#owo thank you answering!!
ragnarokhound · 6 days
OH ALSO I know jaydicktim isn’t necessarily your thing BUT if you haven’t read “Bite Down” by an anonymous GENIUS on ao3 you might like it (for pining Tim and beautiful prose) luv xoxo
OH honeycakes, I secretly like Dick Grayson quite a bit, I simply am not Obsessed with him like I am with Jason and Tim ;) I'm not usually going out of my way to find pure Dick/anybody fics, but with a few exceptions I'll read just about any threesome (or moresome) involving jaytim, and Dick is a frequent flier lmao
and let me tell you, I sure have read this fic, in fact here is my bookmark on ao3:
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id tags on the screenshot below the cut lol
[id text: Bookmarked by Fenris13 on 13 September 2023. "Holy SHIT. god. Fuck. I get it Tim, goddamn 10/10, the *yearning* in this is so fucking good, very #relatable, I'm [*whimpering animal sounds*]]
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arcadiii · 11 months
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pixthepixel · 9 months
What kind of buffs do you get for the year of the dragon?
I also get an EXP boost!
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magnifiico · 10 months
"i hope i didn't scare you." his tone is as flat & as listless as usual: but james is referring to that sudden gunshot he'd taken in order to save mags' life. less the action ⸻ although james supposes that most people aren't used to guns being fired ⸻ and more the loud noise. james doesn't stop to consider the fact that mags had been splattered in blood & how that might've been more terrifying.
@jaamesunderland || ohoooo herewego 👀
The growl thundering up his chest, riding along the roof of his mouth, is rather more frustrated than it is scared.
Magnifico (Magnifico? Can he even call himself that here, where the title doesn't matter? The fame is absent? Everything he built out of reach?) barely registers the concern in his apparent savior's words—but certainly not his tone—as he focuses on the curve of his own fingers. There are droplets of that telltale crimson, yes: a new splash of unwanted color on his outfit. But no matter how much it sickens him, his concern remains at full force elsewhere—
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“Why isn't it working?” He flexes his hand into a fist, releases, strain quavering up the length of his arm. “What is—” Nothing. Nothing. Not a tingle or a burn of energy in his veins. No sign of the magic he'd spent years studying, laboring to perfect all for the sake of... He needs this for himself, this time. Himself.
“Y-you...” he mutters, relenting as a freely trembling hand drops to his side. As if Magnifico has only now noticed the stranger who'd so kindly ruined his outfit saved him from... something, his focus sharpens ever so slightly. He blinks, and his brow creases. “What is this place? Who are you?”
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cwarscars-a · 1 year
what would he think about rufus coming into his turf and snagging one of his infantrymen aka cloud
Headcanon Asks | always accepting - !
honestly? imagine it - heidegger is leading his troops, bullying them. especially that little blonde thing. he ( for some reason ) hates the guy. sees this five foot nothing pretty boy as easy fodder to push around. cloud has kind of become his punching bag - his stress-ball. and then one day, in waltzes the president's son. a man that heidegger has known for his entire life. a man that heidegger has always been respectful, almost servent-esque toward.
and he just snatches the dude. steals away heidegger's target. snags it from right under him.
i think heidegger would be pissed. but more-so, confused.
heidegger is a narrow-minded man. he sees the world through tunnel vision - his vision. and in his mind - why the hell would anybody want to snag up this scrawny little blonde? what good will he be for a man as great as rufus shinra? he would be entirely baffled. less annoyed about having a troop snagged and more like - 'why?'
hell, i could imagine heidegger not directly questioning rufus but perhaps instead sniffing around tseng and co - asking them subtly 'what's up with this?' maybe even recommending 'better' troops to be rufus' bodyguard and such.
if i were to look at this from an initial view - this is everything that i'd say. that heidegger is arrogant and cruel, that he's narrow-minded and disapproves of rufus' choice for a *ahem* 'bodyguard'.
but perhaps - if we were to look deeper ( im so pretentious ) - heidegger is watching a reflection of soughts. he's seeing the young man he once was, taken under shinra's wing and entirely enamoured by him. he sees the same thing happening with cloud / rufus but; sees the mistakes being made.
but - heidegger is too dumb to truly see this side of his own subconcious. he doesn't have the mind to actually think this. and he wont.
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leaphia · 1 year
uh uh uh OC questions!! hehehe yesss >:] For Sookie 30. Who do they most regret meeting? For Aaron 21. Why do they get up in the morning? For Noah 27. What causes them to feel dread? For Tristan 28. Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth? And for Astrid 34. How hard is it for them to shake a sense of guilt? And for you of course (and any or all of them) H) What trait of theirs do you admire most? :>
Waaaaah thank you so much for all the questions! ;v; <3
This will be quite long omg
Sookie - Who do they most regret meeting?
Aside from like half her classmates back in high school, who were bullying her for being "the weird comic book geek" I'd say… Aaron. He's not only the type of villain who embodies everything she hates (arrogance, possessiveness, narcissism, etc.) after their first encounter he wouldn't leave her alone anymore. He's planning any kind of evil schemes to lure her into a trap, to catch her attention and to eventually "make her his", as he developed a crush on her. And Sookie gets incredibly mad and annoyed by him, as the only one she really loves is Noah…
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Aaron - Why do they get up in the morning?
There was a time when the only thing that would get him out of bed were his inventions and robots, he could tinker on. Now he has other reasons like his cat Giselle, who he wants to care for. (He loves her very much <3) And (as weirdly as this sounds looking at the previous question) another reason would be Shelter/Sookie and their encounters. It's the only thing that really excites him and lets him forget about his "boring" life. (As already mentioned, he has a crush on her and since he never felt like this to anyone before he wants to... "explore" these feelings.)
Noah - What causes them to feel dread?
There isn't much that Noah is scared of… except Spiders. If he has to fight a bunch of giant spiders I guess he would die of fear immediately xD But what would cause him to feel real dread is if Sookie or any other of his loved ones (his mother, his best friend) would be in danger, something that could threaten their life and he wouldn't be able to save them.
Tristan - Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth?
No. He hates if somebody lies to him. And he rather wants to know the cruel reality than being under an illusion. (That doesn't mean that he hasn't lied himself before, he actually did lie to others if it was necessary xD)
Astrid - How hard is it for them to shake a sense of guilt?
It's really really hard for her. If it's something grave she feels guilty for, she would lie awake at night, thinking about it and how she could make up for it. (the first night after she started working together with Tristan - a criminal in her eyes back then - she didn't sleep a wink)
What trait of theirs do you admire most?
Sookie - her kindness and will to help. She tries to see good in everyone. :>
Noah - his sarcasm xD And I think his tolerance and acceptance towards any kind of people? He puts others needs first instead of his own, for example he also accepts Sookie's boundaries and loves her for who she is <3
Aaron - His confidence. Even though some family issues and other bad sh*t that happened to him, he knows that he's of worth.
Tristan - Everything. Uhhh I think his patience. He can stay quite calm in stressful situations most of the time. ovo (Which is funny because contrary to his fire-magic-powers, he's not impatient or aggressive xD)
Astrid - Her determination. When she sets her mind on doing something, there's nothing that can stop her.
[OC Questions from here :>]
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greedbent · 1 year
❛  are ya sure yer okay, bro?  ❜ HAHAHAHA
@yukikorogashi || Five Word Sentence Starters
Did this...? Did this child just refer to him as "bro"?
Momentarily, Kaz is bemused into silence. A man with such strict control over his expressions—guaranteeing he give nothing away he does not intend on giving away—trips in more than just one instance here. He's messy, first in giving the girl any reason for concern at all when his lips involuntarily twist in discomfort, and second in the present, as he's left blinking in disbelief at what he swears he's heard correctly—
Which somehow doesn't make it any more believable she actually said it.
He shifts where his shoulder's pressed against the alcove, missing his cane now more than ever. As a hand discreetly massages the muscles in his thigh, Kaz sets his jaw and shakes his head. "I'll be more 'okay' once you've scurried off," he exhales through his teeth, simultaneously straightening up to test his weight on that leg again. "So be a good girl and run along, now."
And it's not a suggestion.
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showduo · 11 months
continued from @honeybabyz ⸺ ♡
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            with noah being the last person she expected to see, hyesu was admittedly shaken up at first. but as the night went on, she found herself easing into this situation and actually enjoying his company. " i'm not going to lie, it's so awkward, i mean it was at first. " leaning elbows on the wooden tabletop, she shakes her head, a small smile playing, " is this . . . wrong ? i mean, have you even gotten over them already ? " if he says no, she would definitely respect it and back off. but she couldn't deny that she was also having fun herself.
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cittythekitten · 1 year
Hellu my OwO sister. How are you? OwO
Hewwo OwO sista. I am doing fine. Thank you OwO
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@ofluckandmagic: “I hope to repay your kindness someday.” (Eydis to Freya)
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Dark eyes seem in no rush to lift and observe the young dwarf, her hands focused on the bundle of herbs she was binding together. After a longer than truly comfortable silence had passed between the pair, the goddess heaves a sigh, "You owe me no kindness, nor do I seek it... Offer it to those who you meet in your travels. That would honor me far more than repayment of any perceived kindness."
As far as Freya was concerned, she owed the child far more than just simple kindness. A debt that would not be so easily repayed. The knot is tighted tightly around the bundle, and she stands from where the pair had been sitting to tie the herbs up beside the window, allowing them space to dry. 
200 random dialogue prompts
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ragnarokhound · 11 months
“Tell me to stay and I will be here for as long as you’ll have me.” for the h/c prompts? 💞
Thank you for the prompts!!! I was going to respond to both of them today but uh. This one got a little out of hand lmao
I hope you enjoy!!
9. “Tell me to stay and I will be here for as long as you’ll have me.”
Jaytim, warnings for: Thoughts of self-harm, canon-typical violence, panic attacks/triggers w/heavy emphasis on breath, Jason being a defensive, self-deprecating asshole <3
Jason doesn’t like to think of himself as a couple cards short of a full deck, but some nights? Are harder than others.
It’s so stupid. It’s always so stupid. Half the time it’s not even a trigger— and Jason knows his triggers, intimately. Has them filed away in a corner of his mind so that when the glass descends and his hands stop feeling like they belong to him, he can think to himself, oh, it was the beep of that guy’s wristwatch that set him off. That’s why he needs to be outside right now. That’s why he wants to punch brick until his knuckles are red and white and mangled.
Take tonight for instance.
He was doing his rounds. In between cases and expecting a slow night, when he found some guy getting worked over by a couple of mobsters. This would be easy, he thought. I eat chumps like these for breakfast, he thought. They aren’t even packing.
But a few meaty thwacks in the exact wrong rhythm, followed up by the poor sucker screaming in the exact wrong tone, and he’s left playing fifty-two-card pickup with only jokers to substitute. 
Ha. Ha. Ha.
Bloody shins aren’t as satisfying as busted braincaps no matter what Tim and the other bats say, but relationships are about compromise. He puts the guys in cheap suits on the ground and calls them an ambulance.
Their hapless victim gets a talking to about when it’s smart to borrow from loan sharks (never), directions to Leslie’s clinic (yeah, no, you’re gonna wanna take 15th—), what to say when the Red Hood personally intervenes on your behalf (thank you, strange man, bye), and Jason makes it to a safehouse without once giving in to the burn of the goading green fire in his blood.
See? Compromise.
Now he’s on the couch with blood on his bare knuckles, and the shards of glass in the bathroom are all that remain of his mirror. He sits and tries to breathe, but his brain is full of static; shuffling and shuffling and shuffling the deck but there’s no one to tell him when to stop. He’s not really sure how much time has passed when he hears the quiet whir of his security system shutting down.
There’s a gun in his hand with the safety off, pointed at Tim before the window’s even open.
Tim’s voice is loud in the quiet room, casual and light like the liar he is, but to Jason it still sounds muffled. Boxed up. Buried.
He takes another breath.
“Bad time?”
“Fuck off,” Jason says, just as faux-casual, because that’s what they do.
Only it wheezes out of him instead, thready and weak. The gun shakes in his hand. Tim pauses on the window ledge.
Jason can practically hear the gears whirring as he reassesses the scene: Jason’s bloody knuckles and the distant sound of water still running in the bathroom sink. Haphazard parts of his uniform shucked off almost at random, the helmet nowhere in sight, but his top missing and the holster straps hanging off his waist. 
Air whistles in and out of his tight chest in shallow, streaking streams that get closer and closer together the longer he looks at Red Robin’s expressionless white eye sockets. He knows what Tim sees. 
The silence weighs on him. It pisses him off.
The only thing worse than being a scattered mess is having a witness. The only thing worse than having a witness is if that witness is Tim. They haven’t been fucking that long, but it’s been long enough that Tim probably came over tonight with more than one item on his to-do list.
“Not tonight, princess,” Jason bites out when Tim still hasn’t said anything. “Daddy’s tired.”
Tim steps inside.
The gunshot rings sharp and stinging in the air before he even realizes he’s pulled the trigger. The smoking hole on the floor by Tim’s foot is the only warning Jason feels capable of giving right now.
“Did I—did I fucking stutter?” He tries to say, but black spots bloom at the scattered edges of his vision, and he wavers.
One second Tim is frozen with his palms out, showing that they’re empty, and the next he’s easing the gun out of Jason’s hand and letting Jason twist a fist in the front of his costume. He helps Jason sit back down, and Jason doesn’t want to look at his face, to see the pity there. 
He gasps, muscles tensing, and under his fingers he catalogs the new mesh Tim is trying out with his suit. It’s probably something with a stupid, long name and the word “polymer” thrown in for added pretension. It sounds like something Tim would do.
“...something happen tonight?” Tim is asking quietly.
It’s not Robin-steady, because he knows Jason well enough to know how bad an idea that would be, but it’s not the levity they fake with each other either. Whatever it is, it’s making Jason itch.
Then he catches Tim taking his pulse and peering into one of his eyes with intense scrutiny, and what he’s said catches up to him. 
Jason laughs. It’s an ugly sound.
“Oh, quit it. I wasn’t gassed,” he snaps. “There’s no toxin, there’s nothing wrong with me.”
“That’s not what I—” Tim tries to backtrack but it’s way too late for that weak shit.
“Except for the everything that’s fucking wrong with me,” he snarls. He didn’t know he was going to say that until he'd already said it, bubbling and burning out of his mouth like melting plastic, acrid and noxious— but he feels afloat, drifting; like he’s watching himself from the other room. So it doesn’t matter.
“It’s not going to be fixed, there isn’t any antidote for you to cook up in your cute little lab for this—” he whirls a sharp-fingered hand around his temple, “fucking garbage.”
“Jason,” Tim says, fingers tight and prying at Jason’s grip.
“There’s no cure for being beaten to death, no little step-by-step handbook for kids who don’t fucking stay dead, so you can take your shitty costume and your knock-off batarangs and fake-ass fucking concern—”
“Jason, take a breath for me.”
Take a breath? Oh, he’ll take a fucking breath, alright—
He’ll take a breath and then he’ll—
He’ll take a breath and—
He’ll take a—
He takes a fucking breath.
Tim’s face is bare.
His eyes are very blue. It takes Jason approximately three years to realize that the heavy weight on his shoulders is Tim’s cape, unclipped and pooling in their laps.
It takes another five to realize that the heavy weight in his lap is Tim himself, straddling his thighs and breathing steadily under their joined hands. Tim’s heart beats an alternate rhythm, almost three beats for every breath in, almost four for every breath out, and Jason closes his eyes.
“Hey,” Tim says.
Jason doesn’t say anything more.
What else is there to say when your kind-of-colleague, kind-of-booty-call, complete-pain-in-the-ass comes over when you’re in the middle of some kind-of-mental break? Fucking ‘sorry’ ?
“Sorry,” he says. “Not exactly fit for company right now.”
Tim smirks. “I noticed.”
“Oh, fuck off.”
“You gonna shoot at me again?”
Jason scowls.
“I fucking might.”
Tim only rolls his eyes. Jason finds it oddly settling. He finds all of it oddly settling; bickering with Tim is normal. Easy. It reminds him of what he’s like now. The full fifty-two.
His fingers are still trembling, but Tim is stroking absent-mindedly over the skin on the back of his hand. He might not be aware he’s still doing it. Tim exudes an air of total comfort, like the only place he wants to be right now is literally babysitting Jason; but Jason knows better. He sighs.
“Listen,” he says, staring at a point past Tim’s ear. “I could have picked a better way to say it, but I’m— I’m really not up for anything tonight—”
Tim stiffens.
“Jason, what the fuck are you talking about?”
“Sex, obviously.”
He watches in real-time as Tim processes that. It’s honestly kind of fascinating, in a terrible, gut-stabbing kind of way. Tim takes a deep breath.
“Dude. I get that you are in an emotionally vulnerable place right now—”
“—but I’m not that much of an asshole,” Tim says flatly. “You really think I’m gonna bail the second I see that you’re having a bad night? Or that I’m only gonna stick around if you put out after you’re done having a panic attack? Very sexy. Fuck you very much,” he finishes, hissing and affronted. 
Jason stares at him.
“You can’t tell me this is how you wanted to be spending your night,” he says, but his hands creak convulsively around Tim’s, as if to hold him in place. The traitors.
“You don’t know how I want to spend my night,” Tim retorts.
“Oh, come on. I’m not gonna ask you to babysit me and check the closet for monsters before I go to sleep so I don’t have wittle nightmares—” Jason scoffs.
“So don’t ask,” Tim says, eyes burning; Jason’s breath catches. “Tell me to stay. I’ll be here.”
“You’ll be here,” he says skeptically. But Tim’s hands squeeze around his, so hard and fast it hurts. The pain is grounding.
“As long as you’ll have me.”
He wants to scoff again. It’s the kind of saccharine after-school-special corny bullshit that he always hated coming from Bruce.
But his grip is just as tight on Tim, their bones rubbing together through the barrier of their skin. The thought of letting go makes his stomach swoop, like the moments just after stepping off a plane with no chute. That window between stepping and being caught; when his heart still needs convincing that someone else will save him.
(It’s the kind of earnest, rock-solid sincerity he always craved from Bruce; the kind he always ate up, hook, line, and sinker.)
He swallows his pride. His dry throat clicks.
Fine. Stay. If you’re so fucking eager, is what he tries to say. 
But all that comes out is, “Stay.”
Tim leans forward, and drops his forehead onto Jason’s bare shoulder. Jason’s shaky breath stirs the fine black hairs beneath his nose, the mild scent of his shampoo wafting gently into Jason’s nose. After an uncertain beat, he lets his cheek fall. Then the rest of him. They stack against each other, two cards forming the foundations of a house. 
When Jason shakes apart, Tim holds steady.
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darth-bagel · 2 years
💘 : Is your OC a very good flirt? Are they charming?
🦴 : Does your OC have much sexual experience? What are they like?
Hi! Thank you so much for the ask! 💙✨ [Find more of those asks right here, I am taking more.]
💘 : Is your OC a very good flirt? Are they charming?
Most sources confirm that, yes, and they are a pretty smooth talker as they go-- there are definitely people who find their brand of charm annoying but there are plenty who'd disagree-- they are very upfront with their interest as wrapped in wit and charm it usually is and will back off easily if someone is not interested. Plus they just like flirting overall-- it's most of their banter and they love going back and forth on it even if there's no goal in it but good company.
🦴 : Does your OC have much sexual experience? What are they like?
They do. And a lot of it, started relatively early, and grown to enjoy it tremendously over the years despite their attitude to it changing drastically over the years. (a.k.a they only have sex when it's something they really want to do, with someone they like-- they don't really do trades or anything that's transaction based anymore, only for fun.) It's tied to the fact that they did work in nightlife entertainment and did sex work for a number of years when they were stranded on Nar Shaddaa in their early 20-ties. They are an Ultimate Switch as I like to call it, and they are pretty damn good-- yet again being very good with their mouth comes back to that, they are also considerate and attentive, and... their main turn-on is pleasing the partner so you can imagine. They give amazing head.
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arcadiii · 1 year
Ugh, sorry. I ripped off of Kai's ask. Have this instead.
It's the Mirror of Deserving. Anyone who looks into it deserves all the love and kindness.
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mencnfire · 1 year
[Yo, I just want to drop in and spread some love too. I'm super glad that we became mutuals, you have really great taste in muses and you add so much depth to what we already know from canon. Your portrayal goes the extra mile and you really make it your own. I just wish that I had been able to help or do anything for you, so please don't hesitate to bop me when you need someone. You should not feel bad about needing time and space, too- People need to be more empathetic about grief. I really hope that we can continue to explore dynamics with our muses and create awesome threads together! And don't let random bullshit from haters get you down, you are not here for THEIR amusement. You continue doing what you love and enjoy it to your fullest when you can. Your enthusiasm and boundless passion is positively infectious and I'm glad I'm able to be here as a part of that.]
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(( SODAAAAAAAAA. my sodie-pop owo
firstly, right back at you! i have enjoyed our conversations so much & find it so refreshing chatting to someone so down-to-earth / so willing to explore darker themes in a mature / responsible way. i love you & appreciate your honesty and just your general vibes. i feel very comfortable just throwing things at you dlsngksdngsl (legit can't wait to see jae and volgin be sickos together - i dont know if this meme is us or them but im putting it here for you to see lmao )
but also, you have helped me. i think, like a lot of others on here, you've helped just by chatting to me. writing with me. having fun with me. like, our dumb little convos (and the serious ones where we both get all antsy and ranty) have helped a lot because it's taken my mind off of things. it's weird because i'm in the stage of grief now where it feels random. like, sometimes i'll be chill and all's good and then suddenly it hits. it's been hard being so...temperamental? sensitive? i think i've felt the need to constantly apologise because i know that there are people who are like 'urgh how dare you post about irl stuff' - personally, i like knowing my mutuals. how they're feeling and what they're up to. i think it's good to be friends with people ( and its fine too if people dont wanna be! ) i've felt in such a confusing and strange place these last few months that my head's been jelly and i guess i've felt apologetic for that. i don't wanna scare people away by cracking up in those moments of sadness.
BUT ALSO, thank you soda. your words are real and they're kind and i take them to heart. writing my boys has helped a lot during this time ( even if my writing has been STINKY ) - kaz's grief has helped me with my own, keeping heid's heart problems has forced me not to censor dealing with that & looking at the others' sadness has given me a weird place to channel my own. i'm glad that like, my writing can be enjoyed by others ( i really hope it is ) because they help me a lot too and i enjoy doing it. i enjoy writing with everyone <3 ))
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eiiskonigin · 1 year
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@corvidkins: Send 🍁 + Any question ; has she ever considered leaving the military? despite her attachment?
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"...I'm sure there are those who wish I would say yes. Unfortunately, the answer is no."
Before everything, she had put her utmost faith into the military. She had not been faking loyalty in the actions she had taken, had not been feigning fealty. It was that utter devotion that had blinded her to all of the things she was doing.
Or perhaps, that was the easiest lie to tell herself: that she had been blind to it. It was an easier thing to accept than knowing that she had seen all of it, been so painfully aware of the pain that she and the others had caused, and stood by. It had only been in those last few weeks that she had allowed her mind to wander, to think of what she could have done if she had left sooner.
And who would she have even been, if she had left? If before everything, she had simply taken her leave from the military, who would Winter Schnee have been? She couldn't guess, couldn't imagine a life where she hadn't become the soldier that she was working to unmake now.
No use in focusing on things she couldn't change.
"By the time I thought of desertion, it was... a foregone conclusion. I suppose if you want to pinpoint an exact moment... hearing James speak of taking down the SDC ships... I could not stand idly by."
send 🍁 + any question you’ve been curious to know about my muse
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❝ let me help you. ❞ For Baizhu!
@melodicbreeze || Starter Prompts || Accepting!
"No, no—I'm fine, really. It's nothing to worry about—" Before he could even finish the reassurance, however, another coughing fit took hold. Baizhu spun away and stifled himself in the crook of his elbow.
It took a solid minute for him to catch his breath. The telltale wetness on his skin seemed to mock him, contradicting his words with a clear sign of exactly how worrisome it was. His frown deepened as he glared at the small spatter of blood.
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"I just need to rest a bit," he finally managed in a voice gone scratchy. Having traveled well into the borders of Mondstadt, Baizhu had been on his feet for far too long. Faced with unfamiliar surroundings, he turned back to the other.
"Is there anywhere nearby that would be safe for me to sit down for a while?"
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