strawglicks · 27 days
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yay plushies :] + happy pride month!
bonus: rainbow capitalism HELP
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somecunttookmyurl · 1 year
a sequence of events
> informed my package from lush will be delivered today by yodel
> sigh and resign myself to not getting a package today because never once have they actually delivered to me
> 3pm get a message my package was “delivered” 10 min ago
> no the fuck it wasnt
> check the building. nope. didnt even dump it somewhere random like he normally does (he has at this point delivered my shit to every apartment in this building that ISN’T mine)
> contact yodel customer service, again. to say he didn’t deliver it to me, again. so they can raise an investigation, again
> “the GPS shows he was not at the correct location” oh ya think?
> simultaneously on the phone to lucy from lush, who informs me the tracking on their end shows it was delivered to a pub “1,063 metres away”
> okay well i hope john at the pub over half a mile away likes bath bombs
> lucy agrees to send a replacement package with a different courier, who can read
> it is now 3:30 pm
> 4:30pm someone buzzes my door
> there’s a package
> it’s the yodel man
> say “oh, wasn’t this delivered half a mile away an hour ago? what happened?”
> he laughs nervously and turns and runs back down the stairs
> he does not scan the package
> ???????
> lucy from lush emails me to say the replacement has been sent
> i email back saying it arrived 5 minutes ago, in defiance of all logic
> she says i can keep the replacement anyway
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rainymoodlet · 1 year
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adriana moreno for juniper’s bachelorette by @wrixie!!
she was made at 3am in a ouid haze i promise we all just had a joint vision of hot pierced partner for juniper fhshhdd
adriana moreno is a del sol valley-based auto mechanic who’s looking for love and a chance to settle down!! after years of focusing on her garage and her own career, she’s realized that the nuances of the dating world have slowly passed her by: but that doesn’t mean she’s out of the game entirely!! juniper doesn’t know what’s comin’! ��
full name: adriana moreno
age: young adult (28 years old)
sexuality/pronouns: lesbian, she/her
traits: (bodybuilder) hot-headed, maker, outgoing
adriana likes: handiness, cracking ill-timed jokes, refurbishing old cars, driving w/ one hand on the wheel, experimental food, any dog on this green earth, being the mom friend, not taking anyone’s crap, not backing down in a confrontration, leather jackets
adriana dislikes: dancing (she has two left feet), appeasing sims, introverts, coffee with cream, doing anything “for the aesthetic”, disingenuous people, cartoons, synth/electronic music, karaoke, and performing for a crowd in general
* she also has all her in-game likes and dislikes accordingly!
she’ll be a private dl for wrix if chosen!! i am so excited to see another bachelorette challenge on my dash and to see another olevera challenge to boot! 🥹
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maranull · 18 days
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baekuras · 2 months
Started AFK Arena, got Eugene as my first Legendary, liked his design but was worried I might not like his story bc I haven't yet read many of them and it didn't seem like a story/event heavy game, finally gave in 3 days later Anyhow order of operations: -love it, joke around why there isn't a series about it -no there actually is a comic and other ones too -read them all -actually go back to read Gavus and the kids stories as well -learn you basically JUST missed all them being introduced like 4 months ago -hide your pain by consuming everything NOW -it's 7 am i haven't slept since yesterday where am i
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lesbianboyfriend · 4 months
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guys i kind of have this sneaking suspicion that [email protected] might not actually be a USPS employee….
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dumplingsjinson · 7 months
Don’t ask me how but my man’s gonna be watching Taylor Swift up close next year, four days in a row when she comes to my city 😭😭
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priscixicana · 1 month
Hi! Saw your tagged post about Ghibli studio films, I do recommend getting it on iTunes. The films are so amazing!!!
I’m not a big anime person. Do I need to be into anime?
I didn’t like sailor moon, but I love “near-animes” like avatar the last airbender, Steven universe, and cartoons like adventure time. I liked attack on titan but never finished it.
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tiresomeimagination · 2 years
Guilty Pleasure (707 x Reader)
Word Count: 2.7k
Author’s Note: This is sort of a slight AU. A “what if” where Seven met his MC during his time abroad in college. Someone that managed to make a big enough impact that moving on was harder than it should have been. I know this might be slightly OOC, but I did try my best to keep things believable ^^; I mostly just really wanted something with a foreigner/Western MC, and when I learned that Seven went to college in America, I thought it’d be an interesting way of implementing that. I’ve been working on this for a couple weeks now and while I’m not completely satisfied with how it turned out, I do still think it’s a neat enough idea, so I’ll go ahead and share it. (I also do apologize for the length;; I don’t know how it ended up this long, haha... Leave it to Saeyoung to make me write probably my longest oneshot to date)
Edit: I wrote a short continuation piece that can be found here!
Ah, there was nothing like coming back to your quiet little apartment after a long day studying on campus. It wasn’t out of the ordinary for you to spend long hours at your college library. After all, you had the somewhat unpleasant honor of making it into an Ivy League school to begin with. This meant you had to work pretty hard just to make sure your GPA didn’t slip too much. Keeping up with things had been easier during your first year…back when you had a fun classmate to spend those long hours pouring over textbooks with. Now, it was just you. But that was fine. You managed on your own.
You trudged your way inside, kicking off your shoes and tossing your bag somewhere into the corner. With a tired sigh, you flicked on the light, nearly jumping out of your skin at the sight that greeted you. 
A familiar young man with bright red hair and glasses reclined on your couch as if he had been waiting for you. He met your gaze with a smile and gave a small wave. “Hey Y/N, long time no see! You really need to find a better hiding spot for your spare key y’know. I would have thought you’d change it up by now,” He said calmly. His English was nearly flawless, although you could still hear his Korean accent.
“L-Luciel??” You croaked out, finally finding your voice after your mini heart attack. This couldn’t be the same guy you knew, could it? Your old classmate...Chilyoung Choi, or Luciel as he had used as a nickname between the two of you, the mysterious boy who disappeared just as suddenly as he had appeared in your life.
“Yep!” He chirped as he hopped back onto his feet, still sporting a carefree grin.
Several feelings ran through you in that instant, from utter disbelief, to relief that your old friend was okay, to hurt as you realized the implication that if he was okay…then he really had just left without so much as a goodbye. You pushed that feeling down and chose to focus on the positive for now. Your friend was alive, safe, and in front of you after all this time. Pushing yourself forward, you threw your arms around the redhead.
Luciel stiffened in surprise, letting out a small “oh!” before he returned the hug. He admittedly wasn’t sure how you would react to seeing him again, but he was relieved that you seemed to be taking it well so far.
“...Don’t think this means I’m not mad at you for ditching me,” you grumbled into his shoulder, savoring the warm embrace a moment longer before the two of you broke away.
“A-ah, of course, haha…!” He chuckled awkwardly, not wanting to risk getting on your bad side right now.
You let out a heavy sigh. "So…what are you doing here?" You asked, trying to keep your tone from sounding too frazzled.
"Ah, well, I was just in the neighborhood and I thought I'd stop by and see how you were doing!" Luciel said as he gave his best casual shrug, speaking as if he hadn’t dropped off the face of the earth. This actually wasn't the first time he had checked up on you. He had looked you up on several other occasions, but you didn't need to know about that.
"...You were in the neighborhood…? I figured you'd go back to Korea after school."
"Oh…yeah. I did," he responded simply, making no move to elaborate. The truth was that he had traveled back to America while working on a new mission. He tried his best to ignore the proximity to his old school, and by extension his old acquaintances, but after a long and grueling few days of agency work, his impulses had won out in the end. He needed to see you in person…at least one more time.
You let out a more exasperated sigh, running a hand through your hair. You knew better than to push for answers with him. Even back then, he had always been a bit dodgy about certain subjects. If you pushed, he would just shut you down and start to distance himself. You would have to walk his crazy tightrope of half-answers if you wanted to get anywhere. "O-okay…well…you're here now, so…can I…I dunno, get you something to drink?" You asked awkwardly.
"Don't suppose you've got any Doctor Pepper?"
"Umm…I'll take a look," You mumbled before heading into the kitchen and leaving Luciel alone in the living room.
He took the opportunity to look over the room. He took note of any new items you’d added and smiled as he spotted old familiar ones. He always did feel relaxed here. You had been one of the only classmates of his that could make him feel a bit less anxious about everything. Somehow, you could make him actually feel the teensiest bit safe in the midst of his crazy secret life filled with far too many worries to count. Maybe that's why he was drawn to you…why he couldn't completely push you to the back of his mind and forget you when it was time for him to leave. Luciel’s nostalgic smile faded as his thoughts continued to wander. He was supposed to forget you. He should have…
“Well you’re in luck, I had a few cans of soda left in the back of the fridge and it looks like I’ve got a couple Doctor Peppers. Guess it was meant to be,” you said as you reentered the room with drinks in hand.
Luciel snapped out of his thoughts and accepted the drink with a small thanks. "So… you're still hard at it, I see." He commented, gesturing to your school bag on the floor, practically overflowing with your textbooks and papers after you carelessly threw it down earlier.
"Oh…yeah, I've got a bit longer until I graduate. Not everyone can be a genius like you and fast-track everything," you scoffed as you averted your gaze, instead focused on opening your can of soda.
"Aw, come on! I remember you not being too bad yourself. You could keep up with the best of 'em. You would never have survived the year as my study buddy if you couldn't!" He said with a laugh, giving you a playful nudge with his elbow.
You couldn’t help but join his laughter. You forgot how contagious his smile could be. “Hah, are you sure it wasn’t just so you could come play with my cat instead of work?” You asked teasingly.
Luciel’s smile widened. “Ah…I will neither confirm nor deny that accusation,” he responded in an equally teasing tone before taking a sip of his own soda. “Where is the little guy anyway?”
“Hm, not sure…Here, buddy! Come on out!" You called out for your cat, scanning the area.
"Eep!" Luciel squeaked in surprise. You turned back around to find your cat coiling his way around Luciel's legs. 
You both chuckled slightly and Luciel was quick to bend down and scoop the kitty into his arms. you were torn between cringing and laughing at the feline's whines of protest as Luciel cuddled him enthusiastically, rubbing his face against the creature.
"Hey, be gentle with him. He's not as young as he used to be," you chided half-heartedly.
"Aw, but he's just too cute!" Luciel squealed happily.
You watched him play with your cat for a few more moments with a fond gaze before your expression grew more serious. "...So are we gonna talk about the elephant in the room? You just show up here after years of me not knowing if you were dead or alive? Come on, Chilyoung. You've got to tell me something." You pressed. You tried to keep your voice as level as possible but you couldn't stop a bit of hurt from leaking into your tone.
Luciel's movements slowed to a stop, instinctively holding your cat close as his expression darkened. He couldn't help but wince slightly at the use of his old fake name. Just one of many…
"...It was never my intention to hurt you...I had to leave the way I did. You won't understand, but I didn't exactly have a choice…And I didn't exactly have the luxury of keeping in touch…" He explained in a voice so low you almost didn't catch it.
You were a bit taken aback by his solemn response. Was he in some sort of trouble after all? You frowned with concern and stepped toward him, touching his arm gently. “What are you talking about? What happened to you?”
Luciel sighed, silently opening his arms and letting your cat scamper away. He then lifted his gaze to meet yours, giving you a sad smile. “I can’t talk about that…In fact, I’m not really supposed to be here at all…I just…” He paused, his smile fading as he looked away in shame and rubbed his neck awkwardly. “...I guess I just really wanted to see you again…hah…pretty stupid, huh?”
He quickly shook off the gloomy expression and gave you a fresh smile, only managing to worry you more. “But this can be our secret, right Y/N?...No one can know I was here, okay?” He asked, his tone chillingly serious despite his cheerful facade. He sounded almost…scared.
Your expression hardened into one of determination as you pulled him into a tight hug. He held himself stiffly, not sure whether to push you away or not.  After a moment, you pulled away just enough to look him in the eye. “Look, I don’t know what’s going on or what it is you’re going through…but you can trust me. I won’t tell anyone. I promise. I’m just glad to see you again. I'm glad you're okay and I'm glad you're here…I missed you too.”
…Ack! You used friendly support and affection! It was super effective! Critical damage -707 hp.
Luciel just stood there, staring at you like you’d grown two heads. If you didn’t know any better, you’d even say he looked flustered. “Ah…I…uh…haha…yeah…” He stammered, struggling to get a hold of his hammering heart. You always did this. You made it easy for him to let his guard down. That was…dangerous. Much too dangerous.
You just chuckled at his anxious state, taking his arm and tugging him towards the couch. “Now come on. We don't have to talk about anything that you're not comfortable with right now. Let's just sit for a minute and relax," you reassured him, sensing that he needed some comfort.
He followed your lead without protest, although you could have sworn you heard him mutter something in Korean under his breath as he tried to pull himself together.
You both sat on the couch, falling into an awkward silence at first, but slowly beginning some friendly small talk. True to your word, you kept yourself from asking any of the big questions you really wanted answers to. Something you could tell Luciel greatly appreciated. Instead, you caught him up with a few things that had happened since he left. You didn't really think your boring college experience was particularly enthralling, but Luciel seemed to be enjoying every word of it. He never had the time to slow down and really enjoy a proper college experience. He had a job to do and people to help. He could never be like you. So he found it particularly relaxing to hear about the life of a regular student.
In return, Luciel offered you a few small pieces of info. They were all pretty vague, more like a few gracious breadcrumbs to sate your curiosity and keep you from asking more questions than they were actual explanations. You learned that he worked for a big fancy group where his genius computer science skills were being put to use. He told you that was the reason for his traveling. He made an effort to make it sound like a cool plus, but you could tell he was unsettled about something.
"Luciel…are you really okay?" You asked hesitantly.
"Oh yeah sure. Living the dream," he responded lightly.
You weren't very convinced.
Luciel looked over at your concerned expression, letting out a small chuckle. "Seriously, I am okay, Y/N. You don't have to worry about me. Sure, my job isn't exactly easy, but I can handle it. It's no problem for someone like me!" He insisted. Another lie. His job was terrible. It made him do terrible things and it made him feel like a terrible person. But he couldn't tell you that part. No. He just wanted to indulge in a little peace with you and pretend to be normal for a single fleeting moment.
You gave him a critical look. You knew he wasn't being completely honest but you also knew there was nothing you could do about it. "Well…even someone like you still needs help sometimes. I know I can't do much. I'm just a boring college student with a cat. But if there's ever anything I can do…I'm here, okay?"
"...Yeah," he muttered, expression softening and his smile turning a bit more genuine. There was a moment of silence as you looked at each other, drinking in each other's presence.
The moment was broken by the buzz of his phone. Luciel’s expression immediately soured as he fished the device from his pocket and flicked it on. He groaned, letting out another grumble to himself that was foreign to your ears. "Yikes…Duty calls," he finally said in English once more before he rose to his feet. He had to get back before anyone from the agency realized he was gone. None of them knew about you. He was never supposed to make any real connections during his brief time here, but he had managed to keep whatever this was a secret…And by God, he was going to keep it that way.
"You're leaving already? Is everything okay?" You asked anxiously, following his lead and rising as well.
"Yeah, yeah. Great. I've just gotta…uhh…have you got a back door?"
"Oh, uh…yeah. Just through the kitchen."
"Good, good…" He trailed off, mind running a mile a minute. His attention suddenly snapped back to you. "Ah, you remember what I told you, right? I was never here,” he reminded you hastily, sounding like he was in a hurry to leave.
You smiled. “Who was never here?”
Luciel mirrored your smile. “Haha, yeah. That’s the spirit! Now, I hate to drink and dash, but I’ve really gotta go. Thanks for…thanks for everything, Y/N. Take care of yourself,” he said, his voice softening at the end. He gave you a more hesitant and lingering look before heading to the kitchen, making a beeline for the door.
“Wait! Luciel!” You called after him as you followed him around the corner.
“...Keep in touch this time, will you?”
“...I…Yeah. Roger that,” he responded, lifting his hand in a small salute before opening the door and slipping back out into the night like the ghost he was.
Luciel could barely think as he hurried his way back to his temporary hideout where his handler would undoubtedly be looking for him. It was fine. Luciel was smart. Exceptionally so. If anybody was qualified enough to keep such complicated double lives separate, it was him. He would just have to think of a new way to get under his handler’s skin again to keep the agent distracted. It would be easy. Maybe it was a bit of his ego thinking, or maybe it was the addictive nature of your company, but Luciel couldn’t help but think that he could do this again. Was it really so bad to enjoy himself for once? It wasn’t like you were associated with him in any meaningful way someone could trace. All Luciel would have to do is cover his tracks properly and you would be fine…right?
Ughh…He groaned quietly in frustration, lowering his head as he hurried along the dark streets. Who was he kidding? He didn’t deserve to be selfish like this, did he? He shook his head, forcing himself to stop the senseless back and forth. He would think more about this later. For now, he needed to get back to work…and pray that there would be no punishment for indulging himself in such guilty pleasures.
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obssessive101 · 1 month
Package is in usps hell (⁠´⁠;⁠︵⁠;⁠`⁠)
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wonderland-irwin · 10 months
Okay, so yesterday I get home from work and there’s like a packing slip thing on my front window… addressed to me. These things only happen when the package is too big to fit in the mail box… I have to actually go to the post office and get the package. I have no idea what is in said package. My guess is it’s that massive order I made on the 5SOS tour website… but I have no clue.
It’s actually driving me insane because I’m about to head out to work again today and I’ll have to go after dinner. I’m going to be twitchy about it all day!
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aria0fgold · 5 months
Look, my initial fondness for Cain (Wolves Den) might be because he shares the same name as Cain (Mahoyaku) but I am very willing and ready to love and adore and cherish him just as his own character from the stuff I know bout him which isn't a lot but enough to grab my attention by the neck.
Cain (Wolves Den) is different from Cain (Mahoyaku) but I have a feeling that Cain (Wolves Den) has some themes related to Cain (Bible) which Cain (Mahoyaku) already has. Do you understand what I'm getting at? I love Cain (Mahoyaku) and Cain (Wolves Den) and I Will research more bout Cain (Bible) for the sake of Cain (Mahoyaku) and Cain (Wolves Den). Are yall still with me?
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jmflowers · 2 months
y’all when those cleantok folks start mixing chemicals… you’re making a toxic gas, not cleaning solution my dude
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athetos · 1 year
I hate being faceblind, a woman came into the office and acted like we knew each other and I was way too self-conscious to ask her name, and the problem is there’s like a million average height brunette white women with valley girl accents here so there were a dozen names off the top of my head she could be.
But then she told me she was here to pick up the fur suit and that narrowed it down tremendously.
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therelentless · 3 months
where your soul rests
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among the pages of an old book
if your body wasn't made of flesh and bones, your soul would live among the pages of an old book- perhaps your favorite, maybe lost in between shelves of a library, or just a forgotten one collecting dust on someone's bedside table. i think you're attached to the things you like, to your hobbies, and you can hardly focus on whatever surrounds you once your mind is busy daydreaming. you're such a soft, endearing creature; you make candy taste sweeter, you make a song sound better, you make colors look brighter. to someone, you feel safe, like home, like that old soup that would bring your childhood memories back. if your soul had a color, it would be a golden-ish beige, like scorching san, and it would smell like vanilla sugar.
tagged by;; stole it from @moralpuppet tagging;; @helreginn + @threecardtrick + @notimminent + @lotuskissed + @vyrulent + you!
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iamjaayg · 1 year
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Ok here goes. First time using tumblr for more then a lock screen archive. Pretty much I'm looking to commission some pieces for my social media streaming “identity”. 
 *From twitch/kick/discord/obs overlays, emotes, twitter backgrounds, to YouTube banners, fonts, and pfp pictures. Animated or still*
Centered around the above picture obviously tweaked to fit what I actually look like and would want overall, just some examples:
1. A darker skin tone on “Finn” 
2. Glasses (Red ones)  
3. More emphasis on the afro.
3. A black cat instead of “Jake the Dog”
4. BMO, LSP removed entirely. 
5. Def. adding something weed/marijuana related like “Jake” blowing smoke from his nose lmao. not tacky like a shirt that says dope, a chain or a blunt in a mouth. Blended in there. 
6. Incorporating my favorite color (Red) while keeping the Adventure Time skim or aesthetic, trippy clashes of purple, green maybe even orange, and yellow. Meets Alice in Wonderland ya know?   
Again these are just ideas I have for this picture alone. I have thoughts on emotes, gifs, etc., so I wont leave it up to you only to come up with ideas. 
I have a vision and I’m looking for an artist! to help put it out there. 
I've been looking for the original creator of the image above to no end, because to me the style is unique but no luck so I'm trying here. So help me out if you know a person, recommend them, if you are HIMMOTHY send me some previous edits or commissions you’ve done. I’m looking for the real deal ya know.  
TLDR: I’m looking to have some art/ media commissioned based on picture above (Animated or Still). Send me prices, a sketch, previous works. PLEASE ONLY SERIOUS INQUIRES 
My information :D
Discord : jonnybricktop#6029
Twitter :  @nn0J_2
Don’t send things through this post. HMU in DMs. No to big on Vtuber but wont hurt. 
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