#oshecki week
legofanguy · 11 days
Star Wars Oshecki week Padwans
A Star Wars The Acolyte fanfiction for @oshecki-week event Oshecki week day 1 For Light and Life.
In the Jedi Temple, Jecki is curious about the padwan brought before her as the Jedi said to her, "Jecki, this is Osha."
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whiteravengreywolf · 11 days
Oshecki Week 2024 Story Masterpost
Hello everyone! Welcome to Oshecki week 2024! I've decided to make it easier on myself and everyone by making a single masterpost that will be updated every day with the link to each of my story for this fun little week!
Day 1: For Light and Life: The Forever Padawan
Day 2: More flexible than a droid: Mastering Form III
Day 3: What we survive: Nobody's Soldier
Day 4: I'll look you up: It's a Small Galaxy After All
Day 5: Pull the thread: The First Training Session Is Always the Hardest (Especially When You Die)/I Was Made For Loving You
I hope you enjoy reading these stories as much as I enjoyed writing them!
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legofanguy1999 · 11 days
Oshecki week: Jecki lives AU
A Star Wars The Acolyte Jecki lives AU for @oshecki-week event Oshecki week 2024 day 1 for light and life.
After surviving the mysterious Sith that attack her and the other Jedi, Jecki has been looking for Osha, worried about her. Jecki at least hope that Osha is safe.
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armoralor · 10 days
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Happy Oshecki Week! ✰ Day Four: I'll Look You Up - a gentler, softer dawn ✰ emojis edits for the prompt T4T ♡ feel free to scale and use where ever you like!
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oshamirweek · 2 months
Oshamir Week moving to October 1 - 7
Hello Oshamir fans! We recently found out that by moving Oshamir Week to the previously stated September dates, we accidentally directly overlapped with Oshecki Week, which we absolutely did not mean to do! We apologise for any distress or confusion caused; this was totally on us.
Oshamir Week will be moving to October 1 - 7 :
Other previous obligations mean it can't be pushed earlier.
Thank you to everyone for your understanding and we apologise again for any confusion and misunderstanding!
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gun-roswell · 5 days
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: The Acolyte (TV), Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Osha Aniseya/Jecki Lon Characters: Osha Aniseya, Jecki Lon Additional Tags: osheckiweek2024, osheckiweek, poetic narrative, POV both, Soulmates, Across the Multiverse Series: Part 5 of Osha/Jecki (osheckiweek 2024), Part 10 of Tales of the Acolyte Summary:
Through time and space, fantasy, life and fiction, they’ll each other find, forever bound, these two being soulmates.
A poetic narrative ficlet. Part of Osha/Jecki osheckiweek 2024 // Tales of the Acolyte series
This concludes my fics for the Oshecki Week of 2024 prompts. Thanks for all those who read, left a kudos and/or commented on my fics.
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oshecki-week · 2 months
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Oshecki Week Prompts Are Here!!!
Each day is organized around an overarching theme, with a variety of suggested prompts. Use as many (or little!) of these prompts as you'd like - it's totally fine to combine a handful of them into your fic, or to use none of them and just go for the overall vibe of the day. Whatever gets you excited and creating, that works for us 🧡🧡🧡
Got questions? We want to hear them! Oshecki Week is September 24 - 28 and we can't wait to see what you all make! 💫
Day 1 - Sep. 24 - For Light and Life - a day for hope and balance
Prompts: Force Visions | Star Crossed | Jedi Knights/Padawans | Jecki Lives AU | Osha Stays in the Order / Jecki Leaves the Order
Day 2 - Sep. 25 - More Flexible Than A Droid - an intimate twilight
Prompts: Mae/Osha/Jecki | Training Together | butch4femme | Devotion | Padawan Braids | Upside Down Kiss
Day 3 - Sep. 26 - What We Survive - the dark night of the soul
Prompts: Light and Dark | Wound Tending | Obsession | Sith AU | "why do you love people who only go so far?"
Day 4 - Sep. 27 - I'll Look You Up - a gentler, softer dawn
Prompts: T4T | Stargazing | Holo Call | Date Night at the Cantina | Sharing Clothes | the Republic Fair
Day 5 - Sep. 28 - Pull the Thread - a new day in a new world
Prompts: Alternate Realities | Role Swap | Time Travel | Modern | Medieval | Fantasy | Never a Jedi | Soulmates
@swfandomevents @sapphicstarwars @thebigbangblogproject @fandomweeks @starwarsfemslashblog
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shinhatisgirlfriend · 11 days
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Happy Oshecki Week 🧡🧡🧡
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sapphicsparkles · 11 days
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💛 HAPPY OSHECKI WEEK 🧡 @oshecki-week
For oshecki week I'm opening PRE-ORDERS for my new oshecki wooden keychain charms! This charm is 3" double sided (same design on both sides) printed on synthetic white wood (environmentally friendly, made of recycled materials). Pre-Orders will be open from September 24th to October 18th!
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thecoffeelorian · 8 days
Fandom Friday, 09/27: Fanart
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Hello again, everyone…and welcome to another installment of Fandom Friday, the two-post series where I go off to find new and interesting fanworks that might need a bit more visibility.
Before we begin...I just want to put it out there real fast that my mom should be getting home from surgery either today or tomorrow, and that I'll most likely be doing a bit more around the house because of this, even if it means skipping over further updates for longer than 2 weeks.
Second, if I do continue, I might start doing themes like Oshecki Week and Commander Fox week as far as choosing content goes, but as of this moment, it's more of an idea than an actual concrete thing so far.
Anyways, before I go too far off on a tangent...here are my picks of the week.
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The High Republic Fanart--By @magicalplaylist:
The Prequels Fanart--By @cassiepeach:
The Clone Wars Fanart--By @handless-and-dangerous:
The Clone Wars Fanart--By @carrion-art:
The Bad Batch Fanart--By @azelind4:
The Bad Batch Fanart--By @keeradaks:
Star Wars Rebels Fanart--By @somewhere-on-kamino:
The Mandalorian Fanart--By @annettecheshir:
In conclusion, as part of my mission to poke around the Star Wars fandom and, on Friday every two weeks, highlight those artists who might otherwise go unnoticed…I hope you will check out the links I have included for yourselves and like, comment on, and reblog them, as well as also giving the artists a few more followers to their Tumblr pages.
Please also like and reblog this latest installment so that these links can be spread around to as many other fans as possible, just in case not all of them can tune in at the same time.
An additional thank you goes to @djarrex for making the divider I used earlier in this post, but still want to give credit for.
And finally, so that I do not forget…this post will be continued in its second half: the Fanfiction Edition.
Thank you, good afternoon, and I’ll see you in the next post!
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No Pressure Tags: @melymigo @algo-o-nada @theosb0rnway @everybirdfellsilent @skellymom
@leos-multifandom-corner @maggie-dylan @leenabb104104 @gun-roswell @tazmbc1
@bluedeedeedoop @its-time-to-rise-above @tlmtwelve and anybody else who might be on the lookout for new SW fanart.
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osha-and-jecki · 3 months
Sorry this is a little late, folks!!
Please vote for the rough range of dates that would work best for you for an Oshecki event - to prevent burnout/overlap it'll be after the Ahsoka & sapphic!Ahsoka week events, and hopefully before Wolfwren week, placing us somewhere in mid. September to October.
If you haven't yet, go ahead and vote for what kind of event you want to participate in
Currently, a week long event is winning the polls (but this can still change of course!) and that would take place over five consecutive days.
tagging: @sapphicstarwars @swfandomevents
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legofanguy · 7 days
Oshecki week: Modern AU
A Star Wars the Acolyte modern AU for @oshecki-week event Oshecki week day 5 Pull the Thread.
Osha check her iphone as her girlfriend Jecki text her, 'I got movies. Did you get the popcorn? and Osha text back, 'Yes. I'm getting ready for movie night tonight.'
The two women watch Bachelorette movie for movie night.
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how-do-i-do-words · 10 days
i also wrote something for day 2 of oshecki week
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transitranger327 · 10 days
Spin the Thread, Weave the Story: Ignition
Day 1: For Light and Life (Jecki Lives AU)
Osha and Jecki discover they can hear each other think…and that they want to kiss.
While this chapter was written for @oshecki-week 2024, I did start writing it back when the show was airing. Read it here or on Ao3:
It had become easier for Jecki to breathe. Whether that was her body adjusting to the new lungs or Osha unconsciously continuing to heal her, she could not say. But she now felt strong enough to, if not walk, at least get up from her resting place of the forest floor. “Maybe sitting up, maybe that would help.”
“Here, let me help you up.” Osha had started to drowse off, but she had reflexively answered the other girl’s suggestion. She didn’t actually move at all, which made Jecki start to laugh (with only slight pain). 
She ran a finger down Osha’s cheek, “so are you gonna help me up or not?” The “baby” she almost added was left unsaid. 
Osha still heard it. “Sorry baby, did i say something?” 
The “baby” made Jecki freeze up. She blinked a few times, “Uh yeah, you offered to help me up.” 
“Oh okay, sure. Do you want to try walking somewhere, or just sitting up?”
“Can we try standing?”
“Of course, if it’s too much we can always sit down again.” First, Osha propped Jecki up, then she stood up and extended a hand down to her. 
As she was lifted up, Jecki was brought close to the other woman. She took in the rich hues of her dark skin, examined the intricate texture of her braids, and glimpsed the depth of her brown eyes. “I wish I could stare into these for hours,” she thought. 
“Shit, is she flirting with me?” Osha was taken aback, being unprepared for any serious flirting from the Jedi. 
Jecki, realizing, asked, “did I say that out loud?”
“Wait you heard that?” 
The two women stood face to face, equally flustered. Both thought “Can she hear what I’m thinking?” simultaneously. Both heard the other’s question loud and clear. 
As the realization set in, Jecki began to hear a faint ringing in her ears and saw stars form around the edges of her vision. Osha reacted, “Oh no, you’re not fainting on me.” She wrapped her arms tightly around Jecki and gently lowered her to the ground, making sure to elevate Jecki’s legs above her heart. “At least, I think that’s where her heart is.” “There you go, nice and easy,” “beautiful.”
A silent “Thank you” formed in Jecki’s mind. 
“You’re welcome,” Osha thought back. She sat down, parallel but facing the opposite direction. “We’re gonna need to find some water and probably food to keep you from fainting ag—”
“Stars, she’s so pretty.” Jecki’s semi-conscious thoughts had managed to cut off Osha’s planning. 
“Right. This ‘hearing each other think’ thing is gonna take some getting used to,” Osha continued the sentence in her mind, “especially if we’re both down bad.”
“Oh,” thought Jecki, “You really feel the same way?”
Osha mused, “Well, there’s no sense in lying.” “Yeah, I think so. You’re gorgeous and I’ve loved the time we’ve spent together.” 
“Me too, except the ‘nearly dying’ bit.”
The thought made Osha laugh. “Yeah, that was rough. I was torn up when I thought I’d lost you.” 
The strange sensation of aborted grief brought Jecki’s brain back to full consciousness. Nevertheless, she continued to just think her end of the conversation. “So the flirting we did was real? I wasn’t just pining alone?”
“I flirted with you mostly for fun when we met. I thought you were cute, but I was a Jedi, I know the rules.” She paused. “But I think I broke about 15 rules bringing you back so I really don’t care anymore.” Osha smiled something in between a grin and a smirk.
That smile made Jecki feel things; a craving she hadn’t allowed to grow now blossomed. She vocalized her background desire, “Can you kiss me?”
The tension broke as Osha slid forward and pressed her lips up to Jecki’s. 
The tension shattered into a thousand glittering fireworks as the kiss lengthened. 
Lips on lips, tongue on tongue, the sweet taste of life flowed thru their bodies in a way neither truly had experienced before. Their souls buzzed, vibrated, crackled with an electricity that could power a planet for months. 
This was desire amplified by the Force between them. And neither wanted to stop.
Jecki had to come up for air. She lowered her head into Osha’s lap, taking deep breaths to regain some semblance of normal thinking. “That was incredible.”
“Yes it was,” Osha thought. “I guess you never learned how to breathe while kissing.” She leaned down and kissed Jecki’s pale forehead. “It’s all right,” she grinned, “it’s not something the Jedi would teach you.”
“Good thing you’re not a Jedi then.” Jecki immediately regretted her words when she felt a pain from Osha. “Sorry, is making light of…that…a boundary for you?” 
“I guess it’s good she immediately knows when I don’t like something…unlike some of my exes.” “Yeah, it’s a sore spot, especially since I’ve been working with you all recently.” 
“Okay baby, I won’t do it again.”
The roaring fire of the kiss had been reduced to a smolder, but it had left an indelible mark on their minds. A new idea popped into Osha’s head, “Kelnacca’s hut has food and water, and probably a better comlink.”
“I was hoping we could avoid that, but it probably is our best chance of staying alive.” “I really didn’t want to have to relive his death.”
“We’re gonna have to make peace with it sometime. Come on, let me help you up.” 
Jecki resisted, “Wait, I just…” “I need a minute to process it first, why he’s gone and I’m not.” “…need a moment to breathe.”
“Okay, we can wait.” 
Notes: Take it from a gal who faints, you want to get your legs above your head & heart when it happens.
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maul-of-shame · 2 months
Introducing new event and Fics updates:
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SOOOOO the "Acolydays" is basically a bunch of summer/holidays themes, prompts and games for and about the Acolyte characters. I proposed it in the "Acolytes Refuge" server (Oshecki, Yorsha, Sol patrol) I created. I'll post updates there mainly and brainrots so if you wanna join us, reach out and I'lll send you an invite! NB: You can only have access to this server via a mod invite. The dates need to be checked again but it would be from the 5th of August to the 11th of August (need to be confirmed) and I'll update here.
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Percabeth Yorsha coming Wednesday 31st of July!! I've been working on this for a while, mentioned it in the old Yorsha server. Basicaly we have a Percy!Yord and Annabeth!Osha and I genuinely do love this one so much.
Resident Evil Chapter 1 coming next week.
The Witcher x The Acolyte new chapter coming next week too!!
Also, I'll try to join and participate in the #osheckiweek2024 so I'll update you peeps with news and fics updates!
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legofanguy · 10 days
Star Wars Oshecki week training together
A Star Wars The Acolyte fanfiction for @oshecki-week event Oshecki week day 2 More Flexible than a Droid.
Jedi Knights Jecki and Osha did some lightsaber training together.
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