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puyopuyoconfessions · 6 months ago
I think Panotty is neat and should be in the next Puyo game
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kozzdraw · 6 months ago
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Pages from Deku's creature chronicle... part 4
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sir-purple04 · 1 year ago
Me when someone says something to me: "sorry, can you repeat that?"
Also me when someone is chewing in the other room:
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gren-arlio · 2 years ago
Episode 3 is now officially out!
As stated beforehand, Episode 3 is now done and officially translated. As usual, it'll be timestamped.
One minor thing, Harpy tends to talk with music notes and all that, and since my phone doesn't have that, I'll replace them with *'s.
As well, most of Harpy's lines involve singing (Go figure,) and since 80% of it just didn't stick at ALL, I tended to go with her good ol' "La-La-La's" or a "Do-Rei-Me-Fa". This means her lines might be scuffed due to that, so if any massive Harpy fans or Japanese speakers can reach out to help, please do.
Here are some of the new portraits, Panotty and Harpy appear here:
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And the video itself:
Intro: (0:08, 0:48 is a generic quote)
Schezo hates children: (2:25)
Panotty Midboss: (2:25, 7:13 is the defeat quote.)
Harpy Boss: (10:36, 12:57 is the defeat quote and 13:51 is just asking if you want to leave the Dungeon.)
Harpy Re-encounter: (13:56)
Bill Board Moments: (14:34)
Schezo hates Music: (14:53)
With that, enjoy.
Intro: (0:08)
Gwaa~ [In pain, obviously.]
Horoharu Helifla~*
This song is this bad? Damn... [You can also go Oh Man or Fuck.]
If I keep listening to this, I'll die!
I'll see you later~*
Oh. Guess I can enter the Dungeon now. [0:48 is just the usual Let's Go Inside.]
Panotty Midboss: (2:25)
What's that? Is it the sound of a Flute?
It sounds awful, like Harpy's hypersonic waves...
Flute: [God I'm going to hate typing this one]
& P I I I E E ☆☆&* H ! !
Gwaaaah! My ears are going to rot!
Why? Why aren't you dancing?
You must have rotten ears! [Wonder why.]
Listening to your Flute will make them rot real quickly.
What!? I'm gonna kill you!
I won't hold back, even if you are a kid.
Defeat: (7:13)
Oh, I lost...don't forget me!
That's a 2nd rate bully line...still, seems like he wasn't the boss here.
Harpy Boss: (10:36)
Hirehara [whatever this means,], Hello, hello*
Wow, even in here they're awful!
Shut up! Be quiet!
Don't get it my way~*
Your singing is disgusting! Absolutely disgusting! Shut up!
Defeat, Electric Boogaloo: (12:57)
They're gone...it's quiet now.
Harpy Re-encounter: (13:56)
Shit. There it is again.
Hano-Hire-Hara-Hire~!* [Basing this off her other quotes from other Puyo games.]
Bill Board Moments: (14:34)
[Lots of menus. It goes:]
Bulletin Board <-
[Player clicks Bulletin Board]
You Got a grimoire
Water Paradise
Noise in the Square <-
Mana Alert
Bottle Stuffing Recommendations [...Yeah this one I'm iffy on.]
[Player clicks Noise in the Square]
Bulletin Board:
In front of the Puyo Puyo Dungeon, there are noisy people having a parade there.
It makes me sick, so please make them stop.
Schezo hates Music: (14:53)
P I E P P I I H X ☆ O ! !
It IS loud!
Oh, are you a visitor?
I'm thirsty.
Hey! What the hell are you two doing?
I want some apple juice. [He never gets it.]
Oh, a jewel perfect for my stage. Can you give me that?*
(Are these guys going to keep making noise until I give them something?)
[What do you give them?]
[A big list appears, and the player gives the item needed.]
*I'm so happy! I'm off to match the clothing for it...
Huh? Is the singer lady going away?
(He leaves also)
Finally, they're quiet.
And that's all. Episode 4 is still in the works, so heads up for most likely next weekend.
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intosnarkness · 5 months ago
So it's official: lil man with the funny ears will be coming home next week. As I refuse to have two Herculei, I will be changing his name.
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eway · 5 months ago
@puyopuyoconfessions @smb0 @madoumonogatarirunelord @colorfullaudino @elder-sister
The Puyo Puyo Movie Franchise Cast List!
Arle (young): Alexis Tipton
Schezo (young): Veronica Taylor or Sarah Natochenny
Camus: Tara Strong
Fudoushi: Mark Hamill
The Teacher: Amanda C. Miller
Skeleton-T: Bryan Massey
Nasu Grave: Clancy Brown
Momomo: Jesse McCartney
Lala: Sarah Blandy
Arle: Lindsay Seidel
Rulue: Scarlett Johansson
Minotauros: Troy Baker
The Dark Prince: Xander Mobus
Carbuncle: Tomoko Kaneda
Schezo: Yuri Lowenthal
Amitie: Evelyn Huynh
Sig: Hunter MacKenzie
Ms. Accord: Julie Andrews
Raffina: Brett Walter
Klug: Thessaly Lerner
Lidelle: Erica Schroeder
Yu: Laura Faye Smith
Rei: Laura Faye Smith
The Crimson Spirit: Ron Perlman
Ocean Prince: Greg Cipes
Suketoudara: Tom Kenny
Sukiyapotes: Michele Knotz
Harpy: Teresa Gallagher
Panotty: Lani Minella
Witch: Julie Ann Taylor
Zoh Daimoh: Jim Cummings
Merigu: Dani Chambers
Shosu: Kayzie Rogers
Emi: Kerry Williams
Sasori Man: Billy Bob Thompson
Akuma: ProZD
Feli: Amber Hood
Lemres: "Weird Al" Yankovic (This one was a suggestion by one of the people I tagged)
Strange Klug: Thessaly Lerner
Salde (the voice direction changes when he changes form, but the actor remains the same): Greg Cipes
Wish: Cree Summer
Tenori Zoh: Ikue Ōtani
Dark Matter: Andrew Rannells
Ragnus (Young): Veronica Taylor or Sarah Natochenny (whichever didn't voice young Schezo)
Ragnus (17): Antony Del Rio or Jason Griffith
Draco: Brianna Knickerbocker
Incubus: Liam O'Brien
Succubus: Erin Fitzgerald
Jaan: Hynden Walch
Scylla: Kari Wahlgren
Nomi: John DiMaggio
Yoggus: Marcus Stimac
Honey Bee: Lisa Ortiz
Serilly: Michelle Ruff
Doppelganger Schezo: Yuri Lowenthal
Phantom God: Ali Hillis and Jay Goede (Both voices are at the same time with vocal effects to add to the otherworldly feel)
Lilith (all she takes from the book counterpart is her name, the fact she's dead, and she was The Dark Prince's loving wife. She's not some goddess, just a ghost. I hate those books): Laura Bailey
Chico: Samantha Kelly
Doppelganger Arle: Lindsay Seidel
Ringo: Cassandra Lee Morris
Maguro: Spike Spencer
Risukuma: Keith David or Kevin Michael Richardson
Ecolo: Bryce Papenbrook
Everyone else would be voiced by new and unknown voice actors (like me! New voice actors should have a chance to break into the industry)
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monstersdownthepath · 7 months ago
Monster Spotlight: Panotti
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CR 2
Neutral Good Medium Humanoid
Module: Murderer's Mark, pg. 29
Apologies for the incredibly huge picture, but shrinking it down made it look abominable.
Bit of an unusual one, today, but not for the reasons you may think. Panotti are not "monsters" in a traditional sense, like most of the creatures this blog features, but they're just strange citizens. While they're not as common as, say, halflings and humans and dwarves, they're very much just people and can be found mostly in Casmaron and Tian Xia, where their colonies can be found.
Or would, had we any information on them outside their sole appearance in Murderer's Mark, where the only member of their kind we're introduced to is working in an unscrupulous circus, the rest of the details on what their actual society looks like crammed in the back of the book. According to their lore block, Panotti largely keep to themselves and only rarely leave their colonies for an obvious but still heartbreaking reason: their appearance earns them mockery and sometimes even scorn. Panotti are universally bald, and their Elephantine Ears look almost like (and can be used as) wings, the large folds visibly flexing and lifting as they listen to whatever conversations they're a part of (or perhaps just near) so anyone mistaking them for an odd cloak quickly realizes what they're truly looking at.
Anyone viewing a Panotti for the first time would likely be a little startled by what they see, especially considering their rarity, which they are unfortunately quite sensitive to. While there are many wanderers among their numbers, not all of them are willing or able to bear the constant jabs at their appearance no matter how light they may be from people they might try and consider friends. It's quite unfortunate that they remain reclusive and biased towards the company of their own kin simply because microaggressions gradually wear them down, because their culture is stated to have a rich history of song and story with an oral tradition stretching thousands of years into the past. Indeed, adventurous Panotti who lean towards casting will usually become Bards, though the book states they can easily slot into just about any class.
But just because they're normal people doesn't mean a DM should get eager to allow them as a playable ancestry, oh god no. Their Elephantine Ears may look fragile to an outsider, but those things are packed with enough muscle to give them a slew of powers that should never be freely granted to players lest they get too wacky with them, including: 60ft of blindsense, a 20ft fly speed (poor maneuverability, but they get Hover as a bonus feat), and a pair of natural slam attacks which deal 1d4+1 damage and roughly blast their targets backwards by 10ft via Push. They're not only useful weapons, but they're sturdy enough to grant the Panotti an extra +2 natural armor!
Even in their day-to-day life, their ears grant them mundane but useful advantages, including +4 to Perception checks made to hear, and excellent thermoregulation, allowing them to keep cool by gently flapping them or keep warm by wrapping themselves in them (mechanically equivalent to a heavy blanket and bedroll). AND, if they need to make room in a crowd, they can flare their ears out like a cobra hood to startle people! They're Swiss-army appendages!
I have to admit, while normally we here at Monsters Down The Path enjoy highlighting monsters by talking about how they battle, sometimes it's nice to take a break and just appreciate the rarer inhabitants sharing the world with the men and elves, and what makes them special. Golarion gets a little bit bigger with every statblock we see!
You can read more about them here.
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myth-lord · 3 months ago
It's the most wonderful list of the year
It is that time of the year again, complete new list time.
Aatxe • Khalkotauroi Abaia A Bao A Qu Abuhuku Afanc Agropelter Ahool Ahuizotl Airavata Ajaju Akashita Akheilos • Isonade Alicanto Alp-Luachra Amphisbaena ANGEL • Erinyes • Erote • Valkyrie Anggitay Aniwye Ao-Ao • Babi Ngepet • Bonguru • Cuchivilu • Gloson Aproxis Asag Asanbosam Ascalaphus Aswang • Batibat • Berbalang • Kubot • Manananggal • Pugot Awd Goggie
Baku • Bulgasari Baldanders • Frittening • Gardinel Banshee Barghest • Cadejo • Cu Sith • Cwn Annwn • Garmr • Osschaert • Pesanta Barometz • Cactus Cat • Hiiden Hirvi • Otso • Rahara Basilisk Bies BOGEY • Bugbear • Ijiraq • Kaw-Kaw • Kludde • Marabbecca • Metminwi • Nachtkrapp • Stuhac • Tikbalang Boitata Bolotnik • Arzhavennik • Bagiennik • Cueyatl • Yara-Ma-Yha-Who Boobrie Brollachan • Fad Felen • Hongaek Bruch Buggane Bukavac Bunyip • Dingonek Burach Bhadi • Tlanusi Burrunjor • Kasai Rex Bushyasta Butatsch
Caballucos Diablu Cait Sith • Kasha • Nekomata Caladrius • Zhenniao Carbuncle • Arkan Sonney • Cagrino • Yamabiko Catoblepas Charybdis Chupacabra Crocotta • Kishi Cuero • Rumptifusel Cyclops • Bungisngis • Fomorian • Ojancanu • Papinijuwari
Dijiang Dipsa • Haermorrhois • Hypnalis • Seps Dobhar-Chu Domovoi • Leshy • Ovinnik • Polevik • Vodyanoi DRAKE • Aitvaras • Bauk • Jaculus • Qiuniu Dullahan
Echeneis Eintykara ELEMENTAL • Ahi At-Trab • Banaspati • Cherufe • Landvaettir • Nargun • Perico • Raiju • Salamander • Sermilik • Sylph • Undine Encantado • Fossegrim • Katsura-Otoko Eurynomos Ewah
Faun • Huay Chivo Fetch
Ga-Gorib Gargouille Gbahali • Ammut • Cipactli GIANT • Cacus • Gawigawen • Gegenees • Hrimpursar • Muldjewangk Girtablilu Goblin • Akaname • Bilwis • Bugul Noz • Curupira • Dactyl • Eloko • Grindylow • Kobold • Likho • Nuno • Pukwudgie • Redcap • Spriggan • Trenti Gold-Digging Ant GOLEM • Celedon • Invunche • Juggernaut • Pua Tu Tahi • Terra-Cotta • Tupilaq • Wulgaru Griffon • Keythong Grootslang Gu Guarana Gulon • Rompo • Taotie
HAG • Candileja • Hala • Kikimora • Mambabarang • Nocnitsa • Norn • Pesta • Poludnica • Qalupalik • Rokurokubi • Soucouyant • Utlunta • Yanagi-Baba Harpy • Alkonost • Kere • Lechuza • Siren Hippocampus Hrokkall HUMAN • Amazon • Berserker • Buckrider • Cambion • Einherjar • Moroi • Vish Kanya Hyakume Hydra • Ihuaivulu • Nyuvwira
Ichneumon Imp • Butoni • Incubus • Skrzak • Vetala Intulo Inulpamahuida Issitoq • Aghash
Jba Fofi • Djieien • Jorogumo • Tsuchigumo Jinmenju • Jubokko • Umdhlebi Jinn • Ghul • Ifrit • Redjal Marja
Kaiaimunu Kamaitachi Kamikiri Kappa Karkinos • Heikegani • Saratan Kelpie • Apaosha • Ceffyl Dwr • Each Tened • Helhest Keukegen Kilmoulis • Ashinaga • Panotti • Tenaga Kitsune • Kumiho Kodama Kongamato • Ropen Kun Peng Kurage-No-Hinotama • Muirdris
Lamia • Ajatar Lavellan • Rat King • Tesso • Ugjuknarpak Lemure Leprechaun • Amadan Dubh • Clurichaun • Far Darrig • Gancanagh LINNORM • Fafnir • Gowrow • Hodag • Nidhogg Ljosalfar • Dokkalfar Longgui Lou Carcolh Lusca • A-Mi-Kuk • Iku-Turso • Migas • Rogo-Tumu-Here Ly Erg
Makhai Mandarangkal Mandragora Manticore • Nue • Piasa • Sphinx • Succarath • Tarasque Mapinguari Mara Marool Merrow • Adaro • Agloolik • Siyokoy • Yawkyawk • Zitiron Minotaur • Erchitu • Sarangay Mokele-Mbembe • Ninki Nanka Morgawr Moskitto Motelo Mama Muhuru • Mbielu-Mbielu Musca Macedda • Druj Nasu Myrmecoleon
Nadubi • Sigbin Nakshatra Meenu Nalusa Falaya • Hidebehind Namazu Nariphon • Madremonte Ngoubou • Odontotyrannus Nosoi Nuckelavee Nuppeppo NYMPH • Abere • Askafroa • Dryad • Empusa • Lampad • Leanan Sidhe • Maenad • Muse • Nereid • Oread • Rusalka • Thriae • Veela • Yuki-Onna
Olgoi-Khorkhoi • Minhocao • Skolex Olitiau • Guiafairo • Popobawa • Strigoi Omukade • Ankluz • Con Rit • Ek Chapat • Kugdlughiak Oniate • Camacrusa • Chon-Chon • Tsurube-Otoshi Onikuma • Kerit • Skeljaskrimsli
Pard • Ccoa • Mishibizhiw • Mngwa • Splintercat • Zheng Penchapechi Peuchen Phoenix • Psonen • Rarog Piskie • Attercroppe • Lunantishee • Phooka Polong Poltergeist • Dybbuk • Isogashi • Waldgeist Psoglav Pyrausta • Shinchu • Shtriga
Ratatoskr Roc Roperite
Salawa Satori Sazae-Oni Scarab • Cerambus • Jinshin Mushi Scitalis Scorpios SEA SERPENT • Gaasyendietha • Haietlik • Ikuchi • Tizheruk Shachihoko Shen Sianach • Delgeth • Wakandagi Skinwalker • Adze • Cuca • Impundulu • Nagual • Rougarou • Selkie Slide-Rock Bolter Sluagh Spartoi • Ahkiyyini • Bloody Bones • Gashadokuro • Mekurabe Squonk Stray Sod • Hungry Grass Stymphalides • Asipatra Surale • Mahaha
Tanuki Teratsutsuki Tiddalik • Chan Chu • Lapiduch Tiyanak • Acheri • Hinkir Munkur • Myling Tripodero TROLL • Aigamuxa • Berberoka • Fear Liath • Kapre • Kayeri • Munuane • Oni • Shellycoat • Yehwe Zogbanu • Yeti Trollgadda Trolual • Bakekujira • Raudkembingur TSUKUMOGAMI • Agrippa • Biwa-Bokuboku • Bubak • Caleuche • Chochin-Obake • Coiste Bodhar • Garei • Hinnagami • Ipetam • Ittan-Momen • Jenglot • Kameosa • Kasa-Obake • Nurikabe • Ungaikyo • Wanyudo • Zorigami Tuyango • Basan
Ulagu UNDEAD ELEMENTAL • Balborinho • Dorotabo • Enenra • Umibozu UNICORN • Almiraj • Karkadann • Shadhawar Utelif
Valravn Velue Vouivre • Asdeev • Caorthannach • Codrille • Cuelebre • Knucker • Snallygaster
Warg • Akhlut • Amarok • Chicheface Water Leaper Wendigo Whowie Will o Wisp • Luz Mala • Ogniki • Santelmo
Xecotcovach Xhumpedzkin
Yale Ya-Te-Veo
Ziphius Zirnitra Zlatorog Zmey • Azi Dahaka Zumbi • Aerico • Baykok • Draugr • Gaki • Hidarugami • Lagahoo • Mokoi • Topielec • Ushabti Zuttibur
Achlys (General of Pestilence) Adephagia (Sinlord of Gluttony) Aergia (Sinlord of Sloth) Alastor (Sinlord of Wrath) Amhuluk Anansi Anhanga Ankou (General of Death) Antaeus Arachne Argus Aton Baba Yaga Bai Ze Bakunawa Balor Baxbakwalanuxsiwae Belachko Belphegor Byakko Camazotz Cerberus Cetus Chimera Chipfalamfula Deimos & Phobos (Generals of War) Egregore Fenghuang Fulad-Zereh Gaueko Genbu Graeae Gullinbursti Hela Hinqumemen Horseman of Death Horseman of Famine Horseman of Pestilence Horseman of War Hraesvelgr Hundun Itzpapalotl Jack Frost Jack-in-Irons Kampe Khepri Khodumodumo Koschei Kraken Ladon Lilith (Sinlord of Lust) Limos (General of Famine) Lotis Tree Medusa Midas (Sinlord of Greed) Naglfar Narcissus (Sinlord of Pride) Odei Pixiu Planctae Punga Qinglong Quetzalcoatl Qupqugiaq Raktabija Rawhead Saapin Scylla Sin-You Sleipnir Springheel Jack Surtur Tailypo Thunderbird Tiamat Typhon Vritra Wild Hunt Xing Tian Yamata no Orochi Ymir Zelus (Sinlord of Envy)
Bolla / Inkanyamba / Ouroboros / Shussebora / Tienlung / Suileach / Python / Cirein Croin / Echidna / Snawfus / Porotai / Huldra / Ishigaq / Bluecap / Ramidreju / Capcaun / Barbegazi / Erlkonig / Alraune / Brownie / Changeling / Danthienne / Cernunnos / Nix / Sandman / Tunche / Monoceros / Aziza / Melinoe / Krojemanchen / Jaci Jatere / Hesperid / Davy Jones / Bean Nighe / Tzitzimitl / Ziburinis / Llorona / Morko / Aoandon / Drekavac / Nachzehrer / Strix / Nosferatu / Hannya / Petsuchos / Charon / Shade / Diao Si Gui / Makalala / Jarjacha / Itqiirpak / Gremlin / Colorobetch / Vampire Pumpkin / Binaye Ahani / Tsenahale / Besta-Fera / Pishacha / Humbaba / Abaasy / Beelzebub / Bodach / Pazuzu / Ukobach / Harionago / Kawa Akago / Krampus / Tenome / Tooth Fairy / Ebajalg / Chrysaor / Stolas / Decarabia / Andrealphus / Suiko / Cmuch / Geras / Teke-Teke / Andurá / Cindaku / Teju Jagua / Rangda / Wolpertinger / Muscaliet / Ilomba / Xiao / Qinyuan / Lakuma / Peryton / Otoroshi / Mokumokuren / Mboi Tui / Nguruvilu / Snoligoster / Huallepen / Serpopard / Boggart / Centaur / Gorgon / Globster / Golem / Lorelei / Pegasus / Colossus / Snow Wasset / Dodomeki / Axex / Caliban / Tengu / Dalaketnon / Circe / Moha-Moha / Erymanthian Boar / Erumia / Cerastes / Caspilly / Teumessian Fox / Mamlambo / Drop Bear / Emela Ntouka / Chickcharney / Amphiptere / Atuikakura / Nemean Lion / Fenrir / Veo / Gambo / Tridacna / Anae-Moe-Oho / Scolopendra / Naujakuksualuk / Falajitax / Tculo / Lilyi / Melalo / Mothman / Fachen / Sagari / Geryon / Doppelganger / Hecatoncheires / Marakihau / Taka-Onna / Kigatilik / Cerynitis / Lammasu / Naga / Hrimfaxi / Skinfaxi / Barong / Cocollona / Jormungandr / Kholkikos / Vatnsandi / Nguma-Monene / Bezkost / Karnabo / Apshait / Succubus / Davalpa / Kratt
Mermaid / Hippogriff / Hupia / Elf / Dwarf / Sasquatch
From What Group of Creatures:
DRAGON: Aitvaras / Bauk / Jaculus / Qiuniu / Gargouille / Grootslang / Fafnir / Gowrow / Hodag / Nidhogg / Longgui / Scitalis / Gaasyendietha / Haietlik / Ikuchi / Tizheruk / Shen / Velue / Vouivre / Asdeev / Cuelebre / Knucker / Zirnitra / Zmey / Azi Dahaka / Amhuluk / Bakunawa / Kampe / Ladon / Tiamat / Typhon / Vritra / Yamata no Orochi
FEY: Anggitay / Bonguru / Awd Goggie / Cu Sith / Cwn Annwn / Barometz / Cactus Cat / Hiiden Hirvi / Otso / Bugbear / Ijiraq / Kludde / Nachtkrapp / Tikbalang / Boitata / Bagiennik / Brollachan / Buggane / Cait Sith / Nekomata / Carbuncle / Arkan Sonney / Cagrino / Yamabiko / Ojancanu / Dobhar-Chu / Domovoi / Leshy / Ovinnik / Polevik / Vodyanoi / Raiju / Sylph / Undine / Encantado / Fossegrim / Katsura-Otoko / Faun / Bilwis / Bugul Noz / Curupira / Grindylow / Kobold / Nuno / Pukwudgie / Redcap / Spriggan / Trenti / Pua Tu Tahi / Wulgaru / Guarana / Hala / Kikimora / Mambabarang / Norn / Pesta / Poludnica / Qalupalik / Soucouyant / Utlunta / Yanagi-Baba / Harpy / Lechuza / Siren / Nyuvwira / Inulpamahuida / Jorogumo / Jinmenju / Kamaitachi / Kelpie / Ceffyl Dwr / Kitsune / Kodama / Ropen / Kun Peng / Tesso / Leprechaun / Amadan Dubh / Clurichaun / Far Darrig / Gancanagh / Ly Erg / Mandarangkal / Yawkyawk / Sarangay / Motelo Mama / Nariphon / Nuckelavee / Abere / Dryad / Lampad / Leanan Sidhe / Maenad / Nereid / Oread / Thriae / Veela / Guiafairo / Ankluz / Ccoa / Mishibizhiw / Splintercat / Zheng / Peuchen / Piskie / Attercroppe / Lunantishee / Phooka / Pyrausta / Ratatoskr / Wakandagi / Adze / Stray Sod / Surale / Aigamuxa / Berberoka / Kapre / Kayeri / Munuane / Shellycoat / Yehwe Zogbanu / Yeti / Trollgadda / Almiraj / Karkadann / Shadhawar / Akhlut / Wendigo / Yale / Zuttibur / Anhanga / Baba Yaga / Jack Frost / Lotis Tree / Quetzalcoatl / Springheel Jack / Tailypo / Thunderbird / Wild Hunt
UNDEAD: Aatxe / Khalkotauroi / Gloson / Banshee / Osschaert / Fad Felen / Dullahan / Rompo / Candileja / Hrokkall / Djieien / Jubokko / Ghul / Helhest / Askafroa / Rusalka / Yuki-Onna / Strigoi / Oniate / Camacrusa / Chon-Chon / Tsurube-Otoshi / Mngwa / Penchapechi / Psonen / Polong / Poltergeist / Dybbuk / Isogashi / Waldgeist / Sluagh / Spartoi / Ahkiyyini / Bloody Bones / Gashadokuro / Mekurabe / Hungry Grass / Teratsutsuki / Acheri / Myling / Fear Liath / Bakekujira / Biwa-Bokuboku / Bubak / Caleuche / Chochin-Obake / Coiste Bodhar / Garei / Ittan-Momen / Kameosa / Balborinho / Dorotabo / Enenra / Umibozu / Valravn / Codrille / Will o Wisp / Luz Mala / Ogniki / Santelmo / Zumbi / Aerico / Baykok / Draugr / Gaki / Hidarugami / Lagahoo / Mokoi / Topielec / Ushabti / Ankou / Itzpapalotl / Jack-in-Irons / Koschei / Naglfar / Xing Tian
FIEND: Akashita / Isonade / Erinyes / Aniwye / Babi Ngepet / Aproxis / Asag / Asanbosam / Ascalaphus / Aswang / Batibat / Berbalang / Kubot / Manananggal / Pugot / Garmr / Pesanta / Rahara / Bies / Metminwi / Stuhac / Arzhavennik / Hongaek / Bruch / Kasai Rex / Bushyasta / Caballucos Diablu / Kasha / Catoblepas / Kishi / Fomorian / Cherufe / Nargun / Eurynomos / Huay Chivo / Fetch / Ammut / Cipactli / Gawigawen / Likho / Juggernaut / Taotie / Nocnitsa / Kere / Ihuaivulu / Imp / Butoni / Incubus / Skrzak / Vetala / Aghash / Tsuchigumo / Umdhlebi / Ifrit / Heikegani / Apaosha / Each Tened / Kumiho / Ajatar / Lemure / Rogo-Tumu-Here / Makhai / Nue / Mara / Marool / Siyokoy / Erchitu / Ninki Nanka / Druj Nasu / Sigbin / Nalusa Falaya / Hidebehind / Madremonte / Odontotyrannus / Nosoi / Empusa / Popobawa / Ek Chapat / Onikuma / Rarog / Psoglav / Shtriga / Salawa / Sazae-Oni / Cerambus / Delgeth / Impundulu / Asipatra / Mahaha / Tiyanak / Hinkir Munkur / Oni / Raudkembingur / Agrippa / Ipetam / Jenglot / Wanyudo / Basan / Caorthannach / Chicheface / Xecotcovach / Achlys / Adephagia / Aergia / Alastor / Balor / Belphegor / Camazotz / Cerberus / Deimos & Phobos / Fulad-Zereh / Hela / Hinqumemen / Horseman of Death / Horseman of Famine / Horseman of Pestilence / Horseman of War / Lilith / Limos / Midas / Narcissus / Raktabija / Rawhead / Sin-You / Zelus
MAGICAL: A Bao A Qu / Abuhuku / Afanc / Ahool / Ahuizotl / Alicanto / Amphisbaena / Bulgasari / Basilisk / Bolotnik / Cueyatl / Dingonek / Burach Bhadi / Tlanusi / Zhenniao / Charybdis / Bungisngis / Dipsa / Haermorrhois / Hypnalis / Seps / Echeneis / Eintykara / Ahi At-Trab / Banaspati / Landvaettir / Perico / Salamander / Sermilik / Ga-Gorib / Girtablilu / Dactyl / Gold-Digging Ant / Invunche / Terra-Cotta / Tupilaq / Griffon / Keythong / Gu / Hydra / Jinn / Kappa / Keukegen / Lamia / Ugjuknarpak / Lou Carcolh / A-Mi-Kuk / Iku-Turso / Mandragora / Manticore / Piasa / Sphinx / Succarath / Tarasque / Zitiron / Minotaur / Moskitto / Musca Macedda / Namazu / Minhocao / Kugdlughiak / Satori / Jinshin Mushi / Shachihoko / Rougarou / Squonk / Stymphalides / Kasa-Obake / Ulagu / Amarok / Water Leaper / Xhumpedzkin / Arachne / Belachko / Chimera / Egregore / Gaueko / Graeae / Medusa / Odei / Scylla /
MONSTROSITY: Abaia / Agropelter / Ajaju / Akheilos / Ao-Ao / Barghest / Boobrie / Bunyip / Burrunjor / Chupacabra / Crocotta / Gbahali / Gulon / Hippocampus / Ichneumon / Jba Fofi / Kaiaimunu / Karkinos / Saratan / Kongamato / Lavellan / Lusca / Mapinguari / Mokele-Mbembe / Morgawr / Muhuru / Myrmecoleon / Nadubi / Ngoubou / Olgoi-Khorkhoi / Skolex / Olitiau / Omukade / Con Rit / Skeljaskrimsli / Pard / Roc / Scarab / Scorpios / Sianach / Tiddalik / Trolual / Tuyango / Utelif / Warg / Whowie / Ziphius / Cetus / Kraken / Qupqugiaq /
ABERRATION: Alp-Luachra / Cuchivilu / Baldanders / Frittening / Gardinel / Kaw-Kaw / Marabbecca / Yara-Ma-Yha-Who / Bukavac / Butatsch / Cuero / Rumptifusel / Papinijuwari / Dijiang / Ewah / Akaname / Rokurokubi / Hyakume / Redjal Marja / Kamikiri / Muirdris / Rat King / Migas / Mbielu-Mbielu / Nakshatra Meenu / Nuppeppo / Kerit / Roperite / Slide-Rock Bolter / Lapiduch / Tripodero / Nurikabe / Snallygaster / Ya-Te-Veo / Baxbakwalanuxsiwae / Chipfalamfula / Hundun / Khodumodumo / Planctae / Punga /
HUMANOID: Cyclops / Cacus / Gegenees / Hrimpursar / Muldjewangk / Goblin / Eloko / Amazon / Berserker / Buckrider / Cambion / Einherjar / Moroi / Vish Kanya / Intulo / Kilmoulis / Ashinaga / Panotti / Tenaga / Ljosalfar / Dokkalfar / Merrow / Adaro / Skinwalker / Cuca / Nagual / Selkie / Tanuki / Antaeus / Argus / Hraesvelgr / Saapin / Surtur / Ymir
CELESTIAL: Airavata / Erote / Valkyrie / Baku / Cadejo / Caladrius / Celedon / Alkonost / Issitoq / Kurage-No-Hinotama / Agloolik / Muse / Phoenix / Shinchu / Qilin / Chan Chu / Hinnagami / Ungaikyo / Zorigami / Zlatorog / Anansi / Aton / Bai Ze / Byakko / Fenghuang / Genbu / Gullinbursti / Khepri / Pixiu / Qinglong / Sleipnir
From which Mythology Group.
ANCIENT GREECE: Khalkotauroi / Akheilos / Ascalaphus / Erinyes / Erote / Charybdis / Cyclops / Eurynomos / Faun / Cacus / Gegenees / Dactyl / Celedon / Griffon / Harpy / Kere / Siren / Hippocampus / Amazon / Hydra / Karkinos / Lamia / Lemure / Makhai / Sphinx / Minotaur / Nosoi / Dryad / Empusa / Lampad / Maenad / Muse / Nereid / Oread / Thriae / Cerambus / Scorpios / Spartoi / Stymphalides / Achlys / Adephagia / Aergia / Alastor / Antaeus / Arachne / Argus / Cerberus / Cetus / Chimera / Deimos & Phobos / Graeae / Kampe / Ladon / Limos / Lotis Tree / Medusa / Midas / Narcissus / Planctae / Scylla / Typhon / Zelus
NORTH EUROPEAN: Valkyrie / Gloson / Baldanders / Garmr / Osschaert / Hiiden Hirvi / Otso / Kludde / Nachtkrapp / Landvaettir / Fossegrim / Hrimpursar / Bilwis / Kobold / Gulon / Norn / Pesta / Hrokkall / Berserker / Buckrider / Einherjar / Helhest / Ajatar / Rat King / Fafnir / Nidhogg / Ljosalfar / Dokkalfar / Iku-Turso / Mara / Askafroa / Skeljaskrimsli / Attercroppe / Waldgeist / Ratatoskr / Myling / Trollgadda / Trolual / Raudkembingur / Valravn / Warg / Draugr / Gullinbursti / Hela / Hraesvelgr / Kraken / Naglfar / Sleipnir / Surtur / Ymir
EAST EUROPEAN: Bies / Stuhac / Bolotnik / Arzhavennik / Bagiennik / Bukavac / Domovoi / Leshy / Ovinnik / Polevik / Vodyanoi / Aitvaras / Bauk / Likho / Hala / Kikimora / Nocnitsa / Poludnica / Alkonost / Moroi / Skrzak / Rusalka / Veela / Strigoi / Ankluz / Rarog / Psoglav / Shtriga / Surale / Lapiduch / Hinkir Munkur / Bubak / Ogniki / Zirnitra / Zlatorog / Zmey / Topielec / Zuttibur / Baba Yaga / Belachko / Koschei
SOUTH EUROPEAN: Aatxe / Pesanta / Kaw-Kaw / Marabbecca / Butatsch / Caballucos Diablu / Caladrius / Ojancanu / Perico / Gargouille / Trenti / Butoni / Lou Carcolh / Tarasque / Erchitu / Musca Macedda / Camacrusa / Pyrausta / Agrippa / Balborinho / Velue / Vouivre / Codrille / Cuelebre / Chicheface / Aerico / Ankou / Egregore / Gaueko / Odei
WEST EUROPEAN: Afanc / Alp-Luachra / Awd Goggie / Frittening / Banshee / Barghest / Cu Sith / Cwn Annwn / Bugbear / Boobrie / Brollachan / Fad Felen / Bruch / Buggane / Burach Bhadi / Cait Sith / Arkan Sonny / Fomorian / Dobhar-Chu / Dullahan / Fetch / Bugul Noz / Grindylow / Redcap / Spriggan / Kelpie / Ceffyl Dwr / Each Tened / Kilmoulis / Muirdris / Lavellan / Leprechaun / Amadan Dubh / Clurichaun / Far Darrig / Gancanagh / Ly Erg / Marool / Merrow / Morgawr / Nuckelavee / Leanan Sidhe / Lunantishee / Phooka / Sianach / Selkie / Sluagh / Bloody Bones / Stray Sod / Hungry Grass / Fear Liath / Shellycoat / Coiste Bodhar / Caorthannach / Knucker / Water Leaper / Balor / Jack-in-Irons / Rawhead / Springheel Jack / Wild Hunt
NORTH AMERICAN: Aniwye / Ijiraq / Tlanusi / Sermilik / Ewah / Pukwudgie / Tupilaq / Qalupalik / Utlunta / Issitoq / Djieien / Ugjuknarpak / A-Mi-Kuk / Piasa / Agloolik / Nalusa Falaya / Kugdlughiak / Oniate / Mishibizhiw / Psonen / Gaasyendietha / Haietlik / Tizheruk / Delgeth / Wakandagi / Skinwalker / Rougarou / Ahkiyyini / Mahaha / Ulagu / Akhlut / Amarok / Wendigo / Baykok / Amhuluk / Baxbakwalanuxsiwae / Hinqumemen / Qupqugiaq / Thunderbird
SOUTH/CENTRAL AMERICAN: Abuhuku / Ahuizotl / Alicanto / Ao-Ao / Cuchivilu / Cadejo / Rahara / Metminwi / Boitata / Cueyatl / Carbuncle / Chupacabra / Cuero / Eintykara / Cherufe / Encantado / Huay Chivo / Cipactli / Curupira / Invunche / Guarana / Candileja / Soucouyant / Lechuza / Ihuaivulu / Inulpamahuida / Lusca / Succarath / Mapinguari / Motelo Mama / Madremonte / Minhocao / Ek Chapat / Chon-Chon / Ccoa / Peuchen / Cuca / Nagual / Kayeri / Munuane / Caleuche / Tuyango / Luz Mala / Xecotcovach / Xhumpedzkin / Lagahoo / Anhanga / Camazotz / Itzpapalotl / Quetzalcoatl / Saapin
AFRICAN: Asanbosam / Dingonek / Kasai Rex / Kishi / Ga-Gorib / Gbahali / Eloko / Grootslang / Rompo / Nyuvwira / Intulo / Jba Fofi / Umdhlebi / Kongamato / Migas / Mokele-Mbembe / Ninki Nanka / Muhuru / Mbielu-Mbielu / Ngoubou / Olitiau / Guiafairo / Popobawa / Kerit / Mngwa / Adze / Impundulu / Aigamuxa / Yehwe Zogbanu / Ya-Te-Veo / Zumbi / Anansi / Chipfalamfula / Khodumodumo /
ARABIAN/EGYPTIAN: Asag / Bushyasta / Hypnalis / Ahi At-Trab / Ammut / Girtablilu / Aghash / Jinn / Ghul / Ifrit / Redjal Marja / Saratan / Apaosha / Druj Nasu / Roc / Salawa / Scarab / Almiraj / Karkadann / Shadhawar / Asdeev / Azi Dahaka / Ushabti / Aton / Fulad-Zereh / Khepri / Tiamat
ASIAN: Bulgasari / Hongaek / Zhenniao / Dijiang / Qiuniu / Terra-Cotta / Gu / Taotie / Jinmenju / Kumiho / Kun Peng / Longgui / Nariphon / Olgoi-Khorkhoi / Zheng / Qilin / Shen / Chan Chu / Yeti / Ipetam / Gaki / Bai Ze / Byakko / Fenghuang / Genbu / Hundun / Pixiu / Qinglong / Sin-You / Xing Tian
JAPANESE: Akashita / Isonade / Baku / Kasha / Nekomata / Yamabiko / Raiju / Katsura-Otoko / Akaname / Rokurokubi / Yanagi-Baba / Hyakume / Jorogumo / Tsuchigumo / Jubokko / Kamaitachi / Kamikiri / Kappa / Heikegani / Keukegen / Ashinaga / Tenaga / Kitsune / Kodama / Kurage-no-Hinotama / Tesso / Nue / Namazu / Nuppeppo / Yuki-Onna / Omukade / Tsurube-Otoshi / Onikuma / Isogashi / Shinchu / Satori / Sazae-Oni / Jinshin Mushi / Ikuchi / Shachihoko / Gashadokuro / Mekurabe / Tanuki / Teratsutsuki / Oni / Bakekujira / Biwa-Bokuboku / Chochin-Obake / Garei / Hinnagami / Ittan-Momen / Kameosa / Kasa-Obake / Nurikabe / Ungaikyo / Wanyudo / Zorigami / Basan / Dorotabo / Enenra / Umibozu / Hidarugami / Yamata no Orochi
POLYNESIAN/HINDU: Abaia / A Bao A Qu / Ahool / Airavata / Ajaju / Anggitay / Babi Ngepet / Bonguru / Aswang / Batibat / Berbalang / Kubot / Manananggal / Pugot / Tikbalang / Bungisngis / Banaspati / Gawigawen / Nuno / Juggernaut / Pua Tu Tahi / Mambabarang / Vish Kanya / Vetala / Kaiaimunu / Ropen / Rogo-Tumu-Here / Mandarangkal / Adaro / Siyokoy / Sarangay / Sigbin / Nakshatra Meenu / Abere / Con Rit / Penchapechi / Polong / Asipatra / Tiyanak / Acheri / Berberoka / Kapre / Jenglot / Santelmo / Bakunawa / Raktabija / Vritra
AUSTRALIAN: Yara-Ma-Yha-Who / Bunyip / Burrunjor / Papinijuwari / Nargun / Muldjewangk / Wulgaru / Yawkyawk / Nadubi / Tiddalik / Whowie / Mokoi / Punga
FEARSOME CRITTER: Agropelter / Gardinel / Cactus Cat / Rumptifusel / Gowrow / Hodag / Moskitto / Hidebehind / Splintercat / Roperite / Slide-Rock Bolter / Squonk / Tripodero / Snallygaster / Tailypo
MEDIEVAL BOOK: Amphisbaena / Barometz / Basilisk / Catoblepas / Crocotta / Dipsa / Haermorrhois / Seps / Jaculus / Echeneis / Gold-Digging Ant / Keythong / Ichneumon / Panotti / Manticore / Zitiron / Myrmecoleon / Odontotyrannus / Skolex / Pard / Phoenix / Scitalis / Utelif / Yale / Ziphius
OTHER: Aproxis / Cagrino / Salamander / Sylph / Undine / Goblin / Cambion / Imp / Incubus / Mandragora / Piskie / Poltergeist / Dybbuk / Will o Wisp / Belphegor / Horseman of Death / Horseman of Famine / Horseman of Pestilence / Horseman of War / Jack frost / Lilith
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radiogornjigrad · 2 years ago
Biserka Drbohlav: Slušati
Panotti, Ninberška kronika 1493. Uvijek sam bila sklona slušati ljude dok mi o nečemu pričaju, posebno kada pričaju o sebi. Zato što ako već krenem pričati s nekim, doista me zanima što mi ima za reći, i zato što cijeli život mislim da, ako išta imam (osim knjiga), imam vrijeme, za sve što mi se čini vrijednim, pa i za slušanje, a možda i zato što sam takva, slušajuća. Pažljivo slušanje zapravo…
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giliavissar · 2 years ago
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The Dream of Panotti
Blickachsen 13, Bad Homburg, DE, 2023
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puyopuyoconfessions · 22 days ago
I’ve been very, very vocal to my friends about Satyr from Madou Monogatari A to the point that I sometimes forget that he’s not an actual character. What do you mean he’s not a joyful alcoholic in canon and is just Panotty with horns. What. That’s not fair.
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buildugsroamin · 2 years ago
Parallel Botany, Part 3
Despite its low pedigree as far as life ships were concerned, HEG-2522 was still afforded some unnecessary amenities to ensure passenger enjoyment during the long trek across the aether. These included a water dispenser, a library of Venusian board games, and most esteemed of all, the observation deck. A quarter kilometer strip of semi-transparent chitin, gracefully curving at a 45-degree angle, it allowed passengers to take in all the wonders of the solar system as the ship journeyed to its final destination. Even when HEG-2522 crashed on that fateful day all those millions of years ago, the chitin had remained intact, something the Batavians considered nothing less than a divine miracle on Kib’s part.
Now, of course, that same vast panel lay buried beneath half a mile of sand, revitalized from time to time via stem cell transplants from more functional sections of the Monastery. What would normally have been a grand indoor promenade was transformed into an endless dark corridor. Only a small number of bioluminescent lanterns, a cheap substitute for what had come before, made navigation possible.
Vera strode ahead Azul to the wall of the formerly glorious deck, where a pair of immaculate wooden beds rested under a cozy green glow. The darkness was so great that from the entranceway they looked as if they were floating in endless space. But unlike the other hallways in the Monastery, Vera couldn’t hear a single bat chittering far above, which somehow made the whole thing a thousand times more terrifying than the halls outside. Azul couldn’t help but notice her friend was hunched over, arms wrapped around themself. They walked as though the floor was made of needles.
“A-aren’t you cold?” Vera shivered. Were it brighter, they would have expected to see icicles dangling from the ceiling, waiting to come loose and strike.
“I cannot say I am. I’ve worked in both the scriptoriums and the archives, and both are far more frigid.” Her slight, trembling, body, however, suggested otherwise.
Vera couldn’t believe someone lived their entire life like that, in the middle of a desert yet trapped in a frozen prison devoid of light. The thought made them shiver all the more. Their pace hastened.
They practically dove under the covers as they reached the bed, burrowing like the cold itself was a lurking predator, poised to strike their vulnerable flesh. Fortunately, the panotti wool blankets held in heat quite well, and before long they’d found themselves in that perfect temperature which was not so hot as to be scalding, but warm enough to calm their frayed nerves and gently lull them to slumber.
Yet slumber did not come. Cautiously, Vera peeked their head out from under the covers to see Azul slipping off into the darkness.
“Hey!” They cried, their voice echoing a thousandfold in the vast cavern. Azul turned around, yellow eyes glowing.
“My feet are cold. Would you mind warming them up?”
Azul froze. “I-I do not feel it would be best for me to be in close contact with-!”
“No, it’ll be easy! Just lay down at the foot of the bed, and it’ll warm the covers up!”
Azul paused.
“For my sake? Pleeeeaaaaase?” Whimpered Vera, opening her crimson eyes wide.
Azul sighed and lay down at end of the bed, right over her guest’s feet. Much as the young nun-in-training hated to admit it, the soft warmth of her companion’s body, travelling up through the sheets and into her, delivered a soft comfort that allowed her to sleep easily. It felt… nice, in a way her exhausted body hadn’t felt in a long time. A way she wasn’t sure she deserved.
But for once, the philosophical conundrums could wait another night. Azul let out a great yawn, and consigned herself to slumber.
Malagasy was tired. Malagasy was weary. Malagasy was tired and weary and exhausted and just wanted the bats over his head to shut up and stop squeaking, the cold air to stop creeping down his neck, and to join his kid snuggled in bed.
But at the moment, he could not.
Instead, he locked eyes with his former lover, just six feet away, right outside the door to the observation deck. He knew what was going to happen, what always happened every time he made his rounds at the Monastery, but certainty bought little comfort. If anything, it only made things worse. Thankfully, the children (and more importantly, the other nuns) weren’t around to see. But that wasn’t an excuse not to remain cautious. Echoes travelled far in the Monastery, and a wayward slip of the tongue could spell trouble. Fortunately, he and Creosote had developed an elegant solution during their travels long ago.
Moving her fingers, Creosote signed
Malagasy, I’m worried about you.
To which the tall Venusian asserted
Creo, if this is about me being a man, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I’m not sick. This is who I am.
But his former love simply shook her head.
But how can you be so certain? You’ve always been proud, Malagasy. Too proud to back down from a challenge, too proud to lay down when you’re ill. It’s okay to admit you’re wrong about something for once.
At one point those words would have been a dagger plunged straight through his chest and out the other side. By then, though, the scar had healed into an indestructible carapace.
And how can YOU be so certain? Don’t you get it?! You’ve made an assumption, but you’ve taken that assumption to be true and base all your evidence on the grounds that it is! So how can I possibly argue against you when you’ve already decided the truth? I so much as make a good argument, I’m clearly under the influence of my ‘illness’! You act like you’re smart, but you’re just as deluded as those other nuns, just as deluded as that stupid Madame Saguaro-!
Please! Protested Creosote, Insult me if you must, but do NOT insult the divine-!
And there you go, acting like she’s only trying her best, that she has this island’s best interests! That FREAK is poisoning this place with her piety. Poisoning the nuns, poisoning the kids, poisoning YOU!
And then he stood there, head bent down, breathing steady, fists clenched at his sides. He didn’t accuse his beloved of seeing him as a self-hating woman, nor the monastery of only interacting with him because, as someone who realized they were a man later in life, he was thus as dam*ed as they were. That would have been a touch too far. But he knew.
Please, Creo. He begged, You have to LEAVE! Join Vera and me. Let’s be a family. Travel together. Like old times.
And Creosote, beautiful, horrible Creosote, shook her head.
Am I being poisoned? Perhaps. But there are things I believe I can teach this place. And in being here, I can ensure the children are getting ‘poisoned’, as you say, a little less. Certainly better than just fleeing the problem in a little raft-!
See?! You’re just like Vera! Always got to fix everything and be the hero! Think you know best when you really being reckless! It’s like I’m talking to-!
Thundering footsteps interrupted his signing as bats fluttered away. Madame Saguaro was walking the halls.
0 notes
gren-arlio · 11 months ago
We are BACK. Sorta. Welcome to Episode 3 of Season 2 of Waku Puyo Translations.
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(I have too many pages.)
Hello, one and all, Gren here. Welcome back to Translations, a 2 month gap is finally done. Now why did that gap happen?
School. I'm in my final year of it before I go to college, and I've been focusing really hard on it recently, been studying a lot more as of late, which leaves less time to make translation posts, but normal posts tend to be just fine. I hope you understand.
We're finally back to doing one of these, I PROMISE I haven't forgotten about it at all. I've just been busy. The school year ends in June, so...maybe there'll be more posts? Who knows.
But anywho, we're back for a bit. Here's the video in question:
Intro is obviously at 0:00 this time
Rulue Scene: 1:05
Schezo Scene: 2:05
3 Orb Opening: 5:20
Dragon Boss: 6:05
Dragon Defeat: 7:55
Sasori Man Scene: 12:05
Info Booth: 13:00
How To Use Traps: 13:50, 14:20 is the tutorial
End: 15:50
Let's see how much this hurts my hands again. I hope you enjoy.
Eh? What happened to you?
A dragon and some little kid appeared and kicked me outta the place.
...What? A dragon and a kid, you sure it wasn't Kodomo Dragon?
No, the dragon wasn't that cute.
And the kid looked like he was on an adventure rather than just riding it.
It reminded me of you two.
Hmm... (What does that MEAN?)
What happened to the dragon?
They went even further into the 5th floor of the PuyoPuyo Dungeon.
Eh? There's more floors in there?
Without 3 orbs, you can't enter there.
You're prohibited to go in there otherwise.
Aha... I see now.
Hey, I got business with that dragon, so can I enter?
Eh, I don't mind at all.
Alright, thanks!
Rulue Scene:
Oh dear, it's Arle. Seems like you've cleared this place too.
So I guess you also cleared this place as well?
Of course I have! This place was such a cakewalk.
Err...I had a pretty tough time myself.
Oh-hohoho! Is that so? Maybe it's because you're so pathetically frail.
One little nudge, and you're done for.
...Honestly, it's quite a miracle that someone as frail as you got through the first two dungeons.
Thats outrageous! Why would you say that?
I'm not wrong. Best of luck to you, though.
I know I'm not a fighter compared to Rulue, but...
You didn't have to go THAT far, did you...?
Schezo Scene:
Oh, Schezo!
Hmpf, Arle...
Hey, I cleared this place as well!
Uh, great job, I guess?
...Are you sure you're happy to hear that?
Why should I be THAT happy to you?
Because we're friends, right?
Us? Friends? What're you on about!?
I dunno why you're so against it...you have no real friends, don't you?
Friends are just a waste of time, and I'm not really one to hang out with people.
Aw, don't say that... you're lonely, aren't you?
You're a persistent one. Even if I could, I won't hang out with you...
And he's gone... Schezo's a strange one, isn't he?
3 Orb Opening:
Hm? What does this say...
(They who have 3 orbs, raise them to open this door.)
Open? I have 3 orbs, should I bring them out?
(Arle raised the 3 orbs.)
Oh, yay! It opened! We can go in now!
Dragon Boss:
Oh, I found ya! I didn't know we went here at the same time...
What're ya scared of? It's okay, I'm not scary.
Oh, he's angry... Why do I have to fight a dragon now!?
Dragon Defeat:
Phew, guess I win. C'mon, let's get you home!
[Panotty enters the fray. Somehow.]
What did you do to my friend!?
What the!?
I've been looking all over, but I finally found him...
You're awful for beating them up!
Graaaa! [Like I know how dragons sound. Imagine like. Rayquaza.]
What's up, buddy? It's me, remember?
...Hey, listen to this!
[He starts to play the flute]
(ROAR) [...Fun.]
W-wha... Normally, the flute works at calming him down.
...Hey, are you two really friends?
You were using your flute to control him, weren't you?
... ... ...
... They didn't want to be here.
Yet you forced them here with your music. They're scared, you know.
If you can't friend him without the flute, then you have no business calling him your friend!
... ... ...
...Come on. Let's bring Dragon back home.
No, not yet! Even though we just became friends... [I guess meaning the dragon.]
Fine, I'll bring him myself.
Then again, if I was the one to separate you two, then you'd never have the chance of becoming proper friends.
... ... ...
...You okay?
I'll bring him back. Because we're friends...
Really? You sure you can do that?
Yeah, I sure can!
(ROAR) [In a more happy tone IG]
Those two... I hope they become true friends!
Sasori Man Scene
Sasori Man:
Hey, the dragon's back!
Wait, it's back?
Sasori Man:
Yeah, but they're doing better, thanks to your help.
Err... that kid ... did you see him as well?
Oh, Panotty? They were together, yeah.
I was shocked myself when I saw how well they got along.
Now, they're working near the gates.
Ah...that's good to hear!
Rather than just thanking you, I wanna give you this.
A VIP card? What for...?
Sasori Man:
Now you can enter Wonder Jungle.
I got stuff to do, so I'll leave ya be.
Nice, now we can get into the new attraction!
Info Booth:
Man, I translate this screen so often.
[Menu opens
Bulletin <-
After clicking Bulletin, the following options appear. The number next to them indicates the order.
Horror House (1)
Wonder Jungle (2)
Peddler Fufufu (3)
Bottling Reccomendations
How to Use Traps (4)
Horror House:
I await you at the Horror House, sorry to keep ya waiting.
I mean, you can go if you want, but it'll be a vastly different experience than the other dungeons.
If you're not prepared, just quit now.
Wonder Jungle:
I have a VIP ticket for you, since you're becoming an expert here.
Would you like to test your might in the unexplored Wonder Jungle? True survival awaits you.
Just be careful of the boss and their little minions.
Peddler Fufufu:
Momomo's rival appears!? The mystery merchant Fufufu appears!
He's a shady merchant who tends to sets up shop in PuyoPuyo Land.
If you want rare items, he's(?) the person to go to!
How to Use Traps:
Oh, You're...
Bikimora: (Black Kikimora. Or Biki.)
Do you need something?
Well, yeah...I wanna be able to learn how to use traps...
...Follow me.
How to Use Traps: (Cont.)
What the!? What're we doing here...?
You know, even traps can be very powerful when put in the right hands.
For example, if you use a Scroll of Sealing, you can trap enemies where they stand.
Oh, that's cool! I never knew that...
...Then you may as well learn it by trying it yourself.
(She leaves and enemies spawn)
Hey, where are you going!?
Geez, there's no way I'll be able to beat such powerful enemies!
...Congrats, you did well.
Not really, no...
...We're done here.
I said we're DONE here!
(Why did THAT make her so upset...?)
Oh, it feels nice to do these again. Free time is the BEST. But that'll be all for now.
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puyopreservation · 3 years ago
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PPPP Trivia:
The Waku Waku Puyo Dungeon manga contains several redesigns for the cast, that have never been used anywhere else.
The most notable examples are Satan, Lagnus, Witch and Panotty.
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rockman-x · 8 months ago
in case you can't see it this is a puyo tier list for which characters would train what type in pokémon. i'll transcribe it below
Normal (White) - Carbuncle, Kikimora
Grass (Green) - Donguri Gaeru, Skeleton-T, Gogotte, Ringo Ando
Fire (Red [HMMMM.]) - Risukuma
Water (Blue) - Marle, Maguro Sasaki, Serilly, Suketoudara, Ocean Prince
Electric (Yellow) - O
Psychic (Magenta) - Jay & Elle, Squares
Fighting (Orange) - Lagnus Bishasi, Raffine, Rulue
Flying (Celestial Blue) - Archan, Harpy, Hohow bird, Rider
Poison (Purple) - Empty
Ground (Orange-ish Yellow) - Zoh Daimaoh, Tarutaru
Rock (Gray) - Empty
Ice (Cyan) - Empty
Bug (Light Green) - Honeybee, Sig
Dragon (Light Gray) - Draco Centauros
Ghost (Purple) - Akuma, Oshare Bone, Popoi, Feli, Frankensteins, Yu & Rei
Dark (Black) - Dark Prince, Doppelgänger Arle, Ecolo, Klug, Aya, Rafisol, Smelly Shez Schezo Wegey
Steel (Light Gray) - Ai, Zed
Fairy (Magenta) - Ally, Amitie, Ess, Incubus, Lemres, Witch
Multi-type / Varied trainer (White) - Arle Nadja, Chico, Minotauros, Nasu Grave, Onion Pixie
I'm unsure, for whatever reason (White) - Baldanders, Ciel, Ex, Nohoho, Character I Don't Know, Legamünt, Panotty, Ms. Accord, Penglai, Rozatte, Tee
Minotauros would be a Ground / Rock / Fighting trainer, in my opinion. I think I should switch Draco too, because I think she'd train Dragon / Fire / Fighting / Fairy.
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witness my idiocy
please note:
i tried to keep in mind that a pokémon of a certain type can learn moves of other types but
i havent played everything yet and idk japanese
i put risukuma and ringo in fire and grass cuz "apple is plant. fire because the fiiire of looooove" + bianca cheren and bw protag are friends and they all get snivy tepig and oshawott. the same happens in xy i think?
if it was for my personal preference i'd make lemlem an ice-type trainer
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