#original IWRY marathon
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original-iwry-marathon · 1 year ago
Our next fic for IWRY 2023 is by thenewbuzwuzz
Foreign Festivities
Don't forget to leave Kudos/Comments. For authors it's food for the muse!
[cross posted from the original IWRY iwry_marathon on LiveJournal]
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original-iwry-marathon · 2 years ago
The goal is one new fic every day of November!
This years celebration of the wonderful Angel episode I Will Remember You is open at https://iwry-marathon.livejournal.com/130386.html
Stories must center around Buffy/Angel, or Buffy/Angelus. Any length, rating or genre is acceptable, but stories must be completed and standalone. Feel free to ask any questions here or feel free to pm me at any time.
Please won’t you join in for thirty days of… “I’ll never forget.”?
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iwillrememberyoumarathon · 11 months ago
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The countdown has begun!
In just six months one month, we'll be celebrating another run of the I Will Remember You Marathon, an annual fanfiction marathon devoted to the relationship between Buffy and Angel.
And this year is extra special — it’s the marathon’s 20th anniversary!
Throughout November, we publish a new story every day in honor of the Angel episode “I Will Remember You,” which originally aired on November 23, 1999.
The marathon got its start in 2004 when it was created by Leni. The tradition has been kept alive since then by dedicated Buffy/Angel fans, including Chrislee, Dark Star, and Angelus2Hot. In 2023, the event was revamped by a group of authors and fandom artists and achieved its biggest turnout in more than a decade!
In addition to fics, the revamped marathon also welcomes artworks including fanart, fanvids, edits, and GIFs.
Sign-ups for the 2024 IWRY Fic Marathon in November are now open!
Authors sign up here.
Artists sign up here.
What kind of stories are accepted?
We will accept any piece of fanfiction, of any rating, that is 500 or more words long and focused on the relationship of Buffy/Angel (and/or Buffy/Angelus).
Where will the stories be posted?
The stories will be posted to a 2024 collection on the I Will Remember You Marathon Archive. We will provide clear instructions about how to post your story to AO3 collections closer to the event.
Can I help out?
We would love to have you join in whatever capacity is best for you. Some roles to consider include:
Beta reading
Supporting the writers with reviews & comments on fics
Promoting the marathon on your platform of choice
If you are interested in participating in another non-writing or non-artist role, email us at [email protected]
IWRY Fic Marathon Organising Committee: Abby | Aboutafox | Bri | GraceNM | Kairos | Kean | Lea | Taaroko
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sunnydaleherald · 4 months ago
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday, November 16
WILLOW: It is nice. He's great. We have a lot of fun. But I want smoochies! BUFFY: Have you dropped any hints? WILLOW: I've dropped anvils.
~~BtVS 2x15 “Phases”~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Haunting Echoes (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by veronyxk84
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Secrets (Drusilla/Lilah, not rated) by Nymue
I Am (Buffy, not rated) by Nymue
[Russian language] Баффи Саммерс выходит замуж (Buffy/Angel, T) by B_E_S
Vengeance (Buffy/Angel, E) by Belladamon29
Tell Me (Buffy/Angel, E) by evesock
Midnight streak (Angel/Cordelia, Buffy/Spike, T) by Bl4ckHunter
"Are You Trying To Get Yourself Killed!" (Giles/Jenny, M) by Alexistiel
wolves of my want (Cordelia/Faith, T) by mistyheartrbs
Saturday 9:13 pm (Buffy/Giles, M) by Sdhuskerfan
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Shadowed Suspicion Chapter 349 (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure xover, T) by madimpossibledreamer
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The Ripperverse AU, Chapters 1-3/6 (Giles, ensemble, E) by AvicusKing
In the Company of Witches and Slayers:, Chapter 172/200 (Willow/Tara, E) by VladimirHarkonnen (TheLightdancer)
[Ukrainian language] Forward to Time Past//Вперед у час минулий, Chapter 65/67 (Buffy/Spike, E) translation by Uraniya
BtVS : Judgement Day, Chapter 6/? (Buffy, Terminator xover, not rated) by AntonioCC
Out of Time: 1942, Chapter 60/? (Buffy/Tom Riddle, Harry Potter xover, M) by Aynn_Ward
Bring Me To Life : A Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Angel Crossover Event, Chapter 72/? (Buffy/Angel, not rated) by Jean_theGuardian
Okay Dad, Chapter 3/6 (Ensemble, T) by Work
The Yellowstone: A Safe Harbor, Chapter 12/? (Ensemble, Yellowstone xover, G) by Buffyworldbuilder
Painting Flowers, Chapter 7/? (Buffy/Angel, T) by crowncitydreams
Ghosts of Sunnydale, Chapter 2/? (Buffy/Spike, T) by VThinksOn
Soul Mate Magic, Chapter 18/20 (Giles/OC, M) by Emma_M_Black
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Indecent Proposal, Chapter 10 (Buffy/William/Xander, M) by thetherealman
Bring Me To Life, Chapter 77 (Buffy/Angel, T) by Jean-theGuardian
Double date, Chapter 11 (Buffy/Giles, M) by Rippertish
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Incarnate, Chapter 22 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Sigyn
Little Light, Chapter 17 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Melme1325
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A Man in Shadow, Chapter 4 (Buffy/Spike, 13+) by Zab Jade
Christmas at the Folly, Story 1: Room 3 (Buffy/Spike, 13+) by myrabeth
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: faith/drusilla commission (worksafe) by loopnoid
Gifset: Every Tara look: S5E06 Family (worksafe) by lovebvffys
Artwork: [Doodle of Spike] (swear words, worksafe) by yarboyandy
Crafts: Bored now [cross-stitch pattern] (worksafe) by batstitchnerdycrossstitch
Artwork: [Drawing of Spike] (worksafe) by isevery0nehereverystoned
Artwork: Collage # 236 (Buffy, worksafe) by thedecadentraven
Gifset: If anything could fall at all, it’s the world That falls away from me (Buffy, S1-S5 finale parallels, worksafe) by theveryunlikelywonderland
Gifset: (im)perfect for you… (Buffy/Spike, worksafe) by clarkgriffon
Cosplay: Ready to start casting spells? (Vamp Willow cosplay, worksafe) by lauren-delorean
Gifset: Lifter Puller by Atmosphere (Buffy/Angel, worksafe) by andremichaux
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Costume: Willow Cosplay - Lauren DeLorean (worksafe) by lauren_delorean
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Demon design: From the Archives: Ubervamp (Turok-Han) - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 7 (worksafe) by Christopher Burdett
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Angel - Episode 5.11 – Damage by rock-and-compass
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PODCAST: S4. Ep15. Orpheus Ft. Prophecy Girls Podcast by Investigating Angel
[In Search Of]
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ISO: Original Buffy DVD sets still in production? requested by Bright_Wolverine_490
[Community Announcements]
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Revamped IWRY Marathon 2024 — week two masterpost by iwillrememberyoumarathon
12 Days of Calendilesmas: Asks open from now till 25th November! by hal-1500
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Secret Santa: Sign Up Thread by nightshade
[Fandom Discussions]
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BtVS - Redemption Through Violation by itsnotmymind
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Cordelia Chase [ask game] by moistvonlipwig
[POLL] Pick your favorite of Wesley’s two main ships by ohrupie
[POLL] BTVS Fans: Pop Quiz hot shot! by juanabaloo
Wait so Angel (sadly) is the shadow of her father in the form of her romantic brooding hero by magpie-trove
Angel should have fallen in love with Giles. by thequeenofsastiel
[POLL] Choose your favorite of these mostly comedic, self-contained (non-arc–I refuse to call them “filler” :)) BtVS episodes! by ohrupie
sooooo many thoughts on buffy constantly telling spike to leave her alone when she’s clearly enjoying his company by lesbianmarrow
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Tara was a true friend buffy deserved by Jamieo1111
Does Angel The Series have superior fight scenes to Buffy? by LouvrePigeon
Buffy is insane by No_Introduction_4136
Buffy resurrection question by
I love Primeval as a season finale simply because… by _theoneandonlyyyy
Which old horror movie franchises do you think inspired Buffy and Angel the most? by PlaneAutomatic4965
The fandom's changing reaction to Willow... by stillhavehope99
I don’t care want anyone says, Giles is a trusted adult. by Familiar_Recover8112
What's something you choose to ignore in the Buffyverse? by PristineSituation498
what's the worst Buffy remake you could imagine by alb5357
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PUBLICATION: The Top 10 Buffy The Vampire Slayer Secondary Characters Ranked From Least To Most Powerful by Looper.com
PUBLICATION: The 15 Best Willow and Tara Episodes in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Ranked by CBR.com
Submit a link to be included in the newsletter!
Join the editor team :)
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thebigbangblogproject · 1 year ago
Hi, Would you be willing to include The I Will Remember You 2023 marathon on livejournal at iwry_marathon? It's the original I Will Remember You marathon. Since I can't include links you can check out the iwry posts on angelus2hot's tumblr
Yes, we are definitely willing to include it! It's harder to promote on Tumblr, since I don't often have time to make brand new posts for events that aren't on tumblr but we can definitely add to the spreadsheet.
And, since you've given us a pointer on where to look, and an ask to attach it to, we can still promote it! I wasn't sure which was the best post to share, so I've included a few of the ones I found.
IWRY or I Will Remember You (aka Buffy the Vampire Slayer fandom)
A little history of the event
Prompt Links
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juanabaloo · 2 years ago
Bangel original IWRY marathon has opened sign ups!
Signal boosting this! I'm not a big Bangel fan but ship and let ship.
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original-iwry-marathon · 1 year ago
Our second fic for IWRY 2023 is by OveliaGirlHaditRight
Forever and Eternity
Don't forget to leave Kudos/Comments. For authors it's food for the muse!
[cross posted from the original IWRY iwry_marathon on LiveJournal]
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original-iwry-marathon · 1 year ago
Our first fic for IWRY 2023 is by melodys_muse
In Fair Verona
Don't forget to leave Kudos/Comments. For authors it's food for the muse!
[cross posted from the original IWRY iwry_marathon on LiveJournal]
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original-iwry-marathon · 1 year ago
Prompt Links!
If you're wanting to sign up but are worried you might not be able to come up with an idea, here are a few links that have prompts that might help inspire your muse.
B/A prompts only: ba_rosebuds writers_toybox
Any fandom prompts (prompt and prompt links are on profile page just scroll down): 1drabble 20_est_relships fc_smorgasbord
Tumblr: fanficy-prompts deity-prompts
Remember your Buffy/Angel or Buffy/Angelus stories can be any length (from 100 word drabbles and up), any rating or any genre is acceptable, but stories must be complete and standalone. And you can submit more than one story on the AO3 IWRY archive the link is found on the Sign Up post [on LiveJournal]. Feel free to ask any questions here. [or PM on the original LiveJournal post]
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original-iwry-marathon · 1 year ago
We could really use a lot more people signing up. Sign-Ups [now with updated link!]
Like the previous years if for some reason you don't want to sign up on LJ you can leave your fic(s) on the https://archiveofourown.org/collections/IWRY2023
And remember there is no minimum word count for the fic you write. It can be as short or as long as you want or need it to be.
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original-iwry-marathon · 1 year ago
Our next fic for IWRY 2023 is by angelus2hot
I may never get to Heaven (but I once came mighty close)
Don't forget to leave Kudos/Comments. For authors it's food for the muse!
[cross posted from the original IWRY iwry_marathon on LiveJournal]
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iwillrememberyoumarathon · 2 years ago
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Twenty years ago the I Will Remember You Fic Marathon (IWRY) was born. Originated by Leni, then passed on to Chrislee, to Dark Star, and then Angelus2Hot, IWRY has remained the premiere event on the Buffy/Angel calendar and the centre of the B/A fandom itself.
This year we are hoping to mark these two decades of fan creativity and storytelling by making it the biggest IWRY in years. 
In this spirit, one of our team approached the current moderator to ask if we could join her in the running of the event. She did not feel this was necessary. We respect her decision and all the work she has put into keeping the marathon going these past years. We wish her nothing but the best with it now and in the future.
However, we believe IWRY is deeply rooted in our fandom as a collective and community experience. We want to create spaces and events where all who wish to participate can participate. It is for this reason we have decided to run our own I Will Remember You Fic Marathon.
Sign-ups for IWRY Fic Marathon are open now. 
If you are a writer or even just writer-curious, please put your name down and join us as we celebrate all things Bangel. We will accept any piece of fanfiction, of any rating, that is 500 or more words long and focused on the relationship of Buffy/Angel (and/or Buffy/Angelus). If drabbles are your jam, we will be happy to include those among the Another Minute bonus stories at the end of the event.
We have also decided to open up the Marathon to other forms of art. All we ask is that it is centred on Buffy/Angel, and that you put your best foot forward! 
We are now accepting submissions of artwork such as:
Please sign up for artwork submissions here! 
If you are neither writer nor artist, fear not! We would love to have you join in whatever capacity is best for you. Some roles to consider include:
Beta reading
Supporting the writers with reviews & comments on fics
Taking part in our "Meet the Fandom" series
Helping us with the logistics behind the scenes
Promoting the marathon on your platform of choice
Anything we missed? Let us know!
If you are interested in participating in a non-writing/art role, email us at [email protected].
If you are a writer without an AO3 account, we have a number of invitations that we are happy to share. Just let us know on the signup sheet. If you are not a writer but would like to be active on AO3, just reach out to us directly via email.
The stories will be posted to a 2023 Collection on the I Will Remember You Marathon Archive. We will provide clear instructions about how to do this closer to the event.
Once again, we welcome you to the IWRY Fic Marathon and encourage you to take part in any way you can!
Please reach out to us here or at [email protected] with any questions.
IWRY Fic Marathon Organising Committee:
Abby | Aboutafox | Bri | GraceNM | Kairos | Kean | Lea | Taaroko
Supported by:
calenlily | Fluffernutter8 | MrsGordo | MamaBewear | Najae
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iwillrememberyoumarathon · 1 year ago
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IWRY Fic Marathon 2023: November Roundup
See our previous roundup for fanworks posted from November 1-15.
Day 16: I Know Those Eyes/This Man Is Dead by Greensword101 Summary: Him. It was him. Buffy knew it in her heart. Angel standing in the shop, browsing aisles. In broad daylight. When he looked up, his eyes widened a fraction before ducking down again. But Buffy knew those eyes anywhere. They were always with her on nights that she was forced to relive thrusting that sword into his chest. But why did he pretend not to know who she was? (Rated G. 1,533 words)
Day 17: Of Prophecies and True Love’s Kiss by UltramarineOrchid (@ultramarineorchid) Summary: Buffy’s no damsel but just this once Angel might be. -or- The kind-of-sort-of Sleeping Beauty retelling no one asked for. (Rated G. 2,050 words)
Day 18: The Red Gate by bluestarsandclouds (@bluestarsandclouds) Summary: All the times Buffy and Angel met up at the place in the middle. (Rated G. 3,185 words)
Day 19: Overexcited by AmorousGreen (@calenlily) Summary: The first time Buffy takes him in her hand, he pops a knot without meaning to. It’s a loss of control every bit as shameful as the demon coming forward the first time they’d kissed. He’s two hundred years old and he’s always prided himself on his discipline, he shouldn’t be embarrassing himself like an overeager schoolboy. (Pre-Surprise in an Omegaverse AU.) (Rated E. 1,223 words)
Day 20: Angelus's Mercy: Part Two by MCorey1317 Summary: Buffy can't seem to stop finding herself in these predicaments ... (Rated E. 7,804 words)
Day 21: Being Known by Kean (@keanherself) Summary: Buffy sees Angel on the cover of Snooped and a late night phonecall ensues. Set during the summer between S4 & S5 of Buffy and S1 & S2 of Angel. (Rated T. 3,392 words)
Day 22: Not Like Before by buffytargaryen (@buffy-targaryen) Summary: Angel offers to help Buffy with her Homecoming pictures. Pining ensues. (Rated G. 1,622 words)
Day 23: I Can't Remember by MeTheMermaid (@casenpoint) Summary: A week after The Hyperion burns to the ground, Angel shows up on Buffy's doorstep. With a heartbeat. If this is Buffy's greatest fantasy finally come true, why can't she shake the feeling that this is a bad thing? Buffy will have to decide if she can overcome their complicated past for the sake of their future. (Rated E. 6,986 words)
Day 24: Side Mission by Taaroko (@taaroko) Summary: Angel invites Buffy for a romantic evening of clearing demons of indeterminate origin out of a cave on the beach. Or, what I like to imagine would've happened if Angel had made an appearance in "The Puppet Show." (Rated T. 3,162 words)
Day 25: The Chosen Princess and the Shadow Knight by KairosImprimatur (@kairosimperative) Summary: Gather 'round to hear the tale of Summer's Princess, who set out from the land of Solandale to seek her destiny, to vanquish the Dark Master, and mayhapse to find her one true love and break the curse upon him. (Not rated. 2,362 words)
Day 26: the girl and the ash by claddaghrings (@bangelism) Summary: there is no cure. (Rated T. 2,152 words)
Day 27: Our Little Family by twinkielove6 Summary: Buffy is having trouble dealing with her emotions after coming back from the dead. She needs to get out of Sunnydale and away from her friends for a little while, so she turns to the only person she needs right now. Angel. Angel has a newborn, Connor, who quickly becomes Buffy's son as well. Angel's soul has been made permanent and the pair live out their little fairytale. (Rated G. 2,294 words)
Day 28: Can It Be Right to Give What I Can Give? by asoulofstars & blackdragonhellfire (@asoulofstars) Summary: By the time we see Buffy and Angel in "What's My Line?", they are a SOLID couple. They're happy and seem to be on the same page. So, how did they get there? Well, Eyghon prompted some emotions on both ends that needed to be addressed, and it gives them a chance to get past all of their overdramatics. Canon compliant missing scene between "The Dark Ages" and "What's My Line? (Part 1)". (Rated T. 1,445 words)
Day 29: An Aspect Of by GraceNM Summary: Just because Buffy’s looking in a mirror doesn’t mean she’s getting a true reflection. Angel tells her what he sees, and the effect she has on him. Post-Earshot. (Rated M. 2,314 words)
Day 30: Six Times Angel Lost Buffy And One Time He Didn't by aboutafox (@aboutafox) Summary: There are things you don't get used to. There are cycles you don't break. Until you do. (Rated T. 3,387 words)
Bangel — I Will Remember You - gifset by @marie-moreaus
"So, no touching..." / "We stay in touch..." - photoedit by @oveliagirlhaditright
Buffy and Angel - Maybe If I Tell Myself Enough - video by @broke-me-into-pieces
Buffy and Angel - An Evening I Will Not Forget - video by @bluestarsandclouds
AtS 1.08 ♥ I Will Remember You - anniversary gifset by @liam-summers
"to live in this world you must be able to do three things..." - gifset by @sarahmichelegellar
Buffy and Angelus in Innocence - digital painting by @artsying-ifer
buffy and angel | work song - video by @bangelism
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iwillrememberyoumarathon · 1 year ago
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Bangel fans, we want to hear from you! As we celebrate this year's IWRY Fic Marathon, we're getting to know each other through our Meet the Fandom series. Answer the questions here to join in.
What is your name?
Where do you hang out?
discord - joyous rebellion
Do you create any fan works?
I write! All can be found here on AO3
Funniest Bangel/Buffyverse moment?
I find Xander's view of Angel and Buffy in The Zeppo hysterical.
What Buffyverse opinion would have you chased through the village with pitchforks?
By the fandom in general - that Buffy and Angel loved each other, still love each other, will always love each other
By the B/A contingent - Angel did fall in love with Cordelia although I don't think it was the same kind of passion he had with Buffy
Share a headcanon you have about Bangel or the Buffyverse?
Angel was always artistic and that's what he and his father originally fought about. Also he had a lot of siblings who died in infancy plus he was not the oldest originally.
How would you have given Buffy and Angel their Happily Ever After?
Read my fic "Days of Future Past" which is currently being posted weekly. I will say no more.
Last fic you read?
The Reunion Trilogy by MCorey1317. Takes place 20 years after NFA. Very much B/A, very long and probably the best action scenes I have ever read.
Slay, Lay, Obey - Angel, Buffy, Cordelia?
Slay: Cordy
Lay: Angel
Obey: Buffy (always)
Fill in the quiz so the fandom can meet you!
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iwillrememberyoumarathon · 1 year ago
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Bangel fans, we want to hear from you! As we celebrate this year's IWRY Fic Marathon, we're getting to know each other through our Meet the Fandom series. Answer the questions here to join in.
What is your name?
Ultramarine Orchid
Where do you hang out?
Tumblr: @ultramarineorchid AO3: UltramarineOrchid
Do you create any fan works?
I've been writing fanfic for Bangel on and off since 2003-ish. Typing that makes me feel very old.
Funniest Bangel/Buffyverse moment?
I love when Spike tells Buffy he wants to save the world because humans are Happy Meals with legs at the end of Season 2, his delivery and SMG's reaction to it are both just beyond.
What Buffyverse opinion would have you chased through the village with pitchforks?
Yeah, so, I like Riley. He's a good person. I even liked him with Buffy (though not enough that I'd write fanfic about it 20 years later haha).
Share a headcanon you have about Bangel or the Buffyverse?
Actually maybe this will be more controversial than my pitchfork opinion, but I personally think Willow was bi and that eventually she and Oz would have found their way back together.
How would you have given Buffy and Angel their Happily Ever After?
It's not original, but I'd have just let him Shanshu while they were both young enough to enjoy it. Actually to be honest I'd have left him human at the end of the IWRY episode, they'd have figured it out, but of course he had to be all noble and all.
Last fic you read?
An entry in the fest! Fool Me Twice by @oveliagirlhaditright :)
Slay, Lay, Obey - Dawn, Kate, Riley?
Oh that's tough. I'm gonna go ahead and Slay Dawn, Lay Riley, and Obey Kate 🙂
Fill in the quiz so the fandom can meet you!
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iwillrememberyoumarathon · 2 years ago
Which blog is the original blog of the event?
Hi, anon! Hope you're ready for a history lesson!
The original IWRY marathon blog was Leni's LiveJournal, which hosted the event when it started in 2004. The marathon since then has moved to Chrislee's website, then Dark Star's website, then eventually to AO3, with admin done on a LiveJournal community.
Tumblr has never been the home of the marathon officially. While Tumblr has been used in promoting the event by fans, there hasn't been one official Tumblr blog for the length of the marathon.
@iwillrememberyoumarathon was created in 2018 with the intention of supporting the Buffy/Angel writing community. For years, we have promoted the marathon and helped writers to participate, without any official role in running the marathon (no ability to post sign-ups, reveal stories in November, etc.). Without moderation access to the original event we felt we were unable to grow the marathon in the way we felt it deserved; so we have decided to support an effort to provide a more inclusive and accessible experience for the fandom where we do have that level of access. And thus our revamped (get it? ) IWRY Fic Marathon was born; this blog will be a central hub of the new event and is being run by members of the organizing committee/fellow writers.
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