noramsblog · 1 year
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Jedi school activities
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thegreatwicked · 4 months
Your list is so impressive! 😭 can I ask for two? Padawan (of course), and I'm intrigued to know more about your originals! Would love a snip of "Not Your Fucking Grieving Widow"
Thanks love! Of course, you can! Let's start with Padawan!
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“Quite insatiable, aren’t you?” You didn’t answer him, laying your lips on the juncture of his neck and shoulder. 
“Shh, focus my Padawan,” You teased, you would have given anything to see the look on his face at your use of the title for him.
"And what do you suggest I focus on?" 
Obi-Wan fought to maintain his Jedi focus in this new unchartered territory but with your hands exploring his body and your lips on his neck, it was proving to be quite difficult. 
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to push away the desire that threatened to consume him. As unorthodox as what you were doing was he couldn’t deny there was something spiritual about it, the way your breathing and hearts were as one and the gentle peace and pleasure lapping at the two of you creating a sense of intimate connection that both thrilled and terrified him.
But then you pressed against him again and moaned softly in his ear, “So tense Master,”
The use of the title and the sensation of your heated skin against his caused a groan to escape from deep within him. And you brought your hands up and began to rub his shoulders. He tensed briefly but then began to relax under your touch,.
“Maybe I can help,” 
Obi-Wan's resolve started to crumble as your hands moved up his neck and through his hair. 
Despite knowing it was a game he wasn't meant to win, Obi-Wan continued trying to hone his focus through the age old tradition of Jedi meditation with this new twist, and for a few moments, he saw some measure of success. 
Peace enveloped him the same way your hands caressed his shoulders and strangely enough, he felt more calm than usual, his breathing deep and steady at least for a little while. 
His composure waivered as your lips brushed against his ear and you felt him shudder as your hands dipped down the front of his chest brushing against his muscles feeling them flex and shift beneath your touch and every so often he'd let out a tiny breath. 
He was doing a good job of remaining composed, that was until you reached the drawstring waistband of his trousers, that was when he truly lost himself.
Your fingers danced along the seam of muscle and cloth for a moment before slipping a finger underneath then another until your hand enveloped his quickly thickening cock and he let out a low moan.
"Concentrate, Master," you chided, your words dripping with seduction as you continued to stroke him, "Feel the power of the force pulsating through you, driving your desires." You threw emphasis on words like feel and pulsating in tandem with how you stroked him, being a merciless tease.
"Y-yes," he muttered as your grip grew firmer. 
This was more than just a game; with you by his side, guiding him with both mind and body, he felt more connected to the force than ever before.
His rigid posture began to falter and his hands balled into fists, "Can you feel it, Master."
A low rumble raced through his chest, "You really are testing my patience, Padawan." He said in a voice that vaguely sounded like a warning. 
"Forgive me, Master, let me make it up to you." You slipped two fingers inside yourself, gathering the wetness there while your other hand stroked him slower and your thumb smeared his precum around the head of his cock.
Your teeth found his ear and you nipped at him, "Padawan," He warned again in a lower tone, but whatever threats he had in mind never came. Before he moved again to make good on his tone, you brought your fingers to his lips, painting them in your wetness. 
He quickly took them into his mouth with a deep unadulterated moan, his rigid posture failed him and he relaxed into your grip while the sucked on your fingers. You were on cloud nine, loving how you had this warrior of a man unraveling before you. The sensual power over him was intoxicating.
The way his tongue danced over your fingers with a heated intensity that sent little pulses of warmth through your body straight to your core. "Faster?" You asked him a little more out of breath than you'd intended.
He groaned onto your fingers, and shook his head, "Slower." He commanded, releasing your fingers and one of his hands slipped behind your head, pulling you into a kiss, one you could taste yourself on. "More." He growled.
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Oh, I need to finish this one, don't I? Lord, the meditation sex trope, always good one. What crazy adventures will our Padwan and her Master get up to from here?? I'll tag you in the other one in a separate post for tagging purposes.
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legofanguy · 11 days
Star Wars Oshecki week Padwans
A Star Wars The Acolyte fanfiction for @oshecki-week event Oshecki week day 1 For Light and Life.
In the Jedi Temple, Jecki is curious about the padwan brought before her as the Jedi said to her, "Jecki, this is Osha."
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writingwife-83 · 6 months
On today’s episode of My Sweet Summer Child Reylo Supportive Husband, he turned to me this evening as we’re chilling on the couch and said incredulously, “there’s people who think the Reylo kiss was platonic!” 😳 I had to walk him through all the insanity lol.
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cynderrfell · 1 year
they fucked up the characters already ok fine
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ratsandlove · 2 years
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The Padwans
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lovebugcody · 2 years
dooku was way older than i realised. a real old ass mother fucker. because he had qui-gon as his padawan
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erxsxre-archived · 1 year
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Shinsou/ @vocalchvrds said: ☆  Getting them something they need before they ask for it. 
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The spring weather had been perfect for training, cool enough to not overheat and yet warm enough to not have the chill nip at fingers, it had been a vigorous morning of do's and don'ts with the capture scarf, giving the other a couple of motions to practice and go over while he napped beneath a cherry blossom tree, an instruction to wake him at the 20-minute point, any longer than that and he would wake feeling worse for wear.
Seemed as though they had done this dance enough for Shinsou to be in the know of Aizawa's post-nap routine, a coffee or a jelly pouch would never go amiss to kick-start his engine into work mode again.
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The smell of coffee wafting on the breeze woke him, didn't move, only a grunt resonating from the yellow grub-like shape that was now littered with pink petals.
"Coffee...black...no cream...no sugar...?"
It was like opening a can of tuna near a cat.
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ceaselessbasher · 3 months
I now have a Star Wars namesake 🍾🍾🍾🍾
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graylinesspam · 7 months
I've been reading legends novels with my dad for a while now (we have a book club) and he made me listen to "Yoda: A dark rendezvous" SO I couldn't hold back this brain child. I hope it reaches the .1% of the star wars fandom that cares. (An everybody live/no body dies au)
When Jai Maruk was volunteered by master Yoda himself to take on a padawan he was sure the Jedi Master was trying to teach him something. After all it was his own disparaging comments that had prompted Yoda to bet him on the youngling's performance in the competition. Ever since he kept going back to that moment, wishing he hadn't accepted the wager. But at the time it had been so ridiculous. Why in the galaxy would Yoda be betting on the padawans and who was Jai of all people to turn him down?
So two months and two disastrous brushes with death later, here he was getting ready to be deployed again. This time with a barely force sensitive padawan to look after.
Trepidation was strong in him today but most of the initial distrust of his padwan had worn off somewhere on the crowded ship he'd been stuck in with her Yoda and the other Jedi for days on end.
Fear, anxiety, and a flicker of precious longing had replaced that feeling. As the war has dragged on Jai long ago dismissed the idea that he'd ever have a padawan. But the idea, tender as it has been since he was still being trained by his own master, had never fully left him.
He couldn't dwell on any of that though. He needed to allow his relationship with his padwan to grow naturally. That had become painfully clear in their journey to this point. Expectations were something Scout blew through like a reckless driver through sky lanes.
All he could worry about with any hope of achieving actual control was his own abilities. Since being released from medical He'd had to put in a considerable amount of physical therapy to get back into combat shape. He was always a man that lived in the training rooms. That might be the only thing him and his padawan had in common other than their stubborn streak.
Scout had been right beside him the entire time he was recovering. Not hovering really, just going about her day in tandem with his own. He remembers that her first master had been killed in the early phases of the war. His first deployment. She may be dealing with some feelings of abandonment. Or maybe She just wasn't well liked by her peers.
The other younglings still in the temple didn't bother to stop and talk with Scout while she was with him. And she was usually with him.
While he focused on restrengthening the muscles in his legs and arms from where they were weakened by injuries she was beside him doing cardio or core exercises or pull ups, crunches, lunges, bicep curls. Or even doing her own therapeutic exercises, like rolling out her muscles or working her fingers.
Those lightsaber burn on her hands weren't the only abuse she put her hands through and she had a complex routine to compensate for the physical strain she put her body through to keep up with her peers.
As Master Yoda had pointed out to him on their first discussion Scout was the hardest working padawan out of the bunch. She had to be.
He hoped that would be enough. That Scout could use her years of fighting ever single person around her just to keep from being trampled and use that will to survive the war.
Frankly Jai didn't know what he'd do if she didn't. He'd lost too many people already. And, very much against his will, he'd grown fond of her.
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stealingpotatoes · 11 months
Master Tapal and Cal is unironically my favourite Master and Padawan duo, do I have an explanation for why? No(Cal's my fav that's probably why) and I'm sad because there's like, no canon lore about them other than what we've seen, I hope we get to hear more tidbits about their adventures during the clone wars in the next game.
Like Jaro Tapal being Yaddles padawan, that's such a fun lore bit
YES THEYRE SO GOOD!!! I mean. cal being assigned a master way too young bc the temple can't keep up with him being so good at everything (was he using psychometry to learn skills quicker than other padwans, yes or yes) and bc of the war is fun on its own but giving him a master expressly to teach him how to take an L loll?? + i think they gave him tapal bc he can just pick cal up by the back of his tunic so he can't get into trouble. like a mama cat. it's the only way to stop him
ALSO ON THE LAST BIT YEAH THATS MY FAVOURITE THING EVER. can you imagine their lineage family photos its such a funny height difference
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im-poe-dameron · 4 months
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a/n: originally this fic was a one shot. except it became too long to keep it as one part so it's split into two. this is honestly me obsessing over the idea of anakin remaining anakin while being a sith. no armor, no mask, just him with yellow eyes. so i ran with it and turned it as angsty as possible.
summary: after the galatic republic fell to its knees, whispers of anakin skywalker begin to surface. claims that he was no longer the hero they once knew, but a darkness they came to fear. darth vader. yet when he begins to call to you in dreams, you make a choice that might kill you in the end. you choose…to save him.
OR old friends meet now as enemies.
word count: 4.5k+
pairing: anakin skywalker x f!reader; darth vader x f!reader
warnings: not explicit, angst, so much of it that it's insane, the hunger for what once was, anakin being evil, dark dreams, talk of death, trauma, fluff, padwan!anakin, soft romance, hopes being tarnished.
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His laughter stuck to your skin like a cold sweated fever that refused to pass. It edged its way towards your heart, breaking open your ribs and settling right underneath them. You gasped for air, the heat of the planet seeping into your already bare body with every passing second, and if you weren’t careful it might kill you. Choke you while you slept and continued to dream of the one person you couldn’t save—even if it wasn’t your job to do so.
“C’mon Bandit, that's the best you can do?”
You could see him, a smile on face as he danced around you—the assuredness in his stance and ease in his nature did nothing but make your heart twist violently. The both of you were so young. So innocent and naive; holding beliefs that the galaxy wasn’t as cruel as the Jedi Masters made it out to be. It was a hope that you held more than he did. A reminder in the back of your head that you hadn’t chosen to become this without knowing the consequences. After all, what was light without the darkness that crept around in the shadows, waiting for a chance to strike.
How oblivious were you to what was truly going on with him? How could you not see it? The turmoil behind those blue eyes of his, the pain that laced his voice with every word he spoke to you.
“Anakin,” you breathed, your hand clutching at the sheets that were tossed over your body.
“Well don’t just stand there padawan,” he called out as you were pulled once more into a dream you did your best to fight against.
Twisting your body away from the close swipe of his lightsaber, you felt the heat of the blade brush past your cheek. Master Obi-Wan had said you weren’t yet allowed to fight like this, but Anakin always did like to break the rules. Even if it meant getting hurt. Yanking your own lightsaber off the belt it hung loosely from, you pressed the switch—feeling and hearing the familiar thrum of it as it came to life.
“Last time I checked we’re both padawans Skywalker!” You dodged his move, nearly landing into the bushes that lined the edges of the training courtyard.
He shrugged. “Yeah, but in terms of training, I’m definitely ahead of you.”
Scoffing, you leapt forward, swinging the lightsaber towards his leg. He stepped out of the way, attempting to avoid being sliced open but your other leg got beneath his sturdy one, swiping it out from underneath him and causing him to topple to the ground. He fell with a groan of pain—his lightsaber landing a few feet away, now turned off. Anakin’s eyes went wide as you brought your green blade down until it was directly in front of his nose—nearly singing the hair off his face.
“You were saying?”
“What are you two doing?” Obi-Wan’s voice echoed off the walls, startling you from where you stood above Anakin. “I thought I told the both of you that training alone was off limits until you were ready.”
“Master—” Anakin began, his hand reaching out for something—eyes flashing up to see the panicked expression on your face.
“We were just—”
Obi-Wan raising his hand stopped you in your tracks, the all too familiar sigh leaving his lips as he walked towards you. Shifting your footing, you moved to give Anakin space to get up, but didn’t expect his lightsaber to fly through the air, nearly hitting you in the shoulder. He jumped up—a joyous cry of victory echoing around you as he swung his lightsaber towards you, the blue glow of his blade heading towards you.
Switching yours on with a swiftness neither of you knew you possessed, you managed to block his attack—the clashing of the two colors flashing before your eyes. Obi-Wan’s pleas for the both of you to cease whatever this was were suddenly drowned out as you glanced up—a smile on your face.
Expecting to see the friendly blue eyes you’d grown attached to, you felt a shock go through your system as you were met with a glowing yellow. The green of your blade was striking against the red of the lightsaber he held—his teeth bared in a snarl. Dropping your weapon, you stumbled back as he advanced, a cry of his name leaving your mouth. No longer were you friendly sparring with a boy you’d known as long as you’d been alive, but instead you now faced the man who had been twisted up inside—the man you couldn’t save.
“Anakin!” you shouted, hitting the cold ground beneath you.
Gasping sharply, you shot up in the makeshift bed you had on the rocky floor of what looked to be a cave. A ragged sob left you as you scrambled to gather the sheets around your body, tears streaming down your face while the memories of your dream played on repeat in your mind. Anakin’s face—the jagged scar running down his face, the sinister yellow eyes, the absolute fury in his expression—left you shaking. That was not the boy you had known, but a mere fragmented piece of him that still lived in your mind.
It took you a few minutes to remember where exactly you were and how you got there. But eventually you were able to recall landing on Tatooine, the call from Obi-Wan through the Force coming in loud and clear as you meditated on your ship. For years you’d been traveling from planet to planet. Hiding wherever you could and searching for any Jedi that might still be alive. You knew it was a small possibility, but you couldn’t ignore the tug in your gut at the idea.
So far you counted three. Obi-Wan, a boy from Bracca that recognized you when you hid on the planet, and Ahsoka Tano. The hunt for more put you in a state of constant weariness. With every Jedi you found dead, you continued to feel the break in your connection to the Force. The pain you suffered now brought you to the very edge of giving up entirely.
What use was being a Jedi if you had no one to protect but yourself?
You couldn’t even recall the image of your master’s face anymore, let alone remember what it felt like when peace lived within the galaxy. Now you were constantly looking over your shoulder. The fear of being found, always leaving you teetering on the edge of panic.
Exhaling out a stuttered breath, you heard your name called from the other side of the cave as Obi-Wan was roused from his own sleep. The twin suns were starting to rise in the distance—light breaking through the darkness within the rocks and you felt some sense of peace fill your lungs. For now you would push the nightmare aside and focus on the present. There was no use remaining in the past—in things you couldn’t change.
No matter how much you wished you could.
“Is everything alright?” Obi-Wan asked, his bare feet coming into your line of sight as he shuffled closer.
You nodded, the sweat sticking to the back of your neck. “Yeah I just…I had a nightmare.”
He sat beside you on the floor, offering you a small canteen filled with water, which you took gratefully. “About Anakin?”
Simply hearing his name brought the fire back into your chest, the pain that ran through your body returning with enough force to have you shrinking in on yourself. You only knew Anakin as a friend; had seen him one last time when he entered the Jedi Temple before you managed to escape and drag a few younglings with you. But Obi-Wan knew him like a brother. They were closer than you could have even imagined and while you sat there fighting back the pain—he’d already gone numb because of it.
There was speculation that he died on Mustafar. That Obi-Wan had delivered the final blow—put what once was his apprentice out of the agonizing misery he left him in. But you now knew otherwise. After all the whispers of sightings grew—claims that they’d seen the once heroic Anakin Skywalker destroying planets, killing innocent people—reached your ears. Until you had no choice but to let him in—find him through the one final connection you still had yet to cut off.
“I know where he is,” you muttered, staring at the light dusting of sunlight that covered the floor.
Obi-Wan turned quickly towards you. “What?” You nodded, tracing the cave’s entrance with your eyes. “Where?”
“Right where you left him,” you breathed. “I suppose Palpatine thought he was being funny by remaining on Mustafar.”
“He’s—” Obi-Wan let out a breath, looking down at his hands. You felt grief flicker through the Force—dark and muted. A stark contrast to his usual cerulean blue. “Did you see him?”
“That’s the awful part Obi-Wan,” you said, the tears streaming freely down your face. Or perhaps you hadn’t stopped crying in the first place. You could no longer tell. “He called to me…like you did, placing memories in my head of our past together. And—then I saw his face and his—his eyes are…” Trailing off you wiped roughly at your cheeks. “He’s no longer Anakin.”
“He called to you,” Obi-Wan murmured.
At first when the dreams started, you couldn’t tell if you were finally losing it or if your mind truly held a twisted sense of humor. Playing back every happy memory you shared with Anakin. Every daring adventure you both took together and more often than you would have liked, the kiss you shared in the middle of Tatooine—the night his mother died. It was a past you wished to forget and yet it was seemingly forced upon you night after night.
“Why?” You shut your eyes, once again seeing his yellow eyes flash in your mind. “What does he want with me?”
Obi-Wan stood, turning his back to give you a chance to dress yourself. “He may not even realize he’s calling out to you.”
Shoving your tunic back on, you tied it around your waist, your boots going on next. With the heat that spread around Tatooine you regretted showing up in the black clothing you wore, but they were all you owned. The black cloak you’d been wrapped in reminded you of the man you tried so hard to forget about. After all, it was his to begin with.
One freezing night on Ilum—a mission to get him a new kyber crystal after he destroyed his lightsaber—led to him handing over his cloak. In a foolish turn of events, you forgot yours on the ship and Anakin didn’t want to return back to Obi-Wan with you half frozen to death. You could recall the way he’d wrapped it around the both of you, his arms tight on your waist as you hid in the caverns of the planet. What you thought would be simply another mission, wound up being far more than you expected. 
You realized the depth of your love for him in the perils of a planet that would end you without mercy. The irony wasn’t lost to you. Trapped in a place that felt like your fury of emotions—the danger of what you harbored like a fugitive.
Sure, you’d shared your fair share of emotions with him, kissing here and there, but nothing progressed further than that. His heart had always belonged to another. And you accepted it without question.
“He’s dreaming,” you whispered, picking up your lightsaber and clipping it to your belt.
“His mind may not yet be settled completely in the dark side of the Force. It would betray him in dreams.”
“But why me? Why not you?” They held a closer bond and Anakin would surely call for his former master before he called for the girl he once entertained the idea of feelings with.
“You represent a time in his life when he was happy.”
“So do you. So why does he—”
“I left him half alive on Mustafar. Padme is dead,” Obi-Wan stated monotonically as if he were reading it from a book. “His mind wouldn’t turn to memories of a woman he could no longer reach. If anything that would only push him further into the dark side.”
You sighed, the pain in your head now spreading down to your neck. “Unless he’s trying to figure out where his children are.”
“No, he doesn’t know they’re alive.”
Letting out a breath, you tried to focus on the small inkling of light that came through the Force. Your last attachment to it suddenly become your life line every night you fell asleep; the pain of reliving your past was so grueling it became torture in its own way. You felt the familiar press of Obi-Wan’s energy against the back of your mind as he gently asked for permission to see what you saw. To relive the memories with you.
“You won’t like what you find in there,” you muttered, slipping on the cloak that somehow still carried fragments of Anakin in the fabric.
“Perhaps not, but nonetheless Bandit.” Flinching at the nickname bestowed upon you by Anakin himself, you relented and allowed your walls to collapse to the ground beneath you.
None of it mattered anymore. Not the love you felt for him or the anguish you endured when he fell for someone else, because he wasn’t Anakin anymore. He merely wore the face of a man you thought you knew once upon a time—a memory that refused to die.
“Just remain still,” Obi-Wan said, watching as you returned back to where you were sitting, your legs crossed and eyes falling shut. “This won’t hurt.”
You both knew it was a lie, but you didn’t care much at that point. He’d already delved past your walls and was now digging through your memories, yanking up each one that Anakin had placed there. Inhaling sharply you dug your nails into your clothed thighs as he pulled up one that proved you and Anakin both went against the Jedi Code at least once in your life.
Once again his laughter filled your mind, splintering your heart in two.
“Tell me Bandit,” Anakin leapt over a rock in the middle of a river, his boots splashing water everywhere. “Why didn’t you want to come here?”
You sighed, picking up a stone and tossing it—watching with satisfaction as it floated in the air for a second. Courtesy of Anakin attempting to show off his powers.
You were sent to Kashyyyk as a part of the Jedi's diplomatic training for padawan, but halfway through Master Yoda told the both of you to stand guard near the camps. Which led to Anakin and you residing in the middle of a river, watching as birds flew overhead. The sounds of the forest around you breathed life into your lungs.
“I can’t help it if my master thinks I need diplomatic training,” you replied, emphasizing the word diplomatic with a roll of your eyes.
“Every Jedi needs it.” He tossed a pebble your way, watching you focus to float it in mid-air, copying him. “Or at least that’s what Obi-Wan tells me.”
“And what do you think?”
He shrugged. “I think that diplomatic training helps us make a difference in the galaxy. We’re meant to be peacemakers right?”
“I guess…” Shifting, you turned to see another bird fly overhead, making a shrill sound you’d never heard before. “But what’s the point of being a peacemaker when so many think of the Jedi as soldiers?”
“That’s where the training comes in handy,” he said, a grin spreading across his lips.
“Then tell me Skywalker, what makes you such an expert in the diplomatic areas of life?”
He tossed another pebble, laughing when it hit your shoulder. “Sometimes you have to make negotiations as a Jedi.” He jumped to shore, dropping another stone to the collection he’d been steadily building since you found the river.
“Ah yes but not all of them are peaceful,” you called out, following him and landing on another closer rock.”
“Obi-Wan likes to call them…aggressive negotiations.”
“Let me guess… That means negotiations—”
“With a lightsaber,” he finished for you—smiling.
You fell into laughter at that, throwing your head back as a lovely ache spread through your stomach. Only for it to quickly divert into a yelp at the feeling of your foot slipping on the rock. Losing your balance, you quickly tried to right yourself, but knew there wouldn’t be a way to fix it in time. So you gave into the fall. The pain would last for a moment, but Anakin’s hand grasping onto your wrist steadied your movements. He brought you back to a standing position. Where you promptly fell against his chest.
“Are you okay?” he asked, hands cupping your cheeks to tilt your head back.
Nodding, you felt your throat dry up once you realized exactly how close he stood to you. It wasn’t right to feel the sharp tug in your heart at the sight of his blue eyes which bored into yours—the color nearly putting the river itself to shame. You shouldn’t hold these feelings for a fellow padawan—you knew the rules inside and out, and yet…he still hadn’t let go of your face. His thumbs rubbed gently at your cheeks, a faint smile playing on his lips as he saw your own part slightly.
“What would you call this?” you inquired breathlessly, hands pressing against his chest and feeling his heartbeat beneath them.
Anakin breathed out a puff of laughter—the warmth of it washing across your cheek as he moved even closer. “A polite conclusion.”
Before you could smile, he dipped down, pressing his lips against yours and effectively ceasing your words. You’d always wondered if he would ever kiss you a second time after what happened on Tatooine. Neither of you spoke of it again after he pulled away and left you standing there, but you knew something had shifted between the both of you. Just like it did now. Sliding your hands up until your arms wrapped around his neck, you tried to keep yourself balanced as he once again tore the ground up from underneath you.
It was him pulling you closer that did you in. His lips were soft—you always knew they would be—and it took everything in you not to ask for more than just this. The warmth of his tongue pressing against your bottom lip jerked you out of your reverie, causing you to practically tear yourself away from him. His arms only tightened around your waist, lips more insistent as he coaxed you once more into a kiss that shouldn’t have happened.
You opened your mouth, melting into his hold as his tongue pressed against yours and felt the steady thrum of your heart speed up exponentially. Until you were sure it would burst out of your chest.
“Beautiful,” he murmured—pressing a kiss to your jaw.
“They could find us,” you said, fighting against the haze he put you in. “They could—”
“I don’t care.”
Three words shouldn’t have made you submit so easily, but there you were giving into his kiss yet again. Whimpering into his mouth and kissing him back with enough fervor to throw him off slightly, causing him to stumble back a bit. This shouldn’t happen. It wasn’t right. Jedi weren’t meant to form attachments. Especially not with other Jedi. The heat of his tongue against yours shoved the words right out of your mind, but still something continued to feel off.
It wasn’t…right.
This…didn’t—it didn’t feel…right.
“Enough!” you exclaimed, shoving Obi-Wan out of your mind as you clutched your head, the tears now falling down your face in waves. Heaving in a ragged breath, you tried to piece the walls that enclosed your mind back together, but found you couldn’t.
“I didn’t mean—”
“Just don’t,” you snapped. “Did you find what you were looking for?”
You knew it wasn’t right to turn your anger on Obi-Wan, but there was so much of it that you couldn’t stop it even if you tried. At this point you weren’t sure if the anger truly belonged to you or if it was Anakin’s pouring into you from the Force. Still you struggled to maintain it, breathing deeply as you fought to get back to the light side of the Force.
“Yes,” Obi-Wan said, watching as the inside of your mind waged war on itself. “I know why he’s calling out to you.”
“Why?” you asked, helpless against the mental anguish that you were going through.
“He loves you.”
Scoffing, you struggled to get to your feet. “Don’t be ridiculous Obi-Wan. He never loved me.”
“If you believe that then there’s no hope in saving him.”
Turning, you felt the anger flood your veins, shoving its way to the surface. “Saving him?” you shouted. “There’s no saving him! He murdered the people we cared about. Younglings! He turned himself into what they wanted him to be—what they molded him to be.”
“We’re Jedi. We must keep the peace no matter the cost—”
“And how far will you go to keep this peace? My death? Your death? The death of Luke, of his sister?” Obi-Wan’s eyes narrowed. “Anakin Skywalker is dead. In his place Darth Vader walks the path of the Sith.” You shut your eyes, doing what you could to right your mind. “Saving him was never an option.”
“We have to try.”
“I don’t,” you replied, effectively shutting yourself off from the Force as Obi-Wan attempted to push his way through to you.
“Then what will you do? Keep hiding?”
“Yes!” you cried. “I will keep hiding, because the Jedi Order is gone and everything we stood for, everything that kept the balance…he destroyed. I would rather think him dead than be constantly reminded of his betrayal.”
Obi-Wan stood, his expression exactly the same as when he told you of what transpired that fateful night. “You’re being selfish and that’s not the Jedi way.”
“Fuck you.” The words were spat out harshly in his direction. “I choose to forget all that pain and if that makes me selfish…then so be it. Perhaps you should try it.”
You were being cruel to him—unfair—because the anger inside of you could no longer be contained behind the walls of your mind. Whether it was yours or Anakin’s you could no longer tell, but it hurt either way. It felt as if you were being stabbed repeatedly in the heart with every new memory, dream, and hope that was shoved your way. Obi-Wan’s ideas of saving Anakin were merely fantasy. Yet that didn’t stop you from believing they could be true—that you might be able to save him and stop this madness.
“Do you think I haven’t tried?” His words startled you. “I wish I could forget what I did to leave him there, how I nearly killed him. It haunts me with every dream and every memory—just as it does you Bandit, but I…do not have the luxury of forgetting.”
He was right. You knew it down to the very marrow of your bones that being able to forget was simply a transparent hope you held onto. Eventually it would shatter in your hands, leaving you bleeding in the end, just as he did. Only how could you try and save the man who did so much damage? Who broke your heart over and over again simply to gain the power to save the ones he loved from death.
“He’ll kill me,” you whispered, eyes staring at the now orange sky that peeked through the entrance of the cave.
“How do you know?”
Scoffing, you glanced at Obi-Wan. “I just do. Even if he did love me, love is a weakness to Sith.”
“Yes. You’re right.” He stepped closer, his palm falling to your shoulder and grasping it softly. “But a weakness in Anakin’s case could be just what’s needed to save him.”
You wanted to deny his words, to pretend you could simply remain as you were. A fugitive in a galaxy that was under siege—a galaxy that could no longer be saved. But the familiar feeling that pulled at the back of your mind rose up—making space in the hollow space of your chest that once housed your heart. The need to help. To bring peace once more and show that the Jedi of old weren’t gone entirely.
“I don’t know if I can face him,” you whispered, staring at the lines of your palm in the hopes that they would make his eyes vanish from your mind. That you wouldn’t have to live with this suffering.
“We all have to face him eventually,” Obi-Wan admitted.
You knew what he meant; how the feelings waged a war in his own mind too. He was just as terrified to finally see the man he once knew, to witness what Anakin had become, what the dark side turned him into. The fear still lingered in his mind, overtaking everything he knew like a plague. There was never any other alternative than this. The second Anakin turned, the both of you were left with nothing else to do except scatter amidst the galaxy.
It was a grief that weighed heavy on your shoulders.
A loss you’d never come back from.
“There’s nothing we can do to help him.” As much as Obi-Wan wanted to see otherwise, you knew that to be the truth. Anakin was beyond helping, but even still you found yourself unable to let go of the hope. That constant echo of what once was now resurfacing the longer you tried to fight against this.
You were a keeper of the peace. A protector of those who couldn’t protect themselves.
You were everything Anakin turned his back on and somehow in a twisted way…it might just be what could bring him back.
Obi-Wan watched as you fought with yourself. Your mind was dark and filled with turmoil, but then he saw it. The small glimmer of something bright reflecting back at him. That once evergreen hue flickering to life again—matching the light of the weapon you once wielded with pride. He watched as the Jedi you once were—the master you came to be—bloom before his very eyes. Obi-Wan try as he might would not be the one to bring Anakin back from the dark side. Even you might not succeed in this task, but he could see the determination in your eyes, the power that filled your stance.
In the depths of your memories he saw the truth. The reason why he urged you to go.
You would die for Anakin.
Just as he would have died for you.
It was a bond stronger than any he’d witnessed before and he could see that you knew it as well.
“I’ll need a ship,” you said, finality echoing in your tone—eyes sharp and clear.
He grinned, reached for his cloak and the small pack of credits. “I’m sure there’s something to be found.”
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thealtoduck · 8 months
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Cal Kestis x Male Mirialan ex-Jedi!Reader
Warnings: You flirt with stormtroopers…
Part 1: Being a mirialan jedi youngling and getting your kyber crystal…
Y/l/c = Your lightsaber color
Summary: After the fall of the Jedi Order you fled to Raxus Secundus for your survival, 5 years later Cal Kestis and the crew of the Stinger Mantis land on Raxus Secundus with their ship in need of repairs…
You walked in to the cantina looking around at the different patrons, you walked and sat down at the bar. The bartender soon showed up in front of you and asked ”What can i get you?”. You thought for a second and decided ”A phattro, please”.
”Coming right up” he said and soon placed a glass filled with a purple beverage in front of you. You took a sip and a familiar refreshing taste hit you. Two off-duty stormtroopers were sitting a few chairs away from you, their helmets placed next to their drinks.
They were looking towards you. You gave them a small smile and raised your glass to them in a little ”cheers”. They smiled back at you and grabbed their drinks and helmets coming over to you, sitting down on each of your sides.
”Hey beautiful, what’s your name?” said the one to your left. ”I’m Y/n, what’s yours?” you said in a alluring tone. ”They call me Red” he introduced himself with a smirk. You turned to the trooper to your right and asked ”And you?”. ”Spikes” he answered cooly.
”How may i be of assitance for the troops?” you asked taking another sip of your drink. ”Well, we’ve had a lot to attend to lately and it can get very stressfull” Red explained. ”Extremely stressfull” Spikes added. ”And we thought a pretty thing like yourself might help us… relieve some of that stress” Red said putting a hand at your waist.
You smiled a flirty smile. ”Oh really, how about we-” you started but was cut off by a sudden feeling brought on by the force, a warning? No. A familiarity, a memory, a very distant one. You stood up and looked around seeing no one. ”Are you alright?” Spikes asked.
”Uh yeah… Sorry i have to go” you said, leaving credits and a tip for the bartender. Red scoffed annoyed and said a snide ”Tease”. You ignored him and walked out on to the streets of Tamwith Bay. The connection you had felt was now lost.
You closed your eyes and tried to focus, reaching out through the force, trying to find the connection again but there was nothing. You were left alone and confused.
As you wandered home you thought to yourself about what or who it might’ve been, a Jedi? Just another force user lost in the galaxy?. Memories of the jedi and your training started flooding your brain as you entered your small apartment.
You had been made a padawan only 4 months before the collapse of the Jedi Order and the Republic. In most cases you would’ve most likely been to young to become a padawan but the Clone Wars had taken a big strain on the order and because of the deaths of many masters and padwans in battle there were a lot of gaps to fill.
You had been assigned to Jocasta Nu, the chief librarian of the Jedi archives. You didn’t earn a lot of battlefield experience from this but your master had shown you some of the secrets of the Jedi temple.
Once the destruction of the Jedi hit in full force you and your master escaped the temple through a secret passage hidden within the temple. Once on the streets of Coruscant she ordered you to get on a shuttle while she had drawn away a group of Clone Troopers.
That had been the last you ever saw of her as the shuttle had left. Sometimes you wondered if she had survived that night and had managed to escape the purge as well but even then they might’ve caught up with her sooner or later.
You lifted a loose floor panel of the ground revealing a box containing your now dusty jedi robes, a hard drive containing Jedi texts and your twin lightsabers. You brought your lightsabers out afraid to turn them on incase someone could here the noise and report it to the empire.
You shouldn’t even bring them out of their hiding spot, you never knew who was watching. But something told you that you would be needing them in a couple of hours. You went to bed that night with your lightsabers hidden under your bed in case of a intruder or sudden attacker.
You were kept allert by the force the next day, you hid your lightsabers beneath a cloak as you ventured out in to town. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary so you just tried to go about your business as usual but as evening came, things would change.
You were once again making your way home but saw people running away from the town square, you decided to check it out. Once you got there you were met with a life changing sight. It was jedi, or at least someone carrying a lightsaber who knew how to fight like a Jedi.
He was fighting what you assumed was an imperial inquisitor, you had heard rumours about them but never seen one in person. They were Jedi hunters, sent out to find the survivors of the purge.
You then felt the connection from the day before reignite, you had met this Jedi before… but who was it? Suddenly the Inquisitor used a force push to knock the Jedi in to a stack of crates, knocking him over.
As the Jedi layed among the crates you caught a glimpse of his face, he looked like… Cal Kestis, a friend of yours from the order. The Inquisitor walked menacingly towards Cal, spinnig his double bladed lightsaber.
Without thinking you forced jump up in the air and landing between Cal and the Inquisitor. You faced the Inquisitor and ignited your lightsabers making two y/l/c blades emerge from them.
”Two Jedi, this just got a lot more interesting” the Inquisitor said, his smirk being covered by the helmet. It had been a long time since you fought or even practised with your lightsabers so you begged the force would guide you.
The Inquisitor slashed at you but you dodged, you flipped over his head cutting at him but he blocked. The two of you started attacking back and forward while Cal tried to absorb what just happened. A hodded Jedi had just come out of nowhere and saved his life.
He watched as the Jedi fought, lightsabers skills clearly rusty but skilled. Cal then got of his feet and jumped, attacking the Inquisitor from behind. The Inquisitor managed to block but started to struggle keeping up with the three blades slashing at him.
While the Inquisitor was blocking an attack from both one of yours and Cal’s saber. You managed to get a cut in down the middle of the doublebladed saber, destroying it. You and Cal then force pushed the Inquisitor at the same time sending him flying in to a stone wall which knocked him out.
Cal then let out a sigh of relief at the Inquisitor’s defeat. He then turned to you and said ”You’re a Jedi”. ”Not quite” you said lowering your hood making Cal’s eyes widen as regcognition hit. ”Y/n?” he questioned.
”Hi Cal, it’s been a while” you greeted. Without warning Cal ran up to you and threw his arms around you. You were caught of guard at first but then wrapped your arms around him as well, it didn’t hit you until now how much you had missed him.
You heard troopers approaching and broke the hug. ”Come on, this way” you said and started sprinting down an alley way. Cal followed close behind. You led him back to your apartment, you gave one last look outside before closing the door, making sure you weren’t followed.
Once behind closed doors you find your arms locked around each other in another tight embrace. ”How did you survive? You were on Coruscant that would’ve been the most heavily guarded planet?” Cal questioned in amazement.
”Let’s sit down” you said, you made some tea for the two of you and poured it up in two cups. You both sat down around a small table and you started telling him how Master Nu had saved your life and that it had let you escape Coruscant.
”How about you?” you asked and Cal explained that his master had sacrificed himself for him. He then told you of the events that led him and his crew to land on Raxus Secundus a couple days ago for ship repairs.
”Y/n, you should come with us, we’re trying to rebuild some of what’s left of the Jedi Order, you could help us” Cal suggested. You thought about it for a second before answering ”Cal, I’m not sure how much i will be able to help you, i only just became a padawan before the fall of the Jedi”.
”To us that’s enough, we need to rebuild with what little we have left” Cal insisted. ”I don’t know Cal, i just need some time to think” you told him. ”Alright, you have until tommorow, me and my crew are leaving once our repairs are done” Cal said.
You opened the floor panel and brought out the hard drive out of the box. ”What’s that?” Cal asked. ”It’s a hard drive, it contains a few Jedi texts from the library. It’s not a lot but it’s something, i think you should have it” you said handing it to him.
”Thank you” Cal accepted gratefully. Cal then contacted his crew and let them know about the events of the day. They decided it was best for Cal to stay the night with you as security had tightened because of the reveal of two Jedis in the city and that he should try sneak his way to the ship at the crack of dawn.
”Where should i sleep?” Cal asked, looking around your small apartment, there weren’t many options besides the bed and the floor. ”You can have the bed” you offered. ”And let you sleep on the floor, we can share your bed, wouldn’t be the first time” Cal suggested.
”Alright” you nodded and the two of climbed in to bed together, laying on your sides to face each other. ”This reminds me of when we would sneak out of out temple rooms to have sleep overs together” Cal said making a smile spread over your face.
”I remember that and that one time Master Skywalker caught you on the way to my room but he promised not to tell anyone” you reminded Cal who let out a chuckle. ”Then after you left the temple with Master Tapal, i remember how much i missed you and how lonely i felt” you admited.
”I missed you too Y/n, especially after purge. It was terrifying having no way to know if you had survived or not” Cal said as you gazed in to each others eyes. He continued ”But now we’re both here again and i never want to leave you behind”.
Cal then leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to your lips, from which you didn’t pull back. While attachment was against the Jedi teachings their was no order around anymore to supervise you. You were free.
As you both pulled away from each others lips you brought a hand up to cup his cheek stroking it lightly. ”I’ll come with you, i don’t want to lose you again either” you confessed. You both then fell asleep, hands clasped together ready for the challenges tommorow would bring.
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ruanataina · 22 days
I just keep wondering: what if there were some kind of child protective services in the Star Wars universe? The jedi would be screwed! All those padwans fighting wars at like 13/14? And even if that was acceptable by them in this universe logic, certain situations Anakin put Ahsoka in during their missions certainly wouldn't be. And what's even the age of majority in Star Wars anyway? I imagine it varying according to the species and star system, but I don't recall any reference to this anywhere.
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gatorbites-imagines · 8 months
Padwan anakin x more dark side leaning reader?
Padawan Anakin Skywalker x dark side leaning male reader
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Featuring my boy Jon Antilles, give it up for Jon Antilles everybody.
You had both been younglings with the jedi, and later Padawans. You had been older than Anakin by the time he joined the order, meaning you were just at the cusp of getting sent off to the other corpse if you didn’t get picked as a padawan.
You had never fit in much with the Jedi. You were too emotional, too quick to anger, and your grudges knew no ends. You still had a chip on your shoulder because Yoda decided to tease you when you were very small, if that said anything about your ability to hold grudges.
You were the child of two slaves, who had served under the worst of the worst. This meant you had been surrounded by darkness and hate since you started growing in your parents’ womb. You had overheard many of the older jedi wonder if that was the reason for your emotional state.
Anakin didn’t fit in much either, having joined so late and being the so called chosen one. Because of this, you two found comfort in each other.
Anakin was so excited about being a jedi, though he also feared living up to the potential. In your eyes he just switched one slave owner for the next, as that was how it felt to you. But he was young and bright, so you didn’t wanna rain on his parade.
But just before your 13th birthday, you were taken as a padawan of one of the lesser known and vaguer Jedi of the order, Jon Antilles. He was a person who followed the will of the force and not the order, and the force led him to you.
He would later tell you that he looked into your eyes and saw the fire raring within you, unable to be quelled and as a result, making you someone who would suffer under the pressure and expectations of the order.
Saying goodbye to Anakin was hard, as you two had found yourselves as the only true friend the other had. Many feared you because of your known anger and revenge seeking tendencies, and Anakin because of the heavy burden of the prophesy.
But as two former slaves, you also both knew that the galaxy was vast, and that you had to go where the currents took you. Anakin also understood, even though he still didn’t fully understand the order, that you didn’t belong within the temple and that you needed to spread your wings.
Before you left, you pressed a kiss to Anakin’s forehead and gave him a bracelet made out of a thick black cord. It chafed the skin but was sturdy enough to take anything that may hit it. It was the last keepsake you had of your parents, and it had been what kept you going for all this time, and now you wanted Anakin to have it.
So, with one last goodbye, and promises whispered in the language of slaves, you left with your new Master, who told you not to call him master but instead refer to him as your teacher.
Jon Antilles had seen the worst the galaxy had to offer, and had no wish to be referred to as master by someone who was once a slave.
Back at the temple Anakin would find himself crying silently and tearlessly in his room, mourning the loss of a friend, his only friend. Obi Wan would feel his grief in the force, and would go to comfort him, knowing what it is like to lose someone so dear to you.
This would most likely lead to their relationship being better in this universe, at least a little. As that one moment helped cement a deeper level of trust and understanding.
Anakin stayed with the order and became more and more skilled, a part of him waiting for the moment you two would reunite. The bracelet stayed around his wrist, though he moved it to some other part of his body to keep it hidden, and other jedi started mumbling comments about attachment.
You thrived under Antilles, as he didn’t follow the orders from the council, the order, or even the republic. He only seemed to care about where the force wanted him, and by extension you, to go.
Your teacher was a firm believer in the light, but he also saw that the dark existed, so when you for the first time grasped the dark side in a life-or-death situation, he didn’t punish you like you feared.
Using the dark side once means it’s always with you, but instead of shunning you, your teacher helps you find balance, at least to the best of your ability.
The dark side is hard to master, and maybe you never fully do. But you never give yourself too it completely, always holding a tight grasp on the light beside it, letting the two feed off of each other to keep you from going down an unforgivable path.
Your anger and grudges still persist, and there are times you end up being needlessly cruel, but you catch yourself before its too late. During these times your teachers help is necessary, until you master it on your own.
Because of the nomadic lifestyle of Antilles and you, you end up ready to go on your own much before most other Padawan. Life experiences matures a person, and Antilles trusts you to do what is right, even if he has caught you practicing lightning or sucking the life energy out of things.
So as Anakin still works hard to be a better padawan and to fit the tight mold the order places upon him, you explore the outer parts of the galaxy, running with bounty hunters and pirates alike.
One might think you would be discovered as a jedi one way or another, but thanks to your less and jedi personality, and preferences for other weapons, you are never figured out.
Your loyalty to the rules of the order are also very very loose, if not nonexistent. The many experiences you have out in the galaxy puts many things into perspective, and you make your own theories and ideas about how the force works, theories that struggle against the rules of the jedi.
During all this time, Anakin can’t seem to leave your mind. Hes always present somewhere in there, the thin thread of a bond between the two of you so skinny its barely there anymore after all this time. But every now and again, you like to give it a little tug, smiling to yourself when he tugs back.
You two meet again during one of Anakin’s missions with Obi Wan, a mission that’s taken them further away from the core than Anakin has been since he was taken in by the jedi.
It’s a mission involving a slave trader who’s somehow smuggling slaves in and out of the republic, and the two jedi were sent to check it out but not get involved, much to Anakin’s annoyance.
They end up splitting up, not wanting to be suspected, and Anakin has to wear something to cover his head to hide his Padawan braid.
In the end, Anakin finds the hideout of the Slave traders, and just as he’s about to report it back to Obi Wan, a figure swoops in and starts ransacking the place.
Anakin can only watch with shock as you tear through the slave traders, the darkness inside you purring at their spilled blood, as the light silently approves of the justice you act out. Its only after you’ve freed all the slaves and take your hood off that Anakin recognizes you.
One way or another he follows you and corners you, in the way Anakin does, eyes wide but sparkling at how much skill you had shown in there, many questions leaving him as he wants to know what you have been up too and how you got here.
Most jedi would probably have disapproved of you killing the slavers, but Anakin had never seen slavers as anyone worth living, not that he could share those thoughts with anybody.
But at some point, you end up taking the Jedi padawan back to the room you booked for the night, where you two spend the entire night talking about what’s happened since last time you met, the bond between you strengthening after so long apart.
After that, you two keep bumping into each other. You had a feeling the force was playing a role in this, and you swore you could hear it giggling in amusement a sit pushed you together with its chosen one again and again.
Whenever you were around, the mission always ended much faster, meaning Anakin could slip away and spend time with you before reporting back to Obi Wan.
During this time, the childish crush he had had on you all that time ago comes back with a vengeance. Even when he sees you use sith lightning for the first time, he can’t seem to feel anything by affection for you.
Anakin knows he should fear you, but even as your turned turn yellow for a second or two as you lean fully into the dark during a battle, he only seems able to find your beautiful.
When Anakin kisses you for the first time, neither of you truly know how to react. Anakin’s never been in a relationship, and you have never really been with anyone you truly had feelings for. But Anakin just couldn’t keep it to himself anymore, even as he knows it goes against everything the order has taught him.
If he truly were to follow the order, Anakin would have to report that you had fallen, even though you still used the light as much as you did the dark. After that he would have to stay away from you, lest you corrupt him. But he just can’t, so he stays, slipping you information so you know where his next mission goes, so you “accidentally” end up with a contract on that planet.
You settle on Coruscant for a while, which means Anakin can sneak out and spend time with you away from prying eyes.
The fact that you use the dark without succumbing to it ends up helping Anakin not fall when that time comes, but for now, you just help him get a better understanding of the force and how you have come to see it as an entity.
Obi Wan regularly wonders where Anakin goes, and worries to some degree, but he does realize that Anakin always feels lighter and more at peace when he returns from his outings, so he lets him have them to himself, hoping his Padawan would tell him if there was anything he needed to know.
As a result of your status, Anakin would start to think about leaving the order someday. Maybe not soon, but maybe one day he would like to leave with you and just go where the force takes you two.
He knows it’s a romantic fantasy, but Anakin can’t help but bask in it, even if he has to do it in secret. Being your partner just brings him more peace than any meditation ever has, and Anakin never wants to let you go.
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ranik-a · 3 months
I was thinking today about how hard it would have been for Darth Vader to see Obi Wan training Luke, to come face to face with how
(1) Obi Wan is a much better teacher to Luke than he was to Anakin
(2) Obi Wan is a better teacher to Luke than Anakin would have been
(3) Luke was a better student to Obi Wan than Anakin had been
And like, to a deeply pained Vader, immersed in the negativities of the dark side, these three things feel like immutable facts when in reality, a pre-Darkside Anakin was actually a fantastic teacher, and that he and Obi Wan shared an incredible bond of trust and strength despite all the complexities of the war and of their disagreements, and that Luke wasn't actually getting any of the best bits of being a Jedi padwan, he was getting the bare minimum that was required to win the war.
But just all his regrets and anxieties and insecurities around this- he envies Luke the chance to be Obi Wan's student, untainted by Qui Gon's death, he envies Obi Wan the opportunity to train his own son in the ways of the living force, he envies them both the ease of this mentorship.
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