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aperint · 2 years ago
Día Mundial sin Tabaco. ¿Cuáles son los éxitos al día de hoy?
Día Mundial sin Tabaco. ¿Cuáles son los éxitos al día de hoy? #aperturaintelectual #vmrfaintelectual @victormanrf @Victor M. Reyes Ferriz @vicmanrf @victormrferriz Víctor Manuel Reyes Ferriz
30 DE MAYO DE 2023 Día Mundial sin Tabaco. ¿Cuáles son los éxitos al día de hoy? POR: VÍCTOR MANUEL REYES FERRIZ El día de mañana alrededor del globo, se conmemora (no se celebra porque no es un festejo) el “Día Mundial Sin Tabaco” que fue declarado por la Asamblea Mundial de la Salud mediante su resolución WHA42.19 del 17 de mayo de 1989, aunque existieron grandes intentos desde antes y que en…
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epidemicpreparednessday · 8 months ago
Countries from the Americas strongly engaged in decisions to better prepare against present and future health challenges.
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Building on the lessons from COVID-19, countries from the Americas strongly engaged in decisions to better prepare against present and future health challenges, including pandemics, climate change and growing antibiotic resistance, and to promote universal health coverage.
Pandemic preparedness and response, equity among key topics for the Americas at Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly
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minnesotafollower · 3 months ago
U.S. Congressmen Ask President Biden To Provide Sanctions Relief and Other Aid to Cuba   
On November 15, a group of 18 U.S. Congressmen sent a letter to President Biden “with a deep sense of urgency to request immediate action to stabilize Cuba’s energy infrastructure and provide critical humanitarian assistance. The Cuban people are currently facing widespread blackouts and an escalating energy crisis, exacerbated by the impact of Hurricane Rafael. The situation is not only causing…
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worldblooddonorday · 8 months ago
Webinario - 20 años celebrando la generosidad: ¡Muchas gracias, donantes de sangre!
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La campaña del Día Mundial del Donante de Sangre 2024 tiene como lema “20 años celebrando la generosidad: ¡Muchas gracias, donantes de sangre!”, en conmemoración del hito del vigésimo aniversario y el profundo impacto que tiene la donación de sangre en la vida de pacientes y donantes. Esta campaña brinda la oportunidad de dar las gracias a las personas de todo el mundo que salvan vidas con sus donaciones de plasma sanguíneo y plaquetas. La campaña además hace un llamamiento a la acción, para motivar a más personas a que se unan al movimiento mundial de donación de sangre.
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worldnotobaccoday · 8 months ago
It’s obvious that the tobacco industry is targeting young people directly.
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When e-cigarettes are designed to look like school supplies or taste like candy, it’s obvious that the tobacco industry is targeting young people directly.
Time to step in and end these manipulative tactics.
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chagasdiseaseday · 10 months ago
Webinario- El Chagas existe y podemos eliminarlo.
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Webinario: El Chagas existe y podemos eliminarlo.
Fecha: 10 de abril de 2024
11:00 a.m. – Hora del Este de Estados Unidos 12:00 p.m. – Argentina 10:00 am. - Colombia 09:00 a.m. – México y Centroamérica
Plataforma: Zoom
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thesuetyouforgot · 1 year ago
Royal Nay Vee - It really is something other than else
Expedition to Lake Pahoe Monty Python's Flying Circus (S03 E06)
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andypiper · 3 months ago
MQTT turns 25 - here's how it has endured
Happy birthday, @[email protected]! 25 years young.
It’s October 2024 and I’m sitting here in my creative maker studio, wearing a bright t-shirt that excitedly bellows “MQTT 25”! To my left is a top-end Bambu Lab X1C 3D printer, that uses MQTT internally for communication. On my wall are a variety of connected gadgets that display data or that light up in response to MQTT notifications. Today is the official 25th anniversary of the publication of…
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cleanair4blueskiesday · 5 months ago
Highlight policy solutions for air pollution and lack of energy access and catalyse evidence-based, multi-sectoral actions in cities, countries and regions.
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The Global conference on air pollution and health: accelerating action for clean air, clean energy access and climate mitigation will highlight policy solutions for air pollution and lack of energy access and catalyse evidence-based, multi-sectoral actions in cities, countries and regions.
Key objectives of the conference include:
Share the latest evidence on health risks of air pollution and energy poverty, assessment tools and resources for decision-making.
Take stock of global progress since 2015 after the WHA resolution was passed and the start of the Sustainable Development Goals. 
Showcase health, climate, gender and equity co-benefits of air pollution and energy action. 
Mobilize, value and empower health professionals to ‘prescribe’ clean air for health.
Iterate strategies to mitigate the health sector’s environmental footprint.
Harness climate and development finance to tackle air pollution and ensure a just energy transition.
Leverage health arguments to drive country cooperation and financial commitments.
Countries, regions and cities join BreatheLife and commit to air pollution reductions by 2030 and beyond.
Participants include Ministers of Health, respective Ministers of Environment, Energy and officials of national, intergovernmental and development agencies; health professionals; mayors, local authorities and planners; representatives of critical sectors such as energy, transport, industry, waste and land-use; as well as delegates from research, academia and civil society. Attendance to this conference is by invitation only.
Concept Note
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worldfoodsafetyday · 8 months ago
WEBINAR: Food safety: preparing for the unexpected; World Food Safety Day 2024 - PAHO-WHO.
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Join the virtul event entitled ''Food safety: preparing for the unexpected'' to mark the World Food Safety Day 2024 - PAHO-WHO.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), OPS/OMS Chile - PAHO/WHO Chile, PAHO Emergencies; OPS/OMS Perú - PAHO/WHO Peru; OPS/OMS Argentina - PAHO/WHO Argentina, PAHO Caribbean
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hearingday · 11 months ago
Cambiando la mentalidad: ¡Hagamos que el cuidado de los oídos y la audición sea una realidad para todos!
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Cada año, el 03 de marzo, observamos el Día Mundial de la Audición para elevar concienciar sobre cómo prevenir la sordera y la pérdida auditiva, y promover el cuidado del oído y la audición en todo el mundo. Este año celebramos la ocasión con un llamado a centrarnos en "Cambiando la mentalidad: ¡Hagamos que el cuidado de los oídos y la audición sea una realidad para todos!" Sabemos que persisten desafíos debido a percepciones sociales erróneas y mentalidades marcadas por el estigma, y en este día renovamos nuestro enfoque para superarlos mediante la sensibilización y el intercambio de información, dirigida al público y a los proveedores de atención médica. Se estima que más de 1.500 millones de personas en todo el mundo se ven afectadas por la pérdida auditiva, casi el 80% de las cuales viven en países de ingresos bajos y medios del mundo. En nuestra propia región, se estima que actualmente 400 millones de personas tienen problemas de oído y de audición. Desafortunadamente, estas cifras están aumentando. Al ritmo actual, es probable que en 2050 haya más de 660 millones de personas con problemas de oído y de audición sólo en nuestra región. A pesar de su prevalencia y del hecho de que existen intervenciones efectivas y rentables, a nivel mundial, más del 80% de las necesidades de atención del oído y la audición siguen sin satisfacerse. Es evidente que esto debe abordarse con urgencia. La pérdida de audición tiene graves implicaciones para el desarrollo del lenguaje, el bienestar psicológico, la calidad de vida, el nivel educativo y la independencia económica.
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sohannabarberaesque · 1 year ago
So much for Lake Pahoe:
Pixlee Trollsom hath it that around the bayous and creeks of Troll County, water trolldom have some rather convenient water access from their bankside treehouses: Their ur-basement, essentially, amoounts to a splash pool access into the water. Especially handy for family diving sessions.
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Violence can be prevented and we all have a role to play!  
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Now more than ever, it is time to take action to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls.
This is not a new issue for the Americas – there is a wealth of knowledge on how to address violence and many good practice examples that we can learn from and build on to advance this agenda together.
Learn more about priorities and indicators for progress agreed by the Ministers of Health from the Americas by clicking on the Regional Strategy and Action Plan on Strengthening the Health System to Address Violence against Women.
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tvpapua-blog · 1 year ago
Persipura tahan imbang Tuan Rumah Kalteng Putra dengan skor 1-1
tvpapua.com, Jayapura, 10/09 Jayapura – Persipura Jayapura menahan imbang tuan rumah Kalteng Putra dengan skor 1-1 pada laga perdana Grup 4 Liga 2 musim 2023/2024 di Stadion Tuah Pahoe, Palangkaraya, Minggu (10/09) Meski sempat tertinggal lebih dulu pada menit ke-3, tim Mutiara Hitam akhirnya mampu merubah kedudukan menjadi sama kuat lewat gol Elisa Basna pada menit ke-90+3. Pelatih Persipura,…
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worldblooddonorday · 8 months ago
Encouraging more people to volunteer to donate blood to help increase the availability of essential blood supplies in the Region.
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On the occasion of World Blood Donor Day, celebrated every June 14, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) is encouraging more people to volunteer to donate blood to help increase the availability of essential blood supplies in the Region.
Voluntary, unpaid blood donation is the foundation of a safe and sufficient blood supply. It also plays a crucial role in supporting patients with a wide range of chronic health problems, such as hemophilia and immune deficiencies. "According to the latest available data for 34 countries in the Region, 8.2 million units of blood were donated in 2020, 48% of them from voluntary donors," PAHO Director Dr. Jarbas Barbosa said
However, in many countries, demand exceeds supply, and blood services face the challenge of ensuring sufficient availability while, at the same time, guaranteeing the quality and safety of blood products. While overall figures for the Region show a significant increase in donations and in the availability and safety of blood, the rate of blood donation per 1,000 people in low- and middle-income countries remains between 50 and 70 percent below that of higher-income countries.
For Dr. Barbosa, this highlights the need for sustainable, regulated blood programs to ensure the availability of sufficient quantities of safe blood to meet patient needs.
Blood transfusions and blood products help patients live longer and ensure a better quality of life. They also support complex medical and surgical procedures, making them indispensable in maternal and child health care services, as well as in disaster scenarios. "Blood donation helps to strengthen social and community bonds. And the promotion of voluntary donation and coordination among blood service networks helps to improve and save the lives of millions of people,” Dr. Barbosa added. 
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worldnotobaccoday · 2 years ago
Pledge to end subsidies on tobacco growing.
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You must replace tobacco because it has a huge carbon footprint. It uses a lot of water, it has real environmental problems,” Sonja insists. “If we look at the carbon footprint of the cigarette industry, we see 78% of carbon emissions occur in tobacco growing and curing, not in factories or distribution, but through pesticide use and cutting down and burning forests for fuel.”
However, replacing one monoculture with another, such as growing soybeans for feed in poultry farming, does not solve the most important question for tobacco alternatives: is it sustainable – for the environment, for the economy, for the society or community where it is grown? Is it resilient to the effects of climate change?
“Farmers in rich countries can use their land for solar panels,” Sonja points out, but she says the level of investment needed is too high for a smallholder with only a hectare of arable land. “This is why governments need to support farmers financially to diversify,” she insists, noting also that tobacco farming is labour-intensive, and people cannot innovate if they are tired and sick.
Sonja is adamant that countries which are champions of tobacco control need to support the fight in other countries. As an organization, Unfairtobacco collate articles to showcase different alternative projects underway around the globe. Their map is intended as a collection of ideas and options, rather than as a research database, she says. “I would like to see governments investing in ideas, saying ‘Okay, let’s see if this works’ and, if so, making an idea accessible to other countries where tobacco farmers need it most for their livelihood.”
“We try to get the message across here in Germany that the things we use in our lives have a footprint elsewhere in the world, and that we need to change our way of living to support a change in other countries.”
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