREAT FRIENDS, I AM SURE!”
Asgore gave WingDings’s arm a squeeze. “Yes. Just like us.”
The skeleton monster’s eyelights grew bigger and brighter in the face of Asgore’s happy smile, directed right at him. “YES. FRIENDS LIKE US.”
After a moment, Asgore let go of the monster doctor’s arm and walked towards the children. Gaster senior followed him a few beats later.
Kneeling beside Sans, Asgore clasped the young monster’s shoulder in his big, furry paw.
“Sans. Thank you for wanting to be friends with my daughter. It means a lot to me. And I’m sure it’ll mean even more to Frisk.”
Sans ducked his head shyly, a light blush staining his cheekbones.
“‘s nothin’,” he mumbled, unable to meet the king’s grateful eyes. His eyelights drifted towards Frisk, one hand still held in his own, and towards his little brother, who was gleefully telling his new friend about all of his interests and hobbies, and effusing about all the fun they were going to have together.
Asgore shook his head.
“It most certainly is not ‘nothing’, young one,” he insisted. His gaze went to his child. “Frisk is human. And as I’m sure you know, humans… Well, monsters are not all that fond of them.”
He sighed, worry filling his expression. Sans looked uncomfortable at the turn the conversation was taking.
“I’m not sure how many monsters will be willing to make friends with her, no matter how kind she is. I’m not sure how many will even give her a chance.”
A shadow passed over the old king’s face.
“There are many reasons a human is not safe in the Underground. There are many hardships any child, let alone a human one, will have to face growing up. And I cannot be there to protect her all the time. I… I cannot help but worry for my daughter.”
Sans stilled as the Monster King’s solemn gaze fell on him.
“Which is why I hope you will try to be a good friend to Frisk. To be someone she can trust, and rely on.”
There was a weight to the old monster’s words that Sans didn’t like.
“Would you please look out for my child? Watch over her, and protect her?”
Sans definitely didn’t like where this was going.
“Could you please, please promise me, Sans?”
Sans wanted to run away and hide from the old man’s pleading look and begging words. He didn’t want that kind of responsibility - he was only a kid, after all, just five years old. He already had his baby brother to look after and protect; he didn’t want to be responsible for another life. He didn’t want to care that much for another person.
But… Sans recognised the emotion in Asgore’s voice. He knew that kind of grief. He understood that worry, that fear. He’d lost his mother not long after his brother was born - he knew, intimately, that fierce desire to protect those who remained.
And so, with a strength Sans didn’t feel like he possessed, the skeleton monster looked at Asgore, and gave him a firm, resolute nod of his skull.
“okay. i will.” He gripped the hand in his just a little bit harder. “i promise.”
Sans imagined that the sun dawning over the horizon that he’d read about in books, could not hope to match the brilliance of the joy breaking out across Asgore’s face at that moment.
“Thank you, Sans. Thank you so much. I cannot tell you how much this means to me.” Asgore’s voice held so much sincerity and gratitude, that it caused Sans to duck his head once more, overcome by shyness.
Papyrus pouted, his cheekbones puffing out in indignation.
“ME TOO! I POMISE TOO!” He yelled, stamping his foot on the ground for emphasis. “I TOO POMISE TO BE FISH FEND! AND POTEC HER!”
If possible, Asgore’s smile widened. He laughed, loud and unrestrained, from deep in his belly.
“Oh ho! Is that so, young one? Golly, ain’t my Frisk a lucky girl!” The old goat monster gave the toddler a pat on the skull. “Well then, Papyrus, you also have my thanks. I could not be happier that my daughter has a monster as great as you as her friend.”
Papyrus preened under the king’s praise. “NYEH HEH HEH! I AM GEAT! I AM THE GEAT PA-PY-WUS!”
Dr. Gaster knelt down beside the group, placing one hand each on his sons’ shoulders. “DO NOT FORGET ME. I HAVE ALSO PROMISED TO DO ALL IN MY POWER TO LOOK OUT FOR AND PROTECT YOUNG FRISK.” He looked directly into Asgore’s eyes, conveying the sincerity of his words with his gaze. “AND I DO NOT INTEND ON EVER BREAKING MY PROMISE.”
Asgore’s smile softened, his eyes crinkling at the edges. “I could never forget you, my friend. Ever since we met, you have always been with me. Even in the darkest of times.”
WingDings had no words to offer in response, so he settled for giving Asgore his own warm smile. His eyelights glinted in their sockets - two little lights shining in the dark.
Sans eyed the two grown-ups, before turning his skull away, resisting the urge to make a face. Instead, he grinned at his baby bro, who stood proudly with his hands on his hips. He chuckled at the adorable display, love for his brother filling his Soul, before turning towards Frisk.
“welp, there ya have it, buddy.” He winked at the baby, who blinked up at him in reply. “we’ve only just met, and already you have me an’ pap as your friends. even dad’s lookin’ out for ya. and your dad thinks the world of you, of course. we’re all rootin’ for ya, frisky.”
He booped Frisk on the nose, then laughed at the way her face scrunched up, her nose wrinkling and her eyes going slightly cross-eyed, as she tried to make sense of what had just happened to her.
“heh. so young and you’re already so loved.” His expression softened, his eyelights going big and fuzzy. “you better grow up strong and kind, ‘kay? and make sure you take care of yourself, frisk. ‘cause we all really care about you.”
Frisk looked at him quietly.
And then she opened her mouth wide and stretched out all of her limbs in a full body yawn. Without missing a beat, she promptly fell fast asleep, her breath coming out in soft snores.
Sans snickered. He gave her hand one last gentle squeeze, before letting it go.
Asgore gazed down at his infant daughter. His Soul shone at seeing how peacefully she slept, without a care in the world. Trouble might come for her one day, but for now, she was safe, surrounded by friendship and love.
Again, I apologise for my long hiatus. I'm not sure when I'll have the next chapter ready, since life's unpredictable and I have other obligations, but it definitely won't be as long as the wait for this one was. I at least have the next few chapters planned out in my mind, so it's a matter of being able to sit down and write them out properly.
Anyway, thank you for reading and I hope you liked it! Take care and see you next time o(*^▽^*)┛
Next Chapter >>
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chestersbraincell · 7 months ago
Something I think the Undertale Fandom absolutely slept on and continues to do so is Flowey’s friendship with Papyrus.
It is equally an absolute goldmine for both wholesome moments and absolutely heart-shattering friendship angst(which, lets be honest, is much needed in fandom spaces in general. Toxic friendships get totally overshadowed by toxic relationships)
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bogos-bint3d · 2 years ago
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they made a pie,,,,,
Originally I was gonna add Toriel's reaction but then there just wasn't enough room and I'm too tired for this
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kkoct-ik · 1 year ago
i have one really fucked up trauma response and sometimes i think about it and go wow. i wish there was a game or character that explores that trauma response. id really feel seen. and then i remember there is a character with my trauma response except its fucking flowey the flower
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justanechoflower · 9 months ago
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(It was my Flowey’s birthday yesterday, but I was too busy to post! So it’s a day late, but nonetheless a celebration. Happy Birthday Flowey!)
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leebtwxx · 1 year ago
i love you, papyrus. words cannot describe how much i love you. /p
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* I started training with Undyne to get stronger around my teen years. We still jog together, too!
* But when it comes to a running match, I can’t think of anyone who could beat Papyrus.
* Not even Physics can beat Papyrus.
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the-determined-daydream · 1 month ago
*She giggles*
I didn't say I couldn't just that it would be harder for me to learn it than someone else. I'm going to learn, no matter what it takes.
Frisk: "YEAH! That's the spirit! Get it, girl!✨🌟"
Asriel: "I'm still surprised you never got into cheerleading,"
Frisk: "I didn't want to wear the outfits, remember? I'm too busy being this family's cheerleader anyway,"
Asriel: "Or specifically my cheerleader,"
Frisk: "...I am the loudest member of your fan club...,"
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momentomori24 · 11 months ago
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A normal day at the Flowey Fan Club.
Anyway, remember when I said I needed more nice content of these two? Well, here's my contribution to that. I need more people to draw them. Don't let me make my own food, please. I'm not one to leave alone in the kitchen.
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citrustale · 3 months ago
aka Cam[ka:m](Sans!) and Quýt[kwit̚˧˦](Papyrus!) Designs done by my wonderful friend A0_Inavader on other platforms!!! Sorry about the quality, they got compressed. :( AOI'S STRAWPAGE IS HERE go look at it!
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Yes, they're edible.
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I'll make a post containing basic info about citrustale later!!
random little facts about them! Nerd siblings, niblings if you will.
Cam(Cam sành)
-Cam is wearing eyeliner! -Cam is a boyfailure! -he's also a fundanshi and a roblox player, certified dti rager. -very aware that he is part of a hivemind. -He also has brainrot humor. -He and Alphys do their makeup together! -Eats the orange juice boxes after he's done drinking them. -Insane vocaloid listener. -first thing he does when he gets out of the underground is go to a hatsune miku concert -moderator on an undernet forum called the Quýt fan club (He's the only one in it) -He/they pronouns -mom found the yaoi -puts salt in halloween candy to troll kids -Cam had an emo phase (that's why he's so good at doing his eyeliner) -FUCK YOU!!!! --Cam goes to the barber (when your barber gives you a bowl cut, wht are you gonna do?) -low alcohol tolerance -he's an outcode -"Oh, that's lovely!" [distain] -I'm not like you normies I like [very obscure sanrio character] -a little insufferable, sucks at rythm games.
-Quýt is a vocaloid fan, his favorite is Rin! (Him and Cam are so Rin and Len coded) -He likes his spaghetti with mayonaise and orange sauce. -He's a fan of J-fashion! (as is everyone else in this au-) -Casual vocaloid listener, Iyowa fan. -Religiously makes those gummy food things, he finds them in the trash. -WOULD LOVE TO BE APART OF AN IDOL GROUP if he wasn't going to be a royal guardsman that is!! -forgets to eat sometimes, he's very busy!!!! -would make a drake diss and Cam would hype him up -WHY ARE YOU BUYING CLOTHES AT THE SOUP STORE!? -He ate a rock -Absolutely CRACKED at monopoly -naturally high alcohol tolerance -sings in the shower -REJOICE!!! AUTISM BE UPON YE! -likes Hello Kitty -would put together Gundam figures -cracked at rythm games -AKAKAKAKAKAKAKA -"Cam...we have to cook..." -Cries over Skylar White and Jesse Pinkman -Cam made him play dti just to vote him 5 stars every round. -favorite pokemon is cherrim -would play infinity nikki if his pc could run it -Actually a morning person (unlike Cam)
-Both of them get noise complaints from late night karaoke
quoting something Aoi said while I was writing this: "I love Papyrus, but I love yaoi more."
"This project is not beating the secret music project allegations," (Cam and Quýt have utauloids lol)
"Assistant! I need you to type out my Hatsune Miku hyperfixation."
"Orng horng horng."
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