#pallas pjo
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everythingwasalreadypicked · 2 months ago
War Prize Al AU Masterpost
This is a Fantasy/Royalty PJO AU with Percy/Annabeth/Alabaster (aka Percalabeth aka Smartwatermagic aka Percabethaster xd) set place on a fictional land
Since the war prize au has gotten way bigger than I imagined here it is!
World building
Random Trivia Part 1 + Part 2
Random Trivia Part 3
Random Trivia Part 4: Poseidon Fam Edition
How the war started
How the war went
Map of Sthenias-Atlantis-Epirus by @catihere
Religious background of the main three kingdoms + some others (coming soon)
Al is trans
How Ethan became Alabaster's lieutenant
Malcolm & Annabeth
Former Timeline
Al's freckles post by @bvckbiter
Potential endings of the au
Smartwatermagic's parents' lore
Poseidon & Al
Fake twitter memes
The fics are listed here in chronological order, while the dates are given in modern calendar, the au's characters most likely do not use that, so that is more for the convenience of the readers. This is neither how they're listed on ao3 nor the writing order. Please read the tags for the fic(lets) carefully.
decomposition (Set place in 1XX0, End of June-Early July)
[It was going to be a long ride to King Poseidon's court, too bad they hadn't let him take along his bags. He was going to be immensely bored without the books he had packed.]
Prince Alabaster has some misconceptions about what having had lost the war entails.
Al's trip to Atlantis fic :3
sieged (Set place in 1XX0, Mid July)
"I'm going to kill her..." With just as fast as she came, Palas turned on her heels and left, leaving Lou blinking blearily behind her.
The first thing that crossed Lou's mind was: I need to shake the hand of whoever shook Palas this much.
The second thing that crossed Lou's mind was: I hope they continue to do so and give me an excuse to get rid of her.
Lou wants two simple things, really: Her family back and some control over her own life.
With a surprise visit, the latter may just get even harder to achieve.
but they've overcome their shyness (now they're calling me your highness) (Set place in 1XX0, Start to Mid December)
The way King Poseidon reddened in anger at the letter he got in reply the first time had been glorious, if Alabaster had to be frank.
If only it hadn't been overshadowed by Perseus still writhing with agony in his sickbed and Alabaster's life being on the line.
Defeated in war and sent to a foreign kingdom against his will, Alabaster has to navigate a foreign court with the unwanted company of Prince Perseus and Princess Annabeth. One problem: Someone tried to kill Percy and Alabaster is the main culprit.
instead you hoarded all that's left of me (Set place in 1XX1, January)
Alabaster hopes the frigid air does flay his skin off. Better him due to the freezing wind than Ethan and Poseidon’s head guard.
Drowning in guilt, Alabaster finds a perfect way to take it out on himself. Percy and Annabeth are left to pick up the pieces.
Tales of Epirus
They had been holding out their own pretty well in the war, or so Lou had thought. Until Alabaster's letters home started only being addressed to their mother, until they got less and less frequent and their mother started preparing for surrender.
The worst part? It wasn't enough the occupiers stripped the palace of anything valuable. They demanded Lou's brother, too.
Lou Ellen was never supposed to be the queen, much less a puppet one. Alabaster was supposed to rule, not be torn apart from his crown and family.
Ficlets about this au. Centered on Hecate siblings for now.
Random scene musings
What it says on the tin. Snippets that were too short to put in "Tales of Epirus"
Lou and Alabaster fight
What it says on the tin, very short.
if only dust is what we come to (Set place in 1XX1, First Week of July)
The first anniversary of the war's end came faster than any of them could imagine; amidst all the ensuing succession crisis, the fanfare associated with court, the constant need to check over his shoulder at every step and learning the ropes of politics from the two people that might have actually been tricking him towards ruin.
Prince Percy has more or less adjusted to being crowned heir. Though he never thought he'd have to reconcile his loving father and Atlantis's hated King being the same person. Especially now, with the people discontent and an assassination plan brewing against the said father.
Princess Annabeth is resigned to being a chess piece on the board of politics, and relished when she's the chessmaster. But what can she do when her mother has eyes on the lands of her husband?
Alabaster, after one whole year of captivity, is back at home. One problem; he's not sure he wants his sister to see him like this. Queen Lou Ellen is not sure she wants to see him either.
Nico and Alabaster fanart + Alabaster in a fancy outfit
Smartwatermagic in Regency Era inspired clothing
Percabeth Wedding
Hecate Siblings Epirus Era Concept Art
Spin offs (by @bvckbiter )
Meme about writing Smartwatermagic
Alabaster doodle
your sweetest compromise (Set place in 1XX0, Start to Mid July)
“You will serve as an example of what fate awaits Atlantis’ enemies,” King Poseidon explains as Alabaster is dragged out of his cell, only to be shoved down to his knees before him. “While I understand that even former princes have their pride, it is my son’s wedding. This would be easier on both of us if you behaved civilly. Surely losing your crown does not mean you’ve lost your etiquette?”
Alabaster bares his teeth in an approximation of a smile. “Don’t talk to me about etiquette when you and your heir presumptive learned yours on the seas, amongst drinkers and whoremongers.”
Poseidon’s face grows dark with fury.
Stripped of his crown and made a political hostage, Alabaster's survival now entirely depends on the goodwill of Prince Perseus and Annabeth. Thing is, he's not quite sure if living is worth it. // or: how i imagine these three fuckers come to the arrangement they have in river's AU
Smartwatermagic -questionable- fluff
What it says on the tin
From the Annals of Epirus: The Warring Years, pp. 249-253 (Set place in 1XY0-1XY2)
Hypothetical bad end of the au. Part 1 of (?)
Good Boy
Somehow even more questionable smartwatermagic fluff <33
Alabaster fanart in fancy clothes
Smartwatermagic fanart
Chancellor Alabaster
For even more of this au; see #war prize al tag
Prince Perseus Concept Art
Fanart by @bugcitie
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lonestarfangirl2014 · 1 year ago
Idea I just thought up from seeing a sally is loki thing here on tumblr
Pallas Is reborn as either estelle or a twin of estelle or as a percabeth daughter.
Imagine how percy would react. The niece he only heard of is now reincarnated as his sister or daughter. Imagine annabeth reaction
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time-for-opinions · 2 months ago
hey so what if athena had her first demigod child because she missed odysseus
and in all her attempts to fill in the hole in her heart, instead of seeing any child as hers, all she saw was someone who just. wasn't. odysseus.
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scarlet-sam-chaos · 8 months ago
athena, being referred to as 'tritogenia' as in 'daughter of triton' in the iliad, and knowing the story of pallas and athena, i-
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ganeshpnf · 6 months ago
I feel the relationship between Athena and Pallas should be discussed more. Best friends or lovers being raised together and Athena accidently kills her bcs of her shitty father. Imagine the trauma...
Oh and best of all in @bloodyshadow1 's fic Guiding Wisdom, she doesnt even know it was her father... (Read the fic ^^)
Guys like, imagine killing your best friend like that, making Triton, your foster father punish and banish you for it. It is like...torture. And you didn't even have anyone on Olympus at that time too. Athena's traumas are underlooked.
I imagine Pallas would be reborn with Percabeth's first daughter. Looking exactly like her :) Making Athena and Triton froze in shock. Ah imagine Annabeth giving her daughter to Athena's arms like Odysseus did with Telemachus. Athena holding the small kid, shaking but tears form in her eyes as baby opens her eyes, sea green eyes she got from her father, the same eyes Pallas got too. Percy doesnt get it first but Annabeth understands. My heart...
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englandsgirl18181234 · 23 days ago
Some questions I got in the notes of one of my posts!
Can you tell us more about Athena and apollos friendship? When’s hades going to talk to the others? Will Trition ever get to fight zeus? Why did Athena’s death end Zeus’s reign, on like a symbolic level. She doesn’t seem relevant here but what does Athena think of Pallas? Did she ever tell Ody and Co about her?
So, one by one! And I'm actually going to put the answers under the cut because I don't want this post to be a million miles long
Athena and Apollo, in basically all of my AU's, are both very lonely people at their core. They're both supposed to be half of something, Athena and Ares as gods of war, and Apollo and Artemis as the sun and the moon.
But neither of them fit quite right in those places, there's something just off enough that the things they're supposed to do, supposed to be, don't come naturally to them. And they hate that.
Apollo covers it with a smile and a slightly airheaded cool older brother act. Athena covers it with icey distance and cold disdain.
Hades isn't going to talk to the others for a while. In like, any of my AU's, probably. Any AU that involves Athena or Apollo in the Underworld? Means someone, somewhere on Olympus, fucked up massively enough that he's the one stuck doing damage control.
And if Athena is actually dead? He's not saying jack shit until she's strong enough to protect herself against them. He'll say something to Apollo once it's clear that he's the only one she trusted, but that's it.
Because the thing with Hades in my fics? He is both possessive as hell, and holds grudges to the ends of the earth. And currently, his niece is dead, making her both his family and a member of his kingdom.
She's also traumatized as all hell, recovering from a kind of pain that she should never have been exposed to, and his brother did that to her. Using power that was, by all rights, under his domain. And the rest of their family did nothing. They didn't even realize anything was wrong until she was already dead, for the Fates sake!
So yeah, he's not saying shit until she asks him to or he decides they can be trusted again. Not even Hestia is getting a word out of him.
As far as Olympus is concerned? She's fully dead. She never arrived in his realm.
They let his niece die. Now they get to deal with the consequences of that decision.
And oh boy, Triton. I haven't decided yet on what I'm going to do with Triton because we have basically no personality for him in canon beyond him not liking Percy while in the middle of a war. We get one scene with him and that's it.
But while I'm not certain on him fighting Zeus, he's definitely going to be fighting Poseidon for the right to fight Zeus! And if he manages to get to Olympus, he's gonna fight anybody that tries to get between him and Zeus.
I love feral overprotective characters, so I'm extending that to Triton here. He's now lost both his daughters to Zeus and he's not going to stop until the god is punished for it.
And there's three major reasons Athena's death ended Zeus's reign.
The first is the prophecy from before her birth. In some translations(others often saying it would be the second child of Metis, born a boy) it was said that she would surpass him in one of two ways. If she was born a boy she would become ruler of the gods after Zeus. But if she was a girl she would be better and smarter than both her mother and father combined. So Zeus swallowed Metis when it became known that she was pregnant in order to avoid being overthrown.
The second reason is because Zeus managed something that no one else ever has. He killed a Goddess. And not just any goddess, but an Olympian.
But prophecies in this verse can't be avoided, only certain circumstances changed. The second vision Apollo had(visions sent to him by the Fates are different from prophecies, they're warnings for him specifically because they like him) was one way it could have ended, but there are hundreds of others.
Because Athena didn't fade, and they know that for certain. She left a body behind, that doesn't happen when a god fades.
*I don't know what I'm going to do about her body yet, but she definitely left one*
There are barely more than a handful of beings that don't belong there that can say such a thing, and three of them were Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades themselves when they went to scatter Kronos' remains. And he wanted to send them back there for eternity.
And the third is that, even if he hadn't killed Athena, he still went too far to be allowed to remain as King. He planned, admitted to, and was both fully willing and prepared to trespass in Hades' domain simply to punish a pair of demi-gods for a perceived slight. And not just any demi-gods, but two demi-gods that not only saved his reign from Kronos, but survived Tartarus Itself to save his reign from Gaia.
And as for Pallas...
Even just admitting that he was planning to attempt it was enough for it to be considered a violation of the Ancient Laws. But should he have actually tried? With Hades own stolen power over his own subjects?
Whether he succeeded or not, Hades would have been well within his rights to give him the Kronos treatment.
Athena, by the time she dies, doesn't have very many memories of Pallas left. She remembers her death, remembers the aftermath, remembers being banished and sent back to Olympus because of it. Primarily because of how traumatic it all was for her.
On her very best days she remembers what Pallas was like while she was alive, while she was happy. She remembers how the two of them called each other sister. How she came to see Triton as a father because of it. How the two of them once interrupted an important meeting on accident and instead of being punished they were allowed to stay and give their own input.
But the vast majority of her time in Atlantis is lost to her over the years.
She did tell Odysseus and his family some things about her, but not very much. She was ashamed of what had happened, and she hates that she played such a major part in Pallas's death.
Poseidon, when he ordered her to leave Atlantis, made it very clear to her that he blamed her for his granddaughter's death. This was before they knew of Zeus's involvement, of course, but by then it was far too late to take back his words.
Triton refused to speak to his father for centuries after the news of Athena's banishment reached him. And it was only made worse by the fact that Poseidon hadn't even told him himself, instead leaving the job to Amphirite who in turn left it to a palace messenger.
He never truly forgave either of them for it.
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bugwolfsstuff · 4 months ago
You ever think of Hera preventing Zeus from saving his son Sarpedon from his fated death and Zeus mourning by sending blood rain in the Iliad
and then in ToA
Zeus preventing everyone from saving his son and Hera/Juno's champion, Jason Grace from his fated death and Hera mourning by wearing a veil and scolding Zeus
@thel1ghtningthief @smileyalater @unubinary @bodeyeen2132
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hanahaki-disease · 5 months ago
1. Percy is raised as a ordinary boy by Sally until he discovers his true identity as Poseidon's son. In the world of gods and monsters, he's seen as a demigod, regardless of his actual parentage. Poseidon has fully ad opted him, making him a full-fledged son of the god of the sea.
They are his parents, regardless of how he was conceived and how he was born, - Poseidon held him tenderly in his arms, drinking his father's blessings and looking into his big green eyes, which slowly acquired a bluish hue like the clear waters of Zakynthos.
Sally didn't sleep the whole first night when Poseidon gave her Percy - she was sitting by the single bed where she carefully laid the boy on the largest soft pillow and just admired him. His delicate caramel skin, his dark fluffy feathers of soft hair, his tiny charming face and sleepy blue-green eyes. He was beautiful - Her son, her Perseus, her gift of the sea, her Doris. These are Percy's parents, mom and dad of their cute little boy. And they love him.
2. The Batfamily meets Percy when Annabeth invites him to dinner to introduce her mortal family. They mistakenly identify as Annabeth's boyfriend because she talked about him with such love - no, they are absolutely platonic soulmates.
And, well, they experienced a wide range of emotions inside, starting from surprise and ending with a slight fright - in front of them stood literally a slightly more masculine version of Talia Al Ghul with a bluish tinge of eyes and shorter hair.
Bruce remembered how Talia came to him for comfort because her newborn brother Bulbul disappeared after birth and compared these dates with the age of Percy, a little younger than Annabeth and told Alfred that ice cream should be served for dessert, a lot of ice cream in separate dishes with separate spoons.
Damian retains his usual behavior outwardly, but inside he feels so much. On the one hand, he thinks his grandfather's missing son and [is it possible to say so?] his mother's brother is sitting right in front of him, making witty jokes and laughing just like his mother. Damian rarely heard her laugh, he drinks this sound like sweet nectar. But at the same time, another part of him wants to believe that this is just an external coincidence. There are many similar people in the world - Damian does not want to lose everything he has.
3. Sally calls Percy by his middle name - Doris or Dori, because she loves Percy and he is a real gift for her. Percy is a gift from the sea.
And in this au, which I really like, where would Percy fit in the batfam? In this AU, Percy and Annabeth, [who is the daughter of Bruce and Athena], are not romantic, but deeply platonic, they literally call each other siblings. Bruce is experiencing some difficult feelings because Percy is his daughter's best friend and honorary brother, who is also a vulnerable child of Talia's blood and flesh and God how much he looks like Damian. Percy is Bruce's child figure, Bruce is Percy's father figure, they are son and father in everything except blood and adoption papers, but they won't admit it even at gunpoint. Percy is similar to Stephanie in this regard.
Can they trust him because he’s technically Talia? Initially, yes, because Percy is too similar to Talia and this is terribly alarming for people who have a history with her. But Percy is Percy, he is a separate person from her, even if he is made of the same blood and flesh as her. And he will explain and show them this.
Does he work with the league because of how he’s born? No, Percy was born in Nanda Parbat, maids took care of him for the first hours of his life, he even had a wet nurse who managed to feed him after birth. Ras and Talia were by his side. He was not Perseus Doris Jackson, he was Ardeshir Bulbul Al Ghul. But it didn't last long - Poseidon, who was looking for a child to give to his beloved, found and took the baby. Percy is not an Ardeshir, he was not raised in the League of assassins as the future heir and son of the head of the demon. But he could help or complete one or two missions, depending on what it will be - Percy will not kill, but he is always ready to help if necessary.
Is he Damian’s uncle or brother or some father-like thing since he’s a clone of Talia? It is difficult because Percy is really a pure clone of Talia, he has all her genes and only her. If you do a genetic test, it will really show that Percy is Damian's parent and there is a close relationship between them, which is mostly fraternal but also has a parent-child connotation - Damian looks too much like Percy, and Percy looks too much like Talia. Although they don't admit it. And no, Ras, the fact that Percy recognizes Talia as something like his motherly sister, and Damian as his brother/almost son, does not mean that he considers you his father.
I hope you enjoy it :)
Enjoyed it?? I LOVED IT!!
Everything just feels so in character and I can see the whole world of this au in my head and it’s just *mwah* chefs kiss.
Percy and Annabeth bing platonic soulmates , almost twin flames, is giving very much a “reincarnation” of Pallas and Athena in this au. And I just know Athena is both happy for her daughter but also so jealous that Annabeth has him by her side and she doesn’t.
Sally would absolutely call Percy her little blessing or her special gift because that’s what he is to her in every sense of the word. That is her baby and no one, not even Poseidon, will be taking her baby away.
I like to imagine Talia seeing Percy and wanting to take him to Nanda Parbat (after Ra’s is dead) to train him and connect with him in the way she wished she had the chase to before he was taken, but Sally is not going to let a random assassin lady take her baby.
Sorry this took so long to respond to!!!
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dandelion-blues · 1 year ago
Bittersweet Blood
What if Loki was Sally Jackson? Thus, Percy is born a half-blood of two gods from differing patheons. It's time Loki and Percy took the Marvel Universe by storm.
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Chapter 2, Part 3: The Sea Protects
To say that Triton and Amphitrite were shocked would be an understatement.
The first new god was due to be born in a millenia, and their death was set when they were only 16!
Triton seems to disassociate, thinking about his own daughter Pallas. She was born a naiad and was almost secured in her divinity, when Zeus distracted his daughter during a sparring match and Athena killed her, her spear piercing through Pallas’ chest, just because Pallas was winning.
He saw his daughter's pained youthful face looking towards her friend her lover Athena, her golden hair soaked with blood, the pearls in her hair cascading to the sea floor, and then her breaths stilled and she fell limp. Pallas’ face fell towards Triton, and her once beautiful sparkling blue eyes were dead. There was no longer any light in her eyes.
Triton screamed in anguish and fury. The oceans raged like never before when the prince of the peaceful seas grew violent. He was held back by his mother from doing anything rash, but still Athena, his daughter a goddess he was tasked to care for by Zeus, was forever banished from the seas, from her first home, from her foster father. And no gods born from the sky were ever allowed into the sea again.
He couldn't do this again. He couldn’t see another young face like Pallas lose their light.
He abruptly straightened up and cried, "I can't do this again," and swam away, lost in his sorrows.
"Triton," Amphitrite and Poseidon yell after their son, but he is already gone.
"I'm sorry, he's probably just remembering some bad memories," Amphitrite sighs and looks softly into Loki's eyes, "We all are."
"If you don't mind me asking, what is everyone remembering?" Loki asks hesitantly.
Amphitrite takes a deep, shaky breath, and Poseidon goes over to squeeze his wife’s hand assuringly, “I-It’s just our granddaughter, Triton’s first and only child, Pallas. Triton crafted her through his very essence, but she needed time to be secured in her divinity. She was taken much before her time, and with your baby having a death sentence over their head, it likely brought up bad memories for Triton. Another child who will never make it to adulthood.” Amphitrite started crying, and Poseidon held her tightly in his arms.
Poseidon's eyes started to grow wet, but he stubbornly refused to cry.
“Poseidon,” Loki says softly, “It’s alright to cry, and I’m sure Amphitrite doesn’t mind either. Norns knows how much I cried when I heard that prophecy.” Loki will do what he can to support his love. He knows that like the sea, Poseidon loves fiercely and vastly, and he needs the support from Loki and Amphitrite both.
Amphitrite takes a shuddering breath and looks into Poseidon’ turbulent eyes, like the froshing grays before a storm, “Husband, Loki is right. We both still grieve our granddaughter, and it is alright to express that.” Then she turns and gives a watery smile at Loki, “I’m glad my husband found another who can support and love him. Thank you, Loki.”
Loki takes a shuddering breath, surprised and happy that Amphitrite accepts him, and nods at Amphitrite. He also realizes that he never needed to be jealous of their open relationship because Poseidon gets to receive love from multiple people, and Loki finds himself oddly alright with that, and is sure Amphitrite feels the same way.
“I don’t know if I can, my loves,” Poseidon says heartbrokenly after their speeches, “I’m so used to being strong, I don’t know if I can be weak. W-what if I hurt our people? My emotions cause turbulent tides and storms and earthquakes, and if I start, I fear I won’t be able to hold back. I don’t want to go back to my old self that caused so much destruction.”
“Dear,” Ampitrite says sadly to Poseidon, “I’ll be here to weather your storm, as I’ll be here to comfort you through your rains. I’m the calming sea to your turbulent sea, and I will always be. You don’t have to hold back, as I’ll always be there to balance you out. You’ve changed for the better, and I don’t believe it possible that this loving man in front of me could ever go back to his old self.”
“I know what it's like to cause destruction in your wake,” Loki starts and heads to sit next to Poseidon and wraps his arms around him as Amphitrite does, “But what’s most important is finding those who can support you through it, and I’ve found that having those people near always settle the storm. I’m here Poseidon, and Amphitrite is here to support you, we’ll calm your storm and be here through everything.”
“I-I,” Poseidon says, shaking as tears escape his cloudy eyes, “Thank you.” And he starts sobbing in his lover's arms. The seas darken and grow dangerous, and storms and hurricanes start to form. However, Amphitrite, true to her word, even as her eyes are wet, calms her lover's destruction in non-fatal storms, hurricanes, and seas.
After they grieve, Poseidon says softly, “Pallas, was our beautiful and creative and troublemaking granddaughter. She always had ways to make us laugh, and she loved all life around her. She somehow though always found new ways to get into trouble. One day, when one of her pets, sorry friends,” Poseidon laughs wetly, remembering his granddaughter’s correction.
Poseidon then continues, “One of her friends died, and she created her first storm in her grief, and she was terrified of all the destruction she caused. She ended up destroying the ship that killed her friend, but even still, she never killed any of the people on board. They all managed to get safely to shore. A young man, though, who was part of that ship’s crew, saw her grieving over the dead fish, and proceeded to dedicate the rest of his life to saving marine life and giving his respects to Pallas. Then, his descendants after him, and so on, and today they own one of the largest marine life conservations and rehabilitations in the world called Pallas’ Ocean Rehabilitation. I’ve forgotten that Pallas blessed his family and still that blessing holds onto his descendants for all long as they do have good in their hearts, and that in her first destruction she paved the way for life to continue flourishing. I’ve forgotten the lesson that Pallas taught me that day, that destruction isn’t always bad.”
“I miss my granddaughter greatly, but I’ve forgotten her life in the tragedy of her death, and I think Triton needs to hear this, to remember those silly and fun and loving times with Pallas, so he can celebrate her life and start to move on from her death.” Poseidon states and stands up to go find his son.
Loki is in awe of Pallas and her beautiful story, and hopes to hear more about her, and hopes that Triton will be alright.
“I think Triton needs to hear that,” Amphitrite smiles and tells Poseidon before he leaves to go find their son, “I think we’ve all just been ignoring our grief, and forgotten how Pallas brought us together as a family, and how what we really needed was to stay together and not pull apart in our grief.”
“I agree,” Poseidon says and goes to find Triton.
“Pallas sounds like an amazing person, and I’m sad that I’ll never get to meet her,” Loki says sincerely to Amphitrite once Poseidon leaves.
“She was.” Amphitrite reminisces.
They sit in comfortable silence for a bit, and Loki thinks about Pallas both her tragedy and her impact on those around her. She was amazing and seemed to be full of life. Loki gently holds his flat stomach. Even if his child doesn’t have much time, he’ll be sure to enjoy every moment. Every life, every stumble, even every destruction. Even though the prophecy calls for the savior or the destroyer of Olympus, Loki will never turn his back on his child. Perhaps, even as a destroyer, the child will instead be like Pallas and pave the way for a brighter future.
Loki smiles, his destroyer, he likes the sound of that. Loki shakes his head, that’s in the future, and Loki knows whatever the child chooses he’ll stand behind them until the end.
Destroyer, huh, wonder what name that will lead to 😋
Also, I had to add Pallas. She really underrated in mythology and needed her mentioned somehow.
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dark-elf-writes · 4 months ago
I had a thought: Sharkie is a demigod. Alice is clearsighted and so tormented by what she saw (not just monsters but other things to. What does bump in the night and the cold grasp of death on her throat) that she fell to addiction.
But imagine Sharkie being a demigod of a sea god. Being so connected to the sea they wear that onesie. The pain of a god who lost their child before they turned older. The fact it was not a monster which claimed her but a dunk driver.
Just… yeah. Had the thought.
My first kneejerk reaction to this was “Oh Sharkie is 100% Triton’s kid” which suddenly made so many things line up and make sense.
Part of the reason Triton is so short with Percy when they meet is of course the fact that he’s Poseidon’s affair child and the tress of war and all but another part, a larger part than he’s willing to admit, is that Triton is jealous that Percy got to live and thrive when his own child did not. Because on some level every god is prepared to lose their children to monsters but with the advancements of recent centuries both in the mortal world and camp halfblood the idea of losing them to something else has all but disappeared from their minds.
Or it had for Triton until Sharkie’s death. Yet another one of his children who died too young.
He is still mourning when war zones to his home. Still mourning when he sees his father’s newest mortal son for the first time and has to grit his teeth. Still mourning when Percy comes back after the war and seeks him out with wide eyes.
“My dog dragged me to hell, long story, but while I was there I think I saw your kid. Like working there not like in hell, ugh I told dad I shouldn’t be the person to tell you this it’s all coming out wrong. Sharkie is their name now and they got to grow up and their adopted parents are great and… they want to meet you. We can set something u—”
Triton isn’t entirely sure why he grabbed his little mortal brother before transporting them to Hell (a crutch to be used while he grew accustomed to walking on legs after having sworn to himself that he would never leave the sea again in the wake of the loss of his youngest child he was sure. Certainly nothing more than that.) but he was thankful for the solid presence under his hand when he saw his child, his grown and laughing child, dealing with a soul.
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everythingwasalreadypicked · 4 months ago
"I'm going to kill her..." With just as fast as she came, Palas turned on her heels and left, leaving Lou blinking blearily behind her.
The first thing that crossed Lou's mind was: I need to shake the hand of whoever shook Palas this much.
The second thing that crossed Lou's mind was: I hope they continue to do so and give me an excuse to get rid of her.
Lou wants two simple things, really: Her family back and some control over her own life.
With a surprise visit, the latter may just get even harder to achieve.
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silmarillaure · 29 days ago
Rick Riordan giving Athena magical brain babies with men but not women should be a crime.
(I mean really she should have no children at all but if she had to...) I just want to say say never liked a single man in mythology as much as she liked Pallas.
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notwillsoulless · 2 months ago
"why hasn't pjo!Athena just offed Percy if she hates him so much--"
because she looks at him and Annabeth and sees herself and pjo!Pallas. maybe she genuinely believes that by separating them, she could spare Annabeth the pain, knowing he was prophesied to die.
maybe, when his hair grows longer in Tartarus, and he comes back from months away, she can only see a daughter of the tides with curly black hair and the same, mischievous smile, and feel nothing but a distant ache in her heart.
maybe she looks over the ocean and remembers that she was raised there, unable to harm someone who is so similar yet so different from her.
someone raised away from home, taken by the arms of the sea after the biggest loss of her life. given away and neglected by her father only to be pulled back and called the favorite when the time comes.
maybe she spares Percy because she understands him.
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bimyself06 · 1 year ago
Can we talk abt the whole Poseidon saved Percy from death after Athena let monsters into her temple in a hissy fit and blames her daughter for the actions of another? Now the whole mirroring of both gods actions and their children's reverence/lack of reverence and the way it didn't affect them saving their children or not saving in Athena's case, has been talked abt so let's talk abt Poseidon here.
If we include the actual Greek myths here, Athena and Poseidon's beef isn't just abt the whole Athens patron contest. In the myths Triton, Poseidon's heir whom we meet in the fifth book, had a daughter named Pallas. Pallas was friends with a daughter of Zeus, Athena. During a spar, fight, or contest (this part varies depending on the telling if the myth) Athena kills Pallas by stabbing her with her spear on accident (although I do believe there are some versions where she did it on purpose as she was blinded by jealousy that Pallas could best her in a fight).
Now, let's go back to PJO. We know after watching the last two episodes that Poseidon does care for Percy beyond what he can do for him, so imagine the anger and panic that Poseidon must have felt after watching his son nearly die all because of Athena's "wounded" pride; it would have been another child of his blood, this time his son instead of his granddaughter, who would loose their life at the hands of Athena.
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toubledrouble · 1 year ago
Dumb headcanon time!
Athena cabin has a cat. A Pallas cat.
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englandsgirl18181234 · 20 days ago
Hi👋so hope you’re having a good day/night and sorry for sending you a new ask when you haven’t answered my last one yet
but I just read your post about your au where Athena basically gets the winter soldier treatment and have lot of questions about the au like do Apollo and Athena tell the others about what Zeus did to them and about Athena’s conditioning or do they have to put the pieces together by themselves
speaking of conditioning does Apollo not have the conditioning and did Zeus try to do the same conditioning with Apollo and it just didn’t work maybe cause it sounds like that Zeus started doing this to Athena when she just was born and only stared with Apollo after god games or did he just decide not to the conditioning to Apollo cause he wasn’t trying to make him into a weapon
what are the reactions of each of the Olympians and especially Hera,Demeter,Hestia,Poseidon and Hades to finding out about everything that’s been happening to Athena and Apollo
What time is this au happening during
who is older in this au Apollo or Athena
In this au when Athena was banished from Olympus and went to live with Triton did Zeus not send her to Triton right away so he could turn her in to a weapon or while Athena was banished did he come visit and continue to do the conditioning without Triton being aware of it
I just thought of something dark what if in this au Zeus sent Athena to Triton to so he could have a weapon ready to strike in his brother kingdom
Also why did Zeus kill Pallas in this au because it seems like this is less of Zeus fearing to see his daughter lose in a spar and more calculated
It's all good my dude(gender neutral), I promise! You are welcome to send as many asks as you want, I will always do my best to answer them all even if it might take a while! I promise I'm still working on that Poseidon ask by the way, it's currently in my drafts and getting long!
So from the top! Spoilers under the cut, and warning this has gotten Really Long.
Athena and Apollo do not willingly tell the others anything until after Zeus has already been dethroned and cut to pieces for several days. They are far too afraid of what Zeus will do to them if their efforts fail and he finds out that they were willingly plotting against him. They are not taking any chances with this, not when this might be their only one. They are not trusting anyone but each other, and especially not when the others on the Council start poking around to try and figure out what's going on with the two of them.
This actually causes a lot of angst during the final battle when Zeus manages to trigger Athena's conditioning and Apollo has to fight her. The others had gotten hints that something was s very wrong with them both and that it has something to do with Zeus, but that was it before they take the fight to Zeus. So to see Apollo in that battle, with tears openly streaming down his face and his mouth twisted into a vicious snarl, fighting to kill against an utterly blank faced Athena, the only person they knew for a fact that he trusted, was like a slap to the face that they had all missed something huge going on.
His conditioning is also nowhere near as deep as Athena's either, to the point that he can actually remember every order, and is even able to defy Zeus at times.
And Apollo did go through a lot of the same conditioning as Athena when he got dragged in by Zeus, making him a lot more war like than he's usually depicted. He's even better in a fight than the rest of their siblings, including Ares, because he can regularly fight Athena to a draw as long as she's not under Zeus's orders. And he excels in all ranges of combat in a way that none of his other siblings do, even Athena. Melee, close range, long range, he can do it all, though he's best at melee and extremely long range. And he's a dirty fighter, he's not afraid to hit below the belt or throw sand in your eyes if it gives him even the smallest advantage.
But the thing with the conditioning is that it didn't work the same way as it did for Athena. He does still have some conditioning, but it's different from Athena's because Zeus didn't want him as a weapon, he wanted him as a way to keep Athena in fighting shape. Zeus only bothered training him in combat because he wanted him to be able keep up with her so he could heal her even in the middle of a battlefield.
Because Zeus had molded her into what is basically a barbarian in D&D. Doing as much damage as possible as fast as possible, with no care for how hurt she gets in the process as long as she's still able to fight.
Apollo was basically grabbed to be Zeus's personal healer and Athena's 'mechanic' as it were.
It's because with Apollo, he was already a fully grown adult with multiple primary and secondary domains, and a very defined sense of self because of his bond with Artemis, when Zeus started working on him.
So the rest of the gods, when they're finally informed about what Athena and Apollo suffered at Zeus's hands, are absolutely horrified.
Whereas with Athena, she was essentially a genius toddler that looked like a 12 year old. Zeus got her right from birth, carefully crafting her into his perfect weapon.
And up until she was sent to Atlantis, and then when she later met Odysseus and his family? That's all she was. She was a weapon, Zeus's weapon, and nothing more. People on Olympus basically treated her as an extension of Zeus, never her own person.
But Triton and Pallas taught her, entirely without intending to, that there was more to life than just training and pain. Her time in Atlantis showed her that the way Zeus treated her was not the norm, even for royalty.
And even after she was banished, even after Pallas's death and Triton's seeming abandonment, she remembered those lessons. They became a reminder of Pallas, of her first and only friend. A reminder of Triton and the fact that, even if he didn't love her anymore, he had still loved her once. He had still thought her worthy of his love once upon a time, and that gave her hope that she might be able to make herself into something worthy of being loved again in the future.
And those lessons came back with a vengeance when she met Odysseus. He treated her as a person, as someone worthy of respect on her own merit and not as an extension of Zeus.
Their relationship was extremely close, and she was gentle with him in training as far as she could tell. She gave him the things she'd always wanted in her training with Zeus. A trainer that didn't hurt him when he got something wrong, time to rest and heal when he pushed himself too far, guidance when he didn't know what to do. Even My Goodbye was impossibly gentle from her perspective. She didn't hurt him for defying her the way that Zeus did to her, she didn't torment him and take away the few things he cared about. She just left. Just ignored him for a little while, as a punishment.
But her perspective is so different from his that there was a lot of miscommunication over the years. To him her training was brutal, pushing him harder than he'd ever been pushed before, with long periods of silence when he disappointed her, and her advice was often cryptic and unhelpful until he had already messed up.
So when they reunite, Penelope makes sure they sit down and actually talk things out. And as Athena explained what her own training was like, Odysseus and Penelope suddenly understood so much more about why she trained him the way she did. So to her, seeing and training Telemachus the way that she and Odysseus did together, was pure fantasy. She'd never even known it was possible to be so utterly kind and gentle while training someone, and that hurt the Royal Family when they realized it.
Wow I got off topic there, my bad. Back to your questions!
For the younger gods, it's because Zeus made them complicit in it. They were part of the reason Athena and Apollo were abused for so long. Because Zeus pitted them against each other so they wouldn't have anyone they could go to for help. Ares and Artemis in-particular are disgusted with themselves because they were actively hostile to the two people that should have been their other halves. All because of a man that none of them had even truly trusted.
And the older gods are even worse off. The fact that Zeus was able to do something that many of them felt was worse than what Kronos had done, for thousands of years, all directly under their noses is genuinely sickening to them. Poseidon and Hestia in-particular blame themselves for what Athena and Apollo suffered.
Poseidon because he banished Athena from Atlantis after Pallas's death. He was the one who made her return to Olympus, even though he knew that Triton didn't want her banished. So to now find out, more than 3000 years later, that not only was Athena the weapon and not the killer, but that banishing her sent her directly back into the hands of the man that turned her into that weapon in the first place? He's horrified and disgusted and also desperately wishing that he could go back in time and punch himself in the face. He was horrible to Athena after what happened to Pallas and he knows that. He was already ashamed of how he treated her, so to learn she was suffering through all of this on top of it? He's definitely cursing himself for his foolishness.
Hestia is absolutely sickened by what Zeus did to Apollo and Athena. She hates him on a level that up until that point had been reserved solely for Kronos. And she blames herself because as Goddess of Family, the Hearth, and Home, she should have been able to tell that Athena and Apollo didn't consider Zeus family, that they didn't view Olympus as their home. She should have realized what was happening right under her nose, but she didn't. And her niece and nephew, her own family, both suffered for thousands of years for it.
Am I implying that even so long after Odysseus, Penelope, and Telemachus's deaths Athena and Apollo both still consider the palace in Ithaca their real home? Yes, yes I am.
And this is all happening around roughly the same time frame as my Chthonic Athena AU, so like 30 to 40 years after the second Giant War.
Athena is much older than Apollo in this AU. She's Zeus's very first child, so she's older than everyone on the Council except Zeus, his siblings, and Aphrodite. Apollo is actually one of Zeus's youngest children here, with only Hermes and Dionysus being younger than him.
So Athena's time in Atlantis was a very strange mix of banishment and diplomatic visit. The royal families; basically Zeus, Hera, Athena, Poseidon, Amphirite, Triton, and Pallas, all know that Athena was essentially being banished. But everyone else was told that she was there for an extended diplomatic visit because of her status as Zeus's only child.
And there is a gap between Athena's birth and when she's sent to Triton. It's roughly a century, or about a hundred years. Enough for her to still be very young by godly standards, but old enough for Zeus's excuse to make sense when combined with her domains.
And remember how I said Athena is the oldest? Yeah, it's by about 500 years. More than enough time for Zeus to really get his claws into her even with her time in Atlantis.
And you are exactly right on why Zeus sent her to Atlantis. He wanted her there because he wanted a weapon in the heart of Poseidon's kingdom when they went to war. And that's exactly why he forced her to kill Pallas.
Zeus wanted to go to war with Poseidon. He wanted an excuse to attack Atlantis. And with Athena killing Pallas, who was not only Poseidon's only grandchild, but also a princess of Atlantis as Triton's child, and in line for the throne should Poseidon and Triton ever fade, he was absolutely certain that Poseidon would declare war first. Or at bare minimum keep Athena as a prisoner and give him an excuse to do so.
But Triton put a stop to all that, and Zeus hates him for it. Triton's obvious love for Athena not only stopped Poseidon from taking her prisoner, but he didn't even want her banished. According to Atlantian law*, as the one who lost a child, Triton should have been the one to decide Athena's punishment. But Poseidon overruled him with the power of his position as King and banished her before Triton got the chance to decide.
*That I'm totally making up for story purposes
Triton didn't even get the chance to speak with Athena before she was sent back to Olympus, so he never got to hear what happened from her point of view. As a matter of fact, no one in Atlantis did. Poseidon didn't want to hear what she had to say, too enraged at the death of his granddaughter, so he sent her away immediately.
But let's lighten things up a little bit since these got pretty heavy.
Pallas and Athena once fought Triton together and actually managed to beat him. He was so proud that he insisted on throwing a feast and had Athena wear his crown for the whole day to show off.
Odysseus once beat Athena in a spar and she did the same thing, giving him her cape and even letting him keep it.
It had protection magic weaved into it and Odysseus, with Athena's help, made it into Telemachus's baby blanket. It became a family heirloom that was passed down for generations, and when the last of their descendants died, she started using it for her own children.
Athena helped Odysseus carve his and Penelope's wedding bed into the olive tree where they met, blessing it and putting protections on it so it would be all but impervious to mortal damage.
Athena actually attended Odysseus and Penelope's wedding in disguise, blessing their union.
She also blessed their promise rings* when Odysseus was forced to go to war, making it so that as long as one of them** was wearing theirs, they would both always know that the other was still alive.
*As far as I could find, the ancient Greeks didn't use rings to specifically symbolize marriage, but rather as a token to show love and affection.
**Because wearing a wedding ring on the battlefield is a great way to lose it or get yourself killed***, especially when it's not made from modern more durable materials.
***You know I'm right, no matter how romantic it is. Having it on a chain is begging to get choked with it, and trying to punch somebody with it on increases the likelihood of breaking a knuckle or something.
Telemachus once called Athena Mom* while half asleep and she was really touched by it. Penelope wasn't even mad about it because he'd already told her and Odysseus that he saw Athena that way. They were just surprised that he'd actually said it to her face.
*Or the ancient Greek equivalent that I can't find right now
So yeah, thanks for the ask!!! I love answering questions like these, and hopefully you don't mind the lighter parts at the end!!
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