#palpatine wouldn't keep these things
swtorpadawan · 11 months
The Tuk'ata: People Actually Keep These Things as Pets???
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"These oversized hounds were bred to be fearless and relentless. Left to guard the Sith tombs of Korriban, they have sharp horns, long claws and savage teeth. They are unusually intelligent and seem capable of communicating with one another through unknown means. It is said that the species was nonviolent and grazing before being corrupted by Sith alchemical experiments that awakened a latent part of their brains and changed them into unnatural abominations. Random mutations now occur that produce some tuk'ata that can live for centuries and grow to immense proportions."
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somestorythoughts · 1 year
Radioactive Eldritch Jedi
Okay so when I say radioactive. The Force is primordial and eldritch and the jedi (and any other force users of a comparable level) resonate with the echoes of this primoridal of-the-world-and-yet-not-the-world energy like your body when you’re so close to a marching bacd you can feel the drums in your bones and they’re not the music or the instruments, they’re only the echo thereof, but the echo of something from the depths that bore the universe is still A Lot.
And when you look at them. There’s teeth that aren’t there the next minute, you could count them again and again for half an hour and never get the same number twice in a row. And that’s not mentioning when their teeth don’t fit in their mouth, don’t match each other, when there aren’t teeth in their mouths but claws...
That’s just one element of their face which is one element of their body.
You can smell them, even the species that don’t have particularly good senses of smell though it is far more distracting for them. Something fresh with light or rotting with dark, herby or sea salty or citrusy or floral and threaded with sweat or blood or sex to suit whatever they’ve been doing and it wouldn’t be remarkable except they smell simultaneously like their species and like something else entirely in a way that is clearly but indescribably not caused by soap or perfume or oil.
There’s a resonance in their voices. Something like there’s a drumbeat in their throat, like they’re speaking with the vibrations of a song you’ve always heard without knowing it, but always perfectly understandable. The sound of jedi singing in harmony with feeling has reduced cities to tears of joy or tears of pain, blood dripping from their ears in mirror of their tears.
Don’t get me started on their shadows, on the way they move in the dark
And they’d be leaking this strangeness 24/7 except they keep themselves so tightly shielded, not only hiding themselves so that they appear uncanny and not terrifyingly Other (they’ve been there time and time again and it is a problem. There are Consequences) but also keeping any of this force-energy-resonance leaking out into the world. Places where force sensitives have lived a long time thrum like a pulse, are touches with the energy of generations of force users relaxing enough to let their shields lower and their selves to leak and brush the walls and tables, etching their presences into the place like fire into wood, and when this touches people it changes them.
Not immediately. Not quickly. It can take months for anything to change and this is why jedi keep their shields maintained, because if you’re fully shielded nothing will happen, and this is part of why attachments are risky, because the emotion can affect the shields can change the one you love, because to say you love a jedi is not the same as accepting all that they are and being willing to change along with them because you can’t dodge that forever, and saying you’re willing to do this isn’t the same as being willing.
The changes aren’t quick, and not as Eldritch as the jedi, but they are permanent and definitely Other.
When shields crack or break, when a jedi lashes out with the force, it brushes an imprint on everything around them (those with any kind of vision skills can find this difficult or comforting to deal with, like a too-large gulp of hot tea) and a few times on the same thing doesn’t matter. Genuinely. Repeition is an entirely different matter.
War is hell. 
War is hell, and the jedi are holding on to each other for support, clinging interlocking arms, but they’re scattered around the galaxy and it’s so hard to actually reach each other.
Sometimes to know you’re supported isn’t enough. Not when you can’t reach their shoulder to lean on, for just a moment.
And the clones are going through hell with them, are dying around them, and they reach out to support the jedi who are doing their best not only to help them survive but to help them live in a war that wants them dead for a senate that doesn’t care and the jedi recognizes them as people so they reach out and the jedi can’t help but reach back.
The clones catch them when they fall, love them in different ways each as sure as the tides, and the jedi relax into it without realizing. Their shields crack over and over again because war is hell, but they also find them relaxing them, instinctively and unconsciously, because so little is certain but the clones’ willingness to go to hell and back for them is one of them and they feel safe.
And the echoes of the force that resonate in the heartbeats-nervepulses-bloodflows of the jedi leaves imprints on the clones that rises like paint added layer by layer and it changes them.
The clones don’t have a childhood of familiarity to fall back on, much less the shielding techniques to keep them looking “normal.” What they have is legions of brothers willing to support each other come hell or high water or unending clankers and jedi who at first beg their forgiveness for changing them (because it wasn’t supposed to happen and because they like how they are but everyone already sees them as strange and to beg forgiveness for making them like them is many jedi’s first instinct) then teach them how to hide it when they need to and the comfort of singing together, their voices ringing through their ships in tune with the thrumming in their blood, bone-deep.
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david-talks-sw · 1 year
As a quick addendum to this recent post:
Could the Jedi have done more to help Anakin? Sure. There's myriad more things that could've been done. For example, Mace could've sat Anakin down in the Council Chamber and gone "Skywalker, tell me what's really going on."
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But it bears mentioning that the above scenario ⬆️ likely wouldn't yield any results. Because, well, Anakin barely ever opens up about his feelings or fears or past trauma.
He doesn't do it with Yoda, when the latter asks for more tangible information so he can tailor his advice.
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He barely ever opened up to Ahsoka.
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He barely did so with Obi-Wan.
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And by Revenge of the Sith, he's even shutting Padmé out.
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(Yes, part of it is due to the secrecy surrounding his marriage, but I've already explained my thoughts on why it's an unfounded fear at that point in time, and it's not the only factor behind his silence as he already didn't open up as far back as Phantom Menace, nor is it his only secret)
The only person he does confide in is Palpatine, who:
keeps enabling Anakin's flaws instead of letting him learn to overcome them,
keeps isolating him from everyone else.
And Palpatine's both the most powerful Sith in history and the leader of the free world, so he's always gonna find a way to worm himself into Anakin's life.
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As long as Palpatine's in the picture, no matter what the Jedi or Padmé do, he'll be right around the corner, ready to undo it.
So at some point - short of Palpatine tripping into an empty elevator shaft and falling to his death - the only person who could've gotten Anakin out of that mess... was Anakin himself.
Would it have been difficult? Hell yes.
But as Shmi Skywalker (who let go of her attachment), Padmé Amidala (disciplined and principled), Obi-Wan Kenobi (refused to give in to anger upon losing the love of his life), Ezra Bridger (rejected the Emperor's promise of power and reunification with his loved ones), Luke Skywalker and Quinlan Vos (pulled back from the Dark Side against all odds) have shown us... it wouldn't have been impossible.
"All of my movies are about one thing, which is the fact that the only prison you’re in is the prison of your mind. And if you decide to open the door and get out, you can. There’s nothing stopping you." - George Lucas, SirusXM, American Voices, 2012
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padfootdaredmetoo · 5 months
Anakin Skywalker X Padawan Reader
This was purely selfish, but I couldn't get it out of my head. I don't think there is a demand for these sorts of fics. Anyway, this takes place during the Revenge of the Sith. The reader is Anakin's Padawan from the Clone Wars. When she hears that Anakin is fallen to the dark side she decides it's a great time to confess her feelings. (she is legal and he didn't know her as a kid) (I'm not exactly well versed in Star Wars lore so apologies in advance)
Warnings: Kissing
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You were not entirely shocked by Obi-Wan’s words. The chancellor's words about the Republic's corruption had drawn you in too. But No way Anakin was a Sith. You had been beside him the whole war. No way he would turn his back on you or Obi-Wan or his life. 
Maybe that was your heart speaking. You could feel darkness clouding him but could still feel him well enough to find him. You landed your ship and walked out. The planet's heat bit at your skin and your eyes burned. 
You felt him acknowledge your presence and your stomach filled with nerves. Anakin had been through a lot in his life and you saw how people often treated him. You knew there was a chance he was so far gone that killing you wouldn't be an issue. 
But your heart held so much hope you were rooted on the path in front of you. You had tried to be a good Padawan, tried to avoid attachment. But avoiding attachment to him was almost impossible. Everything about him puts you at ease. 
He emerged from the shadowy arch onto the bridge you had landed on. His hood was drawn and you wanted nothing more than to rip it off. You wanted see his eyes while he broke your heart. 
“Anakin.” You broke the silence and the hurt was already palpable in your voice. He moved towards you, coming close and grabbing your shoulders. 
“You have to understand. The corruption, all of this war, everything it’s -” 
“All lies, Anakin. Palpatine is playing everyone, I don’t trust him.” 
“The power is necessary to bring balance to the galaxy. It’s necessary to save you.” Anakin’s voice was dark and it caused you to shudder. 
“I don’t want you to be the chosen one.” You whispered raising your hands up slowly and pushing his hood back. His eyes were varying dark shades of red. 
“Who do you want me to be then?” He snapped. Everyone always needed or wanted him to be something, you were no exception. 
“Mine.” You barely got the words out. This confession was going to doom you, yet you knew if there was a way, any chance of bringing him back, you had to take it. His eyes flared. 
“I must master death to keep you alive. My dreams - I won't lose you like my mother.” You could feel his mental blocks fluttering. 
“You saw me dying surrounded by lava.” You waved a hand around. “So save me.” He thought about your words for a moment. 
“Not even the Sith can master death, they can move bodies, do you really want Palpatine inside me?” You raised a brow and he gripped your shoulders tighter in anger. 
“No, but I - I can’t go back now.” You felt his mind move back to the control room behind him. All those separatists dead. 
“Don’t judge me if I don't mourn for them.” You knew you should be more serious about things, but that’s just how you were with Anakin. They could be in the thick of battle still telling jokes. 
“He wants me to go kill the younglings,” Anakin whispered. 
“Good Luck.” You snorted and his eyes flared. “Anakin you cried like a baby when you held Senator Amidala's kids for the first time. You can do a lot of things, but killing children isn't one of them.” 
“Why are you so sure of me?” His voice was breaking and you could feel his emotions radiating off of him more freely.
“Because I love you.” You felt his arms slacken and moved towards him. Grabbing his face. 
“The code-” 
“Had never stopped us from misbehaving before.” You watched the war raging in his mind. You decided to go for it, worst case you would die but at least you would know what it would be like to kiss him. You pulled at his face and raised up on your tiptoes. He didn't make it easy for you, but then again he never did. 
Your lips crashed against his and you felt his arms wrap around you tightly. His head bowed to you and he kissed you back. The attachment forming between you was all-consuming. It took all of you and you could feel his memories and mind pressing against yours. He felt everything inside you. All your emotions about him. There was no space to feel self-conscious as his own love poured against you. Tears spilled down your cheeks and he gripped at your flesh through your robes. 
Mine - Be mine Anakin
Your mind kept saying it over and over and over again before you realized he could probably hear it. His kisses were harsh and consuming and you could feel them in your soul. There is nowhere you wouldn't follow this bond. You prayed he would be kind, if only for your sake, and return to the light. 
A splash of lava washed up on the edge of the bridge as chunks of rocks slid into it. He broke the kiss abruptly. 
“Time to save you.” He motioned towards the ramp of the ship. You went inside and like every mission over the past three years, you resumed your usual positions. His eyes were their usual rich brown and you felt your muscles relax. You took the first easy breath in a long time. 
He chose you. 
“You have a stowaway on this ship.” He said. You stood up and moved in front of Anakin, lightsaber drawn. A move he repeatedly tried to get you to stop. But at the end of the hall, Obi-Wan’s figure revealed itself. 
Anakin struggled with his master occasionally and you hoped that this didn’t set him back. He needed time to rest before coming to terms with everything if he was going to stay in the light. After that, they could lecture him. 
“Master,” Anakin said in a neutral voice. 
“Anakin.” Obi-Wan greeted him with a broken voice. Anakin moved past you and moved towards his master. Obi-Wan grabbed Anakin’s face looking into his eyes before making a choking sound. 
His arms wrapped around Anakin tightly.
“My boy, my son.” The tears were evident in his voice. “I failed you. Anakin -” His voice cut off as Anakin hugged him back. 
“It wasn’t your fault, master.” Anakin was crying too. 
“It was, it is. I should have- I was so focused on doing everything by the code, I forgot some of Qui-Gon’s most important rules.” You decided to resume your spot steering the ship giving them a moment. “He tried to tell me of corruption, I didn’t see it till-” 
“Master no one saw it. I let you down and I’m sorry.” 
“It is behind us now.” He released Anakin and patted him on the back. You looked over your shoulder and watched as he tried to compose himself. Tears were streaming down your own face. 
“Not you too,” Anakin said moving towards you. 
“Dad moments kill me.” You mumbled wiping the tears on the back of your hands. Anakin took his seat and motioned for you to come sit on his lap. You didn't need to be asked twice. You curled up in his lap, tucking your face into his neck. Obi-Wan took your spot. 
“I haven't slept in a very long time.” You yawned “I’m sorry if I doze off.” Anakin only kissed the top of your head. He was just happy to be trusted to hold your sleeping body. To be trusted to watch over you.
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antianakin · 5 months
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"Peacekeeper" isn't an official job title, at best it's like... PART of the job description, a way to kind-of boil down what they do into something easy and simple to explain or understand. It's also vague, probably intentionally. They're peacekeepers, they keep the peace, in whatever way that ends up being necessary. Sometimes it might mean helping a queen escape her planet so she can get to the Senate and ask for aid. Sometimes it might mean protecting said queen from assassins as she launches a rebellion to take her planet back from invaders. Sometimes it means being sent in to mediate a treaty between two conflicting groups. Sometimes it means going to investigate whether a planet's request for resources is legitimate. Sometimes it means running an army during a galactic civil war.
The Jedi answer to the Senate, THAT is a part of the job description. Pre-Palpatine, there does appear to be a certain level of leeway in that relationship where the Jedi could handle some things on their own or internally depending on the issue, but after Palpatine takes over that seems to become less and less true and so they become forced to simply do whatever the Senate asks them to do more often. We see them fighting against this in AOTC towards the beginning, with Mace and Yoda arguing that they're not supposed to be soldiers, especially not on their own, and they won't hold out forever.
This isn't something we see explored in the films very often, but there's been some comics and books that tell us that the reason the Jedi answer to the Senate is because it allows them legitimacy and resources and power they wouldn't have otherwise. And when I say power, I mean things like the power to actually mediate an official treaty that means something legally. They have the power to send for Republic aid officially and be LISTENED TO. They have the power to help a planet or system join the Republic. Without this relationship to the Senate granting them these things, they're basically just charity-workers doing grassroots work that might help with short-term problems but won't necessarily achieve long-term solutions. The Jedi give up a certain amount of freedoms in order to be able to provide better help to the galaxy AT LARGE. They're not a third party at all, and that's entirely by design.
There's a comic set during Anakin's padawan years where Obi-Wan manages to bring the Republic to a planet by essentially sending back a report implying that there's some kind of dangerous substance on the planet that needs to be dealt with immediately. Anakin realizes that Obi-Wan sort-of "lied" to the Republic and asks why and Obi-Wan explains that it got the Republic HERE in a way nothing else would have and the hope is that, as they're looking for this dangerous substance, they'll be able to provide the actual assistance the planet needs just by being there at all. Anakin asks why the Republic would come just from Obi-Wan saying there MIGHT be a dangerous substance on the planet and he says that they didn't come for him, they came because a JEDI called. THAT'S the sort of power that the Jedi are granted by choosing to make themselves answerable to the Republic. Obi-Wan is capable of bringing a ton of Republic aid to this planet on nothing but a "maybe" simply because he's a Jedi.
There are certain things they choose to give up in order to HAVE that kind of power and one of them is the freedom to just go anywhere they want and do whatever they want as an organization. Which means if the Senate decides to ask a Jedi to be a bodyguard for someone and there's no really good reason for them to say no, then they're a bodyguard for someone that day.
It's supposed to be a SYMBIOTIC relationship, one that only works when there is a certain amount of balance. The Jedi help the Republic maintain peace and the Republic provides the resources and legitimacy and power the Jedi need in order to make a real difference in the galaxy. It's supposed to be, ultimately, good for BOTH of them.
You can also add in some even more niche things like how working with the Republic gives the Jedi a certain amount of safety and security because if they're answerable to a higher power that ISN'T Force sensitive, it presumably makes people less afraid of them or worried that the Jedi will just take over. Attacking the Jedi has consequences beyond just pissing off the Jedi because the Jedi can get the entire Republic involved in the issue if they wanted to, so that can act as a deterrent to people wanting to hurt them. The Jedi gain so much more from being answerable to the Senate than they lose.
The problem is that when Palpatine ends up in charge, it starts unbalancing that relationship and it's no longer symbiotic because he's taking advantage of the Jedi very intentionally. He's putting them in positions that force them to be something they're not supposed to be, he's putting them in dangerous positions that cause many of them to die, and he's using his power over them to take away their autonomy over themselves. And people look at THIS relationship between the Jedi and the Senate and then question why the Jedi would ever put themselves in a position to be taken advantage of at all without realizing that the relationship between Palpatine (and Palpatine's Senate) and the Jedi ISN'T THE NORM. It is very intentionally NOT THE NORM. Palpatine is taking advantage of certain checks and balances the Jedi had set up with the Senate and the Chancellor that have worked up until that point and worked pretty well so far as we know.
Certain people in charge of Star Wars these days would have you believe that the Jedi working for the Senate means that they were always supporting corruption, or that the Jedi got so comfortable that they didn't NOTICE when it started becoming more corrupt and difficult to work with, and they blame the Jedi for being "part of the problem" instead of recognizing that the Jedi were the only ones trying to FIX a relationship that had done a lot of good for the galaxy for thousands of years instead of just immediately abandoning ship for their own purposes.
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dearanakin · 8 days
trust you | anakin skywalker: episode VII
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Summary: After Anakin's breakdown, you're face to face again. This time, you both talk about his relationship with his former Jedi Master — something he doesn't like to reminisce.
Warnings: None, just vulgar words as always
Word count: 3.9k
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I haven't really talked or seen Anakin much after what happened at the event last week. I mean, sure he was always walking down the Temple, probably doing his job and taking care of Luke, but somehow he managed to retreat himself from interacting with other people, even the men he goes on missions with. I watched as he would always show up on the hallways, not looking at anyone either, as his face was holding a different look this time. It seemed... darker, if that's even possible.
I was having lunch with Cal and Adeline - another engineer - in the coffee room. We were trying not to gossip about things that happen around the Temple, but we would always end up going down that path. The redhead was leaning on his chair with his legs sprawled out over the table, his dirty boots almost touching the surface of it. I hate when people don't have good manners, but it's not like he has many flaws like that.
He told me Anakin dismissed him from the next two assignments without giving him a reason, which made him pretty angry at this point. Kestis already had an issue with his partner, and it seemed like the issue was getting over the limits - as he told me. I'm not sure as to why, even though I can think of one motive he would do it. And I know I said we gossip all the time, but that doesn't give me the right to say what happened to him that day.
It literally haunted me. I remember clearly how I ran after him, expecting to question him about the way he ran off like that. Only to find the Jedi Master having a really huge mental breakdown as well as a panic attack. I watched as his eyes turned to yellow in a slight second, throwing me off and catching me off guard. 
I was feeling nauseous watching Anakin almost whimper from the pain he must have been going through. When he sat down and leaned against the wall, saying he's not good for anyone around him. His eyes were carrying so much weight from the panic he just had, I don't think he even has the energy to go out there again and face everyone. His son had no idea his father was on the brink of becoming dark. 
I stood there facing the Jedi, without moving an inch of my body and I had a feeling I needed to do something but I didn't know exactly what it was. Anakin was pressing his face against both of his trembling hands, resting his elbows against his knees. His feet were tapping the floor incessantly, running his fingers through his hair every now and then. 
When I crouched down to his level and tried to gently touch his flesh hand, he flinched and pulled it to himself. He didn't look at me though. I could hear how shallow his breathing still was, how his chest was heaving fast and the way his body struggled to stay steady. This time I sat down next to him and Anakin shuffled, moving a few inches away from me. And that's when I knew I should keep my boundaries and not stay too close. 
"You're gonna be okay" My voice was barely coming out as I was feeling on edge after what I just saw "You need to fight it, Anakin"
"I'm not the Jedi I should be" He shook his head, still hanging it low on his hands. His tremulant voice made my heart flinch a little "I never will be" 
I forced myself to give him some kind of support, enough that he wouldn't feel pressed or annoyed about it. But it didn't work as it should, because he lifted up and in five seconds he was already rushing out the door, leaving me behind.
I've only heard of something like that years ago, something that Palpatine himself mentioned when he was trying to take down the Jedi Order. And then, after that, we got to know about Anakin's history behind his relationship with the Sith. He lost his wife, he lost Obi-Wan, who left him after disagreements. It only left him with his son, and I understand why he keeps his distance, why he doesn't want to let his guard down and won't let Luke make acquaintances.
"Dude just showed up to the office, told me I was dismissed and left the room" Cal explained, shrugging his shoulders. Me and Adeline nodded, exchanging glances knowing Anakin was always this obvious when it comes to his temper.
"Probably for the best, one of these days he's going to cut off your head during missions" She quipped, pulling a laugh out of us.
"I'm usually his wingman, we never really disagreed this much until that day" He didn't have to go into much detail as we recall when I was pushed against a corner and was threatened.
This is what really makes me wonder his limits, because when I saw how fragile he was, I could barely remember he was the same douchebag who cornered me. I wonder if he can actually hold himself up from doing something bad, and how much he can suppress the urge of killing someone. Although, for a few seconds I saw a glimpse of what he could've turned into. And I'm sure it wasn't going to end up well.
I've seen some pretty fucked up things before while being around duels enough to realize that was beyond anything I've come to face in this life.
"Maybe he needs to get laid" Kestis goes on, while using his force to play with a dart before shooting it at the dartboard. "Bullseye!"
He looks at us fascinated with the achievement, both me and Adeline gasping in shock as it was the first time he hit the middle of it.
"You're such a nerd" I roll my eyes in amusement, crossing my arms as we watch him stand up from his seat walking towards the board.
Cal feigns an offended look and slams his palm to his chest. "Coming from the nerd who fixes fucking computers and shit like that, you sure have the audacity!"
We all laugh about it, using the rest of our time to pester each other before going back to work.
I was leaving the room right after the two of them had already left, fishing for the keys in my bag as I closed the door behind me. I'm not usually one person that gets terrified or scared of things with ease, but I wasn't expecting to stumble across a wall of bricks without noticing. The keys drop from my hands, the sound of it echoing through the empty hallway. I grimace before even meeting eyes with the person that stands right in front of me.
And when I do, I watch as his bloodshot eyes and furrowed eyebrows inconspicuously roam across my face before I spill a rushed "I'm so sorry". Two seconds later, he was out of sight just like he pulled a lightspeed of how fast he walked out. Jesus Christ, this man sure is a fucking incognito.
It was late in the night when I was still working on Obi's lightsaber grip. For some reason, I thought it would be entertaining if I took some time to at least fix it and maybe give it some meaning back again. My focus was on figuring out how to attach each missing piece together without ruining the entire blade. It was very hard to find all of the components, considering it's a very one of a kind sword. It might seem useless and insignificant to other people, but I've always had feelings for this.
It's the only thing left that makes me feel somewhat closer to him. I might've not been around him much, but whenever we met it was always heartwarming. As someone who admires every Master and every fighter, I've always looked up at him as a role model.
The dim warm light from the corner of the room was bright enough for me to handle the small pieces, while the coffee machine hummed a low sound as it was still on. I didn't notice the presence shuffling through the room, walking toward the cupboard to grab a mug from the cabinet. I lifted my head up, surprised to see Anakin standing there as he was making himself a cup of tea.
He slowly pulls himself the liquid, leaning against the wooden counter fixing his gaze at some blank point, not saying anything. From his demeanor, I can tell he hasn't had a good night of sleep considering his eyes were bloodshot - as always - and his eyes had dark circles around them. I try to ignore his presence and focus on my task, carefully using the tools for each part of the lightsaber. 
I remember when Skywalker seemed stunned when he saw I was holding the grip a while ago, his face held an unreadable expression, but I know he didn't expect to see something that reminds him of his past.
Now that he is here with me, Anakin will probably face it again at some point. Unless he just decides to completely ignore me and walk back to his room without even looking at me. So I just keep myself in my little bubble and ignore him as well.
"Are- Are you okay?" I hear myself ask and roll my eyes to the back of my head. I hate myself.
He clearly doesn't answer or doesn't even mention listening to me, still sipping his tea and staring blankly ahead of him. I huff and shrug, of course he wouldn't say anything to me and it's not like we're friends anyway. He doesn't need to tell me anything either way, I'm just trying to make a small conversation, probably for no reason whatsoever.
It's been a couple of minutes since the man was standing there against the counter, slowly drinking his liquid and minding his own business. Then, I notice the sparkly jewelry around his finger and my eyes go wide. Did he ever take that ring off? Does he walk around with it even after all those years? There are so many things I can't stop wondering and I'm sure it probably doesn't help him get over his past.
This is probably why he's always acting defensive and angry. I have no idea what it's like to lose someone like he lost Padmé, and maybe I would've been in the same situation as he is now. Only I'm not a Jedi, and I'm not holding myself off to avoid getting taken by the dark side.
I hesitated for a few seconds before asking anything that would make me regret living, but I don't think there's anything better than to help the others. And I know he needs it more than anyone I've met until today.
"Can't sleep either?" I try again, not daring to look at him as I handle the tool for the blade emitter of the lightsaber.
He still doesn't answer, I can barely even hear Anakin sipping his tea at this point. I shake my head in disappointment at my decision, like he would give me answers and talk to me as if we were close enough for that.
He doesn't move his lips when he mutters a "uh-uh", his eyes still fixed to the wall across the room. This is better than no answer at all, but Skywalker doesn't feel like he wants to do anything other than just drink the tea. So, I nod and hold the saber grip up to my eye level, scanning the missing pieces.
I unintentionally look from the corner of my eye when I realize he snapped his head to where I was sitting. Anakin squints his blue eyes to adjust his sight from the lack of enough brightness in the room, his right hand almost dropping the mug on the floor when he takes in what I'm holding against the light. 
I literally have to hold my breath for a few seconds in order to disguise the shakiness that was taking over my body from his sudden action. I know this is a big deal to him, but I'm not sure how he's going to react towards it.
"What are you doing?" His raspy tone echoed through the room, his voice was deep and it had a tinge of nostalgia.
I didn't want to look back at him because I know how intimidating his eyes are. And I'm not talking about the color itself, it's more likely the way they bore into your soul and it feeds itself off your fear. I keep my gaze focused on the piece in front of me, my palms getting sweaty.
"Trying to fix the lightsaber. Maybe give it some meaning" I can't speak like I usually do when I'm around other people. This time, it seems like my vocal cords weren't even being used.
His footsteps finally approach the table I'm working on, his body language reluctantly wondering if he should come closer or just stand a few feet away from me. I look up and see how his eyes carry sorrow and pain, while he still stares at the piece being held in my hand. Anakin struggles to let the words come off of his mouth, which he keeps it shut in a thin line, repressing his feelings. I don't push him, and I don't offer any other word because it's not right to.
He slowly pushes a chair back and sits on it, his slumped shoulders seem to be rigid for whatever reason. It's like he's fighting back his own body to stand this close to me, he shifts in his seat and places his mug on the table. Both of his legs are stretched as he rests one foot above the other, crossing his arms like it's shielding him from any harm.
"How do you know how to manage it?" I hear him ask, voice low but still carrying a bit of roughness, like he doesn't want to give in to talking.
.... It's my job? I try not to answer the question with sarcasm, because I don't think he knows everything I work with. But I ignore that thought and give him a polite explanation. I don't want him going full dark side mode on me again.
"Well, there's a lot of things I do that people don't know about" I give him a light chuckle to lighten the mood. "I've learned that with a former Master from the Temple. She thought it would be a nicety to have a different skill"
He nodded, hanging his head low as his chin touched his chest.
"I think he would've loved to see this was fixed. He would never let go of it" I hold the grip tightly, spinning it around my fingers.
There wasn't a straight response to that and I feel like he would agree with my statement. Kenobi never really had an intention of leaving his weapon behind him.
"Yeah, of course" Anakin spat sternly and bitterly. "If he wasn't such a fucking stupid son of a bitch"
I recognize the hurt in his voice. He feels like he was left behind when he decided that he wanted to kill Palpatine. We all heard about it back then, but no one would ever bring it up in a conversation with him. I keep my hands busy, but my body is rigid from his comment.
"The amazing Obi-Wan Kenobi would just love to have his piece of shit of lightsaber after being gone for six fucking years" I watch him as he huffed a sarcastic laugh. "God, you have no idea who he is, do you?"
Anakin shot a hard glance at me, his brows were knitted together and his lips were pouty with anger. He literally could've been compared to a child with the pissed look. I immediately tense and avert my eyes back to the grip, now it seemed pointless talking about the piece with him.
"He fucking left me. After all I've been through all those years, after I've lost everything he decided that the best option was to give up on me and turn his back on me. He didn't want me to be his friend anymore" Anakin started to raise his voice, his body was still in a defensive position while his hands gripped his arms with violence.
"I'm sorry, Anakin. But I think he just didn't want to see you get hurt" Saying it out loud makes me feel like my throat is getting dry and at this point I'm just fiddling with the lightsaber piece.
"No. No, he just thought that leaving me behind would get the weight off his shoulders. He is literally the most selfish asshole I've ever met" I can hear him breathing through his nose, his fingers digging deep into his tunic.
With a sudden motion, I feel his robotic hand reach out to mine and quickly remove the lightsaber handle from me. I gasp at the reaction, watching as Skywalker holds it to his eye level and spins it around.
"You know..." He speaks up again, eyes roaming through the piece. "This used to be something I would kill to have. A lightsaber owned by the one and only would've made me feel like I was worth it"
There's something about the deepness of his voice and the way his eyes wouldn't tear away from the grip that made my stomach drop. I could hear my heart beating too fast in my ears and my hands were shaking so bad that I didn't know how to stop it.
"Anakin, he-"
He let out a breathy laugh, his chest was vibrating and his shoulders were shaking from the laughter. The kind of laugh only an unhinged person would have when they were in their worst state of mine.
"He will never fucking come back, (Y/L/N). And you know why?" He stood from his chair, facing me with his pupils now too dilated for a normal person. This is the first time he mentions my last name when talking to me. "Because he doesn't give a fuck about anyone anymore. He is the one who gave up on us! And what the fuck is this?"
Anakin extended his hand still gripping the weapon, forcing me to look at the piece. I shifted my eyes back to him and watched as he was still frowning. God, don't let this be another breakdown please.
"This is what he fucking left! It wasn't a fucking letter, no. He didn't leave anything remotely close enough made by him. This piece of shit doesn't mean anything!"
He brings the robotic arm back to him again, looking down at it for a few seconds. I can see him panting heavily as his chest raises rapidly from the moment of anger. And then again, he laughs audibly. Anakin starts pacing back and forth, still a few feet away from me. The amount of cursing made my head hurt because it wasn't something I was used to hearing coming from him.
"He made it clear what he wanted when he left me. He said I was his brother, that he loved me. He said it in the past because he'd made up his mind pretty quickly. I was nothing to him anymore!"
I didn't know if I should offer a hug or even sit down with him and just talk him out of his nervousness. But I know better than to actually get in the way of that, when he clearly seems too deep into his thoughts.
"And now what? While you fix this-" He holds the grip up at me "Which isn't even your fucking issue, he is out there doing God-knows-what. Because let me tell you, he doesn't give a shit about you- about us"
"I'm sure he would come back if he could, Anakin. He was too careful enough to look out for all of us, there must be something else-" He didn't let me finish as he took a few steps closer to me.
"Mhmm, yeah. Sure. God, of course!" He says sternly, faking another laugh "Almighty Obi-Wan is so sweet he would never do shit like that, right?"
He was still looking down at me like he needed an answer, his metal hand was gripping the lightsaber grip so tight that it could easily break into pieces. "I asked you a question", Anakin raised his voice.
"I- I don't thin-"
Next thing I knew, he threw the object over the wall with no remorse. It broke into pieces I might never be able to fix, and I gasped from the sudden reaction. I should've seen it coming. Anakin didn't move his body when he did that, only then slightly turning his head to look at me again. On instinct, I stepped backwards from him trying to avoid another fight.
"You should've known by now that he won't ever come back. Stop playing nice to someone who doesn't give a fuck about you. And if you ever even try to get that shit fixed, you'll regret it" He whispered, leaving me dumbfounded from what just happened.
"What the hell was that for?" I throw my arms up and raise my voice at him. That was completely and utterly unnecessary.
"That thing-" He pointed at the broken lightsaber grip before continuing "Isn't your concern anymore!"
I furrow my brows in annoyance and roll my eyes. "And who are you to say what is and isn't my concern? You don't dictate rules here, and especially not at me!"
Anakin straightened his back and balled his hands into fists, inching closer to me, almost bumping his nose into mine. "You are gonna regret touching that thing"
I know I shouldn't gaslight him, but he always strikes a nerve when he starts to act all cocky. "Maybe that's why Obi-Wan left you behind after all"
His expression hardened in a matter of seconds and his eyes darkened, his pupils hiding his blue eyes. "What the fuck did you just say?"
He was fuming with anger, and I'm sure his eyes would become yellow again. I decided to shrug and not give him the answer he expected. Anakin was still panting, still facing me as I tried to avoid eye contact for too long. For a moment, I thought he was going to choke me like he did the last time he was this angry, but he motioned his hands and just stepped away from me.
"You have no idea what you're dealing with, I hope you know that" Anakin muttered before turning on his back and leaving the coffee room, vanishing through the door.
Why do I always open my damn mouth?
I drop to my knees, picking up the broken pieces of the sword with my hands still trembling. Most of it was too shattered to even get fixed, and even if I really wanted to try again, it would take me too long. Long enough for me to give up on the idea, and I was trying to avoid getting killed by Anakin either way.
Taking a sharp breath, I gather the objects in my hands and bring them to the box. "I'm so sorry, Obi-Wan" My voice wavered as I put it in the box.
I don't know what it was, but I suddenly felt an odd sensation close to my body. But when I snapped my head back and looked around myself, I saw nothing.
@jackie-on-the-loose @adorbzliz @himesuedi @kingdomhate @himesuedi @cl0esblogg @littlecoffeeadict @readingthingsonhere
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galactic-rhea · 17 days
in regards to your padme post, what if padme WAS put into the space monk order and groomed by the literal devil alongside anakin? How do you think she would've turned out?
#you can't put tags in asks #but I'm doing it anyways #padme and anakin are some of my favorite star wars characters
The galaxy is fucked. That's it, thanks for your ask. /hj
The thing is that Palpatine is so...insidious (lol) that I fully believe he could groom anyone to be a Darth Vader if he has the opportunity.
Look at Luke, with Luke it didn't work because he didn't have years of manipulation and Luke did have more stable relationships and less all-consumming insecurities compared to Anakin, and a much less dogmatic understanding of bieng A Good Jedi (tm),,,AND LUKE STILL ALMOST FALLS.
Even if you want to take the sequels as canon...He also didn't have the time to groom Rey for years, and still almost succeds.
Padmé saw Palpatine as a sort of political mentor but could realize she was being played, but Palpatine didn't warp her into world-changing views.
But regarding your question, I think it would depend a lot and there's a lot of factors playing, like: Do she and Anakin bond? Why did Palpatine pick her? Or is this a reverse situation? Was she also brough as an older kid or was taken as a baby?
If we simplify it to "She was the one super strong in the force so Palpatine picked her for apprentice", yeah, I think we would have had Darth Amidala, perhaps less ruthless and murderous than Vader, more subtle and way more cold, but...idk, look at the other people Sidious got his hand into (Maul, Dooku).
If Padmé and Anakin had bonded, and Sheev had wanted Padmé as his apprentice, then I bet he would've find some way to get rip off of Anakin and anyone close to her, isolating and cutting away any ties to love or comforts is first and foremost.
Even if Anakin had been another apprentice to Sheev, then Palpatine was in for just some fun games and see how to get one of his apprentices kill, betray or in some way get out of the picture so only the best one remains.
Sheev is an incredible villain because he's always playing 4D Chess and he adapts his plan on the go.
When it comes to AUs like this, I think we're talking about the very human and sad nature that is being vulnerable to manipulation, no matter how smart.
Sometimes we want to think "oh if it hadn't been Anakin, if it had been -insert goodie good character-, things would've changed", but the fact is that no one is infalible. Groomers change their game and attack the weakness they see and adapt to their victim needs, and Palpatine is terrifying in that regard. And is a supporting system what helps people to get out.
Padmé is brave, smart and competent, but guess what, so was Anakin. And I think Palpatine would have exploited her weakness if he had chosen her as a victim instead of Anakin. But so would have anyone else. If Palpatine had chosen Obi-Wan, or Ahsoka, or Quilan, or Ayla, whatever, then we would have ended with a sith apprentice anyways; with their own particular personality and quirks, of course, and less unhinged perhaps because one of the biggest things in Anakin/Vader's views is that he was a slave and he sees the world in a very particular way, but yeaaaah.
If I must think of how could an evil Padmé would be...I think she would be very methodical and unlike Vader, she wouldn't be submissive to her "master" at all, she would plot against Sheev and harbour lots of hate and very little loyalty to him. She has the mindset of a queen, not a slave. In a way, that would make her more dangerous.
And I think she would ha v e some sort of…possesive views? Like, idk how to explain, kinda like how a queen sees a bestiary? Awesome, scary and cool beast to keep in a nice sanctuary, but they belong to her. I get this idea because of that bit from one of the novels, where she thinks that Anakin is like a vine tiger, dangerous and capable of murdering anyone else "but that runs to put his cheek against her and pur.r"
But like Anakin, then anyone can turn back as well and get away from the manipulation, and a sith Padmé could as well!
aLSO, before anyone says something because I'm starting to know how this fandom works... no, I'm not absolving Anakin of guilt, because victims can become abusers and should be held accountable. However, I am praising how terrifying Palpatine actually is when you think about it, literally any other character could've become what Anakin became had Sheev (or any other groomer, tbh) decided to play the cards that way.
Sorry for the long rambling I thing i sidetracked a lot, I hope at least it's a good answer nkljgndfjkgdfg
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ahsoka-in-a-hood · 11 months
If we are willing to take the parts of previous movies in the trilogy that remain unsaid in following ones into our interpretation of the one we are watching, then the tusken massacre is relevant in RotS. Shmi is not mentioned by name, Anakin's actions are not spoken, but his dreams of Padme's death form a perfect echo of his dreams of Shmi. We can come up with sensible in-universe reasons for the callback, like how maybe Palpatine knew and induced the dreams to trigger Anakin, or perhaps the Force at work, but maybe it's just a fairytale, a parable, a rhyme.
Maybe it's a fun echo because it induces a sense of dread in both the audience and in Anakin. We've seen this before, we know where it leads. But while he's thinking about Padme, we're thinking about what he will do. Well, I am.
Anakin begins RotS as a liar. First, we watch him lie to Obi Wan about why he killed Dooku. The lie comes easily enough, Obi Wan believes it even more easily. Anakin Skywalker, exemplary jedi knight, hero of the hour, follower of the code. He feels uneasy about it though, he says so to Padme. When Obi Wan give his farewell and tells him how proud he is, and how Anakin has grown to be a greater jedi than he, Anakin cannot look him in the eye. It works on it's own, just about, but back to back with AotC it works better.
Of course, a lot of his lies are about Padme. (A lot more sympathetic, but also a far more absurd reason to clam up in a way; we know that the people who love him will still love him if chooses marriage over the Order.) But as he goes to Yoda and begins to tell him about his dreams, he stops himself. He does not tell the whole story. He cannot. We know why, we just watched aotc. Those dreams led to that death which led to that fall. We've seen it all before. He is so afraid.
I don't think it's controversial to say that Anakin's isolation and unwillingness to go to anyone except Palpatine for counsel contributed to his crisis in RotS. Palpatine definitely took advantage of that, and Anakin eschewed several onscreen attempts to get him to just. open up.
His actions in aotc were a foreshadowing of what was to come, but they also began a pattern of behavior of repression and denial and deceit. If he had come forward- if he had faced his actions which genuinely did cause him some horror at the time- he would have faced more immediate consequences. He would have disappointed and horrified Obi Wan (and the other jedi), he would not have been knighted, and he would not have been given positions of authority, at the least. But considering how much damage he did and how much he lost when he committed to the dark side, I would say the consequences of his deceit were far greater in the end.
Something that comes to mind is both the ending of the OT- with the darkside being something he could choose to just… stop doing, and also Yoda saying 'forever will it dominate your destiny'. I can see how they might sound contradictory, but to me they are in harmony- it is a choice, you can walk away, but there are always consequences. If Anakin had been held to account, there would have been immediate consequences, consequences he desperately wanted to avoid, but that wouldn't have been the end of the world for him either, not really. They wouldn't have actually stopped him from ever being okay again. (let's be real, even if Obi Wan were disappointed, he'd still have loved him, and Padme certainly did. ) Anakin didn't commit to the darkside when first he fell, he wanted to go on as he was- he wanted to keep the things he had- and so he could continue to act as a jedi for several years because he chose to act like one for the most part, but he did not fully commit to being a jedi either, and his dishonesty, and his lack of remorse, eventually had consequences for him. And for everyone else.
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iggy5055 · 1 year
Yandere Emperor Darth Vader x Reader Part 1
Suitless Vader, Vader uncrispy
Summary: (Y/N) is taken away from her remote home planet and forced to spend the rest of her life with the new emperor.
Warnings: death, fear, yandere, obsessed, manipulation, gore
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Peace, peace was a hard thing to come by now-a-days , close to non-existent and it was an even harder think to keep. The empire had completely taken over in just a few month, completely and total control over the inner rim and quickly making their way out to the mid rim. No one was safe and no one had hope, not anymore, but who could really blame them.
First the clone wars, long, tiresome, painful, always to risk to be caught in a battle, be killed by a droid or even taken as a slave in the aftermath. Then the final battle, all seemed to go well, hope started to swell in everyone who was apart of the Republic, Only for things to crumble horribly, first the rumours of the Jedi trying to assassinate the Chancellor Palpatine, a man beloved by many, then the rise of the Empire ruled by the newly anointed Emperor Palpatine. 
The thing is that my planet was as back water as you could get, if you wanted to hide then this was the place to do it, a down side to this though was that news as slow as heck so it was almost a month till we learned of the final battle that ended Count Dooku and the end of the war. It didn't take us long till we where told about the rise of the Empire with the rise of our Emperor and his right hand who no one had ever heard of. 
It was a good thing we had a lot of pirates, bounty hunters, and even just some travellers come here to relax and re-fuel their ships because without them we wouldn't get a majority of our information. But what shocked us all the most was when we heard that the emperors right hand had killed Emperor Palpatine and taken his title. 
Some where relived, some where scared. The former Emperor had been kind, not doing anything to warrant such hate but some though that he would have turned out to be a horrible man after a few years, many thought his right hand couldn't be any better.
I didn't really feel much regarding the constant changing of plans, I wasn't directly effected by it, none of us were really. We just whet about our days like normal, do our jobs, take care of our familys, on the days we heard about a a new innocent planet being taken over all we would just thought ‘oh, well that's to bad.’ and just moved on.
In my case I worked with my family in our little tavern/inn. we where always the first ones to get news, mostly by bounty hunters, they would come here and stay a night or two, usually waiting to get payed. Being the one;y daughter to my mum and dad I was the waitress and I would lead the people staying at the inn to their rooms, witch meant I was the first to ever get any information. Me or the man who owns the fuel depo. 
It was peaceful, but like I said peace is the hardest thing to keep.
It started like any other day, I woke up before anyone else, cleaned the tavern and started to get food ready for the hungry bounty hunters and travellers who stayed at the inn that night and that I could already hear getting up and walking on the wooden planks that make up my roof and their floor. 
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One of our regulars in the tavern, but never the inn, Cad Bane was alway one to enjoy a good meal. 
After a few minutes the food was warm and drinks where cold and tables where clean when my first customer came in, but not one I was expecting.
Really high up bounty hunter like him came around a lot since the rise of the Empire, being hired by said Empire to hunt their enemies and the Jedi, most of whom hid in the outer rim, so our planet just at the edge of the mid rim was a good place to stop, rest and fuel up. 
Bane was the best of the best but never took work from the empire, but his work did seem to move more to the outer rim now that wanted people needed to hide even more.
“Mornin’ kiddo.”
Despite me being twenty years old he always called me ‘kiddo’ but to be far he was in his mid fifties... I think.
His voice was modulated and gruff, definitely the voice of a bounty hunter in his fifties but regardless of how harsh and gruff he sounded his tone was still friendly, probably because I gave him alcohol. 
“Hi Bane. Usual?”
He sat down at the bar I was currently working at and nodded sighing deeply and leaning back into the chair, happy to be off his feet. 
I turned to the kitchen right behind the bar and grabbed a plate of nuna and water. He usually liked hard liquor but I imagine he never drinks water and even Duros need water.
I set down the plate and cup in front of him, He took a bite of his meat and when he reached for his drink he realized what it was and looked up at me un-impressed. 
“I would bet you never drink anything but hard liquor, hard liquor dosen't keep an old man like you at his top game.”
He barded his teeth, more like fangs at me, but took a sip none-the-less. 
Bane was harsh, I never would have done something or said something like that before when I first met him during the clone wars. I knew who he was, a bounty hunting Duros with two custom blasters and a hat with the biggest rim in the entire galaxy was easy to recognize. 
He came in the evening, luckily my parents where in the tavern with me. since I turned seventeen I was the one who took care of the inn and the tavern being a much warmer person then my mother and an extraordinary cook. Mum mostly cleaned and prepped the inns rooms, she was always a neat freak, a hard women who had a 'no one can do it better than me' kind of attitude. But despite her hard exterior she was very warm on the inside. My dad was also just like my mum, harsh outside sweet inside, he had a nack for hunting and growing, he would grow all our vegetables and fruits himself. You'd never think it to look at him but he had quite the green thumb.
It had already gotten dark, a few customers where still around when he came in, every conversation when silent and everyone shifted at the change of mood in the air. He came in, sat in one of the booths in the corners and waited for me to come over and take his order. For a solid five minutes of me shaking in fear once I realized who he was till my mum gave me a harsh shove in his direction forcing me to go over and take his order.
I fumbled over my own feet and my words, by the time I had gotten everything out, welcoming him and asking if he wanted anything to eat or drink I had already made a huge fool of myself. My cheeks red as a tomato.
He stared at me for a minute making me all the more scared. I shifted on my feet a little, never looking him in the eye. 
Finally he said something, well, he chuckled at me. Low and quiet but still plenty amused. 
“Don't worry girly’ I won't bite ya’.”
I relaxed a little, his tone was light and playful, besides he had no reason to hurt me.
I nodded but still didn't say anything.
“Get me some nuna and the hardest liquor you have.”
I nodded and when to get what he wanted. We had plenty on nuna but we didn't really have hard liquor. Most of the townsmen liked beer or ale but every bounty hunter seemed to like a wider variety of alcohol mostly different kinds of hard liquor. 
I got his meat and a mug of our hardest ale, I gave it to him, but before he could comment on his drink I spoke first, rather meekly but still loud enough he could hear.
“I’m sorry about the drink, we don't have any hard liquor, this ale is the hardest thing we have.”
I keep my head down, not wanting to piss him off in any way. to my surprise however he took sip and didn't hate it.
‘Not what I normally get but still good.”
I lifted my head and smiled out of relief, glad I wasn't going to get shot. I nod at him in silent thanks.
‘Thank you sir, we are getting a shipment of hard liquor soon because of all the bounty hunters like yourself who come here now-a-days, if you ever had to come back we will have a much wider variety for you.”
He nods and I turn to leave. He left after he was done eating and we didn't see him for another two months. When he came back again I was the only one in the tavern, mum prepping the rooms upstairs and dad out on a hunt. 
This time he came over to the bar. I turned around for the hot table we had just bought to replace a broken stove, it was much better then the stove and much bigger. Instead of just four elements to cook on now I had a whole table, it was awesome. I gasped a little when I saw him again but I wasn't scared or frozen in place, more just shocked, I didn't think I would see him again. 
He gave me a nod in greeting.
I nodded back.
“Same thing as last time, but with some real hard liquor.”
He gave me a smirk and I laughed a bit and turned around to cook him his meat and grab some hard liquor I think he might like, I got out a brandy, whisky and rum placing the bottles in front of him.
“Any preference?”
He pointed at the whisky.
I nodded turn to finish up his order.
After that he came in every other month till the rise of the Empire, know I saw him about three times a month.
I was polishing some cups, having nothing else to do, the food done being prepped ahead of time, i just needed to wait for it to heat up and having no one else in the tavern to serve I had to busy my hands with something.
“Empires getting’ ballsy.”
I look up at him and tilt my head to the side, he didn't normally chat with me aside from some important news and rumours, which if he was telling me weren't rumours but truths, Bane wasn't the kind of man to waist words on rumours or things he deemed unimportant.
He nodded again, swallowing some nuna.
“Yeah, some say the new Emperor going from planet to planet trying to find a women for himself.”
He looked up at me, I knew what he was getting at but I just laugh a little and shook my head head down and eyes closed, thinking what he was insinuating was ridiculous. 
“Bane, come on, if he is looking for a woman he's looking a noble girl or princess, do I look like either?”
My tone was playful and light, dramatically flipping my hair like I was some royal brat. 
He rolled his red eyes at my antics.
“No chance.”
He said gruffly. I laughed again going back to polishing the cups. 
“Even so, he won't come here, we don't have anyone royal, just a bunch of small farming and mining villages littered all over the planet, come to think of it, I don't think we even have a senator.”
He looked up at me again,
“You sure talk like a royal brat, just missing the royal part.”
I laughed again, this little banter with him was always fun.
“Mum made sure I had an education, learned lots of fancy words.”
He rolled his eyes again. I never know from his eyes, having a lack of pupils made it a little hard but his eyelids gave it away. Moving up a little every time.
He didn't say anything after that, just finishing his meal, a few more people started to make they're way down to grab some breakfast.
After I served a few people I went to go do some newly made dishes. Just before I made my way to the other side of the bar a big cold hand grabbed my upper arm. I looked up to see Bane staring at me silently.
“Be carful, kiddo. Girls like you are few and far between.”
I smirked and put my free hand up to my chest, face gasping in shock.
“Is that an actual compliment Mr. Bane?”
He rolled his eyes again and handed me some credits.
“Later, little lady. I expect to see you here the next time I'm back.”
Rolling my eyes for the umpteenth time I scoff at him.
“I don't have anywhere else to be.”
And with that he left. 
The rest of the day when on like normal, flirty customers and funny regulars, nothing out of the ordinary and nothing wrong. 
Most my age hated our lifestyle, alway wanting more, never having enough but I was happy. No one on this planet was ever hungry and we where always safe and we knew how to do hard work, that was more than most of the galaxy had had in hundreds of years. 
Little did I know my life would crumble in a matter of days.
I woke up early, just like everyday but today was different, Once a month we got a shipment of foreign food and alcohol. We didn't have a capital but our biggest city did have a port that we got our delivery's from. I had to go pick up our delivery today.
I got our our old speeder bike that wasn't all that speedy anymore and hooked our little trailer to it. But in all honesty I didn't really need to go very fast, and once I had my cargo if I went to fast it would spill all over the place. 
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My parents where still in bed, they both had me late in their marriage so while I was just twenty they where in there sixties and loved to sleep in, besides I did most of the work in the tavern, they needed the extra sleep, besides most oir patrons wouldn't be up till the afternoon so why wake them up?
I left a note and grabbed a sandwich for lunch later and hung a sign saying no food till the evening when I would be back. I wasn't too worried there was another food place in our small little village me and the cook there often shared recipes so we where always on good terms.
As I get closer and closer to the ‘capital’ something felt odd. nothing looked wrong, it was probably going to rain tonight, the sky was a light grey and you couldn't see the blue sky anymore but it wasn't the grey clouds that felt foreboding.
The trip to the ‘capital’ was scenic. lush trees and plant life, sun light coming down in beautiful rays making it seem like a fairy-tail. I loved the forest. Our planet was covered in them, that and our tall mountains to the north that we mined from. No dura steel or anything like that, but beautiful crystals and some coal. Nothing of real interest however. 
I ignored it and kept going, I was probably just being paranoid with the now darker grey sky dampening my mode, but I should hurry and get my cargo so that my mood is the only damp think.
I make my way over to the port, my shipping order in hand to give to the pilot. I was really early, people just starting to start working here, usually I stayed longer but with rain I should probably get back soon, guess the guests at the inn may get lunch after all,
Being so early I arrived at the port just as the cargo ship landed. I went over to the pilot Anthony, we never were able to talk long but he always knew who I was.
I smiled brightly and waved but he lacked his usual pep. He was always pretty playful and joking but this time he seemed, almost anxious.
“Mornin’ Anthony.”
He nodded but didn't say anything, I handed him my shipping order so he new what crate of stuff was mine. As we waited for the droids to bring out the crate I couldn't help but get more worried.
“Whats wro-”
Before I could finish my sentence I was interrupted by a scream and the sound of... an ion engine.
I look up, my face dropping completely. Right above us emerging from the clouds was three of the biggest ships I had ever seen. Clearly owned by the Empire the one in the middle much bigger than the others, I bet its shadow covered the entire town.
My hand covered my mouth, this was crazy, three giant ships? here? why would there need to be three? such a unpopulated planet like this, one of those ships would be enough to bring enough solders to cover the planets populated areas three times over. the solders would probably outnumber out whole planets population five to one. But three ships, the number would probably more like for every one person there would be fifteen solders.
The port was at the edge of the city, only having forest for hundreds miles, the closet other village being mine. We watched as the biggest of the ships landed onto the forest. Completely decimating it. Destroying it for generations to come.
I couldn't stop shaking. Why three ships? Why here? And for makers sake what would we have to offer the Empire?
I as frozen in place till Anthony shook me. I turned to look at him as the ginormous ramp to the ship started to lower.
“You need to leave. NOW.”
His words where hard. He was right whatever this was I needed to warn my parents. we might even have to leave. By the time I am able to move my feet again the ramp had already lowered to the ground with huge groups of stormtroopers marching down it, but that wasn't what scared me.
The storm troopers all wore white, but in front of them all was one man. he was impossible to not notice and impossible to not know who he was. pitch black armour, a mask that seemed to cut through your very soul, foot steps that seemed to shake the planet itself to its core and breathing as foreboding as you could get.
It was the Emperor, a man who possessed a demanded attention. Impossible to ignore, even more impossible to not be afraid. only a crazy man wouldn't be scared of him.
I was almost in tears, so scared and so confused, Why would he come here. Bane mentioned finding a women, maybe he was here for slaves.
Just before I could speed off I felt eyes on me. I looked over my shoulder to him. It was impossible to tell with his helmet and mask covering him, but I swear he was looking at me, burning a hole in me with his eyes. 
Before I could even think I was racing away as fast as the bike would let me, terrified.
The second I got home a few hours later I was still in tears, I couldn't stop them. I had never felt fear like this. the fear I felt now made the fear I felt for Bane when I first met him seemed like nothing. 
I rushed inside, not even bothering to hold in my fear. No one was in the tavern, most gone to their next bounty or finding food elsewhere .
“MUM, DAD!!!”
My voice was breaking, so scared I was just a sobbing mess, not knowing what else to do. I collapse on the floor shaking like a leaf when my mum came rushing in. 
She was worried, scared seeing me like this. She rushed over taking my trembling form in her arms and holding me close to her chest. Her heart as beating fast, but not as fast as mine. I thought it would explode from the stress and kill me before I could even warn her.
“Shhh, sweetheart, what's wrong, who hurt you?”
She started to look all over my body for any injuries but got confused when she didn't see any.
“H-he is he-here.”
My voice was hoarse from all my sobbing, I couldn't help my fearful stutter. 
“Who, sweetheart, who?”
I griped onto her shirt so hard I probably left holes in it my knuckles and most of my hand white, probably as pale as my face.
“The Emperor.”
Her eyes widened. She probably would have thought I was joking if I wasn't on the ground sobbing and shaking. thinking I was just playing some kind of sick joke.
Just before she could say something my dad came rushing into the room.
“The Empire Is here.”
Dads face was almost as pale as mine was, the colour slowly draining out of my mums face as it dawned on her.
“We need to leave.”
Dad started to run around grabbing things we might need.
“How, with what ship?”
“I don't know but it doesn't matter, we need to leave before more come, them being here is already to much, we need to leave, NOW.”
Moms face dropped even more, she must have known what that meant while I was still a scared shaking mess on the floor.
“You don't think that there isn't already a blockade of some kind around the planet they won't let anyone leave, and leaving right when the emperor gets here is much too suspicious.
“Well we have to try something!”
I couldn't make out their yelling after that, the ringing in my ears getting far to loud now. I have no idea how long it was till I felt my dad strong arms and calloused hands pick me up and walk out of our tavern only to freeze and go stiff as a rock, becoming as cold as one to. 
I look up confused, why were we just standing in the doorway. I look over at mum and she was just like dad, stiff and cold, frozen in place like she was ice, her eye unmoving but focused. I look up to dad again seeing his eyes the exact same way. I look ahead and almost screamed. Right in front of us was a battalion of black armoured stormtroopers and the Emperor himself, starting right back.
Still in my dads arms I could feel my breath catch in my throat. My eyes wide.
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Why? Why here. This planet was absurd enough for him to come to, but our small little village, only full of farmers or bounty hunters and travellers passing through. No one had moved here in the past almost thirty years so they wouldn't be hunting someone. 
The only possible reason would be he was looking for slaves. A weak planet, an even weaker village, we where a perfect target. Meek and docile and hard working. Perfect slaves. 
At the realization fresh tears slid down my pale cheeks. I would be separated from my parents and probable tortured. I felt my dad put me down to the ground. If he didn't hold onto my upper arms my knees would have buckled under me and i'd fall to the floor in tears. Dad handed me over to mum, her moving me behind my father holding me up, pressing me into her side.
Staring back at me was the Emperor. I didn't know how I knew but I just did. The mask made it impossible to truly tell but while the black stormtroopers where staring at my dad ready to take aim at the giant of a man in front of them.
My dad was huge. About six foot three and very wide. Years of work hardening his muscles. To look at he was very intimidating but in reality he was a gentle giant who get uncomfortable with the sight of blood. Feeling a little safer and a little brave I peered past him a little only to freeze in place again all that bravery disappearing in a second. 
Slowly the Emperor came closer, I felt like throwing up only to remember I never ate my sandwich so there was nothing to throw up aside from stomach acid. As he got closer I realized how tall he was Just a foot shorter them my dad, also a giant of a man in his own right, at least to me. I only came up to the bottom of my dads chest with the emperor I was the same height as his chest. 
The hight difference only made me more scared. He was also wide, ripped with muscles. Despite what looked like ridiculously heavy armour you could tell how strong he was. He was right in front of my dad now, it was all the more obvious he was looking at me now, his head tilted downward and to the side to peer around my dad to look at me. As we stared at each other I became aware of his loud breathing through his helmet.
I tried to back away a little, both wanting to put some distance between myself and the most powerful man in the galaxy, lowering my head in the process realizing it was probably rude to stare and not wanting to piss him off.
But as I try to move I found the second I moved one foot back and started to move my head down an invisible force seemed to wrap around me. It wasn't painful but it was uncomfortably tight. It forced me to stay in place, looking up at him. 
I almost didn't register he was talking, so distracted by the invisible think keeping me in place. 
Everyone knew what a Jedi was and what the force was and that the Jedi are force sensitive and had a special connection to it. Being able to do extraordinary things. I had no doubt in my mind that this was the force, which only made me all the more scared. He could snap my neck with just his mind. 
His voice was so deep but not gravely like Bane’s, it was very smooth.
Realizing silence wasn't the best option with my new revelation I opened my mouth to speak only for dad to bet me to it. 
“My name is Dex, this is my wife Luma and our daughter (Y/N).”
For the first time he broke away from my gaze, opting instead to look at my dad but the force didn't pull away, it only seemed to get tighter when his gaze lingered on dad making me squeak in pain a little. 
The second the unwilling sound came out of my chapped lips the feeling loosened immediately. The Emperors eyes on my once more. Suddenly I felt a hand? Nothing was there but it felt like a hand was stroking my cheek lovingly, like mum would do when I got sick as a kid, I couldn't help but relax a little. 
“May I ask why you honour us with your presence my lord?”
Dad sounded so formal, clearly knowing not to piss him off and show him the respect a man of his station demanded. However the second he spoke a black stormtrooper came closer, his trigger finger clearly itching. 
“Do not speak to the Emperor unless spoken to.”
Their voice was hard, seething with entitlement and power. I realized I still couldn't move when I tried to grab the back of my dads shirt wanting to feel some semblance of safety. 
The Trooper had his gun against my dads head, all my dad did was stare at him. I tried to move to hug him, still unable to move, I cried out.
“NO! Please... pl-please don't hurt h-him... please.”
My voice was pathetic, pleading to whomever would listen to have mercy.
“Oh, (Y/N).”
I turned my head as much as I could to see my mum with her hand to her mouth and tears on her face. I hadn't even realized she was still here. It only made me more scared knowing someone else I loved was here and in possible danger.
I turned back to the Emperor and the trooper holding his gun up to my dads temple. If It wasn't too scary it would have been funny, the trooper being shorter than my dad so he had to reach up pretty far to have the barrel of the gun pressed to dads head. 
My voice was pathetic, broken from crying and fear, begging the emperor for mercy.
The Emperor raised his hand, signalling to the trooper to lower his weapon. Without hesitation the trooper did. Clearly loyal to his Emperor. I breathed a sigh of relief as he fell back into formation with the other troopers only for my breath to stop when the emperor pushed past my dad and towered over me.
Dad didn't dare make a move but mum tired to come close to me again to hold me, fearing for her only child's life. But before she could get too close the Emperor shot his left hand out using the force to hold her in place, much like he was doing to me.
I still couldn't move but I could still turn my head to see her. She wasn't completely forced in place like me. She was holding her neck, she was breathing but it was clear the grip of the force was pretty tight. Tight enough to keep her in place. 
I turned back to the Emperor, eyes brimming with even more tears I didn't even now I had, scared for my mums life. 
I opened my mouth to beg again only for him to raise his right hand to my face. I thought he was going to slap me, put me in my place for daring to speak to him again without permission. But instead I felt his pointer finger press gently to my lips silencing any cry or pleas for mercy. 
My eyes shot open, not expecting the gentle touch from the man I assumed would make me a slave. I gazed up at his helmet. The place where his eyes would be are covered by a very dark red, almost black visor. It would be impossible to tell if I wasn't so close to his face.
After a second he pulled away. His left hand still raised keeping mum in place and turned to dad, straightening a little. I didn't even realized he had to bend down to look at me. it only made me more scared. Everything about this man screamed power and intimidation. His heigh, his strength, his men, his ships and especially is ability to use the force. He was a man to fear.
“How much?”
My dad blinked, having been more focused more on his scared daughter and distressed close to choking wife.
“M-my lord?”
“Your daughter, I want her, but I will not leave you with nothing. How much do you want for her.”
I left out a sob, I didn't mean to, it just slipped out. If the force wasn't holding me up I would have colapsed onto the ground, my hands covering my face. 
My dads looks over at me, fear plain as day in his eye. He would never give me away, but at the same time this was the Emperor of the entire galaxy, who was he to say no.
It was silent for a while the only sound being that of the Emperors breathing, me trying to hold back my sobs and mum trying not to choke as my dad was forced to make an impossible decision.
He could give me away and get a good pay out, giving us all a chance to live or he could say no and have all of us killed for defying the Emperor.
I understood. If he gave me away I would never hold it against him, never hate him. How could I. We are only human. It hurt but I would be happy knowing that they had survived this terrifying ordeal and got enough credits to live lavishly for one hundred life times. 
“Dex... Dex no.”
Mums voice was hoarse from the force choking her, barely getting out the words.
Dad looked so scared, so conflicted and so mad at himself probably for entertaining the idea of giving away his only child for credits, ashamed he ever considered it in the first place. 
He looked over at me, my eyes pleading with him to just do it. To stay alive and too have plenty of credits to live happily and easily the rest of their lives, tears brimming in my eyes. 
The words rocked me to my core, my heart stopping for just a second as I almost screamed at him. Begging him not to do anything stupid.
Before the Emperor could even do anything the trooper from before came back over. Kicking the back of dads knees forcing him down to the ground. Shoving his face into the ground with his boot. 
I struggled against the force, trying to break free and run to my dad, wanting to shield him from the trooper ready to shoot him at a moments notice. Only to be held still, my effort pointless.
The man keeping me in place turned to me, staring at my tear stranded cheeks, not having anymore tears to even cry. Staring at my drained and withering body and I tried to break free. 
“How dare you, you dare deny the Emperor, even after he offered you more credit than a skug like you ever deserved”
I pleaded for the trooper to stop to have mercy even directly begging the Emperor saying I would do anything he wanted if he just let my family go.
He never stoped looking at me, just staring. I felt naked under his gaze, exposed and weak. Pathetic.
Finally he turned away, looking back at my dad who's face was so close to his boot dad was practically kissing it. 
“I’ll say it again, give me your daughter willingly and I will pay you handsomely, resist and I will kill your wife and make you watch, then kill you and take your daughter anyway.”
Dads eyes widened, even more scared now.
“No, no plea-.”
Mum begged again, only to be cut off by the force squeezing around her neck to tighten lifting her slightly off the ground, really choking her now.
“No, no please, please my lord have mercy on them, please. I’ll do anything... please.”
The last please was almost inaudible. Barely even a whisper. 
Clearly tired of the silence from my dad his left hand that was still extended towards my mum went from a pincer shape to a closed fist, followed by a sickening snap.
Everything when silent, my eyes wide and my mind blank.
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I looked over to my dad. His hand where tied behind his back with binders as he screamed and struggled, three more troopers having to come over and help hold him down. I saw he was screaming but I couldn't hear any sound as he fought tooth and nail to get out of the troopers grasp.
Suddenly I felt very light, the force had released me, Contrary to my thoughts I didn't fall, I just stood there. My brain had completely stoped working, not registering anything but the need to turn around. Something had happened and I needed to see. 
I turned slowly I kept my eyes level but when I didn't see anything behind me I looked down. 
There, about a foot away from me lay the body of my mother.
Suddenly all the noise hit my at once, my dad shouting profanity's at the Emperor who had just killed his beloved wife and at the troopers holding him down.
Her neck was twisted at a sick angle. Her once beautiful blue eyes open and dull. Lifeless. 
I felt to my knees, crying out as I crawled over to my mum. I reached out for her, cradling her body in my arms, holding her close to my chest. Begging for this to be a bad dream. That I could wake up any second and be in my bed, my parents still safe and sound,
It took me a second to realize but I couldn't hear dad screaming anymore and I was cooler, like I was in a shadow, The only sound being that of my soft hiccups and loud breathing that didn't belong to me. 
I look up at the Emperor. He was looming over me and my mums lifeless body, staring at me again.
I didn't dare say anything, just stared back, getting ready to beg for mercy again but the Emperor spoke up before I could.
“One last chance. Give me your daughter, I pay you and let you live or I kill you in front of my poor girls eyes and take her away anyway.”
He clearly wasn't talking to me but he never took his eyes off my trembling figure still wrapped in his shadow.
I look past him to see my dad completely restrained, unable to move with a gag in him mouth making it impossible to get any words out. How was he supposed answer?
Unable to answer, dad fought against the troopers and his binders with all his strength, a fury in his eyes I had never seem before. 
The Emperor crouched down on one knee in front of me. Without a word he pried my cold hands away from my mums body. I struggled against him as much as I could, not ready to leave her. But my fight was pathetic, I was frail and weak from all the crying and fear, exhaustion hitting me all at once. 
My weak attempts to get away from him and back to my mum was nothing to him. 
He pulled me away from my mum. Lifting me in his arms like I weighed nothing. Hoisting me up to his hight with one arm. I grip onto his shoulders holding tightly onto his black cape, my hands shaking uncontrollably. 
He lifted his free hand up to my cheek, stroking it lightly with his gloved thumb.
“You had your chance.”
I look at him in utter fear, snapping my head over to my dad trying to push away from the evil man holding me trying to run to my dad only for the hand under my thighs to tighten and the hand that was once on my cheek to wrap around me tightly keeping me pressed to his chest. Before I could do anything the sound of a blaster bolt rang through the air and my fathers body went limp with a burning hole in his skull.
I scream as loud as I possibly could. pushing as hard as I physically could trying to get to my dads limp body.
“Shhhhhh, little one, I have you... relax.”
And with that everything went black.
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When I woke up I was surrounded by warm blankets, I breathed a sigh of relief, a bad bream, it was all just a bad dream. I almost let out a cry in relief, but I hold back, not wanting to wake up mum or dad. I curl up a little more, enjoying the feeling of my bed a bit more till I got up and had to work for the day. I move my head further into the pillow snuggling close only to freeze.
I started to shake, this wasn't my bed. My bed was comfortable, but not this comfortable.
I refused to open my eyes. I didn't want to admit where I probably was, and how my life had been shattered. I kept my eyes shut like they where vaults holding the most precious treasure, because if I opened them it felt like I was really saying goodbye.
Even with my eyes closed so tightly it didn't stop my tears of mourning slipping past my eye lids, my thoughts couldn't help going to my parents, I think of all the good times and the bad, all leading up to their brutal and cruel deaths by a mad man. I was all alone now and to make matters worse I have no idea where I am and I wasn't brave enough to open my eyes to find out.
I herd the whooshing of a door open behind me. I wanted to curl up even tighter in the foreign soft blankets, the atmosphere seemingly getting cooler. Not freezing, but enough to rase a few goosebumps.
I heard heavy foot steps coming over to me. I tried to calm my breathing to make it look as if I was peacefully sleeping but it must have been a pretty poor try considering I had tear stains on my cheeks. Once they left I would open my eyes and look around, figure out where I was and collect myself but I didn't want anyone in the Empire to see me like this, weakness wasn't something I wanted to show right now.
It was so quiet, too quiet, it had only been a few second but it was so quiet I almost forget he was there. How could someone be so quiet. The only reason I knew he was still there was because I didn't hear his heavy footsteps leave or the opening and closing of the door.
I lay as still as I could, not daring to move as the figure made its way towards me, standing right in front of my 'sleeping' body and just stood there, unmoving and still as stone.
The silence blanketed us, I started to break out in a cold sweat. If this kept up pretending to sleep was going to fail me if the look of me didn't already the stains on my cheeks and I was probably too stiff looking to seem peacefully asleep.
After what felt like several minutes of unbearable stillness -but was probably just a few seconds- I finally heard the shuffling of fabric followed by a heavy weight placed beside me. The stranger had sat down beside me.
I was still laying in a kind of fetal position, my knees where bend and tucked a little but not touching my stomach with my hands resting beside my head on the pillow. The stranger was right beside my stomach almost pressing against it
I stiffen a little as he sits not expecting him to do that, but I immediately relax as much as I can and try to get my breathing under control, hoping the stranger just thought that it was his siting down on the bed that jostled me a little.
After a few more moments of silence, what felt like a hard gloved hand finds its way into my hair. His hand lightly brushed through my hair, stroking my head gently. But despite the gentle calm touch I still flinched. Bad.
I had no Idea where exactly I was but I did know I was with the Empire after Emperor Vader had murdered both my parents in front of me. That was enough to want to gather my bearings alone and try not to freak out with someone from the Empire in the damn room.
A deep chuckle came from the man, It was powerful and even sexy, sending an unwilling pleasant shiver up my spine. His hand was clearly gloved, feeling leather like and hard, almost like the hand of a droid. It was a gentle and kind touch but hard none-the-less.
"I'd suggest you stop pretending, little one. Pretending to sleep won't work with me."
The voice was light in tone almost playful but his voice itself was deep, it sounded vaguely familiar yet so different at the same time.
I slowly open my eyes, know that I had been figured out. I rub my eyes a little trying to prevent any tears from falling. The mans fingers were still wrapped in my hair, I brushed my fingers on his arm a little accidentally. I bring my hand back down to my chest as quickly as I could. I shoot my eyes over to the man who sat beside me and I freeze.
My eyes where met with a strong torso, and the pitch black armour of the Emperor who killed my family. This couldn't be worse, I was in a room with the Emperor himself. This wasn't some random imperial officer it was the Emperor of the entire galaxy who ruined my life.
I couldn't help my shaking, a sob coming from my dry lips as salty tears wet my cheeks. I look further up, seeing his right arm extended to me, his hand in my hair to his broad chest to his face.
He didn't have his helmet on, that's why his voice was different, his vocalizer wasn't twisting his voice. Thats why it sounded vaguely familiar.
He had curly hair that went close to his shoulders, and amber eyes with red around the rim of his irises. He had a scar going down his right eye. He was very tall and clearly strong but he was also very young looking, close to my age, probably just a few year older.
He tilted his head to the side a little, a grin on his face. It wasn't mocking or insulting, more like looking at a scared kitten, which to be fair probably is what I looked like right now. He tsked at me, still running his fingers through my hair.
"No need to be so scared, little one. You are safe with me I swear."
His comforting words where lost on me. I only saw red. I grit my teeth and steel myself. All my fear disappearing. This man killed my parents in front of me and he calmed I was safe with him?
In a fit of anger and temporary bravery I hit his hand away as hard as I could ready to scream at him, but the back of my wrist was met with a ridiculously hard surface as I try to swipe him hand away.
I yelp and cradle my wrist in my right hand, holding it to my chest.
He tsk's as me again. I try to move away from this evil man only for him to grab me by the waist and yank me into his lap. I keep my hurt wrist close but I pound on his armoured chest with my uninjured hand. In hind sight, not a good idea. him being so well armoured, not like without his armour I could do anything to him but in all my grief I could think of nothing else to do.
"Le-t me go, you b-bastard let me g-go."
My voice was shaky from my tears but still clear.
You would expect someone so powerful like him to hit me back, yell and tell me to be quiet but he didn't. He held me close, wrapping his large arms around me holding me to his chest.
After a minute or two of beating on his chest he seemed to realize that I was hurting myself. I didn't care I didn't even notice the pain. Too angry to even realize.
He grasped my hand, his completely covering mine and my wrist.
"Come now, little one. You're hurting yourself."
He brought my hand up to his lips, kissing it lightly all over. My hand was in a hard fist and was covered in little bruises from hitting his armour.
"Your only hurting yourself, calm down, little one."
I didn't want to, maker I didn't but the second he spoke his words I felt something wash over me, a feeling that wasn't mine but controlled me regardless.
I relaxed completely, the Emperor kissed my bruised hand a few more times till I slipped it out of his grasp. It wasn't a hard hold, it was actually very light. I cradled both my hands to my chest and let silent tears fall.
'What's happening to me?"
I wasn't stuttering in sobs anymore, now I was just very quiet, quiet and pathetic.
The Emperor moved his hand to stroke my hair again, rocking back and forth lightly making sure not to make any sudden movements.
"You know of the force, yes, little one?"
I nod silently, I didn't want to give in, I really didn't, but what choice did I really have. I had no idea where I was or how to get away and my parents where know dead. I didn't have any other family so I had no where to go. Best to just play along till I could escape by myself.
"I am a force user, I can do many things with it, including coxing my beloved little one to calm down a little bit."
I felt calm, yes, but I was shaking like crazy. I was a scared lamb in a lions claws. I cling to my clothes only to realize they weren't even mine. I wasn't wearing my usual work clothes I was earlier, old and tattered from years of work but still as comfortable as ever. Now I was wearing a black gown. it was also very comfortable and very fancy but if felt so wrong.
It was long, going down to my ankles with a slit going up to my upper thigh. It had an open back, I could feel the cool leather of his arm on my back. It had thin straps and a dip in the chest that didn't leave much to the imagination. The straps almost looked like they would snap if I moved my shoulder too much.
I curled in on myself a little, feeling much more exposed than I wanted to, feeling all the more vulnerable. The gown wasn't very thick, it was very thin and flowy. It didn't hug my body tightly but being curled up in the Emperors lap made the fabric fold around me more then it would have.
I could feel my eyes well with tears but they wouldn't fall, no matter how much I wanted them too, like the force wasn't letting me cry, forcing me to feel 'calm'. But these emotions are not mine, it felt wrong, but it was too hard to resist. It was like a hand had wrapped around me, controlling everything I felt.
"Please... stop."
My voice was still so small, but in his presence it was hard to not feel pathetic and weak.
He hummed down at me in question, his lips resting in my hair as he continued to rub my back. I would be lying if I said it didn't feel good, it became harder and harder to remember what he did to my parents and feel the anger and sadness that accompanied it. Now I just felt odd, I was scared to be with the damn Emperor of the whole galaxy but It was like I was slowly forgetting them. I figured it must be his use of the force, the thought sent a wave of fresh naked pure fear through me. I didn't want to forget, it felt like a betrayal to forget them by the hands of their murderer. I wouldn't let that happen.
I forced myself to seem more confident in my words, Pressing on his chest trying to get up, to put some distance between us, hoping that it would weaken his hold on my mind with some distance or even just my resistance. I didn't know much of anything about the force, just that force sensitives could do things with it like put words in your mind and lift things.
I pushed a little harder. If it came to a fight I would clearly lose but he may be willing to give me a little space.
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My poor little one, I could feel her fear, her resistance even her confusion rolling off her in waves. She was so scared, scared of me, the force, she didn't want to give in and by no means was she weak minded but she didn't understand the force nor did she know how to fight it.
She was pushing away from me, I could feel how stressed she was, she felt so many emotions none of them the ones she should feel in my arms, just fear. She needed her space, but I didn't want to give it to her.
From the moment I saw her I knew she had to be mine, she looked so vulnerable, so weak and so scared with confusion, having no idea why we had come to such a small insignificant planet. But from that first moment I saw her I knew I would have her, no matter what, she was mine.
I knew killing her parents would have a negative effect on our relationship, but I wouldn't let something as insignificant as them get in the way of having what was rightfully mine.
I was broken out of my thoughts when I felt another push on my armoured chest by her small hand, calloused from all her days of hard work, She would never have to work again, I didn't want to let her go, but giving her some space would be beneficial to gain her trust.
I let her go reluctantly. She stood up, a little wobbly after taking a few steps away from our bed. The second I saw her shake as if her knees where about to give out made me want to rush to her, pull her in my arms and never let go again.
She pulled her hand up to her head, her head down and eyes closed. She knew I was using the force to keep her calm and I could see she suspected that I was easing her parents out of her mind. She was smart, my sweet little girl, but she didn't know the force well, and while she wasn't weak minded her thoughts where loud and very clear to a master of the force.
Her voice was so weak, she really was so scared. Again, I wanted to hold her to my chest and never let go, make sure she knew that she was safe with me, but all good things come to those who wait and she was a sweet thing I would wait for and give her her space, within reason, of course.
"What do you mean, little one?"
I knew what she meant, but step one of making her mine would be coxing her to tell me what she wanted, what she needed, even if I knew
"My mind... s-stop toying with I-it."
I could practically hear the tears in her voice, but with my use of the force they wouldn't fall. She must have felt so pent up, unable to get her emotions out, cry like she needed to.
I loosened my hold on her mind slowly, enough to let her feel her fear but not enough to let her truly focus on the memory of her parents.
The second I did fresh tears spilled from her face, I hated it. Hated seeing my little one cry and hiccup softly, her hands unable to keep up with all her tears, some one them falling to the cold floor.
All I could think of was how much I wanted to hold her shaking form, how much I wanted to comfort her. But she would only push me away.
I reach into her mind again, not to control her emotions but to see what she was thinking. But she wasn't even really thinking anymore, she was just scared and confused. Not knowing what would happen to her next. I realized she didn't even take the time to look around, see where she was.
She kept shaking, she was mostly shaking because she was scared, she didn't even notice how cold she was. Space was a cold place, and in a metal ship with bare feet and a thin gown that showed so much of her skin it must have felt that much colder, my poor little one.
I wanted to pick her up, tuck her back into our warm blankets, take off my armour pull her into my warm chest and watch as she slowly drifted off into sleep.
Instead I walked over to the fireplace. It was a few meters away from the foot of the bed with two couches and a table between them where I often did work when my office was no longer suitable.
I start a fire and strip away some of my armour leaving me in a pair of pants and a lose black tunic. it felt good to be rid of the heavy armour, It worked well for intimidation and making me seem inhuman, it made people fear me all the more, but my dear little one is not someone that should fear me.
Once the armour is put away and the fire is large and burning brightly I move towards my little one. She was still crying, her hands still trying to wipe away all her tears that just kept on coming.
I was much taller than her, she only came up to my chest, if that. she was so small and frail and in need of protection, my protection.
I stand close to her, I wanted touching her, my hands where outstretched to her. her head was held down as she tried to cry as silently as she could, my poor baby girl.
'Come little one, you must be so cold, come sit by the fire."
She looks up at me with puffy cheeks and red eyes and swollen lips, she must have been biting them trying to keep quiet.
She was very hesitant, backing away a little, albeit shakily.
Despite wanting to grab and hold her close, I resist the urge, it would only scare her more. I hated having to take things slow, but she would give in eventually, with a little assistance.
I slipped into her mind again, she was trying desperately to think of her parents, any memory at all, scared to lose them. it was sweet how much she cared for them but now they where gone, I would have to teach her how to rely on me now.
I use the force to project some of my feelings, making her feel that I wouldn't hurt her, that she was safe and that I only had her best interests at heart.
She was so tense, it hurt me to see her this way.
I step closer, she tensed even more, her hands now at her chest clutching the hem of the gown with shaky hands. I place my hands on her upper arms, rubbing lightly, smiling lovingly at her.
She jumped a little but not out of fear, She looked down to where my right hand was placed then over to my left and my right again. I chuckled lowly at her realization, she didn't seem to notice before that I had a fake arm. For a moment all her fear washed away, replaced by her curiosity.
I loved the look on her face, not scared, not confused, nothing but a good healthy curiosity and the want to ask questions.
She kept staring at my mechanical hand, wide curious eyes that I longed to get lost in, but first things first.
I rub my right thumb grabbing her attention again. her head whips up to me so fast, I think she might have gotten whiplash, but then looks down again with red cheeks, ears and shoulders, embraced at her staring.
"I'm sorry."
Again, her voice was soft, but this time she wasn't scared. I chuckled at her.
"No need to apologies, little one. Its quite the interesting thing to see. I assume it's safe to say you've never seem anyone with a missing limb before?"
In her more calm state I was able to slowly lead her to the couches on the edge closet to the fire, she slight shaking stoping completely now that she was warming up by the fire.
Once she is sat down, I sit beside her. Her back faces the fire and her front faces me but her knees as tucked into her chest, her arms wrapped around them.
To my surprise she shakes her head.
"There was an old traveler that came to the tavern once, he had lost his left arm in some freak accident when he was young."
I tilt my head a little, a silent suggestion for her to continue.
"I had just never seem anyone with a working moving prosthesis before... I-I didn't mean to be rude."
At her last statement she turned her head away, not wanting to look at me with her embarrassment.
This was perfect, I got her talking, I just had to keep her that way. it was the perfect distraction for the time being. That and my slight use of the force helped keep her parents out of the forefront of her brain, she was much more calm now.
She curled up into herself more, hugging her knees to her chest tighter than before, I knew I couldn't expect everything to be prefect from the get go but I hated seeing her like this, too scared to even sit openly with me. It broke my heart.
"Ohhh no, little one~ it wasn't rude."
I moved a little bit closer to her, she didn't seem to notice with her head down. I wished she would look me in the eye so that I could see hers. The most beautiful eyes I had ever seen.
"Its quite the engineering marvel, It was custom made from me during the clone wars but I added modifications and designed the gold and black design it has now. I can even feel with it a little, not like a real limb but if I wasn't looking and someone touched my hand I would know."
I hold my right hand out to her for inspection, hoping she would grab it. Giving her the option to do or not do something was a good first step in making her feel more safe and secure.
I hold my hand palm up, a clear invitation to hold it. She lifts her head up to get a better look at it, clearly interested. I could feel her curiosity with the force but I could also feel her fear. She just needed a little nudge.
I was already manipulating her mind a little, keeping my force signature weak, she may not be force sensitive but she knew I was and a random unknown feeling in he brain that one had never felt before is a pretty big give away.
I strengthen my hold on her mind a little, just making a wash of calm run over her, Making sure she always felt calm and safe around me would be important and with a little help from the force it made the process that much quicker.
After a few moments she slowly reached out, she wasn't as hesitant but her hands moved at a snails pace.
I almost grabbed her and pulled her in my lap when her soft hands grabbed mine. I couldn't feel it very much but I could feel a light buzzing, the hands sensors going off. I wish she was holding my real hand, I could feel my fingers twitch at the thought as it rests on my thigh.
Her hand moved mine around, feeling much more confident now or maybe she was just distracted now that she had something to fiddle with.
Her fingers gently prodded at mine, curling them and un-curling them. She moves to my palm, tracing the design of it for a second then moving up to my wrist to my forearm. Finally after what felt like an eternity her fingers made to where my fake arm meets my real one right underneath my elbow.
I closed my eyes in bliss when her fingertips gently brushed my skin. I loved being able to really feel her, If only for a few moments at a time.
I opened my eyes again to stare at her lovingly. Her eyes where full of curiosity, being able to explore something she had never seen before. It just made me all the more obsessed.
My fingers kept twitching with ever touch she gave me, feeling the need to hold her more. Keeping her still with the force earlier was good, the feeling of holding her like that felt amazing but it wasn't enough.
Even while caring her back to the ship my heavy thick armour was in the way, not allowing me to really hold her. I only wore the armour for intimidation proposes. No one alive had seen me without it now that Sidious was dead. The anonymity and emotionless feel that suit gave me made me all the more intimidating.
As I take in her features I was brought back to reality when I heard a grumble.
(Y/N)'s hand slipped away from mine and wrapped around her knees again, her head to the side trying to his how red her face had gotten but her ears and bare shoulders gave her away.
"Hungry, little one?"
She nods embarrassed. I couldn't help chuckling at her, my outside appearance playful but on the inside I was seething. On her planet it would be around ten at night, of course she was hungry, how could I have been so neglectful to not take care of her needs.
I get up, brushing my fingers lightly on her knee. She didn't flinch this time, instead looking up at me shyly, this was improvement.
"Ill be back with some food, till then feel free to roam about, this is your room so you have a right to everything in it, alright little one?"
I felt the need to tell her that everything in here was hers. I didn't want her to be shy about her exploring, the more she got used to her new surroundings the better. One problem however was that our rooms on my ship was different to the rooms on Coruscant. That would be a whole new place to get use to, but I would cross that bridge when I get there. We still had time before we jumped into hyper space and several hours in hyper space so I had plenty of time to think on it. That is, If I can keep my mind off my little one.
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The second the Emperor left to get food I fell forward shoving my face into the cushions of the couch, I felt so embarrassed. First I blatantly touch and explore his hand but then my stomach growls.
After a few seconds of not being able to breath with my face shoved in the cushions I decide to get up and explore.
The room was very large, a king sized bed with now unmade blankets was right by the fireplace, the fireplace facing the foot of the bed with couches and and a coffee table on a carpet then went under both couches as well.
To the left of the fireplace was the door the Emperor left out of, it was very big but I guess it had to be considering how tall he was but the door was also really wide, about the width of two doors. to the right of the fireplace was another door, just as tall but only the width of one door.
I walk over, getting goosebumps immediately once my bare feet touch the cold metal. I walk over to the door and open it with the button panel on the side. It was a refresher with a door to the left. the fresher was pretty standard. It looked very clean and fancy. Like the main room it was mostly black. I assume that it was just his colour of choice but both rooms did have come colour. The sheets, pillows, carpet and towels in the freshen are a dark bloody red.
I go to the door on the left, it was a wardrobe, filled with all black clothes. the room wasn't very big but it didn't really need to be either, what scared me was the full set of armour at the end of the room. In my head it solidified the fact I was with the Emperor, without his suit it was easy to forget, seeing a living face and not an emotionless mask. the only clue that it was a person and not a droid being the sound of his breathing.
I could feel my tears well up, thinking about my parents again. The second I think fo their dead body's I feel like a fog has been lifted from my brain, Like I was remembering something I had forgotten for years.
I start to dry heave, not having anything in my stomach at the time, especially because I never got a chance to eat my lunch I packed. I feel my knees shake under me, threatening to give out any second.
I look up from the floor while I leaned against the door frame of the fresher. I feel my stomach drop. I never noticed it before. I don't know how I didn't, now that I see it its painful obvious its there. To the right of the bed it a window. The whole wall was the window but it was pitch black until I cared to actually look at it.
I slowly make my away out of the refresher, my hand over my mouth trying to ground myself and not throw up stomach acid.
before It just seemed like all the other black walls in the room, but now that I take a closer look it was a window. The sky was pitch black, like it was in the dead of night but now I could see little dots in random order all over. I walk closer, placing my hand on the window just to conform it was one.
I fall to my knees for the umpteenth time, fear racking thought my body as the realization hit me. I knew I wasn't home that much was obvious but know seeing the large never-ending expanse of stars that was space really hit me.
I wasn't home, I was with the emperor on a giant ship in the middle of space going maker knows where. I wasn't home, and I would probably never be able to go home again.
I crumple up into myself and sob uncontrollably. The tears seeming never ending as I cry my heart out.
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As I walk down the hall to my little ones room I find myself more rushed then I normally would have.
I could feel my little ones distress, I pulled away for a few minutes getting distracted by my chefs incompetency and when I realize I had pulled away I gently eased myself back into her mind only to find her in pain.
She wasn't physically in pain, but her head was a mess of sorrow and trauma. I was a fool to leave her when she was still so emotanally fragile. Even more of a fool to be so carless as to pull away from her mind.
I couldn't get to our room fast enough, opening the door only for my heart to break a little. There on the floor leaning against the window was my poor little (Y/N) crying her little heart out.
She looked as broken as her mind felt. Huddled close to herself, her hand clenched tightly to her chest as her sobbed uncontrollably. Her cheeks and eyes red and puffy, her eyes shut so tightly that it looked like she would not open them again.
She didn't even seem to notice my presence yet, I quickly set her food down on the coffee table and rush over to her. I fall to my knees and wrap her in my arms pulling her into my lap. She was cold as ice despite the fire burning. She didn't even acknowledge my holding her, just sobbing in my chest as I hold her as close as I possibly could, slipping back into her mind in an attempt to ease her pain and her parents from her mind. It would be much harder now, she was focus on them, their faces, how they died.
My force signature was heavy in her mind, she seemed to notice what I was doing. Her parents slipping from her mind regardless of how hard she tried to hold on. Finally acknowledging me she pushed against me, her hands shoving on my chest trying to get out of my hold only for me to hold on to her tighter.
"Shhhhhh, little one. Relax, let me help you. I will make it stop hurting."
My voice was quiet and calm, my lips brushing her ear a little. I was happy to have her in my arms but this wasn't how I wanted it to happen.
Her hands where shaking, all of her was shaking really, trying to get away. She seemed to think that if she got out of my hold my hold on her mind would also leave.
"No- no let me go."
"Shhhhh, (Y/N) I need you to calm down. Let me help"
She pushes harder but I wouldn't let her go, not when my little one was in so much distress whether she wanted me to or not.
She was clearly adamant about not letting me hold her or help her so I guess I have to do this the hard way. It would be easier to work with her mind without any resistance anyway.
I sigh deeply, I didn't want to have to do this but it was my best option.
Before she could push on me again I grabbed both her wrists in one of my hands, she was so much smaller then me, her wrists where so small that my fingers overlapped as I held her.
My other hand shoved her face into my neck, holding her by the top of her neck and the bace of her skull. She struggled as hard as her little body could still shaking uncontrollably.
"Shhhhhhh, little one~. I promise by the time you wake up everything will be ok."
With that I force her to sleep with he force. She would wake up with a hell of a headache, her mind was so active and in distress, being forced to sleep wouldn't be pleasant.
I pick her up and tuck her back into bed. I look over at her forgotten food. She will be starving by the time she wakes up, I'll make sure some food is waiting for her when she wakes up.
I walk over to the fresher, It had been a long day for us all.
I figured have a few minutes to let her mind calm down and relax fully would be good before I go rooting around in there. I strip and have a shower. Enjoying the feeling of the water wash over me I allow myself to relax knowing my love was waiting for me in our bed.
I never thought I would love anyone the way I loved Padmé but my love for (Y/N) put all out time together to shame, I knew the second I saw her she would be mine. I had to have her and this time I would make sure nothing ever happened to her.
Once I was all dried off I put on some loose fitting pants and made my way to bed. I make my way under the blankets for behind her and pull her close to my chest. With the open back on her dress I could feel her skin pressed up against mine. It felt so good having her so close. My arms wrapped around her stomach holding her close.
I slowly reach my hand up to her forehead pressing it into my neck. I slowly start to work her parents from her mind, sealing away her thoughts and memory of her parents, making the memory of my taking her very foggy. I couldn't give her memory's that weren't hers but I could make sure she wouldn't think about them.
I take my time, if I went to fast her headache would be ten times worse when she wakes up, but already its going to be pretty bad. Messing with someones mind was never a comfortable thing for the victim.
I would give her some pain meds when she woke up too.
Once I was done and was sure she wouldn't remember anything I make sure the blanket was pulled up to her shoulders and tuck her close to my chest, intertwining our hands As I breath her in, finally able to relax with my little one safe in my arms.
Soon we would be home, and our new life would begin.
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captainkirkk · 5 months
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes. Please look at tags and warnings on ao3 before reading.
Clone Wars/Star Wars
The Sun Swings East by kj_feybarn (+ podfic)
Over and over, Obi-Wan woke up and wished he hadn't.
Palpatine wouldn't stop until Obi-Wan had Fallen, wouldn't stop until Obi-Wan gave Palpatine a shattered galaxy in payment for his release.
He couldn't save himself, Obi-Wan had come to terms with that.
What he hadn't realized was that didn't mean there was no way to be saved.
broken surface by qigiined
"The water is not talking to you, Obi-Wan,” Feemor says without chastisement in his tone. “That’s the force you’re feeling, from the trees maybe.” The clippers turn back on. “Or a fish.” “Bones,” Obi-Wan says. The clippers turn off again. “Bones,” Obi-Wan repeats. “I want to be bones.” “You’re already bones. Where’d you get that idea?” Qui-Gon steps quietly closer to the door. “You’re scaring me, O’Ben,” Feemor says softly.
(Obi-Wan suffers from a genetic and force-based condition that makes him want to drown himself in a bog. And sometimes that bog is the shape of a sink.)
cultural ed by qigiined
PDS: so Kenobi would have been 23? 24? When the padawan came along?
WLF: so probably around 22 for conception. They need time to bake.
PDS: no one can make natborns that young.
FOX: I’m telling you all. Natborns are REALLY good at making other natborns that young. It’s their specialty.
(Cal is assigned to do some cultural education with Obi-Wan on board The Negotiator for a few days and Cody and his batch come to some understandable conclusions.)
and through the spaces of the dark by blackkat (+ podfic)
Jon's attempts to avoid a war he wants no part in are ended when Dark Woman drags him to Coruscant and straight to a posting with the Guard. He intends to keep his head down and do his work, but the mysteries around the Guard - and Fox - immediately have him in out of his depth and on uncertain ground/
Nine Worlds series (Victoria Goddard)
An Impossible Dream by SunInGlory
His Radiancy makes a proposal to his secretary. It probably isn't a real proposal...or is it?
an honorable and enviable role. by mage-pie (looselipssinksubs)
"Get up get up get up!” Something heavy landed on Varro’s stomach. He sat up just as Zerafin turned the lights on. “What?” Zerafin was grinning. The thing he’d thrown at Varro was a duffel bag. “We’re going on vacation! Get up, start packing, we’re leaving at dawn!”
That’s right, iiiiit’s… Vangavayen Vacation Time! Featuring our very favorite captive audience and peanut gallery, the highly trained and extremely professional innermost members of the Imperial Guard! Please give them your applause and moral support; they’re going to need it.
Privacy by Penguinity
Rhodin sipped his coffee. “Are us roommates cramping your style?”
“No,” Conju demurred, in a way which clearly meant yes. “I value you all deeply and am satisfied with a . . . laissez-faire . . . living situation in our retirement.”
Ludvic stirred his coffee. Rhodin peeled a banana in a desultory way. They waited.
Conju sighed. “It’s just–“ Ludvic and Rhodin leaned forward as Conju continued, “– why does he have to be underfoot all the time? Overnight?! I came down for a drink last week and nearly broke my neck tripping over a middle-aged aristocrat. It’s undignified."
Disobedience by alfgifu
You glanced down at the new paper with mild concern and felt your emotions congeal into cold terror.
It was not a standard Council paper, though it came with the usual cover slip.
It was a warrant for Cliopher’s execution.
A touch of home by alfgifu
I might have felt extremely boring coming back to the Palace through the front door in all our finery, but as Kip had pointed out, there was really no need to alarm the guards by climbing in a window when we could shock the world simply by showing up as ourselves.
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gojobait · 1 year
Why Obi-Wan and Anakin being a Force dyad not only makes sense but doesnt contradict canon
First of all: what exactly is a dyad?
A dyad is two physically separate individuals being the same presence in the Force. The only dyad bond that currently exists in canon is, of course, the one shared by Rey and Ben. They have an 11 year gap, meaning two people are not born a dyad, but develop a dyad bond over the course of their life (keep this in mind). They have a lot of amazing and unique abilities that nobody else has (like extremely powerful Force healing* and object transfer), but a few of their dyad feats are also found in the Obi-Wan/Anakin duo.
*Force healing isn't exclusive to the dyad btw, several Force users had this ability, including Anakin and Obi-Wan.
Here are some examples:
they can communicate telepathically from across the galaxy. Neither of them is very proficient at this as they only found out about it way too late, when they were very much enemies and Obi-Wan made himself undetectable (and from the Rako Hardeen arc we know that when he does this not even Anakin can recognize him);
they share feelings, memories and pain through the Force as if they're experiencing them together, as one, at the same time;
during their duel on Mustafar, Palpatine felt that Anakin was in danger, despite them not being nearly done fighting. This could be due to Palpatine sensing the dyad bond being severed, and any Force bond severed is dangerous as it can create a wound in the Force. Palpatine could have been worried about Anakin becoming a wound (tho i personally think that Obi-Wan is more likely to have become a wound instead);
upon realizing Rey and Ben are a dyad, Palpatine says that the dyad bond was "unseen for generations". It technically has been generations since Obi-Wan and Anakin, plus 'unseen' doesnt meant 'non-existent'. Palpatine might simply not have noticed, as "A Force dyad, binding two separate beings together, was not an easily discernible phenomenon." After all he only realizes Rey and Ben are a dyad when they fight him directly and as a team and he accidentally siphons their life force, which is a situation he has most definately never found himself in with Obi-Wan and Anakin;
remember the dyad bond being created over time? Palpatine tried (unsuccessfully) to form a dyad bond with Anakin, meaning that not only he knew about the prophecy of the dyad, but he sought to realize it in himself and, likely, getting rid of Anakin in order to avoid the prophecy of the Chosen One being realized instead. Anakin/Vader at that point had surrendered himself to Palpatine entirely, so there would be no reason for the bond not to be created. Unless, of course, Anakin already shared that connection with someone else;
them being a dyad would explain why Anakin had to die in order to bring balance to the Force, despite having already killed Palpatine: he needed to reunite with Obi-Wan so the dyad could be one again. Rey doesn't need to die because Ben transfered his life force to her. This is also why Ben doesn't appear as a Force ghost: other than lacking the training, he lives on in Rey;
on that note, Obi-Wan and Anakin being a dyad would also explain how Anakin was able to learn how to become a Force-ghost despite having no training at all (Sith cant become Force ghosts so Palpatine certainly didnt teach him). and even in legends, its Obi-Wan who reaches out to him in the space between death and beyond and teaches him the way.
An argument against the Obi-Wan/Anakin dyad is the "Rey and Ben are unique and nobody can do the things they can do" argument. Which is true, they are absolutely unique and we have never seen any character, in either legends or canon, do the things they can do, but I wouldn't consider it a strong argument. Nearly every Force bond is different and unique (some Jedi could create bonds with other Force users, some could create bonds with anyone, some could create bonds with animals, others could only create bonds with their master/apprentice) and the strength of those bonds varies depending on the people who share them.
We only have a single example of what a dyad looks like, in canon, and that is simply not enough to rule out the possibility of other characters having shared that bond, especially knowing how difficult it is to recognize!
Obi-Wan and Anakin could not transfer objects through the Force or touch each other across light-years, but I would argue they never needed to, as they were so inseparable that they were concieved as a single entity by the entire galaxy:
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(Revenge of the Sith - Matthew Stover)
And to further confirm the depth of their bond, here is Yoda sensing** the effect of Obi-Wan's death on Anakin all the way to Dagobah:
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(There is Another - Gary D. Schmidt, from From A Certain Point of View)
**He sensed Obi-Wan and Anakin clashing against each other as well, describing the fight as follows: "Then the two vibrations met, and their pulses fought across the back of the Force."
Making Obi-Wan and Anakin a dyad would also make the Rey and Ben dyad make more sense: Anakin was created by the Force itself to be the Chosen One as a response to Plagueis trying to create the perfect dark side user and Sith warrior -> Anakin then forming a dyad bond with Obi-Wan, a steadfast light side user through and through -> that bond being severed causing the dark side to take over the light -> Anakin's twin children being equally capable of redeeming him (perhaps another dyad, or something akin to it since they could also do some of the things obikin/reylo can do) -> the dyad being reunited with Anakin's death -> Palpatine is actually not dead so balance needs to be brought back yet again -> Anakin's grandson forms a dyad bond with Palpantine's granddaughter (finalizing what Palpatine had failed to do with Anakin) -> the dyad is fully realized when Ben dies to bring Rey back to life.
This would make Anakin retain the most important role in the story as the Chosen One and the 'patriarch' (word used loosely) of the dyad lineage.
And last, but most certainly not least, Obi-Wan and Anakin lead the Open Circle Fleet during the Clone Wars. The Open Circle emblem, specifically, represented the two of them and the power of their bond: "The heraldic emblem consisted of a yellow circle that was formed by two separate semi-circle arcs. One arc represented Kenobi, the other, Skywalker. The image signified that while they were both two independent halves, together they formed a single entity."
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(Revenge of The Sith - Matthew Stover)
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dixieconley · 5 months
What if Palpatine's habit of using the chip to make Fox his personal assassin had consequences?
Triage: Fox, you need more sleep or it's going to have serious consequences to your health. Fox: I'll sleep when I'm dead. Triage: … Triage: You mean that literally, don't you? Thorn: ::chiming in helpfully:: He does sleep-- Fox: Thank you, Thorn. Thorn: --he sleeps standing up during Senate shifts all the time.  And at his desk.  He's been making folding art out of his flimsiwork again.  Look!  An Omicron class attack shuttle!  And a rotary cannon! Fox: Give me those.  I still need to file them. Thorn: ::clutches the rotary cannon to his chest:: No! My precious!! Triage: … Triage: That's it.  I'm sedating you for the next eight hours and you *will* sleep. Fox: … Triage: If you ever want another cup of caf again, you'll cooperate. Fox: …fine.
And so Fox gets sedated so he can get some real rest.  But what none of them know is that Fox is *used* to carrying out blackout missions while his conscious mind is suppressed.  Overuse of the chip has left him highly suggestible in this state.  And sedation?  Is an awful lot like being put under by the chip.
Triage: ::surveying a sleeping Fox:: Finally. Thorn: Hey, this is a good thing, right? Triage:  ::darkly::  Kill the chancellor for me please. Thorn: Is he a traitor?  Please tell me he's a traitor.  We get to kill traitors. Triage: …yes.  He's somehow managed to violate even the low standards for health and safety that we had on Kamino.  So do kill him, please. Thorn: ::laughing:: I wish.
And they think they're joking, but Fox is Right.  There.  And he's heard everything even if only subconsciously.
So… four hours later.
Triage: Where's Fox?  I'm going to kill him.  He's escaped from Medbay.  Again. Thorn: Where do you think? Triage: …at his desk? Thorn: ::nods:: Making a lightsaber out of flimsi. Triage: ::sighs:: Keep him there.  I'll be right up. Thorn: Will do.  Thorn out.  ::to Fox::  Can you make one of the Chancellor next?  I want to blow it up. Fox: ::nods, keeps folding:: Thire: ::bursts into office:: Fox!  Thorn!  The chancellor's dead!  He was killed in his sleep!  And the guard on duty said the last person to leave was the commander! Thorn: Couldn't have been Fox.  He was under sedation in Medbay and he's still asleep right now. Thire: But he's at his desk? Thorn: He does that.  Fox sleepwalks-- ::both stare at Fox in dawning comprehension:: Thorn: … Thire: You don't suppose he got footage, do you?
Much later, after a long nap:
Fox: I couldn't have killed him.  I'm a professional.  If I'd killed him, I wouldn't have left a body behind. Thorn: Maybe don't use that argument at your trial? Fox: Meh.  The Chancellor's dead.  Nothing can top this. Fox: Other than kriffing *remembering* it.
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awesomestarfighter · 6 months
I Should Have Known Better Then To Debate My Brother On Star Wars But I Did It Anyway
That's a lengthy way to start a post, I know, but I'm in a very riled up mood right now.
I remember the first time I argued with him about this. Our family did a rewatch of the Star Wars series (prequels than originals) at my request (and I usually never get emotional, so they were very concerned when I started crying my eyes out during Order 66 and asking if we should stop) and afterwards we talked.
Since I'm an avid Pro Jedi fan, there was a lot of arguing about 'The Jedi could have done this/should have done this!'. A bit with my family, but mostly with my brother since we're an argumentative pair and he's the only one who's watched extra materials such as TCW to further why the Jedi failed/should have done more.
We had to agree to disagree, so it ended there. Now here I am years later, having already talked to him about why glorifying this particularly abusive M/F is not peak romance or good writing, what defines bad writing, and general amatonormativity, and since I'm back in a SW swing, I thought about bringing it up to him, hoping he'd gotten a little more flexible since the last time we talked about it.
Clearly, I was too optimistic to think that.
Cue the usual tangent of (which I've already seen from. . . So many fans):
-The Jedi should have known Palpatine was a Sith.
-They should have treated Anakin better.
-They should have made him a Master.
-They shouldn't have given him that advice about death.
-Obi-Wan wasn't ready for a Padawan.
-They should have investigated Sifo-Dyas's murder.
-They should have investigated more.
-That's just the way the story is written and how the characters would react in real life, so of course Filoni is a good viewpoint on the Jedi.
. . . And just the general, 'they should have done more' statement that's been uttered countless times before.
I tried to point out the flaws in this way of thinking, I really did.
-It's established right in TPM that the Sith have been extinct for a very long time, and they verbally acknowledge that they don't know whether the one killed was the Master of the Apprentice, so it wasn't like they just up and forgot about the enemy that could still be out there. And it's literally stated in the very next movie that their ability to use the Force has been diminished, so it's not like they could have seen the Sith in plain sight in the force. Minor note, I know Force Signatures are mentioned a lot in fanon, but I don't remember anything like that ever being mentioned in canon (I know there's Legends but that's a separate continuity). With all that to keep in mind, why would they think he was a Sith? We have a different view of things because we're the audience, but they don't! Even though they didn't magically know he was the Sith Lord, that doesn't mean they're blind to his dealings or the corruption within the Senate, unless I completely hallucinated the part where the Jedi Masters were on their way to arrest Palpatine even before they learned he was a Sith Lord.
-Questioning a kid to see how he would respond to your ways of life is not being nice enough apparently (people can debate about his trauma and the authorial intent all day, but the basis is that the Jedi are not supposed to be framed as the bad guys). Apparently adopting him and treating him as a part of their family just isn't enough. Clearly, they should have coddled him even more, maybe then he wouldn't have murdered them down to the last child! (This is sarcasm because they never treated him differently or anything, even the Chosen One thing is barely brought up, and all his darkest moments are ones the Jedi were never made aware of). I know people will just say to put him in therapy because I've seen them say that many times before, but the truth is that he's already in therapy with the Jedi, he just doesn't absorb any of it because he doesn't want to.
-Yeah, because an adult throwing a temper tantrum when he's been appointed to a leading authority by a shady government leader who should not have any authority over their organization isn't sketchy as fuck, that response alone proves he WAS not ready, because he still didn't understand what the Jedi were about, much less mastery of himself. My brother at least admitted that was a good point when I outlined it, so score for me, I guess.
-People give Yoda grief all the time for his advice, but they always seem to forget that, firstly, Anakin is asking this during a war they've been fighting for three years, one they've lost many friends and family to, and secondly. . . Anakin was really fucking vague when he brought this forward. He doesn't even specify who he's talking about isn't a fellow Jedi, clone, or otherwise (And I can't help but draw a parallel to how he didn't tell Obi-Wan about his visions of Shmi and people will blame Obi-Wan when Anakin's the one who can't bother to properly fucking communicate) and he doesn't listen because it's not what he wants to hear. He doesn't just want to save Padme; he wants to cheat death because he's possessive and greedy and doesn't want his loved ones to ever leave him. Yoda's advice was actually very useful, but since when has Anakin ever listened to good advice? Once again, my brother admitted that was a good point, so the second score went to me.
-I know fandom loves to portray Obi-Wan as this self-hating mess that's barely keeping it together (who also does a lot of medic dodging for some reason?). . . But that's not who he is in canon? The real Obi-Wan is controlled and capable, and he was a young adult when he was Knighted, not a kid, who went on to become the youngest member of the Council when he became a Master. It wasn't like he was left to teach Anakin alone, because he had the Order, and they're canonically big on communal teaching. Even just in the movies, we frequently see that Obi-Wan's the one who reaches out to Anakin and Anakin's the one who shuts him out. Obi-Wan was a great teacher, Anakin was just a shit student.
-The Jedi learned about Sifo-Dyas's unauthorized role in the creation of the clone army literally right before the war broke out, so it wasn't like they were in a position where they could look more into it. Even before that, they were under the impression that he died during a failed peace negotiation. My brother still said this even though there was a literal WHOLE ASS ARC IN TCW WHERE THEY INVESTIGATED HIS DEATH. He watched that arc to, and he still says they should have investigated his death even when they literally did. I have no words for such a contradictory way of thinking.
-I know it's easy to say stuff like that, but Star Wars isn't written for adults who want all the messy bits, but for kids for a good vs evil story, so of course investigation stuff is shoved to the side. Even in TCW where we do see them investigating, they're hampered by the Senate, by Palpatine, by the war, and by the narrative. Even ignoring that, Anakin literally said in ROTS that Palpatine was the Sith THAT THEY WERE LOOKING FOR, so that means they were investigating even though we didn't see it onscreen.
-Filoni. . . God just thinking about him makes me angry. I could write a whole essay on how he's twisted the narrative for Star Wars so badly, and I hate essays, but plenty of people have already done it better, so I won't.
-But still, I think it's hilarious that I can point out certain things he's written terribly (TCW, TOTJ, TTB, and Ahsoka) to show that he doesn't like the Jedi, and my brother is still saying, 'well that's just how the story is written and how the characters will react so he doesn't really hate the Jedi with that sort of evidence and blah blah blah.'
-Of course, for TCW, my brother brought up that stupid arc where AsHoKa iS pErSeCuTeD - I just think it's funny how, with trying to make his special oc look good and the Jedi Council unlikable, Filoni accidentally made her unintentional unsympathetic and made the dOgMaTiC lEaDeRsHiP unintentionally sympathetic. And of course, who could forget the infamous s7 moment of her not being fair to Obi-Wan? I know people will say she's a teenager and she's confused and she's still feeling betrayed - but the thing is, that doesn't hold up because the narrative never follows up on it. It's not a personal flaw of hers, it's solely there to frame Ahsoka (and Bo-Katan/the Mandalorians by proxy) as right and Obi-Wan (and the Jedi Council/Order by proxy) as wrong. I'm sure there are more examples that can be noted, but those are definitely two of the biggest offenses in my book.
-Tales of the Jedi wasn't even about the Jedi, it was about two specific individuals who LEFT the Jedi. One who went on to become invincible/immortal/a sanctimonious prick/even more of a mouthpiece then she already was, the other went on to become the undisputed head of an enemy who went full throttle on genocide, slavery, and war crimes. Mace's treatment and Yaddle's treatment was more poorly veiled racism and even more poorly veiled Jedi hate. And of course, the super special training from Anakin that allowed Ahsoka to survive Order 66 unlike those useless unprepared Jedi who were too soft on their kids - but really just made him look like an incredibly abusive parent. Frankly, while I do hate Anakin and can see him pushing too hard as in character, even I can see that it could have been written a lot better than it was. Tales of the Jedi was a fucking joke because it should have been titled 'Tales of The Super Special Creators Pet OC and the Asshole Who Falls And Spearheads A War', and if we ever get Jedi content that is actually positive for them without the usual criticisms coming up (Kenobi's the only one so far that's come the closest) I'll be throwing a fucking party.
-Of course, I have to point out TBB's whitewashing, consistently carried over from TCW except even whiter, though I forgot to mention how that show just completely fucking forgot the Jedi existed. Though frankly, I wouldn't want them to be mentioned in the utter waste of time that TBB is.
-Ahsoka was made into even more of a mouthpiece in her show then she already was. I didn't even watch Rebels in its entirety because I don't care for it, but even with some of the more frustrating decisions with her in that span of time she never said the Order wouldn't have fallen if they had just brought in more non-Force Sensitives to train them into being Force Sensitive (another part of canon that Filoni has fucking taken a hammer to) singing Anakin's praises after she's 'saved' by him (though even in Rebels it got pretty egregious how she just fucking abandons the Rebellion and the Jedi because she won't leave him again) just being a general fandom anti on how the Order was at fault for everything and Anakin was actually predestined to become a Sith (instead of defying his destiny by attacking Mace and siding with Palpatine as per Word of God) so everything he did was justified. All written and directed by Filoni, just as the other pieces where he's had narrative control will label the Jedi as arrogant, as forgetful, as unworthy, as not ENOUGH. And as soon as he can, he shoves them aside for characters who are 'to cool to be a Jedi, a cooler Jedi than those useless old Order jerks who spent too much time playing politics and being too stringent because they were cautious rule followers and not plucky rebels and weren't loving enough to poor widdle Anakin and -'
Though frankly my brother had some pretty ludicrous takes in general. There was this whole tangent we had about how since Rex removed his chip and voided death, that makes him gray/puts him in a gray zone. I just bluescreened at that, because while I've never cared for morally gray characters/storytelling, a character stepping out of their slated place in the narrative so obviously isn't gray it's not even funny, it's infuriating. While I know a part of me being a writer is what helps me look at stories more critically, it still makes me feel so confused how people will just take in bad writing or come up with bullshit takes like this. Whatever happened to thinking critically for the good of storytelling?
. . . I don't usually write my own posts (even though I'm usually better at wording things than actually voicing an argument as it started with my brother) because I prefer to just reblog stuff on my blog, I wrote this primarily as a vent post because my argument with my brother really got me stirred up, but I've been in a salty sw mood lately so it was kind of cathartic to get this out.
Also, if any Jedi anti or fan comes at me with 'but actually the Jedi should have -' no. Please just don't. I always try to tag stuff properly so people who won't agree will know what my blog themes are about, I'm never in the mood for the run of a mill gotcha takes that infest this fandom and I will not hesitate to block you if you come onto my post for that.
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david-talks-sw · 2 years
These are the only three flaws I will concede, when it comes to the Jedi during the Prequels.
“They got lax/complacent.”
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Yeah*. If you listen to the director’s commentary, George Lucas states the scene in AOTC with Jocasta Nu is there to indicate how unprepared the Jedi were before the Sith’s plan. They thought they were secure and ready but they were not and it turns out humble restaurant owners like Dex know things they don't.
*HOWEVER: Who wouldn’t be complacent, in times of peace?
The Sith were thought to be extinct and Dooku was once a Jedi, a revered one at that. Nobody could have suspected he’d betray the Order that raised him and loved him.
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Nobody could've suspected that he'd abuse of their trust and delete a system from the Archives using the credentials of his best friend who he'd had assassinated. That's a verrrry specific scenario, and expecting them to be prepared for that is unreasonable.
"They should've sensed something!" Well, by this point in time, everything surrounding the Jedi was tainted by the Dark Side, which clouded everything. So on the one hand, this situation granted Sidious the gift of foresight and allowed them to always be one step ahead, and on the other, it caused the Jedi to be stuck trekking ahead in a fog, unsure of what the next move would be.
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“They were politically-inept.”
Yes**. That’s how the Sith ran circles around the Jedi. They figured “there’s only two of us, if we march into the Temple we’ll get slaughtered, but wait, the Jedi serve the Senate and the Senate is run by politicians… what if we become the politicians? Then we can destroy the Jedi and the principles from the inside!”
**HOWEVER: The Jedi were politically-inept by choice.
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After all, their function isn’t setting policy but carrying it out. They’re not politicians, they’re diplomats and as such they're not allowed to get involved in the political process.
But if they were... they still wouldn't. Because power corrupts, and if you let the space monks (who already have magical powers) have political power too, then that will lead to a very dark place.
The Jedi knew that if they tried to play politics, they’ll lose because they have neither the ruthlessness nor the status to do it well, so they make it a point of never going anywhere near it.
Unfortunately, that leaves them open to situations where the Senate or Palpatine corner them into doing something they really don’t wanna do.
It's how they were forced to expel Ahsoka, how they lost the favor of the citizens and it's how Dooku, then the Emperor, framed them as power-hungry sorcerers with his propaganda.
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“The war made them hypocrites.”
Sure***. The Jedi were meant to be diplomats, not soldiers. By waging war instead of keeping the peace, they’ve compromised on their values.
***HOWEVER: The Jedi know this and they’re not happy about it at all.
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Firstly, because they were forced into this situation by the Senate and Palpatine, who drafted them into service.
Secondly, because they know they’re essentially moving ahead blindly and playing right into the Sith Lord’s hand by fighting this war he orchestrated.
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But finally, it’s that they know that not joining would’ve been worse. Sticking by their principles would’ve resulted in the enslavement and genocide of many populations. Sometimes, the spirit of the rules must be prioritized over the letter. Either do nothing and be true to your principles, or go against them but save lives.
It’s a bad choice to make, but not as bad as not making one.
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It's a bad choice, but it's motivated by a desire to do some good and it did. They saved countless lives (sometimes at the cost of their own) and inspired countless more to form the Rebellion, later on.
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So... three flaws.
But they all come with asterisks. There’s a reasonable (sometimes, even admirable) justification for each of them.
I’m pointing these out because a lot of people seem to conflate “the Jedi were flawed” with “the Jedi were at fault” when talking about their own demise. And the answer to that is:
The Jedi were not at fault. Everybody else was.
The Senate was at fault for growing corrupt and self-serving.
Big Corp for their never ending greed.
The Separatists for being so blind and naive as to think Big Corp would tooootally value their principles and absolutely not commit war crimes every chance they get.
The Sith for being the mass-murdering egotistical assholes who started this whole mess.
And the citizens of the galaxy for not taking up arms in the face of blatant injustice.
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Sometimes bad people win.
That doesn't always mean the good guys are at fault. Sometimes, the bad guys are just… better at the game. Mostly because they see it as a game, and the good guys don't.
Luckily, 20 years later, most of the above faults were rectified by the Rebellion, which was led by the best of the Senate, and composed of Separatist remnants and brave citizens of the galaxy.
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antianakin · 1 year
"In an AU where Palpatine dies, Anakin stays a Jedi and remains on the Council" DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH as if the Jedi Council wouldn't IMMEDIATELY kick his ass off that seat the moment Palpatine kicked the bucket because Anakin's a selfish whiny untrustworthy spying nepo baby who was vastly unqualified even if he weren't any of those things. That seat belonged to someone else and they all know it, why the FUCK would they let Palpatine's dictates keep controlling them after they died, what kind-of weird bizarro universe is this where the Jedi Council is like "oh wow Palpatine's dead, guess we should let his spy stay in a prestigious position of leadership he's super unqualified for because, uh, he's Special And Used To Be A Slave So We Feel Bad For Him."
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blondie20000 · 1 year
Gone - Anakin Skywalker x Reader
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AU where Anakin won the fight on Mustafar.
You can still remember that day like it was yesterday. You can remember the heat that smothered you, the sounds of lightsabers clashing and the screams that erupted from your throat when you saw your husband Anakin Skywalker plunge the lightsaber through Obi Wan Kenobi's chest.
You can see still your husband kicking his former mentor's body down into the lava, you can still feel Anakin's arms around you as he heaved your trembling form up. You can still remember the words that he whispered in your ear.
"Its over Y/N. "
He cupped your chin and smiled at you. The smile wasn't the genuine sweet smile you loved this smile is wicked and his eyes had a glint of madness in them seeing that look on your beloved's face made you feel like you wanted to throw up.
"Soon the Galaxy will be ours."
You didn't know how to respond to that you felt numb you were in shock so you remained silent as Anakin took you on to the ship.
You remembered the stares you received when you first came onboard you remembered the disgust that formed on Palpatine's face when his eyes first landed on you. They didn't want you here you were Anakin's weak spot and Palpatine didn't want his apprentice to be weak. Anakin sensed the growing discomfort but didn't comment on it he instead escorted you to his private quarters and told you to stay here until it is safe when by the word safe Anakin meant when the Emperor is dead.
After that you rarely saw your husband he was always busy when you did see him you remained quiet the shock from that tragic day still played in your mind. Anakin would try to talk to you, assure you everything was going to be okay but his words didn't reach you. He would try to hug you but you wouldn't respond you would sit with your face blank as Anakin did everything he can to bring you out of your shell.
You flinched when Anakin punched the wall with frustration he was starting to lose his patience with you.
"I miss you Y/N." He said his voice cracking. "Come back to me."
Part of you wanted to reach out to your husband but another part of you couldn't because every time you looked into his eyes all you can see is the younglings being killed, you can see Obi Wan tumbling into the lava, death all you saw was death.
It is a horrifying sight.
One day Anakin came storming into the room. His expression is thunderous.
"Palpatine." He growled.
You sighed as Anakin cursed the Emperor.
"The sooner he will be gone the better." He said through gritted teeth.
As he expressed his rage about the Emperor you turn your head towards his direction. For the first time in a while you found your voice.
He froze he turns and looks at you with wide eyes.
"Y/N?" '
You look up at him.
"Why did you do it? Why?"
He looks at the spot next to you on the bed. You nod giving him permission to sit down. He sits down. He reaches out with his hand towards you but then changes his mind and places his hands on his lap. He then clears his throat.
"I did it so I can protect you."
You shake your head with disbelief.
"You think this is protecting me?"
"I...I wasn't strong enough before I wasn't strong enough to save my mum I lost loads of my comrades...friends in the war and I..." His face screws up. "I couldn't lose you too."
"I had to be strong I had to be strong for us I couldn't protect you then but now I can. When I reach my full potential I will kill the Emperor and I will be the ruler of the Galaxy. You will finally be safe." He smiles. "No more hiding, no more looking over our shoulder I will have the power to keep us both safe."
Your heart broke at his response the fear of losing you is clear in his voice. At that moment you didn't see a murderer you saw a scared young man doing everything he can to protect the ones he loved even if that meant becoming the thing he swore he would never become.
He did all that for you.
You were loss for words.
Eventually you cleared your throat.
"Ani... Why the younglings? They were innocent they didn't deserve to die!"
Anakin bites his lip and he lowers his head. It was silent for a few moments before he answered.
"If I didn't kill them he would have captured them, tortured them and possibly killed them."
"The Emperor?" You whispered.
He nods.
"Consider it as mercy."
You refused to consider it as that.
"I can't do that what...what you did was unforgivable."
"I know." He didn't argue with you on that. You can see the shame and guilt on his face.
"And Obi Wan?"
"He made his choice." Anakin spat out his voice bitter.
"He was your friend. Anakin...He was only trying to help you."
"He would have separated us." Anakin growled.
"No." You disagreed. "He was a good man."
You stand up and glare at him.
"My eyes are perfectly fine and open thank you. It is you who is blind! This isn't right this is wrong this is all wrong! I understand your loss I understand your pain but this isn't the way you are not protecting me Anakin you are hurting me and..." You swallowed. "You are hurting yourself."
He shakes his head.
"Anakin please." You felt the tears forming in your eyes. "Stop this stop this madness you can still make this right we could get out of here we can start over...please! I need my Ani the one I fell in love with I...I miss him."
The tears roll down your cheeks. Anakin brushes the tears away with his finger. His other hand rests on your cheek.
"He never left." His voice softens. "I always been here Y/N...My love."
Your breath hitched as he leans towards you. His hot breath hits your face. His sky blue eyes lock onto yours. Gosh he looked beautiful despite everything that has happened you still couldn't resist him. When you looked through the darkness you could see the man you fell in love with he was still there he was still fighting. Maybe her husband wasn't fully gone maybe he could be saved maybe you and him can get out of this nightmare for good.
You both stare at each other for several seconds. Suddenly you pull Anakin forward and lock your lips with his. He responds and holds you tight. You both hungrily kiss each other the weeks of pent up emotions all came flooding out.
Anakin grips your hair and deepens the kiss. You moan and brush your leg against his. You felt the bulge in his pants as you brushed against him. You couldn't help but smirk at it but you also missed it and you badly wanted to remove his clothes and fuck him here and now and judging from his frustration you knew he felt the same.
You suddenly felt your dress shift. You look and see the sleeve slowly sliding down your shoulder.
He is using the Force to remove your clothes!
You see him smirking at your surprised reaction. You roll your eyes at him.
"Funny." You huffed.
He laughs. You fold your arms and frown at him. Moments later he stops laughing and sighs heavily.
"Fine I'll do it the old fashioned way."
Once all the clothes are off you lie down with your husband on top of you. He looks you over and his eyes are wide and full of lust. He softly kisses you and smiles. That smile caused you to have butterflies in your stomach. You soon found yourself forgetting about the recent events as he started making his way down your body. You felt his lips graze your skin. You moan when he wraps his mouth around your nipple and sucks hard at it. You shuddered as his cool, wet tongue goes down your stomach. Suddenly everything around you didn't matter, this here now with him this is what mattered Anakin your Ani here making love to you.
He looks down between your entrance. He then chuckled.
"You just couldn't help yourself huh?" His fingers trail along your wet swollen pussy. You tensed up and again moaned his name. "Don't worry." He grins. "Let me take care of that for you."
You suddenly gasp as you felt him coming inside you. You grip the sheets and you arch your back as he started to thrust you.
"That's it!" He says. "That's it baby yes...Yes!"
He started off slow and gentle at first but eventually he did pick up the pace the hunger he had for you came through with each thrust.
"Stars!" You groaned. "Ani...Oh that feels good don't stop keep going oh..."
You throw your head back against the board. A cry escapes your lips as he hits into your heat. He slams into you causing you to shake. You heard his chuckle coming from above he loved seeing you like this getting flustered and slowly falling apart. He would always gloat afterwards on quickly you would cum for him.
Speaking of that you can feel the heat forming at the bottom of your belly the need to release started to consume you.
"Ani I...I need to..."
"Not yet."
You shake your head.
"I really need..."
"No!" His tone surprised you. He then looks down at you. "Not until I say so."
You twisted and turned your body. The demand to release is making you crazy.
"Anakin...Anakin please." You begged. "I can't hold it in mu...MUCH LONGER!"
His lips tug upwards into a smile. His eyes sparkled with amusement. He is enjoying this.
You were shouting now begging him to let you cum. He responded with a laugh.
"I love it when you beg."
Suddenly you felt something pressing down on your throat.
You go to move your arms but you couldn't your arms are pinned above your head.
What is going on?
Your eyes widen as you started to lose your breath. You cough and gasp and you struggle against your restrains.
"Ani...I...I can't breathe."
What you saw next horrified you. Anakin watched you the amusement still on his face but that wasn't what shocked you what shocked you were his eyes his eyes have turned yellow!
"Anakin!" You cried out with horror.
He smirks and curls his fingers into a fist.
The pressure on your throat tightens. You suddenly realized what he is doing. He is using the Force on you, he is strangling you he is squeezing the life out of you!
He is trying to kill you!
Eventually darkness started to come in around the edges of your vision, your heart is banging against your chest, your breaths started to become shallow. You look up at your husband with tears pouring down your face.
"Ani..." You said your voice strangled. "You're hurting me."
Anakin's amusement slowly turns into shock and horror. His eyes widen when he realizes what he is doing to you. He quickly lowers his hand.
You gasp as the Force is removed from you. You bend over and cough. Your trembling body collapses and you cum all over the bedsheets.
"Y/N!" Anakin has come round your side. "Are you okay?"
You ignored him you kept coughing until you started to get your breath back. You took a deep shaky breath and winced at the pain. Your throat burned and you were sure there will be a bruise later.
He touches your back. You immediately pull away from him.
"Don't touch me." You replied your voice hoarse.
"I said DON'T TOUCH ME!" You screamed at him.
The tears are pouring out of you now. What he just did shocked you. He hurt you he tried to kill you!
You cursed to yourself how could you be so blind you knew he went to the dark side you knew the amount of power he had but you allowed for this to happen you allowed the power and control to get to his head you let this go too far. You did all that because you thought there was good in him.
You shake your head. You were wrong you were so damm wrong.
"Y/N." Tears started to form in his eyes. "I'm...I'm sorry I..."
"Get out."
"But Y/N."
Anakin didn't argue with you he instead nods and stands up. Once he was dressed he slowly walked out of the room.
When the door closed you let out a scream. You cried and screamed in frustration and pain.
You buried your head into the pillow and sobbed. The darkness has taken your husband away from you and you couldn't do a damm thing about it.
For the first time in your life you felt hopeless.
Truly hopeless.
You see his face, his yellow eyes, the power he had over you. You see it all in your head playing over and over. It made you realize...
He was gone.
Anakin Skywalker was gone.
The End
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