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bangelgifs · 2 years ago
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BtVS 1.07 | AtS 5.22 BtVS 3.20 | AtS 3.15  Requested by @oveliagirlhaditright​
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bluerosesburnblue · 7 months ago
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A very happy birthday to @oveliagirlhaditright!
With Final Fantasy VII Rebirth being one of the bigger games you've played this year and my trend of always drawing some Square Enix property for your birthday, I felt this was only fitting! I know that you and I have both been appreciating the added attention this game gave to the friendship between the ladies, so here they are on a break from their quest playing a little Queen's Blood together~ Aerith needs to consider her moves carefully, because Tifa is one play away from victory!
Happy birthday again to my absolute best buddy, and may the next year be one full of little victories
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bisexualblckcanary · 1 year ago
Hmm... How about something like an AU where it seems Buffy is a serial killer and Angel is the detective working that case? -i may be working on a story like that ever so slowly, but i'm kind of curious on what your take on something like that might be. lol-
People seemed to drop likes flies around this girl, even people she'd only just met. Though, if he was being honest, he didn't think she had to know them at all - she still managed to show up, poking around, whenever anyone died in Sunnydale lately.
No matter, of course; whatever Miss Buffy Summers was hiding, Angel was going to figure it out and end her killing spree.
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iwillrememberyoumarathon · 1 year ago
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I Will Remember You Fic Marathon 2023: Masterlist
Thank you to our amazing Buffy/Angel writers and artists for an event that exceeded all of our expectations! Here are the incredible 41 stories and 15 artworks that made up this year's revamped marathon:
Day 1: daughter by bonniesfire (@lalosalamcnca) Day 2: Yours, Always by @buffy-targaryen Day 3: Breaking Up Is Hard To Do by NicHawkins Day 4: After School Special by a2zmom Day 5: Insatiable by MadeInGold (@reallyreal-madeingold) Day 6: Isn’t It Lovely? (To Die At The Hand of The One You Love) by TemperanceCain Day 7: Amaranthine by Lalaith_Quetzalli (@lalaithquetzallicaresi) Day 8: Wake-Up Call by MamaBewear Day 9: Blush by @aboutafox Day 10: The kitchen won’t collapse if men are cooking! by Liana_Medea
Day 11: Alone by Lalaith_Quetzalli Day 12: The Monster Stomp by a2zmom Day 13: The Circle by KairosImprimatur (@kairosimperative) Day 14: love thy neighbour by bonniesfire (@lalosalamcnca) Day 15: Fool Me Twice by @oveliagirlhaditright Day 16: I Know Those Eyes/This Man Is Dead by Greensword101  Day 17: Of Prophecies and True Love’s Kiss by @ultramarineorchid Day 18: The Red Gate by @bluestarsandclouds Day 19: Overexcited by AmorousGreen (@calenlily) Day 20: Angelus’s Mercy: Part Two by MCorey1317 Day 21: Being Known by Kean (@keanherself) Day 22: Not Like Before by @buffy-targaryen Day 23: I Can’t Remember by MeTheMermaid (@casenpoint) Day 24: Side Mission by @taaroko Day 25: The Chosen Princess and the Shadow Knight by KairosImprimatur (@kairosimperative) Day 26: the girl and the ash by claddaghrings (@bangelism) Day 27: Our Little Family by twinkielove6 Day 28: Can It Be Right to Give What I Can Give? by @asoulofstars & blackdragonhellfire Day 29: An Aspect Of by GraceNM Day 30: Six Times Angel Lost Buffy And One Time He Didn’t by @aboutafox
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Day 31: Two Hot Whiskeys by Liana_Medea Day 32: It's Just That I Stayed (Too Long) by @buffy-targaryen Day 33: Two Steps Back by a2zmom Day 34: Schism by KairosImprimatur (@kairosimperative) Day 35: Always by Lalaith_Quetzalli (@lalaithquetzallicaresi) Day 36: On Little Cat Feet by a2zmom Day 37: Freaky Things by @oveliagirlhaditright Day 38: Counterfeit Innocence by @calenlily Day 39: Reverence by Scribes1015 Day 40: Slayer, Interrupted (A Post-Reunion Trilogy Story) by MCorey1317 Day 41: In My Veins by @taaroko
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1. Sarah Michelle Gellar & David Boreanaz: Bangel stanning over the years. - gifset by @liam-summers 2. Buffy/Angel for “I Will Remember You” Month 2023 - video by @oveliagirlhaditright 3. Forever and Always - video by @bluestarsandclouds 4. She Promised - gif + wallpaper by @lalaithquetzallicaresi 5. Bangelus - Nine Inch Nails - gifset by @marie-moreaus 6. Moments - video by @bluestarsandclouds 7. Buffy and Angel art with chalk brushes - drawing by @kairosimperative 8. Bangel — I Will Remember You - gifset by @marie-moreaus 9. “So, no touching…” / “We stay in touch…” - photoedit by @oveliagirlhaditright 10. Buffy and Angel - Maybe If I Tell Myself Enough - video by @broke-me-into-pieces 11. Buffy and Angel - An Evening I Will Not Forget - video by @bluestarsandclouds 12. AtS 1.08 ♥ I Will Remember You - anniversary gifset by @liam-summers 13. “to live in this world you must be able to do three things…” - gifset by @lalosalamcnca 14. Buffy and Angelus in Innocence - digital painting by @artsying-ifer 15. buffy and angel | work song - video by @bangelism
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sunnydaleherald · 2 months ago
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, January 22nd
Faith is dancing and three cops walk up behind her. FAITH: (turns, sees the police, smiles) Hey, I was wondering what was taking you boys so long. Where you been? COP: We're gonna have to ask you to come with us, miss. Outstanding warrants. FAITH: (playing it cool) Yeah, or we could try this one on instead. How 'bout you guys buy me another drink, (hands them her drink) and we see where the evening takes us. One of the cops grabs Faith's hands roughly, puts them behind her, and starts walking her out. DAWN: (stops dancing when she sees the police with Faith) Hey! KENNEDY: (follows Dawn over to Faith) What's going on?
~~Empty Places~~
The Sunnydale Herald is looking for at least one new editor. Contributing to the Herald is a great way to get your Buffy on! Find out more here.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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BtVS Triple Drabble: Among The Stars by badly_knitted (Buffy, Angel, PG)
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Chicken Wings by ineffablecabbage (Buffy/Spike, T)
Unforgettable by storiwr (Buffy/Tara, T)
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Hello Again by slinky (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Broken Lives - ch.1 by Celticwitch70 (Buffy/Tara, other pairings, E)
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What Happens at Willow Creek - ch. 2 by Alyot (Buffy/Spike, R)
Brutal Honesty - ch. 10 by EnchantedWillow (Buffy/Spike, R) COMPLETE!
An Enmity Most Engaging - ch. 7 by HappyWhenItRains (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Stories of True Love in Capeside - ch. 13 by CheekyKitten (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
How To Be A Heartbreaker - ch. 22-23 by Maxine Eden (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Masquerade - ch. 12 by Holly (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Spiderwebs - ch. 47 by Willow25 (Buffy/Spike, R)
Redefine the Words - ch. 4 by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, R)
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Some You Lose - ch. 23 by lyapunov (Buffy, Stargate xover, FR15)
Lessons: An UnExpected Sequel - ch. 5 by amerie (Buffy, HP xover, FR13)
Psych-Out Wolves: The Side Quest - ch. 2 by calikocat (Xander, CSI Miami xover, FR21)
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Redefine the Words - ch. 4 by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, R)
How to Be a Heartbreaker - ch. 22-23 by Maxine Eden (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
An Enmity Most Engaging - ch. 7 by HappyWhenItRains (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Fanvid: i'm actually really proud of this by ultraviolencekisses (Buffy, worksafe)
Artwork: Andrew Dump by the-nerdcave (Andrew, worksafe)
Artwork: Image tagged with art, digital art, artists on tumblr by dgirael (Buffy, worksafe)
Artwork: Jacket time by blue-star-charmer-art (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Artwork: Good Night Sweet Girl 🎶 by bertolts (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Edit: The end was soon To Bethlehem, it slouched And then, must've caught a good look at you by tenderjock (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Textpost: BUFFY: i can be meaner. if you'd like?? companion(ish) to this by tenderjock (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Textpost: BtVS Spuffy text posts: S6 pt 2 by satinsafefromreality (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Moodboard w/headcanon: I felt inspired to create something after reading maybebitterxox take on Faith x Willow in season 7... by magickinthewillows (Willow/Faith, worksafe)
Two Tillow Moodboards w/headcanons: An AU idea (set somewhere, probably, in early season 7) where Tara is still alive and My first ever moodboard (except for study stuff)! :D both by magickinthewillows (Willow/Tara, worksafe)
Gifset: Xander Harris + Outfits (Season 3) by clarkgriffon (Xander, Cordelia, Oz, worksafe)
Gifset: BEST OF BTVS: Willow Rosenberg — Season One by clarkgriffon (Willow, Xander, Buffy, Giles, worksafe)
Gifset: Sometimes is something. 4.19 The Yoko Factor | 7.22 Chosen Requested by oveliagirlhaditright by bangelgifs (Buffy/Angel, worksafe)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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The Pack…is annoying! by Glad-Passenger-9408
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PODCAST: Episode 87: New Moon Rising by Gym Was Cancelled: A Buffy Podcast
[Recs & In Search Of]
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ISO: selkiemaidenfae seeks fuffy s3 au fic recs where faith never sided with the mayor?
ISO: anonymous [seeks fics with] more of Fred and Lorne’s friendship so bad! answered by boopsterliv
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ISO: NCH007 is Seeking Scythe — anyone selling?
ISO: PresentationNo1568 seeks ATS soundtrack in vinyl
[Fandom Discussions]
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[i finally noticed] in the dark age (s2e08) that the people [in the] summoning/orgy group were... by thechastefreeballer
I'm not even a Xander Harris fan and even I get tired of seeing "Xander Harris is Actually The Worst" by spangelmybeloved
xander coming back to see buffy and willow after he left anya at the altar and they're like "you don't have to explain"... by mattholicguilt
and what if i said cordelia only dated xander because that was the closest she could get to dating buffy. by xaeyrnofnbe and forcebookish
i love it when willow and faith interact they’re both so insane about buffy... by finalgirlguy
[anti spuffy - how Spike treated Buffy in S6] by mortalandstupid
Ask answered: 🔥 tara maclay [when she defends Willow's refusal to use magic] by coraniaid
the "poor Willow is a magical junkie now and it's not her fault :(" subplot [in S6 is actually the worst] by coraniaid
willow's tantrum about xander dating cordelia is a very teenage reaction [but] by comradesummers
I like to believe that David from Angel and Andrew got married. by autumnknight
posts that portray buffy as the sole aggressor in season 6 spuffy annoy me. by comradesummers
Spike's widower arc is so so good because before that he and Buffy had never been together [and yet] by aphony-cree
[headcanon on spike learning how to cook - read OP tags for more] by camellcat
POLL: Is Spike Gender Fluid? by are-they-gender-fluid
POLL: Have you read this fic? [link to Daddy Angelus Chapter 1, an angel fanfic] by haveyoureadthisfanfic
POLL: Worst characterization choice on Buffy the Vampire Slayer by quasi-normalcy
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Soulmates - were there any soulmates in the Buffyverse? by November and others
Do warewolves have souls? by November and others
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Finding their stride [ATS S1 new viewer struggles] by socialpronk
Is Faith a Psychopath? by PrettyIndependent1
can anyone please tell me why they like faith [anti Faith] by Lazy_Pigeon48
What games do you think Faith played on the PlayStation that the Mayor got her? by Hungry_Walrus7562
Why the mayor would give up immortality, political power, money, influence, and opposable thumbs to become a big snake is beyond me. by ComprehensiveFlan638
Buffy’s death on Angel by lilac_heaven29
Is there an Angel crossover episode for Buffy S6? [no] by tuliptwirl
shooting script clarifies how the curse works [on Angel] by SafiraAshai
What are the best platonic relationships between a man and a woman from Buffy or Angel? by InfiniteMehdiLove
Problematic Friendship [Buffy's friends don't treat her well] by CoasterTrax
Kendra vs Drusilla [fix it headcanon] by Lookintomyhazeleyes
IMDb Buffy Boards early 00s [were you on there?] by HappeeHousewives82
Wesley changed a lot... Whose Buffyverse character arc did you like better, Wesley's or Cordy's? by VTuck21
Wesley shooting his employee in the leg by Good_Ad3485
Is Angel the same as Liam? [what] does he have to atone for and why does he go by Angel? [soul talk] by Extra_Impression_428
Submit a link to be included in the newsletter!
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derekscorner · 8 months ago
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Source: https://x.com/unchainedstar/status/1815563680664158690?s=46&t=4hFFKtwsgHgr7sgJahecEA
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palizinhas · 4 months ago
Randomly thought about how one of my fondest memories of the week KH3 came out is that I watched the leaked ending and then @oveliagirlhaditright made a joke before playing it about how the game would end with a beach party and I laughed because I knew it would
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girl4music · 1 year ago
4 more episodes to go before I finish Slayers. I’m actually really enjoying it. I love Evil/Dark Tara. She’s so hot. She’s obviously not entirely evil otherwise she wouldn’t be double-crossing Druscilla and showing mercy to her friends so I reckon the real and good Tara’s influence will win her over. But I will certainly miss that sexy ass voice of Benson’s. Woof. 😛😋😝
Juliet Landau is fantastic as Druscilla. She seems to be much more focused and in the know than ‘BtVS’’AtS’s Druscilla as she wears both her evil genius and insanity marvellously now she’s the BIG BAD.
They’re all really good voicing their characters to be quite honest. Emma Caulfield doesn’t quite sound like Anya but I think that has to do with the character’s age and personal experience as this alternative Anya. She’s not as quippy. Is much more serious and down to business and her sarcasm and bluntness is virtually zero but then so is alternate Cordelia’s. It’s like the fun and charisma has been sucked right out of both of them. There’s not really any funny or quirky one-liners.
James is perfect. He plays Spike to the absolute tee. And despite Indira being a new character and slayer, she’s a lot more interesting than any of the potentials from Season 7 were. A little spitfire and not in a bratty way like Kennedy or a frustrating way like Rona. In fact she acts very Faith-ish but like a lot younger. I’m almost certain this was what Faith was like at her age.
And James Charles Leary as Clem. I didn’t know I needed to hear his voice again. But he sells the comedy and now I think about it, - he is pretty much the only reason Season 6 of Buffy wasn’t completely dull and dark. He provided the lighthearted humour. Very much needed then and very much needed here.
And despite the fact that I still cannot stand Giles as a character, Anthony Head is giving it all he has got and I can appreciate his subtle cynicalness when it’s not coupled with the fact he doesn’t even want to be here.
I’ve still got a fair bit to go so verdict may vary… but at the moment…half way through. This is a solid story!
What do you think @oveliagirlhaditright ? @gh-0-stcup ?
Also I know it’s a joint effort with Chris Golden but Amber Benson should seriously consider writing more supernatural drama. She’s really freaking good at it.
I know she writes erotic romance novels and writes the odd script for TV shows/movies here and there but there doesn’t seem to be anything in the young adult category that she’s done. Unless I just can’t find it.
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oveliagirlhaditright · 8 months ago
Summary: It's hard for Vanessa, knowing everything William Afton wanted her to be--and also what she failed to be--and even more: what she ended up becoming. But with Gregory and Glamrock Freddy by her side, somehow it's easier.
It was… difficult some days for Vanessa knowing that not only was she William Afton's daughter—something she still didn’t entirely understand, and she wasn't sure she wanted the details on how it was possible—but also that he hadn't even wanted her to be herself. No, he'd wanted her to replace the daughter that he'd lost, Elizabeth.
Vanessa was a misfit if there ever was one. But she wasn't alone. In some twist of fate, she had found her "siblings." The boy Gregory who had been meant to be her brother Evan in some way, and even the animatronic "Glamrock Freddy," that had somehow ended up with Michael's soul.
In many ways, Vanessa supposed she could have despised them… and maybe she should have—in an attempt to shout to the world that she wasn't just some piece to a puzzle. But the truth was that Vanessa loved these two with all her heart. And not because they were supposed to be from her family: Afton’s family, rather. Vanessa would have adored them if they had absolutely nothing to do with that part of her life at all, just for the fact that it was these two who had saved her.
"Do you think Cassie would like this one recipe I found in a cookbook?" Gregory asked now, pulling Vanessa out of her reverie. “It’s an orange cake, but it’s largely made with carrots! And somehow, it still tastes more orange than anything! But there’s still a tint of carrot, I guess,” Gregory said the last, with a thoughtful expression on his face, examining the recipe once more as the trio stood together in their new kitchen.
"I'd think that she would at that, since she loves carrot cake so much. What you're doing for her is really sweet, Gregory,” Vanessa beamed at her, for all intents and purposes, adopted son. But since that thought made her feel too old, she swiftly dashed it and amended it with “little brother,” in her head. Yes, that made her feel better all around. And she handed Gregory a mixing bowl for his endeavors, as she wondered how Freddy might help.
And it was by handing Gregory the sugar right away, which reminded Vanessa of what a sweet boy Gregory and Freddy both were: something she knew well. Because it was through them that she was no longer trapped in the darkness as Vanny, after all.
There were some days that Vanessa didn't think she'd ever be able to thank the boy and animatronic enough for what they'd done for her—she could still distantly remember what it felt like to be trapped in her own head, scratching to get out as the memory of Afton made her do thing she hated—but she knew she'd spend the rest of her life being there for the boys, to try and make it up to them.
But speaking of trying to make it up to someone: even though Gregory had had nothing to do with Cassie's getting hurt at the Pizza Plex—rather it had all been the damned Mimic's fault--since Cassie had been injured in trying to save who she thought had been Gregory, Vanessa knew this was why he going all out to try and show her just how much he appreciated her now.
"I think this is a great idea, Superstar," Freddy said smiling. "And you need butter for the recipe, right? Here, have some exotic butters."
"And next you have to use blood oranges; you can't forget about those. After all, they're the tastiest of oranges," Vanessa told Gregory with a wink, before going to the fridge to grab them for her vertically challenged friend. She had left them pretty high up in there when she'd gone shopping last, after all, since she had left the refrigerator had been pretty packed.
It was only when Vanessa turned back around with the bag of oranges in hand that she noticed that both Gregory and Glamrock Freddy were staring at her. "What-" she started. But then she looked at the sharply colored item in her hands and remembered what she had just said.
Blood red oranges. Yes, Vanessa might not have been Vanny anymore—or the intended Elizabeth replacement—nor was Freddy Michael, or Gregory Evan, but one wrong move was all it took to throw them back into that whirlwind, wasn't it?
As it happened, all three of them had far too many memories where blood was concerned. And those memories would always be childhood monsters in the closet, but they all knew how to turn on the lights now. Together.
"Err… How about clementines?" Gregory tried.
"Clementines sound lovely!" Freddy all but sang.
And as Vanessa set about helping Gregory, and Freddy, help make this cake for Cassie, she knew they were also gladly passing the torch to Cassie, too.
Author’s Note: Happy birthday, Liz! ^_^ Hope you’re having a great one so far, like you so rightly deserve. It just seemed right to me to do something FNAF related for you, since you did something FNAF for me last year. And I also know how much you love sibling relationships, of course.
Obviously, there are quite a few fan theories going on with this fic, and they’re some of my favorite ones—kind of like how these three might be my favorite relationship in FNAF.
I also genuinely don’t know where the “Crying Child’s name was Evan” thing came from, but I just decided to go with it here to simplify the writing of things. Yep!
Happy 10th anniversary of FNAF, everyone! May many good things come our way… but most importantly for me and this fic: happy birthday once again, Liz!
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original-iwry-marathon · 1 year ago
Our second fic for IWRY 2023 is by OveliaGirlHaditRight
Forever and Eternity
Don't forget to leave Kudos/Comments. For authors it's food for the muse!
[cross posted from the original IWRY iwry_marathon on LiveJournal]
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thedeliverygod · 1 year ago
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Here are the others. I really wanted vector to the heavens but I didn’t have the money when preorders were up so 😭
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bangelgifs · 2 months ago
Hello there! I was wondering if I could request a gifset if it's not too much trouble? It would be Buffy saying to Angel from The Yoko Factor: "...We don't live in each other's worlds anymore," paired with the shooting script from Chosen. Buffy saying there: "We both have our lives, but... sometimes..." and Angel's "Sometimes is something." I know they don't say that in the epi. But maybe you could make their "...Years, if ever" and "I'm not getting any older" look like they're saying that? IDK.
Hey, friend!
The set is up 🩷
- Lea
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bluerosesburnblue · 2 years ago
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Little Sora went to his best friend Kairi's birthday party at Mickey Mouse's Mega Pizzaplex, but he was having so much fun at Pirate's Cove that he didn't notice that the place was closing! Now he finds himself trapped, and unfortunately on the night that the security guard, Xehanort, is attempting to revive a certain someone in the basement. Now that security guard wants him gone in case he tells someone. With the help of two of the Pizzaplex's star animatronics, Donald and Goofy, can Sora evade both the security guard hunting him and the other animatronics that have now been infected with the Neural Operations Rewritten Together (N.O.R.T) virus?
A very happy birthday to @oveliagirlhaditright! Your gift this year is a combination of an old favorite and one of your new obsessions. Since I actually do know a moderate amount about Security Breach (mostly speedruns but shhhhhh), this seemed like the most natural idea to bring to fruition. Happy birthday again, and I hope you enjoy!
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bisexualblckcanary · 1 year ago
Send this to 10 other bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep this going to make someone smile 💕🩷💖 I had to send it to you, of course;)
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iwillrememberyoumarathon · 1 year ago
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IWRY Fic Marathon 2023: Midpoint Roundup
Day 1: daughter by bonniesfire (@sarahmichelegellar) Summary: These are not the kind of endings people dream of. (Rated T. 3,362 words)
Day 2: Yours, Always by buffytargaryen (@buffy-targaryen) Summary: It was Buffy who called Angel this time, asking to meet in a diner outside of Sunnydale. No longer in the middle, this roadside diner was much closer to home. It's Buffy who wants to talk, but it's Angel with the confession. Can Buffy get through to him? Can they comfort each other the way they used to? (Rated G. 3,285 words)
Day 3: Breaking Up Is Hard To Do by NicHawkins Summary: Buffy and Angel are going through yet another breakup. Completely AU. (Rated T. 2,791 words)
Day 4: After School Special by a2zmom Summary: Years after NFA, Angel is finishing up his day teaching at a community college when his evening takes an unexpected turn. Or, in other words, porn with no redeeming value at all. (Rated E. 8,264 words)
Day 5: Insatiable by MadeInGold (@reallyreal-madeingold) Summary: Angelus catches Buffy in a moment of weakness. He takes full advantage of the situation, and sires her. The only question that remains is: will he be able to satisfy her insatiable appetite? (Rated E. 2,026 words)
Day 6: Isn't It Lovely? (To Die At The Hand of The One You Love) by TemperanceCain Summary: Set during Becoming Part 2. Buffy and Angelus fight, but by the time Angel's soul is restored, it is already too late. Their only choice left is to do what all star-crossed lovers do. Bangel. One-shot. (Rated T. 5,655 words)
Day 7: Amaranthine by Lalaith_Quetzalli (@lalaithquetzallicaresi) Summary: A visitant that crossed all barriers of time and space to right wrongs; a decision that will defy the past and set a new path towards the future; and a bond that, once formed, will never die… (Rated T. 5,121 words)
Day 8: Wake-Up Call by MamaBewear Summary: Takes place between The Girl in Question and Power Play Angel receives a phone call at 3 a.m. from the last person he expected. (Rated T. 1,849 words)
Day 9: Blush by aboutafox (@aboutafox) Summary: Buffy rarely thought far ahead. And even when she did, her thoughts didn't go this far. Years if ever have passed, but only now she realizes she never considered the morning after. (Rated T. 2,361 words)
Day 10: The kitchen won't collapse if men are cooking! by Liana_Medea Summary: How Angel learnt to cook (or an excuse in writing about one of my favorite things: cooking) (Rated G. 1,080 words)
Day 11: Alone by Lalaith_Quetzalli Summary: Alone. That has always been the key-word for her. How she’ll fight, how she’ll die. Alone. It’s something she’s long since accepted. She doesn’t see it as giving up, just doing what best she can with the hand she’s been dealt… Hers is a fire that has been long since put out… at least, until someone else lights it up again. (Rated T. 5,814 words)
Day 12: The Monster Stomp by a2zmom Summary: It's Buffy and Angel to the rescue when a demon terrorizes the scoobes. (Rated T. 5,179 words)
Day 13: The Circle by KairosImprimatur (@kairosimperative) Summary: This time, the only way that Buffy can save the world is by sending herself so far into the future that everything she knows may be gone or forever altered. The one who meets her on the other side, though, hasn't changed at all. (Rated T. 3,006 words)
Day 14: love thy neighbour by bonniesfire Summary: Thou shalt not crave thy neighbour - no matter how handsome he is or how much you want to kiss his perfectly pink lips. (Rated T. 4,956 words)
Day 15: Fool Me Twice by OveliaGirlHadItRight (@oveliagirlhaditright) Summary: "This was the moment of truth. She had to tell him. It was what she been building up to, after all. And there was only one answer she could possibly say. Her soulmate, more than anyone, deserved to know what she’d been through. And in her heart of hearts, Buffy knew that despite the fact their experiences were not the same, if anyone could help her through everything so she could eventually forgive her family, it was him. So why was it when Buffy opened her mouth to explain that she’d been in Heaven, that wasn’t what came out and instead she lied and said, 'Limbo. I was in Limbo.'?" A Buffy season 6/Angel season 3 AU. (Rated M. 22,341 words)
Thanks to all our wonderful writers for their contributions so far! Make sure to celebrate them with kudos and comments.
Sarah Michelle Gellar & David Boreanaz: Bangel stanning over the years. - gifset by @liam-summers
Buffy/Angel for "I Will Remember You" Month 2023 - video by @oveliagirlhaditright
Forever and Always - video by @bluestarsandclouds
She Promised - gif + wallpaper by @lalaithquetzallicaresi
Bangelus - Nine Inch Nails - gifset by @marie-moreaus
Moments - video by @bluestarsandclouds
Buffy and Angel art with chalk brushes - drawing by @kairosimperative
We appreciate all the amazing artists who are participating in the marathon this year! Please comment on and share their work!
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sunnydaleherald · 6 months ago
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Sunday, September 22nd
Xander: “Hey, Red. What you got in the basket, little girl?” Buffy: “Weapons.” Xander: “Oh.” Buffy: “Just in case. Like the tux, Xander.” Xander: “Bond. James Bond. Insurance, you know, in case we get turned into our costumes again. I’m going for cool, secret agent guy.” Buffy: “I hate to break it to you, but you’ll probably end up cool head waiter guy.” Xander: “As long as I’m cool and wield some kind of power.”
~~Fear, Itself~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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The Rod Beneath by Ellen_Brand (Batman crossover, Buffy/Jason Todd, Buffy & Giles, G)
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Reflections Of Tomorrow by LoneFrog (Xander, FR15)
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Just the Way You Are by Zab Jade (Buffy/Spike, 13+)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Something Red - Chapter 1 by Little_Bites (Faith & Willow, not rated)
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Truth and Consequences, Ch. 25 by JamesMFan (Buffy/Spike, R)
Hope is the thing with feathers, Ch. 12-13 by will_ (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
The Degradation of Duality [Series Part 2] Ch. 52 by Ragini (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Little Light, Ch. 9 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Linchpin, Ch. 5 by hulettwyo (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Troubling Deaf Heaven, Ch. 5 by JuneCurry (Buffy/Spike, R)
Unholy Matrimony, Ch. 1 by CheekyKitten (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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Dawn Rising, Ch. 75 by Luna (Buffy, Dawn, FR15, self harm)
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Oh My Goddess, Ch. 4 by Maxine Eden (Buffy/Spike, R)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Drawings by darthmimaulette (Buffy, Buffy/Spike, probably worksafe)
Manips: The Hungry Wolf by spyder-baby (Drusilla, Spike/Drusilla, worksafe)
A Buffy the Vampire Slayer button in progress by lunar-goodness (no people depicted, Buffy quote, worksafe)
Sims by mistyintherivers (Scoobies, Drusilla, worksafe)
drew some buffys! one from the tv show, and one from the medieval flashback in the 1992 movie by nodudeshutup (worksafe)
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A Gachnar doll in progress by Nocturnal-Nycticebus (worksafe)
Welcome 2 the Hellmouth collage :) by DefDoomedPod (Buffy, Darla, Luke, the Master, worksafe)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Episode 5.4 - Hell Bound - crossposted by rock-and-compass
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The dialogue in IWMTLY [I Was Made to Love You] by Stoney, HardlyThere
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Buffy Season 1 is low key maybe my favorite season by AmbitiousOutside7498
SEDUCED BY A TEACHER? Up The Buff! Ep 4 - Teacher's Pet by bigbadllama
Buffy Season 3: Where will it go from here? by RedRxbin
Vampire F/X- film or tv? by CaseTarot
the way season 3 final episodes are epic is beyond by Kindly_Ad2280
[Fandom Discussions]
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I had a dream that Angel was helping Buffy... by oveliagirlhaditright
If you couldn’t have the original cast - which cast would you choose [BtVS S1] by primal-slayer
Skeptical of how realistic it was for the characters to consider working for Wolfram&Hart by thequeenofsastiel
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Was Spike a special or unique vampire? by garfan and others
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Are any of you involved in Scholarship on Buffy? by friendofathena
Looking for DVD set that has "Once More With Feeling" NTSC 16:9 native NOT letterboxed by Maximum-Telephone268
Fancast: Once More With Feeling - dream cast in music theatre by Icy-Morning6813
Did you know that TV tropes exists because of Buffy The Vampire Slayer? by Cailly_Brard7
Spike VS Faith (who wins in a fight?) by FoxIndependent4310
Has anyone gone to the Buffy Popup in Chicago? by BalrogSlayer00
What campfire songs do you think they sang? by AndrewHeard
Quotes from the show to remember when you're in a dark period of your life? by incantopatronus
A defense of Xander by foreseethefuture
Has your opinion any character shifted as you’ve aged? by Tamika_Olivia
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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James Marsters UltraCon 2024 Reports, Pics & Videos via dontkillspike
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Coming to Free Streaming (Tubi) Just in Time for Halloween
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