#out of all of them Donnie is prob the one to make the joke first and immediately wish he could take it back
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turtleblogatlast · 2 years ago
Hey there! I LOVE your prison dimension au so much and here is something that immediately made me think of you
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You can't tell me this hasn't happened at least once (after they've all grown a little bit more okay with the whole... situation)
[ cw: death mention / ]
LMAO yeah this happens at LEAST twice after a long, long while
One can only play the irl equivalent of “Dumb Ways to Die” for so long before getting a bit tired of it
However, even if they eventually take it better than in the beginning, his family will never be okay with it. After all, Leo was still hurt, and the possibility of him staying dead won’t leave their heads, so moments like these are few and far between unless one of them is obscuring their impending breakdown with a Leo certified attempt at a joke
Speaking of Leo though, Leo will basically never be anything but lackadaisical and jokey about his deaths. He’ll never fully get used to them, but they’re just a part of him now. He’s a numb little bug :’)
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novastar-creations · 15 days ago
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Donnie! Mikey Leo Raph
AU Mastapost
Design Notes under the cut!
All poses are references to the show (and the hoodie ofc)
I went into these designs with the ones I had the most ideas for first, but despite that, I still really like how Don turned out! I gave him a star motif to match Mikey’s heart motif, bc if Mikey’s the heart of the team Donnie’s the star of the show
I wanted him to look similar to Leo and splinter (as a human), so I made their faces basically the same with the exception of don’s nose, which I made similar to Mikey’s, because pb&j are probs my fav duo ever. I changed the colours (duh) and scrapped the birthmarks (also duh) because I didn’t want Donnie and Leo to just have the same colours?? I’m actually really happy with that decision, I think it makes the brothers look distinct while still similar. Raph and Donnie both have yellow eyes tho, because I’m a sucker for Brains and Brawn (THEY DESERVED MORE SCREEN TIME). Don didn’t get the eyelashes (a tragedy).
The visor functions like his goggles, but looks like Lou Jitsu’s glasses because AUGHHTHRGHEJHGJBGRHBVFHBR THE PARALLELS BETWEEN THOSE TWO MAN AUGHGHFHH EVEN MIKEY CAN SEE IT
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I headcanon that Don has makeup and wears it sometimes, usually when he’s going somewhere he deems important. Mystic library? Important. Krang Invasion? He’s gonna look snatched af. Reconciling with his robot son? Nothing has ever been more important. Camping? Nah. Not worth it.
Also, with the one where he’s holding the stick, his nails are chipped because he’s camping. It’s the Todd scouts episode. I’m funny as fuck.
He gets a big ol’ backpack in place of his battleshell, and I imagine it’s be sagging with the amount of random but vaguely useful tech (why do you have an ice cooler in there??). I think it’d make him feel calmer to have a significant amount of his tech on him at all times (I know it would make me feel that way if I were him). The only reason I didn’t put it on the other designs was because a) laziness and b) it’d clutter the designs.
Soundproof headphones (with the star ofc) - he probably has them blasting shitty techno music on low volume half the time. Would this get overwhelming? For me, yes. For him? He’d just turn up the volume to block out the other noises if it did! Genius. It doesn’t matter if he can’t hear the life or death situation around him.
Like all his brothers, he has matching friendship bracelets! One for the mad dogs, one with just Mikey (because Mikey was the one who made them. Speaking of Magic Mike, you can’t convince me Mikey doesn’t beg Donnie to let him paint his nails purple. (Also their gloves match bc I thought it’d be cute).
He has tattoos that look like his markings because he looked at Leo and Mikey and be upset that he also didn’t get vitiligo markings. Or smthn. Maybe he’d paint them on? I mean it doesn’t really matter that much because he’s usually wearing his hoodie?? He’s just extra ig
Also, over time he’d alter the hoodie to look more and more like the purple dragons’ jackets because he dreams of getting another one.
I think he’d either get the bandana as a joke gift from Leo, or it’d be (a part) of his baby blanket. Either way, he’s uber attached to it and wears it in high stress situations bc it makes him feel calmer (similar to the backpack I think).
I gave him just the most extra boots for no reason. This was a conscious decision I made. Why? I truly could not tell you. Originally, I was gonna give him the same ones as Leo (push that twin rhetoric amirite), but I realise that the fit I gave Leo with those boots was the only one he didn’t look like he styled himself, meaning Don would’ve given Leo his boots, but DONNIE WOULD NEVER. He wouldn’t eat food off the floor, let alone give his sweaty, stinky bro his shoes??? I scrapped that idea, but I do like the idea of Leo stealing Donnie’s boots and Don just letting him keep them for sanitation’s sake.
I see a lot of mock turtleneck Donnie fanart (both turtle and human lol), so I gave him a sleeveless mock turtleneck (mostly to show off his markings).
The vest was supposed to look like his plastron (? Carapace? The front bit. Still not sure why he has that, he’s supposed to be a softshell? They don’t have that??)
Also gloves. Idk it seemed in character. I don’t think we ever see him without his hands half covered??
I think that’s all byeeeeee
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fandomhopping · 2 years ago
Raph and Leo know that too which is why Leo definitely chews Raph out for leaving Mikey and Donnie behind,
"Like, I was fine!! Donnie form this universe was working in getting me home. Now with both of us here we'll probably come back to New York in ruins and Mikey and Donnie the new overlords of the planet!!"
"I-Im sure Pops, April, and the Caseys won't let that happen. I had to be the one to make the jump! We didn't know what we were going to find... for all we know you... you could've been..."
"Pops won't do anything he'd be too scared of Donnie taking his tv away, Cass would join them, CJ would be too nervous or peer pressured into it, and depending in the time of day April will either put a stop to it or gleefully become their right hand woman." Leo snorts, rolling his eyes before patting his brother on one of his arm spikes, "But I appreciate you looking after me, Big Guy. I probs would done the exactsame thing if our roles were reversed."
"Don't joke about that." Raph grumbles, "You doing that exact thing as me was what landed you here in the first place!"
Oof, so there was still some lingering guilt. Leo is gonna have to work on that...
Perfect Scene! Chef kiss*
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Hi! I love your writing fam! And I know you��re prob busy but, if you have time, how do you think the tortugas would react to their s/o asking them to teach them how to skateboard?
thank you and sure thing ((I know nothing about skateboarding so sorry if this is inaccurate)
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Leo is the master of patience
so when you don’t pick up a move (or can barely stand on the board) he’s very calm and collected and understanding 
teaches you the very basics first
how the stand on the board
how the change direction ect
holds your hand the entire time so that you don’t call
when you do fall he literally picks you back up and puts you on the board again
“fall down 3 times, get up 4″
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If you were anyone else, he’s be annoyed at home long it takes you to pick up simple things like balance 
but it’s you so of course he has all the patience in the world
holds your hips to make sure you don’t fall down
lots of “you’re doing really well” even if you aren’t
you give up and end up taking it in turns to butt slide around on the board
he brings up that if you have kids this is what it’ll be like teaching them to ride a bike
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not the best teacher but an enthusiastic one all the same
really pumped when you say you want to learn how
gets out the smallest half pipe and ramps that he has but even that seems intimidating to you
so you start off small
this is how to push off, this is how to turn
compliments you so much and tells you you’re a natural 
jokes that next you’ll have to try it out on his skateboard that has jets on the back
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the best teacher ever
very clear, well described instructions on how to do everything
stands in front of you and pulls you by your hands so you can get used to the way the board feels moving
you get cuddles when you get something right
understands that balance and  something with wheels moving beneath you is difficult so doesn’t try to hurry you
knows first aid for when you, inevitably, fall off the board
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moonlightflower21 · 5 years ago
So... i saw you're doing light requests again and I've been waiting for ever because you're literally one of my faves. What about boyfriend or even husband Donatello hc?
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you, my dear, have unlocked the most sweetest and sassiest of boyfriends
first of all, i don't need to say this but i will
he is so fucking precious
always thinking about you, be it in the middle of patrol or when he's working away
most often than not, breaks out into a smile
the most thoughtful too
meaning he's given you gifts that have taken him a month to plan before
and gets super nervous when you're opening them because what happens if you don't like them???
you love them ofc
his beloved poptarts are now yours too, share away
although, he can't always promise the icing on them won't always be touched
will make up for it though
buys a full packet of poptarts just for you! makes slight puppy eyes at you because they looks so yum
he's made a special place for you in his lab
and it's decorated with selfies and pictures of the both of you
but there's a special photo perched upon his desk, in a deep purple frame with a small lil heart in the corner
it's you and him, side by side grinning like a pair of love sick fools :")
and he looks at that everytime he comes in the lab
smiles instantly, you're so damn beautiful and you're his.
something he still cannot believe
anyone who dares touches you, will recieve a bo staff whip in places where the sun don't shine.
if you're kidnapped, heaven help the perpetrators
donnie will find a way to slowly painfully torture them, because how dare they take you away?!
and anyone who makes fun out of you deliberately will recieve an equally passive aggressive and sharp response in turn
he can't help it, you are his entire love and he will protect your honour 😤
snaps his head so worryingly fast when someone else mentions your name in a conversation
but they know better than to talk bad about you
they'll get a double whooping. one from you and from donnie.
on a much lighter note, this guy is packed with funny and sarcastic comebacks
you guys have so many inside jokes, too many to count
and references to your favourite movies/shows
he knows exactly what to say when you're feeling down.
knows what he needs to do if you're upset
wraps you up in a blanket and takes you to the couch where you'll binge watch and eat on snacks until your mood has lifted
or he will take you to his room and have you lie down with him next to you. cuddles you close, and will listen if you want to rant
hums to you, breaks out into the most ridiculous songs to get you to laugh
and when you do, his dorky laugh promptly follows
comforts you in a way no other human has done or will do
his hugs are so addicting
sometimes it's both arms wrapped around your waist and his chin above your head
other times it could be you in his arms as you both dance wildly
he loves being a little spoon sometimes.
so when you're in bed with him, wrap your arms around his neck and shoulders
your heartbeat will lull him into a deep sleep
loves booping your cheeks and nose
can't help it! loves kissing them too!
loves seeing you swamped in his hoodies because he's reminded how small you are
and when you're not here, he'll wear those same hoodies because they smell like you
loves your smell, btw
and also, sex is so fulfilling with this guy
want him to be a dom? he got you covered
want him to be a sub? already on the bed waiting
want him to be a lil kinky? no probs, already pulling out his lil toys
but there is always love in his actions
no matter what
he will kiss those lovebites and marks he's created upon your body
treats you like his goddess
strokes and caress your skin, until you've dozed off
plants a final last kiss to your lips and snuggles up with you
takes so much time tracing those, can't help but feel a lil cocky about it ;)
he loves the feel of your skin on his, when you're tracing his plastron or the dips and curves in his muscles
your gaze is always filled with love, making him not feel like a freak
with you, he feels normal
he loves that feeling so much
and oh boy, once you guys tie the knot?
heaven 💜 xD
sorry if this was bad lol, hoped you liked it anyway :)
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Shattered Part 2: A ROTTMNT Fanfiction
Summary: The Best intentions don’t always don’t always have the Best results.
Word Count: 2545
Pairing: NONE
Rating: G
A/N I base Donatello’s struggles and Autism on my own experience and those of my family members who also have Autism. Also don’t be too mad at Leo, he’s trying
also I tried for HOURS to make a link to the previous chapter. I gave up, i’m sorry. I can’t even edit this thing after I post it to fix it, so this is it i’m sorry
Believe it or not, a family of mutants can have a normal morning.
 For eleven year old Leo, that involved a bowl of Lou Jitsu Cereal, drowned in sugar (because the cereal was three years past its expiration date), and a morning of cartoons along his brothers. All crowded around the new projector Donnie had set up a few days ago. Which was a blessing, seeing as up until then they had to make do with an old rabbit antenna tv set that was always green.
Raph laughed loudly at the cartoons antics just as Donnie joined them, a plate of plane toast in his hands and his newly built tablet shoved under his arm, “Alright who has it?��
 ‘Has what?” Leo said without looking away from the screen
 “My headphones,” As usual, even though Donnie was only eleven he spoke as though everyone else was the biggest idiot in the world. Leo never took offense though, if anything he thought it was flattering to be considered that stupid, “It’s 10:00 which means its time for my Ted Talk hour. I need my headphones back.”
Mikey finally tore his eyes away from the screen before popping up to his feet, ‘Oops! Sorry D, hold on,” he put his bowl precariously on a stack of magazines before hurrying away.
“See? No worries D.” Leo gave his brother one of his smiles, only to be returned with a scowl
“Leo, he took my headphones.”
 “He borrowed them.”
“He took them without permission, I took me weeks to get all the parts I needed from the dump.”
 Leo knew where this was headed, and unfortunately Raph was a little too wrapped up In the Looney Toons to pay attention to them. He set his bowl down as well before walking over, “D,” he thought carefully about what he was going to say, “He took them, but he didn’t’ do it to hurt you. You know, that right?”
 Donnie glared at him, but Leo could see the anger and frustration slowly fading from his eyes. It had taken Leo a while to figure out how to calm Donnie down, usually facts did the charm. Information, something irrefutable, a word he had learned from Don, and thankfully Donnie was more forgiving of Mikey then the rest of them.
And it worked like a charm, Donnie took a deep breath,” Yeah…yeah, I know…” he exhaled a slowly breath, “he was curious…”
 “Only cause he’s never seen a set of Bluetooth headphones before. Or headphones at all.”
 Again, Donnie went silent, then nodded, “Maybe…I should make him a pair too.”
 “I bet he’d like that. And if you want to go ahead and make us a third official unofficial twin robot-”
For the first time Donnie smiled, “That would be a triplet, would you and Raph like a pair too?”
 “yes!’ Raph called from his spot without looking. Mikey hurried back into the living space, headphones in his hands with a guilty look on his face, “I’m sorry D, I cleaned them off with those wipes you like.” He held them out to him,” I’m sorry.”
 Donnie again took a small breath and Leo worried that maybe he hadn’t calmed down enough but instead Donnie took the headphones back, “Just ask next time.”
“I will.” Mikey glanced over to Leo before walking back over to their cartoon morning. IT helped that Leo knew Mikey was truly sorry, but out of all their family members he was sure Mikey understood Donnie’s situation the least. That was something he had to fix soon before he did something Donnie couldn’t forgive. Leo smiled back at Donnie, “See?”
 “Yeah,” Don’s eyes fell back on the purple headphones in his hands. Leo knew they were more than just a frivolous gizmo. They not only hooked up to everything electronic in the lair that had audio but also acted as noise filtering headphones when there was too much noise stimulation for Donnie to handle.  “I didn’t mean to get worked up thanks Leo.”
“No prob.” And with that the morning almost seemed redeemable. Until Leo gave Donnie a pat on the shoulder with a large grin, “See? Aren’t you happy I’m always around to defuse you?” before he went back over to his breakfast, enjoying a morning he would forget by the next morning.
 Leo didn’t notice the pain that filled Donnie’s eyes, or how Donnie stood completely still for several moments before scrubbing at his eyes and hurrying back to his room. Just like no one noticed the muffled sobs that came from his room for a few moments
 Just like Leo didn’t ‘noticed Donnie changed after that day
 Believe it or not, Leo did not like always being right. Well, he enjoyed being right most of the time. It was a sensation he never tired of. But sometimes being right wasn’t a great reward.
Especially after last night.
The red slider turtle squeezed his eyes shut, focusing on the sound of a gurgling coffee pot and overwhelming smell of the rancid bean drink. It wasn’t his favorite smell, but one of Donnie’s favorite things in the world. Responsible for many late nights, it was a personal joke for him to try and hide Donnie’s coffee maker wherever he could. Mostly to see his official unofficial twin tear the lair apart in a half-awake rage to find it. He didn’t’ much feel like laughing right now.  Right now, he just wanted to make his brother coffee.
 “-but I still don’t’ get how the Soup Minister found the Soup Princess- “
“You gotta pay attention Raph, Lou Jitsu was in a love triangle with Minister Minestrone and Princess Pumpkin - Yo Leo! What are you doing up this early? Are you putting dirt in Donnie’s coffee again? You know he hates that.”
 For a moment Leo couldn’t bring himself to turn around, instead he focused on the brown liquid dripping to the coffee pot, “I’m not putting dirt in it.”
“fertilizer again? Seriously? That made him sick last time- “
 Leo turned around, “I’m not making him dirt, or anything! I’m just making him coffee.”   For a moment, he felt better to see Raph’s face slowly fade into confusion. Satisfied, in a way he didn’t like, “you ok man? You look awful?”
 “Do I? Gee I hadn’t noticed, I was just up half the night with Donnie weeping in my arms then the other half cleaning up his room while he slept in my bed, so no Raphie I bet I do look awful.”
Raph blinked at him, others might have thought his inability to comprehend his words was because of a limited intelligence, but Leo knew better. Raph was capable but morning brain could take down anyone. Finally, it seemed to hit the largest brother, “Is Donnie ok?”
 “NO, he’s not, he came home trashed his room, and came to room in mumbling about some weird facts. When I tried to talk to him, he just fell apart.”
 “Where’s he now?”
 “Sleeping, he cried but after a while he just pulled away and curled up on my bed. I thought it was better to let him sleep there. I checked on his room, a breaking mess even by Splinters standards I picked up whatever I could. I only got done recently then I came in here.” Uh oh, he could feel the anger coming back, building in his stomach,” I told you something was wrong. I TOLD YOU something bad would happen! And now- “Leo paused, taking a breath, sometimes he forgot to do that when he was riled up, “Now he’s home, with a black eye, and I don’t know what’s going to happen when he wakes up- “
 “This isn’t’ dirt is it?”
 For a moment, Leo almost forgot whey he was so mad. In unison the three brothers turned towards the sputtering coffee pot to where said Donnie was standing, giving them all a confused if not suspicious look “Which one of you heathens made this?” Before exhausted eyes fell on Leo, “It was you wasn’t’ it? I got sick last time when you put fertilizer in my coffee- “
 “I- “ok shock over, “NO its just coffee I promise D.”
 Donnie narrowed his eyes at him, before looking back to his coffee mug. Sniffing it, “Ok I trust it for now, but if I end up getting poisoned again, I will NOT be happy. Now, if you will excuse me, I have A LOT of work to do.” Before exit the room
 For a moment, the remaining group could only stand there, before Mikey spoke up, “Um, yeah Leo he’s a total mess.”
 “I-He- “it wasn’t often he was at a loss for words, but it was known to happen. Instead he waved at Raph and Mikey, “Just give me a minute!” before running out of the room. By the time he reached Don’s bed room, Don had already set his cup down and was picking up one of the boxes, “I supposed I should thank you for cleaning this up, soooo consider this that.”
“No problem.” Back in the bed room and the remains of everything Donnie had destroyed last night. Now that he was more awake, he could see that, thankfully, the monitors and more complex equipment was undamaged, but Don’s personal computer anything else had been broken in one way or another. Don’s loft bed had even been knocked over, “I guess you had a rough night?”
 “I guess.” Donnie picked through the box before looking to Leo for the first time since he entered the room,” Have you seen my phone?”
 Leo thought back to that night before reaching into his satchel, “I found it in here last night, I’m sorta surprised you didn’t’ have it on you.”
“Thanks.” Donnie took the phone from him before setting it on his desk, calmly pulling out the head piece of his bust, and slamming the large piece of metal over phone a dozen or so times with such ferocity Leo leapt back to avoid the showing of metal and glass. He jumped back so far, he collided with the chest of his oldest brother who had come to investigate the noise, “What the hell just happened?!”
“Uh, “Leo wasn’t’ quite sure himself, “I think Donnie just destroyed his phone with his own face.”
 “Would you two calm down,” Donnie called from his spot, “I have extras and it backed up to my server.”
 Calming down would have been fun, except he had once seen Donnie yell at a kitten for looking at his phone. But instead he gave Raph a pat on the stomach, “I’ll take care of this go ahead.’” Except when he turned to walk back into the room, Raph grabbed his shoulder and yanked him out of the space hard enough to make Leo yelp in surprise. Spinning him till Leo was facing him, two giant hands on his shoulders as Raph glanced back into the bed room then to him, “Look I know you want to help Donnie, and that you’re way better at this then I am, but doesn’t it seem like you should leave him alone before he treats your face like his phone?”
“I know Donnie’s a little unpredictable sometimes, but I can handle him. It’s a twin thing, if there’s anyone who can help him chill out it’s Leon.”
 Raph gave him a look that clearly said, ‘do you REALLY have this or are you just saying that to make me go away’ but did so anyway. For a few moments, Leo stood at the doorway as Donnie puttered around the boxes. Donnie glanced at his direction with enough heat to stop him.  He probably would have stepped closer except Donnie still had a death grip on his bust and it was becoming more and more likely by the second. So instead he took a different approach, “Have you eaten yet Don?”
 “I’ll eat later, there’s too much work to do.”
 “I can see that.” He took a step deeper into the room again, “Do you want to talk about it?”
 That was about what he expected. Leo moved over to lean on Don’s desk. Without really thinking about it, he drifted his hand out to land on his brothers’ shoulder, “D, bro its me. It’s Leon Neon. You can talk to me ok man? Why don’t you tell me what happened at the Yokai Mart? Did you get mad at someone? Did you get lost- “
“I said no, now let it go. I went out, came back and now I’m working. End of story. Why don’t you go calm someone else down?”
A flush of shame filled him, of course Donnie had heard him say that. But he shook it off, “Come on you know I have to talk that way to Raph he doesn’t get you like I do.”
 “Yeah you get me, you can read my mind, you can defuse me. Now leave, I have a room to rebuilt”
 “Yeah it needs to be rebuilt because you destroyed it, don’t you understand that?!”
Don’s shoulder jerked free of his hand and turned to him, “I understand, Leo because I did it. I know what I did. If it had been or Mikey or even, you none of you would have given it a second thought. But because I have Autism, everyone’s freaked out. So, they have to send in the bomb squad.”
“Hey, I’m just trying to help, you’re the one who blew up- “
Before Leo could finish his thought, and to be honest he wasn’t sure wanted to before Donnie’s hands came up and shoved him hard in the chest. The red slider turtle stumbled back, his shell hitting the desk to his right with a crash before falling onto the ground. His head was spared any contact with the ground, but he looked at Donnie with shock, only to be met with the same shocked expression “Leo-I-I’m sorry are you alright?”
 “Yeah, just a little bruised.” He was about to climb to his feet when Donnie quickly took his hand and yanked him up hard enough to make him stumble. He danced for a little bit to keep standing before turning his attention back to Donnie, his eyes swimming in tears. “D- “
 “Can you please go now? I don’t want talk anymore.”
 “I- “Leo paused,” Donnie- “he wanted to argue. He wanted to stay. He wanted to assure Donnie that he was fine, that he was still here to help him. But now his brother was trembling so hard he was afraid he would fall apart altogether. And he knew if he tried to hold him like he did last night, it would only make things worst.
 Donnie didn’t want comfort, or a shoulder to cry on
 He wanted to be alone.
 “Ok. I’ll go. I’m sorry,” Leo took several steps back, unwilling to let his brother out of his sight incase he changed his mind and asked Leo to stay. But he knew better, “I love you bro.” he said before leaving through the curtain.
A moment later he heard Donnie burst into tears for the second time in twenty-four hours.
And he was left helpless
Part 1
Part 3
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sveasauvageon · 5 years ago
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Congratulations, you have achieved peak millennial || GW
☾♔; March 11, 2018 ☾♔; sotd: That's how you write a song ⠀⠀⠀ by Alexander Rybak ☾♔; comedian otd: Sarah Millican ☾♔; Audition {a mod example} ☾♔; {G} https://goo.gl/XSTtMc ☾♔; mod(s): @.themadmonarchist @.maybones et moi
Title: from a Bill Maher joke (I like some of his stuff)
FINALLY done with this.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ஜ۩۞۩ஜ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀Svea Richelle Estelle Sauvageon, (16-17, 17 by Nov.) ⠀⠀⠀Gick längst stränder av guld ⠀⠀⠀Såg solen färga himmeln röd ⠀⠀⠀Och där sanden ännu är varm ⠀⠀⠀Av dina steg vill jag sätta fötter ⠀⠀⠀Och alla minnen som jag nu bär ⠀⠀⠀Finns där som skatter i mitt bröst
⠀⠀⠀Translation ⠀⠀⠀(according to the lyrics translate website): ⠀I walked along beaches of gold ⠀Saw the sun paint the sky red ⠀And where the sand was still warm ⠀From your steps is where I want to put my feet ⠀And all the memories I carry with me, ⠀Remain there like treasures in my chest
Allt man kan önska sig by Eric Saade https://goo.gl/t5NgUv (I was totally gonna go with a Dima song, egoist, but I wanted a swedish song for my swede)
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⚜️ THE BASICS
Nickname: Vea (Vay-ah), S (Minah, Eloise, and other close elites), Duchess S (by Gossip Witch), the Swede, Estelle/Stella (by her Grandmama), my moon and stars (Grandpapa), Richelle (her mother and maternal grandfather), princess (papa), Her/Your Royal Highness and älskling (henry), storasyster (Lili and Xander)
Gender: cis-female
Date of Birth: November 23
Place of Birth: Enköping, Sweden
Nationality: British-Swedish
Ethnicity: caucasian (of Frankish, Swedish, and anglo-saxon descent)
Accent: alternates between Swedish and Posh English, usually depending on her level of anger/passion
Blood Status: pure-blood (though, not the purest. Her mother's family is a straight-up blood-purist type family, but her father's is far more open, and if you trace back 5 generations, there's a muggle-born, as well as muggles and etc further back. So technically, she is a "pure" blood, since that term is generally applied to someone whose ancestors up to their grandparents have no muggle or muggle-born blood, but there are numerous muggles and muggle-borns if you go back beyond that, on her father's side. Her mother's is as inbred as the royal families of the real world.)
Face Claim: Cara Delevingne
Hair: Blonde (sometimes magically died platinum/silvery-gold because actual nerd). Long, and generally tied into a different style everyday; ponytails, elaborate braids, etc. When's she's feeling lazy, she'll just leave it free, yet it always ends up perfectly straight without any effort on her part.
Eyes: light blue
Height:  1.73m
Weight: idk, presumably light
Body: slim and athletic
Any Scars/ Marks?: n/a
Any Tattoos/ Piercings?: just her ears, triple pierced for ear cuffs (are they all dragons? Yes), but also, maybe she'll get a dragon tattoo one day.
Quirks/ Mannerisms: n/a (I probably mixed this in with the habits section)
Style: erratic, she wears numerous styles, and doesn't really have one exactly, though if you wanted to summarize her closet in a single word; expensive would be that word. She prefers clothes of silk, cashmere, and/or leather, and tends towards gem embellished things. Her style is basically "I like" and "I do not like", it's quite simplistic, like, in the way she chooses her clothes. Emilio Pucci is probs her favourite brand, also Gucci and Valentino. Also, also D&G and Elie Saab, but that just goes without saying.  
Additional Information: #OnWednesdaysWeWearWhite
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⚜️ PERSONALITY:
Head cannon: Svea's a bit of an oddball slytherin (as in she doesn't fit the general mold of a slytherin, she only comes off as crazy to people who witness one of her Eurovision rants, which is around 80% of the stuff that comes out of her mouth so meh, she's got a little bit of a rep as a nutty swede). She can seem standoff-ish or intimidating at first glance, her entire vibe is "arrogant and proud", and "proud of her arrogance", however, she's extremely outspoken and often involves herself in situations that she has nothing to do with (especially if someone is bugging one of her friends or she sees/hears something "stupid" aka bullying) and is a lot more approachable once she starts speaking. She's quite outgoing, and easily befriends people, as well as being well-mannered and polite (even towards people she hates. She makes her hatred clear, but she'll be saying "fu.ck off" with a smile and a "please and thank you"). She generally comes off as a very bossy "Swede" (and she's proud of that. The world would be a better place if everyone strived to be a little more like Sweden).  
Theme Song: shall we begin by Ramin djawadi {https://goo.gl/9Px2Ne}
Strengths: Hardworking, passionate persevering, unrelenting, obsessive (I'd call it a strength), adoring/doting (bordering on becoming a negative trait though), highly self-aware, nerdy af, dedicated, ambitious, resourceful, and cunning (duh-doi, slytherin), independent, protective, proactive, aggressively European/Swedish
+Mom Friend: she's a total mom-friend (even fits in with her sort of GG role), she's ridiculously protective of and invested in her friends and family. It's not inherently a bad thing, hence it's in the strength list, she follows their love lives and is somehow always around to lend an ear/shoulder/offer to hex the fu.ck out of someone. She's always around to give (unsolicited) advice to friends, and really, everyone. However, her mom-friend behaviour can go to the negative extremes because not only is she willing to forgive anything someone she loves does, but she'd also go to any length to protect them, including ruining the lives of others (or literally ending said life) if she feels someone she loves is threatened in anyway. She has a lot of resources at her disposal and uses all of them to protect those she loves. Flashy social takedowns aren't really her thing, it's more framing someone for an illegal act and having them sent to some kind of prison. Her protective behaviour can border on the socio or psychopathic, as she displays a complete lack of empathy for the person who hurt her loved one (regardless of how small that hurt may have been) and seems to lack the ability to see them as another living creature, also seems to relish in the pain she caused that person, displaying a somewhat sadistic side of her as well.
+Boss As.s Bi.tch: she's commanding AF (behaviour she inherited from her Grandmama tbh), she's not as bossy when it comes to her circle of friends. There's an equal playing field there, but for anyone she does not consider a close friend, she's always bossy, her commanding tone increasing on how beneath her she thinks someone is.
Weaknesses: Elitist, unforgiving (except when it comes to people she loves, she's so forgiving of them), somewhat vain (but like, look at her), arrogant, narcissistic, elitist (though, you have to earn the right to be elitist in her eyes), manipulative (duh-doi, that's just basic slytherin-ing), cunning, b.tchy, salty, snarky, stubborn, relentless, aggressive.
+Superiority Complex: like, she doesn't think it's a problem, but it technically is. Her core belief is that if you want respect, earn it, and she feels she's worked hard to accomplish all that she has (well, except her money, that she was born into), so she has earned it.
+Hypocrisy: whilst she claims she has high moral standards, and certainly acts like she's above the idiotic "dark" behaviour her house has a reputation for, but when it comes to her friends, she forgives basically everything. She's like one of those mom's of bad kids who defends them regardless of what stupid shít they've done willingingly, like "Paul Ryan, you should know better. You know my son doesn't know anything about healthcare. Donnie trusted you, he's a slow boy. He's a slow boy, look at him! You took advantage of him." (It's an old, in this day and age, joke made by Trevor Noah about one of Trump's fox news defenders after the healthcare debacle). Anyway, Svea's friends could literally burn down the school or her house or kill someone and she'd be all "okay, here's how we're going to handle the authorities sweetie". Like, she wouldn't even question why did it. The only time she'd struggle with forgiving someone she loves would be if they hurt someone else she loves.
+a messy bítch who loves drama: it's low-key, somewhat, she's certainly not looking to start drama, but she absolutely, 100% wants to hear about it (hence she follows gossip witch), and if it's negatively affecting someone she cares about, she will involve herself to protect them, aggressively.
+Internalizing: she's not so good at sharing her own problems and/or feelings. Whilst she's always around to talk about her friend's issues and feels, when it comes to herself, she tends to shove it down between 60 layers of jokes and salt. When genuinely hurt by something or someone, she tends to just walk away and brood silently in a dark corner. She sees herself as a leader and believes that leader's can't go around showing weakness, so she struggles to open up about that side to even her closest friends.
Habits: - eye rolling (so much eye rolling) - tends to tune out her entire environment when she's in "the zone" (no longer walks and reads because she has run into and fallen off of stuff) - twirls her hair with her wand when she's thinking (like how we use fingers) - Swears a lot - hums Eurovision songs around 90% of the time - corrects people, all the time. She can't not correct people.
Skills/ Talents: - multilingual (English, Swedish, French, Russian, German, and Danish) - magic (she has yet to encounter a form of magic she does not immediately excel at) - memory (it's not really eidetic or photographic, because it's not instant, but after 3 reads of a thing, she can rattle off the whole thing word for word) - making references (that's a talent right? Because otherwise, I am screwed) - emotional manipulation/acting (works best on people that don't know her, she can still manipulate other people, but it takes a little more effort and time) - obsessing (again, totally a talent right because otherwise I have literally no skills)
Any mental health issues: She's got some deeply buried mommy issues, and her narcissism is probably on the borderline of crossing into a disorder. But meh, nothing she's been diagnosed with, and definitely nothing that affects her daily. Actually, her perpetual repression of that could/should cause her emotional distress is probs another disorder, but again, eh. It'll probably all explode one day in some kind of breakdown, but she's basically fine.
♣️ Favorite Quotes/ Sayings that your character would use: - "I'm not better than you because my grandparents had magical parents. I'm better than you because I'm smarter, prettier, and more accomplished."
- "urg, fu.ck you."
- "urg, you're/she's/he's/they're the worst."
- "you should do what I say or my son-in-law (Tyler) is going to hit you."
- "duh-doi"
- "that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard."
- "what, am I supposed to be impressed?"
- "if you want to buy my forgiveness, start with a Fabergé egg."
- "I am a bi.tch when I wanna be."
- "You win some, you lose some. Except for me/us, I/we always win."
- "I'll pass on that glass of non-premium liquor you're drinking."
- Tbh, she says urg a lot. And a lot of swearing.
- "I care. I care a lot. It's kinda my thing." (Leslie Knope quote, but like, that's Svea @ all her smol beans. aka friends and fam, many of whom are taller than her or her height, but they're all smol precious beans that need her protection)
♣️ Swedish sayings/phrases she uses: - "Pfft, well now you've taken a poop in a blue cabinet." (I dunno the Swedish for this one, it could just be a joke, Alicia Vikander mentioned it when she was on the Graham Norton show. I don't think she's lying, because Alicia's amazing, but she could just be fu.cking with us.)
- "You can't come here and slide in on a shrimp sandwich." (I dunno the Swedish for this one either, it could also just be a joke, Alicia Vikander also mentioned it when she was on the Graham Norton show. I don't think she's lying, because Alicia's amazing, but she could just be fu.cking with us, possibly again. It's said to someone if they're being too ostentascious or acting superior, or says something that smacks of class warfare)
- "Better breadless than clueless" ("Bättre brödlös än rådlös" in Swedish. Apparently the English equivalent is; "Better short of pence than short of sense." But I've literally never heard of it in my life. )
- "throw yourself in the wall" ("Släng dig i väggen" in swedish, apparently it's the equivalent to "take a hike".)
- "bring your spikes down" ("Tagga ned" in Swedish. Apparently it's the equivalent to "chill" )
- "no cow on the ice" ("Ingen ko på isen" in Swedish. Apparently it's the equivalent to "no worries")
- "[pronoun is] forest crazy" ("Skogstokig" in Swedish, it's the equivalent to calling someone "raging mad")
- "dressed up to his/her/their teeth" ("Klädd up till tänderna" in Swedish, the equivalent to "dressed to the nines", supposedly.)  
- "[pronoun]'s hair hurts" ("Ont i håret" in Swedish, the equivalent for the term "hungover")
- "Taste is like your bum, divided" ("Smaken är som baken, delad" in Swedish, I don't think there's an equivalent per say, but it's basically about people's shi.tty opinions.)  
- "If there's room in the heart there's room for the arse." ("Finns det hjärterum så finns det stjärterum" in Swedish, apparently Swede's talk about behinds, this is meant to be welcoming people into their home. I fu.cking love Sweden you guys, it's wild.)
Additional Information: - Well, my extra bit about her swedish phrases probs coulda gone here, but eh. - Also, also, she's kind of OCD, it's not really on a disorder level, which why it's here, because she's not "neat" by our standards, or the standards of someone who actually has OCD, she calls it "controlled chaos", her stuff is literally everywhere, but she always knows where her things are and always knows when someone's touched it or moved it like 2 inches to the left. - tends to get hangry (poutine is the best solution to that problem btw)
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⚜️ BIOGRAPHY
Likes: stupid puns, muggle space exploration science, quidditch (Vrastra Vultures forever btches!), winter, snow, muggle technology, EUROVISION (hey, she's a European, and a Swede, they love the Eurovision), Melodifestivalen, muggle EuroPop music, football (aka soccer, but she European, she call it by its proper name. Also, ARSENAL FOREVER BÌTCHES), Aaron Ramsey, muggle history, magical history, the stars, the night sky, a song of ice and fire (of course), Dragons, Sweden, magic, her wand (precious), Tolkien's Middle-Earth, Vhagar (precious baby), muggle comedy panel shows, herself (ya seen her? She's real pretty), emeralds, satin, muggle drinks (vodka and ice coffee with caramel are delicious, she will fight you), firewhiskey, rain, kittens, dragons, shipping her friends with each other
Dislikes: rude people (there's a difference between being full of yourself and having manners), Hogwarts magic interfering with her muggle shít, her housemates making fun of her muggle shít (like, excuse me, but can your old af radio playing all 1000+ Eurovision songs at any time of day? That's what I thought), "woman" being used as an insult (she is a woman, and better than you, so fúck off), bertie botts every flavour bean (it's the "every" flavour that repulses her), idioticy, unearned elitism (if you wanna act superior, fine, but at least have something that makes you superior, and blood is not one of those things), Cornwall, camomile tea (it's disgusting), corduroy, roses, her things being moved/touched
Hobbies: reading, learning, football, just hanging out with her friends (forcing them to watch Eurovision)
Any health problems? (allergies, illnesses, etc): n/a
♣️ Family Background
:: Sauvageon Aesthetics: :: https://goo.gl/u4nRiU *contains a tiny bit about the Prince's at the end* Svea is from two notable families (though, even she argues about the notoriety of her mother's family, she would say that they are, in fact, not of note).
The Prince Family Through her mother, Svea is the heir to the Prince Family, a British Wizarding Family who are absolutely psychotic when it comes to blood purity. They are an old family, left off the list of the "Scared Twenty-Eight" for unclear reasons, though Marcius Prince claims it's due an ancestors' very public liaisons and relations with muggle royalty/nobility. Old and pure-blood proud, the Princes are fervent purportors of the concept of blood supremacy and purity, and proud Slytherins. Having all been sorted into the House dating back to Salazar Slytherin himself (or so they claim). Due to centuries of inbreeding with other pureblood families (who are all cousins at this point), the Princes tend to have the following traits; violent tendencies, mental instability, and some are enfeebled (though the family goes to great lengths to hide and eliminate such members). Additionally, due to their close genetics, the family additionally has trouble conceiving, generally ending up with only one child born per generation. Their numbers are currently dwindling, and the name is expected to die if Svea's mother doesn't have another child (or not if Svea agrees to take their name, solid no on that though).
The House of Sauvageon The Sauvageon's are a very family old wizarding family, they were originally French, and later immigrated to Sweden in the late 1700's. Unlike most ancient wizarding families (particularly the British ones), they have never shied away from breeding with muggles and muggleborns, often gaining the label of "blood traitor" from the British families, but they're Swedish, and blood density is irrelevant there. There are as liberal and socialist as their country. Despite being loathed by the blood purist-type families, they are still approached very few generations for marital matches, as they are exceedingly wealthy and when the aforementioned house runs out of options.  
♣️ Family Affiliation: Swedish Ministry of Magic, Durmstrang Institute of Magic (not a happy association, but it's their homeschool, and most Sauvageon's have attended it), House of Bernadotte, House of Châteaudun (and their successive houses), and the Riddarhuset (The House of Nobility in Sweden -- don't really have any power or special tax exemptions anymore, basically protection of historical titles and coat of arms)  
Socio-economic status: More money than God(s), HBO, and Netflix combined ♣️ Family Members:
▪️ Father: Petter Sauvageon | Colin Firth | 50 (if alive) | Dragonologist | missing, presumed dead
▪️ Mother: Diana Prince | Rachel Weisz | 47 | works at the British Ministry of Magic at The Department of International Magical Cooperation, specifically in the International Magical Office of Law (aiming to become Minister for Magic one day, which would suck for everyone that's not a pureblood) | alive
▪️ Step-Mother: Iliana Drubetskaya | Lena Headey | 44 | former Quidditch player, Quidditch commentator/reporter now | alive
▪️ Younger Half-Sister: Lena Sauvageon | Dafne Keen | 12 | second year student at Koldovstoretz | alive
▪️ Paternal Grandfather: Ludvig Sauvageon | Sir Patrick Stewart | 77 | socialite and patriarch, former politician | alive
▪️ Paternal Grandmother: Linnéa Sauvageon | Dame Judi Dench | 78 | socialite and matriarch | alive  
▪️ Paternal Aunt: Brigitta Sauvageon | Gillian Anderson | 46 | Politician, shadowy, high-ranking role in the Swedish Ministry of Magic | alive
▪️ Paternal Uncle: Kåre Sauvageon | James D'Arcy | 45 | Art Collector | alive
▪️ Paternal Cousin: Viggo Sauvageon | Mooms-mooms | 21 | Curse-Breaker for Rökstenen Wizarding Bank (the Swedish counterpart to Gringotts) | pretty, I mean alive
▪️ Maternal Grandfather: Marcius Prince | Sir Michael Caine | 80 | socialite, patriarch, author (of very anti-muggle/muggle-born books) | alive
**the families are further expanded upon here: https://goo.gl/d1pTdj (storyboard) & here: https://goo.gl/Dm6mpM {aesthetics collection with captions, primarily focused on the Sauvageons}
♣️ What is your character's relationship with their family? She has a very positive and close relationship with her paternal family. They were (and remain) her primary guardians, and growing up with the Sauvageon's in Sweden very much molded her into the person she is. Her grandmother is her role model, her sister is her *Gollum voice* precious, her step-mother inspired her to play Quidditch, her father instigated her love of eurovision and dragons, she considers the Sauvageon's her home. Her maternal family on the other hand, "poor" would be an understatement. Svea and her maternal grandfather (Marcius) actively hate each other, and it's not much better than that with her mother.
♣️ Which family member does your character feel the closest to?   She's quite close with her entire paternal family, but as of the last 12 years, it's definitely been her younger sister; Lili. She's a protective type of person, so having the responsibility of an older sibling was an absolute dream come true for this nerd.
Happiest Memory: she has quite a few, but the absolute number one would be the time she attended a Eurovision song contest with her father as a child (mathematically, but vaguely, it was probs around Marija, Dima, or Alexander's win).
Saddest Memory: when she learned that her father went missing. Like, it could be various arguments/standoffs with her mother, but her method for dealing with that is walking away/burying it, with her father going missing, there wasn't anyone to be angry at or someone to walk away from. Someone she loved was taken from her and she was literally powerless to do anything about it. Probably also why she's such an aggressive mom friend, on a subconscious level, she goes out of her to ensure someone she loves cannot be taken again.
How does your OC feel about pureblood supremacy?: She hates the "concept", and thinks it's the most idiotic thing ever thought up by someone. She was raised on Swedish ideals, a very liberal and socialist nation where blood purity or "impurity" is irrelevant, blood is blood, move the fck on. Muggle-borns have time and again been shown to be as powerful as any "pureblood", not to mention it's scientifically impossible for a person to have absolutely no muggle blood in their family histories, the wizarding population is too small when compared to the muggle population in the world, the species would've die out.
How does your OC feel about muggles/ half-bloods? Does your OC think they should be a part of the magical community? Of course they should be part of the magical community. Honestly, she supports the idea of reintegrating the magical and muggle worlds. What are they gonna do? Spread a nerve agent in their shops? They have magic and could easily handle any weapon the muggles send their way. She doesn't really understand why they have to hide.
Quick facts: Svea is half-Swedish, half-British, but was raised as a Swede from birth. Her mother's family was quite ashamed of the whole idea of a "liaison" and "bast.ardry" (how lame), thus she was born in semi-secrecy (secret from the British buddies of her mother's family) at the Sauvageon Estate in Enköping. Her paternal family has custody of her from birth, and she didn't see her mother or maternal family again for a decade (well, she was an infant, we can't actually be sure she ever did see her mother).
From the ages of 2-5, Svea was enrolled in Förskola, and when aged 6, she attended Förskoleklass, school for muggle children in Sweden (both are optional for Swedish kids, "Förskola" is preschool, available to children from ages 1-5, and "Förskoleklass" is preschool class, which I guess is effectively a year of kindergarten, for children aged 6). There she was integrated into muggle culture (or something like that, I can't remember the word I want) and made numerous friends, including one of her all time besties; Lara Coburg (the only one of her muggle friends to be introduced to the magical world, in a very Jacob Kowalski way now that I think of it, even though I hated him in the Fantastic Beasts movie). Lara is aware of the magical world and the only one of Svea's muggle friends who she maintains regular contact with.
After Förskoleklass, Svea attended 4 years of the muggle compulsory school in Sweden (which is for ages 7-16, and basically the north American equivalent of elementary through to high school), with the plan being that she would "transfer" to private, boarding school once she reached the age for magical schooling. However, when she was 10, her mother and maternal grandfather came to Sweden to claim custody and make her a British citizen, to meet the residential requirements to attend Hogwarts. The Sauvageon's initially refused, but as they loathe their local home school, Drumstrang (a very non-Swedish Scandinavian school, because Sweden is liberal af and Drumstrang is magic racist af), they agreed.
Svea spent a year living with her mother and maternal grandfather before being admitted into Hogwarts and did not like it in the least. They were horrified and appalled by the rambunctious, muggle-friendly, aggressively European child she was (and tbh, still is), and spent the year trying to force it out of her. They kept her isolated and cut off all her connections to her father's family, and tried to instruct her in the ways of pureblood, often screaming in frustration and anger when she argued back or simply replied with "so what" or "why". They later took to locking her in rooms, and starving her when she started leaving the estate on her own to mingle with the local muggle population. Eventually, their little war came to a head when they broke her electrical toys from her father's family, and in her fury, she magically set fire to the Prince Estate (on purpose, though they claimed it was an accident to the Improper Use of Magic Office). The fire resembled the Fiendfyre curse, and it was stronger than any fire Svea had produced before. Although no one died, the entire estate became ruins, and took 4 ministry workers plus her mother and grandfather to contain. After the incident, Svea was able to reconnect with her paternal family (crying to the ministry people there about missing her father and worried that her grandfather would say no because he's jealous of her other grandfather, yes she was faking her tears, anyway, they fell for it and informed her Swedish fam who immediately apparated to the Prince Estate). The Sauvageon's offered to pay for the restoration of the Prince Estate, but in exchange, Brigitta Sauvageon would be staying with them until Svea left for Hogwarts. Once that was settled, Svea and her maternal family became akin to strangers living in the same house, with Marcius Prince calling Svea and her aunt "unwelcome guests".
After she received her Hogwarts letter, instead of Diagon Alley, Svea's Aunt and Grandmother took her to Drottningsgränd, basically the Stockholm Diagon Alley (btw, I'm really proud of myself, because I googled Swedish street names and that effectively translates to "Queen's Alley" mostly because there's an actual street called "King's street", well, in Swedish it's "krongsgran" or something like that, tbh, I already forgot). Anyway, it resulted it quite a tiff with the Prince's, who insisted on Diagon Alley and wands from Ollivanders, they lost the argument on the later, but she did get her books, robes, and other school items from Diagon Alley. Also an adorable tawny owl they named "Fredrick".  
Additional Information: - her name is poorly made pun, like, "pun" is actually pushing it. "Svea" comes from a personification of Sweden, a derivative of "Svear", the Swedish name for the ancient Germanic tribe; the Swedes. "Svear" also later evolved into "Sverige", the Swedish name for Sweden and means "the realm of the Svear". Her surname, "Sauvageon", is a French form of "Savage", an English word, nickname, and surname meaning wild and uncouth, which was derived from a Middle English form of Old French; "salvage" or "sauvage", which meant untamed. Effectively, her name means Savage Swede, the flip around being a ref to the annoying flip around in the French language with certain terms and/or phrases (also in other languages, but French is the one I got beef with as a Canadian person). Richelle and Estelle are just because I like frenchy names that rhyme, and they're vaguely posh sounding, so I'm assuming her mother picked those ones. I say, assume, I made these characters, she did pick them for Svea.
- uses a ridiculous array of glitter and nerd-design pens (ink and quills are aesthetically pleasing, but impractical. Come on, the pencil was invented in fcking 1564)
House: Slytherin
Year: 7
Best Class(s): Arithmancy and History of Magic (honestly, she's great at all of her classes, but those two are her highest scores, well, she get's an outstanding in everything, but they're in like 98-100 percentile, and the others are just 90-98, if Hogwarts used numbers)
Worst Class(s): none
Any Pets?: a tiger patterned kitten, super smol and super cute, but has been a "kitten" for a suspiciously long time. It's been tiny and like a baby since she first got it in her fourth year, though she simply claims that it's a rare Swedish breed. She named it Vhagar, after a dragon in ASOIAF because she's a massive nerd.  
Reputation at Hogwarts: All in all, Svea's got a pretty stellar reputation. She certainly doesn't cause any trouble, she's heavily active in school events and protective of younger students. She's always been doing her own "foreigner" thing, in everything she does, she's aggressively Swedish about it (and that's something she says herself). She's basically the high-achieving "socialist" elitist, she definitely thinks she's better than you, but she's not going to tolerate something as stupid as "blood purity" in "her" school. Her reputation is basically that of the smart, sporty, pretty "cool" girl. Or I guess simply "The Swede". Seriously, she's super liberal, she loves Eurovision, what about that isn't Swedish? The fact that their faceclaim is English, but whatever. ▪️ Is your OC based on one of the character archetypes? If so, which one: Lily van der Woodsen/Bass/Humphrey (somewhat, she's a lot less selfish/self-centered than Lily)
▪️ If not, please write a 2-4 sentence tagline for your OC: GW: The liberal foreigner, the relentless Head Girl. Duchess S is our resident "mother of dragons", or so she claims. Sadly, not all of us can be Daenerys Stormborn. Sad for the Duchess at least. Whilst she may not be blood of the dragon, she is blood of the Franks. With extravagant  tastes and a penchant for chopped off heads (metaphorically, of course), Duchess S may seem like a nice friend for you to have, but cross her, and you'll be eating cake. (Svea, off in the distance: MARIE ANTOINETTE NEVER ACTUALLY SAID THAT YOU UNCULUTURED SWINE!)
Additional Information: - Chaser on the Slytherin Quidditch Team, also team captain   - Head Girl   - She could've been a Ravenclaw, but her ambition heavily outweighs her thirst for knowledge
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⚜️ INDIVIDUAL MAGIC
Wand: acacia wood Wand Core: dragon heartstring Wand Length: 11 ¾" Wand Flexibility: inflexible, but swishy
Patronus: Swedish Short-Snout
Bogart: her mother
Amortentia: fresh coffee (though the taste disgusts her, hence she pumps caramel into her ice coffee), newly laundered clothes, and petrichor (the scent of wet earth after a recent rain fall)
Affinity to any particular magic?: she's quite skilled with wandless magic, and occlumency (taught by her grandmother), to protect her mind against any invaders. She's dabbled in some legilimency, but does not care for it.
Additional Information: - ridiculously in love with/knowledgeable about dragons. super obsessed with them. - I guess it would fall under affinity, but she's quite drawn to fire and fire-based spells, creatures, potions, etc. She'd never admit it to someone of authority (yet), but her favourite spell is fiendfyre. - obtained her appariting license earlier than would be possible (because her birthday makes her 17 after the usual UK test dates) by applying for it at the Swedish Ministry of magic, which issues Apparition licenses at 16 (completely made that up, but whatever, I don't like half of the few things we know about JKR's Sweden, they're not very Swedish. How is Drumstrang a Scandi school? Scandi's are so liberal, I get it's a German, WWII stereotype, but make it limited to German and Germanic states then, the Scandi's are liberal af. Well, Sweden is, also I think Finland).
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⚜️ USER INFORMATION
Username: @.drownedinmoonlight Activity Level (Scale 1-10): 8-ish
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Playlist: https://goo.gl/vaSFwA {Svea} ⠀⠀⠀⠀& https://goo.gl/Wwgx4s {Svea x Henry} Moodboard: https://goo.gl/VBPzCG Social Media: https://goo.gl/uXqRa9 {insta} Storyboard: https://goo.gl/d1pTdj Aesthetic Collection I: https://goo.gl/qDJazT Aesthetic Collection II: [still in my drafts]   Svea x Henry Aesthetics Collection: https://goo.gl/nVaubL Wardrobe/Style Collection: https://goo.gl/g8rBdV Plotting Set: Story: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ஜ۩۞۩ஜ
When you have completed the audition, please tag the mods: @.drownedinmoonlight @.themadmonarchist and @.maybones and use the hashtag #gossipwitch, #GW
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