sapphicschedule · 1 year
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I’m sorry, but the fact that this is canonically god is just way too funny to me.
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pizzaboat · 3 years
After a particular bad storm, Luz and king decide to have a movie night..
It should be fun, but Luz just hopes the two adults joining them don't kill each other in the next 2 hours...
"No way, I'd rather clean Hooty than watch some goofy kids movie"
"But Edaaa!" The teen whined, "There's nothing else to watch, and the storm nocked out all the power!"
Sure the power was out. Courtesy of the terrible weather. The magical grid through out the building had been temporarily shut off for hooty's safety, and so most things in the house had stopped working. But that wasn't a good enough reason for Eda to sacrifice napping time.
Eda watched as the human brought the box containing some human *VHS tape* titled "The Lion king" up to display. 
"Come on Its a classic," Luz pleaded, " and you agreed, after some persuasion-"
- Manipulation." 
"-that you'd do something with me and King," Luz pointed, "And you said I could pick. I pick movie night."
"Hey, I say alot of things. Doesn't make 'em true." Eda said with a shrug, "And don't even try to give me any puppy dog eyes kid, I'm immune now."
Luz pouted, and Eda watched as an idea formed on the girls face. Never a good sign..
"Well," Luz said, "You think your tough, but it'd be a shame if anyone in town found out you secretly like hugs!"
"You wouldn't dare," Eda gasped, "They'd never believe you!"
"Oh really? Try me." Luz challenged.
Damn it. Blackmail. She really was her kid. Eda knew teaching her would come back to bite her in the ass.
"Fine," She sighed, "But if anyone starts singing, I'm out."
"That might be a problem.. since it's a musical,"
Titan damn it.
And that's how thirty minutes later everyone was gathered in the living room as Luz stuffed human candies into some contraption and King dragged an assortment of snacks to the sofa, throwing them on the coffee table.
Even Lilith had been dragged out of her cave for the night.
"I didn't know you were interested in this stuff," King said to her sister as she settled in the furthest side of the couch, away from everyone else.
"Of course I'm not," She told him, "This is the only room in the house with sufficient enough lighting to read my book."
"If you say so," He muttered.
Eda plopped down onto the couch, opposite to her;
"Yeah, Lily's a nerd," She yawned, pulling a blanket over her self and settling in, "She doesn't do fun. So don't expect her to thrive in social situations."
"I'm not a nerd!" The other woman glared, " I'm trying to research a cure. For our curses."
"Save it," Eda snorted, "I'm fine the way I am, no thanks to you."
"I split the curse, what more do you want?"
"for you to take some damn accountability." 
"How can I do that if you don't let me!?"
"I don't care, figure it out!"
"OK!" Luz cut in with fake enthusiasm, "The movies starting! Who's excited!?"
Eda snapped her gaze to the teen. The two adults had missed the worried looks both Luz and King had been giving them as things had escalated.
Eda felt a wave of guilt, as Luz wormed her way into her side, deviding the two sisters in the hopes of preventing some all out fist fight, she guessed. Eda wrapped an arm around the girl hugging her back as the movie started and music played.
"Hey king, pass some snacks up," Luz whispered.
"Get your own, peasant," He whispered back.
Lilith had tried her best to focuse on words of the book infront of her in the flickering candle light, but her gaze always wandered back to the small box set on the coffee table infront of them.
The demon had been scolded multiple times by the other two, as he always managed to sit himself directly infront of the screen every five minutes, completely engrossed in its contents.
Lilith didn't do musicals. She hated them. Always had.
Edalyns loud complaints and groans of annoyance when the characters had broke into song, were more obnoxious than the movie its self.
That was new.. wasn't Edalyn big into musicals back when they both were in school?
The human had sung along to every word, boasting that she knew the lyrics to all the "Disney songs," What ever the hell a Disney was, Lilith didn't know. And she didn't want to find out.
Lilith had also noticed the wary glances the human sent her every now and then, as if she thought Lilith would pounce on them all. Lilith couldn't blame them for that one, so she did her best to keep her gaze anywhere else but the rest of the room, and focused back in on her book.
King could sympathise with the young creatures desire to become king and rule over all those bellow him. The young lion was the most relatable main character he'd ever seen. Much better than those characters from Luz's books. 
Someone hungry for status much like himself. Though King was already a king. Feared by all.
He clapped when Simba scratched the hyenas face. These animals names were weird he decided though. Lions. Hyenas. Elephants. The movie had even featured those freaks, the giraffes.
He understood the feeling of helplessness when both Simba and his companions had been trapped In the elephants grave yard, only to be saved by Simba's father Mufasa.
He gasped when he discovered Scar's plan to usurp his brother. Maybe Luz had chosen a good movie after all...
The human whiped tears from her eyes, then continued to blubber. King wailed clutching his stuffed animal. Even Edalyn seemed somewhat moved, though she didn't show it much.
The father had died apparently. Betrayed by his brother. Lured into a trap by his trusted sibling. His son used against him as bait.
OK maybe that one hit close to home. Hadn't she lured her sister to a witches duel using their apprentice against them? Seeing the broken form of the betrayed, forced images of what could have happened into Lilith's mind, and she suppressed a shudder.
Edalyn petrified. Luz skewered.
It hit her just how close she had come to getting both her sister and her sister's apprentice killed.
Damn it. She'd lost her page.
These guys had the right idea, "Hakuna matata", no worries. If society decides your not worth it, why not atleast relax and try to have a good time with your friends. Screw it. Y'know?
Maybe that's what she would've thought even a month ago. But she wasn't so sure that was such a great message to send kids. Abandon responsibly. She knew predictably that the movie would correct this. She was proved right of course.
Luz's excitement bubbled towards the end. She'd seen the movie a thousand times when she was younger. But big confrontations were always exhilarating to watch.
Though less fun when your the one confronting things in real life, that's where the beauty of fiction comes in; She was in the mood to enjoy some nice old fashioned living through fictional characters. No danger. Just movies and her family. And Lilith. She wasn't sure why Lilith was In the owl house. Not because of the storm. Just in general.
Luz would have figured Lilith would have found somewhere to stay by now. But it might be difficult for her, what with the Emperors Coven declaring her a wanted criminal, while the rest of them had been pardoned. A selfish part of Luz wished she'd just leave anyway. Her skin always crawled when the woman was around. 
Luz felt bad about this. But it didn't stop her from occasionally thinking it.
She caught a glimpse of the woman In question, when Scar had been left to be killed by the hyenas. Lilith look paler than what seemed possible with her already ivory complexion. Her gaze fixed on the old mini TV. Was she rooting for Scar or something?
Luz wouldn't be surprised.
The villian had recieved what he deserved. To be vanquished by his enimies. 
Lilith felt sick thinking of the similarities between her and the character.
Jealousy. Ambition. Cunning. The will to do what ever it takes. 
She knew they were different. But she couldn't help but wonder what could've happend if she were more like this "Scar" character. 
Titan. She thought this was just a kid's movie.
The movie finished. Eda had fallen asleep towards the end only to be gently shaken awake by Luz after. The movie hadn't been bad. She'd even enjoyed it, Eda wouldn't admit that to anyone though. Not in a million years.
Luz said goodnight with a tight, crushing hug, then carried King to bed. The little guy must have conked out at some point into the film. 
Movie night accomplished and no one had even died. A win if ever there was one.
They would clean up in the morning but for now sleep, she made her way to leave as well but was stopped by her sister.
"Edalyn, I think we should talk.."
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