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oveliagirlhaditright · 8 months ago
Summary: It's hard for Vanessa, knowing everything William Afton wanted her to be--and also what she failed to be--and even more: what she ended up becoming. But with Gregory and Glamrock Freddy by her side, somehow it's easier.
It was… difficult some days for Vanessa knowing that not only was she William Afton's daughter—something she still didn’t entirely understand, and she wasn't sure she wanted the details on how it was possible—but also that he hadn't even wanted her to be herself. No, he'd wanted her to replace the daughter that he'd lost, Elizabeth.
Vanessa was a misfit if there ever was one. But she wasn't alone. In some twist of fate, she had found her "siblings." The boy Gregory who had been meant to be her brother Evan in some way, and even the animatronic "Glamrock Freddy," that had somehow ended up with Michael's soul.
In many ways, Vanessa supposed she could have despised them… and maybe she should have—in an attempt to shout to the world that she wasn't just some piece to a puzzle. But the truth was that Vanessa loved these two with all her heart. And not because they were supposed to be from her family: Afton’s family, rather. Vanessa would have adored them if they had absolutely nothing to do with that part of her life at all, just for the fact that it was these two who had saved her.
"Do you think Cassie would like this one recipe I found in a cookbook?" Gregory asked now, pulling Vanessa out of her reverie. “It’s an orange cake, but it’s largely made with carrots! And somehow, it still tastes more orange than anything! But there’s still a tint of carrot, I guess,” Gregory said the last, with a thoughtful expression on his face, examining the recipe once more as the trio stood together in their new kitchen.
"I'd think that she would at that, since she loves carrot cake so much. What you're doing for her is really sweet, Gregory,” Vanessa beamed at her, for all intents and purposes, adopted son. But since that thought made her feel too old, she swiftly dashed it and amended it with “little brother,” in her head. Yes, that made her feel better all around. And she handed Gregory a mixing bowl for his endeavors, as she wondered how Freddy might help.
And it was by handing Gregory the sugar right away, which reminded Vanessa of what a sweet boy Gregory and Freddy both were: something she knew well. Because it was through them that she was no longer trapped in the darkness as Vanny, after all.
There were some days that Vanessa didn't think she'd ever be able to thank the boy and animatronic enough for what they'd done for her—she could still distantly remember what it felt like to be trapped in her own head, scratching to get out as the memory of Afton made her do thing she hated—but she knew she'd spend the rest of her life being there for the boys, to try and make it up to them.
But speaking of trying to make it up to someone: even though Gregory had had nothing to do with Cassie's getting hurt at the Pizza Plex—rather it had all been the damned Mimic's fault--since Cassie had been injured in trying to save who she thought had been Gregory, Vanessa knew this was why he going all out to try and show her just how much he appreciated her now.
"I think this is a great idea, Superstar," Freddy said smiling. "And you need butter for the recipe, right? Here, have some exotic butters."
"And next you have to use blood oranges; you can't forget about those. After all, they're the tastiest of oranges," Vanessa told Gregory with a wink, before going to the fridge to grab them for her vertically challenged friend. She had left them pretty high up in there when she'd gone shopping last, after all, since she had left the refrigerator had been pretty packed.
It was only when Vanessa turned back around with the bag of oranges in hand that she noticed that both Gregory and Glamrock Freddy were staring at her. "What-" she started. But then she looked at the sharply colored item in her hands and remembered what she had just said.
Blood red oranges. Yes, Vanessa might not have been Vanny anymore—or the intended Elizabeth replacement—nor was Freddy Michael, or Gregory Evan, but one wrong move was all it took to throw them back into that whirlwind, wasn't it?
As it happened, all three of them had far too many memories where blood was concerned. And those memories would always be childhood monsters in the closet, but they all knew how to turn on the lights now. Together.
"Err… How about clementines?" Gregory tried.
"Clementines sound lovely!" Freddy all but sang.
And as Vanessa set about helping Gregory, and Freddy, help make this cake for Cassie, she knew they were also gladly passing the torch to Cassie, too.
Author’s Note: Happy birthday, Liz! ^_^ Hope you’re having a great one so far, like you so rightly deserve. It just seemed right to me to do something FNAF related for you, since you did something FNAF for me last year. And I also know how much you love sibling relationships, of course.
Obviously, there are quite a few fan theories going on with this fic, and they’re some of my favorite ones—kind of like how these three might be my favorite relationship in FNAF.
I also genuinely don’t know where the “Crying Child’s name was Evan” thing came from, but I just decided to go with it here to simplify the writing of things. Yep!
Happy 10th anniversary of FNAF, everyone! May many good things come our way… but most importantly for me and this fic: happy birthday once again, Liz!
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luvvsbian · 7 months ago
not a day goes by that i do not think about the sims 3’s disgusting moodlet icons
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phanfuckingtasmal · 4 months ago
im sorry but i cannot stop thinking about isha's pastel memories that play during her sacrifice scene.
look at how full of colour this beautiful fuckin shot is:
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it's been well established in episodes 4-6 how grim and dark the undercity has become under cait and ambessa's new rule. but look at how isha sees/remembers it - because of jinx.
jinx, who went through a severe childhood trauma that has carried over into her present self - she covers extremely destructive weapons and grenades in bright pinks and blues, neons, childlike doodles, graffiti. (joy and destruction, powder and jinx, a contrast so striking it becomes like a signature for her).
and then we see the world through isha's eyes. when we meet her in episode 2, she's running through sewers, from goons dressed in black; it's grimy and grim. and then all of her recent memories are done in these childlike pastel, almost crayon-y sketches. because what isha saw was jinx covering a dark and grim world in colours.
and so isha covered her world in colour, too.
because jinx made her world bright.
isha looked at jinx and saw the child in her. she saw powder and she saw jinx. she saw joy and destruction. and that's why jinx gave isha so much hope. isha knew the world was grim and dark - but then she watched jinx, and she learned that you can paint over all that grim darkness with neon blue spray paint.
that's why isha believed in hope. that's why in her final moments - in a scene that is lit dimly and dramatically - she sees nothing but a bright world coloured in pastels.
never underestimate the hope of a child.
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rustandruin · 2 years ago
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the ghost of one specific homosexual cowboy regularly possesses Tumblr gays
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captainkirkk · 7 months ago
Concept: Peter actually got bitten by a totally normal spider. It's just a coincidence that his mutant powers were awakened around the same time
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femmefruit · 2 months ago
perv femmes whose hands are always creeping up your shirt or unbuttoning your pants. perv femmes who will push their tongue into your mouth on the first kiss. perv femmes who guide your hands exactly where they want you to grope and squeeze. perv femmes who look like they’re going to eat you every time you change in front of them. perv femmes who will happily take all their clothes off just for your attention.
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dangeroustaintedflawed · 3 months ago
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camilleflyingrotten · 1 year ago
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sonykatzen · 4 months ago
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[insert clever caption that makes you think hard]
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breegadey · 1 year ago
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The Main 5 - Ryoko Kui Doodle Book Daydream Hour
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monsterqueers · 4 months ago
Hey if people are thinking of 'stockpiling HRT' and you are doing it with Testosterone, be aware that is a controlled substance and doing this WILL GET YOU A FELONY CHARGE IF YOU ARE CAUGHT (and it would be very easy for this to happen through the way those posts reccomend).
Its your decision if you want to risk imprisonment (and then definitely losing hrt access), but be aware of the serious consequences- especially if you are recommending this to people!
If you do this with E, you get a slap on the wrist. If you do this with T its a felony. A felony charge deeply effects everything you do. Its not just hard to DYI T, its MANY TIMES LEGALLY RISKIER AND HARDER.
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saltwatersweets · 1 month ago
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i wish i could put into words how much everything about this small bit absolutely FASCINATES me. the way that shadow milk seems almost guilty or sad by something, and then immediately doubles down and becomes work with a sick grin on his face. the way he is so clearly projecting himself onto pure vanilla (does he believe his entire life before his corruption to hold no value? does he view THAT life as a lie?) the way he wants pure vanilla to be just as ruined as he is, to BECOME him… their dynamic is so twisted in all the best possible ways.
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lotus-pear · 1 year ago
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cringefail exes oh my god
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yuttikkele · 3 months ago
thinking about benchtrio and remembering c!tommy was a PROFESSIONAL thirdwheeler for c!beeduo
tubbo: this is my husband ranboo I love him very much
some person: and who’s that?
*tommy in between them holding their hands*
tubbo: oh that’s tommy he’s our ally
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femmefruit · 2 months ago
“skirts with no panties for easy access” yeah whatever but can i raise you the concept of wrecked panties?? so wet you both gasp when you stick your hand down her pants? so wet they’re starting to soak through and cling to her cute little pussy? panties so wet you might as well keep them because she can’t put them on again after?
this is about lesbian sex, men and minors dni
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c00chi3munch3r · 1 month ago
I need a butch to flip me over onto my knees and fuck me with her strap until im crying and begging to cum. everytime I get close she pulls out and whispers into my ear, "Not yet princess~ I'm not finished."
men and minor dni
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