#if you’re mixing Lysol and bleach… no
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jmflowers · 11 months ago
y’all when those cleantok folks start mixing chemicals… you’re making a toxic gas, not cleaning solution my dude
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pixelatedwriter · 1 year ago
After The Incident
(Poem By Me) Trigger warning: mentons of suicide
Dizziness overtakes me. The bright light blinds me. I feel Velcro and metal restraining my limbs.  I can smell disinfectants and hand sanitizer. I hear loud commotion. People speaking, Faint sirens, the sounds of tools, hysterical sobs and shouting matches.
My senses are weak, everything feels false. Blinded by a white light, bound to a hospital bed, the haze puts me under the impression of sleep. I want this sleep to last forever. But it doesn't, and once again I am met with blinding white lights. 
Less commotion. No sirens, no shouting matches…
I hear a conversation, though I am much too caught up in my disappointment and confusion to hear clearly. 
What do I see? 
White room, bright lights, posters about smoking and overdose, the metal banisters on both sides of my bed.
What do I hear?
Incoherent conversation, keyboard strokes, papers shuffling, the clicking of pens, the heart rate monitor.
Beep Beep Beep
What do I feel?
A bandage on my finger, the overwhelming unpleasant texture of the hospital gown, the bandages around my thighs, wrists, and waist.
What do I smell?
Hand sanitizer, Lysol, Mops that haven't been washed in too long, and metal.
How do I feel?
The cold is biting at my skin, my body remains unable to be still, sweat on my palms, my heart beating rapidly.
I still can't make out words, I tilt my head and don't see my parents.
About 10 minutes. About 10 minutes is how long it takes for me to understand words. The first word I heard was...
“Psychiatric ward”
They want to send me to a ward.
To a mental institution.
To a jail for crazy people.
I'm damaged.
Not crazy.
The doctor asks me questions. I only reply with one word answers.
"Do you remember anything before the incident?"
(I remember everything.)
I shouldn't even be here right now.
No, I'm not grateful I'm alive, that’s the point.
My father, a raging alcoholic, stormed out. 
My mother made a fuss over how no one appreciated her. 
And I was ready to end it all. 
Not drowning myself. Or choking.
Not hanging myself. Or breaking my bones.
Not slitting my throat. Or stabbing at my veins until I bled out.
Not overdosing. Or putting chemicals into my eyes.
Not shooting myself. Or standing in the middle of a highway.
Not lighting myself on fire. Or injecting myself with a needle
Not jumping off a high building. Or purposely infecting a part of my body.
I locked myself in the bathroom after grabbing 
Arsenic from my backpack.
Peroxide from the hallway closet.
Bleach from the laundry room.
I mixed the chemicals, and took a bottle of salt water and shoved it all down my throat. 
I swallowed and made sure no one could get to me to save me. 
But they did.
They freaking did. 
Goodness, do I hate them for that.
I shouldn't be here, 
I don't want to be here.
They keep emphasizing how amazing it is that I survived. Where are they getting the impression that I want to be here any longer? They saved me only to throw me into a mental institution.
I tell him, “No.”
After the doctor nags me with more stupid questions, he steps out of the room.
A psych ward… are you kidding??… I'd rather die.
My name was called. I respond with a hum.
The doctor avoids eye contact with me and sighs. “Because you’re in stable condition, we are required to send you to a psychiatric ward. You and your belongings will be moved in the morning… get some sleep kiddo” He smiled and left.
What kind of person smiles after telling someone that they will be locked away with crazy people for months…
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abortionado · 5 years ago
Maybe a moreid based of this quote “You never meant for it to end this way right?”
Lmaoo so naturally I got carried away and this is actually like, many words and not 500 anyway
tw for drug use
If there were really a Hell, Derek is convinced that it’d look a lot like the detox unit at the  Quantico hospital. 
It’s an ugly place—peeling, water-stained wallpaper, an overpowering stench of Lysol wipes and bleach, sterile but not pristine or well-lit like the one up the interstate in DC—and even just walking down the hall, before he so much as lays eyes on Spencer, the absolute misery of it all is suffocating.
He’s alone. 
The first time Spencer overdosed and had to spend two weeks detoxing, the whole unit had accompanied him down this hall. 
After all, the addiction was hardly Spencer’s fault, and none of them had been helpful about it, so their collective guilt compelled them to the hospital. 
Some days, they took turns visiting him one-on-one, and some days, they’d gather around and bicker like a mildly dysfunctional family as they tried to pick a movie to distract Spencer from his withdrawal pains, but Derek was always there. 
Penelope made a garland of pressed flowers and draped it across the dresser in the corner of the room. Prentiss snuck Spencer some real coffee (they told her she couldn’t have outside containers with her, but she flashed them her FBI badge, which didn’t make sense but seemed to do the trick anyway), since he was only allowed to have decaf while detoxing. Hotch (who, Derek remarked to himself at the time, must have an EQ of approximately 1) was as unflinching as usual, but burst into the room almost daily to let Spencer know that he had Diana on the phone, which was his extremely detached way of apologizing from the bottom of his heart. JJ brought photos to tape to Spencer’s blank, ugly walls. She wrote NEVER FORGET: THE BAU LOVES YOU :)! in the middle of a large posterboard and taped it directly across from his bed.
(See that, Spence? Now you’ll have to think about that every morning as soon as you wake up and every night right before you go to sleep, she told him.)
After everyone else had left each day, just before the hospital locked down and visiting hours ended, Derek would sit by Spencer’s bed and hold his sweaty, shaking hand. (These were his favorite moments—Spencer was relaxed around him, and he’d always loved hearing what was on his mind.)
I feel loved, Spencer would tell him.
You are.
I want to get better. I have to get better. 
You will. 
And for a while, it almost seemed like he would. 
It seemed like he did, in fact, until Derek found him convulsing on their bathroom floor. 
That time, there was no outpouring of love in the hospital room. There were no posters or garlands or contraband caffeine. 
Derek still stayed with him as much as he could. As much as it hurt to see his beautiful boy in so much pain, he always went to him after work, holding his trembling hands and eyeing the angry red track marks that littered his thin, pale arms. (He hated looking at the injection sites. He kissed them and halfway hoped that when he pulled his lips away, they’d somehow be gone.)
When the team came to visit, they were always quiet. Pensive. Sad. 
Hotch visited Spencer only once, to let him know that he would be relieved of his duties immediately, and he needed to turn in his gun and badge as soon as he was discharged from the hospital.  
I’m disappointed in you, Reid, he said, but even more disappointed that I let you turn out this way. You had so much potential. 
Spencer cried himself to hiccups for three days, but Derek couldn’t bring himself to feel sorry for him. 
That second overdose ate away at them. 
The safe, domestic space they'd intentionally created for themselves away from the violence of their work had been violated—by both broken trust and the overall trauma of the overdose at home—and their house was not the peaceful, welcoming home it had once been.
The tension in which they lived now was nearly intolerable, but sometimes, when Spencer would fall asleep on the couch curled up against Derek’s chest, or when he’d wrap his arms around Derek’s neck in the shower and hum contentedly as he washed his hair, he hated himself for even thinking of abandoning Spencer. These were moments when he was very much still the sweet, passionate, awkwardly affectionate Spencer Reid he’d fallen in love with three years ago, and Derek couldn’t bring himself to drive those moments out of his life. 
It wasn’t until Spencer started using heroin that his habit really, truly became intolerable. 
Dilaudid, created in a lab, tested and approved by the FDA, is expensive. Far too expensive for someone without a job. 
Heroin, however, mixed god-knows-where with god-knows-what by god-knows-who, is cheap. (Not cheap enough that Spencer doesn’t have to steal money and pawn off the heirloom watch he got from his grandfather, but still far cheaper than Dilaudid.)
Derek figures it out when he finds a broken water balloon buried in their bathroom trashcan. 
What the fuck is wrong with you?
I don’t know. I’m sorry. 
Do you have any idea how dangerous this is?
Yes. I know. Derek, I’m sorry—
Are you insane? “Sorry” is not good enough anymore, do you understand that? One of these days, you’re gonna wind up face-down in a ditch and I’m not gonna know what happened to you. I can’t fucking take that.
Last chance. Last chance to take this seriously. I’m taking you to day treatment one more fucking time and that’s it. You choose. You can choose me, or you can choose this shit, but you can’t have both anymore. 
Naturally, Spencer’s third overdose hasn’t found him well. 
Derek’s so familiar with the Quantico hospital’s detox unit by now that he doesn’t even have to be shown to Spencer’s room. He declines the offer to be shown around, and the nurse, who recognizes him, gives him a pitying look. 
He navigates the hall completely alone—no nurses or teammates by his sides.
When he opens the door, Spencer is sitting upright in bed, holding his face in his hands. 
Derek wordlessly pulls the chair in the corner of the room up to his bedside. 
“You know what I’m about to say to you?” 
“Yes,” Spencer whispers. “You never meant for it to end this way, right?” 
They sit in thick, painful silence for a moment. 
“I love you,” Derek says eventually. “I don’t want to, but I do, and I’m probably gonna love you for the rest of my life. I gave you a choice, remember?”
“I…I know.” 
“Right. And...you made your choice. But…if you ever change your mind, if you…get clean, and you make a different choice, I’ll still be here, okay? My number will stay the same.” 
Spencer’s face crumples, and he begins to cry freely, chest heaving, tears falling rapidly down his hollowed, gaunt cheeks. God, he must be thirty pounds underweight. 
For just a moment, Derek feels the urge to wrap his arms around Spencer’s shaking shoulders and wipe the tears from his beautiful brown eyes. He wants to comfort him, make him feel safe and loved the way he used to before narcotics took the job. 
Instead, he stands up, turns his back on the love of his life, and prepares to face a life as lonely and desolate as the halls of the Quantico detox unit.
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linchxpin · 5 years ago
Can be used for RP and non-RP blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen!
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1. FIRST NAME: i go by masha online :v
2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF: when i was five years old, my family and i lived in a nursing home :oc or a. i guess technically it was more of a. oh. i mean it was a nursing home, but it was one that was specifically Set Up to handle seniors and Others with. erm. psychological issues coughs
i still remember some of the residents, and i also remember occasionally helping out with some of them, too. you know. in Very Small Ways bc i was just barely Not a literal toddler lmao
3. TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON: uhhhfjfkea;gerrr???? i’m automatically drawn to noses for some reason, particularly if they’re. A Certain Shape. also eyebrows/eyelashes thinking emoji and uhhhhh idk i guess maybe hands/wrists?? idek dude i’m frickn asexual as hell lmao
4. A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF: so i usually say dumplings of any sort and from any cuisine (potstickers, ravioli, empanadas, pirozhki, steamed buns, u name it), but i was recently reminded that scotch eggs are A Thing and
5. A FOOD YOU HATE: HOMINY......... CAULIFLOWER............. whispers asparagus hhhhh i also can’t do stewed tomatoes oh g o d
6. GUILTY PLEASURE: right now it’s probably dollmakers and watching hetalia mmd videos on youtube lmao lies down
7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN: whatever clothes i wore the day before finger guns
8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS: i mean probably neither, but if i had to choose, i’m. a little bit. ??? toward flings 6_6
9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE: g o d. the two biggest things i can think of are that i wouldn’t have dropped out of school rip i guess maybe in the long run it wouldn’t have changed much in the way of my schooling, but. idk. maybe i’d still have a friend or two rip
the other is that i wish i’d managed to live alone longer than i had
10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON: to those i know well, yes
11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN: fjife;a kung fu panda 2 lmao also honestly a lot of the x-men movies fall under this for some reason
12. FAVORITE BOOK: a little princess, house of leaves, on the beach, and almost anything by h.g. wells, but especially war of the worlds. also i can’t not mention the secret garden and little women
13. YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP ANY ANIMAL AS A PET, WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE: i mean, i admit i am the type of person who is inordinately happy keeping dogs as pets bc they pretty much hit every one of my Needs for a pet, but the idea of owning like. something really really Big and fluffy Sends Me ngl
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS [IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG, YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL]: oh lord UHHHH don’t judge me ok but my favorites are probablyyyy 
) beerus/whis (dragon ball) ) euroshipping kaiba/bakura (yugioh) ) sora/kairi/riku (kingdom hearts) ) i think it’s called stormshipping now?? fubuki/manjoume (yugioh gx) ) bad friends trio OT3 (hetalia)
y. yeah. tried to go with a Variety of different fandoms rip
15. PIE OR CAKE: whichever one cheesecake counts as >8| but honestly probably pie, bc i frickn love pumpkin pie, chocolate silk pie, lemon meringue pie, cherry pie, key lime pie, hershey’s cookies & cream pie-- i mean the list is practically endless lmao
16. FAVORITE SCENT: SO MANY. cucumber melon, aloe vera, lysol, rubbing alcohol, BLEACH......... sweet pea, gardenia, actual rose, actual vanilla, ginger, white tea g o d you will find me literally standing in the soap and body wash aisle for a good thirty to forty-five minutes just smelling what they offer there lmao......................
17. CELEBRITY CRUSH: idk uhhhh weird al? lmao
18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO: I WANT TO GO TO RUSSIA SOMEDAY but also i’d love to revisit sorrento and capri and florence and assisi 
19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT: in the middle-ish but leaning somewhat heavily toward introvert :v
20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY: i am a very Jumpy person lmao but. other than that, it really depends on what you’re doing to scare me thinking emoji history has shown me i tend to keep a cool head in emergencies
21. IPHONE OR ANDROID: telegram. ya whippersnapper *tapdances out*
22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES: at the moment? no orz but i still consider myself fans of games like animal crossing, kingdom hearts, twewy, uhhhhh monster hunter, super smash brothers, MARIO KART.... and also majora’s mask is probably my all-time favorite game thinking emoji
i’m also a big fan of star fox and any number of survival horror games, but they’re generally too Difficult for me to actually play rip
23. DREAM JOB: god for probably like ten years or more i’ve dreamed of being a comic creator lies down i’ve pretty much given up on that one tho. but i’d also just Love being able to do something related to drawing-- especially in animation. i also will always mourn not being able to be a teacher bc i love the act itself of teaching, but. well. mornings and me Do Not Mix. so. when i’m feeling more practical, the truth is i want very much to be a hospice nurse
24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS: l o r d firST THING-- get my education squared up and out of the way >:u and probably also pay off my student debt i already have. hrmmm. maybe buy a house. definitely move out, that’s for sure. take my mom to italy and/or ireland
25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE: iiiiiii. er. i mean, i can’t think of any off the top of my head?? i don’t tend to hate characters tbh scratches head the most i get is neutral toward them lmao
26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER: well. i kinda tend to cycle through old fandoms, so i can’t really think of any that i was once part of that i also have no interest whatsoever in going back to
i guess there’s some that i hesitate to get drawn too deeply into, just bc of their reputations or. honestly sometimes just bc i’m Just Not That Into It lmao
i could maaaybe put star wars here? bc it was technically my very first fandom back when i was like ten years old and the phantom menace had just come out fjfie;ahg YES I AM THAT OLD SHHH i was really into it at the time, and i still enjoy the universe itself and all, but. i can’t say i’ve felt compelled to really Join The Fandom
tagged by. whispers stolen from @sakuraari​
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ythmir-writes · 6 years ago
A Thousand Mended Seams
fandom: Ikemen Sengoku character: Ieyasu Tokugawa
A/N: as promised, here’s the first chapter for that IkeSen Ieyasu reincarnation AU (currently untitled) igotalame one hah! i cooked up while doing a prompt for my 182 series. What’s a reincarnation AU without urbanmagic? please enjoy!
Other works are over here!
no warnings; 3330 words; and hey look i got chapter titles!
edit! changed the title (again) from inevitable --> A Thousand Mended Seams
previous: prologue
Chapter 1 – Working
    “Thanks for dining with us. Please visit us again.” Ieyasu Tokugawa gave a barely enthusiastic parting wave as the last group from the dinner crowd made their way to the exit. The customers were not really paying attention to him, and Ieyasu could only barely stop himself from hurrying them out. Then, the door to the restaurant closed with the familiar tinkling of the front bell. Quiet finally settled and Ieyasu breathed out a sigh of relief.
    Dinner rush was usually the busiest and nosiest part of the day. People were always hurrying to eat or karaoke or shop away the accumulated stress from a full day at work. Or all three. And the night crowd that came into their restaurant sometimes had just been to all three. Not that Ieyasu was begrudging them those small luxuries. But he had to admit, ever since he had started working at a restaurant, he had very little free time. And what little he had, he knew he would spend differently.
    Setting down the knife and the carrot he had been slicing, Ieyasu took the nearest dish box and made his way towards the tables to clean up the mess left behind. That particular group of customers had obviously never given thought to the woes of the service industry given the state of their table. Working to clean it was one thing, but having to sweep and mop up underneath was already thirty minutes taken from his already tight schedule.
    With a grunt, Ieyasu placed the dish box in the sink, soaking the empty dishes in water and anti-bac for later. Then, he turned back to the carrots, and continued on, the silence now broken only by the rhythmic thudding of his knife against the chopping board.
    Ieyasu worked faster with the quiet; his hands moving more swiftly now that his concentration was focused only on just one task. Whenever he was left alone to handle the restaurant withcustomers, he had to position himself in the middle of the open kitchen to make sure he could see the whole place with a single sweep of his eyes. He also had to divide his attention between cleaning tables, taking orders from newcomers, and actually cooking their food.
    It was hard work. A little bit stressful, if he was going to be completely honest. But at least, it was work he could actually do without anyone having to worry about him.
    After all, cooking was practically almost the same as potion making, and Ieyasu had been specializing on mixing and concocting potions ever since he had displayed his first capacities for magic. That, and wards. Both were his areas of expertise, and were the main reason he was so good and particularly compatible at helping Masamune in the kitchen. Their areas of power overlapped. Blessings. Warding. Shields and immunity and nourishment. Ieyasu and Masamune were experts on where to draw the line, or erase it altogether.
    But nothing that Ieyasu had ever experienced as a potion maker had prepared him with the sheer amount of work that comes with running a restaurant. Nothing about it had been as easy as he had originally thought.
He may be only a second pair of helping hands to Masamune Date, but it did not mean he was doing less work. For all his carefree and reckless attitude, Masamune ran a kitchen like it was a battlefield. Except, warmer. And more peaceful.
    Tonight was again a testament to that, and then some. Masamune had left a long list of things to do while he was away on patrol duty, which was on top of the fact that the restaurant was open for business. Ieyasu had more work than usual whenever Masamune was away.
    No, wait. Ieyasu frowned at the thought. That didn’t do it justice.
All the work was practically already on his shoulders. Add to the consideration a certain set of circumstances which dictated upon Masamune some physically inescapable constraints, Ieyasu technically was the lone chef. And noodle maker. And waiter. And cleaner. And busybody.
    Hell, if it was not for the fact that Hideyoshi brought them groceries and did part-time with them, or that Mitsunari sometimes came over to (only and strictly) look at their books, Ieyasu was going to be the sole saving grace that allowed the restaurant to continue to run for the next thirty or so years. And Ieyasu found no comfort in that.
    Before he could even shrug away the irritation that had crept up along with his thoughts, Ieyasu was done with the first batch of carrots, worked on the second, and then turned his attention to the spring onions and mushrooms. Ieyasu switched knives, choosing a slightly longer parring knife this time, and he could almost hear Masamune telling him to chop them up finely now, no that’s too thick.
    He did quick work of the vegetables for tomorrow’s menu, setting them into their respective containers for later use, and then strategically placing them into the refrigerators. Then, he grabbed a pair of clean towels and began to wipe down the tables, spraying them with a mixture of water and vinegar when there were difficult spots. He refilled condiments. Made sure the napkin holders for each table were bursting and then finally, mopped the floor. Twice. Just to be sure.
    He turned his attention to the dishes he had soaked next, and for the umpteenth time, Ieyasu thanked his luck that Masamune had been easily persuaded to set up shop a few more blocks away from the business district. Any closer and they would be busier than they already were, and Ieyasu would not have been able to keep up.
    He had only just begun to debate whether he should start making more noodles for tomorrow’s early morning batch, when suddenly he heard the front bell tinkling again.
    Ieyasu quickly dried his hands and had half an excuse already at the ready for the new customers: that it was cleaning time and no the place is simply too large for a single person to clean and things will definitely take too long and they should visit tomorrow instead. He was ready to recite it all rapidly when he recognized the man who stood by the door.
    “Mitsuhide?” Ieyasu said, surprised. All pretense of his worker’s personality was instantly discarded at the sight of his friend. “This is rare.”
    “Hello, Ieyasu.” Mitsuhide Akechi was all smiles. He removed his Gable rain hat, revealing slicked back white hair that Ieyasu might have mistaken as a halo if he did not know any better. Mitsuhide widened his smile and there was a mischievous light in his eyes that made Ieyasu second-guess if this was an ordinary visit.
    “I hope you aren’t yet closed for the night.” Mitsuhide said.
    Ieyasu sighed, crossing his arms and mentally setting up protective walls in place. “Don’t start.”
    At that, Mitsuhide chuckled again, slightly opening his palms in defense. “I’m sorry. And just to be perfectly clear, I didn’t read your mind.”
    “Right.” Ieyasu pretended to roll his eyes.
    “You know I wouldn’t. And I know you enough to know that you wanted to use that excuse. Again.”
     “It works on everyone that isn’t you.”
    “Thank the gods for that. Though I must confess it is hard being the only sensible person in the room, with a perfect sense of smell.” He took a whiff. “Bleach. Lysol. Vinegar and water, which has always been your favorite go-to cleanser – ”
    “Because it works.” Ieyasu said, defensive.
    “ – and just the barest hints of spring onions.” Mitsuhide nodded. “You’ve been busy.”
    “This place doesn’t run itself you know, despite the gossip. And I wanted the tiles spotless.”
     Mitsuhide scanned the dining area. “They are. And I promise they’ll remain that way. My guests are sober.”
    Ieyasu almost laughed. “For once.”
    Mitsuhide’s grin widened and Ieyasu saw a flash of amusement again, flecks of gold glinting in Mitsuhide’s eyes.
Ieyasu shook his head. Best to leave Mitsuhide to his own methods. “New recruits, then?”
    “Freshest new faces for the Academy.”
    “What do they need?”
“The usual concoctions against most urban spirits. Except for the underground train.”
Ieyasu hummed in thought, checking his mental list of common ingredients. “We don’t have much broth left. You’ll have to make do with plain soba.”
“It’s more than enough. This isn’t a fieldtrip.” Mitsuhide paused for a heartbeat. “At least. Not yet.”
    “I shudder at the thought.”
    “Ahh. You’re the only one who hasn’t helped me conduct one. A shame, really. Field trips are always fun.”
    “No, not really.” Ieyasu said, a vague memory of Masamune complaining about them for three days straight crept into his mind. “How many, then?”
    “Six people. I won’t be eating much.”
    Ieyasu decided recoiling at the number would only delight Mitsuhide so instead he pointed towards the right corner, as far from the open kitchen as the space would allow. “No spills. Anyone who does licks it off the floor.”
    “Duly noted.”
    “And they have to wait.” Ieyasu added, tightening his blue apron. “I have to make the noodles first.”
    “They will.” Mitsuhide nodded.
    “Help yourself with the appetizers. You know where to find them.” Ieyasu turned away and saw six bodies shuffle into the restaurant from the corner of his eye, each one grimacing as they sensed the magical barriers scanning them for any immediate threats. Their tense posture only became stiffer, as they were reminded that this was no an ordinary restaurant, and Mitsuhide no ordinary teacher.
    Ieyasu went into the walk-in pantry then shuffled back into the kitchen with an armful of ingredients for the soba. Mitsuhide’s group was duly seated at the far end,occupying four sofas and behaving as he had promised. Most of them were nibbling on what looked like nuts and some deep fried anchovies. Satisfied they would continue to sit quietly, Ieyasu set down the ingredients, mentally calculated how much he would need for six (and a half) servings and set to work.
    Making soba noodles was easy enough. Making soba noodles to ward against common city specters was not even a fraction more difficult. Flour. Water. Room temperature set at just the right degree for the early summer night. A gigantic dry board. A large bowl. An equally large soba knife. The stillness of the air around him. A single happy thought. And the space to perform.
    Well, not for a fancy performance really, but when he was making this particular soba, it needed to be quick. No distractions. The main ingredient was after all abstract so he had to hold on to that happy thought for as long as he could. Unlike Masamune and Hideyoshi, who cooked with their mouths running ahead of them without batting an eye, Ieyasu needed to concentrate.
    The first time he had tried to make soba – and just ordinary, non-magical soba at that – it had taken him five minutes too long, what with Masamune breathing down his neck and him in turn trying his best to make sure Mitsunari was not spilling anything at the customers. As a result, the noodles had broken in his hands like dust.
    So maybe not exactly like dust. But he had been truly horrified at how easily the dough tore in his hands. How none of the noodles wanted to stay in place. It was a disaster. And it took him two hundred bowls before he got it right.
    Now, after all these years working on improving his technique, making soba was as natural as breathing. He was far from becoming a master, too many variants and too little time to practice them all, but he could make a batch for twelve under ten minutes.
    Ieyasu held on to that sense of accomplishment, stretched it in his mind, molded it into something tangible and real. He added in a punch of pride in being able to do it all with his eyes closed, with just his instincts guiding him through the process.
    It’s been said that it was better to make soba that way, without eyes and simply relying on your arms, hands, and each ten fingers. Until Ieyasu needed to make sure he was shaping the dough into a sensible square. That one he needed to see with all his available senses.
    Ieyasu opened his eyes to do just that and was shocked to find Mitsuhide’s group had gathered in front of him, eyes wide and half-mesmerized. Ieyasu fought the urge to balk under their stare and instead glared at Mitsuhide who had remained seated in his spot at the far corner.
    “I didn’t know I was part of the curriculum tonight.” Ieyasu bristled, taking the soba knife andvmaking pointed chopping noises. He should not let Mitsuhide notice that the students frazzled him. “You said they only wanted to eat.”
    “They do.” Mitsuhide answered.
    “We do.” The tallest female replied almost simultaneously. Ieyasu glared at her from behind the glass and she flinched. “We also begged Sensei Mitsuhide to let us see you work.”
    “Is that right.” Ieyasu’s tone dripped with irritation and sarcasm. He did not believe her and he returned to glaring at Mitsuhide.
    “It’s true.” Another piped. And as if emboldened, the group murmured various loud assents. Yes, they all wanted to go to Sensei Mitsuhide’s friends’ restaurant and yes they did hear about their group in the Academy and they just had to see it for their own eyes.
    Three of them got ahead of themselves to comment that they have never in their entire lived lives saw someone like Ieyasu cook and was it not fascinating the way he mixed the flour with water and how –
    Ieyasu did not want to hear the rest of that sentence and made the last cut on the dough with an exaggerated thwack. The noodles looked oddly misshapen. Ieyasu decided Mitsuhide can have those.
     None of the students however seemed to have gotten the point that came with the sound of a large sharp knife being smacked against a hardboard and continued chatting amongst themselves now, their earlier discreetness all but forgotten, their voices seemingly reaching higher pitches by the second.
    Ieyasu turned his back to them and began the mechanical act of boiling the noodles, then dumping them into cold water. He should have known better that Mitsuhide’s tell was always the gold in his eyes, he should have known better that his students would somehow take after him. Even if they were fresh recruits.
    By the time he turned around again to begin plating, all six students had seated themselves at the bar, eager to eat.
    He did not like the attention. He also did not like how all of them stared at him as if he had somehow done magic while he was cooking. That was Masamune’s domain. Not his. There was no magic when he cooked.
    Only memory. Only reflex honed by years and years of experience. It was mostly science and measurements and knowing which ingredients went with what to achieve an end. There was nothing magical about that.
    Ieyasu was about to shoo them back into their respective seats when a hand shot up, surprising him and forcing him to take half a step back. Mitsuhide snickered in his corner. Ieyasu gritted his teeth.
    “What?” He spat, but even his coldest tone could do little to dissuade their eagerness to learn.
    “Do you cook with magic?”
    Ieyasu scoffed,feigned insult as he pushed the plates towards them. No one seemed to dare eat without him answering their question first and he urged them with a wave of their hands.
    Six mouths quickly went to work, gobbling up the food. Mitsuhide made an elaborate show of nibbling his noodles and made no effort to explain in Ieyasu’s place.
    Ieyasu clicked his tongue, wondered for a brief moment how much they knew and what he did not have to say. “Of course not. If your Sensei hadn’t already told you, my area of expertise are potions and wards.”
    Another hand. And Ieyasu closed his eyes to calm himself down. Another girl, this time with brighter, sharper eyes.
    “This is not a class and I am not your teacher.” Ieyasu said. “Yours the last question I’m entertaining tonight.”
    Disappointed groans answered him. Ieyasu ignored the guilty squeeze in his gut.
    The girl hesitated but eventually pushed through. “How do you do it then?”
    Ieyasu gave her a pointed look. Maybe his expectations of Mitsuhide’s students was a bit too much. They had obviously not learned subtlety. Yet.  “It’s a very important trade secret.”
    Six bodies inched closer to hear. None stopping to pause in eating.
“The fascinating and equally tedious but exacting art of boiling your ingredients with potions and letting them simmer for forty minutes.”
A collective gasp. More fascinated than put-off by sarcasm, and seven pairs of eyes went to look at Mitsuhide, whose eyes were fully glittering golden now.
At least one of them was enjoying this.
    “What did you tell them?” Ieyasu asked.
    “That they’d be seeing an old Sensei at work.”
    Ieyasu felt his brows meet in the middle now. He was about to point out in all seriousness that the Sensei they should really make their way out to see was Masamune when he was cooking. Masamune could only be sautéing vegetables and it would look as if he weaved fireworks.
    But before Ieyasu could, all of a sudden, the kitchen too bright for Ieyasu’s eyes, the air too hot for his lungs to take.
    He felt his knees buckle.
And then the world turned black.
It felt like fighting through the ocean current.
Ieyasu’s arms and legs were heavy with effort as he pushed through the darkness, as if the black around him had weight and was coiling and recoiling and pushing him back.
“Do you understand, Ieyasu?”
    And Ieyasu felt himself pulled from the darkness and suddenly, he was standing across Nobunaga from their tiny bonfire. ��Whatever you do, do not look back.”
    Ieyasu shook his head then focused again on Nobunaga, who shimmered and seemed to fade in and out of his vision. Nobunaga was staring at something behind him, his eXpression clouded over like he was trying hard not to show that he was frightened or cowered by whatever it was that was standing behind Ieyasu and whispering in his ears and he needed to move, he needed to protect himself, he needed –
    Ieyasu wrapped his arms around himself, bracing himself against the crashing waves inside his chest. He opened his mouth, wanted to vomit but nothing could come out.
    Nobunaga did not react. Or maybe he did but Ieyasu found it hard to hold on to Nobunaga’s image; frozen one moment, flickering the next, like the static of a light bulb.
    Ieyasu ground his teeth. “I’m tired. I’m so tired.”
    “I know.” Nobunaga replied but his voice was a hundred miles away.
    “I’m sorry,Nobunaga. I wish I was stronger. I wish I was better.”
    The darkness was already at the corners of Ieyasu’s vision and whichever way Ieyasu turned his head, something was skittering just out of sight and he could not help but feel the years of fighting, of running, of trying their best to finish what they started.
    “Until we find her again, this will be way things are.” Nobunaga was suddenly in front of him. He was suddenly very real and very there, solid and imposing and powerful and poised with knife to Ieyasu’s hest.
    Ieyasu wanted to run, wanted to get away, but somehow Nobunaga had grabbed his arm and wasn’t letting go –
    No. Ieyasu was the one not letting the knife go.
     “Start over. Live again. Find us. Remember.”  Nobunaga leaned forward, the knife pressed to his skin and it felt like a dozen hot iron rods. “You have to remember, Ieyasu! That’s the only way we can find out!”
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tahanotnagh · 3 years ago
4 Things Emotionally Intelligent People Don’t Do
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What is something that everybody in your house touches yet nobody thinks twice about?
You know to wash dishes and mop floors and mud furniture, but there are some things in every home that have probably never been cleaned.
Here are 15 belongings you should attempt to wash to assist prevent germs from grasping your family.
Remote controls
Remote controls are among the foremost germ-ridden surfaces of the house. Odds are you’ve never cleaned it. consider all the food particles that have got to be gumming up the works. People sneeze and cough and think nothing of grabbing the remote. the simplest thanks to clean a foreign control is by employing a disinfectant wipe. make certain to urge between the buttons.
Light switches
For an equivalent reason, you ought to be suspicious of your light switches. Again, they’re a standard enough item that everybody touches without even thinking. Run a disinfectant wipe over all the switches hebdomadally approximately, or more frequently if anyone in your home is sick.
Doorknobs and drawer handles
These need an honest cleaning, not just a fast wipe with a rag. Use Lysol or another disinfectant, then confirm to wash them hebdomadally thereafter. Yes, there are tons of them, which suggests there are tons of places where germs can linger. this is often very true for the front entrance and any drawer handles within the kitchen and toilet.
Inside trash cans
This should be obvious but it’s not. Even the strongest ashcan liner can spring a leak. Take your trash cans out back and hose them off with some bleach or cleaning solution. otherwise, you can clean trash cans in your shower or tub. Just remember to wash the bathtub too before using it for its intended purpose of keeping your own body clean.
Behind trash cans
Just take a glance at the wall behind your trash cans. Sometimes people miss the can when they’re discarding trash and hit the wall instead. It’s an honest idea to wash out behind the ashcan while you’re cleaning the within of the can. you almost certainly already sweep behind the rubbish area, but a fast once over with some household cleaner will do tons of excellent. Bleach isn't recommended if you've got wallpaper. A multi-surface cleaner like Formula 409 will work just fine.
Automatic kitchen appliance
You probably clean out your refrigerator at some point, but if you've got an automatic electric refrigerator within the door, the likelihood is that you’ve never cleaned that part. It’s recommended that you simply do a deep clean of your refrigerator and freezer a minimum of twice a year, but if your ice cubes begin tasting weird, flushing the system with vinegar and water should help degunk it.
The water reservoir within the coffee machine
Whether you've got a machine that creates a full pot of coffee or one at a time with a pod, the water you’ve been using has probably built up within the works. Especially if you've got water, you would like to stay the coffee machine clean. Run a cycle with an answer of half vinegar, half water, then run a second cycle with plain water. Doing this regularly will help keep your kitchen appliance running in top condition.
Brushes, combs, and other styling equipment
Your hairbrush can get clogged with hair in no time. Therefore, it’s important to get rid of the hair from your brush frequently, then soak the comb in a mix of water and shampoo. Let the comb air dry. Combs are easier to wash hair from, but they also collect all types of dead skin cells in between the teeth. Regular cleaning of combs is simply as important. Use an old toothbrush to wash out the worst of the buildup.
Pet toys
No matter how close you're to your pet, their toys are among the filthiest things in your house. Covered in pet drool, dander, and fur, the toys got to be taken care of to stay your pet healthy. you'll run soft toys or stuffed animals within the washer, and rubber toys are often sanitized by running them, separately, through the dishwasher on the highest rack.
Bathroom knickknacks
You probably already know to stay your toothbrush covered because flushing the restroom sends up a mist of germy water. But does one ever believe in cleaning off your bathroom decorations? Whether you set flowers on the restroom tank or a dish of pretty soap by the window, everything in your bathroom gets re-introduced to germs with every flush. So, wipe everything down as you clean the toilet, and alter out the towels once each day.
Washing machine
You would think the washer would be the cleanest appliance within the house, but you’d be mistaken. a bit like the kitchen appliance and therefore the electric refrigerator, the washer needs an occasional run-through with vinegar and predicament. this may help prevent mildew from forming inside the machine. Or, if your model of machine features a self-cleaning setting, don’t be afraid to use it.
Dish cleaning brushes
The cleaning brushes within the kitchen are among the worst offenders for keeping germs around. Since they’re plastic, they will be run through the dishwasher on the highest rack. Or, if you don’t have a dishwasher, soak the brushes in predicament with a touch of antibacterial dish soap.
Vents for heaters and air conditioners
Spring and autumn equinoxes are ideal times for taking care of chores that require doing twice a year. that has checking batteries in smoke detectors. But you ought to also check and clean out your heating vents at that point. Clean them once before the cold season starts, then again once it warms up and you switch the heater off. Run a vacuum over the vents to dislodge dust and buildup, and make certain to vary out the air cleaner if it’s dirty.
Light bulbs
Light bulbs get dusty a bit like everything else, especially if they’re the new LED-style bulbs. These bulbs last years longer than the old filament-style bulbs, which suggests they will build up tons of debris. Don’t use water. Bulbs are often cleaned with a fast wave of a dust-free cloth. make certain the bulb isn’t turned on once you roll in the hay.
Yoga mats
Yoga mats go everywhere and obtain stepped on frequently, so it’s easy to ascertain how dirty they will get. And you don’t want to be lying face down in any of that. Fortunately, they will be refreshed with a sprig bottle and a 50/50 mixture of water and apple vinegar. this may also get obviate the sweat and skin buildup you’re shedding on them at every workout.
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themunirgroup · 5 years ago
5 Tips On How to Move Safely During the Pandemic
5 Tips On How to Move Safely During the Pandemic
Moving can be a hefty process especially if you’re packing up a family with kids and pets. Add a pandemic to the mix and you’re facing an experience that can feel pretty daunting. But, don’t worry, the process can be done safely with a few extra precautions! Here are some of our tips and tricks on how to have a safe and healthy moving experience:
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Know Your Moving Company’s Policies
Moving during this time requires extra diligence when it comes to doing your homework about what moving company is best for you. As you make your calls be sure to ask questions on each company’s health and safety precautions around physical distancing and sanitization. Once you decide on which movers you feel comfortable using you’ll also have a better idea as to what their expectations are of you prior to their arrival.
Rent a Truck & Move Yourself
If the thought of hiring movers has you in a tailspin, recruit your man/woman power. As the restrictions lighten up and we’re allowed to expand our circles a little more, consider asking help from close family and friends. Of course be mindful of those who might be immunocompromised. But otherwise take the necessary sanitation precautions, make a day or two of it and celebrate at the end of the day with takeout from your favourite local restaurant
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Buy New Boxes
You might be tempted to take to the internet asking for used moving boxes, but in this case it’s safest to use any boxes or plastic totes you already have in your own home or to buy new boxes all together. Safety first!
Clean & Sanitize as You Pack and Before You Unpack
Not only is this a safety precaution to protect those who are helping you move, but it’s also a big win for your future self! There’s nothing worse than packing up items that have collected an inch thick of dust just to have to clean it during the unpacking process. Wipe down all your belongings with a disinfectant. If you’re having trouble finding Lysol wipes and spray, make your own disinfectant by mixing 1 tablespoon of bleach with about 4 litres of water.
Remember to also give your new home a good cleaning prior to putting your things away. On moving day, divide and conquer. Have some of your moving buddies cleaning while some are helping move your boxes into your new space.
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Take Care of the Unpacking Process Yourself
Some moving companies offer full service packing and unpacking. As convenient as it sounds, forgo the upgrade and take care of the unpacking yourself. You want to minimize the number of people who are touching the items you use on a daily basis. Plus, you already spent all that time disinfecting so spare yourself the hassle and worry. Moving, whether during a pandemic or not, takes careful planning. Moving companies are implementing the best safety practices they can during a time that is especially stressful to move so rest assured you’re in good hands. Be mindful and more considerate of your own sanitation practices, but most important, take a deep breath and don’t become overwhelmed. You got this!
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Disinfect Car And Your Residence To Aid Kill COVID-19
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You're currently more cautious of these surfaces that you touch due to this publication coronavirus, outside of your home, such as door manages and also packages that are Amazon. You are also more aware. Consequently, once you need to venture out for groceries or additional essentials, it is most effective to invest in and outside of this store as quickly as achievable. After you buy home, part of the perfect method to farther minimize your exposure to the disease known as COVID-19 would be to Sterilize X your home.
Washing your hands often is among the most useful steps you are able to take, but the coronavirus may cling to surfaces that you carry in your sanctuary together with you, like your clothes, sneakers, debit card along with your phone. The EPA has published a list.
Keep Tabs on the pandemic
In the event you are worried you've got are in touch with somebody who tested positive for the virus, then or you also only want to be really mindful, you can utilize cleaning products like Clorox, Lysol, Microban, hydrogen peroxide and Maquat products to Sterilize X every one of the surfaces in your dwelling. Be certain that to concentrate on cleaning counter tops of the doorknobs and also other areas.
Listed here are ways to continue to keep other areas along with items, and also your home from the coronavirus you should disinfect, have a look at Sterilize X review.
Use disinfectant wipes to quickly clean surfaces down
Think about the situations you get times aday -- remote controls, doorknobs, sinks fridge doors -- and what number of germs are lingering about the surfaces you will well not think about. When you're in public locations since residence is wherever you are most relaxed, you may perhaps well not be militant about washing your hands.
To continue to hold the germs at bay, then utilize a disinfectant wipe, like Lysol Wipes Clorox Wipes or Purell Wipes, to sanitize those are as. One or two times a day should do the trick to remove germs, but you may want to wipe surfaces down frequently, should some one within your residence is sick. Let it air dry to provide it the time to get rid of any bacteria that may linger, Once you wipe the spot. Click here: www.emailmeform.com/builder/emf/Al512/sterilize-x-review for details.
Clear surfaces using a disinfectant spray
For are as such as your couch and carpeting that can not be swallowed down, you can work with a disinfectant spray, like Lysol, to go after germs. I would recommend spraying on to cover the full area area, then let it dry before sitting or walking on the surface.
You might also squirt down mattresses countertops and tables. You are able to plan your spray to wash down sink handles and smaller surfaces, When you should be outside of wipes.
Work with a bleach mixture to clean floors
Your footwear measure throughout daily on lots of products and should you do not simply take them you might monitor in germs and other germs. To clean the floors the CDC suggests having 1 cup of bleach mixed with 5 gallons of water to wash the flooring.
The EPA checklist consists of dilutable Maquat products which you may use to completely clean areas that are tough, non porous , like glazed tile floors -- however you also ought to avoid putting hired upon your grout.
Tidy up using hydrogen peroxide
Benzoyl peroxide is not just efficient for whitening teeth -- in fact, that the CDC says that 3% hydrogen peroxide has been ready to inactivate rhinovirus. When you put the stuff on surfaces like toilets, countertops or your sink, you'll want to let it soak for around 10 to a quarter hour. This gives it the time. Scrub the area after you let it sit and rinse with water.
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newstfionline · 8 years ago
How to Clean Up Safely After a Hurricane or Flood
By Jolie Kerr, NY Times, Sept. 14, 2017
Throughout Texas and Louisiana, Hurricane Harvey cleanup is underway. Florida, Georgia and the Caribbean islands are just starting to assess the damage from Irma, while the storm pushed north to flood Charleston, S.C. Hurricane Jose’s path is still uncertain, but one thing is true: If you’ve been hit by either of these--or any other storm--cleaning up can be a nightmare, and few resources tell you where to start.
Storm cleanup is different from regular, and even heavy duty, cleaning. There are hazards, health concerns and other issues that go beyond normal cleaning that require specialty products, tools and cleaning techniques, as well as protective gear and safety measures not required in regular cleaning. After a large storm and flooding, many belongings will be a total loss, but often there are unexpected treasures that survive that can be restored. Here are guidelines to follow for cleaning what can be salvaged.
Removing Water and Eliminating Mold: After a flood, removing water and drying everything out can be daunting. In addition to utility pumps for water removal, wet/dry vacuums like the ShopVac, and carpet and upholstery cleaners like the ones made by Rug Doctor and Bissell, can be used without cleaning solutions to extract water from both hard surfaces, like concrete and subflooring, and soft surfaces, like carpet and upholstery. For spot cleaning, a good wet mop will split the difference. Safety is a concern when handling any electric tools in a flooded area, and you should avoid using machines like the Rug Doctor if there is more than a half inch of standing water. Do not enter a flooded space unless you are sure the electricity is turned off.
After standing water has drained or been removed, dampness will persist, and along with that moisture will come mold, mildew and smells. Dehumidifiers, once the water is gone, can help keep the air at a comfortable humidity until you can make bigger repairs. Portable air-conditioning units (but not outdoor or ground-mounted central air units, which can be contaminated with silt) can also help reduce humidity and moisture levels in your home. If a dehumidifier or air-conditioner offers the feature, use the ‘extra dry’ setting. Both of these options are great while you get lingering moisture out of walls or flooring, or to finish dehumidifying your home once you’ve made those repairs. Carpet and upholstery cleaners can be used with a pre-mixed odor-eliminating solution or diluted white vinegar (if allowed by manufacturer instructions) to remove those damp, mildewy smells from your floors.
A bleach solution and scrub brush can be used to remove mold from hard surfaces; the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offers a reference guide to bleach-to-water ratios for use in disaster cleanup. When cleaning mold, it is important to wear protective gloves and N-95 (or better) masks, particularly if you suffer from respiratory issues or have a weakened immune system. Goggles are also recommended.
To treat moderate dampness and mustiness, desiccants and odor absorbers such as DampRid, silica, the Bad Air Sponge and activated charcoal-based products are all good choices. It’s also worth keeping in mind that even with all these tips, you still may want to get a professional mold test for your home--even the best efforts of individuals may not be enough, and you might need professional help. After Katrina, for example, some people needed expensive antimicrobial spraying equipment for their whole home. Do your best to clean up, then keep an eye, ear and nose out for spots on walls, smells, or inexplicable coughs.
Cleaning Waterlogged Laundry: Heavily soiled laundry requires special handling, and this is especially true in the case of heavy soiling caused by floodwater. Before doing any wash, ensure that the water supply is clean and uncontaminated, and that your laundry machines are safe to use. If they are not, head to your closest laundromat or dry cleaners. If access to laundromats or dry cleaners is an issue, check to see if corporate disaster relief services, such as Tide’s Loads of Hope program, or volunteer laundering services, like Ladies Who Launder (and Men Too…), are available in your area.
Prepping and Choosing Items for Laundering: Start by taking the heavily soiled laundry outside to rinse wet or muddy items off using a hose, or place them into a utility sink for pre-rinsing if outdoor space is not available.
Allow the items to dry, ideally in the sun, to help prevent mildew from developing, then shake out and brush off any dirt and mud that remains after the initial rinse.
To ensure safe handling of contaminated textiles, wear gloves, and consider the use of goggles and/or a mask or a respirator. The C.D.C. recommends disposing of items that have been exposed to sewage spills and groundwater runoff, as well as things like pillows, plush toys, or clothing that have been in floodwater for an extended period of time.
Machine Washing Instructions: When laundering heavily soiled textiles, it’s important to check the water during the rinse cycle to make sure the items are clean. Multiple wash cycles may be needed to fully remove soil and other contaminants. Many washing machines offer an extra rinse cycle, which is helpful to use with those really dirty clothes or sheets. Fine or vintage items should be washed using the delicate cycle, or hand washed in very hot water (wear protective gloves if you’re handwashing). A boiling pot may be required to fully disinfect delicate items that cannot withstand the agitation of a washing machine, though you risk shrinking them that way.
For disinfecting clothes or other laundry, use the hottest water setting that is safe for the fabric type. Provided they are safe to be used in laundry per the manufacturer’s instructions, add pine oil disinfectants such as Pine-Sol or Lestoil, or phenolic disinfectants like Lysol, or chlorine bleach, at the start of the wash cycle.
Once your items are thoroughly cleaned, they may go into a dryer--but not before, as the heat will set stains into soiled textiles. To reverse lingering dinge or yellowing, consider Engleside Restoration, especially for antique or vintage textiles like quilts and ceremonial clothing, such as baptismal or wedding dresses, you want to save.
Navigating Safety and Insurance Concerns: For your safety when working in wet conditions, wear rubber or insulated footwear, and again, do not enter a flooded space unless you are sure the electricity is turned off. If your home has natural gas service, check for gas leaks before using electrical equipment in your home, including lights. If you have a gas grill, have your canisters checked by a professional before you try using them again.
The Environmental Protection Agency recommends wearing gloves and other protective equipment in post-flood conditions, including respirators and goggles. Similarly, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has a safety guide to follow before you walk into a flood-damaged home. If you want to brave returning to your home before the water has fully receded, do so only with the proper equipment.
Your protective gear should be suited to the materials you’ll handle, such as heavy duty work gloves for handling debris, and natural rubber, neoprene, or polyurethane or PVC gloves for use with disinfectants like chlorine bleach. Household gloves can be used when working with milder detergents and cleaners.
Snakes and other wildlife will also be a concern, so use caution when working in flooded areas. The American Red Cross recommends employing a wooden stick to turn over upended items that might harbor critters, as well as for scaring away snakes and for moving potentially-live electrical wires. Additionally, floodwater and mud will make flooring slick, creating slip-and-fall hazards.
When it comes to insurance claims, it is ideal to have photographs or video of both the interior and exterior of homes, automobiles, boats, etc. before the damage occurred to show their previous condition. Regardless of whether pre-storm photos and videos are available, photos and videos documenting the damage should be taken before cleanup efforts begin. If receipts are available, they should be preserved. Taking a photo of an item with the receipt of its purchase side by side makes providing proof after a loss to an insurer more likely to result in a successful claim.
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waywardimpalawriter · 8 years ago
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Summary: You’d always be waiting when he comes home from a mission this time, you’re not there, making Bucky worry.
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Character’s: Bucky, Reader, Steve, Natasha, Sam, Clint
Setting: not too far off future
Warnings: None just fluff
Word count: 3,209 (turned out longer than I thought it would)
Notes: Because I’ve been sick and feeling like crap for the last few days this little gem came to mind. Hope y’all enjoy. 
Tag list:
Permanent tags: @winters-buck @marvel-lucy @feelmyroarrrr @aquabrie @fandommaniacx @thetalesofmooseandsquirrel @angryschnauzer @supernaturallymarvellous
Marvel tags: @ek823 @creideamhgradochas @marvelfanfichq @sebbytrash
  Another sneeze, nose running so you had to reach for more tissues, stuffy head, Lord you were barely gonna last the afternoon if this kept up. Why’d you even come into work anyways? Not like things couldn’t have been taken care of in the comfort of your own apartment. But then it’d remind you of the reason you came in today in the first place. Loneliness, granted you weren’t totally alone. Nat, Clint and Sam stayed home from this last mission so company wasn’t the issues. No it’s who you want there more than anything else. To keep you warm, hold you close, kiss your forehead and tell you everything’s going to be okay.
Course the honeymoon stage should’ve worn off by now as Tony has said more than a few times over the past several months; given the fact you and Bucky have been together for going on three years. Though you can’t help it and only hoped Bucky felt the same. Thoughts are interrupted by another coughing fit that rattles your lungs and has you gasping for breath and the desk in front of you.
“Damn sweetheart you don’t sound so good,” Sam’s deep voice reaches your ears right as you blow your sore nose for what felt like the thousandth time today.
Glaring, before tossing the tissues out, “Thanks for the boost in confidence birdman, I’ll be sure to fix my makeup later.”
“That’s not what I meant Y/N,” rolling expressive chocolate eyes, Sam perches a hip on the end of your desk, arms crossed, while giving you the once over. “You look sick.”
“And he takes another shot,” groaning when two more sneezes land in the hastily grabbed tissues. “Insults gonna stop anytime soon Wilson?”
“Woman,” he all but growls, then chuckles seeing the half smirk on your lips, which turns into a frown at the next couching fit. “Seriously Y/N, you need to get home, meds, soup and sleep,” worry seeping into his tone.
“I’ll be fine Sam, promise,” soft groan leaving your lips as you sit up, sore muscle being pulled from coughing so much.
Shaking his head, “Not taking no for an answer sweetness. I won’t have that walking icicle you call a boyfriend rip me a new one for not taking care of you.”
“I can take care of myself Sam, you don’t have to worry about Bucky,” dizziness over takes your eyes momentarily, making you see double screens. Glancing up to see if he caught the action, which of course he had, you try to smile through it, “Just a few more…”
Standing, Sam takes your elbow helping you up through your protests, “Ain’t doing this because I’m scared of Rust bucket arm, I’m worried about you Y/N. I’ll take you to Cho then to bed.”
Gasping, knowing what he really means but can’t help ribbing your closest friend, “Really Sammy, I mean you’re handsome and all, any woman would be proud to have you in their bed, but I’m taken.”
His glare throws you into a fit of giggles that turns into coughing so hard you almost toss your half eaten lunch right on the marble flooring. “Would say it serves you right woman but I ain’t that cruel,” wrapping his arm around your waist, supporting you as you both walk, or in your case stumble towards the infirmary.
An hour later, after finding out that you’ve got a simple cold mixed with allergies and sinuses. Sam’s half dragging you up to the apartments, only pausing long enough in the kitchen to grab up a few requested items.
Wearily plopping down on the bar stool, head resting against the cold granite island top, a deep groan leaving your lips. “Woah what’s wrong with the walking dead there?” Natasha asked concern lacing her tone despite her words.
Giving her the middle finger salute as another coughing fit hits you, to which Sam half chuckles before a frown replaces answering, “She’s sick Nat.”
“Need a couple hundred gallons of Lysol and Bleach to clean the area don’t need Sicko’s germs,” Clint commented sticking his head in the fridge for water.
“I’ll remember that one Barton when you get sick and need help,” you groan sending him a frown while sliding off your stool, heading towards the elevator and the apartment you share with Bucky.
“You know I love ya babe,” he yells after you, getting a smack upside the back of his head from Nat.
“Show it next time Clinton, wouldn’t kill ya man,” shaking his head, Sam takes off after you your items in hand.
“Seriously Sam, go I don’t want you sick to. I’ll be fine really,” you’d plopped down in the couch blanket from the back wrapped around your body to keep the chill off. “Go I’ve got this okay.”
“You sure sweetness?” worry marring his features, dragging his brows down.
Nodding, “Yes I have what I need, the meds Dr. Cho gave me and my bed. I’ll sleep promise. Now go or you’ll need that Lysol bath Clint was bitchin’ about.”
“You know he’s just…”
Holding a hand up to stop him, then pointing towards the door, “I know, now shoo birdman.”
He holds out for a few moments longer, concerned about you, but knowing how stubborn you can be. Sam takes a few steps to your side, leans down and quickly kisses your fevered forehead. “If you need anything.”
“I’ll give a yell,” you croak out, voice already deeper from the cough and sore throat.
“Alright, get better Y/N,” looking back twice more before leaving. “FRIDAY,” calling out once he’s a few meters away from your door.
“Yes, Mr. Wilson?” smooth Irish lilting female voice asked.
“Could you alert me if there’s any drastic chance to Y/N?”
“Of course, I will monitor her vitals and keep you posted. Will there be anything else?”
“No, thank you FRIDAY,” another deep sigh leaves his lips. Knowing you’ll be fine but can’t help but worry anyway. You’d been a good friend, hell best even for so long he didn’t want to lose you.   
“She resting?” Natasha asked when Sam stepped back into the kitchen.
Nodding, “As best as she can, just not use to seeing her like this is all.”
“She’ll be fine Sam,” turning back towards the stove, uneasiness only showing in her tense posture.
Waking up around 4am, sweaty, eyes caked with sleep, body stiff from sleeping on the couch, you managed to drag your tired body to the bedroom. Stripping down, then into sweats, before slowly heading back into the living room spotting the small medicine bottle, you down two yucky pills with a big glass of water, before heading back to bed. Curling up, arms wrapped around Bucky’s pillow wishing you could breathe in his scent as tears of longing pool in your eyes and spill over. Being sick sucked, most of all when the one person you want there to hold you isn’t. Tears slowed, then stopped, body succumbing to the meds in your blood stream; you drift off into a hard sleep. 
Fingers, cool and metal touch your heated forehead brushing sweat dampen hair away, as soft kisses are laid across your skin. “That better not be you Wilson,” voice barely recognizable as its deep and gravelly from both sleep and soreness.
“Really doll?” for a second Bucky wonders but dismisses the idea in favor of worry as he’s kneeling beside your shared bed staring at your sleepy, pale form.
“James?” you manage to croak out as a coughing fit over takes you, eyes trying to focus on the man of your dreams being right in front of you.
“I’m here baby girl,” fingers running through your hair slowly feeling a shiver run through your body.
“Missed you handsome,” you try to smile then frown needing to push Bucky away, one hand on his should trying but your too weak. Doing little more than gaining a frown from the man himself, “You shouldn’t be here Bucky you’ll get sick.”
Chuckling, he raises from the crouched possession, shedding his jacket and tight black shirt in the process. Seeing the pout on your full kissable lips, “I’m not going far baby girl. I just got back for cryin out loud do you think I’d leave now?”
“But you’ll get sick,” a small whimper leaving your lips, making you curse yourself for being so weak while ill.
“Serum doll face, I’m not gonna catch your cold,” he turned towards the door nodding at Steve. “I’ve got her man, but is there any way I could get some soup in a few hours and more water?”
“Mama Rogers’s homemade chicken soup coming up,” nodding his sandy blonde head. “I’ll be back with water, and a few other items to keep her hydrated to. Take care of her Buck.”
“I plan on it punk,” grinning as Steve closes the door, Bucky turns back to see you dozing off. Hating to see you like this, he makes quick work on the rest of his clothing, leaving himself in boxer briefs.
Pulling the covers up, to slide into the warm bed, wrapping his arm around your waist to pull you back against his chest cradling you close, “Bucky?” you muttered turning, bleary eyes opening to look up at him.
“Still here Y/N and I’m not going anywhere so don’t say it,” using his bionic fingers to run through your hair slowly. The whirling of shifting plates barely heard but soothing to your ears as you snuggle into his arms.
“I hate being sick,” another pout on your lips as you can barely take in his scent, but the warmth of his arms and mire presents is enough to make your eyes start to droop.
“I know you do doll, I know,” he coos into your ear, pressing a few more soft kisses to your temple and cheek. “Rest now, you’ll feel better soon.”
Absentmindedly, you nod praying this wasn’t a dream that Bucky is truly here and not some fever induced figment of your imagination. Before you could figure out which, sleep drug you back under.
Meanwhile in the kitchen, “So this soup is special why?” Clint asked from his perch by the island munching on an apple.
“Kept my ass alive didn’t it and that’s saying something,” Steve answered from the pantry, coming back out with a mess of ingredients.   
“Language Steven,” Nat smirked pulling pots out to help. “So what’s in the soup?”
Glaring, though deciding to let the first part go, “None of your business Romanova,” dropping everything from his arms on the counter. “Mind moving your butt out of my way?”
Huffing, feeling useless to help you get better, arms crossed she leans her hip against the island, “Anything the rest of us can do?” 
“Gonna need bread,” he answered thinking for a moment.
“I know just the place to and she loved there chocolate chip cookies to,” Clint stated hooping off his stool. “Come on Nat you can go with me while Cap makes his super-secret chicken soup for the soul.”
Watching the pair take off, Steve chuckles setting to work on chopping, “Need help?”
Glancing up, “Always need a wing man.”
Yawning, stretching your tired body against a rock wall beside you, eyes glance over starting from where the sheet and blankets end at his waist up the long toned, hard expanse of hard abs and chest to meet a grinning and awake Bucky.
“What lustful thoughts are roaming through that beautiful sleepy mind of yours doll?” voice gravelly from napping but still sexy as hell.
Shaking your head, you just curl back against him placing a soft kiss to his collarbone, “I thought I’d been dreaming when I felt you last night.”
“No dream baby girl all real,” he didn’t have the heart to till you it  was this morning as his arms wrap tightly around your weak body, burgundy sheets and dark blue comforter encasing the two of you. “You had me worried when I came back and you weren’t waiting.”
Glancing up, you scooch till your level, warm palm against his slightly stubbled cheek, “I’m sorry Bucky, I didn’t…”
Placing a finger over your lips, “I know, it couldn’t be helped I’m just happy I got home when I did.” Puzzled Bucky cups the side of your face, thumb brushing the apple of your cheek. “My girl is stubborn when it comes to taking care of herself, so it’s good I’m home to do that for her.”
You want to punch him, but can’t find the strength to do so. Therefore you settle for pouting, “Don’t make fun of a sick person,” though his words warm a place in your heart, making you fall in love with this man all the more.
“Never dream of doing something like that doll,” he chuckles kissing your forehead again before starting to pull away and out of bed.
“Where you going?” making grabby hands to keep him from leaving.
Grinning he covers you back up with a wink, “Don’t move I’ll be back.”
Ten minutes later, new sheets and comforter dropped on the chair beside the closet, Bucky’s back with a smile on his lips as he by passes the bed and straight for the bathroom, getting the bath started on warming the water. He returns, pulling the covers from your body and lifting you into his arms, feeling your face bury in his neck, nose still sniffling.
“Gonna drown me Sarge?” trying to laugh but it just comes out into another coughing fit.
Siting you down on the counter, Bucky carefully runs his fingers through your knotted hair, leaning in for a quick sweet kiss. “Bath you is better baby girl.”
Stepping back to pull your top off, before helping you stand, ridding you of the sweat pants and panties to, all heading for the hamper, before picking you back up only to place you in the hot bath water. “You’re not joining me?” another pout on your lips that he kisses away.
“In due time love, now relax,” leaving to replace the bed sheets and comforter.
Your dozing when Bucky returns, stripping his boxer briefs off and helping you to sit up so he can slide in behind, intertwining your fingers he lets the water sooth the both of you before sitting to work on bathing you.
“I can do that myself James,” you groan, enjoying the feel of his fingers working the shampoo through your hair.
“True but I want to do this for you doll, your sick let me care of you,” he whispers in your ear.
Nodding, you let him work as time seems to slow down, the water always warm, helping to unclog your sinuses passages and breathe a little easier. Eucalyptus meeting your nose at last as a sigh leaves your lips.
Intimate, sweet and romantic, words that float to the surface of your tired mind. You’ve never known a man to do this, to take care and be so sweet to you that it has tears springing to your eyes. Ones that Bucky catches, brows dropping in concern and worry, “I love you.”
Confused but elated by your admission, “You’re crying because you love me? That can’t be a good thing doll.”
Chuckling, “Silly there happy tears, you make me happy James. You take care of me when you don’t have to.”
“No I don’t have to, but what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t take care of my best girl,” he grins brushing his nose against yours, then his lips. “I love you to Y/N.”
Shriving as the water starts to turn cool, “I think we need to get out.”
“Agreed,” standing having rinsed the both of you off, Bucky got out first drying quickly towel wrapped around his lean waist. Your eyes having watched his every move, “Like what you see doll?”
Licking your dry lips, “Damn being sick,” you mutter starting to stand as well but Bucky doesn’t let you, as he grips your around the waist, lifting and setting you down on the counter again to dry you off.
“I feel the same way baby girl, but don’t worry once your better,” licking his lips, heat pooling in those swirling steal blue grey eyes, “We’ll make up for it in spades.”
Arms wrapping around his next to pull him close for warmth and need, “Promise?”
“Count on it doll face,” giving you a quick kiss before dressing you in panties, another pair of sweatpants and one of his Henley’s that he knows you love.
Taking the time to dry out his and your hair, before picking you back up and heading towards the living room. Catching the sight of lunch on a serving tray ready for the two of you, “What’s this?”
Smiling, placing you on the couch and taking the spot next to you, “Homemade soup from Steve, bread and cookies that Nat and Clint went and got, from bird brain a few of your favorite movies.”
Trying to pop him one but missing, “Don’t call him that Bucky.”
Laughing he leans over kissing your forehead, then dishing out the delicious smelling soup, “Damn punk still knows how to make the best soup,” eyes closing in bliss when the favors hit his tongue.
“Might have to marry that man,” moaning slightly, tummy growling with hunger.
Piece of bread ready to dip in as you look over at Bucky who’s scowling at you, “You wouldn’t?”
“Well he is sexy and can cook, Lord that’s a double threat,” your trying to hold in your laughter at the kicked puppy look on his face.
“You wound me doll.”
Placing firstly your bowl then his on the coffee table and with a lot of stumbling and a few coughs you finally make it into his lap, hands cradling his face. “You Sargent Barnes have nothing to worry about, there’s only one man I love.”
His face lights up, arms having wrapped around your waist to hold you close, “Really?” eager grin sliding in place.
“Yup Sam,” your declaration has him snorting, head resting against yours.
“If you weren’t sick baby…” his words cut off by your soft lips against his.
Nothing steamy just gentle presses, in different directions, you nip at his bottom lip before soothing it with the tip of your tongue. “I love only you James,” nuzzling your face in the crook of his neck, taking in the scent of his skin, warmth of his body, your own growing tired as you cough again. “Thank God for that serum I don’t know what I’d do without you,” you muttering feeling Bucky arrange you in his lap so the both of you can eat.
Watching you, making sure every drop is eaten before taking your bowl again, doling out your meds and getting the pair of you comfortable. You don’t make it through the first movie, curled up in his arms head resting on his chest, Bucky picks you back up and puts the two of you in bed.
“Sleep Y/N, feel better,” laying a sweet kiss to your lips, laying on his back with you curled up beside him, the both of you falling asleep holding each other.  
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cathrynstreich · 5 years ago
Moving at the Crossroads of COVID-19 and Moving Season
Moving is stressful during an average move. Mix in the coronavirus pandemic and the fact that we’re in the heart of moving season, and you have a recipe for misinformation, uncertainty and anxiety.
If your clients have questions about how to move safely, they’re not alone. Here are the answers to the most frequently asked “moving safely during coronavirus” questions.
Related to State-by-State Guidelines Is moving an essential service in my state?
Check your state’s executive order for essential businesses and check frequently as officials update their guidance daily.
How do I know if my move is allowed? While your local officials may deem moving essential, some apartment communities and HOAs are not allowing residents to move during stay-at-home orders. Check with your management company, board, etc. before booking anything for your move. As of this publish date, most states are allowing moving, as long as they abide by the state-mandated safety precautions.
Related to the Moving Company What should I ask moving companies to ensure they can handle my move safely?
Specifically during this pandemic, here are a few questions you should ask your professional moving company:
– Do you provide virtual or digital estimates? – Are the trucks and movers equipped with hand sanitizer, masks and gloves? – What other measures are being taken to ensure the safety of your customers and crew? – How often are high-touch surfaces within the trucks sanitized? – If I opt for packing services, can you pack my home without me there? – What is your cancellation/rescheduling policy?
What should I do to best accommodate my moving company? You should provide a few accommodations to make the move safe for your family and the moving crew:
– Wear a mask and gloves. – Don’t pack your disinfecting wipes, cleaners and soap—allow the crew to wash their hands frequently (before, during and after). – Disinfect high-touch surfaces often—doorknobs, sinks, cabinet pulls, refrigerators, etc. – Keep your windows open during the move to provide additional air circulation.
What happens if I need to cancel my move?
If you need to cancel your moving company, don’t worry. In most cases, booking a moving company is non-binding, allowing you the freedom to cancel at any point prior to your move, without penalty.
However, if your moving company collected a deposit prior to your move, it may be non-refundable. Contact your moving company about your deposit—many reputable moving companies will be flexible or make an exception considering the pandemic. They may refund your deposit or provide credit for a future move.
I don’t feel comfortable with others touching my stuff. What are my options?
– You can move using your own vehicle. This is the safest option. – You can rent a truck. – You can rent a container–it’s contactless and you can pack everything yourself. I want to rent a truck and do it myself. What should I do to ensure my safety? If you rent a truck, be sure to wear gloves and disinfect the truck’s “hotspots” before getting behind the wheel: the steering wheel, the keys, the door handles (outside and inside), the seats and seatbelts, the gear shifter/selector, knobs and buttons on the dashboard and console, and touch screens.
Related to Disinfecting Belongings How do I make sure my things aren’t infected? My boxes, my stuff, my furniture, etc.
This is a great question because it seems nearly impossible to disinfect every item in every box.
If you don’t have to move in right away, move your belongings first and then move your self/family into the house 72-96 hours later. The New England Journal of Medicine published a study that tested how long the virus can remain stable on various surfaces—they found it was still detectable on cardboard for up to 24 hours and on plastic and steel for up to 72 hours.
If you’re moving at the same time as your belongings, pack an “open first” box or two. When you get to the new home, drop your “open first” boxes in a safe place, and place the rest of your boxes away from your “open first boxes” (cover it in colorful tape or use colored markers to make sure it doesn’t get swallowed up in a sea of other brown boxes). Prepare to disinfect the box and the items inside the box.
Here are some items to include:
– For the kitchen: disinfectant spray, water bottle, plastic cups, non-perishable snacks, paper towels – For the bathroom: hand soap, body soap, shampoo, conditioner, toilet paper, shower curtain, shower liner, towel, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant – For the bedroom: sheet set, blanket, pillow, t-shirt, phone charger – For the next day: change of clothes, instant coffee or cold brew
When/how should I clean the new home properly? Be sure to deep clean and sanitize your new home before you move into it. Here are a few resources and tips to help:
– CDC’s recommendations on how to clean and sanitize your home
– EPA’s list of disinfectants that meet the criteria to fight COVID-19. When purchasing any product, check if its EPA registration number (located on the product label) is included in this list. The products on this list may be marketed and sold under different brand names, but if they have the same EPA registration number, they are the same product.
– Use disinfectant wipes for quick cleanings over the most high-touch areas—doorknobs, sinks, cabinet pulls, refrigerators, etc.
– Use disinfectant sprays for areas that can’t be wiped clean. You can use Lysol, for example, on your couches and mattresses which will touch many surfaces during a move (the ground, the inside of a truck, etc.).
– Use this CDC bleach mixture recommendation on your new tile floors. Use a disinfecting wet mop cloth on your hardwood floors.
– As you unpack, be sure to also disinfect your computer and accessories (keyboards can get pretty gross), your television remote controls, credit cards, wallet, and more.
Other Considerations Is it safe for installation teams to come into my home?
Many television and internet providers now offer self-service solutions for installing new equipment like routers, DVRs, etc. so if you’re healthy and capable, that’s your best option. Regardless of installation technique, you need to prioritize your internet setup— your internet connection is your connection to your work, family and friends. There have been one- to two-hour call wait times, as more and more people call to increase speeds and bandwidth. You can’t bank on getting an appointment as easily as you have in the past. Additionally, you may also want to consider a high bandwidth plan to account for changes in working from home, video calls, multi-device streaming, etc.
For more information, please visit www.updater.com.
The post Moving at the Crossroads of COVID-19 and Moving Season appeared first on RISMedia.
Moving at the Crossroads of COVID-19 and Moving Season published first on https://thegardenresidences.tumblr.com/
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asfeedin · 5 years ago
Drinking, bathing in, or injecting yourself with bleach can be deadly—and it won’t cure COVID-19
For cleaning purposes only. (Unsplash/)
Follow all of PopSci’s COVID-19 coverage here, including tips on cleaning groceries, ways to tell if your symptoms are just allergies, and a tutorial on making your own mask.
The idea of using bleach to “detox” the body or prevent certain diseases is nothing new, but global panic over the novel-coronavirus pandemic means this dangerous DIY treatment is getting some more time in the spotlight. As Gabby Landsverk reported for Insider on Thursday, Christina Cuomo—wife of CNN anchor Chris Cuomo and sister-in-law of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo—recently shared a COVID-19 wellness routine on her publication The Purist that includes bathing in diluted bleach. Meanwhile, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has had to crack down on groups repackaging bleach as an ingestible COVID-19 cure. And at a press conference on Thursday night, President Donald Trump wondered aloud if injecting patients with some kind of disinfectant might kill off the coronavirus in their blood and lungs.
There are almost no circumstances where bleach should come into contact with your skin, and absolutely no circumstances in which you should drink or inject yourself with a disinfectant. Here’s why.
Bleach baths are occasionally recommended by doctors—but only for very specific conditions.
Bathing in diluted bleach is often touted as a way to “detox,” which is a problematic thing to try in the first place (you can read more about the issues with detoxing here). It’s also sometimes touted as a way to undo damage from “radiation,” presumably because of the results of a single 2013 study conducted on mice. But there’s no reliable evidence that soaking in bleach can relieve your body of toxins, cure you of disease, or protect you from dangerous levels of radiation. In fact, it can be quite harmful.
The World Health Organization (WHO) warns that using bleach and other cleaning agents on your skin can damage your mucus membranes, which actually leaves your body more vulnerable to microbial pathogens like the virus behind COVID-19. Bleach manufacturers like Clorox say that their products shouldn’t even come into contact with skin if you can help it. While even a small amount of bleach in your bathwater could dry out or irritate your skin, using too much could cause serious burns or respiratory distress. It’s also worth noting that, while soap does a great job of counteracting COVID-19 without risking harm, bleach will kill off loads of the healthy and helpful microbes on your skin. We’re just beginning to understand how our bodies’ delicate colonies of microbial passengers influence our health, and the middle of a serious pandemic is not the time to mess with that balance.
The only people bleach baths are recommended for are patients with severe eczema, and even in this specific use case they remain contentious. Bacterial infections can worsen the severely itchy skin caused by atopic dermatitis, so killing microbial pathogens may provide some relief. But you should only add disinfectants to your tub under a physician’s guidance: It’s easy to overdo it, either by making the bath too strong or by dipping in too often and irritating your skin. You can also end up burning yourself if you inadvertently add things other than bleach to the bathwater and cause a chemical reaction.
Some physicians argue that even people with skin infections or serious eczema should leave cleaners out of their soaks. At least one study, which reviewed data from several previous papers, found that bleach baths have no more benefit than soaks in plain water—and can actually trigger asthma attacks with their fumes.
In any case, if a doctor recommends bleach as a disinfectant for your skin infection, it’s undoubtedly safer to apply a diluted solution directly to your wounds instead of soaking in it (and again, this should only be done under the guidance of a medical professional).
You should never inject yourself with disinfectants.
At a briefing on Thursday, President Donald Trump suggested that disinfecting agents might be used in the fight against COVID-19: “And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside, or almost a cleaning?”
Reckitt Benckiser, which manufactures the popular household disinfectant Lysol and Dettol, released a statement asking customers not to inject or ingest any of their cleaning products, as did the American Cleaning Institute. Doing so will likely lead to serious illness or death.
“This is not willy-nilly, off-the-cuff, maybe-this-will-work advice,” Craig Spencer, director of global health in emergency medicine at New York-Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center, told The Washington Post. “This is dangerous.”
Drinking bleach is often peddled as a pseudoscientific “cure,” and it’s never a good idea.
Last week, a federal court issued a temporary injunction against a group known as the Genesis II Church for selling a bleach solution as a cure for COVID-19. But as The Guardian reports, this “Miracle Mineral Solution,” or MMS, isn’t new—and this church wasn’t the only group promoting it. The mixture of sodium chlorite and citric acid is billed as a cure for “95 percent of all known illnesses,” when in fact, it forms an intense bleach that’s usually used to whiten industrial textiles or paper.
The FDA has pushed back against MMS sellers before, Vice reported in 2015, but many skirt regulation by hawking guidance on how to mix and use MMS instead of providing the product itself. There’s a similar market for hydrogen peroxide, which sellers claim can “cleanse” the body of various ailments.
Some proponents of MMS have praised President Trump’s comments on injecting disinfectants, framing them as an endorsement of the dangerous therapy.
There’s absolutely no evidence that ingesting these disinfectants provides any defense against viruses, bacteria, or other microbial pathogens. Drinking bleach even in low concentrations can cause nausea, headaches, and diarrhea; a stronger solution can burn your skin or internal tissues, and can put you in a coma or even kill you. Hydrogen peroxide is similarly dangerous to swallow.
Bleach is sometimes used to purify drinking water at extremely low concentrations. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends just eight drops of bleach per gallon of clear water, and up to 16 drops at most if the gallon of water is visibly cloudy with contaminants.
Even accidental ingestion of cleaning products can be dangerous.
The CDC reported this week that poison control centers received 20 percent more calls related to cleaners and disinfectants from January to March than they did during the same period in 2019, presumably due to increased use during the COVID-19 pandemic. Don’t mix cleaning agents or buy things because they’re being marketed as effective against the coronavirus—standard cleaners like diluted bleach are still your best bet. Don’t wash your produce with soap or other products not designed for human consumption. Keep all cleaning products and hand sanitizers away from young children. Remember, soap and water is still the best way to remove the coronavirus from your skin, so there’s no need to seek out more intense disinfectants for your own body. If you or someone you’re with has ingested bleach or any other kind of household or topical disinfectant, or you’ve burnt your skin or eyes with a cleaner, or chemical fumes are making you feel unwell, call poison control at 1-800-222-1222 immediately.
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Tags: Bathing, bleach, COVID19, cure, deadlyand, drinking, injecting, wont
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livingcorner · 4 years ago
Pruning Tool Sterilization – When Do You Need To Clean Garden Tools
When plants display symptoms of disease, it’s a good idea to prune out the diseased, damaged or dead plant tissue. However, disease pathogens can catch a ride on your pruners or other tools, possibly infecting the next plant you use them on. Sterilizing pruning tools between uses can help prevent the spread of diseases in the landscape. Continue reading for helpful suggestions on how to sterilize pruning tools.
Pruning Tool Sterilization
Many gardeners ask, “Do you need to clean garden tools?” To maintain proper function, prevent rust and reduce the spread of plant diseases, garden tools should be kept clean and frequently sanitized. After each use, soil, sap and other debris should be cleaned off garden tools. Rinsing or washing pruners regularly will not prevent the spread of many different plant diseases. For this reason, we recommend regular pruning tool sterilization.
You're reading: Pruning Tool Sterilization – When Do You Need To Clean Garden Tools
To sterilize pruning tools, their cutting parts are usually dipped, soaked, sprayed or wiped with a disinfectant known to kill off plant disease pathogens. Different disinfectants work better on certain plant diseases than others. Some disinfectants may kill off plant pathogens but can also be harmful to the tools and unhealthy to the handler.
Read more: The Seven Rules of Raising Baby Garter Snakes
When Do You Need To Clean Garden Tools
Whenever you see any signs or symptoms of disease on a plant, you should sterilize any pruning tools you have used. Oftentimes, orchard growers will carry a bucket shallowly filled with disinfectant to dip or soak pruning tools in between cuts or plants. If you are pruning several shrubs or trees, this bucket method prevents the spread of disease from plant to plant and also allows you to carry all your tools easily.
Though some retailers of garden tools sell specialized sanitizers, most gardeners and growers use common household items when sterilizing pruning tools. Below are the most common disinfectants used for pruning tool sterilization, as well as their pros and cons.
Bleach – Bleach is very inexpensive to use as a garden tool sanitizer. It is mixed at a ratio of 1 part bleach to 9 parts water. The tools, or at least the tool’s blades, are soaked in the bleach water for thirty minutes, then rinsed and hung to dry. Some cautious gardeners will even dip their pruner blades in bleach and water between each cut while pruning prized plants. The problem with bleach is that it gives off harmful fumes and it will damage the metal, rubber and plastic of some tools in time. It can also damage clothing and other surfaces.
Isopropyl Alcohol – It is also inexpensive to use 70-100% isopropyl alcohol to sterilize pruning tools. No mixing, soaking or rinsing is necessary with alcohol. Tools can simply be wiped, sprayed or dipped in isopropyl alcohol for immediate effectiveness against most pathogens. However, it also has unpleasant harmful fumes and can be flammable. Still, most experts recommend isopropyl alcohol for sterilizing garden tools.
Read more: Moon Garden Layouts – Tips For Designing Moon Gardens
Household Cleaners – Lysol, Pine Sol and Listerine are sometimes used to sterilize pruning tools. While they are a bit more expensive than bleach or rubbing alcohol, they are usually diluted to use in pruning tool sterilization. However, the effectiveness of these products on plant pathogens has not been scientifically determined, although many gardening experts recommend using these common household products for sterilizing pruning tools. Some household cleaners can be corrosive to garden tools.
Pine Oil – Pine oil is non-corrosive and not expensive. Unfortunately, it is also not effective against many plant pathogens. One part pine oil is mixed with 3 parts water and tools are soaked in the solution for 30 minutes.
Whichever sterilizing product you choose to use, be certain to follow the label’s safety precautions.
Source: https://livingcorner.com.au Category: Garden
source https://livingcorner.com.au/pruning-tool-sterilization-when-do-you-need-to-clean-garden-tools/
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scootoaster · 5 years ago
It’s deadly to drink, bathe in, or inject yourself with bleach—and it won’t cure COVID-19
For cleaning purposes only. (Unsplash/)
Follow all of PopSci’s COVID-19 coverage here, including tips on cleaning groceries, ways to tell if your symptoms are just allergies, and a tutorial on making your own mask.
The idea of using bleach to “detox” the body or prevent certain diseases is nothing new, but global panic over the novel-coronavirus pandemic means this dangerous DIY treatment is getting some more time in the spotlight. As Gabby Landsverk reported for Insider on Thursday, Christina Cuomo—wife of CNN anchor Chris Cuomo and sister-in-law of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo—recently shared a COVID-19 wellness routine on her publication The Purist that includes bathing in diluted bleach. Meanwhile, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has had to crack down on groups repackaging bleach as an ingestible COVID-19 cure. And at a press conference on Thursday night, President Donald Trump wondered aloud if injecting patients with some kind of disinfectant might kill off the coronavirus in their blood and lungs.
There are almost no circumstances where bleach should come into contact with your skin, and absolutely no circumstances in which you should drink or inject yourself with a disinfectant. Here’s why.
Bleach baths are occasionally recommended by doctors—but only for very specific conditions.
Bathing in diluted bleach is often touted as a way to “detox,” which is a problematic thing to try in the first place (you can read more about the issues with detoxing here). It’s also sometimes touted as a way to undo damage from “radiation,” presumably because of the results of a single 2013 study conducted on mice. But there’s no reliable evidence that soaking in bleach can relieve your body of toxins, cure you of disease, or protect you from dangerous levels of radiation. In fact, it can be quite harmful.
The World Health Organization (WHO) warns that using bleach and other cleaning agents on your skin can damage your mucus membranes, which actually leaves your body more vulnerable to microbial pathogens like the virus behind COVID-19. Bleach manufacturers like Clorox say that their products shouldn’t even come into contact with skin if you can help it. While even a small amount of bleach in your bathwater could dry out or irritate your skin, using too much could cause serious burns or respiratory distress. It’s also worth noting that, while soap does a great job of counteracting COVID-19 without risking harm, bleach will kill off loads of the healthy and helpful microbes on your skin. We’re just beginning to understand how our bodies’ delicate colonies of microbial passengers influence our health, and the middle of a serious pandemic is not the time to mess with that balance.
The only people bleach baths are recommended for are patients with severe eczema, and even in this specific use case they remain contentious. Bacterial infections can worsen the severely itchy skin caused by atopic dermatitis, so killing microbial pathogens may provide some relief. But you should only add disinfectants to your tub under a physician’s guidance: It’s easy to overdo it, either by making the bath too strong or by dipping in too often and irritating your skin. You can also end up burning yourself if you inadvertently add things other than bleach to the bathwater and cause a chemical reaction.
Some physicians argue that even people with skin infections or serious eczema should leave cleaners out of their soaks. At least one study, which reviewed data from several previous papers, found that bleach baths have no more benefit than soaks in plain water—and can actually trigger asthma attacks with their fumes.
In any case, if a doctor recommends bleach as a disinfectant for your skin infection, it’s undoubtedly safer to apply a diluted solution directly to your wounds instead of soaking in it (and again, this should only be done under the guidance of a medical professional).
You should never inject yourself with disinfectants.
At a briefing on Thursday, President Donald Trump suggested that disinfecting agents might be used in the fight against COVID-19: "And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside, or almost a cleaning?”
Reckitt Benckiser, which manufactures the popular household disinfectant Lysol and Dettol, released a statement asking customers not to inject or ingest any of their cleaning products, as did the American Cleaning Institute. Doing so will likely lead to serious illness or death.
“This is not willy-nilly, off-the-cuff, maybe-this-will-work advice,” Craig Spencer, director of global health in emergency medicine at New York-Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center, told The Washington Post. “This is dangerous.”
Drinking bleach is often peddled as a pseudoscientific “cure,” and it’s never a good idea.
Last week, a federal court issued a temporary injunction against a group known as the Genesis II Church for selling a bleach solution as a cure for COVID-19. But as The Guardian reports, this “Miracle Mineral Solution,” or MMS, isn’t new—and this church wasn’t the only group promoting it. The mixture of sodium chlorite and citric acid is billed as a cure for “95 percent of all known illnesses,” when in fact, it forms an intense bleach that’s usually used to whiten industrial textiles or paper.
The FDA has pushed back against MMS sellers before, Vice reported in 2015, but many skirt regulation by hawking guidance on how to mix and use MMS instead of providing the product itself. There’s a similar market for hydrogen peroxide, which sellers claim can “cleanse” the body of various ailments.
Some proponents of MMS have praised President Trump’s comments on injecting disinfectants, framing them as an endorsement of the dangerous therapy.
There’s absolutely no evidence that ingesting these disinfectants provides any defense against viruses, bacteria, or other microbial pathogens. Drinking bleach even in low concentrations can cause nausea, headaches, and diarrhea; a stronger solution can burn your skin or internal tissues, and can put you in a coma or even kill you. Hydrogen peroxide is similarly dangerous to swallow.
Bleach is sometimes used to purify drinking water at extremely low concentrations. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends just eight drops of bleach per gallon of clear water, and up to 16 drops at most if the gallon of water is visibly cloudy with contaminants.
Even accidental ingestion of cleaning products can be dangerous.
The CDC reported this week that poison control centers received 20 percent more calls related to cleaners and disinfectants from January to March than they did during the same period in 2019, presumably due to increased use during the COVID-19 pandemic. Don’t mix cleaning agents or buy things because they’re being marketed as effective against the coronavirus—standard cleaners like diluted bleach are still your best bet. Don’t wash your produce with soap or other products not designed for human consumption. Keep all cleaning products and hand sanitizers away from young children. Remember, soap and water is still the best way to remove the coronavirus from your skin, so there’s no need to seek out more intense disinfectants for your own body. If you or someone you’re with has ingested bleach or any other kind of household or topical disinfectant, or you’ve burnt your skin or eyes with a cleaner, or chemical fumes are making you feel unwell, call poison control at 1-800-222-1222 immediately.
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thedentaljournal4240-blog · 5 years ago
12 Stats About Bleka Tänder To Make You Look Smart Around The Water Cooler
That does not intend to walk with an intense, beautiful smile?
We ought to all be certain adequate to blink our pearly whites every chance we obtain.
Having an intense white smile is a great goal to have, and also one that's conveniently achieved.
Undoubtedly though, in some cases it can feel almost difficult to keep our teeth white.
That's why I've compiled this listing of tips as well as techniques to keep our smiles large as well as bright.
Continue reading to discover the techniques to make use of to get the intense white smile you've always dreamed of.
1. Sodium Bicarbonate and Hydrogen Peroxide
Perhaps you've currently become aware of this one. That's because it works.
Mix one component hydrogen peroxide with 2 parts baking soda as well as start cleaning.
If you're trying to find a deal whitener, this is it.
Each component will certainly cost you less than $3. You won't locate a better bargain than this.
If you do not wish to comb, go ahead and also grab a clean cloth. Dip the clean cloth in the peroxide as well as start rubbing your teeth.
It's just like rubbing your furniture with Lysol. The peroxide loosens up the tarnish, and the towel massages them away.
If you're not large into DIY tasks, you can acquire mouth wash made with hydrogen peroxide.
2. Brush regularly
This may seem apparent.
If you desire white teeth, you require to brush them.
A great deal.
Many people make this error as well as still wonder why their teeth aren't getting any whiter.
It's like stating you want to begin getting even more sleep, yet you keep up until 4:00 AM when you require to be up at 6.
That's not going to function.
Same principles apply to cleaning.
You require to brush more than once daily. Two times a day is the outright bare minimum.
You'll likewise require to make use of a great lightening tooth paste.
Search for toothpaste that has a moderate unpleasant called silica. That will certainly help scrub away new discolorations.
Fluoride will likewise aid. Search for tubes with.018% as well as over.
3. Avoid food as well as drinks that stain
This set's all about being proactive as opposed to responsive.
Anything that you 'd hesitate to go down on your all new white t-shirt you need to be afraid to place on your teeth.
Ketchup, coffee, mustard, warm chocolate, soda. The checklist goes on and on.
Barbeque sauce and so on is just one of the worse offenders due to the fact that it's sticky and dark.
Whenever possible, pick the lighter variation over the darker, like having a coffee over a coffee.
4. Boost saliva
Wait, you're saying my spit can aid bleach my teeth?
Yeah, that's virtually it.
Your saliva serves as an all-natural cleaner for your mouth.
Chew sugar-free gum, eat difficult raw fruits and also veggies, and draw on sugar-free sweets.
Never mind acquiring the costly bleaching gum either; they don't work.
It doesn't remain on your teeth enough time to make a difference.
5. Attempt oil drawing
Oil pulling is an individual solution used to enhance dental health and also get rid of contaminants from the body.
Coconut oil is a preferred option since in addition to the benefits of utilizing it to pull, it comes equipped with much more wellness benefits.
Okay, so exactly how exactly does it work?
Put one tbsp of coconut oil in your mouth as well as work it with your teeth.
Coconut is a strong at area temperature, so you could require to wait a minute or two as it melts in your mouth.
Now start swishing the oil in your mouth for a good 15-20 mins.
That seems like a long period of time, you're right.
Finest thing to do is to do it while you're working with something else.
Like doing the meals or vacuuming your floorings.
Two birds with one rock.
When you're done, spew the oil right into a trashcan. The oil will go back to a strong, so you don't intend to spit it into your drains pipes and also trigger an obstruction.
Oil drawing is a fantastic method to clean your teeth due to the fact that it does not expose them to any acids that will certainly erode your enamel.
You can oil draw daily.
6. Use Apple Cider Vinegar
It seems like we use apple cider vinegar for whatever these days.
It feels like it appeared of no place.
It's been around for centuries as an anti-bacterial as well as an all-natural cleaner.
Acetic acid is the major active component in apple cider vinegar, as well as it does an excellent task eliminating microorganisms.
The acid has the possible http://youroralcarejournal7275.wpsuo.com/are-you-getting-the-most-out-of-your-dental-blog to wear down the enamel on your teeth.
A research done on cows showed that the vinegar softened their teeth.
To utilize it as mouth wash, dilute it with water as well as swish it around in your mouth.
Just do not do it on a daily basis given that it can harm your enamel.
7. Consume your fruits as well as veggies
We've all heard the line, "An apple a day maintains the doctor away."
I can not confirm that, yet it can go a long means in maintaining your smile beautiful and also brilliant.
Crunchy raw fruits assist massage the plaque off of your teeth while you eat.
You do not want to ditch the toothbrush for a stick of celery, but consuming your fruits as well as veggies can assist keep your teeth clean throughout the day.
8. Floss
This goes together with cleaning your teeth.
Flossing in addition to cleaning your teeth will help clear your mouth of microorganisms and prevent plaque from developing on your teeth.
While you floss, you're getting in between your teeth and removing the bacteria that brings about plaque build-up.
9. Attempt an electrical toothbrush
While your typical toothbrush will certainly finish the job, an electrical tooth brush will certainly go above and beyond.
They do an amazing work getting rid of plaque, as well as they stimulate the gums while you comb.
Some of them even have a timer that goes off when you've combed them enough time.
Say goodbye to counting in your head or singing the ABC track twice while you brush your teeth.
You'll know exactly when to quit.
10. Obtain your teeth whitened expertly
If you have an alarming requirement to obtain your teeth whitened, leave it to the professionals.
If you're in a time crunch, or you require to be sure your teeths are extra pearly for a special occasion, routine an appointment with your dental professional.
This is one of the most pricey approach, but it will certainly additionally deliver the best cause the shortest quantity of time.
Doing any one of these actions noted above will obtain you the bright smile you've constantly wanted.
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snoringhq · 6 years ago
Extra Precautions Asthma Sufferers Need to Take During Flu Season
As the winter season moves in, so does the flu and for those with asthma, this can be an exceptionally stressful time of year. If you have asthma, even a minor case of the flu can lead to tightness in the chest and wheeziness.
The flu is a common cause of asthma attacks, and standard asthma medications may not relieve the asthma symptoms that come with it. Though people living with asthma are not more likely to catch the flu, influenza can be more severe for them, even if their symptoms are well-maintained with medication. People living with asthma have sensitive and swollen airways, and the flu can cause more inflammation.
A flu infection in the airways can worsen asthma symptoms and set off asthma attacks. It can also lead to pneumonia and other acute respiratory issues.
There’s no guaranteed way to prevent getting the flu. However, taking measures to avoid becoming ill during the flu season can help. Being proactive during the flu season is essential if you have asthma.
Take these precautionary measures to avoid getting the flu.
Get a Flu Shot
Possibly the most critical step in protecting against influenza is vaccination. Get the actual shot, not the nasal spray vaccine as the spray can produce asthma symptoms.
Even if you don’t have a regular physician, you can get a flu vaccine. They are offered in various locations including pharmacies, health departments, clinics, college health centers, public schools, and sometimes at your place of employment.
Flu vaccines are approved for those six months and older regardless of whether they have asthma. Encourage your family members to get vaccinated too. This will reduce exposure to the virus not only for the one who has asthma but also for everyone else in the household.
Get a Pneumococcal Shot
Pneumonia infections are a dangerous complication of the flu infection and can lead to death. You can usually get a pneumococcal vaccine at the same time you receive your influenza vaccine.
Avoid Those Who are Sick
Germs that produce respiratory infections are effortlessly passed from one person to another. They especially spread quickly in tight spaces. It can be tough to avoid someone who is sick when you are in close quarters such as your household or at your place of employment.
When a sick person sneezes, coughs, or even talks, minuscule drops of mucus hit the air and can spread out up to six feet away. You can end up taking them in through your mouth or nose, so keep your distance.
Be cognizant of your surroundings. People are most contagious when they start having symptoms such as coughing, runny nose, fever, or body aches.
Wash Your Hands Frequently
Washing your hands kills the germs that cause respiratory infections. This is especially important if you’ve been in a crowded area such a shopping area, school, or office where you may have come into contact with someone who has the flu.
Use warm water, lots of soap and rub your hands together for at least 20 seconds. Don’t forget the areas between your fingers, under your nails, on your wrists and slightly up your arm.
Always keep a bottle of hand sanitizer in your car or at your desk.
Don’t Touch Eyes, Nose, or Mouth
Avoid touching your face as these are the points where germs enter the body. If you touch something that a person with the flu virus has coughed or sneezed on, and then you put your fingers near your mouth, nose, or eyes, you’re very likely to get sick too.
Clean and Disinfect Surfaces
Some germs can live on surfaces for up to 24 hours. Most microbes usually only survive up to eight hours. However, some viruses that cause the common cold can survive on surfaces for months.
To stop the spread of germs, clean and disinfect surfaces that are frequently touched at home, school, or work. Focus on areas such as countertops, doorknobs, tables, refrigerators, and faucets. Don’t overlook laptops, phones, remote controls, and computers.
Use a can of Lysol or other disinfecting spray or use disinfecting wipes. A quarter cup of bleach mixed in one gallon of water also works as a disinfectant.
Personalize Your Asthma Action Plan
Create and stick to a winter asthma action plan with your doctor. This is an organized plan that is used to prevent or reduce flare-ups.
Each plan should include what medicines to take, a list of possible triggers, actual symptoms, and when to seek emergency medical care. If you notice the signs of an asthma attack, alter your medications as instructed in your written asthma action plan. You should always have at least one or two fast-acting medicines on hand.
You should also make it a habit of using a peak flow meter. This device will monitor your asthma. Take readings at the same time every day and record them in a diary. If you observe a decrease in the peak flow, alter your medications as directed in your written asthma plan.
Use a home salt therapy device like Salin Plus which releases tiny salt particles and filters the air of other particulates, including dust and allergens to help relieve asthma symptoms.
The post Extra Precautions Asthma Sufferers Need to Take During Flu Season appeared first on Snoring HQ.
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