#oz is not amused
bafflement · 1 year
Deaged Oz AU - Atlas Hospital Scene Part III
Oz swam back to consciousness slowly, still lying in the comfortable bed he had been in when what he was certain had to have been a dream happened. The room still smelled like all hospitals, but his fingers were clutched around the hilt of his cane, which he knew he hadn't had when he arrived here. Did that mean this was real, then? That they forgave him? Surely not... he'd lied to them. Lied to himself, tried to make the best of an impossible situation and an impossible war. Salem could not be beaten. She could not be defeated, the others hadn't signed up for this. They were just going to get themselves killed. 'Neither did you' a small voice seemed to echo in his head, but he shook it. He was what he needed to be, it was his fault after all. Everything was, hadn't those in the Vale told him that enough times?
How much of what he remembered had been a dream and how much of it reality? Surely he could not truly be the kidnapped Schnee child? They would have found out by now, right? Someone, somewhere, would have checked? The thought of being related to Jaques Schnee in any way, shape or form was deeply disquieting to him. He wasn't used to hating anyone but Salem, but that man certainly made it to the same exclusive little list.
There was a sound as several people filed in. Oscar, James... Winter, Weiss. Qrow! Qrow was here. He'd actually come back, he didn't hate him. He wasn't sure what he would have done if Qrow hated him, ran away again, perhaps? Not that that had worked last time, but there were more places to get lost in Atlas, it would be far easier to hide. He swallowed, bracing himself to be yelled at.
"Oh, Oz..." Qrow sounded sad, noticing how tense he'd become. "You're safe, I promise, okay?"
"Qrow? I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry."
"Yeah, pocket sized, so am I. Never should have reacted like that, but the circumstances... it won't happen again. I've said that already, but I'm not sure how much of that you remember. They had you on a lot of the good stuff and I know how much that messes you up."
Oz's head did feel far clearer as he turned to gaze at the others. James and Winter seemed to be staring at each other as though having a silent conversation. James sighed, seeming to have lost the argument.
"We need to talk. Whether you should be or not, your body is currently that of an eleven year old boy and as such you are highly vulnerable."
Oz opened his mouth, about to protest, but James just raised an eyebrow at him.
"None of us want Jaques Schnee to find out that you used to be Winter Schnee, since his marriage to your sister would technically mean that you would fall under his control. None of us are going to allow that. Therefore, you have something of a choice."
"A... choice?" Oz really didn't like the sound of this.
"As to guardian. Myself, or Winter. She has the added benefit of a blood relationship but I could probably protect you better. I assume you don't particularly wish to be seperated from Oscar? He claims you as a brother, after all."
"I don't need a guardian, James. I'm not actually a child."
"Yes, Oz. You are. More, you are incredibly vulnerable at the moment. If Salem or one of her people find out about you, as an unaccompanied eleven year old you would make a prime target. You have, after all, been kidnapped before."
There was a flash of hurt in Oz's eyes and James looked like he regretted the phrasing of his words, but he kept on anyway, voice stern. "I will also be taking temporary custody of Oscar. He has no real Huntsman training and you are far too young to be expected to have any real proficency."
Oz blushed at that, glaring up at James. Winter interrupted.
"It's not that you're not fully capable, uncle. But whether you like it or not, you are currently a child. While you are here, it would be far better for all involved were you to have at least nominal protection."
"Think of it this way. While you are under my care, so is Oscar. Wouldn't you prefer to have him protected?"
"You're starting to sound like you wouldn't protect the pipsqueak if it wasn't for Oz, Jimmy." Qrow's voice carried a warning. "That's not a good look."
"Of course I'd protect Oscar. But like it or not, he's far less important in all this than Ozpin is."
"Oscar. Matters." Oz bit out, his glare icy now.
James sighed. "I never stated that he didn't. I'm not actually that good at this, Oz. I have never been in this situation before. Can you at least agree that keeping you out of Jaques Schnee's hands is by far the best option here?"
"I think if I was forced to be in close contact with him, something regrettable might happen. Probably to him. Okay. What exactly do we need to do? And have you asked Oscar's aunt, yet? She is his guardian, after all."
"Both of ours, technically." Oscar sounded amused. "Or did you forget that... Tip?"
Oz winced. "My question stands."
"Yes, I talked to her. She agrees that you two need the extra protection while you're here. Besides, I have access to a great deal of training scenarios both of you could use. We might even be able to source a better weapon for young Oscar."
Oscar's eyes lit up and Oz sighed. He was likely going to regret this, wasn't he?
Qrow looked briefly regretful. "Sorry I didn't volunteer, pocket sized, but..."
"But it would be highly inappropriate, considering certain other considerations. It is fine, Qrow. That you're here is enough."
Winter stared at the two of them, a look of mild horror on her face as the Lien finally dropped. Weiss looked like she really needed some form of brain bleach at the imagery, though thankfully it seemed to entirely go over Oscar's head.
James filled out the paperwork then and there. He was the temporary guardian of Oscar and Tip Pine less than five minutes later.
Although part of James, too, worried that he may end up regretting this...
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ichiwashername-o · 1 month
Hello I know literally nothing about the Wicked musical or what the hell Figaro the Scarecrow's backstory is but I saw your comics and they're driving me insane so I'm here now!
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I am deeply flattered! Welcome to the fandom, and don't worry! Things only get crazier from here on out!
Please do enjoy!
Wicked Master Post Here
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atomic-chronoscaph · 4 months
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The Wizard of Oz theme park concept art by Tim Hildebrandt (c. 1992)
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stardusteyes · 2 months
“While the influence of the fantasies of Lord Dunsany on Lovecraft's Dream Cycle is often mentioned, Robert M. Price argues that a more direct model for The Dream-Quest is provided by the six Mars ("Barsoom") novels of Edgar Rice Burroughs that had been published by 1927. It's been noted, however, that there is little in common between John Carter, a classic action hero, outstanding warrior and rescuer of princesses, and Randolph Carter, a melancholy figure, quiet and contemplative, who never actually fights any of his enemies, is captured several times, and needs his friends to rescue him again and again. Elsewhere, Price maintains that L. Frank Baum's The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1900) was also a significant influence on The Dream-Quest, pointing out that in both books the main character chooses in the end to return "home" as the best place to be.”
After randomly going through the Wikipedia page for Dream Quest, this paragraph in the Inspirations section stuck out to me for two reasons.
1. Damn, Wikipedia, chill. Yes, we know Randy’s kind of a wimp but that feels a little harsh.
2. ..Is it weird that I suddenly want to see a middle aged man and a ~10 year old girl wax philosophical together about what home means to them?
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thedenofravenpuff · 5 months
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Oh hai, been long enough since I last did a Liminal Space photo edit, so here ya go!
And look at that, is @urbanqhoul's Whimsy in colours too! Lil guest appearance of his bestie Blip too! Just cuz.
This photo of the old abandoned Wizard Of Oz themepark in the mist was just too perfect to not use for some WRW fanart.
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Bonus shots under the cut:
OG photo pre-editing
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Sketch and close-ups on Whimsy art!
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nikosasaki · 2 years
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never going back ⋆ VHS edition
“A staple of it’s genre, the original ‘never going back’ was released in August of 1987 to much critical acclaim. One of the first horror movies of its time to feature and center several queer relationships, it remains an important movie for the lgbtq+ community to this day. While the movie was often criticized for falling into the ‘bury your gays’ trope with its main couple, the sequel sought to rectify this by bringing back fan favorite character Eddie Munson.”
taglist: @kendelias​​ @chlobenet​​ @bravelittleflower​​ @eddiemunscns​​  @lizziesxltzmxn​​ @wokenhardies​ @delicateblackrose​ @eddysocs​ @heavenlysurf​ @arrthurpendragon​  @villanele​ @nolanhollogay​ @stanshollaand​ @lovehermioneforever​ @raith-way​ @kiara-carrera​ @hiddenqveendom​ @decennia​ @luucypevensie​ @waterloou​  @connietheecunning​ @aaudace​ @foxesandmagic​ @jvstjewels​ @samwilsonns​ @ginevrastilinski @sunlitscrib
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masky-after-dark · 1 year
camboy ozpin doodles under the cut (18+ only)
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listen when ur tasked with raising the next generation of huntsmen to save the world u need SOMETHIN to destress
anyways no one ask about my self indulgent aus ever :)
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maskyartist · 1 year
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okay i might've built on it a bit too much h n g now yall gotta deal with my ramblings so i can keep this in one place :0)
reminder that Failsafe AU is inspired by @bafflement's Deaged Oz AU go check it out its a fan favorite of mine ;3c the rest of my ramblings are under the cut
ANYWAYS in the Failsafe AU, Ozpin is mortally wounded during the Fall of Beacon with his battle against Cinder. in a final act of desperation, as restarting in a new body would ruin their chances of stopping Salem, Ozpin reaches for Long Memory and cracks the top similar to how Oscar used it on Monstro. after a bright flash of golden magic, Ozpin's body disappears under the rubble in a poof of smoke.
when Qrow finds the rubble, he finds no Headmaster and Long Memory left in its spot.
when Oscar is towing the fields in the morning, he finds a boy curled up under a bush, using his scarf as a pillow and tucked up into a ball. hes bruised and battered and Oscar knows only one person who could make all those aches better
Ozpin is taken to Oscar's Aunt, Aunty Em, with only two things in his memories.
His name, and that he NEEDS to get to Mistral. other then that, it's a blank slate of past memories and no future ones. he doesnt remember being Headmaster, or his friends, or anything like that. he only knows what 10 year old Ozpin would know, which isnt much.
theres also Ozymandias who has seemed to separate from Ozpin's soul once more, effectively undoing the Merge with this Failsafe that Ozma tucked away into Long Memory.
originally, Ozma had no clue what would HAPPEN with his Failsafe. all he knew was this amount of magic could theoretically teleport his body away from the danger, AND would revert the body back to a time before it was hurt.
however in Ozpin's case, the emotional strain and physical pain he's gone through during his life would revert him back to when he felt SAFEST. that being 10 years old, before the world could truly hurt him. the only pain he has is his leg, and even then he's just a happy kid with a lil leg injury.
Oscar ends up taking Ozpin to Mistral, as he wants to attend Haven Academy anyways so he may as well do some family searching for his new "baby brother".
rather then his normal calm self, young lil baby Ozpin is very shy, often seen lingering around Oscar or Qrow, and is quick to tears if someone pushes him too hard. he wants to be a brave knight like the storybooks and fairytales, and his "best friend" says he'll go down in history one day! but he doesnt have much self esteem
like...hes just a kid. and now he's going on this big adventure with all these Huntsmen and hes so excited! hes gonna be a knight! a wizard! a hero!
meanwhile Qrow is scrambling to find some sorta way to get Ozpin back to normal with the help of Ozymandias, who can't often take over Ozpin's body as he's too young to handle the strain it puts on his fragile soul now, on TOP of all the world-ending war shit going on
oh, and hes an easy target for Salem like this since he's so young :) so thats DOUBLE the struggle of keepin this kid safe!
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spkyscry-a · 2 years
@fullcfphobias​ asked: "I killed a coat for you.. just consider wearing this please."- Oz holding up a ghost coat
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“Aww, that’s so sweet! You’re gonna make a ghoul blush!” She takes the coat, giving it a few quizzical hefts to ensure, yes, this was a ghost coat! She’s.. tying it by the sleeves around her waist. At least he got the reward of her leaning over and giving a peck on the cheek, with that icy chill only the dead carry with them.
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victusinveritas · 1 year
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royalreef · 2 years
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chryzure-archive · 2 years
chrysi gets knocked out a lot in specifically the ph universe
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starweed · 1 year
concert day yesterday
we had to travel for this one, it was a musical festival + competition. we didn’t end up winning but it was fun.
we played a few tunes from the last concert (a million dreams, the wizard of oz medley, and the curse of tutankhamun), and it was pretty fun.
i ended up falling down the steps of the bus when i was helping get instruments out lol. now i have a giant bruise on my ass (it fits right in with the bruise i have above my knee from running into the bass drum).
the fees to the festival also covered amusement park tickets, so after we played we went over the the amusement park and spent the rest of the day there. a friend and i went on most of the rollercoasters they had there, and it was awesome. unfortunately, they didn’t have bungee jumping, which was very sad imo. it probably wasn’t the best idea to get tossed around on rollercoasters right after i get bruised, but i don’t regret it.
my forehead and the top of my cheeks are pretty sunburnt, but i have an aloe plant and it’s not too bad of burns, so it’s all good. a few of my bandmates got stuffed animals from the gift shop, so i got to help name four stuffed animals last night. i took a shower when i got home, and then slept for about a solid eleven hours.
today i’m just chilling out inside, eating frozen pineapple, and laying on my couch texting a few friends. it was a good weekend.
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fullnachodonut · 2 years
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aradxan · 2 years
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