lily-always · 11 years
"I'm a special snitch." she retorts. "A rather clumsy one." Lily can't help but laugh a bit at herself. Turning around so that she's nose to nose with her captor, she places her hands gently on his chest. "Your slave for the day?" she raises an eyebrow, kissing him back gently in between comments. "That's quite the prize." Lily tosses her hair back and tilts her head. She snorts in derision at the fact that he uses Remus's notes. She knows very well just how smart he is, the fact that he doesn't apply himself is a source of constant vexation not only for the professor's of Hogwarts but for Lily as well. "Maybe......" she drums her fingers on his chest lightly teasing him happily, "Maybe I'll let you have more than a kiss. But you have to answer a question first." Lily arches an eyebrow, she's not dumb and she knows how to get what she wants. "What's all this nonsense about Prongs, and Padfoot, and your other goofy nicknames?"
Costume Party!
"Yes, they do. Though, a snitch doesn’t usually trip over her own robes," he teases, unwinding his arms just enough to give her room to turn but not enough to allow her to escape his clutches. He’s far too clever for that, or so he likes to think. "A prize?" he grins, dipping his lips to brush hers. "Are you going to be my slave for a day? Let me copy your homework for a week? No, not the second one; I already copy Remus’." Well, occasionally. He copies notes. And bats his eyelashes until the other boy points him in the right direction for an essay. "You’re already going out with me," he muses thoughtfully. "The date prize ship has sailed. Hmm.."
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lily-always · 11 years
Lily can't help but roll her eyes at that line. James is far too much of a showboat to be considered stealthy, at least in her book. But she has the feeling that he gets away with more than he lets on, so she keeps her mouth shut.  Her stomach unclenches when he promises that they won't be going out on the lake. "Oh God. I though for a minute you had a death wish." she sighs in relief. But that does mean that Lily still has no idea what James has planned for them that evening. For all she knows it could be worse than a midnight trip across the lake. So she slides her hand into his, her fingers fumbling to intertwine with his.  "I like you far too much to die." Lily smiles at him, and although she can't rightly see him underneath the cloak, the warmth is there in her voice. "We've got a lot more things to do, James Potter." 
Minor Felonies // James & Lily
"That would mean getting caught, Evans," James chirrups cheerily. "I don’t do getting caught unless I want to get caught. Stealth is my middle name, didn’t you know?” The thought is probably laughable to her. There isn’t typically anyone less stealthy than he and Sirius, least not in Gryffindor. But he is stealthy when he needs to be. They have successfully kept Remus’ secret all these years, after all. And he, for one, hasn’t been caught sneaking out since last Christmas. Nor is there usually evidence enough to justify a detention when fingers are pointed at him for general mischief and mayhem. He scrolls his eyes to Lily beneath the cloak, where he can’t easily see her but he can pretend, and a soft smile tips his lips; “It is.. And no, we’re not. It’ll be freezing out on the lake this time of year at this time of night. I like you, Lily, but I don’t like you quite enough to die of pneumonia before I turn seventeen.”
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lily-always · 11 years
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What do you think made him fall for me in the first place? My biting wit?    How're you, Andy?
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Now would James agree with that one?
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lily-always · 11 years
"I'll likely end up in Azkaban if I keep following you around." Lily mutters teasingly. Sticking close to James, she continues to admire her surroundings with the wide eyed wonder of a child. "It's just so gorgeous." she repeats herself. The cool night air makes her skin prickle, but instead of making her shiver she smiles a little bit wider. As James redirects them and the cloak falls over her shoulders she gasps a little bit. "We're going out on the lake?" she deduces quickly. "James, that's dangerous in the daylight!" Lily grabs his arm, trepidation growing in her stomach. "You know what you're doing right?" 
Minor Felonies // James & Lily
"The first time you knock me– Such a romanticist you are, Evans,” James chuckles. “I never would have known. I mean, you just can’t get any more romantic than grievous bodily harm.” He turns large round eyes on Lily then. “Head Girl? You don’t say.. But you’re such a rebel now!” Still chuckling, he lets go of Lily while she admires the night and the way the moon illuminates all. Looking up at her, he smiles but says nothing. Instead, he opts to bring the invisibly cloak over both of them as they move out of the shadow of the castle. He turns her toward the lake and, on its shore, the boathouse.
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lily-always · 11 years
Lily squeals happily as James catches her and giggles loudly. "I am faster than a snitch! But the snitch does always get caught." she defends her claim. "Yes, you win. We should celebrate." Lily declares. "You should put me down so I can give you a prize." a stupid grin is plastered across her face and she can't help it. It's been so long since she was this care free, her worries this far from her mind. James has that effect on her, and she can't help it, a smile naturally finds her way to her face in this situation. Never would she have imagined allowing a guy to tease her, or even hold her. But with James it's different. And it somehow all feels ok. 
Costume Party!
He bounds up the stairs like an overexcited puppy, following the disappearing tail of Lily’s robes. “If you brought your lips back here, I’m sure you would find I’m very not alltalk!” James laughs as he begins to catch up with her. She’s quite quick.. but he’s faster. Particularly when she keeps pausing to taunt him. Which makes it quite obvious that she wants to be caught.. And when she trips and stumbles over her own robes, that’s all he needs to make up the lost ground. Wrapping his arms around Lily’s middle from behind, he lifts and spins her around with his face planted in her hair and laughter in her ear. “Thought you said you were faster than a snitch,” he laughs there. “Do I win the match?”
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lily-always · 11 years
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Me? Fall? But Andy, you know that I am the definition of poise and grace!
Careful you don’t fall Lily.
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lily-always · 11 years
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I was trying to find Sev....I have some potions notes for him....   But I mean, you're obviously not Sev....and I'll just.......um.....yeah.
God, it's empty in here...
What are you doing here, Evans?
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lily-always · 11 years
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  Dang moving stairs! I'm going to be late again! Why must the astronomy tower be so far away?
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lily-always · 11 years
James frustrated calls only make her giggle harder. Peeking around the corner and laughing at him, she pushes her hair out of her face and sticks out her tongue. "Are you all talk?" she dodges quickly back through the doorway and strikes an exaggerated pose. "I'm quite the prize you know. But I'm faster than a snitch!" Darting forwards she trips on her own robes, and stumbles. She knows in an instant that it's all James will need to catch her. Lily is still giggling however, she knows his revenge will be sweet. 
Costume Party!
He can see it in her eyes before she does it. “Lily!” he whines, but she’s already darting away before he can trap her once more. He was rather enjoying himself. He doesn’t want to play catch.. Well, he does - but he’d rather play snog until we pass out from oxygen deprivation. “Lily!” he whines again, this time drawing out the syllable as she dances away from him. And still he mirrors her smile. When she turns and dart up the stairs, he launches after as if a thoroughbred stud sprung from the gate. “I’ve chased you long enough, and I’ve caught you once already; don’t think I won’t do it again!” he calls up the stairs when he reaches them, grin wide.
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lily-always · 11 years
Lily would have playfully knocked James upside the head, but his arm around her stops her. He knows her a bit too well. Instead she settles for an eye roll and a half smile. "What about the first time I knock you upside the head?" she teases. "And I will get no detentions. I'm aiming for Head Girl, you know." she grins. Following James lead, Lily surprises herself with how quickly she picks up on the art of the quiet footstep, and keeping to the shadows. Hand held in James, she entwines her fingers through his as the step outside the safety of the castle.  The moonlight is incredibly bright, and Lily can't help but gasp at the beautiful light that illuminates the damp grass. "Wow." she breathes softly. "It's beautiful, James." 
Minor Felonies // James & Lily
"Really?" he gasps, albeit quietly, as if truly shocked by this astonishingly revelation. "I never would have guessed!" Passing the redhead a cheeky wink, he pulls her in close before she can swat him.. or punch him. "We’re speeding right through all these firsts, my flower. First date, first kiss, first boyfriend, first hangover, first time sneaking out.. Have you had detention yet? Ooh! The romantic possibilities." He sighs dreamily as he leads her further down into the castle, teasing her. Pausing, then, only once more to check that the coast is still clear, he slips through a final door and leads her out across the lawns and into the night.
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lily-always · 11 years
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.........Sev, is that you?   Oh. Lucius. 
God, it's empty in here...
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lily-always · 11 years
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Why are you all being so weird about this?   You know, you might as well get a clubhouse with a "No Girls Allowed" sign. 
Don’t, Lily. Please. You really don’t want to know it.
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lily-always · 11 years
Actually, I think he’s since, mhh, second year?
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Don’t ask, Lils. Don’t. Those are Marauders’ business.
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  Oh, so I'm still not part of your little club.  Well if you won't tell me, I'll figure it out. 
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lily-always · 11 years
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Marry James?! We've been dating a month! Don't tell me he's ready to propose!   And why do you and Sirius keep calling him that? I still want an explanation for these silly nick-names. 
If you’re going to marry Prongs, you need to learn how to surive in those days. I’m sorry - am I?
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lily-always · 11 years
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Well, I don't know about that. But I'm fairly certain that if you stand here like that much longer you're going to get sick.    If you don't want my help, I'll leave. But....really Narcissa, there's nothing wrong with letting someone help you now and then.
     I think this place is on the brink if not already a right mess.
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lily-always · 11 years
Peering up at the moon Lily's face is illuminated by it's pale glow. Her hand in James she winds her fingers through his and gives it a squeeze, more to reassure herself than anything. "I've never snuck out before." she admits, still whispering a bit more than necessary. The corridor is dark and cold, but with James pressed close beside her she doesn't seem to notice anymore. Keeping her step in time with his, she can't help but marvel at the magic of the castle at night. The staircases descend into darkness, giving them the effect of going on forever in every direction. The moonlight that falls through the windows in patches creates an ethereal effect and Jame's and Lily's shadows blend with one another, becoming one as they make their way through the night. 
Minor Felonies // James & Lily
"Wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you what it was now." He takes Lily’s hand as she joins him, guiding her out of the portrait hole after first pausing her to be sure the Fat Lady is asleep. Better, she’s snoring. Sneaking out is a breeze after that. Not that the Fat Lady is ever surprised to find him coming and going at all hours, and indeed he has found himself charming his way beyond her portrait on numerous an occasion, but the woman is a bloody gossip. “Nah,” James scoffs quietly then, when they have escaped the (sleeping) eyes of the Fat Lady; he slows to a leisurely stroll. “It’s nice. Just us and,” he points out, through a window they pass, the three-quarter full moon hanging in the night sky, “the moon.”
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lily-always · 11 years
"Run off on you?" Lily cocks her head to the side and kisses him back gently. "Well if you insist." ducking underneath his arm she dances a few paces away before wiggling a finger at him in a teasing motion. "Catch me if you can, James Potter!" and taking off at a modest run with a spring in her step she heads down the hallway. Nearing the doorway she turns and walks backwards a few steps. "You can catch a Quaffle, now see if you can catch a girl." and she darts up the stairs with a taunting laugh, somehow knowing that he'll follow. 
Costume Party!
"Too good, it seems," James muses, playfully cocky as his fingers smooth absently over her shirt at her waist. He hooks and hangs his fingers, then, over an arm curled about his shoulders, following Lily’s eyes down the corridor. He, however, merely smiles at her; he is unconcerned. "That’s the point, love," he assures her. "Reminds me to be a good boy. Enjoy these fun little stolen moments before you run off on me." To demonstrate his point, he steals another lingering kiss. 
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