like oil & water;
70K posts
ronja. 31. austria. bisexual mess. || obsessed with the palia soup man || writer of fuel on the fire. icon made by @redgitanako
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piltoverfinest · 18 hours ago
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Baldur's Gate 3 99 / ?
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piltoverfinest · 18 hours ago
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head over heels for her 🌼
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piltoverfinest · 18 hours ago
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God’s favorite princess<3
11.8 hours on procreate
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piltoverfinest · 18 hours ago
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The blade.
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piltoverfinest · 18 hours ago
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Karlach Cliffgate
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piltoverfinest · 18 hours ago
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was thinking about if i shipped any of the companions. i guess the answer is yes
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piltoverfinest · 6 days ago
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piltoverfinest · 6 days ago
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Baldur's Gate 3 97 / ?
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piltoverfinest · 8 days ago
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it's a good old life, isn't it?
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piltoverfinest · 9 days ago
Hope it's okay to hop onto this post. I agree, though only partly because I think Karlach has more than just "fear" as a reason for not going back to Avernus and I think her reasons are absolutely valid. Not wanting to be a slave to a devil any longer is definitely a good enough reason. Something along the lines of 'I'd rather die young but free than going back to being a slave for someone else.'" But you *do* still have a point. I think you can also see that behaviour in the way she handles her own fate and what happened to her...and her imminent death, too. She rarely lets the player see inside, she rarely shares what's really going on. It's always just 'Yeah let's kill Gortash and that will do it' and then it doesn't and we get this beautiful moment of her realization that killing him doesn't change anything for her and then later they more or less destroy that with her going back and being all like 'Thought about it and I'm sad but I will ignore that for now'. They do not go further into it which is so sad because that is what I'd been waiting for all this damn time. For the other shoe to drop for her. For her to finally show her *true* thoughts and feelings. But she always ends up being "the positive one", "the funny one", the "comic relief", in a way. None of the companions is at any point like: "Hey Karlach, maybe sit down and lets work through those feelings you are trying to push away by acting like everything is fine all of the time." What's funny is that Karlach quite literally has a line in Act 3 that goes something along the lines of: 'It is the brave thing to get up and live your life despite your fears.' and then she goes on and chooses to die.
Give Karlach Character Flaws
My problem with how most fics write Karlach, especially when she isn't a major player, is that it seems as if she's never allowed to be selfish. She's always there to be big Mama K, ready to support and tank damage for everyone else, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have any self-interest at all. While I enjoy reading about her forcing Tav to confront their feelings and whatnot, I also want her dragging Tav along to some romp to distract them from dealing with the more difficult emotions because honestly, that's what Karlach does herself.
The very fact that she refuses to go back to Avernus, even for a short while, shows she would rather not face her fears than prevent her friends' grief. In this instance, her terror at confronting her situation trumps the care and concern she has for her friends. You can argue that she has the same attitude when you ask her about the Soul Coins. "There's no saving them and planning long-term, so we might as well use them for instant gratification and a momentary boost." She would rather not think about things than fix them. She's the "this is fine" dog.
If we go back to her time as Gortash's bodyguard, we can see this as well. Gortash built his fortune and reputation through arms dealing (and slaving), so it's hard to believe Karlach thought she was protecting an innocent guy who would never hurt anyone. We know she's insightful and not at all dumb. She most likely knew his business was shady, but choose to keep taking his coin because she was young, orphaned, and needed the money. The players never think about her complicity in any of his crimes because that would mar our image of her as a self-sacrificing precious cinnamon roll. There had to have been smoke everywhere and she went "this is fine" until she got consumed by the flames and couldn't escape.
I still think Karlach is ultimately a good person. My point here is that for a barbarian who's supposed to charge headlong into their problems, she is extremely avoidant and that part of her personality seems to be largely glossed over. It's defeatist and cowardly to accept death when there are clearly ways she could keep living. I would have liked Karlach's story to have emphasized that, making it clearer to the player that sometimes we do have to make that choice to go back into the Hell that traumatized us if we want to fully live our lives, because avoiding it and letting yourself explode means the devil wins.
I don't blame her for not wanting to. It's a very scary thing to do, and my primary coping mechanisms are all avoidant as well. But I hate how characters have dialogue in-game about how Karlach's so brave to face her death when the real radical act of courage would have been fighting to live.
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piltoverfinest · 10 days ago
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some men should not be allowed anywhere near a computer actually
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piltoverfinest · 11 days ago
Wyllach ❤️‍🔥⚔️
“we’ll face this together” kiss, desperate to make them stop crying
I'd love to see your interpretation of Karlach's story (when she has to return to Avernus), or it can be something else - wherever your mind takes this :)
You read my heart like a book, my love. Wyllach it is because they rule my life and my mind. Of course, like always, I am unable to keep things on the short side so naturally this turned out a little longer than expected. Ooops, I guess. This kinda ties into my idea of them being childhood friends and then losing the other due to circumstances... I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. <3 If anyone else wants to send me a prompt, please go ahead. <3
Rating: T Fandom/Pairing: Baldur's Gate 3/Wyllach (Wyll Ravengard & Karlach Cliffgate) Word Count: 1982 words AO3 Link: Find it here
She's dying. 
Of course she is.
It's sad, almost, how she isn't even surprised when the first flash of heat races through her. Ironic, in a way, how she is the happiest she has ever been in her whole life and that is the moment fate decides to take her. She doesn't even get a whole day to celebrate their survival. Not even an hour to bathe in the golden joy of victory and sink into the lighthearted embrace of her friends. 
Just one moment, she wishes, just one...
Gods, fate is a cruel bitch. If she could, she would fight it tooth and nail but in a way, she knows, she already has. She's lived longer than expected. She outstayed her welcome in this plane of existence for far longer than anyone would've thought in the beginning.
And now, she is dying.
She expected it, of course. Dammon made it pretty clear that at some point her engine would break beyond repair and there's nothing he can do for her if she decides to stay in Baldur's Gate. As if going back to Avernus is a realistic option for her. It never was. It never will be. Pain rips through her chest, bringing her to her knees as flames lick up her arms like cutting knives. Her skin burns and crawls yet all she can do is look up at Tav, who cowers before her, eyes wide in a state of overwhelming guilt. Their voice breaks on her name.
Karlach grinds her teeth, determined to stay strong for her friend. That's her role, after all. The strong one. The optimistic one. The one to shoulder all her burdens with a smile. If she breaks…
And really, what reason (apart from dying, of course) is there for her to cry. They just won the war against the Absolute. She did what she came here to do. She dies a free woman. 
A gods-damned hero. 
Zariel has no power over her nor does the Absolute. She is her own person, once again, after years of slavery. It's all she ever wanted. She should be happy she got to achieve that much, at least.
Or that’s what she has told herself for the last five years. But looking up at her friends, the space where her heart used to be clenches around her dying engine. It's a lie. 
She never dared to wish for more, scared of the pain of never finding it, but Gods has she dreamed of feeling a sense of home again. Of having people to call friends. Of gasping under someone else's adoring touch once she finally gets the chance to love and be loved.
She wants to be alive so badly it hurts.
Her name sounds like a song falling from his lips and she can't help but sob at the tone of his voice. She wants to be strong for them, even in the face of death but she griefs for what she will never get to experience. Five years of yearning, waiting. Five years of loneliness, of wishing, hoping, praying. And here he is. Close enough to touch, close enough to hold-
Close enough to burn to ashes in her hellfire flames.
Wyll falls to his knees before her, hands trembling at his sides and she holds up her palms to stop him. "Careful," she gasps. "Hot." 
Embers meet wood when their eyes meet and he crumbles before her, pleading without words. She has seen this look before, a long time ago, when he asked her not to work for an unjust and lying man. If only she had listened. But she couldn't then and she can't listen now.
“Karlach, you do not have to die like this,” he says, his voice shaky like his fingers reaching out towards her. The tips of his gloves go from brown to black as they singe in her heat and she jerks back.
“Sorry mate, I’m not going back,” she squeezes out between heaved breaths. Her engine roars and so does she.
“Please, listen to me,” Wyll pleads and she averts her eyes, hiding from the pull he has on her metal heart. “We have so much still before us, so many things undone.”
She shakes her head, balling her fists at her sides. Sharp fingernails dig into her flesh but it's nothing next to the flames eating at her body from the inside. “I can't, Wyll. I can't go back there.” 
She can't flee his gaze any longer. He is captivatingly beautiful and so full of warmth that she sees no harm in indulging in his friendship just one last time. If she dies, at least she'll have known love. At least she'll die in the company of her friends.
“You won't be alone this time.” 
His eyes are filled with determination, his jaw tense as he speaks his promise and she almost wants to laugh. Here he is, laying his life down for her once again. This stupid, reckless, absolutely selfless man. She loves him more than she can comprehend.
“I can't ask that of you,” she cries. She won't because she knows if she does, he will say ‘Yes’ and that is something she will never be able to live with. She won't steal his life away from him just to save hers. Not again. “You… you will be Duke of Baldur’s Gate, finish your fathers work. Rebuild the city. Find a nice wife to give you stupidly cute, little Ravengard babies.”
“Karlach-” Wyll protests but she gives him a silencing look, cutting his words short.
“It's your duty,” Karlach snaps and Wyll falls silent. He regards her with a disbelieving look, squinting at her and for a moment she isn't sure if maybe she pushed out her words in Infernal on accident.
“Fuck duty,” he scoffs and Karlach nearly folds in surprise. He almost never swears. And he certainly doesn't disregard his principles. He's the Blade of Frontiers. 
“Fuck the nobles. Fuck it all.” He spits the words out like they burn his tongue, like he swallowed venom. She stares at him, flames licking at her skin and all she can see is the pain in his dark-brown eyes. “What good is my life without you in it?” 
She holds her breath and bites her tongue. All she ever wanted, all she ever craved for, right in front of her and she has to let him slip away. She has to let him go. She can't force him into a life below the surface. 
“Wyll…” she starts but her words break alongside her resolve. Somewhere far in the depths of hell her tiefling heart bursts into a thousand tiny pieces, hidden and locked away in Zariel’s lair but she feels it nonetheless.
“Zariel won't touch you. You will never be her slave again.” She wants to shake her head but she can't because she believes every word he says. If Zariel hadn’t taken her heart, he would have found her the first time. He would have kept his promise. He will keep it now, she knows it. “You have my word, Karlach. My only duty is to you.” 
Her head spins, vision blurring as her engine stutters. It's only a matter of minutes. Seconds, maybe. Soon, it will all be over. 
“Argh!” Another flare of heat rushes through her, stealing her breath and she falls forward, barely catching herself with her arms. 
Wyll’s hands shoot forward, catching her shoulders. The leather of his gloves sizzles and squeaks, the smell of burned flesh stings her nose. She jerks back, trying to move away from him, to break the singing contact. His grip tightens. A soft, pained gasp pulls her gaze upwards, wide-eyed with fear and guilt as she meets his again. 
Wyll holds her stare, gritting his teeth. His jaw twitches. “I would burn in the hellfires a thousand times if it granted me the chance to be with you.”
For a moment, time stands still. Something blooms in his eyes, a strength only to be compared with an ancient acorn tree. His breath shakes, pain tugging at the corner of his lips yet he engulfs her with such comfort it makes her want to melt into him. It's a different kind of warmth, one that doesn't want to kill but heal.
“Fine, I'll go, Wyll. With you,” she breathes out, surprising herself as well as him. Wyll glows at her, tight smile on his lips. “You really have a way with words.” 
He chuckles. “So I've been told.” 
Behind him, Tav shoots a look towards Gale over their shoulder and the wizard nods courtly. One hand movement later, the portal opens, illuminating Wyll’s face in flickering purple. Goodbye happens quickly, a rushed peck on her cheek and a wave of a hand. Her engine stutters and stops. With a tug at her hand Wyll pulls her through…not a moment too soon.
Her whole world spins, leaving her gasping, falling, scrambling for balance. Metal creaks inside her chest, slowly getting into motion again as the smell of sulfur and iron floods her senses. Everything around them loses all color except for the shades of red painting the sky. 
They tumble through the Portal, landing on their knees and she heaves out a breath. The flames on her body cool down, the pain ebbs away. Dust lingers on her tongue as she coughs out, fingers grey with ash and dirt. She closes her eyes, lets her head hang low between her shoulders as the sound of screams takes over her mind once again.
She's back. 
She's alive.
The dam inside her breaks as saltwater floods rush out of her. Her fists connect with the ground beneath her, blowing clouds of rusty dust into the air. A guttural scream rattles through her body, leaving her shaking. 
She's back in Avernus.
Wyll crawls over towards her, fingertips meeting her heaving body. He whispers her name, holds her close. She takes the chance to finally do what she has never allowed herself to do before: she folds and breaks and crumbles and he catches her like a lifeline, arms embracing her like wings of an Asimaar. 
Wyll is patient and gentle and kind as he rakes his fingernails through the short side of her hair. Whispering sweet nothings into her ear while she lets her tears fall. He smells like home and safety and she buries her nose in the junction of his neck. 
She doesn't know how long it takes for her breathing to return to normal, nor does she care. If there is ever a right moment to curse the Gods and roar at the skies in anger, it is now. It is hers. 
When her breath settles after half an eternity and her tears dry in the heat of the hells, she untangles her arms from his neck. Looking back at him, she’s greeted by warmth and something she never thought she’d be granted to see: love. 
He loves her. 
He went to hell for her. 
With her. 
His hands frame her face, soft skin on her still heated cheeks. A soft smile plays on his lips. Something tugs on the space where her heart should have been, filling it with fluttering energy that courses through her whole body. Before she knows it, she leans in, magnetic pull luring her closer.
He meets her in the middle, plump lips meeting hers in a kiss that feels like a breath of fresh morning air. His eyelashes tickle her skin and she chases his taste, burning with a different kind of heat than just a moment ago.
Wyll chuckles against her lips, breath mingling with hers. He strokes her cheek, tilting his head and leaning his forehead against hers. 
“We’ll face this together," he mumbles. "I swear it."
And she believes him because if there is one person who has always kept his promises, it’s Wyll Ravengard.
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piltoverfinest · 13 days ago
“younger-looking halsin” “halsin facelift mod” my god you people are pathetic. you say you want dilf characters and then suddenly you can’t handle some wrinkles. weaklings
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piltoverfinest · 13 days ago
Thanks for confirming!
My request is that I found the fluffy kisses prompts, but couldn't find the opposite so wanted to ask angsty kisses prompts! Things like star crossed lovers, amid war, knowing one of them is going to die, betrayal, that sort of thing so I wanted to request that.
Oh interesting request. I'll try my best.
Angsty Kisses
a soft kiss, unsure if it's even ok
desperately kissing, being in danger
“we’ll face this together” kiss, desperate to make them stop crying
hard kisses, wanting and needing them to feel what they feel
kisses while being so frustrated with the other
hunger and kisses that are more fighting than loving
"welcome home" kisses, not knowing if they stay this time
morning kisses, unsure if they think it was a mistake
“we’ll get through this” kiss to stop their breakdown
kissing away tears running down their cheeks
frustrated kisses that turn into more of a fight
trying to kiss air into their lungs
feather-light kisses, begging them to wake up
life-or-death kisses, unsure which one it's going to be
a kiss to test out the water, to see if this is real
kissing and tasting the betrayal on their lips
tearful kisses, and not from happiness
kisses to reassure themself that they are really safe
one kiss, a desperate last attempt to change their mind
desperate kisses, wanting them to see reason
kisses with their last dying breath
“we’ll see each other again” kiss, knowing they won't
This is angsty... hope you're happy! :D
- Jana
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piltoverfinest · 13 days ago
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piltoverfinest · 13 days ago
𝐼 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑘 𝑏𝑙𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑙𝑦 - 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝘩𝑎𝑟𝑚 𝘩𝑖𝑚, 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝘩𝑎𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑚𝑖𝑔𝘩𝑡 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑓𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑎 𝑚𝑎𝑛 - 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑎 𝑤𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑛, 𝑦𝑜𝑢'𝑙𝑙 𝑘𝑛𝑒𝑒𝑙 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑎.
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commission from twitter
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piltoverfinest · 14 days ago
Goddesses and Mortals
Premise: After the events of Love and Longing, Gale finds out that his feelings are reciprocated.. and that's not all.. 😳🍑🫵
Accidental sequel to a previous fic cause I can't get this lonely Wizard out of my head without the promise of a potentially happy ending 🥹 in more ways than one 😏🍆
Gale x gn!tav • 18+ • E/M rating • MDNI
Gale POV, reader referred to as 'you', no specific mention of gentials or gender, porn with plot?, Mystra can fuck right off, fantasies becoming reality, longing, love, tenderness, mutual masturbation, anal fingering (M receiving), unabashed consent, mild cum swapping, minor sub/dom energy, marking if you squint
5.3k words
Special thanks to @senualothbrok for nestling this tadpole in my brain for Gale to get the real deal one day.. 💜
And at it again @spellbooking with another beautiful gif of our Rizzard ☺️ Thank you! 💜
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Gale was close, very close.
He had to hurry, the party would all be rising from camp soon. Though there was no sunlight in this desolate place, a full rest was almost upon him.
Safely secluded in the abandoned house on the far reaches of camp; sweat damp on his brow, his hand slick with salvia, Gale feverishly pumped his length in quick bursts.
Your illusion image looked up at him through lidded eyes licking your bottom lip hungrily and growling a hedonistic moan.
"Gale.." you whimpered, the voice distorted.
"Yes, love.. I'm going to come for you.. only for you.. come with me." He bit out, on the precipice of orgasm.
Suddenly, a faint lilting of rosewater assailed his nose and stopped him dead.
A cold dread filled his body, incapacitating his lungs.
It couldn't be.
Surely not.
Not here.
Not now.
Why right now for hell's sake?
He'd not felt her presence since she'd tried to wedge herself between you both when you'd shared a moment of magic in camp.
Despite their separation, she still checked in on her disgraced former chosen and lover at the most inopportune moments.
Fumbling, he quickly tucked himself away in his waistband and spun on his heel.
Nothing.. but the scent remained.
Had she finally gotten sick of his abusing himself constantly to the fictitious likeness of you, using her magical essence to do so?
Had she been sensing him masturbating at least twice a day since her intervention charm through Elminster?
Was she making herself known to quell his incessant self-gratification, or to participate in it?
Even a tenday ago, that would have been a comforting thought. One he would have relished in, taken solace and pride in.. but this felt wrong.
His sweet nothings he had whispered in the dead of night to "you" weren't for Mystra's perverse enjoyment, or sick amusement, weren't for her for to cast judgement on.
"I don't know why you're here," he called brazenly, "but I assure you, this is nothing that concerns you any longer. Now, if you'd be so kind, leave me in peace." He requested, firmly.
He wasn't convinced.
"And I don't appreciate the timing of you little assertion here. Now that I'm finally on a path of some kind of healing, you make yourself known?" He snapped, pointing a finger at nothing.
"You have no reason to be here. You have already spoken your will and want with my life and until such a time that that moment arrives, I will do what I want, with whomever I want. Be they real, or fantasy is no concern of yours. Now, leave." He frowned and gestured finally.
The warmth in the air he didn't realise had been present disparated. He was left cold.
Just like always with her.
"Gale?" Called your voice, your vision now by the doorway.
He looked up to see you leaning on the doorframe, slightly bleary.
"Sorry, my love. I got distracted. Less said about that, the better. Now," he beckoned a crooked finger towards himself, "let's get back to where we were before everyone wakes up."
You frowned and looked him up and down, "Did you just call me, 'my love'?" You asked.
For the second time that early morning, Gale's blood ran cold.
"And what exactly were we doing before?" You irked a brow, looking amused.
Gale struggled for words as the blood that had been swiftly journeying to the south was urgently redirected north.
"I-uh-I did? Must've been a mistake. What are you doing up so early?" He asked, trying to change the subject.
You squinted, "Who were you talking to?"
"No one." Gale answered, feigning innocence.
"Wow, that was convincing." You teased with mockingly wide eyes. You narrowed your eyes at him and he felt a gentle brush against his mind. You were seeking permission. He allowed it.
"Mystra?" You asked with a tense lilt. Gale nodded.
"Thought so, I heard you calling that you were trying to move on and someone was suddenly trying to get your attention again. Is everything alright?" You asked, your tone worried and sincere.
Gale's heart bloomed.
"Yes, since her missive from Elminster, she's reached out. I don't have time for it."
"That's a massive step for you, Gale. You said something about moving on, is that true?"
"Somewhat." He answered in a half truth.
You smiled, "Is she still here?" There was a pause, Gale could see the cogs turning, "Did you want to make her jealous? Is that why you called me 'my love'?"
Gale blinked twice.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, maybe you snuck up here to be with me. Maybe I'm the one you're moving on with."
Again, Gale blinked twice.
How unintentionally right you were.
He swallowed.
"Would that be something you're interested in helping me with?"
"To fuck with the gods? Anything." You purred the last word down the connection at him and it made the hairs on his neck raise like you'd whispered it directly against his skin.
"Then by all means, take the lead."
You irked a seductive brow and turned down your head to gaze through lidded eyes.
He swallowed.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to stare. You're just so gods damned handsome. I'm glad we could sneak away again." You walked towards him confidently, a slight prowl in your gait.
Gale's blood supply had ignored previous instruction and fully marched back south. The sight of you - truly you - saying these things to him had him dizzy from the rush of blood.
"Not to worry, I quite enjoying being gawped at."
"Well, it's certainly no hardship." You wrapped your arms around him and pulled him in for a sensual hug, while he desperately tried to keep his erection from your notice.
"Mm, we have to be quick. We don't have much time until the others wake up." You crooned, wrapping your arms around his neck, "Did the minor illusion keep you warm enough while I was gone?"
And for the third time that morning, Gale's body shot full of ice.
His blood entirely confused, threw it's hands up in defeat for direction.
You knew?
How could you know?
He was careful.. wasn't he?
Your hands never stopped roaming; his arms, his shoulders, his neck.. his hair.. oh gods, up into his hair.
Gale's breath hitched and shuddered.
Oh gods, you felt like heaven. Even if he felt like he was in hell.
"I know you like me to watch you but I've been so neglectful lately with everything that's been going on. Can you forgive me?" You pulled back from him, your face pulled into a beautifully twisted smile, sin pulled at the edges.
"I th-think you can make it up to me." He gasped.
Your eyebrows flexed in amusement up your forehead, "Do you want me to watch you right now? With everyone waiting in camp, drinking tea and preparing breakfast?"
You smoothed your hands from his shoulders to the top of his chest, "Do you like the anticipation of being caught, Gale? The rush of being found?"
Oh gods, you were so close. You smelled so good, like lemongrass and lavender.. and underneath the balms, your musk, your scent. You.
"I would do anything, as long as it was with you, my love." He breathed, unable to contain the emotion in his voice.
Your eyes unfocused for a brief moment, then came back, blinking as though seeing through an unfogged mirror.
A soft gasp caught in the back of your throat; that noise could state him for a thousand nights.
Then you stepped away.
You averted your gaze, and backed away from his arms completely. You shut your eyes tightly.
"Gale, I-"
You opened them, a wealth of feelings swirling but he couldn't decipher any of them.
"I need to get back to camp. We need to get to Moonrise Towers today, with Isobel's blessing we can cross the Shadows. We need to be ready." You nodded curtly and disappeared.
Gale stared after you, the cold air of the Shadowlands around him a cruel but poetic pathetic fallacy.
He groaned and closed his eyes against balled fists, as he pressed them against his eyes. Tears brimmed behind them, hot frustrated tears.
"Gods fucking dammit."
Gale had attempted to maintain distance today, which had been difficult considering you'd partied up together with Karlach and Shadowheart.
Karlach had tried to question his glum mood, but he'd simply recused it as nerves of their close proximity to the potential Heart of the Absolute.
"Ah, Gale. If there's anyone who knows how shit it is to have a ticking time bomb in their chest, it's me. Come and speak to me sometime mate, yeah? We can talk about it."
"Karlach, you're truly a soul that steels my own. I may just take you up on that."
A firm nod and a beaming smile from Karlach ended the conversation as they entered this Balthazar's chamber, after which none of them really had the stomach for food that night.
Wyll had stepped up and made a hearty bowl of vegetable and meat stew. It was nothing on his own cooking, of course but it was a valiant attempt.
Needed a little more pepper.
You sat nursing your bowl, generally making conversation around the fire. Halsin had joined you back from Last Light with no new news of the catatonic lost soul, apart from that he kept singing. A lute of significance to him had been added to your list of items to retrieve; an ever growing list.
Gale swallowed a mouthful and risked a glance towards you, your eyes met for a brief moment before you looked away, uncomfortable. His heart sank.
He'd truly ruined any chance of friendship after his desperate behaviour this morning. You'd barely spoken two words together all day, and now you wouldn't look him in the eye.
He excused himself for an early night and retreated to his tent. He lit his candles and pulled out one of the many books he'd picked up along today's excursions around Moonrise, hoping that one of them would point them towards the heart.
The noise around the campfire grew weary as he poured over his readings. Various 'goodnights' alerted him to the potentially late hour.
Gale sighed and rubbed his eyes, he conjured a bookmark, closed it and drained his glass of wine.
Now that he'd been pulled from his focus, he realised how tired he was. Physically drained from a gruelling day of emotional turbulence.
Rosewater gently lilted under his nose, he snorted it back out.
"Oh for the love of-! Bugger off!" He spat through a whisper.
"I'm sorry." Came your voice from behind him.
He spun around on his knees to see you hastily trying to leave his tent.
"No!" Called a little too loudly, reaching out across the space, "Not you. I didn't mean you."
You stopped, looking back at him for the first time since the morning. The soft glow of the candles illuminating your wonderful face, his heart squeezed uncomfortably.
"I assume she's back again, then?" You asked through terse lips, glancing around the low lit interior of his tent.
"Where rosewater is, Mystra's sure to follow. What can I do for you?" Gale asked, shaking off the lingering of his former lover.
"I-," you started, wringing your hands, "I wanted to apologise for this morning."
Gale blinked.
You wanted to apologise?
"What for?" He questioned his tone incredulous.
"For it all. I embarrassed you, I embarrassed myself.. I acted poorly. I thought it would be a good way to show that I knew what you'd been doing-with the minor illusions." Gale's eyes widened. He'd been attempting to solve that one today.
"H-How did you find out?"
"I'd cast Detect Thoughts on Jaheria when we met her at the Inn, and it lasts all day. I heard you when I was laying down to rest. All the things you wanted to do." You swallowed thickly, and a jolt of excitement shot it's way through his cock to his brain.
That was two nights ago.
He'd fantasized about gourging on your sex as you mounted his face, fucking yourself with his mouth as you leaned back with one hand to stroke him. He'd made a mess of his walls, as well as himself.
"You've got a pretty interesting imagination, Gale. Especially since we seem to be ethereal galaxy people in your head." You smiled, folding your arms across yourself, "The one from last night was pretty hot too." You bit your bottom lip to contain more, and swallowed.
He remembered that vividly.
He'd fantasised about spooning you, fucking into you and playing with you from behind. The mirror image had gasped and moaned for him, breathed his name over and over again, as he came to the thought of pleasing you enough to milk his cum inside your clenching walls.
"I thought it was just sex, that maybe we could get rid of some nervous energy together but then this morning.. the way you-you looked at me.." you trailed off, Gale's heart hammered against his chest.
You rest your splayed hands across your heart, "I was foolish. You're not the kind to just sleep around. To have casual sex and not think of it again."
"Like Astarion?" He quipped before vetting the venomous comment.
You tightened your lip, "Kind of." You answered, with a tone that felt loaded with more secretive information but he didn't want to pry.
Well, he did.
But not right now.
"I could be." He postured, looking up at you.
You let out a short laugh, "That face this morning is not the face of someone who can just have sex and not want more."
He hardened his face, "It could be.. if you wanted to be.." Gale irked a brow, feigning a casual air.
"Oh, yeah?" You goaded, leaning on one hip and folding your arms again.
"Absolutely. We could have sex right now and I wouldn't bat an eyelid." He lied, pushing his lips down into a grimace, while his cheeks flushed and his heart pounded against his sternum.
"Really?" You questioned, looking dubious.
"Unquestionably." Gale punctuated with a flick of his fingers, relaxing into his position on the floor, widening his knees to sit back on his heels in an attempt at nonchalance.
"So, you fantasising about kissing my neck, my chest, stomach and hips and calling me "my love" means nothing." You stated, using air quotations.
"Certainly not. Mere sweet talk." Gale shook his head, shrugging his shoulders, while sweat gathered on his forehead.
You kicked off your hip and confidently strolled towards the short distance to him. His mouth instantly dried to dangerous levels of dehydration, as he tried to keep composure.
"And imagining your cock in my mouth, telling me how much you adore me, that isn't telling at all?" You sneered a lip through a smirk and shrugged one shoulder.
"Demonstrably." He tried to remain calm but every cell in his body was panicking, "Do you see me reacting?" He willed himself through words not to show a care.
Your tongue broke through your smirk to rub against your top teeth and his felt it between his legs, he jerked unconsciously.
"You're glowing." You drawled, dipping your eyes to his chest, "Do you even realise the orb lights up when you're horny?"
Gale's painfully stony face dropped as he quickly darted his vision to his chest.
You were indeed correct.
Through his camp clothes, a faint purple hue eminated through the fabric. Gale shot his had to cover his blatant display of arousal. He gave a sharp exhale through his nose and closed his eyes in utter embarrassment.
"This tent has been a purple colour show since Crèche Y'llek." You teased, the sound of your voice curved around a grin.
Gale's chest hollowed.
Gods dammit.
Mystra dammit.
"Oh and also this.." Suddenly he felt something graze along the length of his concealed erection - what he thought was a his concealed erection.
He let out a whining gasp, his hand slapping against worn leather, and he opened his eyes.
You'd rubbed the top of your boot under and against him in his kneeled position, gliding his sensitive member with the leather of your shoe. You continued the rhythm, the gentle friction was delicious, he gasped open mouthed.
Oh gods, it was real.
You were real.
It wasn't a cruel trick, or a fantasy.
It was you.
Gale reached up to grasp the crook of your knee, you held your gaze steadfast against his own. He began to pull off your boot, your eyes never faultered from his as it was flung to the back of the tent.
Your foot resting on his thigh, his hand still holding the meat of your strong calf.
You took his prickly chin within your fingers, eyes unsure.
"If this going to happen, it's just sex. Nothing more." You stated, in a low tone.
Gale nodded, trembling from anticipation.
"I mean it. If you're on a path to self-destruction in the name of a Goddess, I'm not wasting my time with feelings." Your voice caught and anger flashed across your features but tears hinted in your eyes.
You slid your foot off his thigh and slowly descended to crouch in front of him, taking his face fully in your hands. Their warmth slid into the deepest recesses of his lonely soul.
"I care about you, Gale. You're worth far more than what she's asked you to do. Far more."
He poured over your face, so close to him. Emotions that he had denied himself bubbling to the surface; the longing, the loneliness.. the fear.
You ran a thumb to dry a tear he hadn't realise had fallen.
"Say something." You whispered, your gaze flitting between his eyes and his lips.
Oh gods.
This was to truly happen?
He'd kiss your beautiful, soft lips?
His breathing was unsteady, the anticipation coiled dangerously around every facet of his musculature.
Gale opened his mouth to speak, to utter sweet poetry regaling your beauty, your passion, your wit and wisdom but the words would not form, they were stunted on his paralysed tongue.
You were so close.
He could feel the heat from your body, he could see the wisps of your hair moving with his unsteady breath.
You came closer and pressed your lips between his brows, electric tingling his skin in your wake. His eyes lolled shut as he finally brought his hands to hold you to him, press you to him, to feel you finally.
He slid his hands below the seam of your shirt, to feel your smooth and scarred skin, fire grazing his fingertips at the contact.
"I-.. I care for you deeply. I cannot deny this." He began breathlesly, your forehead's connected, your bodies melting together. You sank further into the embrace, widening your legs to fully welcome him between your thighs.
The image of that first night he touched himself to thoughts of you, bloomed across his mind and he bit his lip.
"Neither can I." You agreed, the sound of your voice low and raspy, "It scares me, Gale. It scares the shit into me," you leaned back, holding on to the back of his neck, slowly leading you both down to the carpeted rugs below his bedroll, "Show me. Show me I'm not wrong to feel this way. Show me I'm not alone in this."
Gale shook in head, almost trance-like, "You're not alone-not alone.. I'm with you." He followed you down, desperate not to lose a second's touch with you.
"And I'm with you, I'm not letting you go." You spoke the words against his mouth, it made his mind numb.
"No, never. Never leave me." He mumbled, as you both situated yourselves on the floor. Words bubbled and frothed out of his mouth before he could stop them, "I've been so utterly alone for so long, cut off from everyone I knew and cared for.. and I'm terrified, I'm filled with dread each day. I don't want to die-I want to stay.. stay here." He mewled through the overwhelming emotion in his throat. You increased the intensity of your touch against your brows.
"Shh, none of that matters now. It doesn't exist. For now.. it's just us.. you and me.." you whispered against his skin, he felt it shiver down every vertebrae.
"You and me." He repeated, comforted by the softness in your voice.
Suddenly, your hand grasped his naked cock. He yelped in pleasure, but was hushed by the passionate meeting of your mouth. You captured his cries, claiming them as your own.
His fingers bunched your shirt, his knuckles white, as your tongue swept in to merge with his.
Oh gods.
You tasted like wine, and oranges, and sex.
He'd imagined your taste, your scent.. but this.. the full force of you was so much more intense that he could have expected.
You fingered his leaking slit and he jerked at the sensation, causing you both to make involuntary, open-mouthed moans.
You increased in fervour at his reaction, a desperate whine eeking from his body.
It was too much but not enough. He wanted more, more of you, more of this. He wanted the world to fall away and to be consumed by only you.
Like you said; "Just you and me."
Even though it would be grammatically correct to say 'You and I'.
Your hand wrapped around the length of him, pumping the head of his penis in short, lanquid bursts.. and suddenly the correctness on ones grammar seemed worlds away.
Gale shuddered and knelt over your body, settling himself between your gorgeous thighs, pressing down against your sex, enough to make you gasp.
You shared a wicked grin together before he cradled you to him, desperately kissing and mating your tongues. His hips unconsciously twitching against the friction of your hand.
"Gods, Gale. I want you." You keened against his lips, puffs of air escaping aggressively from your lungs, as his hips drove against you.
"Yesyesyesyesyes.." he chorused, messily thrusting against your palm, "Want this. Want you. For a long while.. even before.."
"Did you fantasize about all the positions we could fuck in?"
A sharp feeling settled low in his gut and he squeezed his eyes shut to close out a threatening, pre-emptive climax.
"Yes, wanted you.. badly." He added, barely able to speak.
"I know, I saw. Sweating and willing underneath you?"
"Yess.." he hissed.
"Slipping a finger inside me, then another, preparing me to take you?"
Another deliciously painful pang shuddered inside him.
"Stretching my tight hole for you, till I'm begging you to fuck me hard and unrelenting?" You growled against his lips.
Gale tensed his jaw to mute a groan from his chest, as your words gripped the back of his head.
Oh dear fucking gods.
You were very, very good at this.
"I especially liked where I got to play with you. Those moans at the back of your throat when you'd think of me on top, or taking charge.. I had trouble concentrating yesterday because I couldn't stop replaying those sounds."
He heard you whisper an incantation, that his lust-filled brain slowly realised was Mage hand, the moment before he felt the cold sensation working his undergarments completely free, pushing them down passed his knees.
"There was one particular part you seemed to be interested in exploring together." You purred against his temple, as you twisted your grip around his plump, weeping member.
The Mage hand palmed at the cleft of his ass and lazily dragged it's fingers up his perennium, sliding towards his..
He gasped, throwing his head back and loosening his tight hips to tilt them upwards in wanton display.
"Oh gods." Gale whimpered, biting down on his lip hard, "Mm-Mhm." He panted in abandon.
He'd experimented with himself in this matter in his youth and in his newfound sexual freedom after his year of self imposed celibacy but never with another.
The magical fingers languidly drawled across his sensitive skin. He bucked and jerked against the feeling of you pleasuring him, needing more of both.
You groaned and rutted your hips against him.
"You look so beautiful like this, I can see you in the mirror behind you. You look spectacular, spreading yourself for me." You crooned, praising him and licking your bottom lip. You looked beyond him to what he assumed was his mirror.
Oh gods.
You were going to watch him like this.
Like he'd imagined.
The thought waved over his brain and made him dizzy, the desire swelled low in his belly.
"You're so willing and receptive, Gale. Do you want me to slide these fingers inside you? To pleasure you completely until you can't comprehend your own name?" You asked salaciously, assuring consent before blindly continuing. He raised his hips higher for better access as wordless agreement.
The mage hand ran a soaked finger across his puckering hole but ventured no further without express permission.
His whole body trembled, desire coarsing through his veins, soaking into every orifice.
"Yes.. yes.. fuck. I need it. Please.. please.." he wailed through staggered breath.
"Look at me." You instructed softly, halting your motions of abject pleasure.
With great difficulty, Gale did as he was told. He about exploded with joy with the sight of you.
He'd imagined you, summoned your likeness but nothing could ever compare to this.
The aura of his orb bathed you in a magical amethyst glow; the adoration shining in your eyes, the seductive curve of your lip, the sweat flattening your hair to your temples.
"So handsome.. so beautiful. Look at you, look at how you light up for me.." you smiled, guilding him with compliments as you raise a hand to touch the angry purple mark on his chest, now emblazoned with Mystra's star. "This does not define you. You are not the orb. You are not Mystra's chosen. You are Gale and you chose your own path. You are, and will always be, enough.. just as you are.."
Soft tears fell from his eyes from the intensity of his emotional response to your words and the physical stimuli of the hand gently testing his entrance.
You gently kissed the apples of his wet cheeks, then looked up at him with a darkened expression.
"Arch your back for me, sweetheart."
Gale instantly buried his face against your neck, lifting his exposed self for you.
"Good.." you cooed, beginning a slow pace to pump his cock again.
"Ohh, gods." His whined against your skin, his limit already close.
"Relax.." you whispered, kissing his temple, "Relax for me, darling. Take a deep breath, and let it out. Keep breathing."
Gale did as he was told. With each expell of air he loosened the muscles surrounding his asshole. The need growing to dizzying heights.
Pressure pushed against his rim as the finger glided halfway, he gasped and clenched unconsciously.
"Breathe, Gale." You soothed, pressing soft kisses to his face, "You're handling this so well."
Further and further you pushed inside him, delicious sensation flooding his body. His body tense and limp simultaneously, as the pleasure radiated through him from his pulsating walls.
"Fuck." He barely managed.
He kissed your neck and sucked down on the bite marks left by Astarion. He would make his own mark on you. One that everyone would see.
You gasped, your breath catching as you rolled your hips against him, teeth lightly nipping at his ear lobe.
Gale felt the friction of your other hand reaching down between you to stimulate your own release. His urge re-doubled in it's efforts to push him higher, intoxicated by your arousal.
He could feel your desperate movements between you, lightly grazing his testicles with the back of your hand.
You surprised him by gently pinching the head of him and thumbing the slit before initiating an unyielding, rapid rhythm wrapped around his cock. Synchronizing with curling the Mage hand towards his stomach, rubbing over the knot of his prostate.
A ragged, strained noise escaped from his throat as the sensations joined, assailing him from both sides.
He pushed back against the Mage hand, taking it's digit to the hilt.
"Oh yes, that's it. Enjoy it. It's for you.. all for you." You chorused his words to you, the words he used every night to pray to your false altar.
But now he had you, truly had you.. and you were spectacular.. you could not be formed into words.. you transcendend this mortal plane.. you were.. more than Godly.. you were-
A second finger penetrated him without refute and stretched his hole, doubling the pleasure against his sweet spot inside his ass, and he cried out in sheer bliss. Your hand wrapped around his cock, pumping in jubilant rhythm combined with the thrusting of the spell deep inside him.
The precipice of orgasm gripped him like a vice and choked him of all other need, apart from that to cum.
In that moment of blessed eternity, the world was narrowed down to nothing more than you and him. A vaccum in existence bathed in magical light.
Rapture split through every atom of his existence, building and climbing in a torrent of unstable energy.
"Yes, Gale-yes-come. Come with me."
His mouth open, panting like a rabid dog, he lost himself entirely.
He roared and strained and gasped, as he shot thick ropes all over your torso. His asshole squeezed and clenched tightly on the digits deliciously stuffed inside him working his orgasm longer. Your skilled hand milking every last drop from him.
He gulped for breath as you cried out underneath him, jerking against your own hand, breathless and exhilarated.
He watched you come undone underneath him, eyes screwed, mouth gaping, then biting down to quieten your moans.
Dear gods, you looked exquisite.
He reached a hand between you both to feel the after effects of your rhapsody, you twitched and laughed through a smile, as he stroked your sensitive sex in the wake of orgasm, riding you longer like you were to him.
"Stopstopstop-too much." You barely gasped against his sweat laden forehead.
There you lay, for what seemed like an easy age, together.
Aftershocks struck you both as you lay together in your joined euphoria.
The Mage hand had disappeared and left him feeling pleasantly sore from the hectic pace.
Gale pushed himself up onto his forearm, extracating his hand from between you. It was covered in your release, it glistened on his hand.
It was one of the most erotic things he'd ever seen. Something he hadn't fantasied.
He glanced back to you, you also held up your hand drenched in him.
You opened your mouth, clearing indicating to feast on yourself from his fingers. His tender cock twitched with desire.
He reciprocated his mouth and you swept your digits in his mouth. He tasted himself, licking his semen clean, as you suckled your own essence from his fingers, then pulled him in for a deep kiss.
Gale moaned at the melding of you both on mating tongues. It was pure sex and exhilaration. The desire and need. The fullfilment and warmth.
The kiss broke and you smiled at him, letting out a large breath.
"That was.." He started.
"Incredible." You finished.
"That's one of many words." He mused, laughing breathlessly.
Gale pushed himself up higher, "Oh, gods." He snorted, looking down at the scene of debauchery before him and kneeled onto his heels.
You and he were both covered in cum. It was obscene how licentiously delicious you looked painted with each other.
He remembered the first time he'd cum to your image, how hollow and alone he'd felt.
But not this time.
This time he felt complete.
Like a piece of him had hurried it's way back to him after so long apart.
"Well, that's one way to let off some steam." He chuckled darkly.
"I think it's hot." You smirked, biting down on your lower lip.
Gale swallowed with difficulty, "Careful you, that's dangerous."
Gale heaved out a breath and came to grips with what had just transpired between you both. How little his imagination had been able to conceive of you. What paltry figments had been the stars of his fantasies.
He glanced down upon you; hair mussed, sweat drying on your skin, clothes rumpled and he couldn't have loved you more.
"What?" You asked in a quiet voice.
Gale shook his head, "Nothing." He feigned.
He waved his hand with a simple somantic and the evidence was gone.
"Then come down here, I'm getting cold." You stroked your hands up his arms and enveloped him into an embrace that warmed all the lost parts of his soul.
"I meant it, Gale. I won't let you destory yourself for this. We'll find another way." You nestled yourself deeper into the hug.
Gale smiled contentedly from ear to ear, "I know we will.. because now I have something to live for."
Part 1
Psst.. Ive got a Masterlist too 👀
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