#over o 5 stats tip
2-dsimp · 2 years
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Popular choice✨
—> [S] Pull him into an warm embrace
Cw: Fem! anatomy
Time passes by 10min~
Current time is 3:50pm
Heroic new kid! Aether craves more of your embrace…
(Game tip: when it’s Aether’s turn you don’t gain any brightened suns! So carefully maximize your choices to gain as much as you can when it’s still your turn !)
Suns: 10
Suns needed Brightened: 8
Sunshines brightened: 5
Lustful mode: 22%
Current affection lvl: 45
Envy 25% // Insanity 30%
Trust lvl: 15/100
Increase in stats are locked until the sunlight zone ends🔒
⚠️ Warning ⚠️ You’ve fed into his lust!
Your top half is exposed
You can hear a door open from the classroom next over…
There’s a silent curse
Y o u r c h o I c e s h a v e b e e n
T e r m I n a t e d F o r A e T h e r s T u r n
Objective: Brighten up his day
[A] Let him take your panties
[B] Let him take your Skirt
Helpful inquiries ✨
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mycryptosuite · 5 years
Over 0.5 Half Time Prediction - Under1.5 Halftime
Over 0.5 Half Time Prediction – Under1.5 Halftime
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Over 0.5 Half Time Prediction – Under1.5 Halftime Over 0.5 half time prediction will give us the winning we need in today’s ticket and we are going to get it – under 0.5 goals strategy. Streaks matches list Over 0.5 HT streaks Today’s matches – first half draw prediction tomorrow, over 1.5 goals football predictions confirm bets. (more…)
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randoimago · 2 years
Hi!!! I see that you have P5R on your list atm, could I request, Ryuji, Akiren and Maruki finding out that their s/o works at at maid cafe? Maybe they would be forced or enticed into going somehow and s/o ends up being their waiter?
Finding Out S/O Works at a Maid Cafe
Fandom: Persona 5
Characters: Akira Kurusu, Takuto Maruki, Ryuji Sakamoto
Type of Request: Headcanons
Notes: Here you go!!
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Akira has stats to raise, going to a maid cafe is nothing new to him. What is new is getting there and having you serve him.
Oh he is going to be such a shit to you. Just all the teasing. Of course he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable.
But he absolutely asks for all the extra stuff. Asking you to feed him or wanting to take a photo with you.
He spends so much yen and definitely becomes a favorite customer because of it. Akira is sure to visit a lot more often now that he knows you work there.
He likes going to maid cafes to get tips for what the best snacks are now. He also just really likes the welcoming vibe of the whole place even if he does get a bit embarrassed now and then.
You ended up being busy with work one day and so he decided to go to a maid cafe to see if he can hear what snacks are on the rise and to relax a bit. He ended up freezing when you came over to serve him.
This is definitely something he wants to talk to you about, but you’re working and he is trying to hide his beet red face behind the menu. Can’t help but ask for Omurice from you though.
Maruki is happy to compliment you and ask about your work day the next time you’re both free. 
Ryuji had a bet with Akira and Mishima about going to a maid cafe if they lose and he ended up losing. Nerves overtook him and he felt himself growing flustered before he even stepped inside.
His mouth just goes dry when he sees you and you end up being his maid. 
He has a thousand questions but he can’t ask any of them because he’s just staring at how cute you look.
Eventually he’ll ask you what’s going on, but for now he is going to be a mess while you’re trying to do your job. 
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gojology · 4 years
Escape From Reality.
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The Request:
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pairing : yuuji itadori x stressed! fem s/o reader warnings : mentions of death, cursing, didn’t re-read, INCREDIBLY RUSHED. wordcount : 2333 a/n : sorry anon, this has been sitting at the very bottom of my requests and i feel really bad. regardless, i hope you still like this. i’m not familiar with yuuji’s character as i am with gojo but i hope this still does you justice. this is also really rushed, since i’m leaving for a trip tomorrow.
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    Constant twisting and turning, the fight replaying in your head. You couldn’t relax, no, the events from a few days ago had been keeping you awake for who knows how long. Eyes bloodshot, strained from being kept open all day, yet you couldn’t close them. You had paid no thought to anyone gracious enough to give you attention, instead spending most of your time to yourself in your room.      Your curtains were kept shut, and a steadily growing mountain of tissues was getting taller and taller. The room was completely black, and only filled with your sniffling. To be quite honest, you didn’t know why you were crying. You won the fight, sure, but you felt so useless and insignificant compared to the likes of your peers.     You knew your role, but it was horrifying. Fighting curses wasn’t something new to you, you grew to enjoy it as a sport of some sorts, but this fight left some sort of mental scar on you. Images of the curse controlling humans like they were puppets on strings, and you had to kill every. single. last. one.      They looked so human, so scared of what was happening to them, their shocked faces eventually growing into solemn, dark ones. While Megumi and Nobara were off on their own mission, you had been left with Yuuji to kill the curse, perhaps it was a stroke of unluckiness, but you had been instructed to kill something you swore you wouldn’t kill; humans.      You knew your boyfriend, Yuuji was taken aback too, his carefree happy-go-lucky personality evaporating into thin air, instead replaced with a neutral face. You didn’t have the power to conceal your tears like he did though, even just a few minutes away from the battlefield, you let them flow free, but you did the job anyways. You saw him stare at you, worry evident on his features from the corner of your eyes.     Laying back down on your bed, you sniffled, dabbing at your eyes. You felt like a killer, something inhumane. Lost in your thoughts, you stared at your ceiling and thought of better days or random scenarios.      Knock. Knock. Knock.      The knocking was quiet at first, calm, and you figured it was Nobara willing to help you, she had done it a few times before when you came back from traumatic missions. You found it hard to relate to her though, and even though you appreciated her keeping you in her thoughts, you just didn’t want any contact right now.      The knocking grew more aggressive, and you knew that wasn’t Nobara. Nobara was kind when she was trying to help someone, putting her usual sassy behavior aside to comfort them. You knew she wasn’t going to rapidly knock at your door, in fact she would’ve left by now.       “Who is it?” you mumbled, lifting your covers up and sliding into the warmth, hiding most of your face with the blanket. The only thing that was out were your eyes.      “Uhhh... Yuuji? Your boyfriend?” a voice nervously croaked, muffled. “The door’s locked, but I came here to give you some sweets! Gojo-Senpai brought them earlier for everyone to share, and I grabbed some flavors for you that I thought you’d like.”       You shot back up, candy didn’t sound that bad right now.      “Come in.” you respond, shuffling around with the tiny amount of time you had left to make your room look just a bit more presentable.      “The door’s locked.” you heard him stifle a laugh pathetically, you could hear it from your bed.      “Shit! That’s my fault.” fast-walking towards the door, you stumbled. Dirty clothes were strewn about, a mix of empty snack bags also in the mess. It would be impossible to clean this all up in just 5 minutes without Yuuji growing suspicious. Taking a deep breath in, you threw the laundry you could find closest to you into the laundry basket. You didn’t want the love of your life seeing you like this.     You didn’t have enough time to fix your hair, and it seems Yuuji reads your mind. “Don’t worry about how you look, by the way. Actually, lovebug, don’t worry about anything okay? Just open the door.” he says it with a mixture of doubt and  anxiety.      You feel your expression soften, this was one of the things you loved about Itadori Yuuji. He was mild, he knew when to joke or not, and this time it seemed like he was keen on making you happy. Reaching out to unlock the door knob, you pause, still worried about how ugly you might look, but you open the door anyways.       And there stood Itadori Yuuji, dumbly looking at you, a pile of wrapped candies cupped in the palm of his hands. Once it seems to register through your mind that you standing in front of him, he tosses the candy aside, the colorful wrappers raining down on the both of you, and hugs you.       It’s a deep bear hug, and your arms loosely wrap around his too, steadily getting tighter and tighter as you realize how much you truly missed this. Head snuggling deep into his shoulder and breathing in his scent. So friendly and inviting, you stay in his embrace for a few more seconds, and your mind is finally at ease for just a little.       “Hey there, sweetie.” he finally says, lifting his head up after what seemed like eons, a small smile on his lips. He looks so cheerful, leaning in and kissing the top of your forehead before pulling back, studying your face.        You feel utterly self conscious, pushing his face back with your hand.        “Hey. I’m kind of crusty and I haven’t washed my face in a while-”        Yuuji doesn’t give you another second to finish, instead smothering your face with even more kisses, and your skin heats up as soon as the first sloppy chaste puppy kiss is placed.        “Fuck, I mean, fudge. What are you talking about (Y/N)?!” he looks at you like you’re a giant spider, concerned. “You’ve gotta be blind.”        “You’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.”         You swallow a squeal, instead giving him a small smile, something that you hadn’t done in days. It feels so good to see him again.         “Hey- get back in bed, okay? I’ll be back in a jiffy, I’ve gotta pick all these candies up.” Yuuji kisses the tip of your nose again, using his fingers to pull at your cheeks. It’s been a while since you’ve seen his smile, and you realized just how quickly you had forgotten that his eyes almost closed when he smiled, simply because of how big and toothy it was.        “Yeah. Okay.” you say, before turning your back on him, you look down, and he’s looking back at you, knees on the floor. One hand is already half filled with the candies, and he gives you yet another shit-eating grin, flashing a quick thumbs up before continuing to pick up the wrappers. You giggle, you suddenly felt so bubbly.        Immediately leaping into your bed, you watch him, feet swaying in the air picking up the candies. Yuuji’s muttering under his breath about God knows what, and only then do you realize how lucky you were to have him.        Not long after, he skips over to your bed, closing the door behind him, hopping on one leg and taking his beaten up shoes off. Humming a tune, his fingers flicked on the light switch, you note how he looks so genuinely happy. Setting the candies down onto the blankets, he glances at you with these sort of stone cold serious eyes, as if he meant business.       Those feelings return back again. What’s with the stare?       “Hey. (Y/N).” he places a reassuring hand on your shoulder, rubbing your skin, goose bumps suddenly covering your skin. “I know I was only here to give you candies- and it’s true I was, I’m actually really concerned about you.” Yuuji too crawls onto your bed.       “Get nice and comfy okay? Here.” he digs into his pajama pockets, and pulls out a pre-packaged kikufuku mochi. “I know Gojo-sensei says no sweets after bedtime, but I sneaked one for you from his office because I thought It’d make you feel better.”        You take it without another word. The thought was nice, after all.       “Have you eaten, princess?” he breathes, placing a hand onto your forehead. “You seem really warm, do you need any water?”        He was suddenly so serious, you don’t how to respond. At first you look at him, hoping your eyes tell him all he needs to know, but he looks unblinkingly back, and it seems like he wants an answer, stat.        “No. I haven’t. Water wouldn’t be bad.” you answer, looking down at your lap. Why did it feel like you disappointed him?        “I’ll ask Gojo-sensei to maybe order takeout, It’s not that late. Do you have any water in your room? I don’t want to leave you right now.”        Something about this conversation was awkward, and you didn’t like it.        “Yeah, I don’t know where though.”        “That’s okay, snugglekins. I’ll retrieve them! Don’t you worry.” he rubs your hair so gently, it’s like the hand isn’t even there.        “The room is really messy-”        Yuuji looks at you, a bit annoyed, which you guess was justifiable, but still acting friendly. “I know, but all that matters to me right now is you, not you’re room.” he’s crawling on the ground now.      “You’re acting too serious.” you cheekily retort back mindlessly, covering your mouth as you do so.        “I know I am, but when my girlfriend is thinking and acting like this, I need to make sure you feel better.” he tosses you a water bottle, and you nod your thanks, the crinkling music to your ears. You twist the cap off, and take a long swig out. The liquid was refreshingly cold.      “No candy until you tell me what’s going on, okay? If you don’t want to tell me, that’s okay, but just... Tell me what I can do to make you feel better. I hate seeing you sad.”      “Are you my dad or something?” you joke, but he squints at you, not cracking a single smile.        Then, he draws out a long, “Ohhhhhhhhhh!” for a second, eyes widening before stroking his chin, like one of those wide grandpas with the long beards you see in those Chinese dramas.       He splutters for a split second, before coughing. “Well, I am merely a wise old man. I must offer you my intellect... And I’m slightly forgetful, so you know- jokes don’t occur to me very well.” he even said it in an old man voice.        “That was horrible.” is all you state. You silently appreciate his stupid humor, even in what seemed to be a serious situation.       “Thanks!” he chirps. Then he hops back into the bed, he too slipping under the comforting blankets. “Now, tell me, what’s on your mind?’        “Nothing.” you say sheepishly.       “Stop lying to meee, come on. No judging.” his fingers weave into yours, and your breath hitches.        “Promise?”        “Promise.” his fingers tighten around yours as he says this.        Taking a deep breath in, you straighten, leaning yourself against his shoulder, and Yuuji doesn’t move, adjusting to the newfound weight.         Tears start forming as soon as you open your mouth to speak. “I just really hated how I had to- you know. Kill... Humans. A-and, It’s just that I feel really.... Guilty?” you phrase it like a question almost, and you take a shuddering deep breath in, it was going all out or never.         He nods his head, and you take this as a sign to continue. “I just... I feel so useless.. I feel like you didn’t even c-care? A-and..” tears start railing down your cheeks, and you blink like it’s the last think you have to do. “Fuck. Fuck this. I hate this. I hate being so s-soft, and so weak. Why can’t I be like you, or Nobara, or Megumi?”         His thumbs brush your tears away, and he looks at you, so gently and kindly it’s like the wind is touching you. Genuine eyes made you feel so comforted and safe. Like he wouldn’t judge you for a damn thing you’d say.         “You’re wrong.” he says, finally speaking.         You cock your head, as a way of coaxing him to continue.         You feel his chest expand, and fall again, taking in a deep breath. “I did care. I hated the thought of calling people like that, but honey-” he looks down at your face, and he can just tell you’re interested. “These people were put in so much misery, of course we had to kill them. They were in pain, and being used as puppets.”         “But they looked just like a human, and... They even had, you know... Their own, uh, unique voices. And the things they said..” more tears started rapidly falling.         “Hey.” he puts a hard grasp onto your arm when you try to wipe them away. “Stop. You have to constantly remind yourself, these people were being controlled and put through so much excruciating pain. It’s so hard, and it was even harder not to break down and cry in front of you. But we did it together anyways, and we need to get out of this stronger, okay? The missions later on will be even harder, and I want to work alongside you- not just protect you”         The last sentence punched you right in the gut, it felt so right hearing it come out of his mouth, and you start full on sobbing, rubbing your wet face into his t-shirt, your tears seeping into the fabric. You’re full aware he probably needs to change, but you don’t care. You truly missed him, even though it had only been a few days.         “Fuck. I love you.” you croaked, giving him a sloppy, even wetter peck on the check.        “I love you too, princess.”        He really was your escape from the reality of being a Jujutsu sorcerer.      
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euaxel · 4 years
heyyy, eonia. i’m reid, i’m twenty-three, still can’t read, and all i know about pjo is that it fucking rocks and the protag has the same learning disabilities that i do! also, i picked hypnos for this punk mainly to be mean to him and because in the hades game hypnos bullies me every time i die and i’m kiiiinda into it. hmu on discord one on one for the best plotting experience, but i’ll be around plenty to bug y’all in the gc too. you can read about bastard boy number one right here and under the cut we’ll get down to business. 
⟨ ELLIOT FLETCHER. TRANS MALE. HE/HIM. ⟩ though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, AXEL EVERETT is actually a descendent of H Y P N O S. it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY-TWO year old VIDEO GAME DEVELOPMENT & COMBAT TACTICS MAJOR from BROOKLYN, USA has taken after their godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite WITTY & SELF-DEPRICATING.
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be advised, axel’s a pretty heavy character.  i’m gonna keep it brief for the bio & need-to-knows, tag around the parts with bold applicable triggers so you can skip around as needed, and tag this post accordingly, but just let me know if i miss anything and i’ll fix it & be safe reading. godspeed and i apologize in advance for bringing you all my personal punching bag as my first muse. 
the main triggers that are gonna come up are: parental abuse, alcoholism * major, mentions of bullying, drowning * major, religious trauma, and drug abuse with some harder drugs ( particularly, weed, pills and cocaine / nothing with needles. )
general stats. 
— full name ,  axel harley everett.  — nicknames/alias ,  axe, ax, wolverine jr, tyler durden jr, trouble, Who? - every professor he’s ever had. — house,  hypnos and mad about it.  — age, 22, as of today. also mad about it.  — gender,  trans male.    — pronouns,  he/him.  — sexual orientation, bisexual with a somewhat heavy masc lean.  — d.o.b, january 1st, 1999. ( generally unknown to anyone but maybe siblings, he will probably lie and say Nobody Knows... I Just Am unless he really fucks with you. ) — hometown,
— height,  5′0ft even. furious about it. — eyes,  brown. — hair, brown.  — face claim, elliot fletcher.
— zodiac,  capricorn. — alignment,  chaotic good. — character inspo,  lip gallagher, steve rogers ( young ), ellie from tlou1, logan howlett, stiles stilinski ( if anyone says shit i will scream ), probably someone from euphoria but i’m too scared to watch that, peter parker ( andrew garfield ), shinsou hitoshi, finn mertens, marceline the vampire queen, dipper pines, this is all over the place but it’s there.  — most played spotify songs, passion for publication by anarbor, sober haha jk unless by hospital bracelet, nobody by mitski, class of 2013 by mitski, king princess’ cover of monster from adventure time, way too much phoebe bridgers, in love or whatever by future teens, and the entire front bottoms discography but especially in sickness & in flames with the hard way & bus beat well at the top of his loop.  — aesthetics,   bloody knuckles, left open and tipped over prescription bottles, walking on the carpet with socks to get that tingly feeling, skateboarding inside, dozing off at the bar, tangled legs in messy sheets, ten pillows on a twin sized mattress, laying down in the shower, brian sella’s cracky singing voice. 
— axel was born and raised in brooklyn, new york, and he was claimed at thirteen, on his thirteenth birthday, by hypnos. — the day he was claimed, axel ceased contact with his human mother and his step-dad, and he attended a camp for half-bloods that wasn’t far from home. he spent his adolescence there year round for safety from monsters at home and abroad, then moved on to eonia.  — ( parental abuse tw, drowning tw begin ) i don’t want to be too graphic here so i’m going to plainly say that axel’s mother was a very, very bad person, and the man she married was absent at his best, physically abusive at worst. axel’s powers (  hypnokinesis, namely )  were potent and difficult to control at a young age, and as a deeply religious catholic woman, this scared his mother and influenced most of the animosity in their relationship. she was convinced that the defensive visions he created and his ability to put her to sleep ( an attempt to help her, on his end; insomnia plagued her and later, it would him, too ) were of demonic origin, and tried to drown him more than once; cleansing, she claimed. the worst instance was the day he was claimed, actually — new years day, 2012; his life was saved by hypnos, and that was the last he saw of her.   ( parental abuse tw, drowning tw end. )  —  that said, he’s a little ( very ) hydrophobic. poseidon kids do NOT fucking interact ( i’m kidding. kind of. he Will avoid a little though ) —  anyway! moving on. all of this aside, axel did his best to put his past behind him, and he was actually super stoked to learn that his powers came from somewhere good and that there was places out there for kids like him; to learn he wasn’t any kind of monster. ( still working on believing that, though.. marcelines monster.mp3 right here )  — he’s less stoked when he starts having trouble falling asleep, and really, it feels like a more cruel twist than any other fate has thrown at him ( his upbringing was chock full of mean twists, so that’s saying something ); and really, it’s more like insomnia just full on kicks in, but he can put other people to sleep. great, right? whatever, though — combat classes are kickass and he’s surrounded by babes that think he’s hilarious so things could be totally, way worse.  — ( bullying tw (brief) ) for the most part, axel was pretty well liked among his peers. he was bullied as a young kid (pre-claim), but he bit back and he bit back hard, and sure, some of that followed him into his teen years but he’s more confident by then; less fun to poke at, and absolutely unhinged when provoked, so people learn better of it. the only real lasting effect was one instant that hit him a little too deep in the inferiority, when he was seventeen — he fell in love with a girl, told her that, and found himself at the end of a very mean spirited prank. he shook it off like he did anything else, or at least — he told himself he did, even if the hurt hit him somewhere a little too deep rooted ( ie. being god’s most unlovable son would naturally land him here, right? ) love’s kinda stupid anyways, so what the hell, right?  (bullying tw end.)
— ( alcoholism tw, drug use tw begin ) this is already obscenely long so i’m just going to keep it to the point here and say he began drinking when he was sneaking booze in to camp at fifteen, and it just never stopped there. he’s also a massive stoner, which is all well, harmless and good for the most part; he’s always grinning, half-lidded, and has a room full of smoke at any given time. it’s the pills that do him in, and he did them at first just so he could get some shut eye, and... well. after that, because he’s dependent on them. but he keeps this part under wraps for the most part; it doesn’t have to be anyone’s problem but his, and it’s not a problem until it is one. partying’s fun, so is coke; so is taking a few too many xan’s, mdma.   ( alcoholism tw, drug use tw end )
— i swear he is not as doom and gloom as he sounds from the bio, and yeah, writing that made me so sad i feel like we absolutely must hone in on the fun and cute things about him!?!  — he loves dnd. he can talk about it for HOURS and if you let him, he absolutely will. — adventure time makes him cry. he’s a baby don’t let him fool you.  — very into cryptids, aliens, horror stories, conspiracy theories, in love with ryan from watcher, wanna be shane medej.  — he loves to draw! the one thing he loves about his power is what it’s done for his imagination, and sure, he mostly draws horror things, but it’s why he went into video game development. he wants to be a concept artist.  — his double major is in combat tactics because he loves fighting. he thinks it’s so fun. he’s a little nuts, actually — i mean, get hit in the face and come up grinning. all he’s ever wanted is to run a fight club and be the shortest, baddest little bitch on the planet.  — he tends to nod off in weird places because he doesn’t sleep enough at night, which is sad, but; he can seriously fall asleep anywhere. standing up, in a tree, you name it.  — he’s a hobby musician! he loves singing and playing guitar.  — he’s a huge flirt.  — loves to scare people. he’s harmless, though. like, honestly. he might make you think you’re seeing a walking toadstool but he’ll probably apologize later.  — he’s very much a singing in the shower type?  — clothes thief. friends and significant others beware.  — actually, just kind of a thief? but of weird, little things. like, just the left shoe. puts them in a little corner in his room that he has set up like an exhibit. “things you thought you lost lol” is written on the whiteboard on the wall above it. he likes collecting rocks too. he’s a little freak!!  — he’s better at the memory retrieval part of his power than the rest. naturally, as this mostly applies for other people. 
WANTED CONNECTIONS. im literally so tired of hearing myself talk... 
friends/squad. self explanatory!!!  he’s friendly, a class clown, and a loyal friend through and through; he’s also adaptable, and his demeanor is very relaxed and inviting. he’s probably gonna have 2-3 people that he’s really close with, and he’d do quite literally anything for them. seriously, don’t tempt him.  a best friend.  so this is kind of vague but. i’d really love for him to have one person that is just a tier above the rest? they’d know things about him that are like pulling teeth to find out ( aka, anything deeper than his most recommended podcasts and loudmouth opinions on non important things ), someone who will call him on his shit, and maybe take care of his stupid little self when he gets too fucked up, because they’d be someone he trusts enough to let them.   enemies?    he probably gets along with most people until given a reason not to? but he is a loud mouth and if one of his friends gets into drama, he will stick his nose where it doesn’t belong and he will throw hands, so it could happen.
harmless rivalries. maybe even steamy ones. he’s a little shit and he likes banter so, so, so much? if given the opportunity and if someone rubs him a certain type of way, he’s so not above being a menace, although never super maliciously. just, you know, annoying the shit out of them on purpose, for fun. he’s also not above blowing a few kisses their way.
current hookups. self explanatory too. he’s a little harlot. HFBHVFNJ. it’s gonna be kinda hard to go beyond sex with him because he’s very deep in his own insecurity but he does catch feelings, he’s just mad about it when he does. i’m mostly gonna go off chem for that though! an ex. could be on friendly terms? but, it should be noted that he could’ve ghosted someone too; or pulled from the relationship when things got serious and he couldn’t choke out that ‘i love you’, even if he felt it. worse, if he did choke it out, but they didn’t feel the same way.  siblings. hypnos kids he is gonna be so protective of all of u... family is hard for axel, i’m ngl, but he really wants one is the tragedy of it all, i guess? so he just really wants to be a good brother. he thinks hypnos is kind of a dick for making him but he tries not to fault him for his existence. fuck u dad i dont wanna be alive feels a little unfair. HDBHFDSJ. anyways he’s a good brother even if he is absolutely so reckless and terrifying in regards to himself but his siblings. his siblings he will do anything for. ALSO!!! FOUND FAMILY!!!! it would be kinda nice if he bonded with someone a little older maybe, could be outside of the hypnos house even, someone he’s kind of a bratty-little-brother type with.... or bratty older brother that takes your things and makes you laugh, y’know. 
PERSONALITY.  just tacking this part of the app on at the end too to highlight parts that i think are important for understanding who he is, and just so it’s all in one place!
toothy grins, half-lidded eyes, and keepin’ them laughing is what it’s all about, baby. axel walks with more confidence in his posture than he’s earned ( or claimed, for that matter ), and it’s the backbone of what gets him by. he’s a glowing example of the fake it ‘til you make it mentality, and he knows what he wants, usually how to get it, and doesn’t mind letting you know that. there’s an ever present mischievous glint in his eyes that says more about what to expect from him than he does, and that’s still not much? he likes to have fun, and there isn’t a whole lot of regard for righteousness or responsibility on his end, but hey! it’s usually only ever at his own expense, so what’s the damage? he’s an absolute clown and he knows it.
axel loves people. he does — you might not guess that with how elusive he is, but it’s true. there’s nothing he likes more than a good conversation with someone interesting, or maybe not even then; if there’s a sparkle in you, he’ll see it. ( might even draw it, not that you’d ever know. ) he’s warm, loyal, compassionate, relaxed, and understanding; and none of that is at the cost of being passive, or lacking passion. 
as long as the vibes are right, he’s happy to just be; though, he’s known to have a fuse for certain provocations, and will jump readily at chance to fight in someone else’s honor. also, it’s not unlike him to spar for the sake of sparring; but that’s all in good fun, no worries.
there’s no way to sugarcoat it — axel has an inferiority complex. where that stems from is something he’s more self-aware of than he’s willing to admit, but he doesn’t have the patience or the will to dissect it; much less do anything about it, and he’s as bull-headed as they come — especially regarding anything related to the psyche. how much this impacts his demeanor and relationships with others varies on the situation, but one constant is that he’s going to retreat before things get bad; even if ‘things are getting bad’ exists only as his own paranoia-born hypothetical.
things can’t go bad if you don’t let them, and he’s content to keep it that way; even if it means being stuck in the stasis of missed opportunities. it’s when he’s retreating into himself that he can get irritable, anxious, jumpy; secretive, defensive, even. he’s personable until he isn’t, essentially.
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onenettvchannel · 4 years
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#OnlyOnOneNETnews: Mitch Williams is now Publicly Arrested with a Several Charges outside the branch of Hinobi
SIDE NOTE FIRST: This news article may contain a disturbing sexual themes & strong language. We will not show the lewd evidence for legal reason for now. Readers discretion is STRICTLY advised.
BAILLEY, TX -- Just before the pilot episode starts, it begins actually with Episode 0 before the Netflix adaptation of Glitch Techs. A news tip was recieved by "2D-Generate", a Rule 34 enthusiast art person was sent exclusively to OneNETnews. After carefully handled an insult confrontation by late afternoon on Episode 1... An evidence was exclusively finalized & obtained to the Texas police briefing at the BCSO (Bailley County Sheriff’s Office) today.
Miko Kubota (our newest Radyo Patrol #20 reporter of both OneNETnews & [adult swim] News) is on the scene, with a little help of our Station Manager, President of OneNETtv Channel & Radyo Patrol #4 reporter (Princess Twilight Sparkle) & Hector Nieves (Current Employee of Hinobi)... He is clearly first committed by force in a sexual act & resetting almost to everyone the next day.
Silence was completely broked and complied the suspect to Miko & Hector, "I wasn't really gonna do it! I was freaked you wouldn't reset. Everybody resets!" He adds, "You take that away from me, you may as well take everything. Besides, that win was bugged. He (Hector) wasn't even the real winner. She (Miko) was. I know I went too far, but do not take this from me. It's what I love. It's who I am."
Not only this 6'4 of 18 y/o Male Professional #1 E-Sport Gamer in Bailley City before that... He is completely illegal by forcing a rape sex with Blake and the other unnamed blonde girl, just a several blocks away from the Hinobi Store in Bailley Square Mall. Mitch does not have any condoms, injections or sexual drugs on time.
2D-Generate spoked exclusively to [adult swim] News (a subsidiary affiliate of OneNETnews), "Can't be the only one who thought of something like this after seeing how Mitch abuses the memory reset function of his gauntlet. Basically, I pictured him spawning some weapons, threatening them into sex, then using the memory reset function of the gauntlet to wipe it from their minds".
Few of the netizens of Rule 34 went viral publicly but not on the social media for lewdest reasons:
Daguco1990 says "Mitch Williams is just the worst kind of person ever I can't stand him, he has no redeeming qualities what so ever".
PRS3240 says "Mitch is such a frickin' scumbag! But his stats can at least makes some good artworks like these when he's taken advantage of people. What he did is take advantage of them and after he was done, he quickly erased their minds and reset them to where they were originally were before he did anything. Mitch is the type of character that takes advantage of people and is used to getting his way. We saw a good example of this in the first episode where he took advantage of that girl you see in the picture. He cheated her and the company she works for out of U$D10 (PHP510) for takeout. Mitch is an absolute scumbag in this series."
The evidence is literally crystal clear. Blake (an employee of Mama Miyamoto's Spaghetti in a Bucket) & an unnamed blonde girl was the victim to a suspect of Mitch Williams themselves for implementing a one-shot sexual prostitution in under an hour or two at once for under 4-6 sexual sessions. Immediately after that, he mind-wipped to 2 victims like never really happened after a non-stop sexual intercourse like an honest pervert upon both cumming inside illegally (even on oral).
Mitch is now booked for the official arrest with a violation as amended to a Republic Act #3815: Article 310 & 315 or The Revised Penal Code for a Qualified Theft & Estafa, Republic Act #8353 or The Anti-Rape Law of 1997: Section 2, Republic Act #10364 or Expanded Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2012: Section 3c, Republic Act #11313 or Safe Spaces Act of 2018: Section 5 & House Bill #7909 or Video Games Act of 2018.
All charges are combined together, as based from the reference of Revised Penal Code... Expect to this, there is no bail of fines or possibly parole. He is now finally charged & sentenced to 19 years & 5 months in prison for U$D4,700 (PHP236,000) at the correctional facility jail of Bailey County Sheriff’s Office (BCSO) in Texas; ranging from Arresto Mayor to Reclusion Temporal (excluding the last law of House Bill #7909, which is classified to no penalties or fines required).
Twitch Interactive has an exclusive press statement to OneNETnews, "Effectively starting tonight as permanent (in EDT), we as Twitch staff... will permanently suspending an incident to Mitch Williams on us for Hinobi. Adults Only content is punishable by law and we are taking some steps to clear this mess out. As decided, we'll range all the Texas ISPs to prevent registering a new account to avoid a later spam and abusive stuff. We are publicly apologize for a critical inconvenience. We will try to fix your A-game for you urgently in a meantime."
The World Health Organization (WHO), Federal Bureau of Investigation & Twitch Interactive is on severe high alert if he is resisting the suspect himself. That said, it is literally for Mitch Williams... will be game over to jail for a few decades from now. Some consequences will be learned for not making them out in a partial slavery almost for good.
SOURCE: *http://rule34.paheal.net/post/view/3576040 [18+] *http://rule34.paheal.net/post/view/3573327 [18+] and *https://www.twitch.tv/p/legal/community-guidelines/sexualcontent
SEVERELY IMPORTANT HONEST DISCLAIMER: The views & opinions expressed from this news article are not those from the Nickelodeon & Netflix Animation and ViacomCBS Inc. It shouldn't be imitated this sexual suspect act with a court of law. Furthermore, the assumptions of this news article will NOT state, intervene or reflect those of our Radyo Patrol reporters. The station, management, interwebs and the network. Thanks for reading!
-- OneNETnews Team
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hawkvalley · 4 years
Broncos Regular Season Week 10
Hawk Valley
Quick Review
First things first, last week I said the NFL might extend the season with an extra week because of Covid, this is not the case. The NFL will add a wild card playoff berth to both conferences, so 14 teams will make the playoffs.
The Broncos lost to the Falcons 34-27, but the game was not really that close. In the first three quarters of the last two games, the Broncos have been outscored 51-16. The Broncos have outscored their opponents 42-13 in the fourth quarters of those games.
A longer review
Atlanta got the ball to start the game. On their third, first down of the drive, they were at mid-field. On third down, with 10 minutes left, the Denver defense tipped a pass and forced the Falcons to kick a 52 yard field goal.
Denver's first play of the game was a hand off to Lindsay who gained 3 yards. With 9:11 left in the quarter, Lock connected with Fant for a 32 yard gain, but Fant was visibly limping after the play. On the next play, Lindsay lost five yards. On second down, Lock threw the ball away. On third and fifteen, Lock completed a pass to Hamilton for a 9 yard gain. Denver punted at the 7:12 mark.
Atlanta dinked and dunked their way down the field. After a false start, the Falcons tried an end-around which gained 4 yards. On second down, the Denver D batted the pass down. On third and eleven, the Falcons completed a 51 yard touchdown pass. The Denver D was also flagged for pass interference on the play. The score, with 1:24 left in the first quarter, was Atlanta 10, Denver 0.
The Broncos offense started off on the 18 yard line, but Lock hit Jeudy for a bomb on first down. The ball was now on the 41 yard line. After a short run by Gordon and a catch by Hamler, the first quarter ended.
The second quarter started and on second down, Hamler ran for a 15 yard gain. Lock then threw an incomplete pass towards the end zone. On second down, Lock threw a pass that was almost intercepted. On third down, Lock threw another incomplete pass into the end zone. On fourth down, the Broncos kicked a 43 yard filed goal.
Perhaps, the Falcons were annoyed that the Broncos were now on the scoreboard, because after a 9 play, four minute drive, they were back in the end zone. The big play of that drive came on second down with about 11 minutes left in the quarter when their quarterback completed a pass of forty plus yards. The announcers pointed out that the Falcons had scored on all three of their drives.
On first down, Lock was sacked for an eleven yard loss. On second down and 21, Lindsay ran up the middle for 6 yards. On third and fifteen, Lock completed a pass to Gordon for 9 yards. Denver punted on fourth down.
At the 6 minute mark, Atlanta completed a shovel pass for 11 yards. Thanks to the Denver defense, the next two running plays netted four yards, but on third down, with 4:29 left, Denver was called for pass interference. There were 3 flags on the play. The Falcons then gained 35 yards and they ran the clock down to the two minute warning. On second and 7, the Denver defense was once again flagged for pass interference. This time, there were only two flags. After a quick review, it was determined that the ball had been tipped, so the refs ending up picking up the flags. On third and 7, Denver sacked their quarterback. Atlanta then kicked a 35 yard field goal with 1:48 left in the first half.
Lock completed two passes for a gain of 17 yards over the next three plays. On second and 10, Gordon gained one yard. On third down, Lock threw an incomplete pass. The Broncos punted with 34 seconds left in the half. Atlanta took a knee to end the half. Atlanta led 20-3 at halftime.
To start off the second half, Lock completed a pass to Jeudy, who fumbled out of bounds for an eleven yard gain. Lindsay then gained 3 yards on first down. On second down, Atlanta was called for pass interference for a 22 yard gain. On first down, Lindsay ran up the middle for a 6 yard gain. On second down, Lindsay gained nothing. On third down, Lock found Patrick for a first down. With 11:54 left in the quarter, Lock threw an incomplete pass into the end zone and begged for a pass interference call, which he didn't get. Gordon then gained three yards on second down. Lock threw an incomplete pass as he was being sacked on third down. The Broncos ended up kicking a 41 yard field goal.
The next Falcon drive was cut short when Justin Simmons intercepted a pass by the Falcons quarterback at the eleven minute mark. Denver must have felt challenged and on first down, Lock fumbled the ball which the Falcons returned to the 9 yard line. That play was challenged and reversed. On second down, Lock connected with Jeudy, who fell down for a 3 yard gain. On third down, Lock scrambled for 4 yards. The Broncos punted with 9:36 left.
Back on offense, the Falcons ran to the left for 2 yards. Chubb was flagged for roughing the passer on second down. After another first down run by the Falcons, the Denver D was flagged for another fifteen yard penalty. The Atlanta quarterback then scrambled for a first down, on first down. The Denver D held their running back to a gain of three yards on the next play. The Falcons quarterback responded by tossing the ball 21 yards to a receiver that was wide open in the end zone. The score was now 27-6, Atlanta.
On the kickoff return, Denver was called for holding. On first down, Lock threw an incomplete pass. Lock scrambled for 4 yards on second down. On third down, Lock connected with Okwuegbunam for a fist down, but the big O injured his knee on the play and was later ruled out for the remainder of the season. On first down, Lock threw his signature incomplete pass. On second down, a late flag charged Lock with intentional grounding. Gordon picked up 8 yards on second and 21. Lock connected with Fant for a gain of 2 yards on third and 13. Denver punted with 4 minutes remaining in the quarter. Nothing happened for the rest of the quarter.
To start off the fourth quarter, Lindsay gained 7 yards. Then Hamilton caught a pass for a first down. On first down Lock threw another incomplete pass. On second down, Lock scrambled for 5 yards. With 13:22 left, Lock connected with Jeudy for 20 yards and a touchdown.
The highlight of the next Falcon drive was a 24 yard pass on second down with about 12 minutes left. After that play, Denver sacked their quarterback. The Falcons then punted the ball away with 10 minutes left in the game.
On first down, Lock threw an interception. Atlanta now had the ball on the 12 yard line. On first down, they moved the ball through the air for an eight yard gain. On second down, the Falcons ran up the middle for a touchdown. Atlanta now lead Denver 34-13 with 9 minutes remaining.
Denver had the ball back and Lock connected with Hamler for a 36 yard gain. Lock followed that up with another incomplete pass. On second down, Hamler caught a pass for a 4 yard gain. On third down, Lock threw another incomplete pass. On fourth and 6, Denver went for it, but Lock's pass fell incomplete in the end zone. Maybe Atlanta was tired at this point, because they ran three plays on their next drive before punting.
Back on offense, Lock scrambled for a gain of 16 yards on first down. At the 4:39 mark, Atlanta was called for pass interference. On the next play, Lock threw another incomplete pass as he fell backwards. Then Vannett caught a pass for a first down. Lock then threw another incomplete pass into the end zone. On second down, Lock scrambled for 8 yards. On third down, Lock connected with Patrick on a nine yard touchdown pass. The score, with less than four minutes left, was Atlanta 34, Denver 20. The Broncos attempted an onside kick, but that failed.
The next Atlanta drive went nowhere but they did get Denver to spend two timeouts. Denver's offense returned to the field with the ball on the 18 yard line. On first down, Lock completed a pass for a two yard gain, but Lock was nailed on the play. Atlanta was flagged for unnecessary roughness on second down. Lock then connected with Jeudy for a 41 yard gain. Lock then tossed the ball to Patrick for a four yard gain right before the two minute warning. When play resumed, Lock scrambled into the end zone for a Bronco touchdown. That ended up being the last score of the game. Denver tried and failed on another onsides kick. The next Atlanta drive succeeded in getting Denver to spend their last timeout. They punted with 53 seconds remaining.
The last Denver possession was just 4 incomplete passes. Atlanta took over on downs with 23 seconds left and took a knee to end the game. Final score Atlanta 34, Denver 27.
The Game Stats
Time of Possession
Passing Attempts
Passing Yards
Rushing Yards
Time of Possession
Passing Attempts
Passing Yards
Player Stats
The Running Game
* AYPC is average yards per carry
PlayerCarriesAYPCLongTD(s) Fumble(s) Lindsay83600 Lock771610 Gordon63900 Hamler1151500
The Passing Attack
* He was targeted once
** He was targeted three times
PlayerReceptions%LongTD(s)Fumble(s) Jeudy750%4111 Hamler660%3600 Patrick444%910 Fant3100%3200 Hamilton2100%900 Vannett1100%1100 Gordon1100%900 Okwuegbunam1100%700 Cleveland*00%000 Lindsay**00%000
The Quarterbacks
compypaTD(s)INT(s)LongRating 52%7214178
AttYardsLongTD(s) 747161
TimesYards LostFumble(s) 1110
compypaTD(s)INT(s)LongRating 71%83151112
AttYardsLongTD(s) 310120
Time(s)Yard(s) LostFumble(s) 2130
During the week
The media made a big deal about Fangio not kicking a field goal when his kicker told him he could make it.
Lock’s press conferences are pure boiler plate, which is annoying the media.
There was a lot of talk about the future of Drew Lock. Unfortunately for him, this week was the complete opposite of last week. Last week he was the second coming of John Elway. This week he was an unteachable, NFL bust.
I didn’t hear it, but apparently Von Miller gave another bad interview.
I’ve lost track of who has Covid in the Broncos organization, but the state shutdown the traditional school system for the year. Classes will be virtual only until further notice.
Afc West Standings
Vs the Division
TeamGame(s) PlayedWinning %Net Las Vegas2100%+13 Kansas City367%+22 Denver250%-26 Los Angeles30%-9
Vs the Conference
TeamGames PlayedWinning %Net Kansas City5100%+79 Los Angeles2100%+13 Denver450%+8 Las Vegas333%-13
vs the NFC
TeamGames PlayedWinning %Net Kansas City1100%+2 Las Vegas367%-11 Los Angeles30%-15 Denver20%-25
Looking back at the afc west over the past two quarters.
First Quarter Trends AFC West
PPG is points per game PPGA is points per game allowed NPPQ is net points per quarter (a period of 4 games) TeamPPGPPGAWinsNPPQ Kansas City29184+47 Las Vegas28302-9 Los Angeles21241-12 Denver21251-16
Second Quarter Trends AFC West
PPG is points per game PPGA is points per game allowed NPPQ is net points per quarter (a period of 4 games) TeamPPGPPGAWinsNNPQ Kansas City34213+54 Las Vegas27273-2 Denver23302-27 Los Angeles31301+1
Looking ahead to Denver's future opponents *(records as of November 14)
Denver Bronco Third Quarter Outlook
WeekTeamWinning %Wins 10Raiders63%5 11Dolphins63%5 12Saints75%6 13Chiefs89%8
Denver Bronco Fourth Quarter Outlook
WeekTeamWinning %Wins 14Panthers33%3 15Buffalo78%7 16Chargers25%2 17Raiders63%5
The worst offenses in the NFL: Quarter 1
New York Giants,47 points scored,96 points given up,0 wins
New York Jets,65 points scored,131 points given up,0 wins
Washington Football Team,79 points scored,112 points given up,1 win
Houston Texans,80 points scored,126 points given up,0 wins
Denver Broncos,82 points scored,98 points given up,1 win
Los Angeles Chargers,83 points scored,95 points given up
Philadelphia Eagles,84 points scored,107 points given up,1 win
Chicago Bears,85 points scored,81 points given up,3 wins
Miami Dolphins,93 points scored,96 points given up,1 win
Jacksonville Jaguars,95 points scored,117 points given up,1 win
The worst offenses in the NFL: Quarter 2
New York Jets,29 points scored,107 points given up,0 wins
Dallas Cowboys,59 points scored,120 points given up,1 win
New England Patriots,69 points scored,102 points given up,1 win
Buffalo Bills,75 points scored,99 points given up,2 wins
Chicago Bears,76 points scored,85 points given up,2 wins
Washington Football Team,77 points scored,73 points given up,2 wins
Carolina Panthers,80 points scored,91 points given up,1 win
Cleveland Browns,82 points scored,111 points given up,2 wins
Jacksonville Jaguars,84 points scored,130 points given up,0 wins
Los Angeles Rams,87 points scored,72 points given up,2 wins
Today's teams ranked by stats
Broncos (3-5)
Lost 1
Raiders (5-3)
Won 1
The Raiders have won 63% of their games and the Broncos have yet to beat a team with a winning record. They barely beat the Chargers (winning percentage 25%).
If the Broncos fail to win this game, it's highly likely they finish the third quarter of 2020 0-4 with an overall record of 3-9. If this happens, they would have to win every game in the fourth quarter of the season to finish this season at the same record as last season. If Covid wasn't a factor, I suspect everyone involved with the Broncos would be looking for new homes.
Game Time
Sunday November 15 @ 2:05 PM MT
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nowgoalbola · 4 years
Lazio VS Fiorentina, over 2.5 goals
Match Time:6/28/2020 03:45 Sunday(GMT+8)
Italian Serie A -- Lazio VS Fiorentina
Livescore | Match Prediction & Tips| Asian Handicap Odds|Line-ups& H2H Stats
Match analysis:
Lazio is hosting Fiorentina at Stadio Olimpico in round 28 of Italian Serie A.
Lazio was playing fantastic soccer before the break, especially in the attacking end. Before their first game back, Lazio has had 62 points and was in second place with just one point behind Juventus, but unfortunately for Lazio, they lost their game earlier this week, while Juventus won theirs. The difference is now 4 points. Lazio has scored massive 62 goals this season, while their defense has been one of the best in Serie A with only 26 conceded goals. In their last game against Atalanta on the road, Lazio has had only 40% of ball possession, 3 shots on goal, 0 corner kicks, and 75% of the correct passes. This was a fantastic game where Lazio had a 1-2 lead at the half-time, but Atalanta completely turned the game around in the second half, and Lazio has lost this game 3-2. This was one of the worst games for Lazio this season, and now is the time to shake it off and to get back on winning track if Lazio wants to stay close to Juventus. Ciro Immobile has scored 27 goals for Lazio this season, while Luis Alberto added 12 assists. Lulic and Felipe are both injured, while Leiva is still questionable. I really hope that Lazio can stay consistent and that they can get back on the winning track because it’s about time that someone takes the title from Juventus.
Mitch's Message to the Sports Chat Place Community
Fiorentina hasn’t lost any of their last 4 games, but they are struggling massively with scoring goals as of late. Fiorentina has scored only 33 goals so far this season, conceded 37 goals, while they won 31 points which are enough for 13th place in the standings. Closer to the relegation zone than to the Europa League. It’s a shame that Fiorentina can’t get into a better form because they certainly have the quality to be much higher in the standings, but something is very wrong in this club. In their last Serie A  match against Brescia, Fiorentina was the better team with 57% of ball possession, 5 shots on goal, 7 corner kicks, and 85% of the correct passes, but unfortunately for Fiorentina, this was enough only for 1-1 tie. As I’ve said earlier, Fiorentina is struggling massively with scoring goals. Kouame is injured and he will not be playing in this game. Vlahovic and Chiesa have both scored 6 goals for Fiorentina this season, far from enough for Fiorentina to compete with the big dogs. I’m confident that Fiorentina will stay outside the relegation zone, but the rest of the season will be incredibly tense for them if Fiorentina continues playing this bad soccer in the attacking end.
Odd analysis:
When playing at home, Lazio has not lost to Fiorentina in their last 4 games, and Lazio hasn’t lost any of their last 11 home games overall. I will side with Lazio here because they need a win more than Fiorentina to stay on Juventus’ tail and possibly even take the first place from them soon.
Lazio VS Fiorentina
O/U Pick:over 2.5 goals
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thechaoscryptid · 5 years
Writer’s Tag Game, Bouncy’s Edition
Many thanks to @tipsyraconteur for tagging me ❤❤ I know I said this was going to be my strictly Naruto blog but there’s definitely some of my other fandoms that are going to worm their way in heh.
Rules: brag to your heart’s content, you’re awesome, and then tag 5-10 people to do the same.
I’m tagging (if you’d like to play, no obligation): @magnustesla, @scarecrowinthewoods, @dunloth, @caped-ace, @alexianite, @benicemurphy, and @ocean-in-my-rebel-soul (you Voltron peeps, it’s Ary 😉)
1) What’s a paragraph you’ve written that you’re really proud of?
From Order and Obedience (KakaIru): 
“Think Konoha’s dog is going to be an easy fuck, ranger?” Kakashi asked, eyeing every possible exit. Just in case. “That my allegiance is so easily swayed?”
“I think if you were still wearing your boots you’d be trembling in them,” Iruka said without missing a beat. “Your desire to serve the light may not make sense to me, but even I can see that the way your skin drinks in the moon would be pleasing to any god. I’m not demanding darkness, only obedience.”
2) Pick a favorite scene from your longest fic!
The scene in Wake the White Wolf (KakaIru) where Sera and Kakashi part ways. I still get chills at the lines “You are no longer my problem. I am no longer your whore.” There’s plenty of fantastic scenes from that fic, but that still remains one of my favorites. That whole arc, really, from when she finds out the news to when it’s finally 100% over. 
3) Give us a snippet of your most recent WIP:
Voltron! This is a part of one of my stories for the Sheith Big Bang coming up:
A galaxy will never be enough to contain my love for you. 
Mechanically, Keith’s hands go through the motions of powering up Black as Krolia’s voice comes through the comm link. It’s another diplomacy mission--another he’d rather skip in favor of liberating some far off colony from oppressors or just staying in bed, unmoving. The lion doesn’t speak to him the way she used to, and neither does anything else. The universe, for all its glory, has become simple.
Grey, even with color sprays from passing planets and nebulas.
He chews on the side of his lip as he lets his head tip to the side, checking to make sure things are in order. His mother’s still rattling off information about the mission and he just wants to tell her to be quiet, he’ll figure it out on his own later. He wants to hear the ghost of Shiro’s voice whispering it loves him again.
Ghosts are never enough, but Shiro’s I’ll love you until forever ends echoing in his head assuages the pre-mission blues. “Not that it’s ever anything else these days,” he says under his breath. Krolia asks what he said, and he blames it on a squeaky chair. “Gotta get in here and tune up the cockpit when I’m back. Project for Shiro and I.”
“Well, just as long as it doesn’t interfere with things now. You ready to give ‘em hell?”
Keith pastes a smile on his face, though he knows she’s not on the video link. “Would you expect anything different?”
4) If all of your published fics sparred, who would win and why?
Ohh, tough one...based off of stats, Wake the White Wolf, no question. Off of personal preference? Probably Crescendo (SakuOro) right now. 
5) What’s a fic/author you’ve taken inspiration from and in which one of your works did you incorporate that inspiration?
I won’t lie, Tipsy, a lot of my recent style choices came from Scar Tissue 😅 I found I really enjoy storytelling in present tense, with longer flowing lines punctuated by short lil ones for emphasis. It’s appeared in...most of my recent stuff? I switched within the last year or so.
(putting the rest under a cut because there’s some longer answers)
6) Which fanfiction character do you enjoy writing the most? In which one of your fics do you think you wrote them best?
This is another tough one xD I think I actually have to go with a three part answer here, though really, I enjoy writing so many more.
Kakashi Hatake: Shatter Me (KakaIru), best fic
Dazai Osamu: Marionette (Dazushi), best fic
Keith Kogane: since I can’t tell which one of my bang fics yet, I’ll go with my favorite published, which is Unsteady (Sheith). Truly, it’s going to be the fic from the above snippet hehe
7) Smut or fluff? Give us a sneak peek of your favorite fluffy/smutty scene you’ve written.
Mmm, smut. I’ve really got to be in the right mood for fluff, and my not-so-guilty pleasure reading is angsty smut.
My favorite fluffy/smutty scene...I think it’s probably from Reciprocity (KakaSaku)!
He wishes he still had the Sharingan to capture these moments. Sakura’s still got her thin undershirt on, but the delicate hollows of her collarbones call to him as she reaches over to light their lantern. There will be no fire tonight save for the one burning low and heavy in his stomach, as if he’s swallowed molten rock.
“Do I need to do the rest?” she says, dragging her hands up her legs as she stands. “Should I strip for you, Kakashi?”
He stands along with her and tugs off his mask first, then his shirt. Sakura gasps as the angry red of fresh scars is revealed, fingers twitching toward him before he shakes his head. “Let me,” he murmurs.
Inch by inch, the pale curve of her stomach is revealed. Shadows flicker and dance over it along with the flames, and when Kakashi pulls Sakura’s shirt the entire way off he thinks not even the prettiest sunset could compare. There’s several scars--no shinobi makes it out without them--and no shortage of muscle packed into her small frame, but somehow she makes a battleborn body beautiful.
Sakura makes life beautiful.
Her breath hitches when he tells her this, something shifting in her at the tender touch of his lips against her forehead. “You’re sure you don’t want me to just jump you right now?” she says breathlessly.
“No jumping,” he says. “Only falling.”
8) What’s a scene in one of your fics you wish you would receive fanart for?
Uh, literally any one 😅 My top choice, though, I think would be of my favorite OT3 in Desperately:
“I’ll be a lot cuter when the day comes.” Sakura shoved the bandana up and crunched her nose as she looked back with Ibiki. “You might have to leave me at the altar to catch everyone fainting at the sight of me.”
Ibiki’s laugh rumbled through the living room as he gathered her back to his chest. “We’re never leaving you there, baby, you know we couldn’t,” he said. “Or maybe we could take turns catching them. How d’you think your clothes will hold up, Rai?”
“They’ll be fine. I volunteer for catching duty as long as it’s you two falling for me at the end,” he said, spreading his arms over the back of the couch as he watched them sway. “And of course, falling into bed with me later.” Ibiki cocked an eyebrow as Sakura giggled into his scarred chest. “What, you think I”m joking?”
“Never considered it,” Ibiki said. He pulled away from Sakura to trail his hand up her arm, urging her to spin. His uniform lifted from her creamy skin and Raidou sucked in a breath as the purple lace on the bottom of her underwear was revealed. She knew he couldn’t resist those, and Ibiki certainly didn’t mind them either.
“Come here,” he said. Ibiki let her go and gave her a gentle push toward Raidou’s outstretched arms before flopping next to them as the song began to repeat. “I saw those. You can’t hide them from me.” Her hair tickled his face as he kissed over her cheek down to her ear. “Wearing my husband’s shirt and my wife-to-be’s favorite underwear, how scandalous, Sakura,” he purred.
“I’m sure your wife-to-be will be so very displeased I stole them,” she said, pulling back with a mock pout before turning to beg a kiss from Ibiki. “I hear she picked them specifically for tonight because she wanted to get laid.”
9) Would you ever consider turning one of your fics into a podfic? If no, why not?
Not on my own? I have hearing problems, so it’s just really never occurred to me. If anyone else wanted to, though, I wouldn’t say no!
10) The best (or your favourite) 5 reviews you’ve ever gotten! Don’t forget to tell us which one of your fics received them!
There’s so many 😭😭 My commenters are all fucking awesome, but I’ll trawl my saved comments for some highlights!
P5eud0Nym on Wake the White Wolf (KakaIru omegaverse): So, I just wanted to say you’ve been doing a fantastic job. I appreciate that this isn’t, and hasn’t at any point been, a dumb tropey kink fic. That you’ve taken the time to put so much heart into all of this. The fact that you’re exploring the politics, the social issues, and writing all of the characters as being more than just their A/B/O designations, so good. The multifaceted way you write is just really and truly refreshing. It’s obvious how much work and thought you put into this. You’re tackling a lot of really important stuff, from consent to civil rights, and it’s some grade A USDA certified Good Shit. Thanks for the fic and keep up the good work <3
Lilmeliz on Monster (ShigaDabi): AAAAAAA GUARANTEED I CAN BLOW YOUR MIND mwa. Please excuse the lame dua lipa reference I’m so sorry I’m so sorry I couldn’t-- Delicious. Finally some fucking good food. I want to congratulate you. This is such a beautiful, touching, heartwarming masterpiece. I even cried a little. I usually read shiggy with his dark past and his (soul) scars and all that jazz, and venturing into the thought of him having a mere fiber of good will in himself, in his actual self, is risky and prone to be ooc. But here it sounds right. It feels personal, private and even possible, my boi :( Dabi is an angel, I’m dying. I like the reminder “they lie, they kill...” Yes he’s an angel but he’s still evil. I don’t know what else to add but really, this is stunning! IM GONNA TATTOO THISSS amazing work 
Prism0467 on Forbidden (KakaIru): You have written their mutual dependency with such nurturing attention to detail I feel as if I know them. I’m not sure I’ve ever felt...embraced by a work of fanfiction before now...this may well be a first. Your enthusiasm for this pairing comes through loud and clear, I’ll tell you that :)
PearlBear on Crescendo (SakuOro): Wow. Just wow. This is brilliant, heart-wrenching, creative and extremely, extremely well-written. You have such a way with words, I was actually crying. And you adapt their lives as shinobi so seamlessly to situations that happen in real life (how many partners give up on possibilities for their significant one and get nothing in return?). This story managed to move me deeply and all the while, they all were in-character (it hurt when Tsunade looked at Orochimaru in the same way they all do, also loved how Tobirama and Madara are his parents). The omegaverse wasn’t heavy at all, instead it’s well integrated enough that I, who don’t particularly like it, barely noticed and completely accepted it. It’s just the way things are. You manage to convey so, so much in a few words. I’m amazed. So, thank you for sharing this! I am very, very excited for what’s next, whether Orochimaru experiments to save himself, whether Sakumo commits suicide (or worse, dies on this mission), whether... So many possibilities. Your story is outstanding. Thank you for writing this gem!
(insert special shoutout to Tipsy’s review of Testing the Waters...)
and no comment appreciation section would be complete without at least one from @magnustesla! 
This one from Of Scale and Steel (Sheith naga AU): Ary, sometimes I am left speechless and I don’t quite know how to articulate my thoughts after reading one of your fics. Like, everything is just so...so brilliant that it’s like my brain fucks off when I try to get my thoughts down onto a page. Turning well known and beloved characters into something else entirely isn’t easy and often they miss the mark leaving the reader not really connecting with it. But you, you are brilliant and clever in all that you write because damn, I love Naga Keith. It feels like it IS part of canon. And your oc? Super adorable and she just belongs. I really loved her interactions with Shiro and the chewing on his finger had me rollling because it reminded me of when J would test everything by chomping it. Not relevant but it sparked a good laugh from me, especially because it is totally something kids do. I’m so fucking proud of you and I’m excited to see you get your mojo back with this fandom. Love you ❤
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incarnateirony · 5 years
I’m impressed.
Lethal Weapon’s boycotting kidlets really stuck to their guns. Within the respective Fox Bubble, it’s been a horrific failure. Their female demographic is in shambles and I’m actually side-eyeing their digital hoorah and wondering if that’s the source, but I’m not plugged in enough to know. 
It’s been a while since I’ve heavily fixated on ratings outside of the CW because fandoms within the CW have had their heads screwed on so ass-backwards about the CW bubble and ratings in general it’s been a full time job, but the last few years of decline in ratings abroad haven’t failed to horrify impress.
Please note since tumblr doesn’t date posts, this is numbers as of 5/5/19 with targets based earlier in the year for the 2017-2018 season, end of Fall through Spring season, the cusp of summer season starting.
For example, NBC’s Target is currently around a 0.68 this year, but they still took ages to consider on Champions, that settled at a 0.4 last year. Target is general goal level, not necessarily cancel time, but tipping below puts you at into bubble edge territory and eventually, you’ve popped your bubble, depending on the lean.
I already knew WB-CW products are around 0.23 and CBS-CW are around 0.19 as their target. What’s slipped my notice is only CBS Comedy and NBC drama have their general target zone at the 0.7x range. Fox is the outlier at 0.84/0.87. That’s pretty freakin horrifying. 
Like that’s considered average performance on the Big 4 right now. Hell, Abby’s on NBC is pulling about a 0.4x average and some people are thinking if they hold onto it, with as long as NBC deliberated over Champion’s 0.4 last year, they could actually be an underdog for renewal since the bar has already dropped since then.
On a big 4 network.
To put this into scale, in the previous season (2017-2018 season, or in SPN standards, season 13), the CW line was around 0.32 for WB and 0.24 for CBS products; All other networks were riding the 0.8 to 0.9 line with some expecting close to a 1.0 for their targets. Now compare that a year later.
To scale this, have this chart from this old article (link) showing the slide from 2003-2014 for the big 4.
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You’ll also find it talking about a lot of the things I talked aboutabout “is TV really dying” and “why are numbers falling” and all that hot stuff. Funnily, they too also source Spotted Ratings, which I often source -- and which idiots take slang terms like “It’s very ‘inside baseball’” and turn into “you use baseball stats reeeee!” because people apparently don’t understand idioms. Protip: It’s a science and an art, it’s a sport, and if you don’t get the mechanics, Spotted Ratings can be dizzying to navigate because of how it puts laser focus breakdowns on the multifaceted parts of understanding how ratings work and what impacts them.
Given, this article was on the early end of the digital boom, so talks more about cable’s impact than digital -- which is also valid! You may remember that in my giant explanations that the CAUSES for TV decline have drifted (broadcast TV diversification, early satellite/cable, expanding cable quality, the conversion box mandate throwing people into that universe by force, digital, etc)
But there you go, that was the averages on the years. That includes highs, lows, stuff that got cancelled, daytime TV, primetime TV, and so forth. So when you guys hear me talk about the decline of TV across the board, there it was, and it hasn’t gotten better. In fact, we’re plummeting harder as digital further replaces classic.
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2017, which is where I cycle back to the year I started talking about this in, and so on.
But even tapping out of paying more attention abroad has made this all the more dizzying to tune back into SINCE then and go, summarily, “What the fuck? How are shows floating on NBC at 0.5?”
So just remember, in the year of our premiere, networks were AVERAGING 3.5-4.0. Again, that includes highs, lows, stuff that got cancelled, daytime TV, primetime TV, and so forth.
That said, 
This mythical golden age? You know how I talk about Season 1 averaging a 1.9? That’s in its True metric based on timeslot. You know, the people who like to talk shit claim is “baseball stats.” Do you want to know what it’s real rating was? 1.4. So take a look at that, and take a look at all the surrounding networks. It ranked 165th on the calendar year out of 215 shows, in raw, unbridled numbers, have a citation. ‘Bout a 3.85 average on the big 4. Running about 2 and 3/4ths higher than SPN.
Season 2′s true numbers? a 1.1 while the big 4 are at about *checks* a 3.58 and *checks* 216th rank. Again, big 4 running about 3 1/3x higher than SPN. Season 3? 1.0. Welcome to 2007-2008 season. *scrolls back up to chart* Big 4 were running a 3.33 by then.  Or about 3 1/3 times what SPN was panning. Notice that slide?
Now do you notice a change 2008-2009? Season 4? Let’s see where the big 4 were at *leafs back up* ‘Bout a 3.11. Compared to the 3.85 a few years prior. Now SPN’s raw demo 18-49 was at. *leaf, leaf* Ah yes, a 1.1. Meaning That while the big 4 have slid SPN automagically stabilized and grew, hence the EW article in season 4 about “otherworldly gains in viewership.” 
And then came S5, which people who didn’t understand ratings fixated on the raw viewer drop but lo, behold, where were we in season 5, a 1.2! We went up. Again. While the big 4 were averaging... *checks* A sneeze above 3.0. Like 3.05ish. Or, summarily, the big 4 averages were only 2 1/2 times SPN’s averages. A better ranking than it had ever been. And climbed to rank 123.
Now, I’m not gonna run through the whole course of this. I don’t need to embarrass Sera Gamble all over again.  What I can say is season 6 dropped into the toilet at rank 209. Season 7 tried to fight back to a grand whopping 176. Season 8 bounced back to rank 152. Or, summarily, almost on par with S5. We bounced this bracket (141, 156) until season 11 where we hit rank 131. Season 12? Rank 132.
You wanna know where true finals were considered with SPN S13 once deadline reported in? 0.8. Not the numbers you all were crowing about. Here you go. (Link) Ctrl+F SPN. Oh look it’s at 126. Because Nielsen and anyone with a brain uses common sense and applies TST to ratings now because it’s not 2005 anymore you kumquats.The live was still a solid 0.55 ALONE.
Did I mention that SPN has been a top digital contender since S11 in the top 20 since? A metric that didn’t even exist in old era?
Okay so fine, what’s the Network Averages now that you’re banging on about how awful they are and being horrified? Let’s check TVByTheNumbers! (Link)
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O...Oh. 0.825 would be the average of the other four. Oh... So SPN’s 0.41 of this year is... just... half. Of the big four averages. *scrolls back up* But... but the golden days! The... golden days where SPN ran at less than 1/3 the big 4 network ratings. Not 1/2. Protip: 1/2 is more than 1/3.
And if you follow the CHAIN of this conversation, why he said season 4 was when he started being able to sleep at night and season 5 was when they were revitalized, thanks largely to [gestures at Misha Collins on SDCC panel] this guy. THIS IS WHY.
But -- but -- quality! That’s wild. Rottentomatos S1 reported, even when fresh and new, a 69% audience approval rating with an average 6.8/10. Since then its cult fandom has climbed it to 88%, which, understandable, but its critic meter has fallen it to 67%. S14, still fresh is pulling... 77% audience approval rating. And a 90% on the critic meter.  Wait! Well let’s see what old fandom did. Oh... critic meter S13 100%, audience 80% with 12 less years to boost it. Can’t boost how savage the critics were on S1 compared to later seasons, though.
*keeps filing* there has to be a newish season here people hated! Hey, I hated S12! And it-- *flips* got 79% audience approval and 86% critic meter. OKAY BUT FINE LET’S LOOK AT -- *flips* Oh, that’s super weird, It’s all really solid numbers with a literally visible gradient that can be history tracked with immediate recorded reports versus years later things boosting them over a decade. Wild. And everything still newly classing “Nailed it.”
This is purely a fandom hallucination not rooted in any level of reality.
And that? That’s just why seeing the slide blew my mind. Because I’ll be honest -- I DID think S14 was mildly down compared to S13. Not like, terribly. Not enough to cause a crisis. But enough it ticked on my radar thinking, I think we just slid beneath this retention line we’ve been managing to hold onto, holy cra- oh, no, nevermind. Fucking NBC is running a 0.5. Holy shit.
NBC was running a 3.3 when SPN S1 ran a 1.4 and a 3.0 when SPN S3 ran a 1.0. Now, NBC is running a 0.5 while SPN runs a 0.4. Do the math folks.
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radiantresplendence · 6 years
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Servant Review: 🅱est 🅱oy
Overview: Karna’s a beast. Karna needs an animation update. #KarnaOrRiot He’s a Buster Crit type Lancer and the Lancer with the highest attack in the game. He also pioneered the card-type resist down debuff. 
Oh yeah he’s good, even while boasting somewhat minimal self-damage buffs. 
Under the Hood: At level 90 with the easily-attainable +1000 Fou, Karna boasts 12,976 attack. He has a Buster oriented deck with 2 single hit Buster cards, 2 triple hitting Quick cards and a single three-hit Arts card. He has a Buster Noble Phantasm and a 4-hit Extra attack. With his deck and his 105% damage scaling as a Lancer, Karna has the potential to output some of the highest numbers in the game. 
His generation stats are unfortunately nothing too terribly special. His NP charge generation isn’t too bad, but it’s held back by his lone Arts card. His star generation isn’t much to write home about either, but the somewhat lacking performance is counteracted by some of Karna’s abilities. 
Honestly, what you’re using him for is his statline and his explosive Buster cards. Karna’s here to hit hard; leave the generation and support roles to the rest of the party. If you’re running Karna, he should be your flagship damage dealer. Karna’s a shiny SSR formula car and the rest of your party should be the ideal pit squad. 
Passive Skills:
Magic Resistance C is okay. He’s a knight-class Servant to he has it. 15% debuff resistance can help you out sometimes, but it’s not extraordinary. Technically, Karna’s armor should multiply the effectiveness of this skill considerably, but we don’t get Karna’s Kavacha & Kundala as effects in game. 
Divinity A is better. Karna’s a very high tier demigod, the type that ascends to deity status at the end of their legend. It awards him 200 free damage on each attack. Free damage is never bad. 
Riding A is also pretty good. It’d be a lot better if Karna had more of a quick focus, but it does synergize with the critical skill in his kit and the 10% boon to Quick performance does help out his two Quick cards. 
Active Skills:
Discernment of the Poor A is a decent skill with a somewhat questionable focus. It’s the only active skill that Karna has that doesn’t directly boost his damage, but that doesn’t make it bad. On paper, it’s a stun skill that seals the opponent’s NP, but the more tactical use is that it inflicts a 50% debuff resistance down effect on the target for one turn. You can use it to NP stall, or you can use it to all but guarantee that your debuffs stick to a target. The only debuff that Karna inflicts aside from this skill is the Buster resistance down, but that specific debuff is lucrative and free damage on Karna’s hardest hitting cards. The skill is on a 6 turn cooldown at max level. 
Prana Burst (Flame) A is a big damage boost to Karna’s NP as it gives both a Buster up and an NP damage up effect. They only last for one turn, so this will really only see use when you’re about to fire off Karna’s NP and to that end it’s comparable to a standard Prana Burst. His NP will do more damage from the 20% NP damage increase, but the 30% Buster performance up for one turn is a little lackluster if you’re brave chaining with the NP. It’s a balanced skill whose demerits are largely offset by the fact that you’re probably running Karna with a Merlin. 5 turn cooldown at max level. 
Uncrowned Arms Mastery is Karna’s crit skill and probably the best skill in his kit from a gameplay perspective. It’s a 25% NP battery, offseting Karna’s unimpressive gain rate somewhat. It’s also a 40% critical damage increase for 3 turns, the skill’s main selling point, and it’s a 50% stargen increase for 3 turns, which is a pretty big boon and can somewhat allow him to sustain his crits if he’s using brave chains or his NP. The skill’s very good and is on a 6 turn cooldown at max level.
Noble Phantasm:
Vasavi Shakti O Sun, Abide to Death
EX Rank Anti-Army, Anti-Divine Noble Phantasm
This is an AoE Buster NP that does bonus damage against Divine Enemies. I gives Karna the same niche as Enkidu, but Karna’s more focused on Buster critting for loads of damage than out-sustaining like Enkidu. The 150% to 200% extra damage scales with overcharge, but not enough to make NP chaining too much of a priority with Karna. Post strengthening, it inflicts a 20% Buster resistance down on that which it hits for 3 turns. Buster resist debuffs are pretty rare, so it’s really just free damage on your hardest hitting cards. Bonus points on a Buster Brave Chain with Karna’s NP. It’d be really nice if that debuff applied before the damage though...
Bond 10 CE:
Light of the Deprived is kinda a dull and lazy CE effect-wise. 8% boon to all card types to the party while Karna has it equipped and is on the field. Don’t use it, other people support Karna, not the other way around, especially with such a lack of focus. 
Tips and Tricks: 
Team Karna up with Merlin and Waver for maximum performance. 
Merlin’s resource generation is basically unparalleled, giving Karna the exact fuel that he needs to really put out damage like a well-tuned machine. Merlin also comes with fancy Illusion Magecraft to prevent damage on top of Karna’s NP stun. Really Merlin’s Hero Creation and Dreamlike Charisma make up for Karna’s lackluster self Buster up and lack of a self attack buff. Merlin is really there to amp up Karna’s burst to absurd levels. 
Waver fills in the rest of the holes in Karna’s kit neatly with his NP battery and generic buffs. Also his Noble Phantasm’s defense debuff does make a difference when Karna’s trying to deal damage. 
The units you pair Karna up with should focus on granting stars, so Fragments of 2030, aka the best CE in the game, is a good choice for anyone you pair Karna up with. 
Brynhildr, for her Hero’s Ally skill and Lancer class is also an interesting choice. 
In a lot of ways, Florence Nightingale is proto-Merlin, so she can also be used. 
For more budgeted teams, Andersen is actually one of the best units in the game and should be a mainstay with one of the aforementioned SSR units as a friend support for those with less robust boxes. 
Other useful units include William Shakespeare and Leonidas I, though their application is less for general use, and more for specific circumstances, such as a newbie relying on a friend’s Karna to clear the story, or the Setsubun event. Still, they have good synergy with Karna and are worth mentioning. 
Craft Essences:
The two cards that immediately come to mind are Victor of the Moon and Golden Sumo Wrestling. 
Victor of the Moon will likely give you the most of the two if you have the means to support an effective Buster crit engine. Whereas Golden Sumo is an event CE from Onigashima which fills in the main hole in Karna’s own ability to buff his damage, the lack of a self attack buff. 
Other good options are the likes of Limited/Over Zero and Anniversary Heroines.
Really, anything that boosts Buster, crit or general attack damage will do fine on Karna those are just a few of what I feel the best options are. 
Karna and Ereshkigal are probably the two vying for the position of best AoE Buster Lancer. Karna will do more damage usually, but Ereshkigal is a lot more team friendly. 
Another thing to note is that Karna’s Anti-divine lancer gimmick is one that sees a lot of overlap with other units, namely Enkidu, so he has a lot of competition in his niche, what makes him stand out is the sheer overwhelming damage that he can ouput.
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dorukbaski123 · 3 years
Picks and Parlays MLB - The 2020 Season's Top Bet Plays. | Betting Hits
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Expert Picks and Parlays MLB - This upcoming 2020 season we have top odds and arbitrage opportunities using key tools and statistics to win you more money.
Surprisingly at DraftKings sportsbook while most money is flowing on the Yankees to win, there has been a lot of money flowing on the Mets as well according to the recently released numbers. Could be that they are based in NJ which is home to the Mets hmm?
“DraftKings Sportsbook has been taking bets on World Series odds over the offseason, and we have an overwhelming betting favorite. 62 percent of the handle and 49 percent of the total bets at DK have been on the New York Yankees. The New York Mets follow them at six percent and four percent, respectively. The defending World Series champion Washington Nationals are next, followed by the runner-up Houston Astros.
The Yankees topping the betting handle is not entirely surprising. They are the betting favorite, and their preseason wins total odds (101.5) are highest as well. The Mets mixed in is not shocking with so much of DraftKings’ gambling business based in New Jersey.
The Los Angeles Dodgers are next in win total behind the Yankees, having been boosted from 97.5 to 100.5 following the Mookie Betts trade. The Dodgers have the second-best World Series odds behind the Yankees, and it would not be surprising to see their handle percentage increase between now and Opening Day thanks to the Betts trade.” via DraftKings
How The Houston Astros Cheating Scandal has affected their winning odds
The biggest story of the offseason was the Houston Astros cheating scandal that ensnared the club who were just coming back from being 2019 world series runner ups and the odds on favorites at the time to win the 2020 world series.
To summarize, After a thorough investigation, MLB determined that during their world series run in 2017 and in 2018, the Astros had used Cameras both at home and away to steal and decipher opposing pitchers signals.
As a result, the Astros were fined $5 million and forfeited their first- and second-round picks in the 2020 and 2021 drafts. General manager Jeff Luhnow and field manager A. J. Hinch were suspended for the entire 2020 season for failing to prevent the rules violations. No players were punished because they had been given immunity by MLB in exchange for their cooperation.
The Astros subsequently fired both Luhnow and Hinch on the day their suspensions were announced. MLB’s investigation also determined that Boston Red Sox manager Alex Cora helped mastermind the Astros’ sign-stealing while serving as Hinch’s bench coach in 2017.
Cora mutually parted ways with Boston the following day. Carlos Beltrán, who had been hired to manage the New York Mets in November 2019 and was the only player from 2017 who was specifically named in the report, also mutually parted ways with the Mets in the same week.
The sanctions were the most severe that MLB has ever issued against a member club and are among the most severe sanctions for in-game misconduct in baseball history. via Wikipedia.
The Fallout
With MLB eyes squarely on them, this upcoming, season and all this turmoil currently dropped them from 1st to 5th in the pecking order for the 2020 world series win which is a significant development for them and the league because the fallout also affected both the Red Sox odds as well as the New York Mets Odds.
2. Money Line
The second most popular MLB betting strategy is to bet the money line. Baseball has the most games played in a season with 162 so there are always some key factors to consider when betting the money line.
Rotations are very important with pitching and hitting. Pitchers will often be rotated with 4-5 day rests, some are on pitch counts. The following are stats to keep an eye on when betting the money line for pitchers.
IP (Innings Pitched)
ERA (Earned Run Average)
WHIP (Walks Plus Hits per Innings Pitched),
WARP (Wins Above Replacement Player).
SO (Strikeouts)
For the offense, you need to consider the following stats for batters.
PA (Plate Appearances)
AB (at-bat appearances)
WOBA (weighted On-Base Average)
OBP (On-Base Percentage)
ISO (Isolated Power)
SLG (Slugging Percentage)
OPS (On-base percentage + Slugging)
3. Run Line betting in MLB
Run line betting is a sophisticated betting strategy but has value and profitability in baseball betting. A bettor will use this strategy to see if there is value in the market by converting the Run Line odds into a percentage chance of winning.
Click here for our free Run Line MLB betting tool where we do all the calculations for you.
Run Line MLB Picks Explainer Video
4. Totals Betting
Totals betting in the MLB Covers wagers on the number of runs, home runs, total points scored and other points related stats and can be a very lucrative bet when teams stats are injected into the equation.
For the most part, MLB games do not go over 15 points so including watching both teams offenses and defenses other factors come into play depending on the lineups and rotations.
5. Over / Unders
Totals betting comes with the wrinkle of over-under which basically wagers on how many points will be scored and if they will surpass those points in the over or not reach those points in the under.
6. Player Props MLB Picks
Player propositions have become very popular in betting circles since they concentrate on just a single players performance, they cover pitchers as well as batters for example how many runs a player will drive in or how many strikeouts a pitcher will have in a game, it is a very enticing bet indeed.
7. MLB Picks today
MLP Picks are very lucrative in MLB betting tips since you can use a smaller investment and win a lot because of their nature. Combining multiple factors to create bigger odds is the nature of parlays and in baseball, it is no different.
With the high number of games played in baseball, a parlay bet can run for several days so can conceivably parlay several games into a single bet that would be a big money winner when hit.
8. Picks and Parlays MLB Playoffs and world series
After 162 games a regular season which runs from April to September, the playoffs start in October and after surviving the grueling season, we come to the playoffs and this is a completely different animal because at this point it is win or go home.
Pitching rotations are shortened and other strategies then come into play more than ever. For a betting expert, this can be quite exciting since by then there is a ton of data to help them make better decisions and win their betting strategies.
9. Free Picks and Parlays MLB
Yes, our tips are completely free, they are accurate and data-driven with experts who understand the game. Since they are free, you can follow with us for a while before deciding to dive in and use them, in fact, we recommend you to do that and you will be impressed.
10. Power rankings MLB Picks
This falls in the category of external factors when it comes to baseball betting. So many media houses track teams and player rankings on a weekly basis, the top one being ESPN and for an MLB betting expert like us.
You have to keep an eye on this when placing bets since it can give one an insight on hot streaks and other factors that are basically secondary factors. Other factors could be the weather for example.
Rain delays could influence how a game is played or if there is a doubleheader. These might not be necessarily key elements but they might help one see the complete picture of a game before placing their bet.
As the oldest of the major three sports, baseball has a vast and unique history that can’t be matched by football and basketball. While baseball isn’t as popular among sports bettors as football or basketball, the sport has been actively wagered on since the early 20th century.
In the first half of the 20th century, football and basketball were both in developmental stages. On the other hand, baseball was establishing itself as America’s national pastime.
With big stars, like Ty Cobb and Babe Ruth, leading the way, the sport took off in the 1920′s. Ironically, the decade began with a betting scandal tied to the biggest event in baseball.
After the 1920 season, the baseball world was shocked by the “Black Sox” scandal. A year after the fact, it was learned that New York gangster Arnold Rothstein had paid off eight Chicago White Sox players to fix the 1919 World Series. In the series, the White Sox were a heavy favorite over the Cincinnati Reds. With the fix in place.
Rothstein was able to win big by betting on the underdog Reds to win the series (Cincinnati won the series five games to three). In the fallout, the eight White Sox players were banned for life from Major League Baseball prior to the 1921 season.
The success of Babe Ruth and the New York Yankees right after this scandal saved baseball from getting swept up in the “Black Sox” controversy. Seven decades later, baseball was hit by another betting scandal that shocked the sport.
After a legendary playing career, all-time hits leader Pete Rose became the full-time manager of the Cincinnati Reds prior to the 1987 season (Rose was a player-manager for the club from 1984-86).
During the Reds spring training camp in 1989, reports began to circulate that Major League Baseball was actively investigating Rose for betting on baseball.
In late August, he was banned for life from Major League Baseball. While it wasn’t officially for betting on baseball, the evidence that Rose did so was overwhelming.
After denying that he bet on baseball when the ban was handed down in 1989, Rose admitted to betting on games (including ones involving the Reds) over a decade later.
While these betting scandals have rocked the baseball establishment, wagering on baseball is enjoyed by many serious and novice sports bettors every spring and summer.
Baseball Betting Basics
Baseball betting is quite different from football and basketball wagering. There are no point spreads in baseball wagering. Because there are only eight or nine runs scored in a typical Major League Baseball game, there isn’t really enough scoring in the sport to justify a point spread. Therefore, the most common baseball wager is a money line or straight bet.
In these type of wagers, the bettor simply wagers on which team will score the most runs in a baseball game without any regards to the margin of victory. Here’s what a typical money line might look like for a Major League Baseball game:
Red Sox (+140) Yankees (-160)
To some novice bettors, these numbers can seem confusing. The easiest way to understand these figures is to use $100 as a base number/amount for each price. In this example, New York is the favorite as the team with the minus figure.
To win $100 on a Yankees wager, the bettor would need to wager $160.
As the underdog, Boston has a plus price. With a plus price, the bettor can simply wager $100 to win $140 on the Red Sox. In these money line bets, there is no vigorish or juice.
However, the bookmaker does establish a kind of fee for the money line odds. The example listed above is known as a 20-cent line.
There is a numerical difference of 20 in the odds between the Red Sox and Yankees. Novice bettors sometimes are confused by this difference.
Because Boston isn’t at a price of +160, the bookmaker is able to keep a little more of the handle on these types of bets.
The closest thing that baseball has to a point spread wager is a run line bet. In these type of bets, the favored team is listed at -1.5 runs.
So, the favored club in a run line bet must win by two runs or more. The underdog team is installed at +1.5 runs. The non-favorite must win the game or lose by just a single run for the bettor to win his run line wager on the underdog.
A money line figure is also attached to these odds and is determined by using the straight line on the game as a foundation to come up with the appropriate price to be attached to the plus or minus 1.5 figure.
Total or over/under bets in baseball work in the same general format as total wagers in football and basketball.
Another unique aspect of baseball wagering involves the starting pitchers. While a football or basketball squad will field the same basic squad for every game, a baseball team won’t necessarily be at the same general level from game to game.
This is due to the starting pitching that is a part of the game. MLB clubs will go with a rotation of five starting pitchers. These hurlers will pitch about every five days.
The specific starting pitcher on a given day for a given team can have a huge impact on the line. So, the starting pitchers for each team are listed next to each team in the betting odds rundown.
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nowgoalbola · 4 years
Bayern Munchen VS Fortuna Dusseldorf, under 4.25 goals
Match Time:5/31/2020 00:30 Sunday(GMT+8)
German Bundesliga -- Bayern Munchen VS Fortuna Dusseldorf
Livescore | Match Prediction & Tips| Asian Handicap Odds|Line-ups& H2H Stats
Bayern München: Close to winning the title (Recent Form: WWWWWW)
Bayern are on 1st place in Bundesliga with 64 points. In mid-week they beat the second-placed Borussia Dortmund (1:0) and by doing so extended the lead over their biggest rivals to 7 points. Bayern host Fortuna on Saturday. “Of course we want to win against Düsseldorf, even though it will be difficult. We want to build on our big win in midweek. A lot of work was put in [to be strong defensively]. Now it is important to build on this in the home game,” said coach Hansi Flick.
Probable line-ups: Neuer; Pavard, J. Boateng, Alaba, Davies; Kimmich, Goretzka; Coman, T. Müller, Gnabry; Lewandowski
Fortuna Düsseldorf: Relegation candidates (Recent Form: WDDDDD)
Fortuna sit on 16th position in the standings with 27 points. They are currently on a relegation play-off spot, but also being unbeaten in last 6 league matches. Now it’s time for an away encounter. “As a player and coach, I always had a lot of respect for Bayern. The success of the association speaks for itself. The football they are playing at the moment is fantastic. It was great how much energy we released on the pitch [on Wednesday against Schalke] and on the bench. We have to do it again. Of course we need some luck, but we want to annoy Bayern with our way of playing football. To do that, we need a lot of energy,” said coach Uwe Rösler.
Probable line-ups: Kastenmeier; Ayhan, M. Jörgensen, Suttner; M. Zimmermann, Morales, Bodzek, Thommy; Stöger; Skrzybski, Hennings
In conclusion, I believe that this might be a low-scoring clash. Both sides have busy schedule these days so perhaps there won’t be too many goals in this fixture.
Bayern München VS Fortuna Düsseldorf
O/U Pick: under 4.25 goals
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I have to ask this before the ask box closes. How would Tomura react if he discovers the girl he's been having the feels for is immune to his quirk. They discover this after an intense argument where by accident he touches her with all 5 fingers over her dress. The dress is destroyed,leaving her naked and Tomura stunned. Thank god he withdrew his hand from the bra OR maybe she wasn't even wearing a bra leaving her tits out XD HCS or scenarios your choice.
As long as I can shoot out at least 4-5 requests a day, my ask will NEVER CLOSE MWUAHAHA! I’m a big fan of the “Tomura’s s/o is immune to his quirk” trope that i keep seeing. 10/10 ask, Anon. You’re getting a Scenario, because I’m in the mood for long hand writing. Mostly SFW themes ahead.
This doesnt matter too much, but Black Parade started playing when i began typing this, so I thought I would update y’all on how emo my pandora playlists are.
You were just so god damn infuriating. You always had to push his buttons, Tomura bitterly thought, leaning as far from you as he possibly could while distracting himself with a simple handheld device. He was trying to concentrate on his score, almost succeeding in trumping the last saves highest stat, but was unfortunately roused from his gaming when you stabed a finger into his shoulder- demanding his attention.
He ran a furious tongue over the tops of his teeth, nostrils flaring as you continued for some reason, to keep. Fucking. Jabbing. Him.
“[First Name], I’m not in the mood.” He snapped, reloading his game, only to have you snatch his device out his careful grip.
“Tomura, you’ve been ignoring me all week. I am tired of fighting for your attention over this game.” You slammed the device on the bar counter, shoving it down the slick countertop as Kurogiri watched with a careful gaze.
It happned to just be the three of you in the bar, and maybe that was why you had gathered the confidence to snatch something out of Tomura’s hands like you had. If anyone else had been around, you doubted you have done such a thing. Tomura was sure to retaliate. It was fair, you reasoned. It really had been a week since Tomura did so much as looked at you. He was too absorbed in his game and alone time to give you a second thought, and you’d be damned if you came second to a fucking video game!
“Give it back.” Tomura said darkly, deciding to show you how little he cared for your outburst by not even gracing you with a turn of his head, holding a hand out and blankly starring at the shelves of liquor sat on the shelves across from him.
“Tomura. If you dont,” You inhaled sharply, shutting your eyes in an attempt to calm down before snapping them open once more and stepping even closer to your boyfriend, brushing up against his lean frame with a threat to your tone. “If you dont stop being such a brat, we’re going to have a problem.”
Kurogiri must have had the concentration of a god, because the mild gasp he held in would have tipped the League leader over the edge. Instead, not egged on by the other villains surprise, Tomura jerked to face you. His eyes were hard and fierce, matching your own and stubborn as ever. There was a tense silence before Tomura inched closer, a hand flexing at his side.
“Did you just threaten me?”
His voice sent a prickle of raw fear down your body, electric in the sense that your instincts were screaming at you to flee. You, of course, being stubborn, did not.
“You’re being difficult, Tomura. Quit it.” You chided, as if the man before you was a mere child.
Sometimes, you really wondered if he was.
“I’m being difficult?” Tomura rasped, pushing himself off his bar stool and looming high above you, his hair casting a dark shadow across scarlet irises. A hand found his neck, nails digging deep into the skin and clawing red lines in agitation. “Me?”
“Yes. You.” You didn’t dare to step down, but you knew a ball was forming in your throat. Tomura was angry. At you. This didn’t bode well.
The villains lip curled and with a quick spin of his heels, he was leaving you. Tomura knew he was bordering a display of his quirk, his fingers itching to touch something and leave it in ashes. He didn’t want that thing to be your face.
You shot out at him like a bullet, snatching at his wrist to draw him back. The man, however, flinched back and shot a hand out, instincts taking over and dragging across your shoulder in an attempt to shove you away. You went flying, to say the least, your body no strength no match for Tomura’s brute strength. It crashed heavily into the bar stools, head slamming taunt against the bar counter. A rush of warm air hit you as you collapsed, the bar spinning while you attempted to blink away the pain in your head. There was no such luck, and it only increased ten fold, acid stinging your throat and your ears ringing.
Through that ringing, you heard a startled yell of your name and as the misty figure of Kurogiri appeared before you, you lost all consciousness.
Hovering above you, Kurogiri hesitated to touch you. You were bare, all but your breasts and lower regions, those merely protected by thin fabrics of your bra and underwear. Tomura had froze in place, but seeing you vulnerable and near naked to Kurogiri shook him from his stupor and he came to your side, throwing his jacket over you.
“She didn’t… she didn’t die.” He said after a moment, his voice laced with both awe and apprehension. 
Tomura knew he had laid all five fingers on you, and when you were thrown, he had felt his heart clench and breath leave him as if he himself had been tossed like a rag doll. He thought you would have died. Dead. Gone. Forever ash because of his stupid mistakes.
But there you were, motionless under bar stools and pale, sure, but alive.
Slowly, still unsure, he brushed a hand across your cheek- only to find you still in place once it left. Immune. You were immune to his quirk, safe from harm by his hand.
Kurogiri struggled to find something to say, just as shaken as his leader. He watched with a weary gaze as Tomura slipped you into his arms, carrying you tenderly from the scene and towards to halls that led to his bedroom.
“Clean this up, and bring me an ice pack and some water.”
With his departure, Tomura slunk away, your weight in his arms having never felt better. He hoped that when you woke, you wouldn’t be too furious with him, he had a lot to make up for, so he planned to show you just how sorry he was.
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