#outgoing introvert here lmao..
fellissuffering · 6 months
About the creator (and Fell of course!)
I am a Pansexual, Non-binary person using Ne/Nem/Nemself pronouns and I am a MINOR, please do not ask anything nsfw related to me or the character please..
Along with that, I may be busy as I obviously have school, but I will try to answer any asks if I'm not busy!
And I may ignore any asks if they're not SFW, sending actual death threats (geez I hope not-) and other! And I'm also catholic..idk why I have to say that tbh-
And I do not know how to draw...so if you want to see art, sorry but that ain't happening pal.
Anyways...onto Fell now hehe
" sup..names fell, I go by he/they. u h, I'm aroace and absolutely have no idea what to do in life. may have depression or some other shit..uh, what else? "
" oh yeah, I might also kick yo ass if you're a fucking bitch. that's all. "
Additional character in the blog:
Underfell Papyrus! Aka Currant! (Fell might change his name..not too sure..)
His text sample is a little like this:
" Nuh uh bro. " " UGH.. "
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Astro observations #25
• Some Aquarius mars people tend to not want to have kids if they think the society they live in is corrupt.
• Capricorn/Scorpio mix in the chart can indicate being born left handed! I have a close friend who’s a Capricorn sun & Scorpio stellium and she’s left handed, my mom’s a Scorpio sun/mercury & Capricorn venus and she’s also left handed. Then I’m a 8H Capricorn mars & I was born left handed!
• Capricorn mars with a water sun are dangerous!! I know a few men with these placements that will say “I would never hurt you baby, you know that.” In a sweet tone and then be cheating.
• You might not be specifically attracted to people who have their natal ascendant opposite your sidereal ascendant and there can be a little tension/awkwardness because of that. E.g. If you’re a sidereal Taurus rising you might not be that attracted to tropical Scorpio risings but they might find your personality/looks attractive & tend to develop crushes on you even if they don’t tell you.
• You know those celebrities that you don’t know much about because they didn’t share their personal life much or they had biopics made after their passing to share their story? They probably have Water in their big 3! E.g. Freddie Prinze Sr (Cancer sun/Pisces moon/Scorpio rising), Prince (Pisces moon/Scorpio rising), Bobby DeBarge (Pisces sun), etc…
• Water suns tend to have fuller cheeks & rounder faces!
• Water in big 3 also tend to have dimples!
• Gemini placements be out here lying for fun lmao.😭
• I think Water moons can also relate to Air moons and some can also be wise because they tend to have their sidereal moon in an air moon. E.g. Pisces moon can relate to Aquarius moon, Cancer moon can relate to Gemini moon & Scorpio moon can relate to Libra moon.
• I’ve also noticed Water moons tend to enter depressions at times..
• I know some Pisces moons who feel like people don’t get them and so they get sorta depressed.
• Leo sun/mercury/venus people are so cool imo.
• They also have great taste in music and are intelligible.
• Cancer suns with Gemini moons and Leo mercuries are really funny, mentally stimulating and caring all in one.
• Air moons are normally collected people but they can spontaneously lash out too.
• Yes fire risings are outgoing, fiery and loud but can we also normalize them being introverted? I know some fire risings especially Sagittarius risings to be introverted and on the other hand I know some water risings especially Scorpio risings who are bold to a certain degree and also outgoing.
• Checking the degree of your sidereal ascendant is also essential! E.g. my sidereal rising is at a Leo degree, Leo is in my 3rd natal house and it shows through in the way I express myself! Like when I dance/sing I’m somewhat confident & sassy lol.
• Virgo moons with Aries influence in the chart will start firing shots/getting a aggressive if you don’t listen to them.
• 9H moons 🤝 being unconsciously self-righteous.
• People with venusian Jupiters (Libra/Taurus) tend to get baby fever a lot!
• People with their mercury in a fire house (1, 5, 9) tend to curse a lot, maybe unconsciously so, it doesn’t matter if they have a water mercury either.
• Scorpio moons will be willing to go to the ends of the earth for you if they love you. Don’t take them for grated though.
• Some people with Earth mars have a ‘mami’/‘daddy’ kink. Yes, I’m looking at you specifically Capricorn mars.🌚
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marwhoa · 2 years
request: okay soooo… i was wondering if you could write something abt the reader (gn please) being introverted??? and despite their shyness and quiet disposition, they’re drawn to more outgoing people?? (basically me irl lmao) any character from ouran & tmnt is good!!
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🝮 “ high school sweethearts ”
hikaru hitachiin x reader
author’s note: i’m hungry and just realized i wrote this whole thing without putting on my glasses. Originally i was gonna write this for kasanoda then i was like “wait, he’s not so outgoing, he’s shy and easily embarrassed” then i looked at Hikaru and was like “… prankster… that’s outgoing… even though he can be a little.. immature” then i was like waaaaait i’ve read a bit of the manga, and he does change a bit!! so here’s my excuse at getting to write a casual hikaru x reader uwu
word count: 1.6k
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The two of you had met during cooking class. He was always surrounded by all kinds of friendly faces, and you wanted to be one of them too! So, when he was assigned your cooking partner, you were secretly over the moon with the chance to hang out with him more one-on-one.
Unfortunately, it kind of seemed like didn’t feel the same. While getting ingredients ready, with everyone else distracted, he seemed to be… very focused on his side of the work instead. This made your lips tighten into a bit of a frown. There wasn’t even a chance to introduce yourself and he already disliked you? Harsh..
“ Y/N, can you hand me the onions? “
Hikaru asked, pointing at the onions you had diced up. Absentmindedly you nodded, handing it off and going to rub your increasingly-teary eyes—what? it was disheartening to fail so early on, don’t judge!
But, you were shocked. For two reasons.
1.) Did he just say your name? He knows your name? How? It wasn’t like you had friends in this class—acquaintances yes, and they knew your name because, well, you were pretty nice. Well liked, just not popular. Kindness gets you that status, I suppose!
2.) He had grabbed your hand before it touched your eyes. A little “ eep “ had escaped you with how fast it happened.
“ Hi… Hitachiin-kun …? “
“ Hikaru’s fine, but Y/N be careful. You didn’t wash off your hands. “
He pointed at the onion and you couldn’t help but connect the dots with fright. That would’ve burned! And been so embarrassing! So obviously you hastily washed your hands as an awkward silence slowly whirled between you both. Alright, so THAT was your first impression… At least you got a chance to fail this time…
You have a heavy sigh, continuing to chop up and dice ingredients, handing it off to him. With your head down, you were missing the smile he gave each time—and also didn’t see how it lessened with each hand-off.
Hikaru, on the other hand, was currently thinking of ways to get you to not be so cold. Classic two-sided misunderstanding! He opted for a casual approach, hoping it would stir something between you both.
“ So, have your chefs ever made this before? “
“ Ratatouille? “
You answered with a bit too excited of a voice, surprising even yourself. He was talking to you, after that? Albeit small talk, but still something!
“ Oh—! Um, well, probably once before. Not sure if I would call it a favorite enough to request it of them, though. Usually I let my chefs decide the menu. ”
Hikaru laughed, pulling a smile from you. You were starting to make more eye contact, and definitely couldn’t have missed how he brightened at that.
“ That’s fair. I send plenty of requests to my chefs—usually asking for soufflé pancakes or to surprise me with something spicy. “
You had began making your sauce, seasoning and sautéing the vegetables.
“ Pft, does your brother enjoy that, too? “
“ Obviously, it’s the twin-sense. “
He teased, sliding a few stray onions into your pan. Now, usually folks at this school detested cooking class the most. I mean, when you have chefs who prepare every meal, a class on cooking becomes all the more annoying and sometimes much too hard—seen with the perfect example by the partners toward the back window. One of them was screaming as the stove practically ignited. Wrong setting or too much oil.
But you? Well, this was pretty fun, and it’s a useful skill to know.
“ Oh right, you do have a twin! I don’t see you two together as much. Did something happen? “
This time, the smile he gave was nearly indecipherable. And by that, I mean you weren’t too sure what you said that made him happy.
“ No, nothing happened. We’re just… I’m becoming independent, you know? Thinking about dying my hair, even. “
That answer had taken you off guard at the time, but now—looking back on it, all the pieces were falling into place.
Today, you were both seniors—and sweethearts— in the academy, counting down the last days together. Being partners in class worked wonders for you both getting closer, and it even led to you attending the Host club—specifically for him, of course.
At first, the other hosts didn’t really know what to think of you. Haruhi not included. If anyone were well-versed in the ways of gender, it would be them. They were actually the one taking weight off your shoulder to explain to the others why you dressed in the uniform you did—and why sometimes you would change. It would either be the pretty girl’s uniform (seldom that, but there were a couple times of outgoing-ness just for personal testing-out) or the cool guy’s uniform. In fact, sometimes you even wore a custom uniform. This caused a few jealous students, some turning to get their own custom uniforms while others tried to have a word with you.
Emphasis on try. It wasn’t like Hikaru played a part in deterring them or anything. If you asked what happened, he would shrug it off. Feign ignorance. But you knew he knew, and he knew you knew he knew!
So, now the hosts are on the same page. Their only issue presently is how often you come ONLY for Hikaru! Don’t you want to, maybe, hang out with another person? Talk? Share tea?
To pour salt into the metaphorical wound, there had been times you came for someone else other than Hikaru, but that alternative was always Haruhi.
They (coughtamakicoughattentionwantercough) were jealous! Hurt! … Hikaru lavished in it though.
Now, it was strange they were jealous. After all, your sessions were usually completely quiet and serene, with a little small talk sprinkled here and there (with Haruhi) or they were you being an avid listener to a talker (Hikaru). Not the most exciting, so…
Anyways, the latter was the situation going on now as you sat in the Host club. Your visits were Hikaru’s favorites for two reasons:
1.) He gets to see you. Huge plus!
2.) It’s like a break. He will do some flirty Host tricks or acts here and there to make you smile or laugh, but he will also hold just casual conversation. It also allows Kaoru a break, but he’ll usually just continue taking folks for fun.
Your head was laying in Hikaru’s lap, a rosy tint upon his cheeks as he talked to you about what plans he was thinking about pursuing come graduation and college.
“ I’m set on fashion—maybe I’ll add a S.T.E.M minor? “
“ Mmm, because you like science and math? “
“ Precisely that. “
He smiled at you fondly, especially so when your hand rose up to rustle through his short brunette locks. After a few minutes passed in mutual quiet, he suddenly straightened up, hands reaching out to ensure you weren’t accidentally thrown off.
“ Right! Y/N, will you help me after the club ends today? “
“ …? With what, Hikaru? “
Y/N yawned and started sitting up. The look settling in his eyes made you snort and simply interlock your fingers together.
“ I have been working on my fashion portfolio and have a few prototypes that would look nicer on a model instead of a mannequin. “
Still holding your hand, Hikaru leaned forward and propped his elbow on his thigh. He winked at the end of his sentence, sending a rosy hue upon your cheeks to match his.
You obliged, of course, and come the chime signifying the club’s closing, you were surprised to see your chauffeur wasn’t waiting for you. You were planning to tell him you would be going with Hikaru when you got out. Confused, you turned to Hikaru who gave you a glance, then a grin, then held out his hand. Kaoru walked past you both snickering, getting into the car (and probably taking the best seat for himself since you were both slowpokes).
“ What? You thought I wouldn’t take care of things myself? I am inviting you myself, it’s only expected that I handle any inconveniences. “
With that, the two of you went to his chauffeur and headed to the Hitachiin home as an impromptu model. There, he would take you to a room equipped with a few maids and dozens of clothes or different styles hung all around.
“ Whoa—Hikaru, I don’t think—“
“ Oh, you won’t have to try them all on. There’s a few I made specifically with your measurements in mind. “
“ How did you get my—“
“ Bella, could you help them into this? “
Hikaru interrupted you, with a nervous pitch. That made you a tad bit suspicious, but you would let it slide when the maid, Bella, led you and two others to the dressing room. You held the article of clothing he handed you, and it was a pair of pants made of such a delicate and nice-feeling silk. A smile snuck upon your features.
Now him saying you wouldn’t try them all on turned out to be a lie. The night would continue with you being handed different items, some swapped with others until the perfect combo was achieved (this seldom happened, he usually nailed it on the first try.)
With each different outfit you stepped out in, shyly presenting yourself, Hikaru would pause as if lost in a trance.
“ Does it look weird? “
“ What do you take me for? I’d never put you in something atrocious. You just make everything work too well. “
He shifted his weight to his hip, staring at you while thinking.
Hikaru sighed with a smile, shaking his head and shrugging his shoulders.
“ Well, it’s decided. I’ll just have to make new ones. These ones look so perfect on you that you just have to keep them. “
“ WHAT? Hikaru! “
“ You’ll wear one of them on our date this weekend, right? “
A blush flushed your face, and he couldn’t help but need to look away before you saw his expression at that cute display. How can he keep up a little “ flirty bad boy ” face when your eyes twinkle like that?
You muttered a little, “ yes “, nodding as well in case he hadn’t caught it, and he couldn’t help but sweep you up into a hug right then and there.
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winterchimez · 11 months
tag game! 🎮
tagged by: @adorablehyunjae @from-izzy (thank you yas & izzy!! 💕)
rules: you're going to pick 10 of your biases (or as many biases as you have and then fill in the rest of the spots with idols you like) and number them 1-10. then answer the questions below! try not to look at the questions before you make your list!
bias list:
lee sangyeon (tbz)
jeon jungkook (bts)
xiao dejun (wayv)
min yoongi (bts)
lee hyunjae (tbz)
ju haknyeon (tbz)
kim chungha
kim youngbin (sf9)
lee jihoon (svt)
song yuqi (g)i-dle
questions under the cut!
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between 7 and 5, who did you bias first?
i def fell for chungha way back before i became a deobi so it's her!! literally my kween i love love and admire her sm 🥹
between 2 and 6, who are you more attached to?
if we're speaking in terms of ult then it would be jungkook 🤧 he was literally my no.1 ult for life (and has been for so many years) until sangyeon came in the picture 😭 but he's still super dear to me i love my googie loads 🥺🐰 if irl ideally probs my junjun!! we both speak chinese & cantonese, me is an infp and he's an enfp, match made in heaven dare i say!! but seriously xiaojun is literally my ideal type irl 🥹🦕
if you were to spend the day with either 3 or 1, who would you choose and what would you do?
firstly, we wouldn't have any language barriers which saves up so much time and energy good lord. (if it was sangyeon i would be stammering in my speech all day im sorry i will go learn more hangul first 😭😭😭) i LOVE cafe hopping, so i'd probably drag his ass to all of the places i wanna go, probably hang around at some park for picnic during noon, and finish off dinner at haidilao (obviously) 😋 he's a foodie he'll agree with me 😚
what is your favorite physical feature about 9?
look i have a thing for his captivating eyes (which jihoon reminds me loads of yoongi maybe that's why they're both part of my bias list LMAO)
what is your favorite part of 6's personality?
MY BELOVED HAKKIE 🥹 i absolutely love how enthusiastic he is about literally EVERYTHING. as a huge introvert myself i longed to have a partner who's outgoing and would literally make my laugh over anything at all, and that's how i imagine hakkie would be (esp when that's how he is with the members) ughhh i would do anything to spend time with this one 🤧🤧🤧
if you were to tell 8 anything you wanted, what would you tell them?
my precious binnie 🍀 you've been through so much and i know as a leader it hasn't always been easy for you shouldering so much even when you were in the army. but i hope you know that fantasys are always here for you and that it's totally fine to cry and let out your feelings to us, and i wish nothing but to continue to see that lovely smile and laughter on you always 💚
between 1 and 2, whose closet would you raid?
bruh they're both fashionistas but imma go for Sangyeon bcs Jungkook's closet is literally all black and white, and some hints of red that's it 😭
what is a style that you want to see 3 try?
i think xiaojun is pretty open-minded and he has tried quite a lot of styles by now... but i have to say. wayv's all for love perf from their kick back showcase???? that xiaojun CHANGED MY LIFE FOREVER.
between 5 and 4, who are you closer to in height?
yoongi 😭 hyunjae is too tall for moi 🤧
between 10 and 9, whose music do you like the best?
omg please this is such a hard one 😭😭😭😭😭😭 but i will have to go for seventeen since i've been their fan literally since their debut 🤧🤧🤧
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tagging: @sungbeam @juyeonszn @itsbeeble @zzoguri @kimsohn @mosviqu @invuwrld @stealanity @etherealcheol-mp3 @cupidjyu @snowflakewhispers @planetkiimchi @beautifulchris
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fcknstar · 2 years
,, best friends girl "
- harryosborn x fem!reader x peterparker
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a.n : omfg i have a habit of writing at night. i have tried to edit it to the best of my ability. i need friends who share the same interest in harry osborn. uhh this is a mix of peter and harry, but it was really actually for harry lmao. i think imma just use marlene monae as my oc / reader / (y/n) cause it's easier for me. kinda got carried away lmao
warnings : jealousy? , long back story , y/n or reader is known as marlene monae.
**lowercase intended**
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changing schools in the middle of the semester has to be your most hated things that could ever happen to you. moving houses was normal for your family as your fathers a business man, who moves around. your dad was a family man, he never wanted to leave his family behind, so hed bring you and your mom around. 
it may seem magical, being able to see the entire world due to having the money for it. however, the beauty of it can never mask your hatred having to make friends, and eventually leaving them. you hardly ever kept real friends due to long distance and time difference which made it hard for both parties to connect. 
somehow, there was a few friends that you truly treasured. you were settled there for awhile. you met peter parker, harry osborn and gwen stacy. there were others but they were really something. peter was more towards the introvert dude who was always reserved, attractive guy. harry was the complete opposite of peters personality, he was more outgoing towards others, ladys boy. gwen stacy was with peter when you first entered, and you guys simply clicked, probably due to the love of science. 
you have to admit that you found peter attractive, thank god your feelings have started to slowly fade into the background. however that happiness was outlived when you found out you had to move again. you begged your parents to settle here, but of course they refused. bummed out with your parents, you had to carry the burden and decided to not tell your friends about it. you just didnt want to suffer with long distance and that your meeting with them was merely meant to be during that timeline. knowing that itd be your last time ever being in queens, you confessed your feelings towards peter, probably weeks or months after gwen and peters breakup. you didnt want to regret not opening your heart out. 
when you left without a single trace, the duo was upset. of course, who wouldn't be. you left without a letter, a goodbye. peter did tell the others about your confession. gwen wasnt mad, she was more delighted. harry left way earlier than you did, so he didn't know anything. 
just like every friend and memory you had, you had forgotten them easily. you had to, it was driving you insane with how much you missed them. missed peter because you didnt know what his answer was. but who cares. aunt may probably forgot and didnt tell peter about it. you werent mad at aunt may, but she is old and had a lot to handle with her frail hands, and your message to peter only added the burden for her. but to your luck, she did pass down the message, but was too late as peter came back home later than usual. 
it has been years and you are your own woman. you aged beautifully and your birthday was nearing. your parents had settled in france, feeling comfortable with their surroundings. you had basically forgotten the past, most of your friends and the activities you did with them. clearing up your messy room, you came across a dusty cardboard box. it looked beaten up. curiosity killed the cat and you opened to box only to find the stuff your friends had gifted you throughout your years of moving. 
the box had felt like a time capsule, feeling like a teenager again was good. there was a particularly picture in the box that caught your eye. it was a pic of your friends in queens. 
what were their names again? uhh grace? harold and peter? peter sounds familiar but too basic. he looks familiar too. it was hard for you to remember everyones names and faces due to the dozens of people youve met. attached to the picture was a thumbdrive. curious you slipped in the drive into your laptop. it was multiple folders of your time at queens? what was so special about this place, you thought. you scrolled through a couple of photos and videos, when everything hit you like a truck. you had fled that place without letting your friends know about you leaving. you had deeply missed that place that you made yourself forget about everything there. surprisingly, your heart still yearned for peter. 
after talking with your parents, they have let you fly back there. while flying you didnt know what to expect or what to think. should i visit peter? or gwen?
what if they don't accept me? you panicked. maybe it wasn't a good idea to actually visit queens. upon reaching there, you found a hotel to stay at for the time being. you basically walked around queens trying to find a familiar apartment. after a few hours of searching, you landed infront of a old but homely apartment. you didnt know what to expect. maybe peter and aunt may moved? maybe they wont recognize you? taking a deep breath in, you advanced forward towards the entrance, knocking on the door. it didnt take long for the door to swing open revealing aunt may. 
" hey aunt may, how are you? " you started. the awkward tension in the air filled you both quickly while you waited for her reply. it looked like she was trying to piece the imaginary puzzles together. 
" uhm, its marlene? " you added, helping her remember you faster. it was as if you could see the light bulb above her head light up. you didnt expect a big warm hug from aunt may, well you had feared that she probably didnt accept you. lifting your hands slowly, you reciprocated the hug and took in her embrace. you did miss aunt may, her hugs, her cooking, and her smiles that she never failed to give you. 
" darling! oh my its been so long, what happened? how are you? hows your parents? what brings you here? " aunt may spat out as she released you from her embrace. she always saw you as one of hers. she always carried a heavy heart wherever she went. she often thought that you left because of them despite you reassuring her that you werent.
" may, whats  the commotion about? " peter came out from the side, chuckling. however it stopped when he saw you. you both did not say anything to each other, you felt your body heat up with guilt. the one where you knew you did something wrong. peter felt multiple emotions rush through him, was it really you? 
" uh pete, this is marlene, i hope you didnt forget her? " nodded aunt may. aunt may saw how peter suffered, not knowing whether he felt that way because you left without saying goodbye or that he wasnt able to tell you that he felt the same way. the spiderman situation didnt help him either, no one knew that but gwen. 
trying to suppress the heat and awkwardness, you merely nodded and smiled. aunt may welcomed you in and wanted to catch up. the house looked the same, it gave off homely vibes and you missed it. you sat on the dining table opposite of aunt may while peter just stood next to her. 
you had to try to explain your absence and why you left without saying anything. you did a lot of things you regretted in the past, and leaving without an explanation was on the top of your list. aunt may seemed to understand, but she is always understanding. not sure if peter seemed the same way as his gaze was fixated on you ever since you were at their doorstep. 
" alright, ill leave you two be yea " aunt may could sense the tension between the two young adults. all she wanted was them to reconcile, glancing at peter hoping he gets a hint. 
" oh uh its fine, i was about to leave anyway. im sorry if i came without notice. bye aunt may! " you quickly gathered your stuff and practically ran out the house. slowing down your pace once you were out, you took out your phone with the intention to play some music while walking back to your hotel. 
" so thats it? youre leaving without saying goodbye to me? again? " peter called out. stopping in your tracks, you slowly turned to him. you could see the disappointment that was clearly showing. 
" look, im sorry i left okay? i just had a lot going on back then and i thought that was the easiest way out- "
" but it wasnt, isnt it? you left me knowing that we could be something.. " peter had whispered the last part, not wanting or ready for you to hear it. maybe you had moved on. his eyes trained on you. 
you didnt know what to say. you heard what he whispered out. " i know youre mad at me and its reasonable. and i.. i. " you werent sure if he liked you, but what he said did indicate that he probably did have feelings. 
" yea i am mad at you, you left without a letter? and you expected that the message you left me was enough? it was selfish of you to do so you know that right " he slowly advanced to you, not wanting his neighbors to listen to the conversation that went horribly wrong. you wanted to answer, but nothing came out of your mouth. peter felt that he was a little too harsh just by looking at your expression.
" im sorry if i was too harsh. i just. i really liked you, i still do, but leaving me. leaving gwen wasnt something we both saw coming. aunt may said you liked me. is it true? " it was pretty bold of peter, he knew that. but he really needed to know. he nearly missed your nods. that was enough for him to engulf you into a hug. peter had let his guard down and you had to. you realized that it was hard for him too. 
it had been a few weeks ever since you stepped foot in new york. peter brought you to see gwen, who was thrilled to find you back. you guys reconnected instantly, catching up with one another. peter was glad that you are back, but he knew deep down that you had to leave again. gwen convinced you to stay with her as she needed a roommate. which made you convince your parents to let you stay in new york. somehow everything went according to plan, and you parents visited you often. you were living comfortably with gwen, you started dating peter. it sounds bad, dating your friends ex, but gwen was too open minded to care about what people thought. who cares about their friend dating their crush when they are in a committed relationship with someone new. 
you and peter were at a cafe having a regular breakfast, when a mini television in the cafe announced harry osborns arrival back in new york. it was said that his father was terribly sick and had died from it. decided that you both wanted to visit harry. 
the moment you stepped into the building, you both were told that harry was in a meeting for oscorp, and had to wait for the boy to come down. scanning the foyer you were in, it looked grand, but was dimly lit which made it more eerie than intended. you both didnt know what to expect except the awkwardness that will fill in between you three. while waiting for harry, you and peter were softly kicking each other to keep each other from getting bored. 
the clacks of someones shoes broke the silence and both you and peter had turned to see harry. harry looked different, he grew into his looks, the ridiculous side part has yet to leave his personality. 
" peter parker.. and marlene monae. its like seeing ghosts. " harry chuckled, staring at you both. 
" hey harry. " peter greeted with a gentle tone, not wanting harry to push you both away. 
you just forced a smile towards the boy who nodded. " uhm, what brings you both here? "
" we saw the news, heard about your dad and just wanted to see you and  how you are doing. " it was now your turn to speak. you didnt want to offend harry, trying to sound as sincerely as you intended with the words that came out. 
" im uh with some people,  im in a meeting " harry voiced out, eyes flickering between you both. 
" we didnt mean to intrude, really. i knew how it feels to lose a parent. " a sigh left peters lips. he truly wanted to be there for his friend. the conversation felt awkward and you didnt know what to do other than mess with your skin. glancing back at peter, you continued, " we just wanted to let you know that we are here for you if you need us " 
harry nodded, whispering out a " thank you " . 
it was silent for a moment and you seriously wanted to tension to stop. clasping your hands together, you look between peter and harry, " it was nice to see you again, harry " smiling towards the boy, you glance back at peter. peter got the hint and nodded. as you both turned to the door, harry spoke. 
" i see that you have gotten your braces out, " you could tell that harry had let his guard down with the tone of his voice. you missed this harry that enjoyed messing around, " and you have better style now huh " harry eyed you up and down. he always teased about how plain you dress up in the past. 
seeing peter smile at harrys words warmed you dearly. peter had both of his friends back into his life and peter couldnt be more happy. 
" you still blow dry your hair every morning? " peter laughed. harry stepped down onto the stairs, chuckling. 
" you know, one of my servants holds the hair dryer and i work the comb " harry cracked a smile, he was shocked at how quickly he let his old friends back into his life, but he wasnt mad at all. 
when harry reached the bottom of the stairs, he opened up his arms wanting a hug. without hesitation peter ran to harry like a little child, engulfing harry into a bear hug. you have seen peter happy when hes around his friends, but peter has never been this happy to have a friend back into your life. ( you messed up, thats why he didnt seem to happy to see you, right marlene? ) 
after harry released peter from his grasp, he opened his arms slightly, offering you a hug that you gladly accepted. you and harry usually shared hugs with one another in the past. it was tradition, whenever you two see each other or needed one another, a hug was always shared, and jokes were passed around. 
peter was happy seeing his friends reconcile, but his eyes didnt miss the way harrys hands held your waist. was it normal? he knew your relationship with harry in the past, but he didnt remember it to be this touchy. maybe it was because he was just jealous. the hug lasted longer than he anticipated, his ears didnt miss the light thumping of someones heart during the shared hug. it couldnt be yours, he was used to hearing your heart beat and didnt sound like yours. maybe harry was nervous. peter didnt know. 
it wasnt long before the trio found themselves walking through a park which located in the middle of the town. harry and peter were conversing, letting you take in the atmosphere. 
" what? you got yourself a lady? " harry joked while watching peter lean back onto the railing. that was what made you and peter lock eyes. harry caught that, a smile starting to appear on his lips. 
" wait, you two? " harry questioned. 
when you were about to answer harry, peter beat you to it. " you sound surprised, well we were just about to tell you " peter winked. 
" well i am, i just didnt think a hot looking woman would end up with a nerd. " harry joked, " i mean dont get me wrong im happy for you both. " you were probably oblivious enough to not notice the tone in harrys voice, but peter clearly did. 
" well thank you harry, but how bout you get yourself a woman before talking " you winked at harry, challenging harry. 
" i have one in mind, but shes off limits. " harry sighed, eye flicking between you and peter. 
" spill right now. "  you cheered, its been a long time since you heard your best friend talk about his crushes. 
" spill? its that like a slang-? " harry was cut off with a slap in the head. of course it was from you. peter didnt like the interaction one bit, he didnt expect you and harry click so fast after years of not meeting. it took you less than an hour to let your guard down with harry, but it took you a few weeks to fully get comfortable with peter. peter just couldn't understand. 
harry however, was more delighted to have you talk to him. he had missed your eagerness whenever he shared about his dream girl which was practically you. he did feel upset when he found out that you and peter were an item. if you and peter werent together, hed for sure have started something with you. he knew peter saw the way he held your waist, the way he brought your hips closer to his, the way he buried his face in the crook of your neck. but who is he to break you two apart. you were his best friends girl. or are you really?
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mrkis · 9 months
you characterise all the nct members in your writings so well aswell 🫶🏼🫶🏼
it’s fictional but it also makes sense in a realistic way? like renjun and jaemin as introverted private, blunt and kinda rude but it’s in a way where you know they keep to themselves and don’t really like a lot of attention or drama, just very chill. donghyuck and yangyang as annoying lmfao, but with very very big hearts and very protective that it’s scary. can’t wait to see you dive into that in his fic even more
and jeno… my fucking man. i feel like a lot of your followers and anons are jeno lovers?? i’ve been seeing a lot of him on your blog recently and just in general and i see why <3 your characterisation of him is perfection, chefs kiss. he’s popular, very loud (in a more subtle way, like not how he speaks but his presence, you know he’s there and it’s impossible to ignore him even if he’s not trying to get attention), very outgoing and bold both sexually and personality wise, like his parties?? it just makes so much sense to make him the party thrower out of all the group
and also his soft sweet caring side… maybe not sexually because i think that soft dom jeno is something that’s quite rare (let me know your opinion on it please cas :) whatever you say will always make so much sense and i know you’ll probably change my mind on it lol) but like he’s a sweetheart! he’s so caring and kind hearted as a friend and it’s driving me crazy cus we’ve only seen that side to him when treating his friends (like twlg mc and jaemin) imagine how heightened that is when we finally get to see boyfriend jeno?? i’m gonna go crazy like it’s gonna be the best side to him that we’ve seen im screaming
and this mf seems like someone who doesn’t try but things always go his way 😭 like he’s smart, gets good grades, has good sex, has a great friend group and is such a social guy? how does he have it all? it’s crazy
it seems like you mean just twlg😅 i appreciate it tho, truly! it makes me feel good knowing that it can come across as realistic.
and actually, a lot of my followers/anons here (from what i’ve witnessed since the beginning) are mainly jaemin & mark lovers. twlg is what brought the jaemin stans in (🫶) and mark obviously because of myself and how much i write for him. its only veryyyy recently, like… two days ago, that the jeno asks have started coming in!
but anyway, with twlg!jeno, he’s that really social and popular guy that everyone wants to get with or everyone wants to be yk? that typical type of thing. he also doesn’t go looking for attention and whatnot, he just happens to have it on him all the time. he’s that guy LMAO. but he’s also really sweet & caring, especially towards his close group of friends. (his relationship with jaemin mainly and mc, you can see that clearly).
twlg!jeno really did get a lot of love throughout the series… so thank you everyone!!🫶🫶🫶
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revasserium · 9 months
Hey! Do you have any ideas for awkward moments? But like, romantic.
Also, I'm jealous because perfume triggers my migraines. I think it's cool though, I never heard of your job before! What's your favorite scent ever?
i'm assuming u meant like awk romantic meet-cutes? imma pretend that's what u meant and go with it :)
accidentally spilling coffee on someone at the pick up counter and then "ah -- fuck, sorry -- i'll get you another one" and writing ur number on the coffee slip
introverts at a party neither of them wanna be at, but they were dragged by their more outgoing friends who just wanted to hook up, and now ur friends r making out across the room and ur sitting next to each other on the couch like "so uh.... nice party huh?" "actually i didn't even wanna be here" "omg thank GOD neither did i"
supermarket where u try to pick up the same thing, apologize, and then do it again in a different aisle, for a different piece of produce; being like "lmao we should swap recipes" and then actually doing it
ahh im so sorry perfume does that to you :( but actually most reactions people have towards fragrance isn't to the smell itself, it's the kind of alcohol the fragrance is diluted in! kinda cool, but still doesn't solve ur problem :(
my fav scent? hmmmm i like portrait of a lady, but bc i can't wear perfume to work (gotta keep our skin clean in case ppl need skin to test on LOL) i've stopped wearing perfume in general.
but i DO wear a specific white musk molecule u__u <3 it's called Helvetolide, and it's so light and fluffy and just... makes me very happy <3
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nishloves · 10 months
hey nish, so here is my ask for the match. thank you again, hope its not a bother!
i am an intj and more of an introvert. i can adapt well depending on my interlocutors and can be really shy as well as extremely outgoing. i love staying outside in the comfort of my house but also like hanging out with my friends even if i loose my energy pretty quickly. i am usually described as someone with a rather calm aura but the moment im really comfortable i am rather crazy lmao. i tend to lose focus quickly, ramble a lot (and forget to whom i said what) and can’t see for shit. i am a lazy perfectionist who hates things being done incorrectly but i want them being done quickly. i can be seen as arrogant but im a huge overthinker. I hate showing my feelings and have a hard time accepting my failures. since im always the youngest in my different friend groups, people tend to baby me which is really advantageous.
regarding my hobbies, i do ballet and modern jazz for more than fifteen years and it’s an art and sport that i am really dedicated to, creating choreographies and being kind of a scary mentor when i want to even if i like being like a big sister » so the youngest (im one of the oldest now). i also used to play tennis but outside those sports, i hate physical activities. i love manual activities such as making jewelleries, embroidery, crochet, drawing silly doodles and painting (even if i can’t wait until it is completely dry). i like reading (esp criminal novels) and love animes (my fav are haikyuu, hxh, fullmetal alchemist and bsd). id like to watch kdrama but i dont have enough time and can’t stay focused for so long anyways.
i am a sucker for light and dark academia and you’ll find me most of the time with velvet pants or oversize jeans and a pullover. finally, if i had to choose only five svt songs, it’d be 24h, home run, i don’t know, fallin’ flowers and hot.
thank you so much, i hope i didn’t ramble too much. love you!
hehe not at all! i loved reading all of it <3
when I read intj, i immediately thought about jun/hao/wonwoo but when I read it further, i thought that you might suit joshua more. but!!! when I read about the ballet portion, i just couldn't help thinking about dino!
so i match you with, wonwoo!
he is one of the most considerate individuals I've ever seen, he would be able to differentiate between your moods and energy levels and take care of you whenever you're out; it's like— he can just understand if you're drained or anything and would politely excuse you both from the gathering if he feels as if you're getting overwhelmed.
he would keep you grounded— scold you when you're wrong and empathise with you when you just want to rant. kind of like a very sturdy shoulder to cry on and your biggest motivation for any project.
he would absolutely love your calm-crazy dynamic, he loves it whenever you're so happy that your calm demeanor of an intj morphs into something more childlike and adorable. he also likes the fact that you have "maknae" tendencies, and would absolutely adore it.
he's not a perfectionist per se, but he has friends who are and rest assured that he will do his absolute best to help you take a break/ break your overthinking thoughts and help you get rational again. (vice versa)
you'd think that having a few hobbies to share might be a problem but it actually isn't; wonwoo is very happy whenever you're doing what you love and it makes him want to engage in your hobby with you. you both push each other to step out of your comfort zones and try out different things <3
and god, if you ever make him a bracelet, or crochet a small keyring for him, he's gonna treasure it; I think he might cry in secret too 😭
he also likes the fact that you don't like physical activities because then he doesn't have to do it, you both would probably spend your days cuddling or trying out each other's hobbies or cheering each other on!
he would be your biggest hypeman for your ballet and jazz music <3
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bryndabrick · 3 months
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Saw @guiltywarden posting about their @crownsandbishops OC Hime a little bit ago so uhhhhhh HERE'S MINE ALSO
Meet Squad 2! One of the many squads in Shamura's cult, did you think "Squad 26" had no meaning? i sure as heck did when i first read Crowns & Bishops i thought it was just a cool number lmao
Here's their kinda short-ish bios:
Kvarcus (The Fox) A natural seeker of knowledge, very curious but very reserved. Puts everyone else before himself and is generally very introverted. Besties with Fino
Fino (The (not-so-red) Red Panda) They have a difficult time with getting along with people because of their more abrasive and distrusting disposition towards new people. Loves books, and is the earpiece for Kvarcus's new studies/information
Tyan (The Wolf) Very extroverted, although never really has anything to talk about. Takes new information given to her in a very "in one ear, out the same ear" method, although is a shoulder to cry on when you need her
Jaryn (The Cat) While very clueless, is very devoted to what they believe in without question. They would be the first to defend someone they know is innocent. Definitely shy although, wants to be more outgoing very badly
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Here's all their pronouns and orientations and schtuff like that
ocs made with permission and also apparently canon so uhhh go right ahead with asking about them
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br1ghtestlight · 4 months
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and would u believe me if i had personality breakdowns for them too.......
pink (he/she/they) they're a lot more ditzy and lighthearted than purple she just wants to be friends w/ everyone, loves makeup and fashion too though :) definitely looks up to purple a lot as an older sister (by maybe..... five minutes??) their dynamic is kinda like two oldest teenage sisters in the loud house. she's leni. Just living life one day at a time #queen maybe he'll be a makeup artist or something
red (she/her) - aggressive but not mean just really protective!! definitely the most athletic of the siblings and is on like two different sports teams (soccer and basketball ?? maybe). short tempered tho 🙁 its hard to hold down a job bcuz she doesn't put up with people's bullshit, she'd probably do well in politics lmao
orange (he/him) - he was born with an intellectual & physical disability and was very sick as a kid (mostly stayed in the hospital getting heart surgery or whatever) so his family is slightly overprotective of him. they kinda take turns hanging out with him bcuz it isnt really SAFE for him to be alone and bcuz he also doesn't like to be alone (they take turns as in monday is blue's day, tuesday is red's day etc etc and they all do an activity with him and just hang out. their parents obviously did most of the childcare when they were younger and they still have saturday but yknow..... jobs). outside of that he's very funny and adventurous, i think ideally he'd be going cliff diving every weekend but he's mostly just the class clown and he's very good at making his siblings laugh
yellow (he/they) - gay best friend.....?? he's a really sweet and supportive guy and LIVES to hype other people up. super friendly and outgoing. he has a job at like a clothing store in some botique mall. he's so brave bcuz he's like one of the only people in their family who isnt unemployed 🙏 BREADWINNER KING
green (he/him) - introverted and nerdy but he gets confused a lot 😭has like three separate chronic illnesses. reads and sleeps most of the time but he's a sweetie tbh
blue (they/them) - the main character of my Heart <3 (and one of nine actual main characters) not gonna go into their whole character here obvs but they're like the anxious/safe kid and they work at a grocery store. the responsible eldest daughter type vibes despite not being the eldest or a daughter
purple (she/her) - wants to be the most famous influencer in kenya. kinda a diva and obsesses over her appearance. definitely the most popular of the siblings when they were in school in school But she uses her influence for good..... mostly. definitely annoys blue once or twice about using starr for connections, which is not happening in this or any universe <3
they were raised to be very close and protective of each other and their relationship as siblings so they all get along pretty well apart from petty fights like you stole my hairdryer etc whatever. and they all still live together in a Big ass house like theyre fucking cartoon characters. but big families are much more common in objects so its not really that big of a deal, and blue is (mostly) happy to live with them........... Its Complicated
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shytastemakerthing · 6 months
Hii!! Are you still doing matchups? I'd like one for an enstars character, please~!
So, about me for the matchup:
I'm a mix of shy and outgoing? I guess? I'm a pretty big dumbass around my friends, but around people I don't know, I'm shy, sarcastic, and almost rude at times. I'm usually sweet though, dress in cutesy stuff, and am a HUGE romantic, any fairy tale or ghost story? as long as it's a fun story, sign me right up! I love all sorts of romance novels as well, but I usually just read only the best parts since I'm pretty impatient. I'm passionate, and extremely loyal to those I love, I will hold onto them as long as they hold onto me, and I'm always willing to be there for them as long as they need my help. I'm in it all for the adrenaline! I adore having fun, any kind at all, being a huge dumbass, being scared out of my mind, watching something funny, or just hanging out with friends (usually texting, however, I am an introvert and don't do well spending too much time around other people or I usually get pretty upset). I'm fairly indecisive, and dependent on others to do things. I love cute things and hope to be uber cute myself, loving to dress in only pink and adore stuffed animals, pretty frills, and all sorts of cute stuff!!
However, I do tend to be rather ignorant of how people feel unless they communicate directly, and, if I don't have a proper outlet, say things that might make someone uncomfortable. I tend to not have a filter when i feel too comfortable around someone, so I'm always careful not to show my true feelings when I'm around people who aren't comfortable with what I hold back. I'm extremely self deprecating, not confident or self assured at all, and when I'm in a bad mood, I tend to often blame everything on myself, and need assistance from friends to be able to cheer up.
When in relationships, I tend to be rather clingy and am a caretaker, with my love languages being quality time, physical touch, and words of affirmation, I don't need fancy things or for someone to do things for me. In a relationship i'm also usually a more smaller figure? If that makes sense? Like if someone were to ask "who wears the pants in the relationship" it would NOT be me, lmao. I give out compliments all the time, always comforting the other party in the relationship, and always willing to give them advice. I'm pretty open to almost anything, so no matter what a partner wants, I'm usually up for it, but that won't mean I'll have my own wants that I'll communicate as well. I'm also extremely romantic in relationships as well, being an idealist, I'd immediately start thinking of what it would be like living together, marriage plans, etc., but I won't move too far if the other party wants to take it slow. Tbf I'd probably be wrapped around my partner's finger when it comes to things they want to do, I'm a big people pleaser so whatever they want, I'm just a big simp for them lmao.
Anyways I think that's it!! Tysm!!
Hello and thank you for your request! I apologize with how long this took for me to get out but here we are! I do hope that you enjoy your match-up!
Tw: None
I match you with.............
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Hajime Shino
Right off the bat, Hajime does not mind your shy nature. As bright as he is, he is merely happy to be able to be with you no matter where the both of you are
It wasn't long into your relationship with him where his more possessive side began to shine through when you were apart for certain periods of time
It is a side of him that he is certainly not proud of, and he makes that known to you, this is something he has struggled with since he was a child
You were so kind to him, gentle, and an amazing partner, and he latched on rather quickly
This is something you worked to understand about him, underneath how sweet and bright he was, was another part of him that was not well known or known at all by the rest of the world
But the both of you managed to be able to work this out to where everything would work between the both of you
Once through that rather large and hard hurdle, things were certainly a lot better for the both of you
Your style certainly matches a lot of what Rabbits is well known for, and if there are any outfits of theirs that you rather like, Hajime will certainly let you wear them, try them on, and what not.
He personally loves it when you wear his training jacket
Honestly, it's so soft, comfortable, and it smells really good
If there is a time when he needs to take charge, he will certainly do so, making sure that everything goes smoothly, to your comfort.
The rest of his unit absolutely love you and you have your own special seat during their lives, or when they are practicing, and you are often invited to any trips that they may go on. It's like one big sleepover doing a lot of fun things.
Overall, Hajime took time to adjust to this relationship from a healthy standpoint, but once there, he is already planning the rest of his life with you the longer you are both together. Thankfully, these are topics you both love to talk about.... cause you're going to be here for a while
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Thank you so much for your request!!!
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gwyns · 7 months
I mistyped the ask! Here’s what I originally meant:
E/riel’s are trying to say that Feysand are Bella & Edward, Nessian are Rosalie & Emmett, and E/riel are Alice & Jasper. Alice Cullen is outgoing, bubbly, and extroverted, but aren’t E/riel’s the same ones saying that Elain is shy, quiet, and introverted? Which one is it? Pick one. There now saying Elain is a little weird, but I saw some E/riel’s saying that Gwyn’s character is this quirky not like other girls.
honestly i've learned that e/riels have the memory retention of a goldfish. they say something one day, then say the complete opposite the next. that's how you know their ship doesn't actually have a leg to stand on. when you constantly have to shuffle around your fave's characteristics and potential plotlines it's uh... not a good look lmao
of course no one but sjm truly knows what's going on but if you actually understand the characters and have basic critical thinking skills... it's not too hard to guess what'll happen based on the text
they just looooove making fun of gwyn for being "childish" and "quirky" but secretly they're wishing elain were her since gwynriel is giving mateism. they can't appreciate elain for who she is, hence their need to constantly shove her into places she doesn't belong nor would enjoy being. their ideal elain would be her in a redheaded wig
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iamthecomet · 1 year
i am back.. bc my brain decided to associate a few ghumblr people with dog breeds, and you are golden retriever :) very sweet very positive and mostly calm but sometimes silly and crazy /pos
sometimes i see you respond to asks and just think… that you feel very safe like a golden retriever, smiles and tail wags
Hehehe I love this. And I can totally see it. I fo find it funny to be associated that way online when in real, every day, life I am a SUPER introvert. I definitely have my excitable moments lmao, but I am not super bubbly or outgoing in real life. It's much easier to be that way online. That's not a complaint though! I am very happy to give off golden retriever energy to you, I'm glad I'm a safe space. And you're right, definitely all smiles and tail wags over here. ♥
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sophsun1 · 1 year
Hi Soph! I saw your tag on that cute gif set you made of Justin and Jeniffer dancing and since i guess we all started listening to the podcast this week, thanks to your friend. I was wondering, what are your thoughts on it? Or what has been you favorite episode/discussion? It’s so fun to listen to but also very weird because I am so so so not used of Randy being so outgoing and his humor is my new favorite thing.
Hey anon!
Honestly the tiny qaf fandom going crazy over Randolph Clarke Harrison in the year of our lord 2023 was not on my bingo card yet here we are 😂
I'm enjoying it and to echo what's been said previously it is a bit of an "omg where has this personality been hiding all this time?" kind of reaction but I'm living for it. Randy is so deliciously funny, bitchy and gay. It's great to see him able to be himself and unapologetic about his opinions (which looking back at the qaf space he was in and maybe not being able to do so back then) I bet is so refreshing.
The way he and Jordan drag each other then just burst into a fit of laughter is so me when I'm talking with my friends, then in the next breath talk about their intense childhood trauma, relatable.
Randy and the stupid quiz is always a highlight asdfjkl. I've listened to so many episodes now they've all sort of blended into one, but the poly pocket episode is a highlight. To hear their thoughts on society's obsession with monogamy and their fear of non traditional relationships. How every tv show or film always has to focus on getting the boy/girl at the end and how that is drilled into us from such a young age being so boring. Even the topics I'm not well versed on or interested in is easy to listen to as it's literally just two best friends chatting.
His experiences coming out at school and at home, talking about how he's an introvert and not really comfortable being the centre of attention, hence why he and Gale got on so well as they are very similar in that respect. (Now I can't stop imagining them having really deep, creative conversations between takes about life and the arts and then going into some dramatic romantic britin scene and rolling their eyes lmao)
Randy seems to be in a very happy place in his life personally which is lovely and yeah, I'm probably gonna be in withdrawal once I finish the episodes!
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boop-beep-boop · 1 year
wenzhou and MBTI
DISCLAIMER: I HAVE BASICALLY NO KNOWLEDGE OF MBTI. everything here mbti-related is either based off my own assumptions abt mbti, or shallow google searches.
so. i. just. realised. that wenzhou. have. opposite mbti types.
like literal opposites.
E vs I
wkx is clearly extroverted. he has shitty social skills because of his childhood but if he honed his social skills he could honestly be just. really outgoing and social butterfly-ish. you know?
meanwhile i dont even hv to say anyth abt zzs he's like a 100% introvert lMAO
N vs S
okay so wkx is always quoting poetry and waxing philisophical ideas. he sees the world through metaphor (average lit kid) while zzs generally bases himself on observations and just. well he's VERY non-imaginative when it comes to philosophy etc. 
F vs T
i mean. wkx is emotional. and sensitive. and acts on those emotions. well he hides them well when he wants to but for the most part he's just. very feelings-oriented. zzs COULD be more in the middle for this one but tbh he leans on his feelings a lot less when making decisions.
P vs J
this one is based off my view of ghost valley being... welll.... a mess. while tianchuang is very uk. VERY. ORGANISED. but of course an assassin organisation cant be compared to. literal. hell. so i will rethink this a bit
edit: okay i did more research and i think im right on this. wkx is def more spur-of-the-moment decisions and works more to adapt while zzs meticulously plans out what he does.
SO THEYRE LITERAL OPPOSITES?? AT LEAST ACCORDING TO MBTI???? ig personality isnt everything since they're entirely one in heart about everythig else 
okay disclaimer 2: its very possible that i got zzs wrong cuz im not a fan of him so im not very deeply invested in him or his character. this analysis is so effing shallow- idk shit abt him or abt istj so if ur an mbti professor or a zzs hardcore fan please dont be mad orz
when will my ISTJ zzs come to sweep me off my feet
*remembers that wkx is the one who courted zzs*
shit i have to do work??
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gcldensnitch · 2 years
💋🍒🌹for your lovelies Hpma girls?
How affectionate are they with their friends? Their family? Their romantic partner(s) (if they have any)? Are they more physical or emotional when it comes to displaying their affection? Why?
Pandora — this girl is always hugging her friends or teases them playfully, lol. she's really affectionate toward everyone she loves. she is often seen smooching her younger brother, warren 😂 during that time when she dates with dawn i imagine her always being around him. holding hands, snuggling, kissing in the corners, etc. if she likes somebody, everybody knows it since she shows it openly. physical affection is her thing for sure.
Nymeria — she's generally a quiet person and talking about her feelings is a bit hard for her sometimes. but she does small gestures like linking arms with her girl friends or holding hands with her bfs. she does hug and kiss her family members, but she is not so the clinging type of person. (however she loves it when her loved ones initiates physical affection!)
How easy is it for them to connect with others and make friends? On the flip side how easy is it for them to make an enemy of someone? Are they the kind of person who hangs around the food table at a party and never talks to anyone or are they the type who can talk to anyone?
Pandora — she makes friends easily as she is the outgoing and friendly type of person. but she's also a troublemaker who sticks her nose into stuffs she shouldn't have so she can gain enemies here and there. OH and she's the soul of the party lmao
Nymeria — poor girl has a hard time to form super deep connections as she feels like she is getting pitied for being adopted. nymeria does her very best to avoid trouble so she doesn't really have enemies. maybe maxim at the beginning, even tho it's not true – she makes that shit up AHAHAHA and she dislikes attention so she sits with her other introverted friends at parties.
What kind of things do they expect from their relationships? Does this differ between platonic relationships and romantic ones? Is your OC “demanding” or a door mat? What kinds of things do people expect from them in a relationship?
Pandora — i feel like she needs passion and fire in her romantic relationships. she's not that type to ask for too much. and with her friends and family, if she knows that she's being loved and appreciated, she does the same.
Nymeria — trust, honesty and patience. she needs these both in her romantic and platonic relationships! nymeria is not a demanding type of person but once she warms up and lets you into her heart, she expects the same of you.
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