#owl pajamas
owllovers · 4 months
Owl Pajamas from Owl Lovers Gifts
Snuggle up in style with Owl Pajamas from Owl Lover Gifts! Our cozy collection features a variety of pajama sets adorned with adorable owl designs. Whether you’re lounging around the house or getting ready for a good night’s sleep, our pajamas are sure to keep you comfortable and cute. Shop now and add a touch of whimsy to your bedtime routine!
Check more: Owl Clothing & Owl Onesies
Source: https://owl-lovers.com/product-category/owl-clothing/owl-pajamas/
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cafecxonmilk · 2 years
A doodle of the gfs exchanging clothes that I also did a while ago 💜💗
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This is actually canon
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collectors-tablet · 9 months
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Some Collector doodles from my new sketchbook :P Bunch of different pajamas!
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Feel free to color any of them if you want.
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brandyinsanity · 2 months
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All I want to be is your diaster🌪️
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lizard-dumbass · 2 years
The sudden urge to make the collector's onesie and hat has suddenly struck
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sapphicschedule · 1 year
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I’m sorry, but the fact that this is canonically god is just way too funny to me.
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alualexaa · 2 years
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EDA: Luz grab clippers and take the other leg!
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lieutenant-pisces · 2 years
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[ID: A three panel digital comic, sketched in purple. The first panel shows Luz Noceda with sparkling eyes holding her egg palisman, saying "It's hatching!!" The second panel is a close up of her hands holding the egg, and the third panel is edited so Lego Eda has hatched. End ID]
this is my prediction
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ihopethisendswell · 2 years
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captainimprobable · 2 years
honestly SO fuckin rude that I don’t have a partner to cosplay Lumity with.  Obnoxious. Horrifying.  Awful!
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tojigasm · 2 months
I've Got a Thing About You, Baby
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Warnings: kissing, pet names, Logan shotguns the reader, cigars, smoking, fluff, domestic logan
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It's late one night in the summer that it happens; when the air's still warm under the moonlight and the crickets hum against the breeze.
You've been watching him for the past hour or so. The trickling of smoke dancing into strange shapes and pretty lines through the screen door of the mansion, leading out to the back porch.
It's far past your bedtime, and the rest of the students and professors have long since retired to their own bedrooms.
Except for you, that is. A part of you too exhausted to actually sleep and the other too anxious to.
If you listen closely, you're able to hear the bird fountain from the garden.
You can hear the rocking chair sway back and forth against the chipped wood of the porch.
A weird feeling passes over you. It feels like the heat of the sun on a spring day, and it settles into your stomach warmly.
That feeling reminds you of home often.
You can't tell if Logan knows you're awake – scribbling away at your notes for the day and sipping Coca-Cola from the bottle through a straw. If he does, he doesn't make it known.
It's only when you make your way towards the back door, bare feet padding against the cool wood floors that you know he knows.
You wait by the door for a moment, gripping the neck of your Coca-Cola bottle as you watch him take a drag of his cigar.
You've always thought he was beautiful. The dark tufts of his hair and hazel eyes, paired with the brute strength he bears, was Renaissance-like.
You briefly wonder if he'd been alive that long.
"Y'gonna come out here or just keep staring at me like a freak?" Logan's voice breaks you from your spell and has you pushing past the screen door instantly.
You sit down in the rocking chair across from him, pulling both of your knees to your chest and your Coca-Cola to your side.
Your eyes follow him as he takes another drag of the cigar, thick brows relaxed as he exhales a pillow of white smoke and sinks into the chair.
"Why aren't you in bed?" You ask, thumbing the ends of your pajama bottoms
Logan snorts at the parroted sterness in your voice. You had to've picked that up from Jean, he thinks to himself.
"Why aren't you in bed?" He hums with a slight shake of his head, tapping his fingers holding the cigar against the armrest of the chair.
"Couldn't sleep."
"Hm," He picks at the fabric of his jeans momentarily, "is that why you were hiding behind the screen door thinkin' I couldn't see you?"
"I wasn't hiding!" You nearly jump from your seat, almost cringing at the hightened squeal of your voice.
"Right." He smirks from behind the cigar, voice laced with sarcasm as he takes another drag.
You watch him for a moment. Your skin warm from the summer air, a shiver runs up your spine.
There's something oddly paternal in his demeanor; legs spread as he rocks himself back and forth in the chair, flicking his lighter shut and throwing it back into his jean pocket.
Logan looks up momentarily, meeting your gaze through his brows, and just as quickly as he's turned away to blow smoke out into the hot air.
"Never smoked before." You comment, crossing your arms over the fronts of your legs.
Logan hums, "Good. Bad habit."
"Can I try some?"
Logan hesitates. Eyes meeting yours sternly.
"Aren't you a bit young to be trying to get people to pass off drugs to you?" You can hear the smirk in his voice before it's visible on his features.
You roll your eyes and place your Coca-Cola bottle onto the floor beside you.
"Never been one to try and get people to start bad habits." Logan adds, picking at his nail absentmindedly. "Seems to happen around me anyways."
You don't say anything to that. The pads of your fingers still folding and twisting the fabric of your pajamas.
An owl hoots from somewhere across the garden, and the crickets sing in the breeze again.
Logan turns his head towards you and folds his free hand behind his head, taking another drag of the cigar before turning it towards you.
You feel stuck. Suddenly, very aware of where you are and who you're with and the uncomfortably humbling fact that you have no idea how to actually smoke.
You hadn't realized you'd only been staring at his hand until Logan's voice peeks through your mental fog.
"C'mere, baby."
There's something domestically paternal in the deep of his tone that nearly makes your knees buckle as you shyly make your way over to him.
He makes room for you in his lap, guiding you to sit on one of his thighs.
"Y'never smoked before?" He reaffirms, resting a large hand over both of your thighs.
You shake your head.
The sound of his lighter makes you turn before Logan pulls you back towards him, lighting the end of the cigar again.
"I'll hold it fr'you. Just take a deep exhale like you're breathin', easy peasy."
You nod, watching the tobacco simmer at the end of the cigar, illuminating Logan's hand in an orangish red hue.
There's a moment of quiet where you're lost in thought, memorizing the preparedness of it. You turn towards Logan at the silence to see him watching you already, a thick brow arched.
"You gettin' shy on me?"
Immediately, you fluster at that, shaking your head with a "uh, uh." Before leaning down to wrap your lips around the end of the cigar.
Logan meets your eyes with a warm smile, "uh uh," He chides, voice pitched in mimic.
You giggle lightly before inhaling from the cigar.
It's warm against the back of your throat; a burning stroke that has you pulling away, coughing instantly. Your mouth feels dry and cotton-like as drool fills your mouth in an attempt to relax the forgein feeling.
"Woah," Logan chuckles loosely at you, stroking his hand up and down your back. "Y'okay?"
You give a weak thumbs up, smiling wobbly before bursting into a fit of coughs again.
Logan reaches for your coca-cola bottle mid giggle, bringing the straw up to your lips.
"Here, drink this. Yeah, there y'go."
The drink cools your throat, soothing the dry attack on your lungs as you gasp for clean breaths of air again.
Logan keeps his hand on your back, letting you relax into it.
"Y'okay?" He asks.
"Yeah, I didn't realize that it'd be that aggressive." Your voice still scratchy.
"I probably should've told you not to take such a deep breath," He strokes his hand over the curve of your jaw. "Sorry 'bout that, kid."
You wave him off, "it's okay."
Logan takes a drag of the cigar, thumbing it between his forefinger and middle.
"That is a bit strong, huh."
You nod.
"Here, I might have a better way to do it."
You watch as he tilts his head upwards, holding the cigar to his plush lips as he takes another inhale.
The glow of the auburn porch light creates a halo around his hair tufts and makes an outline of his sharp nose.
He blows smoke through his nose, hardly acknowledging it.
You're entranced with how easy he makes it seem, as though he's been throwing back cigars for the majority of his existence, and for all you know, he has.
Your betwitchment must be obvious on your face by the way Logan peers down slyly at you midst another drag.
He motions for you to come closer to him, curving his hand to hold your jaw steady.
Parting his lips some, a small whisp of smoke trails from his mouth as he softly says, "Open."
You can smell the burning tobacco, and it settles a warmth into you.
You part your lips, jolting slightly in his hold as he exhales the cloud of smoke into your mouth with a cocky smile.
The smoke is much easier to take this way – already diluted by whatever super regenerative powers he holds.
Logan brings you closer to meet you in a kiss, dragging his tongue over your lips and past your teeth to stroke the insides of your cheeks.
You're completely at his mercy, shivering and whimpering in his hand.
The plush of his lips has you grabbing at his forearm and gasping against him. You can feel him smile into the kiss with a hum.
He pulls off of you with a 'pop' before relasing his hand from your jaw with a smile.
"That better?"
You reduced to just stare at him.
"Maybe I need it one more time." You say under your breath, and you're almost afraid he doesn't catch it.
"Yeah? One more?" He asks, moving to hold your chin again.
"Mhm," you nod.
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suswous · 2 years
I want to go to sleep but my roommates are still up and talking, and it feels too early to ask them to be quiet
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polaroidpascal · 8 months
lunch box || joel miller
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pairing : joel miller x f!reader
summary : joel’s stubbornness has him working at ungodly hours on your saturday morning. you decide to do something nice for him, but of course he would realize your absence in bed, especially so early when you’re supposed to be off…
tags : M-18+, no use of y/n, reader briefly gets picked up and carried, no outbreak, domestic life with joel, sarah and ellie briefly mentioned, joel is mid-to-late-30s, oral (f!receiving), unprotected p in v sex (practice safe ofc!!), joel being big slightly mentioned once, lots of talking and praise (my man cannot shut up), creampie, cum eating (reader teasing joel lol), general sweetness from them both <3
WC : 2.7k
a/n : this is the first fic i've ever written and posted so enjoy !! :)
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Ever since you met, you knew that Joel was the one. Talking with him is easy, like your souls have known each other in every lifetime. Being in his presence is safe and comforting. He feels like home. On top of that, after you had been seeing each other for a while and he let you meet Ellie and Sarah, they made you feel so welcome in their family. Life just makes sense with them.
Joel has been a contractor all his life. Even though he can set his own hours, he prefers to start working early so he can be home with his daughters when they finish school. Today — a Saturday — was weird, though. The project he had been working on needed to be rescheduled because of weather, but Joel decided to keep his hours the same. You could tell he didn’t really want to get up so early on a Saturday, but his stubbornness forbade him from changing that. Last night as you drifted to sleep in his arms, knowing he would probably not have time to get lunch tomorrow, you decided you would do something nice for him. 
Sarah and Ellie spent their Friday night away at a friend’s house (which you and Joel definitely took advantage of the night before), and the house is eerily quiet when you stir awake in the wee hours of your Saturday morning. You can feel Joel’s sturdy arms draped over your sides, his entire body pressed against your back as if he’s scared you’ll float away if he doesn’t keep you close. You hear his slow, sleepy breathing in your ear and you know he’s still dead asleep. Carefully, you lift his heavy arms from you and slip out of his grip, kindly replacing yourself with a pillow, and resting his arm back down. 
He stirs to adjust a bit and settles once again. Success.
You head to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee, Joel's life support in a cup, and pull out the things you need to make his lunch. After, you head back to the bedroom to grab a comfy change of clothes. You wait out the brewing with a quick shower hoping it’s less noisy than you think it might be. 
While you shower, Joel stirs awake a little before his alarm. He shuts it off to avoid the noise and turns back over seeking your figure — but you’re gone. Confused and still groggy, he gets up searching for you. He hears the shower running and…
Is that… singing?
He puts his ear up to the door and hears you faintly singing the songs he plays on his guitar for you, trying to be as quiet as you can. His heart swells at your beautiful sound and he almost opens the door to join you, but then the smell of coffee begins to fill his nose. He walks into the kitchen to see the last drips fall into the pot and the ingredients for a hearty sandwich sitting on the counter. Putting two and two together, he nearly tears up realizing your plans and decides to sit to the side and wait for you, not wanting to ruin your surprise.
You throw on your comfy silk pajama shorts and one of Joel’s old band t-shirts that swallow you up and return to the kitchen.
You don’t notice Joel at all.
He watches silently from the dark living room as you pour a glass of coffee for him into his favorite owl mug and glide around the kitchen putting his lunch together. He admires your freshly washed hair, already air drying a little bit, the way his t-shirt, oversized on you, drapes over your curves perfectly, and how you continue quietly humming his songs. A small fire ignites deep inside of him, and as you turn around to pack his food, he rises from his chair.
He silently saunters over stealing two big sips of the coffee you poured for him. You hear the cup clink lightly on the counter and turn around just as his big hands glide over your hips, embracing you from behind. “And here I was thinking I was surprising you,” you tease as his face buries into your neck, his naked torso pressed completely against you.
He chuckles. “You did, angel. I just saw it before you were ready, ‘s all.” He kisses and nips your earlobe and you mewl at the sensation. He trails down to your neck while his hands gently guide your hips back into his, feeling him start to grow through his plaid pajama pants.
“Joel…”, you whisper as you turn around in his embrace to kiss him. You find his hungry lips waiting to invite you in. He tastes deliciously like the coffee you made for him and you hum contentedly at it. Your hands trace his bare sides and chest all the way up to his hair, and you run your fingers through his messy locks.
As if he’s not stiff from sleeping, he hoists you up from the floor carrying you as you straddle him, hands still dancing through his hair, and brings you to the couch. Without breaking your kiss for even just a second, he puts you down laying on top of you as you descend, a comfortable weight that he knows you love to feel. His kiss melts into yours and your lips feel like they become one. He breaks away despite your protesting whine and quietly teases, “You know you didn’t have to get up so early on your day off just ‘cause of me, right? I’d probably have time later to pick somethin’ up,” and his lips fall back to yours, one of his hands coming up to tease your breast.
You moan softly, “Well, with your luck, today would be the one day you wouldn’t find time. Besides, I felt like surprising you.” You smile coyly at him and watch as his pupils grow somehow even bigger at you.
He stares for a second trying to figure out how he got so lucky finding you, and a smile threatens to erupt at the corners of his mouth. “You’re so sweet, you might give me a cavity.”
Your chuckle is cut off by a small gasp as he kisses a line down your neck, his beard ghosting your collarbone. Once he reaches the collar of your — well, his — shirt, he descends lower, sticking his whole head under the shirt that engulfs you. He kisses up your stomach until he reaches your chest, taking one nipple into his mouth and you gasp again. His tongue moves firmly over the growing bud at a quickening pace. “Yes, Joel…” you whimper, then suddenly whine as he bites you, quickly soothing the mark with his tongue.
His free hand rises up to replace his mouth as he moves over to give your other side the same treatment. You pant from both movements happening simultaneously, him drawing out more whimpers and moans from you. You squirm underneath him accidentally grazing his own growing member and he groans, already painfully hard for you. His sounds send a sudden rush of heat straight to your core. He continues at your nipple, one bite in particular causing you to cry out and you could swear you feel his cock twitch against you as he moans in reply, another rush of arousal already flooding within you again.
He kisses a line down your chest, down your stomach, until his hands find the hem of your shorts. Your legs spread making room for his broad frame as he drags your panties and shorts down, seamlessly replacing them with soft yet hungry kisses where they once sat. He tosses them to the side, licking and kissing his way back up your thighs, nipping at the sensitive inner skin.
Joel’s eyes practically look pitch black, his pupils so blown out with lust, when you see him eyeing your throbbing core and he groans.
“Good lord, sweetheart,” is all he can manage as he admires you glistening for him. His eyes trail up your body. He could come just from the sight of you: legs spread eagerly, eyelids heavy, pupils just as blown as his own, desire written on your face in big bold letters…
And you see how desperate he looks for you, but a sly smirk quickly spreads across his face, “Bet you taste even sweeter than you act.”
Unable to control his hunger any longer, he fiercely licks one broad, flattened stroke up your middle, tasting the fruits of his labor. He moans at your taste, sending vibrations over your clit. You let out a cry of pleasure and his hips subconsciously rut into the couch, desperately seeking some relief for himself. His tongue glides through your folds, broad strokes accompanied by tight circles around your clit and the occasional dip inside…
“Fuck, Joel!” you cry as he focuses at your hole, his thumb replacing his tongue at your clit drawing tight, fast circles as his tongue dips in and out of you. “Oh my god… yes, please… feels so…”
He can only moan in response, sending lightning through your body with every sound he makes. “Please… oh, my g-… don’t stop, Joel… I’m so close…”
He can feel your impending release and between gasps for air, he practically begs, “Let it go, angel… that’s it… come all over my face… doin’ so good for me…”
His words send you hurdling over the edge as you come — hard. Your hips drive up into his face, head dipped back, crying out in pleasure. Joel refuses to let one drop go to waste, lapping up your slick like an animal. He licks you through your orgasm until the aftershocks and twitching die down some. Then he rises back up to your face. “Taste so good for me…” he says as he kisses you deep, lips and beard soaked. You moan from his taste; like coffee but with a sweet hint of you mixed in, and he swallows every little sound.
He breaks from your lips, your foreheads touching and lips barely ghosting over each other. “I’m gonna fill you up so good, darling,” he whispers as he reaches down to free his cock from his pajama pants.
“Please…” you beg, eyes lazily gazing into his own. “Fuck me, please.”
He looks deep into your eyes as he rubs up and down your heat, coating himself and he slides in without any problem, going slow when you gasp so your body can adjust to his size. But your body seems to draw him in, swallowing him whole and pulling him into you deeper and deeper. “My god…” he gasps as he feels the lingering spasms of your soft walls choking his cock.
You can only manage to whine in response, your eyes silently begging him to move, and he obeys. He begins slowly moving in and out, already embarrassingly close to his own climax, but he desperately wants to feel you unravel on him. Gradually, he finds his pace, bottoming out inside of you over and over and over. Refusing to break eye contact with you, his free hand dips down seeking your clit as he furiously traces tight, swift, calculated circles round and round.
Your eyes bolt shut at the feeling of him filling you up and teasing your clit. You’re well past the point of forming full sentences, and he can tell. Breathlessly, he tries to coax more from you, “Look so pretty taking my cock, angel… so good… fuck, you feel so good… ‘m not gonna last, sweetheart…” His pace is unpredictable, plowing into you for a few thrusts and then slowing down to a near stop to avoid finishing too early. “Need you — oh, fuck… god, almighty… n-need you to come for me, darling… please…”
As he begs for your release and his hips begin to falter, he finds that spot that only he has ever been able to find within you, rapidly sending you over the edge again. Your walls constrict suffocating his cock. You writhe and whine, almost unable to even make a sound.
He works you through your orgasm, his own rapidly approaching as he watches your eyes roll back from pure bliss. “Yeah, just like that, gorgeous… shit, you’re soaking me… fuck me, dripping everywhere… fuck… Oh my god, I’m—”
He cuts himself off with his own grunting and groaning as he begins to paint your walls with his come. He whines and gasps, bottoming out with every wave of his orgasm until his cock twitches for the last time. He collapses over you, crushing you in the best way with his weight as he tucks his face into your neck. You’re both panting, your chests crashing into each other as you come down from your highs and try to recover.
Joel finally softens enough to pull away without completely overstimulating himself, grunting as he rolls off of you and brings you to your side, spooning you and leaving small, tender kisses on your neck. His hand rests over your waist just as it did when you awoke this morning, and you lay there for a little while your heartbeats return to a normal pace.
You feel his come slowly leak out with his absence but you don’t even care. Being in his embrace washes away any other thought from your brain. All you can care to think about is the strong man clinging to you as he comes back down to Earth, holding you close and never letting go. You’re listening to his breath trying to fill his lungs once more and feeling his raging heartbeat through his chest and against your back. This is your personal heaven. Wishing you could live in this moment forever, you close your eyes and savor the feeling in all its glory.
You feel your body threatening to drift back asleep, but one particularly deep and content sigh from Joel reminds you that he is, in fact, supposed to be leaving for work. Glancing at the clock, you gently remind him of the time, your smile audible as you say, “You have just enough time to clean up and put on your clothes. Good thing your lunch is already packed.”
He gives a breathy chuckle and hesitantly gets up with that classic dad groan he always gives. Even though all he would really like to do is spend the rest of eternity lying right here on this couch in this moment with you, duty calls. He glances between your legs and sees the mess he made. You catch a glimpse of his look, his ferocious blushing visible even in the dimly lit room as he stares quite obviously at your middle. 
Feeling particularly mischievous, you reach down to collect what you can, scooping it up as it coats your fingers. Joel’s mouth drops open in a stupor, watching in disbelief as you bring your fingers up to your mouth and lick your digits clean. You unmistakingly see his breath hitch at the sight and know that if time weren’t the major issue right now, he would pounce on the opportunity for round two.
“Goddamn, angel…” he says shakily, still in utter disbelief. “You drive me fuckin’ crazy. You’re lucky I have a job to go do,” he tells you with a dazed, fucked-out look and tone as he retreats to the bedroom to attempt to get ready for work. You get up and slip into the bathroom to clean yourself up some more before returning to the couch exactly the way he had left you. 
Emerging from your bedroom dressed with lunch in hand, he spots you drifting off back to sleep and walks over to plant a soft kiss on your cheek. Before you completely succumb to the drowsiness, you manage a soft and sweet, “I love you.”
He smiles and bends back down to plant another, longer kiss right to your lips and whispers back, “I love you more.”
He sees you smile at that before he turns for the door and quietly leaves for work, already counting down the minutes of his shift left before he can come back home to you.
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>> PART 2
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justarandomart · 4 months
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[Image description: digital art of Hunter and King from The Owl House. The first drawing has two panels, and shows Hunter holding King upside down by the leg. King is flailing at first, labeled: "Throwing a tantrum," while Hunter has an unimpressed expression and is labeled: "waiting."
An arrow shows time passing, to when King is still dangling in the air but has fallen asleep. Hunter is smiling fondly. He's wearing a Linkin Park shirt.
The second image shows several disconnected scenes. In one, King is curled up on Hunter's chest as both of them sleep in bed. In the next, King is crawling on Hunter's head, looking mischievous. Hunter's reaching up towards him, looking angry. He wears a Shadow the Hedgehog shirt.
Lastly, there's an uncolored drawing of Hunter in his pajamas with King in his lap. Hunter's reading to King from a book, and Hooty is curled up around them, sleeping peacefully. End ID.]
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rottiens · 2 months
✮ tags. (18+), fem!reader, bf!geto, established relationship, domesticity and fluff, reverse comfort if you squint, cockwarming, petnames (baby).
✮ wc. 1.5K
✮ notes. guys...I swear I didn't mean to do this smut, I swear this was going to be fluff,,
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Suguru calls out to you from the door of the shared room, his shoes absent, his white shirt unbuttoned —his chest exposed to your eyes, very few scars, the one or two moles and a marked abdomen, along with a path of curly, dark hairs ending where his pants begin— as he carries his uniform jacket on his forearm.
Your eyes filled with life, you've been waiting for him all day.
"Come here," you call him softly towards the bed patting the mattress, setting the cursed techniques book aside to focus on him.
Suguru shuffles his steps across the floor of the room, his shoulders are slightly down, his hair as he approaches you can see it getting more and more disheveled, loose strands sticking out from every corner of the perfect bun that once existed.
"What happened?" You question him, Suguru was at that point crawling his body to the mattress like a worm. His face remains just above your bare thighs as he looks up at you from below with eyes full of love, your fingers comb a lock back behind his ear. "I only missed one day and this is your state, huh? You missed me that much?"
Suguru rolls his eyes, then closes them, letting himself be dragged down by the weight of exhaustion. His long arms wrap around your waist and you lie like that for a while, so silent you think he's fallen asleep until his raspy voice shakes you, taking you by surprise.
"I'm tired."
"You want to talk about your day?"
Another grunt. "It's just that being a teacher is harder than I thought."
"This is only your second week." You speak in the same sleepy tone as he does, almost as if you're seeking not to wake him up.
"Satoru makes it look so easy," he says, still with his eyes closed.
"You know this is fun for him. He doesn't take it as seriously as you do." You try to comfort him, still massaging his skull.
You get a glint from his brown eyes as he opens one eye for you, squeezing the other.
"I'm getting hard." You stop yourself from stroking him all at once, he moans. "Don't stop. I'm sorry."
"I thought you were tired." You were confused… this wasn't unusual but still, you couldn't help but frown somewhat incredulously.
"And I am… but I'm so stressed lately, I'm late from killing curses and you're not here, I get up early and you're not in bed and, ugh."
"Hm?" you insist.
"I've been thinking about you all day," Suguru sighs.
You swallow, nervous because you know where this road leads —you've lived it a hundred times already— your caresses become a little unsteady in his hair and Suguru notices, drawing a smile in his unconscious. Your skin feels very sensitive to his touch, his warm fingers hugging your skin where the pajama top can't cover.
"What have you been thinking?" you venture to ask.
"You know exactly what I've been thinking," he murmurs, scrunching his face against the warm flesh of your thighs. "About you, about your hugs, about your mouth, about your kisses, about your hands on me…"
Suguru opens his eyes wide, smiling without showing his teeth and your heart, never able to have adjusted to his effect, leaps. He leaves the comfort of your lap to get up, Suguru throws his shirt on the floor and settles on the bed to wrap his arms around you from behind, you arrange your body so that the two of you form a perfect arc.
You knew what that position meant, but as if Suguru thought you were in doubt, he adds, "Let's get some sleep."
Are you sure?" It was six o'clock in the evening, sleep now meant waking up like wide-eyed owls in the wee hours of the morning. It meant making coffee to keep you awake until you had to go to work again because there was no way you could fall asleep again.
"Just a little bit," he says, not mentally reasoning the same points you are. You let it go because he really feels exhausted and you know what it means to him in that state to have your him keep you close.
Suguru settles in better behind you, his strong arms holding you close to his body, impossible to escape even if you wanted to. His face is hidden in your neck and the warmth of your boyfriend after so many days of being away feels good, his hands are on your tummy making circles that lead you to close your eyes.
Suguru moves closer to you, and though his breath on your skin makes you want everything more than sleep you try for at least a couple of long minutes, until you feel his arms stir like snakes in your body and move up to your breasts and squeeze. You lie still, wondering if he did it out of inertia until he does it a second time.
You groan, inevitably pushing into him, bumping into an erection that digs hard against your ass.
His calloused fingers search for your nipples on the fabric finding them instantly hard. Suguru sighs deep in your throat, squeezing your body a little tighter, the tips of his pearly teeth grazing your flesh.
"I thought you were sleepy…" you moan, throwing your head back, giving him the space he needs to suck on your skin.
"Shh," he shushes you with another insensitive squeeze to your nipples, Suguru didn't used to be so rough, but his actions only hid behind the desire when he missed you.
His fingers enter through your top and fiddle with your nipples, playing with them back and forth. You both continue the game for a while longer, him squeezing and tugging at them, you rubbing against his hard cock directly ruining your pajamas thanks to the non-existence of your panties.
"Put it in," you barble full of ecstasy, you feel him grinning near your collarbone.
"Yes, hurry."
"Are you wet?" he doesn't let you answer as he keeps talking— "Let me see… No panties," suguru emphasizes. Without asking permission, he reaches through the elastic of your shorts and positions himself with his middle finger between the soggy folds of your pussy. He rubs your clit, you blindly reach for his erection in an awkward position where you throw your arm back but he stops it; ceasing to knead your breasts to make it prisoner against your back.
You moan, wanting to touch him too, but all prayer is half-hearted the moment his hooked fingers expand your pussy. Suguru is fucking it with his digits, you are obscenely wet, you soak him to the knuckles, staining your own thighs in the process and the room fills with the sticky 'click click click' sounds along with the chorus of needy moans.
Suguru kisses your wet temple.
"I missed you," he admits, increasing the rhythm, his wrist beginning to cramp.
"I missed you more! Suguru.. stop, I don't want to-!"
You try to stop him by pushing his hand away from you but this doesn't help much.
"Condom," he says through gritted teeth.
"We don't have…" you hate yourself at that moment for forgetting to buy but he hates himself more.
Reluctantly Suguru pulls his fingers out of you.
"Fuck it," Suguru growls. You hear him unzip and pull down his uniform pants, just enough to pull his cock out. "Let me fuck you like this…" he asks, taking your cheek and pulling it apart, exposing your ass and pussy from behind, Suguru spits on his hand and fucks the swollen tip of his cock for a while, just watching you dripping and squeezing around nothing. "I'm gonna pull out.." Suguru promises falsely.
"Hm," you nod looking back spreading your legs wider for him.
You feel him at your entrance, rubbing all over your wet slit with his even wetter head. Suguru taps your sensitive clit with his stiff cock and slides in one shot inside you before you have time to beg him.
You can feel him trembling and it's desperate. He doesn't move and you want to scream.
"Baby…" you call out to him, looking back up at him and he tastes the desperation in your broken voice.
"Let's sleep like this." Suguru wraps his arms around your waist again to the same innocent position as before, only now you can feel it throb and fill you to a point where you can't breathe.
"Babe…" you call out to him again, this time he spanks you lightly.
"Don't move, you're going to make me cum."
"Suguru…" You whimper a third time and he mischievously gives a deep thrust of his hips.
"Stay still. Let me feel you." He returns to his original spot, massaging your breasts and tugging on your nipples, you moan.
"I love you," you sob, trying to distract yourself from the fact that you needed to stimulate your clit, that it was throbbing and that you clearly weren't going to be able to sleep.
For a brief flash you imagine if you could make yourself cum silently.
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nemmet · 1 year
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i finally got around to watching the owl house and (sighs dramatically) i might have a favourite character
Image description: a bunch of drawings of Darius from The Owl House in assorted poses. Starting at the top, he's seen in pajamas with cucumbers over his eyes and a relaxed expression, with text reading: "Day off!". Then, he's seen in front of the bi flag with a flustered expression as a cartoony Alador kisses his cheek, then in puppet form with an uncanny grin.
Next, he's seen in his timeskip design with his goop hair forming a thumbs up, then as a teen holding a tiny Abomination in his hand, with text reading: "Little guy..."
Then, he appears in sunglasses, holding a cup of coffee in one hand and carrying Eber in his other arm like a purse dog. Then, he's seen seated with his legs crossed, speaking, and finally, he appears in the Family Guy death pose as Hunter tears up and asks: "Dad?!" End description.
Description credit: anistarrose
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