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manecosantanna · 7 months ago
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tiremascriancasdasala · 9 months ago
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Eros oxun düz atmadı
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eyewearcatherine · 4 months ago
🎬🚂🌟 [Títansýn, létt sigling]. 🌟
👓 Kannaðu nýtt tímabil 👓 lúxus á viðráðanlegu verði
🚀 [Títan, gjöf frá alheiminum]. 🚀
Í hinum víðfeðma alheimi hefur títan fengið orðspor "geimmálms" með sínum einstaka sjarma. Léttur, sterkur og tæringarþolinn, hann er fullkomin blanda af nútímatækni og náttúruöflunum. Nú höfum við samþætt þessa gjöf frá stjörnunum inn í daglega rútínu þína - hrein títangleraugu sem færa áður óþekktan léttleika í sjón þína.
🌐 [Títan, kristöllun tækni og náttúru]. 🌐
• Léttur sem vængur: Hrein títanglös vega helmingi meira en hefðbundin efni, sem gerir það að verkum að þú finnur varla fyrir því, losar þrýsting á nefbrúnina og nýtur frelsisins til að anda.
• Sterkur eins og stál: Títan er tvöfalt sterkara en stál, en samt létt en pappír. Hvort sem það er daglegt högg eða áskorun í útiíþróttum, þá ræður það við það með auðveldum hætti.
• Tæringarþolið, ofnæmisvaldandi: Títan er afar lífsamhæft, þannig að jafnvel viðkvæm húð getur klæðst því með hugarró og kveðið vandræði málmofnæmis.
🎨 [Hönnun, fædd fyrir einstaklingseinkenni]. 🎨
• Mínimalískar línur: Innblásin af nútíma fagurfræði, hönnunarteymið okkar útlistar gleraugun þín með mínimalískum línum sem passa fullkomlega við tískuviðhorf þitt, hvort sem það er viðskiptafundur eða frjálslegur tími.
• Litabylting: Frá klassískum svörtum og gulli til töff halla, fjölbreytt úrval litavalkosta okkar mun fullnægja öllu ímyndunarafli þínu fyrir persónulega tjáningu.
• Sérsniðin reynsla: Veittu persónulega sérsniðna þjónustu, frá ramma til musterisins, hægt er að aðlaga hvert smáatriði í samræmi við óskir þínar, til að búa til þín eigin gleraugu.
🌟 [Dægurvísindaþekking]. 🌟
• Þéttleiki títans: Þéttleiki títan er um 4,5g/cm³, sem er 60% af stáli, sem þýðir að títangleraugu eru léttari í þyngd fyrir sama rúmmál.
• Styrkur títans: Togstyrkur títan er allt að 1000MPa, sem er tvöfalt meira en stál, sem tryggir endingu gleraugna.
• Tæringarþol títans: Títan getur myndað þétta oxíðfilmu í loftinu, sem getur í raun komið í veg fyrir frekari oxun og gert títangleraugu endingarbetri.
📸 [Tískuviðhorf nútíma ungs fólks] 📸
• Léttleiki og vellíðan: Í hröðu lífi leyfa létt títangleraugu þér að gleyma byrðinni og njóta þín.
• Persónuleikatjáning: Hvert par af títan gleraugum er framlenging á persónuleika þínum, hvort sem það er götustefna eða elíta á vinnustað, þú getur sýnt einstaka sjarma þinn.
• Heilbrigt líf: Að velja títanglös er að velja heilbrigðan lífsstíl, halda sig frá ofnæmi og njóta þæginda.👇👇
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k-i-n-g-c-y-b-o-r-g · 3 years ago
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𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐂𝐘𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐆 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐒 Meet JUELMA (my other real name coz we Africans have so many F* names!!) LORDTT JUELMA is a reader. Lover of the books. Honestly, the apple don’t fall far from the tree coz her father is a well know hyper inteligent psychologist teacher at a University in Angola. So, reading books was always something “normal” and sometimes forced in upon in her childhood. JUELMA was born and raised in Angola. Taught herself how to read, speak and write in English by “stealing” books from her father’s immense library. By listening to western music and watching western movies. JUELMA speaks Portuguese from Angola, Portuguese from Portugal, Portuguese from Brazil. JUELMA speaks Spanish and a bit of Russian (barely). JUELMA is a tech nerdy (works in the tech industry). She is also so into social justice (don’t mess with children She will cut your throat). A lover of nature. A Mental Health Advocate. Her apartment loft is an indoor jungle full of plants 🌱 , crystals 💎, essence oils and all the wicked witchy stuff you can imagine. JUELMA is so much fun in person, tho. Those who know her know exactly what this means. A devoted wife, friend, sister, cousin and etc. loyal AF. JUELMA is a Walking Metamorphosis/ Chameleon 🦋 🐍 In constant change and evolution - KingCyborg- JUELMA is a singer - songwriter JUELMA is writer, a poet JUELMA is a dancer JUELMA is a corky comedian (dry jokes) JUELMA is a Stem/Androgynous/Fem ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 Questions and/or concerns? Please, send those to ‘TALK TO ME / JOIN’ link in my bio ❤️‍🔥🤘🏽 #gettoknowme #kingcyborg #earthgoddess #fireelement #chameleon #metamorphosis #oxun #filhadorei #rainha #reina #bruja #healer #explorepage #altar #domfem #alphafemale #universetoday https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch57wL7MvdU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nandiansura · 4 years ago
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indigaux · 5 years ago
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✨🌻🌞 Make offering to Oshun 🌼✨🍯
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1arkspur · 5 years ago
OSHUN - Blessings on Blessings (Official Video)
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flechafotografia · 5 years ago
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"Ó, Mãe Eu vim do rio Vi Osùn a se banhar Ó, Mãe Como é bonito O brilho de seu olhar Dourada mulher A Deusa faceira Seu reino bonito É na cachoeira..." https://www.letras.mus.br/camila-trindade/cancao-para-oxum Fotografia: Alexandre Areias  
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ausarausetpa · 5 years ago
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Join us online on Friday, 4.24.20 @ 7:30pm as we welcome the new moon energy of the Divine Goddess Het-Heru. Learn how to harness her energies of Love, Joy and Harmony. All are welcome. Register in advance for this meeting: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMlceGurT8rG9wLJgjlOQF6yV6_qDxfDCNi After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Ausar Auset PA (215) 843-0900 ausarausetpa.com #hetheru #oshun #osun #oxun #ochun #hathor #venus #hetheruhealingdance  #blackwomen #blackgirls #wombhealing #womenshealth #holistichealth #health #healing #nutrition #family #wellbeing #metuneter #kamit #kemet #khamit #meditation #spirituality #peace #AusarAusetSociety #AusarAusetPA #AusarAuset #aasphilly #aaspa https://www.instagram.com/p/B_DbczmDVho/?igshid=ldgge0jdmnr8
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elhoimleafar · 6 years ago
Oshun achieves to Ogun to left the Jungle (Story/Folk)
It is due to the beauty and brightness of the youth of Oshún that Ogún left the jungle where he lived alone with no company other than that of his dogs. Ogun was hiding from men and only saw Oshosi, the god of hunting, owner of wild animals.
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Ogun had not been known for a long time. There was a hungry cat looking to eat, he heard the rumor of a conversation and came to listen. Oshosi told Ogun that there was an old man in the village who had claimed to be their father. Ogun replied that I do not have a father, so Oshosi answered me, but I will go to see the old man. I will touch the
door and if he answers Oshosi Ode kills, then really that old man is my father. If he does not answer me like that, he is not my father and I kill him. Ogun said I will also go to see him and if Ogun Obaniré does not tell me, I'll kill him.
With these plans, the two orishas separated. The cat, finding that he had eaten and listened to all this, took a nap and went to tell Baba (Olofi) everything he had heard.
One day Oshosi knocks on Olofi's door. Oshosi Ode Mata shouted the
old. The Babami blessing. Three days later, Ogun arrived at the
Olofi's doors and knocks on his door, Ogun Obaniré answered the old man. The Babami blessing. The old man told Ogun you should stay here with me, and Ogun answered no. Someday I will come to see it but I am going back to the mountain now.
Oshosi went to visit the old man very often but Ogun did not go. There was much needed in the town. What will be our people without irons? What will the world be if Ogun does not provide his tools? Olofi complained. Ogun had no one to take him out of the forest. Olofi got tired of sending him to look. Elegua did not manage to convince him. The male Orisha offered him large sums of money in exchange for his access to leave the mountain and the female Orishas were going to tempt him but wild and distrustful Ogun went deeper into the forest.
Oshún said I will take Ogun from the mountain and bring him to town. He filled a cup of honey (oñí), tied five yellow handkerchiefs around his waist and, sounding his five copper handcuffs, reached Ogun, who, when he saw her, went to hide. Oshún sang and sang, his voice was so sweet that Ogun stood still listening to her. He risked poking his head and Oshun quickly smeared him on his lips. Oshún continues singing and Ogún comes out of hiding.
Oshún continued singing and dancing and offering him, honey. Ogun was licked with delight. So Oshún was for five days singing, dancing, smearing honey on Ogun's lips until this
finally he goes out after her in love. The honey from Oshún tames and sweetens Ogun. He takes him out of the jungle and takes him to the Ile de Olorun, which binds Ogún with a chain and holds him captive in the village.
All the Orishas celebrated the event with a big party.
Yemaya brings salt, Oshosi the animals, Orishaoko the food, Oshún the water from its source, Ogun himself his machete, the cauldron, and the stove and Shangó the coals of fire.
Thus did Oshun achieve the impossible for the good of the people. Oshún with her "Angel" and honey delights and sweetens anyone.
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paidiego · 5 years ago
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"Minha nossa senhora me dá um colo Faz tempo que a gente não conversa Eu vivo nesse mundo tanta pressa Mas eu não esqueci do teu amor Nem da tua companhia E da fé que me acompanha noite e dia E me faz levantar" #oxum #ossum #osun #osun #oxun #osún #Gratidão #amor #União #Felicidades #Prosperidade #Fertilidade Abundância #Casamento #Mulher #Mãe #Senhora #Bondade #Acolhedora Pai Diego de Oxóssi https://www.instagram.com/p/Ba57VmPF9Ro/?igshid=1m4mbstmb19e0
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nomadicscratches · 3 years ago
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"Water Falls Wonderfully." . Goddess loosely draped, dripping and golden. Lets rivers run, leaves lakes to linger amid forests and jungles more beautiful than we deserve. . Yet she loves us. She rains clarity, cries her sweet crystals through our eyes. . She reigns radiance, a Goddess unabashed. . She weaves whirlpools of feminine affection, sings with a spring water voice, aqueous laughter to mend our tired hearts. . Mother Oxun, In your waterfall embrace be a cleansing eternity. ... DLMC 10/12/2021
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21eb · 4 years ago
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😍 When your princess ask for a dress, you make a dress. The perks of having a custom dressmaker as a mom. 😍 #princesa #HijaDeOchun #coveryourhead #ProtectYourOri #CoverYourOri #Ochun #Oxun #CowrieShell #Orisha #Eggun #EggunWoman #sehaceconAsé #sehaceconAmor #custommade #customhats #customheadband #customturban #customgarments #customdress #customdesigner #21EnneadBovini https://www.instagram.com/p/CANbwa0DlEW/?igshid=1sdaeemuaommp
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wesleycartomanzia · 5 years ago
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Ora ye ye salve oxum! #oxun #oxundklee #osún #oromimaió #oromimaio #oromimaioartes #oraieie #oraieieo #oraieieô #orayeye #orayeyeô #orayêyêô #ouro #ouroeprata ##abundanciayprosperidad #abundanciafinanceira #prosperita #prosperità #fartura #osossi #oxossi #oxóssi #rios #orazione #spiritualist #spiritualitá #salutethespittaz #spiritismine #xamanism #xamanismo (presso Italia-Trieste) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAgQGYhKX-A/?igshid=10ult6o4dyyue
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aliahatch · 5 years ago
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Reposted from @ausarausetpa Join us online on Friday, 4.24.20 @ 7:30pm as we welcome the new moon energy of the Divine Goddess Het-Heru. Learn how to harness her energies of Love, Joy and Harmony. All are welcome. Click the link in our bio to register in advance for this meeting. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Ausar Auset PA (215) 843-0900 ausarausetpa.com #hetheru #oshun #osun #oxun #ochun #hathor #venus #hetheruhealingdance  #blackwomen #blackgirls #wombhealing #womenshealth #holistichealth #health #healing #nutrition #family #wellbeing #metuneter #kamit #kemet #khamit #meditation #spirituality #peace #AusarAusetSociety #AusarAusetPA #AusarAuset #aasphilly #aaspa https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Fz8LyBpAM/?igshid=1by0srgreb8oq
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