#owca agent
kii7ov · 1 month
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I have been a fan of OWCA animal agents for about 10 years. I was too embarrassed to show my work back then, but I finally got the courage to show my paintings, so I'm posting them here.
I like the original form, but I also like the humanization. (The last one is an illustration from 10 years ago. Many things are strange. lol)
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pnfc · 4 months
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puppiesareperfect · 4 days
It’s possible I’m biased as someone who’s working towards an education degree, but I genuinely think Doof’s redemption arc would’ve hit better post-series if they stuck with him being a science teacher. For one I genuinely enjoyed Doof101, it was nice to get a different setting for once. And Perry being his weird little teacher’s assistant who makes sure he doesn’t blow up the place was fun. But also like, one of Doofenshmirtz’s big character traits is being a dad. He is literally good with kids, albeit in a dorky sort of way. But a dorky personality is pretty much expected for science teachers. I could definitely see him getting a reputation as the teacher that’s “a little out there but really fun to have. also gives advice about things like college if you ask—he has some bit about going to evil school but other than that solid advice”
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thedailyplatypics · 1 year
TW//pretty violent descriptions of Doof’s traps and wondering how they might actually kill Perry/Death/Falling/Suffocation/Burning
Perry Could Have Died A Lot:
Doofenshmirtz’s Traps Becoming Tamer, The Evolution Of Perry And Doof’s Relationship, And The Expendability Of OWCA Agents.
In Season 1 and 2 many of the traps created by Doofenshmirtz aimed to KILL Perry, either unintentionally or intentionally, and sometimes in the worst, most horrifying ways imaginable.
It’s genuinely concerning how bad some early traps were and what exactly Doofenshmirtz was expecting when these traps succeeded? I usually like to imagine Perry as an invincible fighting machine, but what if he wasn’t invincible? What if some of these traps actually succeeded? And What happens to the other poor OWCA agents that aren’t as skilled when their nemesis has something cruel in store?
Showing the de-escalation of these traps also shows just how much their relationship evolved over the course of the show.
But before we get into that though, let’s quickly go over some of these traps and just how badly they would have turned out for poor Perry.
I’ll be rating them from 0-10 on how awful each death would have been (10 being the worst) based on how slow the death would be, how helpless he would be, how horrifying it would be, how painful it would be, what the treatment of the remains would be like, and how bad it still is for Perry even though he escaped to give a FULL look at just how messed up Doof’s traps were.
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A very slow, lonely death by suffocation and a helpless situation. What would Doof even have done to clean this up? Would he just keep Perry in there forever??
8/10 worst way to die
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A long and horrifying death from falling as he would have been completely helpless to do anything, but wait for the inevitable thud and darkness at the end. If he fell on a hard surface the only thing recognizable from him would be his hat. More like Perry the Splat-ypus (I’m sorry)
7/10 worst way to die
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A lot to breakdown here: Dismemberment, decapitation, blown to shreds by a canon ball, and literally a murder s**c*de bombing by nuclear detonation wtf☠️??? And imagine the cleanup for half these things..
7/10 worst way to die
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Death by being mauled, torn to shreds, and eaten by crocodiles all while Doofenshmirtz watched with a smile on his face is pretty sick. (This is the second time Doof’s tried to feed him to crocs/gators)
7/10 worst way to die
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This was mostly unintentional, but death by either hypothermia or suffocation.
6/10 worst way to die
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This trap placed under a rocket booster would have instantly incinerated them if it had succeeded. While not very painful compared the rest, it’s equally as scary. Imagine being there for one second and then poof. The only thing that is left of you is ashes.
If they took too long to escape the health affects from the toxic gasses released by rocket fuel such as, NO2, HNO3, hydrazines, and other substances would have been destructive towards their health.
5/10 worst way to die
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One of Doof’s worst traps if it wasn’t so easy to escape. Try to imagine a laser cutting into you like this, cutting into one organ after the other, slow, searing hot, and also yes, extremely painful. If the pain didn’t kill Perry first through something like cardiac arrest, then multi-organ failure would have.
AND Literally what else was Doof expecting to come home to after the LOVE MUFFIN event??? NOT a dead platypus cut in half??!! What would he even have done with his body after that!??
10/10 worst way to die
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This one is just the worst one. Based on the color of this lava, it’s around 1,600 F°!
If the rope didn’t burn through first he would have basically suffocated, seared his lungs to a crisp from the hot air, roasted alive slowly, and burst into flames (Anakin Skylwalkered) but if the rope broke he would probably feel (and not feel) the worst pain imaginable on earth for a good few seconds as all the water in his body would boil, nerves would desintegrate, every single organic molecule in his body would denature, and the lava would wrap around him like grease when you put bacon on a frying pan (that last part might just only apply to rocks though). The bones would burn for the longest, but soon there would be no trace of him left.
It should be noted that lava is a dense liquid and would feel pretty solid unlike water.
Even though he did escape this one, imagine the burns he got and seared lungs. Getting this close to molten lava typically sets people on fire and gives them serious burns. There’s also the toxic gases, heavy metals, and carcinogenic matter he inhaled. Additionally, this lava was bubbling and spraying everywhere. Once a drop of this molten rock like that hits your skin it burns your skin, burns your nerves, cools, and sticks on you. You wouldn’t feel it yet, but how did he hide that stuff when he came home to Phineas And Ferb? Burns can also lead to infections which could be serious and lead to removal of infected areas and amputation or even death,
While the long term health affects he suffered from this experience might not directly lead to his death in the future unless he does get a deadly infection, it could contribute significantly to things like future lung diseases and cancer. There’s also no doubt this experience (mostly from the hot air likely searing his lungs a bit) at least gives him breathing trouble now which would be incredibly depressing.
10/10 worst way to die
Perry didn’t deserve this.
Now, did Doofenshmirtz really have the intention to seriously injure or kill Perry or did he know he’d always escape and wreck his plans? I can’t say for sure, but he survived all of these and he’s also OWCA’s best agent. So, what happens to the lesser skilled agents….?
Perry’s Not The Only One (Tangent):
What percentage of OWCA agents have died in the field of battle with their nemesis and vice versa? We are shown that the one Canadian evil scientist almost died in MML: Agent Lentee Diogee and we know that Agent T (Turkey) was unfortunately killed on Thanksgiving (PNF: The Remains of A Platypus), whether he was mixed up in the turkey harvest process, it was actually because of a scheme unrelated to Thanksgiving, or because his Nemesis did in fact eat him is still unclear.
Also, does the government use animals in OWCA for secret missions because they have advantages humans don’t have or is it really because they’re actually more expendable compared to people. If you think about it, if a human dies because of U.S. government missions, everyone asks questions and there’s a lot of liability, but if a random pigeon or someone’s pet mysteriously goes missing, it’s not national news and no one’s asking the federal government what happened to it. An animal agent is not just a silly cartoon thing, it’s the perfect way to spy, and the US Government has literally tried and used animals as agents before (obviously those ones didn’t have human consciousness like in Phineas And Ferb though since it is a cartoon). They are very expendable and inexpensive.
Back To Doof And Perry:
When did Doof’s traps become more tame? Around the end of season 2 Doofenshmirtz sort of stopped the deadly traps that were designed to kill Perry and mostly focused on traps designed to restrain Perry instead. Sure they still have their laser fights and very dangerous situations and what not (like the Where’s Perry incident), but Doof and Perry are much closer friends now, and we know neither really want the other dead. As Dan Povenmire said, “they really are the most important person in each other’s lives.”
So, when did Doof stop/reduce the death traps? (I use reduce because I checked, but I’m not 100% certain the pnf wiki got every trap)
The last time I remember Doofenshmirtz actually fine with Perry dying was in the Across the 2nd Dimension Movie when he was perfectly okay with Perry being sent to his doom. However, at the end of the film seconds before the 2nd Dimension Doof is about to crush Perry, Phineas, and Ferb, Doofenshmirtz basically saves Perry’s life by stopping 2nd Dimension Doof at the last second and giving him his toy train. (Maybe a little because the horrifying thing 2D Doof did to his Perry too)
Of course he doesn’t remember this because of the Amnesia-inator applied to him and everyone else at the end of the movie, but as we know from the Giant Tire Swing episode when the kids start singing the Summer song from AT2D spontaneously, but cannot recall where it’s from, that memories are still somewhere in the subconscious of these characters.
So, I’d like to think that Doofenshmirtz’s desire to kill Perry sort of faded after actually seeing him come the closest to death he’d ever been in the entire series and while he doesn’t remember it, it’s still there subconsciously.
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There’s More:
By the end of the series Doof really isn’t that evil anymore. He’s just a guy pretending to be evil. Perry and Doof are a lot more casual with each other and friendlier, but Doofenshmirtz in The Last Day Of Summer kinda sucks. It’s really the big, real, last push from his evil phase and it shows. He really sucked to both Vanessa and Perry.
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In this episode a time looping machine gives Doofenshmirtz multiple tries to finally complete his scheme. In the looping he tries to perfect a trap that can restrain Perry and returns to the type of deadly traps from S1-2, but the mega-trap never overdoes itself and somehow only fails catch Perry, not kill him. Despite every deadly piece and Perry almost getting chopped in half by a bear trap, the mega-trap strangely doesn’t ever kill Perry. It only fails to catch Perry A LOT. This could just be luck and shows that Perry is truly invincible, but since this is later seasons we already know Doof doesn’t want to kill Perry anymore so is it that far off to say that he also didn’t just perfect this trap to not only restrain Perry, but also to not kill him and keep him alive? Does this mean sometimes he could have overdone the trap and there were failed tries to not kill him??
He probably considered that the day repeated so even if he overdid it and killed Perry, the day would restart anyways and he could tone down the part of the trap that killed him, but without the looping he knows the only way to stop Perry is to kill him.
This would be another reason for why he did what he did next.
In one of the final loops when he succeeds with his trap after an unknown amount of tries and finally becomes mayor. The time loop machine also disappears, so he thinks he can no longer loop time now which means no trap will ever be as affective as his time-loop trap and the only affective way to keep Perry from ruining his schemes as he now knows from the time loop, is to kill him. So he uses his new power to legally make it so that Perry can no longer fight him to avoid that entire problem and keep his power, and continue to be evil without hurting him.
It’s somewhat thoughtful that he still doesn’t want Perry dead which is consistent with his character development, but ultimately he chooses evil over his best and only friend and loses him.
Of course we know it works out when he turns good, and he mostly gives up evil after the finale.
This is just another angle to look from when it comes to their relationship.
I don’t know how to end this because that’s about all I’ve got and I have been completely sidetracked from my day to write this and I should probably get back to it. Hopefully this blog makes sense. Feel free to suggest corrections or mistakes or add on any details you’d like to point out.
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owcaunion · 2 years
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i liked my last doodles with my human! peter the panda so now i imagine him and perry being in a dysfunctional friendship after meapless in seattle
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soulcat9 · 1 year
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phineas-and-herb · 1 year
okay wait so if pinky is an owca agent then he completely consciously decided to eat isabella's sash... ?????
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platypus practicpus. close-ups and IDs under the cut!
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[ID: Drawing of Perry and Dr. Doofenshmirtz mid-battle. Perry is perched on Doof’s shoulder and has a fist pulled back; Doof’s nose is already bloodied. Perry is looking away from Doof, out the window, with a smile and a shine in his eyes—it’s snowing outside. Doof watches, expression annoyed or amused. Text beside him reads, “Hey! Are you gonna hit me, Perry the Platypus, or are you just gonna stare at the snow? …Hello? (Ow! Okay, you can do both! Jeez!)” end ID]
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[ID: Drawing of Pinky the Chihuahua, Perry the Platypus, and Peter the Panda standing beside each other. Pinky is watching Perry wide-eyed and trembling, Perry is glaring at Peter with folded arms, and Peter is holding a mug with what might be Doof’s face on it, appearing slightly uneasy. Text above the three reads, “Agents P!” end ID]
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[ID: Three drawings of Perry. One has him trudging along with a downcast expression, teary-eyed, tail dragging, and the label “Sadapus.” The next has him jetpacking away with a cheerful expression and saluting, labeled “Platybye!” The third shows him disguised in a white buttoned shirt, yellow scarf, purple pants, brown shoes, cactus hat, and star sunglasses, labeled “Fabupus.” end ID]
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[ID: Perry behaving as a pet, all fours, eyes unfocused, text above him reading “grrrrk!” An arrow points to Perry as an agent, standing straight, hands balled into fists, fedora on, eyes narrowed. end ID]
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[ID: Phineas, Ferb, and an oddly small Perry. Ferb is holding Perry, who is positioned almost like a baby, and looking down at him. Perry is peacefully asleep. Phineas points at Perry, appearing mid-laugh, with text beside him reading, “Aww! Look, Ferb, the artist drew Perry too small! (He must’ve been too cute to erase…)” end ID]
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learquot · 1 year
I had this in my head for a whole ass day
so yeah, doof is a bully😔😔😔
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shima-draws · 2 years
Thinks about Perry covered in the blood of his enemies and swoons
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whaleiumsharkspeare · 2 years
There is one single brain cell at OWCA and it belongs to Perry the Platypus
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kii7ov · 17 days
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Illustration probably from 2014-2016. It depicts various possibilities regarding animal agents...
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echo-does-art · 2 years
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🎶Agent F!🎶
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starfyhero2 · 8 months
alright so I'm currently working on this pnf/mml fanfic idea and I want your input; if phineas was an owca agent, what bird would he be?
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thedailyplatypics · 1 year
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Perry putting on clothes gif
Very important
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wait concept: Perry is asked to have a young agent in training with him for one day, so they can observe an agent on mission. When Perry goes to fight Doofenshmirtz, Doof ends up not wanting to fight when he sees that very young agent in training; he says it's because he doesn't want to help owca train more agents that could defeat him. So instead of fighting today, Doof and Perry will make sure this young agent is happy and spoiled (so they'd want to join the side of Doofenshmirtz of course!)
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