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pesterloglog · 1 year ago
Jade Harley, John Egbert, Jaspersprite
Act 6, page 4729-4738
JADE: john i really think we are scraping the bottom of the barrel here
JOHN: no way! this game rules.
JOHN: i just never gave it much playing time before because...
JOHN: well, i guess i always had better things to do.
JADE: thats sort of my point!
JADE: where did you even get this?
JOHN: years ago i found it in a store on the bargain rack.
JOHN: it was only a dollar! isn't that awesome?
JADE: :|
JADE: i dont really think this is my kind of game....
JADE: but i will play it with you today because it is technically your birthday <3
JOHN: yesss. you won't be disappointed.
JADE: how many people did you get to play this??
JOHN: um, i don't know.
JOHN: i only showed it to a few people, but i guess hundreds are playing it now?
JOHN: nobody is very good at it though.
JOHN: i keep trying to tell the salamanders and chess guys not to cross the streams, but they keep crossing the streams!
JOHN: just between you and me, i think a lot of them aren't very bright.
JADE: why cant you cross the streams?
JOHN: jade, please.
JOHN: it is just something you can't do when you're a ghost buster, because it spells big trouble. everyone knows that.
JADE: :p
JOHN: you should hurry up and make a character already, so we can get started.
JADE: im working on it!
JADE: there are so many options
JADE: what kind of ghostbuster should i make?
JOHN: just any old ghost buster! as long as he looks awesome and like he means business.
JADE: hmmmm
JOHN: i will begin organizing our squad.
JADE: what do you have to do?
JOHN: well, first we need buy an old abandoned fire station to use as a headquarters.
JOHN: luckily half the city is composed of abandoned fire stations that are for sale...
JOHN: this game is actually really stupid in a lot of ways, now that i think about it.
JADE: noooooooooo!
JOHN: hey, shut up!
JOHN: i take it back, it's great in every way.
JADE: sure john
JADE: whatever you say
JOHN: ok, now i have to find us a mission.
JOHN: got to hire a sassy secretary...
JOHN: just have to peruse this extensive palette of sarcastic red headed ladies...
JOHN: ok, here is a good one.
JOHN: then we wait for a phone call. this can take anywhere from ten seconds to several hours.
JADE: are you serious?
JOHN: but that's fine!
JOHN: there's lots to do in the station to kill time.
JOHN: like talk to slimer, and...
JOHN: get slimed by slimer.
JOHN: ok, i guess that's pretty much all there is to do.
JADE: what about that fire pole there?
JADE: cant you go down the fire pole?
JOHN: the fire pole is strictly decorative.
JADE: .........
JOHN: are you almost finished making your character?
JADE: yeah i think im done!!!
JADE: im pretty happy with him
JOHN: jade.
JOHN: that is absolutely the shittiest ghost buster i have ever seen.
JADE: no way!
JOHN: yes.
JOHN: it is so yes way.
JADE: hes adorable, what are you even talking about?
JOHN: jade, i thought you were going to take this game seriously.
JOHN: that is not a serious ghost buster. no ghost could possibly fear that thing.
JADE: i dont want ghosts to be afraid of him
JADE: i want to make friends with some ghosts if at all possible
JOHN: it is not possible, ghosts are known to be cruel and mischievous.
JOHN: they will not want to befriend your fox man, they will only want to cover him in slime and then fly away.
JOHN: i really think you should consider redesigning him.
JADE: nope. im keeping him :p
JOHN: ok, well, if you want to turn our squad into a fucking joke, then that's your business.
JADE: shut up or ill give him a pink jumpsuit!
JOHN: argh!
JOHN: but seriously, those head swap options are for such noobs, i feel it's only fair to warn you.
JADE: i think i will manage to survive the embarrassment in front of a bunch of salamanders and crocodiles
JOHN: ok, fine.
JOHN: you get a pass, but only because you yourself are a furry.
JADE: thank you
JADE: *snicker*
JOHN: what?
JADE: nothing
JOHN: is someone messaging you through the game?
JADE: hehe
JOHN: who is it?
JADE: pffff!
JOHN: dammit, jade...
JADE: its davesprite, hes playing too
JOHN: oh.
JOHN: don't tell him any of our strategies. he is the enemy!
JADE: we have strategies?
JOHN: um...
JOHN: ok, first, tell him we have strategies. then, don't tell him them.
JADE: hahahahahahaha
JOHN: oh god.
JOHN: what is it now?
JADE: did you know...
JADE: davesprite is a funny guy?
JOHN: meh, he's alright i guess.
JOHN: i give most of his jokes a passing grade. sometimes as high as a solid b+!
JADE: i just told him you said that
JOHN: that's fine, he and i keep no secrets.
JADE: davesprite says to tell you "youre basically welcome for being born 14 years ago and 1 year ago you ungrateful douche"
JOHN: oh, like him taking credit for my existence isn't so old by now!
JOHN: hey, jade...
JOHN: why do you still call him davesprite?
JADE: um
JADE: because he is davesprite?
JOHN: i just call him dave.
JOHN: isn't that easier? i mean, he IS dave after all... right?
JADE: well yeah
JADE: but hes kinda different from dave
JOHN: pshh, he is so not different.
JOHN: dude is just a magical orange dave with wings! and also says caw sometimes.
JADE: i know
JADE: but there are other differences...
JOHN: like what?
JADE: its hard to explain
JADE: just some slight differences in personality i guess
JOHN: he still raps sometimes.
JADE: yes...
JADE: so?
JOHN: i just thought i would mention that.
JADE: ok i will admit i cant really tell if his rapping style has changed
JOHN: trust me, it hasn't.
JADE: i dont know if the differences are because he is a sprite
JADE: or because he lived for a while in a different timeline...
JOHN: well, weren't you a sprite before?
JOHN: how different did you feel then?
JADE: i wasnt a sprite!
JADE: my dead dream self was a sprite
JADE: and then i kind of merged with her when i became a god tier
JOHN: oh, right.
JOHN: so...
JOHN: half of you was a sprite.
JADE: i guess?
JADE: its more like im still the me i always was, but inherited some of her memories
JADE: but they are pretty vague
JOHN: do you remember what it was like being jade sprite?
JADE: i remember being dead for a long time
JADE: and making friends...
JADE: mostly trolls
JOHN: oh really?
JOHN: which ones?
JADE: none that we know of now
JADE: that i can remember at least
JADE: they feel like such distant memories, like they were barely real
JOHN: hmm.
JOHN: i have to admit, i am a little disappointed in the dream bubble thing.
JOHN: by the way you were describing it, i really thought we would dream about them on this trip more often!
JADE: yeah me too
JADE: maybe its something about this place were traveling through?
JOHN: i dunno.
JADE: when was the last time you visited one in your sleep?
JOHN: man...
JOHN: that was weeks ago, i think.
JADE: yeah
JOHN: and then, when i do dream about them, it's just kind of weird.
JOHN: either i'm alone in my own memory, talking to figments of my imagination...
JOHN: or i dream about someone we know. like a troll we have talked to, and i get excited.
JOHN: but then it turns out they don't know who i am! it's like a version of them that died before they ever even knew us, and it's just kind of awkward.
JADE: yup
JOHN: and i still haven't seen dave or rose AT ALL.
JOHN: have you?
JADE: nope :(
JOHN: yeah.
JOHN: i'm starting to think it's not going to happen. i wonder if we're just not sleeping at the same times?
JADE: i dont think thats it
JADE: for one thing, considering where we are, i dont think theres such a thing as "the same time" for us
JOHN: heh. that's true.
JOHN: do you think the afterlife is just fucking with us, jade?
JADE: maybe...
JADE: but its probably more like the way it used to be with the clouds in skaia
JADE: they didnt always show you things, but when they did they were selective about what they would let you see
JADE: like they would make sure you saw whatever you needed to see to make sure things would go the right way
JADE: i always thought i knew so much, but in retrospect they gave me only a tiny glimpse of the big picture!
JOHN: that is so infuriating!
JADE: i guess!
JADE: it never felt that way when all i was doing was looking up at some clouds
JADE: i was happy to see whatever was there
JADE: but i guess its different in a situation like this
JADE: when you miss your friends, and you kind of wish the dream bubbles would play along
JOHN: yeah.
JOHN: oh well.
JOHN: i guess it's only two more years.
JOHN: what do you think they will be like by then?
JOHN: do you think karkat will have driven them all insane?
JADE: heheh, probably!
JOHN: or maybe they will all be better friends with each other than they are with us.
JADE: hmmm
JADE: well look at it this way
JADE: by the end of our trip, will YOU be better friends with a bunch of salamanders than you are with rose and dave?
JOHN: i don't know. there ARE some pretty charming salamanders on this ship.
JADE: that is true
JOHN: but you know what i mean. things have a way of changing.
JOHN: like, have you thought at all about what it's going to be like when you see dave again?
JOHN: i mean, after the way things are going with you and dave sprite?
JADE: umm
JADE: what do you mean the way things are going?
JOHN: jade, please.
JADE: what!
JOHN: *sigh*
JOHN: you are not fooling anyone with your coy shenanigans.
JADE: what has he been telling you??
JOHN: nothing!! do you really think he would talk about any of that with me?
JOHN: there are just some obvious conclusions a guy is going to make about stuff.
JADE: well...
JADE: i guess i dont know whats going on with that
JOHN: hm.
JADE: i really dont!!!
JOHN: alright, fair enough.
JADE: um
JADE: what
JADE: do you think he would think about that?
JOHN: huh?
JADE: the other dave
JADE: i mean
JADE: hypothetically
JOHN: ah HA! so you HAVE thought about it!
JADE: im only wondering because you brought it up!!!!!!
JOHN: yes. yes i did.
JADE: then what do you think?
JOHN: i have no idea. we would probably never find out one way or the other, regardless.
JADE: maybe
JADE: well
JADE: what about you john?
JOHN: what about me even?
JADE: remember how you told me how karkat kept sort of trying to set you up with rose?
JOHN: yes.
JADE: you told me this on more than one occasion if i recall!
JOHN: what is your point!
JADE: well, i have kind of wondered to myself if you kept bringing that up because on some level you wanted that to be true...
JOHN: oh man.
JOHN: jade, listen.
JOHN: at this point i could not give less of a rat's ass about romancey stuff!
JOHN: i would rather just play some games, and chill out for several years on this magical flying boat. is that too much to ask?
JADE: not at all! that is perfectly fine
JOHN: when i catch up with our buddies, i'm sure i will give rose a nice, FRIENDLY hug.
JADE: aww
JOHN: whereas i will offer dave a tender bro embrace, and shove karkat down a flight of friendship stairs.
JADE: heheheheh
JOHN: but that is IT.
JOHN: it's all very complicated and bothersome, jade.
JADE: what?
JOHN: you know. matters of the heart.
JADE: *snicker*
JOHN: ok, you may laugh at my choice of words, but it is true.
JOHN: it's really befuddling and distracting when you are on a major quest to make universes out of frogs. who even needs it?
JADE: i guess you have a point
JOHN: like...
JOHN: you remember that troll girl who was sort of into me?
JADE: mm hm
JOHN: well, ok.
JOHN: that seemed like a pretty big deal at the time!
JOHN: it really seemed like she liked me, but also, she was *probably* insane?
JOHN: like, i mean, in a trollish, murderous kind of way.
JADE: yikes
JOHN: but craziness notwithstanding, i didn't really know what to think.
JOHN: i guess i thought she was cool at the time. i was honestly kind of flummoxed about it.
JOHN: but the point is, when all was said and done, that was just some stuff that happened over one day, which was a whole year ago already.
JOHN: i barely even remember what we talked about. by the time we meet up, she probably won't give a shit about me at all.
JOHN: which, let's face it, is probably for the best.
JADE: .....
JOHN: i think we make things more meaningful in our head when they're happening than they really are. like realistically? there were probably a lot of things that went on that day that didn't mean that much.
JOHN: like remember how you said you thought karkat was getting this silly angry crush on you?
JADE: that was just my hunch
JOHN: yeah.
JOHN: i mean, do you really think after three years he is still going to have the rage hots for you?
JADE: i sincerely doubt it
JADE: at least
JADE: i hope not ._.
JOHN: i don't think even he is that crazy.
JOHN: anyway, my point is, who even cares about all that?
JOHN: romance and dating are dumb and boring. we are legendary heroes, and we have bigger fish to fry. like that smug fatass over there on the horizon.
JOHN: he sure looks pleased with himself. just look at him, he thinks he is the undisputed king of that mountain or something.
JADE: that is so outrageous
JOHN: follow me so we can seize the high ground against this hideous ocean dwelling marshmallow man, and steal all of his treasure.
JADE: after you!
JOHN: jaspers, holy shit, another cake?
JOHN: but there are still all these others we haven't touched.
JOHN: nanna is really baking up a storm today.
JASPERSPRITE: Aheh-heh-heh-heh-heh-hem.
JADE: grrr...
JOHN: jaspers, whoa, what are you doing?
JASPERSPRITE: Meow meow-meow meow meow meeeooooow. ♫
JOHN: jaspers, no!!!
JOHN: it's fine if you want to sing me the birthday song, but for the love of god, don't MEOW it!!!!!
JOHN: you're going to rile her up!
JASPERSPRITE: Meow meow-MEOW meow meow JO-OHHHHHN. ♫
JADE: grrrrrrrrrrr
JOHN: no jade, come on, PLEASE settle down.
JADE: i cant help it!
JADE: grrrr...
JADE: dammit!
JADE: im really not mad at him, i swear!
JOHN: oh my god.
JASPERSPRITE: Hisssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!
JOHN: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh!
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sounds-of-some-day · 2 months ago
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Marvel cross-stitch day 15
1/16 pages
4737/60600 stitches
7.82% complete
Total time: 28 hours and 26 minutes
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years ago
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"Price Raisers Fined by Court," Montreal Star. July 30, 1943. Page 3. --- Four Accused Pay Levies Of From $25 to $50 ---- Fines ranging from $25 to $50 and costs were imposed by Judge C. E. Guerin today on four potato vendors, who pleaded guilty to having sold potatoes at prices higher than those specified by the Wartime Prices and Trade Board.
Two accused, Mrs. Felix Lecours, trading under the name of J. Foster & Co., 350 Pine avenue east, and Henri Martineau, trading under the name of Henry's Meat Market, 5489 Decarie boulevard, were each fined $50 and costs, while Lucien Dubuc, of 1675 Desery street and Edouard Lessard, of 1357 Mount Royal avenue east, were fined $25 and costs on the potato increase charge. Lessard was also fined $25 and costs for having sold bananas above the basic price.
A similar fine of $25 and costs was imposed on Frank Reda, of 1449 St. Alexandre street, who pleaded guilty to selling double-wbreasted suits and trousers with cuffs.
A $25 fine was also given Robert Friedman, doing business under the name of Acme Meat Market, Inspector and Notre Dame street, who admitted selling one dressed chicken at increased prices.
Segal's Wholesale Groceteria Limited, of 4737 St. Lawrence boulevard, was fined $50 and costs for having sold canned peas above the lawful price.
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phrieksho-industries · 3 years ago
Finally finished the Dorohedoro manga. All 23 volumes, 4737 pages (give or take some blank filler pages).
By far, the most imaginative, unique, interesting things I've ever read, with incredibly striking visual design and world building to boot. All done by one awesome mangaka, Q. Hayashida. Her afterword was touching.
Read it, or even watch the anime. The anime stays fairly accurate to the first 6.5 volumes so far
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centralvillagesarina-blog · 5 years ago
Central Village Sarina https://centralvillagesarina.com.au 5 Cemetery Road, Sarina Qld 4737 [email protected]
This development opportunity includes two properties in Sarina Qld 4737 that may be purchased together or separately.  The first is the balance of Pacific Parks Residential Land Estate and the second is Central Village Sarina.  Both properties are being sold by offers to purchase.  Pacific Parks Estate is a Master Planned residential community located approximately 800 metres from the Sarina town centre. The balance of Pacific Parks Estate (25.26*Ha) is for sale.  The master plan is approved, including a current Material Change of Use (MCU) and Reconfiguration of a Lot (ROL) for 233 lots.  The first three (3) stages of Pacific Parks Estate, Sarina were developed and instantly sold.  Operational Works Approval and Disclosure Statements are current for stage four (4) which comprises 88 lots.  Central Village Sarina is a mixed use medium/high density residential development site (17,000* sqm) for sale.  Central Village Sarina comprises approximately 168 apartments. Considering its Emerging Communities Zoning the site may also be suitable for commercial and / or hotel development/s. (STCA).  Concept Plans for Central Village Sarina (Stage 1B / Lot 256) are provided in the Information Memorandum document. Central Village Sarina Our Social Pages: Facebook
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ao3feed-daredevil · 6 years ago
Bruises On My Knees From Praying To You
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2QF6ZOP
by asharaofthedawn, peachmaisie
Matt Murdock decides to visit a temple out of town. A day trip just to see what's there. Not realizing it'll attract the attention of a Goddess, and make her determined to have him and make him a devotee.
Words: 4737, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Daredevil (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Matt Murdock, Elektra Natchios, Karen Page
Relationships: Matt Murdock/Elektra Natchios
Additional Tags: Smut, 69, Oral, Vaginal, minor obsession, partially inspired by c1 and 2 of critical role, but mostly inspired by vax and the raven queen
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2QF6ZOP
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feastforaking · 6 years ago
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Page 4737
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evoldir · 4 years ago
Fwd: Postdoc: Senckenberg_Frankfurt.ComparativeGenomics.DeadlineMar15
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Postdoc: Senckenberg_Frankfurt.ComparativeGenomics.DeadlineMar15 > Date: 26 February 2021 at 07:54:32 GMT > To: [email protected] > > > Postdoc Position in Comparative Genomics > > The Hiller Lab at the LOEWE Center for Translational Biodiversity Genomics > (TBG) in Frankfurt, Germany is looking for an ambitious Postdoc to > investigate the genomic basis of phenotypic differences between species. > > Project: > The project aims at linking phenotypic adaptations to genomic differences, > which is a central goal in the genomics era. The postdoc is expected to > capitalize on a powerful repertoire of genomic methods as well as genome > alignments and comparative data for several hundred mammals and birds > that the lab has generated. A large list of interesting adaptations > including metabolic, physiological and morphological traits in bats, > dolphins, other mammals and vertebrates is available to be studied, > and choices can be influenced by the preference of the postdoc. > > Our lab: > The mission of our group is to understand how nature's fascinating > phenotypic diversity has evolved and how it is encoded in the genome. Work > in the lab includes genome sequencing and assembly, genome alignment and > annotation, development and application of comparative genomic methods > to discover differences in genes and cis-regulatory elements, and the > use of statistical approaches to link phenotypic to genomic changes [1-8]. > > Our lab is part of TBG (https://ift.tt/3dUhatx) and Senckenberg > Research Society, and is based near the city center of Frankfurt am > Main, Germany. The TBG provides access to cutting-edge computational > infrastructure (HPC, genome browser) and lab facilities to sequence > genomes of diverse creatures. English is the working language in our > lab. Frankfurt is a vibrant and highly-international city at the heart of > Europe that combines a skyscraper skyline with ample park and green areas. > > Requirements: > Applicants should have a degree in bioinformatics/computational biology, > genomics or a related area, and a strong publication record. Solid > programming skills in a Linux environment and experience with shell > scripting and Unix tools are required. Previous experience in large-scale > comparative genomic data analysis is an advantage. > > How to apply: > If interested, please email (i) your CV including publication > list and contact information for at least two references and (ii) > a summary of previous research experience (max 1 page) to Michael > Hiller ([email protected]). Further information: > https://ift.tt/3iY1PeV > > The position is fully-funded. Salary and benefits are according to TV-H > E13 100%. The position will be initially for 2 years, but funding is > available to extend it further. The employer is the Senckenberg Society > for Nature Research in Frankfurt am Main. Senckenberg supports equal > opportunity of men and women and therefore strongly invites women to > apply. Equally qualified handicapped applicants will be given preference. > > Application deadline is March 15th 2021. The position is available > immediately and the search continues until the position has been filled. > > Recent publications: > [1] Jebb et al. Six reference-quality genomes reveal evolution of bat >    adaptations. Nature, 583, 578–584, 2020 > [2] Huelsmann et al. Genes lost during the transition from land to water >    in cetaceans highlight genomic changes associated with aquatic >    adaptations. Science Adv, 5(9), eaaw6671, 2019 > [3] Hecker et al. Convergent gene losses illuminate metabolic and >    physiological changes in herbivores and carnivores. PNAS, 116(8), >    3036-3041, 2019 > [4] Roscito et al. Phenotype loss is associated with widespread >    divergence of the gene regulatory landscape in evolution. Nature >    Communications, 9:4737, 2018 > [5] Langer et al. REforge associates transcription factor binding site >    divergence in regulatory elements with phenotypic differences >    between species. MBE, 35(12), 3027–3040, 2018 > [6] Lee et al. Molecular parallelism in fast-twitch muscle proteins in >    echolocating mammals. Science Adv, 4(9), eaat9660, 2018 > [7] Sharma et al. A genomics approach reveals insights into the >    importance of gene losses for mammalian adaptations. Nature >    Communications, 9(1), 1215, 2018 > [8] Nowoshilow et al. The axolotl genome and the evolution of key tissue >    formation regulators. Nature, 554(7690), 50-55, 2018 > > > Janina Bocksch > via IFTTT
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thesoquatin-blog · 5 years ago
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techsciresearch · 5 years ago
Pathogen Reduction Systems Market to Undergo Significant Growth in Coming Years
Increasing prevalence of infectious diseases and surging demand for plasma protein to drive the growth of global pathogen reduction systems market
According to TechSci Research report, “Global Pathogen Reduction Systems Market By Type (Platelet Pathogen Reduction, Plasma Pathogen Reduction), By Application (Viruses, Fungi, Bacteria), By Product (Automated, Semi-Automated), By End User (Hospitals, ASCs, Blood Banks), By Region, Forecast & Opportunities, 2025”, the global pathogen reduction market is expected to witness significant rate of growth during the forecast period. There are several factors behind the growth of this market such as increasing research and development activities for development of new pathogen systems, which will lead to innovative and more effective treatments for the blood receiver. The rising prevalence of infectious diseases around the world is also accelerating the demand for pathogen reduction systems. Additionally, people are now more aware towards maintaining a healthy lifestyle and the government is also spending on providing best healthcare facilities. This is acting as a major factor for the growth of pathogen reduction systems globally. Moreover, the manufacturers are continuously undergoing clinical trials to increase their product portfolio. Along with this, increasing demand for plasma protein is also fueling the growth of pathogen reduction systems market. Furthermore, recent outbreak of COVID-19 is also anticipated to increase the demand for these systems around the world.
However, there are some factors restricting the growth of global pathogen reduction systems market. Lack of fair reimbursement is posing as a challenge before manufacturers. Also, for introduction of pathogen reduction treatments, many countries require not only the CE mark but licensing with the respective authorities, as treatment for pathogen reduction is regarded as creating a ‘new’ blood product.
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Browse XX market data Tables and XX Figures spread through XXX Pages and an in-depth TOC on "Global Pathogen Reduction Systems Market"
The global pathogen reduction systems market is segmented based on type, application, product, end user and region. Based on type, the market is segmented into platelet pathogen reduction and plasma pathogen reduction. The latter segment is the fastest growing segment in pathogen reduction systems market as emerging infections and bacterial contamination have led to an increasing demand for plasma pathogen reduction. Based on end user, the global pathogen reduction systems market is segmented into hospitals, ASCs and blood banks. The hospital segment accounts for largest market share as most of the tests to detect the presence of infections is carried out in hospitals. Also, pathogen reduction systems need trained professionals and therefore, most of the operation is conducted in hospitals.
Major players operating in the global pathogen reduction systems market include Terumo BCT, Inc., Macopharma SA, Cerus Corporation, AngioDynamics, Inc. and Octapharma AG. The market players are investing in R&D activities to increase their product portfolio. This will not only enhance their brand positioning but will also lead to development of advanced and novel methods for pathogen reduction. Governments and health organizations are also granting funds for development of more such medical devices, which is anticipated to provide a huge growth opportunity for pathogen reduction systems industry.
Download Sample Report  @ https://www.techsciresearch.com/sample-report.aspx?cid=4737
Customers can also request for 10% free customization on this report.
“North America currently dominates the global pathogen reduction systems market due to wide product availability and presence of advanced healthcare infrastructure in the region. However, the market is witnessing surging demand from Asia-Pacific region, prominently China. The country leads in the manufacture of pathogen reduction systems. Hence, marketers need to focus on budding markets like Asia-Pacific to increase their market reach,” said Mr. Karan Chechi, Research Director with TechSci Research, a research based global management consulting firm.
“Global Pathogen Reduction Systems Market By Type (Platelet Pathogen Reduction, Plasma Pathogen Reduction), By Application (Viruses, Fungi, Bacteria), By Product (Automated, Semi-Automated), By End User (Hospitals, ASCs, Blood Banks), By Region, Forecast & Opportunities, 2025” has evaluated the future growth potential of global pathogen reduction systems market and provides statistics & information on market size, structure and future market growth. The report intends to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and help decision makers take sound investment decisions. Besides, the report also identifies and analyzes the emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges and opportunities in global pathogen reduction systems market.
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coinraininfo · 5 years ago
BCH Merchant Directories Now List 4,300 Bitcoin Cash-Accepting Businesses
Businesses around the world continue to adopt bitcoin cash (BCH) and in 2020 merchant acceptance continues to grow. Tallying up all the companies that accept BCH listed on sites like Green Pages, Map.Bitcoin.com, Acceptbitcoin.cash, and Anypay shows there’s more than 4,300 BCH supporting merch... source https://coinrain.info/en/crypto-news/4737/bch-merchant-directories-list-4300-bitcoin-cash-accepting-businesses
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otcsocialnetwork · 5 years ago
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siaglobe · 5 years ago
NACA Recruitment 2019/2020: Current Application Updates
NACA Recruitment 2019/2020: Current Application Updates
NACA Recruitment 2019/2020: Current Application Updates
NACA Recruitment 2019/2020…NACA Recruitment 2019… This page will control you on the most recent data about how to go after NACA position offers in Nigeria for graduate and undergrad. In this article, you’ll find out about the NACA depiction, application aptitudes, prerequisites, and capabilities. Intrigued candidates ought to pursue the lead…
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awkwardlyamusing-blog · 6 years ago
Courtenay woman desperately searches for missing dog – Comox Valley Record
New Post has been published on http://doggietrainingclasses.com/courtenay-woman-desperately-searches-for-missing-dog-comox-valley-record/
Courtenay woman desperately searches for missing dog – Comox Valley Record
Anyone who owns a dog will understand the anguish of a Courtenay woman who is taking time off work to find her lost pet.
Kacey Wall hasn’t seen her two-and-a-half-year-old husky/shepherd cross, Beira, since hiking in Strathcona Park Sunday, Aug. 11. She and some friends were on their way to Circlet Lake, along with another husky, when Beira took interest in a tree, likely because of squirrels. Wall didn’t pay attention for about 10 minutes before noticing the dogs were gone. She called, but only the other husky came back.
“I spent all day searching for her,” Wall said. “Chris (her partner) came up to the hill, and we spent three days beating up the trails calling her. I’ve put in over 120 kilometres of hiking; hiked in from the back from Forbidden Plateau.”
Wall adopted Beira in June, 2018. Before that, the dog had been tied up outside for most of her life until being rescued by the Victoria Humane Society. The fur around her neck was worn and her coat scraggy. While tethered to a line, she gave birth to a litter of five puppies. With no shelter, Beira dug a den under a cement slab to protect them.
Because she had parvo, a contagious and potentially deadly virus, Beira was hospitalized for a week before coming home with Kacey and Chris. At first, she was scared and shy of people, but obedience classes and trips to the kennel helped to socializing her.
Eventually, Beira became a decoy dog for reactive dog training at Country Canine Care in Union Bay.
“She means the world to us,” Wall said. “We’ll do anything to get her back.”
The last confirmed sighting of Beira was on the east fork logging road in the Cruikshank Canyon, where the Comox District Mountaineering Club snapped a photo of her.
“We’ve been searching all week long, we’ve been driving logging roads, we have a Facebook Page up for her (Find Beira). The one post has almost 30,000 shares.”
Other people and groups are helping with the search. A retired sled dog group has donated trail cams.
“We’re doing everything we can to get her home.”
In case anyone spots Beira, Wall implores not to call or move towards her because she will think the person is a predator and will run away. Instead, she asks the public to call or text the location and time.
Call Wall at (250) 650-1410, or Chris at (902) 824-4737.
Visit the Facebook page at bit.ly/2P5uAuV
[email protected] Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter
Source link Dog Training
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carautotitleloans · 7 years ago
New Post has been published on Car & Auto Title Loans
New Post has been published on http://getautotitleloans.com/auto-car-online-title-loans-mill-creek-ca/
Auto Car Online Title Loans Mill Creek CA
Exactly what is a Car Title Financing?
A Vehicle Title Lending is a loan for a small amount of money and for a small time span. Auto Car Online Title Loans Mill Creek CA, The Title of the Vehicle is kept as assurance. You get the financing and get to keep driving your vehicle. Get an assessment right now, and to find out how much your automobile is worth! Apply Here. Get approved Without delay. Give us a call Now: 951-226-5874.
To obtain a Vehicle Title Financing, you give the lending institution the title to your Auto. You pay the loan provider a fee to obtain the money. You usually will have to repay the car loan within the time period agreed between you and the loan provider, which normally extends to 3 to 4 years. If you can not repay the cash you owe, the lending institution can take your car or truck.
Most Automobile Title Financing loan providers operate out of storefronts and from online sites. You will need to present your motor vehicle, the clear title, a photo ID, and proof of insurance to finalize the Loan. Many finance companies require a duplicate set of car keys. Most online finance companies have the opportunity to pass on the saving to the customers, as their overheads are extremely low. They manage to get you a Lower Interest Rate and Lowered payments. Apply Right away. Complete the form on the right.
Auto Car Online Title Loans Mill Creek CA is one of the very best loan providers in the Vehicle industry. Our company has been happily offering financings to customers for many years. Our Firm has helped thousands of customers get the cash they require. Our company takes pride in assisting people who might need money promptly. Our loan experts can help guide you through the process of receiving a Car Title Financing. Apply Right away.
How Does Vehicle Title Funding Work?
Auto Car Online Title Loans Mill Creek CA uses the equity in your van as collateral. To apply for a Car Title Loan, called Pink Slip Loan, you need a Car in operating condition, proof of income, and a clear title. Call us today. Bad Credit history is ok. You are just a call away. Give us a call Now 951-226-5874.
The amount of your Title Loan may possibly be used for just about anything including university supplies, property repairs, health care bills, or anything else. Auto Car Online Title Loans Mill Creek CA provides a Lower rate of interest and Lower Monthly Payments with flexible terms. We honor ourselves as a loan company who strongly believes in really helping our consumers. Apply Right now.
Application Process.
The application process is very simple and fast. It takes about 5 minutes to get approved. You can receive the funds with 60 minutes if you get us all the documentation in a timely manner. Relying on just how much your van is actually worth, how much you need, which state you live and your capability to repay back the loan. You could get up to $25,000.
Fill in the online application on this page or call us.
A loan representative will contact you promptly.
Send or bring in your documentation and you can receive your cash fast.
Upon Approval, closing will be arranged by the Loan Specialist.
After Signing is complete, you will get the Money.
You keep your car or truck and are free to use the Cash.
We can help you make the most effective Decision. Get a Totally free Quote today. Call Now 951-226-5874.
Paperwork Needed.
You can send the Documentations thru Email, Fax or Text.
Copy of your Auto Title or Pink Slip.
Copy of your ID.
Need Proof of Residency.
Income Proof.
Proof of Insurance.
Pictures of the Automobile.
Why choose Auto Car Online Title Loans Mill Creek CA for Your Loan?
The more competitive rate of interest.
Any credit accepted, Bad Credit ok.
Get cash in as little as 30 to 60 minutes.
Friendly customer service.
You will get to keep driving your car and keep the cash.
Numerous payment types accepted.
Flexible finance terms.
Easy and Fast loan closing process.
Our firm offers a variety of Services. We have Cashback program Referred to as a gold program. Take a look at each of these services to see how they can assist you to get more money for your next cash advance loan. Apply Today. Fill the application on the right.
Auto Car Online Title Loans Mill Creek CA – The Title Loan Professionals.
At Auto Car Online Title Loans Mill Creek CA we are among the foremost gurus of title loan product or services, that makes us qualified to help you with a wide variety of situations.
Our expertise in title loans over the years gave us the experience to provide loans secured against a variety of vehicles like Cars, Trucks, Commercial Trucks, Motorcycles, Classic Cars and even RVs. If you have the car or truck and your title, we can help. Call Today: 951-226-5874.
Contact us today for more information about our competitive rates on Car Title Loans. You can apply online using our easy online application. If you prefer to apply by phone, call us at 951-226-5874.
Our Services in Mill Creek CA.
You will find our Motor Vehicle Title Financing specialist helping families and firms in Mill Creek CA, 96061 virtually daily. Call today at 951-226-5874 to see why our Auto Title Loan representatives are best for your Fast Cash needs. Visit our other nearby locations >> >
Our qualified professional focuses on the areas of any kind of Car Title Loans. The faster we can get your online application, the sooner we can get you approved and funded. Don’t hesitate- do the smart thing and talk to our Automobile Title Financing professionals today. Call Today and Get Approved 951-226-5874.
About Mill Creek, California.
Mill Creek (formerly, Mill Creek Homesite) is a small town in Tehama County, California most noted for its close location to Lassen Peak. It is located at an elevation of 4737 feet (1444 m).The community takes its name from nearby Mill Creek.
Auto Title Loans: FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Just what is an Auto Title Loan?
An Auto Title Loan is a temporary financing secured against your auto or truck.
The reason why should I choose your Enterprise?
We have some of the lowest rates. Customers are funded in 60 minutes or less. Our app fee is very minimal amount. Bad Credit Score is OK. Friendly customer support that will consult with you during these hard times.
What Are the Paperwork required for an Auto Title Loans?
a) Pink Slip/ Title to your Car or truck b) Proof of Salary c) Proof of Dwelling d) IDENTIFICATION Proof e) 5 Photos of Car (Front, Back, Both Sides, Dashboard shows Miles). f) Insurance policy Proof.
How much Money Can I get for my Car from Title Loan?
In California, the amount of money we give a loan is between $2,510 to $40,000, the amount we lend is based on your vehicle’s actual wholesale valuation. Some of the many things that define that value incorporate the Year, Make, Model and Trim level of your vehicle, and its mileage and condition.
What is your Operating Hrs?
Our company accept On-line Vehicle Title Loan apps 24/7/365. Our Customer Service is easily available from 8 am to 7 pm Monday-Saturday, 9 am to 2 pm Sunday.
Just what is the Procedure for Acquiring an Auto Title Loans?
Step # 1 – Get a Quote and complete our on line application through our secure web page or Call 951-226-5874. If you have any queries. Step # 2 – Right after you apply on line, a lending consultant from Our Title Loan will call you to discuss your financial situation and how we can assist you with a Title Loan. They will explain the Term and Conditions of the Loan. They will also give you the Check list of Required Documentations to Fund the Loan.
Could I keep driving my Auto while I have an Auto Title Loan?
Yes, you keep the Auto and the amount while making your scheduled payments on your Auto Title Loan.
How long will it take me to get my loan?
We can get you pre-approved in 5 minutes over the Phone. Once you provide the requested documentation we can fund within 60 minutes. Call us now at 951-226-584 and we can get your loan process started immediately. You can even speed up the process by filling out our online application. Click on the web-based application.
Could I still get a Car Title Loan if I misplaced my Title?
Yes, if you’ve misplaced your title, our company will help you obtain a new title to get a car title loan.
Is there a prepayment penalty if I decide to pay off ahead of time?
No. You can payoff your Loan any time. There is never any early repayment penalty with your Auto Title Loan.
Do you provide Title Loans on Salvaged Automobile?
Yes, we do accept Salvaged Automobile but depends upon the value of your Vehicle. Call us for more details.
Do I need to have the good credit rating to acquire a loan?
No. Bad Credit Report or No Credit Scores is Ok, it does not matter. Everyone is welcome. Equity in your Automobile is a major Element in getting a Title Loan. We lend to people with credit history problems every day.
To Obtain A Title Loan Does The Vehicle Should Be Under My Name?
To receive a title loan from our Company the registration on the vehicle must be current, must be in your name, and have full coverage insurance for loans over $2,500.
Could I pay off my loan earlier?
Yes, when you pay an Auto Title loan off early you save even more money! If you take a loan out for 12 months, but pay it off in the 7th month, you save the interest payments for the remaining five (5) months.
Do you refinance Loans?
Yes, we refinance (buy out, pay off) Vehicle Title Loans from other enterprises.
Does my Car be should pay off?
No. Even if you have another Auto Title Loans on your vehicle, you may still qualify for us. Call us to find out how We Can assist you.
How secure is my information?
The security of your information is also important to us. We use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption to protect the transmission of your information.
Just why choose an Auto Title Loans over a Bank Loan?
Most individuals choose Auto Title Loans because they do not qualify for traditional Bank Loans. Auto Title Loans are processed more quickly and have fewer conditions than Bank Loans.
Precisely how will I know if I am approved? When will I receive my funds?
You will be informed of the Loan decision quickly following completion of your application. If you are approved, and we get all the requested Documents we will send you the Loan Docs to Sign upon completion you will receive the Funding. Call us now to acquire the detail information 951-226-5874.
Why is Auto Title Loans Better than Payday loans?
A Payday Loan amount typically ranges from $100 to $300 in California. It is a short-term Loan and needs to be completely paid back in less than 31 days. Payday Loans rely on specific income for their repayments (such as your next paycheck or a pending tax refund). Moreover, an Auto Title Loans is designed to give much larger Loan amounts (thousands of dollars) and can be paid back over a longer time frame (usually 12 to 36 months). To puts it simply, a Payday Loan could be seen as a temporary fix, whereas an Auto Title Loans is designed to fulfill your longer financial needs.
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evoldir · 4 years ago
Fwd: Postdoc: Senckenberg_Frankfurt.ComparativeGenomics
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Postdoc: Senckenberg_Frankfurt.ComparativeGenomics > Date: 29 January 2021 at 06:14:17 GMT > To: [email protected] > > > Postdoc Position in Comparative Genomics > > The Hiller Lab at the LOEWE Center for Translational Biodiversity Genomics > (TBG) in Frankfurt, Germany is looking for an ambitious Postdoc to > investigate the genomic basis of phenotypic differences between species. > > Project: > The project aims at linking phenotypic adaptations to genomic differences, > which is a central goal in the genomics era. The postdoc is expected to > capitalize on a powerful repertoire of genomic methods as well as genome > alignments and comparative data for several hundred mammals and birds > that the lab has generated. A large list of interesting adaptations > including metabolic, physiological and morphological traits in bats, > dolphins, other mammals and vertebrates is available to be studied, > and choices can be influenced by the preference of the postdoc. > > Our lab: > The mission of our group is to understand how nature's fascinating > phenotypic diversity has evolved and how it is encoded in the genome. Work > in the lab includes genome sequencing and assembly, genome alignment and > annotation, development and application of comparative genomic methods > to discover differences in genes and cis-regulatory elements, and the > use of statistical approaches to link phenotypic to genomic changes [1-8]. > > Our lab is part of TBG (https://ift.tt/3dUhatx) and Senckenberg > Research Society, and is based near the city center of Frankfurt am > Main, Germany. The TBG provides access to cutting-edge computational > infrastructure (HPC, genome browser) and lab facilities to sequence > genomes of diverse creatures. English is the working language in our > lab. Frankfurt is a vibrant and highly-international city at the heart of > Europe that combines a skyscraper skyline with ample park and green areas. > > Requirements: > Applicants should have a degree in bioinformatics/computational biology, > genomics or a related area, and a strong publication record. Solid > programming skills in a Linux environment and experience with shell > scripting and Unix tools are required. Previous experience in large-scale > comparative genomic data analysis is an advantage. > > How to apply: > If interested, please email (i) your CV including publication > list and contact information for at least two references and (ii) > a summary of previous research experience (max 1 page) to Michael > Hiller (Michael.Hiller@sen¬¬¬¬ckenberg.de). Further information: > https://ift.tt/3iY1PeV > > > The position is fully-funded. Salary and benefits are according to TV-H > E13 100%. The position will be initially for 2 years, but funding is > available to extend it further. The employer is the Senckenberg Society > for Nature Research in Frankfurt am Main. Senckenberg supports equal > opportunity of men and women and therefore strongly invites women to > apply. Equally qualified handicapped applicants will be given preference. > > Application deadline is February 26th 2021. The position is available > immediately and the search continues until the position has been filled. > > Recent publications: > [1] Jebb et al. Six reference-quality genomes reveal evolution of bat >    adaptations. Nature, 583, 578–584, 2020 > [2] Huelsmann et al. Genes lost during the transition from land to water >    in cetaceans highlight genomic changes associated with aquatic >    adaptations. Science Adv, 5(9), eaaw6671, 2019 > [3] Hecker et al. Convergent gene losses illuminate metabolic and >    physiological changes in herbivores and carnivores. PNAS, 116(8), >    3036-3041, 2019 > [4] Roscito et al. Phenotype loss is associated with widespread >    divergence of the gene regulatory landscape in evolution. Nature >    Communications, 9:4737, 2018 > [5] Langer et al. REforge associates transcription factor binding site >    divergence in regulatory elements with phenotypic differences >    between species. MBE, 35(12), 3027–3040, 2018 > [6] Lee et al. Molecular parallelism in fast-twitch muscle proteins in >    echolocating mammals. Science Adv, 4(9), eaat9660, 2018 > [7] Sharma et al. A genomics approach reveals insights into the >    importance of gene losses for mammalian adaptations. Nature >    Communications, 9(1), 1215, 2018 > [8] Nowoshilow et al. The axolotl genome and the evolution of key tissue >    formation regulators. Nature, 554(7690), 50-55, 2018 > > > > Michael Hiller, PhD > Professor of Comparative Genomics > LOEWE Centre for Translational Biodiversity Genomics, > Senckenberg Society for Nature Research & Goethe University, > Frankfurt am Main, Germany > > > Michael Hiller > via IFTTT
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