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moonlightflower21 · 2 years ago
a/n: another mafia turtles fic w leo 🫣🫡 i'm not really active rn but i've had a few tmnt fics in my drafts so here this is anyway :)
hope you enjoy 💙
Your life long goal was to become the CEO of L/N express, your business in which you spend years working and succeeding in. However there was only one thing stopping you, a merger needed to happen. And it was with none other than your rival company, the hamato brothers.
Leonardo, to be precise.
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The music was soft, romantic as everyone danced with their partners. The smile on Donatello's face as he picked his partner up by the waist, Raphael teasing his S/O holding them securely by their hips and Michelangelo laughing his heart out with his lover.
Yours, however, sat on the stool sulking as he downed his whiskey.
Initially the vacation had been a good idea, everyone had been ridiculously stressed over the past couple days with the upcoming events. Being so close to the position you busted your ass for, was snatched straight out of your hands before you could even comprehend it. The only way forwards was to merge your business with the Hamato Clan and it had been the very last resort.
At first, Leonardo wasn't all that bad. In fact, you rather enjoyed his company. You came to realise and adore his presence, his humour and the way he spoke with you. But there was so much to learn about him and further you delved into his past, the more you realised there were secrets and hidden information.
The worst part was that in order for both business to be successful, you both had agreed to marry one another in order to please the board. Filled with middle aged old white men who believed a successful woman wasn't able to fulfil that position without the right man or whatever misogynistic bullshit they brewed. You didn't care, once you secured the CEO you'd have the power to get rid of the board altogether. There was no use for them whatsoever.
The decision wasn't an easy one but the more time spent with Leo, the more you got to know him. You could see the true version of himself that was kept hidden from the public eye and you were excited to see what else he hid under his tough exterior. You genuinely looked forward to spending time with him. You thought it would be okay, that the marriage would be a dream. That the two of you would conquer and devour the market, hand in hand.
But right now, however, you weren't so sure about that anymore.
Letting out a breath, you walked over to him nerves twisting in your stomach. He noticed by the corner of his eyes and motioned for the bartender to come by.
"Can I have two more of these?" Leo spoke gruffly to the young man who nodded with a smile and disappeared to make the drinks.
"You didn't have to do that" You whispered and for the first time that night, he looks at you. Those blue eyes a raging thunderstorm filled with every emotion in them. Yet you're not so sure which one is the most dominant.
"I may be angry at you but my respect doesn't waiver. That much should already be clear" He spoke and then turned his head, continuing whatever work he had on his phone.
Maybe this was a bad idea after all
"C'mon lovebirds, the next dance goes out to all the partners here! Hold them close and let the music wash all over you~" The DJ called out and your cheeks burned, awkwardly looking around at the couples. A part of you wanted to run away, to return to bed and forget this horrible night had ever occurred. Yet your partner stood, placing his phone in his blazer pocket and holding his hand out.
"Are you coming?" He answered curtly to which you rolled your eyes but accepted his hand. Surprisingly, he wasn't that bad of a dancer. You knew he was a ninja and therefore relatively light on his feet, but the way he held your body with expertise and his footwork was astonishing. You hadn't taken him for someone that cared for dancing, let alone even try to attempt it.
"I never knew you could waltzed" You tried to meet his eyes but they ignored yours, the obvious pain swirling in them from hours ago. When you had that argument
"You never asked" He replied bluntly, spinning you around with elegance and poise. This attitude was slowly starting to drive you insane, instead of being silent about his feelings he should just speak about them.
There was no way to do business with someone who shut off his emotions like a switch, how could you find common ground with him if you could barely remedy a simple argument?
"Why are you acting like such a.... tyrant?" You hissed while his figure stiffened up, his hands immediately at their side again. The warmth left your body and for a minute you regretted saying those words.
But then that moment ended, he needed to understand that in this partnership one person giving the other the cold shoulder without any necessary reason was completely childish and immature.
"Oh, a tyrant?" He barked, crossing his arms across his chest. His eyes flickered with an emotion but you hadn't the faintest clue what crossed them or what he was thinking. You could hardly understand him these days if you could barely manage past the incessant fighting day in and day out
"What is wrong with you Leonardo? I'm trying my hardest here" You were desperately reaching the end of your tether and while you knew you should control your temper, it wasn't fair for him to act anyway he pleased. Some days it felt like walking on eggshells around him. Other days, he seemed to avoid your presence altogether.
But there were those sweet days, the ones where he traced your body with gentle circles. Whispering the most heart warming promises, delivering a gentle kiss to your body. That was the Leo you loved. Not this one. Though even now that had come far and few between, it all felt like a business transaction to him. Perhaps that's simply what he thought of you
"The issue here is that I keep trying to tell you my side yet it seems you're spinning it in a different narrative, one that paints me out to be the bad guy-"
"I'm not, I just want you to see it in another perspective" You tried to reason but he was having none of it.
"See this is it. I don't care to see this in another light or point of view and as my potential partner, you should be able to respect those boundaries. You don't know the whole story, how could you possibly give information on something you know nothing on?" Leo seethed, stepping back away from. you.
"Hey guys, what's going on here?" Mikey tried to lighten the air but even his jokes couldn't put the foul mood Leo was in away.
"I was just leaving, good night" Leo looked at his youngest brother, turning away from you.
Like he always did.
"Y/N-" Mikey begins but you shake your head. "He doesn't want to listen to anyone. Not to you, not to me, not to his father. How can I be expected to work with such a... cold and distant man?" You scowled, shaking your head angrily at him.
"But if-" "I'm going to bed, don't let this ruin your night" You huffed, sending an apologetic smile to the turtle as you headed out. Knowing full well that nothing could be resolved if Leo didn't trust you enough. Deep down, a part of you didn't think you both could ever reach that point
Tossing and turning, you probably managed to gather a handful of hours of sleep.
His words echoed through your body, leaving you angry and hurt. You couldn't help but recall what those people said to you about him. Everyone said he didn't have any regard for feelings, his mind was solely upon work. He seemed to breathe, eat and live to work. He couldn't go a day without checking in despite people employed for that very job. There wasn't a place of love for you in his life, he was Hamato Leonardo. An ice king at best. You couldn't melt away those steeled walls, you couldn't chip at his resolve. It was impossible.
Even so, somehow you'd manage to capture his attention. You had seen the other side of him, the funny and sweet guy that had somehow wrapped around your heart. The jokes he made, the way he pounced onto you when you teased him, the way he knew just what to say when you were stressed or having a bad day.
He certainly could pass for a poet, those sweet words whispered to you in the early dawn while his arms tightens gently around your waist. Cradling you as though you'd break in a million pieces. Holding you so close to his chest as if to mend all those broken parts of yourself.
That was the Leo you wanted, not this cold hearted beast.
The time read 5am and knowing you weren't going to get anymore sleep, you stood up and walked to the door. The great thing about the beach was that there was no one around, meaning you could enjoy the open land and the beautiful waves all by yourself.
The beach was beautiful undisturbed and untouched, and so was the sunrise with it's golden hues flicking just above sealine. Your eyes kept focus, watching the sky erupt into a volcano of sorts, golden red light bursting through the horizon eliminating the darkness. It was all so magical, the sun rays dancing upon your skin with the air kissing your cheeks. The tides were oddly calm, reflecting their light all about until you catch sight of something. Or rather someone
It seemed you weren't alone. Just above you was the staircase, giving a lovely view of the landscape overall. Debating internally, you wonder if you should cut your losses and run for the hills. No, you had poured far too much time and energy and your heart into this to fail. So you breathe in, composing yourself. Trying to get rid of your shaky nerves, it felt like you were talking to a mean horrible boss. Not your supposedly fiance.
Walking hesitantly up the stairs, you saw him. He didn't even flinch, already knowing whose presence was besides him just by the footsteps.
"Can we talk Leonardo?" You exhaled slowly, standing next to him. The woody cologne he had on smelt absolutely gorgeous, taking you to the night where he performed.... specific activities on you. It was going to be hard to ever get back to that level, if this fight could ever resolve itself.
"I have nothing to say" He replied bluntly, leaning against the banister overlooking the sea.
"Leo please-" "Enough" He sighed, rubbing a hand over his face. He could feel the anger bubble and rise within his stomach, poisoning his veins as it drifted further up his body.
"If you could just listen, I can help you. I want-" You began but he waved his hand in dismissal, positing towards the exit.
"Y/N please-" "But Leo-"
"Y/N, stop! Look you said it yourself, we're so similar. Controlling, in charge, a leader if you will. But this isn't something you can control. I will not have my personal affairs out for everyone to read, most specifically an issue which I have told you countless times you cannot help," He whirls around, fury ablaze in his eyes.
"This is becoming very improper of you Y/N, I came here to spend some time with you yet you wish to fix issues that are past the point of repairing. If you'll excuse me..." Leonardo glared as he stood to his full towering height, his knuckles pale as he tried to keep his temper in check. Yet it was proving to be a difficult challenge with every minute spent on this damn island. With a scoff, he turned on his heel but you had angrily called out again.
"You think this is about my control and my wish to boss you around?? I wouldn't have to get involved if you hadn't placed me there! Need I remind you Leonardo, it was you who got me wrapped into this mess when we decided on the marriage for our business. I will not work with bickering employees or a partner who refuses to work out their problems! I cannot have this affect my side of the business" You snapped, eyes fierce as they blazed into his skull.
But his demeanor was tougher, angrier and cruel.
"Call it what you will Y/N but my issues are not for you to handle nor get yourself stuck in. Do not question my work ethic or my job, I have never allowed any of my problems interfere with work. And it will continue to remain that way. It was not easy growing up with brothers who refused to follow down this path and with a father that always expected me to be the best. I have tried to steer you away from this conversation but it's completely futile, you are absolutely hellbent on information I'm simply not ready to give" His lips curled in a sneer and you had forgotten how intimidating he looked when he was his full height.
With those eyes as cold as ice, his lips set in a an unmoving frown you remember why people are so afraid of him. Why they say he cannot be helped, why he has no soul
Leo sighs, rubbing the space between his eyes to calm his nerves. For once, his body is filed with regret instead of frustrations.
"Maybe you're right, maybe we are simply too alike. This will never work and I was naive enough to have hope that you'd be different. Once this deal closes off, we are purely in a contract for the benefit of both our business. Nothing more" Leonardo uttered coldly, stepping away as he returned to his own bedroom. The echo of his footsteps left you cold and empty, the distance of the door slamming shook you back in the present time.
Had he just?....
He did
You stood silent, gulping down air but it felt like it never fully reached your lungs.
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moonlightflower21 · 2 years ago
I would love for more mafia leo fics if you ever had the chance 🥺💙
aw thank you baby 🥺 i feel so shy LMAO ☠☠ i just haven't been active in so long, i've totally forgotten how to write for any of them. i had some old fics in my drafts (including mafia ones) but it feels so strange, i feel like a fraud lmfaoo 🫠😩
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moonlightflower21 · 2 years ago
Hey gorgeous! Hope you’re taking care 🥹💚
every so often i forget i have this blog LMAO. but hi baby, thank you so much 🫶🥹 hope you're well and taking care, pretty ❤‍🔥
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moonlightflower21 · 2 years ago
Leo with his own little bundle of joy please? If you haven't written it already of course.
i've written several with leo and his babies 🥰 i'll leave the tag for you underneath 🤍
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moonlightflower21 · 2 years ago
Happy (early) Christmas to you and the boys! 💙❤💜🧡
thank you gorgeous! you too! i kinda want to do a lil chrismassy prompt for the turtle boys to get back into writing but i'm not sure 🤔
i don't know if i have the mental capacity for that but it would be so cute 🥺
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moonlightflower21 · 2 years ago
Been thinking of you lately hun. Hope you’re well 🫶
hello hello, i'm doing well! hope you're good too! 💚
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moonlightflower21 · 2 years ago
I love that you have raph for beauty in the beast. For some reason it suits him, and I can understand why. Since he’s this guy that wants to appear as brutish but once you break down his walls, he’s such a soft teddy bear. It’s truly amazing.
i love this sm :") and i ADORE the beast and raph, they both have that insecure stubborn streak in them which can put them in a foul mood for days. it takes a special kind of person to help them see past their looks, to see the beauty within, to help them understand they are not limited to their external features. looks fade away but a good heart does not
i really want to write the disney x tmnt fics purely because i just want to imagine them as princes and itd be a nice way to slowly start writing for the fandom again. but i'm not sure lmao 🤍
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moonlightflower21 · 2 years ago
Do you think the turtles could ever like open their hearts to someone that gains their trust. More like this person has lost everything but they never expected salvation from four turtles. Each of which probably shares a tender place in their heart. The reason I ask is because I’m interested in something.
of course they would :) be it romantically or platonically, they hold so much love in their hearts. and while it can be guarded, those walls are not made of steel. they can be broken down for the right person. i know i tend to write raph that has that brutish persona, leo being strict and brash, donnie being incapable to love anyone more than his tech but i also believe that they can love and they love hard. they're the sweetest lil things when in love or even as a friendship. like leo, raph, mike and don being so gentle with april and having a big joke around with casey. if you match their vibe, they'll be your biggest supporters 🥰💙❤💜🧡
how comes you asked? :)
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moonlightflower21 · 2 years ago
Hi Lia! Have you ever written for 2012 or RISE?
hey nonnie :) i don't think i'd write for rise, i don't watch it. and as for 2012, i love them sm but i'd write strictly fluff/angst with them 🤍
that being said though, if you do request something the liklihood of me writing it heavily depends on what the request is. if its way too specific, too long, too repetitive its not going to be written.
and then again, i've haven't written for them in a while so i'm super rusty 💀
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moonlightflower21 · 3 years ago
Not the nonnie but Prince Eric for Donnie maybe? 💜🐢
oooo i like that! but i also kinda don't see don bein that naive like eric was lmao. he'd crack there was somethin weird going on immediately, i don't see much passing by him
ugh i was also going to flynn rider for don but he gives me more mikey vibes 🥲🧡
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moonlightflower21 · 3 years ago
Weird question but what animated Disney movies do you think the boys would be? XD
okay i was WRACKING my brains for donnie and i'm still not 100% sold on it but these are what i thought of
leo: mulan
raph: beauty and the beast
don: aladdin(?)
mikey: the princess and the frog
feel free to send in your thoughts! 🤍
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moonlightflower21 · 3 years ago
Hiya again! For Tmnt bridgerton au, do you think other characters are in this world? Not just April and Casey but Karai as well? What going on with them? Think there could have been a scandal with karai and the turtles? And maybe April is possibly like lady whistledown?
they all are! :) april, casey, vern, karai, all of em.
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karai always has a problem with the turtles, its just canon at this point. and she's constantly plotting against them all. word gets around fast and dishonur to the turtles name is something not to be taken lightly ;)
absolutely nothing sexual with karai and the turtles though because they are half siblings and that's a whole road i have no desire to go down.
i love the idea of april as lady whistledown, that opens new room for angst especially from family you thought could never wrong you (she doesn't mean to do intentionally but the hurt is still there)
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moonlightflower21 · 3 years ago
just realized the part four one is called wounds- the forget abt it one 2nd part maybe? ❤️
"forget about it" has 7 parts to it :) if you're talking the one with donnie.
wounds, the one with raph, i don't think i'll ever finish but its still up if anyone ever wanted to read it :) ❤💜
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moonlightflower21 · 3 years ago
thank you so much, babe! i really appreciate that 😙🤍
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moonlightflower21 · 3 years ago
I really love your writing! I'm definitely curious how the boys react to dating a vegetarian/vegan. You should definitely write something about that. 😊
thank you sm love 🥰 and they wouldn't care. i feel like raph and mikey are big meat lovers but they wouldn't eat it in front of you, purely out of respect. leo and don are meat lovers but they don't eat it all the time. its kinda when they feel like it. as long as you don't force them into the vegan/vegetarian lifestyle, it don't affect him :) 💙❤💜🧡
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moonlightflower21 · 3 years ago
Wdyt shredder would name his son? ( I'm making a new oc. And yes, he's shredder's son, I'm currently stuck on what to name him. any ideas?)
what name you'd like honestly. i don't write for shredder or his fam but when i need names, i just choose whatever i like. the reader can pick and choose as they'd like :) 🤍
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moonlightflower21 · 3 years ago
You know when you have ideas rushing through your head and you like you don’t have any ideas, lol yeah that’s me right now. But I’m gonna still try to give out ideas hope they’re decent. I imagine the viscounts turtles wouldn’t be into martial arts like usual, but I kinda can imagine them taking an interest in boxing or fencing. Boxing especially for Raph and fencing especially for Leo. I hope you like this small headcanon☺️
these are so spot on! i love thinkin of all the cute lil things the viscounts would do and these ones match perfectly!
donnie would be into kendo, very similar to fencing and mikey is archery.
i also think they do train heavily. they haven't stopped in the arts of ninjitsu and they still continue their training though it isn't portrayed like in the movies. it is vital to protect oneself and because they look the way they look, enemies are so common. and they're also the most sought after ;) so just gotta be careful with your surroundings and ninjitsu not only enables those skills but also is a release mentally.
but i love these headcannons nevertheless 🤍🤍
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