#pack aunt marley
catella-ars · 2 years
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Ines is living their best life okay (they’re not a dragon but I was thinking about their relationship with the museum and got carried away)
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gailstorm · 5 months
Long post ahead.
Yesterday, we moved my grandmother into assisted living. I’ve been up here in Pocahontas for most of the week helping my mom pack and spending time with my precious MiMi, who had multiple strokes at the end of last year and cannot take care of herself anymore.
And she’s been looking forward to moving into her new place. It’s back in her hometown of Jonesboro, where some of our family still lives. She has multiple friends and old neighbors that are in this exact facility, and she makes new friends as effortlessly as breathing. My mom is staying with her there for a few days, and said that she’s doing well so far.
I know this is the right decision, and that she’ll be happier and safer. But the change has been surprisingly emotional for me. It’s not a shock that she moved, because she was talking about wanting to do this even before her strokes. She is 92 years old, and has experienced the worst moments of her life while living here. I completely understand her wanting to leave.
I stayed here by myself last night, which felt strange and hollow. For most of my life, my grandparents lived in Jonesboro. I was far more attached to those two houses than I am to this one, which they moved into back in 2010. Being here alone feels shockingly lonely…and I’ve lived by myself (with a dog) for several years. But this place—MiMi and PaPa’s house—is supposed to be filled with family.
I should be able to hear my hard-of-hearing PaPa’s booming bass explaining this year’s crop yield, my Uncle Bobby’s wall-shaking laughter, my Aunt Becky’s always-reserved, quiet alto as she cooks the best meal you’ve ever had. But they’re all gone now.
In less than a two-year timeframe, the three of them passed away. My uncle first, dying of an undiagnosed heart condition in his sleep at his home near Seattle. After being informed of his death, my mom and I joined my aunt up here in Pocahontas to break the devastating news to my grandparents. Witnessing the worst moment of their lives is one of the most heartbreaking memories of mine. Just two months later, that same aunt died of cancer, which was diagnosed about a year beforehand. My MiMi was adamant that she was going to be with Aunt Becky as she passed, as she wished she could’ve been with Uncle Bobby. She held my aunt’s hand as she drifted away while in hospice care.
This was January-March of 2020. My grandfather had developed dementia before this point, and my family could no longer take care of him ourselves…especially after the two aforementioned huge losses. We begrudgingly put him into a nursing home down the road from the Pocahontas house, and my MiMi visited him every day. COVID protocols soon hit, and she was only able to talk to him on the phone and see him through a glass window. The guilt of putting him there overwhelmed my MiMi and my mom, but it was unfortunately necessary. I think my mom still regrets it.
I moved to Texas in January 2021. I had to move to a large city for my then-job, and I loved Austin, so that’s where I chose to go. I hated leaving my family during such a difficult time, but they encouraged me to go live my dream. My PaPa even joked that he would drive down to Austin and see me.
His health deteriorated as the months went by. At the end of November that year, he passed away with my MiMi by his side. He was 93 years old, and held out as long as he could. He was easily the strongest man I have ever known.
I came home for his funeral, wishing that I could’ve been there with him as he passed on, or with my mom when she heard the news. During this time, I learned that due to the skyrocketing housing costs in Austin, my rent was going to go up an extra $600 per month. There was no way I could afford that, and my job agreed that I could work from Little Rock instead. A part of me hated moving back, because I loved my little apartment. My precious dog, Marley, had passed away months earlier from pneumonia while we were out there, and it somehow felt like I was abandoning him as well as my dream home in my dream city.
Being back near my family for the last two years has been the right decision, but it’s also been tough. One of my nieces has been in and out of the hospital with anorexia for nearly these entire two years. She’s been completely inpatient since last August.
Dealing with all of the aforementioned losses, plus my niece’s health, plus my lunatic brother’s violent threats, plus my MiMi’s strokes and deteriorating mental health, I don’t know how my mom even functions. My cousins and I help her with everything, of course, but she’s so fucking tough that she usually wants to do things herself, her way. I’m looking forward to her being able to finally relax knowing that my MiMi will be safe and happier than she has been in years.
So at this moment, I’m here alone in this half-furnished house, reminiscing. My cousins and I will take turns staying up here and fixing things until we sell it. I’m not mourning the loss of the house itself (as I did with my grandparents other two homes) but the fact that the concept of “MiMi and Papa’s house” now ceases to exist.
I’m lucky to have had my PaPa for 37 years of my life. I’m lucky be nearly 40 and still have my MiMi. She’ll be 93 in August, and though she stays positive, she has mentioned that she’ll be glad to be with my aunt, uncle, and grandfather again, as well as her other friends and family members who have passed. She’s not ready to pass on or give up, but she has no fear of death. I selfishly want her around as long as possible, and her chance of a happier, longer life is now much more likely with her move to this new facility.
These past four years have been fucking awful for my family and myself, but hopefully, a positive new chapter is now (finally) beginning.
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cat-arsenal · 3 years
Incorrect Redacted OC Quotes
Nyx: We have fun, don’t we, Fen? Fen: I have never been more stressed out in my entire life.
Cato: My good looks are ruining people’s lives.
Marley: *delirious from bloodloss and trying to joke* What you call a near-death experience, I call a vibe check from god.
Felix: Remember when Asher made me a romantic dinner? Ryder: Felix, he microwaved you a pizza.
Ryder: *half asleep* I could kick your ass. David: *cuddling them, absolutely smitten* I know.
Bellona: On Tuesdays, we scream into the void.
Lior: If left unattended, I may eat raw beef.
Durga: Why do you think I don’t like you?  I do.  I’d kill for you.  Ask me to kill for you. Frederick: ...First of all, calm down--
Ricky: I’ll keep all my emotions right here, and then someday I’ll die.
Sorrel: *joking* When I was your age-- Aaron: *joking* When I was your height-- Sorrel: *joking?* Now listen here you little shit--
Keid: If karma doesn’t hit you, I fucking will.
Clotho: Underestimate me.  That’ll be fun.
Ziva: Life is too short to not go on that spontaneous road trip.
Rasalas: I play this game called “nap roulette.”  I take a nap and don’t set an alarm.  Will it be 20 minutes or four hours?  Nobody knows.  It’s risky and I like it.
Imperium!Ricky: I swing both ways.  Violently.  With a bat.  Come get some, fuckers.
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chigirisprincess · 3 years
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Starring;  Eren Jäger as the incubus & Y/n as the Curious New Tenant.
Featuring; 18+ only content minors dni + Afab reader + Monsterfucking + manipulation/coercion + consent given + face sitting + choking (Eren gets choked) + floor sex + unprotected sex + tail fucking + slight relationship with Armin.
Stream Length; 6.5k
User.Angel Eden; Thank you to Kitty and Wren for betaing! This was a fun one to write so I hope you enjoy. Feedback and reblog always appreciated!! <3
❝Family secrets come to light when you move into your Great Aunt’s home in Shiganshina. That’s when you learn never to go searching again❞
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Every summer since the tender age of five, you’d visit your great aunt.
She lived on an island called Paradis, it was just off the coast of Marley, a day's ride by ferry and so secluded that most outside of the coastal town you lived in were completely unaware of its existence. You were grateful that you were, Shiganshina the town she resided in became your solace, the one place in the whole entire world where you felt home. The Tudor house that had been in your family for five generations; the stuff of dreams for a young girl whose head lived amongst the clouds. The moss-covered walls, faded wallpaper, and old brick fireplace you’re favourite things despite their wear and tear. 
As a child, you would have given anything to live there but as the summer months faded away and the Autumn chill settled into the air, you had no choice but to pack your things and say goodbye to your little slice of heaven until summer break rolled around again. 
Though as you age your time on Paradis grows shorter and shorter. Festivals, concerts, plans with friends, and summer readings cut into your time and so spending your summer vacation anywhere but home seemed silly. Your love for summers spent in Shiganshina never dwindled, just slipped your mind as you were distracted by the shiny new and exciting prospects your teenage years had to offer. Now as an adult, you longed for the simplicity of your youth, days spent under the balmy sun amongst the trees and foliage as you explored every inch of your beloved island. Pounding the pavement in search of work was not at all a part of the glamorous life you’d envisioned for yourself, and it was after the restless days when you’d fall into bed with a pit in your stomach, your eyes teary as you wallowed in self-pity.
That was until you got the call.
Your great aunt had passed away. It was sudden but not unexpected for a woman well into her eighties. She lived a long and fruitful life, for her to pass in her sleep was all that you and your family could have wanted. There was just the one lingering regret of not making an effort to visit her one last time, the trip wasn’t too long and yet she spent her last few days completely alone in the house she spent her entire life in. 
What no one could have anticipated was that the family home was left to you.
Her children resented you for packing your bags without a second thought, leaving your shoebox of a studio apartment just days after the funeral. Everything that remained in the estate at the time of her death was yours for the taking as stipulated in her last will and testament. You were expected to give the house to someone else, someone who needed it more than you, told you must go through her things and give all your aunt’s gold, china, and other treasures away to her children. Go against her last wishes because you were so young, you had so many years to inherit family heirlooms but for now, it was selfish of you to dare think of keeping any of what was given to you.
But you did it anyway.
You needed the fresh start, to get away from the bustling streets of Liberio and take respite in the quiet village. It had nothing to do with the sweet boy who lived three houses down with his grandfather; Armin Arlert. That’s what you’d tell yourself when the guilt began to creep in late at night when you were left alone with your thoughts. Selfish is what you were. You had caught wind that he was working on his thesis back home and thought maybe there’d be something there. Sparks of a lost first love, the cure-all for a wandering soul who felt they’d run straight onto the edge of a cliff. One wrong move and you’d go toppling over, straight to your demise.  It might not have been completely innocent and maybe you were selfish for fueling childish desires but you could not remain in the life you were living. 
Change was needed.
You wouldn’t allow yourself to be consumed by the ever-raging sea threatening that you’d been struggling to keep your head above for so long. So you’d chased after the man with the spun from the finest of gold and attempt to recapture the freedom you hadn’t felt since the blithe days of your tender youth. And hope that one day you could build yourself the life you’ve always wanted. That was the one hope you clung to, it kept you going day in and day out. Something good would come out of your move, you were sure of it.
It had to.
“How has the cleaning been going?” Armin asks you over a cup of coffee, the sky behind him grey and miserable with a drizzle of rain. Fabric softener clings to the soft blue sweater he dons, the white collar of his shirt messily poking out from all the times he adjusted it. “My grandfather says you were in and out, hauling all sorts of boxes until the late hours of the night.”
You hardly hear his soft-spoken words over the bustling streets which surround you, the quaint coffee shop sat squarely in the middle of Shiganshina’s only market, just inches away from the harbour. Venders hollered and beckoned their neighbours to spare one moment of their time, children laughed as they rushed through the cobblestoned streets, brightening up the dull atmosphere. You lean forward, the weight of your elbows on the table making it wobble.
“Sorry,” you mutter, holding the tabletop steady. Armin waves you off with a smile, the wind ruffling his hair. It makes him look younger, that and the rosy flush laying across his freckled cheeks like a warm bright blanket. Offering him an awkward smile back you huff, “The cleaning is going alright, just a bit tedious,” you sigh, your finger circling the lid of your cup, “There are mountains upon mountains of memories, entire lifetimes sprinkled across every inch of that house.”
Your steely eyes catch his soft ones. The faraway look you were so used to gazing upon was gone. All that was left was Armin and his pretty blue eyes, staring back at you as he listened intently, craning his neck ever so slightly so as to not miss what comes next. 
“It’s difficult to decide what to let go of.”
His fingers twitch, slowly inching towards yours, recoiling for a moment only to quickly wrap around yours before any doubt or insecurities could creep up. It starts at the tips of your ears, the flush that burns so hot it might just spark a flame. Travelling down your neck and dancing across your wind-bitten cheeks. It fills you up, a much better remedy for a rainy day than the tepid drink in front of you. Ducking his head down, Armin bit his lip silently searching for the perfect words. There isn’t much he could say to you that would be comforting but the small gesture was enough to send your heart reeling.
“If you need help, you know where to find me.”
Armin grins, chuckling to himself.
“I’ll even get some friends too but be warned, I think Sasha and Connie believe your house is haunted.”
“Haunted?” you echo, blinking blankly back at him, “Why would they think that?”
He shrugs his shoulders, “Because of the vibe?” he says, using his hands to make quotation marks, “That’s what they said when I told them you were moving back home.”
The loss of his touch stings, your mind racing as the wet cold seeps back into your fingers. You crave the feeling of his skin on yours but he tucks his hands in his lap, his spine stuck straight when it hits him. The proximity, how he was close enough to feel your breath on his cheeks. He’s suddenly too aware, picking up on a million little things he hadn’t thought to notice until now. You smell nice, beyond the fragrant detergent smell that clings to your sweater is something delicate and he finds himself wanting to lean back in to become better acquainted with it until he could pick it out in a crowded room. And your lips, they’re shiny and tinted from the chapstick you spent five minutes searching for in your bag. He wonders what they taste like; if the flavour of your drink will linger on your tongue.
But you look like a deer caught in a pair of blinding headlights, shoulders tense and rigid. He keeps his hands to himself too caught up in his own sea of misery to notice how you deflate, a longing look filling your irises.
“Don’t listen to them, they once agreed a ceramic lion they saw at a thrift store was sentient,” he shakes his head, nearly rolling his eyes at the memory, “I think Connie dropped it five minutes after they bought it,” you chuckle, the image of the two of them crystal clear, “So don’t worry about any inane theories the two cook up, they’re glad you’re home but I suppose they just need a little something more to spice up the good news.”
There it was again, that word; home.
“I know I am.”
Shiganshina could become your home, you could build yourself a life. You hadn’t dared to plan ahead, obsessing over the future had done you wrong time and time again. But you could stay here, settle in the mundane way of living this tiny island was known for, maybe open up a shop or spend your days up in Ragako tending to a garden only passing through the vibrant city of Trost when you wanted to set up a stall at the local farmers market. Some may have seen a life like that as a waste of a degree but you’d be content.
You could be content.
“I’m glad too,” biting your lip you clap your hands together before popping out of your seat. Extending your hand to his you thread your fingers with his the moment he accepts, “And I’m really glad we to catch up,” his elbows awkwardly knock against yours but that doesn’t stop him from pressing his body against yours, the warmth radiating off him seeping through to your chilled core, “An old friend makes uprooting your entire life a lot easier.”
Something flashed behind his eyes, you can see the cogs churning in his mind just before he decides to plant a quick kiss on your cheek, a boyish smile threatening to overtake the neutral expression he dons. And it does, your heart swelling twice its size the larger his smile grows. Resting his head on your shoulder, Armin sighs softly, taking a quick swig of his drink.
“There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you.”
It knocks the wind straight out of you, the admission, and you wonder if you’re hearing things. If you fell asleep waiting for him to arrive and this was all some sort of dream. But you feel the wind on your face, can taste your drink, and you can smell the murky canal water that sloshes over the harbour. It was real, not a figment of your imagination running amuck in a daydream gone too far.
“Does that mean you’ll clear out my creepy attic for me?”
You joke, attempting the quell the uncomfortable twinge of excitement coursing through you.
“I said anything,” he remarks, his brows rising slightly, “That would fall under anything, wouldn’t it?”
Nodding your head you purse your lips, “I suppose so,” it’s difficult, to pluck up the courage for the words dying to come out, “Next Saturday, it’s a date then?” you swallow thickly, squeezing your cup so tightly the lid threatens to pop off, “If they’re free and you’re free we can uhm invite your friends over too.”
They eat away at you, the nerves.
No amount of courage would allow you to stand firm in your decision because you’ve stepped too far. The affection he’s shown you is platonic, that’s what you tell yourself when it feels like you’re barreling straight ahead, a hundred and ten kilometres over the limit and your brakes don’t work. There’s no reason to get yourself all worked up.
“Maybe find a place that does takeout?”
“It’s a date,” he says, firmly with a nod. His Adam’s apple bobs when he swallows back the nervous laughter, “Just let me know what time you want us to come over,” glancing at his watch, Armin sends you a forlorn smile, “Ah, gotta go now if I wanna catch the train to class, the campus is all the way in Stohess.”
His nose smushes against your cheekbone when he quickly leans in to plant another kiss on your face. It’s right by the corner of your mouth if he moved just an inch closer he’d have kissed you. Giving your hand one last squeeze he parts from you, the sunshiney warmth that swaths you going with him. Casting a glance over his shoulder he waves at you, his eyes all over you until the very last second when he has no choice but to turn his head and carry on, pushing through the throngs of people until he disappears from your line of vision. Pressing your hand against your chest you sigh, your heart pounding so roughly against your rib cage you can hear the rush of your blood in your eardrums. You find yourself planted, your feet like two lead weights stuck in the cobbled stone ground, watching the world pass by, just for a moment. That was until other busybodies rushing past you began to bump into you. Quick and empty apologies were sent your way but they were unneeded. You were the lovestruck idiot standing smack-dab in the street, mooning over the feel of a man’s soft lips so closely pressed to yours. 
So you picked yourself up, mindlessly walking through the streets until you found yourself back home. 
The sun poked through the dewy grey clouds, warming up your frigid digits until your skin grew pleasantly balmy. Light filters through the large rounded window at the top of your house, through the stained glass you can see through it, into the attic. It’s been untouched as far as you could tell, boxes piled so high you could practically see the thick layer of dust gathering on them.
You wondered just what was in them, how important such things could be if they lasted generations upon generations.
That was your first mistake; wondering. It let you up into the attic that day, curiosity swirling amongst your idle mind. There wasn’t much for you to do today, there was no reason you couldn’t get started on rifling through your family’s things it’d make for less work tomorrow. So you stumbled through the front door, entranced by the idea of all the trinkets and goodies you’d find. Maybe there’d be boxfuls of memories, polaroids untouched by time that captured the youthful glow of childhood, or relics of someone else’s past that would tell you all their deepest desires.
You found none of that.
Beyond the half-rotted wooden stairs and uneven floorboards laid a pair of piercing emerald eyes, they cut through the darkness with an eerie glow, unwavering even as you ventured forward; that was your second mistake. Carefully toeing further into the attic, sure that whatever you were seeing was a mirage, a simple figment of your imagination, or perhaps the bright sunlight bouncing through the window. But the window was nearly overshadowed with crumbling boxes that would fall apart at the touch. 
“Is someone there?”
That was your third mistake.
Doe-eyed and innocent, the perfect first victim in a horror movie— foolishly calling out into the abyss as though that would bring you peace of mind.
“Pretty,” a voice rasped, scutting forward. Chains rattling following the moment of the creature swathed in darkness, “You’re pretty, oh my, come closer would you?”
The floorboard creaked beneath your weight as you veered backwards, shocked that a person responded. It had to have been something like fatal attraction, pulling you closer and closer until you came face to face with the thing speaking to you. With those two emerald eyes came a face, tanned and covered in freckles. He was scraggly looking, dishevelled hair, and odd red streaks running down the tops of his cheeks. They laid atop of his otherwise unblemished skin, tainting it just as the two protruding horns resting on the crown of his head tainted the rest of his delicate, boyish features.
You would have thought him to be pretty, had it not been for those unsettling peculiarities. 
The moisture in your mouth seemed to be sucked out in an instant, leaving your mouth dry, and you for a loss for words. You laughed, from shock and from disbelief. You pressed your eyes shut, squeezing them until it hurt. When you opened them, he was still there, blinking up at you. A hungry, lust-filled expression marring his face. The floorboards beneath him were covered in scratches, reeking of desperation, and a fight not yet given up.
“Just step into the light for me?”
He begs, his eyes growing round and watery as he claws at the collar clasped around his neck. The leather is worn and frail, merely inches away from snapping yet so tightly wound against the taunt neck of his skin. It kept him trapped, just behind a pile of rubbish and attached to the wall at the far end of the attic. 
His voice breaks and you swear tears of desperation fill his lashline.
You can’t help but step forward, the golden rays of sunlight filtering through the window hitting you. It had to have been the pitiful lilt in his voice, ebbing the creeping questions away from the forefront of your mind. Curiosity flowing through your veins, an overwhelming sense of wonder. 
The creature surges forward, clawing at your feet as it glances up at you. A purr-like sound floats up to his throat, but it’s scratchy and clogged like the sound is foreign and startling to him just as it is to you. His lips crack open into a smile, revealing a set of dangerously sharp teeth, as gangly and unsightly as he is. When you don’t recoil he presses closer, uncomfortably hot hands creeping underneath your pant legs. They’re calloused, rough around the edges and hot, not sticky but still unpleasant against your supple skin. 
“Pretty,” he all but moans, pressing his face against your shins, “So pretty, oh how lucky am I.” Nuzzling against your legs, he tightens his hold on you.
You nearly topple over, his frail image a farce as his strength all but crushes you. “Are you alright?” You muster up the courage to ask, your hands floundering by your sides, “Why are you … What are you doing here?” Your heart grows heavy as you utter those words, horrible thoughts filling your head, “Did my aunt…”
Your words trail off, your lips pressing together with a shake of your head. She just passed away, it’d be terribly cruel to even suggest such a thing; keeping a man captive in her home. But he wasn’t a man, was he? He couldn’t have been, not with all the strange oddities covering his body. As a child, you’d often fall prey to the stories shared in the dead of the night, blasted across a blindingly white computer screen, unavoidable because humans were creatures of habit. And they always loved to terrify one another wrapped under the thoughtful guise of a cautionary tale. 
Misshapen humanoid figures who ached to gobble up innocent bystanders until they were forced to spill their guts up haunting your dreams.
The thing before you was nothing like the creatures roaming amongst your nightmares but you weren’t so naive as to think this was all some sort of prank, that beneath the ragged clothing, gnarly teeth and horns was just a man. Perhaps a neighbour looking for a thrill or even one of Armin’s friends who thought he could take advantage of such a ripe opportunity. But there was no makeup smudged as he rubbed his face against the leg of your pants, the horns didn’t wobble, and his teeth didn’t dare slip out of his mouth.
You heard the rumours.
Of your Aunt, of the practices and beliefs she held; of her penchant for all things mystical.
This must have been a repercussion of sorts. An experiment gone wrong or something similar. Or this was all just a hallucination from a gas leak or even mould, the house was awfully old, a sloppy job of brick and mortar could cause all sorts of issues. 
He nods his head, perking up at the mention of your aunt, “My master,” he says, the daring curl of his lips hidden from your sight, “Oh she was cruel, chaining me up and leaving me here to die,” he whimpers, holding you closer, “After draining me of all my powers, won’t you help me, pretty one?”
Your knees buckle, bringing you to the ground with him. A fine layer of dust billows into the air as a cardboard box topples over, the floorboards groaning as it lands with a thud. His face is uncomfortably close, his arms caging you against his firm chest. 
“I’m sorry she did that,” you whisper, swallowing thickly, “But she’s gone, you’re free now…”
You trail off, waiting for him to grant you his name.
He grins at you, resting his chin on your chest. He looks like a cat licking its chops, preparing to devour its next meal. Only rather than a plate of food splayed before, it was you. Offering him a crooked smile you give him your name your head growing groggy the longer you gaze into his jewel-toned eyes. 
“And I’m not free,” he mutters, his bottom lip wobbling, “Not yet at least …”
Eren spoke to himself, his thick brown brows stitching together in annoyance. Turning his focus back to you, he cocks his head to the side, shyly batting his lashes at you. “Would you help set me free?”
You want to peel yourself away from him, the heat he emits clinging to your body. Sweat drips down your temple, your clothing growing damp and uncomfortable. But you nod your head, your chest swirling with sorrow for the poor creature. And you don’t think twice to question just what exactly he was and how your Aunt managed to do the things he claimed. It was all too bizarre for rational thought.
“Of course I’ll help you,” cupping his cheek you give him a sympathetic smile, “Just tell me what you need me to do,” you’re earnest and kind, just the person Eren needed, “No one should live out their days in a musty old place like this.”
The two of you share a laugh. Your heart calms, falling into a slow but steady rhythm in your chest. But it wouldn’t have had you caught the look of malice flashing across Eren’s face. Leaning into your touch, strands of his hair slip over his shoulder. The expression he wears is akin to that of a lovesick man, longingly observing his lover. It was strange for someone to look at you in such a manner, no one had ever looked at you like that.
Not even Armin.
“What do I have to do?” You ask, hoping to break the trance of adoration Eren seemed to be in.
For a moment he silently pondered his options before grinning wolfishly at you. You could practically see the lightbulb going off inside his head, “You have to give yourself to me,” he states, his breath growing heavy, “That’s the price of my freedom.” 
The leather around his neck snaps, allowing Eren to break free from his confines but he doesn’t run. Instead, he pushes you onto your back, pinning you to the floor, his taut body flush against you, his long black tail curling around your arm. It’s smooth, oddly unfitting amongst his rough edges and jaded exterior. The smile he wears is wicked, his breath growing heavy as he surveys your body.
“Won’t you help a poor man out?”
Licking your lips you let out a nervous chuckle, “You can’t-” you shudder, shaking your head, “Would you explain, I … I don’t understand, why?”
“I’m an incubus!”
He says it as though it were the most obvious thing in the world, chirping with a saccharine smile.
That was a sex demon, that was all you could recall; the stars of countless otome games and featuring in horribly obnoxious hentai films. Wracking your brain for anything beyond surface-level knowledge proved fruitless. They were the stuff of fantasy and sometimes the stuff of nightmares but for you, they left a hole in the middle of your mind. Less a mystery and more of a haze that left your skin covered in bumps. You didn’t like this limbo of unknown or the helplessness that grew from ignorance. But what you despised was that part deep inside of you where all the good things lived, it screamed at you to just say yes, to grant the pitiful demon before you freedom, and be the good samaritan you were raised to be. Help him, chalk this night up to a lust-fueled fever dream, and forget it ever happened. 
If only it were that easy.
“And that’s it?”
He nods, lovingly nuzzling his face into your cheek, “Simple as that!” The musk which clings to his skin invades your nostrils, he smells of sweat and a vaguely floral scent similar to the one your Aunt wore, and something you couldn’t quite place. It was pleasant, you couldn’t help but grow intoxicated by it- by him, “So will you do it?”
Your fingers press into the floorboards, a flash of heat blossoming across your chest, seeping deep into your belly. 
“No, no!” he cries, “You have to say it, you have to say you’ll give yourself to me!” Eren grows tense, “I can’t … not if you don’t!”
Licking your lips you cast him a look, “I give myself to you,” it feels forced coming from your lips but Eren’s expression grows more and more excited as he silently goads you on, “Mind, body, and soul it’s all yours, Eren,” you say, the words flying out of your mouth. You don’t consider the weight of your words, oddly compelled to promise everything under the sun to him, to devote yourself to giving him all that your earthly power could muster up, “I’m yours.”
His plump lips are on your neck in an instant, his body curling around yours with insatiable desperation filling him to the brim. It sloshed over onto you, creating a pit within you that could only be filled by him. They’re smooth, his lips, and balmy, his teeth and tongue darting out to lick and nip the supple skin of your neck. Your skin grows tender with each bite, the shape of his teeth marring your skin, bruises left in their wake. Pinpricks of pleasure and need zip up your spine, you want more. You need more, it’s not enough, nor is the feel of his hands smoothing up your sides, groping at the slivers of exposed flesh he can find. His hips press into yours, his cock hardening against your thigh. It’s discreet, almost timid, the way he ruts his dick against the fat of your thigh, soft sighs muddled between the sloppy kisses.
Your name leaves his lips over and over again, his cold and nimble fingers tugging your jumper up to give him more access to your body. His tail unravels from your arm, slithering down your body to probe at the waistband of your pants, the pointed tip slipping beneath it. It smooths over your underwear, rubbing at your slit through the material. Your hips jerk up to grind into it, your breath growing heavy when it circles over your clit, pressing deeper to rouse a moan from you. 
“Please,” you pant, your teeth clamping down on your bottom lip, “Eren, will you give me more?”
You can feel him smile into your neck, greedily soaking in the need dripping off of your voice. Your body growing oddly sluggish, head foggy and stuffed with cotton. Pushing your jumper further up, he tugs it off your body, his eyes nearly bulging out of their sockets as he ogles your chest. Eren lets out an unabashed moan, his claws slicing through the wool. There’s unbridled lust, flickering across his eyes as he scopes out your skin, a certain urge to mark up your chest and belly. 
To claim you as his.
 The white-hot flame of desire danced across your skin, burning you from the inside out.
It wasn’t enough, the feather-light touch of his tail, sloppy and uncoordinated. Only serving to leave you desperate and wet. Pushing your bottoms off with a huff you cast your gaze to Eren, the horns and dangerously sharp teeth all the more intimidating when they were inches away from your face. His tail slithers up your body, damp against your skin, flickering between the two of you before it flies between Eren’s soft pink lips. A look of pure ecstasy crosses his face, his knuckles growing white as he tightly balls his hands into a fist to contain himself.
The taste of you.
Oh, how it delighted it him, igniting the flames of a beast long gone quiet. It’s voice blasted against his eardrums, roaring and rumbling around in his chest. A certain vitality, previously lost amongst the years flooding through his veins as he savoured the taste of you.
More. He could give you more.
“Take them off,” he coos, laying back against the floor, “And come have a seat, I’ll give you more.”
It thrums through the two of you like livewire— anticipation. 
Your legs feel too close to jello for your comfort, heavy and wobbled as you hoist yourself off the ground, tugging down your underwear without as much as a second thought. The throbbing need between your legs operates your body, turning your brain off so you could run on pure primal instinct. You didn’t think of the semantics, that maybe you should have come up for air, grabbed a condom, and probed him further. 
What did this even entail?
But you didn’t, too focused on how Eren looked between your plush thighs. His emerald eyes are starry and bright as he comes face to face with your glistening cunt. His tongue darts out to lick his lips, calloused hands smoothing over your thighs, his gangly nails pressing into them as he lowers you onto his mouth. It’s warm and surprisingly wet against your dripping folds, his pointed nose bumping against your hardened clit. You steady yourself by way of his horns, your fingers wrapping around the jagged appendages, the pointed tips painful in the palms of your hands but the feeling is lost amongst the bliss you feel. It’s depraved, the way he slurps up every last bit of your essence, only to tongue fuck your clenching hole until it dribbled even more into his waiting mouth. The toes of your boot-clad feet drag against the floor, your muscles tensing for a moment as that familiar feeling grew near. 
“You’re so good at this,” you say, it’s mindless chatter. He knows he’s good, it’s written within his DNA, it’s what he was born to do. But you say it anyway because you feel sluggish, your hips moving on their own accord, erratically grinding against his face, and the words just spill out. “Oh fuck me, why are you so-”
A hiccupy breath cuts into your speech, forcing you to swallow back desperate gulps of air.
Using his thumbs to spread your labia apart, Eren sets his sight on your clit, in his own mind palace as he relishes the taste of you. His lips, pink and glossy wrap around the bud, suckling on it. You fall apart so quickly on his tongue, your body jolting with each zap of pleasure that dances up the tender slope of your spine. 
Ardent and pliant all for him.
It fills Eren up; rejuvenating him. He can feel the strength thrumming through his veins, growing larger and larger with each sweet sound you graciously gift him. Something is mumbled against you but you don’t catch it. Eren’s hair catches beneath your knees as you hunch forward, but he pays no mind, his focus solely pouring into carrying you through your orgasm. Your throat is strained by the moans ravaging it and the dust permeating the air. But what drives you up the wall is how swirls his tongue around your clit, the sensitivity unbearable. You have no choice but to fall forward, ridding yourself of the devilishly intoxicating rapture.
Crumpling forward, your chest grows heavy as you sneeze, your eyes rimmed red from the dingy attic air.
“God,” you whisper, your nose crinkling in disgust as your eye catches a large water stain seeping in the wood, “I haven’t … Not like that, never in my life.”
Giving your calf a squeeze he chuckles, “Not quite my sweet,” looming over your figure, he preens, “Just a creature at your service.”
You giggle, breathless against the cold wood. Goosebumps raise along your skin but you’re too weak to move.
“Was that enough?”
You ask, lashes batting against the tops of your cheekbones.
“Are you free? The spell, is it broken?”
“No,” Eren frowns, reaching down to pet your cheek, “Don’t you remember? You offered up your entire being to me,” he states, a sympathetic look adorning his face, “That’s the price of freedom.”
He speaks as though he’s convincing himself, but the moment passes and he wears a cheery look once more. So ready to pounce on you, to claim you as his. You can’t even begin to fathom what thoughts may be lurking in the dark corners of his mind but behind the smile, you tell he’s hungry for more. And that’s when you notice it, his cock, red and weeping between his legs, nestled beneath a curl patch of dark brown hair. You swallow thickly, your mouth feeling strangely dry as you wait for him to make his move. Your eyes sweeping across his figure, that’s when you notice it; right below his navel is a tattoo, swirling dark purple ink intricately crafted but the meaning is lost to you. 
And though, the more he utters that word, “freedom”, the more it ceases to hold the meaning it once did. You wish he’d stop prattling on about it and you wish you could let go of it too. But it’s easier to play games than admit the truth, succumb to the hidden desires because then it’d mean accepting the implications of this evening.
So you nodded your head, laying flat on your back and timidly spread your legs wide for him. Not willing to give yourself a moment to think. If you did, you may have felt guilt. Guilt for allowing your naive sense of morality that led you here. Guilt for chasing Armin for so long yet unwilling to allow yourself to admit the feelings you held for him. Guilt because this felt like some sort of betrayal the longer the two of you lay in wait.
“For your freedom,” you whisper, your breath catching, “I’ll dedicate my heart.”
You want to laugh but your prowess is the final straw. The damn breaks and Eren is upon you, his thumbs pressing into your hips as he slots himself between your legs. His cock heavy on your pelvis, he can’t stop himself from pressing his face into your hair and inhaling, “Oh you’re so sweet,” he moans, the leaky tip slipping between your folds, “You’re so kind, oh how blessed am I?” His shoulders tremble and his teeth bite into his lips as he presses his cock into you, “How fated it is we met like this— if only you could be my new master.”
You’re forever ruined by the feel of his cock.
The way it splits you apart, filling you to the brim so deliciously you think you must be dreaming. His cocks bulbous head pressed snuggly against that spot deep inside of you. But that wasn’t the thing that made you swim in and out of mind, it’s this heat that wafts off of him, and it hits you that he smells good. He didn’t smell good, he couldn’t possibly smell good, he smelt terrible but your senses are filled with something so sweet, floral. And it leaves your head heavy and something feels wrong but the pleasure is mind-numbing. You can ignore it, so you do.
“You like the sound of that?” he hums, his jaw falling slack as he moans, “I do, oh I so do!” Eren chuckles, pressing his nails into the wood, they sink into it with ease, “Let me be your pet huh, we could have so much fun, just like now!”
Eren snarls, the feel of your walls clenching around him driving him up a wall. It had been too long.
Your fingers slip between his lips as you try to smack your hand over his mouth, “Just shut up,” you whimper, eyes squeezing shut. You couldn’t think, not like this, not that you’d want to but he prattles on, begging for you to just say yes, “Eren, for god’s sake please shut the hell up!”
He preens so prettily, but you cannot take it.
Your hand slips down to his neck, you don’t realize you’re doing it until your thumb presses down on the column of his neck.
“Stop talking … please!”
And he does, choking on air with tears in his eyes. 
They’re fake but you don’t know that, too busy with the wave of ecstasy washing over you. It’s euphoric, your brow furrowed and sweaty. As the quiet settles and your mind clears you’re hit with a thought, it’s fleeting, and just passes your consciousness for a moment but you catch it. Incubi live off sex, they feed off it, they drink their partner dry and then move on to the next. A literal man-eater.
You laid right between his claws.
He’s still hard, rutting into your cunt with reckless abandon. But he doesn’t bat a lash, nuzzling his face into yours as he mewls, “Every night can be spent just like this.”
Eren’s eyes glow a dangerous sort of green and it makes you feel sick, but there is nowhere for you to run. You had chosen this path, you agreed to be his meal ticket. 
“Mine,” he mutters, kissing your cheek, “All mine, we’ll be so good together.”
You let out a tearful moan, the ability to speak lost to you.
“And we’ll have so much fun!”
Your cunt squelches obscenely loud, the swell of your ass wet with your slick. His tale snakes up your torso, wrapping around your waist in a snug hold. Keeping you pliant in his hold, humming to himself, enjoying how you creamed around him. The sounds you made the most beautiful music he’d ever heard.
“Just you wait and see, my love.”
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tags: @novvabeam @the-princess-button
© all content belongs to dearbraus. do not modify, repost, or redistribute.
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ilyasorokinn · 3 years
(day 13) a cliche christmas story , jeff skinner
note, this fic is part of my 14 days of christmas. check out this masterlist if you're interested. none of these fics in this series are connected, they are all standalone. another note, this fic really doesn't have anything to do with christmas. it just gave me a reason to write a sweet fic for jeff skinner. pair, jeff skinner x reader summary, y/n gets dumped right before christmas, so to drown her sorrows she goes to a bar where she meets jeff. warnings, alcohol consumption (all legal) word count, 2013 words
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(gif not mine)
The bar was packed, but you had never felt so lonely. You stared at the glass in front of you as you tried to hold back tears, "He's a jerk." Your best friend Marley told you.
"I know." You nodded.
"Do your parents know?"
"Nope." You shook your head, "It's been almost a month and I still haven't told them."
"Well, drinks are on me tonight." She smiled.
"You don't have to do that." You shook your head.
"It's on the house, and in return, you let me spend time with my favorite niece."
"Stop referring to my cat as your niece." You sighed.
"Why? I'm her aunt?"
"Marley..." You sighed, shaking your head with a smile, "Come over whenever you want. Mango misses you."
"See? Just admit it, Mango is my niece."
You shook your head, "Whatever. Think whatever you want. And get back to work while your at it. There's a guy down there to get your attention." You noded to the other end of the bar.
"She's my niece." She insisted, before making her way down to the other end of the bar. You went back to staring at your drink before Marley placed another drink in front of you.
"I mean, I know you said you would cover my drinks, but I thought I would at least get to order my own drinks." You joked.
"I know, this one isn't from me. This one's from the guy down there." Marley told you, pointing down to the guy you had just pointed out to her.
"What? Why?" You asked.
"Said he didn't like seeing a pretty girl looking so sad." Marley smiled.
You nodded, looking at the new drink placed in front of you, "Tell him I said thank you."
"Well, you can tell him yourself cause he's making his way over here," Marley announced.
"What?" Your head popped upright as the guy walked over and next to you, "Hi."
"Hi." He smiled, "I'm Jeff." He held out his hands.
"Y/N." You smiled, shaking his hand. Marley stood there awkwardly as you and Jeff jumped into a conversation, so before things got deeper, she decided to interrupt.
"You know what? There are other customers who look like they need some drinks. Give me a holler if you need anything else." Marley told you before practically running away.
"So, tell me about yourself, Jeff." You leaned your head in your hands as you took another sip of your drink.
"Well, my name is Jeff Skinner, I'm originally from Canada..."
"Canada? Your far away from home, Dorthy." You joked, bringing a smile to his face.
"Yeah, I play hockey." He answered, looking down at his hands, almost nervously.
"Hockey? Like professionally?"
"Yeah, professionally." He nodded.
"That's so cool. Like for the Sabres?" You asked.
"You a hockey fan?" He asked.
"Yeah, originally from Philly, and hockey is sort of big." You explained.
"The Flyers." He nodded, "So, what's got you looking so sad and upset? I mean, there's Christmas music playing." He pointed out.
You laughed, "I uh, got dumped a few weeks ago, and he was supposed to come home with me for the holidays, but that's not happening anymore."
Jeff nodded, "He's an idiot."
"So I've been told." You nodded.
Before you knew it, an hour had passed, "Well, from sitting here with you for the past hour, I think you're a great girl," Jeff told you.
"Has it already been an hour?" You checked your phone and saw that indeed an hour had gone, "Wow, didn't realize that much time had gone by." You chuckled.
"If it's okay, and not too forward, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to maybe get some coffee or something?" He offered.
"Oh..." You started.
"Oh." He quickly got the message, "Too soon."
"Yeah." You nodded.
"How about this, I have a ticket for a game in a few weeks, it's yours if you want to go. I can even get your friend a ticket too."
"Really? You'd do that?" You asked.
"I mean, yeah." He nodded, "I think you're a pretty amazing girl, and I think it's a shame that you're here alone."
"Thank you, Jeff. I'd really like to go to your hockey game." You smiled.
"And it's just your luck. We're playing against the Flyers." He chuckled.
"I hope you're not expecting me to cheer for you." You laughed.
"I didn't expect anything less." You grabbed a napkin and quickly wrote down your number.
"I guess I'll be seeing you again in a few weeks." You smiled, handing him the napkin.
"I guess so." He nodded.
Even though the game was a few weeks away, you and Jeff talked practically every day. He would tell you about his day and you would talk about yours. It was very mundane, but it felt very... comfortable.
On Thursday, you and Marley were sitting in the front row at Jeff's game. Marley suggested you bring a sign, but you quickly turned it down, "What? It's a good idea." She told you, to which you told her "no"
You took a sip of your beer as the guys skated out. You watched amazed as your team skated out onto the ice. Jeff made sure you got a seat behind the Flyers bench, which you knew was intentional, and you made a mental note to thank him profusely.
You enjoyed the game. Marley wasn't a big hockey fan, so you had to explain all the rules to her, but you enjoyed your time and even got a picture of the back of the Flyer's benches heads.
After the game, it felt awkward to meet him down by the locker room, so he promised he would come over to your apartment and you would just chill out together.
You dropped Marley off at home, and before she even stepped out of the car, she made you promise that you would tell her everything and all the details.
You drove home and mentally prepared yourself for what was going to happen, "It's gonna be fine. It's not like you've never talked before." You hyped yourself up. Mango walked around your feet, confused as to why you were freaking out so much.
You picked her up and looked at her in the eyes, "I need to calm down, don't I?" She let out a meow as if she was agreeing with you, "I'm gonna take a deep breath." You told her, then proceeded to take a deep breath.
Right as you breathed out, a buzzing sounded throughout your apartment. You let out a panicked breath then walked over, and let him in. A few minutes later there was a knock on your door, and you took another deep breath.
"This is it, Mango." You whispered, picking her up and opening the door, "Hi." You smiled.
"Hi." He smiled, then his eyes went down to Mango, "Who's this?" He ran a hand over Mango's head.
"This is Mango. Don't know how old she is, but she's been with me since I moved to Buffalo." You explained, pressing a kiss to the top of her head before setting her down and letting her investigate Jeff.
Once she was done with her investigation and she realized he was in the clear, she walked back into your apartment, "So, you wanna come in?" You stepped out of the way, and let him walk in.
He immediately started looking around and, much like Mango, started investigating everything little thing. He looked around at all your photos, all your little trinkets, and all the memorabilia you had accumulated.
"Can I get you something to drink? Beer? Water? Soda? I have mango juice." You offered.
He chuckled, "I'm okay." He shook his head, "It feels very... homey." He stated.
"Yeah, just a few odds and ins I've collected over the years." You nodded, putting a kettle on for tea.
"My apartment does not feel homey. Everything came fully furnished when I moved in." He explained.
"Well, I'm sure everything in your apartment is very nice." You offered a smile and a shrug.
"It's is nice." He nodded, looking around at all the pictures and photos on your fridge.
"Well, thank you for the tickets. I had a really good time, although I'm sorry you guys lost."
"Eh, it's cool. I'm glad you had fun." He smiled.
You hummed and waited for your kettle. You leaned against your island, Jeff following in your footsteps and leaning against the island.
"So, have you always played in Buffalo?" You asked.
"Uh, no. I started in Carolina." He answered.
"Fun." You nodded, "Do you wanna, like, watch a movie or something?" You asked.
"Sure." He nodded.
"All right, you can head to the living room and I'll meet you there." You told him, waiting for your water.
Somewhere in between the movie, you and Jeff fell asleep on each other. Well, your head was on his shoulder and he fell asleep on your head.
The next morning, Marley, who had keys to your apartment and vice-versa, let herself into your apartment and was greeted with quite the sight. You and Jeff asleep on each other.
She chuckled and snapped a photo before shaking you awake, "Wake up, babe." She whispered.
You jolted awake. When you picked your head up, Jeff picked up his too, "Huh?" You asked.
"What time is it?" Jeff asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
"It's 9 in the morning," Marley answered with a knowing smirk.
"Oh, stop smirking." You glared.
"I'm gonna go wait in the kitchen." She didn't stop smirking as she made her way into the kitchen.
"I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep." Jeff slipped his shoes and jacket on.
"It's fine. We both did." You smiled.
"I should get going. I have an errand I gotta run." He smiled back.
"It's fine. We'll talk later." You reassured.
"Yeah." He nodded and opened your front door. He stopped himself and turned around. He quickly pressed a kiss to your cheek and left. You smiled to yourself, placing your hand on the same cheek he had kissed.
You walked into the kitchen, almost in a daze, "So...?" Marley began, "What's the deal with you and Jeff?"
"There is no deal. We're just friends." You shrugged, warming up water.
"That seemed a little more like friends. Your blushing and all he did was kiss your cheek." Marley pointed out.
"Do you think it's too soon? To move on?" You asked nervously.
"No, I don't. There's no timeline on when you have to move on. You move on whenever you want to." Marley told you.
"Okay." You nodded, thinking about it, "I think I'm ready." You nodded. Marley flashed you an encouraging smile.
You found yourself in the same place you had when everything started. Staring at a glass of alcohol, only this time, you didn't feel the urge to cry.
"Why're you here alone?" Marley asked.
"Just waiting." You answered, bringing your head up and off your hands. The door opened, and you felt the breeze of the cold Buffalo air hit your arms.
You heard the barstool next to you being pulled out and felt the presence sit down, "What can I get you, sir?" Marley asked, flashing the man a smile.
"Let's get the lady a drink," Jeff smirked.
"Alrighty." Marley nodded and whipped up a drink for you.
"Was wondering when you'd make it." You smiled, leaning in and pressing a kiss to his lips.
"Ran into a bit traffic." He answered.
"Here you are." Marley placed the drink in front of you, before walking off to serve someone else.
"Did you think we'd get here? Last year we were just getting to know each other, and now, you're coming home with me for Christmas."
"I did." Jeff nodded, "Somewhere in my head, I knew we would get here."
"Well, I'm glad you bought me a drink that night. If you hadn't, we probably wouldn't be here today." You smiled.
"Thank God I did." Jeff smiled back.
my taglist: @brandtsclarke @jackydrury @joelsfarabees @tysonjost-taylorsversion @Besthockeyfics @boqvistsbabe @joshsandersons @stars-canucks @blondiekook @2manytabsopen @lady-laura-speaks @youngbeezer @heatherawoowoo @thescooby-gang @ggggmoneyyyy @lovethepreds @colecauliflower @ciziikas @monamourthings-blog @x-a-v20x @bowenbyyram @satanxklaus @himbobimboeate @paintlavillered @lam-ila @HockeyJedi13 @drysdaleseyes @tanninetanya @capsleafsstarshurricanehamilton @duhaimes @raysofcrosby @shinytoadpandadeputy @rainysuitcaseprunegiant
add yourself to my taglist!
taylor's 14 days of christmas masterlist!
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fregget-frou · 3 years
I'd love to see your interpretation of Sam and/or Camelopardalis, and I would probably cry if you drew Marley lol They're my favorite of my Redacted OCs and I have a lot of art and picrews of them on both my main blog and the art one (catella-ars) under the tag "pack aunt marley." Thank you <3
Here’s Sam and Camelpardalis! I’ll do Marley soon but I’ll just post this so I can get to my other requests :)
(because I couldn’t do your OC tonight I made them semi colored)
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- Sam always had really long and pretty eyelashes that get in the way (as someone with glasses, constantly wearing a mask and hella long eyelashes I feel you man. They touch everything)
- I’ve also added a bunch of scars because he got into a car accident and wanted to properly show that
- he’d like exclusively wear plaid and his pilot jacket all the time, even when it’s hot(might be his entire wardrobe)
- I haven’t listened to cam’s storyline in a while, but I do remember them being violently blue and bug-like as I imagined them
- fun fact, the little things on their eyelashes, ears and horns are bioluminescent!
- also yes, teef. Pointy teef :-)
That’ll be all for tonight, and also you can still request things until Sunday so don’t be afraid to ask!
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doubleleoenergy · 3 years
iii. Angel, The Princess and the Pogue Series
And even though we live inside a dangerously empty life. You always seem to bring the light, you always seem to bring the light.
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: JJ Maybank x fem!reader
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, mentions of alcohol, mentions of drug use, mentions of suicide, mentions of alcoholism and addiction, swearing, if there are any others please let me know.
Summary: JJ spends a late night with y/n and finds out they’ve got a lot more in common than it seems.
Words: 2863
As soon as the last school bell chimed Thursday afternoon, the gang jumped from their seats and headed straight for John B’s van. JJ lingered in the hallway, leaning against a set of lockers outside of y/n’s class as he waited for her. He had spent any chance he had during the school day around her. It was like she was a beacon of light, a beacon of hope, after so many things in his life had gone wrong. Of course, he wasn’t sure if she even found him remotely attractive in that way, but he sure as shit thought she was.
Y/N’s class had finally dismissed for the day and she stepped out into the hall, smiling as she saw JJ who was standing there with a big goofy grin on his face. “You didn’t have to wait for me, I could’ve walked out to the van on my own.” She commented.
JJ pushed off the lockers, falling in step beside her, an arm draping loosely over her shoulders. Her heartbeat quicker in her chest, though she tried to play it off, letting her expression remain calm. “A princess should never walk alone.” He teased, pushing the front door of the school open with his opposite hand.
“Not sure I’m a princess.” She retorted, rolling her eyes dramatically which caused him to laugh.
“Well, that’s your new nickname, sorry princess.” He let go of her shoulder and jogged forward to the van, meeting Kiara for their secret handshake before sending a salute in John B’s direction.
“You ready to fish, y/n?” Kiara asked, hopping in after her into the van and shutting the door behind them. Again, she was sandwiched between Kiara and JJ, which of course she didn’t mind at all.
“Yeah, I think I’ve only fished once in my life, with a cousin in Montana. But I didn’t catch shit and refused to go after that.” She picked at her cuticles, watching as the van started cruising down the street, John B’s free hand moving to grab Sarah’s who sat in her usual spot in the passenger seat.
“Well, we’re kinda experts at this, so if you don’t at least catch one fish you’ve got some bad juju on you.” Pope responded, earning a smack to the chest from Kiara. “Damn Kie, it’s just a joke!” The gang laughed, John B continuing to drive until he pulled over at a dingey corner store, JJ hopping out of the back seat and going inside. Sarah started belting out the lyrics to a Bob Marley tune as they waited, JJ emerging minutes later carrying two cold packs of Natural Light.
“Can’t fish without beer, that’s a Pogue sin!” He claimed, shutting the door as he nestled back into his spot beside y/n. Five minutes later they pulled into the docks, John B parking his van in an empty spot before everyone hopped out one-by-one. The boat John B had was not the prettiest, but it just showed its resilience. He hopped in first before helping Sarah get in, JJ passing up the beer for John B to set down in the boat.
Y/N, Pope, and Kiara got in after, JJ waiting on the dock for John B’s signal to push off. He gave it a swift push after a nod from the other man, jumping in as John B turned the keys in the ignition, driving the boat off into the deeper portion of the water.
“It’s beer o’clock!” JJ commented, opening one end of the first case and passing out beers to everyone, including y/n. She opened the can and took a long swig, admiring the water as they trolled in the deep.
“We’re gonna want to go to the far side, that’s where the fish are feeding right now.” John B noted, the speed of the boat increasing as he headed in that direction. Sarah turned on the radio, the music wafting as they sped farther away from shore towards the sweet spot where they’d anchor down at.
Y/N’s hair whipped in the wind, taking in the view as they cruised along the water. The Outer Banks truly was paradise on earth, as the sign had stated when she first arrived. She wasn’t sure how she would feel, being in a new town for her final year of high school, but she just felt meant to be there, like it was fate.
Soon enough the boat slowed, Pope grabbing the anchor and tossing it in when John B instructed him to, finally turning off the ignition and sitting back in his seat, taking a heavy swig of his beer.
“Alright, let's get the poles set up.” John B took the poles that were slid tight against the side of the boat, handing one to each person aboard before opening the container of worms. JJ pulled a knife from his pocket, cutting a few longer worms in half, everyone grabbing a piece.
“Can you put it on yourself, princess?” JJ questioned, wrapping his worm tight on his hook before inspecting y/n’s in her hand. She scoffed, following what JJ had just done, wrapping the worm around the hook, stabbing it through until it was stuck tight.
“How’s this?” She tilted her head to the side, sticking her tongue out at him. JJ displayed his middle finger playfully at her, finishing the last little bit of his beer before he moved to the bow of the boat, standing up and casting his rod.
Y/N moved to stand next to Sarah and Pope, casting out as they did and making sure not to cross lines, as Pope had told instructed her not to do. It wasn’t long before the Pogues were reeling in fish, taking them off and inspecting them before tossing them back in the cool water. They seemed to make a competition of it, seeing whose fish was bigger and how many fish they could catch.
Ten minutes had gone by, everyone but y/n catching a fish. “Maybe you were right Pope, I’ve clearly got some bad juju following me.” She huffed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
“Nah, you’re just not doing it right.” JJ motioned her over to him where he stood at the bow, having y/n watch him cast. “See, I cast it out and I let it sink a bit before I start slowly reeling in. You gotta jiggle it a bit now and then too. Now you try.” He reeled in completely, his eyes on her as she took her turn. She listened to his notes, casting out far and waiting briefly before she started to reel, stopping after a few turns of the handle to jiggle her line. Sure enough, after a few turns of the handle she felt a bite, tugging sharply to ensure it was on the hook. Her line started moving from left to right as the fish tried to swim away.
“Fuck, I got one!” She cried out, reeling it in bit by bit, listening to JJ as he coached her through it. Soon enough the fish was above the water, y/n jumping up and down happily. The Pogues clapped behind her, cheering her on as she put her finger in the fish's mouth just as she had seen Sarah do, carefully freeing the hook from where it had been caught.
“We need to document this!” Kiara stated, opening the camera on her phone. “Say...fish food!” Y/N smiled at the camera, allowing the woman to snap a few pictures before she looked up at JJ proudly.
“Great job, and now a kiss.” JJ instructed, taking a swig from his second beer.
“For you or the fish?” The boat became dead silent at y/n’s words, JJ’s cheeks flashing crimson as he choked on the swig of beer. “I’m kidding.” That was a lie, she would’ve kissed him. She pecked the fish near its eyes before tossing it back into the water with a smile.
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 They continued to fish until the sun started to lower in the sky, y/n finally catching five and Kiara catching the most with eleven. The Pogues settled back into the boat, the music softly playing, the fishing poles now stashed away as they continued to sip on their beers.
“So, y/n, you said it’s just you and your sister?” Sarah chirped, leaning back into John B’s embrace.
“Uh yeah, she’s great. She’s actually working a double shift tonight at the hospital, but she told me to tell you guys hello and she can’t wait to meet you all sometime.” Pope trolled the boat on the route back towards the docks, taking another swig from his can.
“What about your parents?” He blurted out, receiving a hard smack from Kiara.
“You don’t have to answer that y/n.” She retorted, a death glare meeting Pope’s confused expression.
“N-No, it’s alright.” She swallowed, looking down at her hands as she continued. She’d eventually have to share; it might as well be now. And she’d had three beers, the liquid courage all she needed. “Well, my parents, my sister, and I lived here until I was three. My mom moved us after...well, after my dad shot himself. He battled with depression his whole life and the depression finally won.” John B turned the music off as she spoke, everyone going silent, even JJ.
“My mom couldn’t enjoy living here after my dad’s death, so she packed us up and we moved to Montana. My Aunt and Uncle live out there, so she wanted to be closer to family. My mom became a shell of a person, she couldn’t get over losing my dad and so she coped with alcohol. She was good at hiding it at first, sipping from a water bottle at my sister’s high school graduation, or adding a splash to her morning cup of coffee. Eventually it just got worse and she developed cirrhosis of the liver. She died a year ago from it.” Y/N cleared her throat with a sip of beer. “Enough of my sad, shitty life, the sunsets sure are beautiful here.”
JJ knew how she felt, all too well. Though his mother left him, and his piece of shit father was alive, he knew the struggles of having a parent with an addiction. He put a hand on her thigh, startling her briefly before her body untensed, enjoying the comforting gesture.
“Yeah, it really is.” Kiara agreed, eager to move the conversation away from y/n’s family, as it was clear she was done talking about it. “Ya’ll down for a dip?” Before anyone can protest Kiara is shimmying out of her shorts and top, her body clad in a navy-blue bikini as she hopped off the boat into the water.
“Hell yeah!” Pope added, pulling off his shirt as he dove in next to her. Sarah and John B joined them, jumping hand-in-hand off the boat.
“Shit, I forgot to put my bottoms on.” Y/N noted, Kiara leaning up on the edge of the boat beside the woman.
“It’s fine, just go in your underwear. It’s basically the same thing.” She let go of the boat, floating on her back in the water.
JJ stood up beside y/n, tossing his shirt off, giving y/n a view of his bare chest. His chest was tanned from the sun and chiseled; his arm muscles taut as he stretched them over his head. He met her gaze, a smirk playing on his lips as he noticed her eyes on him.
“C’mon, princess.” He joked before he dove off the boat and under the water, emerging seconds later, shaking out his blonde locks.
“Alright, I’m coming.” Y/N pulled her shirt up and set it on the seat, JJ’s eyes instinctively taking in her breasts clothed in a tiny orange bikini top. She pushed down her shorts, her black lace cheeky panties catching JJ’s attention, his breath hitching in his throat. Her body was gorgeous. She moved to the edge of the boat, John B and Sarah egging her on as she jumped in.
The water was cool, enveloping her body and refreshing her skin. She stayed under for a moment before resurfacing, whipping her hair off her face. They all waded around in the water, John B and Pope starting a war over who could splash the other the hardest.
JJ floated over to y/n, taking in the sight of her again beside him. Breathtaking, as always. “Sorry about your parents.” He mumbled, running a hand through his wet, shaggy hair.
“It’s alright, I’ve been through tons of therapy by now to know ‘it’s not my fault’, ‘addiction is a disease’, ‘depression can develop in the happiest people’. Blah, blah, blah.” She mocked herself, her lip quivering slightly at her words.
“My dad’s an alcoholic and a drug addict.” JJ admitted. “Used to beat the shit outta me. Luckily that bastard is far gone, haven’t seen him since he left over a year ago. So, we’ve got that in common. The parent with an addition, I mean. And you know, I’m here for you. Or whatever.” He mumbled, trying to seem nonchalant about the offer.
“Thanks, JJ. You’re a good guy.” It had been awhile since he heard that, but it made his heart soar knowing she felt that way.
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They swam until the sun had disappeared in the sky, heading into shore and docking the boat once again. They had air-dried by that point and pulled their clothes back on, everyone hopping out of the boat and heading for the van.
“Alright, John B do you mind dropping me off at The Wreck? I promised to help my parents clean up tonight.” Kiara asked, leaning back against the seat of the van.
“Yeah, sure Kie. We’ll drop you off first.” They drove towards The Wreck, everyone exhausted from the day of school followed by their boating adventure. As the gang talked amongst themselves, y/n’s eyes started to drift shut, her body lulling until she leaned her head against JJ’s shoulder, startling him at first. He took one look at her sleeping, a smile creeping onto his face, and he let her sleep, his fingers tracing lightly against the skin of her thigh as they drove.
They dropped Kiara off first, then Pope, dropping Sarah off at her place after, but not before she gave John B a soft goodnight kiss.
“Alright, let’s head to y/n’s place.” John B looked back at JJ, noticing y/n still asleep on his shoulder.
“Let her sleep, JB. We can just bring her back to your place for the night.” JJ announced, his hand still tracing her thigh.
“Dude, you’ve got it so bad for her.” John B replied, backing out of Sarah’s driveway and heading towards the Château.
“Shut up.” He retorted, shooting up his middle finger for John B to see in his rearview mirror.
“Is it so bad if you did? I’m with Sarah, and I couldn’t imagine my life without her.” John B turned down the road towards his place, glancing at JJ from his mirror every so often.
“M’not good at this stuff, JB.” JJ had never really held down a steady relationship. He got girls, for sure, but all were just one-night stands, nothing more. If he was being totally honest, he didn’t know if he deserved to be loved by someone like John B and Sarah. He didn’t know if someone could actually love all his broken pieces, and he didn’t want to feel like a burden on anyone.
The van pulled to a stop, John B hopping out and heading inside. JJ wrapped one arm behind y/n’s back, scooting her until his other arm scooped under her legs, pulling her up and out of the back seat. He carried her in his arms, y/n’s eyes fluttering open, blinking in the night sky.
“What are you doing?” She mumbled, her head lulling to look up at JJ as they entered the shack.
“I didn’t want to wake you, you just looked...peaceful. We can take you home if you’d like.” Y/N shook her head, letting him carry her until he kicked open his bedroom door, setting her down gently onto his comforter.
“I’ll stay, if that’s okay. I don’t really enjoy being home alone when Bailey’s gone all night.” She fell back against his bed, taking in the sight of his room. It was messy, but she expected that from a guy like him, although the comforter was soft and his mattress plush underneath her back.
“Yeah, of course you can stay. You can stay here anytime.” He glanced at her as she pushed her body under his covers, nuzzling her face into his pillow. “M’gonna sleep on the couch. If you need me, you can come get me…” Before he could finish his sentence y/n’s eyes closed, her breathing heavier as she drifted to unconsciousness again.
“Goodnight, y/n.” JJ whispered, creeping out of his room and shutting the door. He walked into the living room and plopped down on the couch, a huge smile on his face. She had him wrapped around her finger, an angel in his hell, and she had know idea.
Tagging those who may be interested. Please let me know if you’d like to be tagged/untagged: @midnightf, @serendipityrogers, @bucksmotel, @eireduchess, @fuckandfluff, @moniamaybank, @astrydis, @sokovianheadtilt​, @blackwiddows​, @matbarzalschain​, @bigassnocash​, @sspidermanss
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
Have you ever shared a shower or bath with someone as an adult? No.
What kind of pizza toppings do you like? This question has come up a lot it seems lately.
When did you first take a shot of alcohol? I was honestly 21. It was apparent because I took a shot a tequila and as I was dying my dad handed me his beer and I took a big swig of it. Now, if you know me that says it all because I don’t share drinks. At all. With anyone. I grabbed it and drank without any hesitation at all hahaha. Everyone was shocked.
Did you babysit for money when you were in middle school? I only every babysat my brother and a couple of my cousins, but yeah my parents did give me money for that.
Who is your favorite band? How long have they been? One will always be Linkin Park. We go back to my middle school days.
Has the last person you kissed ever been to your house? Yeah.
Have you ever been to a spa? Nah. I honestly haven’t had an interest in going to one. 
When talking on the phone, do you place it against your left or right ear? My right.
What’s your favourite Lunchables meal? I loved the Nachos one.
Do you like Bob Marley? I’m familiar with his music, but I’m not particularly a fan. 
Have you ever eaten at Golden Corral? No.
Do you sit and eat dinner at the same table with your family? No, we don’t have a dinner/dining table. Are you listening to any music right now? If so, what are you listening to? No, I’m listening to an ASMR video.
Who was the last person to make you genuinely smile? My mom.
Is there something you want to say to someone but can’t/won’t? Yes.
Do you like men who have a sensitive side? Yes. There’s nothing wrong with that.
Have you ever tried to get someone into a certain band/artist? Yeah.
Have you ever carved you and someone else’s initials into a tree? No.
Do you like Dairy Queen? I haven’t been to one since I was a kid. I see commercials for it a lot and it looks good, but I just never go.
Is there a song in a different language that you can sing? Yeah, some Spanish songs.
How do you feel about bands that use pyrotechnics in live concerts? It can be cool.
Ever fallen down a hole? No, not literally. Thankfully. I fall down rabbit holes a lot, though.
Do you like bananas? I love bananas. 
How long do you normally spend in the shower? Like 30-40 minutes.
Have you ever been a featured member on any website? No.
Have you ever had any weird pets? I mean, my doggo is pretty quirky and silly haha.
Are you currently talking to/texting/instant messaging anyone? Nope.
Have you ever experienced insomnia? I have insomnia.
Do you like egg nog? I do.
Would you ever wear Converse with a prom/formal dress? Nah.
Do you prefer hot chocolate with or without marshmallows? Gotta have marshmallows.
How many different people of the opposite sex have you cried over? A few.
Would you rather be a surgeon or mortician? Omg, I absolutely could not do either one. Nooooooo.
Would rather be a musician or a painter? Musician. I wish I had some ounce of musical talent.
Would you rather write your own book or make your own movie? Write a book.
At home, do you have a trampoline? No.
When you are about to go to bed, do you put on some sort of noise? I have my TV on low for some background noise, but I always listen to ASMR before bed.
What is your favorite Christmas movie? I have several. 
And what about your favorite Christmas song? I love the classics. 
What is your ultimate favorite stocking stuffer? Gift cards are awesome.
After Halloween, do you sort out all of your candy into little piles? Aw, I always did that as a kid. 
When you listen to music with headphones, do you keep the volume low enough to hear surrounding noise faintly, or do you blast it? I want to be able to hear surrounding noise. I want to know if someone is calling out my name or comes up behind me. I’m super jumpy. It’s also good to just be aware of your surroundings.
What did you have for breakfast this morning? I had a homemade egg and cheese mcmuffin with spinach and garlic.
What’s the largest animal you’ve ever had as a pet? My doggos.
Do you own any kind of helmet? No.
Out of everything currently in your refrigerator, what food or drink is your favorite? Currently, I’d say my leftover pizza, my Starbucks Doubleshot drinks, and my pack of Yoo-Hoos.
What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? The one that made me a paraplegic.
Do you like the taste of cough syrup? Ew, nooo.
What is something you like to have conversations about? Interesting stuff? ha.
What all is in the trunk of your car? I don’t have a car of my own; I don’t drive.
Do you ever put fruit on your cereal? No.
Is your heat or air conditioning currently on? No, but I have 3 fans going right now.
Have you ever fallen off of a horse? I’ve never been on one.
Which do you value more, your appearance or your intelligence? Those who see me can see it’s clearly not my appearance. Intelligence is important, but I don’t think I’m all that intelligent. But yeah, learning and being aware are things I want.
When was the last time you drove something other than a car or truck? Uhh, does wheeling around in a wheelchair count? ha.
Were your grandparents present when you were born? My grandma was.
If you drink/smoke, how often do you do these things? I don’t do either.
What do you think of fast food? I like it, I don’t care.
What website do you spend the most time on and why? Tumblr and YouTube for sure. I enjoy them.
What’s the most amount of time you’ve spent online? Is this usual for you? I’m on throughout the day. When it comes to travel, what kinds of places intrigue you most? I’m such a tourist, so I enjoy touristy things. I like checking out the shops and museums. I don’t know, I just like checking out as much as I can.
What is the farthest you’ve walked in one day and what made you do it? A friend and I walked all over this large city while there vacationing.
What is something important that’s often on your mind lately? My current situation with my health stuff.
What about something unimportant, but you can’t stop thinking about it? Hmm. I don’t know. My mind is pretty much just focused on all the bad shit I’m dealing with.
Do you like oatmeal? If so, what kinds of things do you like in it? I do. I like condensed milk, brown sugar, and cinnamon.
What was going on the last time you felt nostalgic? I’ve been feeling that way a lot these past few weeks I’ve noticed. Like, having/craving things I used to enjoy as a kid. Like my latest Yoo-Hoo obsession, for example. 
How much attention do you pay to the movements of the stars and planets, and do you believe they influence anything? None.
What is the most difficult or involved video game you’ve ever played? Hmm. Perhaps the Life is Strange series.
Which accent do you find most sexy, alluring or appealing? British or some Southern accents.
Which accent do you find most annoying, disturbing, or bothersome? None of them.
Can you cry on cue? Is it any kind of useful? No.
Does it take you a while to actually get jokes? Not usually.
Can you wear socks to bed or does it annoy you? Yeah, I always wear socks.
Have you ever bleached your hair? Yep, several times.
Do you like jelly beans? Just the black ones, which is a super unpopular opinion. 
Do you have trouble sleeping when it’s storming? No, I love it.
Who was the last person you know that graduated? (high school or college) My brother just graduated UC on Saturday.
Were you happy or sad when you found out your babysitter was coming? My babysitter was usually my aunt, who I’ve always been close with, so I looked forward to it.
Did you have a boyfriend in kindergarten? No.
Did you ever read the Magic Treehouse series? Nope.
Who was your best friend in elementary school? I feel like it switched a lot until like the 5th grade.
Did you ever watch The Land Before Time movies? Yes.
Did you collect anything when you were a kid? Rocks. It was something my Nana and I did together.
Did you get an allowance? Yes.
Were you into American Girl dolls? Nah.
Were you friends with your childhood neighbors? Yep, yep.
What was your biggest fear when you were a kid? All bugs. That hasn’t changed.
Did you ever play the "Reader Rabbit" computer games? Awww, yeah.
Did your parents let you drink soda growing up? Yes.
What was your favorite kind of cake as a kid? I’ve always loved white cake with buttercream frosting.
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fanaticfangirl001 · 4 years
Chosen Twins Ch 2 : The Escape
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Author’s note: Try and guess Marley’s hogwarts house, I put a few clues in this chapter and the first one. Happy guessing! :D
Marley looks out the window while serving tea and coffee to Petunia and Vernon. A light screeching sound coming from outside. Pushing the curtain back, she sees owls of all sizes and colors sitting on cars, light posts, and electrical lines. 
“You know what I love about Sundays.” Vernon says wistfully. 
“No post.” Harry answers. 
Marley half smiles at the memory of what had happened for the past week and a half. Letters were finding themselves mailed to the two of them, some even addressed to the cupboard itself. All of them were intercepted, taken, torn, and burned. She half thought Vernon might buy a shredder just to get rid of them faster, but for every letter destroyed more kept showing up. Before now Marley never had something mailed to her. The bright red wax seal with a large H stamped into it. She’s seen on Petunia’s soap operas use wax seals on letters and dramatically gasp when opening them. 
“Exactly no..” Vernon trails off as a letter shoots through the chimney. 
Suddenly more and more letters begin coming through, swirling in the air around the five of them. Dudley jumps up and into his mother’s arms. Harry swings his arms up and around to catch one of the flying letters. Marley looks towards Petunia who is busy tending to Dudley, Vernon is busy panicking and dodging letters. Marley knocks over a vase of flowers from the table as she goes to pick up the flowers. She grabs a letter from the floor and hides it in her bra. Whatever this letter was for, it was to her and she was going to do whatever it takes to keep it. 
Harry grabs his letter and runs to the cupboard. Vernon chases him and grabs him before he can unlock the cupboard door, sending both of them sprawling on the floor, wrestling over a letter. 
“Those are Harry’s letters! Let go!” Marley yells trying to get Vernon off of him. 
“That’s it!” Vernon pushes Marley off of him.” We are going away, Pack your things!” 
Petunia grabs Harry and Marley, shoving them into a cupboard. 
Marley has a smile plastered on her face and can’t help laughing. 
“Where do you think we’re going?” Harry asks. 
“I don’t know but I got a letter.” Marley takes it out of her bra. “ And it’s all mine.” 
She rubs her thumb over the wax seal. A dried bit of the wax flakes off. 
“Aren’t you going to open it?” Harry asks. 
“It’s not safe yet.” Marley stuffs the letter back as she hears the door knob rattle. “Grab your stuff.” 
Marley throws her few clothes into the shared trash bag. She puts in her best pair of running shoes. 
“Pack yours too, Harry.” She holds the bag out to him. 
“You can’t be serious, where would we go?” Harry puts his shoes in. 
“Anywhere is better than here. I have paper and pencils. I’ll be an art busker. You handle the money, we can keep it in this hat.” Marley puts a baseball cap in the bag. 
“Where would we live?” Harry adds more clothes into the bag. 
“On the street, bring some good socks.” Marley tosses in a pocket knife that Harry recognizes. 
“You stole that from Dudley’s room.” 
“He doesn’t use it. We might need it on the street.” She grabs a few more socks. 
“For what?” 
“Protection, or pencil sharpening.” Marley ties up the bag. 
Aunt Petunia swings open the door and grabs the two by the shoulders. “Come along children.” 
“Where are we going?” Marley asks. The cogs turning in her head, if she knows where they're going maybe they could run off. Petunia and Vernon wouldn’t bother looking for them. 
“Does it matter?Get in the car.” Petunia snaps. 
Marley picks at the loose threads of the seat’s interior to pass the time. Her head begins to ache.Her ears pound, all she can hear is thumping. It feels as though her brain is being squeezed. Suddenly Marley’s eyes turn glassy and images start flashing and blurring together in her mind. A large bearded man, an umbrella, Dudley screaming, Vernon and Petunia angry, a cake. She’s still in the jostling and bumpy car ride. 
Harry looks over at his sister and sees her hands are shaking. 
“What’s wrong?” He whispers. 
“I saw something.” She answers.
“I thought it only happened at night?” 
“Me too.” She looks out the window to the rocky shore, and sees a small shack on its own island. 
“What did you see?” Harry asks. 
“A big bearded man, with an umbrella, and cake. Vernon and Petunia get really angry with him. I think he might hurt Dudley, but we can use that as our distraction and run off with him.” Marley explains. 
“How do you know the bearded man is safe?” 
“I have a feeling, and you never bet against me, right.” She confirms then adds. “Besides if he’s not, I still have a knife.” 
“Enough chatting, back there!” Vernon yells parking the car. 
Once out of the car, the only thing Marley can smell is seaweed, and the salty winds of the ocean. She huddles with Harry as a big gust of wind blows over the two of them. A rowboat and oars sits on the shore. The five get in the boat as Marley and Harry row, she wonders if she can swim. She’s never been in a pool but it must be pretty easy. If you’re thrown in water you can learn pretty fast. If worse comes to worst she and Harry can just float but the bags might weigh them down. If she and Harry steal the row boat one day leaving the Dursley’s trapped, that might buy them time. The boat bumps into the rocky shore, Marley grabs Harry to avoid being thrown into Aunt Petunia. 
Later than night a storm rolls in. Marley and Harry sleep on the floor near the fire. Harry put Marley closest to the fire since she’s smaller and gets colder easily. Every flash of lightning and crack of thunder woke Marley up. She pulls herself up and lays beside her brother. 
Marley looks down at the drawing of a birthday cake and up at her brother. 
“Happy Birthday, Harry.” 
“Happy Birthday, Marley.” He says throwing an arm around her. 
“Should we make a wish?” 
“Yeah, on the count of three, one two three.” They blow on the cake drawing in dirt. 
The door to the shack began to be banged on, once twice thrice. Dudley runs to one part of the room, with Harry grabbing Marley and running behind a part of the wall that sticks out. Vernon and Petunia run into the room. Vernon carrying a shotgun. The door opens to reveal a large bearded man. 
“That’s him, Harry.” Marley whispers. 
“Sh.” Harry hushes peeking out. 
“Sorry, about that.” The man picks up the door and puts his umbrella away. 
“I demand that you leave at once!” Vernon yells aiming the shotgun. 
“Dry up Dursley you great prune.” The large man bends the barrel of the gun upwards, it going off in the process. 
“Harry, we can run now, and take the boat.” Marley suggests taking a few steps away from him. 
The large man mistakes Dudley for Harry. Harry grabs Marley’s hand and steps out from their hiding place. 
“I’m Harry, and this is Marley.” He says. 
“I’ve got something for the both of you’s.” The large man takes out a box,” ‘friad I might have sat on it but I imagine it tastes fine just the same.” 
Harry opens the box and Marley swallows loudly. It’s the cake, just as she had seen in her episode in the car. 
“Thank you.” 
“Not everyday, you turn eleven.” The large man’s attention turns to Marley, “ And you, still a wee thing. The both of you’s have some cake.” 
The large man sits on the couch, takes out his umbrella, and makes the fire grow larger. 
“Excuse me, who are you?” Harry asks. Marley nods in agreement putting the cake down. 
“Rubeus Hagrid, keeper of keys and grounds of Hogwarts.” The large man answers tending to the fire. 
“Like my letter.” Marley whispers. 
“Of course, the two of you probably know all about hogwarts.” Hagrid says. 
“Sorry, no.” Harry answers. 
“Blimey, didn’t the two of you’s ever wonder where your parent’s leaned it all from.” 
“Learned what?” Marley asks clearly. 
“You’re wizards.” Hagrid states. 
“No, we’re just Harry and Marley. We’re just twins.” 
“Have you ever made anything happen?” Hagrid asks. “ When you’re angry or scared?” 
Marley looks at Harry, “ The zoo, when we were pushed.” 
Hagrid hands Harry a letter and then looks at Marley. “You’re a clever girl to hide your letter.” 
Marley nods with a small smile,taking  her letter out of hiding and begins to read it as Harry reads his. 
“They will not be going there!” Vernon snaps. “We swore when we took them in we’d stop this rubbish.”
“You knew?” The twins say. 
“Of course we knew. My perfect sister, a witch. I was the only one to see her for what she really was, a freak.” Petunia says. “Then she met that Potter, got herself blown up and we were stuck with you two.” 
“What about the car crash?” Marley asks. 
“Car crash!” Hargid starts,” It’s an outrage! A scandal! These two have had their names known since they were born!” 
“Why?” Marley asks looking up Hagrid, a little unsure, she always hated angry people. 
“They will be going to Hogwarts, one of the finest wizarding schools, under one of the finest headmasters that Hogwarts has ever seen, Albus Dumbledore.” 
As the adults argue, Marley sees Dudley eat the birthday cake. 
“I will not pay to have some crackpot old fool to  teach them magic tricks.” Vernon snaps. 
Hagrid points his umbrella, “ Never insult Albus Dumbledore in front of me.” 
Hagrid’s eyes look off to Dudley eating the birthday cake. He swishes the umbrella towards Dudley and a pigs tail sprouts. 
Marley can’t help but laugh at the tail. Dudley, Vernon and Petunia running off to separate room to try and fix it. 
“I’d appreciate it if you two didn’t tell anyone at Hogwarts about that, strictly speaking I’m not allowed to do magic.” Hagrid explains to the two. 
“Okay. “Harry agrees.
“I’m good with secrets.” Marley nods. 
“Running a bit behind, we best be off, unless you’d rather stay of course.” Hagrid asks. 
“We packed a go bag just in case we ever needed to run away.” Marley grabs her things and tosses Harry his bag. 
Hagrid gives her nod with a sad smile,” You’re very prepared.” 
Walking down the London street Harry reads off the list to Hagrid. Marley is just happy to be away from the Dursleys and walks behind them. 
“Can you really find all this in London?” Harry asks. 
“If you know where to look.” Hagrid answers taking the children into a pub. 
Marley looks at all the people in the dimly lit pub. The bartender speaks to Hagrid but he brushes him off now that he’s on official business. The headache begins again, and she grabs onto Harry’s shoulder to steady herself. Her head is swimming. 
“Marley!” Harry yells, steadying her. 
Hagrid stops and gets the two to sit down. Her eyes go glassy again, and she closes her eyes once the images begin. A purple man, and a snarling gnawing beast. 
“Are you alright, Marley?” Hagrid asks. 
“Yeah it happens.” Marley answers holding her head. 
The three have captured the attention of the patrons of the pub. 
“Sure you don’t want your, usual, Hagrid?” The barkeep asks putting down some water for Marley. 
“I’m sure, just helping the Potter twins buy their school supplies.” Hagrid says keeping a hand on Marley, poor thing looks like she’d jump out of her skin at the drop of a hat. 
“Bless my soul, it’s Harry Potter.” The barkeep says. The chattering in the pub stops and all eyes are on the three. 
“Welcome back, Mr. and Ms. Potter.” A wizard says. 
Others chime in to get a glimpse of the prophesied twins. A man with a nervous disposition and a dark purple turban approaches the two. 
“Potter, what a pleasure to meet you.” The man says. 
Marley looks up and sees the purple turban, her eyes widen. 
“Hello professor, “ Hagrid says,” This is Professor Quirrel, he’ll be your  Defense against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts.” 
“Nice to meet you.” Harry says puting his hand out. 
Marley glares at him and nudges Harry with her foot under the table. 
“Fa-fascinating subject, not that you’ll need it Ay’ Potter.” Quirrel sputters out.  
Once Marley is calm enough to continue, the three walk out to the back of the pub to a dead end with a brick wall. 
“Why does everyone know about us?” Harry asks. 
“I don’t think I’m the person to tell you why.” Hagrid says. 
He taps on the bricks with his umbrella.  
“I don’t believe I like that professor.” Marley says. 
“Bit of an odd fellow, but Dumbledore hired him.” Hagrid admits. 
The brick wall opens. Harry and Marley stand and stare in amazement. 
“Harry, Marley, welcome to Diagon Alley.” Hagrid and the two walk through. 
The streets are full of people getting their shopping done. The smell of roast chestnuts wafts outward towards the stores. The apothecary shop smells of dried herbs. The three pass a pet store with owls out front, some screeching, others pruning themselves. Several children crowd around a broom display. 
“How are we to pay for the supplies?” Harry asks. 
“We haven’t got any money, I’m afraid.” Marley adds.  
“Your money is in there. Gringotts bank.” Hagrid says opening the door. 
The bank is larger than any normal bank Marley has ever seen. She’s also never seen people quite like the ones in charge of the bank. 
“Uh Hagrid, what exactly are these things?” Harry asks. 
Marley pinches Harry and whispers “ Don’t be rude.” 
“They’re goblins.” Hagrid says overhearing the twin’s whispers. He leads the two to the large desk with a goblin behind a book. 
“The Potters would like to make a withdrawal.” Hagrid says. 
The goblin looks down at the children. Marley gives a little wave. 
Hagrid goes searching in his pockets to find the key. “ here’s the little devil, and there’s something else. It’s about you know what in vault you know which.” He hands over an envelope. 
“Very well.” The goblin says. 
The three of them are taken to a deeper part of the bank that looks almost like a mine complete with a track and large carriage looking carts. The goblin drives the carriage to the vault and announces “ Vault 687.” 
Hagrid hands the goblin the lantern and key. Harry and Marley climb out of the carriage looking around. 
“Woah.” Marley says softly. 
“Yeah..brillant.” Harry adds.
The goblin opens the vault door, piles upon piles of gold coins lay there. 
“Didn’t think your parents would leave you two with nothing, did you?” Hagrid looks towards the twins. 
“It’s like Ducktales.” Marley says looking at the gold. Enough for the both of their supplies and a little more is taken out. 
The goblin takes them to another vault to retrieve the you know what. 
“Psst, Harry.” Marley whispers. “What do you think is in there?” 
“I don’t know.” He whispers then asks Hagrid,” What’s in there?” 
“Can’t tell you Harry, hogwarts business.” Hagrid answers, “Very secret.” 
Hagrid picks up the small bag. “Best not to mention this to anyone.” 
Harry and Marley pick out their books for the year, and small supplies first. Walking down the streets Harry looks down at the list of the supplies. Marley had snuck a pen and was crossing things off her list as they shopped. 
“We still need wands.” Harry says. 
“Yup that’s the last thing.” Marley confirms. 
“Wands, well there’s Olivanders no place better.” Hagrid points in front of them a little ways.” You two go get your wands, and I’ll run my one thing I got to do. I won’t be long.” 
Harry and Marley quickly walked to the wand shop. 
“Can you believe this? We’re wizards, we can do magic.” Marley says coming to terms with what all has happened in one day. “I wonder what we learn first.” 
“First we should buy the wands then worry about that.” Harry says opening the door to the shop. The bell above them rings but no one is behind the desk. 
“That’s odd.” Harry turns to Marley.
“All of this is odd.” Marley retorts looking at the boxes along the walls. 
“Hello.” Harry calls. 
An older gentleman with white shaggy looking hair slides to the side from a bookshelf ladder. 
“I wondered when I’d be seeing you two. Mr. Potter, Ms.Potter.” The man smiles. 
He climbs down from the ladder. “One at a time then, you first Harry.” 
His fingers flicker between wand boxes as he searches for the right one. 
“Seems like only yesterday, your mother and father were in here buying their first wands.” He says handing Harry a wand. 
Harry stares at him waiting for something to happen. 
“Well give it a wave.” The older man says. 
Harry waves the wand and wand boxes fall off the shelves. He set the wand back down carefully. 
“Apparently not.”Ollivander says and looks above him for another wand. 
“I’m sure there’s a wand for you.” Marley gestures towards the ones on the walls. 
“Perhaps this.” Ollivander takes one and hands it to Harry. He grabs another and sets it off to the side. 
Harry whirls the wand at a vase of flowers. The vase shatters. 
“No. No. Definitely not that one.” Ollivander goes near the back of his store. “I wonder…” 
He comes back with a new wand and curiously looks at Harry before handing him the wand. 
Harry grips the wand as he has all of them, he barely moves it before winds fill the shop. Dust from all wand boxes flies into the air.
 “Curious.” Ollivander says. 
“What’s curious.” Harry asks. 
“I remember every wand I’ve ever sold, and this one has a phoenix feather in it. The phoenix gave one other feather, but your wands brother is the same wand that gave you that scar.” Ollivander explains. 
Marley is in a trance by a lightly colored wand with a braid handle of gold. She reaches her hand out to grab the wand from the box. She bumps the box and it goes crashing to the floor. 
Ollivander spins around and sees Marley pick up the wand to hand it back to him “I um sorry, it’s very beautiful.” 
“Interesting...Give it a wave, then.” Ollivander crosses his arms in thought, the wand she had picked up was an authentic silver lime wand with a dragon heartstring. Not too rigid, not too flexible. 
Marley gives it a wave and the vase that Harry broke fixes itself and the flowers begin to bloom and release the most intoxicating scent of jasmine and sakura blossoms. 
“Remember you two, the wand chooses the wizard, it’s not always clear why. But I think it is clear that we can expect great things from you two.” Olivander says to the twins. 
“Harry. Marley.” Hagrid taps on the glass of the store windows. “ Happy Birthday.” He holds two owls in cages. 
“They're so cute.” Marley coos over the owls.
Hagrid hands one cage to Harry and the other to Marley. 
“I’m naming him Tea Spoon and no one is stopping me.” Marley says petting the grey owl with her finger through the bars of the cage. 
“He’s all your’s.” Hagrid says. 
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erikismybitch · 5 years
So I probably won’t add again . And people are still messaging me about stories. So I’m going to post this synopsis of Waiting In Vain. Any other stories y’all want me to quickly do, let me know lol .
So , Marley confronts Erik about the robbery that took place because she’s super fucking smart and put all the context clues together . They get in this huge argument where Erik tries to manipulate her into thinking that he did the crime for her and that everything he does is for her because she needs him to be her savior. Once she fires back like the independent woman she is , he gets upset and tries to hurt her . He admits that he helped get her the apartment she’s living in and if it wasn’t for him she would still be living in a hotel . She stands her ground and tells him that she is done with him . Of course he tries to have sex with her to calm her down but she is seriously done . And she leaves . He told her that if she left , that was it . He’d be damned if he chased after her . But he all talk cause he really loves her .
So these weeks go by and Marley is super sad and tries to live her life without Erik . She misses him a lot and everything reminds her of him ...Her cousin Tiana has been lowkey following her , still obsessed with breaking even with Marley . Marley has no idea because she’s still wrapped up in her life . Marley had been rapidly gaining weight from stress eating and decided to go back to the gym ... during cycling class with her friend Becky , Marley suddenly felt a sharp pain and fell of the bike . The ambulance came and took her to the hospital . The pain was so bad that right before she passed out she begged for Becky to call Erik . He was the only person she wanted . While Marley was passed out , the hospital called her closest next of kin . Her Aunt , Tianas mother . Who came to the hospital to see if Marley was Dead . Instead , she nosily asked questions and found out useful information . Marley was undergoing a small surgery when Becky got a hold of Erik. Who her aunt saw and knew exactly who he was . She slipped away and went home to tell Tiana everything she found out. Marley’s surgery was done , once she came back to reality , she saw Becky and Erik sleep in her room . The doctor informed them that she was pregnant, and the baby was okay & overstressed . Erik apologized and promised to be there from this day forward .
Erik decided that they would live life All over the world throughout her pregnancy, it would be less stressful to be relaxed . Then they came home to give birth. life was good until Erik’s safety is comprised. His partner in the Robbery was murdered. After just giving birth to their beautiful baby boy , they needed to leave the country for safety. Marley did not want to be involved with that part of Erik’s life , but he always protected her & was the father of her child . So she agreed to go . Even though she had second thoughts
On the other hand, Tiana had been messaging Becky often , Marley did not know . She had been telling Becky all these sob stories about how she missed her cousin and wanted to make up with her. She didn’t know how to get in contact with Marley & she hadn’t seen her at her apartment for months (yes she was watching) Becky fell for Tianas stories, because she hadn’t been in contact with Marley ever since she left with Erik.
Going against Erik’s rules (he told her not to contact anybody until it was safe) she snuck and told Becky that she was leaving for a long time again. But had to go to her old apartment first to gather some old things that belonged to her mother . Becky let Tiana know that Marley would be heading to her apartment and she should catch her before she left .
Marley was in her room packing things with Erik when she heard her son crying . She walked out to find a deranged Tiana heading towards the door with her son . She forgot to lock the door because this was supposed to be a quick thing . Marley saw red and charged full speed ahead . With Erik behind her . Tiana dropped the baby and he let out a scream . Marley pinned Tiana down and strangled her to the point of turning blue . Erik didn’t stop her at first, he Wanted Tiana to die . He held the baby ,but Just at the point of killing her, Erik stopped her. He openly admitted to taking a life before and he realized that he didn’t want that on Marley’s conscience.
They leave , leaving Tiana alive . She was no longer a factor because (breaking and entering is a crime) and also , Erik needed his family to move permanently. They wouldn’t have to deal with her anymore .
He lets Marley know that they can’t live in the states anymore indefinitely. He needed to relocate to Havana ,Cuba. It’s what his Boss was telling him. Marley is conflicted because she still doesn’t know exactly what Erik does . Erik knows that he has to leave soon so he wants to take a visit to his mother and sister . This is where Marley meets Rain and Ruby . And they get to meet the baby. They all bond and he tells them the deal . His mom and sister are saddened , but this isn’t the first time he had to leave . Ruby makes Erik explain his line of work to Marley. He Broke down told her exactly what he does . Works for a Government agency , he’s practically a war machine , and he created the weapons the army uses to kill important people. He sold the security systems that he stole because the Us government Believed it was being used with oppositions in Russia .
Marley Moves to Havana with Erik . But for a little under a year . She came to the realization that she couldn’t raise her baby there . She wanted to go home to the states. She wanted her son to live a normal life . And it was selfish of Erik to make this choice for them . Erik pleased and begged for her to stay but Marley made up her mind . It’s very emotional , they both cry because they know this is the end .
They made a pact , that whenever Erik called her She would just pick up and not say anything , just to see if she was safe . He gave her money and told her to relocate somewhere where she knew nobody . He told her to trust nobody and be smart. And that his door was always open.
Then comes Havana (read it if you haven’t)
Then comes Havana part 2 where Naomi and Erik reunite and so does Marley .
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simthorium · 5 years
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“Hey, Aunt Marley?” Oliver said into the phone on the night of Isaac’s big party. “Hey, yeah, I just think maybe I should stay with you tonight. I’m not feeling well, and I just think I’ll feel better over there...ok, yeah, I’ll pack my stuff.” Oliver didn’t want to be anywhere near his house while Isaac and his friends destroyed it. He’d had enough of his brother’s dumb antics; he’d have to fend for himself if he wanted to do something like this.
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The next morning, Isaac woke up with the worst, and third, hangover he’d ever had in his life. He winced as he got up, rubbing his head. When he looked over, he was surprised to see his sort-of girlfriend Sandy still in bed with him. “Oh, hey,” he said softly. “I thought you left.” “Um, I couldn’t,” she said. “You couldn’t just get a lyft home or something?” “No, I just mean, I have to tell you something.” “What is it?” Isaac asked.
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Sandy tossed the covers off of her and removed her robe to show Isaac her protruding belly. Isaac squinted at her for a second before realizing what was happening. “OH SHIT!” he shouted, then winced, his own loud voice agitating his hangover.
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“Sandy, are you serious!?” he said. “You’re pregnant?” “Yeah,” she said as she began to cry. “And don’t even go asking me if it’s yours, you’re the only guy I’ve ever been with.” “Oh my god,” he said. “I know,” she cried. “I don’t know what to do. I mean, I want to keep it, but how am I gonna tell my parents?” “You want to keep it?” he asked. “Don’t you?” Isaac thought for a second before bending down to touch Sandy’s belly. He smiled and looked up at her. “Of course I do.”
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When Oliver got home from spending the night at Marley’s, he was shocked with how filthy the house was. Of course Isaac’s friends ruined their home and of course Isaac didn’t clean any of it up. He grumbled to himself as he cleaned the bathroom, took out bags of trash, recycled red solo cups, and swept up confetti that--who even used confetti anymore!? As Oliver scrubbed the kitchen counters, Isaac and Sandy sat down at the dining table with cereal for breakfast, not even bothering to say anything to him. Oliver was seeing red.
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“Hope you had fun at the party last night,” Oliver said sarcastically. “Someone broke the lamps out front and there’s several tiles missing from the roof. Did you have people jumping off our house?” “Dude, cool it, we don’t have time for that,” Isaac said, waving him off. “If you don’t stop talking to me like that, I’m gonna-” “Sandy’s pregnant!” Isaac interrupted. “Isaac!” Sandy exclaimed. “What, it’s not like he wasn’t gonna find out!”
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Oliver sat down beside his brother and stared at Sandy’s stomach. “Are you serious?” Oliver whispered. “Of course I’m serious, dude,” Isaac said. “And of course the only maternity clothes mom had has ‘BABY’ in huge letters on it, like some kind of sick joke.” “What are you gonna do?” Oliver asked. “We’re gonna figure it out,” Isaac said. “And we’re gonna need you to not say a word. Not to anyone, ok? Not to mom or dad, any family. Nothing.” “I mean, after 9 months, it’s gonna be hard to hide,” Oliver said. “Please, bro,” Isaac said. “I really just need some time to think.” “Ok, ok,” said Oliver. “I won’t say a thing.”
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catella-ars · 2 years
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@espressoth and I have been talking for quite a while about how to resolve The Quinn Issue within the, like, pocket universe that is Moonlit Museum Babes, and I finally decided to illustrate it.
Quinn switches up his game a little by taking a prisoner, stealing and turning Ines, then to twist the knife, setting her on Sam and Marley when they come to retrieve her. The combination of Quinn being somewhat weak from a recent turning and Marley being Severely Pissed (2+ of her people having been hurt by him) ends with Quinn dead and Ines snapping back to herself, horrified, before passing out.
Sometime later, she wakes in her own bed, partners nearby with tea and blood bags and so much affection. At least one of them is with her around the clock, offering comfort and insight. She has a hard time at first, terrified to be around anyone but them, but eventually settles well into the vampire life. Spending forever minding her museum and guiding strays (that’s another story) doesn’t sound too bad.
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Glee OC Masterlist (H-M)
[ A - G ] [ N - Z ]
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Name: Hadley Roth
Story: Role Of A Lifetime
Face Claim: Rowan Blanchard
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Name: Haruki Knox
Story: Somewhere Only We Know
Series: The Tortured Poets Department
Face Claim: Evan Mock
Love Interest: Kurt Hummel
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Name: Hillary Holliday
Story: Rose Coloured World
Face Claim: Sydney Sweeney
Love Interest: Sugar Motta
Hillary Holliday’s life had never lacked in adventure.  Stability, yes.  Permanence, yes.  Adventure?  Absolutely not.  Moving from city to city as fast as her mom could pack the car, Hillary’s life was one long string of adventure.  And it was fun, for the most part.  There was definitely something to be said for endless opportunities to start over and reinvent herself.  But it was hard, too.  Never being anywhere long enough to make friends, long enough to have a real home.  Still, she was used to it, and the passenger seat of her mom’s car was as good a home as any.  But when fate lands them in Lima, Ohio, something is different.  She couldn’t say what, exactly, but something had changed and maybe, just maybe, she wanted to see if this one could last.
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Name: Holden Pierre
Story: Tornado Warnings
Face Claim: Nicholas Galitzine
Love Interest: Barbie Corcoran
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Name: Jaci Jones
Story: Dancing Through Life
Face Claim: Sofia Wiley
Love Interest: Artie Abrams
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Name: Jason Del Monico
Story: All Or Nothing
Face Claim: Ross Lynch
Love Interest: Mercedes Jones
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Name: Jeanette Jameson
Story: Multi
Face Claim: Alyson Reed
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Name: Jenny Gardner
Story: Multi
Face Claim: Margot Robbie
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Name: Jeremy St James
Story: Corner Of The Sky
Face Claim: Joshua Bassett
Love Interest: Sebastian Smythe, Rory Flanagan, Marley Rose
Jeremy St James had two main reasons for wanting to attend McKinley High over Carmel.  The first reason was easy; he lived with his Uncle Josh more often than with his parents, and Josh lived in the McKinley District.  The second reason was harder to admit, but with Jesse having been Vocal Adrenaline’s star for so long, and Aunt Shelby having been their director for just as long, he wanted to start high school somewhere outside of the shadow of his family.  Unfortunately, as he started his freshman year at McKinley with high hopes of joining their Glee club, he would quickly learn that they were more than familiar with the St James name — and unlike Carmel, they didn’t think highly of it.
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Name: Jo Berry
Story: John Hughes Movie
Face Claim: Joey King
Love Interest: Camilo Ayers
Jo Berry’s life was fine.  Really, truly, just fine.  Being related to Rachel Berry wasn’t exactly easy, but it was fine.  She had soccer – not particularly popular but enough to keep her from getting slushies to the face and, hopefully, enough to get her out of Lima – and she had her camera, that was really all that she needed.  She could keep her head down and survive three years of fine until she could go to university and reinvent herself in a city without Rachel, it would be fine.  But then Mr Schuester approaches her, offering her school credit in exchange for shooting a documentary about his rebuilding of the Glee club.  And it’s fine, Jo is all set to say no thanks and save herself the trouble, but then Mr Schue finds a new leading man.  And Jo… Jo might be willing to throw aside her perfectly fine three years of high school if it meant that Finn Hudson would know who she is.
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Name: Johanna St James
Story: Multi
Face Claim: Kate Reinders
Love Interest: Chad Channing
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Name: Josh St James
Story: Multi
Face Claim: Zac Efron
Love Interest: Nell Baker
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Name: Josie St James
Story: Applause
Face Claim: Lily Rose Depp
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Name: Joy Schuester
Story: By Its Very Definition
Face Claim: Lili Reinhart
Love Interest: Noah Puckerman, Brittany Pierce, Mike Chang, Sebastian Smythe, eventual Sam Evans
Joy Schuester knew what glee was - how could she not?  Her dad never shut up about the good old days, his glory years at McKinley High.  He even named her after something his old coach would say - by its very definition, glee is about opening yourself up to joy.  Big whoop, she’d never really cared.  Really she was just interested in cheer, drama club, and dancing around her room while singing along to Taylor Swift. But then her dad takes over the glee club and Joy has no choice but to join.  She expected the showtunes, the divas, and even her dad’s white guy rapping.  She didn’t, however, expect to fall in love, and she definitely didn’t expect to find herself caught in the middle of a war between her coach and her dad.
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Name: Julian Beck
Story: Multi
Face Claim: Keegan Michael Key
Love Interest: Isabelle Wright
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Name: June Harris
Story: All Rhodes Lead Home
Face Claim: Hailee Steinfeld
Love Interest: Jesse St. James
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Name: Kath Kelly / Kath Schuester
Story: Let Me Be Your Star
Face Claim: Olivia Rose Keegan
Love Interest: Sam Evans
Katherine Schuester was barely holding it together. Being a cheerio took up all of her time, trying to be her mother’s perfect daughter took up all of her energy, and she was falling apart at the seams. She’s looking forward to joining Glee, a chance to do what she loves and just unwind, but then that falls apart. She and Oz were supposed to be the starts, but of course Rachel couldn’t stand her brother having something she didn’t and had to get Sandy Ryerson fired. And then her dad takes over and it becomes the Rachel Berry show. She thought that she could manage, she really did. But between Coach Sue wanting her to spy on her father, her social status hanging by a thread, and her mother’s new pregnancy, Kath doubts that she’ll be able to make it through the year, let alone win a regionals.
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Name: Keegan Brice
Story: Centre Stage
Face Claim: Sterling K Brown
Love Interest: Tony Motta-Brice
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Name: Kendall Pierce
Story: Songs Of The Heart
Face Claim: Meg Donnelly
Love Interest: Mike Chang
Maybe it was her age.  Maybe it was the special Pierce… intelligence.  Maybe it was just that she was a better person than most students at McKinley High.  But whatever it was, Kendall Pierce didn’t understand why she couldn’t cheer and sing.  She didn’t understand why Quinn Fabray was so insistent that she not join Glee, or why the New Directions were so suspicious of her “intentions”.  She loved to sing and she loved to cheer, it should have been simple.  But when Quinn Fabray suddenly joins the club, with her sister and Santana in tow, Kendall starts to realize that nothing about high school is as simple as it seems.
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Name: Larisa Bowman
Story: Rising Star
Face Claim: Kat McNamara
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Name: Leonard Berry
Story: Lights Out On Broadway
Face Claim: Timothee Chalamet
Love Interest: Blaine Anderson & Sam Evans
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Name: Lilibeth Anderson
Story: Teenage Dream
Face Claim: Olivia Rodrigo
Love Interest: Ryder Lynn; Marley Rose
A full year after leaving LA to help her moms take care of her grandmothers, Lilibeth Anderson had really hoped that Ohio would have grown on her more than it did.  It had a few perks, sure, being close to her grandmothers, getting to see Blaine — well, okay, it had two perks.  But she’d left so much behind, too.  Her vlog, well on its way to becoming a full blown career, had started to stall, and the lack of recording space had put a semi-permanent pause on her budding music career.  The number of coffee shops and bars willing to let a thirteen year old girl perform was down to zero.  The number of friends she’d made, also zero – unless you counted Jean, who lived down the hall from her grandmas, but Jean was gone now.  But high school would be different.  High school had to be different.  So armed with nothing but her favourite cousin and a desperate hope for the best years of her life to finally take off, Lili is ready to start her first day at McKinley High: the first day of the rest of her life.
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Name: Lindsay Wright
Story: Multi
Series: The Tortured Poets Department
Face Claim: Brittany Snow
Love Interest: Amelie Kline
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Name: Lindsay Wright
Story: Midnights
Series: The Tortured Poets Department
Face Claim: Sadie Sink
Love Interest: Amelie Kline
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Name: Logan Hayes
Story: Dream Maker
Face Claim: KJ Apa
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Name: Mac Hudson
Story: Breakthrough
Face Claim: Charles Gillespie
Love Interest: Betty Fabray
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Name: Maci Brice
Story: Centre Stage
Face Claim: Lola Tung
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Name: Mandy Abrams
Story: When The Curtain Falls
Face Claim: Liana Liberato
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Name: Marilyn Pillsbury
Story: Life Can Be Beautiful
Face Claim: Madelaine Petsch
Love Interest: Brittany Pierce, eventual Quinn Fabray, possibly Quinn Fabray & Sam Evans
When Marilyn Pillsbury was ten, her mother died.  When she was twelve, her dad was arrested.  When she was thirteen, she moved in with her aunt Emma.  And when she was fourteen, she started at William McKinley High School.  And she was nothing but the weird guidance counsellor’s weird niece.  But then, after a fateful encounter with three Cheerios in the girls’ bathroom, Lyn finds herself being dragged into the spotlight. She becomes a Cheerio, she’s hot and popular and the school loves her, she’s everything she ever wanted to be.  And when Quinn joins the glee club, Marilyn is right beside her with Brittany and Santana; finally she can do what she really loves without fearing the consequence.  She’s on top of the world, life is beautiful.  And then she finds out that Quinn is pregnant, and she has to make a choice.  Will she seize the opportunity to rise to the very top, or will she stay loyal to the girl who brought her up from the lowest of lows?
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Name: Mark Carter
Story: Multi
Face Claim: Bart Johnson
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Name: Maude Sanders
Story: Get It Right
Face Claim: Jennifer Anniston
Love Interest: Brad Cartwright
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Name: May Taylor
Story: All Rhodes Lead Home
Face Claim: Hailee Steinfeld
Love Interest: Mike Chang
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Name: Melissa Carlson
Story: Brutal
Face Claim: Kaitlyn Dever
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Name: Melody Naccarelli
Story: Multi
Face Claim: Brenna D’Amico
Love Interest: N/A, sometimes Jeremy St James
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Name: Mia Rose
Story: Stepping Into The Light
Face Claim: Lily Collins
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Name: Millie Kindell
Story: Corner Of The Sky [ & others ]
Face Claim: Anna Camp
Love Interest: Jesse St James
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Name: Mimi Morton
Story: Trapped In This Fabulous Show
Face Claim: Renee Rapp
Love Interest: Quinn Fabray
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cat-arsenal · 3 years
Canon Darlin': Same age as David, family in another state, strained relationship with the Pack, rebellious risk-taker with trust issues and possibly a touch of hero complex
Pack Aunt Marley: Helped raise David and Company, no family but the Pack, rowdy but committed to safety and honesty among loved ones
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wyattgibson · 5 years
Is that AARON TVEIT walking down Old Town Front Street? Nah, WYATT GIBSON just looks like their identical twin! The 32-YEAR OLD has been a NATIVE for his whole life. On their good days, WYATT is GOOD-HUMORED and AFFABLE, but if you catch them on a bad day, they may be SELF-DESTRUCTIVE and DEPENDENT. Keep your eyes on this SELF-DEPRECIATING MECHANIC. Wonder what they’ve been up to lately in Sunnymead!
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stats & bio posted below ~~
B A S I C S :
NAME: wyatt benjamin gibson
AGE: thirty-two
BIRTH DATE: 05/24/1986
HOMETOWN: sunnymead
SEXUALITY: bisexual
OCCUPATION: mechanic
LANGUAGES: english
RELIGION: atheist
EDUCATION: high school drop out
P E R S O N A L I T Y :
ZODIAC: gemini
MBTI: infp
POSITIVE: good-humored, affable, easygoing
NEGATIVE: dependent, self-destructive, insecure
MENTAL HEALTH: drug addict
P H Y S I C A L:
HEIGHT: 5'11
BUILD: tall mesomorph
HAIR: dirty blonde
EYES: blue
ACCENT: none
SCARS: multiple faded scars from stupid injuries he’d gotten while high
TATTOOS: pics: arms, middle fingers
PIERCINGS: Wyatt had his ears pierced when he was fourteen but hasn’t worn earrings since he was about twenty. He also got his nipple pierced on a dare when he was drunk, but got rid of it a long time ago.
CLOTHING STYLE: Pretty basic. Comfort over everything: t-shirts and jeans, sweatshirts and whatnot. Think ‘classic broke white boy’.
Physical Ailments: n/a
Neurological Conditions: n/a
Allergies: Seasonal
Sleeping Habits: Never has been able to sleep through the night. Insomnia runs in his family, so it’s rare that he gets a full eight hours. You can usually find him napping during the day.
Eating Habits: Doesn’t eat particularly healthy or unhealthy. He isnt the type to binge on junk food so that keeps him pretty stable.
Exercise Habits: Weight trains two to three times a week for about an hour a session.
Emotional Stability: Probably about a 4/10. Though he’s kicked his addiction for the time being, the male has very low self-worth and is constantly on edge.
Sociability: Wyatt definitely prefers to be around other people most of the time because being alone makes him think way too much. That’s not to say that he necessarily wants to be the center of attention — the opposite, actually, but he enjoys being social even on the outside because it gets him out of his own head.
Body Temperature: Hot-natured
Addictions: Percocet
Drug Use: Currently sober from a Percocet addiction. Also used to be a cocaine user as well as a marijuana user. He is a heavy smoker.
Alcohol Use: Social drinker
B I O G R A P H Y:
32 years old, Sunnymead native
Raised by aunt after his parents died. Was very close to his older sister for the majority of his childhood.
Got into music, specifically jazz, very young and really thrived in that setting. Became very proficient in the drums and bass guitar specifically. It essentially became his whole life.
Struggled a lot academically in school, mostly because he was battling depression. Fell into the wrong crowd and, as a result, ended up dropping out of high school when he was 16. Became a very heavy drug user, living the whole ‘rock ‘n roll’ lifestyle.
Ended up packing up all of his shit and moving to NYC to pursue his music, working as a mechanic on the side to pay the bills. That’s where he met Marley Callahan, and the two of them had a whirlwind romance that lasted a couple of months, but that was filled with nothing but passion.
He was in too much of a drug-and-lust-filled mindset to keep good contact with his sister. Even when his uncle got sick, he was much too high and aloof to care much. Wyatt wasn’t even taking his own music career seriously, playing at open mics and shows sporadically but not doing anything that came to fruition.
Marley eventually found out about how deep his drug addiction went and, as a result, forced him to get help. He ended up going to rehab for about six months, but when he came out, Marley was gone.
Coincidentally, his sister gave him a call and told him that their aunt had passed. Seeing this as an opportunity to get his shit together, he decided to move back to Sunnymead to make up for lost time. Plus, he didn’t trust himself to maintain his sobriety alone in the city.
So, now, he’s trying to strengthen his relationship with sister while working as a mechanic at one of the local shops. However, after spending over 15 years battling addiction, it’s only a matter of time before Wyatt slips and falls.
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tutti-writes · 6 years
Let’s Play a Game of Ghost or Hallucination
You’re dead.
           You’re gone. You’ve kicked the bucket. You saw the light. You are no longer alive. Alive and you are now mutually exclusive entities. You have run out of time. You are six feet under. You gave up the ghost. You went out for a pack of smokes and ended up in the gutter. You pulled the trigger and it worked. You are dead. You are a once was. You are a has been. You are fucking goddamned wasted.
           You’re dead.
There’s a lot of living people do without ever being alive.
           FUCK! Another wasted hour on a deadbeat score. I sit up and crouch over the steel bench, warming the goosebumps popping on my arms with the rub of my hands. I cannot say I am particularly surprised. I pushed the embalming fluid through Mortimer Saperstein’s blotchy purple shoulder almost four days ago. The effects of the fluid wear off by day two; day three if the person really fucking believed in something. No, Mortimer was a goddamned Catholic. You can’t get a day three out of shoulder tapping and breadcrumbs, let alone a day four.
           A huff and a sigh expel from my lips causing a white puff to form as I shove the frozen Mr. Saperstein back into the freezer once more. My dry cracked fingers squeeze my temple as I turn around to scan the area for who could quell this ache. Fuck, I needed a fix and I needed it bad.
           I take a spin around the room, opening and closing the metal bins in search of some morsel not gone stale of fridge aftertaste and rotting innards….
Now for the ever-popular Morgue Styles of the Stiff and Lifeless, featuring Hedy Lincoln, Rose DeMastris, and Leeroy Ginkin. Hedy was an art teacher from Pekin whose rollover time in the peace movement of the sixties earned her a fine for doping it up in the oncology bathroom just before she croaked.  Rose studied English Literature in Chicago until a wealthy proctologist persuaded her into mastering the domestic life. She died surrounded by family, without a book in sight. Lastly, poor Leeroy. Leeroy led his life fighting the good fight. From becoming a respected black soldier in WWII to being beaten by police at a peaceful protest. What a hero! He froze to death alone in a back alley, homeless.
           Goddammit! Fuck! Shit! Damn! Hell! Fuck on a stick on a brick none of these yesterday’s headlines will work. Hedy and Rose will get their time in the casket spotlight tomorrow morning, a week after their arrival. I’m not going to risk fucking up my work for a less than ten percent chance of a high, no matter how devout Rose was.  It’s been two weeks since Leeroy came to join us and we still can’t find his family. Three weeks since the subzero temperatures petrified Leeroy’s feeble shivering body causing his organs to shut down one by one until not even a last breath was left.
           BAM! The sound of my slamming Leeroy’s slot shot through the room.  I glance up at my metallic reflection in the locker. Dark brown twists matted and rested in waves of a tangled nest of unwashed, unbrushed hair. A complexion paler than beach sand barely reflected against the white walls behind. White walls are my tiny body’s camouflage. The most prominent feature beyond the dip in the bridge of the nose was the dark smudging circles encasing the startling light green eyes. Part of the bruise looking came from unwashed eyeliner, the other half from four nights without sleep.
           This is what you did with your life. You took the heaping piles of money your fucking Romeo and Juliet parents left you and bought a fucking funeral home. Not a pony, not a car, not  a goddamned Italian Villa….but a hearse and a mortuary.
           The sound of my cell phone breaks me from my moment of pity. I dig the rectangular device from the black hole of a pocket in my charcoal colored smock and swipe over the scratches on the screen several times before it allows an answer.
           It’s Cadence.
           “Yeah?” I ask.
           “Got one for you. Coming in around back in five minutes,” she says and immediately hangs up.  
           The tension releases from my shoulders and I race up the stairs to tell my apprentice to get ready for a new arrival.
           “C’mon Marley! We got an un-live one!” I yell reaching the top of the stairs. Marley’s obnoxiously large suede shoes appear in the kitchen entryway a second before the rest of his towering gangly self catches up. His tan skin appears darker in the shadowed entryway as he stands peeling a banana, shoving it whole into his mouth before speaking.
           “Y’know, I did not find that funny the first time you said it. I still don’t.” he manages to clearly say amidst the mushy chomps and hint of a British accent, the result of his living in London for twelve of his childhood years. He came to live with his aunt after his parents died in an accident. Maybe that is why I took him on as my first apprentice; some orphan bond or orphan hood or something. We both have dead parents, just his did not involve matching revolvers.
           “Look, I don’t have time to argue if Brits even have a sense of humor. Cadance has a new client for us to meet. Should be arriving any minute. So please, swallow your banana in your unusually large throat and make yourself useful.” I say, emphasizing the double entendre of his throat size until a red flush grazes over his modelesque cheek bones. I swear, if death did not fuck people up, he’d be in Hollywood.
           Marley rolls his iridescent mahogany eyes and shrugs his squared shoulders as the buzzer rings. His robin’s egg blue polo ripples catching the whites of the overhead light as he makes his way past the four tables adorned with fake flower arrangements. I stare down at the just flung grey patterned carpet to avoid the wind of the doors Marley just flung open. I chose grey to mask any stains, and carpet to muffle sounds of feet and falling. People are so unaware of how many of their loved ones tipped over like wine bottles being carried in.
           “Ms. Hugh, I believe we are going to need your help. This fellow is rather large.” Marley says.
           “Will you fucking not call me….” I begin.
           “Darcy.” He grins as a child in knowledge of their own mischief.
           We roll in our new resident, who Cadence calls Jason Malone. I ask how he bit the dust and she explains he literally bit it on a back road on his motorcycle. Not necessarily the smoke and glory most riders aim for, but I guess it is better than my last rough rider who died of dysentery in a men’s stall in Jersey. Cadence and I tuck Jason Malone in on top the of the cool metal frame of the morgue car before she departs. She waves through the thin window of as it shuts with a thud. Cadence hates how clinical the morgue smells so she always leaves quickly, but frosted guts and Lysol is the odor of home to me.
           “48. Wife. Children. Bloody hell grandchildren. Geesh, what a mess.” Marley exclaims flipping through the police and coroner reports, breathing deep heaving sighs. He keeps his empathy as a family crest, or as the only family he has left I’m not sure which. The iridescence in his eyes flicker to a dark, almost reaper black, as he turns to put down the file and pick up the disinfectant.
           “Marley, it’s late. Why don’t you call it a night? I got it.” I say, giving him an out to escape.
           “I’d rather stay and learn…” He begins.
           The grit of getting past the tinge of loneliness lingering on every syllable he spoke and getting to my oasis outweighed any faculty of loyalty to his teaching. “This is going to be a solo job, tonight. Got it?” It is past six in the evening. The family shouldn’t call for arrangements until tomorrow. Marley can compose himself tonight and deal with them tomorrow.
           “Yeah, yeah, yeah. If I’m to learn anything you’ve got to let me help sometime…” He said, drifting off in defeat as he saw my shrug of an care when the door drew shut.
           I begin the process and make Mr. Malone a sparkling gem, certified clean by scientists and moms everywhere. The needle goes into the artery of his right shoulder next to his chivalrous and patriotic tattoo of an eagle emerging from the American flag with U.S.S. Navy written underneath. The deep crimson and purplish hued blood drains and pours from the body like nectar in a sieve. When all the life juice finally drips from his veins I fill him back up with the fluid that makes people look like people and not rotting masticated meat from Thanksgiving dinner. I finish through the veins and replicate the procedure through the abdomen. And there lay Jason Malone, safe and soundless.
           Washing up I barely kept my fingers from twinging in anticipation. The lock clanked as I chained the door and dimmed the lights to where everything was barely detectable. Grabbing a syringe from the cabinet next to the washing station, I held it to get a reflection and smiled openly at the prize before extracting some of the embalming fluid from Jason’s tattooed shoulder.
           What do you believe? What is your life after death? Do you stay in your memories and relive your childhood and children? Do you anal fuck twelve virgins because you deserve it? Do you reach heaven’s gate? Do you stay here on earth reliving your homerun over and over? Do you find the cure to cancer? Do you sit with Buddha? Allah? God?
           This is what I find out. What you believe is what I get off on.
I sit back in my frigid chair and use my teeth and my right arm to wrap the tourniquet around and tie to reveal my vein. The needle pierces the already circular red marking and I breathe in relief.
           They ask:
How does she know what music my grandma likes?
           Why does she know the names of unknown corpses?
           Why does she seem so familiar to my brother/mother/aunt/sister?
           I’m not a fucking psychic. I’m not a fucking medium. I’m fucking high.
           I’m tripping balls on grannies’ memories. I’m getting fucked up on grandpa’s Jesus juice. I’m walking next to fucking John Lennon on a bed of clouds with your acid dipping uncle. I am watching your priest blow David Bowie dressed in feathers and glitter.  
           This is my stage and I must perform. In front of the bereaved I am the goddamned ringmaster and I light up the show. But here? Behind the curtain, I am the hallucinogenic spectator with popcorn and a beer. You die, I get fried.
           The rooms clinical atmosphere begins to shape shift as I hear the chain stretch and I jolt up with a start. The cart in front of me crashes and the needle spins into unknown places.
           “What the fuck!” I shout, looking heinously at the idiot who dared to disturb me.
           “Sorry Ms- I mean Darcy. But…the Malones just arrived.” He stammers.
           “Who?” I manage to say amidst the fluttering orbs of light around me.
           Marley points to the corpse on the slab. “Mr. Malones family is here to see about him.”
           The hallucinations pour from a liquid state to a solid and I freeze, staring wide-eyed back at Marley’s casual overcoat. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. An infinite amount of fucks for this situation. I am at the tipping point of nonsense and about to enter the green fields of Jason Malone’s eternal happiness when my own eternal damnation personified in Marley’s earnest voice slashes the whole illusion to pieces. I’m running in strides back to the reality line…
           “Darcy? Darcy? DARCY!” Marley’s voice turns to an almost hysteria as the clanks of him tying to barge through the door snap me to the present. “Darcy open the damn door!”
           “Alright, alright. Jesus, Marley, who knew you even had a pair of anything.” I assure him of my state of being in my own quip nature as I pull the chain out of it’s lock. Marley treads back a couple steps and looks me up and down, studying.
           “Are you alr-“He begins to ask.
           “I’m fine.” I bat back quickly.
           “But your eyes, they’re dark and your pupils are…”
           “And Oh My, grandma, what big teeth you have!” I reprimand sarcastically, cutting him to a place that makes him wince back in hurt.
           “Well, you look like shit and you smell ghastly.” Marley manages to say with a singe. I am actually impressed by his tone, but not enough to show it.
           “What I am is considerably irritated. I’ll use the back way and shower quickly, change, and be back in ten. Just stall, okay?” I state, and Marley begrudgingly offers a nod of adherence. I know he wants to ask more but there isn’t the time. He couldn’t have seen everything, but he saw enough to warrant an inquiry.  Thank the godless I installed the chain on the door.
Once Marley sways his dancers’ hips around and disappears to the upstairs I return to my state of frenzy as before he called my name. The door sweeps my hair behind me as I fling it as fast as it can open, searching the floor with eyes for any sign of the needle. Five fucking years of painstakingly careful execution of hiding my high ended at my own foil. Good job, Darcy, your common failure of crash and burn now comes to your favorite hobby.
On this episode of: Dude, Where’s My Needle? I hit the floor on hands and knees and scour the place to find my evidence. The jagged edges of my fingernails extend out in marks along a black tar highway. Wind brushes through my arms and around my waist as I stare forward to the dreamy fuchsia, orange, and burning yellow sunset horizon….
           Shit. I shake myself and the horizon fades black into the marble flooring. With a push, I jump from the floor and look at the standard doctor’s office plastic clock. Three minutes I lost on Mr. Malones highway ride. There’s no fucking time to find the damn needle.
A shine gleams off Jason Malone’s nose as I shut off the light. My fingers flip the switch back on and I walk in inches towards the corpse. There, atop the corpse like a birthday cake for a funeral, the needle stands up. The tip of the needle stuck directly in Jason’s wide bridged nose. I poke the top of the injector and it waves back and forth like a metronome. It’s real, I’m sure of it I think, as I grab it and fling it into the wastebasket before heading upstairs to my quarters.
I don’t stop to turn on the light and illuminate the catastrophe that I call my upstairs apartment. Trudge through, shower, move the fuck right along. No amount of makeup will ever cover the hollowness incased in a shell of a tiny little pale whiny bitch such as myself. Suck it up, fucker, you’ve got business to do. You do your best work while being barely alive.
           The echo of grinding my teeth ricochets in my brain as I stomp down the stairs. Fucking high cock blockers, this family, coming in here unannounced after hours. The dead may not keep hours, but I sure as hell do. I curse Jason Malone’s nightshade blue motorcycle and  put on my “condolences” face as I enter.
           Action! Time for the scene. Sweet docile funeral director enters stage left with a woeful demeanor and a basket full of tissues. She assures them their dearly departed is in the best of care while handing the grieved a napkin to wipe their fresh and relieved tears away. The director keeps decorum and shows the best salesman review of how to usher the dead a final farewell…
           “It’s about damn time you get here!” croaks a raspy male voice.
           Marley chimes in ahead of me, “Ms. Hugh, this is the Malone family. Everyone, this is Ms. Hugh, our director here at…”
           Each of the family members give me their names. Old lady grey-fro is first to tell me she is the poor Jason Malone’s mother, Blanche. To the left of her sits her leather clad biker gang appearing eldest daughter, Marie, who despite her appearance talks in a delicate voice. Next to Marie, pen and paper ready for notes and blonde hair disguising her face, a girl who says her name is Roe. Across the table Jason’s older daughter Mona attends to two children while her husband Brent introduces them. Seated to my right in a barely audible voice a petite woman tells me she is Jason’s wife, Diana.
           “Okay,” I say, “Now that I know at least your names, I think we can begin to talk about the arrangements if you are ready.” The quiet of reluctancy puts everyone to a silent moment. It’s the type of silence I hear nearly every day. The silence that screams, “No we’re not fucking ready!” No one is every fucking ready, especially not this crowd.
           An overpowering scent of musk chokes me as Grandma Blanche leans over passed any personal space and plants her bosom on my shoulders, adjusting her silver spectacles to look. “You see,” Blanch points… “right there…I want that one and….”
           “Jason….JASON….are you even listening to me? Bet you can’t hear a damn word I’m saying on that motorbike of yours. You love that motorcycle than you do your own mother! You hear me! I’m done!”
           I’m blinded by bright lights and the honking of a large vehicle……AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
           “Mom doesn’t want that package, Grandma, she wants this one.” The voice said dragging me back to reality with a jolt. It was Mona’s manicured finger with I am sure some polish titled, “Slutty Pink” or “Tit Juice” or some other obnoxious name for fucking pink contrived by the bored and corporate. Tit juice nails Mona’s colored her thin lips in with almost the same color lipstick and rouge for her cheeks. She talked like a reject eighties popstar from New Jersey with hair to match.
           Blanch places a hand to her heart as if she’s a thespian of a great Shakespearean work in the deep south., “But, I am…”
           Mona cocks her head and points her index like a trigger, “I don’t care who the hell you think you are, but that’s my dad and over there is his motherfucking wife, so if you don’t just back off…”
           “I AM HIS MOTHER!!!!!” Blanche exploded, throwing both her hands in the air like this expression should render awe and applause from the audience instead of eye rolls.  “Fine, fine, FINE! I can see I’m not wanted here. None of my kids care about me. My grandkids don’t care about me. I’m leaving!” Blanche’s hair ignites in a grey fire as she leaves the room, but I know that’s just the hallucinogens…I think. Marie and Diana chase after her, but no one shouts, “FIRE” so it’s just me tripping balls. I can deal with their fucking crazy, I just have to keep my fucking unreal crazy separated from their crazy. Sometimes reality is more batshit than tripping balls on highway to heaven.
           “Now, mom, no one wants you to go anywhere. We want you here. But we..” I hear Marie tell her mother in as calming a tone as possible.
           “I don’t think my poor heart can take any more, Marie! No one knows how hard it is to be me right now. I’m his mother!” Blanche says in sobs that put the Academy to shame. The award of the night, however, did not fall to her, but to Mona. She leapt up, leaving behind a mist of hairspray and face powder behind her and shuffled out the door.
           “Oh, hell the fuck no!” she exclaimed as she walked out, her black dress flowing behind her like a cape in heroic flight to the villain. I don’t think I’d have a better vision stoned in the basement. Super Tit Juice rushed towards her grandmother followed by her sister and husband who ran passed me to hold her back. I went to the entrance to calm down the commotion when I felt a tug on the back of my skirt.
           I turn around to see a girl no more than five looking up at me. Her features were barely grown but enough to know she’d always have dainty features. She looked down and tugged at the hem of her floral dress before she asked, “Aren’t you the funeral lady?”
           “Yes, yes I am.” I say sweetly.
           “Where does he go now?” she asks genuinely. Her bangs tread around her eyeline giving the impression her eyes are twice the size than their normal state as the sea blues begin to flood with burgeoning tears. Fuck, I had to come up with something. Luckily, my extracurriculars make this occupational hazard easy.
           I bend my knees to reach her level and place her hand into mine. “You see, there is a bright green field and a never-ending stretch of highway, and he never has to get off his motorcycle. The skies are always clear and never rainy. And every evening has the most beautiful sunset where he can ride and never get weary.”
           “Are you sure?” she questions, pursing her thin lips together.
           I smile almost completely sincerely, the top of my overbite protruding over my lower lip, “You know what? I had a lot of those same questions when I lost my parents at a young age. It is one of those questions if you focus on too much, you’ll miss every real thing right in front of you searching for the afterlife. But I can assure you almost one hundred percent, he is where he believes is the happiest place for him.” The happiness shining on her face suggests she understands as much as a five-year-old can. The girl giggles and skips down the hallway.
           My head throbs as I turn back around to the screaming match between Blanche and Mona. Here we are ladies and gentlemen for another round of Family Smackdown! Here in the first corner sporting her turn of the century musk de old person and fanny pack, It’s Our Fair Lady Grey-Fro with the dramatics to keep you sighing and the pacemaker to keep her going, going, going.
In the adjacent corner, wearing her patent ant Pepto-Bismol colored and decades old everything, is Super Tit Juice! When she’s not busy fighting for family justice, she can be seen at the local dollar mart getting a fresh manicure for those cat scratches!
One-Two-Three- Let’s go! First strike comes from Grey fro with a swift, “I’m your grandmother you won’t treat like that!” But Super Tit Juice recoils quickly with a, “You’ve never been there for us!” Grey fro takes a few paces back to recover but then comes from behind with a “I’m not going to be around forever, you know! “Super TitJuice is no fool and grabs Greyfro by the head and body slams her with a, “It’s not about you right now! It’s about our dad and he’s dead!” One-Two-Three-Four-Five-Six-Seven-Eight-Nine-Ten. Victory!
“If you all are finished, we can adjourn back in the room. Otherwise, the police can escort you out.” I say, causing everyone to file in silently to the conference room.
Once seated, I begin, “Everyone here is very passionate, and that can be a good and bad thing. Sometimes it allows us to show those who have passed how much we love them. Sometimes it makes us say things we regret…And sometimes you can’t take back what you say before it’s too late,” I pause on my words and Blanche settles a little lower in her seat and looks away, “But what we can do now is sit here and decide together what Jason would have wanted. Jesus Christ, this little girl here acted with more common sense than any-“  the looks of bewilderment on everyone’s faces stopped me in my moment of rally.
           “Uh, Darce..” Marley interjects quizzically.
           “What” I asked.
           “What girl are you talking about?”
           “His granddaughter.”
           “Darcy, Mr. Malone only has grandsons.”
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