#overheating laptop fix
techtalkiz · 1 year
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conjuring-ghouls · 1 year
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Terzo funny moments (3/?)
So me and @sxnnelysister are back with more parts for the Terzo series we've been working on! As always, you can check her blog for the next part (and give her a follow if you haven't already! 🖤)
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br1ghtestlight · 5 months
HEARTBREAKING: my 12 year old hand-me-down laptop has become so broken and unuseable that im seriously considering just buying myself a new laptop
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lottieurl · 1 year
when i have a good laptop in like a month or two then you'll all see
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its-all-papaya · 23 days
reaching the time of the year where my brain feels like my old-ass phone when it gets more than one notification at the same time and just stops running any app correctly. and also shuts off without warning. and just like. generally self-destructs until i turn it off for a few minutes. brain is like that rn.
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sabjolelectronics · 27 days
Read this blog if your laptop overheats quickly. Here we cover everything you want to know about that topic from how to know your laptop is overheating to how you can fix your overheating laptop yourself.
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naturally-dazed · 1 month
so my laptop screen wasn't working for about a week, during that week i double checked in case it would miraculously work on its own again and it didnt
today i take it to the shop, we use a different power cable since it also has this other issue where the power cable would disconnect if u move it even a little (the battery doesnt work) and the screen does a little flash glitch thing and works when the guy turns it on??? without doing anything else??
so i just got it cleaned (for the first time mind you.), got a new cable and now it works fine again wtf
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theawesomeaki-kun · 7 months
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Just making my silly lil character sheet layouts to fight the sun and stay awake...
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drasmaabbasi · 9 months
How To Fix Laptop Overheating Problem Windows 10 / 11 | Laptop Overheating Problem Fix (Simple Way)
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duckdotcom · 2 years
turns out despite both using the same vocabulary, veterinary clinics and electronics repair shops mean VERY different things by "fixed." the bright side is that my dog can run skyrim on high graphic fidelity without overheating, but also now my laptop will never sire a litter of puppies. learning from my mistakes
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sicutpuella · 3 months
Reddit User | Simon “Ghost” Riley
Her laptop developed an overheating issue and had to be sent to the repair shop. Consequently, she's been relying on Simon's laptop for work. Yet, when she noticed he had left a Reddit tab open, curiosity inevitably got the best of her.
User100889, that was his username. She felt a flutter of nerves as she scrolled through her boyfriend’s Reddit history. It was filled with the usual suspects — bodybuilding and gym subreddits, nothing too revealing. There were posts about tactical gear and tips on fixing flat tires; typical manly-man interests.
"Huh," she murmured to herself when she stumbled upon a subreddit he frequented: r/dating_advice. Huh, indeed.
Her eyes widened slightly, a small gasp escaping her lips as she noticed the title of a thread he'd commented on: ‘how to approach the girl I like.' 
Below the title, Simon's response lay there, simple and direct. "Just walk up to her and say hi."
The bluntness of his answer made her scoff softly. Typical Simon—never one for beating around the bush. She rolls her eyes. His comments on Reddit were always so direct, sometimes even poking fun at the users asking. Like that time he replied, “maybe because you’re ugly lad, just being honest.” 
God, he really had no filter…
She lets out a laugh as she scrolls through more of his comments. He’s brutal. Not mean or malicious, just painfully honest with a dry, dark sense of humor. Not surprising given his oh-so-charming personality.
Clicking on another thread, she begins to read through it. This one titled “How do you know if a girl likes you?” 
The OP described catching glances from a girl. Simon’s response is simple but cutting: "She's probably just being polite mate.” She snorts. She can practically hear his Mancunian accent in the words, can almost picture his expression as he typed out the response.
But then, a question emerged in a Reddit thread:
"Men of r/dating_advice, what’s one thing you love about your partner that they don’t know about?"
He responded, and surprisingly, his words carried pure love and warmth.
Her eyes widened as she read his heartfelt reply. It was sincere, devoid of his usual sarcasm or crudeness.
"I love the way she looks in the morning when she first wakes up. Her hair all tousled, her eyes sleepy and gentle. It’s the only time she lets herself be completely vulnerable, you know? I cherish being the one she feels safe enough to show that side to."
She stared at the screen, utterly taken aback. She had never expected him to reveal such a sweet, tender side. Then came another question. This time, his response was different—no sarcasm, no dry humor—just pure admiration.
OP asked, "Is she the one, lads?"
Simon’s reply was succinct and devoid of his usual wit or brashness. It was raw, unfiltered honesty.
"Yes, she’s the one. Knew it from the moment we met. There’s no one else for me."
Her heart skipped a beat as she absorbed his words, a warm, fuzzy feeling spreading through her chest.
OP: Men of Reddit, what’s your favorite thing about your partner?
His answer: "Her laugh. The way it’s kinda wheezy and she snorts when something really cracks her up. She’s got an amazing sense of humor. Watching movies with her feels like attending a comedy special."
She couldn't help but smile. The image was vivid in her mind: the two of them sprawled on the couch, watching an absurd action flick, her infectious laughter causing even Simon’s stoic demeanor to crack as he chuckled alongside her.
In a thread on r/dating_advice, OP poses the question: "Men, what advice would you give to others about long-term relationships?"
Simon's response resonates: "Be honest. Be genuine with your partner. Don’t play games, don’t hide your feelings. And for God’s sake, don’t try to fix a problem when she just needs you to listen. I learned that the hard way."
She can almost hear the wry chuckle in his voice. It reminds her of their first argument, when she felt frustrated that he wouldn't just listen... but he's learned since then.
Lost in the moment, she scrolls through countless threads, captivated by Simon's heartfelt responses. The man she once saw as all muscle and bravado reveals himself to be a softie at heart.
Engrossed in his comments, she misses the sound of the front door opening... the approaching footsteps slipping by unheard.
She's engrossed in his response to "So, are you gonna marry the woman you have now?"
"Already planning it. Just gotta work up the nerve to propose."
Suddenly, a deep voice startles her from behind. It's deep, gruff, and all too familiar. 
"See somethin’ you like, lass?"
"AH—FUCK!" she screams in surprise.
Simon can't contain his amusement. His towering figure leans against the door frame, arms crossed over his broad chest, a smug smirk playing on his lips.
"Find my little secrets?" he teases, nodding toward the laptop.
She rolls her eyes. He saunters over to where she's seated, casually leaning over her shoulder, his gaze scanning the screen. His closeness, his sheer size, makes her heart beat faster in her chest.
"So, find anything interesting, lass?" he drawls, his breath warm against her ear.
"You're so sappy, it's cute," she says with a smile that he adores.
He chuckles, a deep rumble that sends a shiver down her spine. "That's a new one. You think I'm cute? Cute. Not hot. Not handsome. Just cute."
Leaning in closer, his chest presses against her back, warmth radiating through their clothes.
She stands, embracing him. "So... I heard User100889 is pretty nervous about proposing..." Her pout and tapping finger betray her playful intent.
His grin widens as he wraps his strong arms around her waist, knowing exactly where she's leading.
"Oh yeah?" he feigns innocence. "And why's that?"
"Well..." she looks up at him coyly, her slender form against his solid frame. "He's afraid she might say no..."
"Sounds like he's shittin' himself a bit," he chuckles, eyes gleaming with amusement. He loves the mischief in her eyes, the softness in her teasing.
"He shouldn't be..." she purrs, fingers trailing lightly up his chest. "She loves him too much to say no."
His breath catches at her touch, heart racing. "Is that so?" His voice roughens.
"Mmhm..." she agrees, fingers tracing his shirt's edge, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath.
Close now, his body almost pins her to the wall. His eyes darken with desire and tenderness.
"What makes you so sure she'll say yes?" he whispers, his breath warm on her face, heart pounding.
"Because she loves him," she murmurs, fingers curling into his shirt. "She'd be a fool to say no."
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Mess in Chat >w^
This is an entry for the Sweet Shroud Summer 2024 event held by the lovely @cloudcountry
Content; Gender-neutral reader, fluff, some swearing here and there
Word Count; 1.8 K
Part 2; Mess at Con
Please do not put my work into AI. If you would like to see more of my work check out my masterlist!
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Summer was back in full force. Even from within the cold walls and highly air-conditioned hallways of S.T.Y.X. Idia was overheating. He didn’t even have Ortho, since he was powered down to prevent his system from overheating — they both learned that lesson last summer and neither of them were happy not to have the other for three days while Idia was trying to fix him up. So, he was busy typing away at his computer, switching between his actual tasks and the multitude of open tabs that he had open.
Finishing up on reading one of what seemed to be a never-ending pile of reports, Idia took a look at his messages, Mess in Chat >w^ — getting a small smile from the little winky face — and saw that there was a new message … from an hour ago.
Friendly Neighbourhood Mess I’m melting I’ve melted I’m a pool of goop on the floor
Idia tapped his fingers on his keyboard, trying to think of something to say. While he wouldn’t say the two of you were overly friendly, you also weren’t acquaintances. Idia knows that you’re trying to be his friend — dear Sevens, Ortho was so happy when he saw Idia smile at his phone when you messaged him — but it’s hard with being online. 
Would he actually ask to meet in real life? Oh Sevens no! You, the self proclaimed ‘mess’ (Idia wouldn’t even say that you were a mess, just well-meaning and a bit awkward at times) low keyed scared him. Well not actually scare him, but he didn’t want to get too close only for the friendship to blow up in his face.
Friendly Neighbourhood Mess AHA! I CAN SEE THAT YOU’RE ONLINE!
Idia sighed, the jig was up.
Gloomurai I thought you melted into goop Goop can’t type
Friendly Neighbourhood Mess I’ve regained my non-goop form to bug you I’M BOREDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Gloomurai … F
Friendly Neighbourhood Mess DON’T PUT AN F IN THE CHAT WHAT THE HELL … eugh… dying of heatstroke Tell my cat that I love him…. X-X
Idia coughed out a small laugh. He doubted you were as melodramatic IRL as you were online, but it made the monotony of his day — especially now that he didn’t even have the excuse of classes to break it up — a bit better.
Friendly Neighbourhood Mess … my phone doesn’t have a camera … And he’s on top of the fridge complaining about the heat
Idia sighed, remembering that besides having a laptop for classes, that was the best tech that you had. He remembers you complaining about your lack of funds and your employer. How you managed to balance your job and schooling at the same time baffled and, as you two got closer, worried him.
Gloomurai You really need a better phone
Gloomurai So you’re not only dying of heatstroke but also overworking yourself? F … what’s your second job?
Friendly Neighbourhood Mess … swan boats …
Gloomurai … swan boats?
Friendly Neighbourhood Mess Swan boats.  Even have a silly uniform and everything The pay is decent though, and I only work weekends UNLIKE MY OTHER JOB-
“We’re going to see them, right?” Ortho asked, making Idia jump.
“OrThO-” Idia squeaked, switching tabs at the speed of light, and clearing his throat. “... no”
Ortho looked at Idia, who was smiling a minute ago and was now back to being jumpy. “But-” he paused, looking between the screen and his brother. He knew who Friendly Neighbourhood Mess was — hard not to when you can see the entirety of Night Raven’s search history — but he also knew his brother. “Just know that they enjoy having you as a friend.”
Idia looked back to his screen, knowing you were going on a tirade about your first boss. “They enjoy having Gloomurai as a friend,” he sighed, shaking his head. “Besides,” he looked back at Ortho,”it would be weird for me to just show up.”
“Not if they invite you.~” Ortho chirped, going back to his room since he could feel his systems starting to overheat again. “They’re your friend online… so why not in person too?”
Idia opened up your tab again, and sure enough, you were on a full blown tirade.
Gloomurai I’ll bring you one of those lawnmowers you drive
Friendly Neighbour Mess *sniffles* You’re a true friend
Gloomurai So, about your other job…
‘Come on, think of a believable excuse so you don’t look like a loser. THINK! COME ON BRAIN! BE SMART!’
Friendly Neighbourhood Mess Wait Idea
Idia felt his hair warming, but patted it. ‘Get a hold of yourself, it’s just the word idea for Sevens sake!’
I take you for a spin on one of those death traps
Friendly Neighbourhood Mess Too late >w^ See you Saturday!
Idia stared at his screen for a bit, processing everything. You had invited him to your work. He was going to meet you IRL. He was going to get in a swan boat, like the one you see in cheesy otome cutscenes and animes, and they were, apparently, death traps.
… why was he excited about it then?
You were at work, giving your best customer service smile and voice to the kids, families, and couples that came up through the line. “Remember folks to keep on your life jackets at all times, and to keep your arms and legs inside the boat at all times! Enjoy your ride!~”
While yes, you did have to wear an all-white uniform complete with a baseball cap with swan wings, it wasn’t half bad. 
The lunch room was always packed with good food, cold drinks, and the comfiest couch you have ever had the pleasure of plopping down into. Sure, it was a bit embarrassing — Ace had nearly laughed his ass off when he saw you in your get up and the fakely sweet smile you gave him — but it was only for this summer, and only for the weekends. Besides, it was cushy and most importantly, not putting your life into peril every five to seven business days when compared to the job that Crowley had given you.
You were already getting into your little monologue that you’re used to saying to customers when you faltered. “Enjoy your- Idia?” You blinked, surprised to see him. You barely got to see him at school, so seeing him here of all places was a shock to put it lightly.
Idia was fidgeting with the zipper of his life jacket and jumped when you said his name. ‘Y/N? The Ramshackle prefect-’ “... hi?”
“Hi,” you say back. “Umm, sorry, but there has to be two people to a boat,” you say sheepishly.
Idia jumps a bit and accidentally zips some of his hair in the zipper. “I was waiting for a friend…” he mutters, “they, uh, work here?”
You pause and your eyes widen. “YOU!”
“Me?!” Idia blinked rapidly. “Wait, you?!” Idia put the pieces together.
The lamenting about your first job. The complaints about your cat stealing your food. The silly uniform for your second job — which is silly, but you make it work. And the way you spoke online matched how you spoke with your IRL friends.
“You’re Friendly Neighbourhood Mess-”
“You’re Gloomurai!”
You both say it at the same time. You offer him a bright smile before saying something quietly into your walkie-talkie and putting on a bright yellow life jacket.
“Well,” you chuckle, “good thing you have a friend that’s willing to get on one of these death traps with you then!”
Idia let you take the lead before stumbling into the boat. “You probably shouldn’t call these ‘death traps’ since you work here,” he offered lightly.
You helped stabilize him since he was struggling to stand due to the light waves. “Well, they are, my land-loving friend.”
Idia sat down quickly, trying not to get flustered by the skin contact but failing. “Then I p-probably shouldn’t be on here, should I?”
“Nope,” you popped the p at the end and started moving the boat with the hand pedals. “But it takes two people to move these things.”
Idia started pedalling with you, and despite his fears of you wanting to make idle small talk, you didn’t. Instead, you pointed out some favourite spots and allowed him to contribute to the conversation at his own pace. Even though it idled here and there, it wasn’t awkward. It was comfortable.
When you sailed (can it even be called sailing when it’s a swan boat?) under the canopy of a weeping willow, you spoke again. “So, why did you agree to meet me? Let alone in one of these?”
Idia looked at you again, the dappled lighting blocking out the heat of the sun, yet he felt warmer now than before. “I don’t know, just,” he breathed in, centring himself, “I guess I wanted to spend time with a friend.” He smiled then, it was a small thing, but it was genuine. “Also,” he coughed, “you lied about the death trap part about this whole thing.”
You laughed, shaking the boat a little. “Oh it is, if not physically, then, reputation-wise. Death to social life via swan boat.”
Idia snorted. ‘Well, good thing that I don’t … didn’t have one then.’ “Good thing there’s someone who knows what they’re doing then… you do know what you’re doing, right?”
You shrugged, “I have a certificate if that eases your mind a bit.”
And the two of you continued paddling away, chatting here and there before heading back to the dock where a few of your coworkers gave the both of you thumbs-ups and winks. Idia felt himself go warm, whereas you rolled your eyes at them before helping Idia out.
“If you don’t mind, want to do this again?” You asked, undoing your lifejacket, looking expectantly towards him.
Idia fumbled with his own before you helped him out. “... that would be fun,” he smiled.
You smiled back, patted him on the shoulder as he walked away, and went back to greeting customers again.
Idia was happy about how today went, even though he would wake up a lovely shade of lobster red tomorrow and a very curious Ortho, but for the first time in a while, he was looking forward to summer vacation, and having some of it be outside of his computer screen. And, most importantly, have a friend that he didn’t feel like he had to be someone else with.
Tags; @afunkyfreshblog, @bloomstruck, @edith-is-a-cat, @eynnwwyjth, @inkybloom-luv, @ithseem, @lucid-stories, @syrenkitsune, @the-v-lociraptor, @twistwonderlanddevotee, @xxoomiii
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iliketangerines · 7 months
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no one needs to know pt.2
a/n: i gotchu cutie, and i can't stop thinking about johnny with gray streaks in his hair like bark bark bro.
pairing: professor!johnny cage x afab!reader
warnings: nsfw (MDNI), power imbalance; mentions of pussy eating, blowjobs, overstimulation, spanking, thigh riding, exhibition kink
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the second that Johnny had seen you, he was floored
you had come in early to his physics classroom where he was standing up on a chair, trying to figure out what was wrong with the damn projector
his sleeves had been rolled up his forearms, and he had unbuttoned his shirt due to the exertion of trying to fix the overheated projector
and then, you had walked in, and he looked down and saw you, dressed in an oversized coat for the winter and baggy sweatpants, and he found you cute
Johnny blinked, this was his student that he was thinking about, get it together!
but then you took off your coat to reveal a skin-tight short sleeve shirt that was tight enough to reveal the perky nipples underneath your bra, and he was done for
he came down from the chair he was standing on and approached you, reaching his hand out to shake yours and introduce himself as your teacher since you’re the first and only one in the classroom
you glance down at his forearms and a light blush dusts over your cheeks as you hold out your hand and return his handshake
he can feel how soft your hands are in his, and images of your hands wrapped around his cock flash through his mind
he gives you a big smile, trying to put on some of the Cage charm from his sprightlier days, and it seems to work because you duck your head down to hide your blush and take a seat
he walks back up to the front of the class, taking the chalk and writing on the board his name and information, and he turns around to see some more students trickling in
he ignores them, however, opting to just steal glances at you from his laptop
you bite your plump and soft-looking lips as you look at something on your phone, and when your lips stretch into a smile at something, Johnny wants nothing more than to have them stretched around his thick cock and-
concentrate! this is his student. he can’t be having these kinds of thoughts!
and yet, you still run through his mind through the rest of class, and he has to stay behind the computer stand to hide his embarrassing hard-on
but still, he glances at you throughout the class and notices how you keep staring at his forearms, and he smiles inwardly
from then on, he keeps his shirt sleeves rolled up to try and catch you staring at him, and everytime you turn your head away to blush, his ego jumps to impossible heights
he walks up and down the aisles when you guys work on worksheets that he’s handed out, and he purposefully stands next to you as he ‘observes’ the classroom, his crotch next to your face so that he can watch you blush furiously and try not to stare
whenever you raise a hand into the air for a question, he has to stop himself from dropping everything and answering your question
he takes his time to walk to your desk, trying to be as subtle as possible as he flexes his arms and settles down next to you
he can see in the corner of your eye at how your eyes glance up and down his arms and how they flicker between his lips and his crotch
he has to stop himself from having an inappropriate thought coming through his mind
he always puts on a slight bit more cologne those days where you have class with him and leans in a bit too close to you, and he knows it makes your head spin as you stutter through your words and questions
at home, he lays in bed and imagines how soft and perfect you would be for him
he imagines how your lips would wrap around his cock, and how they would stretch and how you would whine and cry at him fucking into your mouth
he imagines how it would be to tease you, flicking your clit back and forth with his fingers as he brings you to the edge over and over again
he thinks your whimpers and moans would be heavenly
he imagines how tight and wet your pussy is and how it would squeeze his cock just right, and he imagines how good you would taste on his tongue
when the first quiz comes around, and he sees your mostly incorrect answers, he has to stop himself from smiling because you would have to come to office hours
except you don’t, and he gets more desperate, judging your test maybe a bit more harshly than others to try and get you to come to his office
and when he sees you receive your quiz back marked in red and sees how your eyes fill with tears and how your lip slightly wobbles, Johnny wants to bend you over in front of the class and fuck you stupid
wants to have you crying out for him as he fucks you on the desk like a whore
especially after he finds you after class talking to another student about making plans to study together for the upcoming quiz
he wants to go up to you, squeeze your tits and finger your pussy while staring at the other student dead in the eye and claim you as his
he wants to spread you open and show how he’s the only one who can make your pussy so desperate and wet for him and how a college student with minimal experience couldn’t do that
he wants to have you crying on his cock, tears streaming down your face and body bruised from how hard he grabs you
but he doesn’t, just seethes from a distance as the other student happily agrees to the study date
that night he imagines punishing you for being a brat and talking to other people to make him jealous
he imagines that your ass would look beautiful marked in red and his bite marks, and that your begging and whimpers would sound like music to his ears
he imagines how your cunt would drool even after a harsh spanking and how he would make you cum so many times that you start asking him to stop
he bites his lip and cums into his fist at the thought and cleans himself up
later in the week, when it’s too hot in the building and he just dresses in a tank top, he nearly hops over his desk and fucks you when you walk in with a short skirt on
fuck, your legs are toned and plush, perfect for squeezing and slapping, and your plump ass is barely covered by the fabric of the skirt, and he wants to smack it
but he also catches how you gape at his arms and how when he flexes it just ever so slightly, you have to turn your head away and rub your thighs together ever so subtly
that night, Johnny had never jerked off so much to the thought of you
it’s a month and a half into the semester, and you’ve had your first exam, and you’ve failed, there’s no way you can come back unless you get perfects on every quiz and exam going forward
when he sees your name pop up in his calendar that you scheduled a private office hour meeting with him, he nearly jumps into the air
he clears his calendar around your meeting with him, making sure no one comes in before or after you for at least an hour, so he can take his time with you
and when you come and he sees how you flush and stammer over his words when he leans in close, he knows he’s got you hook, line, and sinker
and when he sees tears well in your eyes and how your voice slightly wobbles at the thought of failing, he has to stop himself from jumping the gun and fucking you right there
and when he finally does taste you, you’re so much sweeter than he thought, and when he finally fucks you, you’re so much warmer and tighter than he thought
when he sends you off that day, his mind runs wild with thoughts of what he can do to you
maybe he’ll have you cockwarm him with your mouth while he grades exams, maybe he’ll prop you up on his desk and eat you out for the rest of the day
maybe he’ll make you ride his thigh and make a mess of his dress pants while you whine for him to please make you cum
maybe he’ll make you wear a vibrator in class and have to stay quiet as he teaches class
Johnny can’t wait until your next meeting with him
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horsegamesins · 1 month
More HGS ReShade presets
Three presets, including remakes of some of my old ones.
All these presets are intended to work with SSO's internal anti-aliasing and thus don't include any AA effects of their own.
Late Summer 2.0
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A complete overhaul of greens for more natural looking nature, along with a few effects that are standard in most games but missing in SSO, such as depth of field, ambient occlusion, and subtle motion blur. ( Yes, I am one of those weirdos that likes motion blur)
This preset also has a Lite version, which only includes the colour-changing effects. Thus, it doesn't require depth and still works well on lower end devices
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Harvest Season
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Orange. Autumn vibes but very fantasy-like. Includes the same effects as Late summer.
November Blues
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This is what Jorvik would realistically look like after September every year. Includes the same effects as Late summer.
Download & More under the cut
Download here
If you are new to ReShade, this video can help you get started.
And lastly, a bit of performance jargon I can't really give detailed specs because I'm not that good, but I can say that these presets run smoothly on my past-it's-prime RTX 3060. The GPU temperature only shot up in Mistfall and Wildwoods.
Additionally, I tested Late Summer Lite on my 5 year old Laptop and it ran without issue, so I feel confident in saying that any device that can run SSO at a decent quality should be able to run the Lite preset comfortably.
If you are suffering from overheating or frame drops while running around, turn off motion blur and sharpening first, and if that doesn't fix it, DepthHaze and MXAO. Or if you prefer a different approach, you can lower the game's resolution until it runs smoothly with all the effects, however it will lower the visual quality of the whole game.
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updatingranboo · 2 months
i cannot for the life of me get the cult of the lamb vods straight so bear with me for a moment im losing my mind trying pair them up 😭 im on my phone and it’s literally overheating let me get to my laptop and everything will be fixed soon LMAO
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kokomiin · 1 year
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My laptop recently became damaged from overheating and can't run certain programs, I haven't been able to get it fixed and need to save up for a new one. So, I'm opening commissions indefinitely. Any help, even a reblog, is greatly appreciated.
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