unicornpopcorn14 · 18 days
Omg I forgot that there's new bsd TODAY
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patrice-bergerons · 1 year
That is this a pigeon meme but it's me, any clanging/construction sound and earthquakes
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justiisms · 4 months
*bunnytaka hops into yuta's bedroom, squeaking as he spots both twins! he happily goes to yuta, nuzzling against him for a few moments before hopping over to yuma! he gives yuma's hand a little sniff, following it as the boy moves it to pet his back before bunnytaka... gives it the tiniest, little nibble?!*
"Ah? B-Bunnytaka, did you just try to bite me? What a naughty little bunny..." *yuma laughs as it was clearly just a playful gesture and starts patting his fluffy back, unaware of the almost smug look that the mischievous bunny is giving to yuta...*
Yuta was having a nice time relaxing in his room with his brother, the two talking about whatever! Then when he hears Bunnytaka hop in, he smiles at him~! "Bunnytaka! Hehe, hey there, you!" He beams even more when the tiny bunny nuzzles him, nuzzling him right back while giving his nose a tiny poke~ He then smiles softly when he hops over to Yuma, too. That is, until he sees him sniffing his hand, so that he can give him nibbols!!
"Ah!?" ("Oh no!!! See, didn't I tell you, Master?! Bunnies loveee coconuts! He's gonna gobble up Twin Master before our very eyes!!!")
("O-Oh, don't be ridiculous, Shinigami! Like I told you, we are not actual coconuts, s-so we'll be just fine!!") And yet, the reactionary in him makes him still panic for some reason, anyway! He can't believe this!!! "E-Eheheh! Yeah, so naughty, isn't he? Also, don't pay to mind to whatever you're hearing this one say, Yuma. She's just being ridiculous as usua-" And then sees Bunnytaka sneak him that smug look, which is not helping!!!
"D-Don't you give me that look, you!!! And don't play along! You know exactly what you're doing..." And gives the mischievous bunny more pokes!!!!
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mamuzzy-creates-stuff · 5 months
I... I actually reached the 50th follower! I shall celebrate! What do i do... WHAT DO I DO??!!!! *PANIKKKK*
*throws my corrie ocs at you and runs away*
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Vorn: What the Nine Corellian Hell is this shit? They misspelled my name! It's VORN with a vev like the tiger! Not with wesk! Fucking hell. Blaze: HA! Lily: It suits you alright, vod!
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Bucky x Reader headcanons: Cuddles
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Okay so, EVERYONE knows he loves cuddles
He can't go a day without them
You're working? He still wraps his arms around you from behind and rests his chin on your head
You're reading? Still, no excuse, pulls your down on the sofa, arms around your waist, you often tell him off cause it's kinda hard to read when he does that
In public? Nope, nothing, goose eggs, no PDA
And he does that for soooo many 'heroic' reasons
The SHAME of anyone finding out that you're dating him
Which you'd totally brag about
The TEASING from Tony, Nat, and Sam
Steve has already threatened them to not interrupt his new OTP
The second you get home...
*Bucky never ever lets you go*
It's cute
Even though it kinda gets annoying sometimes
At first, he didn't ASK for cuddles
Didn't touch you much
Or anything, he WAS pretty shy
But after a while, he discovered that he loves cuddles
It calms him, and they're just so warm and fuzzy
Olaf: I love warm hugs!
Bucky is totally like that snowman
Only if it's you though
Anyone Sam tries to hug him?
Little spoon, big spoon, DOESN'T MATTER
Unless he's in the protective mood
Then it's the big spoon
Nightmares have decreased drastically since cuddles have been discovered
Cuddles are the best way to vanquish the nightmares
And you're happy to help
(or comply, hehe)
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annesomniator · 18 days
thoughts; (i sometimes have them)
she is too nice, putting that band aid on his hand
OOOHhh. He was cheating on her girlfriend with the protagonist?????? and neither knew???
SHE IS ANGRYY ((and she is right to be))
the dress sequence...girl,,
she even got the bouquet?
hahahah...oh.. the photos hahahaha
her ex's montage...yikes
OMGGGG HAHAHAHAHA he enjoy himself three times??? and she didn't even get one??
oh, is she hiding her mom from others?
hmmmmm hate love huh
"i will when you get married" HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA, girl,,, he knows her.
the mark that you truly have done it; hate comments lolol
Oh the one how wrote that nice comment was a rich middle age lady?? hahaha cutee
shit husband shit father she said. then giggling at her smut like god intended
she was righttt about the shit father thing
PANIKKKK, poor secretary
u are maidenless my lord and u are too dificult to love, better get ready to push money to get something
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demonicbaby666 · 2 years
What’s your favourite Disney character? Weird question ik 😂
There are so many to choose from ahhhh, panikkkk. I don’t know if this includes marvel aswell ahhhhhh.
You’ll learn I’m absolutely terrible at making decisions so for now I’ll say Elsa but that could/will change 🥴😂
Not a weird question at all btw boo boo 💜
(I had to pull up a list for this lol).
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💭 hehe
💭 For a thought my muse has had about yours feat. @doomstarmagician (I cannot do more angst rn so… have this)
“Oh, I guess Doom’s been by, his cape is here—“
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isabellesalove · 4 months
Sakit sih emang dibandingin sama cewek lain
Tapi coba kita ubah mindsetnya
Pengaruhnya sama kehidupanmu di masa yg akan datang ada ga kalo terus menerus sakit hati karena dibandingin?
Ada yaa, rugi di elo
Jadinya makin insecure
Punya perasaan benci
Dan amit2 jadi iri dengki
Lo mau begitu masa depan lo? Gaaak kaaaan amit2 gamauuu coyyyy.
So ??? Harus gimana????
Ubah mindsetnya
Ohyaaa aku lelet yaa, aku kurang sabar orangnya
Yaudah perbaiki untuk diri sendiriii
Enaknya apa kalo lo jadi orang on time??
Yess bisa tenang ga perlu stress karena waktunya kejepit kannnn
Enak ya apa kalo lo jadi sabar???
Makin enak jadinya kalo ada apa2 ga spaneng atau panikkkk
Terus perkara ngerasa "kurang" dari orang itu??
Waduhh wkwkw TAAAAN
Lo berulang kali bilang
Hidup lo ga berlomba sama orang lain kan?
Lalu kenapa lo jadi merasa kek kesaing??? Padahal apple to apple aja enggaaaaa wkwk
Lo harus pelan2 bener2 nekanin mindset lo ga bersaing DENGAN SIAPAPUN ITU!
Jadikan sebagai prinsip
Sehingga inshaAllah pelan2 lo tenang banget karena bersaingnya me, myself, and I sesuai prinsip looo
Okhai sayang lop u🥰🥰🥰
Peluk diri ini
Maaf yaaaaa sudah over thing ketrigger sama hal yg ga penting,,,, maaf ya Diriku....
*brb peluk diri sendiri*
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christinaospara · 1 year
Kalau sudah mulai lihat to do list yang banyak, rasanya langsung panikkkk.. Mau mulai dari mana ya? Kelar nggak ya ? Bisa nggak ya ? DLL. Tapi di sisi lain aku diingatkan oleh suara dari dalam hati. TENANG. TARIK NAFAS. ATUR PRIORITAS. Buktinya banyak hal di hari-hari kemarin selesai juga kok tugas-tugasnya. Jadi kemampuan kita makin dewasa tidak hanya diukur dengan selesainya to do list tersebut, tetapi di mulai dari mengelola waktu, rasa, dan pikiran. Maka dari itu, dari pada fokus pada “rasa takut” aku memilih menuangkan nya di tulisan. Mencoba keluar dari box, sambil buat skala prioritas tapi yang realistis. Siang ini aku mulai baca bahan yang harus kuselesaikan, lalu sore ini lanjut ke bahan selanjutnya. Di sela-sela itu jangan lupa maksi yang enak, dan minum yang banyak. Hehe.
Yuk kita kerjakan satu demi satu. Dengarkan lagu, dan bangun mood nya. Yok bisa yok.
Ruang tunggu Siloam Simatupang, 11.34
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Okie just don’t post this if I’m wrong let me wallow in embarrassment @julietterogers
Don't wallow, go and get the pillows and rhe water guns ready, @roe-barton is is going to do anything to wear his new suit
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visual-explorxtion · 3 years
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imavshi · 3 years
Use someone else's phone or a landline to call it
i dont have a landline i think and no one is awake
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alexwritesfiction · 3 years
rick: is writing a solangelo book
also rick: keeps killing characters
me: panikkkk
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phraohs · 3 years
“Soooooooo about what you might hear about me dissing you? I promise there’s a reason for it, I love you too much to really mean it, Atem~<3” /mana is panikkkk
@majutsu-shi --dsbdfnfg
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"....Of course... i'm not upset with you. Do explain your reasons though i'd love to hear them..Mana."
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Kalm. Kalm. ...PANIKKKK!
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