mrsgiovanna · 2 years
Happy Halloween!!! Here’s to a spooky and sweet day of tricks and treats!! Lmao I’m not even going anywhere but I still dressed up and did my makeup😅 anyways I hope ur day has been amazing!!! 👻💀🎃🍬
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Awwwww it's late but happy Halloween, mwah mwah, and pls, the party is wherever you're at so I'm glad you dressed up and looked all pretty 😍 my Halloween was spent reviewing thesis chapter submissions *shock horror* 🥲🥲🥲 lololol I can't wait for the holidays so I can read and write more and come back to discord. I hope you're having a stunning one my lovely 😍 👌 👍🏻 🥰 ☺️ 😙 😍 👌 👍🏻 🥰 ☺️ 😙
Pov: you asked Giogio to point to the cutest person in the world
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Art credit: Shamnekomari on Twitter
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the-phantom-peach · 7 months
Favorite anime?
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fullmetal alchemist brotherhood
untouchable in my mind
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miyuchiips · 3 months
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theyhitthepentagon · 10 months
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amygdalae · 2 years
ouougghbh in class today i am learning about. 80s Detroit Techno
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nevermorgue · 18 days
wow. wow!! 100 followers! it feels like I JUST made this blog. It was just for me to spam my idiocy but I really did not know that so many of you would LIKE IT. like wow! thanks a bunch nevermore fandom!! im gonna figure out a way to celebrate, youll see! maybe sooome super angsty angst? or maybe some analysis? we shall see.
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feunnec · 3 months
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feathery-dreamer · 5 months
Abonne-Toit (sketch théâtre)
Description: lieu et personnages
On voit un côté du toit posé directement sur la scène (sans mur en dessous), une cheminée à un bout, l'autre est caché. Il est bas et son sommet est plat pour éviter un accident; la scène représente la cour avant de la maison, avec une chaise. Une femme est assise dans la chaise, un livre à la mode sur les genoux, téléphone dans sa poche (ou sur le sol). Un homme marche sur le toit depuis le côté caché, en "équilibre" sur le sommet, smartphone en main. A la fin, il y a aussi un(e) ambulancier(ère), précédé(e) d'une sirène d'ambulance puis effets de gyrophare.
[sur DA]
La femme, très détendue, est seule en train de lire. Elle n'entend pas les bruits d'effort que fait l'homme en grimpant sur le toit.
Homme, off : Pffff. Ah voilà, c'est Live. Wech la commu, comment on va aujourd'hui ? La forme, la flemme, la fougue, la flippe, peu importe, tout le monde est bienvenu ! (Il entre en vue, écran du smartphone orienté vers lui, et fait deux pas.) Alors la dernière fois, vous avez été plein à demander plus de spectacle. Mais j'avais pas envie de me foutre des feux d'artifice dans le froc, hein ! Alors j'ai regardé les tendances, et alors là commu, tu devineras jamais où j'suis. (Il retourne son téléphone et balaie d'un côté à l'autre.) Tu vois ça ? (Il le tourne vers le bas où se trouve la femme, essayant de ne pas tomber. Il crie presque, faisant sursauter la femme qui regarde autour :) Hé wouaiiiii, on est sur le toit de ma voisine !
Elle regarde enfin en haut, le voit agiter les bras et presque tomber, se redresse dans sa chaise.
Femme, à elle-même : Bah, c'est quoi ça ? (Plus fort :) Hé m'sieur ! Vous faites quoi, là ? Homme, tournant le téléphone vers son propre visage : Et voilà ma voisine, elle est hyper cool. Envoyez-lui des coeurs dans le tchat ! (Il le retourne vers elle.) Hein mademoiselle, vous êtes cool ? J'vous emprunte le toit pour mon Stream ! Femme : Mais vous pouvez pas, c'est ma maison ! (Elle pose son livre et se lève.) Et puis, c'est madame. Homme : Oh allez, s'vouplaiiiit ! C'est pour une bonne cause, quoi ! (Il tourne l'écran pour le regarder, puis de nouveau vers elle.) Regardez le tchat, on vous envoie tout plein de coeurs ! Au fait, vous savez combien de Subscribes j'ai ? Femme : Euh bah, j'en sais rien moi. Homme : Faut que vous vous Sub aussi, si vous avez Google ou Amazon. Vous verrez mademoiselle, la com- Femme : Madame. Homme : Pardon m'dame, vous verrez la commu, hyper sympa ! Pas de trolls, pas de Haters, pas de harcèlement, rien que du bon temps. Femme : Ah bah, ça sonne chouette. C'est quoi en fait, un "héteur"? Homme, tournant le téléphone vers lui : Wech la commu, tu sais quoi ? Si on arrive à cinq cent Likes sur l'épisode, je saute d'ici ! Femme : Bah attends, c'est pas un peu dangereux ? Homme, retournant l'appareil vers l'autre bout du toit : Mais nan mademoi- pardon m'dame. Z'inquiétez pas, j'suis un pro ! (Il fait prudemment quelques pas, montre la cheminée à la caméra.) Oh, téma-téma la pure cheminée de ouf. J'vais essayer de l'atteindre. Femme, saisissant son propre téléphone : Bah, j'appelle quand même le quinze, on sait jamais. (Elle compose, puis commence à parler à voix basse.) Homme : Wech la commu, tu sais pourquoi y mettent un p'tit truc plat sur les cheminées, comme un chapeau ? (Il tourne le smartphone vers elle :) Hé m'dame ! Vous savez à quoi ça sert ? Femme : De quoi ? Homme : Le chapeau sur les cheminées, c'est quoi ? Femme : Oh bah, j'en sais rien moi. (Elle retourne à son appel.) Homme, s'arrêtant un instant pour regarder l'écran : Quelqu'un peut dire dans le tchat ? (Surpris : ) Owaaah, on est à trois cent cinquante ! Encore cent cinquante Likes et j'y go. Allez la commu, je crois en toi. Femme, le regarde puis retourne à l'appel : Bah il veut pas descendre, puis il parle à quelqu'un au téléphone. Y dit qu'il va sauter s'il y a cent cinquante laïques. Il est très religieux, je pense. Homme, à deux pas de la cheminée : Attention, j'y suis presque ! J'me lance…
Il tente de la saisir, perd son équilibre et glisse le long du toit, atterrit sur ses pieds puis tombe à genoux ; son smartphone glisse hors d'atteinte.
Homme, se roulant par terre et criant : Arrrg mes jambes ! Ah putain j'suis tombé ! Femme : Bah ça y est, il est tombé. (Elle se penche vers lui.) Euh, ça va monsieur ? Homme, dents serrées : Arrg ça m'fait trop mal ! J'ai super mal aux jambes ! Merde merde merde… Femme : Il a mal aux jambes. Ah bah, il saigne du genou aussi. Homme, criant : Meeeeerdeeeeuh ! Femme, observant de plus près : C'est pas la rotule qu'on voit, là ? Homme, hors d'haleine : La quoi ? Femme, pointant : Bah, l'os du genou, tiens. Homme, regardant aussi : Oh nique sa race, c'est l'os. C'est horrible. Femme : Bah ça va, les médocs arrivent, tiens bon. Homme, cherchant autour de lui : Mon téléphone, il est passé où ? Femme, regarde et pointe vers le smartphone : Bah, le voilà. Homme : Oh. (Il essaie de se relever, retombe.) Aïe euuuh ! Ramène-le-moi, tu veux. Femme, se penchant pour le récupérer : Oh, l'écran est fissuré. Homme : Allez dépêche, gourdasse ! Femme : Non mais… connard ! Homme : Faut que mes abonnés voient ça, c'est de l'inédit ! Femme : Ouais bah, tu m'parles pas comme ça ! J'suis pas ta copine, monsieur. Homme : Oui, pardon m'dame, j'ai un mal de chien, j'me suis emporté, j'suis désolé. Allez s'teplaît, c'est pour le Stream ! Femme : Bon, pour cette fois… Elle lui rend le smartphone, puis se remet à parler dans le sien. Homme, montrant son genou au smartphone : Wech la commu, tu vois cet os là ? T'as vu comme il déchire ! Si on arrive à six cents Likes, j'touche. (Il regarde l'écran.) Ah merde, y'a plus de données ! Et on est même pas a cinq cent cinquante. (A elle :) Madame, vous avez pas le wifi ? Femme : Bah non, j'ai qu'une seule fille.
Bruit de sirène d'ambulance, d'abord au loin puis de plus en plus proche. Bientôt il s'arrête mais on voit des reflets de gyrophare. Entre l'Ambulancier(ère)…
Ambul. : Bonjour madame, bonjour monsieur. Homme et Femme : B'jour. Ambul., les regardant tour à tour : C'était pour qui ? Femme : Pour qui, quoi ? Ambul. : Mais l'ambulance, enfin. Femme : Ah bah, c'est lui. Ambul. : Eh bien, monsieur ? On cherche à devenir le prochain Philippe Petit ? Homme : Qui ça ? Femme : Ah bah, c'est votre fils ? Il s'appelle Philippe ? Ambul. : Non pas lui, enfin peut-être. Je sais pas comment il s'appelle le monsieur. (Il s'approche de l'homme, puis sursaute.) Mais, il saigne ! Femme : Ouais, puis on voit la rotule. Ambul. : On voit- oh non ! (Il recule, une main devant lui pour se masquer la vue et l'autre plaquée sur sa bouche.) Oh non pas ça, j'ai horreur quand on voit l'os ! (Il/Elle tremble et gémit de dégoût, puis leur tourne le dos.) Femme : Bah c'est rien pour vous, non ? Ambul., secouant énergiquement la tête : Oh non, j'y touche pas moi. Homme : Mais euh, je fais quoi alors? Toute façon j'peux même plus Streamer. Ambul., regardant derrière mais se cachant encore la vue de la main : Je vais parler au conducteur. On va vous arranger ça. (Il/Elle commence à sortir, puis revient.) Vous monsieur, bougez pas, vous pourriez vous blesser. Homme, se regardant : Bon okay. Ambul. : Vous en faites pas monsieur, on s'occupera de vous. Je connais un excellent médecin, vous allez l'adorer. La meilleure dermatologue de toute la région.
Il/Elle sort. Noir.
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hopilc · 5 years
Uh oh... im,,,,catching feelings ????
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bellarosethefangirl · 2 years
Lol owaaah my last ask sent before I intended it, lol but it was a screencap of gio my friend edited in black and white so it looked like a manga panel, and he just looked so 🥰
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Anyway please forgive my baka behaviour 🤣
Lol! It happens. I’m feeling thankful I got to see this image twice 💗 Your friend did an amazing job with this edit. Thanks so much for sharing this with me. My eyes are blessed ☺️!
Manga Giorno is as dreamy as his anime counterpart 💕
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You have a good day Bri! You certainly made mine
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autoneurotic · 2 years
OWAAAH i’m going. to PAINT today i haven’t painted anything in almost a whole WEEK
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mrsgiovanna · 2 years
Giorno: *finishes his paperwork* And done... *checks watch* Wait. Mista. What day it is today?
Mista: Friday.
Giorno: Giorno: How about I dismiss everyone earlier just today?
Bruno: Hmm... It's been a long wee—
Giorno, already cutting off
Bruno: perfect.
(Minutes later)
Nicki: *doing some french fries in her and Mista's home. Probably Mista has a villa for his own and Nicki lives with him.*
Mista: Strange...
Nicki: What's wrong, love?
Mista: Hm? Nothing... It's just that Giorno let us leave earlier in a friday. He isn't used to do that.
Nicki: Remember that Bria's parents are here? He wanted to get ready to probably meet them
Mista: OH, YEAH! Now I do!
Nicki: Frenches ready~ So we got... Juice, water, popcorn, french fries, nuggets, home-made burguers, sauces, mini ice cream pots are in the fridge and pastéis de frango! (Search pastel in the google. It is really really really delicious) (no soda for them because she forgot. And plus, she needs to drink more water)
Mista: Movie night, let's f*cking go! *already carrying her to the sofa and later gets the blankets*
Mahin: *eyes shining when he sees his wife all glam*
Mira: Tesoro, it's just the same old me as usual~
Mahin: The same you I loved since the day I met you *gentle kiss on her lips*
Mira: Not here~♡ The kids might be seeing it
Giorno, just came in. Haven't saw: Mr. Adal *greets him with a handshake* Mrs. Adal *gentleman kiss on her hand*
Mahin: Won't Bria come with us?
Mira: Poor girl was tired, Mahin. Let her rest.
Bria, actually: *a little bit nervous to see Giorno interact with her parents*
Bria: Oh... Will everything be okay?
Oro: *playing with his squeaky toy*
Bria: At least someone is okay... Right, my little doggie babie? 🥺
Oro: *goes in the direction of his (hooman) mama*
Bria: Guess you're right, Oro~♡ *kissu*
Oro's thoughts: Mama, I love you but I have no idea what are you talking about. But do I get more pats? 🐕
Bria: Come on, let's watch something, babie. And let's pray for them to be alright
Giorno: I'll check if she is doing fine.
Bria: *dashes to the bed, jumps on it and curls with blanket before anyone notice*
Giorno: Bria? Ah, she's resting... *kisses her cheek gently* I'll come back soon, amore~♡
Awwwww bri and oro, I think she'd change her mind in the last minute and go with them, or she'd worry the whole time.
And nico and mistas night in is so cute
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cedobols · 3 years
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purr anon i love you! that is an insanely cute stim
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bad-boy-spanker · 4 years
Austere Academy:Chapter Nine
Green & Callum made their way down the corridor until they reached the entrance hall, where they were halted by a furious looking man, accompanied by a despondent looking younger man whom the furious man had gripped by the ear.
The furious man introduced himself as Dean Adams, the younger man was his twenty-three-year-old son Mak, who had been acting out recently, multiple drug binges, criminal damage & generally being a nuisance, Mr Adams explained that he had spoken with the courts, & Mak had been sentenced to a spell at Austere, to keep his criminal record unblemished.
“Father, is there any need for all this fuss?
Even with Mak’s posh accent, the disdain in his voice was apparent, he displayed no respect for his father, who quickly silenced his son’s petulance with a firm swat to his backside.
Mr Adams handed Green the necessary paperwork, which was all Green needed to confirm Mak’s place at Austere, Mr Adams promised a very substantial donation to the academy, as thanks for instilling some discipline into his errant son.
“Thrash his bare backside until it’s purple if needs be, I do not care what it takes.”
Mr Adams delivered another firm spank to Mak’s backside & released his ear, which Mak quickly rubbed, after some final formalities with Green, Mr Adams got in his car, & drove away.
Green surveyed Mak, he had short brunette hair, which flopped to one side, not much of a beard, stubble mostly, his greeny-blue eyes were framed by well-kept eyebrows, one of which was arched, as if Mak was displeased, he didn’t look that athletic, but there was some muscle there, his backside was large & round, it protruded out, showcased all the more by his grey sweatpants.
Green was about to introduce himself, but he was cut off by Mak, who was now smirking at both him & Callum.
“Despite what my father declared, you will not be thrashing my bare backside, I shall relate to you how things are to proceed, I do what I desire, when I desire, is that understood, fat man & steroid boy.”
Green could not believe the words that had just left Mak’s mouth, & neither could Callum, who was staring at Mak in disbelief, before Mak could continue his verbal assault, Green slapped him across the face, Mak took a step back, cupping his right cheek, shocked that Green would dare to strike him.
“How dare you?”
Mak was cut off as Green slapped him again, this time on his left cheek, he decided not to answer back, realising that maybe he wasn’t going to strongarm his way out of this.
“First of all, my name is Gaz Green, you address me as either Mr Green, or Sir, this is Callum Kelly, he is a senior, & you will address both him & I with respect, is that understood?”
Mak nodded, still in shock.
“Now, I shall relate to you, how things are to proceed, you will accompany Callum & I, to my office, where we will indeed be thrashing your bare backside, you will not be doing what you desire, you will do only as I desire, this is my academy, & you will follow my rules.”
Green waited for Mak to respond, but Mak remained silent, Green gripped the collar of Mak’s shirt, & frog marched him down the corridor & into his office, followed eagerly by Callum.
As the door closed Mak struggled free of Green’s grip, straightening out his grey t-shirt, he puffed up his chest, surely they did not believe he was going to allow them to thrash him.
“Now gentlemen, it seems that we may have gotten off on the wrong foot.”
Callum rolled his eyes, as Green made his way to his desk, Callum had had enough of this posh twat’s whiny voice, he couldn’t bite his tongue any longer.
“There was no wrong foot, you clearly think you're better than both of us because you’ve got daddy’s bank balance to bail you out, well daddy’s not here anymore, is he, so now your arse is gonna pay the price.”
Mak turned & glared at Callum, who did this reprobate think he was.
“Not exactly how I would have phrased it Callum, but it gets the point across, Mak, come & bend over the desk, let’s not draw this out.”
“If you think I’m going to bend over for you, you are as stupid as you are fat.”
Green chuckled, then sighed, personal attacks were nothing new, he’d heard them all before.
“Callum, if you would.”
Callum gently pushed Mak forward, Mak responded by turning & slapping Callum.
“Get your hands off me, meathead.”
Callum froze, bewildered by what had just happened, did this little twat just smack him, before Callum could respond, Green stepped between them, threw Mak over the desk & placed a hand on his back.
“Callum, hold his arms.”
Callum moved to the other side of the desk, & held Mak’s arms, with Green’s hand in the small of his back & Callum holding his arms, Mak was going nowhere, no matter how he struggled.
“Let go of me.”
For the first time in his life, Mak was going to face the consequences of his actions, a prospect that terrified him.
“You are going nowhere young man until you have learned to treat people with respect, & apologized to both me & Callum.”
Green slowly lowered Mak’s sweatpants until they were at his ankles, Mak struggled as he felt the cold air embrace his hairy thighs, but Callum held him fast.
“What the fuck do you think you are doing?”
Green’s patience was wearing very thin, he slapped the centre of Mak’s bottom harshly.
Green wasted very little time in lowering Mak’s boxers, with his bottom finally bared, Mak renewed his struggles, managing to briefly get a hand free, but it was quickly captured again, achieving nothing but five hard spanks from Green.
Mak yelled out, taken aback by the intense sting, Mak needed a harsh lesson, & boy was he going to get one.
“It’s clear to me Mak, that you do not know the meaning of the word discipline, but by the time you leave this office, I promise you, you will.”
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softyoongiionly · 5 years
Owaaah! Reading the no-context Fear and Dumplings got me so hype!
“I know right? Can you believe Aqua’s left us hanging for this long? I used to be her favorite Jimin but, now everyone’s obsessed with this Meow dude...I’m hurt.”-Jimin
I’m excited for you guys to read the new chapter! I miss the gang so much! 🥰
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1007xf · 2 years
Owaaah that sure was a nap right there
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