#boy oh boy do i love a teenage pregnancy storyline lol
simthorium · 5 years
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“Hey, Aunt Marley?” Oliver said into the phone on the night of Isaac’s big party. “Hey, yeah, I just think maybe I should stay with you tonight. I’m not feeling well, and I just think I’ll feel better over there...ok, yeah, I’ll pack my stuff.” Oliver didn’t want to be anywhere near his house while Isaac and his friends destroyed it. He’d had enough of his brother’s dumb antics; he’d have to fend for himself if he wanted to do something like this.
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The next morning, Isaac woke up with the worst, and third, hangover he’d ever had in his life. He winced as he got up, rubbing his head. When he looked over, he was surprised to see his sort-of girlfriend Sandy still in bed with him. “Oh, hey,” he said softly. “I thought you left.” “Um, I couldn’t,” she said. “You couldn’t just get a lyft home or something?” “No, I just mean, I have to tell you something.” “What is it?” Isaac asked.
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Sandy tossed the covers off of her and removed her robe to show Isaac her protruding belly. Isaac squinted at her for a second before realizing what was happening. “OH SHIT!” he shouted, then winced, his own loud voice agitating his hangover.
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“Sandy, are you serious!?” he said. “You’re pregnant?” “Yeah,” she said as she began to cry. “And don’t even go asking me if it’s yours, you’re the only guy I’ve ever been with.” “Oh my god,” he said. “I know,” she cried. “I don’t know what to do. I mean, I want to keep it, but how am I gonna tell my parents?” “You want to keep it?” he asked. “Don’t you?” Isaac thought for a second before bending down to touch Sandy’s belly. He smiled and looked up at her. “Of course I do.”
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When Oliver got home from spending the night at Marley’s, he was shocked with how filthy the house was. Of course Isaac’s friends ruined their home and of course Isaac didn’t clean any of it up. He grumbled to himself as he cleaned the bathroom, took out bags of trash, recycled red solo cups, and swept up confetti that--who even used confetti anymore!? As Oliver scrubbed the kitchen counters, Isaac and Sandy sat down at the dining table with cereal for breakfast, not even bothering to say anything to him. Oliver was seeing red.
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“Hope you had fun at the party last night,” Oliver said sarcastically. “Someone broke the lamps out front and there’s several tiles missing from the roof. Did you have people jumping off our house?” “Dude, cool it, we don’t have time for that,” Isaac said, waving him off. “If you don’t stop talking to me like that, I’m gonna-” “Sandy’s pregnant!” Isaac interrupted. “Isaac!” Sandy exclaimed. “What, it’s not like he wasn’t gonna find out!”
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Oliver sat down beside his brother and stared at Sandy’s stomach. “Are you serious?” Oliver whispered. “Of course I’m serious, dude,” Isaac said. “And of course the only maternity clothes mom had has ‘BABY’ in huge letters on it, like some kind of sick joke.” “What are you gonna do?” Oliver asked. “We’re gonna figure it out,” Isaac said. “And we’re gonna need you to not say a word. Not to anyone, ok? Not to mom or dad, any family. Nothing.” “I mean, after 9 months, it’s gonna be hard to hide,” Oliver said. “Please, bro,” Isaac said. “I really just need some time to think.” “Ok, ok,” said Oliver. “I won’t say a thing.”
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angelhummel · 4 years
Unpopular opinion
So I sat down to analysis the different seasons and decide which I like best, and I remain torn.
Season 1. Really great comedy bits including one line quotes. The first half of two thirds seemed to be all Rachel or Finn or Will or goddamn teenage pregnancy. It really was at its best when it was a Kurt’s story and all the brilliance that is Chris Colfer. Musically, it wasn’t the best though there are some very fine performances- mostly involving Kurt or Mercedes.
Season 2 I loved this season mainly because of Kurt, Blaine and the delight that became Klaine. Love everything Blaine and Warblers were involved in, Kurt’s magnificence again (As if we never said goodbye is just out of this world). A really good strong season.
Season 3 I loved the music throughout this season - so many highlights from the vast majority of the ND. But I agree that there were too many characters, too many sub plots, and in so many episodes the plot seemed just to revolve round the particular song they wanted to use. No continuity of storyline in many cases.
Season 4. I know this season gets a lot of hate but I think musically, there are so many gems. Obviously the Break Up was traumatic, but so on point musically. I really wasn’t invested in the newbies - love Unique completely and loved Jacob’s performances but wasn’t bothered about rest. Loved the episodes where Klaine were involved, I do and Girls(and boys) on film and fun episodes like Dynamic Duets, Diva and Guilty Pleasures. But hated so many of the rest, particularly the tail end.
Season 5. First half - loved the brilliance of the two Beatles episodes. Oh Klaine.... loved the Quarterback tribute, but then the Lima part just started to get tedious. I am out of the closet in respect of my love for the Puppet Master, but then I love Blaine and Darren is just great at comedy. Second half in NY was better, but couldn’t it just have one episode of domesticity and not arguments or drama? It really felt like a different writer every week and the remit was Klaine arguing. And the Rachel story just dragged on....
Season 6 The train crash.... though painful to watch episode 1, 3 and 5 was Chris and Darren at their absolute acting best. Great build up to A Wedding, but then I just got bored with the rest of the season. Absolute no nos - Blainofsky, Sue and Will’s vendetta, even Rachel/Will silibess, Sam idiocy, Child Star etc Musicalky this was very weak. Would have loved to have heard all the alumni sing more.
Phew -,sorry to ramble , this is just how I see the seasons!!!
Well I recently redid my own ranking of the seasons here so I’ll just go through this like a normal multi-opinion “unpopular opinion” post to agree or disagree lol. (Also seriously, never apologizing for rambling in my inbox! I’m happy for every long ass post I get, even if it takes me a while to answer!)
Season 1 - Neutral. I said this one was my absolute favorite but honestly it’s probably neck and neck with s5 for me. Even tho for the most part it was focused on characters that I’m not crazy about, it was still a fun watch for me. I just think there was something more simple and enjoyable about it in that first season where it was more offbeat. Wasn’t trying too hard to be woke or preachy or whatever. There’s still some offensive humor that makes me cringe or roll my eyes but idk. It was more offbeat and almost parody-like and I respect it for that. Also obviously I agree with Kurt storylines and Kurtcedes music moments being the highlights 
Season 2 - Agree. Again, there’s a surprising amount of stuff I dislike this season. But we have Kurt, we have Blaine, we have Klaine, we have the Warblers. You can’t hate this season
Season 3 - Strongly Agree. I hate this season lmao. Your critiques are mild but 100% valid
Season 4 - Agree. Literally I forget that Wonderful exists bc it’s sandwiched between so many shitty episodes. I forget there’s a good episode there at the end lmao. I love the newbies even if their drama is painfully droll and hard to get through. I honestly hate The Break Up lmao but on music alone, it’s probably the best of the season. There’s some episodes I really like but honestly I think I’m in the minority here. I know a lot of the most popular episodes that season, I’m not really a fan of :/
Season 5 - Agree. I adore this season, idk what else to say. New New York is my #1 episode over all, and I love all the NY stuff. There are a small handful of eps I can do without but my love for the rest of it overshadows that completely
Season 6 - Strongly Agree. One of the definite highlights of the season is just Darren and Chris being amazing actors. The improvised scene in the elevator?? And also lots of great Klaine kisses. I hate the majority of episodes this season, and even the ones I tolerate aren’t any higher than like 70s-80s in my episode ranking. The music is SO WEAK (except for Jagged Little Tapestry, the songs in that one are FIRE) and the humor just doesn’t work for me. None of it works for meee I hate it (:
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jazy3 · 5 years
Thoughts on Grey’s Anatomy: 16X10
So, I watched the Grey’s Anatomy Station 19 Crossover Premiere over the weekend. I have to say overall I really liked it! The pacing of Station 19 was a bit slow for me but other than that it was great! The fast paced Grey’s Anatomy episodes are my favourite! So I really liked this one. My heart went out to Bailey in these episodes. All the Ben and Bailey moments and they’re excitement over the new baby made me cry. Poor Bailey. She loses her pregnancy, almost loses her husband, and then her residents’ lives are left hanging in the balance. In the aftermath of the crash, Helm needs surgery; Schmitt collapses; Simms needs major facial and neurosurgery, and Parker goes AWOL and needs treatment. 
I really like Meredith’s monologue in this episode. Being the best really is a catch 22. The amazing thing is no one else can do what you do. The terrible thing is no one else can do what you do. I loved the moment between Bailey and Schmitt in the supply closet. In other news, Jo totally stole that baby! Her drunken panicking about the cops is hilarious. But then we find out it’s only Meredith. Crisis averted! And she’s got wine! She came to drink with Alex because quote “Cristina sent an obnoxious Irishman as a gift” and he stole Alex’s old job. I love her. Never change Mer. Never change. 
I loved her line, “That’s what I said when I stole a baby,” about Zola and Link’s response, “Why are people stealing babies?” Mer gets it. Link is confused. To be honest Jo talking to the baby in a baby voice about how Meredith is a convicted felon is everything. Cut to the hospital where Amelia and Tom are bantering back and forth. I love their banter. Amelia is looking for Maggie because she just found out that Link might not be the father only to find out from Tom that Maggie quit. Yikes! 
And as usual DeLuca mouths off to his superiors and defies orders before being put promptly in his place. How is he still Chief Resident and why does he still work here? In real life that would get you fired real fast. Parker’s storyline this episode got me hard. I really like him and watching him repeat the same thing over and over again while he suffered from PTSD and head trauma was heartbreaking. I’m glad they got him the help he needed in the end. Bailey’s line, “Wouldn’t be the first time,” about her residents really got me. RIP George O’Malley. I still miss his character.
We all deserve a partner as amazing as Ben Warren. My god that man is supportive. His wife just suffered a miscarriage, he’s suffering the loss of a child, and he’s not okay, but he puts all that aside for Bailey’s sake because as he says to Webber, “Miranda comes first,” That’s true love right there. Side note: I like that Amelia and Teddy are becoming friends. I’m over this whole women on women hating each other over a man thing. That always pissed me about Addison and Meredith. Meredith never intentionally did anything to her and Addison was the one that cheated yet she treated Meredith like crap. 
Eventually Jo does in fact take the baby she stole to the hospital’s nursery and in walks not her husband, but Dr. Cormac Hayes! Cristina’s Yang’s present, the new Chief of Peds, and Meredith’s new love interest. Swoon! Oh course, Jo is a weird hot mess because she’s drunk haha. Watching Hayes check the baby out using technical terms while using a baby voice so as not to scare him warms my heart. I loved Jo’s line, “Oh you’re him!” when she figured out who Hayes was and then tried to hide it so as not to scare him off. I feel like that’s going to be an ongoing plot point and I’ll be interested to see how he finds out that and how he reacts to being brought to Grey Sloan on false pretenses and the fact that all of Meredith’s friends went along with it.
The scenes with Jo and Cormac in the nursery are very revealing. He’s comments imply that he might have worked for Cristina previously which is interesting and thickens the plot considerably. I really like Hayes as a character so far. He checks all the right boxes and in his interactions with Jo this week we got some more insight into his character. Hayes is shown to be competent at his job and as someone who is willing to roll with the punches. He feels compassionate towards others in difficult situations, which includes both scared birth mothers and safe haven volunteers, and doesn’t judge them or their choices. 
What Jo initially thinks is a bad idea turns out to be rather genius. Hayes advocates for the baby hatch/box/chute because it gives birth mothers who are scared and frighten a safe way to help the child they’ve given birth to have a better life and know that they will be taken care of. They help hospital staff help those babies the best way they can. Hayes recognizes that that’s what Jo is trying to do to for this particular baby and is sympathetic. Already that puts him leagues above most of the other men on Grey’s especially with Alex MIA. 
I’m also excited by the prospect of finally seeing Meredith date somehow her friends and family like and who has the potential to be a real partner to her and a real stepfather to her children. They’ve established that Cormac has teenage sons of his own which means there’s the potential there for their kids to interact and to see Meredith and Hayes re-build their lives together and merge their families. That’s way more interesting to me than the whole ‘love interest of the week’ thing they’ve been trotting out for the last little while.
It’s true that Hayes is obnoxious and arrogant at time, but the show has also established that he’s got the skills to match and can admit when he’s wrong. Before the break we saw how he was impressed by Meredith’s skills, but not intimidated or jealous of her and that is exactly what Meredith needs. Someone whose on her level and who gets it, but who understands that he can’t possibly compete with her because she’s just that good. 
I was really worried when Schmitt collapsed in the OR. I’m glad he made it. I loved Mer and Schmitt’s banter afterwards. She’s got all the jokes. I’m not an Owen fan and these days I’m not much of a Jackson fan, but his line to Owen was EPIC! “I figured ‘cause you have two kids together, you live together, you marry everyone, but I guess you have been busy haven’t you?” Jackson spilling the tea! 
In other news, I still hate DeLuca with the passion three thousand burning suns. He’s assigned to help Elliot, the patient whose heart hasn’t restarted whose wife just had a premature baby and he spends the whole time acting like all of it is beneath him. God what an ass. He breaks up with Mer over his own insecurities and then instead of apologizing like Link told him to he mopes around the hospital and stares at her creepily and then texts her the next day wanting to talk. Ugh. Also, I hate that he calls her Mer. 
That’s what her friends and family call her. DeLuca barely knows her. From the minute he took an interest in her and she indicated that she might like him back he started acting like they were madly in love and acting like they’d known each other and been together for years when they’d barely been dating a few weeks and she was adamant he wasn’t her boyfriend. God I hate this guy so much. He’s such a loser. Can they just write him off already so Mer can live her life in peace? In happier news, I was ecstatic when Elliott’s heart started beating again! His poor wife. And then we’re back to Jo and Hayes. The baby’s good to go but he sees how attached she is so he suggests they wait a while longer before calling social services. 
We also learn some important information about Hayes in this scene. We learn he’s a father to two teenage boys and was in residency when his boys were infants. We also learn that Hayes is a member of the ‘it’s okay to steal cute babies’ club! He’ll fit right in with Mer and Jo! Although maybe not with Link. I really love Link and Jo’s friendship and the scene at the end with them was super cute. I loved how Richard was there for Bailey in the OR when she needed him. I’m happy that they’re friends again. Poor Bailey the scene with her and Richard in the OR made me cry. She’s not fine. “She just was. And now she isn’t.”
Admittedly, I don’t like Owen as a character but that was a good save with Simms! If he hadn’t caught that Simms would be dead. After the surgery is complete Jackson and Owen talk to Simms’ Grandmother where they learn that when Koracick moved to Seattle and wanted Simms with him he paid for his grandmother to move there too. I loved their exchange. “You know how emotional he is.” “Koracick? Of course, yeah super emotional guy.” LOL. But seriously though that was really sweet of him. He’s an ass, but he’s an ass that cares when it counts. 
I like that Koracick thanked Owen and shook his hand. That was good of him. If the situation was reversed I don’t know if Owen would do the same. The Schmico scene at the end was cute! I think there’s an interesting parallel here between the Schmico scene and that Calzona scene from several seasons back. And just then, Hayes is standing at a nurses station, when Meredith comes around the corner! Squee! 
Straight up, Meredith and Hayes were in a scene together for all of 5 seconds this episode and they had flat out more chemistry than her and DeLuca have ever had! Or most of her other recent love interests more that matter. I said what I said. They talk for a few minutes and then Hayes walks off to go do something. At which point Jo walks up to Mer and says, “I have to say I kinda see it.” Jo Karev: A woman after my own heart! Sing it sister! Grayes all the way! 
Meredith is displeased as she finds him obnoxious to which Jo replies, “Don’t be mad at me. He’s Yang’s gift.” Haha I love it! I want my best friend to send me a man. Anyone else? In other news, Owen finally proposes to Teddy! I’m not a towen shipper, but I have to say this proposal was really sweet. Amelia decides to learn from her mistakes and tell Link the truth only to have Owen and Teddy announce their engagement right in front of them! Yikes! 
And Koracick sees the whole thing from a far. Oh boy. RIP Tomaltman? Korackman? Whatever we were calling it it’s dead now. Amelia can’t bring herself to come clean after that and who can blame her? I wouldn’t be able to either. So instead she tells Link they’re having a boy Oh boy. Here we go again. We then cut away from the hospital to find Maggie drunk and passed out on the couch. Oh dear. 
Someone won’t stop knocking at the door so she gets up to answer it. And look who it is. It’s none other than her ex DeLuca. Man this guy is the gift that keeps on giving! He tells her that Elliot’s heart restarted which is nice of him. He should have stopped there and left. Instead he asks if they can talk and Maggie being grateful let’s him in. He then proceeds to complain to his ex-girlfriend whose obviously hurting about how he blew it with her older sister. 
God this guy is such an ass! He breaks up with Mer over his own insecurities and then has the audacity to go to his ex whose her sister and ask for advice to win her back while Maggie herself is hurting. Screw this guy! Then he tries to act like he didn’t break up with Meredith while also admitting that he meant what he said. Wow. He’s both a gaslighter and a complete idiot. As Maggie says he, “Hurt someone whose had more than enough hurt for a lifetime.” Maggie gets it and DeLuca needs to get the hell out. 
He keeps talking about how he wants to undo the hurt he’s caused as if they got into a minor fight. Buddy. You don’t undo it you idiot you just move on and let Meredith and her sisters live their lives and leave them alone you jackass! And as if DeLuca’s idiocy isn’t bad enough, we then find out that Maggie’s being sued for wrongful death for what happened with Sabrina. 
Also how does DeLuca not comprehend that someone with the last name Webber is related to Richard and Maggie? Man, this guy is dumb. We then cut back to the hospital to find Bailey alone in her office, but not for long. Richard and Meredith come to her office to comfort her. Mer brings her tissues and donuts and holds her hand while she tells her that, “I had a miscarriage once. I never felt so lonely.” God Grey’s just break my heart why don’t you? And then everyone laughs about the donuts Meredith brought. My heart.
Well that was intense! Now onto next week’s promo! Oooooh and it looks like things are heating up between Mer and Hayes! In the bad news column, it looks like DeLuca continues to try and gaslight Mer with the whole ‘I didn’t dump you, you just interpreted it that way’ thing and it looks like Mer is having none of it thank god! In other news it looks like Teddy somehow lost her engagement ring and Amelia finally comes clean with Link! Can’t wait!
Until next time! 
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lovecanbesostrange · 5 years
Here’s another post about Grey’s Anatomy, and yes of course I’m again talking about Jo Karev. Sorry followers who don’t watch this show, but my Jo feels run me over like a truck twice a year...
I’m kinda amazed that she’s been on the show for seven seasons now, with Alex for kinda six of those (they were broken up all of S13, so technically five) and there hasn’t been a pregnancy yet. So everytime anything happens to Jo/Alex now, my mind just goes there. We’ve had jokes and hints about this since S10, but it never happened. And I know one of the loudest pro-voices for this storyline is Camilla herself.
[wow this turned into something... have a cut for easier scrolling]
The good thing is, with the latest development regarding Jo’s mom I feel for the first time a Jolex baby can actually benefit Jo as a character. The baby not just being this sorta goal of the romantic realtionship and building a wholesome family, but exploring all of Jo’s messed up experiences with “family”. Even back in S10 Alex mentioned having kids one day and it was always sort of a given these two would one day have a family of their own. (Because Alex will be an amazing dad and he should be. Ha, imagine that, two people being on the same page of one-day-we-gonna-have-kids from the start, what an unusual idea.)
Still, I am afraid the writers will throw this at us for the finale. While Jo has to fight her way out of depression we will get one of those looking-at-the-stick scenes as an emotional cliffhanger. I really don’t want that right now. So much no to that. I want the depression arc to be as separate from relationship drama as possible. Please. Just this once.
And also, here is the thing I have been tag-vomitting for years. WHY ON EARTH DID ALEX AND JO NEVER EVEN TALK ABOUT FOSTER KIDS? Why did I have to watch Owen suddenly foster a baby, that came with a teenage mom, so Amelia had somebody to care for as well and for a time the four became this patchwork thing? (Don’t get me wrong, the Amelia part of that storyline actually held my interest!)
The show has advocated for adoption and I’m glad about it. But we have these two characters who both spent time in the foster system and agree that it sucked. (For Alex it was a short, but hard time and he ended up in juvie, but also never lost contact with his mom over it. And Jo said fuck that shit with 16 to rather live in a stolen car.) When Owen got Leo he was overwhelmed that he got a baby and not a somewhat older kid, but I think that was for the best. Owen dealing with a kid who already developed trust issues and acted out? Only on his very best days maybe...But that is exactly something I can see Alex and Jo relate to.
So, here is an easy way to milk Jo-and-Alex-becoming-parents for some extra drama for the next two seasons!
In S16 we get a patient, around 12/14 years old or something (child actors, huge problem for longer storylines)  I don’t have a preference towards a boy or a girl, so let me use Taylor as an unisex name here (which would fit with Alex and Jo anyway). There is no parent in the mix, just an overworked social worker (a good person, but stretched thin). The kid needs some big surgery. Alex as the peds surgeon is the lead of course, but throw in Avery and Maggie for consults, monitoring, possible complications.
Maybe this even is a pro-bono case or some charity stunt, we get a commentary about appaling healthcare out of this. Yes, good. Because who even thinks about foster kids? And Taylor is not nice to anybody. Because Taylor feels like this is a stunt and who cares about them and how many foster homes has it been since entering at the age of 6. (More social commentary? One parent is dead and the other in jail, Taylor doesn’t even know where, because the prison system is also terrible. Grey’s can check so many boxes at once.)
We have had rude/unruly kids as patients before and it was mostly solved by the end of an end with one stern talking or a good speech. But Taylor is not here for that. And damn, there are insults flying around. But the other doctors are annoyed outside and go all “oh, Taylor has it rough, we can’t be that mad; but I kinda want to slap that kid sometimes, though not really, just... you know”. Alex gets some as well, but he just insults Taylor back, because he’s Alex. Which is also why he sometimes has to hide his smile, because damn, the kid has some good burns.
The residents get ordered to do a test and they don’t want to go in, so two of them play rock-paper-scissors. Jo sees this and is “OMFG!”, dismissed them and does this herself. Taylor makes fun of her, because people in dark blue scrubs don’t do these kind of things, so she must have drawn the short straw or something. And she is just “actually other people did that, I’m here cause I want to”. (Please remember that Jo - when she was allowed to have medical storylines - did advocate for homeless people and even though she can be judgy herself, used to have this very soft side.)
The social worker stops by, it’s a huge concern of how Taylor will be able to follow up during the recovery time. Meds need to be taken for a while etc. Responsible foster parents are needed here. Taylor has missed school, changed schools, is suspected of starting a fire at one of the homes (wasn’t their fault though, but the new troubly kid gets kicked out first)... tough to fit. The doctors are sorry about this, but someone makes another careless comment like “if Taylor could try harder” (in the way Grey’s likes to use one person to say something dumb so others can put things into perspective, happens so often). Alex is the one to go off about it.
Jo and Alex are at home and they trade stories about foster homes. Real ones. And they just look at each other for a moment. Both have a copy of the requirements about fostering already, it’s totally crazy for sure, how could they, but also... well... (the worst part about this that the loft is probably a big obstacle, living with no walls? oh no, saying goodbye to one of the cutest sets for another generic house?!)
There’s already five episodes worth of development! And Taylor moving in with the Karevs isn’t all easy-peasy. Oh no, Taylor needs to test the limits. (Oh, I totally would want one of those cliche moments of vulnerable honesty in the hospital, where Jo is once again doing some minor test and talks to Taylor only to find out about a hobby or special interest. And the next scene she just slips in a book about it or something. No big words about it.)
And here is the best part, because S17 comes with new built-in drama. Because oops, now it does happen, Jo finds out she’s pregnant. They didn’t try, but Alex and Jo are happy. And Taylor is afraid that well, that’s it. Who keeps the foster kid around with a biological baby on the way? Alex and Jo are a bit dense about this, because to them that is not even a question, they finally live on the other side of this thing and would never view Taylor as the consolation prize that loses meaning. Some very heartfelt scenes and then a talk about adoption (that could involve finding the prison-parent who I guess would have to give up the rights in a legal way???? who knows, I don’t because I don’t plan on writing a fanfic that would require research into this..... I’m going by tv-drama 101 here)
And so Taylor becomes a Karev. Alex was born as Alex Evans, but Jimmy was a terrible father so he took his mother’s maiden name. Jo never had the name of someone who loves her until she could share it with Alex. So the tradition should keep going. Karev is a special name, okay?
(I could also write about how much I want for Vicki to return, but I guess there’s an actual chance for that. I had a scenario in my head that would involve Alexandra to seek out Jo, and I saw somebody on tumblr is writing that, but in a very different way. lol)
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