#oy i need a nap again
dotster001 · 2 years
Hi. You can react the characters to the fact that the MC kissed the little Cheka?
A/N: I did it with the dorm leaders because I thought they would have a wide range of reactions. If you want more let me know.
C/W: discussions of Riddle's trauma and what it means for the future of your relationship, germaphobe Vil, and I think that's it
Little Cheka has come to visit his beloved uncle! But his beloved Uncle is tired. Luckily, he knows a certain herbivore is always willing to babysit. While you're playing with Cheka, your s/o looks over at you just in time to see you laugh and kiss his cheek.
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Riddle is conflicted. Cheka is cute, like the hedgehogs he loves so much. So he understands the urge to give him kissies. In fact he'd probably give him kissies too if he felt closer to the kid.
But also, it makes him think about the lack of love he had in his own childhood, and it kind of sends him to a dark place. 
Now he's wondering, if you two ever raise kids together, if he'll be able to break the chain. He's spiraling quickly, which means his temper is shorter, and, oh look, Grim just got collared again.
Probably tries to avoid you and Cheka until he goes home. He doesn't want to think about it more than he already is, and doesn't want to take his temper out on two innocent sweet hearts.
When you come to see him after Cheka goes home, he'll ask you to sit down like you're about to have some business meeting, and you'll discuss his fears for the future. You do your best to assuage his fears. After all, you haven't even graduated yet, and neither of you is even sure you want kids. This isn't something he should worry about right now. 
But you assure him, as you press a kiss to his cheek, that should you both decide to take that route, you know Riddle will be better than his mother.
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Oy! That's his herbivore!
He's lucky he woke up from his nap just in time to see that. He's immediately up and walking over to you, wrapping his arms around you so that yours are pinned to your sides, and pressing kisses all over your face.
Cheka, being a child and not understanding this is a show of dominance, thinks this is a fun game! So he climbs up on the nearest object so that he can reach your face and start giving you kisses too!
He's played this game with his dad before! What usually comes next is his dad starts to tickle him, so now he's tickling you and laughing hysterically.
Leona sees his nephew is onto something here, and starts to tickle you as well. It's a trap you didn't even realize you fell in. And now you're wriggling as much as you can to escape the barrage of tickling.
Good luck, herbivore. You're gonna need it.
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Azul is not into PDA. It interferes with his sauve business like persona. So when you kiss Cheka's tiny, little, squishy cheek, he feels a surge of envy.
He immediately berates himself. It's not the same. That's a child. Children are allowed to be given love in public. It wouldn't be the same if you kissed his cheek. 
But he's thinking about it all day. He's unknowingly tapping his pen loudly on the desk as he pretends to listen to what clients are asking him for. Luckily, Jade is always on top of things, so it still looks like everything is normal to outsiders.
Would it be so bad if he were to express his love for you in public? It wouldn't be unprofessional, right? Heck, it might strike more fear into people considering he has won the love of the Ramshackle prefect. (In thinking these thoughts, he's forgetting that he's ready to melt into a puddle when you kiss him in private)
When you slide into his lap to get his attention at the end of the day, he asks if you can try giving him a kiss on the cheek in public every once in a while.
He does, in fact, die the one time you're able to try it.
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Let's be real. He's giving Cheka kissies with you. When he found out you were babysitting, he was so pumped! He loves to play with littles! 
Probably brought snacks and all sorts of toys that he thought looked fun at the Mystery Shop. 
Little Cheka loves Kalim and Y/N! He wants to play with them forever! But, alas, he has to go home eventually. And when he's giving a tearful goodbye, both you and Kalim start pressing kisses all over his face, and promise you can play again soon.
Once Cheka leaves, Kalim is just as sad, and missing his siblings a little. You know how to fix this, right?
That's right! Press kisses all over his face until he's laughing and smiling again!
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He has Rook keep an eye on you from time to time, since he's very busy and wants to feel like he's part of your life. (Yes, he knows it's a little creepy, that's why he doesn't tell you. 🙄)
He's at a club meeting when he gets sent a photo from Rook, of you kissing Cheka on the cheek. And his first thought is…gross.
Potato! You have no idea where that child has been! Imagine all the germs and diseases he is putting onto the skin that he has worked so hard to help you get perfect!
His second thought is about whether or not he should have you quarantine before you can touch him again. He's too busy to get sick, and whatever dirt you now have on your skin will for sure upset the delicate balance of his own skin.
Well, his club members see him furiously typing what is looking to be a long paragraph to someone. I wish you the best.
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Ortho and the tablet float over to find out where you are, and after you kiss Cheka, you see the tablet go on mute.
What you don't see is Idia having a meltdown about how absolutely adorable it was to watch his S/O kiss a human cat thing! He's giggling and squealing before getting it together and unmuting the tablet and asking in a super chill voice, "what's up?"
He later finds the footage in Ortho's database and screenshots the moment. He makes it his wallpaper on his phone. 
Starts searching the web for cats you can raise together (real cats, not human cats) he wants to see his favorite human kiss all the cats!!!! He knows he'll OD on cuteness, but he doesn't care! 
Melts a little every time he thinks about the cutscene he's working so hard to unlock. But it's worth the wait when the three kitties he bought are approved to stay in his dorm, and he gets to take all the pictures he could ever want.
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*Fights fae urge to kidnap the child*
You have clearly chosen this child as one to be celebrated! He materializes on the scene and immediately begins bestowing blessings on the child. Cheka will now live a long life, beloved by all his subjects, and will only know happiness to the end of his days.
Malleus is about to start bestowing extra blessings, like the ability to know every language, when Leona comes on the scene and starts yelling about how his nephew stinks of lizard. Honestly, what did he expect, the "lizard" is your boyfriend.
He scoops Cheka up and leaves, and Malleus is fighting the urge to kidnap for the second time. By now Lilia has shown up, and is not helping.
Just kiss his cheek though, and he'll forget all about it. His child of man just kissed him! Huh? What child?
Tag list-@shytastemakerthing @stygianoir @leonia0 @lleoll @eccedentesiast-sapphic
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A day at the museum with daddy little one 🌙
plot: Steven decides to take Isaac to the museum dispite his ex manager going to berate him for what Marc did from his fight with a demonic jackal…
a/n: This is the second fic the single dad au of Oscar’s moon knight and im sorry for my Jewish readers if I messed up on certain parts
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They were bickering about today plans again but this time they keep accidentally switching controlling the body , “Steven you can’t just take Isaac out to the museum now” Marc complained in control of his own body before switching to Steven to clap back his reason and making Isaac laugh at the switching “but Marc I wanted to show him all the Egyptian things and history of how the civilization went through and such” Steven retorts while cleaning up his breakfast and gets isaac clean up from the baby food mess, then looks at his reflection of a grump Marc. “and it’s your fault that you made me to take control of the body and made me look like I destroyed the loo that night!” Marc just made a face at Steven, “you’re still not over that incident!?!? How many fucking times I have to tell you that I’m sorry?!” “AY WILL YOU TWO SHUT UP?! I AM TRYING TO SLEEP HERE IN THE HEADSPACE” Jake shouted he was exhausted from all the people he had to cabie drive around London last night for some high schoolers homecoming dance or something before letting going to do some Moonknight shit. Isaac meanwhile tries grabbing the Star of David around his dad(s) neck while continuing to bounce around in his high chair cooing, “well marc if you don’t like it then you don’t have to be co fronting for today” Steven said putting his foot down and points at his reflection accusingly when taking Isaac out of his high chair and getting him dress in a onesie for the cold autumn month ahead of them in England “ I’m just saying I don’t think it’s wise to take Isaac there okay” Marc looks at his son through the reflection of the fish tank tank “I just want to keep him safe” “we all do Marc…” Steven said reassuring him reminded him that the death of Randell wasn’t his fault. A small coo drought them back to reality as Isaac get put in the stroller while he kicks his tiny little legs up in the air in excitement “all right,all right lad we’re going on a trip are you excited” Steven said gleefully as he booped isaac’s little nose as they head out of the flat and heading to the museum. Dispite having a Jewish background, Steven can’t help but admire the big Christmas tree and decor in the lobby of the museum as he smiles at Isaac who apparently is taking a little nappy in the stroller he was pushing towards the Egyptian exhibit while he takes out a tiny straw cover out of the miniature pyramid of Giza and starts talking to Isaac telling him all about the history of Egypt about their gods /goddesses and its culture. “You see Isaac the Egyptian believed you needed your heart to be judged in the underworld. Only the worthiest would be able to pass through Filed of Reeds , believe it or not i and Marc were there for a bit when we-“ suddenly the rudest woman voice interrupted him “Oy , Stevie is that you you lout?” Steven goes pale and turns to see Donna, he’s ex boss that he and Marc thought that she might be fire due to a lack of empathy or emotion , not to mention Jake wanted to scare her or curse at her back when Steven was working for her. “Hello Donna” he kindly greeted her while trying to avoid her annoying gum chew which steven swears that she’s gonna blow up a bubble and pop it to scare him and wake up Isaac from his stroller nap “ and it’s Steven with a v Donna” Donna who is odlivous to see the baby stares at him with disgusted expression while holding a box of what looks like a Anubis plushie wearing a mini Santa hats on them while putting them down on the gift shop area “if this about rehiring you just to be a bloody tour guide then no your not gonna happen you dult” she’s said to him hurting Steven’s feelings like when he worked in the museum gift shop
“ well actually Donna that’s not the case here . I’m-“ he gets cut off by Donna again while Steven knows that Marc and Jake are trying to hold it together not to take control of the body and slap Donna hard in the face or for Jake see her choke on her own chewing gum as karma “then what is it then? You auditioning for a tour guide again?” She asked “because you aren’t ever going to be one” Steven frown deepened his also heard Isaac starting to stir awake from his mini nappy “well, That’s actually more crushing to hear now because I’m actually here with my baby son.” He replied with a fake smile while trying to sue pressed Marc or even take control over the body as his son rubbed his eyes and looking at them.
Donna looks at the newly awaken baby with a scoff a sign that she didn’t believe him “you’re joking right? Stevie Grant , a 30 year old virgin somehow managed to impregnated a gal and decided to raise the babe?” She remarked as Steven wince “well actually we-i mean uh…“ Donna cut him off again “so who is that lass that made a baby with without knowing they’ve unintentionally made a mistake making you this lad a Mistake …how are you even paying bloody child support when you don’t have a job? ” After hearing that Steven heart broken at that question …he doesn’t know why jake doesn’t tell them who the mother of their son is or why she decided to leave him in the care of them as Isaac started to babble as he was trying to say something to defend his dad(s) from Donna verbal abuse but he fail and starts to cry slowly, “Donna please you making the little lad cry” he started ‘or maybe he’s hungry or need a diaper change?’ Steven thought “besides I already paid half of the amount to fix the loo damages and which by away still wasn’t me” but as usual Donna doesn’t listen and start to berate Steven and at which point calls , little do they know Marc was watching through the glass reflection on a glass coffin clearly getting piss off at Donna and the fact Isaac isn’t liking the situation that Steven is in “damnit” Marc muttered and feeling like he has enough and he decided on what to do.…as Steven was about feel like he was about to have a panic attack, Marc Spector finally gain control of his own body and give Donna a cold expression “I suggest you stop there Donna” Marc said making Donna startled almost choking on her obnoxious gum chewing at Steven’s sudden American accent that just came out. “Excuse me-“ started but gets cut off by Marc “now listen here you woman, you may act like you own this fucking place and treat Steven like he worthless but he is not! I know people like you Donna Gertrude Oswald , people who don’t know that they are treating people with limitations poorly weather it is a sleep condition or someone going through.” He was anger “and don’t you ever call my son a mistake! I don’t have the answer why or who his mother is but no matter what the reason, That baby is my son and you Donna should have been fire from all the things you said and did to me and other coworkers in this museum, so I’m just gonna give you a warning …if you ever, ever do mistreat anyone like this again, I will not hesitate to give a call to HR about how you been abusing your job title” and with that Marc grab the stroller and starts walking the other direction switching back to a baffled Steven unware some guests filmed the whole encounter .
“You really didn’t have to do that Marc” Steven responded after calming down Isaac while sitting on a bench in the exhibit feed him his bottle and looking at the reflection in front of him “but I did and I was pissed at what she said about Isaac” Marc defended himself looking down, but instead of a mini speech from Steven but what he heard was something unexpected “thanks mate, I too didn’t like what she said about Isaac being a mistake” Steven told him “ though what you said will probably not change Donna behavior though it but you defending speech was amazing Marc.” That made Marc happy and Isaac coos reaching for a piece of the exhibit which was a mini figurine of Khonsu depiction in Hieroglyphs but give a hiccup when Isaac gets put back into the stroller and sucks on his pacifier.
After that Steven continues his explaining the stories and history to Isaac and goes to head home when it’s starting to give Isaac a bath and give a call to get him a babysitter for tomorrow night, When Steven check his socials, he froze when he saw a viral video of him (well marc) giving Donna a taste of her own medicine while the caption read “Karen gets exposed and puts in her place”.
tags: @guruan,@forwantofwill,@melodygatesauthor @ominoose
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falconcoast · 1 year
As a uni student, what about how both y/n and tighnari cope with the weeks before finals and finals week? Its actual hell where professors give out hard quizzes pre-exams (in my case) and assignments with unrealistic deadlines :<
college au vi | tighnari x reader
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you and tighnari are almost out of the woods for this semester. emphasis on almost. your professors aren't going to let you off easily. you and tighnair decide to cope as best you can.
a/n: dedicated to ME because i had: two physics tests, a make-up AP test, the worst calc final in the history of calc finals, a book to finish in ten days, an essay, and a shit ton of extracurriculars in the last two weeks. this drabble is on the shorter side for that reason. for my babes still working their asses off: you got this i believe in you!
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one of the greatest features of your shared apartment with tighnari is your giant, weekly whiteboard calendar. it sits above your couch in your living room, noting every little project, assignment, study session, and due date. with two more weeks left to go, the calendar is an absolute mess of green and blue markers.
tighnari places a book over his eyes, groaning and slowly slinking his body down the living room couch. his variously shaded folders were scattered on one half of the coffee table. the other was a smattering of assorted papers, all trying to accomplish one more essay before the end of the semester.
"i swear, steric effect has never and will never relate to the functions of biology or plant sciences. i hate organic chemistry!" he blurted, throwing the book down.
"oy, don't treat your books like that. i know that thing costs at least five million mora," you scold softly. relenting, you sigh. "but you're right. it's unfair that all of our professors decided to dump our work right now. my statistics quiz went awfully because i was studying for my public speaking class. who the hell needs to know all thirteen logical fallacies for a communications class?!"
"here, i've been studying for way too long. i'll go make us a snack, and then we can take a break later, okay?" he pets your head as he heads to the kitchen.
you slump by your laptop, looking over your essay again. you knew that college course loads were going to be difficult, but your english professor assigning an essay yesterday and making it due two days after was absolutely ridiculous. and after this, you still had your history final on thursday, and three more analysis paragraphs for critical argumentation class, and--
you think you are going to die before you make it to the end of the semester.
tighnari comes back as you correct a few more spelling errors and cite a few more sources. he sets down a mug of tea in front of you, alongside some fresh fruit. sighing, he looks at the clock. "we've been doing nothing but study and go to class for the last five days. we should go to bed now."
you yawn at the suggestion, feeling that coffee you took at seven PM wearing off. "no, no, i gotta stay awake. this stupid paper is more important."
"your paper won't be worth anything if you oversleep tomorrow."
you blink once or twice at that remark slowly. if you were a little less sleepy, you would bark out some sarcastic response. instead, you sip the rest of your tea and lean back on the couch. you blink slower, and slower yet.
as your vision goes dark, you can hear tighnari sigh a little. "exhausted, i see. we'll have to incorporate some stress relieving tactics the rest of this week. healthy snacks, a run, peaceful music, and a long overdue nap is imminent," he murmurs, as if diagnosing you. he settles next to you, placing a blanket over both of your shoulders.
as you begin to sleep, he swears that your lips twitch up in a smile as you tilt to press against his chest.
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xtrablak674 · 4 months
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Good May Day
[Originally posted on my Livejournal, Tuesday, May 23rd, 2000 at 12:12 am - edited for clarity]
Oh, I am exhausted. I met Stuart (from that group I used to volunteer with NYPAEC) we ate at Emerald Planet. He was very eager to hear about my escapades with the old job, and all about the new job. He is doing so well, he is about to turn 40 and doesn't look a day over 32.
Stuart is not working for the first time in his life, and is not paying rent and its so exciting for him, I am excited for him, he looks so good! For the record when we were working back in NYPAEC, I used to have such a crush on him. I don't think he knows it, but I guess I have a weakness for Jewish men, Oy Vey!
Anyway, he had to meet a friend and I need to buy some sneakers, so we went up town to H&M that sheik store in midtown that has all the designers at killer prices, and also killer lines, I found a nice light three-quarter jacket and a couple of t-shirts and Stuart had to return something, we waiting a very stunning thirty-five minutes in line!
Stuart is swearing off of H&M which is fine cause he is moving to San Francisco, coincidentally. After H&M, we parted with a hug, he had to catch up with his friend and go to Sachs to have these pants repaired...
SACHS he is SOOOO WHITE WOMAN! LOL, I was on the lookout for sneakers, I need a pair of sneakers so bad, and I want these New Balance I seen this guy wearing on the train, and its been so hard to find them I could just scream, I have to see if they have a web site. Anyway I was walking up 5th And there was a HUGE Banana Republic Men's Store, that I just had to stop in. I walked out with two tops and a pair of jeans. Next I stopped in Brooks Brothers had never been in there before, wasn't feeling it, too uptight and pricey.
What was really affirming all day is that all these guys were looking at me checking me out and cruising me, I haven't felt so attractive in a while, I don't know what it was about what I had on today that made them so receptive, but it was very good for my self-esteem which has been running low lately.
Oh while I am having this aside, I had an interesting chat with Tony. I was IM'ing with him about how I was going on a lunch date and we had a interesting conversation I will just paste it in here:
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Bboyblue32: I have a lunch date.
TonyBklyn: well well.
Boyblue32: oh puhlease!
TonyBklyn: powdering yourself?
Boyblue32: It's with a friend I did volunteer work with.
Boyblue32: He is in town.
Boyblue32: Are you jealous?
TonyBklyn: No, I am not.
boyblue32: darn...
TonyBklyn: I haven't put a ring on your finger. we haven't even really discussed what "we" are doing.
Bboyblue32: This is true... isn't it
TonyBklyn: I'm not being negative.
Boyblue32: I know your not.
Boyblue32: I am just agreeing with you.
That was an interesting dialog, its been about five weeks that we have been seeing each other, I just checked my sex database. So anyway, I then went to the Warner Bro store to pick up so more slippers my Taz slippers are a little worn, but they said they were out! I was so bummed I really want a new pair. The next pair I get I am going to get the soles reinforced.
Then I wandered off to FAO Schwartz and got Adam the Barbie Collector's Item Wonder Woman, very cute doll, she has the cape and everything very very cute. I then stopped off in Crate & Barrel to check some of the furniture and saw this chest I am really feeling. By this time my feet were nearly bloody wearing my new J Crew shoes, trying to look cute!
Oops, I didn't upload this entry!
I went and took a nap and sort of left it sitting here, I was so exhausted it was disgusting. To add to this I am so happy to have a clothing rack again, you may not understand the significance of this, but I had a fire October 21, 1998 and at the time all my clothes were on a rack, and I lost all of the clothes in the fire. I didn't buy one stitch of new clothing for a year, and now just about two years later I have finally bought a clothing rack, so I am really happy with myself for making such bold steps and progress.
Some may think oh that was two years ago get over it, but with the history of loss in my life, this was another blow that was very hard to deal with, that and being homeless again, was not cute. With the strength of God and good friends I actually pulled thru, and Anastasia, God bless her heart was caught in the fire, she pulled thru too.
[Twenty-four years ago! #wow The biggest thing NOT being said in this entry is that I was miserable! I was the heaviest I had ever been in my short-lived adult life. The job I was working at would only last another month or two before laying me off. I was on the precipice of a huge life-change!
At the time I was making sixty-five thousand dollars a year, the most money I had ever made at that time in my career, I felt flush especially since my rent was a little over five hundred dollars. I had this thing called disposable income, and that is apparent in how much shopping I had done in this one day, spending money without a care.
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I am also tickled at my avoiding my feelings for Stuart cause I still clearly had a crush on him, how many times can I say how good he looked? And then there's Tony who had been a one-night stand that had turned into a sort-of dating situation, which I can tell you didn't last. We just ended up being friends for over a decade before he eventually just begin to ghost me.
The last big revelation was the fire of '98 and how that emotionally impacted me. I haven't really thought about that fire and the future repercussions it would have on my entire building. The official cause was old wiring, and this lead the landlord to finally upgrade the electrical system of the entire building, we even got an intercom! Before you couldn't run a microwave and air conditioner at the same time, now we could run all the appliances and not trip the circuit breaker. I guess this sort of makes it my fault that my all-Black building became infested with young whyte women.
Lastly I also love the time capsule feel of the moment, albeit the internet was in its 1.0 phase, things like AOL's Instant Messenger were dominate communication platforms. The fact that I didn't just photograph those New Balancesneakers I wanted and do a reverse look-up wasn't even a concept back then, I had to go by memory.
It would be nearly twenty years before I got my first New Balance sneakers, and bare-feet is now the norm in my home after my new floors were installed. My clothing racks have been replaced with shelves that have built in racks. My experience and relationship to my space has changed so much in the last quarter century I can say definitively I have made a lot of progress and growth during this time.
Photos by Brown Estate]
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inyri · 6 years
Equivalent Exchange (a SWTOR story): Chapter 37- The Game
Equivalent Exchange by inyri Fandom: Star Wars: The Old Republic Characters: Female Imperial Agent (Cipher Nine)/Theron Shan Rating: E (this chapter: M)
Summary: If one wishes to gain something, one must offer something of equal value. In spycraft, it’s easy. Applying it to a relationship is another matter entirely. F!Agent/Theron Shan. (Spoilers for Shadow of Revan and Knights of the Fallen Empire/Knights of the Eternal Throne.)
Comments are always appreciated! Visit me at:
Archive of Our Own
Fanfiction Dot Net
Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Game
Nine opens her eyes.
The drawback of Odessen’s relative security, the base built as it was into the solid stone of the cliffs, was the lack of natural light. Her quarters here- or is it their quarters, now? Theron’s stirring awake too, his breath warm on the back of her neck and one arm draped lazily over her waist, curling, pulling her closer out of reflex- are windowless; it reminds her too much of the endless black monotony of spaceship travel, never quite knowing if it was day or night. Say what one liked about the endless rain on Dromund Kaas, in her own apartment she still woke to the sun on her face.
(Or the ghost of sun, at least, peeking through the clouds, but never mind that: her point stands. She misses very little of Kaas City, but she really had been fond of that apartment even if it did remind her too much of-
Never mind that, either.)
“‘s that me or you?” Theron mumbles over the steady chime of a datapad alarm from somewhere in the lower part of the room.
She blinks, stifling a yawn. “Probably me. What time is it?”  
“Just turned five,” he says after a moment, lifting his hand up along her body, fingertips brushing gently at her throat in response to her still-hoarse voice. He always had the time down to the millisecond, one of the many side benefits of his implant and one of the few she truly envied. It didn’t matter when they were properly geared for missions and she was hooked into comms, but it would have been useful more than once on undercover ops. “I didn’t think I had anything before eight, but-”
“You don’t. I, on the other hand-” she pushes the blanket back reluctantly with her still-splinted wrist, just far enough that she can slip free and leave Theron covered and warm. But he doesn’t move to let her go and she doesn’t really want to get up, not when these minutes stolen one by one from their overscheduled days are all they get- “am due in the infirmary. I’ve got a hot date with a kolto tank.”
He shifts, one foot overlapping hers; he props himself up on his elbow behind her. “I’m jealous. Guess I should get up too, eh?”
“Why? Go back to sleep. Stars know you need it.”
“But if I walk out of here later without you-” Theron pauses.
In trying to turn over to face him she only tangles herself up, her leg half-trapped beneath his so she has to roll into him instead of away. With her weight against him he tips back, settling onto the pillow again as her head rests on his chest, her body atop his. “My answer hasn’t changed since last night. Let them talk,” she says. “I don’t care.”
He exhales, goes still and quiet for long enough that she starts to wonder if he’s thought better of all of this-  but then he works his fingers through her hair, a comfortably possessive sort of gesture, and when she glances up at him he smiles.
“In any case,” she continues, “you know my access code. Just lock up when you go, and we’ll reprogram the security protocols after today’s meetings. Hylo told me last night the biometrics finally arrived.”
“You’re putting in biometrics? Don’t you think that’s overkill?”
“No such thing as too much security.” She yawns again, the steady rise and fall of his chest and the warmth of skin on skin lulling her back into sleep. With so much time spent away from the base in this last month they’ve shared a bed more often than not but not here, not on Odessen with the whole Alliance walking unaware past her quarters; she can still count those nights on one hand.
A bed is a bed is a bed. It oughtn’t make a difference. But sprawled together like this- I like this blanket, Theron mutters against the top of her head, adjusting her body atop his. Nice and warm - there’s a kind of permanence to it that makes her pulse stutter. If they could stay like this forever she would be content, she thinks, and that sets a warning voice nagging in the back of her mind in the place where all of her training lives.
Too close. Too trusting. Not safe.
Stupid voice.
She ignores it.
It might have had a point once, of course. In the years when her only loyalty was to a mission objective (mission first, Empire second, team third and everyone else got whatever scraps remained) and Void take the consequences she might have used him for what she could get out of him and then cast him aside. Or he might have done the same to her, if-  
No. She’d certainly have deserved it if he had- when it came to their shared trade turnabout was fair play, especially a trick she’d used so often as that one- but she tries to imagine it and can’t, the image of it so ridiculous that she laughs softly despite herself.  
“Something funny?” Theron’s nearly asleep again.
(And this? When it came to sharing space they’d talked about it last night, only a little and leaving out the details, but so far as they both could tell they’re equally useless at it in mostly opposite ways.
The Academy bred creativity but sharing rooms was strictly against the rules, and even in advanced studies she’d only ever gone so far as one drawer in a sort-of-girlfriend’s apartment two floors above hers in cadet housing; they’d fought a few weeks later and all her clothes ended up tossed from the complex roof in the middle of a summer storm and that had been the end of that. They’d trained her against it, too, with a hundred horror stories: look at this, her teachers said, pointing to each empty bed, each empty desk. Talked too much. Too soft. Couldn’t finish the job. Washout. Failure. Dead.
At the end of the day it was easier not to bother.
The Major hadn’t counted. She had her own quarters, for one thing, and that year was training, not-
It didn’t count. And Kaliyo certainly hadn’t counted. She’d never even unpacked before Nine had kicked her back to the crew quarters and she’d taken it in stride, settling into her role on the ship like nothing had ever happened between them.
For Theron it was different, she thinks. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to bother. Maybe he never quite knew how, not after the lessons learned from his mother and his old master and his father, now, back and back to all the countless people who’d looked at a little boy alone in space and saw a target to be taken advantage of- he didn’t talk about those years except for the occasional swoop racing story and the vaguest outline of how he ended up in the SIS, rather unsurprisingly involving something mostly illegal going very wrong and a great deal of smartassery on his part, but she knows him well enough by now to hear the things he isn’t saying; given the choice between the civilized brutality of the Academy and the chaos of Theron’s childhood she’d go back to the dormitories any day of the week. If the galaxy taught him anything it taught him that people keep you around only so long as you’re useful to them, that the easiest way to dodge being tossed aside was to always keep moving, never settling down anywhere for long enough that it hurt to leave it or that you’d be missed-)
“No,” she says gently and presses a kiss to his chest, just over his heart. “Go back to sleep. I’ll come and find you when I’m out.”
He doesn’t answer, only grumbles softly when she unwinds herself, rising, and drapes the blanket back over him; it’s a poor substitute for body warmth but she’s got to get up so it’ll have to do.  
By the time she dresses Theron’s curled up tight, eyes closed and breaths even, calm and still and peaceful. She slips out quietly into the hall, careful not to wake him again.
After all, there’s nowhere else he needs to be.
Doctor Lokin looks up from his caf cup as she walks into the treatment room, then unhooks the coupling connecting the intravenous line to the port in his chest.
“Excellent timing, Ciph-” he catches himself. She’s not the only one still slaved to old habits. “Commander. I was just finishing my own treatment- the first round of the day, at least.” Gesturing with one hand toward two nearly empty infusion bags clothespinned to a ceiling-mounted pole, he attaches a small syringe to the port with the other and presses down on the plunger. “We can begin whenever you’re ready.”
Nine pauses halfway across the room, focused on the hanging bags. She knew in the back of her mind he still wasn’t well- would never be well even after the cure they’d brewed on Alderaan, maybe- but the brilliant yellow liquid still beaded in the detached tubing’s a slap in the face, a reminder with every drip.
(It wasn’t like her to forget. She spent years with her crew, so many years all crowded together on the ship, and they all had their jobs to do but it was her responsibility to make sure they held together, her job to see when the machinery was starting to fray at the edges. But stars, there are so many of them now, so many faces to keep track of and so many things they need it’s like juggling a thousand knives at once, all spinning and whirling until the moment she drops one and-
That’s no excuse. She’s the Commander. She needs to act like one.)
“If you need privacy,” she says carefully, “I can come back in a few minutes.”
Eckard shakes his head and fastens up the flap on his jacket. If he hears the rasp in her voice, he doesn’t comment on it. “No, no. I’ll have plenty of time to tidy up while your cycle runs. You have my full attention.”
Reaching the back table beside the kolto tank, she sets the wrapped-up bundle with her change of clothing down and slips out of her shoes. “How are you-” (too personal, he hates to talk about himself- try again ) “How is the treatment going?”
“As well as can be expected. If the current projection holds I should have several years before the cancer kills me.”
“But I thought-”
Four syringes rest in a rack on the countertop; he reaches for the first, gesturing for her to sit. “When you found me on Alderaan,” he says, “I was counting my time in days. You’ve managed an impressive research division here, but you know perfectly well that what I have is incurable.”
“It’s far more than I could have managed alone. I am-” Eckard pauses, glances down at the syringe still in his hand. ”Please don’t mistake me, Cipher. I am grateful. And with your permission, I will continue to serve for as long as I am able.”
She looks down at it, too, even as she starts to roll up her shirtsleeve. “Why didn’t you return to the Empire, then? There must have been someone in Research Division who would have been able to help you.”
His mouth twists, bitter and angry for a moment, before he shakes his head. “RD no longer exists, not in any meaningful sense. I might have found a position in Acina’s laboratory, but far more likely I’d have found myself one of her research subjects. Rumor had it she-”
“I remember her,” she murmurs, “from that business with those awful artifacts. I suppose that sort of mad science goes with the territory- Sphere of Technology and all that.”
“Oh, child-” (he hasn’t called her that in a very, very long time; it was a slip of the tongue back then, when they scarcely knew each other and she was shattering into a million sharp-edged little pieces under the yoke of the Castellan restraints, and as much as she’d bristled at it it was true. She was so, so young then and she thought she knew everything but Void, was she ever wrong)- “you haven’t the slightest idea.”
“I suppose I don’t.”
Eckard chuckles softly, but there’s no mirth in it. “With any luck you’ll never find out. Just keep that in mind when she comes asking for favors, hm?”
“Why would she do that?” She raises an eyebrow. “I know we’re all trying to keep a brave face, but we’re not exactly flush with resources here. What could we possibly have that the Sith Empire would find useful?”
“A spine, for one.”
“And that and a billion credits might buy us half a chance at Arcann. Why do I have the feeling you know something I don’t?”
The needle cover clicks into place with a sharp snap. “I know a great many things that you don’t, although not on that particular front. Merely… gut instinct, let’s say.”
“Your gut instinct-” finger-marks around the words- “used to need three rounds of controlled trials before you’d so much as hedge a bet. Don’t tell me you’re going soft on me, old man.”
Were his teeth always so sharp when he smiled? She can’t remember. “Hardly.” One hand around her wrist, he pushes her sleeve up past her elbow with the syringe held between two fingers. “Just a few injections today and then I’ve got the tank all ready for you.”
She looks down at the needle one more time, its tip poised just above her vein.
(Just a few injections, the technician says, before we start the procedure.
She tries to turn her head but the straps hold her tight against the chair, buckled down against her wrists and ankles, chest and hips and forehead. That never bodes well. Exhaling, she pushes the anxiety away with her breath; they mustn’t see her nervousness. Making Cipher this quickly out of training is already almost unprecedented and if Keeper- no, no, the Minister now, they’re all getting promotions these days- knows she’s afraid he might just kick her back down to grunt work, commendation or not-
One shot, then another and another. Just like any other infirmary visit. Nothing to worry about. She relaxes into the seat as it starts to recline.
Nearly finished. One more and then your sedative.
She shakes her head slightly against the restraint. I don’t need a sedative. I’m ready to begin.
I don’t think that’s allow-
The overhead speaker crackles, the Minister’s voice echoing strangely in her ears like she’s a dozen meters underwater- a side effect of the earlier shots, she supposes, whatever they were. We’ll be keeping to the protocol today, Agent. Technician Six, please continue.
Yes, Minister, she says. As you say.
She remembers the needles. She remembers them, one in each arm, as her eyelids go heavy and the light fades and then oh stars that feels like-
It feels like-
Her temples throb and she flinches away from him before she can stop herself. With his hand still on hers she doesn’t get far, just enough to put some distance between the sharp point of the syringe and her skin. She’s sweating, too, the back of her neck prickling and her heart pounding in her ears even as she wipes at her face with her free hand.
(She oughtn’t to be able to remember that. That is a problem.)
“What are-” she swallows, starts again as Doctor Lokin looks at her and then the syringe and then back to her. “Before you do that, I want to know what’s in it.”
The needle cover snaps back down.
For a moment the room’s nearly silent save the ever-constant  low roar of machinery and muted voices in the larger laboratory beyond  the door, the soft bubbling kolto and the click-click-click of Scritchy’s nails on the duracrete floor as he brushes up against her legs; she reaches down to rub behind his ears out of reflex. Then Eckard sighs, picks up a square of clean gauze from the little metal tray beside the rack and presses it just beneath her nose.
“I suppose I deserve that,” he murmurs. “Though you were never particularly interested in the particulars before.”  
“I never thought I needed to be.”
He pinches the bridge of her nose; she can taste the blood in the back of her throat now. “Then you’re learning. I’ll transfer the component sheets for your review as soon as we’ve got this tidied up.”
At least she’s cleared for training now.
When she goes back to quarters to drop off her dirty clothes Theron isn’t there, long gone to his first meeting, and she’s got nothing scheduled for nearly an hour. Plenty of time for a cup of caf and a few rounds with a combat dummy.
In the post-breakfast hour the training room’s buzzing with activity, training drones and lightsabers sparking through the air at one end and the firing range nearly full to capacity at the other. She tries to ignore all the eyes on her as she lands a first few hesitant strikes, dodging and weaving around the dummy and lashing out with her fists to test both her reaction time and the strength of the nearly-healed bone. So far it seems to be holding; she lands a solid hook that would have left a real opponent doubled over and the impact reverberates up her arm with only the faintest hint of pain.
That might also have been her unwrapped knuckles, of course. She probably ought to do something about that.
She jogs across the room to the supply cabinet, tearing two lengths of tape off the wide roll- getting low again and they’ll have to order more; supplying their ever-growing crew’s an expensive proposition- and then crosses back, sits down beside the dummy and starts on her left hand.
Kaliyo peeks around the dummy, already pulling off her own padded gloves. “Hey. You want some help with that?” Her first instinct is to wave her off, but it would go faster with help- she holds up her hand and ‘liyo crouches down beside her, wrapping the tape around and around her knuckles. “How’s it holding up?”
“Well enough. I’ve had worse.”
“Not by that much, and I still remember Corellia.” Securing the end, Kaliyo taps her other hand and she holds it up obligingly. “I can’t say I was too mad I got turfed off to the shuttle. Watching Lana and your boy wear holes in the floor would probably have gotten old.”
She snorts and unfolds one leg, kicking Kaliyo’s feet out from beneath her. “And here I thought you cared.”
“Fuck you,” ‘liyo says cheerfully as she catches herself on the dummy’s support post. “I care plenty. I just don’t like having to watch-” Instead of finishing the sentence she clicks her tongue and just keeps working, quick and tidy, until her right hand’s wrapped up too. “There. Good to go. Should we test ‘em out?”
“Don’t you already have a sparring partner?” An impatient one, judging by the crossed arms and rolling eyes when she glances over.
Kaliyo waves the trooper off with a flick of her wrist and then stands, reaching out to offer her a hand up. “He hits like a bitch and he only knows ‘pub military hand-to-hand, straight out of the textbook. You know how to show a girl some variety.”
“Famous last words, Djannis. Famous last words.”
Her first strike lands almost before she can stand up fully. “No such thing. You and me?” Nine’s return jab catches her in the side and she winces, then grins . “We’re immortal.”
“You’re really sure about this?”
She’s spent the last hour after the logistics meeting wrangling Nightshrike’s war room into something approaching professional: carefully unrevealing datascreens behind her (all the better if Trant get distracted by what he thinks she’s giving away- the answer is nothing at all, of course, but let him waste the effort trying to figure it out), the closet doors covered over with Alliance banners, her best scrounged-together dress uniform buttoned up neatly and her hair pulled back and pinned up. The holoterminal’s set up at the end of the table, angled just so. It looks like a proper office.
Mostly. Better than anything she can put together on the base that isn’t in her own quarters or runs the risk of someone knocking on the door halfway through the call.
It’ll do.
When she doesn’t reply Theron changes tack. “You look nice,” he says, gesturing vaguely in her direction. “The uniform, I mean- it’s been a long time since I saw you in a uniform. Very… um, commanderly.”
“At least I look the part, even if I don’t feel it. When did you ever see me in Imperial uniform, though?” She looks back over her shoulder toward him quizzically. Away from Dromund Kaas she can only think of a handful of times she would have worn full dress and she’s pretty sure the Republic hadn’t been invited to any of those particular events.
“That first official group meeting on Yavin. Remember? We were all sweating our faces off and one of Marr’s honor guard almost passed out behind the war table?”
Oh. She does remember that, but- “Weren’t you just wearing your same jacket?”
“SIS.” He grins. “They never gave us dress uniforms.”
She throws a spare length of cable at him; he catches it easily, winding it around his wrist like a bracelet. “Of course they didn’t- that would require proper organizational hierarchy. And to answer your original question, no. Not particularly.” Dragging a high-backed chair around the far side of the table, she lets its feet hit the floor with a thump. No rolling chairs for this call. It wouldn’t do to be skating around the room like an idle child. “But unless you’ve got some brilliant alternative you’ve so far failed to mention, I’m making the call as soon as I set up the projector.”
Theron shakes his head. “No, but-”
“You don’t like it.”
“More that I’m worried about potential backlash.” Leaning against the doorframe, he runs one hand through his hair. “I mean, I’m also not thrilled about the whole blackmail thing, but that’s probably down to being raised by a Jedi.”
Oh, Void. She knows perfectly well what he’s capable of; she knows so many things he’s done over the years- hells, she’s watched him kill and more- but he still manages to surprise her with his stubborn insistence on being teeth-achingly good. “You-” crossing the room to where he stands in three quick steps, she stands up on tiptoes and presses a quick kiss to the point of his chin- “are a precious and delicate flower, too good for this world. Now get out. I’ve got an SIS director to threaten.”
“I can’t even eavesdrop?”
She (very generously, as far as she’s concerned) resists the urge to bite him. “Do you absolutely promise to sit completely still and not move or open your mouth regardless of anything he or I might say?”
Theron wrinkles his nose. “Um.”
“I thought so.” It’s better if he doesn’t hear. He knows what she’s capable of, too, but-
(He thinks he does, at least. But if he flinches at a little well-deserved blackmail, she can only imagine what he’d think of that thing with the senator. Or the ‘dinner party’ on Balmorra. Or any of her old runs on Nar Shaddaa, really.
They don’t talk about those days. Not yet. Maybe not ever. That might be better, too.)
“I know,” he says, and kisses her forehead. “I know. I’m going to go tweak the flight plan for Voss. I’ll be on the bridge when you’re done, okay?”
When he goes she locks the door behind him, turns on the scrambling field and settles into the chair. Even with the signal bouncing through relays it’s a risk, but it’s naive at this point to assume Trant doesn’t know where they are; she’d bet good credits the Republic has at least one agent embedded with them even now. It’s certainly what she’d have done in his shoes. The worst-case scenario is that he’s devious enough- and petty enough- to share coordinates with the Zakuulans, but that strikes her as unlikely.
Then again, she’d have thought it unlikely that he’d put a hit out on Theron except for the source. Jonas might very well have lied to her. She’d expect that, and frankly she’d deserve it.  But much as she’s tried she can’t think of a single reason why he’d lie to Theron about something like this.
Well. Only one way to find out.
Masking activated. Enter caller identification. > THERON SHAN Enter destination address. >sis.mainhq.director.mtrantoffice.main.bypass Passcode required. Enter passcode. (She glances down at her datapad, typing carefully. Fuck this up and she’ll have to deal with his secretary, meaning odds to evens she’ll get hung up on before she can get a word in edgewise.) >0z1ax74hk5
She holds her breath.
One ring. Two. (For stars’ sake, it’s half six in the evening, Coruscant Standard Time. There’s no possible way the man’s not still in his office-)
By the time the connection stabilizes and they can see each other, Marcus Trant’s already scowling. He must have been handsome when he was young, dark-skinned and dark-eyed and close-cropped hair shading to grey- that’s new since his last dossier photo, but the war’s worn all of them down- but the curl of his lip and the wrinkles across his forehead set the tone immediately. He’s not even going to pretend civility, apparently.
Good. That only makes it easier to twist the knife.
“How did you get this num- no, don’t answer that. You have ten seconds to explain yourself before I clear the line.” His hand moves subtly out of frame, no doubt activating a trace. As if she hadn’t considered that. How insulting. “Starting now, Cipher Nine.”
“Now really, Marcus. You’re hurting my feelings. What if I’d just called to say hello?” Her own hands folded on the tabletop, she settles back comfortably into her chair. “I know the Minister used to so look forward to your little chats.”
“A peacetime courtesy extended to equals. Five seconds.”
She clicks her tongue. “You have a point. I suppose I do outrank you now, don’t I- and it’s Commander, by the way. Cipher’s an Imperial rank.”
Oh, that look. Delightful.
“But enough idle chitchat. You put a death mark on Theron Shan. Why?”
Trant glances sideways at a harsh beep from one of his desktop monitors. “That’s quite an accusation. Someone’s been feeding you tall tales, I think.”
It would have been too easy for him to simply admit to it. He’s cannier than that; one doesn’t last as long as he has in their world by telling the truth at first prompting. But one also learns to prepare for all eventualities, and she’s not about to implicate Jonas, not with the risk he took. ”You lost a hunting-hound on Alderaan recently, I hear. A very stupid hound who needed to learn how to encrypt his datapad properly.” She lifts her datapad and clears her throat. “Ahem. Target sighted at Pallista Spaceport, bound northeast. Scout images attached. Please confirm white auth still active. Shall I read your reply? Or any of the other messages he saved?”
“A simple request,” he says. “Detain and interrogate, appropriate to charges.”
“Liar.” The smile doesn’t leave her face. “I know perfectly well what a white auth is- Ardun Kothe was awfully fond of them, particularly for a Jedi. More to the point, you have no authority over my people. Call it off. Now.”
He doesn’t flinch, but his knuckles blanch as one fist clenches and unclenches. “You’re harboring a deserter and a traitor to the Republic in your so-called Alliance. Give yourself all the titles you want and keep playing at rebellion, but I will deal with my own ‘people’”-his tone a mockery, fingers arcing in the air; she’s almost got him- “as I see fit. Including Theron Shan. Did he put you up to this?”
Like beads of water, the lies roll off her tongue. “He doesn’t know. I haven’t told him yet, and if we can settle this reasonably I won’t have to. He still respects you, Director-” (that’s only a little bit of a lie)- “and I’ve no quarrel with the Republic. Don’t give me a reason to change that.”
Back straight in her chair, she sits back slowly, watching his face. For the briefest moment she wonders if it really is going to be that simple, if after all the rulebreaking Theron must have gotten away with over the years there’s still some little scrap of affection left that might make the man see reason-
-and then he smiles, teeth flashing white and eyes hard. “I’ll give you credit, Cipher-” ( Commander , she says)- “you’ve got balls. You run roughshod over my whole organization for years and then, to add insult to injury, you pull my best agent from under my Void-damned nose. Middle of a war and-” he snaps. “Gone. Flipped by an Imp whore. I’d ask you how you did it, but I can probably guess. I never thought Shan was the type.”
“Honestly. Name-calling? Somehow I expected better of you.” Oh, there’s no point in arguing this. “And Theron isn’t a deserter- or a traitor. Did you hear that from Jace Malcom?”
That does make him flinch.
“Call it off. I won’t ask again.”  
“With all due respect, Commander-” why is it that whenever someone says with all due respect what they really mean is kiss my ass?- “I’ll have to decline. Now if that’s all-”
Well, then.
Fuck him.
She rests her elbows on the table. “How’s your ex-wife, Marcus? Rumor has it General Garza’s working with the SIS these days. I’m surprised you’d allow it after what she did.”
“Rumor says a lot of things, and I’m not in the mood for small talk. Disconnecting in three-” He starts to reach for the transmitter, pushing back from his desk.
“I know about Eclipse Squad.” Stay calm stay calm don’t lose your temper- “And unless you’d like every newsroom shy of Wild Space to know, too, I’d suggest you sit the fuck down and we continue this conversation.”
He stops. “Bantha shit. You’re bluffing.”
“You know,” she says, “I had a feeling you’d say that.” She presses play.
Author's Note: so... tired.... must... keep... writing... (This chapter brought to you by first trimester fatigue.)
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xkotaro16w · 2 years
Hiya can i request Leona and his f!S/O having the deed but then Leona pulls on her hair which causes her to cry bcs of her sensitive scalp?(you can decline this request!)
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—𝙻𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚊 𝙺𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚊𝚛 𝙰𝚌𝚌𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝙿𝚞𝚕𝚕𝚜 𝙵!𝚂/𝙾'𝚜 𝙷𝚊𝚒𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙼𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚜 𝙷𝚎𝚛 𝙲𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜—
Summary: Scenario/short scenario where Leona’s F!S/O has the deed with Azul and now S/O has a sensitive scalp. Leona accidentally pulls S/O’s hair and makes her cries.
Pairing: Leona Kingscholar x F!S/O.
CW: Fluff/angst, chapter 3 story spoiler, slightly suggestive, grammatical error, OOC.
A/N: AKSHFAKJFBNWSJ IM FINALLY BACK  ૮₍˶ •. • ⑅₎ა ♡ I hope i get this right anon & i hope u like it ehe (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚
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This is a bad idea. You make a deal with Azul that makes your dorm falls into his hands and there’s an anemone on your head. What kind of a deal is that anyway? It’s a deal to save your friends. Of course.
In the first place, why did you choose to make a stupid deal with Azul anyway? Now, let’s stop thinking about this and do what the contract says. But you need a place to sleep and someone who can help you with the deal.
Jack brings you to Savannclaw to stay in his dorm and maybe Leona can help you. Maybe. Leona’s answer? He refuses immediately. Seriously? Even he refuses his own S/O? Ruggie expresses his opinion, why don’t you stay in Leona’s room for a few days?
No, this is getting worse. Well, you don’t mind about it, but him? No. He doesn’t mind your presence, but please do not take Grim to his room especially his bed. Good thing he can’t refuse or reject you now. Just, stay quiet in his room, S/O. Don’t make any noises, especially Grim.
He keeps looking at your head. The anemone on your head is very unique to him. How and why did you make a deal with that octopunk, herbivore? He is very curious and must ask you tomorrow.
In cafeteria in the next morning, he really does ask you why. Oh, what is this? Your reason is because you want to save your friends from the previous deal? What a brave and stupid herbivore.
He thinks it’s stupid, but as long as the deal doesn’t cause you harm, he’s still fine. Actually, no. It’s still weird for him for a herbivore to make a deal with Azul.
One night, you get on his nerve. Grim and you decided to make Leona to help you to deal with Azul. Yes, by making a fuss in his room so he doesn’t sleep and has no choice but to help you guys.
There are 2 pillows next to Leona’s ears to cover them up from your noises with Grim. Herbivore, you’re so noisy. Let him sleep! He's had enough with you guys. He couldn’t get his precious sleep.
A growl escapes from him. Grim comes to his bed and makes more noises. Leona’s about to pull Grim but accidentally pulls your hair near the anemone because you’re beside Grim. It’s a wrong target, it shouldn’t be you. It should be Grim!
Oh, no. That area is very sensitive because of the anemone! Grim screams and runs away, doesn’t want to get eaten by the big lion.
Suddenly, Leona hears a sniff from you and immediately let go of your hair. Leona’s panic mode on. You hold your head near the anemone, it hurts so much! He doesn’t know it’s sensitive until you cry because about it. Afterall, beside that, pulled your hair is already a bad move anyway.
“Oy, herbivore…”
Leona doesn’t know what to do and approaches you slowly, tries to hold you and comforts you. He’s the reason you’re crying right now. He hugs you gently and whispers an apology to you.
Even in the middle of your crying, you try to explain how sensitive your scalp is due to that stupid anemone. A messy explanation but he understands even without your explanation as soon as you cry because he pulled you near that part.
Gives a kiss on that part and pulls you to a cuddle to take a nap on his bed. Another note to himself, never use his powers when you’re around him, if he doesn’t want to make you cry again.
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mimi-cee-hq · 3 years
A Glimpse of Yellow: Suna x f!reader - Chapter 4
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« Chapter 1 | ‹ Chapter 3 | Masterlist
Read on AO3
Relationships: Suna x f!reader, mostly platonic!Inarizaki x f!reader (relationships in the tags may be romantic or platonic)
Despite being Atsumu's best friend, you barely knew his aloof and nonchalant teammate. Suna only made the occasional comment on the twins' antics when you were around.
So when you needed a way to escape from the twins' interrogations –including one about your longtime crush because you were definitely over him– Suna offered to walk with you after school to provide a way out. This raised a few eyebrows including yours.
Things got even stranger when the twins assumed you were dating Suna. And for some reason, he went along with it.
Genre, etc.: fluff, romance, friendship, getting together, fake dating, slow burn, acquaintances to friends to lovers, canon compliant, eventual angst but it's the shoujo type
Warnings: none
Words: 2.5k
Thanks to @mmilkbreadd for beta-reading! (Also to @k0utashi and @writeiolite before previous chapters but I completely forgot to mention that.)
Suna rubbed his eyes as he stood in line for a tray of rice, beef, veggies, and tofu. He was still groggy from his short nap during the bus ride.
The girls were already sitting at their tables, halfway through their lunches. You sat next to Rika, giggling at one of her jokes but rolling your eyes after another one. Suna smirked to himself, seeing how expressive you were with them.
"Did you want to join Y/n?" Osamu suggested to him. "I'm sure the coaches won't mind."
Suna glanced behind him. Atsumu was grabbing a tray for himself, and Suna figured you wouldn't want him joining you.
"She seems happy," Suna replied with a shrug. Osamu raised a brow but didn't question it.
Suna still wondered if you were okay with fake dating. He didn't mind going along with it. He felt like it was the least he could do for you. However, he did wonder if he was only doing this to ease his own conscience.
Suna put his tray down and threw his backpack onto the chair next to him. As he picked at some bean sprouts, he glanced up at you, sitting at the table in front of him. He was glad that whatever was going on between you and Atsumu didn't completely ruin the love you had for volleyball.
Resting his head on his fist, he saw his yellow pin from the corner of his eye. He never bothered removing it. He didn't have a reason to. Suna felt a little silly for wanting things to be back to how they were. But at least you were there for her; she wasn't crying in her room anymore.
After a few more bites of rice, Suna looked up to see you staring at him. You shifted your eyes away but then took another peek, making eye contact with him. Suna continued to stare, so you gave him an awkward wave and a nervous smile. Then your friends started elbowing you teasingly. Suna blinked and returned to his food.
Atsumu, sitting across from Suna, turned around to see you smacking your friends and telling them to stop.
"Did you have a fight with Y/n?" he asked.
"Where did that come from?" Suna thought to himself, furrowing his brows. "No," he flatly answered.
"Then why aren't you sitting with her?" Atsumu questioned again.
"Do I always have to sit with her?" replied Suna.
Suna suddenly went stiff after Kita placed a tray of food on the table, taking the seat beside him.
"You should take care of her," Kita bluntly stated.
Everyone at the table froze. The room suddenly felt colder.
Feeling compelled, Suna thought to himself, "Oy, oy. It's only fake, okay?" Atsumu pressed his lips together while Osamu looked elsewhere, pretending not to be involved.
The tension broke abruptly when you let out a noise that was somewhere between a laugh and a yelp.
The whole room stopped to look at you. Rika had tickled you; now, you were both frozen in place. Suna smirked at your attempt to shrink into your seat. But as he started to eat his food again, his eyes perked up, seeing someone else smiling at you. His eyes crinkled, and he let out a small chuckle as he looked at you. Distracted by your friends, you didn't notice the soft expression on his face.
But Suna did.
Lowering his eyes, he pushed the rice around with his spoon. He continued to stare at his food as the twins went off arguing about some unrelated topic, only snapping out of it when one of them called his name.
You stretched your legs on the cold gym floor, hearing crickets through the back doors. You had just taken a jog around the court to warm up your muscles. It was nice to get away from the busyness of your first day of training camp, leaving your teammates back in the dorms.
You stood up and took a deep breath of the cool air as you stretched your arms. You then walked into the musty equipment room to get a volleyball. After selecting a ball and pushing your fingertips against it, you brought it out and slapped it against the gym floor a couple of times. It wasn't too firm, and it wasn't too soft either. Perfect.
You began to bump the ball to yourself, thinking about how jumpy you were throughout the day. You shook your head at how ridiculous you had been acting because of Atsumu.
You thought back to when the twins first started playing volleyball. Atsumu wanted you to learn how to play as well. You laughed at yourself, remembering how you declined him only to pick it up because your crush played volleyball too. That was when you learned how much fun it was.
But in middle school, your volleyball team wasn't the most pleasant. A couple of the girls would have outbursts of anger whenever the team lost. Although they were frequently angry at themselves, they took it out on you every so often. Atsumu wanted to beat them up, but you were definitely against it since you didn't want him to get in trouble.
You wanted to quit the team a few times because of your teammates, on top of not being a starting player. But Atsumu didn't give up on you. He wanted you to reach your potential as a volleyball player. He wanted you to love the sport as much as he did, so he taught you as much as he could.
However, you were happy with where you were at with volleyball now. When you entered high school, you became friends with your teammates, and playing with them was actually enjoyable. You didn't care if you were their backup setter. But to Atsumu, it sounded like you had given up because you weren't as serious as he was.
You sighed at Atsumu's stubbornness. Although it was encouraging in middle school, it was overbearing now. It was like he had water in his ears when you said you were fine with being a backup setter. He wasn't satisfied with that and wanted you to get better.
At first, it was only mildly frustrating, but after a while, it felt like he didn't care about your feelings at all, as if your opinion didn't matter. So when it came to volleyball, you started to close up around him, especially when he'd start critiquing your skills.
You sighed as you cranked the net, tightening it just a bit more. You rolled a volleyball basket onto the court, halfway between the middle and the right side of the net. As you tossed to the imaginary wing spiker, you suddenly jumped when the gym doors clicked open.
You released your breath when you saw it was only Suna.
When Suna made eye contact with you, you thought to yourself, "So… Do I wave at him?" You remembered the scene in the cafeteria. "It's not like he waves back."
You decided to ignore him and continued to practice your sets. Suna grabbed a volleyball from the basket beside you and walked over to the far side of the court. He looked at you, expecting to practice his spikes with you.
"So… Uhh… are you a wing spiker?" you asked him. For some reason, you couldn't think of anything else to say.
"No, I'm a middle blocker," he replied.
"That's surprising," you thought as you sized him up with your eyes. He seemed to be only slightly taller than Aran. Even then, it was hard to tell with his slouch.
"Why are you over there then?" you asked, pointing to the spot in front of you. "Don't you usually practice over here?"
"Weren't you practicing your sets for the left?" he asked.
"I was…" you mumbled, still a little unsure of yourself.
"I also have to hit from the left occasionally."
"That's true…" you replied.
Did he actually want to help you practice?
Suna stood there, waiting for you to be ready to set to him. You shrugged and decided to go along with it. So Suna threw the ball to you for your toss.
You groaned after a mere five tosses. Each one of them didn't go where you wanted to, but Suna was still able to hit them well with his wide spiking range. You could already hear what Atsumu would've said. "Y/n!" said the imaginary voice. "What are you doing? I told you that you need to set higher for the second tempo!"
After a few more tosses, your shoulders sagged. You told Suna, "Maybe I should just practice by myself."
Suna shrugged and said, "I figured it's better practice to have someone hitting your sets."
"Are you okay with this?" you asked, slightly biting your lip. "I don't want you to get used to my inconsistent sets."
"Well… I'm technically your boyfriend," he said.
"Pfft," a laugh slipped out of your mouth. You weren't expecting that answer. "Alright, just don't expect my tosses to be any good right now."
"Your sets don't need to be like Atsumu's. I couldn't care less."
You paused at Suna's words. He probably didn't mean much when he said that, but his words lifted the weight you had been carrying, the pressure that Atsumu placed on you to always keep improving. Suna made you feel that you were allowed to be happy with where you were.
You quickly blinked a few times before turning around, afraid Suna would see your eyes water. You wiped the tears with the palm of your hand before turning back to Suna with a smile.
"Sorry, I'm ready now," you said.
Suna didn't comment on it. He waited for you. But he did return your smile before throwing the ball to you.
After more sets, your shoulders started to loosen. The two of you practiced your back sets as well as some quicks. You even laughed when the two of you messed up your timing. You weren't in sync at all. It was truly a representation of your relationship with each other so far but now you could actually laugh at it.
"Did you do that on purpose?" he asked, after another one toss went too far.
You shrugged and proceeded to set one that was too short. Then before he could say anything, you took a ball from the basket and set it as high as you could. Suna smirked at you before doing his running approach and slammed it over the net.
"I'm impressed," you told him with a teasing grin.
"What?" he replied. "Trying to test my limits?"
"You're doing pretty well."
Suna took a ball and threw it way off to the side, expecting you to set that one to him. "What?" he asked when you gave him a look. "You made me run a lot."
"I didn't make you," you said with a smirk.
Before he could retort, you saw Aran walk into the gym, carrying a few bottles in his arms. You squinted your eyes, trying to figure out what it was. After you saw a glimpse of yellow, you gasped.
"Is that lemonade?!" you exclaimed.
"Yeah," Aran chuckled. "I figured you'd want some."
"Of course I do!" you exclaimed, grabbing a bottle from his arms. Before you took a sip, you asked, "The twins didn't mess around with the drink this time right?"
"No, not this time," he chuckled, placing the rest of the bottles on the floor. "They are definitely not full of salt instead of sugar."
"I totally remembered your face when you drank it!" you told him. "It was so c–" But before you could finish, you stopped short of finishing your sentence. "–cute," you thought to yourself. You looked up at Aran, hoping he didn't catch that. You didn't want him to get the wrong idea.
You quickly drank some of the lemonade only for it to go down the wrong way. As you coughed, Aran came around to rub your back.
"Oy!" Aran told you, "Don't scare me like that."
"I'm not dying," you told him, laughing between coughs. "I'll be fine."
Suna came over, carting the empty volleyball basket.
"Y/n, we should clean up," Suna stated.
You nodded and walked over to the basket with a ball in hand.
"Need some help?" Aran asked while you placed the volleyball into the basket.
"We can manage," Suna said, declining his offer.
Suna slipped his hand into yours. You tensed up, wondering why he decided to hold your hand now. You were overly conscious of the grime on your hand from holding the volleyballs. The sweat from practicing didn't make it any better.
You looked up from your hands to Aran. His eyes widened.
"Are you two going out?" he asked.
You felt your stomach tighten. It was misplaced guilt, but you couldn't help but feel some sort of shame. It was as if you were made a liar, as if your past actions weren't genuine. So you couldn't answer Aran.
"Yeah," Suna replied nonchalantly.
Aran looked at you, then at Suna. He scratched his cheek, lowering his gaze to the floor. You pressed your lips together as Suna continued to hold your hand.
"W-we should get the rest of the balls," you spat out to break the silence, taking your hand out of Suna's and pushing the volleyball basket to the other side of the court. Your stomach was tied into several knots.
"I- I should get going too," Aran quickly replied.
After he left the gym, you let out the breath you were holding and started picking up the rest of the volleyballs. Suna did the same.
"Who did you have a crush on?" Suna asked, when the two of you took down the net. Your eyes grew and you wondered why he asked that. "Never mind, it doesn't matter... Just, are you sure you don't like him anymore?"
"I don't," you replied.
How many times did you have to tell everyone? It was understandable that the twins were doubtful since they had witnessed every moment from the start. But you didn't know why Suna was asking.
After the two of you put the net and the poles back into the equipment room, Suna handed his phone to you.
"What's this?" you asked, raising your eyebrow.
"My phone," he bluntly replied.
"Yes, of course it is," you rolled your eyes. You figured you should get used to this. "Just like your pin."
"I don't have your number," Suna smirked, pointing to the new contract screen. "Which is weird if you're supposed to be my girlfriend."
"Oh," you replied, blinking at him. As you typed in your name and number, you held back a grin as you felt one teeny tiny butterfly in your stomach.
Chapter 5 >
I hope you're enjoying this. I enjoyed writing it. lolll. I'm really curious about who you think is Y/n's crush or what Suna's back story is.
Like always, send me an ask or fill out this Google form to be added to the taglist.
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devildomimagines · 3 years
hi, can i request something with the obey me boys? mc is intolerant to lactose, maybe fluff and crack 😤 thx
Hello Hello!
This made me laugh so I hope you do too~
You do a good job covering it up so that he doesn’t pick up that anything is wrong.
That is until you keep getting up from Nap Time™ to go to the bathroom.
Annoyed, he asks “Oy MC, what’s wrong?”
Your stomach answers with an angry grumble.
You cover it in an attempt to quiet it’s rumbling. Embarrassed you admit you ate something you shouldn’t have.
He sighs, “Well it’s not like I’m not used to that with Beel. So what was it?”
“The ice cream,” you frowned, “it tasted so good that I ate way more than my lactose intolerant system can process.”
He laughed as your stomach gurgled again, almost like it heard you talking sh!t.
Belphie laughed as you sighed and went to the bathroom again. He made a note to not get dairy before nap time in the future.
He walked in to see you rubbing your stomach with a deep frown.
“Tummy ache?” He asked as he pulled a pudding out of the fridge.
“Do you want some pudding? Eating always makes me feel better.” Beel offered a spoonful.
“Ah, thanks but I’d eat anything but pudding, that’s what got my stomach upset.”
“Really?” He looked at the package, was this a weird flavor or was it expired?
“I just wanted something sweet and thought maybe I’d be ok but my lactose intolerance strikes again!” You shook an angry fist in the air.
“That sucks, so you can’t have any dairy?”
“I shouldn’t…. But I do anyway,” you smiled mischievously, like you were getting away with something more impressive than making yourself suffer.
You texted him, “I can’t be around you today.” He took that as a personal challenge.
“Asmo~” you whined through your door, “I told you-”
“But MC!” He was still pounding on the door, “I can’t possibly be without you allllll day.”
“I’m dealing with something so you have to go away.”
“I can help!” Asmo proposed, “Whatever it is, I can help, I’d be happy to help!”
“It’s embarrassing,” you mumbled but he still caught it.
“All the more reason for me to help, I want to know all the most intimate details about you.”
You opened your door in a flustered state, “Stop it!” You looked down the hall, no one else was around which was a miracle considering the racket Asmo was causing. “I’m really gassy today from eating that creamy pasta dish at lunch. Is that the intimate detail you wanted to know??”
“MC, you should have come to me first! I have just the thing!” He pulled you out from your room towards his.
You didn’t have the heart to tell him it was his fault for the state you were in now.
Your stomach hurt as it bloated from the dairy in the drink he had ordered you. It wasn’t his fault, you hadn’t told him of your dietary needs nor had he been around to hear you order a drink with the necessary substitution.
He did note your frown, “Is something wrong?”
“What, of course not!” You chirped, taking an exaggerated drink from the coffee cup.
“Is it the drink? Is it not to your liking? I thought you liked coffee?”
“I do!” You defended, “It’s just the milk doesn’t agree with me.” On cue, your stomach growled loud enough for Satan to hear. Both of your eyes widened in shock and when you looked away he laughed.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were intolerant of dairy. You really shouldn’t keep drinking that then,” he leaned over to take the cup away but you shielded it.
“But it tastes good, except for the milk, you knew exactly what I like!”
He laughed again as he snatched the cup from your shield, “Then I’ll get you a replacement, sans milk.”
You could just die right now, that would be helpful, god.
A terrible silence had settled over you and Levi. The longer it went on, the more embarrassed you were. The fact that you just passed gas in front of him is actually killing you more than your stomach cramps were. 
Then your stomach decided to grumble. You think, “God, why have you cursed my bowels?”
When you looked at him, he was just as shocked and embarrassed, his face bright red. “A-are you ok?” 
“Ugh, yeah, I’m gonna go,” you got up from the beanbag trying to escape as quickly as possible without another incident.
He stops you, “D-do you n-need anything? I can get you medicine if you need.”
It was sweet of him to offer even though he was clearly unsure what to do. “No, but thank you. I’m just lactose intolerant and should NOT have had that pizza.”
“Oh! Well if that’s all, it’s ok, you should stay.” He was totally relaxed again, he caught your confused face and shrugged, “Sorry, I didn’t know what was happening for a minute there. Human digestion is weird.”
“You can say that again,” and you happily plopped back down on the beanbag.
He stopped dead in his tracks when he heard a low rumble. He was the only demon around so who was growling? Mammon looked back at you.
With a sheepish smile you waved.
“Was that you?”
“My stomach, yeah, sorry.”
“Geez,” he charmingly offered.
You punched his arm when he sat back down next to you. “It’s your fault!”
“My fault?!”
“Yeah you got that milkshake for me!”
“What does that have to do with your stomach growling at me?”
“Technically, I can’t have milk.”
“Well why didn’t you say that instead of taking the milkshake??”
“Because it was strawberry and that’s my favorite!”
After a beat, you both started laughing.
Diavolo invited the two of you over to taste a selection of wine for the next event. Barbatos had prepared some snacks, among which were cheeses, fruits, and crackers.
As soon as you were home, you were rushing to the bathroom. Lucifer watched on with a raised eyebrow. When you didn’t come back right away, he followed you to the bathroom. He knocked gently, “Everything ok?”
“Yup! Be done in a second!” He sat and waited. He figured maybe you had too much to drink.
When you exited and found him waiting, you blushed slightly, “Sorry for running off like that.”
“No, it’s quite alright. Are you feeling ok?”
“Yes, better now. I really should know my limit but with such a fine selection in front of me it was too tempting and I ended up overdoing it.”
“Yes, Lord Diavolo does not hold back when selecting the drinks for his parties, only the best of the best.”
“Drinks?” You thought for a second, “Oh yes the wines were exquisite but I was talking about the cheeses. I’m lactose intolerant so I shouldn’t have any but Barbatos did not pull any punches with his selection tonight.”
Once Lucifer recovered, he sighed and shook his head.
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dotster001 · 2 years
Off on a Hero's Journey
Summary: Galavant Au. Sir Leona is out of shape, so you need to help him train. Luckily, Sir Malleus seems to be on a similar trip to you, and he's willing to help.
Missed the rest of the Au, since it took me so long to worry this one? Check out my masterlist! Ooh look at her.
Sir Leona was fiiiiiiine. His hair pulled back into a pony tail, buff arms, sword at his hip, piercing eyes surveying the road ahead from atop his horse.
There was a minor problem though. Even though he was still in incredibly good shape, two years of not heroing had taken a toll. Your party could only travel for a couple hours at a time, before Leona would say it was "Naptime" and make Ruggie set up a tent.
You were starting to lose it with him. Your father and people were waiting for you to return with him, and he didn't seem to care enough. If you weren't bringing him to turn him over, you'd be heartbroken right about now.
A week into the journey, and the third nap of the day, you decided you needed to take matters into your own hands. 
"Sir Leona," you said, storming into his tent, as Ruggie tried to hold you back. "We cannot continue at this pace. King Kalim will kill my father and my people, if we don't hurry."
He let out a low growl, which would have frightened anyone with a weak will. Luckily that wasn't you.
"Don't growl at me, sir. I am the heir to the kingdom of Pomefiore. And I demand you respect me."
"You demand?" He snorted angrily.
"Yes," you said, pulling your sword and pointing it at him. "We are getting you back in heroing shape, and your training starts now."
"Seriously," he laughed smugly. "My sword's out there, your highness."
You gestured for him to leave the tent, and followed behind. He grabbed his sword and gave you a half hearted smile. You had disarmed him in three hits.
"Shihihi they got you. Or were you going easy on them?"
"Can it, Ruggie." Leona growled. "Fine, I won't go easy on you since you're gonna be a brat, herbivore."
Again, you disarmed him. You could see potential though, now that he was actually trying. You just had to keep working with him. 
"New rule," you said grimly, after you had pinned Leona facedown to the ground. "For everytime we stop for "naptime" we will  do an hour of training."
Naptime breaks were much less frequent for the last couple of days. And everytime they did occur, Leona whined the entire time about how the training "negated the energy gained from naptime". He was getting closer and closer to in shape, and his stamina was getting better, so you could ride for longer.
One day, you were training, and you were breaking a sweat. You could tell he was going to win this one, which was good,  it meant you were finally getting him back to  the legendary hero he'd been. He had just disarmed you and had the flat of his blade to your throat. His smug smile was negated by the pure happiness in his eyes, as his emerald gaze took you in, his breath tickling your skin.
"Sir Kingscholar!" You heard a booming voice say.
Pulled from your reverie you saw a knight on a black horse. He had long black hair, emerald eyes, and pristine shining horns.
"Draconia" Leona sneered.
"Wait, Sir Malleus?" You exclaimed. You'd heard his legends since childhood. He was supposedly second only to Sir Leona in might. 
"That would be me," he kept from his horse, and kissed the back of your hand as he bowed deeply. "And who might this gorgeous creature be?" His eyes glimmered up at you, and you felt the back of your neck start to grow warm.
"Oy!" Leona batted his hand away from yours. "That's my herbivore, so back off."
Leona's glare met Malleus' dark smile, and the tension was palpable. And it gave you an idea.
"Leona," you stood tall like you'd been taught since childhood. "If you can beat Sir Malleus in a duel, we won't have to train for the rest of the journey to Pomefiore."
"But what happens when I win, child of man?" Malleus looked at you with a sparkle in his eye. 
You hadn't thought that far ahead. 
"Um, I don't know, what would you want?" You asked shakily.
He tapped his chin in thought. "Hm. I wonder."
"You could give him that mirror I found in your bag," Ruggie spoke up, holding up the magical mirror that was your only valuable possession, and the thing you had to make sure arrived with Leona when he arrived in Pomefiore.
"Uh…." You started.
"Is that the dark mirror? Very well, I accept your terms," Malleus smiled. 
"Bring it on, you fucking lizard," Leona growled.
"Sir Leona? Can I have a word?" You croaked out.
He rolled his eyes and leaned into you. 
"What, herbivore? This is what you wanted, right?"
"Listen, that mirror is my kingdom's most valuable possession so…don't lose. Please." You pleaded under your breath.
He grinned, and your stomach fell. "Why did you bring it then?"
"It was in case you weren't gonna help. Now please don't lose."
He paused for a moment. "No more training, and I get first pick of the snacks from now on and you have to be my nap pillow once a week."
"What!?I…" he raised a single eyebrow at you, and you sighed. "Fine."  You said, and watched as Leona  cracked his neck then squared up against Malleus. 
You had to admit, it was awe inspiring to watch them face off. Two legendary knights, with strength only parallelled by each other, facing off in a battle. It was a shame only you and Ruggie were there to see it.
But in the end, Leona disarmed Malleus. And while Leona seemed smug, Malleus let out a booming laugh.
"That was great fun Kingscholar, I've missed this. Not having you around to play with has been so boring."
"Whatever," he scowled, "Now be on your way." Then he turned to the snack pile to get first pick of today's rations.
As Malleus was saddling his horse, you walked over to him.
"Thanks for dueling him, even if you didn't have to. I'm sure you're very busy."
"Well, I'm on my way to what's going to be a very nasty war, so it's good to keep in shape," he smiled at you.
"Where are you headed?" 
"Prince Ace of the Heartslaybul kingdom has put out a summons for all able bodied warriors to come help him free Pomefiore. Apparently, Scarabia invaded while he was at war with a neighboring country, and he has very close ties with them."
"Wait, Prince Ace knows? When do you think he'll arrive?" 
What was this feeling? Was it hope? Hope that your kingdom could be saved without you having to betray the handsome knight who you definitely didn't find handsome?
"His troops are tired. It may take another month at least. Though with how deeply the people of Heartslaybul share his love of Pomefiore, I'm sure they will all do their best." He got on his  horse and looked down at you with a smile. "I don't believe you ever have me your name."
"You're right, I didn't. But you can call me Y/N."
He laughed, "You are a fascinating child of man. I hope we meet again someday." And then he was off.
You returned to where your fellow travelers were sitting, and were startled when Leona yanked you to the ground, and laid his head on your stomach. 
"You're my nap pillow now, remember?" He said, and though you couldn't see his face, you could practically hear his smug smile.
"Right," you groaned.
"And that means I get the tent!" Ruggie giggled, leaving you both to enjoy the tent. Maybe Ruggie was the real winner here.
Now the two of you were alone, and his warmth was starting to make you lull off. Then you heard his deep voice speaking at a low volume.
"Look, herbivore, I'll only say this once, djdjdh…" 
"Sorry, I didn't catch that last bit, you kind of trailed off."
"Thank you," he growled. "When Vil left me for King Kalim, I thought there was nothing worth living for,  but you've reminded me, heroing was never about me, it was about helping others." He rolled his eyes and said, "Also thanks for whipping my lazy ass into shape and what not, I was in no shape to be rescuing myself let alone Vil or a whole kingdom."
"No more words, it's naptime," and like that he was asleep. 
He looked so innocent, so far away from his pain and despair. Far away from your looming betrayal. Sure, he was big headed, and could be an annoying prick, but in another lifetime….
No, you couldn't think like that. You had minor hope, since Ace was coming, but you had to remember there was an entire kingdom at stake should he be late. You had to do your duty, and swallow any feelings you may have had concerning Leona Kingscholar.
Your kingdom depended on it.
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duckymcdoorknob · 3 years
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The Fall of Red Riot
Warning! This is a tickle fic!
Ships: KiriBaku
The breakdown: Lee!Kirishima, Ler!Bakugo and Ler!Kaminari
Warnings: tickling, swearing, fluff overload
Prompt: The 1-A boys are hanging in the classroom during lunch and they’re stumped. They could not get Kirishima to spill his biggest secret: his crush. Bakugo rolls his eyes and volunteers his methods...
“There’s gotta be some way!” Kaminari whined.
“No way! I’m never telling any of you!” Kirishima barked in response.
“Tch, we’ll get it out of you at some point, shitty hair.” Bakugo noted coolly.
“OYE DON’T CALL ME THAT!” Kirishima yelled.
The boys groaned as they all ate their lunches. It was just them and Aizawa, who naturally was asleep, all alone in the classroom.
Kirishima was in a really fuckin’ bad place; he was being pestered by his friends. They all wanted to know who his secret crush was. Luckily, due to his quirk, the boy could withstand anything.
“There isn’t anything?” Midoriya questioned, “not even one thing?”
“Punch me, kick me, swirly, wet willie, draw on me, whatever you want. I’m not talkin’.” Kirishima answered bravely.
Bakugo let out a scoff as he rolled his eyes. “You’re all idiots”
“Well I don’t see you offering any ideas, Kacchan!” Deku grew defensive.
“Literally you’re all fucking stupid.” Bakugo was getting agitated; are they all really this dense?
Deku and Bakugo glared daggers at each other before Bakugo squeezed Deku’s sides.
The smaller boy yelped and leaped at least a foot in the air.
The blonde scoffed, rolled his eyes, then finally spoke up, “there’s your method. Try it out, I’m sure it’ll work.”
Kirishima, who had not been paying attention, turned toward Bakugo, “What method? What do you mean Bakubro?”
“Well now that you’ve got him wondering, I think that you should do the honors.” Kaminari chimed.
Deku grinned menacingly while Bakugo tackled Kirishima and straddled him.
“W-woah there! What gives, Bakugo?” Kirishima grew anxious, what the hell was this guy’s deal?
“Last chance to talk, shitty hair.” The blonde was smiling evilly, a side Kirishima had never seen before.
Red Riot sucked in a breath.
“Do your worst!” Kirishima cried preparing for inevitable pain, “what man can’t take a little pain?”
“Wh-Pain?” Deku asked with furrowed brows, “no-no! You got it all wrong. Kacchan is just going to exploit your body’s sensitivity is all.”
“Ohh!” Kirishima beamed. Then the realization struck, “oh”
Bakugo rolled his eyes. “Way to go shitty Deku, now he knows the plan!”
Nonetheless, the Katuski clawed his hand and started to lower it down to an already giggling Kirishima’s tummy.
The red haired boy used his summer camp training: act quick in heavy pressure situations.
The hero in training hardened his skin, adding an extra layer to his abdomen, causing Bakugo to groan.
“Seriously? Your shitty quirk!” Bakugo rolled his eyes, “well I can wait here all day. And when the girls come back, you get to say which one you like in front of her.”
“HAVE YOU NO MERCY?” Kirishima roared.
The sudden loud noise awoke Aizawa. He was not a happy camper when he was woken up, especially from a good nap like this.
“You know what Bakubro! I’ll be fine holding out! I can keep my skin hard as long as I wish!” Kirishima yelled cockily.
Oh this will be good.
Aizawa stood up and stealthily stood next to Midoriya. He put a finger to his lip and winked at the greenette.
“How can you interrogate me with no method? You really didn’t think this through Bakubro.” Kirishima was getting cockier by the minute, “can’t tickle someone with no soft skin!”
Aizawa grinned.
Midoriya clapped a hand over his mouth to keep from spoiling another surprise.
As Aizawa’s hair stood up in an instant, Kirishima’s rock hard abdomen disappeared into a soft, pudgy, tummy.
“YES!” Bakugo cried
“M-MISTER AIZAWA!” Kirishima whined.
“You’re the one who woke me up. Just thought I’d keep my quirk alert Incase if any villains attack.” Aizawa responded in a monotone.
Bakugo didn’t hesitate. He immediately started scribbling his fingers along Kirishima’s sides.
The red haired boy kept his composure, biting his lip hard enough to draw blood.
“Oh? Nothing’s working huh.” Bakugo lifted his attack, “I guess we’ll just have to stop then.”
“Man you really suck at th- EEP!” Kirishima squeaked as Bakugo raised his arm above his head and poked the hollow of his arm.
It all happened so fast, Kirishima couldn’t even attempt to hold in his laughter.
“waihihihihit. Bahahahahakuhuhuhgohohoho!” Kirishima’s bubbly giggles melted Midoriya’s heart. Normally, Red Riot would be rolling all over laughing, but the uniform definitely helped minimize the feeling.
“You ready for talk yet?” Bakugo asked with a cocked grin.
“Nehehehehehever! Ihihihihihihihi cahahahan lahahahahast!” Kirishima manages through his uncontrollable giggling.
“Midoriya I might need some eye drops. This could take a while.” Aizawa muttered.
Deku chuckled and grabbed drops from Aizawa’s desk.
“You’re getting boring shitty hair. I’ll find your death spot and you’ll never stand a chance.”
“Jokes on you! You can’t even access it!” Kirishima spoke without thinking.
“Oh? Why is that? Is it blocked by me or clothes?” Bakugo cooed as he started to untuck Kirishima’s uniform shirt.
“Waihihihihit Bakubrohohohoho!” Kirishima giggled uncontrollably before any contact was made with his hyper-ticklish skin.
“What happened to being unbreakable? Where’s the great Red Riot now?” Bakugo teased as he prepares an assault, “I wonder if you share your worst spot with the shitty Deku.”
Deku yelped with wide eyes as attention turned to him. He could kill Kacchan.
“W-where’s his death spot?” Kirishima asked, followed by a gulp.
“Nowhere special. Just-“ Bakugo drilled his thumbs into Kirishima’s hips, “here.”
“Ohh maybe you do have the same death spot as Deku!” Bakugo teased confidently.
Kirishima’s bright belly laughter filled the room. All of the other boys gathered ‘round to see what was going down.
“Bakugo, you do know you just exposed Deku right?” Kaminari questioned with amusement.
“And I care because? I’m the only one who knows how to get him howling anyways.” Bakugo replied cockily.
A loud yelp was emitted from Deku’s side of the room after Aizawa took a squeeze at both of the boy’s hips.
“Well he’s not lying.” Aizawa said calmly.
“Come make yourself useful, Pikachu. Hold his arms up.” Bakugo commanded.
Kaminari obliged and soon Kirishima was under Bakugo’s mercy, meaning there would be none.
“Tell us Shitty Hair!” Bakugo spoke louder as he removed a hand from one of Red Riot’s hip, and added a scribbling hand to one of his underarms.
The boys of class 1-A all shared the same look: fearful amusement. They now knew to never mess with Bakugo, especially after today.
Bakugo lifted his attack fully. “Alright Kirishima, you leave me no choice.”
Kirishima gulped nervously.
“Either you tell me your death spot, or I embarrass the hell out of you right now.” Bakugo said menacingly.
“Y-you. Fiend. You’ll get nothin’ outta me.” Kirishima barked in rebuttal.
“Suit yourself.” Bakugo said calmly, “Pikachu.”
Kaminari drew his attention to Bakugo. While this happened, Aizawa realized that Kirishima was too weak to use his quirk, so he retreated back to his sleeping bag.
“You might wanna sit on those arms, things are gonna get ugly.”
As Kaminari obliged, Bakugo began to pinch at the pudge right above Kirishima’s bikini line. This caused the hard-rock hero’s laughter to jump up an octave.
“Found it~” Bakugo purred in a low voice.
“BAHAHAHA! BAHAHAHAHAHAKUHUHUHUHUHUGOHOHOHOHOHO! MEHEHEHEHEHEHRCHYHEHEHEHE!” Kirishima tried to writhe from under the blonde’s evil clutches.
“Then tell us!” Bakugo demanded angrily.
“NOHOHOHOHOHO!” Kirishima whined in response.
“Then die.”
Bakugo’s evil smirk was all that Kirishima saw before his eyes squeezed shut and he was a screaming, blushing mess.
The blonde continued to squeeze the boy’s worst spot. But, he also demanded Kaminari to spider his fingers under Red Riot’s arms. And to top it all off, Bakugo started blowing fat raspberries on Kirishima’s abs.
Red Riot moved into quiet hysterics, unable to bear the tickly feeling.
“Maybe you should stop soon.” Tokoyami butted in, “He doesn’t look too good.”
“Shut up bird brain! He’s done when he confesses!” Bakugo barked back.
Kirishima was trying his best to get out of his friend’s clutches, he was even squeezing Kaminari’s butt with his free hands. But, It had no effect on the electric boy.
“Last chance to tell us before we get you to exhaustion!” It was Kaminari’s turn to interrogate now.
The attack ceased, leaving Kirishima panting. After a few seconds of greedily gulping in air, Red Riot looked at his attackers, then his classmates. He had no dignity left, so why should he lie?
“It’s um... it’s...” shit. He needed to come up with a name quick, “it’s Mina.”
“You liar.” Kaminari said as he skittered his fingers once again.
“That’s enough Pikachu. He knows to tell us the truth.” Bakugo unstraddled Kirishima, Kaminari did the same. The blonde reached a hand out and helped Red Riot to his feet.
His classmates surrounded him in a circle, there was nowhere to run.
“Ah jeez. This is gonna be embarrassing.” Kirishima spoke softly.
“Just say it!” Kaminari commanded.
“It’s Ururaka!” Kirishima yelped.
“No! You’re still lying! I know when you lie because your quirk activates on only your hands!” Bakugo yelled.
“Mister Aizawa! The one time I needed you to erase my quirk!” Kirishima groaned bashfully.
“Just tell us dude we won’t judge you.” Kaminari said with a reassuring hand on Red Riot’s shoulder.
Kirishima looked at all of his classmates curious faces. What if they judged him? What if they didn’t want to be his friend anymore because of who he liked?
“W..well.. um...” Kirishima closed his eyes and sighed, “it’s.. its B-Bakugo.”
Bakugo’s eyes widened along with all the other boys.
“I.. I shouldn’t have said that...” Kirishima said before running out of the room.
“Kirishima! Stop!” Bakugo yelled.
The blonde went chasing after Red Riot, leaving the rest of the class dazed.
“What did I miss?” Aizawa asked with a yawn. He saw all of his confused students, “Jesus was it Mt. Lady or something?”
“N-no... Kacchan” Deku spoke quietly.
“Oh that was obvious.” Aizawa said with an amused breath of air. “Now I owe All-Might 200 Yen.”
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rthwrms · 3 years
first week post surgery was rough, so sorry for not being able to make it online too often </3
i just had my first post op appt and got the drains taken out (oy vey the drains 😭😭) and the okay to shower finally lol 🚿💦
i'm really. really emotional about this like. very transitional time in my life i guess? (haha trans-itional get it) it all feels so important and full of potiential.....like i feel so free? like i could do anything? and its a really strange feeling, and one i'm not really used 2 (but its not scary anymore! it's exciting!!!)
i wrote in my notes last night about how, when i had broken my ankle in 2018, that had just been pain and annoyance. i noticed when i got stronger, and i noticed when it stopped hurting as much, but i realized i never noticed the healing. it was just pain and then less and less pain until i could walk again.
it took a couple days, but on the thursday after my surgery, i started to notice the healing. it was so strange to me- the feeling of nerves coming back online, sensation rushing to my brain in short little bursts that slowly lengthened and then faded away. i felt the new skin of my scars form, and grow itchy with the healing. that day i didn't try to push myself to do things, like i did in the days proceeding, and gave my body the grace we needed to rest.
the next day, i felt stronger. i still took a nap twice, but i felt stronger. i listened to my body more and what? it actually helped??? ( my therapist may actually be right about not pushing so hard lol) (this is a joke)
all of this to say of course that i saw my chest for the first time sans wrapping and medical equipment and......... man i started crying.
right there in the doctors office. just bawling my eyes out cause id never thought that this was possible for me or that it'd ever even happen. i'm healing. baruch hashem i can feel it happening inside every part of me, not just physically. every part of me recognizes the gift this has been for me and it's incredible.
thank you to everyone who donated anything to my gofundme at all. thank you to everyone who reblogged it i'm literally so grateful to you all <3
Ikh bin, borkhashem, gezunt, un di gesheftn geyen gut. (I am, bless God, healthy, and business is good.)
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the-blank-master · 2 years
Part 2
Here is part 2 ladies and gents! It's not as long as part 1 mainly because I'm trying to put it into digestable parts as opposed to just going until I hit a certain page count. In principle that means I like to post each part as we shift scenes/locations in the story. Enjoy!
James wakes up slowly and looks round “where am I?” He sees Jason and walks over “Jason?” He looks round they were in a white room with a window and a mirror “what is going on?” Jase sighs as he looks at James, "Not really Jason here bud. Jason's heartbroken at the moment that his "dad" shot him. so he's taking a nap and has given control over to me for now. I doubt if he'll show up again unless i'm being harassed." Jase tilts his head and then yells over the silence, "Oy, you lot outside. I can hear your thoughts so get in here and start talking already!" he frowns when nobody comes in immediately and then yells again louder this time, "it's rude to keep your guests waiting bitches!"
James looks confused at the exhibition this thug in a bros body is putting on but then his chip activated as Jake takes control from James and stands at attention, “subject one is ready and awaiting orders.”  The door slides open as Jason’s dad walks in “hello boys”. Jase looks unimpressed as he yawns “About time. I was getting bored waiting for you to show up. How's all those sleeping beauties?" He winks and then frowns, "Also I hope you know you're being a naughty drone. You really should just revert to old times and obey me." Jason’s dad smirks as he comments on the students, “They’re all awake actually. We have learned how your powers worked, so we undid it.” he turns to Jake “subject one please enter the gas chamber for your update”. Jake nods as he walks into the chamber.
Jase sensing an opportunity, smiles and casually says, "Well i'll be going now since I helped you recover subject 1. Now i'm free. Later" as he casually strolls to the door and past the guards who appear dumbfounded at his brazenness. Jason’s dad appears in front and with a flash of light teleports Jase back into the chamber as the doors lock and large lights turn on “we have power dampeners on so don’t get any ideas son”.
Jase yawns as he stretches and then hardens his face as he looks at his father, "Then kill me. I'm bored with living this menial existence. So either free me or kill me. Because we both know that your control chips are ineffective given that I’ve already neutralized them. Otherwise you wouldn't have had to shoot me to bring me here.”
Jason’s dad sighs, “Jase... look there’s something I need to tell you and you need to lis...” Jason’s dad stops short as his eyes go wide and he looks down on his shirt to find a spot of blood blooming from where he has been shot. Eyes still wide in disbelief he falls to the floor as James screams from the chamber intensify and mix along-side his pounding to try and escape the chamber the gunshot to create a brief scene of pandemonium which Jase looks over with bewilderment before remarking, "well that’s incredibly helpful." Jase picks up the remote and deactivates the chamber and opens it.
James falls to the floor crying as he crawls into a ball and Jason’s dad leans against the wall “son.... please listen... these people they want to use you they want to keep James and clone you as.... as weapons...” Jase sighs as he looks at his dad, "Yeah I kinda got that idea. Shame you didn't have us go further away. But my chip doesn't work so that won't work. I'll get around to removing the chips in James too." His dad shakes his head as he slowly starts to close his eyes “no... they put a failsafe into James’s you take them out he dies.... “ he sighs “... can I see my son one last time please....”
Jase’s eye soften as he looks at him “Fine.” The red eyes marking Jase recede as a deep blue eye color returns and his demeanor softens into a worried demeanor, "Hey dad. You okay? You look kinda bad..."
His dad smiles as he reaches out, “son... you need to look after your stepbrother.... James do that for me and promise me you’ll be brave...”
James smiles, "sure dad! I can do that! I've always wanted a brother and don't worry! I'm always brave!" His dad nods, and then struggles to speak, “I... I haven’t got long... go to California... find a teenager called Richie... he’s like you... they will go after him.... just don’t forget me...” James smiles as he still holds his dad’s hand, "Sure dad! I can do that! Richie sounds fun!" His dad smiles and then nods “I’m so proud....” he lets out a last sigh as his hand falls down and lays still next to his body his eyes lay still staring at Jason.
Jason tilts his head and then shakes his hand, "Dad?....dad are you okay?" Tears well up and Jason begins crying as he hugs his dad’s body. Slowly after about ten minutes the tears stop and the violet eyes return indicating Jase is in control. "Cry all you want Jason. I’ll take care of the rest. Hey James. Wake your ass up!" He frowns as James doesn’t wake up and then notices the remote in his hand. “mmmmmm I wonder what this button does.” Pressing the buttons on the remote James stands up at attention his eyes still closed as he says, “subject one awaits commands,” Jase smiles, "Obey Subject 2 from now on Subject 1." And then frowns as James doesn’t answer before a voice crackles over the speakers, “you really think that would work! He only obeys us now.”
Jase smiles as he looks at the remote and then at the speakers, "well that’s fine." As he presses another button. "let’s see what this button does".
James falls to the floor foams seeps out his mouth as he shakes and crawls around on the floor as the voice laughs, “owww no you activated his self-destruct good thing we took his blood already and you can’t stop it with that remote! looks like you lose your father and your brother!” Jase frowns and then regains a smile, "well win some lose some. I can't really save everyone and I’m not out too. I just want Jason to be happy.” Jase presses a few more buttons just for kicks as gizmos and gadgets sound all around the lab, "now I’ll be leaving. and you won't be stopping me."
James cries out to Jason inside Jase and pleads, “Jason please.... your my only friend...” Jase pauses and comes back over, "James I’d love to help you and so would Jason but if what they're saying is true I don't have the way to stop your self-destruct so there's nothing I can do on that count." Jason suddenly takes over and the vermillion of Jase switch over to blue, "I'm really sad that your going James. and I just made a good friend! This is so sad! It’s not fair!” Jason’s eyes start watering, "Isn't there any way to help you?"
The voice speaks “there is you live here let us run tests then when we are finished you can leave”. Jason’s eyes turn back to violet in an instant explosion of color as Jase cuts off Jason from immediately agreeing, "Reverse the self-destruct first and we'll talk about that after. Otherwise, no deal." James almost immediately stops foaming and gasps for air as his lungs take in the first breath they’ve had in minutes. Jase raises and eyebrow at this and then turns to the speaker "Okay. Now exactly what test do you want to run?", The voice casually replies, “You, your powers, your other sides” James grips Jase by the arm and says, “thank you “
Jase frowns as he hears about the tests “Don't thank me yet." James hugs onto Jase and he wraps an arm around the smaller guy as he looks up at the speaker "And what guarantee have I that we actually get to leave after this? Jason may take things on faith but I don't." The voice laughs “you just have to trust me subject two” Jase’s frown grows deeper to the point it might be stuck onto him but he finally lets out a breath after a couple of    minutes. “Fine. I'll let you do two tests on me. One for each of us. After that we're walking out of here.”
The voice laughs, “no James is staying” Jase grips James tighter in a protective hold, "Then you may as well go back to killing him, and me. because your only leverage is him walking out with me at the end of the tests." The voice lets out a sigh of supreme irritation as it finally accedes, “fine he can leave to”.  Jase smiles, "I'm so glad we can talk like reasonable people. now two tests. Send in your people and do them. After that. we go." Almost immediately the doors open and a cornucopia of men in lab coats come in and begin surrounding the pair as James freaks “what the fuck!” Jase speaks in a calming voice as he rubs his shoulder, “Calm down James and just go with it.” James calms down considerably as they place him under anesthesia and is taken away.
An hour passes and the men in coats return and throw James back into bed crying. “You okay James bud?” he gives James a hug and rubs him gently, the hugs and tender touch clearly show Jason is in control at the moment. “Did they probe you like in those alien movies?” Also the stupid questions. Jase shakes as he cries “I’m sorry I couldn’t help myself”. Jason smiles, “Aww it’s okay buddy a hug will make everything better” hugs James furiously. James doesn’t hug back and looks down, “it’s my fault they want you next cause of me”.
Jason laughs, “Yeah but they probably don’t want me buddy I’m dumb as a post. They won’t learn anything from my head.” Jason wipes away the tears from James’s eyes. James shakes his head, “they know...” but before he can continue Jason interrupts, “Aww dude what’s wrong? What happened to that happy artist who drew this?” He pulls out the picture of Jason flexing that James drew in class eliciting a smile from James, “you were cute”.
Jason laughs as he flexes, “Duh dude! I spent a lot of time on this bod although I don’t remember much of it hahaha. Plus your major cute when you smile James” Jason throws an arm around James and pulls him into a hug again “I don’t like it when people are sad.” James lets another sighs out “I’m scared “ James returns Jason’s hug as he keeps talking into his chest, “I... I keep blanking out... and they they did stuff..” Jason not understanding tilts his head as if not understanding the problem, “Aww dude that’s nothing to be scared of I black out all the time and I’m always fine. You just gotta keep your head up and smile like this!” Jason suddenly breaks out into an enormous grin and flexes his biceps as he bounces his pecs.
James laughs at the antics as two men enter “your funny” before he can continue two men in body armor and wielding guns come in and address Jason, “subject two come with us” Jason frowns as he sees them looking at him but shrugs, “Whose that dude? There’s nobody here by that name bro and whoever gave them that name has serious naming is……...” Suddenly the eyes shift instantaneously to a deep violet before Jason can rile up the guards any further, “Let’s get this over with”
The men strap Jase to a table and put a gag into his mouth. Inside their minds they hear a voice speak, “you know if I want to speak a gag won’t stop me” The men turn on the machine and mumble, “it’s to stop you biting your tongue.” Before suddenly thousands of volts of electricity zap through Jase, who smiles as he says, “Toasty, the electricity is certainly something. Thankfully….a greater control….of the mind means I can….turn off pain receptors to a degree…” The men smile as if that’s the response they wanted and then the straps come off and he’s pushed into a water with no gap for air. After being shocked for a second Jase smiles as he directs his brain to slow down the breathing of his body to conserve oxygen and then mentally projects, “Oh no. Save me. I’m drowning”
They smiles again then needles appear and take his blood “one last test” Jase looks around rolling his eyes as if to say, “And?” Without ceremony or notice a trapdoor opens beneath his feet before shutting again as he winds up in a shadowy arena with glass on all sides. Across the room is a figure in the shadows who walks out to reveal, it looked like it was James but more muscular and with black eyes, and it continually chanted “kill kill kill” as if the only thing on its mind was the murder of whatever was in front of it.
Jase raises an eyebrow and then narrows his eyes as he contemptuously utters, “Clones is it? How unimpressive”.  The clone walks forward and shoots lasers from its eyes. Jase dodges to the side and begins to close distance. He immediately enters the clones mind and begins to read the signals the mind is sending to the various body parts to respond in close quarters combat. “Certainly a clone army is impressive. Technically lethal, but honestly...” Jase stabs two fingers into the eyes after the lasers stop. “There are some body parts that simply can’t be strengthened”.
The clone yells “Jason!!! Please I’m your brother!!!” as he covers his eyes and tries to plead as it suddenly becomes more than just a mindless bloodthirsty monster, Jase rolls his eyes “Yes and if Jason were here perhaps that would matter. But I’m in your mind and your not James. You’re just a slightly larger clone and I’m not Jason. I’m Jase.” Punches the clone in the throat and delivers a kick to the solar plexus, “The real James would have known that. I’d never let Jason have to do any of this.”
The clone falls to the floor dead. the men do notes then throw Jase back with James who for some reason it in the chamber again. Jase smiles “Two tests are over. Time to go” James doesn’t move as the chamber locks around him and he remains unconscious. Jase walks over and slams his fist on the chamer and shouts, “You know your really beginning to test my limited patience” the glass is released which hits Jase to as he breaks the glass. Jase walks over ignoring the glass and rips the restraints. “Get up James saving your ass is beginning to wear on me.”
James moans as he falls asleep in his arms, “29 34 56 7” Jase sighs, “I said wake up!! We need to escape come on James!” Jase Inserts mental energy and tries to rouse James from inside his head but he feels himself shut out as  James shakes he keeps repeating the words. Jase stops and stands as he looks around and sees a computer against the far wall next to a sealed doorway and a keypad. “Hmm….I guess this is it.” He pulls James onto the jet and sighs as he looks around and finds the autopilot system and begins to pick up speed. “Okay let’s go buddy. I really won’t miss this place again you know”. He sighs as they fly into the distance heading to find Richie, the dude his father told Jason to find.
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Hello there 💖 Love your writing and just finished yakuza 0, and if you're up for it, I'm in the mood for something different. I love Majima, but I'm craving drama atm. What if he and his badass beauty of a s/o are getting it on and he calls Makoto's name by mistake? New bae is sweet, makes his lunches, but is NO Makoto! How shook is she? Can the couple reconcile or is that the deal breaker?
This is a terrific prompt... I’ve been dealing with some roller coaster emotions as of late so I appreciate a drama req. Pls be patient and I’d love to write this. TYSM for requesting <3
Mistaken Makoto
Reader is Female
Mild smut, angst, mentions of trauma
What a day. If she didn't stay and help up, who would?It had been this way all week, and Y/N had only realized how emotionally and physically drained she truly was at the end of it all, which couldn't be more ideal because nothing is worse than realizing how thanklessly overworked one is in the very midst of the issue itself. Thankfully she now had a couple of days off to decompress and relax and the first things on her mind were a quick snack, a cup of tea and hopefully some pleasures of the flesh with her all too irresistible man. She desperately needed some bliss to tear her from her incredibly demanding lack of work/life balance. Good thing her man was more than understanding.
They didn't reside together, but Majima's flat was a lot closer (and fancier) than her place, so she typically crashed there in the evenings especially after late work days. Her apartment was more of a storage unit for her belongings and less urgently needed clothes as she usually spent her nights at his place. Though he'd been pushing the idea of moving in together for months, it was just so much work to pack her stuff and close out her lease and with her long hours as of late, she didn't have the energy to seal this lingering loose end. She planned on it, but something else held her back from making it official. She hadn't even had the time to analyze her trepidation, it was just there, and something far more easily avoided. Money wasn't an issue, so she couldn't complain. She'd get around to it soon enough.
It was a damp, sultry evening... an hours' long rain had set a sexy mist in the air and with the low lights of Kamurocho illuminating her quick and safe walk home, she felt like a seductive evening at home was just what the doctor ordered. Majima had texted her only a couple hours prior, hinting at the same theme as he'd just settled some big work things and wanted to relax. He'd offered a lovely night on the town but because Y/N was stuck at work just a little later than usual, a hot night at home seemed like the move. He'd warned that he was settling in for a nap, and to wake him when she arrived.
Her plan was to forego the food and tea, strip down and slip into bed with him... he loved being awakened by her eager warmth.
After locking the door, she dropped her coat and shimmied out of each of her professional garments, slowly sauntering into the bedroom from which only a dim light from the bathroom shone due to the door being slightly ajar.
What a marvel --- his back was to her, his irezumi slightly visible in the dim light and partial obscurity of blanket. No matter how many times she'd seen it wet, dry, slightly irritated from her nails raking its flesh, it still made her skin tingle. She loved Majima Goro through and through and was willing to do anything for him. He treated her like a Queen and still offered her the world if she needed anything. He respected her independence, always offered to support her if she so desired, and was in turn endlessly grateful for her love and commitment to him. Many a time she wondered how in the fuck that she was The One to tame a yakuza boss... but she had. It was so natural and uncomplicated, she never batted an eye. It was sparks in the air the first time they met and every day and night since.
By the time she reached the bed, she was beautifully nude and ready. As much as she needed him and his attentions, she wanted to at least begin by lavishing him with attention while rousing him from his slumber. It drove him crazy.
After slipping beneath the linens, pressed against him, she kissed his shoulder, slowly and deliberately and then made her way down the back of his arm while slipping her hand along his back and over his hip, gripping the bone. He groaned, rolling on his back as she snuck up to his ear.
"Mmmm, I'm home...."
No further words necessary, he wrapped his arms around her as she straddled him, kissing and biting his lobe, down his neck, stopping to suck along his clavicle. His hands found their way to her hips as he gripped them and urged them to rock back and forth, but she wanted to prolong it. She needed to tease a little.
His eye remained closed, his breathing grew heavier as he gripped her hips hard enough to bruise. She adored it.
Leaning in to kiss his neck, she traveled up to his lips, leaving quick and desperate pecks along them before sinking herself on him. She rubbed his pecs delicately before leaning back and gripping his thighs, preparing to ride him. Just as she'd begun to establish a momentum, his hands gripped her forearms, his eye still shut tightly, lips parted. She raised herself, holding steady, slowly sinking down on him again just as he moaned... "I've missed you..."
She loved it when he mused in the throes of it. She bounced a few times, leaning in to kiss him again, harder, taking his bottom lip and kissing his chin... leaning in further to whisper, "I've missed you too..."
He slid his hand up the back of her neck, gripping and keeping her close. He turns his head, eye still screwed tightly shut as he kisses her cheek. She rolls her hips again. He rubs his lips along her lobe, sighing.
She slams her hips harder, urging him to chase his release as he continues to keep her pinned to him, gritting his teeth. She loves his scent, his sweat, she wants to lap up every bit of it.
She bites at his clavicle, sucking tenderly as she continues pumping him with her entire body, just wanting to make him feel so good for no reason but adoration and appreciation for him... She just wants to hear him moan and watch his face contort as he fully surrenders.
She sits up, one last slam as she tightens herself around him. She descends, pulsing on him, cradling his head as his lips part one more time. He exhales, groaning.
Y/N's heart, stomach, hell, fucking everything dropped. Without a second thought, she pressed her hands on each side of her along the bed and dismantled herself, rising.
His eye flew open, his head frantically turning, searching for his girlfriend, who was promptly planning on redressing and bolting before the tears could burst out of her into every direction. What the fuck?!
"Oy!" He shouts, sitting up, still registering.
She's already made it out of the bedroom, picking up every piece of her clothing trail and hurriedly putting them back on with the urgency of a burning building.
She's grabbing her bag off of the counter as he barges into the kitchen, wrapped in the linens. "OY! Where the hell ya think yer goin'?"
She takes a deep breath and turns around to face him, pinching the bridge of her nose. "I'm leaving. Fuck off."
"What in the hell for? What's the matter?!"
She steps forward and shoves him with a single, open hand. Bag still in her other hand. "FOR CALLING ME 'MAKOTO' WHILE I'M FUCKING ON TOP OF YOU. ARE YOU FUCKING OUT OF YOUR MIND?!"
He catches himself, grabbing the counter and throws his head in his other hand. "Jesus Christ, I'm a little drunk, babe. I'm sorry..."
"Yeah, great. Well, you can be sorry alone. I'm going home."
"Nah c'mon don't be like that, it was a mistake, I love ya and ya know that, don'tcha?"
"You know honestly, I'm not sure. If you're thinking of her while I'm giving it to you, giving you my fucking body, my affection, my time, I think the mistake is my being in this entire fucking equation. I must be insane. I knew there was a reason I wasn't ready to move out of my place yet...."
"Nah babe it's not like that, I swear. I'm really sorry, I know that didn't feel good but I was in such a deep sleep I really wasn't thinkin---"
"---ABOUT ME. You were thinking of another woman. While I'm here. Are you serious? Do you have any idea how much I love you, how you might as well have shoved your tanto straight into my chest? That would've felt better than to hear another woman's name come out of your fucking mouth..."
Majima realized this wasn't a conversation he could charm his way out of. All of the times he came home battered, bruised and bleeding? Yeah after a few minutes of patching, he could calm her down. All of the times he was stuck at the office late and hadn't eaten in hours, she'd bring him something home cooked, knowing full well that none of his favorite shops were open. She'd beg him to come and get some sleep but he'd assure her that he'd get it done and be fine. She'd take it all in stride, this was the man she loved, it was par for the course.
But being called another woman's name, one that held such a crushing significance in his life? Nah.
"...I'm leaving. I need space. Leave me alone for a few days." His eye flew open as he nearly tripped over the blanket, dashing to her and grabbing her arms.
He knelt, looking up at her pleadingly.
"Y/N, baby, please. Please. Yer everythin' ta me. Please don't go..."
She sighed, too tired to even fight the tears. She let them roll.
"I can't do this, Goro. Maybe you love me, but obviously I'm not everything to you. Maybe it's unfair for me to demand to be, but it's what you are to me, and I can't compromise. I won't find myself in another love in which my feelings aren't matched."
"They are matched, babe. Please just stay so we can talk about it. If ya don't wanna stay after that, fine, but please gimme a minute to explain..."
"Goro, what's there to explain? If she's still in such a dominant place in your mind, then what's left for me? I can't share your affection like that. This isn't gonna work. Am I supposed to get over it and hope it doesn't happen again? What do you take me for?"
He choked, taking a deep breath. He dropped the Kansai-ben.
He looked up at her slowly, his face changing, his voice low and serious."I cared a lot for her. I haven't spoken with her in almost 20 years. There is nothing there. Sometimes I'm plagued with nightmares from the events of those years. Between my captivity and the situation in which I met her. I wish her nothing but the best. I have moved on since then, clearly. She only means anything to me because she is a good person. I'm not in love with her, I'm in love with you, and only you."
Y/N swallowed hard, taking his words into consideration... soothed but still feeling an uneasiness.
"You said her name while you were balls deep inside me. How are you going to explain that away? Be fucking honest with me. You have one minute."
"Makoto and I were never physically intimate! She isn't an ex-girlfriend or former love or anything like that! It was an honest mistake, it had nothing to do with the fact that you and I were in the middle of it, okay? I was just waking up, babe..."
"You were conscious. You grabbed me, you kissed me..."
"My mind was still out of it. Come on, I'm telling you the truth. I love you, Y/N. I love you like crazy. Makoto has absolutely nothing to do with my life now. I was just having a fucked-up dream."
Y/N set her bag down and draped her arms around him lazily as he hugged her hips.
"Look, I don't know how much I ever told you about it but here's the brakes: I was told to kill her and if I did, I'd be let back into the family, which was all I wanted at the time. You know all about my Grand days and that tiny apartment and the fact that all I did was run a cabaret club and get followed everywhere I went and my direct boss at the time would just slap me around like a fucking puppy and throw wrenches in everything I did, right?"
She nodded.
"I was told that I'd be in good standing and that I'd get my life back if I did my first hit. I was supposed to take out some ruthless scumbag that trafficked women. It was a no-brainer. I hunt my target down only to find that this ruthless scumbag was a blind woman who had no idea why in the fuck anyone would be after her. You can only imagine my confusion and why I did not kill her. But I was then of course risking worse things than death by keeping her alive and hidden away, all the while lying to my boss. Once he wised up, he tried to kill me, her and the guy she worked for at the time who was a solid guy. I watched him die. I got roughed up time and again, had to find her, make sure they didn't kill her. She was totally blameless and a survivor of the trafficking itself. This woman went through so much and still never batted an eye at her poor hand of cards. Yes, I wound up caring for her very deeply and after all was said and done, I could've told her how I felt, maybe she felt the same, who knows. Instead, I wanted her to be happy and to have nothing to do with me... because at the time, I only created more and more enemies as I climbed the ladder and I knew I couldn't keep her safe forever. I knew that at that time in my life, I had to focus on where I was going, I couldn't drag an innocent person into my mess of a life just because I had feelings for her. I did what I thought was the right thing then and I stand by it now... and where I'm at now, finally, is a place in which I can finally be with the woman I love -- you -- and I don't have to keep you away. I'm not climbing anymore... I'm no longer a real target and neither is anyone close to me."
Y/N nodded again, feeling relieved... but sad. So sad. Sad for being angry at him and sad for his loss... she had no idea the extent of what Makoto was to him and had only assumed the usual out of fear of bringing up such a heavy conversation... but she was glad to finally have it all out in the open.
"Alright... I know I shouldn't ask this but I need to..."
"Anything, babe. What do you want to know?"
"Do you wish you had been with her anyway? I know comparing myself to her is nonsensical but---"
"---Could I love you like I did her?"
"...No. Because the way I felt for her is different. You have to understand, I had to fight dozens and I mean dozens of men to protect her. She kept getting nabbed, I'd have to fight my way through buildings full of armed men to get her out alive. She got shot and almost died. I thought she had at first. It looked grim. So I guess in a way, the way I felt for her then is that I just wanted to protect the only truly good person I ever knew in my life... at that point. How do I feel about her now? I just hope she's happy... and I believe she is."
"You said you haven't spoken to her in 20 years?"
"That's a half truth. When we went through all that shit, she was blind. She never knew what I looked like, she only knew my voice. Years later I ended up in Sotenbori tying up some loose ends that led me to her shop and she didn't realize it was me, telling a perfect stranger how she was happily married with a kid. I was glad to hear it, you know? That was it. I just hope her life now is great because the first half wasn't, you know what I mean? That's it."
Y/N closed her eyes tightly and breathed in slowly, trying to make sense of her emotional state.
He looked up for the first time in what felt like forever.
She sighed once again and carded her fingers through his hair, tugging at the ends, trying to stifle a laugh. Though she was still mildly hurt, the burn of her fury had subsided... she was grateful to have gotten a full discourse out of him and now felt almost foolish for being so (understandably) upset. She all but worshiped this man... he has always been good to her, holding her up on a pedestal, treating her with the respect and care that one only does when they truly and deeply... love and care for another.
She realized it's not a competition, Makoto wasn't "some other woman" or even a threat to her... she was a member of his past, a traumatic and murky one at that. She realized in that moment that it's okay that Majima loved another woman (and more, of course) before her... look at him.
But in this moment for a time before and likely to come, Majima Goro is hers and only hers. He did the right and likely painful thing by scratching at the scab to let her in, to tell her what happened and how it applies to his life now... to give her a perspective on her importance to him now, in comparison to what he's endured. It's a scab because the events of his past never truly heal or leave his psyche... he's just learned to live with and in spite of them, in many thanks to her.
Her unconditional love keeps him grounded, her presence adds to his purpose and for her, the same.
She was indescribably appreciative that the gave her a part of him in his honesty... and she would never take it for granted again. Walking out the door in anger would be, in her eyes, taking it for granted.
He nuzzled his face against her stomach, cradling her hips, giving her all the time she needed to cycle through her thoughts and feelings. God, what a man.
She gripped his chin and pulled him up to his feet, slipping an arm around him, re-tucking the blanket around his hips.
"Let's go to sleep... and bring back the Kansai-ben. I miss it already."
He laughed his usual insane, multi-octave laugh and grabbed her face, kissing her lips, nose, cheek and forehead before ripping the blanket off of him, wrapping it around her and scooping her up, carrying her back to the bedroom.
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castiel-barnes · 4 years
Pairing: Javier Peña x fem! Y/N Peña. (Reader is married to Javier).
Summary: After the events of Escobar and the Cali cartel, the one thing Javier expected least was to settle down.
Warnings: Fluff. Slight angst. Pregnancy. Medical inaccuracies. Mentions of throwing up. Swearing. Soft Javi. Like extra soft.
Word count: 2.7k
A/N: Yet another early morning thought that I got.
Tags: @phoenixhalliwell @scribbledghost
Picture from Pedro pascals Instagram at pascalispunk.Taken in 2013.
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After years of running around Colombia and the amount of informants slept with. The last thing people expected who knew Javier Peña, was to settle down.
He had found you and fell hard in love. And the same thing happened to you. After being with you, Javier had no need to go have a one night stand with any of the girls from the brothels or any informants. Because he had you.
It was quite unheard of within the DEA, Javier Peña and the domesticity of having a family.
Javier had been out for most of the day, which you were kinda glad for. You had been feeling sick since you woke up and when Javi finally left the apartment, you finally rushed to the bathroom to throw up your breakfast.
Then it hit you. Your time of the month has been far more late than normal. After throwing up, you digged out the spare pregnancy test you had at the back of the cupboard for emergencies.
"Oh fuck." You said quietly to yourself. It was positive. Neither of you had discussed the topic of kids. It was something that you wanted, but not sure if Javi wanted it.
"Hi cariño, I'm home." Javier called out,
"H-hey, I'll be out in a moment." You replied from the bathroom, quickly wiping your tears away. Walking out the bathroom, you smiled like you usually did and kissed.
"What's up honey?" He asked frowning a little,
"Oh nothing much, why'd you ask?" You replied.
"Cause I can tell you've been crying." Javier said looking at you. Sighing you placed your head against his shoulder.
"I hate how easily you read me sometimes." You pouted, and pulled him to the couch and sat him down. Letting out a shaky breath you held his hands gently in yours.
"I really need to tell you something. B-but I don't know how to say it, and I- I know we haven't discussed anything about this." You continued starting to ramble from being anxious.
"Honey, honey calm down what do you need to tell me?" He said frowning even more, stroking your hair back.
"Javi... I'm pregnant." You stated. There was a stunned silence that blanketed the apartment.
"Really?" Javier asked. You nodded and looked away tears springing back to your eyes. Javi wiped your tears away and smiled pulling you into a hug.
"I'm so happy mi amor." Javier stated,
"You are?" You asked looking up at him.
"I am cariño, we can have a little Peña running around the place." Javier responded smiling. The two of you hugged for a while and had dinner, then decided to lay in bed and relax. At some point you must have fallen asleep on top of Javi, and stayed asleep until early morning.
Your not sure what woke you up, but you could feel Javier's hand on your stomach his hand stroking his hand back and forth.
"Cariño? You ok?" You asked quietly,
"What if the kid doesn't like me? What if I do something wrong?" Javier replied.
"What do you mean?" You said frowning,
"I mean, I'm not a good person cariño. I've done things and seen things that shouldn't be seen. I've never been the best with children, I don't know how to look after something so small and innocent." Javi stated.
"Javier Peña you listen to me. You are not a bad man, yes you've seen bad shit and maybe shot a couple of people but those people were the bad guys. Not you. You will be a good father Javi, I just know it. Plus you're not the only one who hasn't had much experience with children." You explained firmly. In truth you were the youngest sibling, and the only experience you had with children was when your cousin had her baby. But you lost contact with them a while ago.
"Thank you. For putting up with me Y/N." Javier responded, nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck. You stroked his hair back out of his face, but it was evident that he had been tossing around for a while.
You started drifting off again until you felt like throwing up again. Gently rolling Javi off of you, you rushed to the bathroom to throw your dinner up. You groaned as you hunched over the toilet, then felt a pair of large hands rubbing your back.
"You ok cariño?" Javier asked worriedly,
"Morning sickness." You responded throwing up again.
"You need me to get anything for you? Water?" He said still rubbing your back gently,
"Please." You said "thank you." You continued. Javier bought you a glass of water, and let you clean yourself up before carrying you back to bed.
"Try get some sleep mi amor, neither of us have work tomorrow dont worry." Javier stated,
"M'kay love you Javi." You said drifting off to sleep.
"Te amo mucho cariño, y nuestro pequeño bebé." Javier whispered kissing the top of your head.
2 months pregnant:
You were at home today and Javier was at work. And today you noticed something slightly different about your appearance. Realising what it was, you smiled and you got excited about telling Javi.
Opening the door Javi was immediately greeted by your smile and hugging him.
"Well hi there cariño, what you so happy about?" Javier asked smiling and kissing you,
"Come look." You replied dragging him to the room. When you got to the bedroom you sat him down on the bed and took your top off. Turning to the side you smiled and run your hand over your small bump.
You looked at Javi and saw his jaw drop.
"That’s your little kid in there mi amor." You said looking at your bump. Javi smiled and pulled you gently in front of him.
"Oye chico, soy yo tu papá. Estoy muy emocionado de conocerte dentro de unos meses." Javier stated quietly then kissing your stomach. He looked up at you with slightly watering eyes and smiled,
"We're going to have a kid cariño." He continued.
"Yeah we are. I love you so much Javier Peña." You stated kissing the top of his head,
"I love you too baby. I'm so excited." Javier replied. Out of nowhere you just got really emotional and started crying, which confused the hell out of Javi.
"Woah, woah baby what's wrong?" He said quickly standing up hugging you,
"I-im just so fucking happy. I have you and now we have our little kid. Oh im a mess, fucking hormones." You replied crying into his arms. And that what made it clear for Javi, your hormones were heightend due to the pregnancy. Javi chuckled and kissed the top of your head.
"Don't laugh." You stated quietly sniffing,
"Ok, I'm sorry baby I won't laugh I promise. Im happy to cariño." Javi replied smiling.
"But I like when you laugh its cute." You said looking at him.
You were glad to have Javi, yes he could be a bit stubborn and hard headed sometimes. But around you, he was gentle, understanding and everything you could wish for in a man. Although he had doubts about being a good father, you knew that no matter if you had a little girl or a little boy they would have him wrapped around their little finger.
4 months pregnant:
"Baby? Wake up, we need to get ready to go to the doctors." Javi said gently, trying to wake you up,
"Mhm..." you groaned and closed your eyes again.
"Come on honey, don't wanna be late to the appointment. I promise when we get home I'll run out and grab anything you're craving and we can nap." Javier stated stroking your hair back out of your face.
"Promise?" You asked leaning into his touch,
"Yeah cariño I promise. We'll go to the appointment, come home and then anything you want I'll get ok?" He replied smiling as you leaned into him.
"Ok." You smiled getting up slowly. The two of you got changed and got in the car. Arriving at the doctors, Javier could feel some anxiety radiating off of you.
"You ready baby?" He asked holding your hand,
"Yeah, im ready." You smiled at him and gave the back of his hand a kiss.
"Come on then baby." Javi said getting out the car, walking round to your side to open the door for you. The two of you sat in the waiting room for a while before getting called in. Laying there on the bed, you gasped at how cold the gel was on your stomach. Looking at the screen the doctor told you that you were going to have a little girl.
"We're having a baby girl?" Javier asked is disbelief,
"Yeah cariño, we're gonna have a baby girl to look after and love." You smiled with tears rolling down your cheeks. Getting home you cried from happiness and this was one of the only times you saw Javier cry.
"Baby can you get me pickles and ice cream please? Maybe some chocolate too." You asked him,
"Of course I can cariño. Anything else you want?" Javier replied.
"Maybe get 2 of each just incase, you never know." You said,
"Okie dokie." He responded. Javier left the apartment and came back about 20 minutes later with pickles, ice cream and chocolate.
"Here you go mi amor, got what you wanted." Javier stated coming through the door with a shopping bag,
"Thank you love." You replied smiling and getting some ice cream and pickles. The two of you sat there, with you snacking on your pickles and ice cream and Javier with his arm around you.
"We need to think of some names for our little girl." Javier stated,
"We do." You responded eating another pickle.
"Maria?" Javier started out,
"Hmm that's a bit overused I think, Isabella?" You replied.
"True, true. Isabella is a nice name. Isabella Peña. That's nice. Rosa?" Javier responded. The two of you sat there writing down names and slowly but surely got it down to the name you both liked.
"I think Isabella." You stated,
"Yeah perfect. Isabella Peña, it's beautiful." Javier replied quietly smiling. Javi slid down the bed a little so his head was by your bump, and lifted up your shirt a little bit.
"Hola Isabella, soy papá de nuevo. Solo quiero que sepas que te amo mucho a ti y a tu mamá y que siempre los protegeré a los dos." Javier whispered to the bump and kissed it. About 4 months ago at the start of your pregnancy, Javier had his doubts about being a father and how what he did would affect your daughter. But now here you were 4 months pregnant eating ice cream and pickles, and he was being so gentle with you and looking after you and your baby girl so well.
"You're going to be such a great dad Javi." You smiled running your hand through his hair,
"You think so cariño?" He looked up at you with those doe eyes of his.
"Yeah... I do. You've been looking after me so well baby, and I just know that little Isabella will absolutely adore you." You responded,
"Thank you cariño." Javier said rubbing his hand over the bump.
9 months pregnant/ due date week:
It was the week that you were due to give birth to Isabella. Javier decided that he'd take the week off before his maternity leave was due to start.
It was about 2 in the morning, when you woke up. And that's when you felt it, your water had just broken.
"O-oh no oh shit why now? Javi wake up, baby please wake up." You said pushing his shoulder,
"Carino what's wrong?" He asked you groggily, his eyes barely open.
"The baby is coming." You stated. And that one statement there got him up and awake.
"You serious right now?" He asked looking at you finding your face quite serious,
"Ohhhhhh shit. Yes I'm fucking serious." You replied having your first contraction. You looked at Javier and one of the only things he saw in your eyes was fear.
"Ok, ok I've got your bag honey. It's going to be ok I promise." Javi stated chucking jeans and a shirt on with shoes, and then helping you with some shoes.
"Javi im scared." You stated,
"I know cariño, I know but im going be right next to you the entire time. I promise." Javi replied holding your hand. Squeezing his hand as you went through another contraction, he held you up as he walked you to the car.
In the car, javi was going as fast as he could to the hospital whilst letting you hold his hand.
"Just breathe baby, you've got it." Javier said reassuring you. Getting to the hospital you were immediately given a room and pain killers to help.
"We're gonna meet our baby girl soon javi." You stated looking at him,
"Yeah cariño, any minute now we'll be holding our girl." Javi responded. You two were somewhat relaxing when you weren't having any contractions. It had been about an hour and half since your water had broke. It all seemed to by in a blur, one minute you were sleeping, the next your water had broke and now you need to push.
"J-javi go get a nurse. I really need to push." You exclaimed squeezing your eyes shut and letting your head fall back,
"Ok cariño ok, I'll be right back." Javier replied kissing the top of your head. Javi rushes out the room and finds a nurse. He came back into the room with a nurse, who were both by your side. The nurse told you to start pushing and so you did.
"Ahh fuck! J-javi I don't know if I.... if I can do it." You stated squeezing his hand as hard as you could,
"Yes you can cariño, come on you can do it. Just breathe with me, you're so strong." Javier replied stroking your hair back.
A few minutes later, and hard pushing you heard the cries of your beautiful little girl. You let your head fall back on the pillow and caught your breath.
"I told you that you could do it cariño. She's so beautiful." Javier said smiling at you and kissing you gently. The nurse bought Isabella over to you, so that you could hold her. Pulling down your gown a little bit you laid Isabella on your chest so you could have some skin to skin contact.
"Hey baby girl, welcome to the world. Oh you're so beautiful, she has your eyes miel. Big brown eyes." You smiled gently stroking your hand over Isabella's back,
"Do you wanna hold her?" You continue looking at Javi.
"Really?" Javier looked at Isabella,
"Yeah baby, she is your daughter after all." You responded giggling a little. Javier looked between you and Isabella then back to you and saw you nod. Standing up from his chair he took the shirt off that he threw on before leaving, and gently took Isabella from you.
People had told you to look out for Javier Peña when you first joined the DEA. The stubborn, hard headed DEA agent who had one hell of a reputation. But now as you saw your husband hold your little girl barely an hour old. All of that stubbornness, hard headedness and reputation had dissipated.
"Hola, cariño, es un placer conocerte finalmente. Eres tan hermosa como tu mamá." Javier speaked to Isabella quietly as he say down in the chair. You smiled and laid your head back again, eyes drooping a little bit.
"You wanna sleep for a little while? You just pushed a fucking human out." Javier asked,
"Language we have tiny human now. Yes I wanna sleep." You replied somewhat out of it, already drifting off to sleep.
"Haha ok baby, you get some sleep now." Javier chuckled.
When you were finally discharged from the hospital, you and your husband with your baby finally went back home. You got home and Javi changed the sheets on your bed from where your water broke.
Picking Isabella up, you showed her round the apartment although you knew she was in a milk coma from her feeding.
"Do you wanna put her down for her nap cariño?" You asked Javi,
"Yeah ok." Javier replied with a wide grin as he took Isabella from you. Gently Javier bounced Isabella as he made his way to her cot. Standing next to him as the two of you looked over your daughter. You smiled and placed your head on his shoulder.
"Our baby is so beautiful cariño, we did good." Javier said quietly,
"That we did. See I told you, that you'd make a good father. I have a feeling we might have a hard time saying 'no' to that cutie." You replied kissing his cheek.
"Agreed." Javier said smiling giving you a proper kiss.
Safe to say that the only people who really get to see Agent Javier Peña soft side is you his wife Y/N Peña, and his daughter Isabella Peña.
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Hiking with the Obey Me characters
Warning: Angst, Fluff, GN/MC, spoilers? Lesson 1-2. 
You’re going on hiking date with the brothers and the side characters and you notice you somehow manage to get lost. It turns out they had the map upside down the whole time. (Assume no D.D.D service. Luke is strictly plutonic) 
First off this probably wouldn’t actually happen.
Maybe the map was cursed by one of the brothers, not realizing you were going on this hike too. The map would read upside down no matter what way you held it. 
He’d be pissed, once you both realized you were lost. Instant demon mode.
He watched the fear in your eyes when he yelled while he crumpled the map and threw it as hard as he could. His pride is shattered, he doesn’t get lost, and he sure as hell doesn’t make mistakes. 
Finds out who cursed the map and punishes them when you two get home.
In the mean time wraps his wings around you while he pulls you in for a hug, comforting you while telling you he’s going to find a way out.
Holds you tight while he flies above the tree line to find your way back.
Once you get back you never speak of this moment again.
He really didn’t mean to, He’s not much of a hiker.
Once you both realize something isn’t right, you ask him if you can see the map.
“Oh Mams, honey. The map is upside down” you say as you cover your mouth trying not to laugh. He sees and instantly goes into demon form. 
He’s a blushing mess “Oy, stupid human. Don’t be laughing at me” 
You’re going to need to comfort him, hold him tight tell him you aren’t mad
Ask him to fly with you above the tree line, so you can see where you are and if you can find any landmarks. 
Asks that you not tell his brother’s what happened. 
Good luck getting him to go on a hike, but lets say you went camping with the brothers and decided to take your boyfriend on a romantic hike
“Why would you want to take a gross otaku like me on a romantic hike?”
Takes a lot of convincing, maybe bribe him with a Devildom version of Pokemon go and he will cave.
You ask him to hold the map and give directions. 
You realize after about 20 minutes that the path has disappeared and nothing looks familiar. 
You ask him if you can see the map, as he hands it to you you notice that it’s upside down. You take it out of his hands flip it over and give it back to him. 
He’s upset, hides his face and is sobbing. After you calm him down he thinks “Hey this is just like this anime ‘HELP MY *PARTNER* AND I ARE LOST IN THE WOODS BECAUSE I HELD THE MAP UPSIDE DOWN” 
He thinks about what they did in the show and does exactly that to get you guys back. 
He won’t leave his room again for a while. Next time use a VR set.
Another one where this probably wouldn’t happen. 
Again probably someone cursed the map or he got distracted by a cat. 
Once it’s pointed out that the map is upside down he nearly loses it. 
You put your hand on his arm and tell him to calm down and that you two would figure it out.
Once he goes back to his human form he stops and thinks about the next steps you two were going to take.
He gets you back safely and you now have a funny story between the two of you. 
He won’t say but he enjoyed problem solving with you. 
This only happens because he’s too busy taking pictures to post on Devilgram to notice that the map is upside down.
He starts complaining that his feet hurt and needs a break.
“Hey Asmo, have you been holding the map like that the whole hike?” You ask
“Yes, Why” “because it’s upside down!”
Cue flustered and angry Asmo. 
He probably won’t want to carry you while he flies so he goes up on his own and tries to find the way. Ends up asking you to use your pact to get Lucifer so you could get out of there
Sweet baby accidentally dropped the map and picked it, he got distracted by his snacks to realize the map was upside down 
When you both realize it he sees that your slightly upset (not at him though at the situation) he’s upset too. Holds you tight and calms you down.
He will either carry you back and uses his sense of smell to get you home, or he will fly you back.
Good luck getting him to hike
If you do he doesn’t hold the map upside down, he dropped the map and was just saying random directions as you went
You find out when he stops on the path so he could nap. Now you’re lost in the woods and your boyfriend is asleep. 
You check your D.D.D and see that you have no service. 
You use your pact to contact Beel to help get you two back
Innocent mistake, he really tried his best.
He probably has never had to read a map without Barbatos being around.
He wanted this date to be special, and it defiantly was.
When you ask to look at the map, you tell him politely that the map is upside down.
He’s embarrassed but manages to fix it and get you back to the Castle.
He probably teleports you back to the castle or flies you back himself.
You weren’t going to tell anyone but Barbatos asked you about it when you walked in the door
He’s not even sure how this one happened
He just doesn’t make mistakes like this.
He looks into the future and fiddles with timelines so you don’t end up getting lost and make your way back to the castle.
You wake up to various treats and tea outside of your room at the castle the next morning as an apology.
He’s a mess when he realizes it.
He’s the one to admit it “Uhh Y/N I have some bad news. I’m really sorry but it appears I’ve been hold the map upside down”
He’s going to bend over backward just to show you how sorry he is.
He doesn’t give you the chance to be upset before he’s trying to fix things.
Probably ends up flying you back as well. 
Solomon (and plutonic Luke)
Solomon suggested that you go for a hike together
Luke overheard and asked if he could join you, of course you said yes. (It meant you didn’t have to eat any of the snacks Solomon packed)
After a while Luke was starting to get tired so Solomon offered to give him a piggy back ride
Luke noticed right away
“Solomon what are you doing? The map is upside down” Luke is crying hard you are upset because Luke is upset. 
He tries to remember a spell while you calm Luke down offering him some water while you both munch on some of the baked goods Luke made.
Solomon finds a way to get you all back
Simeon puts him on dish duty for the next 2 weeks as punishment. 
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smarchit · 4 years
How Lucky We Are pt 3
Summary: A continuation of Look Around, Look Around. Mando and Reader continue their adventures with their young children.
Word count: 2.1k
Warnings: None
Notes: I remembered last night as I was falling asleep that I forgot to upload a chapter in a few days so... Sorry about that
Once back on board the Crest, you grabbed Mando's shoulder to get his attention. You didn't expect a lot of communication from him, hell, you'd actually be worried if he started prattling on. But you hoped he wouldn't keep a friend from you.
Mando tossed the body of the smuggler into a carbonite freezer with a little more force than was necessary. He stared at the chamber long after it had solidified before slowly turning to face you. "You still have blood on your dress," he remarked after a moment of silence.
"That's all you're going to say?" you asked, crossing your arms over your chest.
"What else would you like me to talk about?" Mando replied, moving past you to pick up the child. 
"Who was that man you were talking to? Back by the cantina."
"Another Mandalorian," he said with a sigh. "There's a lot of them here in the outer rim. Hard to find, most of them. But they are out here."
"And you didn't think to introduce me?" you asked, shifting Trin to your other hip.
"They--- we try to keep to ourselves," he said, moving past you to go into the cockpit. 
"He almost killed me!" you said. "He saw that I had the Child and---"
"He wouldn't have hurt you without warning," Mando said, depositing the Child into his pram. "Back on Nevarro, many Mandalorians died or gave up the Creed to protect the Child. The ones who remain are fiercely protective of him."
You sighed and ran a hand through your hair. He was probably right. You were probably overthinking it. There was definitely something he was keeping from you, but you weren't about to press it anymore for now.
"Alright," you sighed as you lowered yourself into the chair behind Mando's. You slid Trin into your lap and held her. "Fine. Where are we going now?"
"Siobhan Phanato," Mando said as he punched in the coordinates. "The ex-bounty hunter. Her last beacon came from Mos Eisley a few days ago. I'm thinking that's as good a place to start as any."
You sighed softly and looked down at your daughter. She looked up at you, her fist shoved in her mouth, and smiled.
As the Crest slowly ascended out of the atmosphere, you leaned back in your chair. Mando had seemed more closed off than usual ever since he ran off after your meeting with Greef Karga a few days prior. He disappeared for a while and gave no explanation as to where he went, not that he needed to, of course. But you felt that at this point, after all you'd been through together, he would be a little more open with you.
"Are you hungry?" you asked after several minutes of uncomfortable silence. "I can make something up for you, if you'd like. Noodles and broth?"
Mando looked over his shoulder at you. In the dim starlight, you saw the outline of his chin beneath the harsh T of his visor and you couldn't help but stare, fixated on the idea of the man under the helmet. 
"That's fine," he said, briefly turning back to flip a pressure switch. "Use the meat at the front, it's open, but it's still good. Few more days and it won't be."
You nodded and stood up, much to the dismay of Trin, who had just begun to nod off. You shushed her cries and went to set her in the pram beside her adopted brother.
"I can take her," Mando said softly. "She might wake the kid and he's tougher than a mudhorn to put back down."
You smiled and handed Trin to him. As you gently deposited her into his arms, you nodded at the signet on his pauldron. "The mudhorn, huh? I never asked you about it before. You set a record for getting him to nap, and someone compared him to the beast?"
Mando chuckled beneath his helmet and looked down at Trin, who had immediately calmed down. "No, I fought one. Almost didn't win. The kid helped me."
You looked over at the child as he slept soundly. "He weighs five pounds!"
"I almost didn't believe it myself," he said softly. "He's special. I'm trying to find his people. His family, or someone who understands what it is exactly that he can do. Maker knows I can't figure him out."
Trin gurgled in his arms and reached for her reflection in his visor. She giggled and babbled when he lifted her closer.
You smiled and watched them for a minute before you slid down the ladder to the lower level of the Crest to head to the tiny kitchenette to boil water for dinner. While you cooked, you thought about Sherruk, the other Mandalorian you'd met. Mando had said that they were all fiercely protective of the child, and you found yourself wondering how far his love of children extended. If need be, would he go to the ends of the galaxy to keep Trin safe and protected? 
By the time you poured him a bowl of noodles and broth, you figured that yes, he would do anything for your daughter. In fact, he already had. He refused to take you back to your husband, let you see the galaxy... and helped you bring her into the world. Yes, you thought, Mando would do anything for your child - or any child.
"I'm coming up!" you announced as you neared the ladder back to the cockpit. You ascended up to the cockpit and handed him the container.
Stars streaked across the window as you rushed through hyperspace. Its beauty always managed to take your breath away.
"Thank you," Mando hummed. He reached back with one hand to take the container from you. You saw Trin, fast asleep in his other arm, her tiny cheek smushed against the fabric of his shirt between the plates of his armor.
"Want me to take her?" you whispered.
Mando shook his head and popped the lid off the container with one hand. "No, she's fine," he murmured. "I don't think even an explosion would wake her right now.. I'll call you back up when I'm done, okay?"
You nodded and went back down the ladder to clean up and eat your own supper. 
The next morning, you woke with a stretch and a hum in your little bunk. The ship was still humming through hyperspace on its way to the Mos Eisley port, still at least a day's travel away. You washed up and fed Trin before you made your way up to the cockpit.
"Make yourself decent," you called, your head just below the top of the ladder. 
"You're fine, come on up," Mando said. 
The kid cooed and babbled and Trin gurgled back at him as you entered the cockpit.
"Morning," Mando hummed as you set Trin in the pram beside the child. 
"Morning," you replied. "Anything interesting happen while I was asleep?"
Mando shook his head. "Usual stuff. Old pings from empire ships, dead broadcasts. Nothing out of the ordinary."
You looked over his shoulder at the dash to peek at the radar. You saw the Crest, pinging away at the center, one or two blips here and there for asteroids. But every so often there would be a blip at the bottom of the screen.
"Dead pixels?" you wondered aloud, pointing at the anomaly.
Mando shook his head. "I've been keeping an eye on it," he said. "I'm thinking it's a courier vessel, or a travel pod. It's moving slower than we are."
You bit your lip and nodded. "Can it see us?"
"Doubt it," he said. "We're pre-Empire. Not required to put out transmissions like newer ships."
He didn't seem worried about it, so you did your best to stamp out the anxiety that was welling up inside you. Even now, over a year since you had left your husband, you still woke with nightmares about him taking you away. Taking Trin away. 
You swallowed thickly and sat back down behind Mando.
"I know what you're thinking," Mando said, tilting his helmet back towards you. "But it isn't him. It won't ever be him again."
You took a deep breath and nodded. "I know."
When the Crest docked, it was well past sundown in the dusty little port. You bundled up in a spare blanket to fight off the bitter cold of the night. Trin was safely nestled against your breast in her sling and the child was tucked into a little bag against Mando's thigh.
Mando helped you down the ramp and onto the sand ground of the docking bay. He kept a hand on your lower back and guided you out of the bay and into the main streets of Mos Eisley. 
"How is it we always end up on Tatooine?" you asked, your breath coming out in little bursts of fog. "It's a whole karking galaxy, you'd think there's only four planets..."
Mando chuckled. "Unless a bounty is good at covering their tracks, there's a few places that are good to start searching in."
"Cantinas, inns, and marketplaces," you hummed with a playful eye roll.
"And here I thought you didn't pay attention tom me," Mando teased as he moved his hand further up your back to lead you through a particularly crowded section of the street.
"Oy, Mando," someone called from a stall towards you. "You a taxi service now? Or is that your bit for the evening?"
Mando pushed his hand against your back and ignored the speaker as he led you away from them.
He didn't stop until you reached an inn, the door shot off its hinges long ago. 
"You want to wait here or do you want to come inside?" he asked.
"If I stay out here, you'll have to unthaw me later," you replied between your shivers. "I'll come inside."
Mando nodded and went up the few steps before you did. Chatter, as it normally did when he entered a room, halted almost immediately.
You stepped in behind him, cheeks and nose nipped by the cold, a chubby baby held close to your chest for warmth. What an odd pair you two always seemed to make.
Mando wandered over to a group of young women hunched over a game of sabbac. He tossed the puck on the table, ignoring their cries of protest.
One of them looked up and immediately paled when she saw who it was that had ruined their game. "I paid my debt!"
"Not here for you," he said dryly as he nodded towards the puck. "I'm looking for this one. Siobhan. You know her?"
"Only passing through, love," one of the women replied with a grin. "One night only."
Mando scooped the puck off the table and pocketed it as the table erupted into boisterous laughter. 
You took a seat at the bar as Mando made his rounds. Trin had fallen asleep against your chest, her cheeks still rosy with cold from your walk over.
"What'll you have?" the human bartender asked. "Something hot?"
You nodded and adjusted yourself on the stool. "Yes, please. And some to go, if you don't mind."
He nodded and set off to get you some hot food. The cantina was surprisingly busy, and despite the chill outside, the company inside was warm and friendly.
"You come in with him?" the bartender asked as he returned with your meal. He nodded towards Mando, who had wedged himself into a booth with a burly woman on one side and a rather intimidating looking man on the other.
You nodded, knowing he was most likely gonna kick you both out.
"Who's he hunting?" the man asked. "Maybe I could help."
"Oh, I'm not sure," you murmured, picking at your food. "A Twi'lek, I think. Siobhan, something."
"Shiv?" he asked with a laugh. "Haven't seen her for a few weeks," he said. "Last I heard she set off somewhere on a speeder. Said she had to make something right. She's Guild, right?"
"That's right," came the voice of the Mandalorian from beside you. You gasped and jumped in your seat. He really needed a bell or something. "Which way was she headed?"
"Said she was headed towards the suns rise," he replied, waving his hand in the direction she went. "A few days ago, I guess. There's a small village out there. No name of the place."
"Sounds like our next stop," Mando replied, dropping some credits on the counter. "Thank you."
You thanked the bartender and hopped off the stool. You were sure to grab your food and Mando's before following him out of the cantina.
Mando was scanning the crowd in the streets when you joined him. His hands were on his hips as he debated his next move.
"Are you up for a little drive?" he asked, turning to look at you.
***** TAGLIST: 
@miscellaneous-mando @lestrange2703 @someplace-darker @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @poeticparker @blackbird337 @the-last-twin-of-krypton @divineangelix @c1996 @mell-bell @qhbr2013 @bookszazzy @marvelbros-oneshots @cuteboyking @boomtownboy @connor-challoner @fandom-lover-4 @itsmysticalmystery @love-struck-aries @lifeisapitch15 @cosmicwhisper @hybrid-huntress @whatismylife00 @remmyswritings @yodaboo @ginger-swag-rapunzel @mcrmarvelloki @lcandothisallday @ry0t @ravenclawbitch426 @keichainn  @justacutelion
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