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pesterloglog · 1 year ago
Jade Harley, John Egbert, Jaspersprite
Act 6, page 4729-4738
JADE: john i really think we are scraping the bottom of the barrel here
JOHN: no way! this game rules.
JOHN: i just never gave it much playing time before because...
JOHN: well, i guess i always had better things to do.
JADE: thats sort of my point!
JADE: where did you even get this?
JOHN: years ago i found it in a store on the bargain rack.
JOHN: it was only a dollar! isn't that awesome?
JADE: :|
JADE: i dont really think this is my kind of game....
JADE: but i will play it with you today because it is technically your birthday <3
JOHN: yesss. you won't be disappointed.
JADE: how many people did you get to play this??
JOHN: um, i don't know.
JOHN: i only showed it to a few people, but i guess hundreds are playing it now?
JOHN: nobody is very good at it though.
JOHN: i keep trying to tell the salamanders and chess guys not to cross the streams, but they keep crossing the streams!
JOHN: just between you and me, i think a lot of them aren't very bright.
JADE: why cant you cross the streams?
JOHN: jade, please.
JOHN: it is just something you can't do when you're a ghost buster, because it spells big trouble. everyone knows that.
JADE: :p
JOHN: you should hurry up and make a character already, so we can get started.
JADE: im working on it!
JADE: there are so many options
JADE: what kind of ghostbuster should i make?
JOHN: just any old ghost buster! as long as he looks awesome and like he means business.
JADE: hmmmm
JOHN: i will begin organizing our squad.
JADE: what do you have to do?
JOHN: well, first we need buy an old abandoned fire station to use as a headquarters.
JOHN: luckily half the city is composed of abandoned fire stations that are for sale...
JOHN: this game is actually really stupid in a lot of ways, now that i think about it.
JADE: noooooooooo!
JOHN: hey, shut up!
JOHN: i take it back, it's great in every way.
JADE: sure john
JADE: whatever you say
JOHN: ok, now i have to find us a mission.
JOHN: got to hire a sassy secretary...
JOHN: just have to peruse this extensive palette of sarcastic red headed ladies...
JOHN: ok, here is a good one.
JOHN: then we wait for a phone call. this can take anywhere from ten seconds to several hours.
JADE: are you serious?
JOHN: but that's fine!
JOHN: there's lots to do in the station to kill time.
JOHN: like talk to slimer, and...
JOHN: get slimed by slimer.
JOHN: ok, i guess that's pretty much all there is to do.
JADE: what about that fire pole there?
JADE: cant you go down the fire pole?
JOHN: the fire pole is strictly decorative.
JADE: .........
JOHN: are you almost finished making your character?
JADE: yeah i think im done!!!
JADE: im pretty happy with him
JOHN: jade.
JOHN: that is absolutely the shittiest ghost buster i have ever seen.
JADE: no way!
JOHN: yes.
JOHN: it is so yes way.
JADE: hes adorable, what are you even talking about?
JOHN: jade, i thought you were going to take this game seriously.
JOHN: that is not a serious ghost buster. no ghost could possibly fear that thing.
JADE: i dont want ghosts to be afraid of him
JADE: i want to make friends with some ghosts if at all possible
JOHN: it is not possible, ghosts are known to be cruel and mischievous.
JOHN: they will not want to befriend your fox man, they will only want to cover him in slime and then fly away.
JOHN: i really think you should consider redesigning him.
JADE: nope. im keeping him :p
JOHN: ok, well, if you want to turn our squad into a fucking joke, then that's your business.
JADE: shut up or ill give him a pink jumpsuit!
JOHN: argh!
JOHN: but seriously, those head swap options are for such noobs, i feel it's only fair to warn you.
JADE: i think i will manage to survive the embarrassment in front of a bunch of salamanders and crocodiles
JOHN: ok, fine.
JOHN: you get a pass, but only because you yourself are a furry.
JADE: thank you
JADE: *snicker*
JOHN: what?
JADE: nothing
JOHN: is someone messaging you through the game?
JADE: hehe
JOHN: who is it?
JADE: pffff!
JOHN: dammit, jade...
JADE: its davesprite, hes playing too
JOHN: oh.
JOHN: don't tell him any of our strategies. he is the enemy!
JADE: we have strategies?
JOHN: um...
JOHN: ok, first, tell him we have strategies. then, don't tell him them.
JADE: hahahahahahaha
JOHN: oh god.
JOHN: what is it now?
JADE: did you know...
JADE: davesprite is a funny guy?
JOHN: meh, he's alright i guess.
JOHN: i give most of his jokes a passing grade. sometimes as high as a solid b+!
JADE: i just told him you said that
JOHN: that's fine, he and i keep no secrets.
JADE: davesprite says to tell you "youre basically welcome for being born 14 years ago and 1 year ago you ungrateful douche"
JOHN: oh, like him taking credit for my existence isn't so old by now!
JOHN: hey, jade...
JOHN: why do you still call him davesprite?
JADE: um
JADE: because he is davesprite?
JOHN: i just call him dave.
JOHN: isn't that easier? i mean, he IS dave after all... right?
JADE: well yeah
JADE: but hes kinda different from dave
JOHN: pshh, he is so not different.
JOHN: dude is just a magical orange dave with wings! and also says caw sometimes.
JADE: i know
JADE: but there are other differences...
JOHN: like what?
JADE: its hard to explain
JADE: just some slight differences in personality i guess
JOHN: he still raps sometimes.
JADE: yes...
JADE: so?
JOHN: i just thought i would mention that.
JADE: ok i will admit i cant really tell if his rapping style has changed
JOHN: trust me, it hasn't.
JADE: i dont know if the differences are because he is a sprite
JADE: or because he lived for a while in a different timeline...
JOHN: well, weren't you a sprite before?
JOHN: how different did you feel then?
JADE: i wasnt a sprite!
JADE: my dead dream self was a sprite
JADE: and then i kind of merged with her when i became a god tier
JOHN: oh, right.
JOHN: so...
JOHN: half of you was a sprite.
JADE: i guess?
JADE: its more like im still the me i always was, but inherited some of her memories
JADE: but they are pretty vague
JOHN: do you remember what it was like being jade sprite?
JADE: i remember being dead for a long time
JADE: and making friends...
JADE: mostly trolls
JOHN: oh really?
JOHN: which ones?
JADE: none that we know of now
JADE: that i can remember at least
JADE: they feel like such distant memories, like they were barely real
JOHN: hmm.
JOHN: i have to admit, i am a little disappointed in the dream bubble thing.
JOHN: by the way you were describing it, i really thought we would dream about them on this trip more often!
JADE: yeah me too
JADE: maybe its something about this place were traveling through?
JOHN: i dunno.
JADE: when was the last time you visited one in your sleep?
JOHN: man...
JOHN: that was weeks ago, i think.
JADE: yeah
JOHN: and then, when i do dream about them, it's just kind of weird.
JOHN: either i'm alone in my own memory, talking to figments of my imagination...
JOHN: or i dream about someone we know. like a troll we have talked to, and i get excited.
JOHN: but then it turns out they don't know who i am! it's like a version of them that died before they ever even knew us, and it's just kind of awkward.
JADE: yup
JOHN: and i still haven't seen dave or rose AT ALL.
JOHN: have you?
JADE: nope :(
JOHN: yeah.
JOHN: i'm starting to think it's not going to happen. i wonder if we're just not sleeping at the same times?
JADE: i dont think thats it
JADE: for one thing, considering where we are, i dont think theres such a thing as "the same time" for us
JOHN: heh. that's true.
JOHN: do you think the afterlife is just fucking with us, jade?
JADE: maybe...
JADE: but its probably more like the way it used to be with the clouds in skaia
JADE: they didnt always show you things, but when they did they were selective about what they would let you see
JADE: like they would make sure you saw whatever you needed to see to make sure things would go the right way
JADE: i always thought i knew so much, but in retrospect they gave me only a tiny glimpse of the big picture!
JOHN: that is so infuriating!
JADE: i guess!
JADE: it never felt that way when all i was doing was looking up at some clouds
JADE: i was happy to see whatever was there
JADE: but i guess its different in a situation like this
JADE: when you miss your friends, and you kind of wish the dream bubbles would play along
JOHN: yeah.
JOHN: oh well.
JOHN: i guess it's only two more years.
JOHN: what do you think they will be like by then?
JOHN: do you think karkat will have driven them all insane?
JADE: heheh, probably!
JOHN: or maybe they will all be better friends with each other than they are with us.
JADE: hmmm
JADE: well look at it this way
JADE: by the end of our trip, will YOU be better friends with a bunch of salamanders than you are with rose and dave?
JOHN: i don't know. there ARE some pretty charming salamanders on this ship.
JADE: that is true
JOHN: but you know what i mean. things have a way of changing.
JOHN: like, have you thought at all about what it's going to be like when you see dave again?
JOHN: i mean, after the way things are going with you and dave sprite?
JADE: umm
JADE: what do you mean the way things are going?
JOHN: jade, please.
JADE: what!
JOHN: *sigh*
JOHN: you are not fooling anyone with your coy shenanigans.
JADE: what has he been telling you??
JOHN: nothing!! do you really think he would talk about any of that with me?
JOHN: there are just some obvious conclusions a guy is going to make about stuff.
JADE: well...
JADE: i guess i dont know whats going on with that
JOHN: hm.
JADE: i really dont!!!
JOHN: alright, fair enough.
JADE: um
JADE: what
JADE: do you think he would think about that?
JOHN: huh?
JADE: the other dave
JADE: i mean
JADE: hypothetically
JOHN: ah HA! so you HAVE thought about it!
JADE: im only wondering because you brought it up!!!!!!
JOHN: yes. yes i did.
JADE: then what do you think?
JOHN: i have no idea. we would probably never find out one way or the other, regardless.
JADE: maybe
JADE: well
JADE: what about you john?
JOHN: what about me even?
JADE: remember how you told me how karkat kept sort of trying to set you up with rose?
JOHN: yes.
JADE: you told me this on more than one occasion if i recall!
JOHN: what is your point!
JADE: well, i have kind of wondered to myself if you kept bringing that up because on some level you wanted that to be true...
JOHN: oh man.
JOHN: jade, listen.
JOHN: at this point i could not give less of a rat's ass about romancey stuff!
JOHN: i would rather just play some games, and chill out for several years on this magical flying boat. is that too much to ask?
JADE: not at all! that is perfectly fine
JOHN: when i catch up with our buddies, i'm sure i will give rose a nice, FRIENDLY hug.
JADE: aww
JOHN: whereas i will offer dave a tender bro embrace, and shove karkat down a flight of friendship stairs.
JADE: heheheheh
JOHN: but that is IT.
JOHN: it's all very complicated and bothersome, jade.
JADE: what?
JOHN: you know. matters of the heart.
JADE: *snicker*
JOHN: ok, you may laugh at my choice of words, but it is true.
JOHN: it's really befuddling and distracting when you are on a major quest to make universes out of frogs. who even needs it?
JADE: i guess you have a point
JOHN: like...
JOHN: you remember that troll girl who was sort of into me?
JADE: mm hm
JOHN: well, ok.
JOHN: that seemed like a pretty big deal at the time!
JOHN: it really seemed like she liked me, but also, she was *probably* insane?
JOHN: like, i mean, in a trollish, murderous kind of way.
JADE: yikes
JOHN: but craziness notwithstanding, i didn't really know what to think.
JOHN: i guess i thought she was cool at the time. i was honestly kind of flummoxed about it.
JOHN: but the point is, when all was said and done, that was just some stuff that happened over one day, which was a whole year ago already.
JOHN: i barely even remember what we talked about. by the time we meet up, she probably won't give a shit about me at all.
JOHN: which, let's face it, is probably for the best.
JADE: .....
JOHN: i think we make things more meaningful in our head when they're happening than they really are. like realistically? there were probably a lot of things that went on that day that didn't mean that much.
JOHN: like remember how you said you thought karkat was getting this silly angry crush on you?
JADE: that was just my hunch
JOHN: yeah.
JOHN: i mean, do you really think after three years he is still going to have the rage hots for you?
JADE: i sincerely doubt it
JADE: at least
JADE: i hope not ._.
JOHN: i don't think even he is that crazy.
JOHN: anyway, my point is, who even cares about all that?
JOHN: romance and dating are dumb and boring. we are legendary heroes, and we have bigger fish to fry. like that smug fatass over there on the horizon.
JOHN: he sure looks pleased with himself. just look at him, he thinks he is the undisputed king of that mountain or something.
JADE: that is so outrageous
JOHN: follow me so we can seize the high ground against this hideous ocean dwelling marshmallow man, and steal all of his treasure.
JADE: after you!
JOHN: jaspers, holy shit, another cake?
JOHN: but there are still all these others we haven't touched.
JOHN: nanna is really baking up a storm today.
JASPERSPRITE: Aheh-heh-heh-heh-heh-hem.
JADE: grrr...
JOHN: jaspers, whoa, what are you doing?
JASPERSPRITE: Meow meow-meow meow meow meeeooooow. ♫
JOHN: jaspers, no!!!
JOHN: it's fine if you want to sing me the birthday song, but for the love of god, don't MEOW it!!!!!
JOHN: you're going to rile her up!
JASPERSPRITE: Meow meow-MEOW meow meow JO-OHHHHHN. ♫
JADE: grrrrrrrrrrr
JOHN: no jade, come on, PLEASE settle down.
JADE: i cant help it!
JADE: grrrr...
JADE: dammit!
JADE: im really not mad at him, i swear!
JOHN: oh my god.
JASPERSPRITE: Hisssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!
JOHN: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh!
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inkandpaintsnowleopard · 6 months ago
Sorry for dying (<- stuff I would genuinely say irl) have some old-ish drawings of my minion-rabbit AU that nobody cares about but me
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Long rambly explanations for those last five under the cut:
Ok so like there are minions that appear ONLY in old promotional artwork and NEVER anywhere else. They would not, could not even, exist naturally in-universe, at least with the original design constraints. Here I present this fandom page screenshot
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And the original images for three of them (Fox appears in both images)
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Now, are these images official? Who the hell knows, that second one looks AI generated as hell, but that doesn’t stop me from wanting to make characters out of these weirdos
I would also like to note these other two images:
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I really want someone to let me into wherever Illumination keeps their minion jpegs ‘cause Jesus Christ my brain can’t comprehend this probably-super-simple thing
So Spooky Month fandom: y’know hiest-4738’s OC Keb? Love that dude, his origin trips me out beyond reason. I’m kinda thinking of these minions the same way I think about Keb; here are some mysterious lost media-lookin dudes, let’s make them characters. I use all minion names that the fandom wiki gives, because regardless of how accurate it is, what else am I gonna do
My current headcannons are that these guys are some of the very earliest clones, when Gru still wasn’t entirely sure what he was doing, resulting in him making strange and unnatural minions. I think Harold is more or less a modified Kevin clone (due to that second image), Fox is a sort of mix of a short and tall minion, and Harley is a modified one-eye minion clone (with his “model” later being reused for Ralph once Gru had full control over minion genetics)
And then there’s that guy from the CONCEPT art:
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(Ok but like how interesting is minion concept art like look what we could’ve had in a D-Sides timeline)
And I would like to think that that’s Harold on the end there
So for this dude, I’ve decided that since he literally comes from the concept art, he’s the first clone that Gru ever made (I believe in the clone theory with all my goddamn heart, it’s not theory it’s fact). He wasn’t a clone of any minion in particular, with Gru creating him simply to see if he could. I might retcon all this if I decide to make characters out of even earlier concept art, but that’s my idea for now
This makes no sense to anyone but me, feel free to ask about it
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rainbowuniversepageantsys · 2 months ago
Find the Santa Claus!
Hey peeps, I have a fun contest this month going on until December 24th. I placed five different Santa's on five different pages on my website (a black Santa, an Asian Santa, a White Santa, a Middle Eastern Santa and a Female Santa). All you need to do is browse the site and find either one of the santas or all of them. If you find all of them you win a stocking stuffed with your favorite gift card (you have to let me know when you email or text me). If you find one Santa you get a gift card to Starbucks to try out one of their holiday beverages this month. When you find the Santa email me @ [email protected] or text me @ 805-774-4738 and let me know which race you found and what page you found it on! So go on a journey and hunt for Santa and hurry up so you don't miss Santa sliding down your chimney with a bag full of goodies for Christmas morning.....
Good luck!
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winkuzz · 3 years ago
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Some Homestuck panel redraws I did because I needed sth to draw and a friend gave me random numbers for page prompts. Numbers of pages are 420, 666 and 4738
Please reblog if you can
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bisexualrapline · 2 years ago
You know that tweet that said 'i grew another heart while loving bts'? That's how I feel every time they come and do a live <3 I have 4738 hearts full of them <3
yeah that tweet is literally on my about page bc so true 😭 every time i think i can’t possibly love them more they prove me wrong 🥹
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turtlesntrenchcoats · 5 years ago
If you want to support the show here’s a link to every thing Rise merch related on Amazon. They have a lot of shirts on there.
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feastforaking · 6 years ago
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indiatimejobs-blog · 5 years ago
Bombay High Court Clerk Recruitment 2019 (8921) Steno – @bhc.gov.in
New Post has been published on https://www.indiatimejobs.com/bombay-high-court-clerk-recruitment-2019-8921-steno-bhc-gov-in/
Bombay High Court Clerk Recruitment 2019 (8921) Steno – @bhc.gov.in
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Bombay High Court Clerk Recruitment 2019 Bombay high court junior clerk recruitment 2019 for 8921 Posts Bombay high court.nic.in Bombay High Court recruitment 2019 Online Application Form Latest Vacancies BHC Clerk Apply Online BHC Clerk Peon Stenographer Recruitment Notification 2019 Age Limit Educational Qualification Salary Selection Process How to Apply for Mumbai High Court Jobs. Check the latest updates, news about Bombay High Court Clerk Recruitment 2019.during
Bombay High Court Clerk Recruitment 2019 – Latest Notification
Latest Update:-Good News! Recently, it has come to the notice that very soon there recruitment going to do for the Junior Clerk, Peon/ Hamal, Stenographer (L.G) Post.  The recruitment process for the same will be going to start from the next month (April)
All the interested and eligible candidate may check the eligibility criteria for the above-said job. Remember,  the interested candidate should check each and every detail of the vacancy like – Educational Qualification, Salary Details, Nature of Job, Age Restriction (limit), Experience, Exam Pattern, Geography details (location), Syllabus and all other related information. before
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About BHC
Bombay High Court is one of the oldest High Courts in India. It is located in Mumbai, Maharashtra. Its jurisdiction covers the states of Maharashtra and Goa, and the Union Territories of Daman and Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli. before
Details about Bombay High Court Clerk Recruitment 2019 @bombayhighcourt.nic.in
Organization Name: Bombay High Court
Post Details:- Total 8921 Posts
Junior Clerk: 4738 Posts
Peon / Hamal: 3170 Posts
Stenographer (L.G.): 1013 Posts
Eligibility Criteria for BHC Recruitment 2019
Age Restriction or Limit:
The applicant age should be lie in between 18 to 38years in case of General category and 43 years in case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, only then they can apply for Bombay High Court Clerk Recruitment 2019. The upper age limit prescribed recruitment relaxed 45 years in case of physically handicapped persons.
Salary (Pay Scale)
Selected candidates will draw a starting basic pay of Rs. 11640 -140 -11920 -17 0 -12600-250-14100-320-15700
Nature of Job: Full Time
Educational Qualification for UP Forest Guard Jobs 2019: 
The applicant applying for the same must have the following qualification:
For Clerk/ Stenographer: Candidate should minimum passed S.S.C. Board Examination. Preference, however, b given to Graduate and Law Graduates of any Recognized University in any faculty.
Peon/ Hamal: A candidate must have passed minimum 7th Standard with good physique.
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souqbladek1 · 7 years ago
ابدا استثمارك العقارى بمبلغ 29000 درهم تملك شقتك فى جورجيا فى منتجع ( mf2) واحصل على عائد استثمارى يصل الى 20% مع افضل خطة سداد مرنة على 6 سنوات تمتع بافضل خطة سداد مرنة المنتجع متكامل الخدمات : موقع اكتر من ممتاز فى منطقة ( متاتسمندا ) على بعد 8 دقائق من مركز المدينة حمامات سباحة ( حمام سباحة مفتوح على مساحة 2000 متر + حمام سباحة مغطى على مساحة 1200 متر ) ساونا ومساج وحمام بخار منطقة العاب للاطفال هايبر ماركت 24 ساعة ممشى خاص باركن مغطى على مساحة 1200 متر تملك حر 100% لكل الجنسيات مع الحصول على اقامة عند استلام وحدتك سارع بحجز وحدتك وتمتع بالطبيعة الساحرة طول العام يتيح لك المشروع العيش بالقرب من الطبيعة فى قلب البيئة الخضراء بمعزل عن ضجيج المدينة يقع المنتجع بالقرب من متاتسمندا بارك ليكمل متعة زائرى المنتجع يتوفر ادارة كاملة للمنتجع من حيث الادارة الفندقية والامن والنظافة والعناية بالحدائق وخدمات الصيانة للتواصل والاستعلام 00971543004600 https://ift.tt/2M8xedz
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donboscosalesianportal · 7 years ago
First issue of 'Da Mihi Animas' launched in Vietnam
First issue of ‘Da Mihi Animas’ launched in Vietnam
Source: austraLasia – 4738(II)_First issue of ‘Da Mihi Animas’ launched in Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 24 May 2018 — The Theological Study Center of Blessed Philip Rinaldi (Ho Chi Minh City – Vietnam), affiliated to the UPS – Rome (Salesian Pontifical University) launched this May its first official publication ‘Da Mihi Animas’. The first 252 page issue of the semestral publication ‘Da…
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greenmanartstudio-blog · 7 years ago
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It's usual at this time of year for a bit of reflection on the year that was. To be honest, I don't really want to do that, but I think it will help focus on the coming year.
This time last year some heavy truths hit home and it was clear that the family and life I had envisaged was no longer a reality, nor had it ever been, nor would it ever be. I had been fooling myself for well over a decade in the hope that I could make the pieces of my life fit the jigsaw picture on the box. Unfortunately it was someone else's box. When I saw the picture of my actual jigsaw I knew it was time for change.
Since my children were born I have home-schooled them. I'm not sure I've done a very good job, but they have had room to play and explore, and a closeness to family that is rare these days. I hope that counts for something in the scheme of things. It has meant that working outside the home took a back seat, and I have made pennies by working from home in several guises over the years - from selling hand made items, establishing and publishing a magazine, and now art.
In reality I've been solo parenting all my children's lives.
For many years I've lived with the feeling of anxiety and worry over money, my children's futures, and a constant physical ache of feeling utterly buckled. Sometimes this would spill over into actual depressive episodes where I would then spiral into being even less useful than I was already. Doing everything spreads you thin, and when there's no help from anybody ever you get used to putting yourself last. You get used to never asking for help.
But what's worse than that is living with lame hope it will ever change.
Last year, on Solstice eve, that final snap saw me adrift with both paddles for the very first time. For the first time ever the boat was all mine, I was looking for shore, unconcerned with what had passed, and zero shits were given about anyone else apart from the two reasons I get out of bed in the morning - my children. I was unencumbered, unconcerned, willing to depart from the course set by others, welcome of the challenge and glad to be free. I didn't just burn bridges, I razed them and the surrounding territory to the ground.
It is worth noting that I have not had a depressive episode since. Perhaps it is true that 'before you diagnose yourself with depression that you first make sure you are not surrounded by assholes'.
It was then that I got serious about making my art work for me; if you believe in second chances then why go for second best? I've had office jobs and teaching jobs, and pin money jobs; what I wanted now was to be able to do the work I'd always wanted - I knew that I wanted to be an Illustrator (and get paid for it).
Setting the ship on a new course my art work has been stepped up this year; I see it as work and not a game. I no longer listen to the snide 'frenemies' who say things like, 'Oh I wish I could draw all day too', (but I don't - I'm still homeschooling and mothering 24/7 and my art is additional to that). I no longer doubt myself.
On a whim I applied to the local college to enrol in an Art A-level course. At the interview I was accepted instead to the pre-university Foundation Course and told to start applying to universities straight away. The ship was setting sail.
This coming year my children will be readying themselves for school, and I will be readying myself for college and hopefully university thereafter. I will have to take so many loans that I'll have to live a week past my death just to pay them off. There are going to be so many ducks to line up that it will look a fairground stall here. During all the plotting and planning, it never occurred to me to ask for help - firstly, because I'm used to doing everything all the time, and secondly, because I hate the feeling of begging - the feeling of being in debt to someone else's kindness or patronage.
But pride doesn't pay the bills, and British Gas do not take goodwill to all men as payment. So after much squirming I opened <a href="https://www.patreon.com/GreenManArt" rel="noopener" target="_blank"><strong>my Patron Page</strong></a>. And to my utter amazement I got patrons!
At first I felt like paying them back and closing the page. I'm not worthy of your support. I am a fraud. I should be able to do it all and not bother anyone. But the extra income did make a difference. For the first time since records began I felt my shoulders ease up about money; not because I was making enough to live on, but because I knew there were people out there who supported me. It let me plan ahead, buy a few art supplies that I would not have bought, and be able to think that maybe I could be a real live illustrator one day.
This coming year will see me prepare a portfolio, hopefully line those ducks up, and get into college to hit the ground running of making this dream a reality.
But this year will also see me work harder on my store than ever before. I have many ideas - many things that I can't wait to share with you - that I am working on right now. My house will probably look more like a warehouse than a home. I have no idea if they will work, but I have no option but to try. I will be opening a new website (with integrated cart rather than rely on Etsy) - only made possible due to my Patrons support - business websites cost a lot to run, and my Patreon contributions have meant I can step up my web presence and also have money for food this week. If you are one of my Patrons, I cannot thank you enough.
And so in 2018 there really is change in the air, a definite new direction, but instead of doing it all I'm also asking for help a lot more. If you have a spare £1/$1 it would make a huge difference to my, and my children's, life to have your support as a Patron. It may not seem like it could help, but you have no idea how it really does. And I know times are difficult, oh my God how I know that, which is why I appreciate the support I get so much more.
If you <strong>would</strong> like to support me this year on this new adventure then please consider signing up to <a href="https://www.patreon.com/GreenManArt" rel="noopener" target="_blank"><strong>my Patron Page by clicking HERE</strong></a>. You will get to see behind the scenes, into my sketchbooks, works in progress, earlybird offers and money off vouchers, and you can unsubscribe at <em>any time</em>.
I've been walking this path silently solo for so long that it feels good to feel the support of people who have no ulterior motive other than to see me fly. It's humbling in every way.
So here's to 2018! I hope and pray that it will be a good year for you and your loved ones. Onwards and, hopefully, upwards!
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dumbvv1tch · 7 years ago
100 Questions - 100 Answers pt.2  (aka. Get to Know Me Uncomfortably Well)
I see people post these all the time and I thought they would be fun to answer. So if you wanna learn about yours truly here it is.
2. How old are you? - 19
3. What is your birthday?  - May 21st
4. What is your zodiac sign? - Gemini / Taurus
5. What is your favorite color? - Purple or Blue
6. What's your lucky number? - 4738 / 13 / 7
7. Do you have any pets? - 4! 2 cats 1 dog 1 fish
8. Where are you from? - South Jersey
9. How tall are you? - 5'7”
10. What shoe size are you? - 11 or 10 1/2 depending on the brand
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? - Um I don’t know prolly a dozen
12. What was your last dream about? - I don’t dream often. All I remember from my most recent dream was there was water and it was bad.
13. What talents do you have?  - I don’t have any?
14. Are you psychic in any way? - I wouldn’t describe it as psychic but I can feel people’s auras sometimes?
15. Favorite song? - What a Catch Donnie
16. Favorite movie? - Noises Off or Nightmare Before Christmas
17. Who would be your ideal partner? -  Someone loyal, honest, hardworking, who loves animals, videogames, the night sky, and me.
18. Do you want children? - Eventually
19. Do you want a church wedding? - Nope
20. Are you religious? - I’m Wiccan
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? - Yes when I was really little and I can’t remember why.
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? - Nope I’m a good noodle.
23. Have you ever met any celebrities? - I’ve met a few bands
24. Baths or showers? - Both.
25. What color socks are you wearing? - Currently, green.
26. Have you ever been famous? I had a semi successful Instagram fan page for a youtuber I now hate lol.
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? - No
28. What type of music do you like?  - A lot
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? - No
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? - Currently, 2. My preferred amount is 5.
31. What position do you usually sleep in? - On my side
32. How big is your house? - My new house is two stories tall plus a basement!
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? - Tea, sometimes with yogurt
34. Have you ever fired a gun? - Yes! I love guns.
35. Have you ever tried archery? - No but I want to.
36. Favorite clean word? - I dunno. i like  pebble and Cinnaminson
37. Favorite swear word? - Fuck.there is something so nice about the way fuck rolls of the tongue/
38. What's the longest you've ever gone without sleep? - 34 hours?
39. Do you have any scars? - Yes, a few.
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? - Yes
41. Are you a good liar? - Sometimes.
42. Are you a good judge of character? - Sometimes
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? - I’ve been told I will randomly start taking in a southern accent?? The first time this was noted was during a very intense game of Clue.
44. Do you have a strong accent? - I don’t think so, but then again I am from Jersey.
45. What is your favorite accent? I like Southern and Australian accents
46. What is your personality type?- ???
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? - I have a dress that is almost 200$
48. Can you curl your tongue? - No
49. Are you an innie or an outie? - Innie
50. Left or right handed? - Right
51. Are you scared of spiders? - Hell yeah I am
52. Favorite food? - Mac and cheese
53. Favorite foreign food? - Spanakopita/Tiropita
54. Are you a clean or messy person? - Messy
55. Most used phrased? - I quote movies and stuff sometimes
56. Most used word? - uhhhhhhh ????
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? - as little as 10 min
58. Do you have much of an ego? - depends on the day
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? - depends
60. Do you talk to yourself? - Not often
61. Do you sing to yourself? - Yes
62. Are you a good singer? - N o
63. Biggest Fear? - being alone / being wanted for the wrong reason
64. Are you a gossip? - I don’t gossip but I do eavesdrop
65. Best dramatic movie you've seen? - ?
66. Do you like long or short hair? - LONG
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? - It would take me a hot min but yeah
68. Favorite school subject? - Math’s
69. Extrovert or Introvert? - Both?
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? - No
71. What makes you nervous? - thinking too much
72. Are you scared of the dark? - In certain circumstances
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? - depends
74. Are you ticklish? - Yes
75. Have you ever started a rumor? - In high school yeah
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? - Yeah depending on how you define it
77. Have you ever drank underage? - loll yea
78. Have you ever done drugs? - No
79. Who was your first real crush? - My godmother’s youngest son
80. How many piercings do you have? - Only my earlobes at the moment
81. Can you roll your Rs?" - Yes
82. How fast can you type? - Now because of my job my typing speed is getting better but I’m still slow.
83. How fast can you run? - I’m fat and slow lol
84. What color is your hair? - Naturally brown, currently has some purple and teal in it
85. What color is your eyes? - Blue
86. What are you allergic to? - Christmas trees
87. Do you keep a journal? - Not anymore
88. What do your parents do? - My dad is a manager in a factory my mom is a manager in the health care system
89. Do you like your age? - I mean being 19 is okay I guess
90. What makes you angry? - Stupidity
91. Do you like your own name? - My birth name is okay but it’s not me. That’s why I’m changing it.
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? - I have a few names but they will prolly be used for pets because I’m not having kids for a while. The two I like are Phini and Alleria
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? - At least one of each.
94. What are your strengths? - I give very good advice.
95. What are your weaknesses? - I procrastinate and second guess myself.
96. How did you get your name? - My birth first name came from my great Mom-mom and my mom’s college roommate. My birth middle (now my first) name came from a flower but more importantly a few women my dad admired in his life that had the same or similar names.  
97. Were your ancestors royalty? - I don’t know much about my ancestors so I’m gonna say no.
98. Do you have any scars? - Yes
99. Color of your bedspread? - Seafoamy blue?
100. Color of your room? - White-ish
0 notes
Amazing Selling Machine 8 in Liberty Mills, Indiana
Amazing Selling Machine the Proven System for Becoming a Successful Seller on Amazon
 Allow me to introduce you to Amazing Selling Machine. If you're already familiar with it, you know this powerful course is run by Matt and Jason who've built up a three-million-dollar business selling private labeled products on Amazon. Amazon is the leading online e-commerce site with sales last year of 89 billion dollars and over 320 million visitors per month.
Liberty Mills, Indiana how to make money on amazon selling 
ASM teaches you step by step how to tap into Amazon's amazing traffic and sales volumes and make a killing selling your own private labeled products. Why private label? Well, this allows you to have your own unique listing page on Amazon with no competing sellers. It's just you selling the product, unlike branded products that may have hundreds of sellers all knocking the price down trying to get a sale.
 Amazing selling machine is the result of years of Matt Jason and their students testing and perfecting strategies that allow you to start and grow a business on Amazon fast. ASM it is absolutely packed with step by step videos, templates, tools, strategies and support to allow anybody no matter what your experience level to build a thriving long term business.
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The amazing selling machine program is already packed with videos tools, strategy and support that you need to get started building your dream business on Amazon.
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ao3-lukecage · 7 years ago
Evidence of Things Unseen
read it on AO3 at http://ift.tt/2j8oObU
by vegarin
The Hand attacks the police station.
Spoilers for The Defenders.
Words: 4738, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Defenders (Marvel TV), Daredevil (TV), Jessica Jones (TV), Luke Cage (TV), Iron Fist (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Franklin "Foggy" Nelson, Matt Murdock, Elektra Natchios, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Karen Page, Claire Temple, Patricia Walker (Marvel), Malcolm Ducasse, Colleen Wing, Misty Knight
Relationships: Matt Murdock & Franklin "Foggy" Nelson
read it on AO3 at http://ift.tt/2j8oObU
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indiatimejobs-blog · 5 years ago
Bombay High Court Clerk Recruitment 2019 (8921) Steno – @bhc.gov.in
New Post has been published on http://www.indiatimejobs.com/bombay-high-court-clerk-recruitment-2019-8921-steno-bhc-gov-in/
Bombay High Court Clerk Recruitment 2019 (8921) Steno – @bhc.gov.in
Bombay High Court Clerk Recruitment 2019 Bombay high court junior clerk recruitment 2019 for 8921 Posts Bombay high court.nic.in Bombay High Court recruitment 2019 Online Application Form Latest Vacancies BHC Clerk Apply Online BHC Clerk Peon Stenographer Recruitment Notification 2019 Age Limit Educational Qualification Salary Selection Process How to Apply for Mumbai High Court Jobs. Check the latest updates, news about Bombay High Court Clerk Recruitment 2019.during
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Bombay High Court Clerk Recruitment 2019 – Latest Notification
Latest Update:-Good News! Recently, it has come to the notice that very soon there recruitment going to do for the Junior Clerk, Peon/ Hamal, Stenographer (L.G) Post.  The recruitment process for the same will be going to start from the next month (April)
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All the interested and eligible candidate may check the eligibility criteria for the above-said job. Remember,  the interested candidate should check each and every detail of the vacancy like – Educational Qualification, Salary Details, Nature of Job, Age Restriction (limit), Experience, Exam Pattern, Geography details (location), Syllabus and all other related information. before
Note:– Applicant needs to apply online for the above-said vacancy.
About BHC
Bombay High Court is one of the oldest High Courts in India. It is located in Mumbai, Maharashtra. Its jurisdiction covers the states of Maharashtra and Goa, and the Union Territories of Daman and Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli. before
Details about Bombay High Court Clerk Recruitment 2019 @bombayhighcourt.nic.in
Organization Name: Bombay High Court
Post Details:- Total 8921 Posts
Junior Clerk: 4738 Posts
Peon / Hamal: 3170 Posts
Stenographer (L.G.): 1013 Posts
Eligibility Criteria for BHC Recruitment 2019
Age Restriction or Limit:
The applicant age should be lie in between 18 to 38years in case of General category and 43 years in case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, only then they can apply for Bombay High Court Clerk Recruitment 2019. The upper age limit prescribed recruitment relaxed 45 years in case of physically handicapped persons.
Salary (Pay Scale)
Selected candidates will draw a starting basic pay of Rs. 11640 -140 -11920 -17 0 -12600-250-14100-320-15700
Nature of Job: Full Time
Educational Qualification for UP Forest Guard Jobs 2019: 
The applicant applying for the same must have the following qualification:
For Clerk/ Stenographer: Candidate should minimum passed S.S.C. Board Examination. Preference, however, b given to Graduate and Law Graduates of any Recognized University in any faculty.
Peon/ Hamal: A candidate must have passed minimum 7th Standard with good physique.
For more Detail Please Download Advertisement detail given below.
Please Note:- There are separate criteria for typing test & Computer Knowledge for Junior Clerk & Stenographer Post. during
Application or Examination Fee:-
Candidates don’t have to pay any application fee.
Please Note:- Admit Card Will be Available on the Website Before A Week from the Date of Examination. The Candidates also Will receive an SMS Alert regarding the Admit Card on his Registered Email Id or Mobile Number. The Final Cut Off Wil b Provided Category Wise to all the Candidates. The Result Will Declare as soon as Possible on the Official Website.
How to apply for Bombay High Court Clerk Recruitment 2019:
The candidate is requested to apply online as the offline application will be rejected. Follow the steps to apply online.
The candidate is required to visit the official website i.e. https://bhc.gov.in, to apply under online mode.
You will see on the home page there will be the “Apply Online” tab.
Candidates should have 10th, 12th, Graduation Mark sheets to fill Offline Application Correctly.
The candidate is required to have Valid Email Id and Mobile no., to receive the registration no. and password on the same. before
A scanned copy of recent photograph and signature (in JPG format) is necessary to be attached to the application form. during
Please make sure before submitting your application form that all the required information are correct because it will be difficult to make changes after the submission of the form.
Then, the candidate needs to pay the application fee, as mentioned above.
For the future reference, the candidate is required to take a print out of the filled application form. during
Click here to more Jobs details.
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joesbrownusa · 8 years ago
Houses For Sale in Cannelton, IN
6331 Boyd Rd, Cannelton, IN
Price: $18500
1.94 Acres on Boyd Rd. Property has been used for campsites with 2 sites setup with Electric, Water & Septic. Beautiful view of bordering creek and fields.
5396 Ship Rd, Cannelton, IN
Price: $39500
This is a listing for FIVE (5) various lots near Rocky Point in southeast Perry County. Rocky Point is 2 miles east of Cannelton, Indiana off of Ship Road. Each lot has it’s own spectacular east view of the Ohio River. The lots range in size from 3 acres to 9 acres. Tract # 1 has 5 acres for $39,500, Tracts 2 & 3 have 3 acres each for $49,500, Tract # 4 has a cabin with an open interior to be finished. Exterior is finished. Cabin sits on 2-3 acres, priced $99,500 and Trace # 5 has 8-9 acres for $79,500. All tracts come with underground electric and will be surveyed. All lots ar e SECLUDED and private. Near public boat ramp!
6028 Sycamore Rd, Cannelton, IN
Price: $69900
This property has 11 acres M/L with approx. 5 acres pasture and 5 wooded. The property has endless possibilitiescould be used as recreational (camping/hunting), farming, or build a house on it. Utilities (electric, water, and septic) are onsite. The property includes a shed and carport (currently used a shelter for sheep). Seller is also selling 9 acres across the road and is willing to divide or combine acreage.
Address Not Disclosed, Cannelton, IN
Price: $39900
Deer Creek Cove 2.96 acres located on a small hill overlooking acres of water, and surrounded by the lush forested hills that display the vivid seasonal colors of Perry County. It has a good building site, easy access and has been surveyed. Water and Electricity. Rocky Point Marina is less than 2 mi away. Many area attractions. Other waterfront property available. Directions to Deer Creek Cove: From I-64 take Hwy 37 South 18.8 miles to Hwy 237 (caution light) Turn left and drive 5 miles to Hwy 66. (stop light) Turn left on Hwy 66 and go 4 miles to Scout Rd. Turn left onto Scout Road . The entrance to Deer Creek Cove is .9 miles on the right.
Creekview Ests, Cannelton, IN
Price: $11000
This wooded lot is 1.07 acres for a permanent home or weekend getaway. It is within walking distance to Rocky Point Marina and Restaurant, Celtic Cross, and Blue Heron Vineyards & Winery. The Ohio River and Deer Creek boat ramps are less than ¼ mile away. Enjoy boating, leisure and competitive fishing, and recreational water activities such as kayaking. With the neighboring Hoosier National Forest, hiking and horseback riding are a few short miles away. Call or text 1(812)449-9075 for more information.
Highway 66, Cannelton, IN
Price: $68000
A great weekend getaway location to pull in the campers, fish from the shore or dock, and hit the river for water recreation. Multiple electric hookups.
High Water Rd, Cannelton, IN
Price: $24900
4.64ac. wooded cabin or campsite. Electricity. Borders National Forest Anspaugh Flats at German Ridge is located ½ mile from extensive German Ridge hiking and horse trails, and is 2 miles from the entrance to German Ridge Park, where the lake offers picnicking and swimming facilities. 5 ½ miles down Hwy 66 at Rocky Point Marina you can launch your boat into the Ohio or dine at the Water Front Grill. 5 miles farther on Hwy 66 is Cannelton and Tell City where you can find shopping, dining, and Perry County Memorial Hospital. Owensboro, KY and Evansville, IN are not far for those look ing for more activity. Area attractions are many. The amazing hand carved Celtic Cross and Blue Heron Winery at Rocky Point is something you don’t want to miss. Steubel Village is only minutes away on Hwy 66. The Perry County Muesum in Cannelton gives you a sense of the county’s history. Other area attractions can be accessed in this website by going to the bottom of the page and clicking on Area Attractions. DIRECTIONS TO ANSPAUGH FLATS AT GERMAN RIDGE From I-64 take Exit 79 south on Hwy 37. Turn left at the caution light onto hwy 237. At the junction of Hwy 66 and 237 (the Ohio River Bridge will be right in front of you) turn left and go 4.4 miles to Rocky Point. Turn left at stop sign, continuing on Hwy 66 5.4 miles to High Water Road on your right. Turn right. Drive ¼ mi. Turn right onto the drive. Drive 1/10 mi. Turn right. Property is on the left.
Lot 22 Deer Creek Cv, Cannelton, IN
Price: $39900
Lot 22 is a beautiful building site and very unique because you will be able to view the water at the Cove from the front and back of your home or cabin. Situated on a peninsula, it has great views of the water and heavily forested area. The lot is large enough for a home, detached bldg. and septic system, all above the 100 yr flood level. There is also an access road to the water for boat launching.
6810 E Deer Creek Cove Ln, Cannelton, IN
Price: $399000
Relax and enjoy this beautiful waterfront home located on Deer Creek. Offering two docks, multiple outbuilding, and recreational opportunities this is a must see.
4738 N Echo Lake Cir, Cannelton, IN
Price: $84065
Investor opportunity! This property was recently foreclosed by a bank or financial institution and is now available to purchase online at Auction.com ending 03-07-2017. Visit Auction.com now to view additional photos, Property Reports with title information, Plat maps with property lines and Interior Property Inspection Reports when available. Auction.com sells properties across the country online for financial institutions and government agencies who are very motivated to sell to investors. Don’t miss this special opportunity to buy homes at wholesale prices! In our online auctions and live Foreclosure Sales, Auction.com currently has 1 properties scheduled for sale in Perry County and 300 throughout Indiana. All properties and sale details can be found with a simple search at Auction.com. Create a FREE account today to find more properties like this one, save searches of properties that meet your investment criteria and have the properties you’re looking for emailed directly to you when posted in an upcoming sale event. To view the complete details of this exact property, click the Auction.com link below or paste the Property ID 2306362 into the search bar at Auction.com
10425 Deer Creek Rd, Cannelton, IN
Price: $92900
If you have been looking for land, lots of land, this is the property for you!! In addition to 11 acres, a 3 bedroom home with 1 bath on the first level and 1 in the basement, this home also has a metal building that can be used for a garage or storage. Country living on a paved road in rural Perry Countylife is good!
934 Green Meadows St, Cannelton, IN
Price: $33900
2 Bedroom House Convenient to Town. Great Neighborhood. Great Value for the Money Has a very nice deck and covered Porch.
301 Taylor St, Cannelton, IN
Price: $44500
This beautiful, historic 1800s stone home is packed full of character! Perfect for a unique business or would make a great investment property. Fantastic location, right across the street from Cannelton Jr-Sr High School and within walking distance to Cannelton Elementary School. Property located on 3 city lots. A must see!
4576 Scarlet Rd, Cannelton, IN
Price: $129000
beautiful home situated on 6.72 acres. Home has new large kitchen 23×16. New sunroom recently added that overlooks large patio area and gorgeous landscaping. 4 bedrooms with 1 recently added. This house has new roof, new windows and so many new updates. Very well maintained home that has privacy but conveniently located minutes from town. Home also includes a 2 car detached garage, barn & long paved driveway.
6076 Sugar Maple Rd, Cannelton, IN
Price: $145000
Rural country home on 4 acres in Perry County, Indiana, near Tell City and Cannelton. This home has 3 bedrooms, 1 ½ baths, large family room and 2000 square feet of living space. A covered carport connects to the 3 car garage. Additional storage, under carport, as well. Property has a nice flat yard with basketball goal and play area. Behind the house is a wooded hillside and a creek is the west boundary. $145.000. Call Darryl with Holliden Realty at 812-843-5833.
7379 Trolly Rd, Cannelton, IN
Price: $169900
This 2 Bedroom, 1 ½ Bath home is situated on 1.93A on a beautiful and private country setting!! Large glassed in sunroom area., overlooking gorgeous Perry County scenic views. Galley style kitchen, living room, bedroom and full bath on the main level. Walk out basement with living area and a half bath. Lots of good storage to the basement area. This home offers several nice areas for entertaining, and a gazebo for taking in and enjoying country living at its best! Home has an attached 24’x24′ garage with nice storage area, and a detached 24’x50′ garage with an enclosed lean to. Utilit y shed included. Paved driveway. Take a look at this well kept home, offering a private and peaceful setting!
122 N 7th St, Cannelton, IN
Price: $42500
Many updates to this ¾ bedroom, 1 bath home located in Cannelton. Original hardwood flooring in the living room. Master bedroom has large built ins. Large kitchen with new flooring. Bathroom has been remodeled as well. All appliances stay, including washer/dryer. Large utility area. Call for details and your showing!
815 Saint Louis Ave, Cannelton, IN
Price: $20000
Conveniently located in Cannelton, near Kentucky bridge. House is fixer upper but with mechanicals intact. Street parking. Covered porch.
5 N Echo Lake Cir, Cannelton, IN
Price: $24900
Great building site with beautiful view of the lake. 2 septics on the property. Ready for your home!
4 Echo Lake Cir, Cannelton, IN
Price: $27000
Small Cabin on Echo lake situated in a private setting. Perfect for camping, fishing and just to get away from the city. 1 bedroom and loft. Glass windows to sit inside and watch over the lake. Cabin is not finished. Driveway needs cleared to drive down to cabin. May want to park on top and walk down to the cabin. Waterfront! More land available across the road. Watch for signs.
from Houses For Sale – The OC Home Search http://www.theochomesearch.com/houses-for-sale-in-cannelton-in/ from OC Home Search https://theochomesearch.tumblr.com/post/158164839815
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