#reader x reth
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palian-fairy · 5 months ago
In which Reth has a thing for being called ‘Chef’ by the Player.
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bubble-leaves · 6 months ago
gosh id love to request more reth… whether it be headcanons or a oneshot.. anything youre comfy with! (er. maybe even spice for the scoundrels [me]) but you have soo much reth id feel so bad.. same anon that complimented before if you saw that. ill sign off as 🍲 :)
Gotcha covered with spice! Also, thank you for your supportive message, I really appreciate it ☹️🩷
NSFW (18+)
reth knows what's you're doing
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Reth . . .
Is obviously a service top, and a switch that leans primarily toward . . . well, whatever you want! He is not afraid to use dirty jokes and playful innuendo, but will always get caught off-guard and flustered when you reciprocate with genuine desire (“Now you got me all riled up, how am I supposed to focus on the soup?”). Despite that, of course, he adores seeing you become shy whenever he touches or kisses you beforehand. Shaky, nervous hands, soft panting, and little cooes of bashfulness from his lover easily get him going. Being prone to please, Reth NEVER has sex without foreplay. Your pleasure is his top priority, and he wants to extend it as much as possible and get you in the perfect mood. Adding onto his servicing nature, Reth loves doing everything he can to make you tremble and whimper for him to keep going without using ‘himself,’ so to speak. Translation: expect a lot of head. Hearing you gasp, sigh, and moan out in bliss gives him life, not to mention how your fingers grab his hair when you’re close.
That’s the thing about Reth, though; he wants you to cum your brains out. He’s not afraid to let you know that, too. He can adapt to what you need every time; feeling exclusively desperate and horny? Dirty talk and slight degradation it is. Feeling passionate and lovey-dovey? Praise and worship it is. Feeling sheepish or nervous? Encouragement it is. Or a combo, it all depends. Reth’s an expert at reading the room and what you want.
Despite being a major flirt and giving off fuckboy vibes, Reth actually takes sex very seriously. He’s not all about just “fucking.” He wants to show you how much he cares about you, trusts you, and loves you without words. Plus, sex with you is the most validating thing he’s ever experienced. Reth’s heart just races whenever you express how much you want him and love him. It’s hard to believe. But each time, with every touch, kiss—hell, even every deep scratch on his back—you make him believe he’s worth loving. Being pleasured by you, as well, drives him crazy with how loved and desired he feels. When you take control, Reth surrenders everything. He trusts you more than anyone. You have full reign over his body. He’s a blushing mess, but alas, he’s your mess. He loves being trapped under you, watching you ride your gorgeous body on his. And yes, Reth tries to hide his moans at first. The first few times, he’s afraid the noises he makes will be embarrassing or turn you off. After a few more times, though, he’ll learn to be more vocal, especially when he’s desperate. He can’t help but be loud whenever you’re on your knees for him, as well. Giving oral is the most honoring thing you can do for Reth. He’ll try to balance the worship out by running his hands through your hair and telling you how beautiful you are, and how good you’re doing. It just feels strange being serviced without offering something else in return; doing things for others has been a major point of his entire life. But with you literally on your knees, happy to oblige in giving him mind-numbing pleasure, that point is completely discarded. You’re the only person that can do that for him.
Reth tells himself how lucky he is every time he wakes up to you after a night of passion or lust. He doesn’t know why you chose him to be yours. No clue. However, he’d never pass up the opportunity to love you, to thank you for accepting him and loving him as he is.
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sifuus-strap · 7 months ago
imagine zeki and reth getting into a heated argument in the underground because reth can't wrap his head around why zeki would pay off his debt. and zeki is frustrated yelling that You are wearing reths pin! what kind of life can reth expect to offer You upside down with the cartel! that reth has to think about his future with You! that he's got to be somebody because You deserve somebody! dammit why can't he just accept the favor??
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blushspatula · 2 months ago
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Shin won the UNO game and silently mocks Zamasu.
"Well Zamasu, since you lost, you'll be the one making tea and snacks for a whole month."
Art by: BlushSpatula.
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cloudshapedpatch · 1 year ago
Burgers and Lilies
Reth x Reader one shot
(canon compliant, no spoilers, ft. Shepp!Hassian)
Rated Teen for some spicy stuff at the end ;)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Y/N’s hands were steady as she pulled the arrow back, feeling the pull of the bow deep in her shoulder, just like Hassian had taught her. The wind was gentle, rustling her hair and the grass gently as she focused on her prey. She knelt there, still as a tree, lining up the shot. The unsuspecting chapaa wouldn’t feel a thing. 
She heard a rustle in the grass behind her, and the chapaa must have heard it too, because it perked its ears, chirped, and ran in the opposite direction. 
“Sorry.” She heard a sweet voice behind her, and she could never be mad when he sounded so genuinely remorseful. 
“Its okay, Reth.” Y/N lowered the bow and put the arrow back in its holding case with the rest. She stood then, and turned around to face him with a smile. “There are plenty of others.”
Her smile only grew wider as she saw the picnic basket he was holding, and he held it up a little higher as he spoke. “When you didn’t come in for lunch like you usually do, I figured you were lost in the hunt again.”
“I never know how much time has passed when I’m out here.” Y/N said sheepishly. 
“I know. Should we sit?”
“Don’t you have to get back to the Inn? The dinner rush will be starting soon.”
“Ashura told me to take my time.” Reth was already getting comfortable in the grass, so she followed suit and watched him take out the sandwiches carefully. 
Y/N was glad for Reth’s company. Reth had been one of the first people she properly met after materializing in the ruins. She didn’t know much about what was supposed to be normal for humans, but she figured by how Jina, the resident Human Expert, had reacted, it wasn’t normal to appear in a cloud of pink mist and sparkles. At least, that’s not how the Majiri operated. Most of what she had learned about their way of life had come from Reth and his sister, Tish. They had taken a special liking to her almost immediately. 
“Copper for your thoughts?” Reth said, with his mouth full. She smiled at his boyish nature. 
“Just thinking about how much has changed for me since coming here. I’m sure my life before was very different than this.” She could tell this from a number of signs. Her hands had been soft, and her arms lithe when she first came into Kilima. Her body had not known a day’s work like she had grown accustomed to. Y/N’s hands were worn and rough with calluses now, and her muscles, while not much compared to Sifuu, were still visible. And she could run faster and farther and haul sernuk much easier now. She was sure the magic pack Zeki had given her, plus Kilima’s fresh air and pleasant weather was helping as well.
He nodded thoughtfully, considering his words before speaking. “Have you ever thought about what your life was like before? Not just human life in general, but yours specifically?”
She had heard the word ‘memory’ before, and while she was sure she had some memories, they were not the kind Reth was talking about. Like she could remember watering her plants this morning, and she could remember shooting her bow for the first time. But these memories were vivid in her mind, having been so recent. She was told older memories got fuzzy with the passing of time.
“I have.” She said shortly, not feeling like she wanted to get into it. “I really like my life now, though.” 
She leaned over and nudged her shoulder against Reth’s, pushing him slightly. He exaggerated the gesture and dramatically fell back into the grass. She placed her sandwich down on top of the basket and laid next to him and looked at the clouds. 
She could feel an uncomfortableness radiating from Reth, though, like he wanted to say something but was holding back. Turning her head to look at him, she found him already looking at her, and he quickly looked up and away. 
Reth was… something. She wasn’t sure what this feeling was in her chest when he was around. It was different from the feeling of wanting to gossip or craft with Tish, or the feeling of wanting Hassian to be proud of her for hunting a large animal all by herself. It was deeper, and made her anxious, and made her feel warm all at once. 
Like she needed Reth to understand her, deeply, deeper than she knew herself. 
She was sure this was a purely human emotion, because Reth always seemed calm and collected. At least, now he did. When he had first spoken to her, though, he had tripped over his words greatly. 
“When I first met you,” he started, seeming to read her thoughts, “I had never seen a human before. And it surprised me.”
She let that hang there for a moment, feeling like there was something he still wasn’t saying. “What surprised you?”
She was still looking at him but he was none the wiser, his eyes locked on the sky. His cheeks slowly darkened to a magenta color. 
She felt something soft and gentle on her fingers, and upon looking down she found it was Reth’s own hand, slowly sliding in the grass closer to her own. She took in a quiet deep breath to calm herself, even as it felt like pure Flow was shooting up her arm at the contact. She was very confused, but allowed him to take her hand in his and intertwined their fingers. She didn’t understand the purpose of it, and yet she found it was quite pleasant and didn’t want to let go. So she relaxed into the grass, and gave his hand a small squeeze. He reciprocated the gesture, finally turning his head to look at her. He smiled at her then, a wide smile that made her toes curl in her boots and ingrained itself in her mind. His eyes sparkled in a way she had never seen before. 
Y/N looked away first, pointing out a cloud that looked like a star. Reth chuckled and squeezed her hand once more, agreeing with her, before he suddenly gasped and sat up, looking towards the basket. 
“Oh! I brought you something. Caleri waived my late fees so I could bring you this. I’m lucky she likes you so much.”
He handed her half-eaten sandwich to her, which she took another bite of as he opened the basket and produced a book, handing it over. Y/N sat up as well, taking it from him gently. Their hands touched briefly, and a burst of warmth blossomed in her chest. Ignoring it, she studied the strange writing on the worn red cover. It looked like English characters, but it was too worn to make out the words on the cover.
“You found this in the library?”
“I know, right? In the small Human section. I think it’s a cookbook. Look inside.”
She looked at him and shared his excited smile, then opened it to a random page. The pages were old and stuck together, and made a pleasant crackling sound as the spine expanded. Near the middle of the book, at the top of the page, was a full color picture of a cooked dish. It looked odd, it was a stack of bread and what looked like vegetables and meat. The writing at the top of the page read Burger.
Reth peeked over her shoulder, scooting closer to get a better look. Their legs were pressed together as he mouthed out the foreign word.
“Bur-jer.” He said confidently.
Y/N repeated the word. Jina would get a kick out of this. She wondered if she had read this book. She must have, but then again, Jina had never mentioned any human foods before. “I think it’s pronounced ‘bur-gur’, actually. Feels better in my human mouth.”
Reth laughed and threw his hands up. “Hey, you’re the expert. Do you want to try and cook it?”
“But we can barely read the recipe!”
“Won’t it be fun? I’m sure we could figure it out.”
The idea did sound very appealing. She would love to get closer to her roots, and she would never deny spending time with Reth. 
“Let’s do it.”
He nodded, putting a handkerchief between the pages to mark the place.
They sat in the grass and talked a little while longer before Reth announced he had to get back to the Inn, so they packed up and parted ways. 
Back at her housing plot, after Y/N had washed the chapaa meat and furs in a bucket of pond water, she wondered about her odd feelings for Reth, and the tightness in her chest when she thought about him. She stood at her stove, grilling the savory meat and letting the smell fill the air. Sometimes, when she cooked, she felt sad, and wished she was cooking with others. Cooking alone felt deeply wrong to her, and she could not explain why. She let herself feel the sadness, and then let it wash away when she was done, just like Jel had taught her. And by that time the meat had finished cooking. But as she reached to grab a plate (from the set that Elouisa had gifted her) she accidentally hit the hot pan and burned her hand. 
All at once, her mind’s eye was filled with the sight of a kitchen that wasn’t hers. The wallpaper was different, and there were many plants, and more cabinets. A woman whom she had never seen before, and yet felt so familiar, with skin tan like her own, fawned over her. 
“Oh dear, did you burn yourself, button? Come to the sink.”
The woman grabbed her wrist gently and led her to the sink, and turned the handle. Cool water started flowing from what she recollected was called a ‘faucet’. The woman, her mother, put her hand under the cold flow of the water until the burning sensation stopped. 
And then Y/N was standing alone once again, holding her injured hand to her chest. Luckily, her sink basin was already filled with fresh water from the pond, so she submerged her hand in the cool water until the familiar burning stopped once again. 
Was that a memory? Was that what remembering felt like? Her mother looked so similar to herself. She had so many questions, and she knew that no one else would have answers. Suddenly she felt so alone, even in this village of kind people, she felt totally isolated. 
– – – –
The next day felt very weird. After her odd kitchen experience the night before, Y/N had tossed and turned all night and didn’t get a wink of sleep. She ended up chopping many trees to take her mind off it, and after that didn’t help, she figured she would head into town and see if Hassian wanted help filling his meat supply for sale. The hunting in silence seemed to help a bit, and she always enjoyed his company, but every time she pulled back an arrow in the bow, the burn on her hand ached, and she remembered her mother’s face. And after that, she spent some time with Tish and Jel in the square before their shops opened. But as Tish complained of washing her cotton in pond water and finding a tadpole in her fabric later, the memory of the convenience of running water came flooding back. So she spent the day on her housing plot, alone and wallowing, unsure of what to do with herself.
When she didn’t show up for lunch again that day at the Inn, Reth thought at first it was because she was hunting. But after speaking with Hassian and learning she had already been hunting that morning, worry took over. It wasn’t like her to run off without telling someone where she was going. Everyone worried over her, being the only human any of them had ever seen, and having just materialized just a few months ago, the village as a whole didn’t want her to get lost or injured or worse. He couldn’t leave the Inn and go all the way to her house himself, but he could do one better. 
So late that afternoon, Y/N was surprised when she got a knock at her door, and was even more surprised to find Auni at her doorstep with a small paper bag. Usually he just left packages in the mailbox or on her porch, even if she was home, so she found it odd that he knocked. 
“Heya! Reth sent me with some food for ya. Wanted to know where you were.”
She smiled at him. Even though she didn’t feel like smiling, Auni was just a little ray of sunshine, and it was impossible not to be amused in his presence. And it warmed her heart to know Reth was thinking of her. 
“Hey Auni, long time no see. Do you want to come in; I caught a few new bugs I wanna show you.”
He nodded enthusiastically, and when she was done showing him the butterflies and beetles, she sent him on his way with some fresh crab meat for his mother. Now she was left with her lunch (now, she supposed she could call it dinner), some carrot soup. Her favorite. When she was done eating the warm meal, she laid on her bed and smiled, kicking her feet and giggling that Reth would be so kind. 
There were a lot of things she didn’t know, but maybe talking about them would be a good start.
– – – –
“Steady… Steady…” Nai’o hushed to the ormuu, patting it’s head while Y/N knelt beside the large animal, getting ready to milk it. She had never milked an ormuu before, and Nai’o was kind enough to offer to teach her after she had offhandedly expressed her curiosity about it a few sun cycles prior. Delaila even offered to share some of the resulting butter for her work.
He had taught her the hand motions, and once she started, it wasn’t so bad. Nai’o stood and watched and gave her encouragement as the bucket slowly filled with the good milk.
But her mind was elsewhere. Last week she had come around the corner of the City Hall and found him and Kenyatta behind the wall, doing what Tish called ‘sucking face’ but had learned the official word was ‘kissing’. It felt like an intrusion and she had pretended not to see them and had quietly snuck away, but the sight (and the curiosity) had stuck with her. 
“Can I ask you a personal question?” She said, sure to say it loud enough to be heard over the mooing of the ormuu. 
“Go ahead,” he replied instantly.
Y/N felt awkward bringing up the subject, and she wasn’t sure why. But she pushed ahead in the pursuit of answers. 
“When you first met Kenyatta, what did you feel?”
“That’s tough. Kenyatta and I grew up together. We’ve always known each other.”
That made sense, but it wasn’t what she meant. She took a deep breath and turned away from the ormuu for a second to meet his eyes.
“What about when you started dating?” The word ‘dating’ was still new to her, but she had heard Kenyatta use it, so she was sure it applied at least to her and Nai’o.
“Well, when I realized that I had feelings for her, I tried everything to get her attention. I just wanted to spend as much time with her as possible.”
“Had feelings? What did those feel like?”
“Why, are you feeling this way? I wonder who the object of your affections is?” Nai’o teased. 
She blushed, and went back to milking in hopes that Nai’o couldn’t see her dark cheeks. “Affections?” she asked, when she had found her voice. 
Occasionally, the Majiri would say a word that Y/N did not recognise. It felt childish to have to ask what a word’s definition was (even if Y/N couldn’t remember her childhood). She had heard this word before, but not used in this way. 
“Ah, how to explain it…” Nai’o said, mostly to himself as he thought for a moment. “If you have affections for someone, you like them more than you like everyone else. We call it love. It’s different than the love you feel for your parents or siblings or a close friend. You want to spend the rest of your life with that person.”
She thought about this for a moment. She didn’t have parents that she could remember, but Sifuu had joked many times that she had adopted Y/N and was her makeshift mother. And Y/N would do just about anything for Sifuu, so she guessed that was love, in a way. But she certainly did not want to kiss Sifuu. And she felt a camaraderie with Hassian, which Sifuu had also mentioned that Hassian, her Shepp, worried over her like an older brother (Hassian was not thrilled that his mother had mentioned his concerns, much like when he found out she had told Y/N about the poetry). And the mere thought of kissing Hassian made her want to throw up. And she felt proud of him in ways similar to how Tish described feeling over Reth. Now that she thought about it, she figured that Sifuu and Hassian were like her family, similar to the Daiya family. But what did that make Reth?
“You’ve been spending a lot of time with Reth lately,” Nai’o continued when she didn’t say anything. 
She had brought up the subject thinking about Reth, but now felt like she should be doing more for Sifuu and Hassian. But she liked finishing what she started, so she circled back in her mind to her ultimate concern: the weird pressing in her chest when she was with Reth.
“What are you suggesting?”
“I’m suggesting that you want to kiss Reth, don’t you?”
Her words stuck in her throat at his bluntness. Did she? “I don’t know.”
“I know what you can do,” He said, looking very proud of himself, “Go to Zeki’s and buy a box of chocolates. And then give it to Reth. See what he does.” He said with a wide smile, and he leaned down to pick up the now full bucket of milk. Y/N took the cue and followed him into the house, leaving the ormuu with a small pat. 
“I thought chocolates were gifts for married folk only.”
“I give chocolates to Kenyatta all the time, and we aren’t married. Don’t you want to be like her and I?”
Y/N wasn’t exactly sure that she did, as the image of him and Ken with lips locked resurfaced, but she guessed it couldn’t hurt. “Alright, I’ll try it, and let you know.”
He clapped his hands and jumped up, in a demeanor she had never seen on Nai’o. His nosiness surprised her. “Good, tell me all the details. Ken is gonna love this.”
They went into the house and Delaila showed Y/N how the churn worked, and let her try her hand at churning the butter, but ultimately Del sent her on her way with some jam, and promised to have the butter delivered when it was finished. 
– – – –
It wasn’t for many sun cycles that Y/N and Reth could work their schedules around and meet up to try the recipe. Anxiety bubbled in her chest at the thought of what she was going to do, but she also was apprehensive to cook again. After burning her hand, she had avoided her kitchen like it was tainted with the plague. As much as she had relished and replayed the memory of her mother in her head multiple times, she was scared it was going to happen again. Even though she was slowly growing used to recalling such an old memory, having it spring up so suddenly that first time was alarming. 
She had already spoken to Jina about it, and she had urged Y/N to continue trying new things in hopes of triggering another memory to resurface. Y/N wasn’t exactly sure that she wanted that to happen, but maybe she could learn more about her own past, and about what happened to the humans in general. 
So when the time came where Reth was on his way to her home, she was a little out of sorts. The box of chocolates was hidden in a cupboard until the right moment appeared, the ingredients (what she had) for the recipe were laid out on the counter, fresh water in the sink basin, and her home cleaned and reorganized. She had only had time to build two rooms since coming to Kilima, but her living-kitchen-entry was tidy and her bed was made in the next room. Even Eshe would be proud of the decorating. 
After what felt like ages of pacing the floor, finally she heard a knock on her door. Wiping her sweaty hands on the new dress she had bought from Jel for the occasion, she opened the door. 
There he stood, in a crisp blue button-down shirt, a bouquet of heartdrop lilies in hand, and a nervous smile on his face. “Hey, sweet-tooth. Ready to make Majiri food history?”
The sight of him alone was enough to make her swoon, but the flowers were something else entirely. 
“Of course, come in, make yourself at home. Shoes off, please.” Y/N said hoping she masked the nervousness in her voice, and she accepted the flowers from him while he took off his boots. They were beautiful, and she had just bought a new vase the week prior too, so the timing was perfect. “Thank you for the flowers, they’re lovely.”
“Not as lovely as you.” He replied all too quickly, causing Y/N to blush profusely. 
“Thank you.” She whispered, reaching into her cupboard for the vase and filling it with water. The flowers sat pretty on her table for two (she had crafted the second chair just for Reth that day), and the two of them washed their hands in preparation to cook.
“So first the recipe says to make the… the patty? I think it says.” Y/N said, looking at the open cookbook on the counter. 
Reth came up behind her, putting an arm on the counter next to her and looking over her shoulder to attempt to read the book. She blushed at his close proximity. She could feel his breath gently on her neck. 
“Sounds about right. I’ve never ground up meat before. How do you think we should do it?”
“Maybe we should just mince it and hope for the best.” She looked at him and was surprised just how close their faces were to one another. Despite her pounding heart, she liked being close to him. 
“I can do that, easy peasy.” Reth smiled, locking eyes with her. “Where are your kitchen knives?”
“Um… I’ll get one.” Y/N sputtered. She had to get ahold of herself! She should be cool.
It was increasingly hard with the heartdrop lilies on the table, seemingly watching her. 
While Reth minced the chapaa meat, Y/N worked on washing and cutting the tomatoes, lettuce, and onion. The recipe also called for something called ‘cheese’, but neither of them knew what that was, so they decided to just leave it out. They seasoned the minced meat with spice sprouts, wild garlic, and an egg, formed it into round patties, and grilled them on the stove. The recipe was worn over the part talking about the onions, so Reth suggested putting the onions on raw. And they didn’t have any ‘burger buns’, so they made do with hot hound buns instead.
"Hey, Reth, I have some news."
"Oh? Like what?" He asked, flipping one of the burger patties in the pan. She watched the action, and got distracted for a moment watching the muscles in his forearm ripple.
She twiddled her hands in anticipation. "I think I remembered something. About my past life, I mean."
At this, Reth perked up and gave his full attention to her. "Really? What did you remember?"
"It was odd, it just came so suddenly," Y/N started, then backtracked. "I was just cooking last week and burned myself, and I remembered a time when I was younger and had also burned myself while cooking, and my mother had taken me to the sink and run my hand under cold water to relieve the burn."
He thought about it for a moment, then replied, "Do you think you'll remember more things?"
"I don't know. I kind of hope so, but it was a little startling. Maybe next time it won't be as surprising."
He nodded, understanding. He could only sympathize with her since he would never experience losing all his memories and waking up in a strange place, but he was sure this was a new and exciting time for Y/N.
"Thank you for telling me. I hope you get to remember more about your past life."
"Of course, thanks for being here for me. No matter what I remember, though, you'll still be my favorite part of my new life."
Reth blushed at this, and went back to tending the meat in the pan, lest it burn like his cheeks.
The result of their efforts was a little oddly shaped, but upon sitting down to eat, found it was absolutely delicious. They enjoyed their meal together with good conversation, about Tish’s latest creation, Y/N’s new dress (Reth told her she looked absolutely stunning, cause her to nearly choke on her human burger in surprise), and Ashura mentioning something about a raise for Reth. And after, they washed the dishes together, standing too close together, arms touching, laughing and splashing water everywhere. 
It was the best night Y/N had had in a long time. And it was all thanks to Reth. 
“Hey, I’m having such a good time, do you think I could stay a little while longer?” He asked, when the last dish had been dried and put away.
“Of course, I don’t want you to go home yet either.” She admitted. 
“What would you like to do?” He asked, plopping down on the couch and sinking back into the cushions. 
“Actually, I have something for you.” Y/N admitted, feeling nervous and excited. Reth made her feel like she could do anything, and like she was on top of the world, and she hoped her gift would instill similar feelings in him. “But you have to close your eyes.”
He closed his eyes immediately, and her heart leapt at the sight. “Alright, I do love surprises.”
With a wide smile and shaking hands, she carefully pulled out the heart-shaped box of chocolates and sat down on the couch next to him. He sat up as he felt her weight on the couch next to him, and instinctively, she scooched closer to him until their legs were completely pressed together. 
She placed the chocolates on his lap gingerly. “Okay, you can open your eyes now.”
She watched as he opened his eyes, looking down at the box in his lap, then turned to look at her with such boyish joy in his eyes. Nothing could have prepared her for the energy in that room, filled with tension and joy and pure happiness and nervousness all at once. It was nearly overwhelming.
“You really want me to have these?” He asked, his voice not much above a whisper. 
“Of course, all for you. You deserve them.” Y/n said simply, though she wanted to proclaim that he deserved so much more than a simple box of chocolates. 
But he looked at her like she hung the flaming moon, like she was all he had ever wanted. Because, simply put, that’s exactly how he felt. 
“Y/N,” he started, carefully placing the chocolates on the coffee table in front of him, never taking his eyes off of hers, “You are the most generous, kind, beautiful soul I have ever met,” Now that his hands were free, he reached for hers. Gently caressing the backs of her hands with his thumbs, he gazed into her eyes with all the adoration in his heart. “I’m honored you would gift these to me. Thank you so much.”
Y/N was so happy she could cry. And she nearly did. Reth made her feel so safe and appreciated, and she knew he reciprocated everything she felt by the way he looked at her now. She glanced at his lips and wondered what they would feel like pressed to her own, and now she understood Kenyatta perfectly. 
He seemed to read her mind, moving one hand to her face, gliding his thumb over her cheekbone as he pressed his forehead to hers. With eyes closed to fully savor the moment, he whispered gently, “May I kiss you?”
Her heart was doing flips in her chest now as he moved ever closer, and she mewled out a meek ‘yes’, feeling the faint brush of his lips against her own due to their proximity. 
He wasted no time once she had consented, and he pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. His hand on her face held her in place, and his other hand moved to her back to pull her closer. Her own hands rested on his strong forearm, and one on his shoulder as she deepened the kiss. He was all over her, invading her senses, and all she could think was more, more, more. She wasn’t sure what ‘more’ entailed, but she would happily spend the rest of her life figuring it out. She needed him impossibly closer, and he seemed to be thinking the same thing by the way his hands gripped the fabric of her dress. His tongue gently opened her mouth, allowing himself access to her. The sensation was foreign but she found it wasn’t unpleasant. She allowed him to explore her mouth for a little while, and just enjoyed the feeling of him pressed against her. 
Reth was ecstatic that Y/N returned his feelings, and was even happier that she was content to sit in his arms. He had dreamed of this moment ever since he first laid eyes on her, that first day she came into his world. He relished in the feeling of her so close, her warm body pressing ever closer, her hands wandering across his arms and back. She touched his neck at the base of his hair, and he simply melted into her touch. She was everything he could have ever wanted. 
He got so excited that he scooped his hands under her legs, chuckling at her gasp of surprise as he lifted her into his lap. Warm hands settled on her hips as she gazed into his eyes with all the love in her heart. He just wanted her closer, so he pulled her to his chest for a deep hug. He pet her hair, gently carding his fingers through as she sighed into his shoulder. Nuzzling her nose into his neck, Y/N sighed contentedly. She could sit like this forever, legs on either side of his, as close as she could possibly be, and wondered what she would have to do to make this a daily occurrence. 
“Reth?” She asked, after many minutes of just sitting in each other’s presence. 
“Yes, Y/N?”
“Will you be mine? Only mine?”
“Yes my love, I’m already yours.”
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yoongikapi · 11 months ago
(also based on a quest i finished a while back)
something sweet || reth || oneshot
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you basically sprinted out the door of the furniture shop as tish yells out one last thank you; smiling to yourself as you rushed to the tavern.
it had been about a week since you and reth confessed, and decided to give a possible relationship a try. it was hard, with reth constantly working and you keeping yourself busy with your own quests, you barely had any time to see him. you both knew it’d be hard, but neither one of you could shake your feelings for each other enough to not try. still, you saw him as often as you could.
as you enter the dimly lit tavern, you find reth in his usual spot behind the counter, wiping it clean as his eyes meet yours and he smiles.
“hey you!”
you blush, “hey, i brought you something!”
he rests his arms on the counter and leans in close as you take a seat, reaching into your bag you pull out a new recipe you finally mastered.
his smile grows, “macarons? i thought you didn’t like baking?”
“yea but i’m pretty good at making macarons now, and im learning a new soup recipe too!”
he chuckles, he loves seeing you try new things and take interest in his interests, it really makes him feel like you care about him.
“hey soup is my thing, you stick to baking.” he says and takes the pink pastry.
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lunar-weebin · 1 month ago
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Touch Starved 🍲
a palia based reth x player slow burn
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my name is luna and this is the first fic I’ve written in probably ten years? (the way this game and this majiri soup boy have a hold on me goes without saying but I’m saying it anyway.)
anyway, this is a teaser for the first chapter. I’m proud of this little self indulgent project and hope my fellow reth enjoyers will have fun reading it in its entirety once I finally get my AO3 invite.
in the meantime, enjoy the appetizer! 💛
tags — reth, palia, player character, reader, she/her pronouns, slow burn, romance, some game spoilers, cartel centric plot, some negative emotional themes like anxiety and depression.
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The heels of your leather boots scuff along the stone path, soles aching as you make your way to the Ormuu’s Horn in search of some reprieve after a long day. At least, that’s what you tell yourself as the sun sets over the horizon, the patter of civilian foot traffic against the masoned trail around you.
Somewhere deep down, though, you know that practically every trip you make to the inn as of late is an excuse to see a very specific smug, flirtatious smirk on the other side of the bar. One that belongs to a charming — albeit shady — Majiri cook you’ve grown rather close to ever since you materialized from a mysterious pink void deep inside an ancient ruin almost a year ago.
Brief recollections of his familiar, cocky expression flashes across your thoughts, curling your lips into a soft smile as you make your way past Jel’s shop.
Auni calls out to you from the village green with a quick greeting. He’s grinning wide and showing off the adorable gap in his teeth as he waved, lugging his humorously large pack over his shoulders. His voice snaps you out of your little daydream, prompting you to wave back at him and return a warm beam in his direction.
As you slow down, you happen to notice Jel and Tish on their way out of the tailoring shop, deciding to trot over to them and catch up. You were more of a night owl these days, mostly for Reth’s sake, so the chance of running into them was pretty rare unless you absolutely needed to stop at their shops during the day as part of an errand run. You extend a friendly wave as you casually make your way toward them.
“Jel, Tish!” Calling out to them gets their attention, and they wait at the foot of the stairs leading from the village circle. They wave back, both smiling at you, though Jel’s coy-but-gloomy simper nearly cancels out Tish’s eager, happy grin.
“Hey stranger, long time no see,” Tish says playfully, narrowing her eyes in an exaggerated look of speculation before erupting into a cheery giggle. Her laugh reminds you of the tinkling chime of bells, pure and sweet, and you can’t help but feel a stab of guilt at her words. You clasp your hands together nervously in a pleading gesture.
“I know, I know. Don’t hate me,” you start. “I’ve just been really busy. I’m sorry.”
This wasn’t a complete lie. You have been really busy. Helping Reth. By making cartel runs. Which, of course, Tish knows nothing about.
You inwardly grimace at having to omit that bit of information, but you quickly justify it by remembering you’re only doing this to keep her safe. Tish’s safety —along with the importance of her not finding out about Reth’s involvement with Zeki and the cartel — was something you and he had discussed so much the past few weeks that it was thoroughly drilled into you. You couldn’t slip up now.
Tish smiles at you empathetically, sensing the strain of discomfort in your tone and trying to ease the obvious remorse you feel for being so absent. “Hey, I understand,” she smiles, her blue eyes wide, bright and brimming with kindness. “Jel and I have been busy too, what with designing new lines and all.”
Jel emphasizes her words by ruffling a stack of supplies in his arms that seem to be an assortment of design sketches — some of them of his extravagant outfits, others of Tish’s furniture blueprints — and bundles of colorful fabric swatches.
“Trust me, we get it. Inspiration never sleeps,” he offers, pinching the bridge of his nose and adjusting his glasses in an exasperated movement that just screams I have so much work to do. “Ah, the things we do for art.” He shrugs, rolling his eyes.
Tish places an encouraging hand on Jel’s shoulder in solidarity, looking about as spent as he does before directing her attention back to you.
“You know,” she hums, “I see you about as much as I see Reth these days.” Her voice takes on a sudden sad lilt with her next words. “It would be nice if you both stopped in at the shop sometime.” Her face drops at the mention of Reth’s name, a small concerned frown tugging at the corners of her lips.
Reth had an evening ritual of stopping over to chat with Tish and Jel after his shift at the inn, letting them fill him in on their latest ideas and designs over whatever dinner he whipped up before the kitchen closed. It had become a consistent habit for the three of them, and for a moment, you fondly remember walking past the shop windows when you first made your way through town, seeing their trio huddled in the back around Jel’s desk, laughing and thumbing through piles of design drafts as they pecked at bowls of steamed fish and fried rice.
You pick up on the melancholic change in Tish’s tone, and a slightly panicked question pulls at your thoughts.
“Did Reth not stop by tonight?” You do your best to sound mildly inquisitive instead of worried, and the question hangs in the air between the three of you for a painfully long beat before she finally responds.
“No.” She says the word curtly and turns away, fidgeting with her long blonde hair, her face showcasing the very same worry you were feeling just under the surface.
“–But,” Jel cuts in, an attempt to minimize the rapidly growing concern surrounding the topic at hand, “it’s possible he just had a long day. He’s probably restocking his storeroom or getting a lecture from Ashura as we speak.” It’s Jel’s turn to put a reassuring hand on Tish’s shoulder as she weakly smiles up at him, a nonverbal thanks for the support of her friend.
“Yeah, you’re right. It’s probably nothing. I just… worry about him, you know? He’s my brother, so it’s not like I have a choice in the matter.” She gives a halfhearted chuckle, her brows still knitted together in a bothered expression. “He barely touched his food yesterday and he seems really… on edge?” Her words come out as a question instead of a statement, her eyes prodding at you, expecting you to provide some insight.
Yeah, that’s because he’s working in illegal underground flow trade so he can pay off his massive debt to the cartel, and he’s having his life threatened on a biweekly basis because of it, and he can’t even ask for help at the risk of being locked up by the Order forever. That tends to make people a little anxious.
You want to air out the wild string of words that swirl in your mind and beg her to help you get him out of this mess, but you don’t.
Instead, you give her a look of reassurance and choose to respond in a way that doesn’t spill the many, many proverbial beans — or alarm her further.
“Reth… has a lot on his plate.” You pull Tish into a quick, comforting hug, then draw back to look at her, your hands resting on her shoulders, clutching them softly. “I’ll talk to him and see what’s up. I promise.”
That lie hurts more than words can describe, but the light returns to her face as she beams up at you in gratitude.
“Thank you,” she sighs, a wave of relief visibly washing over her, smoothing the lines of dismay from her face for the time being. She clearly trusts you to handle this, and that makes it hurt even more.
You fully release her from your friendly embrace, holding onto her hand and giving it a firm final squeeze before exchanging goodbyes, giving her and Jel a hurried wave as you move quickly toward the inn. You push down the momentary guilt you feel in favor of focusing on finding Reth, conscience be damned.
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You approach the doorway of the Ormuu’s Horn, the warm scent of clay and sapwood smoke from the hearth immediately wafting into you as you enter. You notice Ashura’s towering, broad form, still at his desk diligently filling out ledgers and other various forms under lamplight.
He spots movement across the room, accompanying the sound of the door closing behind you, your figure caught in the light from the low fire going in the lobby. He looks up at you over his reading glasses, scribbling something quickly on the paper in front of him before giving you his full attention.
“Come in,” he says with a beckoning hand gesture. “I’d ask what brings you here, but I’m pretty sure I already know the answer.” He smiles, a warm and compassionate glint in his eye.
Ashura has been the closest thing Reth has to a father figure since moving into Kilima from Bahari, and he pretty much acted as his guardian. Looking out for him, doing his best to guide him and keep him out of trouble. By Dragon’s grace, Reth’s second less legitimate venture was flying under his radar — for now.
“Reth?” Your inquiry came out rushed, your voice tinged with anxiety. Ashura furrows his brow, setting his reading glasses down on the desk between you.
“It was a slow night, so I told him he can leave early,” Ashura starts. “Naturally, he tried to argue with me, but I insisted. He’s running on fumes. He needs to rest.” He brings two fingers to his temple, massaging small circles into it as if he has a headache before he continues.
“I helped him clean up the kitchen, then he must have slipped out of the lobby while I was checking in a patron. Haven’t seen him since, so I’m hoping he’s at home getting some rest for once.” He scratches his beard thoughtfully, then reaches to turn off his desk lamp. “And I’m not too far behind him. I’m too well past my prime to be up late, so I’m turning in for the—“
“Did you see him go out the front door by chance?” You interrupt him, your words coming out so fast they were nearly indecipherable, but Ashura managed to understand them somehow.
“Well, no, I—“
Before he could finish his sentence, your feet were already carrying you so fast you practically flew past him in the direction of the storeroom. His eyes tried — and failed — to follow you as you disappeared around the corner.
“Okaygreat!ThanksAshura!” You throw the rushed jumble of words over your shoulder, hearing only a fading “Huh?” from him in reply as you swing through the doorway and dart downstairs.
Apart from the loud creaking of the floor boards as your feet hastily thud against them, the cellar was peaceful this time of night. Normally, the only sounds would be the gentle beating of rippling water against the wooden framework of the dock, and the quiet chirp of crickets outside.
A single ceiling light hung over a table surrounded by crates, just bright enough to see, casting a warm glow across the space. If you were a little less stressed, you’d be tempted to sit out here and enjoy it. But you can’t. Not with your heart racing a million ticks a minute.
What if he messed up a delivery? What if he was caught by a Watcher? What if he abandoned a job and the cartel got to him?
You beeline straight up to the door to Reth’s storeroom on the other side of the cellar – the room he affectionately dubbed your “special spot” shortly after giving you a key to come and go as you please.
This was the place the two of you would go to discuss any and all crime-related plans and activities. It was also the place you would sneak away to share some late night laughs and try some of Reth’s new recipes when he was feeling restless between shifts, which lately, was all the time.
Please be here, please be here, please be here.
You repeat the words in your head as you rummage through your pockets for the key, releasing a breath you hadn’t even realized you were holding when you find it. The brass feels cold against your fingers as you shakily slip it into its place and turn it clockwise until the mechanism makes a satisfying metallic click.
You draw in one final deep breath before nudging the door open, the oldness of the wood creaking quietly as you do so. A single stripe of light leaks from the storeroom, dancing on the cellar floor and growing wider until it captures your silhouette, then you make your way inside.
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Much to your relief, Reth is here.
You let out an audible sigh as your eyes lock onto his figure. He’s in a chair, slumped over, his head resting on a small table as he snores softly. You gingerly step through the doorway, closing the door gently behind you, and moving a bit closer to him to further inspect the scene.
On the table, you see a cutting board packed with neatly cubed potatoes, their russet skins discarded in a browning pile of scraps next to it. A small knife for dicing, and a wire potato peeler.
Your eyes trail from the table to Reth, focusing on him.
You take notice to the state of his hands first, a small bandage on almost every other knuckle, and no less than a dozen other superficial cuts — probably from being too tired to cook, making too many mistakes with his knife work and burning his fingers the stove.
You notice the gentle rise and fall of his back as he breathes, and the way he sleeps with his head down on the table, cradling it with his arms. He was still in his chef’s jacket, although a couple of the buttons were undon, and the apron he typically wore around his waist while he worked was tossed over a nearby chair.
You slowly move closer to him, softly calling out his name. “Reth?” Your voice is small and quiet, but usually it’s enough to wake him up. “Reth?” You try again, to no avail. His snore falters, but he still doesn’t stir. “Reth,” you say, a little louder, still trying to keep your tone soft enough that you don’t startle him, again, with no result.
You pad lightly up to his side, getting a closer look at his face. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps, and you try to burn the image into your mind. Despite his usual laidback demeanor and devil-may-care attitude, it was rare for you to see Reth this serene.
Over the time you’ve known him, there has always been an undercurrent of stress in his features; lines of worry permanently etched into his forehead and bags under his eyes from sleepless nights. You hadn’t understood the sadness behind his cheery disposition when you first met, but the more you got to know him, the more those subtle details made sense.
Now though, he seemed different. The plains of his face were smooth. Free of any indication that his life — and Tish’s life — hung in the balance. Free of the burden of sacrificing everything he had for the people he loved. Free of being a mule for the Grimalkin cartel.
For a moment, your heart aches, and the familiar need to protect him bubbles up inside you once again, leaving a bittersweet taste in the back of your mouth that you can’t quite wash away by swallowing. So strong, it almost burns.
Something about watching him sleep soundly for the first time in weeks, the gentle ebb and flow of his breathing, pulls on your heartstrings, and suddenly you’re met with the same thought you’ve probably had a million times since Reth first told you about his implication with the cartel:
You’d do anything to absolve him of his debt.
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hope you enjoyed!
I know this is a bit of a long read for a teaser, but honestly, I’m terribly impatient. I’ve literally been sitting on this fic for months.
I’m currently about three full chapters into writing, and as soon as I get my AO3 invite, I’ll be posting at least two of them there as well as on wattpad — just because I’ve never used either and I’m curious about which will work better for me personally.
this fic will contain smut and kink and angst, but it is intended to be a slow burn, so please be patient with me while I flesh out the story. also be prepared for some violent themes.
follow for updates if you’re interested in reading more. I’m having a lot of fun writing this one and hope to start really getting into my groove with dropping chapters regularly pretty soon.
header / dividers are from @strangergraphics
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reallyromealone · 3 months ago
Title: food
Fandom: palia
Characters: Ashura, Reth, tish, Jel
Fic type: fluff
Pairings: Reth x reader
Warnings: male reader, reader insert, omegaverse, cute, courting, Omega male reader
Notes: trying to get in the swing of writing so sorry if it's weird
Summary: Reth realized (name)s been courting him and figures out what to return the fashionable Omega
Reth never knew what to do with the prim and proper brother of Jel, the Omega constantly giving him little gifts that he made which was typically clothes. The clothes were pretty nice and fit perfectly, Reth often seen in the nice vests or in the nice chefs coat with his name embroidered on it and the little details showed time and care. Every week it was something new, a new shirt, new pants and even socks, all with his name embroidered somewhere on it.
"Another piece?" Tish asked her brother curiously "yeah, not sure why though" Reth mumbled and the Omega girl took the shirt and sniffed "it's scented... Oh my goodness" she realized and Reth raised an eyebrow "what?" Panic laced in his voice while his sister analyzed it.
"Reth these are courting gifts"
"I'm sorry what?"
"(Name) Has been courting you for months" she stared at him back and Reth froze "what do I do with this?" He whispered, having never recieved a courting gift from anyone let alone someone like (name). He was a high class Omega, fancy tastes and all that stuff... Reth was well... Him. "Do you like him back?" Tish asked curiously, clearly invested in this while Reth looked a little flustered "I always thought he was out of my league?" Despite being flirty and pretty cocky, (name) had an affect on people and Reth was no exception; the omega was perfect in every way.
He dressed like a doll, never dirty and seemed high maintenance like Jel and It was pretty intimidating honestly.
Reth didn't reply to her but Tish could figure out the answer pretty quickly, her brother was in love.
Reth watched (name) help his brother bring fabrics into the shop, dressed in a puffy dress shirt and vest along with tailored pants and shiny loafers.
What does he like?
What would he want?
"Ah, young love" Ashura teased, causing Reth turn to look at him flustered "you were mated, how did you do it?!" His words rushed and worried, causing the large man to chuckle "you mean courting? Well I made Sabine something that made her think of me... Maybe try cooking something?" Ashura offered his advice and Reth looked at (name) who was having a sibling squabble with his brother "but he's so fancy... Would that even cut it?" Ashura has never seen him like this, clearly wanting to make a good impression.
"Reth, that young man looks at you like you hung the moon, he's in love with you for you... Hell you didn't even realize he had feelings and just acted like you for so long!" Reth eased up a bit at the man's words "you just go out there and be yourself" Ashura Pat his back before leaving the young alpha alone to figure out his thoughts.
He's known (name) for years, the Omega was one food driven pretty boy and Reth was ready to put that to the test.
What he wasn't expecting was (name) to show up half way through cooking "what are you cooking?" The Omega asked curiously, leaning over the bar to see the ingredients "(food)?" Reth chuckled at the Omega, he hadn't expected it to work THAT well "well there goes the surprise!" (Name) Was confused at his words "why would you be making me food...?" The cogs turned in the man's head before realization sprung "you accept?"
"Took me a while to realize what you were doing... It's not a traditional courting gift but I hope you enjoy" putting the food on/in a plate/bowl, he watched (name) marvel at the dish "you made me a meal... Thank you alpha"
Reth was not expecting that, his face growing flustered and (name) ate happily, leaning forward as to not ruin his outfit and completely unaware of the effect he had on Reth.
"Can I have more?"
"You're done already?!"
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molliethedino · 5 months ago
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goosewriting · 10 months ago
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Cover It Up
summary: after getting a scolding from Ashura, Reth and reader get closer (follows the cover it up quest). 
relationship: Reth x gn!reader
warnings: fluff!, spoilers for Reth’s dialogue 
word count: 4k
A/N: more Reth because i love him fr fr <3 i'm not sure how many parts there will be to this but make sure to read the previous part if you haven't!
Navigation: Part 1 | Part 2 (you're here)
(english is not my first language. constructive criticism and grammar corrections are very appreciated!)
— — —
You’re working on a new piece of furniture that Tish gave you the instructions for, when you see Reth coming through the gates to your house plot. A slight panic settles in the pit of your stomach as you realise that you were so absorbed in your work you’ve completely lost track of time.
“Oh shoot, I didn’t forget we were meeting up or anything, right?” you ask as you set down your tools, hurrying to clean up your workstation.
“Nope,” he retorts, coming to a halt before you. “I came here unannounced.”
“Okay, good,” you breathe a sigh of relief, facing him fully. “So what’s up?”
“Nothing much,” he says and gives you his signature smile, leaning on the worktable with his hips. “I just wanted to see your face, is all.”
You narrow your eyes slightly at him in suspicion, but can’t help mirror his smile.
“Well, take your fill.”
He studies your face for a moment.
“Ah, yes,” he concludes with a nod. “That’s the face of my favourite person right there. Good to know it’s still there.”
“Why wouldn’t my face be here,” you retort with a chuckle, but then furrow your brows in worry. “Seriously though, is something wrong? I’m not complaining about you being here; it’s just that it’s rare for you to come by like this.”
He sighs, his shoulders slumping forward slightly.
“Yeah, I, uh, I actually need your help,” he admits. “Again.”
You motion for him to sit next to you on the bench by the entrance of your house.
“Sure thing,” you reassure him once you’re both seated. “What can I do?”
Reth takes a deep breath, gesturing with his hands as he talks.
“So, remember the whole thing where I made a huge dinner for Ashura and his friends because he kept seeing me going into the back rooms,” (How could I forget, you think.) “Well, turns out he didn’t believe me at all, actually. He’s keeping an extra eye on me now, and some shipments for, you know, have been suffering because of that.” He can’t hold your gaze and it falls to his lap instead. “I need to change bases for a while.”
Reth then asks for your map, and you hand it to him. He marks some places where you’re to leave some shipments in Bahari Bay. You look at the places he marked, mentally already tracing the path you'd take so as not to be seen, and hopefully not run into anyone.
“The shipments are in the storage room,” he adds. “Can you pick them up tonight?”
“Yeah, I can do that,” you say with a small smile. He’s visibly relieved at your words.
“Thank you so much.” He runs a hand over his face and shoots you a sheepish smile. “I don’t know why you keep putting up with me like this, but I really appreciate this.”
“Hey, we said no more of that negative self-talk,” you remark and give him a playful push to his shoulder. “I help because I want to.”
Reth looks at you for a moment with a slight tilt to his head. What did he do to deserve you?
“How about I have some food ready for when you come back?,” he offers, and you immediately perk up at that. “Any wishes?”
“You know I never say no to your food,” you laugh, and think for a moment about his offer. “I’m craving… something greasy. Finger food. With potatoes.”
He laughs at your odd request.
“Alright, I’ll see what I can come up with.”
– – –
You take an evening nap to get ready for the night, and when the clock strikes midnight, you set out for the village. You’re extra careful to not run into anyone, entering the Inn from the back to access the storage room, and stuff the merchandise into your backpack. It’s not the first time you’re moving things for Reth, and you have to admit you’re curious to take a peek. You have an inkling as to what could be in there – something Flow related and highly illegal, probably – but Reth made you promise over and over that you wouldn’t peek. The less you know, the better, he would always say. So you shove your curiosity aside, and make a quick exit towards the east gates leading to Bahari Bay.
You move swiftly, and actually take the opportunity to mine whatever iron you come across on your way to the marked positions. Making so much noise with the pickaxe probably isn’t the best strategy to remain hidden, but at least this way, if someone saw you, you could say you were mining. Besides, you seem to always be running out of it, so any extra ore is welcome. When you get to the spot Reth marked on the map, you hide the boxes behind some bushes, then start your trek back, picking up some mushrooms and Sweet Leaves on the way back to Kilima. 
Once you’re back, you make a quick stop by the storage room again to pick up the food left by Reth, then head home. As you unpack it, still warm, you see he cut potatoes into wedges, covered them in seasoning, then baked them with plenty of oil. You hum in surprise at how good it tastes, savouring every bite. You also can't help but feel that it tastes strangely familiar, like a comfort food from another life. There's still something missing, but you can't quite put your finger on what.
– – –
The next few days go by as usual, and you keep catching yourself itching for something to spice up your routine. Perhaps another “supply” run by Reth? You mean to go see him at the Inn to ask if there's anything for you to do, except that you don’t even make it far past your house, as the moment you walk out of your door, you see Ashura coming into your lot through the gates. With a smile and a wave, you greet him from afar, but as he steps closer, you can see he doesn't look too amused. You gulp.
“Hey Ashura,” you start as you meet him halfway. “What brings you all the way to my humble abode?”
He looks down at you, and sighs. You shift your shoulders uncomfortably under his gaze.
“I wish I could say I was here for a friendly chat.”
Ashura’s stern gaze softens somewhat, in the way a father gives in to the “not mad, just disappointed” stance. 
“What exactly did you think you were doing by helping Reth?” he asks you, crossing his arms over his chest.
Your gaze falls to the ground, brows furrowed. It’s none of your business, you want to say. But that wouldn’t be fair. He’s here because he’s worried, because he cares.
“How’d you find out?” you ask instead, daring to meet his eyes again.
“It was pretty obvious. Reth may be good at lying to others, but I know his tells. Besides, Hodari saw you sneaking around at night.”
Hodari you little snitch, you think and can’t help the grumble that escapes you. Ashura sighs yet again, his arms now falling to his sides.
“Next time you hide things in the bay, make sure no one sees you.”
“Well, I thought I was doing a good job at not being seen,” you mumble. “... But point taken.”
He raises a brow at you, still waiting for an explanation. You shrug your shoulders and raise your hands in defeat. 
“I- I was just helping him out,” you say truthfully. “If I don’t, he’s going to work himself to exhaustion and beyond, and you know that.”
“And this is how you decide to help?” he says in a somewhat scolding manner. “Look, Reth can spend the rest of his life running away, lying to anyone who might care about him. But I’ve seen the way he looks at you, and talks about you. He’d hang the moon if you asked him to.”
You can’t help the heat creeping onto your face at his words. I’d hang the moon and more for him too, you think to yourself. Suddenly you feel very self-conscious in front of the man that’s become a father figure to you, and seems to be one to Reth as well.
“Then, what do you suggest?” you ask. “You care about him, right? That's why you worry. Otherwise you wouldn’t be here. Well, I care about Reth as well. Tell me how to help him.”
He hums, placing a large hand on your shoulder.
“Help lead him on the right path.”
You let out a helpless scoff; how do you even do that? There’s so many factors at play, and you're not even sure if Ashura has the full picture regarding Tish’s disease and treatment and all… Where do you even start? 
As he sees your brain is starting to work a mile an hour at his words, he retrieves his hand after giving you one last squeeze.
“Well, I’ve said my piece. Maybe I'm just an old man overstepping his bounds… But I want to see Reth thrive here,” he says and shoots you a smile. “And I want the same for you.”
“I- even if you were overstepping his bounds, you’re doing it because of the right reasons, so… Thank you for telling me. I think I needed to hear this.” You bite the inside of your cheek, considering if you should say the next part or not. it's something that's been eating away at your mind for a while now. You fidget with your sleeve, looking up at Ashura and being met with nothing but warmth and support in his eyes, and you can feel the last of your walls crumbling.
“You know,” you start after taking in a shaky breath. “Sometimes I forget that this is… real. Appearing out of thin air with no memories of anything at all except for my name. I think deep inside I expect this all to be a dream or something, and that I’ll be snapping out of it at any given time. So I guess I wasn’t taking my actions seriously, and dismissing the fact that what I do here has real consequences for the people surrounding me, as well as myself.”
Ashura looks surprised at your words, and for a second you regret telling him. Seeing the flash of panic on your face, he reaches out and envelops you in a hug. 
“Have you told Reth about this?” he asks, and you shake your head as you press your face into his chest, ashamed.
“You have a lot to talk about then.”
He pulls back, holding you by your shoulders and looking down at you affectionately.
“Whenever you feel like that, you can come talk to me, okay? Don't let it build up.” He pulls back completely, about to turn around. “And I don't know if it's much comfort, but you're very real to us. To me. And I'm glad you're here.” 
With the knot that formed in your throat, you can't utter out a word, so you merely nod at him, thankful. He says his goodbyes and leaves.
After the conversation, your mind and heart are a whirlwind, so you decide to take the rest of the day “off”. You basically stay in bed, cuddling with your palcat until evening. Once you find the strength again, and after feeding yourself and your companion, you set out to the village. Except that you find yourself taking the long way, heading West until you reach the Daya’s farm, although staying out of sight, then walking down the coastline. You twirl the Sundrop Lily you picked on the meadow between your fingers, trying to form a coherent sentence in your head with which to explain to Reth how you feel regarding, well, everything. That he’s putting himself in danger. That you don’t want to see him neither hurt nor burnt out. That you want to help him however you can. That you sometimes feel lost too, given the current circumstances of your existence. That you can’t stand the thought of being stranded here without him. That you care about him. So much. 
At the last thought, heat creeps up to your face, and your heartbeat quickens, and for the first time in what feels like forever, you just allow yourself to feel.
By now, you're standing by the entrance of the sewers that lead to the Underground, so with one last deep breath, you climb in. Reth’s shift should end soon, so you could head back into the storage room together to have a much-needed talk.
As expected, you find Reth behind the bar. Things seem to be slow today, as he wipes down the surface with a bored look on his face. You quickly scan the place to see if Zeki is anywhere within earshot, but you can’t see him, so you walk up to the cook. When he spots you, his immediate reaction is perking up with a smile, but then he goes a bit stiff as he realises why you’re here.
“Hey,” he greets you as you come to a stop on the other side of the bar. “Wasn’t sure you’d come see me. I take it Ashura paid you a visit.”
“He did… Are you, uhm, done soon?” You look around again. “I think we need to talk. In private.”
The slight panic in his face doesn’t escape you, but he’s quick to push past it, trying to play it cool.
“Y-yeah, I was about to wrap up here, actually. Give me a couple of minutes, I’ll meet you in the back?”
“Okay. See you in a bit,” you offer with your best attempt at a reassuring smile. It doesn't seem to do much to calm him down, though.
Once in the storage room, you beeline for his couch, which he uses as a bed, and sit down with a pillow, hugging it to your chest. You can’t help pressing your nose into it; it smells like Reth, and you can feel yourself relax a bit.
Not five minutes later, the door creaks open and closes again, and you straighten up a bit. Reth heads to where you are, taking a seat next to you, and he leans into the back of the couch with a tired sigh. You don’t know how to start the conversation, so you just sit in silence for a moment until he heaves a deep sigh.
“I think I might have used up all my second chances. I really messed this one up,” Reth says, looking ahead instead of at you. “Weird thing is, Ashura didn’t fire me. He even asked me if I was okay. Guess I'm the world’s worst brother and employee.”
He lets out a wry chuckle, then leans forward to prop up his elbows on his knees, holding his face in his hands.
“I keep ruining things. Can’t keep my sister safe, can’t make anyone proud,” he mumbles, and it makes your chest tighten in pain that he thinks of himself that way. You’re about to say something when he straightens up and looks at you with a sad, resigned smile. “It’s like, I know that I'm doing it, right? But I just can't stop myself. Give me the chance, I'll ruin your life too.”
“That's not true…”
“But it is. I'm no good for you. If you stick around, you're only going to get burned.”
Then let me burn to ash, if it means I can keep you by my side, you think, and in the second it takes you to decide if that’s too much or not, he’s taking something out of his pocket. Your heart skips a beat when you recognise the metallic piece. You’ve heard from others about the Palian custom of giving pins as a sign of true romantic interest. Far more than a box of chocolates.
“Before all this happened, I was even gonna ask you to wear this pin,” he says, brushing over it with his thumb. “Stupid, right? I’ll just throw it in the gutter where it belongs.”
“Wait–” you finally find your voice again, and he looks up at you surprised. “It absolutely does not belong in the gutter. Don’t throw it out, I- I’ll take it.”
“Really?,” his brows rise in surprise and what you assume to be hopefulness, then a blush spreads on his face. “You know what this pin means, right?”
You nod. He looks down at it again, ears burning dark pink.
“It means I want to give us, you and me together, a real chance.”
“I know,” you say, putting aside the pillow you’ve been holding onto and reaching for his hand instead, holding his free one with both of yours and giving it a squeeze, which he reciprocates.
“Even after everything?” he asks, voice impossibly small.
“Even after everything.”
“I… Oh. I mean, okay, good. That’s- That’s good.” He clears his throat. “Sorry, I was really expecting this to blow up in my face like everything else. I’ve never actually given my pin to anyone before, you know? Never thought I’d meet someone who wanted it.”
“Well, here I am. So… are you going to give it to me?” You let go of his hand, holding them out with your palms up.
“R-Right.” He carefully places the pin in your palms, folding your fingers over it and holding your closed hands in his larger ones.
You look up from your hands at him, and he looks at you so lovingly, genuine and vulnerable, that you start feeling the familiar prick of tears coming behind your eyes. But you don’t want him to see you cry, so you lean in and place a lingering kiss to the corner of his mouth instead, then slip your hands out of his grip to hug him.
“For the record, you're not the worst brother or employee,” you say, sneaking in a quick peck to his cheek in between words here and there. “You’re an amazing brother, caring, loving, selfless. You're a wonderful employee and Ashura wants to keep you around because he cares about you. And you’re the best boyfriend I could ask for. I am proud of you. And I know your parents would be too if they saw who you've become.”
At your words, Reth’s body trembles with a silent sob, and you hug him tighter. He lifts you up and you climb onto his lap so you’re straddling him. He buries his face into the crook of your neck, while you lovingly stroke up and down his back.
“And don’t even think about saying that I'm too good for you or some nonsense like that. You deserve the world and more, Reth.”
He chuckles; you know him too well, as he was about to say exactly that.
“Thank you, sweet tooth,” he mumbles into your skin instead. “I needed this.”
After a moment longer, he lets out a deep exhale, then pulls back slightly to look at you. His eyes are a little puffy, and you cup his face, stroking over his cheekbones. You press your lips to his, kissing him once, twice, and wanting to deepen it, but you have to break it off to yawn, unable to stop it. Reth laughs.
“Long day?” he asks.
“Not really? Just glad we talked about this, I guess…” You give his cheek a quick peck. “Can I stay the night?”
“Of course.”
You climb off his lap and you both change into something more comfortable. Reth lends you one of his shirts, and you’re left in just that and your underwear, not really wanting to sleep in your work trousers that you were gardening in the day before. You neatly fold your clothes and put them on a chair, carefully placing Reth’s pin on top, and you take a second just looking at it.
When you turn around, Reth is sitting on his bed in his sleeping garments, looking at the floor with a violent blush. You look down at yourself, suddenly self-conscious, and you place your arms in front of you protectively, not that it does much at hiding anything though.
“I- I’m sorry. I just didn't want to sleep in my dirty work clothes,” you say sheepishly.” Does it make you… uncomfortable?”
“No! No, not that. It's just, uh,” he clears his throat. “It’s quite the view. I don’t want to stare and make you uncomfortable.”
Your heart is beating so fast, you can hear it rumbling in your ears.
“It’s okay, Reth,” you say, voice trembling slightly. “You can look.”
He tears his gaze from the ground to your face, checking if you're sure, and when you give him a little nod, his eyes slowly start wandering downwards. They travel over your neck, chest, stomach until they reach your thighs, where he seems to linger for a bit, then he gives you a quicker once-over. You just stand there, doing everything in your power to not hug yourself or pull the shirt down to cover up.
You’re not sure what you’d even expect him to say except a ‘nice’ maybe, so you just walk to the bed, lifting the covers and climbing in.
“Well, if you're gonna sleep like that,” Reth says suddenly, standing up, and you watch with big eyes as he reaches over his back and pulls on his shirt. “I think it's only fair I take this off so you have something to look at too.”
In a swift motion, he pulls his shirt over his head, throwing it somewhere without much regard. His cooking outfit didn't ever really do much to hide his silhouette, so you knew he’s fit, but your heart was not ready for this. You can feel your face burning up significantly, and before you can stop yourself, your eyes are roaming his form: from his broad shoulders to the small waist, his toned arms and pecs, all you can think of is all the hickeys you want to add to his freckled skin.
Your eyes go back up to meet his, and even in the low light of the storage room, you see the dark pink blush going from the tip of his ears all the way to his sternum. He gives you a second to take it all in, seemingly pleased with the way your eyes are practically eating him up, then climbs into bed after you. Since it’s more of a couch rather than a bed, there’s not a lot of space to begin with, let alone for two people, so Reth hugs you into his chest, with your head tucked under his chin, and tangles his legs with yours, and he’s so warm, it’s almost too much. Sure you’ve cuddled and shared a bed before, but there was never this much skin contact.
His hand shyly slips underneath your shirt to give your hip a squeeze, and you involuntarily let out a squeak of sorts, to which he can't help but snort.
“Cute,” is all he says, as his hand travels further and comes to a stop at your waist, while your own arm snakes around his torso, holding onto him.
“Is this okay?” he whispers, and his hand slips to the small of your back, softly drawing random figures. You merely hum in response. Your face is basically pressed to his chest already, so you place a kiss right under his collarbone, and you hear him inhale sharply. You kiss him again, and again, then give a tentative bite.
“Sweet tooth,” he growls the nickname warningly. “Neither of us is gonna get any sleep if you go there.”
“Sorry, I couldn't help myself,” you giggle, propping yourself up to properly kiss him good night, then you turn around, and he hugs your back into his chest as you hold his hand over your heart. “Good night, Reth. I’m glad to be here with you.”
“Me too babe, me too.”
🐥 [link to join my taglist is in my pinned post!]
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accidentcache · 11 days ago
feat: reth from palia <3
warnings / cache notes: language. minor spoilers! short n cute. modern au
req 📌: ❌ self indulgent bc i need more palia content. i love my baby reth so stinkin much
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© accidentcache do not repost, translate or alter my work without permission. all rights reserved.
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aline-the-cat · 6 months ago
Hessian just broke my heart!!! 😭😭😭😭
I just gave my pin to my husband Reth and my bestie Hessian just drop a "It was foolish of me to think you would keep your heart exclusively for me"
Like what-?! 💔💔💔💔
Dude I only got to your lvl 4 friendship giving you all the extra chapaa tails I had???😭😭😭 You dont get to make me feel horrible like this??? 😭😭😭 Who gave you the right to destroy me like this??!
I was thinking of going for my baby's Jel next but now??? 😭😭😭
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bubble-leaves · 8 months ago
Could you write out some reth headcanons please? I don't care what it's about, I just want more content about the silly little soup man. Have a good day!
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who doesn't want more of this adorable rascal?! ❤️
Reth . . .
- thinks all about you during his shift at the bar
- often checks the distant windows to see if you just so happen to pass by the inn
- is unafraid of physical affection; he's all yours, and he'll let you know
- is a touchy-feely guy himself, so prepare!
- often rambles to Zeki and Ashura about you, just literally anything about you (Ashura thinks it's endearing, but Zeki can't stand the sap)
- is usually sleep deprived but tries to maintain his energy for you
- falls asleep in literal minutes if he lays down with you, ESPECIALLY if he's in your arms
- always knows what will fluster you and catch you off guard; is a suave and occasionally smug flirt
- LOVES making you blush and speechless, it's practically the life in his lungs
- loves making you breakfast. And yes, he makes more than just soup; he loves using the pancake recipe that's in the baking cookbook you gifted him around the time you were beginning to know each other
- is always taken aback when you do acts of service for him or reciprocate his thoughtfulness; his face always becomes pinker, but he tries to keep his cool
- wants nothing more than to fall apart in your arms after a long day
- loves quietly discussing his day with you as you hold him and caress his back. He shows a different, deeply hidden part of himself when you're both like this; he's hushed, genuine, and totally encapsulated in the moment
- secretly chats with Jel and Tish about you
- doesn't like to get drunk, at least, not REALLY drunk, despite working at the bar
- is a laughing/crying emotional drunk
- melts on the inside when you bring him meals during his shift
- LOVES LOVES LOVES when you come to visit him during his break in his storeroom; you're his favorite source of energy recharging
- is lowkey (highkey honestly) protective of you and worries about your safety often, especially when you're on perilous quests
- bakes small cakes or a batch of cookies for you when you're feeling blue
- is overrall a sly dog and sweet boyfriend that's *obsessed* with everything about you
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palianimagines · 1 year ago
You, Me, Backroom, Five Minutes?
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(Screencap from @kitko | Fic trade with @cloudshapedpatch | 18+ banner by @cafekitsune)
Pairing: Reth/Reader
Warnings: N/a
Additional Notes: Makeout Session, A little bit of touching, suggestive, MDNI.
Crossposted to AO3 here.
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It has always felt as if you were meant to live in Kimila Valley since you arrived there a few years ago. Most people around you were kind to you, even though they were different from you. Although you didn't remember anything before you arrived, they made you feel at home. However, there was one person who made you feel as if you belonged there, regardless of your species.
You loved Reth - the guy who was known for soup - and he loved you too. As time went on, your relationship with Reth grew stronger and deeper. You spent countless hours together, talking about your dreams, sharing moments of joy, and even facing challenges together. Reth became not only a love interest but also a best friend who supported and inspired you. Your connection was truly unique, transcending the boundaries of species and proving that love knows no bounds.            
You had picked up some potatoes for Reth and you were on your way to deliver them. You had stopped by and chatted with Sifuu, who seemed to enjoy your company as much as you did hers. She was your Shepp, after all! After bidding farewell, you made your way to the inn and you smiled when you spotted Reth.
“Hey, are you okay?” You asked, reaching over to touch his face once he returned to the counter. His face was warm as he leaned into your touch.
“Hey, cutie patootie!” You greeted him and walked over to his counter, sitting on one of the stools and putting the potatoes on the counter. “Got the potatoes you requested!”
               “Hey, babe,” Reth hummed in reply as he stretched and took the potatoes before taking them to the kitchen, sitting them on the counter to be washed and peeled. He looked a little uncomfortable and his face was flushed – which caused you to become concerned.
“Yeah, sweets,” Reth nodded. He – however – didn’t look fine.
Not wanting to push it, you shrugged before you smirked and turned back to him. “I heard there was a light in your eyes that only I can see,” you said softly.
He went silent for about five minutes before he smiled at you, his eyes constantly flicking between your lips and your eyes. He chewed on his lip for a minute before he finally spoke up.
“Hey. You, me, backroom, five minutes?” He asked and held his hand up to shield his mouth from the onlookers. You – not being able to resist – smiled and grabbed his hand, leading him to the backroom.
As soon as the door closed, Reth gently pushed you up against the wall, kissing you almost in a hungry way. A smile spread across your face as you squeaked - startled - before you fell into the kiss, putting your hands on his shoulders. As a result, his hands were placed on your hips. The kiss became more passionate and urgent, with your tongues dancing together and the intensity building with each passing second. Your bodies pressed closer together, feeling the warmth radiating from each other. You could feel your chest pounding, and excitement coursing through your veins, igniting a fire within you.
You felt Reth's knee gently wedge itself between your legs, pressing up against your core. This caused your hips to press down onto his knee as a soft moan escaped your lips into the kiss. He was seemingly acting on impulse as he craved your lips on his. You whimpered in the kiss and tangled your fingers in his hair, causing him to groan in response.
Desperate touches here and there as time went on. Your heartbeat was in your ears and your face burned. You felt like you were lost in a trance. After what felt like forever, Reth pulled away – which rendered you both breathless. He pressed his forehead against yours as he stared into your eyes, a soft expression on his face.
“We should do this more often,” he whispered breathlessly.
You nodded in response and you both were able to catch your bearings before Reth looked at his watch – to which he looked disappointed. He took your hand and kissed your knuckles.
“C’mon. Can’t let anyone get too suspicious,” he said with a teasing tone as he smiled at you. This caused you to pout, but you nodded and followed him out of the backroom and back upstairs.
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blushspatula · 2 months ago
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Three beasties looking disapprovingly (probably at Goku).
Art by: BlushSpatula.
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newtthetranswriter · 7 months ago
Soup, Memories, and Feelings
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Word Count: 3949
Paring: Reth x Gn! Reader
Summary: Wanting to make something to show your gratitude for all that Reth has done for you, you end up at the Daiya’s farm. After being told about Butternut Squash you remember a small bit of your past. Deciding what better way to show your gratitude than giving the Chef a meal from ancient Humans, oh and maybe some more feelings are shared.
Warnings: None really, maybe just spoilers for Reth’s story
A/n:  Hello people. So firstly sorry I stopped writing for a bit there, my adhd was being crazy and writers block also hit. I also got hooked on playing Palia which is why I decided to write this for the great Soup Boy. Anyways, if you are new here welcome and be sure to check my pinned post for everything you need to know about this blog. Now without further ado enjoy and remember to hydrate or diedrate.
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   Waking up in another time with no memories except for my name was such a strange experience. Having to build a new life from nothing was a challenge but luckily I had the help of the villagers in Killima. They all helped me figure out how to take care of myself and be a productive member of their community, not caring that I was human or that I just appeared out of nowhere. Sure they were confused as to how a member of the extinct human race showed up but they eventually just wanted to make sure I was ok.
   Many of them took time out of their schedules to help teach me skills I would need to survive. Teaching me everything from foraging and gardening to hunting and carpentry, each skill I learned helped me establish myself in my new home. And even though I was grateful for each and everyone of them for teaching me these skills, there is one person I can’t help but express my gratitude for. Even while working two jobs in secret to insure his little sister got the medicine she needed, Reth still made it a point to help teach me how to cook.
   After getting to know him and learning of his secret second job, working for the cartel, all I wanted to do was help him out in whatever way I could. Whenever he was in a pinch because either Ashura or Tish were getting suspicious I would help out, running deliveries or helping make food he accidently promised to make. It didn’t matter what he needed, I was there to help out. But even after weeks of helping him out I still felt like there was more I could do to help him, there had to be something else I could do to make sure he knows how much I appreciate him.
  I spent a good portion of my free time brainstorming ideas on how to show my gratitude for the long haired chef. Eventually I settled on making him some food, but I was stumped on what to make for him. I knew it had to be perfect, I also wanted it to be something he hasn’t had before so it couldn’t be just a simple vegetable stew or steak dinner. At a loss for Ideas I head for the Library to look for recipes that might work. 
  Entering the library I nodded to Caleri in a silent greeting before heading to bookshelves that would most likely hold various different cook books. Grabbing a few I sat down at one of the tables and began to flip through them to see what they had to offer. After spending a few hours flipping through the various books, none of the hundreds of recipes seemed to be what I was looking for. Laying my head into the current book I was looking through, I couldn’t suppress the groan that left my lips in disappointment.
  Sitting up from my folded position, I looked around trying to think of an idea on what to do about my dilemma. After looking over the stacks of books that failed me, I looked out the window and watched as Auni ran past. Seeing the youngest of the Daiya family, I was reminded of their farm and how they have a small stall where they sell various seeds and crops. I decided I could look through what they had and maybe get an idea of something to make. Returning the books back to their shelves, I waved goodbye to Caleri as I began heading for the farm.
  When I reached the Daiya’s farm I was greeted by Badruu who was offering some gardening advice to another human who had also recently reappeared. Nodding to the farmer, I began to look through what crops and seeds they had to offer this time of year. They had the classic tomatoes, onions and carrots, as well as some other common vegetables but none of them were really speaking to me. Moving from the fresh vegetables I looked to the packets of seeds resting on the table. As I was looking through them I noticed on one of  the packets there was a picture that looked familiar but I couldn’t quite place what it was, like I had seen it before but the name of the vegetable was just out of reach.
  While I tried to recall what the vegetable was, Badruu came up beside me. “Looking for some new crops to start growing?” He asked, noticing I was looking at the various seeds.
  Picking up the small bag of seeds I nodded. “Yeah, trying to get ideas on some new dishes to make as well.” I explained while still trying to figure out why this one vegetable was so familiar to me. “By the way what kind of seeds are these? I don’t think I’ve seen these before.” I asked knowing that Farmer would have the answer I was looking for.
  “Oh, those are for Butternut Squash. It’s a hearty vegetable that is great for many different meals. Though it does take quite a while to grow, if you planted it would likely be ready to harvest in about three months.” He explained. 
  Hearing the name of the vegetable seemed to trigger a memory from my past. Not a super detailed memory but enough that I knew it was from a long time ago. I could see a beautiful golden soup that was creamy and smelled amazing, it was topped with chopped bacon and served with some nice bread. I was also able to recall how it was made and what all was needed for the soup. With this new found memory of a food from my past, I knew exactly what I wanted to make for Reth. Sure I would have to wait for a few months to be able to make the soup but I was sure it would be perfect.
  Deciding that I wanted to make the soup from my memories, I smiled to myself. “I’ll take them, thank you Badruu you are a lot of help.” I said handing over a few gold pieces before saying goodbye and heading back to my house.
   After reaching my plot, I prepared a small garden plot at the back of my house where it wouldn’t be visible if anyone came by for a visit. I wanted to keep my plan a secret for as long as possible, if everything went according to plan Reth would be the first one to find out about this recently resurfaced memory. Anyways, after getting the plot ready I planted the seeds and watered them. Making sure to put a stake in the soil next to the plot with the bag the seeds came in on it so I knew what was growing there and so I would remember to water it.
   Once that was taken care of I headed inside to the small office I had set up for myself. I grabbed a few extra pieces of paper and began writing down the recipe so in a few months when it came time to make the soup I would remember what I needed to do. I also decided that I would write a second copy so that when I gave the soup to Reth I could also give him the recipe. After writing out the recipe twice, I placed both copies in my makeshift cookbook and placed it on the shelf for safe keeping. All that was left to do was wait for the squash to grow and ripen.
Time Skip
   As I watched the leaves change from green to varying shades of yellow, orange, and red, I also watched as the squash plants grew behind my house. I made sure to keep a close eye on them, not over watering them and making sure no bugs got to the key ingredient of the soup I was dying to make. Each day the squash was getting closer and closer to being ready, and each day it became more difficult to not tell Reth that I had remembered something from my past.
  He had expressed that he hoped that my memories would come back so we could talk about them, and now that I’ve had this memory it was so hard not to run to him and tell him about it. But I wanted the resurfaced memory and the golden soup to remain a secret until I could present him with the soup. So, I held back and regularly checked the squash to see if they were ready.
   Luckily after three whole months, the squash was ready to pick which meant I just had to gather the other ingredients and make the soup. After getting the squash cleaned up and placed in my kitchen I made a quick trip into town. I opted to buy the needed ingredients instead of foraging and hunting for them because it would be quicker and easier then refining everything. I bought some vegetable broth and Surnuk meat from Zeki’s and then bought a few apples and onions from The Daiya's farm. Having all the necessary ingredients ready I headed home to prepare the soup.
  With all the needed ingredients in my possession, I started on the soup. Roasting the squash until it was soft enough to scoop the meat of the squash out of the skin, cutting the apples and ones, turning the meat into bacon. Once everything was ready I put everything except the bacon into a large pot, mixing together the soft squash and vegetable broth with the onions and apples, creating a thick and creamy soup. Placing the pot on the stove, I set it on a medium heat to get warm and happy. 
  While the soup began to heat up, I quickly made a simple loaf of bread that would be perfect with the soup. I also prepared the other things I was planning to give to Reth. I made sure to grab the second copy of the recipe I had written specifically for him. During the months that I was waiting for the squash to be ripe, I decided that I wanted to give a few more things. Knowing that most days Reth barely managed to squeeze in a couple hours of sleep between the inn and the market, I made him a new pillow and blanket to keep in the store room to hopefully make those couple hours more comfortable. Placing the pillow and blanket in the basket I picked out for the occasion, I grabbed the recipe and laid it on top of the blanket.
  Checking the time, seeing that it was close to time for Reth to be done at the Inn and heading to the store room for his short break, I went to check on the soup. After a quick taste test confirming that the soup was perfect, electing a happy feeling and a brief memory of joy at the similarity to the soup from memory, I grabbed the chopped bacon and placed a lid on the pot of soup. Placing the bowl that held the bacon and loaf of bread on top of the basket in my arms, I grabbed two empty bowls and spoons also setting them in the basket. Looking down I confirmed everything I needed was in the basket and then turned and carefully grabbed the pot of soup off the stove.
   When I got into town I took a moment to decide the best route to get to Reth without raising too much suspicion from Ashura or anyone else that may see me carrying the soup. Deciding it would be best to go through Zeki’s shop and into the market than to Reth’s store room, I made my way to the Grimalkin’s store. Carefully making my way into the underground and back up into Reth’s store room.
   I breathed a sigh of relief when I entered the room having not run into anyone between my plot and Zeki’s, as well as making it to the store room before Reth finished meeting with Jel and Tish. After collecting my thoughts I began to set up the dinner I had prepared. I carefully cleaned up one of the small tables, pulling a couple of chairs close to the table. After setting up the table I placed the pot of soup in the center leaving the lid on to keep the heat in, I placed the bread and bowl of bacon next to the pot as well. I then moved to place the bowls on the table alongside the spoons I had brought. Once I was sure the table was perfect, I placed the basket with the other gifts under the table just out of sight so as to not completely ruin the surprise.
  As I took a step back to admire my work, I was startled when I heard the sound of footsteps approaching the storeroom from the direction of the Inn. Quickly calming my racing heart, I turned to face the door as Reth opened it. It took him a moment to register that I was there, but when he noticed me he just stood frozen for a second. As the room was filled with silence I began to worry that I messed up, but before I could start rambling, Reth finally reacted.
  “Hey, Y/n. What’s all this about?” He asked, finally stepping away from the door and making his way towards me, noticing the set table as well as the large pot. “Did I forget a date or something?” Reth tilted his head, trying to remember a date that was never planned.
  Seeing the confusion on his face, I couldn’t help but laugh at the hint of fear he held thinking he forgot something important. “No you didn’t forget anything Reth. This is all me, I wanted to surprise you with a nice meal.” I explained grabbing one of his hands as he stood in front of me. The look of confusion was still present on his face so I explained further. “You work so hard, taking care of the inn during the day, then you go down to the Market and spend the night working there. You do so much to make sure Tish is healthy, even if it means putting yourself at the mercy of the cartel, and I want you to know that I see all that you do and I think you are so strong for dealing with all of this. So I made you this dinner and figured we could eat together and maybe chat while you relax before you have to start working again.” I suggested with a smile, nodding to the table behind me.
  “You didn’t have to do this for me, Fancy Pants.” He said taking in everything sitting on the table. I just shook my head knowing he would try and brush it off as not a big deal, keeping a hold of his hand I pulled him to the table and made him take a seat in one of the chairs. Once he was seated, he sighed in defeat before becoming more curious about the set up. “So what did you make me?” He asked, reaching for the lid of the pot.
  I gently smacked his hand away, shaking my head. “You are not doing anything other than sitting there and letting me take care of you. I said you need to relax and that includes me serving you your dinner.” I informed him before reaching for the lid myself. “As for what I made, It’s Butternut Squash soup.” I told him, sparing a glance his way looking to see if had any reaction to the dish but he just looked confused. “Butternut Squash is a vegetable that is typically in season when the leaves start changing colors, and it’s great for things like soup. This soup was actually really popular this time of year back when humans were still around.” I said pouring soup into each bowl and sprinkling the chopped bacon on top of the soup. “Funnily enough it was one of my favorites growing up.”
  As I placed one of the bowls in front of Reth, I watched as the Majiri processed my words. After a second he spoke up. “Wait, you said it was one of your favorites when you were growing up. Does that mean you remembered something?” He was completely focused on the mention of my past before I appeared in Kilima.
  I smiled as I took my seat across from him, grabbing a slice of bread to eat with my soup. “Well kind of. It wasn’t a super vivid memory but I remember this soup and how to make it. I also remember how good it made me feel to eat it.” I explained while spooning some of the soup onto the slice of the bread.
  Reth also began eating the soup, copying my method of putting some on a piece of bread. “Well at least it’s something, maybe you’ll find more things that trigger memories of your past.” He said, before finally taking a bite of the soup. As he took in the flavors of the soup I couldn’t help but hold my breath waiting for his reaction. After a few seconds a smile spread across his face. “This is some of the best soup I’ve ever had, and that’s saying something because I’ve had a lot of good soup.” I could hear the pure joy in his voice as expressed how much he liked the soup and I couldn’t hold back my own wide smile.
  “I’m glad you like it.” I said, looking down at my own bowl of soup and began eating again to try and hide the slight blush at the compliment. 
   After the brief exchange, we both focused on eating. There was little said between bites, both of us just enjoying the other’s company and the warm meal. Once we had both finished eating, I set the bowls to the side before reaching under the table for the other things I brought. Seeing me reach for something Reth raised an eyebrow in confusion. “What are you doing now Fancy pants?” He asked, trying to look over the table as I made sure everything was in place in the basket.
   “Well, I didn’t want to just give you soup, so I made you a couple of other things.” I said raising the basket and placing it in front of him.
    I watched as his eyes went wide, surprised by yet another gift he did not expect. “You really didn’t have to. The soup was more than enough.” He tried to deflect.
   Shaking my head I thought for just a second before speaking. “Well, how about you think of the soup as a thank you for doing so much for everyone else, and you think of these gifts as a thank you for helping me.” I offered hoping he would understand, but he just looked at me confused. “Reth, even while you were busy with the inn and your debt to the cartel you have taken time to teach me how to cook. But not just that you’ve taken the time to become one of my first friends here. Not to mention how you stole my heart.” I explained with a gentle smile.
   I watched as his look of confusion was replaced with a look of shock, that then morphed to what I could only describe as love. “Well I am a criminal so I’m pretty good at stealing things.” He said with a light chuckle. “But seriously I think you stole my heart first. You also didn’t have to do all this for me.” He looked up at me, making eye contact.
   “You’re right I didn’t have to do any of this.” I said before grabbing one of his hands. “But I wanted to. I wanted to make you this dinner, I wanted to give you these and I wanted to spend the evening with you. I didn’t do it because I had to, I did it because I wanted you to know how much I love you.” I watched as heat rushed to his face, turning it a slight magenta. 
   He quickly tore his eyes away from mine looking back to the basket, clearly flustered by my confession. “Thank you. For everything really.” His voice was quiet but I could tell he meant it. He just wasn’t used to such strong displays of affection. After a couple more moments of silence, he looked back up at me. “I love you too.” He said making eye contact with me. Sure we had given each other our pins, to show that we were serious but this was the first time we uttered the words out loud. I couldn’t help but let my smile grow at the words that meant so much to the both of us.
  Taking a moment to just enjoy the peaceful silence, I looked towards the basket that held the hand made pillow and blanket before looking at the small clock on the wall of the store room. Seeing that there was still a couple of hours before Reth had to be down in the market, I started to stand up, earning a confused look from the chef in front of me. “Don’t worry I’m not leaving. I just thought you might want to try and sleep a little bit before you have to be in the market.” I said, grabbing the pillow and blanket and turning towards the couch. “I’ll stay awake and keep an eye on the clock so I can wake you up before you have to go down there.” I said after placing the pillow against one of the arms of the couch.
   Reth seemed to process my words before standing up and making his way to the couch. But when he sat down he didn’t move to lay down. “Would you lay with me?” He asked quietly. It was clear from his voice that he meant exactly what he said. There was no hidden meaning he really just wanted me to lay down with him.
   After a moment of shock not expecting him to ask for me to lay with him I moved to the couch with him. “Of course.” I said sitting next to him. The couch was rather small but we managed to make it work. After a few moments of awkward adjustments we finally got to a position that was comfortable for both of us. I was laying on my back tucked as close to the back of the couch as possible, while Reth laid on his side next to me. It took a few words of reassurance but he eventually agreed to rest his head on my chest while I wrapped my arms around his back and pulled him in close. 
   Once we were both comfortable it wasn’t long before Reth fell asleep tucked close to my side, head resting above my heart and arm thrown over the top of me. True to my word, I stayed awake watching over him and keeping an eye on the clock. Seeing him so peaceful and truly relaxed for the first time in a long time I couldn’t fight back my smile. I was glad I could offer even a moment of comfort for him after all the struggles he’s been through in his life. I also knew that even though I wasn’t from this time and I had no memories of what life was like before I awoke in Kilima, I would never hope to change how my life turned out.
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(dividers by @/cafekitsune)
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