#our forbiden love..
ventus-selphus · 9 months
guys if i drew bracken yaoi. woudl you kill me
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rzyraffek · 2 years
Slashers with housewife s/o
(She/her)(swf) I was writing it for hour and it didnt save tnere is a lot of dialogue this color is slasher talking and this one is s/o. Its mostly written for fun Request open
Thomas Hewitt
P r o t e c t
He is triple cousious with his victims now! He would not forgive himself if one of them hurt her! And I dont thinl s/o likes gore so dont go near basement hon pls
*tommy vibing outside* "Uhhh Tommy? Theres some guy in livingroom" 🤨😨
Even tho she is hausewife he is hausehusband so yall Just vibe while cooking and cleaning
The Micheal Myers
"Micheal make sure to wear something under this jumpsuit, its cold outside!"
S/o getting him a phone and texting him every second he's out
Please Micheal stop killing people in our livingroom, this carpet costs more that my kidney
Once he gave her a knife he stole from some girl that tried to Defend herself
I can imagine s/o texting him stuff like "at 5pm u better be home, i made your favorite food" he will speedrun to home, he loves food
*phone rings at 3am* "Honey why you calling me, im at work?" "ASA THERE IS HUGE SPOODER IN BATHROOM HELP I CANT PEE" "omygod not again"
Due to s/o being often home alone (he is busy man) she will probably find some sort of hobby?(obviolusly) I can see her learning how to do crocheting. LIKE IMAGINE: "Asa i made you this cute sweater Look!" (There are to ways he will answer that) option1: "yeaah thanks that suuuper cute will wear it for sure"(never wears it) option 2: "what kind of abomination is that"(will wear it at work)
Bonus points if the oomgomgomg IF SHE MAKES SWEATER WITH MOTHS ON IT OR COCKROACHES (you know the funny gif with spining cockroach?yep this one) HE WILL LOVE IT(secretly) He would love to wear it to work but Hes afraid of destorying it (No, because imagine Arkin living in hell and the guy that tortures him for months just cames in cute sweater with cockroaches on it)
"??? Mate u mean u want to stay here and take care of nest while I go out??? I mean sure? Eem take care??" Confused af, like in his culutre both partners Hunt and tbh theres non long lasting relationships, only to make babis so it is weird.
He wants her to stay by his side 24/7 so he will be grumpy
But idea of her making amazing food while he is out just for him is too good to pass
Especally if its made of foods that he hunt, brings him pride
Imagine learning him how to use fork "nono honey u grab it like that and stab the food. Nono gently nonoo oh noo *break plate* "why use that when im litteraly apex predator hon imma-*eats whole plate of food with plate*
Billy lenz
F o o d
He loves food she makes
She hangs out in house so its win-win.
He will hug her alot and try to take her attencion from whatever she does to him!!
"Billy go help me chop carrorts for dinner!" *billy speedruning from upstairs* "🥺whar are carrots?"
Brahms Heelshie
"Mmm :) " "Brahms stop staring at me and help me clean kitchen' "yes honey :("
He does not rule in this relationship
He may act intimitading but He is just a shy bean
He does not know how to food, he will try to eat uncooked potato while shes not looking mmm forbiden apples
Hush man
Hes into that, prefers his wife to be like that
He loves picking her up and runinning arond hause
No matter how long yall are into relaionship he will be nervous before any dinner u eat together or be so happy everytime he sees her after he comesback home
Found it in my drafts!
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
Bruce: What movie should I pick for family night?
Steph: Goncharov.
The other batkids: *agreement sounds*
Bruce: Uh, okay. What's it about?
Tim: You never heard of Goncharov, B?? Is the best mafia movie of all times.
Duke: Wow, Mr. Wayne, Dick told me you loved mafia movies, but you don't even know Goncharov?
Bruce: I'm not a big movie fan or a Scorcese fan, I guess this one jusy slided me by.
Damian: T-T I'm disapointed with you father, you have to be a truly uncultured swinne to have never wached such a masterpiece as Goncharov 1973 directed by Matteo JWHJ0715 and Martin Scorcese.
Dick: *who is more of a little shit than people give him credit for* He should know it! We watched it on our early novie nights. You don't remember, B? *sad eyes*
Bruce: *who did sleep during most of his first family movie nights with Dick* I-I-I'm soo sorry, Dick. We can watch it again today? Make new memories?
Dick: I guess.
Jason: The fact you never watched it diminish the value of a critical discussion of certain aspects, like the religous symbolism of the market scene with the two forbiden fruits with Katya seing christianity in the apple while Sophia represented the paganism with the pomegranate, that can only be appreciated in a second view.
Cass: Finally someone is talking about the pomegranate and the apple.
Steph: Can we talk about Mario's glass motif and how it subverts expectations since normally broken glass represents loss but here is Mario's obcession, not seing the beauty in the fragments - or in the members of his mafioso empire- in a drive for the perfection and assumed superior quality of the whole - his trials to be like the tradicional criminal families going against change and his facistic suprass of individuality - to the point were when he finally fixes his broken glass vase to perfection his most trustworthy allies - namely Andrey and Joseph - have betrayed him in one way or another.
Bruce: *completly lost* This does sound like a great movie!
Barbara: It is one. And you would know that if you had any ressemblance of culture.
Dick: Honestly Bruce I can't belive you sleeped and missed such a perfect movie like Goncharov.
Alfred: *entering the living room* What's going on here?
Tim: B never saw Goncharov.
Alfred: *who has absolutly no idea what they are talking about* Really? Master Bruce, I thought I had teached you better than that! Goncharov is a mark of cinematography!
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muiitoloko · 6 months
I swear, I live for your Eli fics. 😔💗
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Title: Forbiden love
Summary: He was yours and you were undeniably his.
Pairing: Eli Michaelson × Fem! Reader
Warnings: Smut, forbidden love, self-criticism, fear, abandonment, guilt and possessiveness.
Author's Notes: I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed the story! Your feedback means a lot to me and I am grateful for your continued support. And now speaking of my portrayal of Eli Michaelson, I must confess that I may have taken some creative liberties and deviated slightly from his original character. I recognize that this departure may not be perfectly in line with how he was originally portrayed, and for that I apologize. However, I hope the story still resonates with you despite these changes. Thank you for your understanding and for allowing me the creative freedom to explore different aspects of the character.
First part here.
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Eli finally broke the kiss, a soft sigh escaping his lips as he leaned back slightly, his fingers gently caressing your cheek. He gazed into your eyes, a mixture of desire and admiration reflected in his own. Despite his typically stoic demeanor, there was a hint of vulnerability in his expression as he savored the moment.
Your lips, swollen and inviting, beckoned to him, and Eli couldn't resist the urge to lean in once more, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead before speaking. "My apologies, darling," he murmured, his voice low and husky with desire. "It seems our little indulgence has caused me to neglect something rather important."
He gestured towards the back seat of the car, where a grocery bag containing a tub of ice cream sat forgotten. "It appears my ice cream is melting," he remarked, a hint of amusement tugging at the corners of his lips. Your confusion only served to amuse him further as you looked at him quizzically.
"Yes, indeed," Eli confirmed with a nod. "Ice cream. A mundane necessity, but one that mustn't be overlooked." He chuckled softly, the sound warm and genuine as he reached for the bag and retrieved the tub of ice cream.
And Eli, driven by his impulsive desires and fueled by the allure of the forbidden, wasted no time in taking charge of the situation. Ignoring any semblance of propriety or restraint, he declared his intentions with a confidence that bordered on arrogance.
"We're going to eat ice cream in your apartment," he announced, his voice commanding and authoritative as he met your bewildered gaze with an unwavering stare. Before you could protest, your mind reeling with a mixture of guilt and confusion, Eli had already taken action, stepping out of the car with the tub of ice cream in hand.
You watched in stunned silence as he locked the car with a casual flick of his wrist, the gesture oozing with an air of entitlement that left you feeling increasingly uneasy. As he strode towards the entrance of your building, you couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation creeping into your heart.
Following in his wake, you fumbled with the key to your apartment, your mind racing with a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. This was wrong, you knew it deep down in your bones. Eli was Barkley's father, and you had no business entertaining him in your home.
But despite your reservations, you found yourself unable to resist his magnetic pull, drawn to him like a moth to a flame. As you entered your apartment, the weight of the situation settled heavily on your shoulders, a sense of unease gnawing at the edges of your consciousness. Despite Eli's assurances, you couldn't shake the feeling that this was all wrong, that you were crossing a line that should never be crossed.
"You know, Eli," you began, your voice trembling slightly with apprehension. "I don't think this is a good idea. You're Barkley's father, and... and we shouldn't be doing this."
To your surprise, Eli's response was not what you expected. He turned to you with a look of genuine sincerity, his usually stoic expression softened by a hint of vulnerability.
"You're right," he admitted, his voice surprisingly gentle. "I shouldn't have put you in this position. I promise you, I won't do anything you don't want. I just... I just wanted to spend some time with you. To talk, to... to eat ice cream."
His words caught you off guard, and for a moment, you found yourself at a loss for words. Despite his flaws and his questionable behavior, there was something undeniably earnest about Eli's demeanor, something that stirred a sense of empathy within you.
Taking a deep breath, you nodded slowly, a flicker of trust blossoming within your heart. "Okay," you said softly, your voice barely above a whisper. "Okay, let's eat ice cream."
As you retrieved two spoons from the kitchen, you couldn't help but notice the way Eli's gaze lingered on you, his eyes tracing the curves of your body with a mixture of longing and admiration. But instead of feeling uncomfortable, you found yourself strangely comforted by his presence, a sense of warmth spreading through you like a gentle embrace.
Returning to the living room, you handed Eli a spoon with a tentative smile, your fingers brushing against his in a fleeting touch that sent a shiver down your spine. He accepted the spoon with a grateful nod, his lips quirking into a small smile as he presented the tub of blueberry ice cream with a flourish.
"Blueberry ice cream," he announced with a hint of excitement, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. "My favorite."
As you settled onto the couch next to him, you couldn't help but marvel at the simplicity of the moment, the way in which the tension between you seemed to dissolve in the warmth of the shared experience. Despite the complexities of your relationship and the uncertainties that lay ahead, you found solace in the simple act of enjoying ice cream together.
For Eli, the realization that he had managed to keep his promise and resist the urge to make a move on you filled him with a strange mixture of pride and confusion. It was a rare moment of introspection for a man who prided himself on his unwavering self-assurance, a glimpse into the depths of his own psyche that left him feeling strangely vulnerable.
Was he getting old, he wondered? Was this the onset of a midlife crisis, a sign that he was losing his edge and succumbing to sentimentality? Or perhaps, just perhaps, there was something more profound at play, something that defied rational explanation and defied the boundaries of his carefully constructed reality.
As he glanced at you from the corner of his eye, his heart fluttered with a strange mixture of longing and uncertainty. You were a mystery to him, a tantalizing enigma that defied categorization or definition. And try as he might to resist the pull of your allure, he found himself inexorably drawn to you, like a moth to a flame.
As you glanced down at your spoon, a pang of guilt washed over you. Barkley also loved blueberry ice cream, and here you were, sharing a moment with his father that should rightfully belong to him. "You know," you began, your voice tinged with remorse, "Barkley loves blueberry ice cream too."
Eli's spoon froze midway to his mouth, his expression growing solemn as he fell silent. His usually sharp gaze softened, clouded by a flicker of introspection as he processed your words. You couldn't help but wonder if he felt guilty too, if he shared your remorse over the undeniable intimacy of the moment.
But when you turned to him, seeking reassurance or understanding, Eli remained silent, his lips pressed into a thin line as he withdrew into himself. It was as if a shutter had fallen over his emotions, masking his true thoughts and feelings behind a façade of stoic indifference.
"Barkley doesn't deserve you," Eli finally muttered, his voice tinged with bitterness. "Today only confirms that."
"It doesn't matter, Eli. I don't deserve Barkley either," you whisper, your voice trembling with emotion. "I'm such a... such a bitch." you put the spoon aside and brought your hands to your face, feeling like the worst human being in the world.
Eli's expression softened even further, his eyes reflecting a mixture of empathy and concern. With a gentle touch, he removed your hands from your face, his touch surprisingly tender despite his usual aloof demeanor.
"You're not a bitch," Eli insisted, his voice firm and unwavering. "Don't ever say that about yourself." His words were like a soothing balm to your wounded soul, offering a glimmer of solace amidst the turmoil of your emotions.
But despite his reassurances, you couldn't shake the overwhelming sense of guilt and shame that threatened to consume you whole. Tears welled up in your eyes, cascading down your cheeks in silent streams of remorse as you struggled to contain the flood of emotions raging within you.
Eli's hands remained a comforting presence against your face, his touch a tangible reminder of the fragile connection that bound you together in this moment of vulnerability. And as he wiped away your tears with gentle strokes of his fingers, you couldn't help but feel a flicker of warmth stir within your heart.
"Why do you care?" you whispered hoarsely, your voice trembling with uncertainty. "Why do you care if I'm hurting?"
Eli's response was immediate, his gaze unwavering as he met your eyes with a fierce intensity that took you aback. "Because I... I don't know," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "I've never felt like this before. I've never cared about anyone's well-being other than my own."
His confession hung heavy in the air between you, a stark reminder of the depths of his emotional turmoil. And as you gazed into his eyes, you couldn't help but wonder what had brought him to this moment of revelation, what had sparked this newfound sense of empathy and compassion within him.
But before you could voice your thoughts, Eli pressed a finger to your lips, silencing your protests with a gentle gesture. "Let's pretend this never happened," he murmured, his voice tinged with regret. "I'll go away and leave you alone. Just... just don't cry."
You reached out to him, grasping his hand in yours with a desperate plea for reassurance. "But I don't want you to go," you confessed, your voice raw with emotion. "I don't want to be alone."
Eli's eyes softened at your words, a flicker of understanding passing between you as he gently brushed away the tears that stained your cheeks. "Then don't let me go," he whispered, his voice barely audible above the pounding of your heart. "Stay with me."
But even as you clung to him, desperate for the fleeting comfort he offered, you couldn't shake the nagging sense of doubt that gnawed at the edges of your consciousness.
And as you tried to protest once more, your words stumbling over your lips in a desperate attempt to convey the magnitude of the situation, Eli silenced you with a kiss. His lips crashed against yours with a fervent intensity, erasing any semblance of resistance as he poured his emotions into the passionate embrace.
Fuck wrong, he thought, his mind clouded with a tumultuous whirlwind of conflicting emotions. He had never felt like this before, never experienced such a visceral reaction to another person. Was this what being in love was about? Did he fall in love with you?
The realization hit him like a bolt of lightning, sending shockwaves of panic and confusion coursing through his veins. Love was a foreign concept to Eli, a weakness he had always scorned and dismissed as beneath him. And yet, here he was, grappling with the overwhelming certainty that he was utterly and irrevocably in love with you.
But even as the revelation settled like a heavy weight on his chest, Eli couldn't help but recoil from the truth. Love was a vulnerability, a weakness he couldn't afford to indulge in. It was a betrayal of everything he had ever believed in, a betrayal of the cold, calculating persona he had spent a lifetime cultivating.
Why was he hurting so much? Why did seeing you suffer make him suffer too? The questions echoed in his mind, taunting him with their relentless insistence. He had always prided himself on his emotional detachment, on his ability to remain unaffected by the pain of others. And yet, here he was, consumed by a turmoil of emotions he couldn't begin to comprehend.
As he broke the kiss, his breath ragged and uneven, Eli gazed into your eyes with a mixture of longing and anguish. "I'm sorry," he whispered hoarsely, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'm sorry for everything."
But before you could respond, before you could make sense of the maelstrom of emotions raging within you, Eli kissed you again, his lips hungry and demanding as he sought solace in the fleeting embrace. And in that moment, as you surrendered yourself to the overwhelming tide of passion and desire, you couldn't help but wonder if perhaps, just perhaps, there was hope for the two of you yet.
But as the kiss deepened and the world fell away around you, a sense of unease lingered in the back of your mind. Eli was Barkley's father, a fact that couldn't be ignored or dismissed. And no matter how deeply you cared for him, no matter how much you longed to be with him, there were lines that should never be crossed.
As you reluctantly pulled away from the kiss, your heart heavy with guilt and uncertainty, you couldn't help but meet Eli's gaze with a mixture of fear and longing. "I can't do this," you whispered, your voice trembling with emotion. "We can't do this."
But even as you spoke the words, a part of you knew that they were futile, that the bond between you and Eli was stronger than either of you could ever hope to resist. As he kissed your jaw, his lips tender and insistent, he murmured softly, his voice tinged with a mixture of longing and regret. "Send me away, darling," he pleaded, his breath hot against your skin. "Tell me to leave, and I will go. I promise."
But you remained silent, your heart torn between conflicting desires as you struggled to make sense of the tumultuous emotions raging within you. Eli's words hung heavy in the air between you, a silent plea for absolution that went unanswered as you grappled with the weight of your own desires.
Undeterred by your lack of response, Eli continued to shower you with kisses, his lips tracing a path down your neck with a relentless determination. He leaned into you, his body pressing against yours as he urged you to lie back on the couch, his touch igniting a firestorm of need within you that threatened to consume you whole.
With each fleeting caress, each tender kiss, Eli knew that he was pushing the boundaries of propriety and decency. He was the one who had pursued you, who had chased after the forbidden fruit with reckless abandon, knowing full well the consequences of his actions.
But in that moment, as he gazed down at you with a hunger that bordered on desperation, Eli couldn't bring himself to care. He wanted you, needed you, with a ferocity that defied reason or rationale. And if it meant crossing lines that should never be crossed, he was more than willing to pay the price.
As he slid his hand up the length of your thigh, his touch sending shivers of pleasure coursing through your veins, Eli felt a surge of triumph swell within him. You were his, body and soul, and nothing would stand in the way of claiming you as his own.
"Send me away," he whispered once more, his voice barely audible above the pounding of your heart. "Tell me to leave, and I will go. But if you ask me to stay..."
"Kiss me," you interrupted him, your voice barely above a breathless murmur. "Please, Eli, kiss me."
And in that moment, as the world fell away around you and the boundaries between right and wrong blurred into obscurity, Eli's resolve crumbled like sand slipping through his fingers. With a low groan of surrender, he captured your lips in a passionate embrace, his kiss a fervent declaration of desire and longing.
As his hands roamed freely across your body, tracing the curves of your silhouette with reverent awe, Eli couldn't suppress the surge of possessiveness that coursed through him. You were his, he realized with a fierce determination that bordered on obsession. And no matter the consequences, no matter the cost, he would do whatever it took to make you his own.
For better or for worse, he was yours, and you were his. And as he kissed you with a fervent intensity that left him breathless with longing, Eli knew that he would do whatever it took to keep you by his side, no matter the cost.
In that moment, as the world faded into oblivion and time stood still, Eli found himself lost in a whirlwind of emotion unlike anything he had ever experienced before. Love, desire, longing... they all merged into a single, overwhelming sensation that threatened to consume him whole.
But as he clung to you with a desperate intensity, as he poured his heart and soul into the kiss that bound them together in a tangled web of passion and desire, Eli knew one thing for certain.
He would do it all over again in a heartbeat.
Eli moaned against your mouth as you arched beneath him, your clothed core rubbing against his cock that was already straining in his pants. 'Fuck, when was I ever turned on by just one kiss?' he thought, his mind clouded with desire as he struggled to maintain control.
He looked at you, eyes dark with desire as he questioned where your bedroom was, and you chose to show rather than tell. Getting out from under him, you stood up, taking Eli with you. And Eli followed you eagerly, the ice cream forgotten on the coffee table in front of the couch.
You entered your bedroom, and Eli looked around curiously. Your bedroom was quite tidy and small, but that didn't matter at that moment. You sat on the edge of the bed to take off your heels, and Eli did the same with his own shoes, not being in a hurry to undress.
But he stopped for a moment after taking off his shoe, placing a hand on your thigh as he questioned if you had condoms. You nodded, going to get a box from the bedside table drawer, saying that you use them with Barkley. But when you mention Barkley, you feel guilty again, and Eli interrupts you.
"Don't think about Barkley now," he murmured, his voice husky with desire. "Just you and me, darling. Just us, here and now."
With a soft sigh, you pushed aside your doubts and fears, surrendering yourself to the overwhelming tide of passion and desire that threatened to consume you whole. And as Eli leaned in to capture your lips in a searing kiss, his touch igniting a firestorm of need within you, you knew one thing for certain.
There was no turning back now.
As Eli undressed, carelessly tossing his clothes aside, you watched him with a mixture of admiration and desire. His physique was impressive, he was not a muscular man but was attractive with hair on his chest. But it was when he revealed himself completely, with his thick, throbbing length on display, that you couldn't help but gasp in amazement.
He ran his hand along his shaft, his touch sending shivers down your spine as you watched with rapt attention. It was like watching a masterpiece come to life before your very eyes, each stroke a brushstroke in the canvas of your desires.
With practiced ease, Eli rolled a condom onto himself, the latex sheathing his hardness in a barrier of protection. And as he turned to you, his eyes dark with desire, you felt a thrill of anticipation coursing through your veins.
"It's time to undress you, my darling," he murmured, his voice husky with longing. And with a tenderness that belied his usual arrogance, Eli began to strip you of your clothing, each garment falling away like the layers of an onion, revealing the treasure hidden within.
As he peeled away the last of your clothing, leaving you bare and vulnerable before him, Eli's gaze lingered on your form with an intensity that took your breath away.
"You have no idea how much I fucking dreamed about this," he admitted, his voice raw with emotion. "I imagined you, I touched myself thinking about you. And now, to see you here, beneath me, it's more than I ever dared to hope for."
And with that, Eli bent down, his lips trailing a path of fire across your skin as he worshipped every inch of your body with reverent devotion. When he took one of your breasts into his mouth, sucking and nibbling with a hunger that left you trembling with desire, you couldn't help but moan his name, your pleasure echoing in the quiet confines of the room.
You grabbed his hair, chanting his name in a breathless whisper as Eli's lips curved into a wicked smile, relishing in the power he held over you. With deliberate slowness, he teased and tormented you with his lips and touches, each caress igniting a wildfire of desire within you.
He played you like a finely tuned instrument, his every move calculated to drive you to the brink of madness. And as he whispered sweet nothings in your ear, his words a symphony of seduction, you found yourself falling deeper and deeper under his spell.
"Tell me," he demanded, his voice low and husky with desire. "Did you dream about me? Did you think about me, even when you were with Barkley?"
Your cheeks flushed crimson with embarrassment at his probing questions, but you couldn't deny the truth. "Yes," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. "I thought about you more times than I care to admit. Sometimes, even when I shouldn't have."
Eli's smile grew even more smug at your confession, a self-satisfied smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "Naughty girl," he purred, his tone dripping with amusement. "Thinking about me when you were with Barkley. You've been a bad, bad girl, haven't you?"
But instead of feeling ashamed, you felt a thrill of excitement coursing through your veins at his words. There was something undeniably thrilling about being caught in his web of desire, about surrendering yourself completely to his dominant will.
And as Eli continued to lavish you with kisses and touches, tormenting you until you begged for more, you found yourself unable to resist his magnetic pull any longer. "Please," you whimpered, your voice hoarse with longing. "I need you. I need to feel you inside me."
With a predatory gleam in his eyes, Eli finally relented, his desire matching yours with an intensity that left you breathless. "Spread your legs for daddy," he commanded, his voice rough with desire. "Wrap your legs around my waist, and let me show you what you've been missing."
You couldn't help but gasp in surprise at his choice of words. "Daddy?" you questioned, uncertainty flickering in your eyes. "Is that... is that okay?"
Eli just responded nonchalantly, his smirk never faltering. "I'm used to being called that by younger women," he admitted, his voice dripping with arrogance. "But if I could choose, I prefer my title to be used: Doctor. However, I don't mind indulging you in your little fantasy."
You nodded, not bothering to respond as you eagerly wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him closer. Eli wasted no time, sliding into you with a smooth, deliberate motion, his movements fueled by raw desire.
As he leaned closer to you, his hands on the sides of your head, you couldn't help but let out a soft sigh of pleasure. "Doctor," you whispered against his ear, the word feeling strangely illicit on your tongue.
Eli shuddered at the sound of his chosen nickname, his control slipping slightly as he cursed under his breath. "Fuck, that's... that's sinful," he groaned, his voice husky with desire. "Shit, what are you doing to me?"
But instead of answering, you simply tightened your grip on him, urging him deeper with each thrust. And as he buried himself completely inside you, you couldn't help but moan his chosen name again and again, each utterance driving him to the brink of madness.
"Oh, Doctor," you whimpered, your voice filled with need. "Please... I need more."
With a feral growl, Eli complied, his movements becoming more urgent and desperate as he sought to satisfy your every desire. He continued fucking you with an intensity that bordered on savage, his every thrust hitting all the right spots with unerring precision. As he watched you beneath him, moaning and squirming in ecstasy, a smug grin spread across his lips, his narcissistic side coming to the forefront.
"Fuck, you're so tight," he growled, his voice rough with desire as he buried himself deep inside you. "You like that, don't you? You like being filled up by Doctor Michaelson's big, thick cock."
Your breath hitched at his words, a shiver of pleasure coursing through you at the sheer arrogance of his tone. But even as you struggled to maintain your composure, Eli's relentless thrusts drove you ever closer to the brink of ecstasy, your body trembling with need.
With each thrust, each deep, primal growl that escaped his lips, Eli seemed to revel in his power over you, his dominant nature on full display. And as he leaned down to capture your lips in a bruising kiss, his hands roaming freely across your body, you surrendered yourself completely to the overwhelming tide of pleasure that threatened to consume you whole.
"Harder, Eli," you whimpered, your voice barely above a desperate plea. "Fuck me harder, I need it. I need all of you."
Eli's eyes darkened with lust at your words, a feral grin spreading across his lips as he complied with your request. With renewed vigor, he pounded into you with an intensity that left you breathless, your senses reeling from the sheer force of his desire.
"You want it rough, huh?" he taunted, his voice dripping with arrogance as he drove himself deeper and deeper into you. "You want me to fuck you like the dirty little slut you are?"
Your cheeks flushed crimson at his words, a mixture of shame and desire flooding through you at his brazen display of dominance. But even as you struggled to maintain your composure, Eli's relentless assault on your senses left you trembling with need, your body aching for release.
With each thrust, each delicious moment of agony and ecstasy, you felt yourself spiraling closer and closer to the edge, your orgasm building with an intensity that bordered on unbearable. And as Eli's movements became more urgent, more desperate, you knew that you were teetering on the brink of oblivion, on the verge of surrendering yourself completely to the overwhelming tide of pleasure that threatened to consume you whole.
And then, finally, it happened.
With a primal roar of ecstasy, you felt your climax wash over you like a tidal wave, your body convulsing with pleasure as Eli continued to pound into you with an intensity that bordered on savage. And as you cried out his name in a breathless whisper, your voice lost in the throes of passion, you knew one thing for certain.
You were his, completely and utterly, and you wouldn't have it any other way.
And as you arch against him, your body trembling with the force of your orgasm, Eli holds you close, his strong arms wrapped around you in a comforting embrace. He whispers soothing words in your ear, his voice a gentle murmur against your skin as he calms you from the storm of sensation that threatens to overwhelm you.
"You're doing so well, my little slut," he murmurs, his words a soft caress against your ear. "Just let go, give in to the pleasure. You belong to me now, completely and utterly."
With a contented sigh, you sink into his embrace, basking in the warmth of his touch as he holds you close. But even as you revel in the afterglow of your climax, a sense of anticipation lingers in the air, a hunger that refuses to be sated.
Eli turns you over, positioning you on all fours on the bed, your body trembling with excitement as you await his next move. He grips your hips firmly, his touch possessive and commanding as he positions himself behind you, his cock throbbing with anticipation.
With a low growl of desire, Eli plunges into you with a single, powerful thrust, filling you to the brim with his hardness. You gasp in pleasure, the sensation of him stretching you to your limits sending shivers of ecstasy coursing through your veins.
But Eli shows no mercy, his thrusts relentless and unforgiving as he pounds into you with an intensity that leaves you breathless with need. You grip the sheets of your bed tightly, your nails digging into the fabric as you struggle to hold on to your sanity in the face of such overwhelming pleasure.
And as Eli's balls slap against your clit with each thrust, sending shockwaves of pleasure rippling through your body, you can't help but moan like a wanton slut, your cries of ecstasy filling the room with their sweet melody.
"Yes, yes, just like that," you whimper, your voice a breathless moan of pleasure. "Fuck me, Doctor Michaelson, make me yours."
Eli's grin widens at your words, his eyes gleaming with triumph as he claims you as his own once more. He grips your ass tightly, squeezing and kneading the flesh as he pulls you closer, his desire consuming him completely.
"You're mine, all mine," he growls, his voice rough with desire. "I'll never let you go, my little slut. You belong to me, body and soul."
And with that, Eli drives into you with renewed fervor, his thrusts growing more desperate and urgent with each passing moment. And as you feel yourself hurtling towards the edge of oblivion once more, you can't help but revel in the overwhelming bliss of surrendering yourself completely to his dominant will.
As the intensity of your lovemaking reaches its peak, Eli's movements become more frantic and desperate, his hips driving forward with a primal urgency that leaves you both teetering on the edge of ecstasy. With a guttural groan, Eli spills himself into the condom, his release accompanied by a deep, resonant moan of your name that reverberates through the room.
You collapse onto the bed, spent and sated, Eli following suit and falling on top of you with a satisfying weight that leaves you breathless. For a moment, you revel in the intimacy of the aftermath, the heat of his body pressing against yours in a comforting embrace.
But soon, Eli pulls out of you, his softening member still wrapped in the condom as he rolls onto his back, his chest heaving with the effort as he catches his breath. You snuggle into his side, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat as he pulls you closer, his fingers tangling in your hair as he strokes your curls with a tenderness that surprises you, making you fall asleep against his chest.
As Eli stared up at the ceiling, his fingers absentmindedly tracing patterns in your hair as you lay nestled against his chest, your breathing slow and steady as sleep claimed you. He knew this was his chance to slip away, to leave behind the tangled mess of desire and longing that had consumed them both in the heat of the moment.
He had already taken what he wanted, had tasted the forbidden fruit of your passion, and now he could simply walk away, leaving you to deal with the aftermath on your own. It was what he had always done in the past, after all. Take what he wanted and move on, with no regard for the consequences.
But as he looked down at your peaceful face, your skin glowing with the remnants of your lovemaking, Eli couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at him from within. Why did the idea of walking away from you bother him so much? What hold did you have over him that made him hesitate, even now?
Gently pulling away from you, Eli laid you down on the pillow, his gaze lingering on your sleeping form as he contemplated his next move. What would he do with you now? Would he turn you into his pet, his plaything to be used and discarded at his whim? The thought sent a shiver down his spine, both thrilling and terrifying in equal measure.
But as he caressed your cheek with a tenderness he hadn't known he possessed, Eli realized that he couldn't bring himself to treat you like just another conquest. You deserved better than that, he knew it deep down in his soul.
But why was he hesitating so much? If it were anyone else, Eli wouldn't have even given it a second thought before leaving. But with you, it was different. With you, everything was different.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, Eli ran his hands through his hair, feeling more confused by a woman than he had in years, maybe even never before. The thought both intrigued and frightened him, stirring up emotions he had long buried beneath layers of arrogance and self-assuredness.
But as he removed the condom from his shaft and made his way to the bathroom to discard it, Eli couldn't suppress the arrogant smirk that tugged at the corners of his lips. Once again, he had won. He wanted something, and now he had it, like always.
But as he stared at his reflection in the bathroom mirror, a nagging voice in the back of his mind whispered words of doubt and uncertainty. Was this really what he wanted? To use you and discard you like yesterday's trash?
No, he realized with a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. You deserved more than that. And maybe, just maybe, so did he.
With a heavy sigh, Eli made his way back to the bedroom, his heart heavy with the weight of his own conflicting emotions. He knew he couldn't stay, couldn't give you what you deserved. But he also knew that he couldn't simply walk away, not without at least trying to make things right.
And so, with a sense of determination that surprised even himself, Eli leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, his lips lingering against your skin for a moment longer than necessary.
"I'm sorry," he whispered, his voice barely above a whisper. "I don't know what I'm doing. But I promise, I'll figure it out. For both of us."
As Eli started to pick up his clothes from the floor and get dressed to leave, he froze when he heard you moving in bed, waking up softly and calling for him. He hesitated, torn between his desire to stay and his fear of the consequences of his actions. But before he could make a decision, you spoke up, your voice tinged with bitterness as you realized that Eli was preparing to leave you behind like nothing more than a one-night stand.
Desperation clawed at your heart as you watched him dress, your mind racing with a million questions and doubts. Would he really just leave you here, alone and abandoned, without a second thought? Were you nothing more than a fleeting moment of pleasure to him, a distraction from the monotony of his existence?
Eli's response was evasive, his words carefully chosen as he tried to placate your growing anger and frustration. But as you pressed him for answers, demanding to know what his intentions were, Eli's patience began to wear thin.
"What the fuck do you want from me?" he snapped, his voice tinged with frustration. "I told you, I don't know what I'm doing. I'm confused, okay? Can't you see that?"
But your anger only intensified at his dismissive tone, your fear and insecurity bubbling to the surface as you lashed out in frustration. "Confused?" you scoffed, your voice trembling with emotion. "You think you're confused? Try being in my shoes for a fucking second, Eli. You waltz in here, make me fall for you, and then expect me to just let you walk away without a second thought? What the hell kind of game are you playing?"
Eli's eyes narrowed at your accusation, his jaw clenching with barely contained anger. "I'm not playing any games," he growled, his voice low and dangerous. "I came here looking for one thing, and one thing only. And now that I have it, I'm leaving. End of story."
But as he moved to leave, you couldn't suppress the surge of anger and betrayal that welled up within you, threatening to consume you whole. "So that's it, then?" you spat, your voice dripping with venom. "I'm just supposed to let you walk out that door, without a backward glance? Is that what I am to you, Eli? Nothing more than a disposable fuck toy?"
Eli's expression softened slightly at your words, a flicker of guilt flashing in his eyes. But before he could respond, you continued, your voice trembling with emotion.
"I'm scared too, you know," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. "Scared of what this means, of what will happen if Barkley finds out. But I can't stop thinking about you, Eli. I can't stop wanting you, even though I know I shouldn't."
For a moment, silence hung heavy in the air between you, the tension palpable as you both grappled with the weight of your emotions. But then, with a soft sigh, Eli moved to sit next to you on the bed, his hand reaching out to gently caress your cheek.
Eli's hand trembled slightly, his touch hesitant and uncertain. "I... I don't want to leave," he admitted softly, his voice barely above a whisper. "Part of me... part of me wants to stay, to be with you. But..."
He trailed off, his gaze dropping to the floor as he struggled to find the right words. "But you have to end things out with Barkley first," he continued, his voice tinged with sadness. "I can't... I can't share you, not with him. I won't share you, not with anyone, especially not my own son."
You felt a surge of emotion welling up within you at his words, a mixture of relief and longing washing over you like a tidal wave. He chose you, you realized with a sense of awe and wonder. Despite everything, despite his arrogance and self-assuredness, Eli chose you.
You reached out, taking Eli's hand in yours and squeezing it gently, your heart pounding in your chest as you waited for his response. But instead of returning your gesture, Eli tensed at your touch, his hand pulling away from yours as if burned.
"Why are women always so complicated?" he muttered under his breath, his frustration evident in his tone. "I just want... I just want to go out and think. I just want... damn, I don't know what I want."
You could see the uncertainty in his eyes, the conflict raging within him as he grappled with his own emotions. Part of him wanted you, you realized with a pang of sadness, but the other part of him was afraid of getting too attached, too involved.
You sighed, feeling the weight of his indecision bearing down on you like a leaden blanket. "Okay," you said softly, your voice trembling with emotion. "If you want to leave, then go. I won't stop you."
Eli looked at you in surprise, his brows furrowing in confusion as he called your name hesitantly. But you ignored him, your heart heavy with disappointment and hurt. "Just go," you whispered, your voice barely above a whisper. "I won't stop you. I won't blame you. I won't expect anything from you. Let's just forget..."
As all this happened, you turned around and laid down with your back to Eli, burying your face in the pillow as you fought back tears. You couldn't bear to see him go, couldn't bear the thought of being abandoned by him so callously.
Eli stood still for a moment, his gaze lingering on your bare back as he struggled with his own conflicting emotions. He sighed, his shoulders slumping in defeat. "Damn woman," he muttered under his breath, his tone laced with frustration. "Fine, I'll stay. But give me some of the covers, will you? I'm freezing here."
You turned around in surprise at his words, your heart skipping a beat as you realized that Eli hadn't left. He had chosen to stay, chosen to face the challenges that would come with you. And in that moment, a weight lifted off your shoulders, replaced by a sense of relief and gratitude.
"Thank you," you whispered, your voice filled with emotion as you reached out to share the covers with him. "Thank you for staying."
Eli just grumbled in response, his facade of indifference slipping slightly as he settled down beside you. But despite his gruff exterior, you could see the warmth in his eyes, the flicker of something genuine that he couldn't quite hide.
He cared about you. He was in love with you.
With a surge of emotion, you threw your arms around him, holding him close as you whispered words of love and gratitude into his ear. And as you melted into each other's embrace, you knew one thing for certain.
Eli might be complicated, he might be arrogant and self-centered, but he was yours. And you were his.
Together, you would face whatever challenges lay ahead, hand in hand, heart to heart. For in each other, you had found something worth fighting for, something worth holding on to.
Eli continued to grumble as he shifted uncomfortably in bed, the chill of the room seeping into his bones and sending shivers down his spine. "If we're going to be together, you'd better invest in a better heater," he muttered, his tone gruff with annoyance. "It's freezing in here, you know."
You couldn't help but laugh at his complaint, the sound echoing softly in the quiet of the room as you snuggled closer to him. "I'll make sure to add it to the shopping list," you teased, your voice laced with amusement. "But for now, why don't we just share body heat? It's much more efficient."
Eli rolled his eyes at your suggestion, but he didn't protest as you wrapped your arms around him, pulling him close until there was no space left between you. And as you pressed yourself against his warmth, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against your chest, you couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over you.
Maybe things weren't perfect, maybe there were still challenges to face and obstacles to overcome. But in that moment, wrapped in each other's arms, you knew one thing for certain.
You were home.
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maria-ruta · 11 months
I’m so glad anytime you post anything about your vampire characters, I love hearing anything about their stories! Veronica is so cool!
Sorry for keeping you waiting, anon, but your ask was cheering me up and warming my heart for the last couple days - thank you very much! <3
I'm so happy to hear ppl like my characters, and our vtm campaign and my dear Veronica🥺💖
as a treat I will share some in game doodles from our vtm game with you <3
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Charlie ( @osatokun ) had hard time at the hospital so Veronica helped him feed on other doctor by distracting and hugging him
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Charlie (malkavian, @osatokun ) Veronica(toreodor) and Jaqueline (tzimisce, @tench-art ) getting drunk at the bar togther after stressful night. Veronica complaining about life while Jaqueline landing her a ear and Charlie just got back from banging with random person in the bathroom (it was long ago, now he's married and don't go for one-nights)
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1)its forbiden for vampires to show face on photos, so Veronica sends this kind of selfie to Jaqueline - with silly emoji over her face and very bluury Charlie in the background - they are breaking into school lol
2)back in 80s. Veronica's human nerd girlfriend Lina gets punched by bandits for trying to protect a guy they were hired to beat up. Veronica gets furious and kicks the shit out of them (she successfully trips over 2 of 4 guys and keeps them down on the ground). She used a bit of celerity - enough to be quicker while not breaking the masquerade. Lina was amazed and thought Veronica is master of martial arts!
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Veronica to Charlie - I wonder what Jaqueline is up to?
Jaqueline, who was siting at the backseat of Veronica's van, waiting for her - What do you mean?
Veronica and Charlie - "getting spooked bc they didn't expect her to be there"
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Veronica isn't fan of dirty street rat nibbling on her earring (even if the rat is super cute and helping on a mission) and Charlie falling over while Veronica tries to catch him but only manages to grab onto his pants. Butt's out!!! (oh yeah also there is cursed dead person in cables)
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Veronica teasingly encourage Charlie - you are such a hot little pie!
Charlie - pls stop!
Thank you for your attention!
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foibles-fables · 1 year
Foible, I'm curious! You said the Zenith and Beta would be a great post credits reveal, so how would you write the plot of Forbiden West with Regalla as the main antagonist?
So if the Zeniths/Beta had been reserved for game 3, I think HFW would've worked really nicely as a two-struggle game:
Regalla and her rebels as the main human antagonists, in cahoots with/manipulated by Sylens until he gets into a sticky situation with them and comes to our side instead--a hubristic mistake on his part, same as the situation with the Eclipse in HZD (fool him twice, shame on him, etc.)
The subfunctions themselves as less of an antagonist, but definitely as more a struggle to collect. Racing against both the biosphere's destruction and Sylens's misguided interference. Make them more difficult to obtain--leading up to the game, I imagined the Tenakth clans revering them as gods, and Aloy needing to convince them to relinquish them back. This seemed to be the plot laid out during GAIA's dying plea in HZD--repair the system core. I imagined we'd be doing a lot more of that than just...finding a whole GAIA again.
This, of course, would've been absolutely BALLER and meaningful and compelling had my old Clone Regalla theory been true. Angela Bassett sure did the thing, but I would've loved to see the Clone Regalla storyline play out.
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b0n3s-is-gay · 1 year
Falling for your love: Chapter 1
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Tags: mentions of religion, fallen angel, forbiden love, Demon Simeon, fluffy angst, GN! Reader
Synopsis: Simeon wants to love his beloved human but cannot without falling. So he questions the word of his leader and wonders about something: Love or his status?
Rules, laws, and god is all that Simeon has known for the past thousands of years. He never saw a problem with those rules and laws until he saw another angel get killed during a war for loving a mortal. He even saw his only brother figure fall. He stood by the laws but he questioned them everyday.
Now he stood infront of the Lord of Devildom with his young angel companion and two humans. His heart was pounding in his throat and ears. He tried to look anywhere but the king but his eyes stopped on one of the two humans. They looked at the Lord with the confidence of a thousand soldiers.
He'd only seen that confidence in two people, his mentor Lucifer and the demon Lord infront of him. He loved to see that this human was so dead set on doing something. What that something is, he would never know.
"Luke, Simeon, and Solomon will be staying in Purgatory Hall while Y/n will be staying in the House of Lametation with the seven demon brothers." The mighty Demon Lord bellowed out in a strong voice that shook the angels and Solomon. The smaller human didn't even blink as the stronger demons looked down on them as the Lord's voice shook.
After the Demon lord finished speaking, the exchange students walked to their respective areas so they can start to settle down before school. Simeon's eyes could not leave the smaller student that stood infront of the seven rulers of the underworld.
"Simeon, come on. We have to get to Puratory Hall so we can start settiling in before we start school tommorow." Luke said to the older angel as he grabbed onto the angels gloved hand. Simeon just looked down at the younger angel as he started walking. He may not be looking at the confident student but his mind is still by their side.
"Simeon, what are you thinking about?" The socerer asked the distracted angel. He looked at the white-haired wonder and shrugged as he kept walking down the road to their new home till they went their seperate ways back to their own realms and kingdoms.
"Are you two ready to see our new home till we head back to our own realms after the semesters are over?" Simeon said while trying to change the subject and hoping that it'll get his mind away from the other student that he hadn't been introduced to yet.
"I just hope it's livable, I bet demons don't even know how to live." Luke said while looking at the large doors that stood tall infront of the trio. Simeon looked at the younger angel with a look of dissaprovement. "Luke, 7 of those demons were angels, they fought for their sister who was killed for loving a mortal man."
Simeon opened the door and lead the two other people into the hall so they could see where they would be living for the next couple of years. Simeon didn't really care what his room looked like so long as he had a bed to sleep in, a place to pray, and a desk to work at.
"Good night others, I feel absolutely tired from the trip to devildom. Have a good rest of your night." Simeon said as he walked to his room that was marked just for him. He opened the door and saw his semi-simplistic room where he would spend his nights while in Devildom.
What a strange human he encountered today. Hopefully he'll get a chance to speak to them more before his time in Devildom ends. He found them quite nice on the eyes , he just hoped that he won't have the same fate as her.
Simeon even felt sick even thinking her name made him feel sick with guilt, he could have helpt them but he didn't so he could save his own skin. "I was such a cowerd back then I should've helped them... I don't even know what it's like to be in a situation like that."
Simeon dropped on his bed and fell asleep for the night, Tommorow would mark his first day in Devildom.
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literarydemerit · 1 year
Literary Demerit Episode Guide
Here is a list of all our current episodes, organized by season. Each episode here is linked to Spotify, but our podcast can be found on most platforms including Apple Podcasts, Audible, and our Patreon. Content warnings can be found in the description of every episode.
Season 1 - My Immortal (Harry Potter)
Episode 1: Draco’s Falsetto
Episode 2: Gottem
Episode 3: This Sentence Is False
Episode 4: Bunts and Cabarets
Episode 5: And There Was Only One Coffin!
Episode 6: Cheese Boots
Episode 7: Kafkaesque
Episode 8: Sexy Broomstick
Season 2 - Forbiden Fruit: The Tempation of Edward Cullen (Twilight)
Episode 9: Man-Carrot
Episode 10: Moldy Sluts and Horrid Slugs
Episode 11: Mr. Snoofles’ Extracurricular Lesson
Season 3 - Blood Raining Night (Inuyasha x Hetalia x Legend of Korra x Elfen Lied x MANY MORE)
Episode 12: Rachael Blood Cat Ogre
Episode 13: My Daughter, Angel Garbage
Episode 14: Little Wayne
Episode 15: Just Be Enemies
Episode 16: Kentucky Friend Chicken
Episode 17: Wedding Prank GONE WRONG!
Episode 18: Fullmeowtail Nyalchemist
Episode 19: Trapped in a Island with Clone Catgirls
Episode 20: How to Baby
MAID MADNESS New Game + (video)
Episode 21: Rachael Redemption Arc
Season 4 - Dirty Laundry (Voltron: Legendary Defender)
Episode 22: The Voltron Restaurant
Episode 23: Evangelion Chicken Scene
Episode 24: Keith’s Cup of Stars
Episode 25: Highway Catfight
Episode 26: Rachel von Karma
Episode 27: Yaoi Microdosing
Episode 28: Lance’s Egg
Episode 29: Alligator Tears
Episode 30: Gasolina
Episode 31: Stomach Demons
Episode 32: Semicolon Abuse
Episode 33: Mom World
Episode 34: Dirty Landere
Episode 35: Rewrite Brain
Season 5 - Kelly the Roman Warrior (Lord of the Rings x Twilight x Shrek x various others)
Episode 36: Transylvanian Vampire in Rome
Episode 37: Evil Chess
Episode 38: The Count That Thots
Episode 39: Following Rats
Episode 40: The Yuri Musical
Episode 41: Professor Lupus
Episode 42: Fishmasters and Blood Lollipops
Episode 43: The Gelement of Ruspise
Episode 44: Revolutionary Girl Kelly
Season 6 - Love Knows No Race (Invader Zim)
Episode 45: Rat Romance
Episode 46: Zim Is Immune To Whump
Episode 47: Radioactive Rubber Obstacles of Childbirth
Episode 48: Sek’s Life
Episode 49: The Top of a Hat
our cover art is by @enaqua!
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legofanguy1999 · 1 year
A Forbiden Kiss
This story is for @zelinkcommunity hosted Zelink week 2023 day 2: Forbidden. I give a sneak peak of this story, which is set after The Adventures of Link for the NES. Present day Zelda the eighth design is based on Super Smash Ultimate Zelda, which is a mix of A Link to the Past Zelda and A Link between Worlds Zelda, and Zelda the first design is based on the red hair design of the NES games Zelda. Also, Princess Zelda is the eighth title is a nod of the 8-bit games era that the Legend of Zelda begins in.
On their horse, Zelda the first and her hero Link see Hyrule Castle, the symbol and home of the Royal Hyrule Family. It has changed much such she remember, but Zelda the first know that this is her home.
Princess Zelda the eighth was amazed at meeting her namesake as she look exactly like her painting, with Zelda the first having red hair that is unique among the blonde hair that women of the royal family like her has. Zelda the first greet her brother’s descendant, “Greeting, Princess Zelda.”
As Zelda the first is taken to her bedchamber, Princess Zelda the eight smile at her happiness. “Well,” Zelda comment about her ancestor to Link, “She seem happy to be awaken after sleeping for thousand of years.” Link reply, “Yeah. She even give me a kiss for reawakening her.” His words cause Zelda pause so she recall what she has just hear in her mind. The princess turn to Link and ask in a nervous tone, “What did you said, Link?” and he reply without knowing, “I said that Zelda the first give me a kiss.” which cause the current Zelda to shout, “YOU’RE NOT POSTED TO KISS A MEMBER OF THE ROYAL FAMILY! THAT’S FORBIDDEN!” Zelda think to herself, ‘I wanted to be the one whose kiss Link.’ as the Hero of Hyrule is horrified at him unknowing breaking a rule of Hyrule.
As weeks passed and as Zelda the first stay at the castle and Zelda the eight do her royal duties, the sixteen years of ruler of Hyrule couldn’t help feel jealous over her ancestor spreading time with Link, whose seem happy with Zelda the first. Link also begin to talk to Zelda the eight less, making her think that Link is forgetting her and his rescue of Zelda from Ganon.
One night, Zelda the eighth decided to take a evening scroll in the garden, like she used to do with her parents before they tragically passed away, leaving her to rule the kingdom at a young age. This soft of walk can clean her mind, even if she has the responsibility of ruling Hyrule at a young age.
Zelda the eighth was shocked at seeing Link about to leave as he is packing up Epona and she call out to him without alerting any guards, “Link...” and the hero pause and he turn around to face the princess, “Zelda...” While she believed that Link was expecting her ancestor, Zelda ask him, “Where are you going with our prized horse Epona?” and a upset Link explain, “During my adventures, I was attacked multiple times by Ganon’s forces whose want me dead for killing their dark master. If I stay here longer, they may attack the castle.” Zelda quickly protest, “Hyrule castle is heavy guarded and has magical shields to protect the residents from monster attacks! Heck, the monsters only attacked you when you left the castle! You’re safe here than anywhere else in Hyrule.” Link speak back, “You said that it was forbidden to have a relationship with royalty, did you not?” and this made Zelda the eighth realized what is going on here. Link is in love with Zelda the first and this stupid that separate those of royal blood from the common people is making him leave the castle, and so he leaving her. Zelda said, “Link... I’m sorry I point it out. In true...” she has to admit it to him, “I was jealous... of you and your love... as well how lucky you were to not born royalty and unknowing break laws without worry.” Link walk to Zelda and said to her, “I didn’t realized you were jealous of my freedom and love of adventure, such it was what bring us together in the first place.” and give a surprised kiss on Zelda’s lips and said, “Me taking the first scared kiss of the princess I love does give a good reason for me to be forbidden to step on the castle ground again. Goodbye, Zelda.” and return to Epona. A stunned Zelda got on her knees as she realized the truth, ‘Link was never in love with Zelda the first. He was.... He was in love with me...’ and she quickly begs in unspoken screams for Link to come back, but he never did and Zelda see her hero disappeared into the forest.
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its-chelisey-stuff · 2 years
I really liked the first episode of Our Blooming Youth and I cannot wait to see the leads actually together but was I tripping or did several things in this plot seemed familiar? *cough cough* The Forbidden Marriage *cough cough*
If The Forbiden Marriage would’ve aired after OBY, I’d be inclined to think the former was a poor copy of the latter or some sort of parody. But also, OBY is based off a chinese novel so who’s to say the Forbidden Marriage didn’t borrow some ideas from the plot? Anyway, this isn’t an attack on any of the dramas. I want to love OBY because I waited so long for it and I really liked Forbidden Marriage. I think I must be one of the few people who actually enjoyed the clownery of of the drama. It was such a fun watch.
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blu3haw4 · 2 years
Fic writing lightning round:
-What fandoms have you written fics for?
-Do you have any original stuff?
-What's your oldest fic?
-What story are you most proud of?
-What stories are in the works?
-Where can I read your stuff?
What fandoms have you written fics for?
The clexa/the 100 fandom only, so far. I once tried to write for the OUAT fandom but creativity just didn't come... I guess no ship makes me feel like Clexa :)
Do you have any original stuff?
Not in the making, no, I have two original stories in my head with character development and something of a plot, but I've never written either, and the few time I tried i just didn't know how to start, is so much easier to write for fandoms when you know everyone knows the character 😅
What's your oldest fic?
To ever post on AO3 is this one-shot from clextober 19, Some not so scary stories in the cave, but technically the firts one I ever wrote was the prequel to (also from clextober 19) Ho(rny)my, that I wrote in Spanish (my mother lenguage) and posted on wattpad, but that varsion is cringy in every posible way including the fact that is on that app, so I rather pretend that the readaptation I'm writtin in English of it is the original piece (that has not yet been post, and will probably not be for a while longer)
What story are you most proud of?
After a quick research of my own stuff, I've decided it has to be 'Horizon Hukop - Sneak Peak' , all three works of that series im really proud of, but especially this first one, I remember not having that much time to work on in and plan it, but since the world had been on my mind for a while it just came so easily to set a timeline a work that scene :)
What stories are in the work?
I struggled to answer a similar question on my last ask, so basically I wouldn't say I'm working on anything, because I really have no time to get to work on anything, however, the two WIP'S I was working on before college consumed my life were 'The Horizon rivalry, When the Sky faces the Ground' (forbiden love/Enmies to lover, rich college kids au. Very smutty) and 'I hate Stigma I just wanna Love you' (fluffy Stripper!Clarke & CEO!Lexa)
Where can I read your stuff?
All my works are on AO3, all posted on series for clexa events. Here a link to my profile:
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weatherfactory · 3 years
….but it SOLD OUT IN 60s! So we’re opening pre-orders for 500 future boxes. Pre-order through our own site here! (We’d love to sell pre-orders through our merch site, but it’s forbiden by Etsy. 😢 ) The Lady Afterwards is a non-linear, combat-light, story-centric tabletop RPG for 2 – 8 players set in the Secret Histories – the world of Cultist Simulator – where hidden gods watch over a…
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night-rhea · 3 years
any headcanons youd like to share for poly night?
I must admit imagining Night in poly relationship is really interesting. I can have an au where Night is in perfectly happy in poly relationship but what about canon? Could they really be in one?
Theres only one way i can see this happening in canon. With Charlie and Barnaby. Well its still and alternative universe, but more canon-y. Does that even make sense?
Barny is Night's childhood friend who has been literally always there for them. Maybe Night's feelings for him started as a friends but when they realized it only grow stronger in years, they finally admit that maybe its more serious. And of course, Charlie. He is also one of the closest friends Night have. Thanks to their shared hobbies aka dragons and Quidditch, they spend so much time together, talked about life so much together. When you share about yourself with someone, doesnt they became also part of you?
Night is a person who kinda have crush on their every friend. İf you ask Cordell, its because for them there is not many differences between platonic and romantic relationships. They just, loves. And they loves deep.
Night thought they should be happier, when they heard Barnaby asked Charlie out.
Night thought they had no reason to feel like they are drowning while they were smiling to their dearest friends, who is now happy together.
First moments were hard for Night. The moments they realized they wont be the one who Charlie or Barnaby will look so lovely. And they doesnt even know which one is Night feel like they lost.
Normally, blue haired kid doesnt believe it was possible to love two person. But like i said, they loves their most friends in same way. They doesnt know which way, they only knows its deep and thats why it hurts so much when they realized they might have lost them.
But in time, nothing actually changed? Night was still having lunch with Charlie while watching other kids practise on Quidditch Pitch. They were still having 'boys night' in dorms with Barnaby. And they often get invited to forbiden forest by our couple. And let me tell you it was feeling so natural. Night never felt like third wheel next to them. Isnt it little unusuall?
It almost like they were meant to be together. Three of them.
So when Charlie and Barnaby comes to Night right before Valentine's Ball to ask them be their date, Night felt like they find a place for theirself in this world. İt felt like they are in where they belong now. With the two people they loves most.
Three of them would be good for each others you know. Night and Barnaby would be there for Charlie whenever life starts to seems so difficult. Charlie and Night would be the ones who knows how intelligent Barnaby is and they will show it to everyone too. And Barnaby and Charlie would be the ones who show Night they are not meant to be cursed.
Idek if all of that makes sense. Its too hot today for me to think 😂
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heavenlyfuckers · 5 years
Aziraphale tells John how Crowley and him met. Sherlock and Good Omens Crossover. 
“How did you two meet?” asks John casually, trying to fill the silence of the room. Mr. Fell looks up from the cup of tea in his hands and hums pensatively, as if he's chosing his answer carefully.
“It was a long time ago” he ends up saying, sipping his tea “Nothing too memorable, really. If he hadn't talked to me then I don't think I would've tried to know him ”
From the look Mr Fell is spotting, he doubts their meeting was anything but memorable. John watches him stir his tea and waits for him to continue. Mr. Fell seems to notice how John is waiting for details, so he puts down his cup and smiles fondly.
“We met at a garden. It was a beautiful garden. The loveliest I've been in, truly” his eyes drift to a spot in the wall, eyes elsewhere “I remember he had long hair then, longer than now at least. It came down nearly to his hips”
John knows Mr. Fell is picturing Crowley right now.  He's got this look in his eye of longing again and somehow he can sense the love he has for Crowley. For a moment, he thinks, everything about Mr. Fell is really pure. From the way he talks to his hair, platinum blonde hair so bold it almost looks like a halo, everything is right as it should be. It's as if he has every question answered. John shakes his head stunned. He thinks of Sherlock on his room right now, probably smoking like crazy still angry at him for not telling him about Santa Clara's case. John doesn't think he'll ever get the peacefulness Mr. Fell excludes.
“And you've been together ever since?” he asks as discreetly as he can, curious to know their story. They make an odd pair, but somehow it's right to see them together.
“Oh no, not at all” Mr. Fell stutters shaking his head “We couldn't have. You see, we weren't supposed to fraternize”
There's a sad look on Mr. Fell eyes now, almost like regret, but not quite. The story is a lot more intriging to John now. He can't imagine them not being by eachother's side.
“And why's that?” he asks with a light frown and shifting forwards in his seat. Mr Fell thinks for a moment and shakes his head.
“Our... former companies, you see” he starts, voice little “they don't get along very well. It was forbiden to talk to the other side. I was really convinced they were right when I still worked for them. May I say I was quite an exemplary worker” he chuckles with a spot of bitterness “I wish I had realize that all of that was nonsense sooner”
“Oh don't lie to him angel, you were the fucking worse” Crowley's voice cut Mr. Fell sharply and sure, almost as if he's making fun of him. Mr. Fell scrunches his nose, most likely annoyed and for a moment John feels bad for him.
“Oh, shut your mouth dear boy, you were so useless at your job you just waited for other to do your work and then you took credit for it. A real snake move if you ask me” Mr. Fell laughs lightly and glances at Crowley playfully. John doesn't know if Crowley returns the glance because of those ridiculous glasses he's wearing, but the smile on his face says it all. He feels like an outsider observing them laugh at their inside joke.
“Whatever you say angel” he answers fondly, taking a seat besides him.
Please tell me if you liked it, I have a whole story planned but I don’t know if people will read it. Reblogs are appreciated!
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hooddict · 4 years
Forbiden Love.
The inert body of the young girl was found on a Saturday in October, it was very cold that morning, and it was a lady who had come to pick mushrooms that had fallen on this young girl lying under this tree, surrounded by a blanket and holding in her hand an airtight plastic bag that contained a videotape. The young woman's body was blue, no apparent trace of injuries were present apart from the marks of cuts on her body, recent and less recent ones. This young girl had no paper on her, no information about her identity and she was not even in the missing persons directory, she had long brown hair and was slightly overweight, but she had a natural beauty. The police concluded that she had committed suicide following an autopsy of her body, she was estimated to be in her early twenties, no one came to claim her body, and no one knew who she was. Her tape was watched several times.
Two young girls were smiling in front of the camera, one of them cleared her throat and started talking:   
"Hi everyone, if you see this is that we are already dead, you wouldn't have more information about who we are, but here are our best memories, ours, just to us, we can't love each other because we are different and that makes us rejects from society...". 
The second girl took the hand of the first one and kissed her fingers. "Two girls who love each other, it's wrong, according to our parents... we've been chased out of our house, so no one waits for us at night to come and tuck us in, we're just alone, and we know we couldn't love each other in this world."
A music started, and we discovered many parts of the lives of the two young girls, they danced together, they laughed out loud together, they kissed each other, they hugged each other, they were both lying in bed together, telling each other how much they loved each other, how nothing would separate them... These scenes of life were moving when we knew that one of the two young girls had been found dead in the forest. 
The end of the tape was brutal and hard even for the police investigators, the young girl was leaning against the tree where she had been found dead "Today it's over, today she and I are ending our lives. Today, she is far away from me because we want to make it a little harder to find ourselves down there... in hell! we want to look for each other like a treasure hunt! I love her and I will not be prevented from loving her for all eternity. I'm going to stop this camera, and I'm going to take these pills, and this alcohol to finally find her in a world where everything will be better, maybe we'll reincarnate in a better world, or loving each other is not forbidden when we're different. 
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chaotic--rebel · 4 years
I want a romance like we had in the park by the lake. All we did was lean against each other, but it was enough to give us both butterflies in our stomachs.
Maybe it was the forbidenness, two girls, neighbors, raised in a cult. At any moment, somebody who knew us could come creeping through the trees and catch us Being Gay. It was the morning after the Seder and we were still wearing our long, itchy Pesach dresses. Stockings, too. I thought I was going to hell.
I want a romance like we had in the park. I smile when I remember it, even after it destroyed me over and over again. You broke my heart, my spirit even, but I want a romance like we had in the park. Take me back to that day when I, a child of a broken home, fruit of a rotten tree, looked at you, and felt as if the universe had finally loved me.
I had never purposely touched a girl that I liked.
I was seventeen.
It is the way of the world that I will never love someone else the way I once loved you. Dare I say you were my first love. I despise you now, but please, take me back to that day in the park, or the night on your porch, and let my heart be broken one more time.
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