#out here looking like a whole Neanderthal
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a-concert-just-for-me · 2 years ago
You ever see yourself in the cctv cam and think holy shit I sure do have quite the schnoz 🤔
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kennedyhateskanye · 1 year ago
Across the ellieverse
An: you guys ate up my horny looser!ellie??!!??? I’ve been silently consuming Ellie Williams smut fan fiction for like a year now and it’s so silly and fun that I wrote something that made people horny. Swear I’ll write another one once I perfect the concept in my little Neanderthal mind.
Concept: there are so many distinct versions of Ellie on here that you guys write about, and I am so attracted to each and every one of them. This is kind of a conglomerate of some of my favorites.
Hockeyplayer!ellie who calls you a puck bunny and smacks your ass when you ride her thick strap, she’s got that hockey accent and it comes out stronger than usual when she’s inside of you. She pumps hard cause sports have turned her into someone so cocky and vain. It makes it feel even better when she gets off the ice after a rough game, yanking jerseys and shoving players to protect her goal tender. she takes her mouth gaurd out and pumped full of the pride from her fresh win, she fucks you doggy style in the locker room with her jersey between her teeth exposing her flexing abdominal muscles. Insists on you wearing something cute, but not too slutty to her games because she doesn’t need her teammates getting a peak up your skirt while they’re waiting in the box by the stands.
Looser!ellie who whimpers when she pushes her fingers inside you for the first time, practically drooling while she heavy breathes. She’s got a shocked look on her face the whole time, taking in the smell and taste of pussy since shes never experienced it before. Her plaid boxers are soaked when you let her play with your cunt. she whispers things like “oh my fuck” under her breath as she whines from the sight of your sloppy pussy swallowing her fingers. The first time you two properly made out and she got to grope your tits, she was literally eyes blown wide mouth open. Her voice cracked as she said “mm is this okay” whimpering as she smooshed your tits together, SALAVATING at the sight. That night while you kissed sloppily she found herself rutting and against you in her jeans, she was so embarrassed but she just couldn’t help it.
Toxic!ellie who wants you to know she could have anyone she wants, when you argue she sends you the old photos she has in her my eyes only, of her fucking girls like they were an expendable commodity. She knew you’d be too jealous not to forgive her, afraid she’d go out and fuck some girl if you carried on pouting. While she pounds into you she presses down on your tummy, leans into your ear and sternly says “take it bitch”. You two were constantly on again off again, you’d make it a couple days without talking to her after your friends finally convinced you she was horrible for you, and to block her. then you’d get a text from a ‘text now’ number saying simply, “let me the fuck in, I’m at the side door.” She knows how addicted to her you are, and she makes sure to bring it up when she’s slamming you into the mattress, ass bent over the bed, and ripping your skirt up over your legs. “You know you can’t go without this dick, can you?” Of course, you give into her mind games “n-no! Fuck, mmmm I can’t go without it”
Pornstar!ellie who knows your the real star of the show, makes sure the livestream gets a good view of your pussy as she rubs your clit, smacks it, and asks the chat a series of questions. “Isn’t this pussy so pretty” “what should I do to it ?” “How long do you think she’d last if I tied and vibed her today, I know you guys fucking love that” “she won’t stop squirming, what should i do to make sure she sits still and shuts the fuck up, I’m trying to film”
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sillyteecup · 8 months ago
That Dam attitude
Jey Uso × black!reader
Strong language
Suggestive content
Violence, I guess? (don't thump your partners with ores)
Translation: Thixo=God
~A.N: This is me, entering the Bloodline community with a little love for Jey (I need Triple H to stop playing with him and give him a title opportunity) while working on that little Roman AU. Hope you like it. Enjoy. ❤️
30 minutes. That's how long Josh had been sitting on the other side of their shared kayak pouting like a 5 year old. Arms folded, lips pressed, eyebrows furrowed-the whole package. All because he much rather would've stayed back at their booked villa fucking instead of actually adding some adventure to their vacation.
And Siya, was frankly tired of it. "Not you still sitting over there pouting and shit," she commented with an annoyed look on her face.
Looking equally vexed, he replied, "Not you got us in the middle of the fucking ocean at 8 am on vacation," to which Siya rolled her eyes.
"First of all, dumbass it's a dam. Second of all, I did not come all the way out here to fuck, sleep, eat and repeat, I came out here to have fun and relax," she said. The fact that they were in Cape Town where there was so much to see and do (for Josh anyway since Siya had been there plenty of times as a child) and all he wanted to do was move like a damn Neanderthal amazed her. Fucking men.
"Oh, and praytell Siya, which part of any of this is fun or relaxing?" he asked incredulously, gesturing at the kayak. "And I want you to think very carefully about your answer because if you tell me some bullshit about connecting with nature, I will flip this bitch over and we gon' swim back to the dock," he warned.
At this, Siya's eyes narrowed. There was no way this man was serious. "So you, Joshua Fatu, mean to tell me that you would trade in all of this natural beauty and peace for sex? Is that what you're saying to me right now?" They were on a kayak on the Waterfront dam with a perfect view of the Table mountain and the overall serene vibe of one of the most beautiful cities in Africa. And this man wanted to trade that in for some pussy? Bomb pussy, that is but semantics.
He smirked. "Ey ma, let's just say I'd prefer to be knee-deep different type of natural beauty, know what I'm sayin'?" he said, wriggling his eyebrows suggestively.
Usually she'd find this funny and fold like a pretzel, but this time around her pussy was sore from all the work he'd been putting in since they landed 2 days prior, she was already running out of thongs since he kept tearing them off her (with the promise to buy her ne ones of course) and frankly, she was starting to miss being able to walk without holding onto something for support. As a matter of fact, part of her had actually considered having him admitted into a rehab because his addiction to her cooch was on its way to paralyzing her from the waist down.
"You need help. Professional help," she snarked, pointing her acrylic decorated nail at him, making him chuckle.
"Girl you better stop acting like you don't like creaming on this shit," he laughed, right as an older white couple rowed by. They looked aghast, as though they'd heard his comment, which mortified Siya.
"Joshua!" she scolded before apologizing profusely to the other couple, who continued clutching their pearls while they did their best to get as far away as possible from the younger pair. She shot Josh a deadpan look, one he responded to with an innocent shrug.
"Look babygirl, ain't my fault white folk can't mind their business," he said defensively.
Siya lifted her ore and gently thumped him on the head with it, making him hiss. "No, but your big ass mouth yelling our business for the whole fucking continent to hear is your fault. No home training, I swear," she complained as she continued to row.
Still rubbing his head and trying to row with one hand, he frowned. "Oh but when you're the one hollering at the top of your lungs for me to fuck you like a little slut while doin' tricks on the dick, might I add, it's all good?" Josh retorted, to the horror of another older couple rowing by.
"Thixo," Siya heard the older woman gasp. She sent the lady an apologetic smile and let out a string of "sorries" in Xhosa, before turning to glare at Josh again.
"The fuck all these old people doing out here so early anyway?" he exclaimed, albeit, quietly. "This is a sign if you ask me."
Siya was seething. "Fuck, you," she hissed with a deadly glare to match.
"Tuh, I wish you would," Josh replied, earning another, this time less gentle, thump to the side of his head. He raised his eyebrows, challenging his girlfriend to do it again. "Girl, you better stop playing with me, 'else it won't be no discussion."
Another thump.
"Siya," he warned, mildly irritated.
Usually she would stop but this time she was annoyed by his prior antics. "Joshua," she mocked him, moving to deal another thumped, only for him to grab her ore.
His face was set in stone. He definitely wasn't playing anymore. "Stop it," he commanded.
Siya however, was not moved in the slightest. "Or what?" she challenged.
He leaned closer to her, careful not to tip the kayak over as no one was rowing at the moment. "Keep fucking around and you gon' find out real soon," he growled.
Siya kissed her teeth defiantly. "You ain't gon' do shit."
Josh chuckled darkly as he sat back up straight. This girl was clearly dead set on testing his patience and she was gonna reap what she sowed. She didn't know it yet, (or maybe she did) but as soon as they got back to that villa he was gonna put her back in her place and fix that damn attitude.
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siolixz · 4 months ago
~Veils of Crimson~
Chapter 3
<chapter2> <chapter1> <chapter 4> <chapter 5: part 1>
Pairings: oz cobb x reader (Carmine Falcone's daughter)
Chapter three is here!! We got Al's ya-know-what in this one and maybe a more intimate moment with our fav big scary man, too :)All jokes aside, from here on, the chapters overall are gonna get much darker, that's what I initially wanted with this story-I don't know yet if reader is gonna be happy in the end, I mean, I paired her up with the guy that killed her brother, tried to light her dad up in front of the whole police department and we still have yet to see what he's gonna do with Sofia. Also, there will be no “cat fight” or big interaction between reader and Eve, I hate that shit, lets say Oz stopped sleeping with her some time before reader comes back home,mkay?Remember we are seeing this through the eyes of the reader, shes infatuated with him and naive in a way. Please take everything I wrote and I'm gonna write with a grain of salt, this is fiction and Oz "The Penguin" Cobb ain't a nice guy and that's okay, I don't wanna change him-I wanna make him worse!
Again, I took my inspo from Driving Miss Falcone by (https://www.tumblr.com/genevievedarcygranger here on tumblr), check out the story if you can.
Enjoy, give feeback if u want xoxo.
Warnings: mature language, smut (not in this chapter sorry AGAIN next chapter i pinky swear), general horniness.
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“You’re just as gorgeous as I remember.”
It felt nice hearing him say that. You hoped that the nerves you felt inside didn’t show up on your face as well.
“Nice car, Oz.” You simply couldn’t help yourself from mentioning that. “Purple’s a nice color.”
He raised an eyebrow and, while still smiling, said, “Well technically it's plum- but I know, right?”
“We three of us have a lot of catching up to do. Why don’t we go for dinner?” your sister interjected.
Oz tore his eyes off of you when hearing her. “Sure, we cou—”
“How about right now?”
Once seated at the restaurant and after ordering some food, Sofia was the first to break the awkward silence.
“Are you nervous, Oz? I would hate for you to be nervous with me. ‘Cause despite what you might think, I don’t blame you.” Okay, here she goes. “I mean if you haven’t gone to my father.”
Oz started fiddling around, smoothing out the tablecloth. “He left you no choice.”
When the food arrived, Sofia had no qualms digging in like a neanderthal, so Oz and you chatted about the last few years, like nothing changed. Except, things did change. Oz ran the Iceberg Lounge; he served as your father’s lieutenant of sorts, and from what you understood, he also ran the drops operation. He asked you about life in Europe and if you missed it. You told him that nothing compares to Gotham.
“Yeah, you’re right about that one, kid.” You don’t know why, but Oz seemed really lost in thought after that comment. He seemingly stopped saying anything and just looked at you.
“I’m so sorry to interrupt this little love affair you guys got going on, but I would also like to ask Oz a few things.” Sofia was done eating and now was on her second martini. Great, she's going to dig into him now.
“Alberto told me he was going to your club last night to get to our father’s loft. I—well, we—” she gestured toward you, “wanted to join, but he has been so protective over us lately that he didn’t want us leaving the house. It was all part of this plan; it was our shared secret. But today I hear you talk about revolutionizing the drug business.” Sofia was right to mention that. How on earth did he know?
“How do you know about his plan?” she continued. “And why on earth would you pitch it as your own? You know, it’s so brazen that you either have to be blindingly stupid or wildly confident that he isn't coming back to reclaim it. So I ask you again: do you know where our brother is?” she asked.
“Listen, Sofia—” Oz glanced at you. “You two are the surprise here.”
“Excuse me?”
“Al never told me you guys were back or that you were in on this thing with us.” All right, so that explains things. “You know me and my stupid mouth. Ya know, I screwed up. Maybe you could put in a good word. I—I don’t wanna put that on you, but he was so passionate about his plan, I thought there was no reason not to move forward, just because he is on another bender, you know the shipment arrives in a few days, right?”
Bender? What was Oz talking about?
“Bender? What do you mean, a bender?” you interrupted.
Oz moved his eyes toward you and said, “Al’s an addict, sweetheart.” You could see him trying to break this news as softly as he could. “He’s got a penchant for drops.” He looked at your sister again. “And booze and gambling, and I’m pretty sure he’s got a sex thing too-so yeah- but look, this isn’t the first time he has gone AWOL. He always comes back.” Oz continued, “And if he was at my club last night—I wouldn’t know. I was actually drowning my sorrows with my lady friend last night, Eve.”
So Oz has a girlfriend. That’s interesting.
“But if it makes you feel better, we can go there right now, scour the joint—I doubt anything is gonna turn up, but it’s worth a shot, whatever will put minds at ease.”
“You know what? You’re right. I think we are both just being crazy. He’s probably gonna turn up. Let's stay in and enjoy our meal.” your sister said.
As you were all ready to leave, you couldn’t help but feel jealous. Eve—what a lucky lady. You wondered what she probably does for a living—you could certainly find out. It’s been five years, you know, expecting anyone to stay celibate in order to wait for you, if you even arrived at all, was unnatural.
After your sister put on her coat, she got on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. She whispered something in his ear you had no idea what, but he looked once again frustrated, lost in thought. Maybe Oz was lying. Maybe not. She immediately disappeared outside, leaving you all alone with him. If she kissed his cheek, now you gotta do that too. Thanks, Sofia.
He winked at you and said, “Next dinner’s on me, all right, doll? You still owe me one after you left me hanging.” He smiled, flashing those gold teeth of his.
Raising your eyebrows, you asked him, “You remember?”
“Of course I do.”
“All right, Oz, you got a deal.” You smiled and raised yourself up to hug him properly. He was one big man. He wrapped his big arms around you and you felt so warm. Being this close to him, smelling him and holding him like this felt almost euphoric. “I missed you,” you said, your voice low enough so that only he could hear. You didn’t want any prying ears to run to the press, even if you did know they would after seeing you and Sofia back in Gotham at a very expensive restaurant.
He lowered his voice and told you, “Missed you too, doll.”
The road home was very quiet. Sofia was too busy looking things up on her phone. Every once in a while, you would mention something, like the floods or the spike in crime ever since your dad passed. You say “passed” so you don’t have to say, “he was shot dead by a crazy maniac while being arrested with the literal entire police department next to him.” Life feels so weird lately, like a dream. With your dad being gone, Al has to step up.
Now, the thing about being a mob boss was that once you die, there is always gonna be a power vacuum. Like sharks, all your enemies and friends are gonna push themselves so they can get to the top; best man will win.
Once in a while, she would acknowledge you with a nod or a tiny smile, but nothing compared to the hour-long conversations you guys used to have. You knew she was angry at Oz, at your family for writing all those letters that solidified her reason to stay there—anyone would be. Arkham was a jungle; it was eat or be eaten—but this quest for vengeance, this anger inside of her, was going to eat her alive. You knew that. Alberto told you all about her fears and how she felt.
Alberto, God, you hoped he was okay. You loved your brother; he was rash and careless, quick to anger and naive in his arrogance—but he was still your brother. He should be running the show; he deserved it.
As you looked outside, you saw some of the destruction that those floods brought. Maybe you and your sister could help make things right for some of these people; maybe you could redirect a percentage of the money toward helping them rebuild Gotham, rebuild the Falcone’s reputation.
She declined your request. Of course she did; why would we help them? “We have so many problems on our back right now,” she said, and while true, you also heard what Oz said. He wouldn’t lie to you or your sister like that, right?
As the hours passed, Sofia became more and more restless. She HAD to find him. You too were worried sick. You wanted to go with her to search the Iceberg Lounge, but she said it’s more important for you to stay, so nothing bad happens to you too. All right, you stayed.
In the meantime, you talked to Viti and Milos. Maybe you could help the family’s reputation. They looked at you like you told them you were gonna start stripping. So you did what you could and sold some of your old clothes, jewels, and shoes that day. You knew just the guy that would buy your stuff; he was surprised to see you but happy. Unlike the people that saw your sister again, you were happy—so very happy. All that money went to a good cause, you could finally appear on the news for a good thing and you weren’t gonna wear some of those old things anyway. As you texted your aunt, when you arrived back home; a car sped past you and crashed into the fountain.
What the hell?
Sofia exited the greenhouse, dressed in all black, like she was going to a funeral. You yelled out her name, scared that a bomb would go off when she got close to the car. Everyone else exited the house- armed guards ready for whatever the fuck that noise was.
The door to the driver's seat was open, and a brick was placed on the gas pedal. You weren’t close enough to see what she was looking at when she opened the trunk; you only read the writing on top: ‘PAYBACK.’
What the fuck was this?
The scream your sister let out was unlike anything you ever heard, and then you knew.
Your brother was dead.
Not long after the discovery of his body you learned who could be responsible for it. Your brother was murdered by the only people crazy or powerful enough to go after the Falcone family—the Maronis.
If Sal Maroni had the sort of power to do something like that while in jail, what else was he capable of? What was his next step? Was he going to go after your sister and then you?
You had to push those thoughts aside. The news of your brother's murder was blasted on every news outlet in the city, and you were constantly reminded of how dangerous this life, that you didn’t even choose—neither you nor your siblings—truly was. You needed to be protected.
A man like Carmine Falcone struck fear in the hearts of his enemies and, well, he struck fear in the hearts of everybody—no one dared to touch you or even look at you weird or disrespectfully.
You knew that Sofia was never going to be allowed to be in charge—she was a woman AND a certified crazy woman at that—so Viti called your uncle Luca to come over and step up as the boss. Another slap directed toward your sister.
As she explained to you, the family’s operation of Drops was being moved. You were losing a lot of profit with those terrible floods and all.
Viti and Milos didn’t even care about the ���family” or your guys’ reputation; they couldn’t care less about your sister or you. The more quiet you were, the better.
Well, Sofia wasn’t like that—in times like these, most especially in times like these, you needed all hands on deck.
Every day you checked the news. First thing in the morning, a small part of you hoped you would see your brother there, with the news that he was alive after all—that everything was just a dream. His funeral was tomorrow, and you didn’t even know if you had the strength to get up, get dressed, do your makeup, and then be surrounded by like a hundred people.
As you lay in bed, texting your aunt, filling her in with all the information you could remember about your current situation, you heard cars screech in front of the mansion. A shiver ran up your spine; you stopped dead from texting and tried to listen to what was happening downstairs. You were terrified—were these the Maronis? Coming to kill all of you?
When you heard all the familiar voices of your armed guards in the house, you were relieved but still worried. You ran out of your room as quickly as your slippers allowed.
You saw  Oz come inside, brows furrowed, hot and heavy and all bloodied, you ran to him.
“Oz! Are you okay? What—what happened?” you asked.
“Yeah—yeah I’m okay, those sons of bitches caught—” he started, but Viti interrupted him.
“OZ! Come inside, tell us what happened, now.”
He looked at you apologetically, but you told him to go.
While Oz was yelling inside, you were listening to Castillo’s retelling of what happened: the Maronis attacked the shipment, so the situation was clear—this was an all-out gang war.
Not long after, your sister came home as well. You exchanged quick hellos, but she bolted into the meeting room, conveniently leaving the door slightly ajar—an invitation. Get your ass inside; Dad’s dead, everything has gone to shit, and you’re not 19 anymore.
You followed her in, touching her side affectionately as you passed to let her know you were there for her. Oz was still yelling about how he saved the men there, and Viti was very fucking pissed. You leaned back against the table overlooking the men sitting there. It felt like an episode of a reality show.
“Is that all you care about? The product? The money we lost?” Sofia said, smoking.
Oz glanced at you and gave you a quick smile.
“We can get more money, gentlemen. I think you’re missing the point here—the Maronis humiliated our family. They took my brother and shoved his body in the trunk of a car—like he was a piece of trash.” Ugh, maybe you should’ve just gone to your room. “He deserves justice.”
“Look, Sofia, we all cared for Alberto—” Milos started.
“Well, I doubt that, Milos. I really do. Justice is what matters, and that is what my brother, your nephew, deserves,” she said, pointing at your uncle, Luca.
“WHY AREN’T HIS KILLERS STRUNG UP ACROSS THE CITY?!” she shouted. Okay, maybe that was a bit much, you thought. Killing them would be enough, geez.
“When the time is right, the Maronis will pay,” Johnny said.
“Well, if they knew our route, they weren’t working alone. There must be someone on the inside” Everyone turned towards you and the tension in the room was palpable. " helping them—someone in our own family.”
“How dare you two come in here, like you mean something,” Viti sneered, God you hated this asshole. “You don’t call the shots around here—”
“Johnny!” your uncle stopped him from insulting you. “Neither do you. And those are my nieces you’re talking to. Show them some fucking respect! " Luca said. Viti called both your names and apologized, but you could see the insincerity behind his eyes, almost like he was mocking you with the way he apologized.
Luca instructed everyone on what they had to do, and the meeting broke up-he called it a night.
“Do you need anything from me, boss?” Oz asked.
“You’ve done enough,” Luca replied, his voice firm.
As everyone started to leave, you told Oz the hour of the funeral tomorrow. He urged you to get some rest and promised he would see you then.
On your way upstairs, you heard him stop Sofia. You didn’t catch much of their conversation, just something about being desperate.
The next day, at the funeral, the press, the photographs, the protests—it was all too much. You couldn’t find Oz either and you wanted to get home so bad. You quickly went to the bathroom to gather yourself, and when you came back, you spotted him.
“Hey. I didn't see you in there. I thought you didn’t come,” you said, relief washing over you.
“You looked for me?” he asked, surprise in his voice.
“Yes, of course. You promised,” you replied, stepping closer. The suit he wore reminded you of a simpler time; when he was just your driver.
“How are you holding up, kid?” he asked, his empathy evident.
“I’m okay, for the most part. He shouldn’t have gone the way he did. The Maronis will pay, I’m sure.”
“Yeah, they will. I promise.” Standing with him, overlooking the crowd below, you felt a mix of despair and hope. “You know, I’m very well aware that the mob needs a strong hand—an iron fist—to lead it. But an iron fist can be gentle too. It all depends on who has it.”
There was a pause as he took in your words. He nodded, took a deep breath, and continued, “You know, we didn’t have a service for my brothers.” You felt a pang of sorrow for him, knowing how deeply the loss affected him. He went on about his mother, how grief consumed her, how one day-all of a sudden- she got out of bed, told him to get ready and they went dancing to lift her spirits. You knew his brothers were dead and his mom too, but he nevet told you this story.
He looked into your eyes, then at your lips, then back into your eyes. Did he want to kiss you? Oh no, was your lipstick smeared?
“Do you want to go with me to listen to some music and eat some good food one of these days? You promised.” he asked, and excitement bubbled inside you.
“What about Eve, or whatever her name was.” You asked.
He was surprised by your question but he nevertheless told you “Theres all sorts of friends out there, no?” Ok, whatever that means.
"Yeah-sure I'll go. You kept your promise, I'll keep mine, plus I owe you." you said, trying to hide your enthusiasm.
"I'll have my driver-" he started
“You have a driver?” you didn't mean it to sound so stuck up, shit.
“Yeah, I do. What? You think a club owner doesn’t have one?” Oz joked, you were so glad he wasn't bothered by that comment, maybe he knew you didn't mean it like that.
For the first time in a week, you felt genuinely excited about something.
As the funeral dragged on, your mind wandered to what you would wear. You settled on a stunning Yves Saint Laurent dress from the '90s—black velvet, understated yet elegant. You added Oz’s gift from long ago as your necklace and a pair of Tiffany earrings to complete the look. To avoid drawing attention, you had your driver take you to the restaurant instead of arriving together.
When you arrived, Oz was already seated. As soon as he noticed you, he gave a low whistle and flashed that dazzling smile of his. You walked over, and with your heels clicking on the floor, you greeted him with a kiss on the cheek. God, he smelled amazing.
You couldn’t help but notice the stares from the other patrons. A beautiful woman smiling ear to ear with the scariest man they’d ever seen—it was a spectacle.
As Oz took your jacket and helped you get seated, you soaked in the atmosphere of the restaurant. It was bustling but cozy, with soft lighting and a stage at the center where musicians were preparing to play.
“You look gorgeous, I mean, wow,” Oz said, his gaze lingering on you, especially your breasts "Nice necklace you got."
“Well thank you! You don’t look too bad yourself. Nice seat you picked out; we can see everything from here,” you replied, smiling at him
“Yeah, I know the owner- he made us a reservation yesterday. This place is a big deal, ya know?”
“I figured-there's a lot of people-all looking at us.” You wondered if they recognized you.
He chuckled to himself “Ha, trust me doll they are sure as shit all looking at you.”
Your waiter came by and by the time the performance started you already drank half the wine they poured for you. 
The songs were amazing, the food great, the performance was amazing-it was loud, but not too loud so you couldn’t hear each other speak- and the company, whew, the company, was out of this world.
You shared with Oz memories from France and you guys reminisced about the sort of bullshit you used to be up to, from sneaking out to maxing out one of your dad’s credit cards. You don’t remember the last time you laughed this hard.
“Oh this is one of my favorite songs.” Oz said and you quieted down to listen to the music, as he looked at the performance, you had some time to look at him in this light.
You thought he was one of the most handsome men you ever saw in your life, the scar that ran up from his top lip to his cheekbones, gave him this look about him -mysterious and dangerous- he could kill someone in cold blood and then be the sweetest man in the whole world-I mean, what's there not to like?
His brown eyes had such a gorgeous shine. Sure, his hair was thinning at the top and no one in a million years would expect a girl your age and status to be with someone like him. But there was something more about Oz, this charisma he had, he could talk his way out of anything, you wondered what else he could do with that tongue.
The wine is starting to speak now, maybe regular you as well.
He noticed your wine glass being empty and he grabbed the bottle from the table and filled it up again. 
“Thank you.” you giggled. God you wanted him to kiss you. 
He smiled at you. 
“You wanna dance?” he said, gesturing with his head towards the dance floor in the middle of the room, 5 couples were already dancing together and even if you had two left feet, slow dancing was another thing, he leads, you follow-you were way more comfortable with that.
You didn’t answer him, you just got up and followed him to the dance floor. 
Now everyone has a reason to stare at you. 
“How do you feel? Better?” he asked. You were so close to him, you could stretch your neck and kiss him 
“Yeah, I do feel better. Thank you.. for this.” you answered, this wine man, you don’t know what they put in it but it's good. 
The pause that followed wasn’t awkward or uncomfortable, you were both staring at each other and Oz broke the silence
“You know” he started chuckling to himself more like “I think you might be the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen.” 
“Yeah right” 
You didn’t even notice when you got so close to his face or when his lips pressed against yours, all you knew your stomach was doing jumping jacks and that you wanted to break out in a smile-which you did. 
It was a very sweet kiss, but rudely interrupted by Oz whispering in your face 
“I shouldn’t have done that.”
This time you kissed him, the scar on his lip felt so peculiar, but nice too.
After your little make out sesh on the dance floor the music stopped and you were forced to do the walk of shame back to your seats. Some of the older people there gave you some dirty looks, like-couldn't you two get a room- maybe it was that, maybe they thought it was wrong to be kissing a much older man-who was clearly- a gangster.
After you two got to your seats, you checked your phone and your smile and good disposition disappeared immediately when you finally saw that you had around 15 missed calls and about 10 messages from Sofia-the last one reading:
Author's note: These past few days I've been writing like crazy. It feels nice to be passionate about things. Thank you for reading. Next chapter is gonna be up tmrw, probs.
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juniperskye · 1 year ago
Chewing Gum
Summary: Eddie gets gum in his hair, so Steve takes him to his favorite salon to get it out. The events of season 4 did not happen.
Eddie Munson x Hair Stylist (Fem)Reader (she’s kind of sunshiny emo lol also she’s described to have colored hair, tattoos, and piercings)
Word count: 1474
Warnings: My blog is 18+, minors DNI, no use of y/n, language!, Jason Carver being an ass, half assed salon info, let me know if I missed any!
not edited - please be kind. Requests are open and feedback is welcome if it's constructive!
I do not consent to having my work translated or reposted to any other site. That being said I do not own the characters portrayed in this story.
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Jason Carver is a dick. He treated Eddie and the boys like shit and went out of his way to make sure they knew they were “freaks”.
Eddie saw Chrissy get bumped by one of the other basketball players. They were messing around in the halls like a bunch of Neanderthals and Chrissy got struck in the crossfire. She was body checked into a locker and her books went flying.
“Here.” Eddie offered Chrissy her science book that had slid across the hall.
“Thanks Eddie.” Chrissy smiled.
Eddie nodded back to her and moved toward his homeroom, but not before Jason stormed over, purposely bumping Eddie in the process.
“Let’s go babe.” Jason said, pulling Chrissy along with him.
This had been a pretty tame reaction from Jason…or so Eddie thought. Eddie made it through homeroom and history no problem, it was when he got to lunch that all hell broke loose.
“Woahhh dude! You have gum in your hair.” Garreth said to Eddie.
“HA HA very funny Garreth.” Eddie rolled his eyes.
“Oh shit! Ed, man he’s not joking.” Dustin informed the older boy.
With that, Eddie reached to the back of his head and brushed his hand over his hair. As he shifted from the top of his head down towards the nape of his neck, he felt the sticky wad of chewing gum, causing his curls to tangle up.
Laughter erupted across the cafeteria, as Eddie’s gaze shifted to the disruption his eyes met Jason’s who shot him a smirk and a wink. Further proving Eddie’s theory that the asshole that was Jason Carver had, in fact, been the culprit of this incident.
“Eddie, I could call Steve, his hair guy could probably fix you right up.” Dustin offered.
“Hell no. The last thing I want to do is get help from Steve.” Eddie scoffed.
“We could just cut it out.” Mike shrugged.
“Fuck it. Call Steve.” Eddie conceded.
Dustin and Eddie made their way to the school’s payphone. Dustin was quick to dial the number and explain the whole situation to Steve once he picked up. Steve had offered to take Eddie to his hair guy, but only if Eddie asked nicely and said please…which he reluctantly choked out over the phone.
“I’ll come pick you up.” Steve told Eddie, before hanging up.
Fifteen minutes later, Steve pulled up to the school in his burgundy BMW, yelling at Eddie to “hop in”. The drive started off in an uncomfortable silence. This was the first time Eddie had hung out with Steve alone, not that they were hanging out.
“So, listen Eddie, nobody, and I mean NOBODY, knows that this is where I get my hair done and honestly I’d like to keep it that way.” Steve explained.
“Okay…you’re freaking me out. Where is this place?” Eddie said as he looked around the unfamiliar neighborhood.
“Just up here on the left.” Steve said, pulling up in front of a hair salon.
Eddie initially felt confused, he figured that Steve would go to a barber, like any other guy from school, but this actually made a lot of sense. Steve cared about his hair the way any girl would and he’s very particular about it so naturally he would go somewhere that would take better care of his hair.
As they made their way up the curb, Eddie was able to get a better look of the inside. It was painted mostly black but there were bright pops of hot pink and teal around the place. There were pink velvet couches and those smiley face daisy pillows strewn about them. There was only one employee in the place, and she was currently blow drying some girl’s hair.
Eddie’s eyes scanned the hair stylist, you were beautiful you had pink streaks in your hair, dark tattoos littering your arms and a nose ring. You took Eddie’s breath away.
“Steven Harrington you better not be back here to ask me to cut your hair shorter. You made me take so much off last time and I still haven’t gotten over it!” You shrieked.
“Would you relax! I’m not here for a haircut, I’m here with my uh, my friend.” Steve said, glancing over at Eddie.
“Hi Steve’s friend! Oh, my goodness your hair is beautiful! Please don’t tell me you want me to cut it off!”
Your theatrics were making Eddie’s heart sing. The compliment had him blushing.
“God no! I don’t want to cut my hair, that’s actually why I’m here.” Eddie exclaimed.
“He got gum stuck in his hair.” Steve replied waving him off.
“I didn’t get shit stuck in my hair. That asshole Jason Carver spit gum in my hair.” Eddie explained.
“Ugh the Carver boys are all terrors. I remember being a sophomore when Michael Carver was a senior and if he wasn’t the biggest douche bag, then I don’t know who was.” You said, shaking your head. You shifted your gaze over to where Eddie and Steve were sitting. “Wait a minute! I know you, Eddie Munson, we had freshman English together!” You said, reintroducing yourself to him.
“I knew you looked familiar!” Eddie smiled.
You told him that you’d be with him in just a minute, you wanted to get your client finished up and checked out. He watched in awe as you effortlessly sectioned and styled her hair, led her over to the register and cleaned your station quickly. He noticed you gathering a few things, which he could only assume would be for him.
“Okay come over and sit!” You gestured to your chair. As Eddie made himself comfortable you began explaining what you were going to do. “So, I am basically going to load your hair up with oil which should allow the gum to slide out. I will wash your hair after too, so you don’t leave here looking like a greasy mess. I have a reputation to uphold!”
“Okay, thanks.” Eddie said, pushing his bangs out of his eyes.
“If you want I can trim your hair too, just clean it up, make it so your bangs aren’t in your eyes so much.” You offered.
“Oh um, that would be great but I uh, I don’t have any…”
“It’s on the house Eddie. Just a favor for a friend.” You said quietly.
Eddie nodded slightly and you got to work, slipping on some gloves, and pouring the hair oil into your hands. You started working it into his hair, really targeting the areas around the chewing gum. Slowly but surely the gum started to untangle itself from Eddie’s chocolate tresses. Once the gum was completely out, you led Eddie over to the shampoo bowl and proceeded to wash his hair. You couldn’t help but smile down at the soft expression he wore on his face. His eyes had fluttered shut and you thought he truly could have been asleep the way his face was relaxed. After washing, conditioning and finally rinsing his hair, you gently grasped his shoulder.
“Eddie, you ready for me to cut your hair?”
“Huh? Oh yeah.” Eddie said, carefully getting up and heading back to your chair.
Eddie sat and you and him chatted back and forth as you trimmed his hair. You had made sure to communicate through every part of the process, which products you were using and why, the way you were cutting his hair and adding in some natural layering to help with the bulk, trimming his bangs a little shorter than he was used to so they wouldn’t be too long so quickly. You pulled out the hair dryer and attached the diffuser, explaining what it did to Eddie and letting him know that blow drying definitely isn’t necessary for him to do.
Steve couldn’t help the shit-eating grin that plastered its way on his face at the interaction playing out before him. He had never seen Eddie sit still this long or listen this intently to anyone. Steve couldn’t help but think that Eddie had better thank him for bringing him here.
“Alright Eddie you are all set.”
“Thank you so much, seriously! I really appreciate it and I don’t think my hair has ever looked or felt this good.” Eddie said, admiring your handywork.
“Of course! And by the way if you ever get gum in your hair again, peanut butter or cooking oil can get it out, it just takes a bit of work.” You explained. “But know that you can always come here, and I can help too!” You couldn’t help but mentally facepalm.
“Yeah. That sounds good! You know, I would need your number…you know to get a hold of you..” Eddie smirked.
He couldn’t help but feel a strange sense of thanks toward Jason Carver…he had brought you into his life, all with a piece of chewing gum.
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kimyoonmiauthor · 7 months ago
Europe without trade, a worldbuilding exercise
This exercise pissed off a bunch of white people for all the wrong reasons, but facts are facts and I can link you to all the major resources. You all should be insulted at the idea that Europe can't trade, that melanin dictates that white people can't get along and find ways to trade. But that's not why they were upset. They were upset at the idea that a single region couldn't provide for people. And that's the wrong thing to get upset about. And I'm telling you that's white supremacy ideology you need to boot. Europe, too, traded and used people from other regions who migrated and were physically there on foot. Stop thinking that your lack of melanin is a force field.
So the exercise goes like this: Shortly after Homo Sapiens interbred with the Neanderthal and migrated to Europe, there was a magical force field put around Europe to cut off Europe from the Middle East, Africa, etc. ^^;; I'm sure people from the Caucuses aren't very pleased with this since they get commandeered into this exercise which racists somehow love. Later people also deemed them inferior (which takes a while to travel through but there is a wikipedia page dedicated to the term Caucasian meaning white [link] that goes over this ranking thing and the racist origins and ties to Nazis). But whatever, Nanowrimo a*holes were determined to argue against trade, fine, let's play this game and cut the whole of the Middle East/West Asia.
The other rule is that the Gulf Stream still exists, so you can have that unusual European climate which is a fluke. (This also ticked off people? But seriously, to get the gradient of Europe that far north, you need to Gulf of Mexico otherwise the latitude range would look more like the US than Europe, more south, and larger, much larger. And most people don't make a continent that large. Why people get ticked off at true facts is a whole thing.)
If you cut off the Gulf of Mexico, which a lot of world building of European-like continents do, you get Siberia. So the Gulf of Mexico has to stay for our Hypothetical Europe. (Not getting into continentality either.)
We're not counting the little bit of Turkey here, BTW. Turkey gets to stay whole. And Russia gets kicked out because it always gets kicked out anyway and besides, people were preaching about stupid things when these racists were posting, like all of Russia is white. And then people were arguing over if Russia counts. Fine. We'll kick Russia out. BTW, Australia was called all white. Haha. Aboriginals don't exist according to them. Like WTF. But whatever.
The question is what civilization can Europe grow with only the resources found naturally in Europe? Can you build a European civilization with only things found naturally occurring in Europe?
The first issue is STAPLE CROP.
Yeah, if you notice, you've cut off all of the major grains to Europe. You've also cut off the Beaker people. Oops.
Some Anthropology here, Beaker people brought agriculture to Europe. They were also from Turkey.
So, Stone Henge, Long burrows, and all of that are suddenly cut off.
Honestly, this one is terrible to overcome. Most of the BBC docs I watched argued that the ancient people of Britain before Brown people from Turkey brought agriculture and the Cheddar Man, were boiling and eating reeds. Think like cattails type of thing, which is really hard to eat.
Upside, you still have fire in the form of rush lights, though you can't use tallow or beeswax--comes from outside of Europe. And horses are too lean. So, likely the European bison? However, this limits technology quite a bit as advancements can't be made by night and only by camp fire. (Fire is safely pre-modern humans—homonins and some say Homo Erectus, though still debated. But at least Homo Hedelberengensis)
Without a staple crop, you're going to have it tough to make enough surplus to build anything. You need free time and enough food supply to build things like castles.
The closest you might get is maybe peas? The best you get is pea flour, and have you worked with pea flour? It doesn't do anything like the wheat family does. Nutritionally, it's also low carbs, which is great if you're on a low carb diet, but not great for a civilization. Pea flour: 100 kcal, 18 g carbohydrate, 8 g fiber, 0 g fat, and 8 g protein
White rice:
Total Fat 0.4 g
Saturated fat 0.1 g
Cholesterol 0 mg
Sodium 2 mg
Potassium 55 mg
Total Carbohydrate 45 g 15%
Dietary fiber 0.6 g
Sugar 0.1 g
Protein 4.3 g
68-82 amounts of energy in rice.
So peas aren't a bad choice, but the problem is that you don't have a binder. You need a binder to make bread, etc. Even this one here: https://www.powerhungry.com/2024/02/06/split-pea-bread-vegan-oil-free-gf/ Uses a binder from India. But the majority of your people aren't eating Bread. The recipes I can find include non-European things like rice or things outside of Europe. This severely hinders your tech advancements. Being able to eat on the job and not have it take forever is really hard. The portability of bread is a plus for technology. And peas can get mushy and if cooked can mold.
There are Lactofermented peas:
But they aren't widely eaten and include things like garlic, which is out. Bay leaves are not from Europe. Garlic is a difficult one since garlic kills so many bacteria, but you can cope with oregano, I suppose, which kills a high amount of bacteria according to a well vetted study since it was published (original study was 1999, but followup studies since then):
Preservation is a huge part of production and an upside of grains.
Also, how are you going to produce alcohol? This makes water safer to drink. You'd have to convert to teas. (Raspberry leaf tea is a thing.) Peas are not high starch enough, as cited to hold together bread. It's not good enough to make alcohol.
But now you're thinking, OK, we got peas as a staple, they just won't make bread out of it.
Peas, a major protein source, you don't need cows, pigs, etc as much. (Though you're still kinda lacking in vitamin B12, but I'll cover that later.) And your people make a new type of pea plant (BTW, legumes is the largest plant family on Earth.)
Might limit you to not be able to carry it around easily and it's hard to rehydrate, but eventually your people get there. (If you're thinking, but lentils, yeah, not Europe. Deal).
Subsequent agriculture
Tanning leather, BTW, you need oak trees with high tannins, but this tech originated from Western Asia (or Southwestern Asia, if you want to call it that)
Oak trees are found on five continents, but it's a bit fuzzy on how they got there. Humans have a habit of picking up seeds and spreading them about. My own great grandfather loved collecting seeds and planting them. You also have Johnny Appleseed.
The processing time to make acorn flour is pretty terrible (You have to boil it a long, long time to remove the tannins, this is why I didn't suggest this as a staple), but at least you have leather.
The major other crops are out:
Potatoes, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, chocolate, hazelnuts, walnuts, corn, wheat, rye, barley, strawberries? (This one is questionable.), pears (China), apples (Central Asia), Pomegranates (Iran), and major fruits you can think of. Think of a major fruit. Look it up and you'll find it doesn't come from Europe, though it might be grown there.
Most of the spices and herbs are out (sage, oregano, rosemary, and thyme stay in.) No, you can't have garlic. Most allium comes from outside of Europe. Animals are also out: pigs, goats, sheep, cows, chickens, llamas, alpacas.
It's debatable about horses. One thread people debated back and forth on horses, so I'll lay that out.
This leaves you likely with dogs, which probably came with early modern humans. Yeah, ummm... there's a question here, and maybe I shouldn't touch it, and the answer is likely no, probably not eating them. Not unless people get desperate. The Cambridge History of Food also questions the archaeology from Western Asia, but the archaeology also says the only time humans ate dogs were in desperation and the layer in question came at the heels of a drought? (I took a picture of the page, pretty easy to look up since it has an excellent index.).
This leaves deer. Not a good animal to domesticate, but let's say Reindeer. (Thinking Evenk here).
I'm adding in carob.
So Round up of what we have?
Staple crop: Legume, likely related to peas.
Secondary crops:
You have brassica (mustard family)
horseradish, maybe.
Acorns—makes leather
turnip, possibly beets
parsnip Stinging nettle Dandelion (European and edible from roots which make a substance said to be similar to coffee to the buds.)
Brassica family, mainly Brussel sprouts, but possibly they would invent others.
BTW, carrots originally weren't orange until William of Orange, who gets his name from a plant native to Southern China-ish.
But other berries—cranberry, is from the Americas. And strawberry, while found in Europe, was originally domesticated in the Americas. This one is a question mark. Because it was found on both continents, but was only domesticated in the Americas.
The majority of the foods you find are domesticated in West Asia, Southern China and the Americas (mostly central Americas and Northern South America.) Welcome to the downside of temperate climates.
Pies? Nope. "What about Shepards Pie" Yeah, where are you getting the potatoes? Also the iron works is in question here. (later)
Short list. You're losing your mind, no pizza? Yep. No pizza. (lol Someone got mad when I pointed this out with links). Tomato is New World, Wheat is West Asia, Cows domestication is West Asia and Northern Africa. Horse milk you can't form into cheese without camel rennet. Camels, you guessed it, not Europe. And where did you get the ideas for ovens? Thoe came from Egypt. Where are you planning to cook this pie of yours? https://www.britannica.com/topic/oven
Possibly new legumes to maximize it. (They grow tall as trees, make peanuts, etc, so it's possible a culture under pressure would make new ones. BTW, peanuts is new world.)
Domesticated animals: Dogs, deer, maybe horses—horses are debated. European rabbits, yes, though don't make for good domestication since they are really difficult to work with which you'll have to look up. Look up a rabbit care video. But at least breed fast. Low amount of fat for candles, though.
You'd also have seafood. Only one type of seaweed is poisonous in the world and that is in England. But it's highly nutritious. (The native seaweed in India is apparently nasty, but edible).
You don't need as much with the pea family anyway.
European Bison are not easily domesticated, BTW, but would give you tallow-ish stuff if they succeeded or an ethnic group decided to be nomadic pastoralists with them.
For sweet taste, carob. Easy to process, and you don't need sugar beets, which is harder to process and were only invented as a source in the late 19th century. Mediterranean. The seeds are edible so just grind it up. Though it's easier to grind the pods. So it's easier to process and use in other recipes.
The other options are out: Honeybee domestication originated in China, there's a form in Northern Africa, but the frame design was late 1800's, so Victorian. Even if you had it, it would be for rich people.
Sugar cane is tropical.
Carob mildly tastes like chocolate. This is your chocolate substitute. No fermentation required. However, it doesn't have the properties of chocolate melting, etc. The fat content is much lower, but the production is much higher.
Dates, BTW, are from 4000 BCE in West Asia, fertile crescent. It's out. https://foodandnutrition.org/from-the-magazine/dates-an-ancient-fruit-rediscovered/
The problem with horses
This part is really difficult to climb through.
The first part is that horses were likely domesticated outside of Europe. Also, the invention of the saddle, etc was also outside of Europe. You need a good staple crop to have enough time to mes around with it. You would also have a smaller population if it stays in Europe.
This part got heated in the original. So the evidence is this:
Horses were domesticated outside of Europe (It's on the border of Europe, so hotly debated)
Horses were killed off in the Americas by Indigneous people before being reintroduced. https://new.nsf.gov/science-matters/horses-part-indigenous-cultures-longer-western
The technology to domesticate the horse further was outside of Europe (saddle, stirrups, etc)
But horses exist in Europe, wouldn't they want to breed them?
But maybe only for food? (recent scandal at the time)
Would they be burden animals? You need burden animals fro agriculture to advance and higher production.
So yeah... without cows, pigs, goats, sheep, large questions arise about this.
Prehistoric man, palaeolithic ate horses. Neanderthal and other pre-homo sapiens:
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Would the population split into eating and noneating? Would it not?
There's evidence for eating horses pretty late in the archaeology according to this study. Horses also were bigger back in the day, maybe due to ancient human pressure shrank.
There are early in the history, also elephants, rhinos, and hippos, BUT large caveat here, they are not the modern ones we know, and even within that, these animals are not generally tamable, especially when they are at least 50% bigger. Stephanorhinus isn't something you want to mess with. Hippopotamus antiquus is likely to kill you. Do you know how nasty real life hippos are? Steve Irwin said he was more afraid of Hippos than crocs.
And you have to do a fair amount of animal abuse to get an elephant to obey you, but image one twice the size? No way.
So, umm... burden animal is an issue here. Agriculture mainly, worldwide relies on chickens (fertilizer), cows (burden and manure), and horses (burden), especially intensive agriculture. If it's any indication, early Europeans killed whole species of horses. According to the archaeology at least 3 species of horses until we got to the current one... (Ferus is our modern horse).
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Oof, Horses are for dinner. If you're interested in the diet back in the day, this lays out all the species one by one with their names for Britain, which should also give a roughly good idea of Europe too. For those not that savvy, we're cutting everything that arrived after the Middle-Upper Palaeolithic because the rule was the borders closed after homo sapiens came. Thus E. Ferus might be in jeopardy here. And all of that foodstuff like nuts it talks about coming later... welp, that's out. You need conversion to a different subsistence to make the horse "useful".
Yeah, limited foodstuff. Limited calories, but your people are making it, but maybe not turning white yet? Well, in Southern Europe. Introduction of grains and farming was said to be the thing that tipped people over.
Agriculture is really difficult to achieve without a staple crop like grains or starchy tubers.
But for the sake of argument, let's say they get there, and manage to never break the force field, no matter what, because racists win or whatever. No food importation in or out, no new ideas.
What now?
Arches, as an idea, came from outside of Europe. Rafts do predate humans (Homo Erectus again), but boats, was likely Phonecian. And metal working and stone working also came from outside of Europe as ideas. Beaker people, love them.
Metal working came from Northern Africa, BTW, but say they figure it out, and we let them slide.
You get stunted in Maths since ideas of math came from Babylonians. Later Migrations of Minoans don't count anymore. Linear A isn't invented, but OK, OK, there was written language invented in the Americas, so it's possible, if they get through agriculture and get up to what? Trade, they might have language. But wait, you (Nanowrimo person) just said trade is evil, so maybe they don't have a written language? In all instances of language being created it was on the back of what? trade. Maths awas also created on the back of mostly trade. Sumerians created their written language on trade. The oldest tablets we have is a trade dispute.
Look up Complaint tablet to Ea-nasir. In another words, written records were for keeping track of ledgers, one of the oldest types of writing on record.
These people think trade is too complicated and evil to exist in Europe. So OK, no written language for you, though seriously, I don't know how that works. Is Northern Europe a different subsistence system than Southern Europe?
You all are fighting for diminishing resources (considering 1500's Europe and a BBC doc about how trees were fought over and laws about not cutting down trees) each other while the rest of the world is trading back and forth on ideas and not getting imperialized. Fine. Let's play that game.
The amount of technology gets cut down severely when you disconnect Europe from the rest of the world. You don't get the iron age without some knowledge about smelting. And you need those "dirty Africans" or whatever racist thing they were thinking in order to get that smelting. You don't get masonry without PoCs (Most masonry, as an idea came from West Asia, and they would literally import those people to work on castles, see the docs on Guédelon Castle from British TV). Whatcha going to do?
Let's move onto clothes...
Flax (for Linen), silk, ramie, hemp (for clothes which is a different cultivar), coir, Abaca, Angora (rabbit)*, Angora (goat), wool (obviously), bamboo, banana fiber, cashmere (the goat), sisal, camel hair (obviously), kapok, mohair, kenaf, yak, Qiviut, vicuña,Hibiscus cannabinus, Lyocell, Modal (AKA Rayon) *, Piña (pineapple), and Soy protein are out. All of them occur outside of Europe or require an industrial society. Byssus AKA sea silk, Chiengora (dog hair), spider silk*, is in.
However, notice how expensive and difficult it is to make clothes of these things. So only rich can access them.
dog* hair often requires wool to be added to make the hairs stick together. And sheep wool, in particular has really good spinnable fibers.
Spider silk also kinda takes higher technology to produce into clothing. Look it up and some might find it cruel to do it that way.
Byssus also known as Sea silk was produced by the Greeks and Romans, but only for the super rich.
This means for poor people: Leather and stinging nettle fabric is what they have left. You can see a video of that here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-usU7-WjUU So your people have clothing. They aren't white except for the nomadic people to the north unless you can advance their agriculture and slide the pea family to replace the major nutrition somehow.
And making clothes is torture for the common populace who have to pick stinging nettles for their clothes.
You're thinking, but Angora Rabbits? Yeah, this is possible, though not likely called that since the rabbits originated from Turkey, which is outside of the scenario, but it would be maybe possible your people come up with something similar given human nature as long as they pause the rabbit breeding long enough and have enough surplus to tinker.
So poor people are running around with stinging nettle fabric, rich are wearing most likely sea silk, and you can see the misery compared to growing something like flax.
I doubt anyone can afford to be vegetarian with limited resources. Pescitarian, maybe closer to the shore.
*Dogs were domesticated outside of Europe, but are often attributed to why humans outpaced Neanderthal and date back far enough in time that early humans likely took them to Europe when they first arrived. Cats, however, were domesticated in Africa and are OUT. (Making the majority of writers cry since there seems to be more cat people than dog people among writers).
You're stuck with the Humours, but does Greek civilization even exist without grains? So much collapses when you don't have the subsistence infrastructure. I mean there is a reason people made bread and carry grains and we don't eat peas as a staple.
So you'd have to build everything from scratch starting around ~45,000 BCE or earlier (when Homo sapiens came to Europe by estimates) and you don't even have those really white people then according to science except the Sámi ancestors who show white about 10K years ago? (No, it's not the Caucuses—in what right mind do you think white people developed in the Caucuses when you know about Vitamin D and darker melanin generally around the equator due to skin cancer, etc issues and so on.)
Umm, the lesson here is that Europe was never cut off and people should stop going into that fantasy. Like how did you get apples, plums, honey, nuts, etc without trade? And also, people shouldn't be afraid of trade and keep in mind temperate climates (Middle/Northernish Europe) aren't the only biomes in Europe. No matter how much fantasy wants to focus on Western Europe and ignore the Scandis. Seriously, I'm so bored of people assuming everything is like Germany or a less rainy England in fantasy. (And I do mean England, not Scotland or Wales). Can't we get some variety? You have the Mediterranean, but you also have Scandinavia, and you're doing Europe? Where are they? You also had foragers and Nomads in the history of Europe. The Romani from North Western India, for example. And some say that early Celtic groups could have been partial foragers before the coming of Beaker people.
But even in an alt sci-fi, you have to trim all of those accomplishments of PoC and then argue that your people killed all of the PoCs on the way to the planet, and really, that makes no sense. But I suppose then you can murder Bibimbap into tatertot disgusting mess later on. But really?
But even say, you had an organically grown planet that happened to grow a humanoid species, how are you going to grow it without some level of cooperation? And the majority of the food stuff is going to come from those warmer climates: Southern China, West Asia and Central-ish Americas. They don't have a winter to worry about. So it would be imperative for your people to trade.
While you're at it, I'm really squicked by the idea that people put in 16 year old girls to marry much older guys in fantasy and then call it acceptable. You can change at least those rules.
I don't get why people work so hard to cut out LGBTQIA, disability and PoCs from fantasy? Like people should have maimed legs from all the battles written.
BTW, I am amused by the idea that in Star Trek times they didn't have birth control. lol thousands of years and haven't perfected birth control? That one I can't believe. Picard didn't know how to use a condom. lol.
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writing-whump · 11 months ago
50. Confrontation
And here comes the confrontation between Hector and Isaiah. Hector is super stress sick in this one.
Hector had a terrible week.
He had been sick the whole night and nauseous the whole next day and refused to leave the apartment until his shadow returned.
The second day, Arnie said that he should put himself back together, cause hello, he left the house without a shadow everytime.
Hector was once again reminded how incredibly dangerous that was.
Without his shadow, he felt hald-blind, half-deaf, no sense of touch. Everything was muffled, blurred and dark.
His reputation and physical strength and appearance were one thing, and people probably wouldn't be able to tell his shadow was missing - he wasn't a neanderthal enough to not keep it down in public, thanks - but his awareness cut in half and the sense of vulnerability without his shadow drew him insane.
How did humans exist like this? He was having trouble with three days, he couldn't imagine a life of this.
And he couldn't fucking imagine having to go through this every day until he didn't mind until he could keep his cool without it, until he could call his shadow up. Yes, there were ways to speed up the process, to have the shadow return faster, but he had too little experience and was honestly too unnerved by it all to even know where to start.
Isaiah would probably know.
For all the times he had hidden this from Hector instead of telling him what he was going through. What was happening. How much he was hurting, in the room right next to his.
Why? Why not tell them? Why not let them share in the burden?
Was Hector himself such a burden to him, a problem to be solved and kept in the dark? Was he that untrustworthy, that immature, that behind to Isaiah?
He understood why to keep it from Arnie. The kid was around 10 when all this happened and this was a shadow business, not something a human child could solve or get mixed up in.
But Hector was only 2 years younger. 2 years! That wasn't supposed to be a difference.
He had obviously failed Isaiah in this and he had blamed him and been angry at him and told him such awful things...
He felt his stomach shrinking in itself violently, the nausea rising again with the thoughts, his head spinning. Yeah, he would just work himself up into it this way.
He went to uni that day just to get distracted. Arnie was looking at Hector like he went insane and his every second word was Isaiah this and Isaiah that - like that would solve anything - so Hector was glad to get out of his sight.
He wasn't feeling up to company with other wolves. His shadow was back yes, but he was distraught and his shadow would show it, if he let it up. It was shaky and unruly and damn the thing, showing everything about him that he didn't want it to.
It was always the reflection of the person, the wolf's shadow. How the heck did Isaiah keep his own up to speed, the most powerful one around, with that going on?
Hector's was down for the count just from hearing about it. How pathetic did that make him?
He took the long way around the park and the oper, avoiding crowds with side streets that ran parallel to the main ones. The economic uni had its own areal, like its own little village inside the city, distinct colourful buildings, restaurants, student spaces, everything.
Hector steered away from the shadows he felt in the area, going to the big building with the most student and work spaces with a glass roof. It was fancy and big enough to host all the students without it feeling too full and the view from the upper floors was very nice.
Hector came inside, expanding his senses to check for shadow presences. All clear.
What suprised him was the immediate awareness of the citrus scent.
Ahhh. The subway girl.
It was pretty annoying that after touching her one time, he became so familiar with her scent he could pick it out from kilometers away, in crowded inside spaces crawling with smells, human deodorants and sweat.
The familiarity was also somehow comforting.
He took the stairs up to the third floor, jogging slightly.
The floor had the biggest balcony like view and it was so hot during the day, even in early spring from the giant glass windows that it was basically empty.
Olive sat in the center of the empty tables, drawings and A3 papers all over. It was mostly sketches, covering the the surfaces like tablecloth.
"Oh. Hey," she said at noticing him. "That's funny. We keep bumping into each other."
Oh yeah. Total accident.
"You really come all the way here just to draw?" Hector asked, sitting down opposite her. He didn't need a permission for that, right?
She shrugged. "Best light, lots of space, good view...besides, I actually also manage the economy student board social media account."
"Huh? I didn't know we were on socials."
"Yeah, they are kinda trying to make it more popular. Wanted someone with an eye for design to do graphics and insta posts."
"Art student sounds good for that. You like it?"
"I mean, it's not the most creative thing in the world. But there are hardly more work opportunities for students anywhere else than here. It's like companies hunt at the entrance to catch economy students. It's a little depressing for the rest of us."
For art students for sure. Hector didn't understand what that was even for. How can you study whatever this sketchy thing was? What would you do with that?
Olive looked so happy though. The heart shaped face and those smoky gray eyes....he had never seen eyes like that. And she had such a small chin compared to her round squishy cheeks. He was tempted to come closer and lift it.
He was what? Yeah, weird thoughts all right.
"What about you? You got classes today?"
"Oh really? On Friday afternoon? Everyone knows those are the worst times to get students to actually attend. Even teachers avoid the time like a plague."
Hector grunted. "And you mind so much because?"
She bit her lip. "I don't mind. Just got curious."
Of freaking course he could do whatever he wanted. And he didn't have to explain himself to this weird human girl who obviously didn't even realise who he was.
He was tempted to stay now just out of spite.
Olive huffed and went back to her drawing, trying to pretend like she really didn't mind.
Hector didn't believe her. He didn't want her to really not mind. He knew he had an imposing presence. It would be downright disappointing if she could concentrate with the radiating power coming off of him.
Her eyes kept darting up to him, but she took a new paper.
Her forehead creasing, she got consumed in the motions of her pencil, mumbling to herself.
It was sort of meditative.
A very different world, this girl. Power or standing, wolf or shadow, it all stopped being important. There was her sketch, her skill, her focus and everything else stopped existing.
"Hey, you okay?"
He felt her hand coming up to his shoulder before it actually connected, catching her hand on reflex with lighting speed. Like a snake catching a mouse.
"Ah- sorry, I just...you fell asleep and they are going to close the building soon..." Olive watched him with big wide eyes, suprised.
Hector blinked himself awake, senses coming back to him. He fell asleep in school? Ah right, uni, tables, sketches. Olive.
"Don't do that," he grumbled, letting go of her hand. Geez, that was close. He barely kept his shadow down. It was too jumpy to be around ignorant little humans and their casual touches.
She rubbed her wrist at the place he had held her. "Sorry, didn't want to scare you."
He scoffed. Scare him? Ridiculous.
"I know we don't really know each other...but you look kinda sickly to me. You sure you are not coming down with something?"
Hector's eyebrows shot up. "Beg your pardon. I saw myself in the mirror and I look excellent, thanks," he said with annoyance.
"I didn't mean you look bad, I mean you look...I don't know. Sad?"
That was even more unbelievable. Hector didn't look sickly and he didn't do sad.
Hector got up, checking himself in the reflection of the windows. It must have been after 5 pm, but the sun was still up. Just at the right angle to give him a good view.
He looked fine. What was she seeing?
It caught him off guard, her observation. He hoped it wasn't that obvious for everyone else.
"I'll see you around," he said, opting to just go away. He didn't want to lie to this girl, but he also wasn't about to say he was sad.
"O-okay," she stammered, taking her bags and scrolled up papers. "I just-"
Hector sighed, turning to her. "What?"
"I-I," she fumbled with her words under his gaze. "I hope whatever this is will clear up soon. I'm sorry."
Hector shook his head in exasperation, his own ribs feeling like a trap to squeeze his organs. "Whatever."
Yeah, on the best way to clear it up.
Hector didn't want to go home.
The walls would just keep falling on him, Arnie would pester him, and there would be a lot of annoying noises from their neighbors he could hear way too well.
He wanted an open sky, a field, something free and spacious.
Heading for the river and the mall that Arnie liked going to so much seemed like a good compromise. At least something wild was flowing there.
That nap was actually the longest uninterrupted sleep he got in the last three days. How strange.
His feet brought him to the mole, where he leaned against the railing with his arms folded, staring at the water. Just a sight without buildings and people. Even if only for a little bit.
He breathed in the windy moist air, feeling his phone vibrate with messages. Probably Arnie or Delaney asking where he was.
"Hector? Oh hey, what a coincidence. What are you doing here?"
Hector felt icy horror clawing up his spine. That voice.
How spaced out must he had been, to not feel his shadow coming?
He turned his head to the side automatically to his older brother just a few steps next to him. His shadow wasn't just down, it was like it was nonexistent. All the wolf mannerisms, the sense of power, it wasn't there with Isaiah.
He wasn't hidden, he was undetectable.
Hector felt all the thoughts and feelings he had been running away from the whole day pushing their way up. His stomach flipped, the face of his father flashing in front of him. Isaiah and him actually looked really alike. He didn't realize how much until now.
"No. I don't want to see you," he said, rushing by Isaiah and out of the mole as quickly as he could without running. He couldn't deal with this right now.
Fucking coincidence for real? Or Arnie set this up somehow, knowing Hector would be here?
"What? Why not?" Isaiah sounded hurt and disappointed, following after him.
"Just leave me alone." Hector reached the shore, stomach cramping painfully. He was never one to get sick from nerves, but damn, this was another level.
"Wait, wait, wait, I thought we were doing better..." Isaiah caught up with him no problem, grabbing him by the arm. "What's going on? Are you going back to avoiding me? What did I do?"
What did you do?! What did I do!
Hector wanted to shake him off, but Isaiah took him by both shoulders as if he wanted to rattle an answer out of him.
Hector couldn't breathe, throat closing all up. He sagged forward and then was surprisingly spared from answering when his stomach plummeted into his throat.
Hector threw up, loud and violent in between their feet.
Isaiah jumped back with a yelp, while Hector bend over even more, another wave of his lunch hitting the pavement of the molo. There were chunks of carrots and potatoes stuck in his throat and it set off a coughing fit.
Isaiah didn't take long to recover. The next second, he was by his side, tentatively placing his hand on Hector's back. "Hey, you are okay. Just breathe, alright?"
There was his big brother, all guilt and soft concern when Hector couldn't do any little measly thing for him. No wonder he kept his real life separated from theirs.
That made his stomach cramp again and Hector groaned, wrapping an arm around himself as he gagged. Vomit shot up his throat, but didn't come all the way, though the strain left him woozy.
"Let's get off the main road, shall we?" Isaiah said, taking Hector by the shoulder and steering him away from the promenade and the occasional onlookers Hector was somehow successfully ignoring, shadow or not.
He stumbled blindly into the direction Isaiah chose, registering slowly that they were now under the molo, hidden from view and by the water.
Hector let himself sink to his knees, gulping down air as his stomach heaved and heaved inside him. He held both his hands around his stomach, folded in half. It would feel entirely stupid if it wasn't so fucking painful.
Isaiah was, of course, kneeling next to him, hand rubbing light circled onto his back. "What brought this on? Hex?"
Hector winced at the nickname, the guilt bringing out a series of burps as his body broke itself in two, somewhere between anger and fear, humiliation and pathetic remorse. "Get off of me," he managed between panting breaths.
He felt Isaiah's hand freeze at his back, falling limply to his side. "Hex. What's wrong? Are you sick? Please, talk to me."
Hector burped up a string of bile this time, making a broken sound between a sob and a hysteric chuckle. "Talk - hic - to you? For real?"
Another violent heave would have him almost losing his balance if not for Isaiah's arm shooting up to hold him up around the chest. Hector burped around the hand, a mouthful of puke slowly dripping onto the grass.
Isaiah didn't move, like that didn't matter in the least, eyes focused on Hector's face. Green and sparkly. They looked so much like their dad's but somehow, Hector now saw, were nothing like them.
"I don't know what you mean, Hex."
"Oh, fucking hell you don't. No point hiding it now." Hector spat on the ground, clearing his mouth.
Isaiah stiffened next to him, though didn't let go.
Hector straightened up, watching the realization smooth his brother's features from open concern to that cold, unfeeling mask. That wall he hid behind for so long made Hector think it was real.
Is this how he looked when he was hurting? How many times did Hector look at that expression without seeing it?
"What exactly do you think you know and who told you?" Isaiah asked with deadly calmness.
"Oh, you can guess twice," Hector swiped his sleeve over his mouth, leaning back to sit on his butt. "Dad was all happy to tell me about all the things he did to you for training."
Isaiah sat back, crossed-legged, leaning away from Hector to watch the river.
A long moment of silence passed between them. Hector wasn't sure if it was a minute or an hour, but it felt like an eternity to him, his nerves scraping against each other like sandpaper.
"Not gonna say anything?!" Hector snapped. "So I will have to be the one to talk? Fine. I’ll talk. Cause this is the same expression I get when we talk about the big damn secret."
Isaiah said nothing, lips pressed tightly together.
"Silver knives? Rolling down your shadow? How much more brutal was it?" Hector looked down at the grass between them, another chasm he couldn't bridge. "And you kept it all to yourself. Pretending like it was fine, like you wanted to be the Executioner, like you believed in it. And I thought-" he broke off with a shuddering breath. "I didn't know. I had no fucking idea. I don't know why I didn't realize. You were right there in front of me, but you also weren't and I didn't-"
Why was he so blind? Was he truly so focused on himself, on defeating the image of Isaiah that he didn't notice what was happening to the real him? When did he lose track of him like that?
"God and he wanted us to be separated by that. He wanted me to- and I fucking helped him. I was so jealous and ignorant and I wanted to hurt you...I was the one blaming you, I kept Arnie from contacting you sooner, I kept trying to hurt you every time we would see each other..." Hector's breathing picked up again, his stomach twisting painfully. He squeezed his eyes shut, pressing his hands to his temples, bowing down.
The lack of the nickname this time hit him like a punch.
"That time at the event- with your chest and how it wouldn't stop hurting and your shadow wasn't helping...did I...do that to you?" The idea made his chest tight, all strained like glass just before breaking. "I did that to you," he sobbed, curling up around his hurting middle, little stars dancing in his vision from how much he pressed his eyes shut. "I did all of that to you, I broke you, without even knowing, blaming you, while I chased you off-"
Cold hand was suddenly on his face, cupping his cheek. Hector's breath hitched, mind racing and spinning he felt like puking all over again.
"Look at me. Come on, look at me." There was the commanding tone. There was the shutting down. They couldn't even talk about it without Isaiah-
Isaiah forced Hector to look up from that curled-up position, holding his cheeks in his hands.
The mask wasn't all gone, but Isaiah's expression was like a crumpled paper. "Stop making this up. I didn't leave because of you. I didn't keep it a secret because I hated you or because I blamed you or whatever you are stringing up here. Hey."
Hector choked on his own breathing, panting and folding into himself as his middle cramped up again.
"You gotta breathe, bud. Take a deep breath for me."
"Yes, you can. You are panicking right now, but there is nothing physically wrong. Deep breaths now, come on." Isaiah reached behind Hector's head and gently pushed him against his collar bone, forehead first. Hector could feel Isaiah's loud breathing, chest puffing out, pressed against him like that. He latched onto that sound, trying to mimic it.
They stayed like that for several long minutes, Isaiah waiting till Hector figured out how to breathe again.
"There you go. Shhhh. You are alright. In and out, just like that." Isaiah's hand was tangled in the hair on the back of Hector's head.
Hector nodded against him. As his lungs filled with air and relief, guilt followed right behind. How was he so easily reassured just with Isaiah there? After everything he did and especially didn't manage to do for him, that was entirely unfair.
His chest hitched and a sob broke out.
Isaiah wrapped his arms around him then, gentle and careful, as if he expected Hector to break out of the hug at any moment. "Shhhhh. None of that is true. Remember the old wolf caught in the trap story? How he chewed through his leg to escape, not because the young ones pushed him in but because he saw no other way out?"
Hector made a strangled sound at the back of his throat, burying his face deeper into Isaiah's shirt, eyes burning. "Then why? When it wasn't because of what I did-"
“You have a talent to make things all about yourself,” Isaiah sighed. “...there were various complicated pack internal reasons why I needed to leave. For one, I forced father to step down on my 18th birthday. The one who defeats the leader should lead or die, remember? I brought the whole pack’s rage on me by challenging father like that and then stepped away. But that was way better than having them realize father was mad. That would have destroyed the pack with all its opposing factions and families altogether.”
Isaiah was still stroking Hector’s hair, sounding thoughtful. “Me and Grayson came up with the plan together. He would take over the pack and fix it, more experienced than me. And I would become the enemy to unite the pack together. They would be distracted from the truth and forced to get along. The pack preserved."
Hector forced himself to leave the safe comforting closeness of Isaiah’s arms, leaning back to get a proper look at him. Isaiah’s face seemed so open and tranquil now, but something wasn’t sitting right.
“You took it all on yourself and I made it worse. I’m sorry,” Hector said.
Isaiah shrugged. “Don’t be. I don’t blame you.”
Hector scowled angrily, swiping a sleeve over his eyes to get rid of the moisture. “Well, you fucking should! You did the best for the pack and I was being an ass-”
Isaiah grimaced. “And you were right to do so. Think about it. I did everything for the pack. I did the best for the pack and the balance of packs and for everybody else. But I left you. I left you and Arnie and let myself take the role of the bad guy, far away from you. That is unforgivable. And you were rightfully angry at me, even if you didn’t know what the actual fault was.”
“Oh, because you totally deserved that after years of that abusive training, hiding father’s shadow went mad and protecting us and the pack all by yourself,” Hector fumed.
“You don’t know everything that I did,” Isaiah protested quietly. “Half of those things were my fault to begin with, because I was too slow or too stupid to realize or didn’t know bet-”
“And who gets to decide that? You?" Hector clenched his fists, internally set on finding out the whole story—every detail, every decision—to make his own conclusions about it. He suspected Isaiah was much stricter in his judgments than necessary.
Isaiah looked taken aback. Then he suddenly chuckled. "Huh. Looks like no matter what I do, I still piss you off."
Hector couldn't help but agree.
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writingakanatorior101 · 3 months ago
Forbidden fruit
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Plot: When Vinces little sister takes a gap year fresh out of highschool to spend time with her older brother Nikki's unwelcoming reaction leads to somehting more.
This story contains:, choking, dom(nikki), mentions of fucking
"Vince do you think I don't see the news stories about trashing hotel rooms, coke, and hookers. Locking me in the back of an Rv is not gonna stop that."
Vinces chest rises and falls. "Y/n I dont want you around Tommy and Nikki when their having their dumbass conversations. Its like listening to cavemen."
I feel my eyebrows cock. "You know your one of those cavemen right?"
"I came here to spend time with my brother, not to critique his Neanderthal lifestyle."
A smirk comes to his face. "Please don't do anything they do."
I manage to come up off the bed. "So leaving me in the back of the Rv is going to fix that."
"Just listen to me once, you never do y/n"
I click my tounge
"I swear to god mom and dad said that a couple of times about you."
"I remember Tommy and I'd like to meet the others."
In all my life I have never seen Vince that mad until I said that.
"Your going to listen to me on this."
Without another word the doorway was empty and the door to the room was shut from the outside. I had been sitting here waiting to meet them all. This bus is empty the bandmates were gone when I arrived the only who was here was Vince.
I can't fucking believe it I took a leap year for that fake blonde prick just for him to lock me in the back of a rockstar RV.
"So his sisters just tagging along"
"Man I didn't know she was our age."
Men's voices grace my ears, whoever it was, was defiantly outside. Peeping my head up and pulling myself off the bed I strutted my ass to the windows.
I know damn well who's outside, the rest of Motley Crue. The velvet of the curtain felt so rich when I touched it. This defiantly wasn't some cheap camper. No matter how many hookers and how much crank have been in here.
To my surprise their taller in person. Especially Tommy someone needs to feed that man he looks the same weight as he did in high school. Then there was a Mick someone Vince describes as sweet and most likely to be the only one he would let me talk to.
But there stood in the middle of them Nikki fucking Sixx. He resembled this picture of Hades I saw while reading a book. The mother fuckers godly and the most piercing blue eyes god how do any of them get women with a man like that standing around.
He's got that type of height that makes a girl feel safe you know I like a man I can climb.
Tommy turns when Vince comes out the camper doors. "So where is she?"
"Its been forever since I've seen her, and she did use to do my homework for me Vince."
Vince retorts "Thats sad man she was a freshman, and you were a senior and in the same math class."
Mick tilts his chin up "when did you get a sister, we've never heard about her and now she is living with us."
Doc turns to them "Shut up all of you, a young girl is less of handful than any of you could hope to be and here wanting to see her brother means she may be with us for while."
I close the curtains. Do I just have to act like a ghost as long as their all around. At this point seeing Vince might not be worth it.
"So is she in here" Tommys voice cascades from down the hallway and I feel the camper start.
"Sit down, fucktards." Docs voice is very domineering and when he yells, they listen.
Then a voice rattles me one I hadn't heard from outside the window before it was deep and sultry. He didn't use a lot of words when he spoke, everything he said sounded like a summary. I knew it was Nikki.
"So is this sister goanna stop me from living my life are we going to have to change for the whole tour cause this little girl around or something."
"What you can't come fuck groupies now on the table" Vince had a mocking tone "you gotta get a hotel."
I know they think I can't hear them but the wood door is very thin. And honestly Vince has been gone for three years a lot changes in three years. I'm not very innocent like come on I went to a public high school in LA and I'm damn sure not a virgin.
But I'd prefer if my brother didn't know that.
When I got here the look on his face. Like I was a whole different person hell that man spent five minutes sizing me up trying to make sure I was the real y/n his sister.
That I'm the same y/n who told him over the phone that she got a full ride at NYU and the same y/n who used to do Tommys homework and watch MTV every night.
I would like to go out that door and see those men from not behind a glass and I would love to talk to Tommy again.
"You brought a child a Fucking rockstars tour bus and except us to live our lives so she isn't exposed to the way you live."
Nikkis voice spit with poison
Vinces spit back "All I said was you don't have to bring your whores in here weird ass."
They were yelling now and I was giggling. Not because it was funny but because I genuinely didn't know what to do.
"Is she fucking giggling behind that door"
I lift my hand to my mouth. Shit. Shit. Shit.
Theres rapid footsteps approaching the door.
"I will turn this goddamn bus around sit down get, Nikki get the fuck away from that door."
They were to close for comfort on the other side. From what I could hear Doc was right next to Nikki.
From the other side of the door, I hear Doc's remorse "I'm sorry young lady."
"Its ok" is all I could muster up.
Hours passed and the sun went behind the hills I was reading a book not like a could focus at all. This was the nicest camper I had ever seen. I completely opened the curtains and the lights of the other cars illuminated the roads.
It was so peaceful I heard my brother's laughter in the background he is so happy and Im proud of him I am.
Sitting on the bench next to the window. Footsteps were coming down the hall. They were Vinces I know they were so I picked up a book and started "reading".
The oak door opened and I could see his blonde hair in the light. "Hey uh were gonna stop at a gas station and I'm gonna meet Beth and drive her to the hotel."
"Your finace Beth am I going to meet her?"
"You will tomorrow but no promises tonight."
"look at me y/n"
I whip my head around
"Don't leave the room while I'm gone."
"yeah whatever sure vince."
And just like that my freedom was granted. All because Vince wanted to see his fiancé, a woman I have never met.
Peeking out of the curtain I see him exit the RV and I see Beth getting out of a ford truck. She is pretty. She has a small frame and bleaches blonde hair. That real American look which is defiantly Vinces's type.
Looking at me and Vince you can't tell were related anymore I kept our real hair color which is a light brown and went more towards the blonde side.
When they were out of dodge the door was open. I wanted to see some rockstars goddammit. All I was wearing was a short romper that was grey with a blue line that ran down both the sides. My hair was in a bun. Down the narrow hallway the room was vacant the boys had all gotten into different cars all except Nikki. Who was facing the Tv.
"I thought you would be taller and have more muscle."
The rv was moving now and there was a wall separating us and the driver.
"I knew I heard the door open I just thought it was Vince. But no its his little sister dressed like whore."
Now that comment hurt but not as much as that lamp I threw.
A glass lamp sat next to me it was beautiful probably one of those thousand dollar ones. Well now it was in a thousand pieces on the floor and I barley missed Nikkis head.
"Piss off" My voices bounces off the room walls.
"You crazy bitch."
"I know you're not talking, all the blow you fucking do and you wanna call me crazy."
I hadn't even noticed it but between the lamp throwing and insults me and Nikki had moved closer to each other.
All he was wearing was some jeans and sleeveless tee that said Black Sabbath. He just toured with Ozzy after all.
"All your wearing is a fucking romper."
"What are you a middle school boy who just saw his first pair of tits, its romper not lingerie."
"Your not exactly shapeless."
It was at this point I lost my morals
"Oh you like it, we call that sexual frustration and you can handle that with your hand."
Until this point the man didn't really have an expression on his face. Yeah sure he was vocal but he was still. That comment left a mark on him though. He was dumbfounded he looked complexed if anything. Then a shit eating grin had took his face and I knew I lost the argument.
"I bet you like it hurt."
"You like to cry during it don't you."
I didn't know what took over me but who does this man think he is. He can be free and loose with his words and Im gonna be free and loose with my hands.
"Actually you don't know the half of it, I like to fuck like hate people I don't mind hitting, spanking I love choking why do I need air."
When I moved closer to him he stiffened his body and cocked his head.
"And to think I called you a little girl"
Nikkis hands are cold, but they can hold me throat easily so easily. The wall of the rv was made out of wood so it didn't hurt that bad being pushed against it.
His breath was in my ear and suddenly every part of me was warm. He seems so tall like this and his eyes have never been so pretty.
I start to giggle, is this real. It feels like lucid acid dream or like I won the lottery that caters to really fucked up girls.
"Why are you laughing, you always laugh" His hands are on my throat still and he slammed he into the wall again with more force than the first time. I had enough courage to warp my legs around him and put my full weight on him.
For a moment that felt like a lifetime he just sat there looking at me. Trying to decide what to do. He could barley meet me eyes with his. But the hunger in them couldn't hide nor could I hide the moisture between my hips.
In my life I had never felt a man so prominent. Fuck this fucker might sell out shows every time if he only wore grey sweatpants. The girth could probably keep you from walking for weeks alone but the length is causing him to almost touch my stomach piercing.
Any dignity I had turned into liquid between my thighs despite his grip I threw my weight to wear I hanging on him with my arms and my legs and moving myself up and down.
His head was back and he was riding it out with me. Nikki was using every iota of his being to not let this cross the line.
"To bad you'll never have this baby"
My high died and he was off me so fast like a bat out of hell. The erection had a clear outline in his jeans and I could see precum stains where his tips is. I could also feel it on my inner thigh.
I was painting breathing for air I could feel my shoulders rising and falling.
"You fucking let down Nikki"
!!!Let me know if you guys want a full fic!!!!
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hurricane105 · 1 month ago
Favorite books of 2024!
Ok fair warning: most of the traditionally published stuff I read is nonfiction. Lots of science and prehistory stuff in here.
I Contain Microbes by Ed Yong: This was a reread. I had forgotten how beneficial most kinds of bacteria are - and that disinfecting every single thing in our houses isn't always the best move (spoiler: it's linked to rises in autoimmune disorders).
Eager by Ben Goldfarb: This one is all about beavers (be prepared to get some weird looks when people ask what you're reading). Beavers are a rodent, and there's a tendency to treat them as vermin. But they're an important part of the ecosystem, creating wetlands much more efficiently than humans can.
This got long so I'm putting the other recs under a cut
Kindred: Neanderthal Life, Love, Death, and Art by Rebecca Wragg Sykes: Story time! I was raised in a religion that didn't think any humans other than homo sapiens had ever existed - they made fun of people who believed in evolution and thought it was all a bunch of baloney based off of like, two teeth and a fingerbone. Spoiler! There's dozens of Neanderthal skeletons (and that's not even counting other species of humans, like Denisovians and heidelbergensis; the rant about hiding evidence to be misleading can wait for another day). What I didn't realize before reading Kindred was that Neanderthals weren't the stumbling, grunting hairy humans I had always subconsciously assumed. This book is top tier for me, solely because it has so much new information.
Never Home Alone: from Microbes to Millipedes, Camel Crickets, and Honeybees, the Natural History of Where We Live by Rob Dunn: This was also a reread. You might think you're the only one living in your house - but there's zillions of other animals in there with you.
Entangled Life by Merlin Sheldrake: Also a reread. Along with a lot of other people, I had always overlooked fungi as being rather uninteresting. However, I was wrong! There's so much packed into this book (the author's experience taking a fermentation bath, how mycelium can be used to make furniture, and how cordyceps take over ants) - it completely rearranged how I see fungi.
Brilliant Green by Stefano Mancuso: I wound up reading this one twice, back to back, to look for things for BOTW Zelda to ramble about in Link Goes Undercover. It's short but has a lot of examples of how plants live just as vibrantly as we do - they move, sleep, and signal to one another, in ways science is only just starting to understand.
An Immense World by Ed Yong: This book is about how animals perceive the world differently than we do. Not just in terms of different colors of vision and scent sensitivity, but also in things like how whales and birds migrate using the earth's geomagnetic field (which is why there are more whale strandings when there's a solar storm - their internal GPSes are messed up). Top tier for this year for sure!
Underland by Robert Macfarlane: An in-depth (lol) look at what's going on under the earth's surface. For example, what potash mining looks like, what scientists study when they pull ice cores out of the Arctic, and did you know that there's a cave in China that creates its own weather system - clouds, rain, the whole nine yards?
Joyful by Ingrid Fetell Lee - also a reread. Several years ago I went on a 'what exactly does comfortable home design look like' reading kick, and this was one of the books I found the most helpful. For example, circles tend to feel bouncier and brighter than other shapes - think of things like bubbles and those round windows on staircases in Victorian houses.
What If? and What If? 2 by Randall Munroe: these are together because they're very similar content - if you liked one you'll probably like the other. These are just fun applications of physics.
Breath by James Nestor: Okay I'll admit it, I was extremely skeptical about this one. The author claims that everything from waking up at night for the bathroom to fuzzy thinking can be solved by breathing through your nose. So I tried it, sure it wouldn't work but figuring I had nothing to lose. And shockingly, it does help everything he said it would AND MORE. I've never had much stamina for things like running - I'd get out of breath before my muscles gave up. But breathing through my nose solves that and all the other problems he discusses. So it's definitely worth a shot, even if you're also sure it won't work for you.
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angeliqueiguess · 4 months ago
Dear Professor… (s.jn)
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Warnings: Swearing, mentions of sex, Jaemin being a tease.
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NeoCity University // Campus // 3:15 PM
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Y/N stepped out of the main building, phone in hand, ready to call Sooah. It took a couple of tries before her friend finally picked up. On the second ring, Sooah’s voice came through, without so much as a hello. —Spit it out.
Y/N rolled her eyes at her friend’s impatience. —Hello to you too, bestie. How are you? —she replied sarcastically, making her way toward the dorm they shared on campus. Then she added—: Are you at the dorm?
Instead of Sooah’s voice, a guy's voice answered on the other end of the line. —We’re at MY dorm —Donghyuck said bluntly, and hung up before Y/N could say another word.
She cursed under her breath, frustration bubbling up. Turning on her heel, she made her way to Donghyuck’s apartment, fully expecting to find Sooah there. When she arrived at the male student apartment block, she double-checked to make sure no one was around to rat her out. Dorm visits from the opposite sex were technically against the rules, and she had no intention of getting in trouble.
She knocked on the door three times, soft but deliberate. Before she could lower her hand, Donghyuck swung the door open, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. Y/N walked in without saying a word, her eyes landing on the familiar faces of her friends already sprawled around the living room, waiting for her. —Spill it! —Jaemin exclaimed the moment she stepped inside.
Y/N sighed dramatically, dropped her backpack by the door, and flopped onto the couch, wedged between Sooah on her right and Donghyuck on her left. —Let me guess... You all got together just to hear the gossip, right? —she said with annoyance.
Jeno and Renjun exchanged smug looks and high-fived. —You guys owe us twenty —Jeno announced with a laugh.
Donghyuck and Jaemin groaned, reluctantly pulling bills from their wallets and handing them over to the winners. —Told you she’d figure it out the second she walked in, you bozos —Jeno said, shrugging triumphantly.
—Alright, Neanderthals, you’ve had your fun. Now spill, babe —Sooah demanded as she got more comfortable on the larger couch in Donghyuck’s apartment.
—First things first —Donghyuck cut in, flashing his usual mischievous grin—, why did it take you so long? Did you have fun? —He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
Y/N shot him a withering look, clearly annoyed. —Are you fucking stupid? No, of course not, what the fuck. —She paused, still irritated—. It was supposed to be a quick chat since tutoring sessions don’t start for another month and a half.
—So what took you so long? —Jeno leaned forward, curiosity plastered on his face.
—Because that bastard made me do chemistry exercises like it was a full-on tutoring session. He’s such a jerk. —She exhaled sharply—. But I shut him up.
—Wait, I don’t get it —Jaemin said, more confused than the others—. Why sign up for tutoring if you’re already doing fine?
—To prove it’s not me who’s the problem. It’s him. —Her voice was steady, determined, like she was making sure they all understood.
—That’s it? That’s the whole story? —Donghyuck groaned in disappointment—. That's bullshit.
—What were you expecting? That I’d walk in here and tell you he threw everything from the desk and fucked me before I could sit down? —Y/N shot back sarcastically, but her words came out with more intensity than she intended.
Silence filled the room. Everyone stared at her, wide-eyed, trying to process what they just heard. —That… was oddly specific, don’t you think? —Renjun asked, raising an eyebrow, a sly grin tugging at the corner of his lips.
Y/N’s eyes widened, realizing her mistake. —No! —she shouted, panicking, but Jaemin was already grinning like a kid who found candy. —You like him! You like the chem professor! —he chanted in a sing-song voice—. Y/N wants to fuck her chem professor!
—Jaemin, I swear if you don’t shut the fuck up right now, you’ll end up with a broken foot like in freshman year. I’m not fucking with you! —Y/N shot him a deadly glare.
The others tried—and failed—to stifle their laughter, but Y/N wasn’t done yet. —And no, I don’t like him! I’m not saying he’s not attractive, but the way he talks makes him unbearable. I can’t stand him.
Donghyuck, ever the troublemaker, couldn’t resist. —So… you think he’s hot. —He grinned as he hugged a cushion, using it as a shield.
Y/N shot him a murderous look, and he quickly raised his hands in mock surrender. —Okay, okay! I’m sorry. Don’t hit me.
Sooah, sensing things were getting too heated, decided to step in. —Alright, enough, babe. Seriously. —She placed a hand on Y/N’s arm to calm her down—. So, what’s the plan now?
Y/N let out a long sigh, her frustration giving way to resignation. —Guess I’ll just gather all my notes from this year and start reviewing during the next month and a half. —She shrugged, though she wasn’t entirely sure if that was what she really wanted to do.
A brief silence settled over the group, lighter this time, as they all processed the situation. —So, basically, you’re gearing up for an epic chemistry showdown with John Suh? —Jeno teased with a grin.
—Exactly. And I’m not failing another exam. —Y/N, determination in her eyes.
—Just as long as it doesn’t end like one of those weird smut things you read… —Donghyuck muttered under his breath, sending the room into an explosion of laughter.
—Donghyuck, I swear if you keep talking, that cushion won’t save you! —Y/N lunged at him, starting a playful pillow fight that quickly escalated into a chaotic mess of laughter and flying cushions.
For a few minutes, all tension melted away, replaced by carefree laughter and the joyful chaos of friends living in the moment.
127th Street // John Suh’s Apartment // 4:30 PM
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When John arrived at his apartment, he tossed his keys and backpack onto the table, feeling the weight of the day settle over him. The conversation with Y/N circled relentlessly in his mind, like a hum he couldn’t shut off. Why had he felt the need to test her like that? What was he trying to prove—to her… or to himself?
—What the fuck is wrong with me? —he muttered into the cold silence that filled the empty apartment.
He walked toward the living room, rubbing his temples as he tried to sort out his thoughts. Whatever he had felt earlier, when it was just the two of them in the study room, disturbed him more than he wanted to admit. There was something about Y/N that got under his skin: her challenging stare, her unwavering stance. It was frustrating... and, somehow, fascinating.
—You’re out of your mind, Johnny —he whispered, scolding himself as he made his way to the bathroom. He twisted the shower knob, letting the sound of running water fill the space, but it wasn’t enough to drown out his thoughts.
Every word Y/N had said echoed in his mind, as if they had been etched there. "Why do you treat me like I’m a bother?" She had hit a nerve, and she knew it. She wasn’t just another student, and he couldn’t treat her like one—even if he wasn’t entirely sure why.
—I’m not giving her special treatment; she can handle it on her own... —he muttered again, though the words sounded hollow even to him.
"It’s complicated." —He laughed bitterly, mocking himself—. You’re a fucking idiot. What the hell is complicated? —he asked aloud, as if somehow the water streaming from the showerhead could provide him with an answer.
He stripped off his clothes and stepped into the hot stream, hoping the heat would clear his head. But it didn’t work. The images of Y/N lingered: the sharpness in her gaze, the bite in her voice, the irritating yet captivating way she confronted him without fear.
John closed his eyes, resting his forehead against the cold tiles of the wall. He knew there was more to this than just frustration. It wasn’t only irritation he felt whenever she challenged him. It was something else—something.. And it unsettled him just as much as it intrigued him.
—What the hell are you doing, Suh? —he whispered, exhaling heavily.
The worst part was that, for the first time in a long while… he was starting to feel again.
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Angelique's note: Okay okaaaaaay, update y'all! Oh my God, I can’t even put it into words! Here’s the update for the fic, hehe. I’m super excited to hear what you think (as always, my ask box is open for your thoughts). I really hope you liked it, and I’ll try my best to update this fic more often! <3 Interactions give me life, so feel free to leave a like and follow if you enjoy my content. Love you all! Don’t forget to eat and stay hydrated! 💙
Taglist: @addyanm
(lmk if you want to be tagged in the next chapter)
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theadventurerslog · 4 months ago
Quest For Glory III: Wages of War | Part 6
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The Adventurer's Log
I needed to find a way into the Lost City. While Manu has been very hesitant about this whole thing he still let things out. There was a secret door.
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By 'eye' I assumed some kind of gem. Monkeys would get into the city all the time with the eye that glows.
It was time for some searching. And a lot of fumbling to figure out how to get down there.
Once I bumbled my way down, after accidentally trying to leave and getting attacked by one of the 'long armed men'--neanderthal looking guys--there was a statue of Anubis with a glowing eye.
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As usual Fetch to the rescue and I got a fire opal. I used that on the door, opening a way inside.
To find a couple of big scary, very bored guards--Fric and Frak.
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Nothing to fight. They couldn't keep beating up their prisoner--uh oh. Bored bored bored. His buddy was only silently nodding.
Not something I wanted to fight... I accidentally ended up fighting the chatty one but I lost, though it seemed doable if I'd had more MP--it was lower than I realized. Still not something I wanted to do.
Now was the time for magic. I cast Calm which made them sleepy (and even stupider) and Open on the door and was able to walk right on through.
Where I found Reeshaka! She did live.
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The Demons were entering the world through a gate at the top of the tower, as Kreesha suspected. Destroying it would let them defeat the demons.
But then she got taken over by Fric (or same model?). All harm done to him would harm her and she was the daughter of his master's enemy, Rakeesh.
All bluster. I still had two dispel potions and threw one at her, causing him to disappear.
Then Kreesha's portal opened bringing allies! Uhura, Harami the thief, Yusufu, Johari and Rakeesh.
Rakeesh was able to heal Reeshaka. They came as soon as they could and as prophesied.
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But Harami refused to fight and only came along to get away from Tarna so it wasn't looking good for the prophecy... until my dear Manu friend showed up. He is a courageous monkey in the end.
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The door we needed was blocked off but Rakeesh cleared it. He and Uhura stayed behind to hold off the demons and we went through to find a room of mirrors.
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Our mirror images for demonified and we had to fight.
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Face-offs across the board. Kinda cool.
It turned into an actual fight I had to do, but attacking it was causing its health to seem to go up, so it wasn't looking good for our hero. After a short bit, Harami appeared and stabbed it. He decided to help after all.
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He gave me some pills--I guess I could have been more free about using them, but I still didn't hoard as much as I tend to hoard items in games in my defence--and sent me on my way.
Where I was brought to the final showdown.
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The Demon Wizard's army of Demons and Apemen were standing by ready to attack the warring Liontaurs, Simbani and Leopardmen. The deaths of so many would release enough magic to open the gate and allow his Lord to re-enter.
The orb was still weak though from the energy needed to posses the Leopardman chief before. In other words I had some time to act.
This wizard was the Demon Wizard Rakeesh fought before.
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Well, time to avenge Rakeesh too.
That dual in the leopardmen village was basically training for this. Same deal.
When starting out I didn't know what to expect but threw up a reversal just because that seemed like a good immediate thing to do in a magic fight. I certainly needed it against Ad Avis and here too. He threw flame at me after.
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I Calmed it.
He tried a gargoyle and I Triggered it to stop it. That Ad Avis fight was good practice too.
He stole my staff with Fetch!
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But at last Kreesha's warning about Trigger with the magic staff bore fruit. I couldn't wreck things then but I sure could now.
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Boom! His head launched... and landed at my feet. Ew.
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Cinder kicked it into the pit.
That just left the orb. I tried fetching it. That failed. It came down to my good old trusty Flame Dart, though I wonder if Lightning Ball or Force Bolt would have worked too. I'm happy with Flame Dart though. It certainly got me through the rest of the game.
The gate closed and I rejoined my friends.
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Everyone had congratulatory messages for me.
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Johari and Yesufu are getting married... He said he wanted to. She accepted. Why not I guess! Gotta pair up someone! Bleh.
Everything was well.
Nothing more
Nothing bad happened.
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Or not. Cinder started writhing in magic. Dark magic...
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And that was it.
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It's a cliffhanger. Is that Ad Advis?
It was nice and gave me final character sheet so I didn't have to do it myself before finishing the game. Here are my final stats.
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The spells have to be looked at individually to see their skill level so I don't have those. Just Flame Dart maxed at 300 and I don't know if anything else is even over 100. I don't think so.
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462/500 points.
And that's... it. I feel like I'm ending this as abruptly as the game but well, even knowing this was coming I'm still at a bit of a loss. So, I'm going to carry right onto my final thoughts and talk about that ending and everything else.
Final Thoughts
I want to preface this by saying I did enjoy myself overall. I want to make that clear because I'm going to be sounding more negative for a big chunk of this.
First, let's get that ending out of the way and really the whole final chunk of game. I'm no stranger to cliffhangers and I've certainly suffered more painful ones...by far. I have the fourth game waiting, so no big deal. However, that managed to feel anticlimactic at the same time. An anti-climactic cliffhanger is kind of a feat, I'll give it that. I'm not sure what would have improved it. Maybe more reactions from the others beyond Rakeesh's one liner there. Maybe if something was more off-kilter with the final fight to show some sign of wrongness, though I could understand wanting a more abrupt surprise. But it didn't really land for me. Heck, maybe if there'd been more from the villain? Like actually seeing him earlier? We knew there was demon activity and Rakeesh had spoken of his past with the demon wizard, but there was no interaction or sight of our villain until the very end. I've said I'd watched the game first, so I knew this was coming, but it didn't land when watching either.
Relatedly, the whole final stretch from the leopardmen village on felt hurried. You constantly get funneled along. Sure, you have some freedom after Tarna closes off, but short of grinding there's not really anything to do before finding Manu, and then it's right back to railroading you again.
Yeah, QFG II starts funneling you along too; I mean you literally get hypnotized, but there's more to do. You know, there are multiple bits to go through and solve in the cave. Then the rush in Raseir after is the tension of the spell being completed and you're coming off of having gotten to do stuff!
Here there's not much you do in the Lost City and a lot of it is basically cut-scene. Then end dual. Then done. Coming off QFG II in particular which I think I had a cool final stretch, this feels rushed. I do wonder if they had to cut some stuff due to time and budget. It feels like the Lost City should have had more to it because there's really not a lot and it feels like a wasted or lost opportunity. Such is the way of game dev if so, but always a shame.
As for the rest of the game: do you know how sometimes the middle entry in a trilogy can feel awkward? That's kinda how this felt. Apparently, this game wasn't part of the original plan either but in the change to VGA and point and click they weren't feeling ready yet for Shadows of Darkness. In fact the end of QFG II advertises III as Shadows of Darkness. Knowing that, this feeling makes sense. I wouldn't have necessarily guessed that was the case, but in knowing there's an "ahh" moment.
A few other points I was less than happy with:
Random encounters. I don't know what the alternative is or how to improve it, but they were driving me crazy off and on, especially in the last trip. At least make running away take less time.
Magic Users and Thieves feel shortchanged in this game. Though, for all my complaints about that final stretch at least I got to do more magic-y things finally. There just wasn't much at all before that. Even when I was doing the magic user quest--getting my magic staff--use one Fetch spell and that's it. Also some clarity on what the magic staff does would have been nice. I ended up looking it up: spells don't cost MP while it's summoned but they won't level up.
I don't expect deep characters in this series, but there were some I could still build some attachment or fondness for in the past games. There were fewer in this one. I like Rakeesh and Kreesha... Manu was cute enough. Johari might have worked out with more time, but her whole situation and marrying Yesufu after all in the end just gives me the ick. I just wasn't feeling much with anyone.
NO GNOMES! Yes, I am disappointed this game had no gnomes. Give me my ridiculous word playing goobers back.
Now that's a lot of grumbling up there, so onto some positive notes.
I think the transition to the point and click interface was a smooth one. I kind of wish the spells had visible labels as well with their icons, but that's not a big deal. Combat was still clunky but no worse than the previous games and maybe better in some ways.
I like the dialogue trees and having options both on the person you're speaking to and with yourself. It nicely covers "ask about" and "tell about".
There were some cool spots and moments! Like the giant tree! Very lovely. Monkey Village-pretty and cute. Some entertaining merchants. There were plenty of bits to enjoy.
And I did enjoy it overall with some frustrations. I know the negative section is far longer here but that's just because I had more to say there. It's just more of a mixed bag for me and feels like there was missed potential.
If I were to rank the games so far I'd have it at 2, 1, 3.
Feelings on the ending aside I am very curious to see what this will lead to in starting Quest for Glory IV and that's coming up next. See you there!
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singledarkshade · 8 months ago
The Apartment
Summary: Daniel takes a step forward making a life on Earth now he's trapped here for a year.
Author’s Note - Another one I've had sitting half-finished for ages and finally managed to finish. Enjoy.
He stared at the keys in his hand, the small pieces of metal that represented something so much more than anyone could understand.
“I’m sorry,” he looked up when he realised the woman beside him was speaking, “What did you say?”
The blonde woman gave him a smile, “I asked if there was anything else you needed, Dr Jackson.”
“No,” Daniel shook his head vigorously trying to cover his little lapse in manners, “I’ll be fine. Thank you for your help, Mrs Little.”
She gave him another smile, “Then I will leave you to settle in.”
Daniel watched her walk along the corridor and waited until she had disappeared in the elevator before he turned back to the door. Sliding the key into the lock he let the door swing open and stalled.
He stood staring into the open door, not able to cross the threshold because then he would be admitting it, admitting that he couldn’t go home. He’d told them to bury the Gate again for a year, which equated to a year and a half here on Earth.
Going back to Abydos was not going to happen any time soon and his wife, his amazing wonderful, brilliant wife, was missing.
He was alone again.
Daniel jumped when the phone in his pocket rang suddenly.
“Hi, Jack,” he forced the despair he was feeling out of his voice to talk to his ‘commanding officer’, “I thought you were going to a football game with your cousin?”
“I am,” Jack replied with a chuckle, “Just waiting for Joe to park which means I have about an hour to talk.”
Daniel smiled despite himself, “Why are you calling?”
“I thought I’d make sure you were getting some fresh air during our time off,” Jack told him, “Because I don’t want to get back and find you didn’t leave the base for seventy-two hours.”
“I’m out of the base, Jack,” Daniel told him, “I promise. I’m…” he hesitated before lying, “Heading to look at the bookshop I found a few weeks ago.”
“Good,” Jack replied, “That’s good, Daniel.”
Daniel bit his lip at the concern in the other man’s voice.
“You’re allowed to relax,” Jack reminded him, “You can’t keep going on all cylinders indefinitely, you’ll burn yourself out.”
“I know,” Daniel said softly.
“I have to go,” Jack told him, “Joe finally managed to park. I’ll be back on Monday sometime during the day, so no wild parties.”
Daniel smiled slightly, “Enjoy your weekend with your family, Jack. I’ll see you when you get back.”
Hanging up the phone, Daniel took a deep breath and stepped inside, closing the door behind him.
The apartment wasn’t big, it wasn’t like Daniel expected to spend much time here, but it was furnished, and it was close to the base.
He knew he needed to get out of Jack’s spare room, as grateful as he was that Jack had let him stay. Daniel needed his own space and if he found, no, when, when he found Sha’re they would need a place to stay until they could return to Abydos.
There was a living room, kitchen, a main bedroom, spare bedroom, bathroom and two cupboards which was more than enough for him. He’d been sharing a tent about the size of the main bedroom for the past year very happily, not to mention his previous apartments had all been basically boxes.
He’d known for a while he had to leave Jack’s spare room, mentioned it once or twice but never did anything because Daniel needed the small comfort staying with Jack gave him. However, after the whole turning into a Neanderthal debacle, Daniel knew he had to take the step. The problem was he didn’t want to leave Jack’s because it was admitting he would be staying on Earth.
Jack wasn’t much help either.
Anytime he made noise about leaving, Jack would just say Daniel could stay as long as he needed to.
The bedroom had a double bed in the middle of the room; a duvet was sitting rolled up in the middle of it with four pillows beside it. There was some bedding which Daniel quickly moved out of the way since he knew it would cause an allergic reaction, something he hadn’t had to worry about on Abydos. He’d bought and washed some bedding to bring with him which was downstairs in his recently purchased car along with everything else he currently owned, which wasn’t much, and knew he’d have to start bringing everything up.
His phone rang again, postponing that for a few more moments, he sighed when he saw who was calling before, once again, forcing a smile into his voice.
“Hi, Sam,” he greeted the woman on the other end.
“Hey, I stopped off at the Colonel’s to see if you wanted to have lunch,” she said, “Just wanted to…”
The hesitation made him grimace slightly, but he didn’t call her on it, instead he replied, “I was out.”
“I guessed that,” Sam chuckled.
Daniel winced before lying, “There are some bookshops I wanted to check out.”
“Well, I’m going to a friend’s engagement party tonight,” Sam told him, “So I’ll see you on Monday?”
“Have fun,” Daniel told her, before he hung up.
With a sigh, he headed to bring his belongings up so he could settle in properly.
Daniel knew he could have asked the other three members of his team to help him, but he didn’t want to.
He needed to do this himself.
Honestly Daniel knew it was because until recently he’d had no one who would help him and he didn’t feel comfortable asking for help. Besides with what little he owned, it didn’t take him that long to get everything out the car and into the apartment, so soon Daniel was moved into a new apartment.
He hated it.
Taking a breath, he made the final touch and placed the photograph of Sha’re that Ferretti had found for him from the original mission at his bedside. She was smiling, Daniel remembered it was because he’d told her that she was too perfect for him.
And she was.
Sha’re was kind, generous, brilliant and for some bizarre reason loved him.
Daniel knew he didn’t deserve her love, because she was an angel, and he was just him.
Sha’re was generous with everyone but with him she shared everything.
She had been fearful of sharing a bed with him at first, knowing she was meant to give her body to her husband, stories from her friends who were married had scared her but, after Daniel assured her that he expected nothing, Sha’re relaxed. They took things as slow as she needed them to, and Daniel loved that they spent time getting to know one another properly before she was comfortable enough for their relationship to become fully physical.
Daniel hated waking up alone, after a full year of waking to the feel of his wife cuddled close most mornings. Even before they started having sex, Sha’re liked sleeping in his arms and Daniel loved it too. He’d been alone for so much of his life and, being alone again, her absence hurt. He didn’t sleep much anymore because he felt her loss so keenly in the middle of the night and first thing in the morning.
Shaking himself Daniel fixed the picture again, reminding himself that moving into the apartment was so that when he found Sha’re then they had somewhere to stay until they were able to go back to Abydos.
He could do this; he could survive until he found his reason for living once more.
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firecrackerhh · 28 days ago
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Yeah I definitely think somethings wrong with you if you think genocide of any group of people actually fucking solves anything.
Fucking Neanderthal-brained-ass bullshit.
Does this person think Angel deserves his abuse because he’s in hell? One has to wonder.
Disgustingly inhuman response to genocide. “Maybe they DESERVED it.” I think you deserve to get run over by a semi truck in broad daylight but that’s not up to me, nor should it be.
I get it’s just a cartoon but these retards are always crying about fiction affecting reality, by their logic, this person is defending genocide, and that’s disgusting.
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Meanwhile this same stupid motherfucker is whining that the series finale of My little pony G4 had the 3 villains set in stone for the rest of their lives and how that’s fucking terrible, but exterminating demons indiscriminately is fine for them? What a fucking hypocrite. “Bad implications” like you give a fuck about bad implications. Shut the fuck up.
“It’s not good to set ponies in stone for eternity because that makes me feel icky but killing demons indiscriminately doesn’t.” Oh of COURSE you don’t like the cute pony characters (ok Tirek isn’t exactly adorable but y’all get my point) suffering in any capacity!
Like you can argue Cozy Glow didn’t deserve it cuz she’s a child (er, foal) but Chrysalis? Tirek? Come the fuck on man. What fucking Steven universe-ass shit is this?
(Look man I respect Steven universe but I don’t really vibe with the whole “friendship will save us!” horseshit much these days. But unlike some people I understand that a kid’s show would obviously not condone murder)
I guess you can argue Hazbin has that “friendship will save us!” Vibe, but it isn’t like, it doesn’t beat you over the head with it like children’s media tends to do.
Look y’all get what I mean (I hope) I just think it’s kinda hypocritical to act like every sinner deserves extermination but for whatever reason fucking Tirek and Chrysalis don’t, when they’re the worst villains? (I don’t count Discord since he got redeemed, but objectively he would be the worst if he wasn’t)
Wonder if this person thinks Discord should’ve been let out of his marble prison.
Look anyone who thinks the exterminator angels are the good guys has some shit they should probably fucking think about that’s all I’m trying to say here.
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Iolanthe, Queen of the Golden Beryl Palace
Pinch me I’m in love.
Third in characters, who I decided I would love based solely on their art, the others being 1st Place Gleaming Genisis, and The Lunar who's name escapes me. No one ever remembers 2nd place :(. Well if you judge enough books by their covers, eventually the writer will do service to their artist.
Is it a coincidence that I'm in love with both of the big bad fae characters? I dunno, but I'm happy we're here.
So first things first. Apparently when The Scarlet Empress activated the swordofcreation.net it covered the land in iron needles, to burn and kill all of the fae. Um.... freaking baller! That's so cool! I was always told she just nuked the world, which was always highly disappointing, and inconsistent with the setting. I much prefer the idea that the swordofcreation.net can just produce whatever world ending weapon you need for that particular instant. Iron needles to cover the earth? You got it. Nuclear Armageddon? No problem! A media ecosystem specifically designed to radicalize it's viewers, and turn them into facists? We're on it.
Iolanthe is a Fae Prince who managed to hide her people under ground in the southwest of The Enchanted Isle, and there she has ruled for three hundred years. Now that the Empress is gone, she looks to build and army, and finish the crusade she started centuries ago.
And sure it's upsetting that one of her intimacies is pretty much "The South Will Rise Again.", and yes she's probably not vaccinated, and maybe I let her borrow $500 dollars to pay for her ex's bail money, but I love her!
Her gown is sewn from the vows of her subjects, um very cool. Especially since it gives her 16 Soak and 7 Hardness. She's covered in gold and jewels, and has a hearthstone the size of an egg. She carries no weapons because her words alone, can kill a man. Yes please.
I'm a real sucker for the vain queen archetype, and I think Iolanthe fulfills her role perfectly. Her defining Intimacy is "No one will contest my beauty and power." which has got to be a rough way to live your life. If no one can contest your power... you're just going to keep fighting until you're dead, basically. Sad. Her more interesting intimacy is that she views The Golden Beryl Palace as her pet... so like... is it alive? I personally think her having a huge crystal elemental that she uses as a palace, is awesome.
Furthermore she's got a whole host of minions and secrets she's collected during her years of exile. It's interesting to note that she knows the locations of ancient exalted burial sites, not just solar! Soooo that's really interesting right? Entire complexes dedicated to the exalted built during their war with the primordial? I'd do it. Arlington Cemetary for legions of Dragonblooded soilers. She's also made deals with the mountainfolk, stupid sexy house Iselsi, and proto-humans. So you can take this to mean things like neanderthals/ troglodytes typical underdark stuff. Or you could go the way of Adam Kadmon, which is basically Adam of The Bible before he was put into a physical and earthly vessel, essentially perfect humans. We imagine these proto-humans were found in caves, but what if Iolanthe just found vaults created by the primordial for some of their experiments? These humans were a little too powerful for what they had planned for Creation, so they hid them away and worked on teaching humans how to fart and be racist. They give you lots of chances to make her a big bad in your game, including an excuse for giving her a big bloated army.
During Earthquakes her people will rise out of the ground, and drag people down into their crystal lair, either turning them into food, or she'll just step on them until they're so in love they'll fight for her. Which includes equipping them with flawless fae weapons and armor.
Her stats are superhuman, some of the best/the best in the book. I don't know nothing about previous editions. But I did hear that when Fae was a player choice, their whole thing is that their stats could go beyond 5, so it's cool that her own stats reflect that. With a 7 in Apperance and charisma, and a 6 in Stamina.
One of her charms let's her use your own intimacies against you, when she uses her voice to kill you, she can talk about your intimacies and reduces your soak, hardness, and cover bonus by and amount equal to your intimacy, Sick! An attack wich already, by itself does 15 dice of damage. Her ultimate attack is that she does an attack against your character's resolve, and for every extra success, she reduces your willpower by 1, if it goes to zero, you either get a defining derangement, or are polymorphed... FOREVER!
For defense she has a charm that just let's her ignore, any defense negating abilities you have. (I.e she effortlessly grabs the attack, that literally says unblockable between her fingers like it's nothing. But the even cooler/ way dumber charm, makes it so if an attack kills her, you discover that you've been fighting an illusion. A nearby combatant throws off their disguise revealing that they were Iolthane the entire time! Then she resets to base Initiative, hilarious.
She has Intimacy overriding charm, but her really interesting charm, allows her to grant a character supernatural dedication on a quest she's given then. This not only gives them a number of bonus dice to all of their actions equal to the intimacy she used to manipulate them, it also gives them Intimacyx2 Mutations to help with the question. Perferct PERfect PERFECT! for those character's who your team has eclipsed, coming back for their miniboss fight at the end of the campaign!
She also makes it harder to resist her, playing with your intimacies, making it cost up to THREE willpower to resist her temptations.
Okay, a little extra reading did in fact reveal that The Golden Beryl Palace, is an elemental. A Gemlord, who was once a prince among the earth elementals. It's a mile wild elemental that the fae live in. It's memory has been erased, and all the remains is it's loyalty to Iolanthe, kind of sad actually. He can sense the nature of anything inside of him, and also has instant telecommunication with Iolanthe, so good luck getting away with anything while inside the palace. Oh, wait, you're solars.
Rating: 10/10 long-ass nails, drumming bordely on her fainting couch. Absolutely marvelous, great work, very pushed. I have no idea why she was paired with Siluris, both writeups were so good, and had so much content. Definitely one of the better packages of the group. Love her! I'm already thinking about introducing her in my Dragonblooded campaign.
Misc. Golden Beryls are basically just Yellow Saphires/ Emeralds. They're found in Namibia, Madagascar, and Brazil. You can see them in her Jewlery, anklet, necklace, and big ass ring.
If you squint her name looks like Lolth, and her people are basically the Drow. I dunno, I thought that was funny.
Iolanthe, is also a Gilbert and Sulivan Opera, about the fairy Iolanthe who arranged all the fairies' music and dance, but was banished for the crime of loving a mortal.
1. The name Iolanthe has been scrubbed from the records of man. All but forgotten, to the realm. Only the people of the south, the lands she scoured before coming to the blessed isle remember her name. When they speak of it, they talk as if referring to some primordial terror, abomination, or even natural disaster. They only know that whole valleys of civilization were wiped away by the Iolanthe, and now on The Blessed Isles, those who claim to see the future, shudder and convulse, the only thing to escape their lips is madness, and a single name: Iolanthe.
2. When the civil war breaks out, the relatively empty Southwest is neglected and forgotten, it's the backyard, of a Great House, and not very contested. Until practically overnight, that house falls into ruin as Iolanthe rises from The Southwest to claim their lands. With monsters, and hordes of fanatical follower, the great houses must now contend with yet another hopeful for the throne. Iolanthe only ever feared one woman, and now that's she's gone, she'll bring ruin to The Scarlet Empresses' legacy. Revenge for the humiliation she's endured for three centuries.
3. Iolanthe has had enough of hiding beneath the earth. She now seeks to park her home on the tallest point in creation. Like King Kong The Golden Beryl Palace emerges from the earth, and begins to climb to the top of The Imperial Mountain. From her perch upon the word, she will speak and all of creation will hear her. First she will make them all love her, and shout their praise in a single voice. Then she will drive them mad, and then once nothing is left of civilization, culture, or meaning, she will simply ask creation to stop.
4.Iolanthe is nearly unstopable, her powers are too immense, too deadly, too dangerous. However, no matter how many victories she scores against he players, it's never enough. She must always live with the fact that she wasn't able to beat The Scarlet Empress. The players can use this to distract her from her mission of world domination, or maybe this thought occurs to Iolanthe if she's already won, for some sort of post-loss campaign, but nothing she's done has any meaning if she did it without besting The Scarlet Empress. She must find her, and beat her to prove that Iolanthe's beauty and power is uncontested. Once the players have convinced her of this, she drops everything, world domination, her armies, and schemes and pours everything she has into finding her rival. Buying the players enough time to figure out a way to destroy her. Maybe Iolanthe actually helps the players goals, if they're truly set on finding The Scarlet Empress.
5. Iolanthe either as herself or as maybe a kindly witch, or other friendly lass asks the players for help, in completing a quest. A quest that happens to fit perfectly into their intimacies. Unforunately for them as soon as they accept Iolanthe rips off her disguise and reveals her true form, but her bewitching charms make it so they can't help but zealously pursue the quest they agreed to go on. Furthermore Iolanthe grants them mutations based to help with their quest, and bonus die on all their actions. The quest is in their interest, destorying a Dragonblooded army or something like that. The players find their mutations quite useful, and they're more powerful than ever serving her... They may be tempted to stay on her side, and even if they're not, she'll provide that temptation for them.
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desceros · 11 months ago
*gets up onto table and bangs pots together like a neanderthal* I WAS RIGHT BITCHES I CALLED IT !!!! I FUCKING CALLED IT !!!!!!!
no because i was waiting for her to show up the entire chapter and just. completely forgot about aloplex when i was reading violist-chan's healing with todd and reunion with mikey.
i banged my head on my desk when mikey explained that he can detect his family's energy. how he kept insisting she is family after witnessing the whole showdown in the lair, more than likely getting leo's side of the story and wanting to patch up that big ass WOUND he left. mikey will be forever a better person than i'll ever be cause if i heard that my siblings pulled that shit on someone i consider a sister? sending them to the closest desert.
also bee tee dubs, i read the triangle head leo fic and wow good golly is it hot in here no of course im not questioning where my loyalties stand [sweating profusely]
srsly tho sam ur writing has always been one of my biggest inspos!! not to brag or anything [nerd voice] but i was there when the donnie camping fic was first dropped On The Day Of!!!! and WOAH i knew immediately i was going to have a favorite writer on that website
oh man you HAVE been around forever hahahahha!! you were one of the first comments on symphony chapter 1 so. street cred established
mikey's a GOOD BOY who is TEAM VIOLA-CHAN and i'm so delighted to get to the point where he's stepping up. i've been looking forward to this part of the fic for months.
there's likely going to be more pyramid head leo to come, i confess. those brainworms didn't quite get all wiggled out with the one fic. looks into the foggy distance, yearning
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kneelingshadowsalome · 2 years ago
i heard you were not immune to begging so here I have arrived with my arms outstretched for a crumblet of Immortal please please
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Aahh I'm so glad to hear you're waiting for Immortal!! 🩷✨️
And you're here for the d which is perfectly understandable my love 💕 Unfortunately the sex on the beach scene that will end this series in happy tears is not written yet, sooo you get a lil something with possessive! & protective!Ghost.
CW: mild violence, minor injuries, possessiveness, protectiveness, dubious morality
He doesn't solve this problem with a gun or a cock this time.
He uses his fists and a knife.
When the boy has a split lip and the other eye swollen so bad he can't even see from the bruise, when wetness dampens the crotch area and threatens to stain his carpet, he lets him go.
"Get out."
He's a different man when he rises from the floor; from next to the knife he plunged not an inch away from the rookie's face to make his intentions clear. The boy is stripped from all arrogance and probably regrets the day he got the great idea to insult a woman.
His woman.
He doesn't have to delve into paperwork to get the rookie transferred: the boy does it for him. He leaves the base, quiet as a shadow and with a face that still looks like it has been forced through a waffle maker.
After that, everyone salutes him feet away.
His orders are obeyed without question, without a second's delay on missions. He has never pursued to be loved, but neither has he tried to make people dread him. Now he's not only a source of mystery and intrigue but also fear and wonder.
"You must be the craziest man I've ever met."
Soap isn't scared quite as shitless as the rest of them, but neither is he as friendly as he used to be. Price doesn't say anything, but he gets a few looks that tell him he has gone too far.
He avoids her strictly, this time obeying her request to not go to her unless he's injured. Hell, he obeys it like it was an order.
"You shouldn't have," she whispers when they're alone, when she stops him in the quiet hallway. She's the only one who doesn't have fear and avoidance in her stare. If anything, the adoration in her eyes has deepened.
He doesn't defend himself: he doesn't have the luxury to decide what should or shouldn't be done. He's not a saint nor a judge. He is territorial, though.
She talks to his shadow as he's standing only a few feet away, unable to touch her.
"...and the most incredible."
His sharp intake of air sings between them as the electric blue light casts shadows through the windows. She tries to thank him for bashing a face in, all her noble Hippocratic Oaths forgotten.
She takes a step – just one, to make it perfectly clear she wants to touch him too.
"You're a savage, Simon. A Neanderthal."
The woman's eyes are a deep sea of gratitude. He wonders if she's equally as wet between those legs. Her voice says it all: she likes Neanderthals.
The worship in her stare makes him understand why wars have been waged – this is the reason why crusaders sloshed through rivers of crimson blood, why whole civilizations were destroyed. This is why swords are forged and guns are fired. He draws another breath to swear his allegiance, an oath bound in blood.
"No one's gonna call you a–"
She crosses the final breadth of air between them and lifts his mask.
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