#our patio has a screen
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butter bean found someone tonight
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milo-is-rambling · 1 year
My mother really out here telling me “you just make all the plans for driving and I’ll work around that” and then a couple days later once I’ve made plans and talked to people about shit she’s like hey actually you should come up a day earlier so you can get your grandparents (who are practically falling apart mentally and physically and my grandfather pisses himself and if he pees in the car that I am both sleeping and driving in I will be upset!!!) in the middle of Maine and drive them to New Hampshire for me bc I will be too tired from getting a three hour flight to go drive them :’( AS IF IM NOT DRIVING SIX HOURS OR MORE EVERY DAY FOR A WEEK HELLO??? YOU CANT DRIVE FIVE HOURS AFTER SLEEPING THE WHOLE TIME ON A THREE HOUR FLIGHT LIKE I KNOW ITS CRAMPED AND MISERABLE BUT YOU’RE GOING TO GO FROM A PLANE TO A NICE RENTAL CAR VS ME SLEEPING IN THE FUCKING TRUNK FOR A WEEK LIKE GIRL WHAT YOU ALREADY TOLD ME TO PLAN EVERYTHING AND NOW YOU’RE MOVING SHIT AROUND AND SHES ALL LIKE “well your aunt is gonna be visiting on the 11th so I have to get a flight on the 12th and then graduation is on the 13th early in the morning so I just won’t have time to go get them” LIKE GIRL THIS IS THE SAME AUNT THAT IS COMING TO OUR HOUSE FOR ONE SINGULAR DAY AND THEN WE WILL SEE HER AGAIN IN NEW HAMPSHIRE WHILE WE ARE ON OUR TRIP LIKE YOU LITERALLY TOLD ME “oh don’t worry about missing her we’re gonna do the graduation party at her house when we’re up north” AND THEN YOU WONT SHIFT YOUR PLANS ONE DAY TO FIX ALL OF THE SCHEDULING CONFLICTS BUT YOU WANT ME TO TWEAK A WHOLE WEEK OF DRIVING PLANS BACK A DAY TO MAKE IT MORE CONVENIENT FOR YOU and also I simply don’t want to. Also the garbage truck just passed bc I slept in and I don’t think we got the garbage out and I know we definitely didn’t get the trash from my room or bathroom out of the house and so now moms gonna be pissed at me for that god fuck this is so infuriating I am not planning a trip while on my period ever again I want to bite my mothers head off for even suggesting an alternate plan what is wrong with me I am such a bitch what the fuck no wonder she fucking hates me okay I am going back to bed she can figure this shit out later when she’s not slamming doors and yelling about work
#I want to rip my hair out#why does she say yeah we can work around whatever plans you make and then immediately she’s like oh haha nevermind#and I know I’m overreacting I know I’m being a bitch and I should fold to my mothers needs or whatever but like simply put I don’t want to#deal with my grandparents (if they were dwarves in Snow White they would be called Naggy and Pissy) and I don’t want to deal with their huge#looming sense of dread bc they both know they are old and losing it and that their kids are dead and we are the only family they care about#and I was already nervous about spending any time with them at graduation and now my mom wants me alone in a car with them for HOURS#like I simply don’t want to and I don’t want to think about dad and I don’t want to think about them and I don’t want to drive the extra#hours or anything like ugh I just don’t want to. I want to get high on Millie’s couch and have a relaxing day after driving that much on the#way up and I want to only have to drive three hours to my brother and I want ti already be there for graduation that morning I don’t want to#go any earlier or later than I had planned bc I planned distances by how much driving I thought I could take at a time and If I add an extra#day of driving I will be exhausted and add emotional exhaustion to that from seeing family and add fucking bitchy mood and being judged on#my music or my driving or being asked about what I plan to do with my life or what have I been doing since dad died or are you okay? is your#mother struggling? (and not being able to talk about my mom going out and dating and getting laid and ignoring my dead father and their dead#son bc it’s the only way she’s coping with any of this anymore)#I just don’t want to. and I hope my mother will step up and change her shit to deal with them but if they don’t I’ll have to deal with it#and just get over it but fuck I really really really don’t want to#it just annoys me that my mother would rather move all of my plans back a day than not see my aunt for what six hours here when we’re#literally going to see her up north like five days later#like can’t you just wait to see her. like she has seen the house before. she knows what a screened in patio looks like. they’ve seen the car#before like they will know if they want the car or not before they see it they know the model and they know it’s sat in our driveway for#months and months like they are aware of the car so you don’t need to say that’s the big important reason for them to visit#I’m such an asshole what the fuck is wrong with me I’m really unwilling to have any changes made to my plans#my brother would fucking bend over backwards and do whatever my mother asks and she is so mad that I’m not like that and I should be why am#I not like that why don’t I do all the shit she does for me why am I such a bitch what is wrong with me#I am already exhausted today I only slept for four hours#I just want to skip to me being on the road already. need to smoke a cigarette at a truck stop out of state it will fix me honestly
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drurrito · 3 months
Are You The One? - One
A/N: I've been sitting on this idea for a minute. Some quick background on AYTO: it's a gameshow -- there's usually 9 or 10 couples that are matched based on compatibility. They have about 10 weeks to figure it out by playing games and going on dates. They pair off at "matching ceremonies" to see how many light beams they get to clue them in on who might be a perfect match. Anyway, here goes nothing--all mistakes are mine of course.
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Warnings: Alcohol, cursing, Jerk!Vision lol
No match!
Wanda stares at the screen, mouth agape and mind racing. Vis squeezes her hand.
"You're not my match," Wanda whispered, "you're not my match and we only have two matching ceremonies to figure everything out."
"That doesn't change what we have," he turns to her, taking both her hands into his.
"It changes everything," Wanda bites, "I wasted so much time with you," she runs a frustrated hand through her hair. Vis just stands there, arms stupidly hanging by his sides. Wanda thought she was winning this game by sticking with him. She ignored everyone's pleads for her to pick someone else the last few matching ceremonies. That one beam of light was her and Vis without a doubt.
Until now.
"My match is still here," she's quiet again. Vis looks like he's still processing. He's been extremely persuasive up until this point. Vis would just talk Wanda out of actually playing the game every time she mentioned talking with anyone else. To the rest of the house, he sounded like a broken record, but to Wanda--he sounded like her favorite song.
"So, that's it?" Vis mumbles, his face contorts into something like disbelief, he looks foolish.
"That's the point, Vis," Wanda doesn't spare a second glance at him as she leaves.
The house buzzes with conversation. Wanda is sitting on the patio alone, twirling her glass in her hand.
"Hey," Shuri slowly approaches the seat across from Wanda. After the Truth Booth, everyone gave Wanda some kind of sympathy. A hug, some words, tight smiles and other gestures that did nothing to stop Wanda's stomach from churning something awful. The guilt has been making her shoulders sag heavily since coming back.
"We've been crunching the numbers," Shuri starts again, Wanda keeps her eyes on the dancing glass in her hand.
"We think your match could be y/n."
That gets a side glance and cocked eyebrow from Wanda, "she barely talks."
"Because she makes you do all the talking," Shuri shoots Wanda a knowing look who only rolls her eyes in response. You were good at getting Wanda to talk on your group dates. It only took a few questions to spark a conversation among the whole group, actually. Sometimes you just shared a comfortable silence, it threw Wanda off so bad. How can you connect with someone without a conversation?
"Look, y/n has won two dates in a row with you, that's two more dates than Vis ever won. Plus, you guys haven't sat together at a matching ceremony yet. If it's not you, then it has to be Carol--but we don't have any more time left to figure this out. If some of our guesses end up being correct this week, then we can figure out the rest of the matches from there."
"So you want me to sit with someone that I have no chemistry with?" Wanda asks, trying not to sound less than amused with the plan.
"Technically, you don't have chemistry with anyone," Shuri says without missing a beat, it makes Wanda flinch.
"But," Shuri drawls, "now that Vis isn't helicoptering over you, there are a few days to see if something sparks between you and y/n before the ceremony."
Wanda shifts in her seat with a heavy sigh that all but burns her nose. Outside the island, finding love is hardly ever a team effort. But in this game, teamwork is key. While getting a blackout would have costed money from the prize fund, it would have crossed off a lot of potential couples. That one beam belongs to someone, just not to Wanda and Vis.
"Have you talked to y/n about this?"
"Told her before your Truth Booth," Shuri flashes a nervous smile, "if it's any consolation, she was also hesitant at first."
Wanda can't help but look puzzled. She chews on her bottom lip for a few moments before nodding slowly.
"Alright, I'm in."
Wanda walks back into the house with Shuri. Everyone is sitting around in the living room, half of the group is gossiping about Bruce and Natasha sneaking off into the boom boom room for one last time. Shuri gives Wanda a parting glance before sitting down next to Namor. Half the room has paired off into new couples, Wanda realizes. Vis is nursing a bottle between Tony and Steve, Wanda doesn't look at him as she makes her way over to you. You're busy nodding along to whatever Thor is talking about, while Carol is leaning against you as she talks to Maria. Your eyes are on Wanda as soon as she fills in the space between you and Thor.
"Hey," you give a warm smile that Wanda barely notices over the burn of the alcohol in her throat.
"Hey," she rasps back to you.
"I'm sorry about today," you look frustratingly genuine as Wanda searches your eyes for a few beats, looking for a reason to be mad at you. She gives up, turning back to her glass to down the rest in one gulp.
"Yeah, me too."
As it turns out, you're also good at having conversations. It only took one "and what about you?" from Wanda to get you to actually participate. Vis was seething from his spot on the couch until Tony tugged him away to talk with another group. Maria had to do the same against Carol's protests when she realized you and Wanda were trying to hit it off. Your housemates continued to leave until it was just the both of you sitting on the couch. Wanda never noticed. She figured the two of you were alone this whole time with the way you looked at her.
Wanda is listening to you talk about your favorite movie when she fails to stifle a yawn.
"Shit, it's late," you watch the clock in the kitchen, realizing that you can hear it's ticking now. The rest of the house is dead silent. Wanda thumbs at the ring on her index finger. Shit, where is she supposed to sleep now? All the beds are likely taken.
Except for one.
"Hey," your voice is gentle, "I can sleep on the couch, you take the bed."
"I'm not going to ask you to do that-"
"You don't have to," you take a breath, "I just want to give you space, if you want it."
Wanda's brows furrow, space? She thinks back to the night when Vis made out with Hope and insisted on sleeping splayed on top of Wanda afterward. Space was never an option with Vis, that's why she's looking at you like you just grew a second head. You wordlessly grab Wanda's glass to wash, your way of giving her some time to think it over. You're drying off your hands when Wanda walks up to the bar.
"What side of the bed do you sleep on?"
Wanda tries not to think about the fact that you like to sleep on the left side while she tries to fall asleep on the right, the side she prefers.
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lovesodakid · 3 months
sworn to secrecy 6
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chris x fem!reader
1 2 3 4 5
summary: chris and y/n have known each other, pretty much their whole lives. y/n has always had a crush on chris. chris always viewed y/n as ‘nate’s little sister’ until one day, he realized, she wasn’t so little anymore…which nate sees..in which. he does not approve of whatsoever. (“brothers best friend trope”)
warnings: underage drinking/drunkness. should be all!!
the ride back to the triplets house seems blurry and hazy as the alcohol continues to consume my senses. the dimly lit streetlights and florescent headlights being the only illumination of the dark night.
“hey, you okay?” nick asks from above me. im laying on my side, head on his lap in the backseat.
“mhm.” i grumble, attempting to sit up.
i rub my head with my right hand, as my left is holding my limp body up.
“hey kid,” chris begins as he turns around in the passenger seat. “maybe slow down on the drinks next time, yeah?”
i let a small laugh escape my lips as i sit up more in the seat. my back now against the back of it.
“are we almost there?” i question. referring to the triplets house, obviously.
“yeah. just ten more minutes.” matt answers, keeping his eyes trained on the empty road ahead of us.
i nod my head in response. memories from the night flooding my brain.
the sound of chris’s fist smacking against christian’s face before he falls to the ground. i wince at the memory.
a year ago, you couldn’t have paid me enough to even take a sip of alcohol. now? i just got completely wasted at my first party. i don’t know what switch has flipped in me lately, but something has definitely changed a lot.
“okay we’re here.” matt says as he unbuckles his seatbelt.
i nod again, unbuckling my own as i open the car door. i plant my feet on the graveled surface of the driveway, i take about two steps before i’m already wobbling. struggling to keep my balance.
“hey-here.” chris says quietly as i feel a warmness coating the exposed part of my waist due to black, slightly cropped shirt covering the top half of my body.
“you got her?” i hear nick question chris as we make our way up the steps of the patio, towards the front door.
“yeah.” he replies, keeping a tight grasp on me to keep me held up and walking.
“here i’ll get the door.” i hear matt rush in front of us, the sound of a lock unlocking filling the silence.
once the door squeaks open, a finger making itself over my lips in a “shush” position. i turn around to face chris behind me, assuming it’s him since the warmth of his left hand has left my waist.
“shh. you gotta be quiet okay? mom and dad are asleep.” he speaks softly, removing his finger from my mouth to grab onto my left shoulder.
i nod my head up and down, matt holding the door open for us to walk in. nick walking behind us, just incase i fall backwards.
my feet slowly approach the threshold of the door, making my way through it. the smell of the house filling my nostrils. the smell i’ve grown fond of. the smell i’ve considered home. the smell i wish my own house smelled of. family dinners every night, family game nights, and grill outs during the summer. my house was nothing like that. instead, it was filled with lingering aroma of alcohol and cigarettes. the alcohol from my dad, cigarettes from my mom. a house filled with pain and suffering. a house where family dinners didn’t exist, just the occasional times where we’d sit together and eat on the couch in silence as a random show took over the tv screen. which only happened once, maybe twice a year at most if i was lucky.
i look down, watching every step i take, making sure i don’t trip over anything as im already struggling to keep myself up and walking.
we all slowly but surely make our way up the squeaky brown staircase. chris keeping a tight grip on me. matt walking in front of us, nick walking behind us.
“okay, i’m going to bed. goodnight guys.” matt says quietly as he makes his way to his bedroom. leaving small creaks throughout the floorboard in his path.
“hey y/n/n, you coming to my room?” nick questions, placing his hand on my shoulder.
i nod as chris slowly loosens his grip on me, allowing nick to take hold to walk me to his room.
“okay, i’m going to bed. let me know if you need anything.” he explains as he begins his way to his room.
“okay, c’mon.” nick slowly walks me to his bedroom. the door making a slight screech sound as it opens.
once we both enter his room, i make my way to his bed, flopping myself down on my back as i stare up at the white, blank ceiling.
“you want some clothes to change into to sleep in?” nick inquires as he starts making his way towards his closet, sliding open the mirrored door.
“mhm.” i hum. wanting to just be comfortable, and out of the clothes that are currently coating my limp self.
“okay, here.” he hands me a set of grey sweatpants, and a random white hoodie he must’ve had for years, small stains here and there. “i’m gonna go brush my teeth while you get dressed.”
he heads to the bathroom, shutting his door behind him. i sit myself up, cursing myself for drinking so much alcohol in the first place. especially for the years i told myself i would never drink.
once i’m finally able to stand up without face planting, i remove the clothes i was wearing to put on the clothes nick lended me. the cotton hoodie and sweatpants immediately comforting my body. the warmness soothing the places that were once freezing.
i throw my clothes somewhere onto nick’s floor before climbing into his bed, pulling the comforter all the way up to my chin. the mattress sinking in, molding the place where my body lays.
my eyes already being extremely heavy, flutter closed as the paralyzing slumber takes over my body.
i blink my eyes multiple times to open them from their sleepy state. i sit up, the comforter of nicks bed slightly falling off the top half of my body, leaving goosebumps in its wake.
i place my feet on the cold flooring, as i stand up to make my way out of his bedroom. turning around to make sure he’s still asleep before turning the knob of his door. creating the small sound of metal rubbing against each other.
i make my way out of his room, only to be met with someone sitting at the island table, scrolling through their phone. sounds coming quietly from the speaker of it as he scrolls through various videos.
i walk around a little more to see the face of who it is. once i’m where i can see his face, he’s already spotted me.
“hey! how you feeling?” he interrogates quietly as he sits his phone face down on the table. ending with a small *thump* sound.
“um-i feel okay.” i answer, shrugging my shoulders. “what time is it?”
he picks his phone back up, reading the time back to me.
“5:03 A.M.” he reads, setting his phone back down.
“oh.” i say, walking towards the fridge to grab any kind of liquid after i noticed how painfully dry my throat had been.
silence fills the air as i open the refrigerator door, grabbing a plastic water bottle. i shut the door as i turn my back to it, facing chris once again.
i twist the plastic lid as it makes a small “pop” sound. taking a quick swig of the drink before placing it down on the marble design of the island.
“so, how was your first party experience?” he asks, staring right dead at me with a sly grin.
“um,” i begin. “it was okay. other than the fact i want to puke right now. and the fact you beat some dudes face in.” i laugh.
he shakes his head side to side before speaking. “well, the dude deserved it.” he says with a shrug of his shoulders.
i nod my head in agreement, crossing my arms.
“why did you do it?” i question him.
his face slightly faltering before he begins speaking.
“i just had my reasons.”
i push my lips into a straight line, raising my eyebrows as i nod.
“you should be getting back to bed. you’re gonna have a nasty hang over. so you should probably get some sleep.” he explains, standing up from his stool.
“goodnight chris.” i tell him, making my way back into nicks room.
“goodnight y/n.” he speaks softly, eyes scanning over my face before walking away with a small rub on my shoulder.
i walk back into nicks room, shutting the door behind me. i stride towards his bed. once i sit down, i get into a position i think is comfortable enough to sleep in, allowing the sleep to take over my body once again.
a/n: sorry this part took so long to get out !! i was dealing with some minor personal things. i also apologize if this is a little more on the boring side. and for the fact its short!!!!
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We went to look at the 1.2 million dollar immaculate untouched but well maintained mid-century ranch that our real estate agent showed us. It is the most insane house I've ever seen
it has a pink marble bathroom (above)
all the floors are terrazzo
the primary bathroom has a bathtub inside the shower enclosure with a little step to get out of it (I do not know how to describe this feature)
there is a drive-through garage (a thing I have never seen before IN MY LIFE)
the backyard is a japanese garden
adam was like where will the children play sports, the entire yard is a japanese garden and then we kept walking around the back and discovered a FULL HALF BASKETBALL COURT
there is a boiler (??)
it is on a slab so no basement
there is no actual family room and all the walls are stone
the walls that aren't stone are covered in fabric wall paper
I am not describing this well bc it is PERFECT
every room is full of built ins, you would not need a single dresser
the walls are covered in actual art work, if we don't buy the house I'm at least going to the estate sale (I know there will be one bc many things are tagged "don't sell")
there is an enormous pass through from the kitchen to the dining room
there is an explicable structure made of steel and mesh screens enclosing the patio
it has a circle driveway in addition to the drive through garage
there is a tiny office all the way on the other side of the house
every room has a door
the bedroom half of the house can be fully closed off from the rest of the house
listen i'm obsessed with this place but we cannot spend 1..2 million dollars
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ilovewriting06 · 1 year
I Said a Basement Not Our Basement
This is a request from @natashamea18, I hope you like it. Also I made Catherine a grade A bitch in this, sorry 😂
Catherine’s POV
When we discovered that are target was in Oahu and it would be an all hands on deck situation I got clearance to bring Steve and his task force on board.
I smile when I see Steve sitting in his office having a heated conversation with someone on the phone. I knock on the door before slipping in and smirk at the surprise on Steve’s face. He wraps up the phone call before gesturing for me to take a seat and clears his throat, “Catherine, what are you doing here?”
I lean forward with a smile, “I need the teams help.” He bites the inside of his cheek and he clasps his hand, “Okay, I’ll call everyone and you can debrief.”
While we’re waiting on the rest of the team I look at Steve and notice he’s keeping his distance yet he’s also close, he close enough for friends but far enough away that it’s obvious our relationship is nothing more than friendship. I frown, well, I have a lot to do to rekindle our spark.
When the team gets here and surround the computer I start the debrief, “I’m here on official CIA business, we’ve been chasing a wanna be terrorist. He’s working his way up the ranks and has killed hundreds of thousands of people. We were closing in and found out he relocated here. As of right now we have no reason to believe he’s here to wreak havoc we believe he’s trying to hide out.” I throw his picture up on the screen, “His name Amir Cleaden.”
Two hours later and Steve and I are navigating through the forest tracking Amir as Junior and Tani come in from the south and Danny and Grover come in from the west to hopefully cut him off.
Now is as good a time as any to talk to Steve about us trying things out again, “So Steve, how are you doing? It’s been a few years.” He glances at me and nods, “Yeah it has been. I’m good, really good.” He pauses and stops walking to face me, “Look, Cath there’s something I need to tell yo-,” he’s cut off by gunshots echoing from up ahead.
We run to where the gunshots came from to see Amir and four other guys in a shoot out with Tani, Junior, Danny, and Grover. We need Amir alive so we focus on taking out the other men and leaving Amir alive. After the whole shoot out is over with, Amir is in custody with a graze on his shoulder and everyone else is unharmed, except for the four guys that we killed.
*Back at HQ*
Once Amir is in the hands of the CIA I look at the team with a wide smile, “How about we grab a couple drinks, I’ll buy the first round.” Junior and Tani agree and Danny and Grover glance at Steve. I wonder what that’s about. Once everyone agrees we decide to go to Rumfire and that we’ll meet up there around 7 so everyone has time for a shower.
I smile as I walk into my hotel room, I’ll talk to Steve tonight, tell him that I still love him and I want to get back together, for good this time.
Steve’s POV
I groan when I get in my truck and throw my head back against the headrest and mutter, “Why did I say yes? Fuck! What do I tell Y/N?” I run my hand down my face before starting the truck and heading home.
When I get home I close the door and yell for Y/N, “Babe! I’m home!” I don’t hear an answer and furrow my eyebrows as I walk further into the house. I chuckle when I see her outside playing fetch with Eddie. I step outside and wrap my arms around her waist causing her to tense up. I kiss her cheek and she automatically relaxes into my hold, “How was work?”
I frown and she spins around when I don’t answer. She cups my jaw with worry swimming in her eyes, “Steve, what’s wrong? Is everyone okay?” I nod before leading her to the patio chairs, “Yeah, but I need to talk to you.”
She sits beside me and faces me before laying a hand on my knee, “Steve, what is it?” I sigh and grab her hand running my thumb across her knuckles, “She’s back Y/N/N.” She cocks her head to the side and furrows her brows, “Who’s back?” I glance at her and within seconds I know she knows who. Her eyes harden and her gaze turns to a glare, “Catherine.”
I nod and slide forward, “Y/N, I swear I didn’t know she was coming, I didn’t even know she was around here. If I knew I would have told you but she just showed up today and asked for help for the CIA.” She licked her teeth before slotting her knee in between mine, “Steve, it’s okay, I’m not mad or upset with you. I would have liked a phone call or something but I understand why you didn’t. Knowing you you got a mission, locked in on said mission and blocked everything out until you succeed at your mission. Kind of like how you were when deciding to ask me out.”
I playfully glared at her and let a small smile slip onto my face, “That is not what happened when I asked you out.” She burst out laughing and kisses my cheek, “Steven, you literally interrupted me trying to answer you to tell me that you hadn’t executed your plan yet! You treated our first date like a tactical mission!” I smiled and nod, “Yeah okay maybe a little bit, but I do have to say, it was the most important mission of my life, still is.”
She pulls back with a smile and kisses me and I remember I haven’t told her about tonight. I pull back a little and sigh, “Hold on, I’m not done.” She leans back and her face resumes the ticked off face she had before, “Is she staying? Because if she is I’ll rip her fucking eyes out.” My eyes widen and I grab her shoulders, “Woah there tiger, that was a long time ago, I’m over it.” She glares before shaking her head, “I don’t give a rats ass, she broke your heart, left you behind holding an engagement ring and a broken heart.”
I’m not surprised by her reaction, ever since she found out how the whole thing went down she doted over me for like a month and swore to kill Catherine of she ever came back. I smile remembering how she cried in my arms after I told her everything because she felt horrible that someone broke my heart, probably wasn’t best to tell her on her period but can’t change it now.
I grab her hips and pull her onto my lap before running my thumb across her cheekbone. Her eyes soften and she leans into my hand, “Y/N, I’m okay, I have you now.” I grab her left hand and hold it up between us, “See, the one I really love already said yes, she just has to say I do and then no turning back.” She tilts her head with a mischievous smile, “There’s always divorce.” I pulled her closer and shook my head, “Nope, I’ll lock you in a basement.”
“We don’t even have a basement Steve.”
“I said a basement not our basement.”
She rolled her eyes and pulled me in for a kiss that was on its way to being something much less innocent but I still haven’t told her about tonight. I huff and pull away causing her to pout, “Oh come on, I’m ovulating I’m horny as fuck and you won’t fuck me. What am I supposed to do? Ask Junior?”
I grit my jaw and lock eyes with her mischievous eyes, “Absolutely not. I’ll fuck you in like five minutes, give me a second would ya.” She smiles and nods before sighing when she realizes it’s a Catherine problem, “Rip the bandaid off already, I tried to distract you from telling me whatever it is you know will upset me but obviously I failed.”
I peck her nose before ripping the bandaid off like she asked, “We’re meeting her for drinks at Rumfire at 7.” I threw in an innocent smile to soften the blow but her body goes rigid, “We’re what!?”
I sigh as she crawls off my lap and sits back in the chair she started off in, “Does she even know about you, ya know, having a fiancé?” Her words drip with venom and I scratch my jaw in nervousness and she scoffs, “Really? You didn’t tell her?” I frown and shake my head, “No, but I tried. I almost said it and then we got in a shootout right before I said it and it slipped my mind.”
I hate Catherine with a passion, Steve declares that it never bothered him she left him before he proposed but I know it still hurts him. I’m not mad at him whatsoever but I’m royally pissed at her. I glance at Steve and see the guilt in his eyes and sigh knowing he didn’t do anything wrong and I shouldn’t take my anger for Catherine out on him, he doesn’t deserve it.
I crawl back into his lap and cuddle into his neck, “I’m sorry, I’m not mad at you, I promise.” I place a kiss on his neck and he lets out a content sigh, “We don’t have to go, the rest of the team is going and I know you haven’t hung out with Tani lately and you’ve been dying too.” I melt at the fact he’s genuinely ready to stand up his team for me and I shake my head, “No, we’re going, on one condition.”
I pull back and glance in his eyes as he urges me to continue, “Let me mark you.” His eyebrows shoot up and he stutters, “W-what?” I chuckle at his surprise and rub his shoulders, “I mark you, you mark me, she backs off and realizes you’re happily taken.” He quirks an eyebrow and points to my engagement ring, “Isn’t that what that’s for?”
I frown and realize he knows my ulterior motive, “Fine, you caught me, I just want to have sex.” He runs a hind under the hem of my shirt and grazes my back, “I know, besides, I need a shower anyways.” I shudder at his touch and his words before pulling him into a kiss.
Catherine’s POV
I was sitting at a table with the team waiting on Steve who was uncharacteristically two minutes late. No one else at the table seemed surprised and it made me wonder if he’s been like this since I left. I glance up at Danny as he comes back to the table with drinks, “Where’s Steve?” I see him blow air our of his cheeks before taking a seat, “He’ll be here, he text me and told me he would be here.” He pauses for a minute before sighing, “He’ll be here soon.”
Danny takes a sip of his drink and looks like he’s hiding something, “Danny? What aren’t you telling me?” His eyes widen and he looks at the others for help but they all shrug and leave him on his own. “That’s not my place to say Catherine.” I sigh at the hidden venom behind his words knowing that for Steve and I to work out I would have to work things out with Danny.
I glance up when Junior waves and Tani jumps up and runs to a woman before pulling her into a tight hug. I furrow my brows wondering who she is but my eyes widen when I see her companion. She’s on the arm of Steve, my Steve. I narrow my eyes and silently groan, great now I have to get him to break up with his girlfriend. Knowing Steve he’s only been in the relationship for a few months if not less so it shouldn’t be too hard.
I chuckle as Tani all but jumps into my arms, “Girl, it’s been ages!” I hug her back and laugh, “Sorry, I’ve been a little busy with work, you know teachers always getting breaks.” She laughs before pulling away and her excitement is quickly replaced with worry as she glances between me and Steve, “You okay with being here?” I know what she means and nod with a small smile as Steve squeezes my hand, “Yeah, she doesn’t bother me anymore, he’s made it clear she’s dead to him.” Steve chokes back a laugh but Tani lets hers out, “Oh my God I don’t think those were his words.” I shrug, “It’s what he meant.”
Steve smiles and kisses my cheek, “Yeah babe, that’s what I meant.” I hug him and lean into him before Tani gasps, “Holy shit y’all are bruised!” I blush and see the smallest of blushes on Steve’s face as I nod, “We got a little carried away.” She nods, “As long as I’m the godmother.”
Steve and I laugh before heading to the table and I don’t miss the way Steve tightens his hold on me as if the sight of Catherine will send me out the door and out of his life. I run my thumb along his thumb as I sidle up against his side so that he knows I’m not going anywhere.
When we get to the table I slap on a welcoming smile even though on the inside I’m itching to tackle her to the floor. Danny moves to sit beside Catherine and I smile at him silently letting him know how thankful I am that he made it so neither Steve or I had to sit beside Catherine.
I sit in the chair Steve pulls out for me but not before I place a quick kiss on his cheek as a thank you, something that I do every time he pulls out my chair. I glance at Catherine to see her cold glare burning into me and I bite back a smirk as I realize she’s locked in on the marks decorating my neck and the three on Steve’s neck.
I grab the drink Danny hands to me before making eye contact with Catherine. I maintain a smile and don’t let my inner hatred and anger seep through as she locks her eyes onto Steve. Steve clears his throat before grabbing the beer Danny offers him and taking a big gulp.
Catherine’s POV
I couldn't help the jealousy that bubbles over when Steve pulls mystery woman’s chair out for her. I feel anger flow through my veins as I notice the rather fresh hickeys decorating Steve’s throat along with his girlfriends neck which is absolutely littered with them.
When we make eye contact I scowl before plastering on a fake smile, “Hi, I’m Catherine, I’m Steve’s ex girlfriend.” I make sure to slap on the ex girlfriend part just to show her he’s still mine. She seems to get the hint and I’m taken aback a little as she sips her drink and nods with that never fading smile, “I know, it’s lovely to meet you Catherine. I haven’t heard much about you but you’ve been mentioned a few times. Im Y/N.” I glance at Steve hurt that he didn’t talk about me. I watch as he runs a hand down his face before I turn my attention back to Y/N, god I hate that name it just sounds bitter on my tongue. She wants to play sweet girlfriend who can’t be swayed I’ll make it obvious that Steve is mine, always has been and always will be.
Danny’s POV
My eyes widen as Catherine and Y/N lock eyes and I know this isn’t going to end well. Sure Catherine was in the Navy and dated Steve first but Y/N, she’s different than any relationship I’ve witnessed Steve in, including Catherine. Y/N may be a middle school teacher but she is not someone to get on the bad side of, especially if it’s about Steve, she will rip you to shreds.
I glance at Steve to see him as pale as a ghost and looking like he wants to be anywhere but here as the girls continue their wordless pissing contest. I throw him a sympathetic look and he responds with a small smile before drinking half his beer in one go and then Catherine speaks and Steve automatically goes into protective boyfriends mode.
Catherine’s POV
I grit my jaw before smirking, “So, what exactly are you? One night stand? Summer fling? Friends with benefits?” I notice Steve go rigid as his eyes harden into a glare, a glare directed at me. There’s no way he’s actually serious about this chick, she’s pathetic.
Y/N’s eye twitches as she smiles a sinister smile, “No, I’m a girlfriend of two years and a fiancé of ten months. What are you? A stuck up bitch who can’t get over a relationship that obviously didn’t go anywhere and can’t process that he never really needed you?” I feel my stomach drop and my heart shatter at the word fiancé, he’s engaged? I glance at her left hand and she’s enough there’s a shimmering diamond ring sitting on her ring finger.
I open my mouth in disbelief as I glance at Steve and everyone else around the table to see them either fighting back a smirk or hiding their smile behind their drinks. I sit up deciding I’m not going down without a fight, “I’m sorry, I’m the stuck up bitch? At least I gave him what he wanted. What did you give him, chlamydia?” She balls her hand into a fist before making an angry noise, “You didn’t give him anything! You think he wanted a broken heart? No, I didn’t think so, you had your chances and you fucked them up. He moved on get over it. Let me slow it down so your lone brain cell can understand, he. is. not. in. love. with. you.”
I scoff and stand angrily and she follows suit, “You think you’re so much better than me don’t you?” She raises her eyebrows and laughs, “No, I know I am. Why don’t you just tell everyone the real reason you’re here? They know I’m sure but why don’t you say it?”
I glance at the table and see everyone watching us like we’re the next big thing before glaring at Y/N, “Fuck. You.”
“Fuck. You.”
I smirk before crossing my arms, “Sorry, I fuck him.” I throw my thumb back to point at Steve and Catherine’s jaw drops and she takes a step forward expecting me to back down. I straighten up and don’t move a muscle as she comes face to face with me to the point our noses at touching, “He is mine. He loves me you’re just a body to fill the space.”
I tilt my head with a small smile, “Why don’t you ask Steve? So you can hear it from him and know where you stand.” She backs up a little and I look at Steve and a frown comes across my face as he looks heartbroken, he’s not still in love with her is he?
He stands up and I glance at Danny when Steve steps toward Catherine and not me. I suck in a breath as he leans towards Catherine but sigh in relief at his words. “Leave Catherine. I love her, more than I ever loved you and if you can’t respect her then leave, and don’t bother coming back this time because when you do there’ll be nothing left here for you.”
I watch as Catherine growls and stomps towards me and goes to hit me but I intercept her hit. I grab her wrist and twist her arm behind her back, “Did I forget to mention I’m trained in martial arts? Oops.” I release her arm and cross my arms, “Door’s that way, I would invite you to the wedding but I’m trying to keep the trash out, for the ocean and all.”
She looks around for help from the team but when no one moves to help her she rushes out of the building. I turn to Steve but he walks out the door in the back that leads to the patio. I sigh and run a hand through my hair before glancing at Danny, “I’ll be back.” He nods with a small smile as I rush after Steve.
My heart breaks a little when I see him on the patio leaning on the railing with his shoulders sagged, a tell that means he’s upset. I bite my cheek before walking up to him. I follow his eyes out to watch the sunset and without sparing a glance at him I grab his hand, “I’m sorry, for everything.”
I see him shake his head out of my peripheral before squeezing my hand, “It hurts more than I thought it would. I don’t love her not anymore but it still hurts. I don’t know how to explain it where it doesn’t make you feel bad.” I smile a little as I turn to him, “I know baby.” I pull him into a hug and fight back tears as I whisper, “I know,” one last time before we fall into a comforting silence.
He buries his face in my hair before whispering, “I love you, you’ll never understand how much. Everything she said was a lie, I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone and I don’t want to lose you.” I frown as I realize he’s worried I’m going to leave because of what she said. I lean back and cup his face with my hands remembering our conversation from earlier, “Don’t make me lock you in a basement Steve.”
He quirks a small smile, “We don’t even have a basement Y/N.”
I pull him in until our lips are brushing and whisper with a chuckle, “I said a basement not our basement.”
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@djs8891 @kati-1997
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roosterscockpit · 2 years
His Little Girl | Bradley Bradshaw x reader P. 27
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Hi, lovelies! In the last chapter, Leia was shipping us with our good ole buddy Austin, he also was totally hiding some feelings for Phoenix, Leia was calling daddy Brad, Bradley, and Bradley is MIA again. What more can we take? I hope you’re enjoying the story! Thank you for being here! I love you all! 💕 Happy reading and enjoy! ❤️
A/n: With all the chaos that's been happening, you and your friends spend some quality time with Leia. She learns a thing or two in this chapter 😘
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: cursing, sexual jokes, sadness, annoyance, jealousy, awkwardness, nudity, some hitting, but as always a whole lotta LOVE 🫶🏼
Please don't take my work, I will find you. 
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You all made it outside and sat around the fire pit making s’mores. The girls were sitting together on the patio sofa and the guys on the two single chairs. Bri got up and went and sat on Billy’s lap. 
Bri waved over to Austin, “Go sit with your girls, Austin. I’m fine in this seat.” She gave Billy a kiss on his cheek. She laughed and pointed over to you and Leia. 
She looked at you and mouthed, “You’re welcome!” And put a thumbs up.
You rolled your eyes and motioned for Austin to come to sit with you and Leia. He sat next to Leia and put his arm around her. “You cold, sweetheart?” She nodded. He started to rub her arm. “Let me help you make the best s’more of your life.” He leaned forward to grab a skewer and put a marshmallow on it. He gave her the skewer to hold. He wrapped his arm around her and put his hands on hers and guided her closer to the fire. “Now you just hold it here, until it's brown.” The marshmallow caught fire and Leia screamed.
Leia’s eyes went big, “NOOO! Austin! It’s on fire!!” She was panicking. “it’s going to taste gross like Auntie Bri’s chicken!”
Bri stared into space blankly. Everyone started to laugh. Billy was laughing the hardest. She turned to him slowly. She was upset.
“What babe? It was a little burnt…” he shrugged his shoulders. “I mean I still ate it.”
You all continued to laugh. Austin went back to the s’more, “Sweetheart it's okay.” He was laughing as he tried multiple times to bring it close to his lips to blow it out. He started to build the s’more with Leia, “There now you put some chocolate on a graham cracker, put the marshmallow on it, and then smash it with another cracker.” He handed it to her. “Try it, sweetheart.” He smiled at her.
Leia took a bite and her eyes lit up, “Oh it's so good! Thank you, Austin!” She took another bite, “The next one has to have more chocolate! I love chocolate!” 
You nodded and started to prep a marshmallow on your skewer. “She definitely gets that from her dad.” 
“Momma, there is no such thing as too much chocolate!” Leia angrily bit her s’more.
You looked at her with narrow eyes, “There is if you want to keep your teeth from rotting.” You smiled deviously at her.
Leia gasped and covered her mouth, “It’s okay. These are baby teeth anyways, momma.”
You all made more s’mores and ate them together. Austin helped Leia make another one with extra chocolate. Leia took a bite and sunk into the sofa. She closed her eyes as she ate her s’more. She was really taking in the taste of it. 
She propped herself onto her knees and wrapped her arms around Austin's neck. She gave him a kiss on the cheek, “I love you, Austin.” 
He smiled and patted her arms, “I love you too, Little Lei.”
“It looks like I came at a bad time.” Bradley was standing in the sliding doorway holding a pilot bear for Leia. He was still in his flight suit. Once again, pealed down halfway and tied it around his waist. His black undershirt tight around his strong thick body. 
He slid the screen door open and Leia squealed.
She ran with her arms open with a huge smile on her face. Bradley squatted down as his daughter jumped into his arms. She kissed him all over his face. “I missed you!! I thought you would never come!!” She gave him more kisses. He handed her the teddy bear and she squealed again, “This is for me!?” He kissed Leia’s cheek and then picked her up. (You know like the scene where Goose was reunited with Bradley and Carole and he Kissed Bradley and picked him up. *sobs*)
“Yes it’s for you baby, I missed you so much. Daddy’s been super busy at work. I’m sorry I haven’t come to see you.” He gave her a bunch of playful bite kisses on her cheek. “But I was just dying to see you, sweetheart.” He put her down.
You looked at Austin shocked, “What the hell did you send him, Austin?”
He smiled and shrugged, “Oh nothing, Darlin.” He laughed and ate his s’more.
Bradley came over and greeted you, “Hey, beautiful.” He leaned down and kissed you. He went to go greet Billy with a handshake and placed a kiss on Bri’s head. He came to Austin and stuck his hand out, “I don’t believe we’ve met yet. I’m Lieutenant Bradshaw.” You kicked Bradley’s leg and looked at him annoyed. He looked at you, “ow!” 
Austin stood up and shook Bradley’s hand. “Nice to finally meet you, Lieutenant.” He smiled at Bradley.
Bradley bowed his head slightly and placed his hand free hand onto his chest, “Please, call me Bradley.” 
Austin laughed a little and nodded slowly, “Bradley. I’m Austin.”
Bradley looked him up and down. “Austin, nice to meet you.” 
Austin went to go back to his original seat. He looked at you and smiled. He shook his head and laughed quietly.
Billy scoffed and leaned into Bri, “This cockatiel isn’t freaking serious, is he?” He said it loud enough for everyone to hear. 
Bri slapped Billy’s arm, “What!?” Billy threw his arms out with confusion. “Big bird is being weird, babe!”
Bradley sat next to you and threw his arm over your shoulder. “Hey, baby.” He said seductively and in a low tone. He winked at you and bit his lip slowly.
You looked at him slack-jawed, “Bradley Bradshaw, what has gotten into you.” You poked your cheek with your tongue and shook your head slowly. 
He furrowed his brows and scoffed, “What are you talking about? I’m just happy to see my girls?” 
You narrowed your eyes at him, “You need to go and shower, Lieutenant Bradshaw. You smell like a sweaty cock. pit.” You said the last word slowly and emphasized it as if it were two words. 
He looked at your lips and licked his, “All right mama, I’ll go shower. Don’t want to be smelling like a sweaty cock, don't we?”  He pecked your lips and went into the house. 
As he made his way to the sliding door he looked over at Austin, “It was great meeting you.” He make a clicking noise and winked at him.
Austin had his fingers loosely interlocked together, elbows resting on the armrests, and his index fingers against his chin. He smirked at him and bowed his head slightly, “You as well, Bradley.” 
Bradley passed the threshold and entered the house.
You buried your face into your hands. “My goodness.” 
You looked up and saw that Bri was looking at you befuddled. “What the hell was that?” 
Billy took a bite of his s’more, “Well that was fucking awkward. Sorry Austin, the bird guy is kind of weird bro.” He shook his head.  
You just closed your eyes. “I have no damn clue. Austin, I’m so sorry for the hostility. I have no idea what’s gotten into that man.” 
He laughed, “No need, y/n.” You opened your eyes and looked at him and he winked at you. “Completely fine, Darlin.” He took a bite of a s’more and leaned back in his chair.
You all started to make s’mores and you excused yourself. You guided Leia to sit with Austin. She started to show her bear to him. 
You made your way inside and to your room. You swung the door open to a butt-naked Bradley.
“Bradley, what the-” The door hit the wall and there he was, butt ass naked and wet. “OH MY GOD!” You put your hand up to hide his naked exposed private parts, “BRADLEY NICOLAS BRADSHAW. HOLY CRAP!” You looked away still holding your hand up. 
He threw his hands up, “Y/n, do you mind closing the door? I’m feeling a draft.” 
You closed the door and still keeping your hand up, “Why are you butt-ass naked in here? And you’re dripping all over my floor!” 
He rested his hands on his hips, “Sweetheart, you act as if you’ve never seen me naked. Please put your hand down. You’re being childish.”
You put your hand down and looked at him. You tried your hardest to not let your eyes roam. You look him straight in the face, “Where is your towel? God, what if someone else walked in here and not me?”
“You look so uncomfortable, you can look if you like the view, honey.” He laughed. “Why would anyone else come in here? What? Do you let Austin just come in your room?”
You scoffed, “Are you being serious, Bradshaw?” You shook your head in annoyance. “Your daughter could have come in here and would have been face to ass with your ass!” 
He laughed, “My poor girl.” He went into the bathroom and grabbed a towel. He came back out and wrapped it around his waist. “Is that better, sweetheart? I really thought you would have been happier with it off. Y’know with all that cock talk you had out there.” he raised his brows and chuckled.
You sat on your bed and pinched the bridge of your nose, “Bradley, what the hell was that out there?” You mocked him, “I’m Lieutenant Bradshaw.” You looked at him annoyed.
“That’s how I introduce myself to everyone, babe.” He rested his hands on his hips again narrowing his eyes at you. 
“You didn’t introduce yourself that way to Leia.” You were blank-faced and rested your chin on your fist. 
He ran his hand through his hair and sighed, “Leia isn’t everyone y/n.” 
You shook your head and patted the spot next to you on the bed. “I need you to tell me the truth, Bradley. Why did you act that way to Austin? Please just be honest with me.” 
He sat down and held his breath. He blinked a couple of times and let out his breath, “Hearing your daughter tell another guy that she loves him before she says it to you doesn’t exactly make you happy.” He leaned forward and rested his forearms on his knees. “I got really jealous. She hasn’t even acknowledged me as her dad yet.” He bit his lip and hung his head.
You draped your arm over his shoulder and placed your other hand on his cheek. “You know she loves you, Bradley. Don’t think that way. Just give her some time. Just like you, Leia is adjusting too.”
He looked at you, “But how long has he been in your life? What is he to you? What is he to Leia? Does she call him dad?” He was hurting.
You placed a kiss on his wet forehead, “Bradley, Austin has not been in my nor Leia’s life long. To me, he is a caring and loving friend. I’m not going to lie to you, there were some feelings between us, but I don’t want to be with him. I love you. He has been there for me and I don’t want to ruin what he and I have, he’s a great friend. He knows everything about you and I can tell you everything about him. To Leia, that’s her best friend outside of her Auntie Bri, Uncle Billy, you, and I. He’s always here to help her, play with her, and watch her when Bri and I need a little time.” 
You pushed his wet curls from his forehead, “And she absolutely does not call him her dad, he has just done a lot for her, and I know she appreciates the time he spends with her. It’s someone new. You have to remember, she was only around Bri, Billy, and me for a long time.”
He looked at you and nodded, “I get it, sweetheart. Austin is your Phoenix. I just don’t want to lose you.” 
You placed a kiss on his lips, “Yes, Austin is my Phoenix.” You kissed his lips again, “I’m not going anywhere, bird boy.” You smiled reassuringly at Bradley.
He smiled back at you and kissed your hand, “I love you so much, sweetheart. More than you’ll ever know.”
“I love you, Bradley. But, if you love me as much as you say you do, you will go say sorry to Austin and be nice.” You poked him in the chest.
He raised a brow at you, “What will I get in return, beautiful?”
You shook your head, “Maybe, I’ll let you stay with me tonight.” You winked at him.
“Deal, I just need to put clothes on.” He stood up and looked around. “Yea… I uh, actually don’t have any y/n.”
You stood up and walked to the door, “I guess you can go home then, Lieutenant Bradshaw.” You saluted him and walked out the door.
“Shit.” He looked around and grabbed one of your big shirts and loose-fitting oversized sweats. He put them on and looked in the mirror. 
“Holy fuck I look like the Hulk.” He shook his head. “The things I do for you y/n.” He started to walk, “God if I do something as little as breathe I’m gonna tear through these clothes.” He walked to the sliding door and opened it slowly making sure not to bust a seam.
Leia, who was sitting on Austin’s lap, looked over at her dad and started to laugh super loud. She pointed at him, “Why are you wearing momma’s clothes!”
You turned to see him practically stiff as a board, “Lord forgive me.” You bit your lip trying to hold in your laugh. “This is freaking gold.”
Bri looked over and huffed out a sigh, “Oh my god.” She palmed her face.
Billy leaned back in his seat, “Damn Bradshaw, what the hell? Where did all that come from?” 
Bri looked at Billy, “I told you he was significantly bigger than you. He can crush you with a finger.”
Billy covered his eyes, “I am just going to act like you didn’t say he was significantly bigger than me.”
“You know how I meant it! You’re such a child.” Bri scoffed.
Bradley came out and stood before Austin, “Hey man, I just want to apologize for being an ass earlier. I didn’t mean any harm.”
Austin held Leia and stood up, “Hey man, it's really no problem. No need to apologize. We are all good.” He shook Bradley’s hand. 
“No, I really need to apologize, man. It was uncalled for-”
Austin waved him off and laughed, “Seriously, we are good.” He patted his shoulder. “I totally get it, Bradley.”
Bradley nodded and pressed his lips into a line, “Okay, yea. Good. Good. I’m glad we are good. But uh, now if you will all excuse me, I feel a rash forming on my balls from the tight-ass pants.” He walks slowly back into the house. 
Leia looked at Austin, “Austin what are balls? And why are they getting a rash?” Leia asked Austin bluntly confused.
Billy bursted into laughter. Austin was puzzled, “Um, I think you should ask your dad that, sweetheart.” He patted her belly. 
Austin looked at you, nodded, and mouthed, “Thank you.” 
You nodded and mouthed back, “You’re Welcome.”
Austin carried Leia over to you and sat with you again. He leaned into you, “Y/n. You didn’t have to do that. He was just being a protective guy.”
“No, Lieutenant Bradshaw was being an ass.” You rolled your eyes and smiled.
“Does that guy realize that you two were together? Or does he even know?” Billy called over to you and Austin.
“Together?” Austin jerked his head back confused, “Us? Y/n and I? Together?” His eyes shifted between you and Billy.
“I’ve already told him our past, Austin.” You looked over at him and patted his shoulder.
“You did what!?” He sat back against the sofa, “You said we were together, y/n?”
“No just feelings. But I didn’t want any more than to be your friend.”
Austin put his hand on his eyes.
“Ouch, Aus. Fucking kick to the balls.” Billy laughed at Austin.
Austin wiped his hand down his face and looked at Billy, “I already knew we were just friends. I didn’t mind. I love y/n and Leia too much to potentially ruin what we have.” He straightened out his back and set Leia on the sofa next to him. “I am going to go talk to Bradley. Clear some more air. I don’t need to get beat up.” 
He looked at Leia and winked at her, “Help me make some s’mores for you dad, to soften him up.” 
She started t clap excitedly as she grabbed for the marshmallows. Austin grabbed her head and kissed her hair. “Maybe your extra chocolate ones will help me out.”
Leia started to roast the marshmallows. Austin wrapped his arm around her and helped her bring them into the fire so she wouldn’t hurt herself. He kissed her temple, “Thank you for helping, Darlin.” 
Austin started to assemble to s’mores. Leia roasted one last marshmallow. She wanted to try and do it on her own. You watched her closely. “Okay, baby I think it’s been in there long enough.” You put your hand on the skewer to pull it back. 
Leia held it in the fire, “No momma, a little longer!” She smiled and her eyes were wide.
Austin looked over and pointed at the roasting marshmallow, “Sweetheart it's about to” Then the marshmallow fell off the skewer into the fire. “…fall off.” 
Leia looked disappointed. She stood up and looked at the fire. She took the skewer and started to stab at the fire. You pulled Leia back and Austin snatched the skewer. 
“Woah there, sweetheart! What are you doing?” Austin put his hand on Leia’s chest.
She pouted in your arms. She crossed her arms and looked mad. “The stupid fire melted my marshmallow!” She huffed, “I wanted it back.”
You laughed, “We can get a new one, babe. That one is long gone!” 
She pouted louder, “But I want that one! It looked so good!”
Bri laughed, “Baby! That one was burnt to a crisp!”
Leia looked at her angrily, “Like your chicken!” She pointed and laughed at Bri.
Bri leaned back against Billy and waved off Leia. Everyone laughed at her again.
“You walked yourself into that one, Bri.” Austin cried out as he laughed. He gave Leia a high-five. 
“You are definitely sassy like your dad.” 
Not a jealous daddy 😭 but I really feel he had the right to feel the way he did. What do you think? I’ll see you in the next part, babes! 🫶🏼
The tag list is in the comments! I hope it helps somewhat with the tagging issue! 😭
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whenrainhitsmyskin · 1 year
Only Ones Who Know
He spots you almost immediately. Although the Fall Hero Gala is bustling and crowded with members of the Hero Commision, reporters and hero’s, your figure is nearly impossible to miss. 
You’re wearing a dress that’s quite the contrast to your hero costume, it's long and flowing and you’re wearing more makeup than usual. From across the room, he sees you smiling for a picture opportunity with one of your sidekicks. His heart strings pull, he has always thought your smile was pretty, especially when it was because of him.
One of the Hero Commission's hosts for the evening asks everyone to be seated over the microphone in order to go over this past season’s rankings and awards. He finds his assigned table and takes a seat.
“Bakugo! You're at table five too?” He hears your voice cut through, he glances and finds you slotting yourself in the seat right next to him. He gives you a grunt in response. He looks at all the other extras sitting down at your shared table, some small-time heroes both fresh and aged, you are the only one of importance.
“How’s the agency? I haven’t been over there in a while.” You ask. God he cannot do this. His palms are sweaty, and his heart rate has picked up. “Ei’s a big pain in my ass, but our ranking is good, things are good.” He keeps it short and simple as always.
He turns to look at you and it’s one of the biggest mistakes of his entire life. That stupid smile is back. It’s the same one you gave him on the first day of school when he ignored your introduction to him, the same smile he would see when your group of friends had movie nights in the dorms, the same smile you had when he kissed you the night before graduation only for that night to end in tears about how you would both be living in different cities and how whatever was happening between the two of you could never work.
“I’m glad to hear it. I miss Kirishima, it’s been a while since we last spoke, I also-” Your voice gets cut off by the microphone as the announcements begin. You turn and look towards the stage. Bakugo takes the opportunity to study you. He looks at your shiny hair, your beautifully sculpted face, the way the dress compliments you so well and then he gets to the hand that's resting on the white tablecloth. He sees the ring that he recognizes from your Instagram post, your smile wider in that picture than he had ever seen before.
His stomach drops and he swears he could throw up. Seeing it through a screen was one thing but seeing it here and now has reality crashing down on him. 
You can feel his gaze on you the entire time. His red eyes burn your skin in their wake. You are unsure what compels you to do so and spare a glance at him. He’s staring at your ring. Your chest feels tight, and you think you may be going into shock as he abruptly stands up and walks out of the ballroom.
He’s desperately hoping for the fresh air to cure this nagging feeling in his heart. He goes to the railing and looks over the city from twenty stories high. He hears the door to the patio open and close again.
You're next to him a few moments later, looking at the bustling streets below, taking the sadness and loneliness of this moment in. Your eyes start to get glassy, but you blink it away and look at the ring on your finger, so does he. He whispers your name as if he’s afraid to shatter the silence.
“I just-I fuck I don’t...” His voice dies in his throat, unable to get the words he has never said out.
“I know.” You say, a tear falls.
“I know.” He replies.
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What kind of accident happened that ended with a TNR and a rabies hold? Like I need to know about all of this
@sleepywinchesters Disclaimer do as I say not as I do. This is a story of hubris.
Cat professionals don’t judge me I know where I went wrong I just thought I was built different
Our TNR program only has one dropoff day a week & you have to make your appointment with # of cats ahead of time.
I have two traps so I’m aiming for 2, I’ve trapped for this colony before and it usually took multiple tries to get the right cats! Like I’d have to free at least 2 fixed cats for every unfixed one I caught.
I tell you this so my decision making doesn’t sound as stupid lol.
I was prepared to stake out these cats for hours at a time every night until my drop off appointment. So I start trapping like. 5 days early.
I also set up a big dog cage with some essentials in case I got any of them TOO early, which other cat people will see as red flag # 1 but I SWEAR makes sense with how much work I put into socializing these cats and I would not have pulled that move if I hadn’t been working with this cat colony since 2018.
Ok my dumb decisions have been detailed.
So anyway I literally set myself up with stakeout snacks and everything and I catch two cats within 10 minutes of trapping.
One of the cats I trapped is Charlie Chaplin. I’ve been feeding him about 4 years and he has a mustache and like a week before this he let me get within two feet of him without running.
I go to transfer Charlie to the dog crate (at my home where he’ll be chilling on the patio) and when I go to close the gate door behind him it got STUCK.
Charlie is terrified and he BOLTS and does an actually very beautiful leap DIRECTLY INTO THE POOL.
As I have since found out he’s largely blind in one eye! Which explains a lot of this! So he is now experiencing a pool for the first time in his life completely by accident.
I panic and start throwing all of my electronics off my person so I can jump in. He figures out swimming, escapes the pool, and then scales 10 feet of patio screen and starts trying to spider-man upside down across the roof.
Charlie then jumps down and proceeds to jump directly into the pool AGAIN! I jump after him because his head kept dipping underwater the first time (bc he has presumably never swam in his life before this) and I’m worried. I did not put on my wildlife handling gloves before this, which is another goof. I scoop under his tummy and I’m trying to carry him to the edge of the pool while keeping his head above water.
Anyway to Charlie this is actually even worse because he doesn’t know I’m trying to remove him from the pool, he bites the absolute SHIT out of my arm (valid), I get him to the edge of the pool and let go bc fucking ow, he JUMPS BACK IN THE POOL.
At this point my bonus sister tosses me a towel to grab him with and I manage to catch him safely and deposit him in the crate. Then I had a half hour long panic attack abt whether I had to euth him over me being stupid but I didn’t lol
If you’re unfamiliar with the protocol for potential rabies exposure, the literal only way to test for rabies is to euthanize the animal and biopsy their brains. There’s no way to test an animal while keeping it alive. A lot of the time if you’re able to you need to try and capture the animal that bit you and hand it over to whatever doctor you go to so they can send it for testing. Like. Secured though. Or already dead. Don’t give your doctor a loose potentially rabid animal.
HOWEVER, if the animal is a cat or dog specifically and is not otherwise showing obvious symptoms you have the option to isolate and observe them for 10 days. There’s research showing that dogs & cats who are far enough into the disease to transmit it (apparently they can’t transmit it during the incubation period, yay) will either show symptoms or die within 10 days. ONLY applicable to dogs and cats. If they show symptoms (or die) you send them to be tested, according to the county rabies coordinator I called about this.
I did not in fact have to get a rabies shot because we have already gotten past day 10 of his observation period and he’s chillin.
Also the other cat I caught early did fine, already got spayed and vaxxed and released. I just saw her earlier today when I went to check on the colony and she ran away as soon as she saw me lmao.
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Begin Again (Part 2)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Summary: You'd just about given up on love. You've spent eight months thinking all that love does is break, burn, and end. And then you're tricked onto a date with Bucky Barnes. On a Wednesday, in a cafe, you watched it begin again.
For: @me-by-my-lonesome
I didn't have another part planned, but I hope this little drabble will suffice. Thank you 💛
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"What?" Sam over-exaggeratedly scoffs. "Me? Deceive my friends? I would never."
"You're the worst, you know that?" you huff into the phone.
"Yeah, yeah, you're pissed at me," Sam quickly dismisses. "But how'd it go?"
"I mean, it was fine. I guess I just don't get why you thought we'd click." In front of you, Bucky has to press his lips together to stifle the laugh that bubbles out of his mouth. You raise a finger to your lips, reminding him to stay quiet. Your phone remains pressed into the crook of your neck as Bucky places his hand on the small of your back to guide you to the other end of the pick-up counter. "It just- I don't know."
"What do you mean, you don't know? I mean, I know he's a little... rough around the edges, but he's a good guy once you get to know him."
"Yeah, I know," you dramatically sigh, winking at Bucky. "We just didn't have anything to talk about."
"Where are you?" Sam abruptly questions. "It sounds like there's people screaming in the background."
You look at the several dozens of people packed into the small hole in the wall and then to the actual employees behind the counter who, like Bucky promised, had to scream your order back at you to be heard over the hoards of people walking in and out. "I'm at some pizza dive in Brooklyn."
"You went all the way down to Brooklyn by yourself?"
"Yes, Mother," you scoff. "I'm perfectly capable of going to Brooklyn by myself."
"I know, but you hate driving in traffic," Sam continues, clearly sensing something is off with your story.
"And that's why I didn't drive," you easily reply.
"You took the train all the way down to Brooklyn? For pizza?" Sam chortles.
You look outside the shop window at Bucky's bike parked on the street, the same one Bucky had picked you up on earlier in the day. "Yeah, let's go with that."
"You're being weird. Why are you being weird?"
"Oh, right here!" Bucky calls, waving down the server that just screamed your order number.
You can practically hear the gasp of realization leave Sam's mouth at the sound of Bucky's familiar voice. "Was that Bucky? Are you with Bucky right now?"
"Oh, sorry, gotta go Sam! Bye!" you blurt.
"Wait-" he starts, before you quickly hang up the phone.
You and Bucky both share an amused look before you share a fit of laughter.
He hands you your plate, before taking your free hand in his and gently steering you through the crowd.
He guides you outside, to the large patio with rickety metal chairs that lines the sidewalk.
You place your phone on the table, watching as your phone screen lights up with text after text from Sam. Bucky winces apologetically, "That was my bad."
"Eh," you shrug. "We had our fun messing with Sam."
"You know, I really should've thought that one through, I'm supposed to head down to the VA with Sam and Steve tomorrow."
"Ouch," you playfully wince, taking your first bite. "Sam's definitely not going to let this go."
"No probably not," he laughs. He watches you purposefully maintain a neutral expression on your face as you eat your slice. "So, do I know the best pizza place or do I know the best pizza place?" he urges, waiting a moment before he takes a bite out of his slice.
"Okay, this is pretty good," you hum, a hand over your semi-full mouth, nodding your head.
"Good enough for a third date?"
You playfully scoff. "You had a third date when you agreed to help me mess with Sam."
Begin Again (Part 1)
AnonymityIsFun Masterlist Inspired By Taylor Swift Masterlist
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ladylooch · 1 year
In an atmosphere of celebration 🥳 Congratulations on the 300
How about Kempe and reader celebrating a dating anniversary? Very romantic! Lots of affection, slow dances... candles 😍
The Way You Look Tonight with Adrian Kempe
A/N: First, Thank you so much!!! Second, you're speaking my language :) But I think you already know that! I went with a wedding anniversary because I wanted it to be so extra! And that is first wedding anniversary category.
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: Boob grabbing, so fluffy you’re gonna die.
Adrian Kempe has never been one to skimp.
And tonight, on your first wedding anniversary, is no different.
You just arrived back in L.A. to get settled before the season after visiting both of your families. 
After you finished lunch this afternoon, Adrian immediately sent you off to the salon so you could get your highlights and color retouched along with a quick trim. He surprised you with manicure and pedicure appointments at the same time, followed by full hair and make up. When you returned home, you were disappointed to find he was nowhere to be found. Instead, a gorgeous bouquet of deep, red roses with hints of baby breath sat on your counter. A note in his scratchy writing is resting with a corner under the vase.
A year ago today, we made the best decisions of our lives. Thank you for choosing me, beautiful girl. Happy first anniversary. Jag alsker dig.
P.S. Go upstairs. More fun awaits you.
You lean in, savoring the sweet smell of the roses before giddily bounding up the stairs. There, you find a black garment bag along with two Cartier boxes. You bite your lip, grabbing the smaller of the two and popping it open. Gorgeous pearl earrings greet you. They are reminiscent of your grandmother's that you wore for your wedding last year. The other box has a dainty necklace with yours and Adrian's initials lined along the swoop of the chain. A note from him says more initials can be added as your family grows with a wink.
The jewelry is stunning, but the black, beaded, A line dress really gets your butterflies swirling. It's paired with gorgeous ombre red to black, open toe Louboutin heels. You start to get a little sweaty at the price tag of all these items. You're not sure your gift for him of an engraved Rolex is enough. 
With your hair and make up already done by the professionals, you slip into the outfit he arranged for you. You’re pulling up your phone to text him when his picture appears on the screen with a phone call.
“Babe, where are you?” You whine immediately. He chuckles.
“You’ll see soon. A car is coming to pick you up. Get in it and I’ll see you soon.”
“Oooo kidnapping! I like it.” 
“What? No.” He laughs. “But the driver is named Jason. Check that before you get in.”
Jason does indeed pick you up in front of your condo ten minutes later. You chat while threading through California traffic. Eventually, you get to the beach. The sun is starting to set over the ocean, finding an angle that releases the relentless, summer heat. You’re dropped off in front of an expensive seafood restaurant with gorgeous ocean views. Their patio is usually stacked, but tonight it’s set only for two. 
You slowly walk in. The indoor part of the restaurant is busy. 
“Hi, I’m meeting Adrian Kempe.” The host eyes sparkle excitedly.
“Mrs. Kempe! We have been waiting for you.”
“Oh great.”
She leads you outside to where one table is set up. Adrian is out there, leaning against the railing overlooking the beach. He turns when he hears the door, grinning at you and only you. His hair is pulled back into a bun, just how you like it. He’s wearing a white, t-shirt button down, leaving his tattoos exposed for you to run your fingers along after a few glasses of wine.
“You look just as beautiful as a year ago.” He murmurs, leaning down to capture your lips. “Hi. I missed you all day.” He holds your hand as he admires the outfit he picked for you. It looks better than he could have dreamed on your curves.
“Me too. You’re the one who sent me away.” You remind him. Your hands grip the muscles of his back as you sway together for a moment. His lips rest against your head, breathing in the scent of your hair products.
“Was it worth it?”
“Yes. It was amazing. Thank you.”
“Good. You deserve all of that and more.” He leans away to grab you a glass of champagne. You take a small sip after a clink of your glasses in a cheers.  “To us. Forever.”
“Forever.” You agree, tilting your face up for another soft kiss. His hand at the small of your back presses you deeper. You lose a bit of your footing with his insistence of pressing you deeper into him. 
“Sorry.” He murmurs. “Want you closer than that.”
“Am I going to have to sit on your lap during dinner?”
“Yeah and feed me like a baby bird.” He chuckles, kissing your cheek. 
After you both finish your first glass of champagne, you grab another then sit down to start munching on your meal. You start with oysters and shrimp ceviche then move into a light salad with butter lettuce and a lemony dressing. You two take turns feeding bites from each others forks, leaning shoulders into each other and stealing kisses as the waiter takes your starter plates away.
“Thank you.” You murmur, then kiss your husband’s lips again. The privacy on the balcony along with the champagne is making you fee loose. “I hope we can recreate other parts of this night together.”
“There is more at home when we are done.”
“Mhm. Champagne… candles… bubbles in a bath tub… chocolate covered strawberries….” He nibbles on the side of your throat as he says that. You let your head fall towards his, gripping his necklace under his shirt for some grounding. He’s recreating your honeymoon too and you hope what happened in that bed then repeats tonight.
Another glass of champagne is gone. Multiple courses begin to filter to the table including pasta, sushi rolls, crispy okra, and a ribeye with a decadent truffle butter sauce. You share everything, but are both too full to consider any dessert. 
“I have something sweet at home for when we want it.” He assures you when you feel guilty about saying no to chocolate gelato. “How about another glass of champagne though?” 
“Yes!” You wiggle against him as he pours you both another round. 
A recognizable, soft jazz beat begins to play in the outdoor speakers. 
Some day, when I’m awfully low… when the world is cold… I will feel a glow just thinking of you.
Your gaze meets his and you feel yourself tear up, remembering the soft steps of your first dance. It was such a hectic night, but all the noise faded when this song played. Adrian had held you so close, lips on your ear the whole time, signing the lyrics to you as you rested your head on his shoulder.
“Dance with me?” He murmurs, kissing along your knuckles hanging off his shoulder. His lips hover on the large wedding rings he gave to you. Their imprint stays in his lips for an additional moment when he pulls away.
“I would love to.” You set your glass on the table and let him lead you to an open area of the patio. He pulls you flush with him, just like he did a year ago, whispering into your ear how incredibly beautiful you are. Then he sings along with Michael Bublé.
“Lovely, never ever change. Keep that breathless charm, won’t you please arrange it? Cause I love you. Just the way you look tonight.” His European accent muddles the words a bit as he sings, making you fall for him again. You pull away, eyebrows pulled low in tender love for your sweet man. 
"Baby." You murmur into his neck. "This is too much. I didn't get-“
"You are worth all of this. I'm so happy. Our life together is better than I could have imagined it being even on our wedding day. I want to spoil you."
“You have. This was all so unexpected and so sweet. I love you.”
“I love you too. Happy anniversary.” 
The first pop of fireworks surprises you as they fly off from the beach into the ocean. Adrian hugs you tighter so you know you are safe against his chest. You tilt your head up to the sky, watching the next one burst in gold across the inky, black sky. 
“Oh my god!” You exclaim. At your wedding, you had wanted to have fireworks, but the dry weather conditions made it a last minute cancellation from the venue. “You got me our fireworks.” Adrian had tried so hard to get them to reconsider because he knew how much you wanted them with sparklers for your guests.
“I told you I would. Sorry they are a year late.”
“No, it’s perfect.” You admit as he transitions behind you, pressing your back to his front so you can watch together. Both your hands fold together over your stomach, admiring the glittering booms he arranged just for you.
It’s late when you get home. But you two are not tired. There is a glow coming from under your bedroom door as you walk down the hall with him. He pushes the door open from behind you, showing you an oasis of candles, soft music, rose petals complimented by a chilled bottle of champagne on the nightstand.
“I should carry you over the threshold. We never did that last year.” 
“Yeah you were too desperate.”
“Me? You were too.” He laughs, swooping you up. “You ripped the buttons off my shirt.” He brings you into the room.
“Still not sorry about it either.” He sets you down on your feet and you look back at him as he unzips your dress.
“Who is breaking into our house and doing these things for us?”
“Don’t worry about it. They’re gone.” He murmurs against your shoulder. He unhooks your small straps from your shoulders, letting the whole dress pool down at your feet. A groan sounds at the sight of your lacy butt cheeks pressing against his zipper. You rub your booty into him more, creating a hardening there. He reaches up to cup your bare breasts, holding them and stroking their tips into hard peaks. You melt into him.
“Mhm.” You nod. He leads you forward, wanting to feel you brushing against his lap with each step.
You begin to strip him down in the bathroom. His shirt falls to the floor. You lean forward to kiss along his chest to his shoulder where you sink your teeth into him playfully. He chuckles, showing his straight teeth as you work on his belt next. His bottoms fall to the floor as his fingers hook in your panties, working them down your legs. He kisses his way back up your body, then offers you his hand to step into the tub. You both sink in, skin buzzing from the warmth and the night. You both want each other, desperately, but it’s going to be so worth the little bit of wait. 
“I have one last surprise for you.” He says as smooths bubbles across your arm. He points to his tattoo sleeve. Nestled inside the ripples of roses on his right bicep is your first name with his last, the infinity symbol, and the date of your anniversary. You run your finger tips over it, feeling the raised lines of the fresh ink.
“Babe. I love that. And you more than I can put into words right now. Tonight has been… unbelievable.” You sigh, leaning further back. “How is this all real? How are you real?”
“I constantly want to pinch myself that you’re mine.” He whispers. “So many times you could have left. This is not an easy life you have chosen.”
“No, but you make it easy.” You answer honestly. “If this was with anyone else, it would be so hard. But we have an amazing relationship. One I thought only existed in teen fairytales. I’m proud of us. I know we can handle anything as long as it is me and you.”
“Now to start planning next year….” 
“Oh my god.” You laugh, shaking your head at the thought. 
“Maybe no champagne tho…” He trails off. You turn to look at him, knowing this man aches for his baby in you. 
“I would be okay with that.” You admit. He grins, leaning forward to seal the deal with a kiss.
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elisysd · 6 months
57. Lately she's been dressing for revenge
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Masterlist - Previously - Next
Chapter soundtrack: Vigilante Shit - Taylor Swift
Out of all the three American races, Austin was the one Julia loved the most. She loved the atmosphere, the fun activities that were always happening around the track, and of course she loved the race. She always found it exciting. That’s why, sitting on her sofa, ready to watch the qualifying with her brother and her mom felt bittersweet. Bitter because she wanted nothing more but to be there with her friends, especially since it was Kyle’s first home race of the year, and sweet because, after all, she was still home with the people she loved the most.
“Is Ethan going to win again?” asked Louis, a glass of apple juice in his hand.
“I don’t think so, Ethan is not very confident for the weekend.” Julia replied.
And Ethan’s instincts were confirmed at the end of the Q1, seeing both Maserati out respectively P16 and P18, but Julia noticed Romy’s car in the ones not able to make it through the first session. P20, her worst result since the beginning of the season. Julia promised herself to call her as soon as the qualifying would be over, especially after seeing her defeated expression during her interviews.
After an hour, it was finally Elijah, followed by Kyle and Martin, who managed to get the pole. It was a nice opportunity for Ferrari to put some pressure on Lamborghini but Julia also knew that Kyle wasn’t a soon-to-be third times world champion for nothing and that he wouldn’t go down without a fight. It would be a disputable race the next day and she couldn’t wait for it.
When she was sure that her friends were done with the media and race strategy meeting, she isolated herself in the patio to call her best friend.
“I feel like shit, really, this won’t be my weekend. I have no sensations with the car and Kyle’s mom did a number on me and I don’t know how to react.”
“What is happening?”
“Kyle’s childhood best friend is here. His mom insisted that Kyle send an invite.”
“And it’s a problem because….”
“Because she is his ex-girlfriend! His first love! And believe me, his mom made sure that I understood really well how nice she was, how perfect she had always been for her son and how she had always pictured them married. I can’t wait to have you in Vegas, I need to feel like I have someone in my corner!” Romy whined.
“Have you talked to Kyle about his mom?”
“To tell him what? Baby, I feel like your mom hates me and wants us to break up as fast as possible? Please, Julia… I don’t want him to have to feel like he has to choose between me and his mom. Oh, and do you know what she had the audacity to tell me? Kyle's eyesight disease was getting worse because I was stressing him out. That if I wasn’t a racing driver, he would get better or at least it wouldn’t get worse. That he deserved someone who was making his life easier and not worse. That…”
She heard a gasp on the other side of the line, before Romy apologized for having to hang up so suddenly. Julia didn’t need to ask to know that Kyle might have overheard their conversation. She contemplated Bailey playing outside with a wood stick as her phone started to ring. Her dad’s name appeared on the screen and she wondered what he might want.
“Have you watched quali?” He first asked, voice filled with happiness and pride.
“I did. Congrats. Tomorrow will be tough, though.”
“Any opinion on how we should handle the situation?”
“Well… To try to keep the advantage in the first laps. It will be tough because Kyle never misses his start, it’s probably one of the thing is the best at. So, maybe Martin could just try to push him to his limits so he doesn’t have any other chance but to defend. It will kind of sacrifice Martin but we seem to bet better than Lambo with our tyres management recently. So, with a little chance, Kyle will be forced to pit earlier than us.”
“And in that case, we could create a gap between our cars and the rest of the grid. I have to talk to Martin about it, it’s his race that we will sacrifice, I want to make sure he is on board.”
“I mean, whether he likes it or not, we always privileged the driver who was on pole.” she said, shrugging.
Her dad couldn’t talk much with her, explaining that he had to talk to a few mechanics to make some adjustments on the cars and left her. She had still one phone call to make and she feared it wouldn’t be a pleasant one. As she expected, she was welcomed by a very moody Ethan.
“I mean, of course I can’t do my best when I have a fucking tractor with me! Have you seen how slow it was and how I couldn’t even drive it properly? I’ve been kicked out from Q1 by Skoda, Julia! Skoda! The team who barely scored any points this year and will finish last in the constructor’s standing! I know you worked for them and I know you’re still friends with Niels and Noah but come on, they shouldn’t have made it through Q1! Now I’m going to start from the back and I hate that.”
“Hey, breathe. Focus on trying to not get too caught up in traffic tomorrow. Have a clean start, with a clean race. You know the podium will most likely not happen and it’s fine. Just try to make it into points.”
“Yeah… easy with an undriveable car.” he mumbled.
“Have faith.”
“I don’t need faith, I need a good strategy and a good car.”
“You know you’re quicker than the guys in front, you have no real opponents there. It should be easy. And most of all, you’re a top driver in a mid-field car and usually this pairing can work wonders on tracks.”
“I skipped the meeting,” he confessed. “I didn’t want to go there angry and say things I would regret.”
“But and the strategy…”
“Tomorrow. And maybe in the meantime I’ll be able to come up with one that won’t be too shitty. Anyway… tell me about your day. Have you been able to work on your presentation?” he changed the subject as she could hear him shifting on what she guessed was his bed.
“Kind of. It’s hard to keep it concise, I want to talk about so many things…”
“You’ll find the way. Don’t worry too much, they will love the project.”
She spent her next morning in front of her computer, working on her presentation and taking notes on the side before trying to come up with a budget plan to see how much it would cost. She felt dizzy when she noticed that it would probably cost millions and wondered if the FIA would be really ready to spend that much on a project that she had no idea was really doable or even if it would be something teams would want to be part of and if kids would be interested.
She stopped right as the race was about to start. As usual, her mom was wearing an old Ferrari cap and she was surprised to see Louis in Ethan’s merchandising. She suddenly felt bad and ran to her room to put on the shirt a fan had once gifted her, the one where Ferrari and Maserati colors were mixed. She saw her mom smiling when she came back but didn’t dare to comment on it. They got ready and when the lights went out, Julia grabbed a pillow, pulling it against her, hoping nothing would happen in the first corner. Thankfully, nothing bad happened. Ethan had gained two positions which wasn’t bad but what was worrying Julia was that Romy was still last, despite a start from the pitlane. There was definitely something wrong with her driving as her teammate didn’t seem to struggle as much as her. So it wasn’t really surprising for Julia to see her friend retiring the car, halfway through the race.
In front, the strategy she had advised her dad to use had been effective until a badly executed pit stop cost Elijah his first place and with Martin still on used tyres, she knew that he wouldn’t be able to hold Kyle back who was on freshly new ones. The American finally managed to lead the race fifteen laps before the end of the race, under a roaring crowd who exalted when he finally drove in front of them. Elijah and Martin were still in the fight but it was almost sure that Kyle would win his home Grand Prix. She focused on Ethan to see him struggling behind Niels’ Skoda. He was P12, clearly not what he would like to be but she didn’t know how he could. When it was finally over, she was happy for her dad even if her advice had not worked as good as she had expected but disappointed for her friends. She saw Kyle rushing to his family before searching for Romy who was watching from afar. Even in front of a broadcast she could read the frustration written all over her face. When the celebrations were finally over, her mom decided to order pizza, to finally have a calm family night without unnecessary drama. Julia suspected that it was also to avoid her overthinking her meeting the next day. Meeting she wasn’t sure she was one hundred percent ready for, but she hoped that it would be enough.
She had borrowed her mom's clothes trying to feel a little more confident but as she was waiting for the meeting to start, she had never felt more out of place. She was so enthusiastic about her project, so sure it could bring something great to the sport that the idea of failing was terrorizing her.She didn’t know what she would do if the FIA was telling her that they wouldn’t go forward with her. But she didn’t have much time to think about it as Lewis’ face appeared on her screen, soon joined by the other representatives of the Federation and the vice-president himself. She gulped as she tried her best to memorize the names and functions of each one of them. Noticing she also was the only woman in the room, she quickly understood that it was going to be tough. When it was finally her time to talk after a very long introduction, she explained exactly what she had told Lewis, but this time adding graphs and percentages about the number of women in motorsport as well as the number of people of color and disabled ones. Numbers that were ridiculously low.
“And finally, I thought about creating a FIA scholarship for kids who were really talented and could actually go to big universities but might not be able to for financial reasons. The scholarship could be given by the FIA alongside team principals. It would give another reason for these kids to really give their all. And, that’s all for me… if you have questions, I would be happy to answer them.”
When Lewis was the only one clapping and thanking her she knew that her worst fear was about to happen. And when the very few questions she got were more about her and not about the projects, she already had the reason why they were about to tell her no. The final blow came from the Vice-President.
“You see, Miss, you got yourself quite the reputation here after the rumors coming from your implication in Ferrari’s cheating scandal. Even though we don’t have any proof, the allegations are still there and I’m not sure it’s a great idea to have you working in an environment where you could be tempted to find information you could give to your dad. I’m not saying you would… but it’s a possibility I’m not ready to explore. And you’re young, barely have any experience and the little you have didn’t end well. Wilhelm didn’t have a lot of nice things to say regarding your work and about your attitude. Giving you such a high responsibility with leading and organizing a project like that, as interesting as it is, might be too much pressure for you to handle. And we have no proof, for sure, that it’s a project that is worth investing our time and money into.”
“With all due respect, mister the Vice-President, I had a talk with Julia before this official meeting and I could see how much effort and research she put into it. I don’t think it’s a good idea to reject her proposal on the sole reason that she is too young and isn’t deemed trustworthy. Sometimes, you have to give someone a chance.” Lewis intervened.
“I know how inclusion and diversity are important for you Lewis and maybe you're biased too by the affection you have to Miss Leclerc and her father, but I’m not confident enough to give her such a big responsibility. At least not now, and to be honest, with the new regulations we are preparing for the next two years, I don’t have the time to think about the fate of kids.” he finished in a laugh.
It was a slap she hadn’t been ready to receive, no matter how she had prepared herself for the eventuality. But showing them how hurt she felt was out of the question. She quickly got back her composure before staring at the camera.
“Well… it’s sad but, I’m sure that if you don’t want that idea, someone else will be happy to help.”
“And who, exactly? It’s not like you had the abilities to do that all by yourself, you need support, Miss Leclerc.”
“I guess, it’s my problem now and not yours. Thank you for your time. Saying that it had been a delight to have this conversation would be lying, so I might as well not say anything. Goodbye sirs.” she said, hanging up, her chin high.
She closed her eyes and breathed deep. On the bright side, she would have something to talk to her therapist in the afternoon. When she exposed him to the situation, he didn’t seem very surprised.
“From what I gathered with everything you told me, it’s still a very sexist environment. It doesn’t come as a surprise that you’ve been rejected. The question now is, are you going to give up or are you going to prove them wrong?”
“Working on this project, thinking about it, doing research, talking about it and seeing how excited people felt and how interested they were… I don’t see myself giving up. I can’t. It’s something important to me, it became important. I’ll find another way. I don’t know how and I don’t know what I will do, but I’ll come up with something.”
When she got out of her therapist’s office she was surprised to see a new message from Lewis telling her how sorry he was about the meeting but that he believed in her project and was ready to help her. She just had to inform him on her next steps. She thanked him and Lewis told her that he was glad to see a real inclusive project emerging and if the FIA wasn’t ready to help her, it was their own choice but it didn’t mean that he had to follow.
Her mom wasn’t surprised either when Julia explained what had happened. She laconically said that she expected it but naively thought that the arrival of Romy and Chloe as F1 drivers had meant a change in mentality in the Federation. She was sad to see that the years might pass by, the same societal issues were remaining.
“Mom, can I ask you a question?”
“Of course.”
“Was it hard to create your charity?”
“A lot of sleepless nights and a lot of tears. Ask your father. And it was even tougher that you were a toddler back then. Why?”
“Because, I don’t want to give up on my idea. I feel like it’s something good and I need to do it. It’s probably the first time that I feel like I could make a change somewhere, I want to make a difference out there. But I don’t know where to start, the FIA was the easy way in. I’m not sure I have enough knowledge to start something on my own.”
“I didn’t have any knowledge when I started mine, just the idea to provide mental health support and career advice to young women in the entertainment industry. The first thing you need to do, after defining your plans, is to find people who would be onboard to join you. You need support. People willing to help you, offering financing. It’s a lot of networking and it’s time consuming.”
“I don’t care, I just want to start somewhere. Networking doesn’t scare me, it’s everything else that feels so overwhelming.”
“Maybe I can help you…. Maybe for a while, your association could be under mine as a partner, another branch. Mental health and inclusivity can be linked together. I would give you full independence in whatever you want to do and you would have access to an already established financial, marketing, communication and law departments. Best of both worlds. But, just to be clear, you’re in charge of everything, I’m not helping you with anything, you have access to resources but that’s it, you’re responsible for all choices and decisions, I’m not intervening.”
“I have to think about it but, thanks.” Julia said, hugging her mom.
Talking to her mom and knowing she had the choice to get her help without feeling like she was using her for her connections reassured her a little bit. Exhausted by her day, she fell on her bed as soon as she crossed her bedroom’s door. She had a few texts from her dad, telling her that her strategy might have been the good one if the pitstop had been successful and she smiled. Ethan had also texted her, saying that he wasn’t feeling very proud of himself and that he was feeling his insecurities of not being enough coming back. Some media outlets were talking of his win in Spa as a stupid beginner's luck. She called him and he picked up almost immediately. It didn’t need much from her side to make him talk about his feelings. She silently listened to him, reacting to his words when she felt like it was needed and when he stopped, she could hear that he felt better.
“So, tell me how it went with the FIA.”
She told him and when it was over she heard him sigh on the other end of the line and didn’t exclude her mom’s offer, telling him how she was hesitating.
“Bastards. Always have been and always will. I think you should take up on your mom’s offer. I mean, it’s the quickest way to achieve what you want to do”
“I know. And it’s not as if she was doing everything for me. I would need to do all the work and I can come to her for advice but I know she will let me figure things out by myself. I wanted to ask, just to make sure, I have you onboard for this project, right?”
“Of course, you don’t even have to ask. I can also talk to Kyle about it. As the Grand Prix Driver Association’s director, he has a little bit of weight on decisions taken. Not sure how much but he could be able to give you names of people you can talk to. I can also talk to some team principals, if you want.”
“No. I mean, I appreciate that you want to help, really, but I also want to do this by myself.”
“Once stubborn, always stubborn…” he mumbled. “But fair enough, that’s your thing, you want to defend it.”
“Yeah and it gives me time to prepare a speech to each of them. I'll be there for Vegas, anyway so it will come fast enough. I’m not in a rush.”
“Suit yourself, just know that I stand by what I said, if you need me, I’ll be there.”
“And I know I will use it when it comes handy.”
“That’s what friends are for, Joolsie.”
Every time the word friend was coming out of his mouth, Julia was feeling like a stab in her heart. She knew she had to prove herself trustworthy, she knew all the history they shared and all their problems were yet to be totally overcome, but still, it hurt.
“But are we? Friends, I mean.” she asked.
“Julia… You know what I said. I still do, love you, I don’t think I will ever stop loving you. I’m just more cautious when it comes to you, now. I’m not saying that we will never happen, Joolsie, just that… yeah, I need you to grovel a little bit.” he laughed. “And I want to take it slow. We rushed everything and I think it’s part of why it didn’t and couldn’t work, we didn’t start the most conventional way.”
“I’m aware that I need to prove myself to you but I already told you that I intend to show you that I can fight for you.”
“I can’t wait to see that. What have you planned?”
“It wouldn’t be funny if you knew.”
“Are you saying that little miss control freak would actually consider doing big gestures? I’m shocked.”
“I love you.” she blurted out, a little unexpected but she was surprised how easy it was to tell him. And he was also caught off guard judging by the silence that fell. “Ethan?”
“You shouldn’t say things like that. It’s blurring the lines between friendship and whatever we’re supposed to be but are not ready.”
“So you can say it but not me?”
“I can say it because I’m ready and I’m sure of myself. However you are still…”
“Unreliable and not trustworthy. It’s fine. I understand.” she finished, bitter, but understanding where it was coming from.
“Pretty much.”
“Well, I meant it, brace yourself. I’m going to prove to you that I’m two hundred percent sure of what I want. At least when it comes to us. I’ve always known, deep down, but was too stupid to admit it. But if there is a slight chance that I can fix what I’ve broken, you can be sure that I will take it. I’m very serious.”
“I believe you. Maybe I should be careful in Vegas… Next thing I know you will drag me in the first Elvis you’ll find and we will be married.”
“Is that a challenge?”  she asked in a playful tone.
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“I guess you will just have to wait and see.”
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Author's note: Fucking FIA.
What do you think will happen next? Let me know your theories, I love to read them.
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wiypt-writes · 2 years
Rock ‘n’ Roll People, In A Disco World
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Part 17: Disco Dancing With The Lights Down Low
Part 2: Well hello, Stud.
Summary: You and Paul take an ‘adults’ only trip to Mexico. Sun, sea…and all the other things beginning with S…
Warnings: Bad Language, NSFW (18+)
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction. I do not own any characters contained within, bar the reader and any other OCS that may be mentioned. I do not give consent for my work to be reposted/translated to any other site. Reblogs are fine and are my jam, baby.
W/C: 5.9k
A/N: Okay, so… i know I said by end of the month but I realised that’s not that long off so…here it is. Remember, Part 3 will be the Paul Diskant entrance for mine and @spectre-posts Kinktober
Rock N Roll People Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Part 1
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When feeling returned to your bodies, the pair of you collapsed into bed as the sounds of the ocean at night lulled you into a deep sleep. The next day was as promised, sun, sand, laziness. Around lunch the two of you returned to the villa and with snacks in hand, fell asleep together sharing the macramé hammock on your deck.
Before dinner, you face timed again to check in with the kids who gleefully told you all about their day at the pier with Grumpy and Nanny. Connor won Jack a new teddy, Jack unfortunately won another fish but Paul's parents just seemed so happy with them both and Woody was doing just fine being a good guard dog.
“So Batman has his Robin, huh?” Paul snorted as the pair of you both laughed at how Jim explained he’d been forced to go back to your house and deposit him in the tank in Jack’s room.
“I was hoping he’d miss,” Jim snorted, “but we also realised next time you wanna do this we can just come to stay at yours. Don’t know why we didn’t do that this time round. Would be the most logical thing to do…”
"Change in scenery wasn't going to kill them, Pop.”
“Hmmm more like you wanted them to trash our house so you didn’t have a mess to clean up.”
Dot laughed, "I wouldn't leave it like that."
Jim rolled his eyes as Paul laughed, “it was an adventure for them. Camp Grumpy, remember? You know they love coming to stay with you guys.”
"How's Jack behaving?” You asked.
“He’s been fine.” Dotty assured you. “They both have. We’ve had a few small little squabbles but nothing major. And they’re sharing a room. We heard Jack crying on the first night but just as Jim was heading across the hall to get him, he saw Jack take himself over the landing and crawl in with Ceej. And that was it.”
You smiled, the news having warmed your heart. Your eyes welled up as you glanced at Paul. He winked at you before he looked back at the screen. “They love each other deep down.” He smiled. “Well, we gotta go get dinner. Let us know once they’re handed over tomorrow and we’ll call Nick and Maria.”
"You got it," Big Jim nodded.
You missed the goodbye between Disco and his parents as you'd gone to slip into your dinner dress. It was a casual affair, so you slipped into a backless linen halter dress, black and long.
You heard Paul shuffle into the room and two large hands fell to your hips, bearded lips kissed your neck from behind.
"You look beautiful." He whispered in your ear.
"Thank you.”
“Gimme five and I’ll be ready.” He kissed your cheek and then moved to pull his outfit from the closet.
You headed down the stairs and waited for Paul there, looking out across your patio at the beach. Your mind flashed through your entire life together and it made you emotional. The love you felt for this man, a man who absolutely worshipped you and desired you daily was indescribable. Sometimes, you felt unworthy of such a love, of such a man. But most times, you kept in the forefront of your mind how lucky you were.
And a reminder of just how lucky, was permanently on display through that now well faded, but still visible, scar on the left side of his neck.
He'd made this trip all about you, the two of you. Not rekindling of romance, as your relationship had never lacked on that front, but it was certainly unearthing the connection the two of you had that had somewhat been set aside with work and parenting. Now, as you waited in the warm evening air, you decided that after dinner you were going to make the evening about him. You knew each and every trigger Paul had that would arouse him, make him putty in your hands and it all started from that mark, that reminder of so much in your lives.
He disturbed your thoughts as he walked out onto the balcony, dressed in a pair of khaki coloured chinos and a short-sleeved black button down
“Well hello Stud," you smirked.
“Mrs Diskant,” he winked, his hand outstretched, “let’s eat, babe.”
You held hands as you walked along the plank board walkway through the outskirts of the jungle and towards the main lobby. You dined along the sand that night, the beach lit by Tiki torches and thatched roof coverings over the tables. It was local fare, a combination of Caribbean and Mexican flavors. You shared wine over your meals and when you were through, you walked along the rolling tide back to your villa.
Paul opened the door and then stepped aside, letting you in first, his hand falling to the bare base of your back. When you heard the click of the lock, you turned on your heel and looked at your husband. Your eyes roamed his frame, his thick, muscular and broad shoulders filling out that button down. You stepped forward, closing the gap between the two of you. Your fingers touched his collar and dragged along the buttons of his shirt. You plucked the top two and whispered, "find a spot to sit", as you worked the rest of his shirt open.
A flick of his eyebrows and a smirk made sure you knew he’d understood as he backed up to the soft sofa along the edge of the room. You untied the halter of your dress while you stalked toward him, the garment falling to the floor as you stepped out of it. Your eyes were locked on his as you kneeled between his legs.
He said nothing, merely watched you as you slid your hands up and over his toned thighs. You worked his belt loose, popping the button open to his chinos and slid the zipper down along its teeth.
"Lemme take care of you, huh, Stud?" You said with a rasp.
Paul’s large hand curled softly around your face, “as long as I can repay the favour.”
Your hands worked at him, pulling his waistband away from his skin while the other dipped into his boxers and wrapped around his hardened cock. You pulled him free with a gentle twist and tug of your wrist. Your lips enclosed around the tip of his dick and you sucked. You glanced up, his eyes still locked on yours as he gave a soft murmur and a sigh of delight. Hollowing your cheeks, you swallowed his shaft as your free hand cupped his sac.
His right hand rest on the crown of your head, the other gripped at the cushion of the sofa.
You played with him as you sucked him down, rolling his balls in your palm. You bobbed your head and sucked with the hollow of your cheeks, your tongue laving against that vein on the underside of his dick. Your breasts bounced a little as you sucked him off, your knees on the floor of the villa.
“Jesus, baby…” his hips tilted gently, “fuck…so good.”
You hummed around him, careful to find the balance of not too little but not too much so you could claim your prize above; his scar. You knew, of course, just how far you could push him. How could you not after all those years together?
His fingers gripped your scalp through your hair, blunt nails running along your skin. He was close so you backed off and rose to your feet. He watched you, a little v between his eyes as he pouted at the loss of your warm mouth. But he didn’t protest, instead he merely waited.
As you began to take a knee to either side of his hips, your fingers pushed against the open collar of his shirt. You lowered yourself into his lap as he shifted to remove his button down. His hard cock nestled between your folds, moistening him with your arousal.
“Baby?” He questioned softly, his hands on your hips.
"Hmm," you leaned forward to kiss him, his face in your hands. He kissed you back, eagerly, thick swipes of his tongue against yours.
You rolled your hips, sliding your folds along his dick. You pulled back and kissed his jaw, along the cut line of bone toward his ear and down his neck. Your tongue licked at the dip above his collarbone before finding your mark. You kissed the skin tenderly at first, then ran your tongue along the raised shape of his scar.
“Shit…” his neck strained as his fingers dug into the flesh at your waist. His hips jolted upward a little, a groan slipping from his swollen lips.
"You feel that, huh, Stud?" You whispered against him.
He swallowed, a little nod of his head to show you he did. Your left hand cupped his chin and turned his head a little to his right, exposing his neck more. Your lips covered the scar and you sucked at the mark like you had just done to his tip.
You felt a rumble in his throat as his body trembled beneath you, his hips pushing up again as he rubbed against you. His tip hit your clit and you whimpered. Reaching between the two of you, you brought his dick upright so you could slide him right into your aching hole. All the while your assault on his skin with your lips never ceasing.
“Fuck, fuck…” he chanted as he rolled upwards into you, “sweetheart…”
"Yeah, baby," you hummed, "right there, Stud."
“I can’t…” he groaned, “can’t…I need…”
"Give it, baby," you titled back.
He looked up at you, and in a flash you found yourself on your back, the cool floor of the villa beneath you, as a surprised squeal escaped you.
“Jesus…” Paul gripped your hips as he pushed back into you, his hand sliding down your legs to wrap them round his waist.
Your back arched off the floor as he thrust into you. "You better fuck me hard," you managed.
His reply was simply a growl. "Fucking tease me like that, fuck Sugar," he grunted, “you’re such a fucking minx at times…”
Now you chanted profanities as he railed you. His eyes were blown black as he stared you down. He groaned as he pounded into you, his hands placed flat on the floor either side of your head. His hips snapped and snapped, and you could feel every inch of him inside you. Over and over he hit that sweet spot, and you were fast building towards cuming.
“Come on, Sugar…” he almost snarled through his teeth, his jaw twitching as a sheen of sweat covered his brow, “come on…come on…”
You knew he was struggling to hold back.
"I'm... So.... Oh shit," you cried out.
“Oh, god…fuck, fuck…” he practically roared as he came, the pair of you lost in the throes of your bliss.
He collapsed over you, barely missing a crush to your frame as he rolled to his side, taking you with him. The pair of you couldn’t talk, instead you laid there, drawing in ragged breaths.
When you could finally move, Paul pulled you to your feet and grabbed your clothes. You showered together before collapsing into bed.
The morning of your spa day, you found yourself delightfully cuffed to the driftwood headboard as Paul had his breakfast between your legs. You were boneless when he finished, and your spa day only further added to your blissful relaxed state.
The day nearly spent in luxury pampering, the two of you returned to your villa for a nice, long, deep nap. And when you woke, you wanted to do nothing but lie in bed and listen to the beach and jungle surrounding you.
"Can we just have room service?" You asked Paul as he lazily drew circles up and down your spine, your face led against your forearms.
Propped up in his palm and elbow, Paul spoke, "I'm fine with that, but I was looking forward to the tasting...."
“Oh…I forgot!” You giggled.
"That relaxed, huh, Sugar?"
“Mmmhmmm.” You hummed.
"Good." Paul kissed your shoulder. "I'm gonna shower, want to join me?"
You grinned, “to save water, right?”
"Dur..." He sniggered.
“Okay…but you’re gonna have to help me up.”
He smirked, "with pleasure."
You were quickly in his arms as he carried you bridal style to the open air shower.
There was nothing more than a little bit of kissing and a lot of laughter, and soon after you were both heading towards the main part of the resort, ready for your evening activity before your dinner.
The mezcal tasting was a lovely private affair, just the two of you on an air conditioned little hut with thematic decor and a gentleman from Tulum, expertly scholared in Nakawé Mezcal. You both enjoyed it thoroughly, and left a little buzzed and slightly peckish but not fully hungry following the snacks and sides you’d had during the tasting to accompany the drink.
So, you had tacos, small in size and loaded with fish and shrimp in the street style manor as you sat in the sand and ate. You were nestled between Paul's legs, beer each on either side of his knees, stuck in the sand. The waves rolled along the shore as a dark sky was nearly settled overhead. The stars were out and you just sat there, together quietly. Then you thought of something.
"This reminds me of our early dates. We used to get the corn dogs or hot dogs from the pier and a couple of drinks and sit on the sand."
“Yeah…” Paul chuckled, “both of us living with our parents, working all the shifts we could, raking in the rookie overtime.”
You smirked but he couldn't see, however, you turned your chin toward him to speak, "I adored our early days, but I love this life now."
“I wouldn’t change a second of any of it, babe.”
"Me either."
You nestled back against his chest and the two of you stayed that way for quite a while. His hand gently ran up and down your arm as he drank his beer with the other. You had no idea how much time had passed, but eventually you were forced to concede you needed to move for high tide was close as the water reached your toes.
Paul rose to his feet, and offered you his hand to pull you to your feet.
“Can you believe we only have two more days," you sighed as the pair of you began to walk towards your villa.
“I know…but we’ve had fun. And we’ll do it again.” He squeezed your hand. “Maybe not here but somewhere.”
"Maybe the next one is in winter..."
“Yeah, you got somewhere in mind?”
"Could be fun." You shrugged, "in another five or so years." You then chuckled. "This one cost us a fortune, gotta save again."
“We don’t do it often, I just wanted something special for us. But, we’ll get somewhere alone again before five years is up. In the meantime, I was thinking…maybe we could take the boys to Disney. Florida, I mean.”
"Great idea, Jack's just big enough."
He nods, “I know we have Disneyland a little more local but…well, I like the idea of the different parks. We can go for a fortnight, get a villa…bet Mom and Pops would come.”
"Probably mine too."
You reached the villa and Paul led you inside.
“Which is good…”he grinned, “as it’s on tap babysitting so we can sneak away.”
You smirked. "I love you, Disco."
“I love you too.”
"You wanna take me to bed or take a break?"
“Is that a rhetorical question?”
"Legitimate one..."
“I always wanna take you to bed…but I also know I might have worn you out.”
You sighed. "A little," you lowered your chin shyly.
Paul’s finger gently tipped your face to look at him. “Then we can sit out with a beer, and then curl up and fall asleep.”
"Okay," you said softly. "I'll go change."
When you came back in your sleep shorts and cami, Paul was on the balcony. He smiled, passing you to change quickly himself. Soon after he was back, a pair of shorts and a tee nestled on his frame. It was an easy night, the pair of you sat out until the early hours talking and laughing before you both headed to bed. There, you curled up next to him, letting out a sigh of satisfaction as you closed your eyes
The two of you were bathed in morning sunlight from the open wall, the glass having been slid open by Paul before bed. Today saw your last adventure trip, a day in the Gran Cenote. A continental breakfast awaited you and Paul, delivered once again to your room while you readied for the day's trip.
You slipped into a rather cheeky one piece while Paul wore a different coloured pair of the same trunks he'd had all trip. A single backpack with sunscreen and essentials was all you needed and you'd quickly charged Paul with carrying it. You slipped your old LAPD SWAT cap over your head and pushed your aviators up your nose, following your handsome husband out of the villa and to the awaiting Jeep.
Through the jungle they drove you to the spot where the opening of the Gran Cenote sat and after some rules, and a hand off of your snorkel gear, the pair of you were free to explore the caves.
It was unbelievable. You’d snorkelled before, seen some pretty cool marine life up close but this was simply stunning. The waters were cool and clear, the rocks and nooks and little overhangs you found were adorned with so much greenery and flowers. And you couldn’t breathe for laughing at one point when a turtle got very up close and personal with Paul, biting his toe as he lay on his back, floating in the water.
You couldn't remember a time when the two of you had this much fun or felt this close in a while. And while you missed your boys, a part of you wasn't ready to go home.
Again, you retired with a quiet night in your villa, room service for dinner, the night sky and the double hammock calling you both as the meal settled with you. You had mezcal cocktails and relaxed, his hands on your body. But as things began to get a little heated in the hammock, the pair of you ended up flipping the entire thing, dumping the two of you to the deck.
Your laughs were uncontrollable and your sides hurt, your giggles interrupted by your phone ringing and two very happy boys' faces filled your screen.
Jack and CJ were calling from your parents’ house, just before bed.
“Hi my babies!” You grinned
"Hi, Mommy!" Jack beamed as Conner waved excitedly.
“Are you having fun?”
"Yeah, we got to go to the zoo today," Connor beamed.
"I saws a awigater," Jack bounced. "And feeds the..the futter-byes!"
“Oh wow!” Paul joined in. “Was it a big alligator?”
"Dis big!" Jack's arms flew out straight from his sides, almost smacking CJ in the face.
“Hey!” CJ warned him, “careful!”
“Tell me about the butterflies,” you cut in quickly.
"Dey tickewld." Jack giggled.
"Papa said they're good luck," CJ added. "They were orange ones and blue ones and all kinds, Mommy."
“Wow, that’s amazing!” You smiled. “We’ll go back one day all together.”
"Cans we sees the ewifants?" Jack wondered.
“We can see anything that’s there, buddy.” Paul nodded
“What else have you been up to? Ceej, you ready for soccer tomorrow?”
"I am.”
“Is Grumpy going to watch you this week?”
“Yeah. Nanny said she'll film it and send it to you." He said with a slouch to his shoulders.
“I’ll be there next week, bud.” Paul said gently.
“I know."
"I goes," Jack said in an odd caring change of character. Normally, you stayed home with him, as he was a nightmare to keep an eye on when you were trying to watch, usually complaining loudly he was bored. Occasionally, you left him with grandparents or Barnes, meaning you could see the odd game too but it was very much Paul that was there week in, week out on the sidelines with the other parents.
CJ blinked and looked at him. “You can’t. You don’t like it. You’re staying here with Papa.”
“No, I wanna goes.”
“But last time-“
“Ceej,” Paul cut in, and Ceej sighed. Paul then turned his attention to Jack. “You promise to behave if you go this time?”
“Yeah. I cheers. Go Ceej!" Jack looked up at his big brother.
Despite himself, CJ smiled a little, then he gave a roll of his eyes and grinned. “Okay, you can come.”
Your heart, which had just shattered at the look in your eldest’s face, now was mending at the warmth your little Tazmainian devil had shown and the fact CJ was allowing him to go. You felt Paul squeeze the back of your neck gently.
"Be good for Nanny and Papa, okay, and call us right after your game, Connor." You said cheerfully.
“Okay!” He beamed, “Nanny says she wants to say hi…hang on…”
“Bye Mommy, bye Daddy!” Jack yelled as he hurried off.
Soon, your mom's face hit the screen, "Hi kids."
"Hi, Mom," you said at the same time Paul said, "hi, Maria."
"How's everything?"
“Absolutely fine, they’ve been so good. Your dad had them grilling with him before and they’re off to bed with a movie.”
"Thank so much, Mom," you smiled warmly. "I was worried. But you guys and Dot have said they've been so good."
“They always are for us,” your mum chuckled, “and as I keep telling you. If they behave for everyone else, and keep the naughtiness for Mom and Dad, then you’ve done your job.”
With a snort you shook your head.
“Anyway, I’ll let you go. Have a good evening.”
"Night, Mom," you nodded.
"Lots of pictures and video tomorrow, huh?" Paul hoped.
"It'll be borderline spam." Maria winked.
He chuckled, “did I ever tell you that you’re my favourite mother in law?”
"I better be your only mother in law, Paul Diskant."
"Night, Mom!" You called and snatched the phone from Paul, ending the call.
Paul closed up the villa on the first floor as you headed up for bed. You washed your face and brushed your teeth before he'd even come back up. You were just tucking into the sheet as he appeared.
"I'm exhausted," you chuckled.
“Yeah…” he yawned and nodded. “I’m kinda whacked too.”
"C'mon, Daddy, let's nuggle," you patted his side of the bed.
“Two minutes…” he leaned over and gave you a quick kiss.
You nodded and hunkered down into the soft bed. Your eyes were heavy as Paul climbed in. The second he was settled, you rolled into his side, your head in his chest. His hand gently ran up and down your back, fingers soft. It was the last thing you could remember feeling before the world went dark and dreams filled your eyes.
The day was already mid-morning when the two of you woke up. Drained from such a great day before, you were thankful for the lie in. The sun was glowing across the water, the sand almost pure in color, the ocean a glittering match to Paul's eyes. This was paradise and you softly sighed knowing it was your last day. But you smiled knowing that by tomorrow night, you'd be holding your babies in your arms and hearing all about their adventures with both sets of Grandparents.
You checked the time and it was still early back home, by two hours, and Connor's day hadn't started yet. His game wasn't until 10 in LA.
“We’ll call in an hour or so.” Paul spoke softly. “Wish him good luck.”
You looked over at your husband with a smirk, "you always know."
He chuckled, “I was thinking the same thing as you, Sugar.”
You led your head back down on his chest contently. "Room service for breakfast?" You began running your fingertip along the bottom edge of his medallion. Back and forth along the metal, the semi-circular motion soothing.
“Sounds good,” his hand gently stroked between your shoulder blades as he kissed your head. “You want coffee?”
“Oh, yes please.” You sighed happily.
Paul kissed the top of your head just before you turned away so he could leave the bed. Minutes later he returned to you, fresh faced from cool water, a minty scent to his kiss and a mug of delicious Mexican coffee in his hands for you both.
You ordered your room service and sat on the veranda with your mugs, the ocean lapping the shore with high tide. You glanced at Paul, his sunglasses wrapped over his eyes, his bare and newly tattooed chest flexing unknowingly. Your heat pooled at the thought of what he could do to you with the flip of a switch.
“You want a photo?” He smirked a little.
“Just admiring the view.” You popped a shoulder.
He snorted as he lifted his mug to his lips.
The morning carried on. Breakfast on the veranda, topless sun bathing for you on the lounge chairs next to your dipping pool. This time it was Disco who cheekily quipped about taking a photo.
For the time that you sunbathed, your mom spammed your phones with images from CJ's game. Your heart ached a little knowing you hadn’t been able to make him his usual special pre-soccer breakfast, and undoubtedly Paul's had to have been missing being there to watch and cheer on. But your boy looked tough out there, enjoying the game. Jack seemed to be the faithful cheerleader sat atop his Papa's lap in the still images while the grainy video showed an assisted goal.
And then you let out a little gasp as the latest video came through.
“Paul…he got the ‘Man of the Match’ award.”
You watched as his face expressed pride and a hint of sadness. "I can't wait to talk to him!"
“He’s so happy…look!” You passed your phone over for him to watch CJ accept his little trophy from the coach.
Almost simultaneously, Paul’s phone pinged with a message from his Dad with a great photo of CJ and Jack. CJ’s kit was a little dirty with grass stains and various other marks from the game, his face was sweaty but his grin was enormous as was Jack’s as they stood next to one another, CJ’s trophy held in his hands.
"Oh, Sugar, look at this one," Paul turned his phone toward your line of sight.
You gasped at the happy photo in surprise. "My babies."
“Maybe this means we can both start going to watch now, and you’ll get to see him play more than you do.” Paul shrugged, a hopeful tone to his voice.
"I'd love that. It's frustrating when Jack can't sit there and just watch or play with his toys when he's disinterested. I miss half the match."
“I know.” Paul wrinkled his nose, before he snorted, “remember the last time when you gave up and decided you’d just stay home?”
“Don’t remind me.” You groaned at the memory. Jack had been playing with his truck, or so you had thought. You’d been watching the game when the referee had blown to halt. At the same time, loud laughter had rung out and you’d turned to see Jack was on the pitch running towards CJ with a water bottle, trying to squirt him with it.
Paul laughed, “Ceej was so mad, remember him declaring Jack was officially banned forever?”
"Oh I honestly can't forget it." Your head fell into your hands. "I love those stinkers. We've been so lucky really. From how hard it was to have CJ to how fast Jack came out, I'd do it all again."
“Yeah?” Paul grinned, “I mean, we could always…you know…” he wriggled his eyebrows.
You popped your shoulders, "yeah, I think I want one more. But it's not a have to thing either. Just if it happens it happens and if it doesn't in the next year, we're done. What do you think? How do you feel about it?"
“I’d have a football team full with you.” He grinned, “a team of disco balls.”
You smiled warmly, and when you opened your mouth to say something, your phone started chiming for a FaceTime from your mom's number.
“Oh, it’s mom…” you sat up and grabbed a towel, holding it round you to cover your bare chest. When you answered, immediately CJ’s excited face and voice blared out of your phone as Paul moved so he could see.
"Hey, Pal!" Paul grinned. "How was it?"
“We won, five nil! And I didn’t score any but I helped with three and I also stopped their side scoring as I kicked it off the line!”
"That's great, Ceej! So proud of you, bud! Nanny was sending us the videos so we can watch later!"
“And I won player of the match!”
"Oh my gosh, That's great, baby!" You chimed in. "I'm so proud of you, Connor!"
He beamed as Jack then pushed his way into the picture. “I hit the nasty boy.” He grinned, proudly.
"What?!" You and Paul shouted.
Hastily the phone was taken and it was your dad then who was looking at you, his face a mixture of amusement and sheepishness. You could hear Big Jim in the background with your mom, and you waited.
“Well…to be fair, the kid asked for it…” he began.
"Nice way to start the conversation, Dad."
“So, there was a bit of a commotion on the pitch, and this kid shoved CJ over then kicked him. We got a little distracted. Jim was shouting at the ref, I was trying to stop your mom running on the pitch to see if Connor was okay…and somewhere in the middle of it all, Jack barrelled straight on and ran over. Punched the kid straight in the gut.”
“Great right hook…” you heard Jim add.
"Oh my God," you cringed, mortified and now concerned there would be repercussions from the boy's family.
Paul, however, let out a snort. “Any trouble?”
“Well, said boy started crying like a right baby,” your dad chuckled, “Jim and the kids dad went on the pitch to sort it out. He then cried even more when he got a red card for pushing and kicking CJ. No hard feelings though, Jim took CJ over afterwards to shake his hand. We also took Jack to apologise.”
"Oh good." You sighed in relief.
“And he did.” Your dad was now actively fighting back his laughter. “Here, Jack Jack, tell mommy and daddy what you said.”
Jacks face filled the screen and he grinned. “I saids sowee.”
“And?” Your dad prompted, “what else did you say?”
“Whats Daddy says. Ack-shuns has con-see-quentzez.”
You bit back the laugh as Paul snorted next to you.
“They do…you’re right.” You licked your lips. “But you can’t just hit people, baby.”
“He hurts Ceej.” Jack frowned
"I know. This time you're not in trouble, but you can't always do that." You shook your head.
“Buddy, let me speak to Ceej, huh?” Paul directed the conversation back to your eldest.
Jack disappeared and Ceej’s face once more filled the screen.
“That douchebag hurt you when he kicked you?”
"Paul!" You scolded at his douchebag comment
“What?“ he gasped as CJ cackled.
“A little…” he grinned, “I got a bruise on my leg…look…” the phone panned down and CJ showed you the mark just above his knee, in the space between his socks and his shorts.
You shook your head and groaned. "Get some ice on that, baby."
“It’s okay, mommy. Nanna says she has some stuff to help the bruises. But…he did say some mean things before he pushed me. He was real mad coz I tackled him.”
You frowned, "What'd he say?"
“Well, he called me a rude name…and then said his dad would beat my dad up.”
“He sounds like a peach.” Paul scoffed.
“But I said my dad was a police officer and he could beat anyone up.”
Besides you, Paul grinned with pride. "Oh, Connor." You chuckled.
Connor shrugged. “But I didn’t swears at him like he did to me. Grumpy said he was just a rude little moron.”
"Grumpy's not wrong." Paul agreed.
“So, what are you doing tonight?” You hastily changed the subject before Paul could carry on.
“Papa says that grumpy and nanny is coming over to their house for food and drinks.” CJ beamed, “and we’re getting tacos!”
"Who doesn't love tacos!" You beamed.
“I nots want tacos!” Jack spoke as he pushed his way back into the frame. “I’ms getting fan-jee-tas!”
“Jack, you don't like those! You just want chicken and red peppers." You shook your head.
“No!” He frowned, “I wants dem!”
You started to try and explain but Paul hushed you by placing his hand on your shoulder. “Your mom knows.” He said gently, “leave him be, babe.”
“I gets dats and grab-a-moley.”
“You love guacamole,” you chuckled before you sighed, “we can’t wait to see you both tomorrow. We’ve missed you.”
CJ smiled, “we can have a movie night?”
“Absolutely.” Paul smiled.
"You guys enjoy your last day. We'll see you tomorrow!" You mom popped into frame.
“Thanks mom…” you took a deep breath. “Sorry there was trouble today.”
"There was nothing of the sort."
“Okay…” you bit your lip, “enjoy your evening, sounds like you guys have fun planned.”
“Don’t let my dad drink too much scotch. He can’t handle it like he used to.” Paul grinned.
“You cheeky little shit.” Came Jim’s reply off screen followed by Jack’s loud yell.
“Dass a no-no.”
“Yeah, what you gonna do about it?” Jim shot back, his tone playful.
“Yous needs da bad word jar!” Jack continued.
“You tell him, son!” Paul laughed.
Loud giggles and shrieks came from off the camera as no doubt Jack was now wrestling with his Grumpy and you chuckled.
“Love you guys, see you soon!”
The screen went dark as the line cut off and you chuffed as you shook your head, then rest it against Paul's bicep. “So maybe Jack doing karate isn’t quite such a good idea.” You scoffed as your husband roared with laughter.
Paul pressed his lips to the crown of your head with a deep chuckle, "I think it'll be good for him."
“He just hit some kid, like what, two, three years older than him?”
“He was sticking up for his big bro. I’m not gonna lie, Sugar, it makes me both proud and very happy to hear.”
"Alright, you're right," you groaned. "But if it becomes a habit, you're on the hook for it, got it?"
“I will take the full consequences of my actions.” He smirked
"Deal." You sat up on your knees from the lounger and then stood. "Let's get some drinks and head to the beach?"
“Sounds good.”
You grabbed your sarong and bikini top, fixing them both as Paul grabbed his tee. He slipped it over his thick and cut frame before following you out the villa.
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simmerdowndee · 2 months
windenburg years special: forever
Greetings from Windenburg! Theo and I have officially been here for three months. So far, I’m adjusting very well. I haven’t wanted to run back home yet, so that’s good. Theo has been doing a really good job at checking in with me and making sure I am okay.
WE BOUGHT OUR FIRST HOME! I’m so proud of Theo and I because we saved every dime, we had for the first two months we were here to be able to do this. Staying at grahams guest house was a great idea because we didn’t immediately have to pay many bills. I’m still in the process of decorating it fully, but it is a 5-bedroom home with a nice backyard/patio. We even used one of the bedrooms as an office for the both of us. Oh, look at that, only enough left to have 3/5 kids he wanted…. Bummer…..
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Today, we are both off from work and spending some time at home. Theo planned a movie day and we’ve now reached the part of the day where he wants to watch scary movies. I am not a fan of scary movies and really don’t want to do this but he watched every Tim burton movie I wanted to see today, so it’s only fair.
Dakota: You picked the scariest movies to watch.
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Theo: They aren’t that bad babe.
Dakota: To you.
Theo: I’m right here, and its only 6pm. It’s not even dark yet.
Dakota: But it WILL be when we finish the last one, conveniently one that will keep me up at night.
Theo: I got something that will help you sleep tonight.
Oh brother.
Dakota: *rolls eyes*
Dakota: Yeah, whatever.
(He actually isn’t wrong tho)
He always picks gore or demons. Why can’t we just watch slasher films? At least I know I won’t be bothered by them.
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Dakota: Oh my god…..
Dakota: Oh my god please…..
*The wind rattles the front door*
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Theo: *Laughs*
Dakota: It’s so funny isn’t it. Am I a joke to you?
Theo: Drama. Queen.
Theo: Here, we’ll switch sides so you aren’t scared of the door.
He’s such as dick.
Dakota: You’re such a dick.
Theo: Awh babe. Here, come closer.
Theo: Better?
Dakota: A little, I guess.
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We make it through the first two movies. Apparently, the end of the second one annoyed Theo because he started yelling at the screen as if they can hear him.
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Dakota: Let’s take a break before we watch the last one. Jesus.
Theo: That’s fine babe.
Theo: So, our anniversary is coming up.
Dakota: The original one?
Theo: Yes. I was thinking we could have a really nice dinner.
Dakota: That’s fine with me. Where did you wanna go?
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Theo: Actually, there’s this restaurant in Selvadorada I wanted to take you to…
Dakota: As in the country………….?
Theo: Yes.
I know we’ve had some beers but he can’t be that drunk…..
Dakota: Uh….
Theo: *Laughs*
Theo: You are so cute when you're confused.
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Theo: We’re going to Selvadorada for our anniversary.
Dakota: Theo, are you serious???!
Theo: Yeah, so you better figure out what you want to wear and how many wigs you plan to pack.
Not him calling me out like that.
Dakota: Ahhhh, I’m so excited babe!
Theo: I thought you’d like your gift.
Dakota: I love you.
Theo: I love you too babe.
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Now, I really do need to figure out how many wigs I wanna bring…...
*Two weeks later*
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Theo and I are headed to Selvadorada! He’s so excited. I don’t know if it’s because it’s the first anniversary we’ve celebrated since we got back together or if he’s just excited to go on vacation. See you when we land in Selvadorada!
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cadencejames87 · 2 years
Forever Mine: Part 4
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Series Masterlist // Previous chapter
Chapter Summary: Steve finds inspiration to find you on his own. Bucky reminisces a past you feel no connection with and strips his office bare.
Word Count: 2.8k
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WARNINGS: Slight SOMNO, not really, Bucky has some dirty thoughts of cunnilingus while you sleep, *Warnings updated with each chapter*
*Not beta'd thus any and all mistakes are my own*
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*Dividers above by @maysdigitalarts ​*
*Dividers in story by @whimsicalrogers *
The little ones sleep sideways in their shared bed as Steve digs through a suitcase on his bed, nearest the door. The baby lies swaddled in his bassinet on one side; the luggage sits open on the other.
Steve pulls out a laptop and catches a glimpse of something in the top mesh of the bag. He tosses the laptop onto the bed and fishes out a gift wrapped in star-covered navy paper and a thin silver ribbon. He spots a card in a matching navy envelope and sets the present aside as he sinks onto the bed to read it.
“Steve, you are my best friend. My rock. My safe place. I am grateful to call you my husband and partner through all things in this life. You are a warm and caring father to our beautiful children. A dependant and loving spouse that I am proud of each and every day for your heart, mind, and soul. Thank you for always coming back to us. Thank you for setting an example for our children of what a great man should be. Thank you for making me yours."
Steve hangs his head in remorse. He looks back at his five sleeping babies and trades the card for the gift, unwrapping a bottle of Chivas Regal Whiskey, his favourite. You always did things like this, surprising him with gifts to show your appreciation and love.
He removes the bottle and its complimentary glass from the box, scoops up the laptop, and moves to the table by the patio. Before he sits down to get to work, he pours himself a drink, shoots it back in one quick gulp and refills the glass. Using the whiskey as fuel, Steve opens your social media accounts, blog, email, and writing apps, searching for anything that might lead to Bentley London.
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Bucky lays awake, eyes on the ceiling as if he could see your sleeping form in the bed above him. Before he realizes what he is doing, he climbs the stairs and pushes the bedroom door open, just enough to observe you toss and turn from your dreams. Moonlight streams in, caressing your exposed thigh as the curtain billows with the wind. His breath grows heavy with the image of you moaning his name as he kisses his way up your delicate, glowing thigh and finds his home between your legs.
You roll over, facing the door. Suddenly you spring up, eyes wide, and searching the darkness. Was it his presence you sensed? The nightmares haunting your unconsciousness? As your eyes adjust, you see you are alone, though the door is slightly ajar. Your breath returns to normal, your heart rate calming. You wished you had someone to hold you, while simultaneously needing to be alone. You lay back cautiously, eyes on the door, your mind at war with itself and still at a loss. After everything that has happened today, you are exhausted, eyes heavy. You fight to stay awake, even so, sleep quickly consumes you, losing you the battle of consciousness.
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Steve rubs his tired eyes, striving to focus on the screen. Though daylight soon creeps in, he surrenders to his fatigue, closing the laptop with a yawn; his search results are fruitless. Steve stretches his limbs and drags himself to bed, glass in hand, shooting back the last of his whiskey on the way. He sets the glass on the nightstand and falls onto the bed.
Barely a second passes when the baby stirs. Steve rolls over with a groan, though he stays put, eyes closed. When a knock on the door wakes the baby further, Steve curses the person on the other side at this early hour. He hauls his tired body from the bed, scoops up a fussing Jonah and soothes him as he crosses to the mini-fridge.
Another knock.
Steve quickly pulls out a bottle and sets it into the warmer before answering the door.  A hotel attendant stands with an apologetic and quivering smile. "This just recently arrived and was marked urgent, sir." He hands Steve a tri-folded letter on card stock and hurries away.
"What is this, huh, buddy?" Steve looks over the letter as he sits down to feed Jonah. "Steve Rogers, Urgent!" written in thick black marker and underlined twice. He opens it and notes a small pin attached to the message, "It's time to let her go." Steve examines the badge closely, a souvenir pin for Trafalgar Square, London.
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Bucky slips into the bedroom and opens the curtains. He looks out over your backyard.
A cobblestone path stretches from the back porch and wraps around a stone brick firepit with a built-in seating area, though there are still a pair of wooden chairs in front and set on either side of a matching dark oak side table. The well-maintained yard expands for acres and beyond that forest as far as the eye can see.
Bucky turns, smiling at your peaceful sleeping form, he steps away from the window, and the sun shines through, waking you from your slumber. "Morning, beautiful. How did you sleep?"
His charming smile fills you with butterflies. "Fine, all things considered." You whisper through a yawn, sitting up with a slight wince.
He cringes as though it were his own pain. "Can I get you anything, your pills?"
You shake your head, opting to tough out the minute ache and tightness caused by your injuries after the medication made you drowsy. "I’m a little hungry." Seemingly on cue, your stomach growls noisily.
Bucky lets out a small laugh, instantaneously biting his lip to silence himself when you hide your face. He clears his throat, "good, ‘cause I made breakfast." He moves to the door, walking proudly and waits for you.
Your movements are clumsy as you climb out of bed. Maybe you should have taken the pills. You shrug it off and continue to follow Bucky from the room and down to the kitchen.
Descending the stairs, close behind Bucky, your eyes wander to the everglade glass-walled office. You fail to notice Bucky pause at the bottom step and run directly into his broad back. You shy away when he glances back over his shoulder, though his tender and affectionate smile opens you up, smiling softly in return.
You take the lead from Bucky and step off the stairs, rounding the corner into the kitchen. An assortment of breakfast foods fills the table, holding your attention from touring the rest of the room. "You planning on feeding an army?"
"I may have overdone it a little," he admits. "I didn't know what you might be in the mood for this morning."
"I’m surprised you didn’t get any roses for the table." You comment, thinking of how roses have long since been labelled as the romantic flower and go-to option for all things expressing love. Though to you, it is more romantic when your partner learns what your favourite flowers are and surprises you with those instead. Of course, roses of all colours are still beautiful and extra meaningful when you receive them here and there. However, returning home from a hospital or years of being missing calls for your favourites and a little sarcastic testing on your part.
Bucky scoffs, raising an eyebrow. "You hate roses. But great minds." He gestures to a beautiful arrangement on the counter. "I got your favourite. Which, unfortunately, could not fit on the table." Bucky beams with happy satisfaction. He looks from the flower arrangement to you and back as he moves to the counter and plucks a single blossom.
You watch him, awestruck he remembered, and then it hits you; you remembered. It's funny how trivial things like your take on flowers seem so familiar, yet not him, not James. He seems to waver, second-guessing everything he has done for you this morning. "I don’t mean to overwhelm you. It’s just been so long." Screw it, he thinks to himself. He caresses your bruised cheek. His thumb gently strokes the cut on your lip, as he wished to himself, he could stroke away all of your injuries.
You freeze in his touch, eyes focused on the ball chain around his neck. The way that it disappears beneath his shirt is somewhat calming, could it be something you remember seeing often?
Bucky's hand drops, and his other offers the flower with a slight pout. You reluctantly take it, and he pulls out your chair with a triumphant smile. "Come, sit. I made mini pancakes. I know you love those. At least, I hope you still do." He pours you a cup of your favourite morning brew as you sit. "Um..."
"Don’t worry, it’s French vanilla. Haven’t forgotten how much you dislike the taste of coffee beans." He remarks, setting the pot aside and sitting down next to you.
"What about the quiche?"
He picks up on your disgust immediately. "I feel like you are trying to catch me at something." Bucky quickly serves himself a couple of the mini quiches. "The quiche is for me. I love it. My mother used to make it all the time growing up." You keep a watchful eye on him, which he notices. "Aside from feeling anxious and suspicious? How are you?
"It’s just..." You take a deep breath, picking out a fruit skewer and a toothpick of mini pancakes. "It's a scary feeling, waking up in an unfamiliar place with a stranger."
"You know me." You look into his desperate eyes. "I'm your husband. Why would anyone lie about that?" You shrug, eyes falling to your plate. "We were high school sweethearts, you and I. You, of course, hated me at first, thought I was too cocky."
You push your food around on your plate with a fork. "No, I-I remember high school, or... At least, I think I do." You fight to hold onto whatever it is you remember, eyebrows furrowing with grief. "I remember getting kicked out of high school and pursuing writing and..." You trail off, only to continue softer, to yourself. "I did have a boyfriend, I think. I can't..." Was it him? "Why can't I picture him?" You rub your head in frustration. You look up into his eyes. "I am sitting right in front of you." You take his hand in yours. "Don’t you think I should be able to see you in these memories if it were you?"
Bucky SLAMS his fist down on the table and tears his vibranium prosthetic from your grasp. "It was me!" He tosses his napkin on the table and stands to pace. He turns back calmer. "I'm sorry, it's not your fault. I get the frustration. It's hard for me too. I lost you once, and I can’t do it again. I won’t--" Bucky grips the back of his chair. "I won't survive." He gnaws on his bottom lip, gazing at you.
You can't look him in the eye. Instead, you study your hands, nervously wringing a napkin in your lap. Maybe he looked different, I mean, boys grow into men and some change drastically or at least enough for your brain to not make the connection. You shake your head, unable to convince yourself. "If we had pictures or something--"
Bucky inhales deeply, exhaling slowly. You're right, and he knows it. He has to find something, do something more than making breakfast with your favourite flowers. "I can check the storage locker this afternoon." He speaks softly, trying to salvage the moment.
You lift your head with a slight smile, eyes sparkling with hope.
Bucky looks away. He wracks his brain and SIGHS in defeat. "Maybe, I have something." He leaves the room. You hear his footsteps cross the foyer, a door opening, the office perhaps, and moments later, closing with the click of a lock, all while you continue to pick at your food. "Not much service out here." He says on his return, a laptop in hand. "But you don't need service to see your stories."
You perk up. "Stories?"
Bucky takes his seat, opening a webpage full of short stories. "See... And you have a few notes." He opens a file on the desktop, and you lean closer. "Plus, there is an app on here with some of your unpublished projects."
"I actually did it. I'm a writer?" Bucky nods, pride evident on his face. "But no pictures?" You scroll through an open file.
"I left your tablet and camera with everything else. It was too hard to look at your picture." You meet his sad eyes with your own. "I liked reading your stories though from time to time. I could hear your voice in your writing." Bucky looks away, restraining that lingering need to touch you. He clears his throat before continuing. "I promise I won’t come home until I find the boxes of our memories."
You give him a hopeful smile. "I would really like to see them." You return your attention to the laptop, skimming through a story. "He feels so real, like I know him."
"You have been writing about him for years or had been." He shrugs. "I guess it makes sense that you would have a picture of him in your mind. But over me?!" He turns to you, a wounded look in his eye.
You close the laptop and return to your plate. "I can't control it and..." You sit up straight, standing your ground. "And you cannot expect me to keep apologizing." Your eyes meet. "I hate that I remember silly things like my favourite colours, stepping on a bee while away at camp." You shock yourself with the random tidbit yet feel the need to continue. "Or the time I thought my fish died and I had to scoop him out of the toilet before he disappeared forever." You look into his eyes with shock, and simultaneously the pair of you share a short and QUIET LAUGH. Then the joy all but fades and is replaced with sorrow. "Yet I can't remember you. And I want to, I do." You reassure him.
He sits in silent aggravation, jaw clenched, searching for the right words. Releasing yet another heavy sigh, "I'll try to be more supportive. But I can't promise I won't be affected by this too." Bucky softens and sneaks one of your pancakes, attempting to lighten the mood. "This would be a lot easier if either of us had a family." He pushes back from the table and carries his plate to the sink, catching a glimpse of a deer and her two fawns crossing the land from the window as he does.
"Our babies?" You remind him.
He turns around, leaning on the counter. "I’m visiting the station after I swing by the storage unit. I think it will be better if you stay here." Bucky kisses your head on his way out. Though he doesn't go far, disappearing into the office, leaving you to finish breakfast alone.
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Bucky locks the office door as he enters. He picks up a file box next to the door and turns to face the room.
A corkboard takes up the better part of the outer wall. A small frosted window floods the room with natural light. The corkboard is covered and overflowing with surveillance photos of you and Steve, your children, news reports, and redacted papers. There are photos of an unknown crime scene also posted to the wall and documents outlining a secret op.
Bentley crosses the room and begins dismantling his conspiracy wall, tossing everything into the box.
He turns to the desk tucked against the wall next to a lavish floor-to-ceiling bookshelf. He stuffs papers into a stack of folders, the top file labelled Steve Rogers, then sweeps the pile into the box.
A final file lays on the desk, Y/N Barnes. He pulls his eyes from the file, digging through the box as if remembering something. He removes a cell phone and plugs the device into his laptop, sitting as he enters the password.
Hacked CCTV and security cams pop up. Bucky minimizes the windows and opens the files on the phone. Your personal pictures fill the screen, selfies with the children, candid photos of Steve, and posed shots with the whole family. He scowls at the computer, clenching his fists, fingernails digging into his palms.
He returns to the computer, fingers gliding across the trackpad with determination, keystrokes violent. A secure, encrypted server, collecting files, pictures, etc. and simultaneously erasing Y/N Rogers from all online and government databases opens. He hides the program in the background and returns to the desktop to open a secure file of photos, himself and you. Then brings up your cell phone gallery side-by-side with his own. He examines the pictures of your family closer. Selecting a photo from his file, he crops you out, removes the background, and drags the image of himself over top Steve in one of the family photos.
He adds the finished product to his secure file, checks on the program in the background, still wiping your identity, and leans back in his chair. His attention falls to the family photo, the section with the children visible beneath the open window. After a moment, he leans forward and clicks on the doctored snapshot, studying it closely as he waits.
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Next Chapter
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Tag List: @buckyalpine ​ @pono-pura-vida @cjand10​ @lou-la-lou​ @liarasstuff​ @royalwriteroftheuniverse​ @noodle81937
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marmiteprinter · 9 months
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That night was Evan's 18th birthday! He invited his friends Talia, Verity and Daniel Brown over to celebrate. The twins also brought their dad, Pietro, and Kyle insisted the town founder, Jennifer, be present to witness the first child born in the town aging up to adulthood.
Everyone gathered in the back garden on the patio to mingle.
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Soon enough, they all stood around the cake to cheer for Evan. He kept staring at and thinking about Kenya (just off-screen). Don't worry, Evan; I'm going to age her up too!
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And here he is! Our first Gen 2 adult! As he's now an adult I rolled for his secondary aspiration - he rolled Popularity, making him a nice Pleasure/Popularity combination. His LTW has now been assigned - he wants to have 10 Dream Dates. (I choose their LTWs when they age up to adult based on their storyline etc. My only restriction is it has to be from their primary aspiration, not their secondary.)
He'll be moving out to his own place next round, possibly with Kenya, who is also a Popularity Sim so I hope this strengthens their bond!
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I aged Kenya up as well, but he only rolled a want to flirt with her, which was surprising. Normally my teen to adult age ups get a want to Woohoo the second they are old enough, but I guess because they weren't going steady it didn't happen for them? Who knows? It was quite sweet anyway.
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