#outlaw radio live
usbulletinz · 2 years
Josefa Salinas, a radio character, dies unexpectedly.
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Long-term radio character Josefa Salinas passed away out of the blue this week, as indicated by her partner at Old School 104.7 FM.
Radio DJ Jimmy Reyes declared her passing on his virtual entertainment account on Nov. 16.
"Today has been a personal day; I found out that our hermana Josefa Salinas died. There's such a great deal to say regarding her; she was an astonishing individual with a wonderful soul! She cherished having an effect locally; she touched so many lives with everything she did. From her "How to Be a Young Lady" camps to needing to give everybody a free Christmas tree and presents on the radio, 22+ long stretches of companionship, and I will always remember them. Read More
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atzupdates · 1 year
[230619] MBC Mhz YouTube Live Notice | HONGJOONG, SEONGHWA, YUNHO and SAN will appear on 정오의희망곡 Radio at 12PM KST
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theglamorousferal · 3 months
Just found out about the Enough Stuff Non-Profit in Illinois and it got me thinking about Crime Alley and about if there was a place like that, they’d work hard to keep it going.
Now I’m imagining Danny, ghost king with its coffers, things at relative peace, but not having to actively work. He’d want to still be able to give back I think even if it’s not actively fighting. What if Danny started an Enough Stuff shop. Everything there is free. Everything is donated. It runs on donations. (The first few months it runs on his savings; ghost money translates thankfully).
Danny lives in the apartment above the store and the store has two floors. Sam moves in next door and runs an apothecary and plant store. She ends up running a vegan bakery and coffee shop too. If you perform or write a poem, you get a free coffee and scone. If she has the chance, she’ll teach you about basic herbal remedies and also some basic first aid because while honey is an antibiotic, it doesn’t do shit for something needing stitches. Jazz moves in and opens a free pediatric clinic. Tucker can be found running the business side of the non-profits and pushing Sam to “just get an EMT certification already, you’re more than qualified, and you know you want to.” Val travels a lot, she’s an Olympic martial artist, but when she settles someplace to train it’s usually with the trio in their Frankenstein apartment made up of the top two floors of three connected buildings. Between Danny finding he enjoyed training from his years as a hero and Sam wanting to always be in top form there’s a gym there she can train in and Danny’s usually free. She helps with whoever needs it when she has free time so she doesn’t feel like a mooch for living there only part-time. She ends up saving some kid from a thug and deciding to train him up. This leads to the kid bringing more kids to learn from her. She ends up buying a building on the block and renovating it to be a gym and training facility for her and it gets added to the list of non-profits Tucker is running. (He only leaves his corner office, he insisted, during working hours for lunch or meetings and the occasional lunch meeting).
Tim losing his mind trying to find anything about them. Him constantly hitting firewalls of binary, Egyptian hieroglyphics, Esperanto and some other language he could only describe as auditory Zalgo text. Tim desperately wanting to investigate in person but he promised Jason he’d stay out of it until he asked.
Jason coming back from a long mission with the Outlaws seeing the “cute little trust fund kid’s experiment” not only flourishing, but growing. He goes to research them only to find they’re mostly squeaky clean. There’s some stuff about disturbance of the peace and minor property damage when a teenager, but that doesn’t mean anything for someone setting up in Crime Alley. He watches them for a while, listened to what his guys said about them and the general opinion. He decides they’re above board, but he’d still watch them.
Then he got shot. More accurately, a shot grazed just under his armpit where there was a gap in his armor. He ended up stumbling out of an alleyway and directly into the pathway of one red headed doctor.
Kinda want to add more Amity Parker’s at some point. Debating having Paulina run a fashion house in the fashion district because she couldn’t convince her dad to let her move to a place known as Crime Alley, and just spend a bunch of time at Danny’s shop and maybe drop off ‘fits she made there. Star and Wes running a local radio station. Dash becoming a mechanic (after freaking out about not making it in football). Kwan opens a vet clinic. Eventually the Amity Parker’s own a full two blocks of housing and businesses.
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annabelle--cane · 5 months
what’s the slit verse about. like gimme the pitch (if you wanna)
so you know how in greek myths gods sometimes turn people into flowers or trees or animals as a kind of blessing? and when you think about it, that's kind of horrific? imagine being a devotee of an all-powerful god and, maybe, if you're good enough, in your hour of need your god will rend your flesh and turn you into some bloody and hideous creation.
this is the world of the silt verses, where there are gods of trains, electricity, coffee, hunger, breakfast cereal, marketing strategies, etc., and all of these gods must feed. you can turn on your local radio station and hear the dj slowly sacrificing himself to the Daily Grind by depriving himself of sleep until his heart gives out, if your workplace is going through a rough patch then they might immolate a group of their lowest performers as part of a rebranding ritual to connect with a new patron deity, and religious practices are strictly regulated by the government.
our protagonists, sister carpenter and brother faulkner, are followers of an outlawed river god on a standard pilgrimage of their faith. carpenter is kind of a living legend in their practice but her faith is shaking, while faulkner is young and zealous and on a mission to prove himself as truly devoted. hopefully they don't kill each other!
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notaplaceofhonour · 7 months
I was raised in the People of Destiny cult (later renamed, and more well-known as, Sovereign Grace Ministries, now Sovereign Grace Churches).
The valorization of martyrdom and The End Times was so ubiquitous it was ambient noise. We stood in the church lobby theorizing about who the antichrist would be, we argued about whether Jesus would rapture us all before, after, or during the Tribulation Period where Satan would be given free reign over the earth. There was a strong Christian Zionist fixation on Israel as the final battleground and capital of the coming Messianic Age. But the one thing we were all certain of was is that we were in the End Times, that we were not of this world and couldn’t get too attached to our lives here.
We were raised to believe our sin nature made us undeserving of life, that we deserved death and eternal conscious torture.
My parents read us the Jesus Freaks books (a series by Christian Rap group DC Talk about martyrs). I spent “devotional time” reading Fox’s Book of Martyrs. We had guest speakers from Voice of the Martyrs, their pamphlets were often stocked in our church’s information center. We grew up with our dad listening to right wing talk radio and making us listen to songs about how the Godless atheists were outlawing Christianity in America, that we could all become martyrs soon.
The group’s theology was damaging & traumatic in a lot of other ways that contributed to the suicidality I have continued to struggle with for the rest of my life. For a long time I did not believe I would live past 20. There are times when the idea of giving my death meaning by using public suicide to make a political statement has appealed to me.
So now, seeing so many social media posts glorifying the suicide of a US Airman this week, I have been furious. Reading his social media posts, I recognize so much about the way I was raised in his all-or-nothing, black-or-white mindset, the valorization of death-seeking & martyrdom, and the apocalyptic fire-and-brimstone imagery of self-immolation. The moment I saw people I followed celebrating his self-immolation, I said to myself “this feels like a cult”
So when I learned he was raised in a cult too, nothing could have made more sense to me. His political orientation may have changed, but his mindset did not—it was no less extreme or cult-like.
I’ve talked about so many of the reasons this response from the broader left scares me, including how it’s laundering that airman’s antisemitic beliefs, but I cannot think of anything that would hit me in a more personal place than this specific response to this specific situation has.
When I see the images, I think: that could have been me. That scares me, and what scares me more is that so many prominent people are overwhelmingly sending the message to people like me that there is nothing else we can do that would have a more meaningful impact than killing ourselves for the cause.
I do not believe that. I will not even entertain it. And having to see his death over and over and over again, to argue against people who are treating this like an intellectual/moral exercise or a valid debate we all have to consider has been immensely triggering and fills me with a rage I rarely feel. It’s unconscionable that we are even putting self-harm on the table, and that pushing back against that is somehow controversial.
There is hope. Our lives do have meaning. There are far more effective means of fighting injustice. And the world is a better place for having you in it. Don’t fall into believing this is a way to give life purpose.
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syoddeye · 3 months
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gaz-centric, 141 gen. | ~800 words. tags: pure, heavy angst. alcohol. several major character deaths referenced. abuse of italics and parentheses. a/n: so i was thinking about gaz being the last to die. decided to ride the big sad wave into whatever this is.
he gets word that price finally kicked the bucket, upright and boots on. the old man pushed his luck to the cliff’s edge and camped there, years beyond when he should’ve retired.
the news forces him to look back down the long and bloody road to his current gig, desk jockey for laswell. (–analyst, cap. –a pencil pusher.)
it was kate’s hand—the only hand—that reached out after riley decided to run a suicide mission and died a ghost. a task force can’t be two people, she said.
he remembers thinking on the flight to the DMV about whether the american outlaw felt like that, felt the loss when the civilized world, the old west, decided they didn’t want men like them anymore. didn’t want men who took on the world, gloves off.
he books the trip. he returns to a town and landscape barely recognizable to him anymore, but he knows it like the back of his hand. could navigate it with his eyes shut. (he was the best at that, once.) a town where a clock tower looms with the names of his predecessors and his friends etched into its surface. he avoids it. avoids as much of the pomp and circumstance as he can. they–they aren’t his people. not anymore.
he wanted you to have this.
a cigar box. weathered, old. still reeks. in it, memorabilia: a clutch of ID tags with more of those dreaded names, cap’s favorite lighter, and a scrimshaw knife. he doesn’t look at the clip of photos. not right away.
he thanks the soldier tasked with tracking him down, tucks the cigar box into his bag when he returns to his hotel and hops a plane home. his other home, the one he shoehorned himself into at kate’s behest.
it takes the better part of a month to work up the nerve to open the box. to unclip the photos. a torrent of memory held back by a piece of flimsy metal. unleashed and saturating the room.
(they’ll leave a waterline, an impression that decades of life still left to live won’t be able to erase.)
most of them are candids. quick shots someone took, developed, and printed. probably left on the corner of price’s desk.
one of soap, mid-story, something raunchy—he can tell by the man’s smirk. one of riley’s chin, tucked over kyle’s shoulder with soap’s stubbly cheek pressed to his. all drunk and bleary-eyed, fresh off a fucked op. one of price, asleep with his heels kicked up and riley attempting to balance an unlit cigar on the tip of his boots.
a polaroid of nik and price sat in the corner of some bar. both men big and intimidating, faces stern and ringed by smoke. probably chirping like two old hens—the gossips. god, poor nik. they never found him.
an old, pristine copy of the photo of him, price, farah, and alex. all standing tall and proud. triumphant. hurts to look at them for too long. both gone before their time.
(price and laswell didn’t talk for weeks after he reamed her out. —shit intel. makes you wonder. the insinuation was the death knell for the 141 and riley going rogue was the nail in the coffin. after that, cap took his news as a personal affront. hard not to, in hindsight.)
defecting? don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
that insinuation led to months of radio silence between him and price. broken by an insured, over-packaged bottle of single malt that appeared on his desk one day. shit was worth more than his monthly rent.
(never mind he doesn’t even drink whisky. just like price to send a piece of himself in apology instead of picking up the phone.)
the gut punch is soap’s last identification photo. john mactavish. the smiling, joking oaf with his pressed mouth flat in a grim line. eyes wild, probably thinking of something filthy to say to the poor photographer. on the back, his birth and death dates. gone way before his fucking time.
the true catalyst. made them all more reckless. his lieutenant, most of all, grew hungrier and hungrier for the long sleep.
shuffling through the rest makes the ache worse. reopens wounds. grinds against his ribs and tunnels a hole to his gut. it takes a strength he hasn’t used in years to put them away, forced to draw from a well long covered.
he buries the box in the back of a closet and digs out an old bottle. pours an ample amount and chokes it down. goes to bed smelling smoke, praying he doesn’t dream.
he does, of course.
he dreams of chaos and a padlock in piccadilly. of olives and motor oil in urzikstan. of canals and juniper in amsterdam. of the tunnels and blood beneath london. of a bar in chicago. a pub in hereford.
in the morning he wakes. visited upon. heavy.
the last man standing.
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wolves-and-stars · 7 days
Go to Fics (Easy Reads)
(A list of fics for when you're in a reading rut and want something easy, i keep going back to these ones they never let me down. Nothing too heavy, but please read the tags.)
1. How Remus Got His Groove Back by RealityShowJunky (ao3) 42k
Category: fluff? crack humor
I love this fic, the conversations are so well thought out, the characters are so interesting, you'll hate sirius, and Remus is kind of a pushover giving 2014 nerd, lonely, poorly written personality archtype. BUT, only when it comes to sirius, otherwise he's brilliant.
2. Succession of Halos by orphan_account (ao3) 7k
Category: fluffr
Remus runs a bookstore and sometimes minds harry, lily and james' brilliant son. Remus reads harry a book written by prof. sirius black about astronomy and the stars, and happens to attend a lecture to get their signature. Lily might be playing match maker.
3. See But One Moon by orphan_account (ao3) 9k
Category: fluff
Sirius Black has been pining for the nerdy Barista, Remus Lupin, for three months, but can't seem to get his attention. Remus, however, has noticed the over-excited law student, but isn't interested in being a conquest of the week. When Remus starts listening to the Marauding Hour--a University radio programme, he finds himself enraptured by one of the DJs, and starts to crush on him--hard. Little does he know that Padfoot has known him all along, and is looking for something much more than a one-off.
The summary explains it well enough, its very cute.
4. Sun In My Eyes by orphan_account (ao3) 12k
Category: not fluff, not angst either? non magic?
Remus Lupin struggles with a lot of things in life. Bipolar disorder, being poor, and working as an artist. He has a strict routine and plans to keep it that way with the help of his best friends Lily and James until one day James' best mate from school shows up and turns everything upside down. When art model Sirius enters Remus' life like a whirlwind, nothing will ever be the same.
I love this one, read it in 2016, still do every once in a while.
5. Other's Woe by orphan_account (ao3) 2k
Category: fluff
Forced to attend a group project meeting for a theology class, Remus thinks his day will be miserable until a gorgeous, grey-eyed stranger plants himself at their table and challenges the archaic thinking of the rest of the group. And in the end, it works out very well for Remus Lupin.
very fluffy, very soft, very short.
6. Living Like We're Renegades by orphan_account (ao3) 24k
Category: fluff
Exuberant, proud, genderfluid, cheerleader, self-described narcissist. All things to describe Sirius Black. It's a stark contrast from the self-imposed loner, Journalist, and Gender Studies major Remus Lupin who is thrown into Sirius' world after accepting a project for a class. When the two worlds collide, both lives are changed for the better.
 Sirius leant forward a bit, meeting Remus’ eyes. “Are you asking if I go for cute boys in beanies and jumpers, Remus Lupin?”
 Remus’ face went hot. “Er. No. I mean…er…”
 Sirius laughed. “Find your chill, love. I’m joking.” He winked at Remus and sat back again.
sorry for staright up copy pasting the summaries by the author, but i feel like they cover it well enough.
7. Miles To Go Before I Sleep by orphan_account (ao3) 4k
Category: fluff, mostly
Working the front door at a posh block of flats, Remus Lupin spends their nights watching the door, and occasionally taking a sleep-walking Sirius Black back to the arms of his flatmate. Pining quietly, everything changes for Remus one night when Sirius' sleep-walking leads to comfort and emotional revelations.
8. All Hail the Outlaws by orphan_account (ao3) 29k
Category: fluff, fluff, fluff
One of Remus Lupin's three jobs happens to be working maintenance for their flat building. He gets to meet all sorts, most of whom he would rather have nothing to do with. Until James Potter and Sirius Black move in across the hall. Engineering students and self-proclaimed geniuses, the pair set out to make their neighbours new best friends, and everyone's life is turned upside down, but in the best way possible.
9. A Cure For Nightmares [+podfic] by picascribit (ao3) 36k
Category: hurt/comfort, angst, emotional
Sirius Black is not happy about their new roomate, who seems up himself, except the both of them suffer from nightmares and happen to get each other through the night. Will the secrets behind their nightmares get them together or will it tear them apart?
A couple of trigger warning for this one: mentions of SA, Physical A*buse, S*lf H*rm, De*th, H*m*phobia. i would proceed with caution, and read the tags carefully.
10. take me as I am by orphan_account, Shira_a 48k
Category: fluff, humor, but also sort of emotional and moments of angst.
Sirius is a sleep demon who gives nightmares to humans. Remus is an insomniac with hallucinations.
I will offer no other explanation. Love, Love, Love this one. its odd and well written and the characters are real and so is the relationship. Sirius the sleep demon and the hardship of humans and their mortality,
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chemicallywrit · 5 months
What a week in audio drama! Happy Audio Drama Sunday folks, can we talk about some episodes????
🎥 @thesiltverses comes through once again with an absolute banger. Val is chilling—Val has always been chilling—but this week seeing her vulnerable was somehow. Worse. Hey Chuck??? Run, maybe? And if you’re lucky a treason charge will be the best you can hope for. Don’t think too hard about the worst.
🌄 @midnightburgr my beloved, I love you Midnight Burger. I adore the Hood’s Pocket crew and how delightfully normal they are in the face of time-traveling cowboy outlaws. This show continues to bring the wittiness and smarts firmly alongside compassion. It’s so beautiful.
👁️ Why must you hurt me, @hellofromthehallowoods? We’ve heard Nikignik in some bad emotional spots before, but this ep was three kinds of heartbreaking. Can we talk about the sound Nikignik made—
🚬 I feel like @radio-outcast’s strength is their expert combo of the surreal and the tangible, and that’s doubly true when our heroes are trapped in an illusion as they have been for a minute. It makes it all scarier what happens to Helix at the end of the story, and all the more a relief when the happy ending comes. For now. Enemies abound and surround our heroes, but they will carry on.
🐍 There’s no show like the Magnus Protocol to make me just so so scared of a tiny hole a squirrel made. Like I yelped aloud. That team knows how to hecking GET you. And in the office romance department, I find whatever Alice has going in mighty compelling. I’m sure that will be totally fine.
🚀 I started @jumpleadsscifi this week and I am honestly delighted. I love a sitcom, and I’ve finished episode five, which means we’re to my favorite part of the sitcom: getting just a little bit sad with it. Jump Leads is about two underqualified star trek-like officers whose job it is to fix time and space—though mostly they just mess around. I love it.
🔎 YOU WERE ALL RIGHT ABOUT SHERLOCK & CO. This is what I wish BBC Sherlock was. This means everything to me. I’m obsessed. I’m barely even finished with the first episode. It’s amazing. THE MUSIC.
🐰In Inn Between news, I’m about to ruin all y’all’s lives, and in Re: Dracula news, WE ARE BACK BAYBEE. In The Dead news, Run Rabbit will be back this week! We also are finishing up recording the next story for The Dead, which I’m so excited about. Stay tuned!
For real, this month is looking a little thin, and if you felt like giving me a tip, it would really go a long way. Thank you! See you next week!
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Plz talk about leo whitefang guilty gear
He doesn’t talk about it much these days but Leo Whitefang used to be in an amateur barbershop quartet. Of course, he was the baritone. None of the other members of the quartet are important to the world of Guilty Gear but they're all living pretty comfortable lives and they meet together once a year on principle.
Leo Whitefang isn’t the only Guilty Gear character with a musical history.
After the outlawing of electronics, there was a shift in musical culture - it took a while for magical instruments (see I-No's guitar) or the public magic radio to be created, so for a period after the dawn of the 21st century, there was a rise in the popularity of both acoustic music and “music that can be performed anywhere”. Acapella and barbershop groups started forming to perform in public places in place of radios and radio stations (which had yet to be replaced at this point). This also led to the rise in popularity of vocal-heavy genres (think Gospel or Doo-Wop).
It didn’t take long for the radio to be replaced however, along with magical versions of electronic instruments, so by the time Guilty Gear takes place, musical genres have shifted back to what you would expect (with just a little more Rock than before). But acapella and barbershop groups occasionally go through a cultural revival, especially for festivals and celebrations - so you wouldn’t be hard pressed to find a couple more Guilty Gear characters who at least dabbled in it.
Ky Kiske was in a choir group for a short period (although he's not a very good singer by his own admission). Johnny briefly tried out an indie music career, trying to do “An Elvis thing”, which didn’t last very long. And to this day Kum Haehyun can be found putting on impromptu performances in music shops when she finds an instrument she likes.
But back to Leo. While most of his former barbershop buddies don't really matter, he did meet his best friend through them. Singing lead in their group was a wannabe superstar with a passion for mixology. Though they’re not important to the story of Guilty Gear, they are still to this day Leo Whitefang's best friend - and help him work on definitions for his dictionary. This man is known as Gem. Short for “Guilty Gear Eminem”, which is his full name.
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heartofwritiing · 8 days
cowboy!wilbur headcannons.
another’s note: i’ve had cowboy!wilbur in my brain since the npt mv, which is different from the outlaw/cowboy!wilbur i wrote a head cannon about a while ago. ive wanted to write fics about him so here’s some headcannons i came up with that have been in my drafts for about a year ✌🏻
paring: cowboy!wilbur x fem!reader
warnings: mentions of smut, domestic fluff, established relationship, if there’s anything i missed lemme know!
cowboy!wilbur- whos married to you and owns a farm.
-you got married on that farm.
-it was simple yet elegant.
-it was just relatives and close friends.
-he spends all day out in the heat, getting all sweaty, feeding the cow, he named her buttercup. the chickens and goats.
-fixes anything that might be broken as an excuse to keep himself busy.
-you’re always patching him up from splinters, cuts, and kissing the callous’ on his hands.
-“you gotta be more careful baby,” you’d kiss his palm after you had put ointment on a cut.
-“well then you wouldn’t be able to patch me up anymore, darling,” he’d tease.
-you hope he wasn’t getting hurt on your behalf just so he could get babied. you would do that regardless.
-going for early morning rides together on your horses.
-he taught you how to ride.
-late night bonfires under the stars in the wide open country side.
-he plays guitar and serenades you.
-he’s written you so many songs.
-having your most vulnerable conversations in those moments, it’s just you, him, and the night sky.
-he’s taken you so many times under those stars.
-he’s taken you anywhere he could on the farm. the living room, the kitchen counter, bedroom, floor, wall. you name a surface he’s had you bent over/ against it.
-he is very handsy. always wants to be touching you in some way.
-he’s a gentle lover when it comes to sex.
-but every once in a while he becomes carnal with desire.
-one time you took his hat that was hanging off the bed post and put it on while ridding him.
-he went absolutely feral.
-he fucked you until you couldn’t even remember your own name and your thighs were shaking.
-mostly when he’s stuck outside all day and hasn’t seen you he craves you more than anything.
-especially if he sees you in the little sundress’s you love to wear and tease him with.
-once he had fucked you in the barn in the hay like the wild animals you are.
-you had come out to give him a glass of lemonade you had made fresh when he saw the way you looked at him with anticipation of what he thought.
-he couldn’t help bringing you into a kiss and things escalated until you were both rolling around in the hay.
-but never again after you had gotten hay fever and wilbur had blamed himself the whole time you were sick.
-he takes care of you.
-wether you are sick, on your period or having any mental health problems, he is always there for you. and vice versa.
-slow dancing in the kitchen late at night to the old radio you found in an antique shop. (you don’t know how you got it to work)
-making breakfast together in nothing but his t-shirt as he holds you from behind.
-cuddling into the late hours of the morning.
-looking into each others eyes.
-interlocking your fingers together and with the hand that has your wedding ring on it, he kisses and admires.
-“mine forever and always.” he says.
-“forever and always.” you echo.
tagging: @lillyspeakz @horny-p0et @sootwilb
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atzupdates · 1 year
[230621] MBC Idol Radio Live | Ep#82 with ATEEZ
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ungoliantschilde · 2 months
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Load & Reload, 1996-1997
I am talking about them together because they were intended to be a double album, but were split into two for sales.
Metallica was continuing to work with producer Bob Rock, and they were pushing themselves more towards mainstream, radio friendly hard rock and heavy metal.
Generally speaking, these are not great. There are a few good tracks, but I wouldn’t buy these records.
Not really much to say beyond that. Most of Load is better than most of Reload.
The singles are all pretty good and I remember them being in heavy rotation on the radio.
I’ll pick two from each record. From Load:
“Until it Sleeps” was apparently not fun to record, with a lot of studio mixing and post production effects. They recently started playing it again live. Makes me feel like I’m in 7th-8th grade again. Good track.
But the best track of both records is “Outlaw Torn”, the last one Load.
From Reload:
I’ll go with “Unforgiven II” and “Fuel”. I kinda feel the same way about them as I do “Enter Sandman”, but Enter Sandman is better, lol.
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elenavr13 · 1 year
Darkiplier/Damien Playlist (Updated)
172 songs
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Evermore- Dan Stevens
Everybody Wants To Tule the World- Lorde
Control- Halsey
Gasoline- Halsey
Dynasty- MIIA
Judas- Lady Gaga
Take Me To Church- Hozier
Castle- Halsey
Sing To Me- MISSIO
Kamikazee- MISSIO
Panic Room- Au/Ra
Isolate- Sub Urban
Elastic Heart (Rock Cover)- Written by Wolves
Crossfire- Stephen
Dead!- My Chemical Romance
Stressed Out- Twenty One Pilots
Look What You Made Me Do- Taylor Swift
Smooth Criminal- Michael Jackson
The Voice of Darkiplier- Markiplier
I’ll Be Good- Jaymes Young
I Wanna Be Yours- Arctic Monkeys
Do I Wanna Know- Arctic Monkeys
In His Eyes- Jekyll & Hyde (musical)
Can You Feel My Heart- Bring Me to the Horizon
Feeling Good- Michael Buble
Can You Feel My Heart x Favorite Dress (slowed)- Miro remix
My Demons- Starset
Achilles Come Down- Gang of Youth
Monster- Skillet
What’s the Use of Feeling Blue- Caleb Hyles
Where I Want to Be- Chess in Concert
Can’t Help Falling In Love- Ice Nine Kills
The American Nightmare- Ice Nine Kills
A Grave Mistake- Ice Nine Kills
Left Behind- DAGames
Farewell II Flesh- Ice Nine Kills
Below the Surface- Griffinilla
The Wrecked and the Worried- NateWantsToBattle
You Can’t Take Me Anywhere- NateWantsToBattle
Goner- Twenty One Pilots
You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid- The Offspring
Fake You Out- Twenty One Pilots
Miss You- Corpse
Epoch- The Living Tombstone
In the End- Linkin Park
Me, Myself & Hyde- Ice Nine Kills
The World In My Hands- Ice Nine Kills
Popular Monster- Falling In Reverse
Monster- Imagine Dragons
What I Could Have Been- Sting
Hushh- AViVA
Phantom of the Opera
Darkside- NEONI
Broken- DNMO & Sub Urban
Killer In the Mirror- Set It Off
Doubt- Twenty One Pilots
I’m Not Okay- My Chemical Romance
Friends on the Other Side- Princess and the Frog
Apologize- One Republic
My Lullaby (metal cover)- Jonathan Young
I See Red (slowed)- Everybody Loves an Outlaw
Tear In My Heart- Twenty One Pilots
I Hate Everything About You- Three Days Grace
F.L.Y- Ice Nine Kills
Migraine- Twenty One Pilots
Car Radio- Twenty One Pilots
Demons- MISSIO
Villain- KDA
Royalty- Egzod & Maestro Chives ft. Neoni
The Red Means I Love You- Madds Buckley
Loser- Neoni
Not Ready To Die- Avenged Sevenfold
I Want You- Mitski
Poltergeist- Corpse
Life Waster- Corpse
All Of Me (slowed)- John Legend
Young And Beautiful- Lana Del Rey
Dark Paradise (slowed)- Lana Del Rey
How Villains Are Made- Madalen Duke
Love and War- Fluerie
Dark Things- Adona
Wicked Game- Ursine Vulpine
Neptune- Sleeping At Last
Enemy- Tommee Profitt
Far From Home (The Raven)- Sam Tinnesz
City Of The Dead- Eurielle
Throne- Saint Mesa
Paint it, Black- Ciara cover
Man Or A Monster- Sam Tinnesz
Dark On Me- Starset
Hell’s Comin’ With Me- Poor Mans Poison
Wires- The Neighbourhood
Liquid Smooth- Mitski
Little Dark Age- MGMT
Devil In Disguise- Elvis (LLusion)
Toxic- 2WEI
Dark Room- Foreign Figures & EJ Michels
Heathens- Twenty One Pilots
Dance With The Devil- Breaking Benjamin
Black Out Days- Phantogram
Somewhere Only We Know- Keane
Monsters- Ruelle
Whispers In The Dark- Skillet
Salvaged- NateWantsToBattle
Saint Bernard- Lincoln
F*ck You- Silent Child
I Know Those Eyes/This Man Is Dead- Thomas Borchert, Brandi Burkhardt
Broken Inside- Broken Iris
Sweet Dreams- Besomorph
Saints- Echos
Screaming Bloody Murder- Sum 41
Dandelions (slowed)- Ruth B
Master Mirror- Ashley Serena
Everyday A Little Death- The Count of Monte Cristo
FREAK- Jordan Friction
Broken (slowed)- lovelytheband
Michelle- Sir Chloe
Like A Villain- BAD OMENS
If It’s Vengeance You Want- Unlike Pluto
Monster- Fight The Fade
Listen Before I Go- Billie Eilish
Mary On a Cross (slowed)- Ghost
Nervous- Lola Blanc
Unravel- Johnathan Young
Lost In Paradise- Evanescence
Lies- Evanescence
Haunted- Laura Les
Dread- Unlike Pluto
Monsters- Shinedown
Black Soul- Shinedown
Sorrow- Sleeping At Last
Seeing Red- Saint Chaos
Villain- Bella Poarch
Lithium- Nirvana
Smells Like Teen Spirit- Nirvana
Down With The Sickness- Disturbed
Animal I Have Become- Three Day Grace
Greed- Godsmack
One of Us is the Killer- The Dillinger Escape Plan
All The King’s Horses- Karmina
Gilded Lily- Cults
Haunted & Unwanted- NateWantsToBattle
Symbol of My Regret- NateWantsToBattle
In My Head- NateWantsToBattle
Vendetta- Unsecret & Krigare
Nothing To Me- NateWantsToBattle
Chasing Cars- Sleeping At Last
Villain- MISSIO
Used to the Darkness- Des Rocs
Unforgiven- Ghost Nation
Monster- Starset
Eight- Sleeping At Last
Already Gone- Sleeping At Last
Devilish- The Phantoms
Motherland- Reach
Falling Away From Me- Korn
Just a Man- Jorge Rivera-Herrans & EPIC Ensemble
Something Wicked- Starset
Darkness in Me- Fight The Fade
I Would Die for You- In This Moment
Eye For An Eye- Rina Sawayama
Psycho in my Head- Skillet
Done With Everything- Line So Thin
Monster- Besomorph
Twisted Games- Night Panda, Krigarè
Killer Inside of Me- Willyecho
King For A Day- Pierce The Veil ft. Kellin Quinn
someone i’m not- Layto
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nescaveckwriter · 8 months
Wandering Love - Chapter One -🤠💕🐞
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Benny Lafitte x Reader (Willow)
A/N: Okayz! So I'm not going to lie, when the beautiful bugsie requested I write something about "dear Benny" I was overly excited, for some reason I'm just always happy to write about him. The bugsie said I could make write whatever, so yeah, I do hope you're going to enjoy this😅...
Side Note: Once again thank you for the love and support🐞💕🥰
Warnings: Drinking, Smoking, Fluff, Tiny bit of Smut, if there's anything else, let me know...💕🐞
Summary: A rugged cowboy, an outlaw if you may, fighting the demons of his past. The only time he felt true joy in his life was the short period he knew his wandering love. But now, he drifts around with Shadow his black stallion, gunslinging through the dessert towns.
Chapter One 🐞
The moonlight danced on the river, tracing golden, lines across the edges, you could see the river from where I lived, old wooden house, with a front porch, consisting of one single wooden rocking chair, half drunken bottle of whisky next to it, as for the ashtray, there weren't anymore space left, the cigarette buds, were just to many. I always sat there, rocking into the night, drinking away my demons, then when its nearly two in the morning I'll take the half drunken 'Jack' with me, go sit on my bed, and drink till I pass out!
But that particular night, something caught my eye, and of course I thought that 'Jack' had some extra kick in it, but turns out my eyes did not betray me.
There it was, the moon was dancing around, something, a woman, bathing in the river. "Hell did that not only happen in the movies? "
I took my old hat, walked down to the water, to see for myself what this woman-child is up to.
The closer I walked the more, the moonlight lit up her alluring beauty, her blonde hair wet and slightly wavy, the length wasn't quite known too me at that point, as the ends where floating in the river.
She was gazing up at the moon and stars, as if it held some kind of magic, we'll that night it did.
All I could see was the outline of her bare skin in the water.
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"Howdy miss" his southern voice deep and low.
She squirmed at the sound of my voice, sinking deeper into the river, only revealing her plum lips and button nose, she closed her eyes, and opened it again as if she thought I was a ghost or something.
Her voice shaky but sweet, "Don't come near me mister, I...I... Am not alone."
"Okay City girl, then were is this other person your hiding?" Mocking her
"I'm not from the city," she huffed
"Well, little darling, if you were from here, you'd know there's gators in those waters " he warned
"I'm not your darling, wait! Gators as in Alligator's?" She hissed
"Yes missy" he smirked
She squealed as she ran out of the water, covering the most important parts of her body, hiding behind a big willow tree.
I couldn't help but laugh, the first time in ages.
"Your a jerk, you know that" she scolded
Just her head peeking out behind the tree, wide-eyed she glared
"Hand me my clothes and you better not take a peek" she warned
Glancing over the river bedding, walking towards the clothes, picking up the white summer's dress, striding towards the mysterious city girl, behind the willow tree.
"There you go 'Willow' your garment" handing her the white dress.
She takes it, but then yelps "Spider" letting the dress fly throwing it up in the air, right into the river.
Laughing hard, "Nice one Willow, now what?"
Her sweet voice brittle, "that's just great, I just stay here then"
Mockingly he says "Nice knowing you, hopefully the wolves won't come out tonight"
Terrified she replied "Mister aren't you going to help me?"
"Oh now I'm Mister again?" Clicking his tongue
"I'm sorry about earlier, please help me, she pouts
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Removing his shirt, handing it to her "there wear that so long, I'll fish out your dress, we can hang it by the fire"
Her hand shaking, when she takes the shirt! "Thank you"
Wet dress in his hand, feeling her eyes on him, "seeing something you like Willow?" Teasing her
"Uhm no, don't be, crazy" she stutters, her cheeks slightly red
"Well come on now, let me get you by the fire" he suggests
Walking up towards me, then only did I realize how small she is. "Mister, uhmmm..." She stutters
"Speak up little woman-child" his husky voice, makes her tremble
"Your not a psycho are you?" Concern in her voice
"Not more than the average person" he laughs
"I don't think your very funny" she huffed
"I don't care what you think, your the crazy one, swimming or bathing in the river at night" he mocks
Clicking her tongue"I've always wanted to do it, I didn't think there was going to be a creeper close by"
Stopping dead in his tracks, turning to face her, admiring the way his plaid shirt, hugs her curves, "you should decide now, am I creeper or psycho" he smirked
"I'm so sorry Mister" rolling her eyes, adjusting herself so that she faces him, standing her ground, glaring at his delightful lips, scruff beard and sky blue eyes, broad shoulders and bare chest, faded blue denim, and old cowboy boots, thinking damn, he is quite something.
"Its Benny, that's my name, not Mister" his husky voice, is a bit more breathy than he intended.
Smiling "oh hello Benny"
Hearing her say his name, is more than he can take , leaning in placing a deep kiss on her lips.
He suddenly stops, realising that he might be wrong, he pulls back, his husky voice a mere whisper "I'm sorry"
Her voice sounded hoarse and out of breath,  "Kiss me Benny" she demanded,
With out further due, he pulled her closer, he placed his hands on her hips, and his lips brushed over hers, in a deep passionate kiss, sensing the arousal and electricity in their bodies, he picked her up, not once breaking the kiss, he carried her up the porch and into his little rustic home, his hands exploring the velvet skin, his lips tasting her pleasure, the whimpered moans went on till early morning, the two of them devoured each other, over and over, seeing her lay entangled in his bed sheets that was once filled with his scent of sandalwood, musk and bourbon, now drenched in the sweet smell of jasmine.
He just layed there under the bedsheets with her body close to his, skin on skin, admiring her alluring beauty, a soft smile on her lips, when she woke up, looking into his eyes, the sunrise shining through the rugged window, falling across her face, thinking the way the light reflects in her emerald green eyes, he could write  pages of poetry, and it still won't do this beauty any justice.
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The pages of his journals are filled with details of how he and 'Willow' the dear woman-child spend their days, a smile crept up his rugged face, its been almost five years, and I still think about her, life has not been easy before I met her, but it sure as hell got a lot harder the day she left, as he rested his head on a sleeping bag, a little fire burning, Shadow his horse roaming around close by, the empty can of beans on one side of him and the bottle of jack still in his hand, his 45' tucked in the holster, replaying the words her sweet voice said "Benny I'm a wanderer, I have to run free, I can't be tamed, if you love me you'll let me go, I'll come back, once I've found what I'm searching" and with a kiss goodbye his city grown willow, got on the train.
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Glancing up at the bright stars that fills the dark sky, he ponders where she might be, and with a sigh he closes his eyes, drifting off to sleep.
Chapter One Here :)
Chapter Two Here :)
Chapter Three Here :)
Chapter Four Here :)
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so-many-ocs · 1 year
high fantasy writing and plot prompts
request from instagram!
center your story around the fall of an empire.
open your story at a local wedding or funeral.
a mysterious illness is ravaging your world. your protagonist sets out in search of a cure.
your protagonist’s close friend or family member is continually seen slipping away into the woods at night.
your protagonist will do anything to join a monster hunting guild.
your protagonist’s nation has lived underground for millenia. one day, they decide to explore what waits above the surface.
write a story that takes place in an underwater kingdom.
your protagonist’s kingdom, which has prospered for centuries, is ravaged by a famine beginning the night of their birth.
your protagonist encounters an entity that extends an offer they cannot refuse.
your protagonist’s lifelong goal has been to outlaw magic.
your protagonist decides to seek out the sacred pools of legend, against the advice of their community.
your protagonist arrives in the throne room of the tyrant-king, intending to bring him to justice, only to discover that the long-feared ruler died quite some time ago.
a magical item appears once every hundred years. its power is yet unknown.
your protagonist has always been destined to be ordinary, unremarkable, and magicless. but they pay this destiny no heed: if fate won’t give them what they want, they’ll have to take it for themself.
your protagonist sets out to find the missing child of another kingdom and collect the bounty for their safe return, only to find that they are the missing child in question.
your protagonist once bargained for immortality. now, though, they would do anything to have it taken back.
your protagonist has forever lived in a world without light. one day, though, they look up and are greeted by the moon. they seem to be the only one who can see it.
begin your story after the main character’s death.
your protagonist’s city is encircled by an impenetrable wall, piercing all the way into the clouds. nobody knows when it was built, or even who constructed it; just that it’s always been there and likely always will be.
like this post? buy me a ko-fi || what's radio apocalypse?
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dilf-din · 1 year
Yeehawgust Day 3: Wanted Poster
Rebelcaptain Western AU (Outlaw!Jyn & Cass)
WC: 1450
Characters: Cassian Andor, Jyn Erso, Syril Karn
Rating: T
Warnings: typical western violence, light language, playing god with star wars canon and added western elements
A/N: howdy y’all! This one was fun, I’m definitely going to be doing a few more mini fics for them this month. Barely proofread so sorry for any typos. Without further ado, please enjoy the misadventures of Fulcrum and Stardust ✨
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Order. The Empire craved order. It needed order to survive. It relied on systems and balance and people who could keep everything in check. It relied on subdued civilians with the fight beaten out of them. A list that extensive took cold and competent people, and Syril Karn was one of the best.
Syril was the head of a system of sheriff’s departments located in the desert colonies. It wasn’t a glamorous station by far, but it was a busy one by way of crime, and being entrusted with it was a high honor. He was due for a promotion soon and had been prepping his case to present to the council the afternoon that everything transpired.
He awoke just like any other morning, five minutes before his alarm, ever the overachiever. He shaved his already smooth face, buttoned his shirt all the way to his ivory throat, and secured his gun at his hip, ready to draw at a moment’s notice. He had a plain breakfast of toast and eggs and listened to the morning news broadcast over the crackle of his radio. He checked the watch on his wrist and double checked it with the clock over his stove before pushing back from the table. Just one more day’s work to get through before his meeting with the council. He smiled smugly as he locked the door behind him, and headed down the walk to his barn.
His dark dapple grey horse stood dutifully in his stall, all saddled and ready for a day of patrolling and intimidating civilians.
“Good morning, Zero,” Syril said with a nod, dismissing the stable boy who assisted him in the mornings. “Today’s the day,” he whispered into the stallion’s ear, causing it to flick against his cheek.
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The toe of Jyn’s boot drug lazily against the wooden floor, tracing a series of crooked lines in the dust as she swayed back and forth in her hammock. Her left arm hung down as she rolled out the cylinder of her worn revolver before swinging it shut in a repetitive motion. The sound of metal against her leather gloves soothed her as she waited for Cassian’s return. Sunlight streamed in through the cracks in the wood casting beams of pale yellow light through clouds of dust. Jyn had her bandana pulled over her nose to keep the dank, musty smell out. As far as hideouts go, this definitely wasn’t the worst place they’d landed. Cassian’s old friend, Ruescott, had opened up his attic space to the pair as they were currently on the run.
“Just one more job, then I promise we’re out of here for good,” Cassian had promised. Their days spent trekking across the continent with a string of livid Imperial officers on their tail were coming to a close.
People easily fit into two categories around these parts, those who disagreed with the Empire, and those who were pissed off enough to do something about it. Jyn and Cassian fell into the latter category.
The truth was, Jyn didn’t mind this life. She would’ve been bored being a housewife on a homestead somewhere. She liked the thrill of the chase, the disguises, the planning. She lived for the adrenaline rushes, the lies, the cons. Robbing those bastards blind was her reason to get out of bed in the morning. To spit in the face of the people who had killed her parents, killed Cassian’s family, left them alone in the world until they found each other.
Jyn and Cassian met back to back in a shootout trying to pinch some artifacts getting delivered to an Imperial temple. Apparently their informant had slipped up and given the tip to both of them. They took down an entire swarm of Imperial grunts in no time and escaped with their loot in tow. They hadn’t parted since that day, finding more than just a convenient partnership.
But Cassian was growing tired from running for so long. He had planned this last heist for months now, detailing everything down to the meter, the second, the dollar amount. They were planning to clear out the vault of the Aldhani treasury, a nearby town infamous for its heavily guarded store of Imperial wealth and weaponry. It was an affluent little offset in the midst of desert poverty, a real diamond in the rough. They had been waiting for the cattle drives to start making their way through town to set everyone into action, spending the last few weeks holed up in a sloping room that was somehow too wet and too dry at the same time. The prior night, Cassian and Melshi had gone to set charges on a nearby bridge that allowed the passage of the steers into town, hoping that the commotion would draw the law enforcement away to deal with the buildup of livestock and people alike. He had headed out to check and see that everything was falling into place while Jyn waited behind. The likelihood of them being recognized while they were together was high. Their faces were plastered on wanted posters across every nearby town. “Fulcrum and Stardust, wanted dead or alive by the Empire.” Jyn took to cutting her hair and pilfering new outfits as much as she could. Cassian, on the other hand, was a little harder to conceal.
Just then, she heard footsteps below her plodding into the house. She straightened herself and waited for the attic stairs to drop down and that crown of dark hair to pop through the opening in the floor.
Cassian ascended the creaky stairs and clambered into the small room out of breath.
“Well?” she asked impatiently. His face broke out into a wide grin under the thick mustache he had grown out.
“It worked. It couldn’t be more perfect. They’ve got a lot of the regular sentry men helping redirect people to another bridge on the east side of the river. Almost everyone in town is out there watching the commotion.” He took her cheeks in his hands and pulled down the black bandana to reveal her lips slightly parted in awe at the report.
“I’m going to get you out of here, Jyn. We can go anywhere, build a home, hide out from all this shit.”
She was now mirroring his toothy grin with one of her own and leaning forward to place a quick kiss to his lips.
“Let’s go get our prize then, yeah?”
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Syril’s route today had changed. The commotion at the Aldhani bridge was drawing in support from all over. He saw it his duty to go supervise, nose turned high in the air, cheeks burning from the spring sun, none the wiser to the fact that one of the biggest entities under his jurisdiction was being bled dry just a few minutes away.
Cass had somehow commandeered a wagon and hooked it up to their two steeds. It was pulled up behind the treasury being piled high with sacks of coins and other valuables. Jyn was waiting in the wagon to tie everything down and throw a blanket over top while Cassian made a few more trips. She had discarded the white bonnet she had been using to shield her eyes from the sun, and had used one of her knives to cut her skirt off at the knees giving her easy access to her boots and thigh holsters. Cassian’s last trip consisted of two new rifles, a couple of explosives, and as much ammo as he could carry.
“That it?”
He nodded, and shed the officers coat and cap he had taken, leaving them next to Jyn’s discarded garments. He was left in gray trousers, overalls, and a loose fitting white shirt that he rolled the sleeves on before hopping up onto the bench. He lent a hand down to Jyn who swung up next to him just as they heard the sound of voices coming from inside the vault where they had left the back door cracked open.
“That’s our cue!” Cassian snapped the reins, and the horses took off.
Jyn’s braids whipped wildly in the wind as she turned to see two officers emerging from the dark room and shouting. She aimed her revolver and hit one dead in the chest, and the other in the shoulder. He cursed as he fell into the sand, blood streaming through his fingers as they grasped his wound desperately. She blew the smoke from the tip and twirled it on her finger before setting it on the bench between them.
“You’re crazy,” Cassian said with a wide grin.
“We both are,” she laughed right at him.
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