#paintball outdoor
elkkiel · 3 months
if you get this, answer with three random facts about yourself and send it to seven blogs, anon or not! (no pressure to keep it going of course) <3
Tonee!!!! I have had this sitting here for a while but tysm for sending this in, ilysm!!!! happy timezone my little sunset 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
I was born like 6 hours before Halloween bc my mom didn't want a Halloween baby (not in a legit /srs way but like #justchristianthings)
my first real fandom was creepypasta in tandem with marblehornets. in 2012/2013. I love when people write polyvessels living in a big manor together bc it reminds me of old ass creepypasta fics where everyone lived in slenderman's mansion in the woods loool
I'm a pretty good shot in paintball; I lean waaay stealthy as opposed to offensive when playing, so I have time to line up good headshots (I shot my brother in the side of the head once and it was the most satisfying oldest sibling moment of my life. Did it probably hurt bad bc I hit him where the mask didn't cover? Yes, but also get fucked idiot loooooooooool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
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Hub 0819-4343-1484, Tempat Paintball Outdoor Malang: Tantang Adrenalin di Alam Terbuka
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Hub 0819-4343-1484, Kota Malang tidak hanya terkenal dengan keindahan alamnya, tetapi juga sebagai lokasi ideal untuk berbagai aktivitas petualangan. Salah satu kegiatan yang paling menarik adalah paintball. Tempat paintball outdoor di Malang menawarkan pengalaman yang seru dan mendebarkan, cocok untuk semua kalangan, mulai dari remaja hingga dewasa. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas beberapa rekomanendasi tempat paintball outdoor serta fasilitas yang mereka tawarkan.
Mengapa Memilih Paintball Outdoor? Bermain paintball di luar ruangan memberikan suasana yang lebih menyegarkan dibandingkan dengan permainan di dalam ruangan. Udara segar, sinar matahari, dan latar belakang alam membuat setiap permainan menjadi lebih hidup. Paintball tidak hanya menguji kemampuan fisik, tetapi juga strategi dan kerjasama tim. Dengan berbagai medan yang tersedia, peserta dapat merasakan tantangan yang berbeda-beda setiap kali bermain.
Rekomendasi Tempat Paintball Outdoor di Malang
1. Paintball Adventure Malang Paintball Adventure Malang adalah salah satu tempat paling populer di kawasan ini. Dengan medan yang luas dan beragam, lokasi ini sangat cocok untuk menguji ketangkasan dan strategi. Fasilitas yang ditawarkan mencakup area permainan yang bervariasi, dari rintangan alami hingga struktur buatan yang menarik. Instruktur berpengalaman siap membantu peserta mempersiapkan permainan dengan aman dan menyenangkan.
Kelebihan dari fasilitas paintball outdoor di Malang ini adalah keberagaman skenario permainan. Peserta bisa memilih antara permainan tim melawan tim, permainan strategi, atau bahkan permainan solo. Semua ini dirancang untuk meningkatkan pengalaman bermain paintball.
2. Batu Paintball Park Batu Paintball Park juga menjadi pilihan yang sangat menarik. Tempat ini terletak di tengah alam yang asri dan menawarkan pemandangan yang menawan. Selain paintball, pengunjung juga dapat menikmati berbagai aktivitas lain seperti flying fox dan trekking. Medan paintball di sini dirancang untuk memberikan pengalaman yang menantang dan seru, dengan banyak area berlindung dan rintangan yang membuat permainan semakin menarik.
Fasilitas di Batu Paintball Park juga sangat memadai. Terdapat ruang ganti, area istirahat, dan tempat makan yang nyaman. Para pengunjung dapat menikmati waktu santai setelah bermain paintball, membuat pengalaman semakin lengkap.
3. Adventure Paintball Batu Adventure Paintball Batu menawarkan pengalaman paintball yang lebih intim. Lokasi ini cocok untuk kelompok kecil yang ingin bermain dalam suasana lebih tenang. Medan permainan di sini dirancang dengan sangat baik, dengan berbagai rintangan yang menambah keseruan. Fasilitas yang disediakan termasuk peralatan modern dan layanan pelanggan yang ramah.
Dengan instruktur yang siap membimbing, setiap peserta akan mendapatkan penjelasan yang jelas mengenai aturan dan strategi permainan. Ini memastikan bahwa semua pemain, baik pemula maupun yang berpengalaman, dapat menikmati permainan dengan aman.
Aktivitas dan Fasilitas yang Ditawarkan Setiap vendor outbound Malang memiliki penawaran yang beragam untuk menarik minat peserta. Berikut adalah beberapa fasilitas yang biasanya ditawarkan:
Sewa Peralatan: Semua lokasi menyediakan peralatan paintball lengkap, termasuk marker, peluru, masker, dan pelindung. Peserta tidak perlu khawatir membawa peralatan sendiri.
Ruang Briefing: Sebelum memulai permainan, peserta akan mendapatkan pengarahan mengenai aturan, strategi, dan keselamatan. Ini penting untuk memastikan semua orang memahami cara bermain dengan benar.
Area Istirahat: Setelah sesi permainan yang melelahkan, peserta dapat beristirahat di area yang telah disediakan. Fasilitas ini sering kali dilengkapi dengan kursi, meja, dan tempat makan ringan.
Makanan dan Minuman: Banyak tempat paintball menawarkan paket makanan dan minuman. Ini sangat berguna untuk mengisi energi setelah permainan yang melelahkan.
Program Khusus: Beberapa penyedia paintball juga menawarkan program khusus, seperti paket team building, yang dirancang untuk meningkatkan komunikasi dan kerjasama antar anggota tim.
Mengunjungi tempat paintball outdoor di Malang adalah pilihan tepat bagi siapa pun yang ingin merasakan pengalaman petualangan yang menantang. Dengan berbagai pilihan lokasi dan fasilitas yang lengkap, peserta dapat menikmati waktu berkualitas bersama teman, keluarga, atau rekan kerja. Paintball bukan hanya tentang bersenang-senang; ini juga tentang membangun kerjasama, komunikasi, dan strategi.
Jika Anda ingin merasakan sensasi paintball di alam terbuka, segera hubungi 0819-4343-1484 untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai pemesanan dan paket yang tersedia. Dapatkan pengalaman yang tak terlupakan dan tantang adrenalin Anda di Malang!
1. Apakah paintball aman untuk dimainkan? Ya, paintball aman jika semua peserta mengikuti aturan keselamatan dan menggunakan peralatan yang disediakan.
2. Apa yang harus dibawa saat bermain paintball? Peserta disarankan untuk mengenakan pakaian yang nyaman dan sepatu yang sesuai untuk aktivitas luar ruangan. Pelindung tubuh juga disarankan.
3. Berapa biaya untuk bermain paintball? Biaya bervariasi tergantung lokasi dan paket yang dipilih. Pastikan untuk memeriksa informasi harga sebelum melakukan pemesanan.
4. Ada batasan usia untuk bermain paintball? Umumnya, peserta harus berusia minimal 10 tahun, tetapi kebijakan dapat bervariasi tergantung penyedia.
5. Bagaimana cara memesan paket paintball? Anda dapat menghubungi penyedia paintball melalui telepon atau website mereka untuk melakukan pemesanan dan mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut.
Hubungi kami NO WA : 0819-4343-1484 Link Whatsapp : https://wa.me/6281943431484 (Rita nurhayati-SMKN 1 MALANG)
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Hub 0819-4343-1484  Tempat Paintball di Area Batu: Lokasi Terbaik untuk Kegiatan Outdoor
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Hub 0819-4343-1484  Batu, sebuah kota yang dikelilingi oleh keindahan alam, menawarkan berbagai pilihan untuk aktivitas luar ruang. Salah satu kegiatan yang semakin populer adalah paintball, sebuah permainan yang menggabungkan strategi, ketangkasan, dan kesenangan. Jika Anda mencari tempat paintball di area Batu, Anda telah datang ke tempat yang tepat. Tempat Paintball di Area Batu: Lokasi Terbaik untuk Kegiatan Outdoor menawarkan beberapa lokasi yang ideal untuk mengadakan acara paintball yang seru dan penuh aksi. Dalam artikel ini, kami akan membahas berbagai lokasi paintball di Batu yang dapat menjadi pilihan untuk acara outdoor Anda.
1. Batu Secret Zoo
Batu Secret Zoo tidak hanya dikenal sebagai tempat wisata yang menarik, tetapi juga sebagai salah satu tempat paintball di area Batu yang sangat populer. Terletak di dalam area Jatim Park 2, Batu Secret Zoo menawarkan medan paintball yang dirancang dengan penuh pertimbangan. Dengan latar belakang taman binatang dan fasilitas yang memadai, Anda dapat menikmati paintball sambil dikelilingi oleh berbagai jenis satwa. Lokasi ini sangat cocok untuk acara kelompok yang ingin menggabungkan kesenangan paintball dengan pengalaman wisata.
2. Jatim Park 2
Salah satu tempat yang menawarkan tempat paintball di area Batu adalah Jatim Park 2. Taman tematik ini tidak hanya menyajikan berbagai atraksi dan wahana, tetapi juga menyediakan area paintball yang menantang. Dengan medan yang bervariasi dan fasilitas yang lengkap, Jatim Park 2 menjadi pilihan yang ideal untuk acara paintball. Baik untuk perayaan perusahaan, acara keluarga, atau kegiatan tim, lokasi ini menyediakan suasana yang seru dan menyenangkan.
3. Taman Wisata Selecta
Taman Wisata Selecta dikenal dengan taman bunga yang indah dan udara yang segar. Namun, tempat ini juga menawarkan fasilitas paintball yang menarik. Dengan tempat paintball di area Batu yang terletak di tengah taman yang asri, Anda dapat menikmati permainan paintball sambil menikmati keindahan alam sekitar. Lokasi ini sangat cocok untuk acara keluarga dan kelompok yang ingin menggabungkan kegiatan paintball dengan suasana yang menenangkan.
4. Kampung Warna-Warni Jodipan
Kampung Warna-Warni Jodipan adalah tempat yang dikenal dengan warna-warni ceria rumah-rumahnya. Selain sebagai destinasi wisata yang Instagramable, Kampung Warna-Warni juga menawarkan area paintball yang unik. Dengan latar belakang yang berwarna-warni dan suasana yang ceria, paintball di sini memberikan pengalaman yang berbeda dan menyenangkan. Ini adalah pilihan yang bagus untuk acara yang ingin menambahkan elemen kreatif dan visual ke dalam permainan.
5. Eco Green Park
Eco Green Park menawarkan tempat paintball di area Batu yang menggabungkan unsur alam dan edukasi. Dengan konsep taman yang ramah lingkungan, lokasi ini menyediakan area paintball yang dikelilingi oleh vegetasi dan fasilitas yang mendukung kegiatan luar ruang. Eco Green Park cocok untuk acara yang ingin menekankan pentingnya lingkungan sambil menikmati permainan paintball yang seru dan menyenangkan.
6. Batu Night Spectacular (BNS)
Batu Night Spectacular (BNS) adalah tempat wisata malam yang menawarkan berbagai atraksi, termasuk paintball. Dengan area paintball yang terletak di dalam kompleks BNS, Anda dapat menikmati permainan paintball dalam suasana yang berbeda. BNS menyediakan berbagai fasilitas dan wahana yang membuat acara paintball Anda lebih seru dan berkesan.
7. Agrowisata Kebun Jatim
Agrowisata Kebun Jatim adalah lokasi lain yang menawarkan tempat paintball di area Batu dengan suasana yang asri. Terletak di tengah kebun pertanian, lokasi ini menyediakan area paintball yang memungkinkan Anda menikmati permainan sambil dikelilingi oleh pemandangan alam yang hijau. Ini adalah pilihan ideal untuk acara yang ingin menggabungkan paintball dengan pengalaman agro wisata.
8. Paralayang Batu
Paralayang Batu adalah lokasi yang terkenal dengan olahraga paralayangnya, tetapi juga menyediakan fasilitas paintball. Dengan pemandangan yang menakjubkan dari ketinggian, lokasi ini menawarkan pengalaman paintball yang unik. Jika Anda mencari tempat paintball di area Batu yang menawarkan kombinasi antara olahraga ekstrem dan keindahan alam, Paralayang Batu adalah pilihan yang tepat.
Tempat paintball di area Batu menawarkan berbagai pilihan yang cocok untuk acara outdoor yang seru dan penuh aksi. Dari lokasi wisata yang terkenal seperti Batu Secret Zoo dan Jatim Park 2, hingga tempat-tempat yang menawarkan suasana unik seperti Kampung Warna-Warni Jodipan dan Paralayang Batu, setiap lokasi memiliki kelebihan tersendiri. Pilihlah lokasi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan preferensi kelompok Anda untuk memastikan pengalaman paintball yang memuaskan dan tak terlupakan.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan pemesanan, hubungi 0819-4343-1484. Tim kami akan membantu Anda memilih lokasi yang paling sesuai dan mempersiapkan acara paintball Anda dengan sebaik-baiknya. Nikmati keseruan paintball di Batu dan ciptakan momen berharga bersama teman, keluarga, atau rekan kerja Anda!
1. Apa saja yang termasuk dalam paket paintball di area Batu?
Paket paintball umumnya mencakup perlengkapan lengkap seperti marker paintball, masker, peluru, dan pelindung tubuh. Beberapa paket juga menyediakan tambahan seperti makan siang, pemandu, dan asuransi untuk keselamatan peserta. Pastikan untuk memeriksa rincian paket dengan penyedia layanan untuk mengetahui apa saja yang termasuk.
2. Berapa harga rata-rata untuk bermain paintball di Batu?
Harga bermain paintball di Batu bervariasi tergantung pada lokasi, paket yang dipilih, dan jumlah peserta. Paket dasar mungkin mulai dari beberapa ratus ribu rupiah per orang, sedangkan paket premium dengan fasilitas tambahan bisa lebih mahal. Untuk informasi harga yang lebih spesifik, hubungi 0819-4343-1484.
3. Apakah saya perlu membuat reservasi terlebih dahulu untuk bermain paintball?
Ya, disarankan untuk membuat reservasi terlebih dahulu, terutama jika Anda merencanakan acara untuk kelompok besar atau pada hari libur. Ini memastikan bahwa lokasi paintball yang Anda pilih dapat menampung grup Anda dan mempersiapkan segala sesuatunya dengan baik.
4. Apakah ada batasan usia untuk bermain paintball di Batu?
Batasan usia bervariasi tergantung pada lokasi dan kebijakan penyedia layanan. Biasanya, anak-anak di atas usia 10 tahun diperbolehkan bermain paintball asalkan mereka dalam pengawasan orang dewasa dan menggunakan perlengkapan keselamatan yang sesuai. Pastikan untuk memeriksa kebijakan usia dengan lokasi paintball yang Anda pilih.
5. Apakah paintball aman untuk semua peserta?
Paintball umumnya aman selama semua peserta mengikuti aturan keselamatan dan menggunakan perlengkapan pelindung yang disediakan. Selalu pastikan untuk mendengarkan instruksi dari pemandu dan menggunakan masker serta pelindung tubuh selama permainan.
6. Apa yang harus dibawa saat bermain paintball?
Selain perlengkapan paintball yang disediakan, Anda sebaiknya membawa pakaian yang nyaman dan sesuai untuk aktivitas luar ruang, serta sepatu yang cocok untuk medan yang mungkin berlumpur atau berbatu. Jangan lupa membawa minuman dan mungkin perlengkapan pribadi seperti kacamata atau topi jika diperlukan.
7. Bagaimana cara memesan paket paintball di area Batu?
Untuk memesan paket paintball, hubungi 0819-4343-1484. Tim kami akan memberikan informasi tentang berbagai paket yang tersedia, harga, dan jadwal. Mereka juga akan membantu Anda dalam merencanakan detail acara dan memastikan bahwa semua kebutuhan Anda dapat dipenuhi untuk pengalaman paintball yang optimal.
Hubungi kami
WA : 0819-4343-1484  
Link WhatsApp : https://wa.me/6281943431484
Maulida islami putri
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outboundadventure · 13 days
Hub 0819-4343-1484 Tempat Paintball Outdoor di Batu Malang, Seru di Alam Terbuka!
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(Hub 0819-4343-1484) Jika Anda mencari aktivitas luar ruangan yang seru dan menantang di Batu Malang, paintball adalah pilihan yang tepat. Aktivitas ini tidak hanya menguji ketangkasan dan strategi, tetapi juga memungkinkan Anda untuk menikmati keindahan alam terbuka. Batu Malang, dengan segala keindahannya, menawarkan berbagai tempat paintball outdoor Batu Malang yang dapat memberikan pengalaman bermain paintball yang tak terlupakan.
Mengapa Memilih Paintball Outdoor?
Paintball outdoor menawarkan pengalaman yang berbeda dibandingkan dengan paintball indoor. Dalam permainan ini, Anda akan berada di medan yang luas, dikelilingi oleh pemandangan alam yang menakjubkan, serta berbagai rintangan dan struktur alami yang menambah tantangan permainan. Berikut adalah beberapa alasan mengapa paintball outdoor di Batu Malang sangat menarik:
1. Medan Permainan yang Beragam
Tempat paintball outdoor Batu Malang menawarkan berbagai jenis medan permainan, mulai dari area hutan dengan pepohonan rimbun hingga padang terbuka dengan rintangan buatan. Medan yang beragam ini tidak hanya menambah keseruan permainan tetapi juga memungkinkan Anda untuk mengasah berbagai strategi.
2. Kualitas Udara yang Segar
Bermain paintball di alam terbuka memberikan Anda kesempatan untuk menikmati udara segar dan lingkungan yang alami. Keberadaan pepohonan, bukit, dan aliran sungai di sekitar lokasi paintball menciptakan suasana yang lebih menyenangkan dan menyegarkan dibandingkan dengan bermain di ruangan tertutup.
3. Pengalaman yang Lebih Memikat
Alam terbuka menawarkan latar belakang yang menakjubkan untuk permainan paintball, menambah elemen estetika dan keseruan permainan. Dengan pemandangan yang indah, setiap momen permainan menjadi lebih berkesan dan menarik.
Keuntungan Memilih Paintball Outdoor
Memilih paintball outdoor di Batu Malang memberikan berbagai keuntungan yang tidak bisa didapatkan dari paintball indoor. Berikut adalah beberapa keuntungan dari bermain paintball di luar ruangan:
1. Keseruan yang Lebih Besar
Medan outdoor dengan berbagai rintangan alami dan ruang terbuka memberikan keseruan tambahan yang tidak dapat ditemukan di arena indoor. Setiap permainan menjadi lebih menantang dengan adanya elemen-elemen alam yang mempengaruhi strategi dan gerakan Anda.
2. Aktivitas Fisik yang Menyenangkan
Paintball outdoor melibatkan banyak aktivitas fisik, termasuk berlari, bersembunyi, dan bergerak cepat. Aktivitas ini tidak hanya menyenangkan tetapi juga memberikan manfaat kesehatan dengan meningkatkan kebugaran fisik dan stamina.
3. Kesempatan untuk Bersosialisasi
Bermain paintball di luar ruangan sering kali melibatkan kelompok besar, sehingga memberikan kesempatan untuk berinteraksi dan bersosialisasi dengan peserta lainnya. Ini adalah cara yang baik untuk membangun tim, mempererat hubungan, dan merasakan kebersamaan dalam suasana yang santai dan menyenangkan.
4. Lingkungan yang Menyegarkan
Alam terbuka menawarkan lingkungan yang segar dan menyegarkan. Anda bisa menikmati pemandangan indah dan udara segar selama bermain, yang tentunya membuat pengalaman paintball menjadi lebih menyenangkan dan memuaskan.
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Hubungi Kami
No WA : 0819-4343-1484
Cara Memesan Paket Paintball Outdoor di Batu Malang
Untuk memesan tempat paintball outdoor Batu Malang, Anda dapat menghubungi penyedia jasa paintball yang ada di kota ini. Banyak jasa outbound provider di Batu Malang yang menawarkan paket paintball lengkap, termasuk fasilitas, perlengkapan, dan instruktur berpengalaman. Pastikan untuk memilih paket yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan anggaran Anda.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan pemesanan, hubungi 0819-4343-1484. Tim penyedia jasa akan membantu Anda merencanakan acara paintball outdoor yang seru, aman, dan penuh keseruan di Batu Malang.
Baca Juga : Paintball Team Building di Batu Malang, Bangun Kerjasama Hebat!
Paintball outdoor di Batu Malang adalah pilihan yang ideal untuk menikmati kegiatan seru sambil menjelajahi keindahan alam. Dengan berbagai tempat paintball outdoor Batu Malang yang menawarkan fasilitas lengkap dan medan permainan yang menantang, Anda bisa merasakan pengalaman paintball yang tak terlupakan. Dukungan dari jasa fasilitator outbound di Batu Malang memastikan bahwa setiap permainan berlangsung dengan aman dan lancar. Jangan ragu untuk merencanakan acara paintball Anda dan nikmati keseruan di alam terbuka. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan pemesanan, hubungi 0819-4343-1484.
FAQ: Tempat Paintball Outdoor di Batu Malang
1. Apa yang termasuk dalam paket paintball outdoor di Batu Malang?
Paket paintball outdoor biasanya mencakup perlengkapan seperti senjata paintball, masker pelindung, seragam, dan pelatihan dasar. Beberapa paket juga mencakup fasilitas tambahan seperti snack, minuman, dan penggunaan area khusus.
2. Di mana saya bisa menemukan tempat paintball outdoor di Batu Malang?
Batu Malang memiliki beberapa lokasi paintball outdoor yang menarik, seperti Batu Rafting, Coban Rais, Kaliwatu Adventure, dan Taman Rekreasi Selecta. Masing-masing lokasi menawarkan medan permainan yang unik dan fasilitas yang berbeda.
3. Apakah paintball outdoor cocok untuk semua usia?
Paintball outdoor dapat dinikmati oleh berbagai usia, namun pastikan untuk memeriksa kebijakan masing-masing tempat terkait usia minimum. Jasa fasilitator outbound di Batu Malang akan memastikan bahwa permainan dilakukan dengan aman, terutama untuk peserta muda.
4. Bagaimana cara memesan paket paintball outdoor di Batu Malang?
Untuk memesan paket paintball, Anda dapat hubungi 0819-4343-1484. Tim penyedia jasa akan membantu Anda memilih paket yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan mengatur jadwal permainan.
5. Apakah ada fasilitas lain di tempat-tempat paintball outdoor di Batu Malang?
Beberapa lokasi paintball outdoor di Batu Malang juga menawarkan fasilitas tambahan seperti taman, area piknik, atau kegiatan outdoor lainnya. Pastikan untuk menanyakan fasilitas yang tersedia saat melakukan pemesanan.
6. Apa yang harus saya bawa saat bermain paintball outdoor?
Bawalah pakaian yang nyaman dan sesuai untuk aktivitas luar ruangan, serta sepatu yang dapat digunakan di medan yang tidak rata. Semua perlengkapan paintball seperti senjata dan masker akan disediakan oleh penyedia jasa.
7. Apakah paintball outdoor aman selama cuaca buruk?
Cuaca dapat mempengaruhi permainan paintball outdoor. Beberapa lokasi mungkin tidak ideal saat cuaca buruk. Pastikan untuk memeriksa kondisi cuaca dan kebijakan tempat terkait sebelum membuat reservasi.
8. Apakah diperlukan pengalaman sebelumnya untuk bermain paintball outdoor?
Tidak, paintball outdoor dapat dimainkan oleh pemula sekalipun. Jasa outbound provider di Batu Malang akan memberikan pelatihan dan instruksi dasar untuk memastikan semua peserta memahami cara bermain dengan benar
Link WA: https://wa.me/6281943431484
(Published by : Athiya-Skansa)
Baca Juga : Lokasi Paintball Terbaik di Batu Malang, Siap untuk Bertarung!
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eastcoastpaintbal · 2 years
Paintball Bag
A Paintball Bag is a storage and transportation solution for paintball equipment. A paintball bag is typically a large, padded bag with multiple compartments for holding various paintball items, such as markers, hoppers, tanks, masks, pods, and accessories. The size and features of a paintball bag vary depending on the specific model, but they are generally designed to be durable, protective, and easy to carry. Some paintball bags have wheels and a pull handle for easy transportation, while others are backpack-style bags that can be carried on the player's back.
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helmanumasta22 · 2 years
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0815-611-0900 Fun game Outdoor
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wolfpaintball · 2 years
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The other dads play golf on the weekends, I mean that’s cool but… #transformationtuesday @dyetactical @dyepaintball @originalswat @battlefield @drift_innovation @exfog @patchpanel @tranzfuse.official @killhouseweaponsystems @immortal_air @tranzfuse.official @exfog @paintball.media #paintballing #paintballislife #paintballs #training #paintballgun #paintballer #magfed #magfedpaintball #tactical #tacticalgear #tacticaltraining #gaming #gamer #tactical #fitness #fitnessmotivation #ontario #tacticallife #sports #outdoors #motivation #motivational #positivevibes #sheldoncarlessphotography #ontariopaintball #photographylover https://www.instagram.com/p/CkItnGLONHI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cynthiabrandons · 2 years
A paintball pistol is a small, affordable weapon that you can use to play games of paintball but without bulky equipment. These guns are designed to be light and pliable, making it easy for anyone – child or adult – to play with one.
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ashly-29 · 2 years
Paintball pistols are a type of paintball gun that is designed to look and feel like a real handgun. They are typically smaller and more compact than other types of paintball guns, making them easier to carry and maneuver.
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buymetoday · 2 years
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Centra Four Square Volleyball Net Game Set Portable Sports Beach Outdoor Yard
Buy now :- https://www.buymetoday.com.au/
Sink the volleyball poles into the ground tighten the net peg the lines into the ground.
Key Features
PE net
Adjustable height
Sturdy and durable
No centre pole
Bonus carry bag
Bonus volleyball and pump
Material: Steel
Net: PE plastic
Dimension (per segment): 2m x 1.5m (H x W)
Colour: Black and yellow
1x Four Square Volleyball Net
1x Instruction manual
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tdinyomomma · 1 year
Total Drama Island! x Reader
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This is total drama island with you in it! You didn't know that this was a reality tv show when you signed up for it, Your sister had you make an audition tape but thought it was for a movie. Not a lead roll or anything but it was something that sounded fun. Now that you're stuck in this you decide to win it. Will someone ruin that chance? Will that someone be a love interest? Find out on... Total Drama Island!!
[Name] [Last Name]
Age: 16 Pronouns: She/her Clothes: black crop top, midi Jean shorts, black sneakers, and a light pink belt. Body type: yours Hair type: yours Height: (only one that might not be yours) 5'5
This will be off of the Total Drama series I don't not own anything except for the differences I make and even then I don't really own it!
Later down the road I'll decide who you end up with this is kind of looking like a Gwen x reader. But if that gets over ridden I might change it.
I don't really want to do a Duncan x reader though. I love him but eh. I was thinking maybe Courtney, Cody Or Heather.
If you want to request an imagined comment or privately dm!
1. The Not So Great Outdoors pt. 1
2. The Not So Great Outdoors pt. 2
3. The Big Sleep
4. Dodge Brawl
5. Not Quite Famous
6. The Sucky Outdoors
7. Phobia Factor
8. Up The Creek
9. Paintball Deer Hunter
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assistant-of-drama · 5 months
Total Drama AU, where Heather makes an alliance with Noah and Lindsay, instead of Beth and Lindsay... With Noah being the Brains of the Team, while Heather is the Leader... And Noah slowly gains a soft spot for Lindsay...
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*Noah gets to be the schemer that he was always meant to be.
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*In their first challenge, Noah knew how to properly build the hot tub and casually tells the others how to do it.
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*Heather notices how smart and clever Noah is and decides that making an alliance with him would be perfect.
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*Heather makes the alliance with Noah, while they were running for the Stay Awake Challenge, then later she makes the alliance with Lindsay while they were all staying awake.
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*Noah compliments Heather for the clever idea of stealing Eva's mp3 player to make the strong girl angry and get kicked off.
*When Noah falls asleep, he ends up platonically cuddling with Lindsay and Heather then he wakes up super embarrassed about it, but Lindsay thinks that sleeping Noah is a cutie.
*During the Dodgeball Challenge, Noah does the sport even though he was terrible at it (which Heather teased him about, while Lindsay gives Noah encouragement), in this story Beth gets eliminated cause she was scared of getting hit in the face and kept running away from the ball (I'm sorry Beth).
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*When Heather was angry at Gwen for refusing to accept her leadership and wanted to humiliate her by reading her diary to the world... But Noah quickly tells her that idea is stupid, cause Heather will only gain enemies that would want to eliminate her early... So, Noah came up with a better idea, that would both humiliate Gwen and vote her off the island as a bonus...
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*Using his genius intelligence and skills, Noah hacks into the confessional cameras in the outhouse, as well as probably other cameras and gets a lot of Gwen's meaner words... Including the ones where Gwen insults everyone on her team, except for Leshawna and Trent (cause TDI Gwen was a grumpy, goth girl and she was a bit of a jerk sometimes; I'm sorry Gwen, I like your character)... Noah creates a video of all of Gwen's mean words, gives the video to Heather, who shows it to everyone at the talent show...
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*Almost everyone turns against Gwen and the poor goth girl gets voted off that night, with only Leshawna, Trent and Cody comforting her... Gwen is touched that Cody forgives her for calling him annoying in the video and they become friends, before she leaves... Heather and Noah are proud of themselves, while Lindsay can't help but feel guilty (even though Gwen had insulted her too)...
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*In the Outdoors Challenge, Noah almost immediately knew that the bear was only Izzy in a bear costume... when the actually bear shows up, Noah shares a tree branch with Heather and Lindsay.
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*Noah lies about his worst fear being that he has to kiss Heather, causing everyone to laugh at the joke... Chris knows that Noah is lying, but tells Noah to kiss Heather anyway, cause Chris knows that Noah will hate it... Afterwards, both Noah and Heather don't stop using mouthwash until their mouths are numb, while Lindsay playfully teases them about being a cute couple.
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*During the Canoe To Another Island Challenge, Noah and Lindsay begin to slowly bond and start becoming actual friends.
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*During the Deer Paintball Challenge, Hunter Noah helps Deer Heather find the perfect place to hide and guards Heather, while Lindsay looks for berries for them to eat... Heather then keeps insulting Lindsay (who wasn't there at the moment) which angers Noah to the point where he decides to shoot her with the paintball gun and Heather later grabs Lindsay's gun to shoot him back... They still have the alliance, but Heather had to promise not to insult Lindsay to Noah's face anymore.
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*However, while Heather always saw Lindsay as a puppet, Noah instead slowly develops a soft spot for the blonde fashionista... and that soft spot eventually helps Noah become a somewhat better person.
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*Lindsay becomes Noah's BFF, instead of Owen.
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*During the Cooking Challenge, Noah smirks and does nothing when Leshawna and the others lock Heather in the fridge.
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*During the Trust Challenge, Noah and Owen get paired together and they bond quite a bit.
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*During Chef's Challenge, Lindsay helps Noah power through the challenges, while Heather taunts Noah for letting his friendship with Lindsay 'make him soft'.
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*During the Bike Race Challenge, Noah is proud of Lindsay for standing up to Heather and hugs her... Lindsay gives Noah a platonic kiss on the cheek, before she accepts her elimination and leaves on the boat... After Heather doesn't give up her invincibility to protect Lindsay, Noah breaks up his alliance with Heather.
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*Either Noah makes it to the Final Three and defeats Heather in the Triple Dog Dare Challenge (with Owen's help)... or Noah accidentally gets voted off by the eliminated contestants (like what happened to Leshawna in canon), but before that happens, Noah perhaps hacked into Chris's computer earlier and knew about the eliminated contestants possibly voting someone off... and Noah decided to leave written ideas for challenges (like the Triple Dog Dare Challenge) and hope that one of his ideas finally get Heather eliminated (which it does).
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*The final two would probably be Owen and Leshawna. (With Owen winning...)
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*Noah secretly feels a little guilty for being the indirect reason Heather was shaved bald (he felt like that was going a bit too far), so he leaves Heather a wig for her to wear by her resort room's door and Heather doesn't find out who it's from... or does she?
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*Lindsay and Beth still become friends at 'Playa De Losers', while Noah still becomes friends with Owen... but Noah and Lindsay are each other's BFF, in this story... Noah and Tyler also get along (since Tyler is dating Lindsay)...
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*Lindsay also convinces Noah to properly apologize to Gwen.
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cloudyskiiees · 4 months
massive post about all the changes i’m making in my season one rewrite of tdi! the fic i have for it is slow updating so i wanted to share everything here for yall to enjoy too! <3
i’ll be starting with teams and some swaps i made, then go through the characters in their elimination order!!!
the screaming gophers: heather, tyler, beth, noah, owen, eva, izzy, trent, lashawna, gwen, katie
the killer bass: courtney, bridgette, geoff, duncan, harold, sadie, lindsay, dj, ezekiel, justin, cody
as you see, i swapped two pairs of characters! (technically three since izzy is on the gophers but i kept sadie and katie on different teams!!)
eva and justin are swapped, as well as tyler and lindsay! i have good reasoning for it trust.
now for character changes! (in the order of elimination)
DJ: he doesn’t change too much! all that’s different is it’s him voted off after the first challenge instead of ezekiel. DJ and Courtney were the two in danger!
Justin: since Eva is now on Heather’s team, the queen bee chooses to take Justin out from the killer bass since she worries his charm will carry him too far. uses his fake eyelids cheating strategy to turn the bass against him after the awake-a-thon!
Beth: Heather still attempts to get Beth under her thumb, but without the presence of Lindsay to help make it somewhat enjoyable, Beth is simply not into it! she’s too annoying and unhelpful, so when Heather sees the resident genius (Noah) in danger of getting eliminated, she pulls some strings to get Beth off instead after the dodge brawl challenge!
Trent: Once again our villain is stepping in, since Heather is incredibly annoyed at the romance blooming between Trent and Gwen. due to her changed strategy in my rewrite, she decides getting rid of Trent would be more helpful, rather than Gwen. the gophers lose the talent show, and Heather gets everyone to vote for Trent since he had the lowest score!
Cody: During “the sucky outdoors,” Cody gets lost in the woods looking for Sadie after she disappeared from the group. he returns to camp late, and while he’s happy to see everyone is present and ok, he is promptly eliminated, since he was the reason his team lost.
Sadie: Everyone does relatively well for the phobia factor challenge, but the bass agree Sadie is too annoying and cowardly to stick around. Courtney narrowly avoids elimination due to Bridgette sticking up for her!
Tyler: Tyler was left to keep an eye on everyone’s boats and oars as the rest of his team did the fire starting challenge, but wasn’t paying enough attention. the oars get knocked off the boat by a fish and float downstream, costing the killer bass their win. he’s eliminated quickly after that!
Eva: although Heather was glad the powerhouse was on her team, it didn’t make Eva any less brutish or headache inducing. during the paintball challenge, Heather takes the chance to set Eva up, to make it look like she was attacking her own team. although a few teammates stick up for her, the majority vote her off when the screaming gophers lose.
Izzy: In the three part cooking challenge, Heather and Izzy are partnered up. fueled with a bit of rage due to Eva’s elimination and a normal amount of Izzy insanity, the redhead ends up locking Heather in the freezer for the majority of the challenge. because most of the competitors actually like Heather in this rewrite, they deem Izzy too unhinged and scary, and get her voted off when they lose. (yes she’s still being hunted down by the government as she flees the island)
Geoff: completely messes up the first challenge of rock climbing, mildly injuring duncan in the process. he tries to make up for it by being super encouraging, but ends up throwing his team off more than actually helping them. it’s a very sad goodbye for some, but party boy messed up one too many times.
Courtney: same as in canon, Harold rigs the votes against Courtney, wanting to mess with Duncan since the punk had constantly been bullying him. miss CIT goes kicking and screaming, leaving the majority of the killer bass angry about how she got eliminated. (Courtney takes on a much more motherly role, rather than a mean older sister. most of the killer bass actually respect her! even though they agree she can be very overbearing and stuck up)
Harold: due to the killer bass not fully believing Courtney was rightfully eliminated, Bridgette does some snooping and finds out Harold rigged the votes against her friend. he was shunned by most of the team for the challenge as well, so it was an easy move when the bass lost.
Merge: Eva and Trent are brought back! both were scorned and set up by Heather, so it makes sense for the show to bring them back, as Heather is still going pretty undetected as the villain. only Noah, Owen, and Lindsay know the truth at this point!
Noah: having secretly been working for Heather and her ploys for the first part of the show, Noah is simply tapping out once the merge hits, especially seeing as Eva is back. he lets himself fail and basically self eliminates after the extreme torture challenge. (after Heather saved Noah from elimination in the third challenge, he agrees to be her rat as long as she’ll keep him in the game so he won’t have to actually try. he stops working with her after she purposefully eliminates Eva AND Izzy, only warning Owen about what Heather’s actually like. the queen bee can almost respect it.)
Lindsay: with Harold gone and the merge in place, Duncan takes to picking on Ezekiel almost exclusively. Lindsay is simply fed up with everyone’s unruly behavior, and absolutely snaps and Heather AND Duncan. everyone is so flabbergasted by the sudden outburst they believe Heather’s story of Lindsay being the real villain, and vote the silly blonde off! (without the companionship of Beth on her team, Lindsay takes a liking to Ezekiel! being on the killer bass as well, she’s able to properly see Heather constantly not being a “Girls-Girl” as Lindsay calls it, and becomes her subtle rival throughout the season.)
Owen: my dude could simply not win the hide and seek challenge against Chef. he was found out quickly, and didn’t manage to help Chef capture anyone else in order to gain an advantage. this paired with how whiny he had been since noah left, and how strong of a social player he was, the gophers made a hard choice and eliminated him. (owen befriends team e-scope much earlier in this rewrite since they were all on the same team!)
Trent: not having immunity, and doing very little other than trying to impress Gwen/warn her about Heather was enough to annoy almost everyone. at this point people are getting suspicious about Heather, seeing as the cool musician and the angry girl seem to agree about her, but Trent is just so irritating!!! the girls make a pact to vote him off, especially since he was distracting Gwen so much.
Bridgette: unfortunately for my calm surfer girl, she was simply terrified throughout the serial killer challenge. while everyone else was simply unfazed or only a little frightened, she was almost a liability for how little she was willing to help out. due to her overwhelming fear and lack of help for everyone, she’s eliminated.
Eva: no matter how nice she tries to be, animals simply do not like her. so when the challenge was to find an animal and return it to camp, she kinda knew her time was up. she was the only camper to not return with any animal, leaving her eliminated without even needing a ceremony. she attempts to warm the girl alliance one last time about Heather before she’s shipped off yet again.
Duncan: in the challenge where the final six are divided into pairs, he gets stuck with Heather. Duncan being himself, is simply terrible to be handcuffed too, and while the girls are suspicious of Heather now, they believe her when she tells them how truly terrible it was. Duncan is gone for simply being an asshole.
Ezekiel: when Chris is talking to the eliminated campers about the final five, everyone starts rambling about how they never expected Ezekiel to make it past the first few challenges, let alone be in the final five! as they speak, each time they say his name, Chris begins counting them as votes for him to leave the island. when everyone realizes this, they start panicking and simply making it worse. Ezekiel is quickly snatched from the competition unfairly, leaving the final four.
Ms. Coconut: while the final four are seemingly stranded on an island, Katie goes a little nuts all by herself and befriends a coconut she names “Ms. Coconut,” who is eliminated in favor of not eliminating an actual competitor when revealed everyone technically failed the challenge.
Katie: split up into pairs again, Katie is paired with Lashawna, and they do pretty good! sadly not as good as Heather and Gwen, who beat them back to camp! Chef becomes the deciding factor for who gets eliminated, and he chooses Katie, claiming he felt Lashawna had a stronger chance at winning. understanding and excited to be reunited with Sadie after so long, Katie is gracefully eliminated.
Heather: same as in canon, she chickens out during Lindsay’s dare of shaving her hair off, getting her eliminated immediately from the final three, as she was the first to fail or chicken out of a challenge! (her whole head isn’t shaved, but she loses a good chuck of it! Heather very much plays up her likable side in this rewrite, and being on the gophers allows her to still be sarcastic and a little crude while still having others find her overall kind. she ropes Noah into an alliance early on, and after he stops helping her she starts slipping up and accidentally leaving others suspicious!”
and now… the winner revealed… althought you may have guessed it…
i stand by the fact she would’ve been a fantastic winner, and i love the idea of a “friendship finale” between two characters who are friends, but still give their all in the finale! Gwen simply couldn’t keep up with the determination Lashawna had to win, and was only a few feet behind when Lashawna crossed the finish line!
YEA! there’s my elimination order and majors changes i’ve made in my rewrite! this post took me forever to write out so i hope some of you guys get a kick out of it!!!!! (i also have an all stars rewrite i may be posting about!) <3
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eastcoastpaintbal · 2 years
Empire Axe 2.0 Paintball Marker
The Empire AXE 2.0 paintball is available in many bright new colors for 2021. The Axe 2.0 is 10% lighter than the previous generation of Empire Axes. The Axe 2.0 is an electronic paintball gun that continues to shred the competition whether in the woods or behind the bunker. The Axe 2.0 features a new smaller Relay on/off bottom ASA, anti chop eye system, electronic operation with multiple firing modes, and will accept the OLED screen upgrade. The 2 Piece Barrel Kit and low-pressure operation make the Axe 2.0 an accurate and smooth marker. Firing modes include Semi, Ramp, and NXL Full Auto.
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tdvotes · 2 months
Ranking the Votes, s1a
Welcome to... Total! Drama! Ranking... the Votes! This series is a spinoff of Counting the Votes. I will rank each episode in season 1a (pre-merge Island) based on how confusing it was. There were 12 votes this season, so 12 will be the most straightforward elimination and 1 will be the most confusing.
For reference, here are the episodes:
Not So Happy Campers, Part 2 (Ezekiel)
The Big Sleep (Eva)
Dodgebrawl (Noah)
Not Quite Famous (Justin)
The Sucky (or Not So Great) Outdoors (Katie)
Phobia Factor (Tyler)
Up the Creek (Izzy)
Paintball Deer Hunter (Cody)
If You Can't Take the Heat... (Beth)
Who Can You Trust? (Sadie)
Basic Straining (Courtney)
X-Treme Torture (Harold)
Now, let's get a few technicalities out of the way first. Yes, Heather's math was off when she had Justin eliminated. No, we don't know whether Izzy or Lindsay was scheduled to be voted out that night. Yes, Harold rigged the votes against Courtney. And in the course of writing this post, I realized that some of my takes here are slightly different than they were in the original posts. I'm not changing that.
All that said, let's get to it!
12. The Big Sleep. No reason for the Bass to vote off anyone other than Eva, so this was pretty easy. 9 votes for Eva, 1 for Harold
11. Dodgebrawl. Gwen could have received votes for napping during the games, but a) she at least tried to play and b) she had just won the Awake-a-thon, so I think her teammates forgave her. Lindsay probably received votes for running off during the game, most likely from Heather and Noah. But Heather needed Lindsay in her alliance at this point, and she agreed with Gwen that Noah should "cram it". And Noah received votes for not even pretending to care about the games and instead focusing on his book. I'm going with 10 votes for Noah, 1 for Lindsay
10. Basic Straining. Harold may have rigged the votes, but we can be fairly certain that all of the others voted for him. The only other Bass I would believe didn't vote for Harold is Bridgette, who probably voted for Duncan because he kept making Chef mad. 4 votes for Harold, 1 for Duncan, 6 for Courtney
9. X-Treme Torture. Geoff, Duncan and DJ definitely voted Harold. Harold definitely voted Duncan. The only wild card is Bridgette, who I'm guessing liked Harold more than Duncan due to her comments in Hide and Be Sneaky. Still, it wasn't enough to save him. 3 votes for Harold, 2 for Duncan
8. If You Can't Take the Heat... Heather and Owen voted onscreen for Beth. Beth and Leshawna obviously voted for Heather. Being superstitious means that Trent probably voted for Beth for cursing the team. That leaves Gwen and Lindsay. I'm thinking Gwen voted for Heather. So by process of elimination, Lindsay had to have voted for Beth. 4 votes for Beth, 3 for Heather
7. Not Quite Famous. Yes, Heather's math didn't add up. But really, only one vote is unknown here. If anyone outside Heather's alliance voted for anyone other than Heather, that would save her butt. Gwen definitely voted for Heather. Leshawna probably voted with her best friend Gwen. Trent and Cody probably voted Heather as well because they're both friends with Gwen. That leaves only Justin. While he probably understood that what Heather did was way out of line, his morals are not all that straight either, as he showed in season 2. Perhaps he voted Gwen for skipping out on the challenge, or maybe Cody for following Gwen. Or maybe Cody voted for Trent because he was a love rival. I think most likely is that Justin voted for Gwen, putting the vote at 5 votes for Justin, 4 for Heather, 1 for Gwen
6. Not So Happy Campers, Part 2. Zeke got all 5 female votes for sure. And I'm guessing he voted off Courtney for being a chicken. Duncan could have also voted off Courtney -- by his logic, she and DJ were "the only ones wearing chicken hats, and if we ever have to lift a truck, I like our chances with the big guy." Plus, I get the feeling that at this point Duncan isn't quite the ladies' man he became later on. And Tyler's tone in telling Lindsay that he could kill a cockroach too, makes me think he also understands that men are generally physically superior to women. We can assume Geoff, DJ and Harold voted for Zeke as well, since they all have a slightly better attitude towards women than they thought Zeke did. So I'm going with 8 votes for Zeke, 3 for Courtney
5. Paintball Deer Hunter. Owen and Leshawna voted for Cody onscreen. Beth and Cody probably voted for Heather. Given Heather's reaction to seeing Beth get her marshmallow, I think Heather (and by extension her puppet Lindsay) voted for Beth. That means Gwen and Trent had to break a 3-way tie. I want to give Gwen's vote to Heather but that would mess up the count, so I'm going to say that they both voted for Cody as a mercy vote. 4 votes for Cody, 2 for Heather, 2 for Beth
4. Phobia Factor. Harold and Geoff didn't receive a point for completing their challenges, but they didn't not do them because they were scared either. That's why Bridgette, Courtney and Tyler were on the chopping block. Guessing Tyler and Courtney voted for each other. Also guessing Bridgette voted for Tyler since she was friends with Courtney. And looking at who was making fun of Tyler after he was eliminated, it was probably Duncan and Geoff who joined them. That leaves DJ, Harold and Sadie. I can't give them all to Courtney because that would force a tie. I also can't imagine DJ voting for Bridgette, so I'll give his vote to Tyler since he was already good friends with Duncan and Geoff. That means Harold and Sadie could both vote for Courtney and it wouldn't matter. 5 votes for Tyler, 3 for Courtney
3. Who Can You Trust? Courtney made it clear that she was voting for Sadie. Sadie, knowing that Courtney was voting her off, probably returned the favor. But beyond that, it's not exactly clear who voted for who. The bottom two made it seem like the Bass were just voting off their weakest link. So I could definitely see Duncan and Geoff voting for Harold. By the process of elimination, Sadie has to have at least two more votes from Harold, DJ and Bridgette. I'd say Bridgette was one of them because she was friends with Courtney. And Harold obviously didn't vote for himself, so I'm giving his vote to Sadie as well. And DJ? Who knows. My first guess would have been Harold but that would cause a tie. So I'm going with Sadie as well. 4 votes for Sadie, 2 for Harold, 1 for Courtney
2. Up the Creek. I mean, Izzy did give the other team advice on how to win, and Leshawna seemed pretty ticked off at her. So Leshawna and Izzy probably voted for each other. As for everyone else? They spent a lot more time bonding with each other than turning against each other, particularly between Trent, Gwen and Cody and between DJ, Geoff and Bridgette. Gwen probably voted with Leshawna because they're best friends at this point. Maybe Trent and Cody voted with them too. I guess if the Gophers heard Izzy when she told the Bass how to get back, she would have earned their votes. But perhaps Lindsay and/or Trent earned a few votes too for falling into the quicksand. I think Izzy would've been eliminated anyway though, just because she made a much bigger mistake. But it depends on who is voting. Heather's priorities seem to be #1 helping her team win and #2 crushing Leshawna and Gwen. Plus Izzy was informally a member of Heather's alliance, so it's possible she convinced Heather, Lindsay and Beth to vote Leshawna. And Owen probably didn't vote for Izzy. But he could have voted for pretty much anyone else except Cody because he had that bet going with him. Maybe, given that Lindsay was in the bottom two, Owen voted for Lindsay. I'm going to say 4 votes for Izzy, 4 for Leshawna, 1 probably for Lindsay
1. The Sucky (Not So Great) Outdoors. (The word Sucky in the original Canadian Teletoon version was edited for the US Cartoon Network version.) This was the hardest to rank because it's easy to tell that there were 7 votes for Katie and Sadie, but impossible to tell who voted for which one. I'm also going to say that Katie and Sadie both voted for Courtney because she berated them when they returned to the campfire pit. So I'm going with 4 votes for Katie, 3 for Sadie, 2 for Courtney
I found as I was Counting the Votes that a lot of people's votes are easy to narrow down, but not so easy to pinpoint. The next installment of Ranking the Votes is coming at the conclusion of season 1.
But what do you think? Which eliminations are the easiest to tell who voted for who, and which are the hardest? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.
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Passing a birthday with the Host Club is over the top. They don’t do the most - they do the absolute max out on all their fancy rich people cards. 
Haruhi just wants a fun quiet event with snacks, a few decorations, and maybe some fancy tuna if it’s a big birthday. (Naturally, Haruhi does not get this. She’s kidnapped for a day of festivities, and even her dad lets the Host Club have their way because he’s invited to the dinner feast. The local sea area is now out of tuna, fancy and regular.)
Kyoya rents out an entire island so he can buy a quiet day and relax by himself with NO MAYHEM. Of course, Tamaki still finds him, but it was a blissful 43 minutes. 
Honey throws a cake tasting party, flying in the British Bake Off hosts and participants for a “British Bake Off… in Japan!” special episode. He, and the friends he invites, are the ones who decide on the winners. 
Hikaru takes over an entire building for a giant, full day, Hunger Games style, paintball battle. Doctors are on hand, and this year, only two people needed to be rushed to the hospital. 
Mori rents out the zoo. Not in a “have your birthday party here!” kind of way, but doors are closed, peasants return home, it’s just me and my besties chilling with the animals and feeding them all the snacks. The twins are the reason why all zoos have increased the required height of railings to be higher. 
Kaoru would also want to do some crazy outdoor activity paired with something chill. Think skydiving or bungee jumping, and then once you realize the shortness and fragility of life, there’s a private art lesson with a famous painter at the largest art museum in Tokyo. 
Tamaki’s birthday is like 10 separate parties all crammed into one day. First, there’s a dress up cosplay event. Second, roller blading. Third, bowling. Fourth, amusement park rides and games. Fifth, food, drinks, and decorate your own cake. Yes, an entire cake for each person and any color and flavor and type of sprinkles you could possibly imagine. Sixth, build your own bear. He bought one of the build a bear machines, and it now lives in his house. Seventh, karaoke and photo shoot with everyone and their new bears. Eighth, movies with everyone and their bears. Ninth, pinatas. Plural. However many branches there are in the surrounding area, there are pinatas. And it’s not regular sized or cheap ass fun sized mini bars, nah man, nothing less than KING sized candy bars for our king. Tenth, PRESENTS! It’s not until just before midnight when you are finally released and allowed to return home.
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