#overprotective twins
amissy-art · 2 months
Ok, I really have hyperfixation on Sofia The First.
And can we talk about something?! English isn’t my first language, sorry.
And again about how Jade and Ruby bad friends. Sofia chose family in Tale Of Two Teams, and they was so mean for her. She chose not from last moment. But when she really prefer her friends on the last moment, Amber and James was just «Okay, we’re still love you, good luck» and when they’re lost they are really was happy for Sofia. I love Amber and James so much, they are really great siblings for Sof, but not for each other and it’s sad. I want more of their duet as twins that care about each other. And more James, he is underrated. But the twins are still my favorites in their sibling jokes.
But again about Ruby and Jade. In The Big Sleepover they were invited to a party with princesses. WITH THE PRINCESSES!!! Literally, there are 3(+ Sofia, but she was just starting out and she’s their friend) fucking princesses. Didn't you find a brain to behave more decently with royals??? They also gave you beautiful dresses, what the hell? Yes, they're like village girls, but do they really organize a chaos in their village houses? They have a school there, they also have to teach at least a little manners. But they just blame Sofia. Okay, they may no longer see these princesses, but Sofia still needs to study with them, and given Hildegard's capabilities and character, she could mock Sofia for a long time because of her friends. But Hildy is a darling, she decided to choose the path of goodness in this regard, thank you, Hildy. As for Hildegard herself, when she said that Roland was not Sofia's real father, she somehow, but apologized, so she can still be forgiven. But Ruby and Jade... in another episode, they easily switch to Amber, ignoring Sofia, and they don't even want to play with her without a sister. What the hell are you behaving like this with a princess?! This little girl doesn’t deserve that.
But ofc Sofia can make bad actions too. Like when she doesn’t want celebrates mom's day with twins. But girl, they NEVER celebrated this day. NEVER. You had dad for a several years of your life, but twins…they never knew what it was like to have mom, give it to them.
And about twins's mother. I think Sofia will tell Roland that she knows about his wish. And when he asks if she has told the twins about this, she will say that they should find out from him. Maybe one of the twins or both will overhear this and ask what kind of wish it was. After the story, they will be in shock all night thinking about it together(I NEED MORE AMBER AND JAMES TOGETHER) and living through all their emotions. Amber might be mean about Sofia found out about this before them.
And I need for Sofia's arc like Steven Universe's in future. Because such a responsibility for an 8-10 year old girl should turn into something similar in the future that requires therapy. And also overprotective for their younger sister Amber and James. When Sofia has a depression or hysterical moments they are always with her to help and stay here for her. Or fight with jerks who have a claims to Sofia.
Oh, and I have an headcanons about James like overprotective brother. For example, his attitude to the future boyfriends of his sisters (let’s say Hugo and... I don't ship anyone with Amber, because I don't see this slay queen in a relationship with any of those presented in the show, but for example, let it be Desmond, since this ship is popular) before their relationship: guuuuuys, let’s hang out like best friends. And after that: I'll kill you if one of you touches my sisters, and I'll kill you a second time if at least one of them cries because of you.
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girls-alias · 9 months
The Silent Type - Dean Winchester
Title: The Silent Type - Dean Winchester
Words: 1,325
Relations: Dean Winchester X Reader (Somewhat platonic)
TW: Swearing, arguing, violence.
I saw the clip of Sam arguing with John and it triggered me. 😂
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I rolled my eyes as I approached the arguing boys. We were stood at the side of the road as Sam screamed at John. The truth is I feel the same. John has been nothing but a pain in the ass since he turned back up. He seems to tolerate me because I'm naturally quiet. I've been hunting with Sam and Dean for a while now. I was hunting with Dean for a little while before Sam came back from Stanford.
Dean and I have a unique bond. A medium we were talking to said we were soul mates or twin flames. I don't really understand it but I feel it. I love Dean. I love him more than I love anything and I don't care if I never get to kiss him, I will be happy if he's smiling. The real smile that normally only I can give him. I know he feels it too, we openly tell each other we love each other and Sam still, even after almost two years, doesn't know if we're dating. To be honest, I don't think me and Dean know sometimes. We do couply things, like dates and cuddling and constantly being together but we don't kiss or have sex. It's just weird but I'm comfortable in it.
I think Dean and I work so well because I know I can tell him anything and he can tell me anything. I know all about his past and he knows all about mine. We seem like we can read each other, I always know how he's feeling even when we're apart. The time that came to mind was intense. I had woken up in the middle of the night, nothing had disturbed me, I hadn't had a nightmare I just woke up. Quick and startled. I was staying in a motel away from the boys while a wound healed. I called Dean instantly, and as soon as he answered I knew he was crying. We stayed on the phone all night. He told me everything that had upset him and I reassured him and calmed him down until he fell asleep on the phone to me.
Dean seemed to look at me as he stood beside Sam and John. He looked fed up with the argument, wanting it to be over. I sighed softly knowing they weren't hurting each other they were hurting Dean. I listened in as anger started to rise inside me that they were upsetting Dean. Dean seemed to glance at me, somehow knowing I was growing angry. He studied me a little before being distracted by the argument. Dean's afraid of me when I'm angry.
It's rare I ever get angry but when I do I'm the silent type. I don't scream or make threats. I stay silent until something knocks me over the edge and once I'm over the edge I usually am blacked out angry until Dean stops me. Dean learned slowly that he was the only thing that calmed me down, he had always been afraid to approach me when I was that angry but now he knows he can wrap his arms around me and I'll calm down within a second. He just has power over me and he says I do the same. He can be on the verge of having a mental breakdown but if I walk into the room he forgets about it. His mind goes completely blank.
I listened as Sam shouted at John, his anger coming out with ease as he raised his voice and his words were laced with venom.
"Last time we saw you, you said it was too dangerous to be together. Now out of the blue you need our help." Sam explained getting his anger started. "No, obviously something big is going on and we want to know what's going on," Sam shouted, not backing down. My eyes glared at John waiting for his response, Dean growing annoyed and upset by the argument.
"Get back in the car," John instructed but Sam almost scoffed.
"No," He exclaimed but John's jaw clenched.
"I said get back in the damn car," John threatened standing closer. Sam didn't back down.
"Yeah, and I said no," Sam said, the venom in his tone almost suffocating the air.
"Yeah, alright. You made your point tough guy. Look, we're all tired, we can talk about this later," Dean explained before forcing himself between them and pushing Sam back forcefully. I couldn't move as my anger seemed to paralyse me.
"This is why I left in the first place," Sam muttered under his breath.
"What did you say?" John asked annoyed, and approached them. My body moved without thinking, staying beside John.
"You heard me," Sam bit back.
"Yeah, you left. Your brother and I needed you and you walked away- You walked away," John argued, his voice raising as his anger escaped him.
"You're the one who said don't come back, Dad. You're the one who closed that door. You were just pissed off that you couldn't control me anymore," Sam shouted, they quickly gripped each other. Ready to start hitting. Dean forced his way between them.
"Stop it! Stop it. That's enough," Dean shouted as he managed to pry them off each other.
"I didn't raise you like this," John commented. I didn't have to look at Dean to know how he was going to be looking. His sorrow clouded his eyes, hurt furrowing his eyebrows, his bottom lip pulled between his teeth as he begged it not to quiver, tears threatening his eyes. I saw red.
I punched John in the side of the face. His cheekbone was possibly fractured from the force. Adrenaline spiked to the point I was blacked out, doing things without thinking. John hit the floor with a thud, holding his cheek as he looked up at me startled.
"You didn't raise him, Dean did. Dean did everything for both of you." I boomed, standing over John as he started to look at me annoyed but fear was in his eyes. "You ever disrespect Dean like that again and next time I won't hold back." I threatened, spitting the words as if the thought of it sickened me. "Either apologise to Dean, the man who was a child and was still a better father than you. Or get up and drive away before I'm cleaning your blood off my boots." I practically growled.
"You think I'm scared-" He couldn't finish his sentence as I raised my foot, soon bringing it down on his balls to squeeze them between my boot and the gravel road. He squealed, grunting as he seethed in pain.
"That wasn't an apology," I instructed, He gulped, and glared at me as he breathed quickly, anger rising in him. He looked at Dean, and I could see him smirking proudly beside me.
"I'm sorry, Dean." He said simply but I pushed my boot down a little harder. He exclaimed in pain quickly. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry I left you to raise Sam. I'm sorry I've been a shitty father. I appreciate everything you've done for this family." John rushed. I looked at Dean, and he bowed his head to me letting me know he was happy with the response. I lifted my foot, taking a step away from John.
"Get up, you look pathetic," I spat, rolling my eyes as I walked away to get back in the Impala. Dean rushed to hug me from behind. I melted into the hug instantly. My whole body calmed and I felt safe in his arms. He spun me around to face him, cuddling me back into his chest. I smiled as I hugged him back, his scent intoxicating me.
"I love you," He whispered as he kissed the top of my head. I smiled a little brighter at his words. We really were made for each other.
Working On
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tanglepelt · 11 months
Dp x dc idea 151
Sam is Damian’s twin not Danny. Sam’s parents are a lot more alike to ida then they let on.
The two saw the half dead 5 year old. Took her in and have since legally adopted her. Sam told them about the league about Damian being told to kill her. That he failed as she pretended to be dead.
Sam agreed to go to a gala. She regrets it immediately upon seeing her twin. The one that was told to kill her
Sam and Damian meet eyes for the first time in 10 years.
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thatwildnya · 7 months
Ch. 6: Filling the Powder Keg part 1
TW: none
Wild: As I promised after the Riddle poll, here is the next chapter for the centaur au! Riddle won't be making his entrance just yet, sorry to disappoint you Riddle lover's. Today we'll be welcoming Vil, Leona, and Ruggie into the story. Although the spotlight is mostly on Vil for this chapter, the other 2 don't get a single line. But don't worry, they'll get their turn later!
nya: this chapter was originally gonna longer but i convinced wild to split it in 2 parts since its been so long since she's posted any actual content for the au. praise me for my hard work.
Vil: leopard
Leona: manticore (no barbed tail)
Ruggie: spotted hyena
This time you were able to catch him in the act, opening the door just as you were about to leave for your weekly trip to the grocery store. Maybe this was a sign from higher powers you should plan to return before afternoon.
“Ah! My beloved nepiece!” Everyone's favorite bird man greets you as you open the door. You step back in surprise, startled by his loud squawking. You weren’t exactly paying attention. Or particularly wake.
“Good afternoon!”
He steps aside to reveal, surprise surprise, more pets to live in your wonderful shack of a home. (read: it is not wonderful you bake when it’s hot and freeze when it's cold) Though you could see two of them standing behind him even if he hadn’t. Centaurs tend to be quite tall. It is very important for people to know how big a centaur gets if they aren’t fully grown before adopting.
“Meet your new friends! This here is Leona, he’s a manticore.” Leona was taller than Idia to your surprise. The merboys sometimes talked about other centaurs that had been ripped from their homes when asked about their lives before coming to live with you. They had talked about how they’d seen two males and three females being dragged past their tank to be used for breeding. The males came up to Idia’s around shoulders. The females were just small enough to be visibly shorter than the males.
Maybe it was the wings. Those big leathery wings.
“The little one hiding is Ruggie, he’s a hyena.” you internally scream noticing the little yeen, he was hiding under the soon to be introduced pet. His big eyes stare up at you with curiosity. You wanted to squish his cheeks and rub his belly. Your hands itched to do just that.
“And last but not least, meet Vil! He’s a leopard and trained to be a show centaur.” Vil was studying you out with a frown, not bothering to hide his disapproval. Rude much.
“Now, we must make haste! The truck is due in two hours or I’ll have to pay extra!” Crowley slips past to set aside his hat and cane that would get in the way, “help me move the furniture!”
With a groan you spin on your heel. Tossing your bags to the side, you tell a blurry eyed Idia and bottle sipping Ortho to lend your uncle a hand.
“RISE AND SHINE BOYS.” you yell up the stairs, “GET UP. WE’VE GOT SOME NEWBIES.”
A sharp pained yelp followed by the unmistakable clamoring of fighting began above.
“Knock it off you three!”
“Deuce started it!” “Because you stepped on my tail!” “I wouldn’t have if Sebek quit pinning me down with snuggles when we sleep!” “I don’t do that!” “Yes you do! You’re worse than Deuce!” “Stop lying! Me and Sebek don’t do that!” “I’d never snuggle with a lowly dog!”
Finger starts tapping the railing.
“I’m a wolf! Not some dumb domestic pet dog!”
“But you roll over for master whenever they start petting you! You won’t even fight them if they take away something you’re chewing on! That’s what a pet dog would do!”
Eyes close.
“Well at least I can hunt!”
“I can do that too!”
“Barely! You were fed and spoiled by Lilia and Malleus while I fended for myself!”
Fingers pinch the bridge of your nose.
“Hey you wouldn’t have lasted a day if I didn’t help you! You were a big crybaby that ran away from everything! You’d be dead without me!”
“You were so bad at hunting you could only dumpster dive for food! We’d be starving if I didn’t pick up your slack!”
“Well I’m braver! You’d cower and hide whenever a cat so much as looked at you!”
“You’re scared of cats? Hahaha! A dog scared of cats!”
Head tilts to the ceiling.
“Sh-shut up! Alley cats are mean! Your spoiled butt wouldn’t get it!”
“Nuh-uh! I’m not spoiled!”
“Yeah you are!”
“You’re both spoiled!”
Eyebrow twitches.
“Shut up Deuce!”
“Make me you stupid heads!”
“Fine, I will!”
Eyes open.
“BOYS GET YOUR ASSES DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW OR ELSE.” your foul language puts an end to the squabbling.
“That’s bad language~” “master shrimpy said a bad word!~” your eye twitches, “if you have time to eavesdrop you have time to unpack you slimy pool noodles.”
“We weren’t eavesdropping.” “yeah, you’re so loud I bet the neighbors heard your potty mouth!”
Spinning around you grab the naughty twins by their waists and head for the entrance.
“Shouldn’t we wait on the porch? We might turn back in the middle.” Jade points out as you take them with you outside.
“Bad boys get to suffer in the sun.” you drop them once you’re out of the shadow cast by the porch ceiling.
“But our fins will dry out!”
“Yeah we can’t hide them yet!”
“Do you hear that? It’s the sound of me not giving a fuck.” a smile creeps on your face as the two whine and groan, calling you a bully and spitful potty mouth as they half heartedly dig their webby hands into your thigh. You tune them out. Azul will definitely make fun of them if they end up having to army crawl to get back inside.
One hour later of Vil shouting to be careful with his boxes and furniture you finally find a moment to take a breather. Fanning yourself with your shirt you think about how sore you’ll be in the morning. And you need to shower less you desire to be stink eyed at the store.
A shadow looms over you, blocking the ball of gas frying you alive. You look up, smiling at your light blocking savior, “Thanks Silvs.”
The foxboy returns your smile, offering you a glass of water. You accept, leaning back into his soft chest as he settles behind you. His hands slip under your arms to rest in your lap. The subtle ba-bump of his heart adds to the chill atmosphere he’s always surrounded with. Too bad he was warm blooded, you wouldn’t be cooling down as much as you’d like. But you will suffer. You want a backrest.
Enjoying the silence you watch the others continue with their labor. A laugh is shared when a dust cloud is sprung from a dropped moving blanket, sending multiple into a sneezing fit. The sight brings up memories from when you’d first moved in. Silver had daily sneezing fits until you did a proper dust of all the parts of the house you frequented. You had some videos of him sneezing up a storm. Your favorite was the one where he sneezed with so much force he ended up tumbling backwards into a sleeping Lilia. The father son duo’s shocked faces were priceless. Nothing in this cruel world could ever convenience you to delete this treasure of memory.
You find yourself taking his hands in yours as you mosey through memory lane. His hands were so much bigger than when you first met. Before his dwarfed yours. Now the opposite was true. Eek this mushy stuff suddenly has you feeling old.
“Do you want me to go shopping with you?” he speaks while you stretch forward to grab a paw for toe bean squishing, “you look pretty exhausted.”
“Yes, that'd be wonderful thank you. I’m sure mister fancy pants over there is going to be a picky eater.” Silver chuckles, massaging your shoulders. His toes curl slightly when you squish them.
“Better keep father away from the kitchen in that case.” you share another laugh.
Surprise surprise! Both Silver and Vil tag along to the store. The leopard had insisted on coming to make sure you got the right ingredients for his meals. And dear lord were you glad Silver was there. Not even 15 minutes in and you were an inch away from blowing a gasket. He was truly your guardian angel in these trying times.
Vil wouldn’t allow the purchase of any frozen foods and forced you to learn how to tell if the fresh fruit and vegetables weren’t prematurely picked or over ripe. He wouldn’t let you buy any premade meals, criticizing you for feeding your pets something so unhealthy. He wouldn’t even let you buy the cereal the younger boys liked, saying it was too sugary for them.
By the time you made it to the bakery section you were fuming. Silver had kept trying to reason with Vil but only managed to succeed a few times in getting him to come to a compromise. Bless this beautiful young taur for being your rock in these trying times.
“Don’t get the loafs that are about to expire!” Vil swatted at your hand like a toy for the umpteenth time, “besides this brand isn’t nearly as healthy as…” he starts another tangent, padding over to another display table to get the “correct” bread. You grit your teeth, hand clenching. Silver sets a hand on your shoulder with a squeeze, doing his best to ground you. You give him a strained smile.
While he’s picking the “correct bread” you slip away to grab something for dessert for the welcome dinner for the newbies.
“Now what do you think you’re doing?” Vil hissed seeing you return with one of those large cakes that could be used for any special occasion. Or if you just wanted cake. Nothing wrong with getting cake for the hell of it.
Your grip tightens on the dessert, “it’s tradition to have a welcoming dinner for new residents.” you state simply. You swear if he pushes your buttons one more time…
“Well there’s no need to buy low quality desserts like that. We will have one professionally made, I will not eat something so cheap. Put it back.”
Okay, that’s it fucker.
You open your mouth to tear him a new one-
“That’s enough.” Silver puts an arm in front of you as he steps forwards, baring his fangs at Vil, “you have been nothing but rude since you arrived, ordering them around like they’re your servant. You seem to have forgotten they are the one in charge, you are not higher in the hierarchy than them. If anything, you are at the bottom considering you have only just arrived.” Silver walks to stand in front of Vil. The leopard centaur has gone quiet, his ears flat against his head as the taller continues.
“It’s time you learn your place and act accordingly. If you don’t you’ll have more than me stepping in to show you.” color you both surprised. Silver had never bared his fangs at anyone before. Not even when Floyd was trying to annoy him into fighting him.
Sure you knew he was protective of you. It was because of him Floyd and Jade no longer drew blood from you when they were being playful. Silver had dove into the tank and dragged both of them out with ease after seeing them chomp down on your arm hard enough to make you bleed. He held them down until they’d stopped thrashing. Not once did he growl or cause harm other than when he fished them out. He just, sat on and stared them down. After that they gave him the same respect they gave you and Lilia.
Then there was when Sebek and Malleus accepted you as their master. Sebek didn’t take well to others taking up Malleus’ attention. He’d get extremely aggressive and snap at you for the smallest things concerning the dragon. It only got worse when Deuce and Jack were added to the mix. He was especially aggressive with Deuce, who had taken a particular liking to Malleus as a fellow reptilian.
Your fox knight had lost it on Sebek after he chomped with enough force to break two of your fingers. Silver had chased him damn near around the entire house. He was screeching at him with his high pitched bark the entire chase, nipping at his tail. You had to hold the poor gator in your arms away from him until Deuce and Jack were able to get the other two's attention as they were enjoying some flying time.
Sebek only gives you love nibbles now.
Oh and there was that time Grim nearly set your ass on fire when you made him share one of those double popsicles because you only had two and there were four of them. Silver seemingly materialized from thin air to snatch the gray kitten away before he’d even stopped being a mini flamethrower.
Also there was that one occasion with a group of karens and kevins that felt entitled to your property. They had been using your yard as a spot to let their dogs run around before you’d taken up residence. They never picked up after their pooches and got mad when you had the boys get rid of the overgrown garden (if it could even be called that by then). They’d been taking whatever vegetables there were in the mini jungle to eat while their untrained purebred pups had a field day.
One karen had a large dog that would attack any animals it saw outside the group. It made the mistake of going after Jack and Ortho. The two were chasing a butterfly while you were hanging up laundry. The dog bolted straight for them as soon as it was free from the car. Unfortunately Silver was helping you with the laundry.
Least to say none of them trespassed again.
Okay, maybe you shouldn’t be so surprised.
Anyway, I digress.
Vil didn’t submit completely, only shrinking back slightly and holding Silver’s glare. Thankfully the fox has settled down a lot since the incidents above. Acknowledging the leopard’s behavior change with a snort, he took the cake from you to put in the cart.
“Ruggie likes donuts more.” Vil mutters, now refusing to look at either of you. Ears slightly drooping, he mumbles the hyena doesn’t have a favorite flavor in particular but gets really happy if they have icing and sprinkles.
Silver waits for your okay before heading back to the bakery for some swapping.
Vil follows behind you for the first time since you entered the store, staring at the ground. He doesn’t say anything for the rest of the trip.
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lazybunny2024 · 1 year
It's been few weeks or months that i have been obsessed witha idea about a mdzs x svsss crossover where after sj death in svsss he reborn as female wwx twin sister.
Sj kinda remember his past life but slowly means that he remembers that he shouldn't be this small and this isn't his world but couldn't put his finger on it.
Anyway he got reborn as a female and was quite happy cuz of his past life so *she* was more happy here but not as chaotic as wwx.
Her name is wei xing/wei wuyan( i saw it in a video on YouTube so hope i didn't offend you)
Wcz choose her name since his other daughter name already chosen by his lovely evil wife( baby seriously a-se) so he named her xing as in prosper,and wuyan i don't know what it means but thought it would suit her.
She was really happy cuz not only she didn't have that cursed name and actually has a real birth name not a number but a real name with a loving family she was really happy so much that she couldn't believe it
This peace ended with that faithful nighthunt after getting kicked out of inn wwy went to seach for them with wwx and find their corpses wwx Burst in to tears and keep promising to be a good girl and listen to them wwy tried hard not to but was unsuccessful cuz wei couple were the first adult who treat him kindly in his both lives not with pity not with underhand motivation nor were they expecting anything in return,they gave her a life she always wanted a name with them she understood the meaning of love and family so he cried, cried like child he was they cried for a few hours then begin to bury their parents and since wwy could read and write from her past life she manege to write their names so they could visit them.
After that wwy and wwx to always protect each other and stayed side by side in everything. Wwy might be smart but wwx was sturdier than her sister so they have to be in tune with each other to survive.it wasn't that hard wwx might be a child but she learn really quickly and unlikely yqy ,wwx trusted wwy this made wwy to be both proud and emotional since she never had someone like that in her past life so she became even more overprotective of wwx . And since wwx wasn't alone she didn't have that much fear from dogs but they still made her uncomfortable and made her flinch her sister was always there to protect and teach her and she protect here in her own way .
She knew her sister was little too smart for her age but she didn't find anything wrong if anything it made her happy that if anything happens to her her sister is smart enough to protect herself so to not be a burden she listened to her all time except maybe sometime when she scolded her for sharing her food with other beggars but she couldn't help it she was kind like that and always smiled that made wwy soft and so hard to be mad at.
After few years jfm found them wwy distrust him cuz he kept reminding her of yqy but for her sister she would do anything so she didn't put much of a fight.
After reaching lotus pier and meeting madam yu who was so angry and utter thousands of insult about their parents wwy couldn't take it anymore and spit as much venom at her so much that made jfm to lose his balance wwx tried to shut her up cuz she was afraid that the madam would hurt her and yes almost did by brandishing zidan on her if jfm hadn't stop her . After lots of arguing and fighting neither parties apologized .
After jfm finding out aboout wwx condition aboout dogs he sended them away. jc was angry so he lash out and wwy lash out in return but not only that she bring up her parents, about what a failure of couple they are and with everything like money and status they still aren't happy and how his mom jealous of a dead woman who had nothing but was always happy unlike her.
Jc brust to tears after hearing this jyl chose that moment to come and said what was wwy said was out of line and should apologize but wwy said your mother hadn't spare a though about us losing our parents and still speak ill of in front of us she just returning the favor in kind to see how does it feel hear your parents get badmouth and you could do nothing about it .
Well this as much i could think.i would be really happy if someone could make a fic out of this or something close.
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liiiiianne · 10 months
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isara0408 · 9 months
Warning: This is an one short of the massive headcanon I have between Kaga and Homu. This is more of a personal and emotional headcanon for Homu. Sorry for any mistakes! I hope you enjoy! :)
"We'll meet again, Homu. It's okay. You'll be okay without me. I'll always be by your side. Don't forget that, okay?"
Homu stared blankly at the ground as she walked. Those words, those last words that her twin sister was able to say to her before her spark in her eyes, disappeared. An image that haunted Homu for years since the accident, even in her dreams. Why did that have to happen? Why did she have to lose the other piece of her? Why?
Her train of thought got interrupted once she heard a familiar voice of a male. Her gaze lifted to spot her club leader speaking with his girlfriend, the famous Megami Saikou. The person Kaga was able to win her heart, surprisingly. By the looks of it, Kaga was rambling about who knows what while Megami listened to him with a small smile on her lips. The third floor hallways were always empty during club activities. No one really would come to the third floor for obvious and dangerous reasons.
Homu watched the power couple from a far with a blank expression she always had on her face. Kaga leaned in and pecked Megami's cheek as the two said their goodbyes. Megami walked off to do her duties while Kaga walked towards the direction of Homu, which was also the direction of the science club. Kaga smiled widely at his club member,"Morning Homu!"
"Morning."Homu replied,"I thought Megami would be busy with her duties. Not here with you."
"Oh, she had a bit of time to talk with me. We don't really see each other unless it's lunchtime or outside of school."
"Right."Homu mumbled,"Is she treating you well?"
"Of course."
"Does she show you affection?"
"Uh, yeah. Privately, she does. In public, not really. I'm mostly the one who does it."He responded, keeping the bright smile on his face.
"Does she love you?"
Homu stared at her leader before asking,"Are you happy?"
Kaga blinked at the unexpected questions that Homu was asking him. He nodded,"Of course I am. Megami can be hard to understand and handle, but I don't mind. I love her just the way she is. I'm happy just being by her side. In a way, she's like my other piece of me that I've been searching for. Quite cheesy, huh?"He chuckled. Homu's eyes stared at the mad scientist before her eyes softened, seeing the certain spark in Kaga's eyes.
The same one as hers.
That spark that lit up in Kaga's eyes was just like hers. That same spark that disappeared in front of her.
"Please, hang on. Please? The ambulance is coming. Just stay with me..."Homu gasped, holding onto her twin's hand. Her twin sister stared at her, gasping for air as the two were trapped in the car that was upside down. The two were lying down on their stomachs after getting out of their seat belts. Her twin sister mumbled,"Homu..."
"Please. Stay with me... we need to hold on a little longer. Please."Homu begged, ignoring the pain she was in. The only priority she had was keeping her sister awake and safe. She tightened her grip on her hand. Her twin sister kept her eyes on her, feeling her body in pain along with blood coming out from her wounds,"We... have been here for.. the past 10 minutes. I can't wait a little... longer."
"Don't say that! They're coming! Don't worry, just stay with me please! Please..."Homu cried out as her eyes watered, bringing her sister's hand closer to her face, holding onto it for dear life as her body trembled.
"I'm sorry..."Her sister whispered out.
"Please... please. S-Stay with me. I can't lose you. You're my other half, remember? We stuck together and always, remember?"
"I will always be by your side, Homu..."
"Stop it."
"You're part of me, and... I'm part of you. We are one and will always be... even if one of us dies."
"Stop it!"Homu cried out as her eyes watered more, glaring at her sister in anger,"Stop it!" Her twin smiled weakly,"You... You were always the overprotective one between us and s-stubborn, too."She reached her other hand out and placed it on top of Homu's,"We'll meet again."
Homu's lips quivered, listening to her sister,"Please..."
"We'll meet again, Homu. It's okay."
"It's not okay! I can't live without you! You're my other half! What's the point of being a twin when you're not here with me?!"Homu cried out to her as tears escaped her eyes. Her twin kept her weak smile,"You'll be okay without me... I'll always be by your side. Don't forget that, okay?..."
Homu watched her twin stare at her before the spark in her sister's eyes slowly disappeared as her grip loosened, and her body became limp as her lifeless eyes now stared at Homu.
Homu's eyes widened,"Sis?"She tug on her hand to see if she would get a reaction.
Homu immediately panicked,"Sis!?"She did it harder with the little strength she had left.
Homu's breathing immediately became unstable as tears uncontrollably dropped her cheeks before bloodly screaming her sister's name as she sobbed, holding onto her dead sister's hand.
A hand pressed against Homu's cheek. Homu blinked, watching Kaga wipe her cheek. "You're crying again."Kaga pointed out. Homu reached out to her face and touched the wet trail that was left behind by a tear,"Oh."Homu wiped off the wet trails and tears with her sleeve of her lab coat,"I apologize."
"No need. It's a normal human body function. Everyone needs to cry once in a while."Kaga smiled. Homu looked at Kaga again, seeing the same spark in his eyes of determination and passion that her twin sister once had. Immediately after, her eyes crowded up with tears again but kept her blank stare. Kaga watched the tears escape the corner of Homu's eyes.
"...May I hug you?"Homu asked.
"You don't need to ask. It's not like it's the first time you do it- Oh!"Homu wrapped her arms around the scientist's waist, giving him an embrace. She had her ear pressed against his chest.
"Guys, she's doing it again."Yaku whispered to the other two who were spying on the two,"Should I take another picture?"
"No."Horo responded, side-eyeing him.
"No need for that, Yaku. At this point, we should get used to it and not ask her about it."Meka shot Yaku a glance.
"Alright. Alright."Yaku mumbled.
Kaga wrapped his arms around her, returning the embrace. Homu listened closely to the heartbeat of Kaga's heart. The tears continuously escape her eyes, listening to the heartbeat she wished she could hear from her twin. She buried her face into the male's chest as she quietly sobbed. The only person who could hear it was Kaga. Something he was already used to, and he knew the reason why.
Kaga tightened the embrace, letting her sob.
Once the club activities were over, Homu walked down the staircase to the second floor to go to her class that was on the first floor, but she stopped when she spotted a familiar long silver hair walking down the hallway, making her way to class. Homu pulled out her phone and looked at the clock. I have a bit of time.
She put her phone away and made her way after Megami,"Saikou!"She called out to get her attention.
Megami stopped on her tracks and glanced over her shoulder to see Homu making her way towards her,"Morning Kurusu. Do you need something?"
"I want to talk to you about the relationship between you and Kaga."
"Is there a problem?"
"Not a problem. I just want to speak with you about it."
"Go on."
"Do you love him?"
Megami blinked at the question,"I beg your pardon?"
"Do you love him?"Homu repeated.
"Of course I do."
"Would you do anything in your power for him to make him happy and keep him safe?"
"Yes."Megami immediately answered.
"You wouldn't hurt him, right?"
"No. Of course not."
Homu stared at her and asked,"Would you protect him from your own family?"
Megami nodded,"Yes. I know how my family is. I won't let them interfere with my lover or even let them hurt him in any way." Before Homu could ask another question, Megami stopped her,"Why are you asking me these questions?" Homu paused for a moment before speaking,"The science club is the closest thing I have as a family. I have my parents as well, but that's another story. The science club is the only people I hang out with and stick with during the school hours and outside of campus. Kaga, Horo, Yaku, and Meka are my family. I can't bear the thought of them being hurt in any way possible. Kaga is like a brother to me. He reminds me so much of someone whom I adored and admired. You make him happy, and he loves you. I don't want him to be heartbroken because of you, so I have a request for you."
Megami remained quiet, letting Homu continue.
"Take good care of him, please. I understand Kaga can be unpredictable, a maniac, and well, dangerous, but he has a good heart... somewhere."Homu explained to her, keeping her eyes glued to the tall woman,"Just don't hurt him."
A small smile formed on Megami's lips,"Don't worry, I'll take good care of him."
Homu stared at her to see if she was serious. She let out a deep sigh once she confirmed that Megami was being serious,"Thank you."
Megami nodded,"Want me to walk you to class? It's already late. I don't want the teacher to be mad at you."
"Yes, please."Homu nodded and gave her a small bow,"Thank you."
The two stood next to each other and started to walk to Homu's classroom.
I would do anything to make him happy and make sure that spark never leaves.
Homu turned her head to spot Kaga walking towards her and the group as they were sitting down at a round table in the plaza to eat their lunch.
Sure, he can be unpredictable, a maniac, dangerous, a hazard, and strange.
Kaga sat down on the empty spot they had for him. Horo glanced down at the bento Kaga placed on the table,"I see you're finally eating." Kaga sighed deeply,"I have to eat, or else Megami will be angry at me if I don't try to eat something."
"I know how that feels."Horo shot a quick glance at Yaku. Yaku ate his bento peacefully,"Your body needs food, Horo. Without it, it won't have enough energy to function."He explained, having his eyes glued onto his bento.
"Yeah. Yeah."Horo rolled his eyes as he started to eat his bento. Meka swallowed her food and tsked,"What a waste of time. Sometimes, I wish I was a mega robot. I don't have to worry about my human needs anymore."
Homu listened to them as she put a piece of her food in her mouth and chewed on it. "How was class?"Kaga asked Homu. Homu swallowed her food and looked at Kaga,"It was boring. Most of the topics she teaches us, I already know, so it was quite boring to sit there until lunch time."
"Me too, but I had time to sketch out a new gadget to make! Do you want to hear about it?!"Kaga smiled widely at Homu as his eyes sparked. Homu stared at her leader and nodded. Kaga gasped happily before immediately started to ramble about the new gadget he planned and sketched out during class.
Homu listened to him.
Her spark, passion, and determination faded away from me within seconds. Something I wish I could unsee from my mind. I miss her. I really do. Every single day, I wish that she was here to see what I've accomplished during my years of still being alive. I've been so focused on building a robot that resembles her to bring her back to me. A goal I've put on myself, but...
Homu stared at the scientist next to her, who was still explaining to her his new gadget idea.
Her spark, passion, and determination are within Kaga. Something I thought I've never see again. He has it. I may not have my other half with me. I'm never going to see her again. A piece of me went with her that day, but maybe she was right. I'll be okay without her. She will always be by my side in different ways without me knowing or realizing it at first.
Kaga continued to ramble about his new idea before showing Homu a sketch of it that he did on a paper during class.
Her spark will remain on this earth as long as I remember her every single day.
Kaga looked at Homu with his wide smile as his eyes sparked with passion and determination.
His bright spark will remain bright as it is now as long as I live,
A small smile formed on her lips.
And I wouldn't trade it for the world.
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maochira · 1 year
I finished this days ago but weather has been shit and no sunlight = pictures I take look ass
But anyways
Satoshi and Lorenzo <3
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itsjaywalkers · 1 year
i'm working on a one shot for the overprotective james series (i really need to find a title) and i can't stop thinking about reg the tarantula
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modern au rhaena and baela the only ones who are low-key on aemond's side (baela could never let jace know bc he would actually cry and she just has to be like "ok honey <3" whenever jace is ranting about aemond's latest infraction). those ladies understand the power and rarity of good dick and they see first-hand via girl talk just how satisfied valaena is and on a softer note can also see just how happy aemond makes her (even with all of the chaos). they see just how much she's changed and opened up and settled into herself with his love without the over-protective rabid dog goggles that her brothers/father have, and just how much of a /partner/ he is to her. aemond very surprised to note that the girls do not hate his guts, eventually forms a sweet friendship with both of them. they'll never be giggling gossiping and braiding each other's hair but he will always be there for them. giving them advice on work/financial stuff if they need it, always being there to pick them up and drive them to the airport, baela is sick and aemond is delivering a care package courtesy of him and val and making sure she's doing okay and has something to eat, rhaena gets in an accident and panics and calls aemond to come and help her knowing he'll be there and won't judge her for whatever chaotic thing she was doing that led to said accident
I love aemond getting rhaena/Baela on his side
And yeah part of it is that Valaena is always speechless trying to explain just how good the sex is but also he truly does treat their sister like a goddess and has a good heart underneath all the chaos
He makes a great soup, remembers their birthdays and buys very expensive gifts, what’s not to like??
I imagine aemond has occasional girls night privileges bc they wanna go get drunk and go dancing and have fun and not worry and aemond makes such a good guard dog
He just lets them do their thing and dance while scaring off every weirdo in the area and doesn’t even mind when he’s driving the three drunk ass girls and they’re singing him some terrible pop song on the way back bc these are his girls and he’d do anything for them
(Including breaking the nose of that guy that tried to grab rhaena’s ass in the club while he was grabbing more drinks :) )
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literatureandshit · 1 year
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poicyss · 1 year
Wip of some identical twins hehe
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koumeowkami · 1 year
rats and nobles voice drama gives me second hand embarrassment 😩 hajun is such a bitch <3 dude laughed at kanata for drinking a water from a finger bowl during a dinner in the fancy restaurant that even nayuta yelled at him angrily
imagine making NAYUTA of all people angry. hajun you're on thin fucking ice i'm telling you
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liiiiianne · 1 year
Remember when I said I shipped cartoka x pb and carly x octobella, well i also think carly is a really overprotective sibling and does not like pb with her brother, and cartoka gets along just fine with bella and they help each other prepare for dates
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sins-of-the-sea · 2 years
//Honestly the very thought of Josep reacting to this tug-o-war of his attention and affection from Abena and Giovanni is kind of hilarious because not only is he SO VERY UNUSED to being pursued for any kind of affection (being big gruff and spooky), but the fact that the kinds of attention/affection are completely different (romantic and familial respectively), this kind of war over him is absolutely unnecessary. But that’s what you get when the entire Crew is driven by their vices that it can get ridiculously petty. Like-
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“Do I have to make actual schedules on when I can be with either of you?!?!”
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It looks like his tattoo. I'm not okay, I'm just not. 😢💔💀😣
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I just miss him so much. You wouldn't understand. And, now, I can't even look at a Chucking cross without thinking about him.
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