• Mana / Dark Magician Girl • Loved by Cherri, Blog is Constantly Under Construction [ Follows from cherri-blah ]Header by solkisscd
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
OKAY! most of the super important stuff (rules and general info) has been moved. As such, this blog is going into hibernation archive until I can suck it dry of its memes, pics and owed things :)
If we're planning things or have things in progress, I promise I will respond over at @mahoushojoumonster! If you think you somehow got lost in the mix somewhere (very possible, its been a time), flick me a message and I will panic a bit and then do the thing!
Love ya'll, see you over at the other one (where I can LIKE things mwahahahahaha)
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@mahoushoujoumonster-x -> @mahoushojoumonster
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OKAY! most of the super important stuff (rules and general info) has been moved. As such, this blog is going into hibernation archive until I can suck it dry of its memes, pics and owed things :)
If we're planning things or have things in progress, I promise I will respond over at @mahoushojoumonster! If you think you somehow got lost in the mix somewhere (very possible, its been a time), flick me a message and I will panic a bit and then do the thing!
Love ya'll, see you over at the other one (where I can LIKE things mwahahahahaha)
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@mahoushoujoumonster-x -> @mahoushojoumonster
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Okay, I’ve decided I’m gonna bungle my way through, and shift things back over to my main… this is gonna take a little time, but this blog won’t be deleted until I know that everything is okay moving forward.
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Mana is being very uncooperative right now because she has kisses on the brain thanks to a certain someone… so we’re having a squiggly fluffy brain time. Hit that heart or reply for an invasion of the squiggly fluffy variety.
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@mutogamingco || kiss and tell
Finally kissing the person you’ve been pining for.

It’s a relatively quiet night for them, having exhausted the snacks that Mana brought and devoured the pizza during the movie. But how now, they sit on the floor, digging through a box of old games, and Mana can’t help but smile over her hand of cards.
Yuugi looks like he’s concentrating, his brow furrowed in thought, and it’s completely wonderful.
He plays his card and the magician sighs good-naturedly, throwing down her hand, utterly defeated in one move. “Am I ever going to beat you? I know you’re the king of games, but this is insane! You’re too amazing!”
His only response is to tease her, like usual.
Together they gather the cards and reshuffle them to put them away, and she can’t help but bump his hand a few times.
It’s amazing just to be near him, she has to tell herself. This is wonderful just as it is.
She doesn’t need any more. This gives her plenty of happiness.
She returns her attention to the box, leaning over him to rummage through it, feeling her cheeks heat a little. He seems a lot closer than he did the last time she did this. Had he moved?
She turns her head slightly, watching his eyes dart back and forth from her, focusing on her mouth.
Oh? Oh!?
She slowly pulls back past him as he leans forwards and she freezes for the briefest second, moving towards him with purpose and—
His forehead had smacked up into her jaw, and now both of them were clutching at sore points with pained groans.
Mana lets out a giggle. This actually seems about right.
She reaches out for him, readjusting his jacket with a gentle hand.
Perhaps it simply wasn’t meant to be. That was fine.
Being around Yuugi was more than enough to make her smile, make her feel giddy.
It seems as though Yuugi is less satisfied with that outcome though, as his hands move to cup her face to keep her still?, and he was staring at her intently again.
Another glance down to her lips and she understands, pulling forwards to meet him easily.
Their lips brush with a feather-like touch, before pressing together with a little more enthusiasm. One first kiss turns into a couple and when they finally pull away, she lets out a shaky breath, unable to keep the smile from her face.

“… Uh… hi…” she finally manages, knowing her face is burning now.
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“You know what would be fun? A big banquet where everybody can relax together, and eat and drink… and dance!!”
“Wouldn’t that be fun?”
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❝The past is gone, you cannot change it...
...But the future is based on the decision you make!❞
Yuugi Mutou from Yu-Gi-Oh!
Penned by: Grey
[Special thanks for the promo to @silvermoongfx!]
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↪ 𝑲𝑰𝑺𝑺 ﹠ ᵀᴱᴸᴸ . ( a collection of 50+ kiss prompts . feel free to specify the initiating muse . potentially nsfw content within . will be updated .)
finally kissing the person you’ve been pining for .
a kiss shared during a game ( truth or dare , spin the bottle , etc ) .
kissing your lover to show you forgive them .
neck kisses that turn into love bites .
wiping away your lover’s tears as you kiss them .
a kiss to prove you don’t have feelings for them .
a last kiss before one goes away .
biting your lover’s lip amidst a kiss .
an emotional kiss bringing one party to tears .
a kiss while being reunited after a long time .
kissing your lover in a moment of sheer joy .
a kiss while slow dancing .
sharing a spontaneous kiss with a stranger .
an abrupt , heated kiss during the middle of a fight .
kissing them to shut them up .
a kiss to wake your lover up in the morning .
sharing a kiss in a heavy downpour of rain .
kissing your partner to seal a marriage .
a possessive kiss that is meant to stake a claim .
a kiss to resolve suppressed romantic/sexual tension .
a kiss attempting to convince the other party to stay .
kissing the top of their head as you hold them .
a risky kiss between forbidden lovers .
stolen kisses while hiding away from a crowd .
a kiss that leaves lipstick stains .
a kiss shared on a rooftop while the sun sets .
a flirtatious kiss on the back of the hand .
sneaking off to a public bathroom to make out .
a kiss on the forehead as the other sleeps .
an ( accidental / mutually ) drunken kiss .
caging your lover against a wall with your arms to kiss them .
a kiss after joining your lover in the shower .
a kiss after receiving good news .
a tentative , exploratory kiss between friends .
a kiss shared between enemies during combat .
kissing your lover after believing you’d lost them .
a kiss after a devastating event , meant to comfort .
a possessive kiss in front of a jealous third party .
kissing your lover under the night sky while stargazing .
a kiss between two people in a fake relationship .
a kiss that seals a promise .
kissing your lover lazily first thing in the morning .
holding your lover by the jaw to kiss them .
kissing the tears from their cheeks .
a kiss to your lover’s stomach as you travel down their body .
an abrupt kiss that you melt into after a moment of hesitation .
sleepy , domestic morning kisses in the kitchen while making breakfast .
a rushed kiss before one party leaves for work .
a kiss shared while holding your dying lover .
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She comes to that realisation quickly and wants to facepalm. Of course he’s moving quieter now.
Instead she gently grasps his jacket to pull him closer, wrapping her arms around him, a hand moving to stroke through his hair.
“Then I guess I just need to pay more attention now, so I get even a millisecond more of knowing you’re here.”
Yes, it’s cheesy. No, she’s not taking it back.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Are you all right? Does it hurt much?“ // mahoushojoumonster
"I'm alright."
Yuugi may say that, but it's more of a knee-jerk reaction the question. Maybe more to himself than to her. He tries to move, maybe a little too quickly, and winces.
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“Is it strange to say I am too? I’ve met many new people since arriving to Domino.. it’s not been a bad experience.” He admits softly, “I’m definitely curious more so than anything after learning there’s more to this world than meets the eye.”
“I’m sure the same would be true of your world, but I agree. There’s so much more happening than most people know to even imagine…”

“Just let me know when you decide you’re ready for monsters and not just holograms. You need to do that at least once before you go back.”
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//… I am debating shifting things around so my RP blog is back as the main again… but like… the coding and copy-pasting and the time and the 7 people who might be confused…. Gahbh
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She smiled with a lot of enthusiasm as she took his offered hand, eyes practically sparkling with joy at the little creature. He reminded her of the Illusion Magician spirit that had been Mahaad’s Ka before he’d merged.
“I guess I am,” she responded with a curtesy as well. “My name is Mana. It’s nice to meet you.”
this call - @mahoushojoumonster --➤ Ornitier, Vivi
" Are you a mage like me? " He tilted his head curiously. What a strange way for a mage to dress. Though, he supposed he hadn't actually met very many people who could float either. Vivi reached a gloved hand out to offer a handshake. " I'm Vivi. "
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"I've done some terrible things that I am not proud of, but I can only move forward and work harder to make the world a better place to live in. I may never be able to atone for my sins, but if I can make this place better, by trying to change the system in any world I am staying in... Then I'll do anything." He admits softly, "While yes, I didn't want to do it, I still did it." He makes sure to hold himself accountable.
"These regrets and nightmares will forever haunt me, but if I can protect the people around me and they can protect those around them, then I can keep moving to make sure nobody has to go through such things ever again."
"I'm just glad you're still here and alive.."
“… I understand that much,” she answers gently, a sad smile on her face. “An action you were forced to take without other options is still an action you took. And I can see it in your eyes. The pain of what you did, the weight of it all… It’s a very familiar look.”
She pats his shoulder. “And I’m glad you’re here. I know that’s strange, considering you’re stuck, but… it’s been very nice to meet and get to know you. It’s a blessing.” She smiles with more enthusiasm now, hands on her hips. “Not to mention, you’re a very interesting individual. I’m rather curious to see what what happens with you!”
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She finally smiles at that, patting his head affectionately. “That’s all medicine is, sweet one. But that should also quicken the movement of blood, so hopefully it won’t be too long before you’re right as rain again.”
The smile fades a little as she glances back at his wrist. “I can’t believe I didn’t even sense you coming… you’re pretty stealthy…”
She smiles again, mostly because now she’s getting the sense that she’s annoying him by looking overly worried. She thinks she gets it, but still. No one wants to hurt someone they care for.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Are you all right? Does it hurt much?“ // mahoushojoumonster
"I'm alright."
Yuugi may say that, but it's more of a knee-jerk reaction the question. Maybe more to himself than to her. He tries to move, maybe a little too quickly, and winces.
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