#rather than stumbling out of my room in my pajamas at 9:57
suswous · 2 years
I want to go to sleep but my roommates are still up and talking, and it feels too early to ask them to be quiet
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cloudyyoonji · 6 years
Just Like Lovers Do.
Hwang Hyunjin X Reader
Summary: After a routine 1am movie marathon, you definitely don’t expect the words that come from your boyfriend.
Genre: Fluff! 
“Will you stay the night?”
His question has your eyes wide and heart racing. 
In an empty dorm? By yourselves?!
You stumble over phrases, unsure of what to say in response to his question.
Hyunjin seems to mirror your nerves, his hand going up as he tries to justify his own words.
“It’s just for a night. Just until the boys get back.”
Nodding in response you let out a breathy laugh, hand running through your hair.
“But I don’t have any pajamas to stay in...”
Of course, your nerves aren't entirely focused on the clothing situation, but rather the fact that its the first night you’d ever spent with Hyunjin alone.
This feels different, a little more like a milestone in your relationship rather than a simple sleepover. Sure, you’d slept over before, but only when the boys had been in the dorm too. Usually, movie night ran late and frankly, you didn’t fancy driving home at 1 am.
Dispute the situation being the same this time, you’d rarely been asked to stay the night by any of the boys, but Hyunjin’s sudden questioning tone of the words that were on your very lips surprise you even more than the first time you’d stayed over.
Even now, his boldness in replying to your words was astounding, his hand grabbing yours and dragging you into his room, to then pile a hoodie and sweatpants onto your open palms with a light smile.
You quickly scurry off to the bathroom, deciding quickly against the sweatpants and hoodie combination when you see just how big his sweater is on you.
“Listen, if for any reason you need me, I’m on the couch tonight. You can sleep in my bed.”
It's like he's on a roll tonight, his words sending your heart into a weird little frenzy you couldn’t quite justify.
Fumbling with the lock, you pull open the door to find the hallway empty, dorm room only illuminated by a single bulb coming from his shared room.
Sighing to yourself, you put the sweatpants back into the draw, switching the light off, and climb into the bed before you. From the moment your eyes close, your aware of every aching moment that passes. Every minute feels longer than a lifetime.
Frustrated, you push yourself into sitting position, the icy blue numbers on the nightstand illuminating the room in a cold 1:27 am.
Battling your thoughts, your body seems to react before you can even realize, feet guiding you down the hall and into the living room where Hyunjin lays, illuminated by the light of his phone screen, fingers hovering over the keyboard to text back a reply to someone.
“Hyunjin?” You whisper, creeping forwards into the room, not wanting to startle the boy.
He simply looks up, features full of shadowy concern as he spots you against the door frame. 
“What’s wrong?”
You find your body reacting first again, this time to speak a reply. “There’s something wrong. Just come with me.”
Beckoning him to follow you with a wave of your hand, you can’t ignore the pulse of adrenaline that shoots through your veins.
Upon getting into the room, Hyunjin is extremely confused, glancing at you for an explanation to your early morning issue.
“What’s wrong?” He asks again.
“The bed.” You tell him, hand motioning towards the mattress. “You’re not in it.”
Your smooth line sends him grinning, the boys nerves disappearing for just an instant as he quickly springs towards the blankets, pulling them over himself in a quick motion.
“Fixed. You can come back to bed now.”
Normally you two weren’t like this, you were more reserved around the rest of the boys, vaguely aware of when you two were too ‘coupley’. But now no one was around, you two could finally breathe a small sigh of relief, be a normal couple.
Perhaps all that adrenaline just disappeared the instance you both touched the mattress. Now that you two were finally next to each other, a heaviness fell. You’re not sure what to do, both settled on your backs, hands at your sides.
But as his hand slips into yours, it’s like all the puzzle pieces finally fit, your head coming to rest on his shoulder as you both breathe a little sigh in relief;  gestures only creating more comfort between you both.
Eyes closed and body’s heavy, it’s like in your subconscious states you both become fearless. 
Now pressed against him, your body is pulled tightly into Hyunjin’s, his arms encircling yours like a big spoon to a small spoon. His head is tucked comfortably in the crook of your neck, eyes fluttering as vivid dreams pass him by. Your grip on his hand is tight, holding him close as if he might slip away into the night.
Both so unaware to the world, Bang Chan easily passes by the room at ungodly hours of the night, a light smile gracing his expression as he closes the door to leave you both in a complete fantasy world; both a dream and an unknowing reality.
Eyes fluttering slightly from the sunshine streaming through the room, your eyes make out a hazy 8:57 am written in blue light.
Unaware to the rest of the world, you close your eyes for even just a second more of slumber, pushing back into Hyunjins encircling embrace.
It’s only then you realize that you and Hyunjin are close. Closer then you’d ever been before. Heart picking up and eyes opening slightly, you make out his blurry hand intertwined in yours. But it's his shifting body sends your heart wild, the little yawn that slips past his lips and the way he pulls you closer to his body causing your chest to pound.
All his shyness is gone, replaced by sheer sleepy satisfaction as he nuzzles his head into your neck a little more.
Both awake and aware, your heart seems to melt out of your chest at his actions, eyes closing again to savor the moment for even just a few more minutes.
“Good morning.” 
Your voice is barely a whisper, rough and nervous as you lay tangled in each other’s arms.
He seems to groan a little at perhaps the brightness of the room, head repositioned into the crook of your shoulder in an attempt to block out the lightness of the room.
“Good morning Jagi.”
You smile, eyes closed to shield yourself from the light.
You two just stay like that; illuminated by the sunlight, awake but asleep and held in the embrace of each other, but when your eyes open, the clock now blinks a blue 9:46 am back at you.
“We should get up.” You whisper, shifting to move off the bed just slightly.
Rather than speaking, Hyunjin simply groans again, pulling you back into him with his arm, hand tightly on yours.
“I’m tired, just cuddle me.”
Letting out a breathy laugh, you turn around in his arms, now facing him and seemingly wide awake, not wanting to leave the warmth of the room nor the boy who has you wrapped up in his arms.
Your gaze lingers over his features, taking in things you’d never noticed before.
“You’re staring.”
Averting your eyes, you're stuck with a sudden nervousness, aware of the fact you were staring, but that you’d been caught doing it.
Stumbling over words again, you try and muster the words “I’m sorry” in a whisper, but rather a series of jumbled letters slip out your lips instead.
Hyunjin smiles, mocha eyes blinking down at you.
“It’s nice that your voice was the first thing I heard today,” he tells you, nose crinkling in embarrassment as soon as he says the phrase. “Sorry, that was so cheesy.”
Shaking your head, you can’t help but smile, eyes locked with his. “You’re sweet Hyunjin.”
He smiles back at you, eyes half open and arm pulling you even closer to his body.
You’re reminded of how close you are again, willing your heart to stop its rapid beating and mind to stop racing with excitement and anxiety.
“We should get up.” You tell him again.
He nods in response, pressing a kiss to your cheek as he carefully pushes himself up from the mattress, leaving you a blushing mess whose heart is literally shaking in your chest.
So you follow suit, pink-faced and nervous being dressed in just one of his hoodies, even if it was just like a dress on you.
As soon as your standing, the boy cannot help but smile at your appearance, leaving you even more embarrassed. Head down, you groan at his expression, quickly burying your face in his chest as he stands up to embrace you in a hug.
“You look cute in my clothes. You should wear them more often Jagi.”
You groan more, the pink lacing your cheeks turning scarlet as he leans down to kiss your forehead and takes your hand in his to lead you to the kitchen.
The dorm is quiet for a change, so upon entering the kitchen, you do not expect to see another member sitting down at the table, coffee in hand. More specifically, you definitely don’t expect this member to be the leader of the group.
“Good morning you two,”
It's like a scene from a movie, Chan sipping on his coffee as his eyes flick between you both, a smug smirk plastered on his face.
“Did you both sleep well?”
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Realizing His Powers: A Printer Boy Story
The year is 2005. 
It’s a Thursday in Mid-October. The day after Connor first realized his powers.
The time is 7:13.
“How was school yesterday Connor?” Ask Larry
“Fine.” Replied our protagonist
“I heard that he threw the teacher’s printer at Mrs. G!” Zoe yelled
“Shut up Zoe!!” Connor cried
The parents exchanged worried glances. Had Connor gotten ~the powers~. No. Impossible. No one had been affected by them in generations. They were simply a myth. 
“Now Zoe, how would your brother do that? The printer is much too big” Cynthia trying to convince herself more than anyone else
“And Connor, don’t tell your sister to shut up.” Larry scolded. Zoe always was his favorite. 
“Connor, go change out of your pajamas, you’re going to be late for school!” Cynthia suddenly realized the time.
Connor got up and headed to his room, as he reached his door he heard the distressed cry of his sister
*Overhear at the Murphy’s.*
“Are you sure it isn’t happening?” Larry asked
“No, I’m not sure. This hasn’t happened for so long, no one knows what it looks like. The last time it was in the twenties, and with toasters.”
“I just wish you had told me this *before* we got married.”
“It’s not like I thought this would happen!”
“I can’t believe our son has powers…And they all revolve around a god damn printer….Of all the things.”
“We aren’t for sure, honey. We don’t even know if it’s true”
The year is 2009. Four years since the birth of Printer Boy.
It’s a Friday, late July.
The time is 2:34 AM
“Come on brain, think of things” Connor chanted as he worked on his summer essay over The Outsiders, to be turned in the first day of 7th grade.
He couldn’t sleep, so he might as well work on this. 
He looked back at the time. 3:13 AM. 
He sighed, but he was done.
He hit “print”, and got up to retrieve the paper from his father’s office.
Nothing was on the Printer. Connor sighed. Technology was not Connor’s friend. He approached the Printer to check if it still had paper in it. The moment his hand touched the Printer, it turned on, and out came his paper…
This wasn’t the first time something like this had happened. 
~~~this is a flashback sequence~~~
It was January of Connor’s second grade year, and Mrs. G still had not gotten over the printer incident. The children were doing a project in the computer lab, and it came time for them to print the project. Several students were having difficulty printing their assignment, and per usual, the jokes started:
“I bet Connor got upset and broke this printer too!”
“What has Connor done now?”
This happened everytime the Printer, or any other piece of technology stopped working. Connor was used to it, but it still bothered him. 
“Hey?” Connor’s classmate, Lily asked “Do you think you can help me with this, Printer Boy?”
She, unlike the other students, didn’t use this as an insult, but more like a term of endearment. Connor stood and took control of her mouse, and within seconds the printer started up and out came Lily’s project. 
Connor and Lily were the only two that got their projects printed that day. 
~scene change occurs here~
Once again, Zoe had waited until last minute to print her science fair abstract, and once again she was in tears over the fact that the Printer was jammed. 
Connor, now in 5th grade, stepped out of his room to find his sister Zoe in the hallway screaming about how she was going to fail the 4th grade because the stupid printer wouldn’t work. He just kind of looked at her. She saw him standing there and asked.
“Could you help me? You printed yours last night?" 
Connor shrugged and headed towards the office where the printer was located. He took one look at the mess of a printer, jammed beyond belief. What had Zoe done to the poor thing? The paper was sticking out sideways and was all torn up. 
Connor grabbed hold of the paper, and it gave way, slipping right out. Zoe’s paper soon followed. Zoe snatched her paper and beamed.
"Thanks Printer Boy!!”
~This is where the next scene change occurs~
It was only earlier that summer, when Connor had seen the insanely annoying Jared Kleinman at the public library, dragging around that weird boy from school who had no friends, but who was Connor to judge. He didn’t have friends either. 
Connor was sat at a computer typing furiously, writing a story about his sister Zoe, and how she was really a troll. It was awesome. When Jared Kleinman approached him and asked
“Do you have a dime?" 
"W-w-what?” Connor stumbles over his words, surprised by the sudden interruption.
“Do you have a dime? Like 10¢? For the printer?" 
"Umm, no, but why do you need it?”
“Evan wants to print this picture of a truck with trees painted on it so he can show him mom when she gets home. I don’t know man, but do you have a dime?” This didn’t help Connor. He had printed tons of stuff, but never had to pay. 
“Let me see” he replied and walked over to the printer where the other boy, Evan, was standing. The display read:
“Insert $0.10 to print" 
"That’s weird” Connor thought, it never said that when he tried to print, it always just printed. 
He pressed the large “PRINT” button and out came the picture. 
“How did you do that?” Jared asked “I’ve been trying to hack the thing for ten minutes!”
“I don’t know, I just hit print” Connor replied
“Okay, well thanks anyway, Printer Boy” Jared said with a light hearted laugh as he handed the picture to Evan, who hugged it to his chest. “Let’s go Evan, I’ve spent my hour with you" 
Connor smiled to himself… Printer Boy
Now, as you,our reader, may have guessed, Connor now realized that he has some form of power over printers, and heads straight for the internet. 
Searching such things as
I have magic abilities, please help
Printers bend to my will, what is wrong with me?
To no avail. 
Along with this realization, Connor felt a darkness wash over him. Imagine a ton of bricks falling on top of you all at once. The feeling felt almost like it was tugging at him, and suddenly he had no motivation to do anything. This feeling resided inside of him at all times, but moments like this were especially hard.
He had felt this before and knew it would be a rough week ahead. He wouldn’t want to leave his bed, much less his room, and he’ll have to listen to his dad tell his mom that it’s was "just a lazy teen thing” but Connor felt like that wasn’t it.
With no help from the internet, Connor closed his laptop, laid down, and tried to sleep. The time was 4:02 AM.
The year is 2010.
It’s a December evening.
The time is 5:00
Connor heard the clock strike 5 and looked up at his mother. He finally had the courage to talk to her about this whole thing. He told himself he’d do it at 5 o'clock, and he was going to do it. 
“Mom. Can I talk to you?”
“Of course Connor, what is it?” Cynthia replied, mildly shocked. He son hadn’t come to her for years, and rarely addressed her as"mom" anymore. 
“I-I-I’m not really sure, I just. I’ve been wanting to talk to you about some things.”
“Yes of course. You can talk to me about any thing honey.”
“I just. I haven’t been feeling like myself lately. Like I’m more, well I’m not more sad but it’s kind of like sad, but it’s all the time. I’m just sad all the time mom and I don’t know why, I’m drowning mom… I’m drowning.” Connor blurted out. Trying not to cry in front of his mother.
“Oh honey, that’s perfectly normal for kids your age. Your hormones are all crazy because you’re growing up”
“No. It’s different than that! I see the other kids my age and none of them feel like this! I’m the only one that is sad all the time! They make fun of me for it mom. I have no friends and it’s all because I was weird and now I’m sad and no one likes the weird, sad boy! And I know you bought me that dumb suit, but I’m never going to get invited to anyone’s dumb party because I HAVE NO FRIENDS!” Connor was screaming by the end, and ran from the kitchen, to his room, and slammed the door.
“Drama queen” Zoe said from the living room, only to be heard by no one. 
Overhear from the bedroom of Cynthia and Larry Murphy later that evening:
Time: 9:57
“I’m still worried about Connor, Larry” Cynthia confided in her husband
“It’s like you said, he’s just a teenager. He’ll be okay. He always was a weird one. And never failed to be dramatic” Larry tried to reassure her.
“I know, but it’s just…I remember the stories I heard as a kid. From the stories great auntie Kaitlyn seemed to have trouble like that too…” Cynthia began to get more worried about her son with every passing second.
“Nonsense. Plus, I thought we were done talking about all this magic power hogwash” Larry half-scolded
“You’re right now I’m being ridiculous. He’ll be fine. He’s going to be fine.” Cynthia said, rather half heartedly. She was still very worried.
To be continued...
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