#palia fanfiction
bubble-leaves · 1 month
Money - Reth x Reader
cw / subtle angst
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The day has come to a close. The sun has set, the crickets are chirping outside, and the candles in your home have been extinguished.
You had invited your boyfriend to stay over at your place for the night; today was hard for him. Against their deal, the cartel Reth was involved with had raised the price for Tish’s flow treatment. To keep up with this new flagrant price, Reth may have to work at the inn until midnight, now. He didn’t understand. His payments were always on time, always. Why was he being punished so cruelly?
Reth sits upon your comfortable bed, his eyes without shine. He’s in casual pajamas and his bandana and jewelry are off. In his peripheral vision, he can see you lighting the wick of your small homestead lamp that sits on your nightstand. The soft light is comforting to him, yet you know he’ll need a lot more than just light to make him feel okay right now. You stand directly in front of him. Reth looks up at you, a look of pure heartache on his face. He sighs as you cup his face with your hands.
“It’s gonna be okay,” You whisper, before pressing a kiss to his forehead.
He closes his eyes and softly hums in response. When you pull away, he gazes back at you sadly.
“I’m gonna help, okay? Any extra money you need, I got you,” You assure.
Reth’s brows furrow together with sorrow and he shakes his head. He pulls his face out of your hands.
“No, you aren’t,” Reth says. “This is all on me. You’re not getting in any of the cartel business, okay? Over my dead body, literally.”
Your shoulders sink as you exhale. Reth has a terrible problem with accepting help, but you understand where he’s coming from here. He never wanted you involved in any of the shady business he does, he’s always let you know that. But seeing him suffer this internal turmoil is killing you.
“They won’t know the extras are from me,” You argue. “With how much you work, especially so early in the Market, they couldn’t.”
“(Y/n). I said no,” Reth affirms.
You frown. You feel a bit helpless, as though you’re watching him struggle to keep his head above water. You both stare at each other in silence before Reth finally looks away. He rubs his wrist anxiously, then decides to abandon the conversation. He crawls up to the side of your bed he’s come to call his own, and slips underneath the covers with his back to you. It’s not that he’s angry with you. He just . . . doesn’t know what to say. You know. One thing Reth will never deny is that you understand him better than anyone else.
You release a quiet breath and get into bed with him. Reth hears you settle down, but doesn’t expect to feel your back against his. His eyes shift to the side and his brows furrow. You two never sleep back to back, never ever. He hears the crackle of your fireplace in the other room as his lips purse in thought. Did he upset you? Was he too cold toward you? Quietly, Reth looks over his shoulder to check on you. He sees you breathing peacefully. There doesn’t seem to be any distress, but he still feels bad. Finally, he lets out a sigh and turns over to you. A small smile breaks on your lips as you feel his arm curl around your body and tug it against his.
“Was I being mean?” He mumbles.
You breathe out a laugh. “No, not even close. Don’t worry about it. I understand, love.”
Reth’s lips press together as he feels his heart throbbing. Your unrelenting, unwavering kindness surprises him every time. He nestles his face in the crook of your neck and closes his eyes in bliss. He pecks a few kisses against your skin as your hand caresses the arm that anchors you to his chest. The air inside the room feels fresh and comfortable, effortlessly easing the tension from a few minutes ago. Your weighted covers, the ambience of the chirping crickets and nearby fireplace, all calm down both of your nerves.
Just then, your fingertip begins tracing over the marking tattoos on his forearm. His eyes open once more to watch. He sighs deep in his throat. The memory of him being held down by several cartel members to get these inked is somehow less painful when you’re here, idly tracing the patterns. Reth wants the memory to be replaced with this very moment. Because you don’t bring him pain or fear, anger or disappointment. You just bring love. It feels so strange, but he just can’t get enough of you.
“You’re making me shiver,” Reth chuckles.
You smile, “I know, isn’t it amazing?”
He rolls his eyes before closing them, a big smile on his face too. “It is. But you’d know all about amazing, huh?”
“Mhm,” You smile, turning over on your other side to face him. “Like giving you 10,000 gold a week. How’s that?”
Reth’s smile drops. His mouth hangs open in pure shock for a beat, then he snaps out of it.
“Babe, that’s, like, nearly 3 weeks of me working at both the inn and the Market,” He says.
You shrug. “Would that cover the costs?”
His wide eyes blink a couple of times. “Well . . . I mean, yeah, but . . . ”
His words trail off as the arm around your waist retracts a bit. Your lips part with regret; maybe you should have laid off the pestering. Instinctually, your fingertips brush along his arm as it subtly moves. Reth looks down. It’s hard to decipher what he’s feeling. You wait patiently for him to continue. Just then, Reth looks up to you with eyes glossed over with tears. You softly gasp. His brows are furrowed upward in something resembling sorrow and confusion.
“ . . . I don’t get it. Why are you so insistent on helping, even in the face of danger, just for me?” He asks in a low, quivering tone.
Your head tilts to the side. You’re taken aback by his words.
“What do you mean, ‘just for you?’ Reth, I love you,” You emphasize.
Reth’s eyes close tight after those last 3 words. One single tear streams down his cheek. Then another. And another. You deeply frown and use your thumbs to rub them away, listening as he tries to keep his breathing steady. He’s never wept in front of you before. But, like usual, you seem to know exactly what to do. Reth softly grasps one of your wrists, then looks up at you.
“I have no idea how you do this to me,” He says with a bittersweet laugh. “Ah . . . not so tough when I’m with you, huh?”
You smile and caress his cheek back and forth with your thumb. “It’s fine to cry, crying is good.”
Reth stares at you for a second, then groans and hangs his head. “Dragon, why are you so . . . ugh. I am so lucky to have you.”
You giggle, just before pressing a sweet kiss to his lips. It’s clear that he just needs to stop talking for a minute. He quietly moans due to the delightful chill you send down his back. He kisses you back immediately, with the same softness, until you let go to speak.
Eyes half-open as you pull back, you say, “Money is the least thing I could give you, okay? This isn’t no loan, this isn’t no mooching, this is me just helping you out until the price is lowered again.”
Reth sighs, clearly still bothered by this notion. He opens his mouth to refute, but he recognizes that he’s not going to make you sway on this matter, despite how dangerous it could be for you.
You continue after a spell of silence. “And what am I gonna do with all the extra money I get, anyway? Buy a farm?”
Reth’s concerned expression is abandoned for a smirk. “I mean, you could.”
You brush a stray hair from his eyes and nod. “I could. But I’d rather spend it on you.”
“Damn it,” Reth says under his breath, his face feeling hot.
You giggle as you watch him blush and shift his shoulders, flattered. Normally, he’s the one that would say something like that to you. Reth didn’t know that it felt this good to hear.
“Okay. Okay, fine, just . . . don’t bring it into the inn or the Market. Just give it to me when I ask, here,” He finally compromises.
A soft gasp leaves his lips as you kiss his forehead again. He didn’t really expect another one.
“I got you, don’t worry,” You murmur. “Just get some rest, okay? I’ll be here.”
Those words make him feel so safe. Reth closes his eyes with a sigh and melts into the crook of your neck. His arm wraps around your waist again. You sweetly caress his arm up and down as he hugs you tight. His face is a rich maroon and his spine feels pleasant tingles floating down it. Suddenly, the world doesn’t seem like it’s crashing down on him. You would never let that happen, anyway; you are Reth’s fortress. And he feels so secure in your arms, comforted by your warmth and your kind spirit. He doesn’t know what he did to possibly deserve someone like you loving him like this, yet he’s inspired by the unconditional prospect of it. Reth wants to love you in the exact same way.
He feels your fingertips softly brush over his skin until he falls asleep, in a state of pure peace.
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piltoverfinest · 6 months
And we are finally, finally treading into that E-Rated territory. So if you love Reth just as much as I...Rosie does, then hop on & ride with us. :D
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spectres-fulcrum · 1 year
So I semi edited and posted what I wrote all last night(I need to like actually edit it today) but it's that player/Hassian idea I posted a few nights ago. A quick summary:
(Or: Their courtship is secure, when they see Tamala while hunting. Hassian sees his reaction as a setback while his suitor wants to give his trauma induced scars a place to bleed safely. )
Definitely hurt/comfort. But full of love, but real love, not the sunshine and briar daisies love. I definitely wrote it with my character in mind, with female pronouns, and the name Emily, cause that's my comfort zone writing. But nothing about it is super gendered beyond pronouns.
I definitely think I did well capturing the village around them though. Hope you all enjoy!
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plotbunnybreeder · 4 months
Baking New Bridges
Reth knew Hassian disliked him for denying his family's Path. During a walk to find a special flower for Tish in Bahari, Reth finds a letter he's certain was written by Hassian. Initially thinking the "T" stands for Tish, Reth sets out to try and do Hassian a favor and maybe become friends.
How this turned into navigating between Hassian and Tamala baffles him.
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amorchai · 4 months
me: *plays palia for two days*
also me: *debates adding reth to my character list*
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athenagc94 · 6 months
For those who know nothing about me... I absolutely LOVE fake dating as a trope. The tension as "fake" feelings become "not-so-fake" feelings is my bread and butter.
So... I have decided to venture back to a trope I love (and have already explored in other fandoms) with this new Hassian fic. I spent all of last night plotting it, so now I have a rough idea of where the story is going.
Stay tuned!
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im-not-margaret · 2 months
Okay, so…I lied…
On the last chapter of “Building a Home”, I said there would be a hiatus…well…I got real bored. Keep an eye out for Chapter 11 this week😘
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sungrave · 3 months
Forewords: I estimate Hassian's age at this time around 7-9 ish. I couldn't find any other indication on ages than Taylin calling him "my smart baby",he was old enough to shoot a sernuk but Tay was very impressed.... That's what we are working with this time. Also i couldn't find/remember anything about how much time passed between them being kicked out and getting to Kilima so maybe assume it for a few months, a year tops. Time flies surprisingly fast when u get lost in the woods (just saying)
The ✿s are to indicate time skip
The letters are official from the wiki, the rest is just headcanon
At the end the bonus is with my palia character but i didnt include her name. Just fyi.
Good luck~
-Here - Taylin said, letting go of Hassian's hand gently. His tiny nails were sparkling with glittering yellow nail polish and he stared at them awestruck.
-Be careful not to touch anything so it can dry properly alright? -he nodded then slowly turned to sit at the side of the bed, feet dangling and swinging back and forth while he waited patiently. A door slammed somewhere in the house then Sifuu's head popped into view.
- I'm home! - she declared proudly, drawing a little chuckle from Taylin.
- No way! - she said while her wife came over with a grin, leaned down to give her a kiss and ruffle Hassian's hair.
-Mother! Careful!! - he tried to lean out of the way holding his hands away and up in the air to prevent touching and Sifuu poked his cheek.
- Whatchu got there kiddo?
- My naails! - Hassian jumped off the bed with an exasperated expression on his face, clearly being done with his mother's antics. -You're gonna smudge them! - he cried out accusingly. Taylin reached out to wave him closer and he went around Sifuu, squinting at her and trying to avoid her reach. His mother grimaced like an animal trying to intimidate their prey but exaggerated it in a playful way. Taylin chuckled while lightly tapped his nails to see if they still wet then pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead.
-Go get a book ready for bed and I'll go read for you soon okay? - his eyes lit up and Hassian ran out with an excited hum, still carefully holding his hands up just to be sure he doesn't ruin his momma's hard work.
- You're home late - Taylin said, reaching out for Sifuu. She crawled behind her wife, gave her a tight hug then reached for the nail polish. Light peach pink, matching the blush that appeared often on Taylin's cheeks when they were together like this.
- There were some people asking for you - she started, her eyes darkening. Taylin, leaning back and resting her head on Sifuu's shoulder tensed but asked in a playful tone.
- Did they come for an autograph?
- There is some monster lurking in their woods -Sifuu said with measured nonchalance and carefully opened the vial to start on her beloved wife's nails, with the tip of her tongue sticking out. Taylin smothered a smile as she watched under her lashes. - They didn't specify but it's scaring the shit out of them and no one wanted the job because it's vague. No townsfolk was taken yet but they are worried. And they heard you are the best bounty hunter.
- Wow, not you? -Taylin interjected. Sifuu's hand slipped and the tiny brush flicked even tinier drops of nail polish on her dress.
- They must have heard it from one of my rivals - Sifuu huffed and froze but Taylin was still resting with head tilted back, her eyes closed now, completely giving herself to the tender loving care session.
- Surely. Do you want to check it out?
Sifuu let out a hmm, slightly concerned.
- We don't need to. But if they found us, it's only a matter of time before we get assigned to it by the guild. Besides we - she pressed the last word - are the best.
- Hon- Taylin leaned away from Sifuu.
- Hmm?
- What happened here?
Sifuu looked at her wife's hands, held out in front of them, fingers spread, both of their brows drawn, confused.
- What do you mean?
Taylin turned to look into her eyes.
-These are awful. - she said with a mortified look. Sifuu snorted then broke out in loud laughter and playfully nudged Taylin.
- What do you mean awful?? It's miles better than last time! - Taylin was trying to stifle her own laughter.
- Absolutely not, even Hassian keeps between the lines when he is coloring, better than you, are you drunk again?!
- How dare you - Sifuu's laughter stopped and she grabbed Taylin with an arm wrapping around her waist. - Take that back right now! I am not worse than Hassian's coloring! I even practiced! 
Taylin, so close to Sifuu's face and nearly bursting from amusement feigned outrage.
- You dare paint another person's nails other than your wife's?!!
Sifuu seemed upset but her eyes slowly focused on Taylin's lips, barely holding back a smile.
- I don't think that person actually counts as one. It was just Malayka - she leaned in to take a kiss but Taylin finally erupted in laughter.
- You are right - she coughed between wheezes - Malayka indeed doesnt count. - she calmed down slowly and then pressed her forehead against Sifuu's.
- Maybe ask Hassian next time for practice. You almost covered all the tops of my fingers with nail polish. Again. This is like the hundreth time.
- I tried my best okay?! - she grumbled and sighed at the gentle teasing.- Is it really that bad?
- I wouldn't have had it any other way - Taylin whispered and kissed her wife.
Muffled anger filtered through the closed door and Hassian hesitated. Ever since her moms came back from that hunting trip, Momma was upset and Sifuu barely contained her insults even around him - to everyone great displeasure. There was silence now and he bit his lip in worry before knocking and then opening the door slightly. Her parents stood in the middle of their bedroom, visibly upset but holding it back for him.
- Momma? - he hesitated. Taylin kneeled on the floor and spread her arms for him. He ran over, face buried in her neck, melting into her embrace.
- Are you alright Hassian? - she asked worried. He stepped back and held up the little vial of gold nail polish. Taylin smiled but it didn't reach her eyes. - I'm sorry baby, maybe later, mommies are a little busy right now. - Sifuu exhaled loudly but didnt say a word. Hassian just nodded, a faint smile on his lips to reassure his momma it's okay and walked out. He was sure he just imagined the sound of sobs after he closed the door.
How's the weather in the plains? Your mom told me there's a storm rolling in from the desert. I know how much you hate it when you get cooped up inside, but I promise when I get back I'll take you camping for a whole week! We'll roast dinner on an open fire and stare up at the stars, all three of us together.
The woods are dark, and dank, and full of bugs. Blech! Some day I want to show it to you. Once it's safe.
I miss you so much, my smart little baby, and I hope you aren't giving mom too much trouble while I'm gone. This hunt won't last much longer, I promise.
Remember what I taught you, okay? When you get lonely, just look up at the night sky and remember that the stars are watching over you - and those same ones are watching over me too!
I can't wait to see you again.
Love, Momma
Can you guess what your momma caught today while hunting? There's lots of weird critters crawling around the Elderwood, but this one was the weirdest of all. Apparently it's called a Grumpy Granite Rockhopper! When it's threatened it makes the exact same face you do when we tell you it's time to go to bed! It looks a little something like this: >:(
I know I promised in the last one that the hunt was about to end, but this nasty beastie's real good at hiding, so I'm gonna have to be gone for a bit longer. Make sure your mom gives you extra hugs tonight, okay?
This time, for sure, I'll be home before you know it.
Love, Momma
That's amazing!! You caught a whole Elder Sernuk all by yourself?! Your momma's so proud of you! I knew the moment you tried to grab my bow when you were just a little baby, you were made for this.
I'm sorry I'm not there to tell you that myself. Every week that passes feels longer than the next.
If I don't finish this by the end of the month, I'll come home no matter what. Save the next sernuk for me, okay?
Love, Momma
I searched for weeks, but there's no sign of her. If Taylin hasn't fallen prey to the beast then she's done a very good job of covering her tracks. There's nothing more I can do with a cold trail.
I've attached the things from her camp that weren't torn to shreds. There wasn't much left, I'm sorry.
Stay strong, yeah? You ever need help, just call on us. The crew's always got your back.
- Malayka
- Pack up kiddo, we are going on an adventure! - Hassian gritted his teeth. There was no arguing with Sifuu, she acted like all was well, like they weren't just sent away from their own home! She acted like he was too little, too dumb to comprehend what's going on but he knew. He heard the townsfolk talking when they thought he couldn't hear it. He saw how they looked at them now. Her momma killed the beast yet they called her a liar and now they are kicking them out of the village because they are all liars but it wasn't true! He wanted to scream, he wanted to cry but momma would not scream, she would not cry, not in front of all these pompous arseholes! He slammed some of his clothes in a bag, he knew he wasn't supposed to use the bad words but those bad people deserved it! Her momma hasn't come back yet and everyone thinks she ran away in shame but she wouldn't run away! Ever! He was grabbing random items at this point, he never had a lot of things to begin with as he preferred to be outside with Tau and his momma and you lose things outside if there is too many of them but he stopped abruptly when he realized what was in his hand this time. A little vial of gold liquid. He bit his lips. He won't cry, he wont cry.... But her tears spilled and he sniffled loudly.
- Momma .... - "She will come back" he thought, dragging a string out of one his shoes. He tied it around the neck of the vial and looped it around his neck then shoved it under his shirt. The glass was cold, cold like his pillows since her momma wasn't reading him bedtime stories anymore. - She will come back - he said now defiant as he packed full the rest of his bag. And he will wait for her wherever they have to go after leaving this dumb village!
- Mother? - he poked his head through the doorway. It was a new village, they finally found one where no one knew them and everyone was nice and welcoming. Even that lady major, regardless of how much she frowned at Tau and said something about muddy beasts. Tai was not muddy! But he didn't say anything, he just wanted to finally have a home again. Now their house was small, their neighbors were far and there was a lot of chapaas - which was already bugging him especially when one tried to steal his shoe while it was still on his foot for the Dragon's sake! It's been only a few days but he finally unpacked and had the courage to talk to his mother. She wasnt sick but she was... Something was wrong with her. At the beginning of their journey she tried to talk to him but he was mad at her for leaving momma behind. Now it seemed like she was the one mad at him but....
- Mother? -he tried again because she didnt answer. This time a low voice came faintly from her and he wasn't sure if it was a "hmm?" or a groan of pain. He lifted his chin and walked into the kitchen.
- Mother are you alright? - he asked, his little hands pressed together, fingers grasping each other nervously. Sifuu slowly focused on him then reached out to ruffle his hair.
- What is even alright these days - she slurred. Hassian grew worried . There werent many bottles in front of her but by the moons, she smelled like she drunk up a whole barrel.
- I... I.. - he couldnt. He tried to walk away but Sifuu's huge hand was still on his head
- Whatsup kiddo - she asked with a sad smile. Hassian's lips curved downwards. He couldnt say anything. He opened his hands, revealing what he's been clutching onto this whole time, hoping it would miraculously solve all their problems . Sifuu's hand fell.
-I...would you... - he started again. He was so nervous but why. He knew it was always momma doing his nails. And mother did momma's. But why were his hands shaking so much...
- I ... Can't.... - Sifuu's said quietly. Hassian looked up and there was sheer panic in his mother's eyes. He never saw that expression on her face not even when a sernuk almost ran him over because he was too small and it was approaching too fast and he froze with his bow and arrow in his hands... He swallowed hard and ran out of the kitchen, slamming the bedroom door behind him. His breathing was fast, his eyes teary, his head full of thoughts but deafeningly quiet at the same time. He opened the window and threw the nail polish out far, far away through it.
Sifuu sat there, frozen. She thought she got rid of all of them, when she heard Taylin possibly died and her emotions got the best of her and she crashed all of them on a rock. Memories she tried to drown for hours came up so fast she felt dizzy all of a sudden and she had to scramble to her feet to get to the sink before she threw up violently. Tears and half tainted alcohol mixed in the bowl as she slid down to the floor, hands shaking as she wiped her mouth. Her heart was breaking from disappointing his child and knowing she will never be able to share that joy with him. Her heart was breaking from the pain this innocent and harmless action. And her heart was breaking from the loss of her wife she eventually had to accept as final.
- Your nails.... - she reached for his hand and he instinctively crossed his arms on his chest, hiding his fingers under them. She yanked her hand back and apologized.
- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ... Embarrass you? I've never seen you do your nails before.
Hassian hesitated, slowly unfurling his arms.
- No, I'm sorry - he said quietly. - I'm... Still getting used to... You. I guess. That you dont ridicule me for.. anything?
She reached for his hand to take a look at it at the fire. It was a nice evening with the moons bright and the stars winking down at them but the little gold sparkles glittered playfully much better with the embers than the natural light.
- It's lovely? And very precise - she smiled at him encouraging and Hassian relaxed a little.
- Chayne helped with the nail polish. My momma used to paint my nails and after she was .... Gone... I couldn't find the color again. Chayne helped me mix the gold powder and it's not the same but still the closest... I was always good at aiming and keeping to the lines... -he trailed off.
- It's a beautiful way remember her on her anniversary.
Hassian smiled gently, looking at his nails with distant eyes. - Thank you for being with me. Here and.. in general. I know I can be... Khm. A lot sometimes.
She smiled at him and linked their fingers together.
- I wouldn't have it any other way.
Thank you for reading, if you managed to get that far. ✨
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crowdeerdire · 1 year
BTW I havn't written in YEARS! Use to all the time but then I just didn't feel like it... Wrote this about a week ago and it just felt so good! Just a small idea about Hassian and the player!
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bubble-leaves · 24 days
Reth headcanons please 🫶🏻
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Reth . . .
- always sleeps in to snuggle with you on his rare days off
- is more of a summer guy, but he loves winter for the same point above: cuddling with you, but daily!!
- is all about overworking until it’s you doing it; will scold you if he notices you’re tired or sore from labor
- loves seeing your artwork, even if it’s silly
- will not let you see his art for the life of him; he hides little sketches of you and him, all romantic and intimate in nature
- bothers Caleri; he comes by nearly every day to check out another book about how-to-romance, then talks her ear off about how she needs to order books about human courting methods
- screams in absolute shrill terror if you show off an insect to him, unless it’s a butterfly
- needs your help to kill spiders (he is horrified)
- is ticklish (use this info at your own risk: he kicks)
- jokingly calls any dietary restrictions you have a “you problem” and tells you to just get better at processing foods
- loves kissing your neck and leaving small marks; no dramatic ones (most of the time), just little ones that will let people getting up-close to you know you’re his while not alerting the attention of the entire village
- occasionally passes out from exhaustion in his storeroom; you’ll have to basically drag him to his room in the inn when this happens
- braids your hair whenever you’re doing something with your hands (writing, sewing, baking, etc) and he’s bored
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raggedy-sam · 5 months
I was talking with another Palia fan on the palia Facebook group, and there were musings about Jel, his "fangs", and vampire vibes. I honestly thought all Majiri had fangs, so I brought that point up, and while I play on the tiny screen of my switch, some who play on bigger screens said they have not noticed fangs on the rest of the majiri...so cue me googling pics of all the majiri mouths in existance (lol) and while I took note that the majority of fanart has all majiri with at least a little bit 'o fang, I'm struggling to prove my point with actual in-game photos or official game art etc. So....I'm curious what you all think...🤔🤔
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piltoverfinest · 4 months
Hello again :)
This week I have 2 new chapters for all of you. :D Thank all of you so much for reaching out to me, sending me DMs or leaving comments. I really did not think I would get that much feedback and love for this story, I am still so positively overwhelmed by it.
I hope you will all enjoy these new chapters.
That being said: Please look out for the newly updated tags. I added some trigger warnings inside the chapters, too. There are no details in this story and there probably won't be any detailed violence or anything later on either but I want all of us to be on the safe side. <3
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your-missing-period · 9 months
If there's no Chayne fanfiction I guess I gott to write it myself.
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kodiseous · 2 months
I started romancing Kenyatta and I find it so fucking funny. Like, I got there maybe a month ago in game and already I have rizzed up with the mayor's daughter enough for her to want to piss off her mom with me.
Like this woman is out here, calling her mother by her first name and offering to flirt, but only when Eshe is around and I'm sitting her like "Darlin, you are adorable, but are you mad at me because of your mom or did I do something wrong?" And I love it.
On top of that, I'm saving Nai'o from a toxic relationship(this is me coping, I don't want to hate him but he should stop talking about her so often /lh)
Updates will continue, I am off to cry over how perfect she is.
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plotbunnybreeder · 3 months
Going with the Flow
When Hassian (mistakenly) believes his mother is seriously interested in Subira, he attempts to find help for her. He wants his mother to be happy, and while he knows no one will ever truly replace Taylin in his mother's heart, that doesn't mean his mother can't date anyone else for the rest of time. He's willing to make sacrifices for his mother's happiness, even if it means allying with Reth.
Even though it's been years since he and his sister moved into town, Reth still feels like an outsider with all of the secrets he's carrying. Everything is for his sister's well-being and no price is too high to keep her bright smile and loving heart in the world.
Subira coming into town is the most terrifying situation he's had to deal with yet, but then Hassian approaches him with a plan to get the Order member with Sifuu, and maybe if Subira is distracted by romance she won't find out about Reth's involvement in the underground Flow trade...
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athenagc94 · 5 months
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My husband says my plotting process looks exhausting, and maybe he's right.
Anyway—I reworked some plotting for my Hassian x OC fic (which I've since dubbed Beetle and Bowstring). Here it is laid out. I use Milanote to plot out my books/fics. I can show more of how I use it if people are interested!
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