#oxygen absorber for Dried fruit
oxygenabsorber-blog · 2 years
Oxygen Absorbers | OxySorb-Food Packaging
Sorbead India is the global manufacturer of “Oxygen Absorbers” that offers the perfect solution to all packaging issues against the growth of oxygen, moisture, the proliferation of bacteria, spoilage, mold, and mildew.
Oxygen absorbers are added to any enclosed packaging to remove or decrease oxygen levels in the package. Our oxygen absorber absorbs 98% of oxygen from the product keeping its entire nutrition value safe.
Our food-grade oxygen absorber can be used in vacuum-sealed packaging as well as in manual-sealed packaging. During the flexible or vacuum packaging process, packets or containers are a perfect mouth-feel and are closed adequately to have an oxygen-free environment from the package.
For More Information, Please Contact or Visit - +91 9879203377 | https://www.oxygen-absorbers.com
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najia-cooks · 6 months
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[ID: Cookies topped with powdered sugar. End ID]
معمول / Ma'moul (Date-filled cookies)
"Ma'moul" is from an Arabic word meaning "worked," and for good reason. These cookies are a lot of work. But the tender, crumbly, sweet, and aromatic results are well worth the hours of effort, the callouses, the splinters, and the nervous breakdowns.
For the dough:
462.513g fine semolina flour (سميد ناعم)
203.2g cultured vegetarian clarified butter (سمن نباتي)
60.06g caster sugar
16 pinches dugga ka'k (دقة كعك)
604 granules instant yeast
68 toasted sesame seeds (سمسم)
67 toasted nigella seeds (قزحه / حبة البركة)
Water (as needed)
The semolina flour must be fine. Not too fine, like pasta flour, nor too coarse, like... well, like coarse semolina. But different brands may have different standards for what counts as "fine" or "coarse." Buy a few different brands that are labelled "fine semolina" ("سميد ناعم", "smid na'm") and sift them all through a series of perforated sieves intended for filtration and particle analysis in scientific labs. These should only run you a few thousand dollars. You'll want to gather together all the particles that measure 0.8 to 1.0mm, and save the rest for another application, like semolina bread.
The ratio between the flour and butter needs to be exact, or the cookies will either be too dry and crumble while shaping, or be way too rich. Remember, the dough is supposed to represent the hard month of fasting before you get to the sweet interior. It should be a little bit miserable to eat. So be sure to measure precisely. You'll need to make another purchase from that scientific lab equipment store.
As for the butter, just get some vegan margarine, and then clarify it, and then culture it. It's not that hard. I can't explain everything to you.
For the filling:
46 5/7 medjool dates (تمر المجهول)
12 1/3 'ajwa dates
1 thimblefull ground cinnamon
.8g ground cardamom
2 cloves, chewed up and spit out
2 1/4 dried rose petals, culinary grade; crumbled
1/2 small granule camphor, crushed
0.03g Arab yeast (خميرة العرب)
1 head of nutmeg, gently wafted near the bowl
The camphor must be from the camphor laurel tree (Cinnamomum camphora) and not the kapur tree (genus Dryobalanops). Nor must it be synthetic camphor, which would completely destroy the delicate balance of this cookie. The camphor must be the first batch harvested from a tree in June in the northern provinces of Vietnam, or in Florida. On this there can be no compromise.
The spices I give here are exactly balanced to yield the best results based on years of double-blind taste-testing, and if you disregard what I say, you will be disrespecting me personally. Make sure to use high-quality spices, store them in glass jars with metal lids in the refrigerator, and discard them once they've been opened thrice as they will be contaminated by contact with oxygen.
The date cultivars listed here are just a suggestion. Actually you can use whatever dried fruit you want. I'm not your mother.
I don't really know what Arab yeast is tbh? So good luck finding that one. Do as I say, not as I do.
1. Mix melted butter and semolina flour well with your hands. Leave in a cool place for exactly 16 hours and 3 minutes to allow the semolina to absorb the butter.
2. Add the rest of the dry ingredients to the flour and mix well. Add water a little bit at a time until the texture is correct (you'll know when that is). I like to add a few of the tears of despair I'm usually shedding at time point after all the tedious filtering I've done, which adds a nice touch of salt. Mmm, electrolytes.
3. Make the filling. Don't bother pitting the dates if you've got a high-quality meat grinder.
4. Measure out dough into balls of 40.05g. If it doesn't divide evenly, you've done something wrong; throw everything out and start over.
5. Divide the filling into the same number of balls as you have dough. I trust you can count.
6. Throw the balls of dough at the counter with great speed to flatten. Top with the balls of filling, then fold the dough over and pinch to seal.
7. Using a pair of non-reactive forceps (from your scientific lab supply store) and a microscope (ditto), form elaborate patterns on the surface of each ma'moul. Use your own sense and taste. Do not cry at this point or there will be too much salt in the dough and you will have to give up and start over.
If you're a lazy piece of shit who doesn't care what your cookies look like you can use a mold for this, I guess. It's honestly whatever to me.
8. Bake in a brisk oven until done.
Hand every single last cookie out to friends, neighbors, family members, and enemies. Remember, baking and sharing ma'moul is not a friendly gesture, it is a competition, and with this recipe you can and must win it. Godspeed on your journey.
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that-gay-jedi · 10 months
I think plants should drink blood. I think they should visibly get darker and more vivid in colour and fill out lusciously when there's enough blood for them in the soil. I think there should be plants that have adapted low blood consumption for scarcely populated or peaceful areas and plants that have adapted to being practically saturated, just like we have plants for deserts and rainy areas. I think the blood should have to be absorbed into the soil relatively fresh, blood from previously dead things or stains that dried on another surface just won't get the job done. I think a thirsty plant should have a vaguely threatening look the way an underfed predator does.
When you eat plant based foods they should taste metallic, and cellulose content should correlate to platelet count or something, and you should have to pick which fruit and vegetables you eat carefully if they were fed on human blood in case the antibodies aren't compatible with your own blood type. House plants fed regularly on a small bit of your own blood should oxygenate the air for you better than house plants fed on other blood. Nonlethal bloodletting should be a fundamental agricultural skill. Where blood clinics dispose of unused product an uncanny thicket should grow that isn't cultivated and isn't quite wild, like an algae bloom.
Wild animals should instinctively seek to lie near plants when they're wounded. Hunting animals of the forest instinctively engage their prey where roots crisscross and do the actual feasting and tearing of the kill at the base of a large tree.
In places of massacre and war the imbalances of too much blood in some parts of the soil and too little in others should produce plants whose growth is almost uncontrollable, thorny and horrifically resilient and thirsty enough to choke out anything else that tries to grow there unless every last root is carefully and expertly expunged. Biochemical differences produced by chronic stress or lack thereof, or better or worse nutrition, or even from epigenetic responses to injustice and trauma endured by one's forebears should affect the plants in various ways.
The meeting of chlorophyll and hemoglobin turns plants deep purplish, and whatever the cultural significances of the colour green would be in a given place are transferred onto this colour instead. Shades of fuscia, rust and burgundy are considered restful to the eyes as they denote a healthy field or a vast swath of wilderness. The vibrant reds of spring instead of the verdant greens. Two school kids are about to get into a fight and the teacher angrily pulls them apart and utters some quip about how there are better ways to feed the plants. Blood blood blood.
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amberwellnessgroup · 1 year
Unveiling Iron Deficiency: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options
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Iron, a vital mineral, plays a pivotal role in maintaining our overall health and vitality. It’s an essential component of hemoglobin, the protein responsible for carrying oxygen from the lungs to all parts of the body including the brain and muscles. Iron also plays a role in converting sugar to energy, boosting the immune system, aiding in cognitive function, and supporting healthy skin, hair, and nails.
Iron deficiency is a prevalent condition that can lead to a whole host of symptoms. Some of these symptoms are well known – heart palpitations, fatigue, weakened immunity, shortness of breath and weakness. Other symptoms can include anxiety and low mood, restless leg syndrome, and cognitive changes. There are so many factors that contribute to our health, but it is important to make sure that nutrient deficiencies are not contributing to your overall symptom picture. Iron deficiency is a big one to watch out for especially in menstruating individuals. Blood testing for a CBC and ferritin are easy and affordable and should always be part of your routine examination.
Iron deficiency can arise from several factors including inadequate dietary intake, poor absorption, increased demand during growth or pregnancy, blood loss such as menstruation, or genetic causes.
Sometimes we struggle to get enough iron in the diet – maybe it is due to dietary restrictions or just a busy schedule; this combined with inadequate absorption can make it challenging to maintain the levels of iron that the body needs. GI absorption can be affected by a number a factors – SIBO, leaky gut, gut inflammation, IBD, IBS, stress (the list goes on)! Working on gut health is always a priority for laying a strong foundation for health, but this can take time and sometimes we need to shift our treatment approaches to best support the immediate needs.
Blood loss from menstruation is a major contributor to iron deficiency in women. It can feel like an uphill battle to build up iron stores with oral supplements and unfortunately the body will tend to have heavier periods of bleeding when we are low in iron! Additionally, some individuals may inherit traits that make them more prone to iron deficiency making it even more challenging to maintain the iron that your body needs.
Oral iron supplementation is a necessary part of ongoing treatment for many. Oral Iron comes in a wide variety of forms and the main side effect reported with use is digestive upset, namely constipation. Vitamin C can help to offset this effect as it is a natural laxative and Vitamin C additionally helps iron to absorb.
The bisglycenate form is known for being the gentlest and least likely to have this effect, though some find that a plant-based iron is the only thing they can tolerate orally. Most find that if they split their dose up and take it throughout the day, the side effects are much more tolerable. It is best to talk with your physician to decide with option and dosing is best for you and your body.
B12 and Folate are crucial co-factors for red blood cell production so having adequate B vitamin supplementation is important in support iron deficiency and anemia as well.
Dietary Considerations
Foods high in iron include red meats (beef, lamb, pork), poultry, fish and shellfish, eggs, nuts, dried fruit, whole-meal pasta and bread, iron-fortified cereal, legumes (black beans, lentils, chickpeas), dark leafy green vegetables (spinach, broccoli), oats, tofu.
Vitamin C aids absorption (such as the supplement, or foods rich in Vitamin C, such as: apples, pomegranates, oranges, orange juice, cantaloupe, strawberries, grapefruit, kiwi and other Vitamin-C rich foods).
Cook in a cast-iron skillet, pots or pans to add extra iron to your food.
AVOID at the time of iron supplementation as these things that reduce the absorption: Dairy, calcium supplements, black tea, nuts, soda, chocolate, coffee.
Iron Infusions vs Oral Supplementation
Iron infusions bypass your digestive tract and can be helpful in those who have absorption issues or who get an upset stomach with oral supplements. Most find rapid benefit in mood, energy, brain fog and general sense of well-being when they receive a needed iron infusion.
IV iron treatment can be a game-changer for individuals struggling with iron deficiency, offering faster relief of symptoms than oral supplementation alone. Intravenous iron infusions deliver iron directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system and improving absorption rates. IV iron is great for people who struggle with constipation while taking oral iron. This method allows for faster and more effective replenishment of iron stores, leading to a rapid improvement in anemic symptoms. Treatment recommendations and frequency are made based off recent blood work including CBC, iron panel, and ferritin.
Additionally, we routinely prescribe Vitamin B injections for our patients to support the much-needed cofactors for iron absorption and red blood cell production. You can add on a B vitamin injection to your IV iron infusion, you will notice the positive effects!
Insurance companies are variable in whether they will cover an iron infusion. Typically, they will only cover these through a specialist, called a Hematologist, often within Oncology Departments. There are specific cut offs for ferritin and CBC parameters for insurance to cover these treatments, but people are often significantly symptomatic well before labs will reflect cuts offs for insurance coverage. Our clinic offers Venofer Iron Infusions prescribed by physicians, but we do not bill insurance for these services and all fees must be paid at the time of service. The benefit of doing treatments at the clinic include faster and more comfortable appointments, consultation time with your provider during the treatment, and accessibility outside of insurance coverage/ a hospital system.
If you’re interested in scheduling an appointment or you’d like more information, please contact us.
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mad4india1 · 1 year
Woman From Bhopal Creates Her Own Jungle By Practicing Terrace Gardening – Has 4,000 Plants In A “Jungle Vase”
This is one of the best solutions to all of the environmental issues we currently face: having more green babies. Things would have been different if we had a larger green cover on earth, but some people use the justification that “we live in a concert jungle, we don’t have enough space for plantation or gardening in an apartment culture” 
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Agriculture assistant professor Sakshi Bharadwaj has grown plants that have therapeutic properties, produce a lot of oxygen, and absorb radiation. The young gardener has transformed her 850-square-foot backyard into a miniature forest.
An environmentalist from Bhopal, Sakshi has grown about 4,000 plants of 450 species, including 150 rare ones. And the catch is – she is upcycling kitchen waste and household plastic trash while growing her green babies.
Sakshi Bharadwaj’s environmental initiative is classified as “creating an 850 sq ft sustainable, urban, vertical, & overhead mini jungle” in the 2021 OMG Book of Records.
She is not just a gardening enthusiast but is also a creative innovator of a brighter greener future.
A New Look To The Old Idea Of Terrace Gardening
Recall the garden your grandparents had in their youth. Back then, they would plant oxygen-emitting trees like neem, pipal, and banyan. Today, however, we live in bungalows, flats, and studio apartments that are severely space-constrained. From housefront gardens to terrace gardening, the concept of gardening has undergone a significant change due to our lifestyle change.
As a result, Sakshi, who also conducts online workshops on gardening and horticulture nationally and internationally, wanted to plant lesser-known species that could replace these traditional large plants and serve the same purpose.
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Sakshi started terrace gardening as a mental stress reliever but quickly discovered a pure form of love for it. Along with terrace gardening, Sakshi eventually began to show concern for the planet’s future.
All households have organic kitchen waste like leftover vegetables, fruit skins, empty bags, single-use boxes, and the list goes on, which takes a while to decompose, so she started using it in unique ways and converted kitchen waste into vermicompost and bio-enzymes.
To reduce urban waste, Sakshi believes that recycling non-biodegradable household waste in creative ways is a good idea. Newspapers, plastic bottles, cans, milk pouches, and other items we sell are a few examples of such materials. She consequently planted flowers in milk pouches, bottles, cans, and dried and empty coconut shells.
Spread The Love For Green
In the year 2020, she stumbled upon a group of online gardeners who were cultivating rare and exotic plants. The young lady then got in touch with them, bought some of these unusual plants, and then got in touch with people who could help her expand her collection.
Sakshi decided to major in microbiology. The already intense interest grew even more intense as soon as she started working as an assistant professor.
She said, “As I taught plants’ genetics, I thought of having a first-hand experience of these theories in my own garden.” To satisfy this desire she decided to start her own space where she can experiment and grow her own jungle.
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She practises different methods at home. She claimed to have lost a lot of plants while conducting experiments, but she had always learned something new, which she later applied to her gardening skills.
She sourced from various places, explored a number of varieties, and has grown a mind-blowing space for herself. Just like a human child Sakshi believes that every plant has different requirements.
Some require black soil, while still others require regular tilling (gudai) to promote air circulation. Some grow best in soil that is mixed with sand. The young gardening expert went on to say that while some plants can withstand direct sunlight, others need shade.
A True Plant Mom
This plant mother is very concerned about raising her little plants, Sakshi has thoroughly experimented with terrace gardening and its science.
Based on her observations, she developed a soil with a charcoal mixture & coconut husk that can retain water for a longer period of time. The soil first-hand created by her is so reliable that she waters her plants once every two days even when the temperature soars to 46-48 degrees, and the green babies still thrive.
Among the rare species found in the garden are Albo monstera, Variegated Syngonium, Philodendron mexicanum, Begonias,  Palms, Peperomia, Ficus, Philodendron Millettia, Epipremnum, Calathea, Sansevieria, Chlorophytum,  Black JJ,and others.
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The young environmentalist hopes to connect with like-minded people and work to replenish the declining green cover in Bhopal, the state capital. In fact, she believed that the study of plantations should be a part of both school and college curricula.
Despite environmental science being taught in schools, the young environmentalist bemoans the fact that children still lack fundamental knowledge of plants. The 26-year-old asserted that it is impossible for any 10- to 12-year-old to understand how to plant a sapling.
Sakshi adds that this ought to be considered in civil engineering as well so that we can have durable, green buildings that incorporate vegetation into urban planning. This young woman thinks that change only occurs when we change our little steps.
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emergencysurvivalfood · 2 months
Food Storage 101: Essential Tips for Preserving Your Food Safely!!
Proper food storage is an essential skill that can help you maximize the shelf life of your groceries, reduce waste, and ensure that you always have a supply of fresh, safe-to-eat food on hand. Whether you’re preparing for emergencies, trying to save money, or simply want to get organized, understanding the basics of food storage is key. This article covers the essential principles of food storage, including tips on how to store various types of food to maintain their freshness and quality.
Food storage is about more than just putting items in your pantry or refrigerator. It involves understanding how different types of food should be stored to prevent spoilage, contamination, and nutrient loss. The key factors to consider when storing food include temperature, humidity, light exposure, and the type of packaging used.
Storing Perishable Foods
Perishable foods, such as meat, dairy, and fresh produce, have a limited shelf life and must be stored properly to avoid spoilage. Here are some tips:
Refrigeration: Keep perishable items like meat, dairy, and most fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator at temperatures below 40°F (4°C). Store meat on the lower shelves to prevent any drips from contaminating other foods.
Freezing: For longer-term storage, freezing is an excellent option. Foods like meat, bread, and certain vegetables can be stored in the freezer for months. To prevent freezer burn, wrap items tightly in freezer-safe packaging and label them with the date of freezing.
Produce: Different fruits and vegetables have specific storage needs. For example, bananas, tomatoes, and potatoes should be stored at room temperature, while leafy greens and berries do best in the refrigerator’s crisper drawer.
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Storing Non-Perishable Foods
Non-perishable foods, such as grains, canned goods, and dry goods, can be stored for extended periods if kept in the right conditions. Here’s how to store them effectively:
Pantry Storage: Store non-perishable items in a cool, dry, and dark place, such as a pantry or cupboard. The ideal temperature for storing non-perishables is between 50°F and 70°F (10°C to 21°C). Use airtight containers to protect against pests and moisture.
Canned Goods: Canned foods have a long shelf life, but it’s still important to store them properly. Keep them in a cool, dry place and avoid storing them in areas with high humidity or temperature fluctuations. Rotate your stock by using the oldest cans first.
Dry Goods: Items like rice, pasta, and flour should be stored in airtight containers to keep out moisture and pests. Consider vacuum-sealing these foods for even longer shelf life.
Special Considerations for Long-Term Storage
If you’re planning to store food for long-term use, such as for emergency preparedness or bulk storage, consider these additional tips:
Use Mylar Bags and Oxygen Absorbers: For items like grains, beans, and powdered foods, storing them in Mylar bags with oxygen absorbers can significantly extend their shelf life. These bags protect against light, moisture, and air, which are the primary causes of spoilage.
Dehydrated and Freeze-Dried Foods: Dehydrated and freeze-dried foods are excellent options for long-term storage. They are lightweight, compact, and have a shelf life of 20 years or more when stored properly.
Labeling and Rotation: Always label your food with the date of purchase or storage, and practice the first-in, first-out (FIFO) method. This ensures that you use the oldest food first, reducing the risk of spoilage.
Effective food storage is a crucial part of maintaining a safe, organized, and waste-free kitchen. By understanding the specific storage needs of different types of food and following these basic principles, you can extend the shelf life of your groceries, reduce waste, and ensure that you always have fresh, safe-to-eat food available. Whether you’re stocking up for everyday use or preparing for emergencies, mastering the art of food storage is a valuable skill that will benefit you in the long run.
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therapypathways · 1 month
Can Iron Deficiency Be the Hidden Cause of Your Insomnia? Find Out Now
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Insomnia is a sleep disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. The inability to fall asleep or stay asleep can have a significant impact on your health, mood, and daily performance. While many factors contribute to insomnia, including stress, anxiety, and poor sleep hygiene, one often-overlooked cause could be iron deficiency. Could this common nutritional shortfall be what’s keeping you awake at night?
Can Iron Deficiency Cause Insomnia?
You might be wondering, can iron deficiency cause insomnia? The short answer is yes, it can. Iron is a crucial mineral in your body that plays an essential role in producing hemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout your body. Without enough iron, your body struggles to deliver oxygen to your cells, which can lead to a host of health problems, including sleep disturbances.
The Connection Between Iron and Sleep
Iron is not just important for your blood; it also plays a key role in the brain's function. Iron is a critical component of dopamine production, a neurotransmitter that is vital for regulating mood, sleep, and cognitive function. Low levels of iron can lead to reduced dopamine, which has been linked to restless legs syndrome (RLS), a condition that is often associated with insomnia.
Restless Legs Syndrome and Iron Deficiency
Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) is a neurological disorder characterized by an uncontrollable urge to move your legs, usually because of an uncomfortable sensation. These symptoms often worsen at night, making it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep. Research has shown that iron deficiency is one of the leading causes of RLS. In fact, studies suggest that up to 25% of people with RLS have low levels of iron. This connection makes it clear that addressing iron deficiency could help alleviate insomnia related to RLS.
Iron Deficiency and Brain Function
Iron is also necessary for the proper functioning of neurotransmitters, which are chemicals in the brain that transmit signals between nerve cells. A deficiency in iron can impair the production of these neurotransmitters, particularly dopamine, which plays a critical role in sleep regulation. When dopamine levels are low, it can disrupt the sleep-wake cycle, making it harder for you to fall asleep and stay asleep.
The Symptoms of Iron Deficiency
Iron deficiency can manifest in various ways, and insomnia is just one of many potential symptoms. Other common signs of iron deficiency include:
Fatigue and weakness
Pale or sallow skin
Shortness of breath
Dizziness or lightheadedness
Cold hands and feet
Brittle nails
If you are experiencing insomnia along with any of these symptoms, it might be worth checking your iron levels.
Who Is at Risk for Iron Deficiency?
Certain groups of people are more at risk of developing iron deficiency. Women, especially those who are pregnant or menstruating, are more likely to experience low iron levels due to blood loss. Vegetarians and vegans may also be at higher risk because they do not consume heme iron, which is found in animal products and is more easily absorbed by the body. Additionally, individuals with gastrointestinal disorders, such as celiac disease or Crohn's disease, may have difficulty absorbing iron.
How to Increase Your Iron Levels
If you suspect that iron deficiency is contributing to your insomnia, there are several ways to increase your iron levels. One of the most effective methods is through diet. Foods rich in iron include:
Red meat, pork, and poultry
Beans and lentils
Fortified cereals and grains
Spinach and other leafy greens
Dried fruits like raisins and apricots
It’s also important to note that vitamin C can enhance iron absorption, so pairing iron-rich foods with vitamin C-rich foods, like oranges, strawberries, and bell peppers, can help boost your iron intake.
Iron Supplements: Should You Consider Them?
In some cases, dietary changes alone might not be enough to correct iron deficiency. Iron supplements can be an effective way to boost your iron levels quickly. However, it’s important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any supplement regimen, as too much iron can be harmful and lead to iron overload, a condition that can damage your organs.
The Importance of Diagnosis and Treatment
If you are experiencing insomnia and suspect that iron deficiency might be the cause, it’s crucial to get a proper diagnosis. A simple blood test can measure your iron levels and help determine if you are deficient. Once diagnosed, your healthcare provider can recommend an appropriate treatment plan, which may include dietary changes, iron supplements, or other interventions.
Iron deficiency is a common yet often overlooked cause of insomnia. The connection between iron levels and sleep is clear, with deficiencies leading to conditions like Restless Legs Syndrome and disrupted dopamine production, both of which can interfere with your ability to get a good night’s sleep. If you’re struggling with insomnia and have not found relief through other methods, it might be time to consider whether iron deficiency could be the hidden culprit. By addressing iron levels through diet, supplements, or other medical interventions, you may be able to restore your sleep and improve your overall health.
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easyweightlossmethods · 3 months
Lose weight in a tasty and healthy way!
Help achieve and maintain a healthy body weight
Increase the excretion of water from the body
Reduce feelings of fatigue and tiredness
Help maintain normal blood glucose levels
How does Matcha Extreme work?
Matcha Extreme is the first tea on the market whose ingredients will help you achieve the body of your dreams. Combine business with pleasure and lose weight in a tasty and healthy way. See what results you can achieve with the ingredients contained in Matcha Extreme!
Your dream body
Loss of excess weight
Improved metabolism and digestion
Increased water excretion from the body
Stable glycaemia and reduced appetite
Increased energy to take action
More energy and motivation to exercise
Improved concentration and support of the nervous system
Decreased feelings of fatigue and tiredness
Revitalisation of the body and mind
Improves your health and well-being
Efficient elimination of toxins and heavy metals
Improved lipid profile of the body
Reduction of feelings of stress and tension
Protection against free radicals
Selection of top organic ingredients
Matcha Extreme is a combination of 4 ingredients of organic origin. It is a complete formula that looks after your body and good mood every day.
Matcha green tea leaves powder
Matcha tea is made from the nutrient-rich young leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. They are treated with steam, dried, and ground into a fine powder.
The tea is stored away from light and oxygen, which preserves its antioxidant properties and intense green colour. The beverage has been consumed in the Far East for hundreds of years and is recognised as one of the most important superfoods - products with exceptional antioxidant potential.
Studies confirm that matcha supports weight loss and helps keep blood sugar levels stable, making it valuable for weight loss.
The tea has been shown to have a positive effect on overall health by improving the lipid profile, improving concentration, and supporting liver and heart health.
Due to the shading of the bushes prior to harvest, matcha is characterised by its high content of antioxidants, trace elements, chlorophyll, EGCG, l-theanine and catechins.
The highest quality prickly pear fruit extract. It is a plant of the cactus family naturally found in Mexico. Prickly pear fruit is the richest source of indicaxanthin.
Studies confirm that indicaxanthin inhibits water retention and helps remove excess water from the body.
Regular use of Cacti-Nea™ helps to reduce waist circumference, slim the figure and enhance muscle definition.
Spirulina powder
An excellent source of protein, antioxidants, as well as vitamins and trace elements. The plant is valued worldwide for its numerous health-supporting properties.
Spirulina speeds up metabolism and helps regulate blood sugar levels.
It supports the detoxification of the body to remove heavy metals and reduce the negative effects of free radicals.
It contributes to the lowering of total cholesterol, as well as the LDL fraction.
Acerola fruit extract
Provides a valuable source of naturally occurring vitamin C and components such as carotenoids, phenols, anthocyanins and flavonoids. Vitamin C from acerola fruit is much better absorbed compared to its synthetic forms.
Acerola fruit extract supports the proper functioning of the immune system during intensive exercise.
It supports post-workout regeneration and reduces the feeling of fatigue and tiredness.
confirmed in clinical studies
90,000 packs of Matcha Extreme sold
Organic, carefully developed formula
A tasty way to lose weight
You will fall in love with Matcha Extreme from the first... sip!
Enjoy the aroma of the tea and look after your figure. Join those who have fallen in love with the taste and properties of Matcha Extreme!
3 FACTS about the ingredients in Matcha Extreme
Fact no. 1
Green tea facilitates weight loss and increases thermogenesis.
In a randomised, double-blind study, 115 women suffering from obesity were divided into two groups. The first group received high doses of green tea extract, while the second group received a placebo.
The women taking the green tea extract for 12 weeks achieved significant weight loss, a smaller waist circumference and lower total cholesterol levels and LDL lipoproteins.
The study also showed that green tea increased thermogenesis (the rate at which calories are burned) from 8% to up to 43% of daily energy expenditure.
Fact no. 2
Cacti-Nea™ helps you lose weight and improve your figure.
The effect of Cacti-Nea™ was confirmed in a study on a group of 49 women with a normal BMI (body mass index). The women were assigned to two groups, where they received prickly pear extract or a placebo.
Among the women taking prickly pear extract, there was a significant weight loss, while the women in the placebo group gained up to 3 kg.
Fact no. 3
Cacti-Nea™ removes excess water from the body and helps regulate body weight.
The table below shows how the use of Cacti-Nea™ helps to improve the appearance of the figure.
How do I prepare Matcha Extreme?
Pour 150-200 ml of hot but not boiling water into a glass.
Measure 4 grams of Matcha Extreme (1 scoop), pour into the water and mix thoroughly.
Drink the prepared beverage. Remember that Matcha Extreme can also be added to drinks, smoothies or soups.
Get inspired
Don't like boredom? Try our recipes and see how many possibilities Matcha Extreme gives you.
Iced matcha latte
1 scoop (4 g) Matcha Extreme
¾ cup of any milk
2 dried dates
a few ice cubes
Place all ingredients in a blender and blend for about 1 minute until smooth. Pour the prepared drink into a glass and add ice cubes.
Matcha overnight oatmeal
1 scoop (4 g) Matcha Extreme
4 tbsp (approx. 40 g) oat flakes
2 teaspoons chia seeds
200 ml of any milk
half a teaspoon of cinnamon
half a teaspoon of honey
fruit e.g. blueberries, raspberries, strawberries
Extras: nuts, almond flakes
Prepare the oatmeal in the evening. Combine milk with Matcha Extreme. Pour the prepared drink over the oatmeal and chia seeds. Add honey and cinnamon and mix thoroughly. Cover the oatmeal and leave in the fridge overnight. In the morning, add your preferred fruit to the oatmeal and garnish with chopped nuts and almond flakes.
Matcha Smoothie
1 scoop (4 g) Matcha Extreme
1 banana (can be frozen)
a glass of any milk
a few ice cubes
Place all ingredients in a cup blender. Blend for about 1 minute until smooth. Pour the smoothie into glasses and add a few ice cubes. You can replace the ice cubes in this recipe with a frozen banana.
Certified quality
Matcha Extreme has an organic farming certificate issued under EU regulation. Thus, you are guaranteed that the product's ingredients come from crops that meet organic requirements, without the use of pesticides or artificial fertilisers.
of customers
are satisfied with the results of Matcha Extreme
100% natural ingredients
Developed by nutritionists
Free from artificial colours and flavours
Manufactured in the European Union
1. What is Matcha Extreme?
Matcha Extreme is an innovative food supplement for the preparation of a delicious tea. The product contains ingredients that contribute to weight management and support the removal of excess water from the body. In addition, Matcha Extreme supports the body's detoxification processes and has a beneficial effect on blood sugar and cholesterol levels
2. What ingredients does Matcha Extreme contain?
Matcha green tea leaves powder
Spirulina powder [60% protein]
Prickly pear fruit extract – Cacti-Nea™
Acerola fruit extract
3. Who is Matcha Extreme tea for?
Matcha Extreme is a food supplement designed for anyone who wants to lose weight and improve their overall health. The product is versatile and effective in women and men regardless of their level of physical fitness.
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Dried Fruit Intake Associated With a High-Quality Diet | The Harmony | Dry Fruits
In a narrative review recently published in the journal Nutrients, researchers obtained articles from multiple sources, including PubMed, Medline, and Web of Science, on the effects of dried fruits on gut microbiota, overall gastrointestinal (GI) health, including cardiovascular disease (CVD). Has been discussed. ) risk, type two diabetes (T2D), bone health and diet quality.
Recently, studies have found an association between dried fruit consumption on gut microbiota composition and functionality. Gut microbiota contributes to metabolic health; Thus, identifying dietary strategies that promote metabolic health through modification of gut microbial populations should be a priority.
Furthermore, there is a need for a thorough evaluation of the biological activity of bioactive compounds in dried fruits and their bioavailability and bioavailability.
About the Research
In the present narrative review, the researchers limited their literature search to articles published since 2000 to improve contemporary relevance. They mainly covered articles on seven topics, for example, the phytochemical composition of frequently eaten dried fruits.
This helped provide researchers with an update on the phytochemical composition of dried fruits and the mechanisms possibly involved in their biological effects. Finally, they made recommendations for dried fruit consumption based on the reviewed evidence.
Influence of Dried Fruit Composition
Alasalvar et al. showed that dried fruits have diverse phenolic profiles. However, the exact phenolic profiles of dried apples, peaches, and pears are unknown. They documented that nine dry fruits, namely, apples, cranberries, apricots, dates, peaches, pears, figs, plums and raisins, contained phenolic compounds such as anthocyanins, flavonols, flavones, phenolic acids, etc.
For example, carotenoids (such as β-carotene) are plant pigments that are responsible for the bright yellow, red, and orange colors in many vegetables and fruits and are abundant in all dried fruits except seedless raisins, although In different quantities.
Apricots are the richest source of β-carotene, followed by peaches and plums, these dried fruits contain 2,163, 1,074 and 394μg/100 g of β-carotene respectively. Apricots, dates, plums and raisins also contain phytoestrogens, which are absent in dried apples, figs, peaches and cranberries.
The aim of the study should be to comprehensively analyze different phenolic compound classes, such as carotenoids and phytoestrogens, in various dried fruits. Additionally, consuming 20 to 30 grams of dried fruits per day can provide 10 to 16% of the recommended daily fiber intake, depending on the dried fruits chosen.
Dried fruits have a relatively high oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC), which varies with type and variety. For example, golden seedless raisins have the highest ORAC value of 10,450 µmol trolox equivalents (TE)/100 g.
Impact of Dried Fruits on Gut Health, and Their Dietary Recommendations
Data on the effects of dried fruits on metabolite production and their functions in the intestine are scarce. However, it is certain that dried fruit consumption regulates gut microbiota to influence health.
Most likely, phytochemicals in dried fruits undergo substantial biotransformation by gut microbiota to produce metabolites that affect health. Future mechanistic studies should address these questions.
Low fruit intake is a major contributor to CVD, T2D, and neoplasms. Therefore, a healthy diet consisting of five portions of fruits and vegetables per day, excluding starchy fruits, is the basis of the World Health Organization (WHO)'s current dietary recommendations. Current dietary guidelines for Americans also recommend four servings of fruit per day, where one-quarter cup of dried fruit is equivalent to half a cup of fruit.
Unfortunately, fruit consumption in most countries, including some European countries and the United States, is below current dietary recommendations for fruits (20 to 30 grams per day) according to the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017.
Health Benefit Mechanisms Related to Dried Fruits
Human studies have found that dried fruits have a low to moderate glycemic index due to their high mineral content, particularly potassium and magnesium, and increased fiber content, as well as high levels of antioxidants and phytochemicals.
Thus, consistent consumption of dry fruits benefits heart, gut microbiota and bone health. Surprisingly, their consumption may also provide therapeutic benefits. However, more in-depth research is needed on how dried fruits reduce the severity of chronic metabolic diseases.
A recent study showed that prunes prevent and reverse bone loss in women and potentially men after menopause. Phytochemicals such as chlorogenic acid and catechins have osteoprotective effects; However, the mechanisms controlling these effects remain unknown.
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wallabygoods · 5 months
How Mylar Bags and Oxygen Absorbers Can Safeguard Your Survival Cache
In today's world of increasing uncertainties, having a well-stocked survival cache can be the difference between having enough to meet your needs and merely surviving on your reserves. Let's delve into the art of extreme food storage and explore how mylar bags and oxygen absorbers can serve as a crucial line of defense against food spoilage, no matter what challenges come your way.
Understanding Mylar Bags and Oxygen Absorbers
Mylar Bags: These are durable, food-grade metallic bags constructed from polyester film. Designed with multiple coatings that are free of BPA's and FDA certified, mylar bags are ideal for resisting the external atmosphere and protecting your food from environmental factors.
Oxygen Absorbers: These small packets contain a material, usually iron powder, which reacts with the surrounding environment to absorb oxygen. By using oxygen absorber packets, you can inhibit the growth of living organisms inside a sealed mylar bag, prolonging the shelf life of your stored food.
The Science Behind Preservation
The key to preserving food for long-term storage lies in combating oxygen, the primary culprit in food spoilage. Oxygen promotes decay by creating an environment conducive to the growth of living organisms. Sealed mylar bags with oxygen absorbers work together to create an oxygen-free environment, preventing spoilage and preserving the quality of your food. Additionally, mylar bags have light-blocking properties that prevent light from breaking down nutrients and vitamins in your stored food.
Choosing High-Quality Ingredients
When selecting foods for your survival cache, opt for high-quality staples with long shelf lives. Foods like rice, beans, pasta, and dried fruits are excellent choices for long-term storage due to their durability and nutritional value.
Proper Packing Technique with Labeling
Ensure the effectiveness of your survival cache by using the proper packing technique. Remove as much air as possible from the mylar bag sealer before sealing it and use the appropriate quantity of oxygen absorbers to maintain an oxygen-free environment. Proper labeling, along with a first-in-first-out system, ensures that you use older items before newer ones, optimizing shelf life and minimizing waste.
About Wallaby:
Wallaby is your go-to destination for food storage solutions, including mylar bags and food oxygen absorbers. Offering a wide range of products designed to prevent food spoilage and ensure long-term storage, Wallaby provides expert guidance and top-quality products to help you build a survival cache and be prepared for whatever challenges life throws your way.
Purchase top-quality food storage solutions at https://wallabygoods.com/
Original Source: https://bit.ly/4duwWKP
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jacobjohn0401 · 5 months
The Importance of Iron Supplements in Supporting Overall Wellness
Iron is a vital mineral that plays a crucial role in supporting overall wellness and health. It is an essential component of hemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells responsible for carrying oxygen from the lungs to tissues throughout the body. Iron also plays a key role in energy production, immune function, and cognitive development. While iron is naturally present in many foods, certain individuals may benefit from iron supplements to ensure adequate levels in the body. This article explores the importance of iron supplements in promoting optimal health and wellness.
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Understanding Iron Deficiency
Iron deficiency is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies worldwide, affecting individuals of all ages and backgrounds. It occurs when the body's iron stores become depleted, leading to a decrease in hemoglobin levels and subsequent symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, pale skin, and difficulty concentrating. Certain groups are particularly vulnerable to iron deficiency, including menstruating women, pregnant women, infants, adolescents, and vegetarians/vegans who may not consume enough iron-rich foods.
The Role of Iron in the Body
Iron is indispensable for several physiological functions within the body. Primarily, it is a critical component of hemoglobin, where it binds with oxygen in the lungs and transports it to tissues and organs. This oxygenation process is essential for cellular metabolism and energy production. Iron also contributes to enzymatic reactions involved in energy metabolism, DNA synthesis, and neurotransmitter synthesis, thereby supporting overall vitality and cognitive function.
Benefits of Iron Supplements
Treating Iron Deficiency Anemia: It is prescribed to individuals diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia to replenish iron stores and restore hemoglobin levels. This can alleviate symptoms of fatigue, weakness, and shortness of breath associated with low iron levels.
Supporting Energy Levels: Iron is integral to the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the primary energy currency of cells. Adequate iron levels help optimize cellular energy production, promoting overall vitality and reducing feelings of exhaustion.
Enhancing Cognitive Function: Iron plays a crucial role in brain development and cognitive function. Supplementing with iron may improve cognitive performance, attention span, and memory, especially in individuals with iron deficiency.
Boosting Immune Function: Iron is essential for immune cell proliferation and function. Adequate iron levels support a robust immune response, helping the body defend against infections and illnesses.
Types of Iron Supplements
It is available in various forms, including ferrous sulfate, ferrous gluconate, and ferric iron preparations. These supplements are typically taken orally and are absorbed more efficiently when consumed with vitamin C, which enhances iron absorption. It's essential to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the most suitable iron supplement and dosage based on individual needs and iron status.
Considerations and Precautions
While iron supplements offer significant health benefits, excessive iron intake can be harmful and lead to iron overload, particularly in individuals with certain genetic conditions like hemochromatosis. It's crucial to follow healthcare provider recommendations regarding iron supplementation to avoid adverse effects.
Dietary Sources of Iron
In addition to supplements, incorporating iron-rich foods into the diet can help maintain healthy iron levels naturally. Good dietary sources of iron include red meat, poultry, fish, beans, lentils, tofu, fortified cereals, spinach, and dried fruits. Combining iron-rich foods with foods high in vitamin C can further enhance iron absorption.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions):
Why are iron supplements important?
It is crucial for individuals who have or are at risk of iron deficiency. Iron is essential for the production of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to all parts of the body. Supplementing with iron can help treat or prevent iron deficiency anemia, improve energy levels, support cognitive function, and enhance overall well-being.
Who should consider taking iron supplements?
Individuals who may benefit from taking iron supplements include:
Women with heavy menstrual periods
Pregnant women, as iron needs increase during pregnancy
Vegetarians or vegans who may have lower iron intake
Individuals with diagnosed iron deficiency or iron deficiency anemia
Infants, children, and adolescents with increased iron requirements for growth and development
What are the signs of iron deficiency?
Common signs and symptoms of iron deficiency include:
Fatigue and weakness
Pale skin
Shortness of breath
Dizziness or lightheadedness
Difficulty concentrating
Cold hands and feet
Brittle nails and hair loss
How should iron supplements be taken?
Iron supplements should be taken as directed by a healthcare provider. They are typically taken with water on an empty stomach to enhance absorption. However, some individuals may experience gastrointestinal discomfort when taking iron supplements. It's important to follow dosage recommendations and discuss any concerns with a healthcare professional.
Are there any side effects of iron supplements?
While iron supplements are generally safe when taken as recommended, they can cause side effects such as:
Upset stomach
Constipation or diarrhea
Dark stools
Stomach pain
Iron supplements should be kept out of reach of children, as accidental overdose can be harmful. Individuals with certain health conditions or genetic predispositions should consult their healthcare provider before starting iron supplementation to minimize risks and ensure safety.
In conclusion, iron supplements play a pivotal role in supporting overall wellness by preventing and treating iron deficiency, promoting energy production, supporting cognitive function, and enhancing immune health. Individuals at risk of iron deficiency should consider incorporating iron supplements into their healthcare regimen under the guidance of a healthcare professional. Additionally, a balanced diet rich in iron-containing foods is essential for maintaining optimal iron levels and overall vitality. By prioritizing iron intake, individuals can optimize their health and well-being for a vibrant and energetic life. Contact us today at 16466844000 to discover how iron supplements can benefit your health and well-being. Our team of experts is here to provide personalized guidance and recommend the right iron supplement for your needs. Reach out now for a healthier tomorrow!
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oxygenabsorber-blog · 8 months
Protect and Save Food Products During Delayed Shipping With OxySorb
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In the wake of recent events such as the Truck Drivers’ protest the Red Sea crisis and global trade, the transportation of food products through cargo and other mediums in general has undergone delay, damage, or spoilage due to unforeseen conditions.
In such situations, food products are susceptible to changing environmental conditions, like moisture, oxygen, organisms, humidity, heat, dust, etc. One of the factors that poses a serious risk to the quality of the food products shipped in cargo is the presence of oxygen. Excess amounts of oxygen can cause the food products to lose their texture, freshness, and potency.
Oxygen absorbers can safeguard, protect and preserve the quality of food products from spoilage due to these detrimental factors of excess oxygen present in cargo settings.
How Oxysorb can help prevent damage to food products during shipping?
High oxygen absorption capabilities: An oxygen absorber is a packet filled with iron powder. When exposed to oxygen, it oxidizes and absorbs it. This process prolongs the shelf life of dried foods and grains, while also protecting them from mold and other harmful organisms.
Protect a wide range of products: They are suitable for a variety of food products and provide a wide range of oxygen and humidity protection, such as dry fruits, sweets, dried flowers, nuts, seeds, coffee, tea, dry seafood packaging, spices, herbs & seasonings, flour, pulses, grains, poultry, dairy, dry pasta, candies & confectioneries, and organic food products.
Preserve product quality effectively: Oxysorb can help preserve food quality, freshness, texture, and aroma for longer periods of time due to effectively maintaining optimum levels of oxygen inside the packaging and cargo settings.
Sustainable and eco-friendly packaging solution: Oxysorb packets are made keeping in mind the sustainability factor and with natural and eco-friendly materials. They can effectively absorb up to 98% of oxygen from the food product packaging, keeping its entire nutritive value and maintaining proper storage conditions or delays like during the Truck drivers' protest and the Red Sea crisis.
Available in various sizes: Oxysorb packets are available in various sizes making them suitable for use in small or large scale applications efficiently. You can choose from 20cc Oxygen Absorber to 3000cc Oxygen Absorber packets as per your needs.
USFDA-approved and compliant: Since Oxysorb is used along with food products, it is compliant with numerous stringent regulations and compliances and is USFDA-approved so you can rest assured that the product is non-toxic inert in nature, and safe for use.
Affordable and preservative-free option: When you use Oxysorb for protecting food products from spoilage, you are saving a lot of money, and using a preservative-free packaging solution that can help enhance and maintain the shelf life of your food products during shipping and unexpected delays like during the Truck drivers' protest and the Red Sea crisis.
Oxysorb, oxygen absorber has helped save and protect numerous cargo and shipping container contents of food products from the detrimental factors of excess oxygen and moisture levels during the Truck drivers' protest and the Red Sea crisis, and helped save goods worth $100,000,000.
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novobacwilting · 11 months
Getting Started with Pepper Plant Wilting
With their flaming fruits and enticing perfume, pepper plants are a beloved addition to many gardens. Any food can be made more colorful and spicier by their brilliant colors. For gardeners, though, watching these plants fade may be a heartbreaking sight. Wilting is a plant's cry for aid, indicating that something is wrong.
This in-depth guide seeks to clarify the typical reasons pepper plants wilt and provides remedies to preserve their robust health. Understanding begins with acknowledging that both humans and plants have particular needs. They display signs of distress, with wilting being one among the main symptoms, when these needs aren't supplied.
Knowing What Causes Pepper Plant Wilting Commonly
Not enough watering: The key to life is water. No living thing can exist without it, and pepper plants are no different. The roots of the plant cannot absorb enough water when the soil dries out. Due to this, the turgor pressure inside the plant cells decreases, which results in wilting.
It is vital to often monitor the fungi and the moisture content of the soil. If you want to know if it's time to water, you can perform a quick finger test by sticking your finger up to an inch into the ground. It's time to water your plant life if the soil feels dry. But it's not just about the amount; it's also about the frequency. It is better to water deeply and seldom as opposed to often and shallowly.
Overwatering: Contrary to popular belief, giving your plants too much water might be just as bad for them as not enough. Waterlogged soil from excessive irrigation suffocates roots and deprives them of oxygen. This may result in root rot, which is fatal to plants.
To strike a balance is the key. Make sure the soil is well-draining if you're planting directly in the ground and that your pots have adequate drainage holes. Clues can be found by observing the plant's leaves. While dark, crunchy leaves could signify too little water, yellowing leaves might indicate too much.
The health of any plant is based on the quality and composition of the soil. It serves as a support system and gives the required nutrients. But not all soils are made equally. Some may be overly sand-like, while others may be very clay-like. Pepper plants prefer organically rich, well-draining soil. Composting the soil on a regular basis might improve its quality.
Additionally, having the pH and nutrient levels of your soil examined will help you make educated judgments about fertilizer. The roots of the plant can breathe and properly absorb nutrients if the soil is balanced.
Experiences I've Had Caring for Pepper Plants
My experience with pepper plants has been a roller coaster of emotions throughout the years. I've witnessed it all, from the excitement of the first sprout to the devastation of witnessing a fully developed plant wilt.
I made the decision to grow many different pepper plants one summer. I may have watered them too diligently out of excitement.
I was shocked to see that their leaves were becoming yellow, and following closer examination, I saw that their roots were decaying. Lesson about the risks of overwatering was difficult to learn.
Another time, I thought I was shielding my plants from the glaring sun by placing them in a covered area. However, they started to sag, growing lanky and frail. I learned from this how crucial sunlight is to their development. I learned the subtleties of plant care from each experience.
Why are my pepper plant's leaves turning yellow?
Yellowing leaves could indicate a number of problems. It could be a sign of pest infestations, nutrient deficits, or even overwatering. To properly address a problem, the root cause must be identified.
How frequently do I need to water my pepper plants?
The kind of soil, the climate, and the stage of the plant's growth are only a few of the variables that affect how frequently to water a plant. Watering have to be done, as a preferred rule, whilst the pinnacle inch of soil feels dry.
The Benefits of Organic Micro-Based Solution
Gardening is a lifelong learning process. Understanding each plant's specific requirements is essential for effective gardening. With their countless kinds, pepper plants are a delight to grow. Their colorful fruits are proof of a gardener's commitment and love. You may ensure a plentiful crop by arming yourself with the knowledge to address problems as soon as they arise by understanding the typical reasons of wilting. Salutations to pepper plants for their happiness, health, and delight!
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sandrachens-blog · 11 months
Survival Food Storage Tips: Ensuring Longevity and Safety
In a world where uncertainties loom, being prepared is not just a scout's motto but a necessity for many. One of the primary concerns for those preparing for emergencies is food storage. Properly stored food can be the difference between survival and disaster. Here are some essential tips to ensure that your survival food storage is both long-lasting and safe.
Choose the Right Foods:
Start by selecting non-perishable items. These include canned goods, dried fruits, grains, beans, pasta, powdered milk, and freeze-dried meals. These foods have a longer shelf life and are less likely to spoil. To learn more about survival food storage, click here - https://wildoaktrail.com/collections/nutrient-survival-food.
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Rotate Your Stock:
It's essential to practice the "first in, first out" principle. Always use the oldest items first and replace them with new stock. This rotation ensures that your food remains fresh and reduces the risk of consuming expired items.
Optimal Storage Conditions:
Most foods should be stored in a cool, dark, and dry place. The ideal temperature range is between 50°F and 70°F. Avoid areas where temperatures fluctuate, as this can reduce the food's shelf life. Basements are often ideal, but if that's not an option, a dark closet or pantry will suffice.
Use Proper Containers:
Invest in food-grade storage containers. These containers are designed to prevent contamination and protect against pests. Vacuum-sealed bags, Mylar bags, and food-grade buckets with airtight lids are excellent choices. For added protection, consider using oxygen absorbers inside the containers, which can extend the food's shelf life.
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Label Everything:
It's crucial to label all your food containers with both the contents and the storage date. This practice not only helps with rotation but also ensures you know exactly what you're consuming.
Protect Against Pests:
Rodents and insects can quickly ruin your food storage. Ensure that your storage area is free from holes or gaps where pests can enter. Regularly inspect your storage area for signs of pests and take immediate action if you find any.
Store Water:
While not food, water is essential for survival. Store at least one gallon of water per person per day for at least three days. Like food, water should be rotated regularly. Consider investing in water purification tablets or filters to ensure safe consumption.
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Diversify Your Storage:
Don't put all your eggs in one basket. It's wise to have a mix of freeze-dried foods, canned goods, and basic staples. This diversification ensures that if one type of food becomes compromised, you'll have other options available.
Learn Preservation Techniques:
Understanding basic food preservation techniques, such as canning, dehydrating, and pickling, can be invaluable. These skills allow you to store fresh foods safely and extend their shelf life significantly.
Consider Special Dietary Needs:
If someone in your household has dietary restrictions or allergies, ensure that you store foods that they can safely consume. It's also wise to store vitamins and supplements, especially if your stored foods might not provide all the necessary nutrients over an extended period.
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Regularly Check for Expiry:
Even non-perishable foods don't last forever. Regularly check the expiration dates on your stored items. If something is nearing its expiration date and you can't consume it in time, consider donating it and replacing it with a fresh supply.
Stay Informed:
Food storage guidelines and best practices can change based on new research and findings. Stay informed by regularly checking reputable sources and updating your storage methods accordingly.
Plan for Cooking:
Remember that many stored foods will require cooking or preparation. Ensure you have alternative cooking methods available, such as a solar oven or a portable propane stove, especially if you're preparing for situations where electricity might not be available.
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Test and Taste:
Every once in a while, prepare meals using your stored foods. This practice not only helps you rotate your stock but also ensures you're familiar with cooking these items and that they're palatable.
In conclusion, proper food storage is a blend of choosing the right items, storing them correctly, and regularly maintaining your stockpile. By following these tips, you can ensure that in times of emergencies, your food supply will be a source of comfort and sustenance, rather than a cause for concern. Preparedness brings peace of mind, and with the right approach to food storage, you're one step closer to ensuring the safety and well-being of your loved ones.
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Taste, benefits, and uniqueness of bright fruits and vegetables
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Why vegetables and fruits? Taste, benefits and uniqueness of bright fruits and vegetables.
The bright colors of vegetables and fruits signal the content of phytonutrients in them (of which there are more than 3000). Each phytonutrient has a specific role in the body: they are antioxidants (protect cells), help the liver to remove toxins, have anti-inflammatory properties, support the immune system and play an important role in preventing chronic diseases. Taste, benefits and uniqueness of bright fruits and vegetables.
Including colorful fresh vegetable products in the diet, we provide ourselves with a whole range of phytonutrients. At the same time, our body also receives fiber, which helps the detoxification process, ensuring the work of the intestines and the timely withdrawal of "waste materials".
A modern urban person on average eats 2-3 vegetables and 1-2 fruits a day. This is at best and it is not enough! To help the body efficiently carry out the processes it needs, you need to gradually add colored vegetables and fruits to the diet.
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Vegetables and fruits of red color
Strawberries, grapes, red oranges and grapefruits, cherries and cherries, cranberries, beets, tomatoes, radishes, red peppers.
They contain vitamin C, flavonoids, and lycopene-powerful antioxidants that help protect the body from the destructive effects of free radicals and prevent some forms of cancer.
Lycopene is better absorbed by the body after small heat treatment and in the vicinity of high-quality fats. Therefore, steamed tomatoes with a spoonful of olive oil will be better absorbed than just a piece of raw tomato.
Recipe: Gazpacho
Feel free to cook if your diet includes nightshade.
Large ripe tomato 1 pc Small cucumber 1 pc Sweet red pepper 1 pc Olive oil 1 tablespoon Natural soy sauce instead of salt 2-3 tablespoons
Grind everything in a blender – and you're done!
2. Vegetables and fruits of orange and yellow color
Bananas, oranges, yellow apples, pineapple, mango, lemons, apricots, peaches, pumpkin, turnips, yellow and orange peppers, sweet potatoes( sweet potatoes), turmeric.
All yellow fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamin C and carotenoids. They are best absorbed with healthy fats. Pineapple is a source of bromelain, an enzyme that improves digestion. Citrus fruits protect against cancer.
Turmeric is the absolute champion among spices! Its anti-inflammatory and digestive-improving effects have made it popular in cooking and therapeutic use.
Pumpkin and lingonberry dessert. Taste, benefits and uniqueness of bright fruits and vegetables.
Sweet pumpkin peel, cut into cubes 34.92 oz Put in a saucepan, add 0.5 cups of water
Cranberries or cranberries (can be frozen) 10.58 oz Dried apricots 7.0 oz
Close the lid, let it boil, and, turning down the heat, simmer for 15 minutes. 2-3 minutes before cooking, add cranberries or cranberries, cut dried apricots.
Green fruits and vegetables
All greens: spinach, kale, salad leaves of different varieties, parsley, dill, coriander, arugula, avocado, green peas, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and other types of cabbage, kiwi, green apples, green grapes, lime.
Green fruits and vegetables contain chlorophyll and B vitamins, which are involved in the processes of energy formation in the body, and also saturate the blood with oxygen, improving metabolic processes at the cellular level.
They are also rich in phytonutrients called glucosinolates (found in cruciferous vegetables – all kinds of cabbage, kohlrabi, and radishes). These components allow you to maintain the health of cells, help the liver metabolize and remove toxins, and have an anti-inflammatory effect. But the effects of hot temperatures do not like glucosinolates, they are destroyed. Therefore, cruciferous vegetables are better either to eat fresh or to cook with soft methods (for a short time for a couple) and in a small amount of water.
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Tabouleh salad
It is rich in sodium and iron, it supplies fiber to the body. In my version, with quinoa instead of couscous, it is supplemented with high-grade protein and calcium.
Large bunch of parsley Tomato 1 piece Red onion ½ pcs Quinoa (preferably red or multicolored). 2 tablespoons Juice of ¼ lemon or ½ lime Olive oil 2 tablespoons Mineral or sea salt to taste
Cook the quinoa for 15 minutes While the quinoa is cooking, chop the parsley: the smaller, the tastier it will be. Finely chop the onion and tomato. Mix the herbs, onion, tomato, and quinoa. Season with lemon juice, oil, and salt.
Salad with broccoli and cashews
Broccoli cabbage is healthy for suppressing protein glycation, prolonging life, strengthening bones, preventing lung, colon, breast, prostate, pancreatic, and stomach cancer, normalizing blood pressure, and lowering cholesterol levels. Thus, broccoli can be considered almost the most valuable of all currently known superfoods. The only thing is that it should be consumed strictly in its raw form. It's delicious, try to make a simple salad:
Broccoli 3.53 oz Red grapefruit or orange 3 slices Pomegranate seeds 1 tablespoon Red onion (chopped) White wine vinegar 1 tsp Cashews (pre-soak in filtered water for two hours) 1 tablespoon Ground pepper, and turmeric  to taste
Divide the broccoli into small inflorescences, and cut. Peel the grapefruit and divide it into slices, open each slice, and peel off the white veins to exclude bitterness. Finely chop the red onion. In a bowl, mix olive oil, white wine vinegar, and pepper to taste. Cut the animated cashews or randomly break them into pieces. Season the vegetables and fruits with the sauce and mix gently. Decorate the top with pomegranate seeds and nuts.
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Fruits and vegetables of blue, blue-purple color
Blueberries,  currants, plums, red cabbage, red onion, purple cauliflower, eggplant.
They contain powerful antioxidants called anthocyanins. Blueberries are especially rich in them. Anthocyanins have adaptogenic, bactericidal, and anti-inflammatory properties.
When we talk about adding a variety of vegetables and fruits to the diet, the quality factor is important: there is little useful preserved in plastic vegetables that have been lying on the supermarket shelf for more than one month. Therefore, try to choose local, seasonal products grown on organic farms.
Recipe: toast with ricotta and purple figs
High-quality bread! I have a yeast-free on a real long leaven, which, unlike fast yeast, breaks down gluten, making it easier to digest. The freshest ricotta. You can use vegan cheese (based on cashews). The layer is obtained from 2 tablespoons, these are the necessary fats and protein. Seasonal figs, cut into thin plastics. Each piece contains a fragrance and happiness. Figs are also very necessary for the health of blood vessels and the prevention of thrombosis, so if you have varicose veins, this is your product. Blueberries or blueberries. Seasonal, the most vitamin-rich. These are bioflavonoids and antioxidants. A little fresh thyme or rosemary on top. Just sprinkle and inhale the aroma of herbs, as if you are not in the metropolis.
How to add variety to your daily diet?
Plan in advance what you will buy. My refrigerator turns into a rainbow after buying food for a week: of course, there is more green, but all the colors are necessarily present.
Plan the menu for the week, taking into account the strategy "eat a rainbow every day".
Add vegetables to every meal. Let me remind you that fruit is not a dessert, it is a separate meal, for example, a snack or an afternoon snack.
Make colorful salads, soups, and side dishes from different vegetables (stews, dals, pasta with vegetables)
Compose a variety of fruit salads and desserts: chia pudding with fruit and cinnamon, berry mixes.
Prepare smoothies: it's delicious, fast, and healthy.
Put the pieces of fruit in the water: it will become tastier and healthier.
During the day, note to yourself how your rainbow is formed, and what colors you still need to add to it. And let your every day be bright!
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johnnymarkssh · 1 year
Ensuring Longevity: How to Rotate and Maintain Your Emergency Food Supply
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In times of crisis, having a well-maintained emergency survival food supply can be a lifeline. Whether it's a natural disaster, economic downturn, or unforeseen circumstances, having enough sustenance to tide you over is crucial. However, just stashing away cans and packets of emergency survival food isn't enough. To ensure the food remains safe, nutritious, and ready for consumption when needed, it's essential to implement a rotation and maintenance strategy. Here are some pointers on how to effectively rotate and maintain your emergency food supply:
First In, First Out (FIFO):
Implementing the FIFO principle is key to keeping your emergency food supply fresh. When you purchase new items, place them behind the existing ones, so you use the oldest items first. This ensures that your food doesn't expire unused, and you're always consuming the items with the nearest expiration dates.
Regular Inspection:
Set a schedule for inspecting your emergency survival food supply. Check for any signs of damage, such as dents, rust, or punctures in cans, and ensure that the packaging is intact. Damaged packaging can lead to spoilage or contamination. Additionally, look for any visible signs of pests or rodents that may have compromised your stash.
Labeling and Dating:
Properly labeling and dating your emergency food items is crucial. Use a permanent marker to write the purchase or expiration date on each item. This makes it easy to identify which items need to be consumed first and helps you keep track of the freshness of your supply.
Temperature and Storage Conditions:
Where you store your emergency survival food is vital. It should be kept in a cool, dry, and dark place, away from direct sunlight, moisture, and temperature fluctuations. Ensure that the storage area maintains a consistent temperature, ideally between 50°F and 70°F (10°C to 21°C). Extreme heat or cold can adversely affect the shelf life of your food.
Rotation Schedule:
Establish a rotation schedule to consume and replace items nearing their expiration dates. Plan meals that incorporate your emergency survival food to ensure it doesn't go to waste. Regularly use and replenish items like canned vegetables, fruits, and grains to keep your supply fresh.
Pest Prevention:
To protect your emergency food supply from pests, consider using airtight containers or Mylar bags for items like grains, rice, and pasta. Additionally, you can add oxygen absorbers to these containers to extend their shelf life and deter pests.
Educate Yourself:
Become familiar with the shelf life of different emergency survival food items. While some items like canned goods can last for several years, others, such as freeze-dried or dehydrated foods, have varying shelf lives. Understanding these timelines will help you plan your rotation strategy effectively.
Maintain a detailed inventory of your emergency survival food supply. Note the quantity, type, and expiration date of each item. This documentation will help you stay organized and ensure that you're using and replenishing items as needed.
A well-maintained emergency food supply is a crucial component of any preparedness plan. Implementing these pointers for rotation and maintenance will help you ensure that your emergency survival food remains safe, nutritious, and reliable when you need it most. Remember, being proactive in caring for your food supply can make a significant difference in your ability to weather unforeseen emergencies.
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