#our boy ciel needs a hug
callmewisteria · 2 years
Pls tell me your most controversial Kuro opinions!
Sebastian actually finds Grelle's antics cute, but will never admit it because he doesn't like it when Grelle is right
Grelle and Ann knew that she would probably have to kill her one day, and Ann had told Grelle the only person she would ever want to wear her beloved coat was Grelle, who was practically her wife
Ciel let Sebastian lock Undertaker in the basement of the Manor one time, solely because he wanted to know if Undertaker would find something down there (read: cats) and take them away. Undertaker merely played down there, setting up mirrors across from each other and standing in between them. He did this for the sole purpose of trying to count how many times his reflexion repeated
Grelle has given Will haircuts, which he only permits because she is scarily adept with scissors
Ronald and Sebastian have chased each other across London to try and prove whether demons or reapers were superior. Will was horrified when he found out
Grelle was an actress before she became a reaper, and committed suicide on stage as Romeo on the last night of an operatic production of Romeo and Juliet where she had been told no one would ever allow her to be a female lead. This is how she became a reaper, and Will was the one who allowed her to customise her death scythe after hearing how she had become a reaper, taking pity on her. He has ever since admired her tenacity, but does not like to admit it because he believes it will make her even more dramatic around dispatch
Undertaker and Grelle get along very well for their shared interest in music and dance. They have both gone to the ballet together, as each other's dates (platonically), and Undertaker has (intentionally) frightened some children while Grelle has done so too (unintentionally)
Sebastian keeps at least a hundred cats in the basement of the Phantomhive Manor at any given time, and is very careful not to tip off Ciel
Ciel came to understand why his aunt did the things she did with Grelle as Jack The Ripper after he and Grelle had an honest talk, where she (somehow) managed to sit still, and he listened without frequently interrupting her
Undertaker thinks Sebastian is a vampire, not a demon. As it happens, Sebastian thinks Undertaker is a vampire, not a reaper. This came about because Sebastian once stepped into Undertaker's shoppe with Ciel, only to find him asleep, hanging from the ceiling like a bat
Madame Red and Grelle had wanted to stop the killings and instead steal a baby from one of their victims, but were caught before they could
Grelle was the only person Madame Red ever held romantic feelings for other than Vincent Phantomhive
Ciel has climbed onto Undertaker's back, kicking, screaming, and flailing in an attempt to make him laugh for information. This, to his surprise (as he had simply snapped in annoyance), was very effective
The last words Ciel said to his mother also became the last words she said to Vincent, which were "please stay with me until I fall asleep. I'm scared"
Ronald messes with everyone else in dispatch on a daily basis, and lets everyone assume that he's doing it with help from Grelle. She is actually as confused as everyone else
Reaper dispatch can be a boring office work place one minute, and damn near a rave the next. Somewhere in between that is most common, however
Sebastian tries to speak as much like Vincent as possible when Ciel is scared. Ciel has not noticed this yet
Elizabeth hides behind perkiness and positivity even though she struggles with depression just as much as Ciel. She does this because she secretly cares about his happiness more than her own
Ciel only likes dance lessons if Sebastian is teaching him to dance with a sword or some other weapon
Ciel once caught Grelle's glasses on a sword when she was trying to get Sebastian's attention during one of these dance lessons. Ciel has refused to let Grelle try it again since, convinced it was nothing but a fluke
Ronald unironically calls Sebastian 'Bassy' which horrifies Will, and delights Grelle
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lazyalani · 1 year
ciel Phantomhive x reader where hiss/o is comforting after the (big reveal in the manga) and they tell him that it does t change how they feel and that they’ll always be here for him
| Ciel Phantomhive × [GN!Reader]
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| You with me
| hurt/comfort, angst, our ciel needs a hug :( so much feels, setting is not specified, focused on the main plot of this request so dont mind any other detail, no specific place nor chapter in the manga, just generally after the reveal on the manor, reader is a midford, our ciels real name is astre here, agressive to comfort
| Summary: In which Ciel's greatest fears have come, but his partner is there, so he'll be fine.
| Kuroshitsuji Masterlist
| Main Masterlist
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but when i wake up i see
Your footsteps echoed through the place, hurrying somewhere. Where? You didn't know. Afterall, you didn't know where Ciel-- no, the Earl, was.
Your mind was in a haze. So clouded, so dazed. So full of thoughts. So full of unanswered questions. Your chest was heavy. Your emotions were in a rampage, all agressively mixing and fighting with each other. Anger, because he had lied, sadness, because he had lied, mistrust, because they had lied, relief, because no one was hurt, and love, because even after everything, you still loved that lying piece of shit. But could that love be enough ti make up for all those lies?
You want to scream, shout, yell, and curse at him, at them. How dare they lie to you all of you.
When they had escaped, the confused and steady anger you felt during the reveal bursted out into flames. The nerve to lie and then just leave.
Had everything just been a lie to him them?
Ciel Phantomhive had been arranged as your fiance and Astre Phantomhive was arranged for Lizzy.
You were enraged. How dare this boy fool you, his brother's fiance of all people. You were enraged at yourself. How dare you feel something so tender, so gentle towards your fiance's brother, moreso, towards the person who had lied to you.
You were supposed to be happy knowing your true bethroted is still, right? But when you looked into his eyes, all you felt was chills. You shivered, a cold, almost painful brush crossed through your spine. You didn't see your Ciel. You didn't see the boy you had loved so much when you were kids. You didn't even see a small ounce of sadness, not even anger.
All you saw was a scheming boy.
And when you had seen the yard about to arrest Ciel Astre, all you had felt was fear. No, not fear of him. Fear for him.
you with me
You didn't know what possessed you to take a reckless action after they had fled. Was it answers? Maybe.
When they had fled, everyone stared the real Ciel and turned to you. Lizzy had even called out before you ran out of the manor, determined to follow them. Then you returned to the Midford estate to ask for help from Edward.
He had been reluctant, very hesitant, as he always has been when it comes to his sisters. But he seemed to couldn't have resisted the pathetic look on your face, so desperate. He had promised to cover for you and not tell anyone so long as you remained safe and come back after a day.
"Your happiness may be important to me, but my priority is your safety, sister." He had told you, hugged you, and kissed your forehead before you left. You couldn't deny it made you feel better, a lot calmer. A brother's comfort truly is so different. So warm and calming.
and you say,
Your brother, as an heir, had a bit of control on your family's military forces, although a little, still something, as there are still knights loyal to the heir, his own knights. He had lent you some of his knights to help you find traces of them.
During your search eith the knights on a forest, Lau had found you lurking and had offered to bring you to them. So you sent the reluctant knights back and told them to inform your brother of your status. You know you could trust your brother.
So here you are, speeding through the hallway of somewhere Lau had brought you. You saw someone turning through the corner. Sebastian.
You both stopped infront of each other for a moment.
"Milady, I--" He bowed before you cut him off.
"Get out of my sight."
He bowed again and left. He wasn't even surprised you were here. Had Lau told them already? So that bastard had let you roam and get lost around this place while he informed them? You made a mental note to threaten him later on. It seems like these people forgot your place in the society just because you had been kind and tolerated their actions back then.
You took a swift turn to the corner the butler went through and stopped when you had seen him sitting on a couch.
Elbows resting on his knees and hands on his face, seemingly distressed.
He better be. You couldn't be the only one who is tormented too much by this situation.
He called out your name, knowing you were there after hearing you exclaim at his butler.
"as long as i am here,
"Was it fun?" You started. You could feel your calmed down anger bubbling up again.
He said nothing, still hiding his face.
"Was it fun playing with us? Was it fun playing with me?"
"Oh, so now you can't look at me in the eyes. But when you said those lies, you were even smiling." When you told me you cared for me. You thought bitterly.
"I was stupid. I was fool to believe you truly cared for me. I was a fool to believe you would actually do those things for me. But then again, I trusted you because I thought you were Ciel, didn't I?" Oh, yes, you did know where to hit hard, because he flinched.
Yet, you didn't feel satisfied, instead, you felt guilty. Why?
"Did you have everything planned from the start? Putting yourself in danger for me, did you have a back-up plan incase we both couldn't have been saved? All those gifts, those actions, all those words..... lies." You scoffed, feeling your tears coming.
He started rubbing his forehead. You almost wanted to scoff again, you were the one feeling everything here, why was he the one getting a headache? Did he find you annoying?
"Why? Why did you lie to me? Why did you lie to us? Why did you have to go through all those lies? To manipulate us? To manipulate my feelings? You played with my feelings. You fucking playing with me, Phantomhive!" You stomped infront of him with tears in your eyes, demanding an answer.
You heard him murmur something unclear.
"It wasn't a lie."
no one can hurt you"
"Now you're telling me you didn't lie, do you really think I'm that stupi--"
"What I did for you wasn't a lie!" He suddenly stood up and exclaimed.
You were take aback and stepped back. You frowned. "You--"
He took your wrist and pulled you closer to him. Now he was looking at you in the eye, he was enraged. The audacity to be enraged. You wanted to point it out and tell him to let go when he spoke again.
"The things I did for you weren't lies! You can scream at me for pretending to be my brother, hell, yell at me for taking his place as an earl, but don't fucking tell me the things I did for you were lies!" He exclaimed.
You looked away from his piercing stare. "Then why?" Your voice cracked.
His grip on your wrist softened.
"Why would you pretend to be someone you're not?" It was pathetic. How all of your anger disappeared the moment you heard his words. You were so gullible, so vulnerable against him.
He sat down again, letting go of your wrist.
"Would anyone have cared if I said it was me?" His voice was small.
don't wanna lie here,
It broke your heart.
"Would anyone have paid attention if I told the truth? Would I have gotten enough power to keep the Phantomhive name, the honor, the business, alive? Afterall, I'm just some sickly, weak, twin of the heir." He was clenching his fists so hard, you were afraid he was going to draw blood and hurt himself.
So you took his hand in yours. "I would've." You kneeled infront of him, just holding his hand and staring at his visible eye. "Lizzy would've, brother would've, mother, father, aunt anne. We would have cared, Astre."
And he let his tears fall at the sound of his name on your lips. His grip on his own skin softened.
but you can learn to
"You might think so little of yourself, but there's more to what it seems, Astre. You didn't need to lie to us. We would have cared. We do care." You cried and kissed his knuckles. It was heartbreaking how he could think so little of himself. How he could think so little of what he thinks all of you think about him.
if i could change the way that you see yourself
So you look at him in his eye, hoping he would receive the feelings you were conveying to him.
When every lie was revealed, you were angry, so furious, clouded by everything, confused by everything. So many questions, too many unanswered thoughts. You hated yourself for still wanting him despite your real fiance back, despite the lies, despite everything. You hated yourself for feeling something, everything.
But you were willing to burn for him.
You guess being stubbornly inlove runs in the blood.
He stared at you with the same look he gave you before the reveal, during your times with him, after you broke through his cold facade, and shooked his head.
"It doesn't matter, my brother is back--"
"And what of him? He's not the one I love."
"He's your betrothed."
"But he isn't the one I want!"
"You loved him."
"But he isn't you!"
It made him break. He breathed heavily and rested his head on your shoulders. "Why would you even want me?" His voice broke. "After all these lies, after everything I've done. Why would you want me? How could you want someone like me?"
You took his face on your hands and pressed your forehead to his. "Why wouldn't I want someone like you?"
He shut his eyes tightly, trying to keep in the tears but it only made them fall, even through under his eyepatch, you could see his tears.
You brushed his tears with your thumb. "You protected me, you cared for me, you saved me, you smiled for me, hell you did things you didn't want to for me, you loved me. How could I not feel the same?"
you wouldn't wonder why you hear
"I lied to you."
"And I don't care. Atleast, not anymore. I admit, I was so angry at you. For lying to me, because I thought you only did those things to save your own skin. But you stupid asshole, I'm weak when it comes to you." You cried as he let out a cracked chuckled, now he was the one wiping your tears.
"See? I made you cry again." He said, staring at your face. He called out your name, "you truly don't deserve someone like me. You could have someone better, more stable."
You pressed your lips on his forehead. "But I'm here with you, aren't I?"
He nodded, holding your hands to his face. It was warm, safe. "Yeah, you're here."
He thinks he can do it. No, you're here, so he'll do it.
they don't deserve you
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jinisnuggets · 3 days
༊*·˚ 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖔𝖗 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖉
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INCLUDES | Ciel, Sebastian, Grell, Undertaker, Alois, Vincent,
GENRE | Fluff, Headcanons
WARNINGS | Mention of the word seductive in a non suggestive way
WORD COUNT | 0.3k (50ish per character)
A/N | Is there any other character from Black Butler who'd you like me to add to these headcanons? Please let me know :D
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🪻 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖎𝖓𝖌
He's the loving type and there's nothing you can do to convince me otherwise. Despite being a demon, he'll make sure you're his queen and he's only ever doing what you ask of him. Of course, due to his personality, he'd absolutely love to tease you, but it's more of a love language for him.
His way of showing affection is far more seductive; teasing you often with heart-fluttering jokes and close proximity. He knows the best ways to edge you on and it's really what he wants, however when you do the same he'd tend to get more intimate (in a fluffy way).
This man knows he's attractive and what's the least he can do than shower his S/O with gifts and love. He knows his partner's interests and likes, so it's quite simple to pick out good and high quality gifts, and although it isn't common, he doesn't mind physical affection such as hugs or kisses.
🪻 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖉
What more can you expect from our tsundere king. Ciel isn't the best at expressing his emotions and because of it, it often causes him to come off as cold to his S/O.. however, he is an easily flustered boy, who will definitely become flushed in blush if his partner is just one step too close. He will often buy his partner gifts though.
He's been through a lot, so he doesn't enjoy the company of someone more than that of his S/O. Now, Alois is a great lover, fight the wall; but he's also quite clingy, and that is mainly because of his fear to lose yet another important person to him, so he'd often have nightmares where he'd need to cuddle up in between your arms.
🪻 𝕭𝖔𝖙𝖍
There's no need to say, they'd shower you with complements and absolutely die when you do the same. Their affection has no limit and they're willing to sacrifice absolutely anything for you, and of course, they love it when you show the same level of care and sincerity for them.
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sebadztian · 4 months
Watching the episode now, but no screenshot because CR doesn't allow screenshots.
The P4's obsession with 'tradition' is mental. Even Ciel recognized that. I understand why they killed Arden (guy was annoying af), but the way their reason with it is kinda crazy... For tradition? But then again, they cried because they were allowed to step on the grass, so this school is pretty fucked up... I guess, anything to make them feel better about committing a mass murder...
Sebas' eyes change colour in different shots and it's driving me crazy! My god... This is probably my biggest gripe with his new design.
BUT his teeth are so fine! They're fairly generous with it and he's so fangy & teefy this season! So happy 🥰
In all honesty, I don't quite understand UT's concept for Bizarre Dolls. How did he attach those 'future' to the cinematic record? Like, where did he get those 'future record' from? Does it mean that ambitious people makes the best BDs?
Shoutout to UT's eyes!! Honestly, how did he see through that fringe of his?
And the battle begins...
No, wait... Sebastian, Sebastian... Just kick the guy already! Why are you playing some odd version of arm wresting with him?
Oh, great... Now they're hugging... Damnit, Sebastian!
Why do the BDs sound like Transformer robots?
My god... Harcourt really peed his pants...
Big talk, Seb. You just stood there the whole time... Have you not learned your lesson? When it comes to UT, you can't take your damn sweet time...
Okay, okay... So, I need to digest this...
The imagined fight sequence in Sebas' head is actually cooler than the reality of what happened next. UT even gave him a haircut. Maybe that's why Seb changed course. He didn't want a haircut...
Speaking of change, they changed the text! Instead of "protecting my contractor", they changed it to "protecting my young master" (he did say 'bocchan') 🥹 So domesticated!
And UT's knowing smirk... And his words, "That's our butler"? Sounds like some sort of an approval to me. And he knows that the demon has been domesticated!
The parting booty shake tho!!
Ahhh... The scene that I've been waiting for... It's so intense, even Harcourt fainted from the intensity of it!
This poor boy is the real victim here... First, he found out his crush is actually a butler, then he peed his pants, and then, he had his heart broken all over again because Seb & Ciel are being so gay... He's like the butt of every single joke...
I hate that Sebstian's eyes are not glow-y anymore though... 😭
Edward, you're a good man. Just keep that up, yeah?
So good to see Ciel & Seb in their 'normal' attire & roles. Don't get me wrong, I do love Professor Michaelis, but Sebastian the butler is much better.
Snake 😭😭😭
Well, I'm hoping this is not the last episode. Aren't we getting 12 episodes? Or was it 10? Assuming we do get 12 epsiodes, then the next one should be the shopping trip. So fun! 😄 But then... What would be the 12th episode? 🤔
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edenityy · 4 months
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( chapter six ! )
"It has been a while since we last met, Marquess Barrett."
In a not-unusual turn of events, Lucius Barrett decided that some days ago, celebrating Ciel Phantomhive's seventeenth birthday was the absolute best idea. Luckily for the young Earl, he was given a notice a few days in advance. However, he thought it would only be Lucius and Leah, not his wife and son as well.
"As always, you have arrived earlier than expected," Ciel gives a lopsided smile, his disheveled hair on display.
Letting out a hearty chuckle, Lucius reaches out a hand to ruffle the boy's hair, "Of course! We need all the time we can get to celebrate." he muses before observing the Phantomhive further. "Did you just get out of bed?"
Before Ciel has a chance to respond, Leah appears behind her father's shoulder. "You look a mess!" she smiles teasingly, earning a scoff and a small slap on the arm from her mother.
Brushing off his fiancé's words, Ciel greets Leah and Vivienne before his eyes fall upon Daniel, Lucius' oldest child whom he rarely hears of. The two meet at about the same height, but Daniel seems stockier compared to the younger boy.
"Daniel.." Ciel starts, "Pleasure to see you."
Daniel Barrett, the heir to the Barrett name, is a nineteen-year-old boy. Brown hair and blue eyes, similar to Leah, and could probably pass as her if you put a wig on him. His tall stature is one quick to intimidate, along with his harsh resting face that speaks an air of composure and authority.
Giving the younger boy a once over, Daniel nods at nothing in particular, "Ciel."
Bounding over towards her fiancé, Leah envelopes him in a hug, "We get to spend the whole day together! Isn't that wonderful?" she smiles brightly.
"Wonderful.." Ciel mutters, trying to ignore that her grip slowly grows tighter.
"Leah, have some decorum!" Vivienne scolds, shaking her head from her spot next to Lucius.
Rolling her eyes in defiance, Leah hardly looks in her mother's direction, "I'm just hugging him, Mama! It's not like anyone can see." she whines.
Speaking up from behind them, Sebastian gives a fake smile, "Shall we tour the manor?" he suggests.
"Firstly, I will lead you to explore the garden, the winter roses bought from Germany are exceptionally beautiful," Sebastian explains as he leads the Barrett family through the Phantomhive manor.
Cracking open the door to the garden, Sebastian is met with the untimely sight of Finnian cutting off the heads of the flowers while singing a tune.
"Hello, Finnian!" Leah calls out, hoping the gardener is even outside.
Retreating from his original plan, Sebastian shuts the door and turns around with a smile, "I have made a mistake." he states. "I actually wanted to let you explore the main hall."
Turning back around — much to everyone's confusion — Leah listens to Ciel worry about what could've possibly happened in the garden, Daniel walking beside her to look suspiciously at the young Earl.
"Why? Since we are already here, we should start exploring from the garden!" Lucius questions.
"No. Please come to the main hall. This way please," Sebastian leaves no room for denial. "It was an oversight on my part!" he says while standing, using an arm to gesture where to go.
"It is currently the time whereby the roses of the Christmas season as well as those bought recently from Germany bloom at their peak. Please come to the main hall as the view of the flowers will be better, you will be able to see the garden from there. It is our wish to provide you with the best scenery blooming flowers in the day." Sebastian explains.
Daniel and Leah, having mastered the art of tuning others out, hardly listen to the butler speak about the garden and flowers. Leah herself tries her best to ease the tension between her brother and fiancé, though it particularly seems one-sided on Daniel's end.
"I refurbished the main hall a few days back, I have taken the liberty to order a wallpaper with a lovely design from France.." Sebastian says, cracking open the door to the main hall before shutting it just as quickly when he notices to sight of Meyrin breaking dishes. "I have made a mistake."
Fighting back a groan of irritation, Leah holds onto Ciel's arm and peacefully follows any orders as the group walks around the mansion. Her parents however still can't shake their questions when Sebastian yet again tries to divert them elsewhere.
"I think we should proceed to the greenhouse to have tea."
Furrowing her brows, Vivienne stares at Sebastian in confusion, "Why? I thought we were here to view the main hall."
"No, we shall have tea first."
Once again, Sebastian sticks out a hand to lead the way, "The four of you have been stuck in a cramped carriage for such a long time, both of you must be tired. I'm so sorry for not realizing this sooner.. I have already set up a resting corner in the greenhouse. Anyway, please proceed there to help yourself to the snacks and enjoy a cup of tea!"
Stopping towards the greenhouse, it's once again ruined.
"I have coincidentally purchased some excellent tangerines from Spain and I have been intending to use Ceylon tea grown in Dimbulla to serve you orange-flavored black tea." Sebastian smiles as he speaks before an explosion sounds from behind him and all he can muster from himself is that soulless smile and silence.
Daniel lets the silence continue for a few moments before fighting back a sigh, "Have you made a mistake again?" he asks.
"Perhaps we shall just explore the stables instead? It might not be suitable for the ladies to explore but I'm sure you won't mind?" Sebastian suggests, earning shrugs from Leah and Vivienne.
Out in the stables, it's nowhere near less calm when Leah gets a view of the horse. She's pushed away from Ciel in mere seconds to approach the animal, petting it happily as if it were her cat.
"Oh, you are just so cute!" Leah exclaims, running her fingers over the horse's mane.
Putting a hand under the horse's chin, Sebastian glances towards Vivienne, "What do you think of this, Marchioness? I have specifically bought a horse with a blue-black coat as the Young Master's personal horse. It has always been my wish to show this to the Marchioness." Sebastian kisses up to Leah's mother.
"It is indeed a splendid horse! It has a nice build and possesses a good look," Vivienne looks in wonder as she and Lucius approach and get the best look they can with their daughter all over the animal.
Observing the horse, Lucius smiles down at his daughter's blissful smile while coddling the animal who seems to pay her no mind. Squinting his eyes, the Marquess' son turns his head towards the Phantomhive and mimics a happy smile.
"Ciel, so you want to go hunting with me right now?" Daniel asks.
Looking towards the boy in confusion, Ciel raises a brow, "With you?"
"This is a good opportunity to show everyone what sort of man my daughter is going to marry." Lucius eggs on, staring into the pools of blue.
"Or perhaps," Daniel starts, "Hunting is too strenuous for the Earl Phantomhive who possesses the small, skinny build of a girl?" he teases, a smirk making its way onto his face.
Looking towards his future brother-in-law in agitation, Ciel calls out for his infamous butler, "Sebastian, go make preparations."
"Competition! Competition!" Leah quietly sings to herself, secretly praying for the downfall of her older brother.
— ౨ৎ —
It isn't long before the pair are on their respective horses, trotting past the trees with rifles on their back. Ciel sits on his particular horse being led by Sebastian, Leah sitting close against him with her legs hanging off as she observes the scenery. Not far behind them is Daniel, staring at the young Earl's back with a glare of determination. Even father behind, Lucius and Vivienne enjoy a calming walk.
Looking around, Sebastian tugs on the lead, "Young Master, this way."
"Does your butler serve as a hunting dog as well? I've heard many stories from Leah," Daniel speaks.
"You can put it that way," Ciel shrugs, steadying Leah so she doesn't fall off. "It is somewhat true."
Leaning closer to Ciel's fast, Leah pays little mind to the hitch in his breath and flush that begins to cover his face as she whispers. "Listen.. you have to beat Daniel. I want to see the look of sheer disappointment on his face when he loses so I can laugh at him for the rest of eternity for losing to you." she stares into Ciel's eyes, an almost deranged look shadowing her own.
Blinking back his questions, Ciel shakes his head to instead listen to Sebastian. Today, Ciel will certainly see a different side of Leah. One that is only brought out when she gets to torture her beloved brother.
"We shall start from the vicinity of this area. The rules are, that the area where you can shoot is bounded by a perimeter of twenty-five kilometers, and also, it is forbidden to shoot birds that are situated lower than the height mentioned. Is that alright?" Sebastian looks around as she explains, pulling a watch from his pocket.
When no further objections are made, Sebastian smiles and begins the time on the watch.
"We shall begin now. The time limit is three hours."
Swerving his horse to the left, Daniel stomps off without a word. Riding off into the trees, the boy pulls the rifle from his back to situate in his lap, eyes moving faster than average to scan every piece of area surrounding him.
"Leah, you should get off the horse. I'm unable to hunt like this.." Ciel sighs which prompts a noise of surprise from the girl.
A pout leaves Leah, "But I am seldom able to be with you like this.." She nearly starts to whine.
The three not within the trees shift their attention to the sound of a gunshot, shot by none other than Daniel who is taking this competition beyond seriously.
"One to zero," Sebastian states.
"Sir Daniel certainly lives up to his name, he managed to shoot down a bird as soon as the competition started." Sebastian puts a finger under his chin. "It seems like he is a bit too tough for someone like you, Young Master." he teases.
Staring with knitted brows, Ciel is quick to pull the rifle into his lap and cocking it, earning a half-compressed scream from his fiancé.
"Even though I feel a little bad for your brother, I'm not losing at anything that has the word competition written all over it." Ciel smiles before heading Leah off the horse, "Leah, stay here with Sebastian as it is going to be dangerous, understand?"
The only thing Ciel receives is a hum as Leah moves to stand beside Sebastian, watching as her parents finally catch up with content smiles on their faces.
"Why don't I get to go? I want to watch!" Leah complains, her signature pout covering her usual smiling face.
Vivienne smiles softly, running a hand over his daughter's hair and admiring her glacial green winter dress and attire, "Don't throw a fit, Darling. It is just dangerous for you to be in the middle of hunting." The older woman explains.
"I'm not throwing a fit!" Leah yells, but before she can truly begin to throw a fit, Sebastian intervenes when the sound of gunshots rings through the air.
"Five to four. The competition seems to be heating up, we should start cheering them on."
— ౨ৎ —
The result, thus far, is a tie. This not only results in an annoyed Daniel but also a crying Leah when she gets a glimpse of the dead animals. Thankfully it was easy to calm her down, which is key for sticking her at a dining table with a glass of apple juice. On either end of the table, Ciel and Lucius sit at the head. Beside them are their respective partners, Daniel sitting across from Leah.
"Let us conclude this with a draw, what do both of you think?" Sebastian asks.
"I cannot take this lying down!" Daniel starts his theatrics, "I won't be appeased unless there is a victor."
Ciel smirks with an elbow on the table as he watches the boy on his left, "I agree with you this time, Daniel, even though occasions whereby I agree with you are rare." he mocks.
"In that case, we shall determine the winner through another competition in the afternoon."
With the confirmation, Daniel seemingly reverts to his original self for a split moment when he glances at his sister sitting across from him. The sixteen-year-old is happily sipping on a glass of juice, dry tears still staining her cheeks but the previous wailing has come to an end. A mischievous smile spreads across his cheeks, Daniel shifts around in his seat to kick the girl beneath the table.
Slamming down her glass with a scoff, Leah glares harshly at her brother, "Did you just kick me?!" she complains.
"No." Daniel lies.
"Yes, you did! I felt it, the table shook!" Leah fights, gripping the tablecloth.
Daniel continues his lie, much against his father's warning look, "I didn't kick you! How do you know it was not Ciel?" He teases.
"Because Ciel is mature enough to not kick someone at the dining table!" Leah controls her urge to lunge across the table, barely noticing the shadow looming behind her as she argues.
Looks of horror replace the annoyed one around the teenager, watching as a large bear emerges from the trees. Screams sound and for half a second, Leah's face changes to one of concern before being slammed out of her chair.
"Leah!" Ciel shouts, moving his body to cover her own with a hand digging into her hair.
As Ciel is accepting his death in return for saving his fiancé, a multitude of gunshots sound before a silence fills the air. Aiming his head to glance away from Leah's brown locks, Ciel notices the once moving bear no longer shifts. Daniel stands across the table with a cocked gun, aimed directly at the bear that once stood in the spot.
Everyone releases a breath of relief, the danger and Leah's impending death put to a halt.
"Sixteen to fifteen," Sebastian announces.
Looking back towards the bear, Leah begins to sob once again as she rips herself from Ciel's grasp, crawling over to the dead bear. "Why would you kill it?!" she cries dramatically.
"It was going to kill you! What was I supposed to do?!" Daniel shouts, throwing the gun to the side to approach his — once again — upset sister.
"Let me die! He could've had a family!" The Barrett girl cries, ignoring the arms of her older brother wrapping around her.
Rubbing his hand up and down Leah's arm, Daniel does his best to comfort the younger girl, "You have a family too. We would all be devastated if you died." she sighs.
With a twitching eye, Leah speaks little words before attacking her brother, hitting him without much effort before being pulled away by her father. 'Why can't he be eaten by a bear?'
In an attempt to diffuse the situation, Lucius holds Leah in his arms while approaching Ciel with a satisfied smile. "You are indeed worthy of my praise for the bravery you have shown, at the time when you have it your all to protect my daughter." she speaks with gratitude, "I owe you one. You are worthy of being my future son-in-law, Earl Phantomhive."
"I say rematch! I want Daniel to suffer nothing but humiliation." Leah huffs.
"Perhaps another time, Darling.." Vivienne sighs, fixing a piece of hair that had come out of place on Leah's head.
— ౨ৎ —
After another horse ride — a calming walk for Marquess and Marchioness Barrett — the aristocrats arrive back at the Phantomhive manor to be greeted by the servants who are beyond disheveled, save for Tanaka.
"Welcome back!" Bardroy, Meyrin, and Finnian yell cheerily.
"Why does everyone look like this?"
Holding up an unappetizing cake, Finnian gives a bright smile to his master, "This was made by all of us!"
"We even used roses for decoration!" Finnian gestures towards depressing, dying flowers.
"I made a donburi filled with the Young Master's favorite food!" Bardroy smiles proudly.
"The table settling was done by me. I followed Mr. Sebastian's style.." Meyrin looks down bashfully, view of the messy table behind her.
Observing the chaos, Leah shakes her head slowly, "I should be more thankful for Thomas.." she whispers, which earns a giggle from her mother and brother.
Walking past his family and the mess, Lucius sneaks up on Ciel to give him a tight hug, "Happy seventeenth birthday, Ciel!" The older man ruffles his hair and lifts him off the floor, "I'll be counting on all of you to take care of my daughter and her husband in the future." Lucius says as he simultaneously shifts his attention to the servants, Ciel still in his arms but now back on the floor.
Smiles fill the room, except for Leah who still pouts over the bear.
"Thank you very much!" Ciel smiles, subtly shifting away from Lucius and back towards Leah's side, almost using the girl as a shield from her father.
Later in the evening, the group is content to sit in the parlor, surrounded by warmth and calm conversation. Vivienne managed to stop Leah from plotting to murder Daniel, despite the constant defiance that came from the girl.
Finnian glances outside the window to see the falling white specks from the sky, "Look! It's snowing!" he announces.
Approaching the window with a blissful smile, Leah releases a sound of amazement at the snow she can see as it falls out of her view. "It's beautiful!" she sings as though she's never seen snow before.
Following behind his sister, Daniel drops his tough facade to wrap an arm around the younger girl, softly smiling and pulling her closer. Waving Ciel over to join them, he watches the snow with the eyes of a child, similar to that of Leah.
"When do you plan on marrying my daughter?" Vivienne appears behind Ciel to speak in his ear, "You won't be young forever." she urges, already picturing the planning and trying on wedding dresses.
"Don't rush him, Mama!"
1 note · View note
No more happy campers
WanderingPanic (orphan_account)
Welcome to Ophrys secret garden summer camp!
Ciel Phantomhive has been dragged by his cousin and best friend to our summer camp getaway where he has to be social at least 90% of the time he’s there, but it’s not all miserable as he’s entertained by his wild and slightly sadistic bunk mate, his idiot friends and their shenanigans, his counselor trainees messy romantic lives, and an unbelievably pretty German girl staying in his cousin’s cabin.
• Chapter song aesthetic : https://youtu.be/1x1wjGKHjBI
•Ciel’s and Lizzie’s POV for this chapter at least (probably not for the next ones)
(See the end of the work for more notes.)
Chapter 1
Chapter Text
If you’d like to know why, I, Ciel Phantomhive, son of Vincent and Rachel Phantomhive, and future earl to the Funtom company, am currently sitting in a summer camp counselor’s office covered head to toe in red paint, along with around thirty other campers, then you’ll need to understand that this all seemed like a good idea at the time.
*4 weeks earlier*
“Ciel! Come on or we’ll miss orientation!” Yelled my frazzled cousin Elizabeth from the downstairs of my house.
“No! I’m not going! You and Sieglinde and Soma and Agni and Sebastian and the rest of those freaky circus foster siblings can all enjoy your little camp! I’m staying home.”
I had already made up my mind about this camp. Singing cheesy campfire songs and having to share a dorm room sized cabin with three other high school sophomore aged boys just doesn’t sound like my cup of tea. What does however is an actual cup of earl grey tea and a trashy reality TV marathon followed by a well deserved depression nap.
“You are not going to miss this camp because you’re too busy hating life!”
“Says the neurotypical.”
Just as I finished yelling out at Lizzie, my mother, bless her soul for having to deal with me, entered my room.
“You know Ciel... maybe it’s a good idea to go to this camp. I mean Soma is going and Lizzie is too. You may even make new friends-“
“Lizzie told me the same things, I just can’t see myself enjoying it.”
My mother sighed and placed a hand on her forehead.
“Ciel you’ll never know if you’ll never try.”
Maybe it was the solemn look on dear mother’s face, maybe it was the commercial break that popped up on my TV, or maybe it was Lizzie screaming out for me one last time that finally convinced me to go. My mother audibly gasped when I started packing a bag silently, and she got out another to speed up the process.
Lizzie forced me into a very tight hug when I got down the stairs and basically dragged me out of the house and pushed me into her brother’s car.
Edward Midford, containing the same overly cheery attitude as his sister and father, but the resting angry face of his mother. His car was like his life choices...
All over the place and generally a hot mess.
“Damn Edward when was the last time you cleaned your car?”
“Hey, Ciel! it’s not that bad!”
“There’s a coffee cup in here with mold in it.”
“Which one?”
Lizzie fake gagged at the fuzzy plastic cup and crinkled her nose up.
“Well I’m just glad I get my license in a few months so I don’t have to be in this car ever again.”
“Well I’m just excited you two are gonna finally get to experience the upperclassmen life at ole’ Ophrys!”
‘Ophrys hidden garden summer camp’ has been around since before my parents were alive. It’s a humongous summer camp for ages seven to eighteen that’s right smack dab in the middle of the forrest in a cleared out circular area turned into an ophrys apifera, honey suckle , and primrose conservatory project with greenhouses and small apiaries on the edges of the property. On the west side there’s a man made lake, the little kid cabins and the mess hall. In the center there’s the recreational area, the upper class men cabins and the nurses cabin. On the east side there’s the counselor’s housing and directory.
The lake water is freezing 95% of the time and the rest of the camp is always burning hot during due to the lack of air conditioning.
Lizzie POV>>>
I was excited about the certain ‘upperclassmen life’ scene Edward was talking about.
I’ve been going to Ophrys since I was seven and it’s my favorite time of year. I’ve always enjoyed it but I’m finally going to get to have some real fun now that I’m an incoming sophomore.
Since the camp has so many people every year, they jam pack the elementary age kids with useless arts and crafts and sports, but they basically let the high schoolers do what ever we want. Once you get to be an incoming sophomore you get to put down the macaroni necklace and pick up a styrofoam cup filled with alcoholic beverages and stay up all night a parties in your CIT’s cabin if they’re cool enough.
The CIT’s or ‘counselors in training’ are the incoming seniors at the camp who sign up to be in charge of a high school cabin for the summer. They throw the best parties, host the best bonfire nights and are extremely competitive with one another during the last week of the camp known was “free for all week.” Or as it’s known to the underclassmen as “cabin VS cabin competitions” where we play basics camp games, the only difference is that the upperclassmen all have raging winner parties, somewhat illegal bets, crazy rules, and crazy contests and initiations to be able to be in one of the games for your age group. Every year the cabin in a certain age group that has the most won competitions gets the “bragger’s gold” or as the camp director calls it “the winning trophy”. Nobody knows when it was dubbed the “bragger’s gold” but the rumor is that on the bottom of the trophy, there’s a key to a secret underground bunker in the middle of the woods off the camp grounds that’s filled with really expensive alcohol, and the winning cabin gets their CIT and junior CIT to go get a bottle for their winner party after the games.
The incoming juniors or ‘junior CIT’s’ are basically understudies for the CIT of their respective cabin, they do all the stuff the real CIT’s don’t want to, like ask the camp director for stuff or wake everyone up in morning. Soma didn’t sign up to be a junior CIT but Edward did. He’ll probably get so fed up with me by the end of the summer because I’ll be pestering him about what all he and his CIT did the whole time we’re at camp.
As we pulled into the camp grounds, the buzz of people reuniting with their friends and laughing was intoxicating to me. I rolled down my window and pulled my phone out of my pocket it to film us pulling into the entrance of the camp. As the video was about it end I flashed the camera onto Ciel, who in return , flipped off the lens.
“Whatever it’s still going on Snapchat you dang stick in the mud.”
“What do you mean ‘stick in mud’ I’m plenty fun I just didn’t want to come here.”
“You’re only fun when you’re doing something that you think you’ll enjoy.”
“Isn’t that how you’re supposed to live life?”
*3rd person POV*
The three teens stepped out of the car and Edward was immediately grabbed by a blonde guy with glasses, striking green eyes, and a pin that said ‘Ron: Junior Counselor trainee’.
The two hugged almost recklessly near the parking lot full of moving cars and then walked away laughing about something Ron had apparently said.
“Well he’s already forgot we exist.” Ciel scoffed as he leaned up against the car.
“Do you need me to hold your hand on the way to the theatre or can you manage?” Lizzie winked at him as she slowly started to saunter away.
“Oh piss off!” Ciel pushed himself off the car and tried speed walking away from her.
Once inside the theatre Ciel saw his older friend stand up in his seat to wave him and Lizzie over, where he had saved them two seats right up front with him.
“How did Soma know I was coming?”
“I told him you were while you were asleep in the car. He’s really excited and he’s going to try to get Agni to put you two in the same bunk.”
“Agni’s a CIT?”
“Oh course he is , I mean the guy is nearly perfect!”
Ciel and Lizzie scooted themselves past already seated people and once they sat down, Ciel saw a girl with curly black hair, in daisy duke shorts and an Ophrys camp hunter green souvenir tank top stand on the stage and count all the underclassmen as they filed in.
“Would you look at her! Lizzie I’m telling you, they get better looking female CIT’s every year, What was her name again?”
Lizzie jumped at the voice coming from behind her and she play slapped the gray-blonde boy standing behind her.
“Snake! Ugh you almost gave me a heart attack!”
“Sorry, I just wanted to scare you, who’s your friend with the blue eyes?”
Ciel flashed an awkward smile. Who was this guy and why was he talking to Lizzie like he’s known her forever.
“This is my cousin Ciel, pardon his awkwardness he’s not used to how fellow Pythons interact.”
“Hah it’s ok. Well then Ciel, you can just call me Snake, that’s what I’ve been called ever since I became the only guy in the python cabin who has actually ever gotten rid of one of those pesky shower snakes that pop up sometimes and keep it as a pet.”
Ciel raisedand eyebrow and looked Snake up and down.
“I also have severe eczema.” Snake scratched at a flake on his arm.
“I can see that, Snake.”
Snake returned to his seat three rows behind Lizzie, Soma and Ciel.
Soma talked to Ciel the entire time they waited for the program to start.
Ciel loved Soma, he was his best friend, but man did he talk a lot.
“Ok my happy campers let’s get started!” Yelled out a tall, pale girl with long firery red hair wearing an Ophrys tee shirt and a button that said
‘Grell: Counselor trainee’.
Two tall raven haired guys walked onto the stage, followed by Agni, the Curly black haired woman, a biracial girl with pastel purple dyed hair, a ginger guy with eyeliner on , and a girl with chocolate hair pulled into a sleek bun , wearing glasses.
One of the dark haired males pulled glasses out from his pocket and put them on. The other one whispered something to Agni, who the exited the stage and went up to the blonde guy , Ron, from earlier.
“That tall one on the right, that’s Sebastian Michaelis, one of Agni’s best companions besides me, he’s a great track runner and most of the girls swoon over him.”
Soma had leaned over to Ciel and whispered this, and then pointed to the one with glasses next to Sebastian.
“That one beside him is Claude Faustus, he’s a mega douche, but people seem to like him for some reason.”
“The black haired girl next to him is Maryann, but everyone calls her Beast because she’s the best female physical comp’ competitor, she’s also smoking hot in case you didn’t see.”
Ciel snickered at Soma, Beast was tall with smooth skin and large breasts, she was pretty, but not Ciel’s definition of ‘hot’
“The guy next to her with the eyeliner, everyone calls him Joker because he’s never being serious, Beast has been pining after him since they were thirteen but he’s too busy looking at more masculine counters if you get my drift...”
“Oh dang, poor girl has no clue does she.” Ciel fought back laughter. Surely the eyeliner must be a dead giveaway.
“Nope. Oh course you know Agni, the red haired one next to him is Grell, she’s wild with a capital W and there’s not one male CIT she hasn’t tried to get with unsuccessfully, but I’m pretty sure her junior counselor has the hots for her.”
“The one with the purple hair talking to Claude is Hannah. She’s cold blooded, but she’s got a golden heart somewhere under all that chest hahaha.”
Ciel elbowed Soma after yet another large great comment.
“The girl with the bun is Nina, she’s sassy and really smart, maybe smarter than Agni, and I think she’s the only one who can’t stand Sebastian for generally no reason.”
Soma was about to make another comment when a man wearing a dark brown suit in rectangular glasses walked onto the stage.
“Ok campers, for those of you who don’t know me I am your camp director William T. Spears.”
William was cut off by Joker cheering loudly and Beast running up and hugging him, much to his dismay, Sebastian and Agni clapped obnoxiously whilst this happened.
“Ok that is enough! I would expect better behavior from my CIT’s !”
The crowd giggled quietly.
“I though you said everyone hates that guy?” Ciel leaned over to Lizzie who smiled lightly and said,
“Yeah he’s a total bore but everyone misses him after a while because he’s just so bad and he’s only been here two years so we still heckle him from time to time.”
Ciel scoffed as William tried to resume his speech.
“This summer you will become enriched and become much more mature than when you entered. For first years this may be your first time away from home, and for seniors this is your last time in your home away from home. I’ve entrusted your CIT’s to go over the basics of cabins and competitions. Every morning you will report to the mess hall at 7:30 am if you are ages 12-18 and 8:30am if you are 7-11 years old. And dinner will be served inside the mess hall at 8pm inside for 7-11 year olds and outside for 12-18 year olds. Maryann, Sebastian you may have the floor.”
Sebastian and Beast walked up to the front of the stage. Beast took out a piece of paper from her pocket and then handed it to Sebastian, then began talking.
“Ok happy campers! My name is Maryann but you’ll call me Beast because I am a competitive beast!-“ she smiled big at the crowd and then turned to Sebastian with the note and nodded toward Hannah before refacing the crowd. Sebastian walked her to Hannah and gave her the note.
“Here we have eight different cabins for each age group here. The pythons, the tigers, the ravens, the spiders, the flying bats, the owls, the peacocks, and the doves.”
Some guys in the back started to make hissing noises and chanting,
“Pythons, pythons, house of, Pythons!”
Beast shushed them while trying not to laugh and turned to Sebastian.
“I’m going to read off your cabin names but group then age then sex ok!”
He started going down the line and sectioning off everyone by which cabin they were in. He soon got to the upperclassmen and Ciel waited for his name impatiently.
“Ok in the Pythons 15 F we have Elizabeth, welcome back girl, Sieglinde, Lucy, Rebekah, Dana, And Josie.”
“Now in for my cabin group, the Raven 15 B we have Alois, Ciel, Marcus, Marshal, Alex, and TJ.”
Ciel and Soma looked at each other. This was an outrage, Ciel’s only friend here wasn’t even in the same group as him.
Everyone was lead by their CIT to their cabins with the seven year olds first and the upperclassmen last. The boys carried their stuff across the cap grounds over to a cabin with a blue and black piece of fabric tied to the top of a piece of wood sticking out from the roof.
Ciel looked around and realized that every cabin had this piece of wood on the roof but none others had fabric on theirs.
“Ok you guys are fifteen so it’s impossible for me to tell you no one in the cabin that isn’t a raven boy or a CIT, so if you do have company keep it quiet and in your own bed. I know it sounds dumb but even my fellow seniors sometimes can’t follow these rules.”
Two of the guys snickered at Sebastian’s last comment and he smirked and turned to face them,
“You wanna know what happened just ask Claude and Hannah.”
All the guys then busted out in laughter including Ciel, who barely knew these people but could defuse it happening based on what Soma had told
Maybe camp wouldn’t be so bad.
But why did Beast give Sebastian that note and why did they have fabric branding their cabin?
Chapter 2: Bunk mates, mate
Chapter song aesthetic: https://youtu.be/ooEv1cH97HA
Chapter Text
Sebastian looked up at the cabin to try to tell them more about where they were staying, but the blue fabric caught his eye. He did a double take and kept looking back at it.
“What’s the blue and black ribbon mean?” A bleached blonde, gum smacking, boy in cheetah print Nike shorts asked.
“Um. You don’t need to worry about it just yet. But I need to talk to another CIT in just a moment. Anyway just come inside and I’ll explain that later.
The boys filed in the cabin. Immediately there was a strong appearance of honey camping vibes going on, in the front room there was a mini kitchenette and a couch with a vintage TV on a wooden stand that looked like a tree stump. On the walls were paintings of ravens and moths in various styles in various sizes. The room was decorated in black, dark reds, and grays all throughout.
“This is the front room, down that hallway are four doors that each lead to a room containing two beds, two nightstands and one window overlooking area. You can put your stuff wherever just not in the front room. There’s a bathroom if you keep going down the hallway where the beds are. I really wish I could’ve stayed to talk more but I’m going to be frank, we’ve been branded for war.”
Ciel’s eyes widened and the blonde boy swallowed his gum and then started almost maniacally laughing.
“What do you mean a war!?” He asked, the other boys looking very confused.
“Well... this camp has a long history of end of the summer competitions, but the upperclassmen take it to a new extreme. We have a point system. If you can do anything to mess with or brand or prank your rival group your assigned when the summer starts, you earn more points. The cabin with the most points gets first pick at what comps we do that year in what will thinks is the real thing.”
“So what does the fabric mean?” Ciel asked , genuinely intrigued.
“It means that the Python girls have claimed us as their main target this summer. We claim each cabin by getting our cabin color fabrics and tying them to the freshmen’s roofs as a way to claim the fresh meat.”
Sebastian smirked and all of the boys but Ciel looked slightly terrifyed.
“It’s ok though they can’t hurt us, steal from us, or damage our stuff or they’ll be disqualified from the point system completely and reported.”
The boys seemed to perk back up and then two of them began whispering about which cabin they’d get that night.
“So I’m guessing that note Beast gave you to give to Hannah was something about who was either going to brand her cabin or telling her to brand us?”
Ciel asked, catching Sebastian slightly off guard.
“Um... yes actually. I found out that Claude was going to get Agni’s cabin so I told Beast and she had me give that note to Hannah saying he was coming after her so she’d get Agni before he would.”
“Wow so she’s mad at Claude for no reason then? That’s hilarious!”
“It’s not for no reason! Claude broke the rules. We aren’t supposed to talk about who we’re gonna brand with anyone other than our cabins and juniors. Claude however told Joker and myself thinking we wouldn’t do anything.”
Ciel laughed.
“Well then I guess you better get Grell’s cabin then.”
“Why’s that?”
“Because of what you did, I’m guessing that’s the only one unclaimed considering that I can see outside my window that Nina’s has just been branded by Soma and Agni themselves.”
“That piece of-“ Sebastian looked outiside the window and then bolted out the door,
racing up to Angi who then stuck his tongue out at him.
Ciel took his bags in the first room on the left of the hallway. Plopping his stuff down on the bed and took a deep breath.
No turning back now.
“Hey bunk mate!”
Ciel turned around to see the bleached blonde gum chewer had claimed the bed next to him.
“Those other boring boys have already shaked up together so I’m left with you and your gorgeous navy blue eyes!”
“What is everyone’s obsession with my eyes today?”
“Nothing just...thinking out loud.”
“Well ok then, my name is Alois Trancy!” The boy latched onto Ciel’s hand and shook it a little too hard for him liking. When Alois released his wrist Ciel held it and furrowed his brows.
“Um... I’m Ciel.”
“That’s a pretty name Ciel! Hey do you wanna sneak out tonight!?”
Is this guy serious, Ciel thought. They had only just met and this Alois guy was already asking him if they wanted to break rules.
“I’m actually a friend of Claude’s and he said that the CIT’s always throw the JCIT’s a raging party for kicking off the summer and whatever freshmen show up become their favorites.”
Ciel really wanted to go to that party, which is saying something because he hated parties.
The dramatic competitiveness of the CIT’s made him want to be involved and know about all the hot gossip straight from Sebastian’s lips, but he knew he just couldn’t go to a senior party with some dude he just met, especially one he heard about from Claude, a dirty cheater who for all he knew could’ve told him that so he could lure freshmen out to get hazed.
“I’m good but thanks.”
“K, I guess I’m going alone then, but you’re helping me get ready Ok?”
An hour later Alois was wearing tight, short leather shorts and a neon purple tee shirt with a leather jacket on top. Black high top converse on his feet and sunglasses that looked expensive on his face, he was ready to go.
But the party didn’t start for another hour so he had to kill time.
“Ciel you ole’ bore please let me take you to the party!”
“Alois I already declined ok, I just don’t think its a good idea.”
“But we’re bunk mates, mate!”
“Excuse me.”
“We’re mates now! We’re gonna be so close by the end of the summer I mean we have to share a bathroom at least let me take you to a cool party so you get a decent first impression of what I am sloppy drunk.”
Ciel took a deep breath, and pictured the image of Alois drunk out of his mind.
This was something he’d pay to see.
“Ok hang on let me dressed.”
Ciel wore an off white tee shirt that read “there’s no way you woke up like that.” And black ripped jeans with black timberland boots on his feet.
He ran a hand through his hair and the two boys set out to this senior party.
“So where is this party. Will would kill them if they were all out of bed after hours getting drunk.”
“Claude said that it’s off grounds near a waterfall that goes into a river with blueberry bushes around it.”
“Sounds aesthetic and very possibly fake.”
“He also included that there’s a pile of dead squirrels at the halfway mark so...”
“Sounds more plausible.”
Once Ciel spotted (and nearly vomited) at the sight of an actual pile of dead squirrel parts thy knew they were getting close, and rift around this time they saw a girl with raspberry, chin length hair running in the same direction as them.
“Hey where are you going?” Alois Yelled out earning a hand over the mouth from Ciel who then reminded him that what they were doing was against the rules.
“Sorry! Hey girl are you heading to the party as well.”
Ciel faceplamed, it seemed his new roommate was anything but inconspicuous and would definitely eventually get him into trouble.
The girl walked toward them, tripping around six times, but somehow made it up to them in one piece.
“Mar- I Beast said the party was around here didn’t she?”
The girl wore large circular glasses and had freckles dotted along her face.
“Yeah we’re headed there now.”
Ciel answer calmly. The girl seemed frazzled and Ciel knew that the last thing he needed to do was act panicked, even though he was in the middle of the woods with two complete strangers heading to a possibly fictional party.
“Hey! Meyrin it’s over here!” Ron, the JCIT from that morning Yelled out from about fifteen feet away from the three.
He sprinted out to them and then basically shoved them into a thin brush of dark bushes.
“Better late than never babe! The party almost started without you!” Meyrin blushed at his comment.
“Ronald! Stop that. You know why I’m here.”
“Ugh what’s that CIT got that I don’t! Hah I’m just joking ya babe, you know why I’m here too!”
“You certainly have a type...”
Meyrin ran a hand through her bang and Ronald rolled his eyes, then wrapped his arm around her shoulder and the two walked off to talk to a shorter JCIT with a large sun hat on and one taller one with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth.
Ciel turned to look at the surrounding area. Agni was standing behind a plastic pull out table severing a rose pink tinted liquid to people in y’all styrofoam cups, a blush across his face and sighted from his mouth every couple seconds it was obvious to tell he was already drunk as a skunk.
Beast was off in the corner talking to Hannah, both girls wearing matching black and gold dresses and had their hair pulled back using a back scrunchie.
Claude was right. There was a waterfall next to some blueberry bushes. What he forgot to mention was that it was a scene he had carved into a tree right under “C + H”
Alois had seemed to already have disappeared once Ciel turned back around and the more the sun went down the harder the party got.
People were hugging, laughing, vomiting, yelling, arguing, and dancing raunchily to music being played on a Bluetooth speaker hooked up to apparently Agni’s phone.
Agni was however already passed out under a tree once the party officially started.
Sebastian walked up in a button up shirt and a tie , and scanned the area for Agni.
“Oh Agni my dude... this is why I don’t let you serve drinks bud.”
He saw Agni passed out in a pool of his own vomit under a tree, while two mischievous juniors scribbled genitalia onto his forehead.
“Oh my god!”
Sebastian turned to see meyrin burst out into laughter about something Bard, the tall, smoking junior had said.
He walked over to them casually.
“Sebastian! My... best mate right here... hahaha.”
Bard was obviously drunk out of his mind and had now rested his head on Sebastian’s shoulder. The only reason he actually came to this raging drunk joke of a party was so he could help Finnian, the shorter JCIT flirt with a certain Freshman, but it looked like she hadn’t shown up and that Sebastian had yet again found himself taking care of a drunk Bard and Agni.
Another two hours of partying ensued and the Hannah climbed up on a ledge made by rocks (shakily due to the alcohol) and clapped really loudly.
“Ok! I’m am proud to announce this years JCIT’s!”
Claude and Alois cheered and Alois Yelled out something along the lines of a very slurred “Mom!” Before Hannah shushed them.
“For the owls... we have Eric and Alan! Yay! For the peacocks we have Ronald In the pythons we’ve got Paula... Yass Queen! The the ravens we have Finnian and Bard! For the spiders we have The triplets! I love you guys! In the tigers we have Meyrin! In the flying bats we’ve got Dagger! And finally but not unfortunately we have Edward for the-“
Hannah was cut of by falling off of the ledge, leading to an audible gasp from several people and laughter from others.
Ciel faceplamed for a second time that evening and when he looked up his eyes met a spur of blue green ones.
And that’s all he can remember from the rest of that night.
Chapter 3: The classic last Friday night cliche
Chapter song aesthetic: https://youtu.be/H5NqIsnyTG8
Chapter Text
A beam of sunlight hit Ciel’s closed eyelids, forcing him to wake up.
“Ugh, What the hel-“
“Shhh!” Ciel was soon silenced by Agni’s fight over his lips. Why was Agni in his cabin? What a minute... Ciel looked around at the green and burnt orange decor in the room. This definitely wasn’t his his cabin... why was he in Agni’s?
“Ciel do you have any idea where you are right now?”
“I’m gonna say it’s your cabin.”
“Wrong... it’s the guys CIT housing.”
“Doesn’t that mean the same thing as what I just said?”
“Nope, you were inferring that you were in my cabin I’m in charge of.”
“Right, ok why am I here?”
“Do you remember anything from last night?”
“I went to a party with my weird roommate, saw Sebastian taking care of a drunk JCIT and then saw Hannah fall off the rock ledge, I can’t really remember anything after that but I’m assuming in the dark I must’ve just wandered into the wrong cabin.”
Angi scoffed at Ciel and then walked out of the cabin. He had to get to a CIT meeting that morning and he was an aspirin and a glass of water away from punching Ron and Edward in the face for graftiting his forehead last night.
Sebastian woke up in his car. Next to him in the reclined passenger seat, was Meyrin, curled into a ball with Bard’s jacket over her petite body as a blanket. Bard was sprawled out across the back seat , a beer can still in one hand. Sebastian pulled out his phone from his pocket.
20% and only ten minutes until the CIT meeting across the camp grounds. Angi was nowhere to be found and his head was pounding.
“Ugh did I drink and drive last night!?” Sebastian said, louder than he had hoped to, forgetting about the two sleeping passengers with him.
Meyrin shifted and the abruptly shot up in the seat.
“Hmmm... Hey... Claude?!”
“Nope it’s Sebastian and Baldroy thankfully.” Sebastian grabbed Meyrin’s glasses from the dashboard and handed them to her, once she put them on she looked over at Sebastian and then sighed in relief.”
“Oh thank god! I really didn’t need a repeat of last years kick off party!”
“I saw Ronald attaching himself to you until Edward and Grell showed up. I’m guessing the guy still has feelings?”
Meyrin blushed, Ronald and her had hooked up after the party last year, an event she truly regretted. Now the poor guy won’t leave her alone, and has tried to move onto Grell to try to forget her with no luck.
“We should talk about last night.”
“Oh, ok.”
“Based on these texts I’m getting from Claude’s friend Alois however it seems that after the four of us left for Waffle House last night some crazy stuff went down.”
After Agni woke up during Hannah’s speech he found Sebastian and Meyrin babysitting a wasted Bard, then suggested they blow the joint to get some cheap food, and the only place open at 1:00am is Waffle House. Agni carried Bard on his back to Sebastian’s car.
“Hey where is Finnian?” Agni asked, realized the short JCIT had vanished.
“He found that freshman girl he’s been dating for a while and they went back to the bonfire area for some alone time.” Sebastian smirked and Agni chuckled
“Didn’t know the guy had it in him.” The two busted out laughing at the notion they were going to the bonfire for something other than s’mores. Meyrin rolled her eyes and said,
“That Elizabeth girl isn’t like that you guys. They’ve been together since last year they’re the most innocent couple in the place!”
“True, but based on what we’ve heard from Claude that’s all that goes on there.”
Meyrin laughed lightly as she got into the passenger seat.
“Bard you wanna get some waffles?!” She asked in a loud, singsongey voice.
“Yeah! Waf... and some of that coffee...that sounds... Yeah!”
Meyrin smiled as she thought about Bard’s sloppily drunken actions from the previous night, then wondered what everyone else had gotten up to while they binged on food.
“What is he saying.”
“Something about Ciel Phantomhive, Finnian, dear god, Edward and some girl named... seelinde?”
“Sieglinde Sullivan! She’s in my freshman cabin. She’s German and she’s really sweet. What did she do?”
“Something about the four of them jumped into the lake, stole something from the kitchen and then got involved in a pretty heated argument with Claude, Grell, and Hannah. Then he says he doesn’t know what happened after that, Ciel and the girl ran off alone.”
“Wait I though Finny was with his girlfriend?”
“I’m guessing she was there too then.”
“No... Lizzie isn’t a partier , and she surely wouldn’t have jumped in that freezing water, would she?”
“I don’t know. Lizzie is smart, her cousin seems pretty lowkey as well but maybe they get a little crazy when they’re drunk... anyway we need to get to that meeting like ASAP.”
Beast rose up out of her comfortable spot on the couch in the girl’s CIT cabin. She shook her head to unflatten some of her curls. She was very glad the meeting was in her cabin rather than the guys. She new that because of last night there would’ve been no way she could’ve made it to it on time if it had been all the way across the camp.
She always found it ironic that they tried to separate the guys and girls CIT’s by putting them so far awa, but forgot that there are outdoor showers, parking lots, and bonfire areas that are accessible to them at basically all hours of the day.
She still had on her black party dress from last night, she knew Hannah was probably wherever Claude was this morning and Nina would be in the shower, but she knew she needed to wake up Grell. That woman could sleep through a hurricane.
She walked into Grell’s room, but no grell in sight, only a three ringed binder covered in pictures of all the CIT’s from the various years they’d been at camp or school. Most of the pictures with guys, Rell was basically groping them. Beast loved Grell but sometimes she borderline sexually harassed her favorite boys.
Beast soon realized where grell was, and she hoped she could wake her before Hannah arrived.
“Grell c’mon you’re in Hannah’s bed and she’s gonna kill you if she finds you!” Beast bounded on the door across from Grell’s actual room
Grell’s eyesight was bad as it was, but when drunk it was near blind. This wasn’t the first time she ended up in the wrong bed, but the last time Hannah had almost commit homicide, so Beast needed to act fast.
“Mmm... it’s too early Mary Carebeary!”
“Please never call me that again!”
“Leave me alone!”
“Hannah’s gonna cut your hair in your sleep.”
Beast heard shuffling feet Africa the floor, and out of the room raced grell, wearing Ron’s thrasher hoodie with her cocktail dress underneath.
“Are you and Ronnie a thing now?”
“What? No! He’s my favorite junior that’s all! He’s totally got it going on for Meyrin!”
“Ok then, don’t get so defensive.”
“Shut up miss ‘I’m totally over Joker this summer’.”
“How’s about both of you shut up.”
Nina came down the stairs, wearing a casual brown, fuzzy sweatshirt and Nike shorts, hair in a towel.
“Well good morning to you too sunshine.”
“How was your party last night?”
“Maybe if you would’ve actually came you’d know Nina, Sebastian left so you wouldn’t have had to fight him like you do at every get together.”
“Grell, I only argue with him because he’s a womanizing man whore who doesn’t deserve to get all the love he gets from the rest of us CIT’s”
“He’s changed since freshman year!”
“Yeah... tell that to Paula.”
Claude and Hannah were both woken up by the laughter of a certain raven haired freshman. They were still at the party area. Quesy and with a migraine, Hannah stood up to try to find her phone and where this annoying laughter was coming from
“Are you guys ever gonna wake up or no?”
Her thick German accent only meant one thing to Hannah. It was the short girl in the red flannel from last night that tried to stop Claude from fighting Ronald.
“Ok pipsqueak what are you doing out of your cabin?”
“Your boyfriend gave me your phone when we had blackout last night, I figured you wanted it back.”
“Claude is not my boyfriend! Now give me back my phone.”
“Hmm... oh hey babe why’re you yelling?”
The dark haired freshman laughed and handed Hannah her phone.
“Don’t all the counselors have a meeting this morning?”
“Oh god she’s right! Claude! Get up we gotta run!”
“Babe it’s ok, it’s in your cabin that’s only like ten minutes away from here.”
“Don’t call me babe!”
“Why are you mad at me?”
“You should’ve done something when Grell said that to me.”
“What was I supposed to do? That short JCIT was halfway up my back and all of us were drunk!”
Hannah scoffed and started walking in the direction of her cabin.
“Oh and by the way Sieglinde, you have until that meeting is over to get back to your cabin, or I revoke your bathroom passes for the rest of the summer.”
Sieglinde’s smile faded and she began to run back to her cabin.
The scolding from the queen of ice was worth it, she was dying to tell her new friend in her cabin about the guy she’d met last night and how they jumped in the lake and raided the pantry. She was giddy and giggling about her new beau who wa s probably so intoxicated he wouldn’t even remember her name.
She didn’t care though, she knew that he seemed different, better, and more... cosmic?
Yeah, cosmic.
Ciel Phantomhive was cosmic and she could talk to him forever.
Agni was the first to arrive at the girl’s cabin. Right on time as usual.
“I’m guessing the rest of the guys haven’t showed up yet, or better yet, woken up?”
Beast sighed and took a seat on the couch, she had changed into an old Aeropostale tee shirt and a different pair of daisy duke shorts before Agni had gotten there.
“Yep. None of the juniors are here either except Alan and Eric and I’m pretty sure they're still drunk.”
Agni looked over at the two juniors, laughing at seemingly nothing , standing in the corner.
“Nah, they’re not drunk but they are high as kites.”
Agni turned his attention over to Nina, who avoided his gaze.
“Nina, aren’t you looking very naturally pretty this morning.” Agni flashed a sincere smile and Nina giggled in response. Grell rolled her eyes at Beast , who whispered,
“She just needed her Agni did this morning.”
The two shared a glance at the unofficial couple and then chuckled.
“Hey you two! This isn’t a show this is supposed to be a meeting!”
“Oh Nina-“ Grell walked over to her.
“No need to be such a-“
“Bitches,I’m here.”
Hannah stated as she pulled down her incredibly short gold dress and rubbed her fingers under her eyes to clean up any smudged makeup.
“Hannah darling, we have a rule in the cabin.”
“Yes Nina, and what would that be?”
“We all come back to the cabin before 5:00 am it’s not that hard. All you have to do is not fall asleep after you and Claude add a number to the teen sex percentage.”
“You wanna come over here and say that to my face Ninnie?”
Nina stepped forward, and her and Hannah were almost touch noses before she said,
“You call me that one more time and I’ll tell everyone what I found in your trash can last summer.”
“Ok! Let’s all try to get along here.”
Agni grabbed Nina by the shoulders and pulled her away from Hannah, Claude then entered the cabin and followed by all the JCIT’s except Meyrin and Bard.
“I tried to round up all these hooligans this morning, sorry I’m late.”
“Claude you passed out drunk in the woods last night. Dude. I saw you!”
Edward yelled out from across the room.
“Ok everyone hold your horses, your dad is here!”
Joker said as he entered the cabin and walked over to Beast.
“J! You weren’t even there last night and you’re still late! C’mon man!”
Joker took off his brown leather jacket and sun glasses.
“Mary I had a tradition to uphold!”
“You and Dagger and Doll staying up all night to see the sunrise and then driving out to a gas station five miles away to get chili cheese popcorn is not a tradition!”
“You used to do it with us, remember?”
Beast blushed as Joker hugged her from behind.
Sebastian, Meyrin, and Bard were the last to arrive.
“Sorry sorry sorry! We were parked in the middle of the woods because the parking lot was full and we had to stop so Bard could vomit twice!”
“Ugh it’s ok just come in the front room!”
Chapter 4: A/N
Chapter Text
I’m very sorry the first few chapters have a few spelling mistakes, I’m writing on mobile so editing is hard. I don’t think any of them are that hard to figure out what the word was supposed to be (autocorrect can be horrid sometimes) but if you get confused just comment and I’ll tell you what it was intended to say :)
Chapter 5: Can’t we all just get along?
Chapter song aesthetic : https://youtu.be/Jge5tQr0cjA
Chapter Text
Ciel wandered back to his cabin, still very confused as to what all had happen the previous night.
It was almost 7:00am, so he didn’t have a lot of time to get answers from anybody before they had to go to the mess hall.
Surely Alois knew something. Or he at least hoped Alois knew something
Whilst walking across the grounds he noticed that now all of the cabin’s had been branded. That’s probably what the CIT meeting was about, he thought. It was all like Sebastian had said Beast’s note would’ve planned out.
Hannah got Claude’s cabin, so he had to move onto Angi’s, oblivious to the fact he’d been played by Beast, who used the note to distract Sebastian from preventing her from branding him, Angi got Nina’s cabins and Grell got Hannah’s cabin for whatever reason, leaving Sebastian with Grell’s and Nina with Joker’s and Joker’s with Beast.
It all worked out so perfectly in Beast’s favor.
Claude had no clue he’d been ratted out, Hannah was mad at Claude so she’d never suspect her, Joker won’t do anything terrible to her cabin because of their history, and everyone else is too busy with their cabin’s to suspect her.
Well played, Ciel thought.
Sieglinde has sprinted all the way over to her cabin. She was so excited to tell Lizzie about the guy she’d met. Sieglinde was never one to let her life get consumed by a crush, they either liked her or didn’t, but she had such a crazy night she couldn’t possibly wait to tell Lizzie before it became official.
She crept into the cabin and tiptoed over to Lizzie’s bed, her own empty bed right next to her’s.
“Lizzie! Lizzie wake up I have stuff to tell you!” She whisper yelled while shaking Lizzie’s body in attempts to wake her up.
“Alright! I’m up just start talking already!”
“You remember last night right?”
“Unfortunately.” Lizzie frowned at the floor and tried to wipe away the fires mascara tears on her face.
She’d broken up with her boyfriend, Finnian,last night.
“I took Finny down to the bonfire and told him it wasn’t going to work out between us.”
A single year left Lizzie’s eye, and Sieglinde wrapped her arms around her.
“I’m sorry Liz, but look on the bright side! Some of those CIT boys are pretty cute and the juniors too!”
“So are you suggesting I just forget the eight months I spent in a very serious long distance relationship for an asshead like Claude?”
“Hell no! But I am saying that we’re young! We can have fun! We can date around!”
“True, but Finnian was... he was amazing. He was sweet, he was funny, he was gentle, he was perfect!”
“So why’d you guys end it.”
“I ended it... because... I’m having conflicting feelings...”
“About what?!”
“Not about what! About a who!”
Lizzie slapped a hand over her mouth after she finished talking. Saying she had eyes for another was much scarier out loud than in her head.
“I know it’s bad! Finny is the first guy I ever loved but I think I have feelings for someone else and it scares me that he could love me more than I could love him.”
“Who are these feelings for?”
“I’m not going to say!”
“Sully! I am not going to say!”
“Ugh fine then.”
“So How was your wild night?”
“I met the most amazing guy! After Hannah took a tumble off this rock ledge, I started a conversation with him, we drank a lot, and I mean a lot! Then we found Alois and Edward and... Finny...”
“Ok, what did you guys do with my ex?”
“No I’m sorry it’s just weird, I had no clue you guys split he acted like everything was normal.”
“Yeah I expected that... he’s sensitive but he tends to bottle things up... ok continue.”
“So Alois was in shambles saying he’d lost something, a ring, a bracelet or something in the lake and was in tears, so we all stripped down to our underwear and jumped into the lake, Alois was the last one to go but before he jumped guess what he said!”
“He made the whole thing up! He just wanted to trick us into jumping in the lake it was freezing! So he cannonballs in and started screaming about the cold, then my new beau and I started splashing each other and soon enough, everyone was rough housing in the lake! It was bloody brilliant!”
“So that explains the bruise on your arm.”
“Oh yeah, Ron did that. He showed up after we all jumped in and decided he wanted to join... anyway after we all got out of the lake you’ll never guess who showed up?”
“Was it Claude, because I got a strange text from Edward about Claude fighting his mate last night?”
“Yep it was Claude and Hannah, they were fine up until Grell found us and then Hannah and grell started screaming at each other about grell stealing something from and Hannah and then Ron jumps out of the lake and tell Hannah to back off of Grell and you know what Hannah does? PUSHES GRELL INTO THE WATER!”
“No way!”
“Yep, So Claude and Ron start yelling at each other and Claude threw a punch at Ron, but I jumped out and told them it wasn’t the time or place. Claude was pissed so he tried to push me back into the lake but my man grabbed my hand and we ran all the way to the mess hall.”
“Oh my god Sully!”
“I know! Once we were there I convinced him to sneak in with me and steal stuff from the pantry, and he did it! Then we climbed up on the roof and ate a lot of junk food and then just talked for like an hour and...”
“We kissed a bit for a while.”
“Sully that’s amazing!”
“I know! I had so much fun and it’s his first year here so he doesn’t have and ole’ Ophrys baggage!”
“It’s his first time here? That’s great I could introduce him to my cousin they’d make great friends! What’s his name?”
“His name is Ciel!”
“I did what!?”
“Exactly what I just said Ciel.”
“And nobody stopped me.”
“You we’re unstoppable,mate”
“So you! My new best pal! Let me jump into a freezing lake! Almost fight a CIT! And hook up with a girl I met an hour earlier!”
“Yeah you seemed to be having fun.”
“It’s not about having fun Alois! We could’ve gotten into so much trouble what if Claude had actually got crazy? What if will found all of us?”
“Calm down! Debbie downer! You’re a lot more fun when you’re drunk I’ll tell you that much!”
Ciel rubbed the bridge of his nose. After hearing all about his cavorting from last night he realized it may not be the best idea to trust Alois. Now he needed to find this Sieglinde girl and sort out whatever he could’ve said to her last night.
Nina sighed. Another useless meeting she could’ve spent researching universities during. She was destined to be a famous designer, the only one who understood that was Agni. He was truly her best friend, but everyone thought they were a couple.
That definitely couldn’t be true as Nina was gayer than a rainbow in June and Agni was the only one she’d offici come out too yet. She knew Sebastian had his suspicions but he’d never dare push her about it.
She had crushedon the quirky, clumsy, Meyrin for quite a while, but she thought she’d finally gotten over the Bisexual redhead, but it seemed that lingering feelings were Nina’s kryptonite. It had all started when they were in 7th and 8th her at the camp. 13 year old Nina had just realized her newfound sexuality and her love of fashion in the same school year. Once she got to camp, she took Meyrin as her personal model for her clothes she designed.
One accidental brush of fingertips and Nina was gone. The usually stoic but slightly dramatic girl was head over heels, but infuriated when she realized the girl fawned over Sebastian.
It was also that that year she decided Sebastian just annoyed her beyond belief and didn’t deserve her time of day.
Quite a coincidence one could say.
The only thing discussed in that meeting was the dirty, underhanded way the CIT’s has branded one another this year, Beast saying they had no respect for tradition. Joker getting high with some JCIT’s and Grell in the back. Sebastian and Agni heckling Claude and Hannah for getting back together, much to Hannah’s annoyance, and Claude complaining, wishing he could be anywhere else because he knew he was the only one Beast was talking about.
“Can we all just agree to, from this point on, uphold all rules and traditions passed down to us when we were JCIT’s last year so our Juniors can do the same!”
“Yes, your highness.”
It took every nerve Beast had in her not to slap Claude and cause an all out war amongst the counselors.
She was sick of everything being left up to her to take are of.
Sebastian and Agni tried but they always ended up having to save the JCIT’s from getting wasted and making bad choices, Joker would much rather mess around than do anything helpful, Claude and Hannah couldn’t be bothered to do anything but scare the underclassmen, and Nina and Grell were about as useful as a boat with no oars.
Sebastian saw the concerned look on beasts face, so he whistled loudly to get everyone’s attention.
“Ok guys! We made terrible choices last night. Every single one of us. I drank and drove last night! Bard nearly got alcohol poisoning! Claude and some underclassmen almost fought! And nobody but Agni made it here on time because we’re all too wrapped up the past to sit through one meeting together.”
Everyone tried to avoid eye contact. He was right. The drama between the counselors was deeper than it appeared, even though it was just basic teenage drama. Beast hated it the most. She longed for a time when Joker and Claude could have a conversation without trying to kill each other or where Sebastian didn’t have to remind everyone that they’ve all made terrible mistakes. Sadly however it wasn’t that easy, and it was kind of Sebastian’s fault to begin with.
“I swear if I get one more dirty look from Bard or Meyrin I’m going to need you to kill me ok Doll.”
“I’d rather not.”
Lizzie satin a corner table with Sieglinde and a girl from the flying bats cabin, affectionately nicknamed Doll, her face covered in freckles by every inch and her hair, spikey and shoulder length was the color of fermented honey.
“So Sieglinde... where is this guy you Dm’d me about kat night.”
Sieglinde blushed a deep red and Lizzie smacked her head on the table.
“It’s Liz's cousin.”
Doll laughed so hard her milk from her carton came out her nose. She left to go get napkins when she ran into Ciel himself.
“Well well, speak of the devil.” Doll smirked at Ciel.
“Hello Doll, What are you going on about?”
“Your wifey is sitting at my table, with myself and Lizzie of course and she can’t stop talking about you guys’s night on the town haha.”
Doll chuckled and Ciel looked over, he could see Lizzie sitting at a table with a girl with chin length jet black hair, with turquoise dip dye at the ends.
Ciel walked over cautiously to the table with Doll. He took a seat next to Lizzie and Sieglinde avoided his gaze.
“Um... hey.”
“So do you wanna talk about last night?”
“Not really. I think it’s best if we leave it on the roof.”
Sieglinde pointed to the roof of the mess hall. Where she’d had her first kiss only 9 hours earlier.
Ciel was about to say something when Joker zipped past their table and sat down.
“You guys interested in a bonfire with myself and some other chill people?”
Chapter 6: One chance
This is becoming really cheesy my bad XD
Sorry this is shorter, I think I’m getting writers block ugh
Chapter Text
Joker was the first to leave the girls cabin once the meeting had ended.
Beast had decided that because of some of the obvious tension amongst the group, a much needed group bonding activity was needed. They settled on a bonfire that night from 7 to midnight.
They also settled on adding a new CIT rule of freshman interference. The act Claude and Hannah had played last night was enough to get them both removed if William had found out, so Agni took it upon himself to come up with the addition of “any CIT that is caught in an act of assault in any form to a JCIT or freshman of any cabin, rival or not, are to be immediately reported to Will.”
You’d think that would be common sense, but sometimes common sense wasn’t the first thing Claude used in moments of anger.
The set of rules Agni added on to are the “CIT rules and traditions” a small, handwritten booklet of standard the CIT’s had to follow, made up by past counselors.
Most of the booklet described how the point system worked, but the last two pages contain ten rules dubbed the “only rules you actually have to follow.”
1. No CIT can talk to other CIT’s about branding or pranking their rival
2. CIT’s cannot exclude their juniors from anything that isn’t exclusive to seniors
*3. Counselor meetings are to be 100% honest no matter how bad the situation gets it had gotten
4. Nobody is to drink and drive under any circumstance
5. “Snitches get stitches” is the only act of assault permitted if and only if someone has the possibility of getting kicked out
6. Don’t pee in the lake
*7. Don’t leave camp grounds for more than 23 hours.
8. Do not have sexual relations in anywhere but one of the parties involved’s bed or car.
*9. Nobody is to assault another camper, destroy property, or steal from anyone under any circumstances.
10. If a counselor breaks any of the rules above that are starred or three of the unstarred rules they are to be disqualified from the point system and reported immediately by any and all counselors who know of their actions. (If they have broken more than 4 of the unstarred or more than 1 of the started rules, rule 5 no longer applies to them)
Nina walked over to a large painting on the wall of the front room, and flipped it around to reveal a dry erase board, with all the CIT’s names listed, and took a marker and added a tally mark under Claude, and Hannah’s spots on the board, due to the fact they each broke the assault rule, and they would’ve had two each if there was anyway to confirm that they had done more than sleep in the woods.
Claude hadn’t said a single word since the new rule was mentioned, he knew better, it had only been one day and he already had a tally mark on the board. Hannah gritted her teeth, she wanted Grell dead, the fight was her fault anyway. Hannah’s favorite hoodie she’d had since she was in 7th grade went missing and she was certain Grell stole it from the laundry and had it in her pile of clothes she’d ‘borrowed’ guys and never given back. Hannah was too drunk to control her anger, Grell was never one to back down from a fight, and Claude had his own issues with Grell’s little guard dog Ron, so the whole situation was recipe for disaster.
Beast told everyone they were free to go, Sebastian caught her outside the cabin as she was walking to the mess hall, and ambushed her in questions.
“Hey, why didn’t I get a tally?”
“You didn’t break a rule...Didn’t you?”
“I told you guys I drank and drove last night, I deserve a tally on that board.”
“Listen Seb, when we pressed Mey rin and Bard they both said that everyone in the car was asleep once you and Agni traded spots for the drivers at a gas station. Agni says he never saw you drinking and you can’t remember if you drank last night or not, so even if you think you may have, I can’t just give you a tally to clear your conscience.”
Beast sighed and tried to exit the conversation , but Sebastian grabbed her shoulder,
“Beast, I know you know that nearly everyone in there deserves a tally, not just Claude and Hannah. Why are you doing this.”
Beast was mad now. When she was up at 3:00am last night trying to make sure nobody killed anyone else, he was out getting fast food while driving under the influence, and he was scolding her? Outrageous. Sometimes she understood why Nina couldn’t stand him.
“You think that being a CIT is all useless parties and drama, but it’s not. I’ve known some of these people longer than you have, and I know what type of person they’ve turned into. You and I both know that if we were all truly 100% with each other, I would’ve slit someone’s throat by now!”
Sebastian stared at her for a few seconds, and then pushed pass her as he stepped into the mess hall. Beast was someone he’d never understand, but he always hoped he ware him for more than who he was in his past years.
“You have to tell them this year Nina.”
“Agni you know that if I did I’d risk everything!”
1 note · View note
grelleswife · 2 years
I have to ask, is fanon claude better at being a father a little bit to his son and handling his son's friend ciel, without getting weird about it?? god i didn't know how to word that without sounding gross. ><
(Related to this AU here)
Hi, anon! I envision fanon!Claude as devoid of those vile predatory undertones we had to put up with in Season 2, so his relationship with the kids is much more wholesome. The Trancy butler can come across as stiff and awkward at times, with a reserved demeanor (like a spider huddled in the shadowy confines of his web), and occasionally flounders because he feels out of his depth trying to raise a human child, but he has good intentions. While Claude respects Alois’s boundaries, he also eventually recognizes the boy’s need for affection, and learns that his master likes having his hair brushed, receiving head pats and hugs, and so on. Claude’s a little confused about why mortals enjoy these “hugs” so much—to his demon mind, they seem more like a battle tactic you’d use to crush an enemy’s rib cage—but as long as His Highness is happy…🤷‍♀️ The butler is gentle and patient with Alois, even when the boy is suffering from mood swings or demands that Claude leave whatever task he’s currently working on to play cards with him or do a silly tap dance to make him laugh. After noticing how often Sebas totes his young master around, Claude starts carrying Alois more often—maybe that prolonged physical contact helps human younglings feel more secure? 🤔 Of course, Alois loves the extra attention!
Regarding O!Ciel, Claude does take note of the fact that Michaelis’s child has a high-quality soul, but in a detached, professional sense—he’s not creepily obsessed with our boi like he is in the anime. Although he finds the little earl’s arrogance and snide comments irksome, the Trancy butler is also relieved that His Highness finally has a human friend his own age. Brutal circumstance robbed Alois of a normal childhood, but he deserves to have a companion around whom he can just be a kid.
The boys sometimes have sleepovers at their respective manors (Alois usually invites himself to O!Ciel’s place unannounced, or wheedles and begs until the earl grumpily agrees to hang out with him at the Trancy estate for the evening). Since Claude and Sebas have mended fences since their breakup, they trust each other to look after the other’s kid: Claude knows Alois will be safe as houses if he’s on the Phantomhive grounds, and Faustus is one of the few people on whom Sebastian can rely to protect his young master in his stead.
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stupid-simp33 · 3 years
A Song So Sad
Sebastian x f! Reader
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Summary: Sebastian and Ciel are out in the town gathering new China and Tea when they hear a lovely tune playing in the town square; a violin sonata so beautiful and sad it makes even the clouds cry.
Request: nope
Warnings: none?
“London and it’s damn clouds.” The young master chided distastefully. Sebastian looked upwards with an expressionless gaze. “It appears it’s going to rain; young master we should return home soon.” The tall man looked to his pocket watch and shuffled the many boxes he balanced and carried; hoping to avoid the rain with the boys fragile health he could only silently wish to go home and start on dinner preparations. It was getting quite late. Sebastians ears perked as the young master stopped walking abruptly infront of him. And he could tell why.
A tune so beautiful reached his ears in no time at all. Entrancing the two men like a sirens song, luring their ship to crash into the rocks. The two followed the other people that were seemingly in a state of hypnotism to the town square. Could this be another demon? Sebastian queried to himself. A semi large crowd had gathered to find the source of the music. To find the song so sweet and so sad it appealed to all.
Sebastians trance was broken at the sound of weeping. Mothers held their children close as they weeped quietly into their husbands and fathers. Young Children stared emptily into space not knowing how to express the flurry of emotions. Men bit their lips as silent tears dropped from their glazed eyes, and slowly rolled down their cheeks like honey from a jar. What is this? I’ve never seen such a mass reaction to merely music. Red orbs flitted around taking in the scene and his thoughts started to bubble up out of the haze. What he could not comprehend was why no one was leaving. If this was causing them all to act so unseemly why would they not leave to uphold their families image? If anything only more and more people continued to gather. The smell of salty tears stung his nose. A pull at his sleeve caught his attention and looked down. He was shocked at the sight.
His young master was crying. Clear Fat tears rolled steadily down his round baby like cheeks. His uncovered blue eye shone with a storm of emotions, his lip trembled as he tried to control his ragged breathing in efforts to remain quiet. It would be unsightly for the queens watchdog to breakdown with the rest of the unfortunate public around him. But what the butler from another realm so off guard was the innocence. The innocence that was held in the young masters crystal blue orb was that of a child who hadn’t lost his entire family to a fire. Hadn’t been kidnapped and branded and sold. Hadn’t made a contract with a demon. This was an eye that held the purest innocence and clearest emotions. Sebastian put a gloved hand on the young masters head and shut his ruby eyes. He gave a smile that was neither real nor fake. It was simply an expression to comfort the child before him.
The sudden contact from his butler broke Ciel from his state of purity. His eye shadowed over in slight embarrassment as he swatted the mans hand from his hair. He rubbed at his cheeks with his silk black gloved hands and looked to the centre of the crowd. “Is this one of your kind?” Ciel hissed with a glare to the ground. “I do not believe so.” Sebastian murmured in order to not disrupt the eerie quietness amongst the people. “Well is it an angel then?!” Ciel was hit with too many emotions for him to be rational at the moment. But he at least remained hushed. “That is not it either young master. I believe it’s human. I sense no divine presence.” Sebastian replied watching the young lord like a hawk. “I demand you find who ever is making this music...after the song is finished.” He paused and Sebastian quirked a single fine black eyebrow, of course he expected his master to make a request but he wasn’t prepared for the second but of his sentence. How peculiar... Sebastian thought to him self. The butler decided only now to find the source of the sound. He had been too caught up in the crowds reactions to really think about who exactly could be causing such a scene.
It was fairly easy though. All he had to do was look straight and he’d see the being responsible. So simple. But why couldn’t he. He tried to look ahead but it felt almost wrong to do so. His eyes would flirt so quickly over the centre of the gathering he wouldn’t be able to really see the person in the middle. He could look around the sides and look down and up but it was like a nagging feeling kept him from looking straight ahead. Then he noticed it. Not a single person had their gaze lifted to watch. Their eyes were either set on the stormy clouds that settled over head getting darker by the minute, or the filthy ground beneath their shoes. What on Earth... Sebastian was growing sick of this game. The song was beautiful he could deny no longer but it was long and he needed answers immediately. The slight thunder accompanying the atmosphere and the chords being played alerted Sebastian JD was going to rain. And soon.
“Well? Do you see it?” Ciel hissed, his composure back as well at it could be. “I’m afraid not.” Sebastian murmured back, his hushed tone Curt in annoyance. The song was becoming more tense and its tempo quickened. A baby’s wait could be heard from the other side of the circle. This alerted everyone and startled the crowd but the music played on. What was this power? Not divine. Not demonic. More thunder yet this time closer and louder. A deep root note was strewn about quickly turning into sharp high pitched notes as lightning flashed not far. The songs notes weren’t as soft and alluring anymore. They were aggressive and hostile. The clouds were turning into the darkest grey that rivalled black. Sebastians head whipped around as more people let out wails and released cries. There’s no way this creature is human! So why do I not sense any powers? He thought. Sebastian gritted his teeth. This cretin he no longer liked was starting to irritate him. The song was aggressive but came to a halt! There was no more tune. No more notes. No more chords. It was like a dramatic pause.
Shaken from his frustrated state he opened his eyes. When had he closed them?
More drips. More rain. More patters. More water. The song played again. Softer and quieter. You’d strain to hear it but hear it you could. The clouds weeped, a light sheet of rain dribbled upon the emotion-filled citizens of London as they held their faces and cried. As the song came to a close people hugged their loved ones and those along hugged them selves. In a society where emotions are often fake or subdued this was a change none had ever experienced before. It was raw. The music left a feeling of raw-vulnerability in the chests of all who heard it.
Once more Sebastian looked down to his master to see his head down and his small hand clutching where his heart was. “Find them and bring them to me. Now.” Ciel demanded through gritted teeth. As the crowd dispatched and stumbled away-some still crying and weeping- Sebastian gave a shallow bow. “Of course young master.” He unfolded an umbrella handing it to the boy and took long strides towards the centre which he could now face with out struggle, leaving his shaking master behind.
Sebastian expected many things when he found who ever it was that created such an event. Who ever had elicited such a mass response from even the weather and gods them selves to make them cry with their mortals on earth. They were probably of looks to rival a goddess or angel. The sincerity and raw feelings cast upon all those who heard it- even ensnaring a demon for a period of time. Rain soaked through his tail coat and into his vest. The cold water droplets reaching his skin with ease yet it did not phase him. He was on a mission. A mission ordered by his young master. A mission to find the being responsible for the gods cry’s.
What he found was none of his expectations.
A girl of average height with now soaked s/c skin, clad in a peasants cream coloured dress that dropped with the clouds tears was knelt at a violin case. She was ordinary looking enough. No extravagant gown made of fine silks and ribbons. No bonnet of flowers. No wings protruding from her back as he honestly expected. Just a girl with An old beat up case with faded leather and that was closed with a click. The well taken care of instrument held inside with care to protect from the unseemly weather. This was not right at all. How could such a simple thing do such an extravagant action that could be compared to a divine being? E/c orbs shifted up in shock to the man before her Who’s scrutinising stare burned holes through her. The two held eye contact and she gave a crooked smile. Her pinky lips quirked up at the corner as her velvety voice spoke, “most people leave after I’m done.” A french accent was woven thick in her words. “You...you are different though. I sense you are very different.” She nodded as she stood up. The rain pattering onto her and drenching her. Her hair looked like she had just showered, it was flush against her rosey cheeks and plastered across her face. The curls/strands sagged from the water weight.
“Are you the one who played that song.” The younger voice demanded rather than asked. She nodded and gave a smile to the Earl. Her e/c eyes held contact with his uncovered blue one. Rain pattered and bounced from the black umbrella. She gave a curtsy, “Ouí, my name is y/n l/n. I hope you enjoyed my playing.” She bowed her head in respect. From his cloths and the fact he had a butler she could tell it was better to be polite and respectful.
“I am Ciel Phantomhive. I would like to request you accompany my butler and I back to our estate. I wish to ask about your music. You will be given dry cloths and fed accordingly of course.” The Earl stated curtly. Distrust clear in his suspicion blue eye.
“My music is simply the emotions every person feels.” She closed her eyes this time, giving a broader smile, before turning around and walking down the street in the rain.
“Young master-“ Sebastian was cut short by the boy.
“Leave it.” He glared at her receding figure. “Just leave it. Take me home now Sebastian. I’m tired and cold.” Ciel turned with a swish of his black out coat and walked back the way they’d arrived god knows how long ago. The rain continued to patter onto the road and those who couldn’t find shelter. The thunder rumbled with great power in the distance. Emotions filled all of London and Sebastian could taste them all in the damn air. What a creature. His eyes flashed as he took a deep breath to calm him self.
“Yes young master.”
A/N: honestly I would have loved to make this into more of a series but I didn’t wanna make the shot too long and loose the vibe so sorry if the endings kinda awkward.
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peaceoutofthepieces · 3 years
Tracing Time
Friday, 20:23
Song: David Bowie - Changes
Sander shifts closer to Robbe where they’re side by side at the sink, and promptly slaps Robbe’s butt with the towel in his hands.
Robbe jumps, splashing soapy water everywhere as his hands flounder in the sink before he lifts one out to smack Sander away. “Hey,” he protests, laughing.
“You know the rules.” Robbe raises a brow. “Around parents, best behaviour.”
Sander groans, sidling up close behind Robbe and wrapping his arms around the boy’s waist. He snuggles against Robbe’s back, nosing at his curls and resting his head on his shoulder and pulling Robbe closer with hands flat on his stomach as Robbe just laughs at him again. “You don’t like this behaviour?” Sander demands.
“This is okay,” Robbe murmurs, leaning back against Sander even as he returns to washing dishes, his adorable smile pulling at his lips. Sander wants to kiss it.
“Ahh, I have a very responsible son and son-in-law.”
Sander huffs a silent laugh at his mother’s words as Robbe flushes darkly and twists around enough to look at her. Sander holds him tighter before he can even think about escaping, and ignores the look his mother gives him as she comes closer.
“Well, only the latter, actually,” she muses, rolling her eyes at Sander. “You don’t have to do that, dear, I’ll just put it in the dishwasher later.”
Robbe shakes his head, smile having gone shy; Sander tries not to think about how cute he is. “I don’t mind. And he was helping me a minute ago.”
“You don’t have to cover for him, Robbe,” Ciel interrupts from the doorway, where he has apparently decided to rejoin them as well. “We know what to expect.”
“Is this ‘pick on Sander night’ or what?” Sander asks, picking his head up from Robbe’s shoulder enough to scowl at them both.
Robbe picks up Sander’s abandoned towel to wipe off his hands before turning towards Sander and brushing back a lock of his hair with a giggle. “No, really,” he assures the adults. “It was all his idea to begin with.”
“Sander’s idea? To do dishes?” Ciel demands, faintly impressed.
Léa waves a hand. “Oh, don’t be so harsh, it’s not the first time. He’s sweet when he wants to be.” Then she hesitates. “It was his idea though?”
“Yep,” Robbe confirms, pinching Sander’s cheek. Then he looks back at Sander’s parents and lowers his voice conspiratorially. “Though it does conveniently get him out of submitting his assignment.”
“Robbe,” Sander whines, as both his parents turn on him again.
“Sander,” Léa says. “God, when is it due?”
Ciel heaves a sigh. “Your professor was kind enough not to just fail you on the spot and now you do this?”
Robbe’s tone changes immediately, as he straightens up and sets his hands on Sander’s shoulders before cutting them both off in a soft but firm voice. “He’s already got it done,” Robbe informs them, casually, though Sander can hear the defensive, prideful tone underneath. It absolutely does not make his heart flutter. (Except it absolutely does.) “But you know how much of a perfectionist he is. I’m going to be, like, the fourth person to proofread it now, and then it can be submitted. As long as it’s done before midnight.”
He raises his brow slightly in question at the last part, and Sander nods confirmation then smiles as he receives a kiss on the nose. Robbe turns back and dries the remaining plate off on his own as Sander hugs him again and sticks his tongue out at his parents. Léa offers him an apologetic look and squeezes his arm as Ciel leans in the doorway and sighs.
“What would any of us do without you, Robbe?” Ciel says, shaking his head at the two of them. “I don’t know how we ever managed him before.”
“Excuse me,” Sander interrupts before Robbe can say something silly, like that he agrees. “I am perfectly capable of managing myself, thank you very much.”
“Yeah, but, he’s good, isn’t he?” Léa smirks, nodding at Robbe, and Sander has to give him another squeeze when he blushes again.
“And he’s mine to exploit only, so I’m taking him away now,” Sander informs them. He doesn’t give them time to protest, and he ignores Robbe’s, even as the boy calls over his shoulder to thank them both for dinner while Sander drags him out of the room.
Only once they’re safely closed up in his room does he let Robbe go, and even then it’s only to turn and kiss him. Robbe giggles against his lips, and Sander swallows the sound and lets it soften him up. “You’re terrible,” Robbe murmurs. “They’re looking out for you.”
“They’re annoying,” Sander groans. Then he smirks. “Besides, they agree that you’re all I need, Robin. What would I do without you, hm?”
Robbe tilts his head, and Sander knows he’s about to be cheeky. “Be very sexually frustrated?”
Sander makes an affronted noise, but eventually huffs another laugh when Robbe just continues to giggle. He kisses Robbe hard, nipping and then licking over his lips in a mild rebuke for the comment. It’s entirely forgotten, anyway, once Robbe tugs at his hair.
Robbe pulls away in less than a minute, though, and simply leans back further when Sander tries to follow him. “After,” he insists.
Sander groans, dropping his head against Robbe’s for a moment and letting himself be soothed by another soft kiss. Then he sighs, and picks Robbe up so he can toss him onto the bed. Robbe laughs as he bounces on the mattress, stretching out temptingly as Sander sits down in his desk chair and boots up his laptop to go over his assignment.
When he finally gets it open, he pulls Robbe into his lap instead. Robbe easily perches on his knee and begins reading over the essay, undeterred by the random, surprise kisses Sander litters over his shoulders. Which is fine, because Sander is doing it not to distract Robbe but himself, refusing to panic over someone examining his work with such rapt attention. It’s just Robbe, he reminds himself. Robbe, who will always be kind about how Sander’s disaster of a brain works.
It’s confirmed when Robbe has scrolled to the end and turns to Sander with an easy smile, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “It’s good. Considering I don’t really have any idea what it means and I found it interesting.”
Sander huffs, but smiles as well. “High praise.”
“It is.” Robbe hums and kisses him again. “I can’t see any mistakes.”
“You shouldn’t, really, considering it’s already been read over a dozen times.”
“Well, there’s nothing wrong with being thorough,” Robbe winks at him. At the weak smile Sander musters, he sobers slightly. “Why are you stressing so much, hm? This isn’t worth so much, is it?”
Sander sighs. “No, but...I messed up, and he was so nice about it, I don’t want to submit something now that’s shit.”
Robbe slips an arm around his shoulders and squeezes, kissing the crown of his head as Sander ducks into his shoulder. “It’s not. And your friends told you so too, right? You can be content with it. Let’s just get it submitted now.”
Sander nods. He reaches around Robbe to open his browser, and gets to the stage of having the file uploaded before he freezes, even as the cursor hovers over ��Submit’.
Sander licks his lips, hesitating. He’s staring at the screen which means, for once, he’s not looking at Robbe. “What am I doing, Robbe?”
“What do you mean?”
“What’s the point of all this?”
Robbe sounds hesitant. “To pass…?”
“No. What’s the point of...of the whole thing? What’s the point of me doing this? What’s the point of me at all?”
Robbe stills. “Where’d that come from?” he asks quietly.
It takes a second for Sander to realise what he’s said wrong, how he messed up. Then he turns into Robbe’s shoulder again and holds him and shuts his eyes. “That’s not what I meant. I just mean…” he stops. He did mean what he said. He’s not sure what it is he’s asking, but he meant to ask it. It’s what he’s thinking. “Sorry, I know I shouldn’t say stuff like that to you—“
“No,” Robbe cuts him off gently, carding a hand through his hair. “I’m glad when you tell me what you’re thinking or feeling, okay?”
Sander barely hesitates before nodding.
“Do you actually want me to answer, or was it more rhetorical?”
“You’re going to say something about it anyway,” Sander points out.
Robbe simply smiles and doesn’t deny it.
Sander presses closer against him and sighs. “But I wouldn’t mind hearing it.”
This appears to be all the permission Robbe needs, as he carefully extracts himself from Sander’s lap to stand. He holds onto the arm of Sander’s chair as he moves, spinning it around and pulling Sander with him as he sits on the end of Sander’s bed. He pulls the chair as close as it will go, so they’re eye-to-eye and knee-to-knee.
“Is this sort of like how you feel regarding the parallel universe stuff?” Robbe asks calmly, head tilted in that sweet way of his. “Like, alone or...insignificant?”
Sander shrugs, mulling it over before acquiescing, “I guess, yeah.”
“Then, do you not think it’s the same for everyone? Why would I have more meaning than you?”
“Because,” Sander says, but then, as usual, realises he doesn’t actually have a good response.
Robbe smiles, like he knows as well and is more pleased about it. “Do you want to know what I think?”
It’s not really a question, because the answer to that will always be ‘yes’, but Sander nods confirmation anyway.
“I think that none of us have a meaning,” Robbe says, which surprises Sander into sitting back before he continues. “I think each of us has many different, tiny meanings throughout our whole life. You know the butterfly effect? How one tiny thing can lead to another thing after another?”
Sander just nods again, always too enraptured when Robbe talks with him about such things to interrupt verbally. He can already kind of guess the rest of what Robbe will say, and that simple realisation already makes him feel better, and even that seems to hold meaning.
Robbe’s smile widens slightly, like he can tell. “I always think that, if I didn’t exist, so many things would be different. Like if I wasn’t Jens’s best friend, maybe he wouldn’t be the same kind of person at all. Or maybe he’d still be with Jana, and never would have looked at Lucas. And then I think it’s the same the other way. If I didn’t have Jens, and he didn’t have that connection to Jana and Britt, then we would never have ended up on that beach trip together. Even before, if I didn’t have them to be at that party with when I met Noor, maybe you never would have even laid eyes on me. That alone gives meaning to a whole handful of people. Myself, my friends, Noor, whoever even threw that party, whoever first set up that garage and whoever started using it as that kind of hangout and whoever told you or Noor about it in the first place. Everything affects everything.”
There are too many words here for Sander to absorb instantly, and he’s glad Robbe pauses for a moment so he can figure them out and internalise the message. But as soon as Robbe has seen them sink in, he continues.
“And I’ve told you before, how much you affect me, Sander. That nothing or no one has ever had the same kind of effect on me as you.”
“Never felt something like that,” Sander murmurs.
Robbe’s smile turns soft and gooey, but he doesn’t let his train of thought go. It’s fairly impressive. “I think I’m mostly meant to love you,” he says, casual as ever, which is still sickeningly sweet because it’s Robbe. “And it’s not because I’m putting so much importance on you that it feels like you have the most meaning. Instead, it’s...the meaning and purpose in loving you that makes you so important. Does that make sense?”
Sander swallows and shakes his head slightly; not in a denial, but a prompt for a little more.
“Like…” Robbe struggles, letting his eyes wander for a second as he licks his lip. He takes a slow breath before meeting Sander’s eye and trying again. “It feels like, there was a butterfly effect of events when I was a child that led me to Jens. There was a butterfly effect of events that led to me living in the flatshare. Or meeting the other Broerrrs, or the girls, or even going to the school I go to, and choosing the subjects I take. They’re all made up of a string of little meanings. But you, Sander...you’re the result of every single butterfly effect until I met you, and the cause of every one there will ever be after.”
Sander doesn’t know what to say. He isn’t even sure if he can speak. Robbe is just so earnest, and Sander wants nothing more than to be able to respond in kind, but he doesn’t even feel like he can process it. Maybe in the morning, it’ll seem clearer, and he can say something to Robbe then that makes sense, but it could very well take forever to actually sink in.
Because he could brush it off as a nice sentiment, a kind gesture full of sugar-coated words, sweet nonsense to offer reassurance. Because it’s almost impossible to believe that Robbe could mean what he says, or even believe it himself, that he could find something so steady and potent in someone who is a senseless, reckless storm at best. That Sander is, and was always meant to be, such an intrinsic part of his life, that he’s irrevocable and irreversible. Unforgettable in the mind and heart of one of the kindest, most loving people to exist.
It’s almost impossible, but not quite; because he knows exactly what Robbe means. Because he feels it, at his own very core, looking at the boy in front of him now. That this is meant, more than anything else, no matter which version of the universe they live in; and that it will shape the rest of his life with the width and weight of its meaning.
But he doesn’t know how to say that, and the last thought sticks out the most, so what he ends up saying is, “I’m not sure that obeys the minute-by-minute rule.”
Robbe simply laughs, though it sounds like it’s startled out of him. He twines his hands with Sander’s and leans in closer to him as he smiles. “I think,” he says slowly, “that we know we can manage a little more than that, now. We’re safe to play it day-by-day at least, I would say.”
Sander leans in and kisses him, because it’s the best way he knows to express any kind of response to such immense sentiments. And they sound so easy, so light as they slip from Robbe’s lips, but here too the meaning is always laced deep. Robbe knows exactly what he’s saying and he does so with purpose; this, at least, Sander believes, and it’s what often works to convince him of the words themselves.
“Gij en ik, voor altijd,” Robbe whispers against him. “Wasn’t that it? The future is still all us, baby.”
Sander kisses him harder, because what the hell else is he supposed to do? What else could ever be better? “Hundred percent,” he agrees. Then, having finally gathered his thoughts, he says, “You’re right, Robbe. I was born to love you.”
Sander says it in English, and it makes Robbe pull back and narrow his eyes. “That’s not Bowie,” he says.
Sander grins, kissing his nose. “No,” he praises. “Queen.”
Robbe hums, smiling into the next kiss he grants Sander. “Now, the actual point of this conversation. You need to submit your assignment.”
Sander actually freezes in confusion for a moment before he sits back with a huff, offering Robbe his attention again with curiosity.
“Whether you submit it or don’t will mean something,” Robbe says easily. “You just have to choose which you think you want.”
“But what if they have the same effect?” Sander asks, quietly.
Robbe tilts his head in question.
“What if I fail either way? What if I do this, all of it, and it’s not worth it at the end?”
Robbe considers this for a moment, before furrowing his brow and giving a slight shake of his head. “Either way, each step is something different. I can’t promise you that this will mean what you want it to, Sander. But that doesn’t mean it means nothing. It’s what puts you on your path. If that leads you to a dead end, then it’s proof you’re meant to make another.”
Sander stares at him, marveling, and lets out a huff. “You’ve got an answer for everything, don’t you?”
“I wish,” Robbe laughs. Then he bites his lip, and gestures at Sander’s laptop, still waiting on his desk. “Did it help?”
This time, Sander doesn’t really hesitate before rolling himself over and hitting the button. He’s vaguely aware of the confirmation popping up, but mostly he’s too busy turning back to catch Robbe’s grin. This time he simply stands and makes his way into the boy’s hold, lets Robbe pull him down and unravel him, take him in and take him apart. He’s done all he needs to do for this week, this day, this minute, and he knows what it—what he—means right now, with his most precious purpose in his arms, and that’s more than enough.
He’ll figure the rest out with time.
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lovee-infected · 4 years
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Macaroon anon I love you and how can I resist writing for such a great idea? I really wanted this piece to take place as Ciel was stuck in twst in my previous au but since I mentioned dorm leaders there it couldn't be really done...Rip
A twisted path ✨
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~ Black butler x twisted wonderland ~
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Feat : Mey-Rin , Bard & Finnian
Poor trio stay away in shock of not only his unexpectedly loud shout but also...eh...his appearance .  Are they wrong or does this guy really look similar to master Ciel...?
Coming conscious still with his eyes closed , he hears some sounds around him:" He dead ?-""No I don't think he is, his chest is still moving" "Anyway what's this body doing hear at Phantomhive's mansion? If he's been stabbed or something it's going to be troublesome," "Na I guess this dude's just been really drunk y'all. Also...what's with the clothes ? Could it be that he's somewhat of an actor from nearby theaters ?" "Aye? Since when are the designs this messed up...- I guess we'd better get rid of it before mister Sebastian returns, maybe burry hi-"
Riddle freaks out as he hears this idiots wanting to burry him alive and immediately wakes up screaming at them to stay away.
Riddle on the other hand gazes upon what he just faced: a red haired haired maiden wearing a pair of glasses, a yellow haired boy with green pupils and a rather buff man with a toothpick in his mouth staring at him. " Ah- He a'live ! Man ya gotcha be more careful with drinking," the buff man chuckles. Riddle suddenly feels highly unsafe: Who are these people? And where am I? He's read NRC's maps enough to know that such a building is surely not a part of it , come along it's weird people. Was he kidnapped while asleep...?He pulls up his staff and starts threatening them with it , wanting them to immediately introduce themselves and explain what he was doing here- wherever it was-
Finnian tries to calm him down with a soft smile and a friendly attitude, but Riddle is strong at his point: He wants answers.
When he sees them all trying to calm him down with no explanations he gets mad : "OFF WITH YOUR HEADS!"
...What ? Wait-maybe try again:"Off with your-Heads!" ...Why isn't it working? Riddle stays still, the magic collars have to be around their neck but- they are not...?? There must've been a mistake: " Off with your heads - Off with your HEADS - OFF WITH YOUR HEADS DAMN IT-"
Mey-Rin, Finnian and Bard stare at their angry guest shouting nonsense and getting as red as a tomato, what is wrong with this guy..?
Riddle is furious and confused , what's the matter ? Is his magic blocked the same as that time Beans day?  He doesn't know , and he doesn't like it
Riddle starts shouting at them asking what they've done to his magic and the poor guys just go...Huh ? Riddle keeps on getting redder and redder as if he's about to explode . He starts threatening them from reporting them to the head master to giving them to the official policies for kidnapping and neglecting his picture 
Finnian then decides that maybe it's better to leave him to mister Sebastian and so : Picking up a huge branch and a striking it to his head , savage
Riddle passes out immediately whoops- maybe Finnian should have been softer-
They stay there gazing upon their... masterpiece . Finnian might have even broken his skull - Good god , what should they do now ? They must wait until mister Sebastian arrives ; But where is he now ?
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Feat : Suma & Agni
"Pssssssst- Agniii...I guess he finally woke u-" " M- my prince , y-you sure that it was a good idea too bring a total stranger out of nowhere to our home ? I'd greatly appreciate it if you be more ca-"
Argh...what is with all noises around him ? He's told Ruggie a million times not to let anyone in his room whole he's taking a nap even if it's gonna be the grim reaper ; what are these brats doing here?
Leona rambles under lips and with a push he's awake : " Oi , you'd better know that I don't like having my naps ruined,"
Suma gasps at the sight of him being finally awake and tries to offer his unwanted guest a welcome hug which Leona rejects- Poor Suma
Leona isn't yet realizing what actually is going on , from not knowing that this isn't his room to the fact that he's now at more than 100 years ago in a whole different world ; ironic
Leona orders them to take this annoying conversation out of his room just to face Agni's locked expression : "Your room...?"
Taking a better look , Leona finally gets that this probably isn't his room and these people surely aren't from NRC
Sounds get echoed through his brain and he feels a small ache inside it . He rubs his head ...why does everything feel so strange ? Something is different ... could it be that he's still sleepy or..? Wait a second - Why can't he shake his tail ?
He immediately looks back to see if he's sit on his own tail but faces a terrifying scene : There is no tail . Is it cut off ????
and a newer fact flashes his brain : There are no ears either . But then how can he still here the sounds ? "P-please don't be", he begs . His hands shake as he brings them up to touch both sides of his head ; wishing not to find what he is looking for . And they are ! Human ears !A mild shiver is sent down his neck and he rushes to the mirror on the other side of the room just to face this nightmare with his own two eyes
He stares at the mirror with his eyes wide open and mouth as if he is going to shout . No...
Oh...nevermind . He has to calm down ; it's nothing but another fancy dream . He'll soon wake up and these will be all gone . Leona tries closing his eyes and cursing , wanting to wake up to sanity when he opens them again
Surprise : Nothing's changes . Two crappy brats still staring at him . Agni is now a bit suspicious but Suma on the other hand is really motivated : " Ahh~! Sorry if it's strange to sleep in the streets and wake up in bed- I just saw you laying there in a death like slumber and couldn't help but to bring you along ! Also , haven't we met before ? I'm pretty sure that I've seen your face somewhere before... Don't you happen to be from India ? "
Agni is really stressed out and keeps warning the young boy : " My prince ! He's now all conscious and fine , then I'd lead him out of he-"
"Prince , huh ?" Leona wasn't ever really interested in visiting ally kingdoms back at his home town so he barely got to meet any other princes , hm but to think that this cherishing child is actually a prince...man , the world has really changed
But he has no time for such games now , he has to find Ruggie or anyone else who may lead him out this insanity and return him his ears and tail
He asks for where he is - else than Suma's mansion - and the answer doesn't really do any help either . Where on the bloody hell is London ? And if these people found him laying in the streets when the heck did he even get here ? Well , doesn't really matter now , but where is NRC ?
Suma and Agni probably don't know where NRC is and Dire Crowley ? Suma wonders if this guy was the one who fooled him to buy a sick elephant which died a week after in india , but Agni is sure that neither him nor his prince have ever met a single soul named this
Leona is getting more and more pissed off wasting time chatting with these idiots so he takes his way out , ignoring Suma's begs for him to stay for lunch at least
He freezes just at the second he opens the exit doors and gazes upon the streets : Horses? carriages ? 19th century's clothing ? How long have these people been stuck in this lack of technology?
He feels like he now really needs to make a phone call but searching his pockets he finds both of them empty...those brats stole my-
He was close to getting hit by a carriage when someone shouts at him with a : " OUT OF WAY YOU SON OF A-"
He is now ready to get in a fight but a sound cuts him off : " LEONAAAA HELLP-!!!!!!" , this extremely annoying sound...what the heck is he doing here and : WHAT IN THE BLOODY HELL HAS HE DONE NOW !!!????
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Feat : Lau & Ran-Mao
Business tip nu 1 : Always keep calm , even if you end up losing all your magic powers in the surface without the possibility of returning to your original form or knowing where in the damn world you are : K-e-e-p-c-a-l-m
Thankfully , Azul's dope nature avoids him from going crazy during his stay in this...non-Twisted wonderland world
He had heard of theories explaining the possibility of other world's existence ; countless ones indeed . But to end up in one of them without any preparations ? He wasn't planning on that
Well nevermind , that cannot be helped now . let's look for a better way
Lack of facility , cultural deprivation and severe corruption ; is this how humans are ? No wonder the sea witch called them Poor unfortunate souls...
Enough with these people , he must now ignore all other disadvantages and take a look into beneficial sides of it...If he has ended up here , in this world and into this spot of the city there must be something linked to magic nearby ; even if he's surrounded by all these foolish people who haven't ever even seen real magic by their own eyes
Just as he's looking around , something catches his attention : a strange smell . Thanks to his family he's pretty good at following smells to their source and knowing what exactly they are : it's the pungent smell of Opium
He follows the smoke to its source and arrives to a bunch of stares going underground . A board is place next to the stares with something written on it :  Opium Den
Azul isn't one to believe in superstitions but he is sometimes interested to take ambitious  steps ; life sometimes brings you worthy surprises
Entering the shop , someone slightly grabs his arm . He turns his head to face a young, beautiful lady pulling his sleeve softly , eyes empty of any emotions . Without saying a word , Ran-Mao grabs his hat and coat and Azul thanks her , seems like he took the right path
His vision got a bit blurred as must of the air is filled with smoke , not that he isn't used to such atmospheres
" Why welcome to my place , sir . How may we service you today~ ? " a sound says from other side of the room . Azul turns back to face the source of all these smoke holding that young lady from before close , could she be her right arm woman or something ? She seems pretty obedient for one , which is nice
Azul introduces himself and takes a seat . He isn't going to get to his main point at the very first seconds ; he needs to make sure that he's come to the right person . He introduces himself as a businessman from a far away city , came to explore more of business tactics here in London . He offers Lau a small chat toward that , wanting him to give him more information on business if possible and return , he'd be given similar information about Azul's home town
While being considerably great at it , Lau isn't really interested in wasting time talking about business , all he ever cares in some sort of entertainment in whatever he does . Still , he agrees of playing this fake role for a short time . Although he knows that Azul isn't here for this either...
A few minutes pass and they both know that Azul doesn't really care to know how much a pork costs and either is Lau , so takes a serious step himself : " I see you're a man of business , Mr . Azul . I wonder what I you may be able to offer me in return ," Azul clarifies that he would get interesting information if he gives Azul good ones ; everything is clear and equal . "Then , I'm afraid that I've got not much to offer ," Lau sighs , but a small smirks appears of his lips : "But what would you say about some tea ? And maybe a small talk ? "
Lau isn't like others out there and that's pretty recognizable to Azul , but it doesn't make him the right person to trust either . He is continuing this conversation in hope of Lau leading him to the right person he is looking for , someone worthy of a greater contract . Lau lets out a sad sigh feeling sorry that he can't do much help , but he knows that who may do : A well-known friend , serving years working as a right arm man . Talented , well cultured , big on all issues including business : "I'm sure that you'll like him ,"
Well perhaps this thing's starting to work out for him : " Then by all means , lead me to this mister you speak of , Mr. Lau~" "With all pleasure . Bring him his coat and hat , sister " , Lau orders . Pleasure is always his first priority , but nothing would ever break rules of a contract ; He gives , he receives . Even taking him to Sebastian is counted but , he's already thought of that . This young man seems quite entertaining and when he first stepped into his shop Lau was expecting him , a spacial guest
Lau doesn't really care about superstitions , but still enjoys his ambitious steps  . This guy had came to him just as expected and now , something about him tells Lau that getting him to Sebastian will bring him as well newer faces to meet...what an entertaining day it would be
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Feat : Tanaka
Jamil is... about to lose his mind . Caught in a whole other world without a meaningful explanation of how he ended up here or why . Magic doesn't work and there is no certain way to scape this situation and make a return to NRC . But the worst thing about it remained certain : He is caught with Kalim
Why in the bloody hell does he always have to be hooked up with Kalim ? Parents forced him into it at childhood , headmaster orders to it at school and now , the world suddenly decides to abandon him together with Kalim ? If it's joke , that's a pretty lame one . Why does he have to live in the shadows of Kalim being the unworthy dorm leader ?
Now lost in the streets , not knowing where to go or who to contact , what a wonderful way to start a day
Kalim isn't liking it at all : dirty streets , loud and short tempered people , street fight and drunk men everywhere , the smell of death filling the air , this is horrible . Kalim is well aware of poverty and deprivation lasting for so long and even remaining until the very present day , but traveling back in time and space to face one of the most terrifying levels of it just isn't his thing . He feels sorry and odd at the same time : Is this how life behind of the walls of his royal castle looked like ? He wishes he could help it . He probably could if he was any linked to NRC right now
He keeps on telling Jamil how poor they look and wonder if there is a way to help...The world Kalim knows has elegant and colorful nights and days but this world...was all caught in a dead gray mist
Jamil doesn't say a word because he doesn't want to listen , Kalim can keep on daydreaming but he has to find a way back a.s.a.p . They can't leave Scarabia just on their own and everyone (including Kalim's Dad) must be really stressed out by now . He continues to look , but there isn't really anything helpful around them . People yelling at each other and smoking the shit out of themselves . Young ladies flirting as young men offer them a carriage ride and tourists staring at each and every building like they hadn't ever seen a place to live inside as if they've been living in a cave so far , huh
Jamil can no longer take it next to Kalim and eventually goes feral : " WOULD YOU JUST SHUT UP !!?" He has no control over his words now , he's nervous , furious and freaked out . If he were to compare his mood to something similar he'd say the time he overblotted , just that he had his magic back then
Now Kalim as well gets into a fight with him . What the hell does this have to do with him ? Jamil has to calm down and be realistic unless they'll never find a way out ! Jamil states that if he grew up just enough to realize how terrible their current situation is , he would've had something better to do than showing mercy over some bunches of street rats
The two of them keep on arguing until someone cuts them of : " Hohoho young men ! What's with all these loud sounds ?"
They stop and turn back to face the source of this old , chill voice . Facing a tall , old man dressed in all black clothes which high-leveled servants would wear and a monocle , giving them a soft , calm smile
" Aa- nevermind grandps ! It wasn't like it seemed we were just talking ! Right Jamily ? " he says , putting a hand on Jamil's shoulder and giving a big , wide smile . "H-hey... don't call me that..." , Jamil doesn't like Kalim acting this chill ; but it is embarrassing to see that they actually called attention
"Hoho , better . Now tell me young men , could it be that you have a trouble ? You look awfully down ," Tanaka asks ; sounding just like a grandfather guiding his grandchildren
Kalim takes a look at Jamil , wondering if it's right to do what he's thinking of and Jamil in return , nods as a yes " Well sir , there you see we actually don't belong here yet to another-" Jamil cuts him off before he could mess the whole thing up : " -Another state , indeed ! We came here for some sort of a business trip and were supposed to be on our way back home by now but sadly , ran into thieves . Our families must be really worried for now and I doubt them being sure of us being hooked up here . We lost everything and have no way to contact anyone we know... only if someone nice enough could be found to help us with it right now ," Jamil dropped his head , trying to act as natural as possible . Kalim wants to remind him that this isn't right to lie someone who is trying to help them yet he wonders if he should let Jamil take care of this now , after all he was much of a worthier leader than him to be honest...
" That's so sad to hear dear boy , I'm sure that young master as well would've been really frustrated if he were here ," Tanaka replies . Oh ? Young master ?  Jamil is now interested . Wherever this man came from , it can't be somewhere cheap , Jamil could tell . Leading them to a mightier source would be a better thing than just laying in the streets waiting for some miracle to save them right ? " Young master , you say ? " Kalim asks . " On the second thought , how about me introducing you to my master ? You're not much older than him I suppose , he as well needs to have more friends like you good men  ," Tanaka says with a sweet smile . " That'll be so nice of you um , Mr...? " Jamil asks " Tanaka is fine young boys . And you? "  " Jamil Viper ," " Kalim al Asim ! Glad to meet you Tanaka sir ! " Kalim says , bringing his hand for Tanaka to shake . Tanaka shakes hands with both of them and Jamil decides to make the process a bit faster : " I look forward to meeting this young master you say , Mr. Tanaka . It's always great to meet more men of culture ," Jamil sneakers . " Then by all means , follow me young men ," Tanaka says . With a sound of pop and some smoke , the tall man shrinks into a chibi version : " Ho , ho , ho ," " What the-!!!" Kalim panicks , no magic and yet this dude can shrink all of a sudden huh ?
" Ho ho," chibi Tanaka says before turning back and going to another direction . " I guess we should follow him," Jamil says . Kalim agrees and then , they're both following the chibi old man to the Phantomhive's mansion . Unaware of the two eyes watching them all this time : " Hihihi ~ they're quite interesting ,"
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Feat : Grell Sutcliff & Ronald Knox
"Come oooon Ronald~ Shake your lazy ass and bring her along already..." " Oi senpai , that's mean ! This one's quite heavy-" "JUST SHUT UP AND DO THAT ! Don't you know it's rude to question ladies too much ? " " F-fine then , but at least give me a hand ! Have you even checked if she's dead !? " Heavy ? Dead ? She...? Vil isn't born to be disrespected like this . AND NOT A SINGLE SOUL GETS TO PULL HIM BY LEG WHEN HE'S ASLEEP
Vil immediately starts shouting at the Blondie , threating him that he'll regret it if he doesn't let go of him now . Ronald and Grell almost have a heart attack at Vil's chicken like screech which makes them jump
Vil snads up and glares at the two shinigamis : A really ugly female like one all dressed in red and a small blondie brat which looks like...eh..Azul ? Well nevermind ; doesn't matter now
What should he begin with ? Where he is ? Who these potatoes are and how they didn't recognize him being the leader of Pomefiore ? How perky they were to move him while asleep like this and ruin fabric of his overly expensive unforms ? Too many things to do
" Ah you're too loud ! My ears...Such an unexpected shout to hear from a man this hot I'd say..." Grell giggles . Vil's eyes widen , well of course he is beautiful but to be praised like that ? Ew , this is more of a insult ...
Vil decides to ignore Grell and get to the main point : Who they were and what they wanted . Grell smirks before preparing to give a 5 hour long opera show of shinigamis' romance but Ronald locks him on that point : They are shinigamis , they collect souls of the death , they had grabbed Vil because he looked a bit like the woman they were just going to collect yet didn't pay enough of attention to notice that they made a mistake , so they can all leave since they've got nothing to do with each other
Just before Ronald could get away Vil grabs him by collar , asking where they've brought him to . Grell clears that they just moved him by 30-40 meters from where they found him so it can't be really counted as bringing him to somewhere . Vil refuses to believe , wherever he is , it's way further than Pomefiore dorm or even NRC's accessable area ; that can't be . Vil threatens them one more time : " You refuse to tell , you'll end up dealing with the headmaster ," Grell and Ronald probably don't know who the headmaster is but Grell tries to take advantage : "Aaa? Is he one into punishing type ?" Vil is slowly getting annoyed by how weird this red one sounds to him ; To be honest he acts like an impatient porn star or something...
That's it , he's calling Crowley but uh , where is his phone ? Did he lose it ? Impossible . He'll never forget such an important thing to bring along ... Did these brats dare to steal his pockets....!? Vil asks them to give his phone and wallet back : now " Sir , you may like to know that human money brings no good for us and also , I'm afraid that I don't really know what you may mean by phone? " Ronald mumbles (Remember that phone isn't yet invited at their time ). Why don't this guy just let them go take care of their business ?
Vil hates it when people dare opposing him and doesn't ever take that lightly...who do these two think they are ? " Where is Night Raven College , answer or you'll face unpleasant consequences..." Is Vil challenging Grell ? Then Grell's more than ready to see what this human may have up his slave to speak to a shinigami like this : " And what may the consequences be...?" Vil gets tired , a small spell and this red ass bitch would be nothing but a toad , " I tried to warn you , you should've listened..."
Ahem , hello ? Magic ? Why isn't it working ? " Pffffffftttt- Lmao are you high or something man ? You just woke up !You'll be a great actor though I swear- You can drown in all that nonsense ," Grell laughs . " Well then hottie , I'm afraid we've got to go , see you when it's your time ~ " Grell turns to leave but Vil grabs him by collar . No one is leaving until they explain what the actual heck is going on : this place , the magic , everything
Grell on the other hand enjoyed flirting , but can't take being acted to like this . He pushes Vil back and gives him a psychotic smile , bringing up his chainsaw : " Wouldn't it be amazing if I cut those rushy tongue of yours at once ? fewer words , more of a male charm ," "Oh ?" magic may not work here , but they're not all Vil has got , he can still give this bitch guy a lesson without them : " Oi you two , this isn't really gonna workout-" Ronald mumbles but it's too late now -
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Feat : Undertaker
At least he wakes up to a more suitable scene , or it seems so - His body couldn't move freely inside of this cage-like space . Is this a cuffin...? He has experience with them from his freshman year but to end up in one of them again ? Could it be that Crowley is planning on another fancy event like their first time ? Boy , he didn't like it anyway . He knocks the door trying to open it but if seems too heavy to be moved . Damnit- , he hears footsteps from the outside : " Someone there ? Why can't I open this ??" A sudden screech from out and the door slides open : " Ah thank yoUWAHAAAA- !!" Idia screams at the sight of the creepy stranger's smile at him ; he wasn't expecting this . Also , this place doesn't look like the mirror hall ? Who is this guy and where is this place ??
" Hihihi you weren't that dead I see , why waking up so soon though~ ?" , Undertaker giggles in his playful tone . Idia needs too many things to be explained to him but he just doesn't have the time , Crewel will burn him in acid if he gets any late for his class again and he doesn't care how weird his current situation is , he has to go
He gets out of the coffin and rushes to the door but Undertaker stops him there telling him not to show up out there so carelessly , which clearly confuses Idia . " Your hair...It is quite fascinating that curses remain strong even as magic gets blocked..." Undertaker adds . Idia is used to people judging him for his family misfortune but this one seemed quite...odd . He decides to ignore it and leave
" ~ Okies then I warned you , but you'll end up needing a real cuffin in a few minutes pwahahaaa-" , Undertaker burts into laughter and Idia leaves
" creepy ass old ma-" , Idia nags slowly before freezing as someone screams really-loudly right into his ears " HAIR ON FIRE , HIS HAIR IS ON FIRE !!" Before Idia can notice what is going on he's gained tens of gazes to himself , why are these guys all dressed so strangely...
" M-mummy is that a monster ? I'm scared..." " Stay away from our children you hellish creature ! " Idia freezes , critiques coming one after one : Demon , monster , Satan , Death . One option left : Run
Idia now has to run for his life , this world just isn't his thing : not at all . Even if it weren't because of being chased by a group of angry humans , do you think that he could last for even one day in this old fashioned zone ? No technology , no phones , no robots , no gummy bears , no wifi- He'd read about how different the world was before the invention of media and couldn't explain how thankful he was to never have to handle a second in the past world because he wouldn't last there for more than an hour- well he wasn't right about never ending up there but , he was 100% right about not lasting for more than an hour
Now there , he is running like he never has , begging his feet to help him this time out of any other time . Angry people screaming and bringing fire and weapons to destroy the evil
He tries to contact any possible source for help but : No magic - no internet . RIP Idia
Meanwhile Undertaker is chilling at his shop , his mind running over the cursed boy and now listening to the sound of the frightened people because of him , how pathetic , If only he had agreed to hide his hair through a safer way...sigh he should have listened to advises coming from someone who has been living within humans for years by hiding his identity as a shinigami as as his eyes... " My my , humans aren't the only fragile creatures I see..." creation can seem disturbing to him sometimes , and that's the best part with it
Back to Idia , he is slowly running out of breath . Well maybe this is the point where he has to give up ? He has long lived as a loser , bastard , procrastinator and wasted almost each and every second of his life ; well perhaps except Ortho , that was a nice work of him . Wish he was here too say goodbye .  He isn't sure if his prayers would be accepted or not but it won't hurt trying : " Good gods who're told to be somewhere up there , I know that I wasn't best that I could be and I won't try to excuse my sins ; just please let it end fast, Ame- " he forgets his prayers as his guardian angel is standing just a few meters away from him ; oh have gods sent an identical twin - human version of Leona for him to be saved ? Well whatever now , he has no time if he's the original furry or not : "LEONAAAA HELLP-!!!!!!"
And yes , he is the original one ! He curses as he sees the population after Idia , what the hell is wrong with this world ? Idia hides behind his back and Leona tries to take control before they end up burning the two of them together : " You people , chill ," " Why you defending that creature ? He a a misfortune ! A demon !" others shout at this words in agreement . Leona laughs it off . He says that Idia is way too dumb for a demon and even if he is one , he's the type to scream his ass off when someone says "hi" . Idia doesn't know if Leona's defending him or not but he doesn't dare saying a word . Leona seems too busy dealing with the crowd and slowly , the argument topic switches from Idia to Leona ; who isn't afraid of punching some faces . The argument slowly takes over and no one (even Leona) realizes Idia sneaking into an alley saving his life . He feels a bit guilty for leaving Leona on his own but he'll be fine , hopefully
Thankfully the alley is deserted and he finally lays down to catch his breath , still panting heavily . He almost got killed today and can't get over it , but things were getting a bit comforting : "Meow~" several cats show up from the corners and Idia puts on a small smile . A white kittens comes closer and allows Idia to touch and comfort him . Idia wonders , how does their lives as a cat here feels ? do they as well get as scared as he was just now?  . A few minutes later when Idia -and his cats- were chilling someone steps closer to them  . Before Idia gets to run away , a tall , black and familiar face shows up and gives him a pretty calm smirk : " My my , I see you as well adore cats, could it be some part of our hellish natures ?"
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Feat : Ciel Phantomhive & Sebastian Michaelis
Let us be honest , it isn't going to be that bad for him , is it ? His current lifestyle at Valley of the thorns is nothing less than London's late 19th century , just maybe it had more of a natural theme . Well , no technology can be good news since he never really get used to it after all . London's atmosphere as well seem to be just his thing : Sometimes savage but calm , filled with tea parties and great ceremonies , an interesting back ground toward the royal family and in summary , Malleus's ideal theme
Well maybe except some things : 1) HORNS-ARE-GONE . His family treasure , the great heritage that proved him coming from the all great and respected Draconia family , now is gone 2) No need to mention that there is no sight of his fairy ears either- 3) Having his magic lost in this unknown world , he is now nothing different from a fragile human being , just as weak , just as empty , just as disgusting . Oh but our prince isn't totally left on his own here...
Unexpectedly , Phantomhive's mansion is serving a mysterious guest today , even though Ciel was against letting strangers inside the house . Sebastian insisted on being aware of the importance of hospitality as the Queen's watch dog , specially with special guests
Everything seems odd to Malleus , this world , this time , this people and...this master and butler . He is no fool , not even the foolishest of these humans would treat and cater strangers without wanting something in return , therefore he needs to keep his guard up . They shouldn't be aware of his actual identity even if they look deprived of any magic
Ciel is feeling awfully uncomfortable , who is this man ? And what the heck about him might have caught Sebastian's eyes ? This greedy demon wouldn't easily be impressed , so what could it be ?
Sebastian insists that it's how he should learn to treat everyone else if he's willing to be well remembered after death ; he pronounces the last word in a pretty deep , dark tone . Making it clear that how he'll finally die in a sarcastic way which teased Ciel
He decides not to have any argues with Sebastian on that point since he can act pretty cocky with stuff he gets stubborn over , so let's see what he's hiding up in sleeve this time . Though Ciel is suspicious of other stuff as well , this Mr... -whatever he is since he doesn't give them a name- looks like a pale - greenish version of Sebastian . Could he be another demon..?
Malleus refuses to give them a name due to possible risks , yet he has to admit that he's being taken care of properly . The room he's given isn't as big as the one in his castle , but is still considerable for something a stranger would be given . Other than that , anyone else he's met here so far seemed to be pretty chill , oh except this tiny child with a blindfold and he gets to be called young master ? He has to admit that he's impressed . To be in control of all this property when you aren't yet even tall enough to pick your favorite book from the shelf on your own
And there is another guy who is really...how to explain , is it some feeling of deja Vu or he really does look like Silver ? The guy is always talking to the snakes just as Silver talks to the birds and animals . If it weren't because of difference in eye color , perhaps Malleus wouldn't believe that he wasn't Sliver himself . " Your stay won't last much longer master , your friends are on their way here , says Donne ," Snake tells him . Malleus doesn't really know how to feel about him but his words comfort him for some reason...
Ciel says that he needs to check on the trio since they've been calling him all day so he heads to the front yard , leaving Sebastian and Malleus alone
Sebastian offers him some tea and Malleus of course sees no reason to refuse . Sebastian doesn't sit beside him because it's arrogant of servants to sit beside the guests , so he remains stood up . He doesn't bother starting a conversation with Malleus and he does know how to get him to speak . Malleus doesn't mind answering to...some of his questions . How he likes it here in London , if he needs anything else during his stay , but the last question made his eyes widen : Does he do feel any uncomfortable under the terms of not being able to use his powers ?
Malleus doesn't answer , he pretends that he didn't hear him and stares at the window . He is hoping it to help him ignore Sebastian , but what he sees isn't any better :  Isn't that... Rosehearts laying there...??
Malleus has to go , not only because of getting rid of Sebastian at this point but to also check on his ally if he's alright or not :  Did the butler know he too was here all the time ?
Sebastian just knows what was going on in his mind and wants  better answers . Malleus stands up to leave but Sebastian takes grabs his arm before he could do anything : " No need to rush . We still have a lot to talk about , Mr. Draconia ,"
Note for Idia's part : I was actually planning on Idea having his hair as well gone because , well , no magic no hair ? But that seemed too unfair for him lol
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animeyanderelover · 4 years
Mind doing prompt 41 for the same concept(the Queen’s granddaughter )from before with Charles Grey? Only if you feel like it! I hope life has been treating you well!
I love that idea❤️! Life has recently been a bit hard for me because I wrote and I’m still about to write some exams and have absolutely no motivation for them. I would recommend to read this so you can understand the backstory. By the way, I had way too much fun with this and it turned out incredibly long...
Warnings: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, manipulation, sabotage, pregnancy slight NSFW
Prompt 41: “Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll look cute with a swollen stomach carrying our child.”
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You stared with hatred and disgust in your eyes on your hand, to be specific on your ring finger where a little object was placed that had ruined your life. A small ring, made out of silver and implanted with small blue diamonds. It was almost absurd how such a small ring could ruin someone’s entire life. You just wanted to throw it out the window and somehow get rid of it, but you knew that he would just order a new one. You also knew that you would get in troubles with your parents and grandmother if you would lose the wedding ring for the third time so you decided to not do it. It wouldn’t be from any use. Your thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a voice you had learned to despise more than anything else. “(y/n)! I’m home!” You clenched your fists tightly. How dare he to act like nothing had happened after all he had done?!?! He was a devil, a liar, a traitor, trash!!! He had ruined your entire life!!! The person you were talking about was no other than Charles Grey. Your husband and a long time ago your best friend. Where did it all go wrong?
“No!! There must be a misunderstanding! Ciel would never do something like this!!”, you cried out to your grandmother, the queen of England. She looked with pity in her eyes down at you and tried to tell you as gently as possible:”I know that it’s hard to believe child. But the evidences are too heavy and we have a couple of witnesses as well. There’s no denying it anymore.” “Then they’re all liars and the evidences are all fake. Ciel would never sink that low! He’s a cultivated, smart and loyal man and-“ “(y/n)! That’s enough, don’t scream at your grandmother like this!”, your father told you in a strict voice. “But-“, the warning glare of your mother made you shut up once again. Recently accusations had appeared that Ciel had been faking reports over the orders the queen had given him. Important facts had been left out of the reports and rumors had started spreading around that Ciel had been involved in some dark business and had used questionable ways of solving the tasks of your grandmother, using threats and violence against innocent people.
“(y/n)?”, your mother suddenly started speaking to you. You looked in her direction, already having a feeling about what she wanted to talk about. “Mother, father, please.”, you begged, feeling tears starting to swell up in your eyes. “No daughter. Don’t even try it. We were already pretty shocked when we found out that you tried to break off the engagement between Ciel and Elizabeth Midford. Do you even know how disgraceful that is? The Midford’s are good friends of us and you knew that. There’s some tension between them and us now because of your unprofessional acting. You have as the granddaughter of the queen a reputation to hold and still decided to trail behind this man like a lovesick puppy? I’m deeply ashamed of you.” You looked at your feet, feeling a pang in your heart because of your mother’s harsh words. Your grandmother didn’t say anything what told you that she silently agreed to what her daughter-in-law had just said. “(y/n)! You’re forbidden to see that boy ever again. Your behavior is unacceptable and we also don’t want other people to hear that you spend your time with a criminal.” You snapped your head in your father’s direction. “No! Please don’t do this! I love him, father! I love him! You can’t forbid me to see Ciel!” Your father gave you a cold look. “I can and I will. I already told the guards to not let you anywhere near the jail where he’s kept.” You turned to your grandmother, tears flowing down your eyes. “Grandma...” The desperation in your voice was clearly audible and a look of guilt crossed the queen’s face, but she shook her head. “That’s unfair!!” That was the last thing you yelled at them before you stormed out the throne room, crying rivers out of your eyes. “Ciel...”
A knock was heard on your door, but you ignored it. Most likely your parents or the queen again. Well then, you wouldn’t let them in. Not after they took the one man you loved the most away from you. It had been nearly two weeks since Ciel had gone to jail and you had tried everything you could think of to see him, but the guards were definitely good ones. They hadn’t given in when you had offered them money and they had also caught you when you had tried to break in. At least they hadn’t told your parents yet, but had threatened to tell them the next time you would try to. So you had decided to focus on something else, proving Ciel’s innocence. As the queen’s granddaughter it had been rather easy for you to get copies of all the files you needed and as soon as you read the first file you knew that it was bullshit. It was very good faked, but you knew Ciel better than anyone else. He would never do something like this. Why had the witnesses lied? Were they threatened or bribed? Whilst you were deep in your thoughts another knock was heard, this time accompanied by a familiar voice. “(y/n)? Are you in there? Please let me in.” You were surprised when you heard Charles voice, but felt also glad that he was here. It felt like Charles was the only person you could talk to.
You hurried to the door, unlocked it and opened it. You were met with his silver eyes which had a worried look in them. “You look terrible.”, was the first thing he said to you. You couldn’t help, but laugh a bit. “Is that the way to talk to the granddaughter of the queen?” Charles faked a shocked expression and answered with a teasing voice:”My deepest apologies, miss. I thought you wouldn’t mind if the guy you knew since your youngest ages.” He bowed to you and you laughed out loudly. “It’s alright. I can’t really blame you. I do look not good.” You hadn’t slept very much the past few weeks. How could you sleep whilst Ciel was rotting in the jail?! Charles noticed the chaos on your desk, mountains of papers and files were spread randomly on it. “How are you even able to work in this mess?” You shrugged with your shoulders and asked him:”I appreciate your visit, but I thought you were busy with other things?” Charles sighed and answered with a serious look on his face:”The queen sent me because she thought if you wouldn’t listen to her or your parents then you would probably listen to me. I’m here to knock some sense in you.” “Oh.”, was all you replied. “(y/n), why are you even helping this guy? I mean, don’t you see all the evidences and witnesses? There’s no way he’s-“ Charles was interrupted by you. “I know he’s innocent! Ciel is a loyal and good man! He would never do something like this! He’s too smart, brave, cultivated, cool, handsome...” Whilst you kept rambling with a dreamy look in your eyes about Ciel you missed the dark look that crossed Charles look for a short moment. “During my questioning he didn’t seem like a very polite man.”, he commented with a slight bitterness in his voice.
You stopped talking for a moment and looked at him with wide eyes. “Wait! You’re the one questioning him?!” Charles nodded and in the next moment you were already clinging to his arm. “Then you can help me to get in there! I need to see Ciel and talk to him! I need to hear his side of the story so I can help him to get out faster!” Charles had an unsure expression on his face. “Aren’t you forbidden to get anywhere near him?” You made huge puppy eyes. “Please Charles! You’re my best friend!”, you whined. For a short moment you could have sworn that Charles eyebrow twitched when you called him your best friend, but it was so quickly gone that you weren’t sure if you had even seen it. “I guess I can try, but...” You felt excitement pumping through your veins when he said this. “But?!”, you asked eagerly. “...But you need to promise me that you’ll rest enough. I’m worried for your health when you keep skipping sleep like this.” “I will!” You gave him a big hug. “Thank you! You’re the best!” Charles cheeks heated up slightly and he scratched sheepishly his head. But then once again a serious expression crossed his face. “There’s something else.” You nodded, willing to do everything to see Ciel. “Promise me to not get hurt.” You blinked confused. “What do you mean?” Charles bit his bottom lip. “Ciel...is not who you think he is.” With these words he left the room, leaving a confused you there. “What did he mean with this?”
“You have only twenty minutes, understood? That’s the longest I can keep the guards away.”, Charles told you and you nodded excited. You knew you could count on him! It had taken him some time, but he had managed to lure the guards away for some time, giving you time to speak to Ciel. Only the thought of him made your heart beat five times as fast. “I’ll give you a sign when they’re about to come back.” With these words he opened the door to Ciel’s prison and you quickly sprinted in. The light in there was pretty dim and your eyes needed a moment to adjust, but then you saw him. He was sitting in a small chair in front of a small desk. You couldn’t help, but notice his handsome features. “Ciel.”, you said, feeling thrilled to see him again. He looked up and his beautiful blue eyes met yours. For a short moment you got lost in them, having the feeling that you could just drown in these eyes before you quickly pulled yourself together. There was no time for this! “I’m so sorry that you’re in here! Just know that I always knew that you were innocent and I’ll help you out here! I promise! But I need you to answer me a few questions! There are some things involving this case that don’t make sense and I wanted you to-“ “Can you shut up?” You stopped talking and gave Ciel a surprised look. “Excuse me?” Ciel let an annoyed sigh out and repeated:”Can you shut up? You’re annoying me.” He glared coldly at you and you felt like someone had just hit you in your face. “I understand that all of this is probably getting on your nerves, but I need you to answer me this questions so that I can get you out of here. After that we can do all the things we used to do again. Walking through the garden, having nice teatimes, going on balls and dance together-“ Ciel scoffed. “You don’t get it, do you?” You became once again quiet. “Wh-what do you mean?” Your voice was slightly shaking. Ciel turned towards you with the most degrading look someone could have in his eyes. “You really are stupid for not noticing it. You probably think that I like you and hold this pretty illusion in your head that we’ll get later on married and live happily together for the rest of our lifes, don’t you? Well then, time to grow up and realize that I don’t like you even the slightest bit. I only was nice and polite with you because you’re the queen’s granddaughter and I hoped I would make a good impression on her like this. But in reality you’re just annoying, stupid and clingy. And the most pathetic part is that you were ready to break of the engagement between me and Elizabeth just so I could be your fiancé. But why would I want to be betrothed to a lovesick girl like you? You’re even worse than Lizzy. In my opinion you’re just a silly, lovesick fool.”
‘Crack!’ Your heart crumbled into million pieces because of the brutality of his rejection. For a moment you just stood there shocked and numbed before tears started to escape your eyes. Your breath started to speed up and it felt like the longer you were in the presence of Ciel the harder it got to breath. You needed to get away from him! You turned quickly around and slammed the door open, nearly slaying Charles with it. You just sprinted right back to the palace, to your room where you could cry without needing to hold back. You ignored Charles worried calls after you. “I was a fool! Blinded by the ideal picture I had in my mind that I wasn’t able to see the monster he really is! My parents were right!” Now you also understood what Charles had meant back then. He had just wanted to warn you because he had already seen how Ciel was really like. You were such an idiot...
How long had it been since the day in the jail? Probably less than a week, but in this week the whole world had seemed to turn against you. Only one day after Ciel’s rejection your parents had informed you that they had set up an arranged marriage for you with a guy you had never met in your life before. That had ended in a huge argument where all of you had ended up screaming at each other. But it had been from no use for you. The celebration was in a week and then you would meet this guy for the first time. And you hated it! You hated everything! Currently you were crying in one of your pillows, having never felt so mournful in your life. A knock was heard on your door. “(y/n), my child?” You recognized the voice of your grandmother immediately, but didn’t want to open the door. Instead you chocked a, “Come in.”, out. The door opened and the queen walked slowly to you, sitting down right next to you. “(y/n).”, she spoke softly and embraced you in her arms. “G-grandma.”, you cried and hugged her back, feeling like her arms were the only stability you had left in your life. “It’s-it’s so unfair. I don’t want to ma-marry a g-guy I never met-met before in my li-life.” You sobbed hardly and the queen tried to comfort you by rubbing soothingly circles in your back. “I know. That’s why I came here. I think that’s too much too and I might have an idea how to prevent this from happening.” You looked at her with hopeful eyes. “R-really? B-but my parents told me that they want me to have a fiancé. That means I’ll get engaged to someone in one or another way.” “I know, but at least we can take care of that your fiancé will be at least someone you know.” You raised your eyebrow confused before you realized who she meant. “You mean Charles, don’t you?” Your grandmother nodded. “I understand that it’s probably awkward for you to think about since you’ve known him since you were three and you thought of him so far only as a good friend, but that’s exactly the reason why Charles will be the best choice for you. He knows how you think and work and understands you better than anyone else. Also...” “Also?”, you repeated curiously. The queen gave you a small smile. “No. I think he should tell you that himself.” She stood up. “Think about it. I won’t force you.” Then she left you there, deep in thoughts. But only a few moments later you made a decision.
You stared embarrassed at the ground, waiting for Charles rejection. You had after your talk with your grandmother immediately stormed to Charles and had told him about the idea and Charles had listened without interrupting. “Yes.” “I understand that you feel awkward about this and I apolo-“ You stopped abruptly when you realized what he had just said. “Wait?! What?!” “I said yes.”, Charles repeated himself. “Charles, you don’t have to do this just because I’m the queen’s granddaughter. If you don’t want to I would understand you.” Charles stepped closer to you with a strange look in his eyes. What was that? He slowly grabbed both of your hands and told you:”I want to. You know why? Because I really love you.” Your eyes widened. “S-since when?”, you mumbled shocked. “Since quite some time, to be specific since the first moment I saw you after all those years again. You’ve grown into such a beautiful young woman, but I never got the chance to tell you this because I didn’t know how to.” He looked really sincere whilst confessing to you and you couldn’t help, but feel your heart flutter in your chest. You felt bed for never realizing his feelings for you. “I’m really stupid, aren’t I? I was so busily looking at Ciel that I never noticed your feelings and you were still willing to help me. I guess Ciel was right, I am a silly and lovesick fool.” The bitterness in your voice was clearly audible. “Hey. Look at me.”, Charles told you softly and you lifted your head to look at him. He was staring with pure love in his eyes at you. “Don’t listen to what Ciel told you. This guy is scum for not realizing how lucky he was that you loved him. He’s the only fool for not seeing how pretty and great you really are. But I can see it. I know it’s a bit hard for you to feel the same since you only see me as a dear friend. But I hope you can give me a chance to prove my love for you. Will you give me this chance?” How were you supposed to say no to this? “Yes.”, you answered him, deeply touched by all of this. Charles smiled and moved his face closer to you, looking you shortly in the eyes as if asking if he could do this. When you didn’t move away he captured your lips in a soft kiss, moving his lips against yours and slowly pulling you closer to him. And you decided to kiss him back, feeling your heart beating faster in your chest.
Only a few months later everyone knew about your engagement with Charles. Luckily your parents had quickly agreed to break of the previous engagement, feeling thrilled that you had chosen Charles instead and your mother had told you that she had always liked him and thought he was the perfect match for you. You had moved in with Charles, your parents wanting you to spend your time with your new fiancé. Charles had treated you so far only with love and gentleness, wanting you to feel as comfortable as possible with him. But you had also noticed how he sometimes showed you signs that he wanted to take your relationship to the next step, but you felt a bit unsure about this and were glad that Charles understood that and had every time backed off, willing to wait until you were ready. And this day happened to be this one...
You shot up from your shared bed with Charles, panting heavily. Your whole body burned and you felt a tingling sensation inside your core. That’s when you noticed the way your thighs were tightly pressed together. Confused you moved your hand down and you were shocked when you felt how wet it was down there. “What happened?”, you asked yourself before pictures of your dream started to hit you. Your face started burning and you instantly grabbed your pillow to hide your face in it. You had dreamed about Charles and you doing it! Embarrassing! But destiny seemed to want to torture you a bit more because in that moment the door swung open and Charles walked in. “Honey, I’m-“, he stopped when he saw you curled up in a ball. “Are you alright?”, he asked you worried and came closer to you. “No! Stay right there!”, you yelled scared, didn’t want him to notice in which state you were currently in. He flinched when you screamed at him, looking for a second hurt before he noticed your red face, the way you were panting heavily and the way you rubbed your thighs against each other. His face started flushing pink. “Oh.” You whined, feeling more than just ashamed that he had found out before you felt him laying a hand on your shoulder. You flinched and whimpered in his touch, glancing carefully at his face. You didn’t miss the haze of lust that was visible on his face and one short glance down told you that you had successfully aroused him. Just great. “Let me have you.” You blushed even more when you heard him saying this. “I-I’m not too sure.”, you stuttered, clearly embarrassed. “I know that it must be uncomfortable since you still aren’t too sure about how you should feel about me and this will be your first time. But I promise that I’ll be careful and gentle with you. Please give me the chance to show you how deep my love really goes for you.” His voice sounded desperate for obvious reasons and his breath had by now quickened as well. You were arguing with yourself whether to accept or not. You knew he would back of if you told him to, but did you want him to leave you? You knew you needed some relief and you were not too sure if your own hands would satisfy you enough. You didn’t answer him, but the pleading look you gave him was all he needed. He was quick to tower over you and started to attack your face and neck with kisses, making you whimper and squirm under him. He hastily started undressing himself, showing you that he was really desperate for this. It was rather simple for him to undress you since you were only in a nightgown and underpants. You couldn’t help, but blush when you saw him completely naked like this. Charles on the other hand took a moment to let his eyes roam over your exposed body before bending down to your face. You gasped when you felt him pressing his length against your entrance, whining for him to stop teasing. “I love you...so much.” That were the last words you could remember because after that you weren’t able to think about anything different than the immense pleasure and Charles groans.
“What do you mean by he’ll be let out again?!”, you yelled shocked and angrily at your parents. Your father sighed and tried to reason:”The Midford’s pleaded us to let him out again since their daughter seems to be completely broken. It also looks like that some of the evidences and statements from the witnesses don’t seem to fit together so the queen decided to let him out. But only under supervision.” You were speechless. Only a few months ago you had been the one defending Ciel, but now the tables had turned and you were the one wanting to see him rot in jail. “Darling, we’re glad that you’re over him, but please don’t try to do anything stupid. Even your fiancé stood up for him and told your grandmother that there is something wrong about the situation.” This made you freeze in your movements. “Charles believes that Ciel is innocent?”, you asked surprised. “Yes.”, your father told you. “Where is he?”, you asked him. “I believe he’s currently with the young Phantomhive. The queen gave him the job to let Ciel out again and explain how everything will work for him now.” You instantly turned around, storming towards the prison. Your head was screaming at you that something was suspicious. It didn’t make sense! Charles was from the very beginning the one who had liked Ciel the less and had always told you that he was a bad person. Why did he suddenly change his mind?
When you arrived at the jails you were surprised when you didn’t find any guards what only strengthened the bad feeling you had. You slowly sneaked inside, careful to not run into anybody on your way. When you had almost reached the cell where Ciel was kept you suddenly heard voices, recognizing them as Charles and Ciel’s. You quickly hid behind the corner and silently listened to what they were talking about. “I almost thought you would break your promise to me.”, you heard Ciel speaking. Promise? Which promise? “I’m sorry for letting you wait that long, but it did took me a while to make the evidences and statements look fake after spending so much effort to create them.”, Charles answered. You tended up. What did he mean with this? You slowly peeked around the corner to see what was going on in there. You saw Charles, Ciel and Ciel’s butler standing there. “I need to give you that, you did great with creating all this to false evidences and statements to make me look like a criminal, just to get the love of this damn girl.” Your brain almost stopped working. Did he mean...? “Don’t call her that! And don’t even dare to come near her ever again!”, Charles yelled angrily at Ciel before taking a deep breath to calm down and continuing in a calmer voice:”But at least I don’t have to worry about her still loving you. You did quite the number to her back then. She cried for days straight and I was almost planning to kill you for that.” Ciel scoffed and replied:”You told me to go harsh on her. I got kind of lost in my words as well since this was a chance to tell her how I really felt.” You stood there trembling, your brain just having understood what they were talking about. What had you done?! You had walked straight into the devil’s trap! You needed to tell your parents and the queen about this! But in that moment you crossed eyes with the red eyes butler who gave you a mischievous smirk before telling the two men:”It’s seems like the little princess was eavesdropping on our little conversation.” Charles snapped his head quickly around, his eyes almost instantly meeting your wide ones. “(y/n)?!” He sounded clearly shocked, not having expected you to hear all of this. You stepped slowly back before quickly turning around and storming back to the palace. You heard Charles cursing and yelling at Ciel and his butler that they could leave now and when you took a short glance behind you you saw that he was chasing after you.
You gasped desperately for air when you reached the throne room, feeling glad to see your parents and your grandmother in there. “Child? Is everything alright? You look very pale.”, your grandmother told you with a worried expression on her face. Nothing was right! You had just found out that Charles had planned all of this from the very beginning, but you needed to admit that physically you didn’t feel all that great either. You felt dizzy and I’ll for some reason, probably from all the running. In the next second Charles reached the throne room as well, immediately grabbing you by the shoulders and panting from the little run. You were quick to slap his hand away. “Mum! Dad! Grandma! Charles, he...” You couldn’t finish your sentence, everything suddenly started spinning around. “(y/n)?”, you heard Charles asking you worried. You stumbled against him, grabbing his shoulder for some support. “Daughter! What is wrong?!”, your father asked panicked. “I-I” Before you could finish that sentence you suddenly collapsed and Charles quickly catched you. “(y/n)!!”, you heard many voices calling your name before everything turned suddenly dark.
When you opened your eyes the first thing you noticed was that you were laying in your old room in the palace in your bed and that your whole family was in there. Charles was sitting next to you, holding your hand tightly in his. He was the first one who noticed that you were awake. “(y/n)! You’re awake!” At first you wanted to scream at him, but you stopped when you noticed the pure look of happiness on his face. And not only on his face, but on the faces of your parents and the queen as well. “How can time pass by so fast? It feels just like yesterday when I held her for the first time in my arms.”, your mother spoke with tears in her eyes. You blinked confused, not really understanding what was going on. “Can someone explain to me what is going on here?” “Darling, you’re pregnant.”, your father told you in a touched tone. It was the second time that day that your brain stopped working, not able to process what he had just said. “I never thought I would live long enough to witness the day where I would become a great-grandmother.”, the queen spoke with a soft smile on her face. “Since when?” You didn’t even know how you managed to ask this question. “Since one month.”, Charles told excitedly. “The marriage should be hold in the next few weeks before she starts showing.”, your father suddenly spoke up and your mother nodded. “I think so too. You both need to get married before she starts showing since it will be a bit more complicated with the dress then.” You just stared somewhere in the space, not really realizing what was going on around you. “Let’s talk about this outside. I think we should give those two a bit time alone.”, the queen told your parents. They nodded in agreement and left the both of you alone.
“We’re going to be parents! Isn’t that just wonderful?” Charles sounded ecstatic. A thousands thoughts were racing through your head right now, thinking about how to get out of this situation only to be met with the ugly and horrible truth. There was no way out! You knew that you would bring great shame over your whole family if you would refuse to marry the man who got you pregnant and with whom you were engaged. So you did the only thing you could think of in that moment. You raised your hand and smacked Charles with all strength you could bring on in that moment, putting all your anger, disappointment and frustration in this hit. Charles blinked confused and looked surprised at you whilst a red handprint started to become visible on his face. “How could you do this to me?!”, you yelled angrily at him. Charles started chuckling a bit, rubbing his cheek. “I guess I deserved that a bit.”, he mumbled. But then he answered you:”You want to know why I did it? I did it for us. I knew that we were perfect for each other and I knew that I could give you the love that no one else could give you. But you were blinded by this Phantomhive boy, wanting to marry him. And I couldn’t let that happen! This boy was preventing you from seeing who your true love was, who you were meant to be with. ME! I’m perfect for you! I did all of this to help you realize that.” Shock wasn’t even the word to describe your feelings now. Was he crazy?! ���You did all of that because you believed that the only one who was perfect for me was you?!” You stared with an unbelieving look in your eyes at him. But his gaze told you that he was really believing that. You could have screamed at him, hit him, cursed him even though you doubted that you would find a fitting word to use for him because even the worst word you could think about seemed too nice for him. But you did none of this. Instead the realization how hopeless your situation was hit you once more, but this time much more harder. You started sobbing, hiding your face in your hands. Charles was quick to embrace you in a hug, stroking your hair softly. “I promise you that I’ll take great care of you and the child.”
End of Flashback
It had been four weeks since your marriage and you were currently in your tenth week. Your stomach was still flat, but you knew that this would change the next few weeks. Originally you had wanted to hate that child just because it was Charles, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do that. It wasn’t the fault of the little one. In the next moment the door to the bedroom was opened and Charles walked in. “Hello darling. How are you feeling?”, he asked you gently and sat down next to you on the bed, giving you a long kiss and pulling you closer to him. You didn’t answer him and turned away from him. You heard him sigh. “Are you still mad at me?” Your eyebrow twitched. Was that even a question?! “How is the baby doing?”, he tried to change the topic and slowly started caressing your belly. “Fine.”, you answered him shortly, but you couldn’t completely hide the nervousness in your voice. Recently your mother had visited you and had told you from her experience during the time she had been pregnant with you and how your birth had been for her. It had scared you a bit when she had told you about how much she had struggled during her pregnancy and birth. How the hell were you supposed to endure all of this?! Charles noticed the look on your expression. “You’re worried, aren’t you?” You still refused to answer him and look at him, but this time he gently grabbed your chin and turned your head in his direction, forcing you to look at him. “Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll look cute with a swollen stomach carrying our child.”
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laulink · 3 years
After listening to Friend (and crying. A lot.), I decided to try my hand at analysing the song’s lyrics and what they could possible mean for Penny, Ruby, and the story going forward. So let’s get started.
Darkness like Midnight
Moonless there’s no light
Another lonely day
Is ending
Searching forever
Waiting but never finding
The only thing
I dream of
The warmth of a smile
That stays for a while
The face of a friend
That won’t leave
Alright, that’s a lot to begin with, but the whole segment can only, truly be understood after hearing those last four lines, so let’s break it down.
The first two thirds of this part is about Penny’s life before she met Ruby. She was all alone, every day, as “another lonely day” implies. This loneliness is characterised by darkness, the moonless night at the end of the lonely day, meaning that even at night, Penny finds no light to brighten up her existence.
The mention of “Midnight” is interesting here, because Midnight is the title of the episode in which we discover Cinder’s backstory and this episode is, to say the least, quite dark. Plus, there are some parallels to be drawn between Cinder and Penny : both of them have been chosen by authority figures (Salem and James) and given a destiny and a role by those same figures (Protector of Mantle, destined to save the world, for Penny and the Destroyer of Humanity, destined to bring the current world of Remnant to an end by helping Salem with her plans and gathering the Maiden powers for Cinder). According to those first few lines, we could also parallel their upbringing : both of them were alone with no friends for a long time, then one person appeared and brightened up their existence (Ruby and Rhodes), going so far as to give Penny and Cinder hope that they could escape the chains restraining them and start making their own choices (staying at Beacon for Penny and becoming a Huntress for Cinder).
In other words, you could say that, in this first line, Penny is telling us that she was in a similar place to Cinder when Cinder was a child. Of course, I expect Penny’s needs were attended to and she was most likely not a victim of physical abuse like Cinder was, but the lack of friends, the loneliness and the restraints around them and their every movement is certainly similar.
Then comes the last third of this first extract, the one about the thing Penny chases : a friend who would stay by her side and smile with her. The last two lines, “The face of a friend/That won’t leave” seems to imply that Penny has some semblance of friend already, but that the friend(s) in question leave and don’t stick around long enough for the relationship to properly develop and be given meaning to.
This line made me think of Ciel Soleil, to be honest. Ciel was Penny’s “teammate” during the Vytal Festival, yet they weren’t seen together all that often, mostly right before, during and after the match against team CRDL. Despite this, Ciel was obviously very much aware of Penny’s strength and abilities, having even planned for their double match to end in less than a minute (if I remember correctly). That means that Ciel saw Penny fight a few times and, if you add that to the fact that James couldn’t have just added her to a random team for the Festival with no explanation whatsoever to the team or their classmates, that probably means Penny more or less attended Atlas Academy with Ciel and two other teammates, so her presence in the Festival wouldn’t be strange.
However, we know Atlas Academy’s stance on friendships among teams and we saw how socially unaware Penny was during her first meeting with Team RWBY and how happy she was to find someone who would call her a friend. So it isn’t a stretch to think that none of Penny’s teammates were really friendly to her, keeping their relationships professional, to her dismay.
Moving on !
I heard a song once
It posed this point of view
That wishes made on stars 
Are likely to come true
So here’s my secret
At bedtime every night
I searched the sky and hoped to find 
A star who’d send a light
To me
The one thing I need
Just one kind soul
With a heart of gold
Then my dreams became real
And I finally feel not alone
Do hugs always make you feel this warm ?
A big chunk again, but this one will be easier to break down.
This part of the song tells us that Penny’s dream was to have a friend, even “Just one kind soul” to ease the loneliness. Her best bet for that was to make a wish on a star and yeah, that’s awfully cute, because all of us, when we were kids, were told that kind of story, but it’s also sad that Penny’s only hope to find a friend was to be granted a miracle from a star far away. And, given that the previous part of the song mentioned a dark night sky with no light (“Moonless, there’s no light”), we also know that there weren’t a lot of stars for Penny to wish on, or in other words, that her chances of her wish being granted were very small.
However, the miracle happened ! Ruby appeared and made Penny’s dream come true ! The one kind soul with a heart of gold who would be her friend !
The line about hugs making you feel warm doesn’t really fit in the narrative of their encounter and Ruby’s impact on Penny’s life, however, since the first time Penny asked Ruby this question was in V8, so much later in their relationship. To me, it mainly serves as the first line to really establish, with no possible doubt, that this song is sung from Penny’s point of view and that the friend she is referencing is Ruby, as this question is extremely specific and exclusive to the two of them.
My dreams came true
The day that you appeared
And called me “friend”
An answered prayer
A chance to
Share the world
To be a girl
Who finally felt alive
Refrain ! It’s all about how Ruby’s appearance indeed made Penny’s dreams a reality : she got a friend, someone she could explore the world with, talk to about it, ask questions to and discuss with, but most of all, someone with whom she could finally feel like a girl instead of a weapon, a living being instead of a machine. We know, from her reveal in V2, that Penny was very self-conscious and uncertain of her own humanity, that she knew a lot of people would see her as nothing but a robot and that she was half-believing they would be right to. Her relief when Ruby assured her she was a real girl was “crushing”, to say the least x)
And this feeling of being real and alive, she got it all thanks to Ruby and Ruby alone. None of the other heroes would have tried to become her friend if not for Ruby, so she’s really the starting point of almost all of Penny’s most important relationships.
I’m so excited
We’ll do so many friendship things
Paint our nails, try on clothes, talk about cute boys
Attached but not by Strings
Another callback to V1 with “Paint our nails, try on clothes, talk about cute boys”. The nostalgia is hitting hard. But, most importantly, we have our second V8 title : Strings. The episode in which Penny’s “strings”, the ones linking her to her swords, her robot body itself, reminded us that her allusion is Pinocchio, a puppet who was given life to, but who was still a puppet for most of the movie. Penny is a living being, but her robotic body was hackable, and because of that Watts was able to use a string (the connection between her and her swords) to plant a virus inside of her, starting her descent toward her tragic end.
In the context of this song though, the meaning of this word is not quite so dark. Penny is speaking from her V1 point of view, the point of view of a girl who just met her first friend, while all her previous relationships were mainly based on her condition as the first synthetic being able to produce an aura : the soldiers keeping watch over her because she’s a precious project, the scientists working on her so she could achieve her maximum potential, Ironwood who chose the Penny project over all others so the result of this project would protect and save the world... Penny was attached to all of them and they were all attached to her, but not by feelings : by the strings of work and duty, in both ways. Ruby was the first person who attached herself to Penny and let Penny attach herself to her for other reasons, purely out of affection and desire to be friends. She was the first person Penny was free to attach herself to as well : one of the first choices Penny really made for herself. No strings attached, yet still together because they both want to be.
And when you’ve got problems
Whoa ! Then I’ve got problems too
You’ll never face this world alone 
I’ll be right here it’s you
And me
Protectors of each other’s what we’ll be
First two lines are about Penny being ready to share her friend’s burdens, as friends tend to do, and this sentiment motivates the promise she makes in the next four lines, but here’s the thing : we’re still hearing Penny’s thoughts and point of view from V1. And since V1, she’s failed to make good on this promise twice : at the end of V3 and now at the end of V8, by dying, leaving Ruby alone to fend for herself, no “protector” there to guard her back and share her burdens with. Despite her best intentions, Penny cannot make good on the promise she seems to have made Ruby (or internally made, most likely) back in V1. 
Now, that’s the pessimistic opinion. If you look at it from a more optimistic point of view, you could say the exact opposite thing, at least when it comes to her V3 death : Penny went so far as to overcome death to come back in V7 and by Ruby’s side. She’s done it once, and you can expect that girl to do it a second time, because she made a promise to her friend and she’s going to keep it.
You saw my soul
Through the nuts and bolts
You’re the friend I can trust
Helped me see I’m not just a machine
And is this what “All the feels” mean ?
And now we are entering the realm of V2 references ! Basically just a retelling of Penny’s big reveal and all the times Ruby has reassured her that she’s a real girl since that first time, though to be honest, I’m not sure where the last line comes from. I don’t remember hearing either of them talking about “all the feels” and even my digging in V1, 2 and 3 didn’t help, so if anyone has an idea, hit me up, ‘cause this has me stumped.
I’ve been combat-ready since the day Dad made me
Now I’ll fight for something more
Might sound wholesome but strangely
I’ve got friends I’m fighting for
This part is now about the events of V7 and 8, I believe. Everyone was friendly to Penny back in V2 and 3, after her help at the docks, but I am not certain they would have considered each other actual friends, with how little time Penny was able to spend with them, aside from Ruby. So her referring to the multiple friends she is now fighting for fits more with her situation and relationships from V7 and 8 as well as character arc in those volumes, especially since she never fought for her friends in earlier volumes (with the exception of the fight at the docks, but even then she was fighting mostly for Ruby, not really for the others). In the last two volumes however, especially V8, she had to choose between her allegiance to the military and the safety of the people she cared about, her friends as well as the people of Mantle.
But I found that humanity
It came with sacrifice, a pact
To shield you from the wicked even if I can’t
Live for real it was worth it to know you
And now we are hearing Penny’s point of view in her last moments in V8 : the moment she sacrificed herself and died a second time.
As I understand it, Penny’s humanity, her feelings, her love for her friends, is what pushed her to sacrifice herself : because she cared for them, she didn’t want them to die at Cinder’s hands, and she knew that would be what would happen if Cinder got both sets of Maiden powers : she would be unstoppable by non-Maiden and non-SEW characters. So, to “shield [her friends, and especially Ruby] from the wicked (Cinder and Salem)”, she decides to sacrifice herself to make sure that the Winter Maiden powers end up in good hands. She makes this decision knowing that she is sacrificing her life and won’t be able to live “for real”. I think this means that a part of her will survive, the part of her who will live on in Winter (and, to some extent, the part of her that will stay alive in her friends’ hearts), so she will “live on”, if only her memory and will, but even if she can’t have a life of her own, she doesn’t regret sacrificing her existence if it means protecting her friends, and especially Ruby, because knowing Ruby had made her life worthwhile.
What Penny is saying is that, if she could choose between staying alive in a world where she never met Ruby and dying in this world where they became friends, she would choose becoming Ruby’s friend and dying, because their friendship is what made life worth living for Penny.
My dreams came true
The day that you appeared
And called me “friend”
An answered prayer
A chance to
Share the world
To be a girl
Who finally felt alive
We end the song on the refrain, which isn’t all that uncommon, but has a bittersweet taste after the last part of the song : just after Penny says that she doesn’t regret dying if it means saving her friends, because Ruby made her life worthwhile, the refrain reminds us that having a friend was her dream, what she prayed for every night, the source of every good thing in her life and the one thing that made her feel alive.
So, what does this song mean for Penny And Ruby’s characters now and going forward ?
For Ruby, who was the recipient of the song, it’s hard to tell, but I think that the lines about Ruby and Penny being there for and protecting each other give us a hint : Penny failed to make good on her promise for the second time now and left Ruby alone, again. If Ruby’s feelings for Penny are half as strong as Penny’s feelings for her were, this is going to break her, especially now, after everything Ruby went through in just two days and the small breakdown she had with Yang a couple of episodes ago. Ruby is in an emotionally vulnerable state at the moment, she can’t run from her trauma and not address it like she usually does, and she will have to face whatever feelings Penny’s death will ignite in her. Considering her horror and denial when Penny asked her to kill her and take the Maiden powers, learning that Penny still died, after all their efforts to save her, is going to do a number on her.
For Penny and her arc, it is hard to say. On one hand, the end of the song make it sound like Penny is alright and at peace with her death and its circumstances, that she considers it a necessary sacrifice to save her friends, just like what Vine did in the same episode. Both of them were at peace with this decision because they knew it would take an immediate, extreme danger away from their friends and keep them safe for a while. On the other hand, there is still this promise that Penny made to herself/Ruby that she’d always be by Ruby’s side to help her face the world and her problems and the fact that she made good on that promise before by coming back to life, something that Ruby didn’t expect at all, beating the odds once, meaning she might be able to beat them again. It is odd to have a song containing this promise play right after a scene making it clear that the promise was broken for the second time and might not get fixed again if the intent was not to have Penny come back and make good on it once more.
I’ve seen the argument being made that the song is cheery and happy, unlike Cold which sounded like a eulogy, and that this difference might hint toward Penny coming back to life. However, this argument doesn’t seem viable to me because the song, as we’ve seen, focuses on all the happiness that Ruby brought to Penny’s life, how thankful Penny is for it, how that happiness made Penny’s sacrifice worth it and how this brought her peace instead of anguish and regrets. Not to mention that Cold was a song from the point of view of the survivors, not the one who had died : I’m pretty sure that if Friend had been from Ruby’s point of view after learning about Penny’s death, it would have been far less cheery.
So I really don’t know what it all means for Penny, except that her feelings for Ruby are incredibly strong and might be the key to her revival this time, if it happens.
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rainiswriting · 3 years
I don't know if anyone did this black Butler au before and if anyone did I'll like to read or maybe I'll write some au's like this:
1. The blond kid from the twins memory didn't die and become sacrifice first, r!ciel fearing the same thing will happen to his brother accidentally called a demon and make a deal with the demon.
O!ciel is still alive and try to talk r!ciel out of it but r!ciel is determine so o!ciel and r!ciel maybe makes a deal with Sebastian? Idk I'm still working on it
2. Undertaker and r!ciel convinced everyone that Sebastian manipulate o!ciel and is planning to kill him later on (undertaker and r!ciel don't like the thoughts of o!ciel making a deal with a demon) and forcefully take off his eyepatch revealing the mark but both undertaker and r!ciel said that Sebastian is part of the cult that killed him and o!ciel eye is prove Sebastian manipulate him.
O!ciel order Sebastian to run and hide through their bond and r!ciel kept o!ciel in their mansion to protect him (I really want to write the part in chap 152 but this time all the midford family is there to talk to the twins and witness o!ciel eye)
3. R!ciel is able to run away from the burning mansion with o!ciel and didn't get kidnapped, they meet up outside the manor with auntie ann or the midford family (or both) and o!ciel is passed out because of his asthma and almost die, after recovering and the manor is fixed o!ciel becomes afraid of thr outside world and shut himself in. R!ciel the new Earl let this because he don't want to lose his little brother (brocon r!ciel) (his last remaining family) (mini drabble with Edward talking big bro feelings with r!ciel)
"Ciel..this isn't healthy" ciel holding a tray of food for his little brother stop in his tracks looking at Edward
The midford family visit atleast three times every three months to check up on him since the fire three years ago to help him with his earl duties or just being there for him since there's nobody else in the manor except him, his little brother, Tanaka, meyrin, bard, and finnian
The best people to protect his brother
"I thought we already went over this conversation years ago" the earl glared Edward went stiff a bit but shook it off
"But ciel! He's a kid YOU'RE a kid! You two should run around having fun! Let father and me handle your work and play with lizzy and--"
"Edward! I told you" his voice booms silencing Edward "astre is save here! Outside will only hurt him!" He scoff and continue walking
(Maybe something happens that make o!ciel to stop being a shut in slowly but surely, but I'm still thinking)
(Another mini drabble in the Weston school arc but o!ciel [being called astre] visit his brother to watch him, and r!ciel is so damn proud)
"God only knows, Sapphire Owl!"
Everyone parted and clap as white owls fly down to each students arm in good sync
"This is underwhelming" ciel mumble
"CIEEELL!! SO CUTE DO YOUR BEST!!~" Elizabeth between the crowds scream as energetic as ever, ciel follow her screams and saw her in the back he smiled and nod until he finally realized a shorter boy besides her
"Astre!" Ciel doesn't care if he'll get scolded later astre is here! Watching him as he promise
Ciel waves with a smile and give a 'focus ciel' face
-after the ceremony-
"Now group up! Were holding a meeting--"
"ASTRE!!" Ciel cut off, the blue house froze a bit nobody cuts off a prefect and phantomhive the usually calm one just burst out screaming
"Big brother, calm down--" ciel almost tackle astre but he of course remember that he's the older and stronger twin while astre is small and weak so he didn't crush astre completely
"With my little brother being here I for sure need to win this!" Ciel cheer
"Well isn't this familiar" a women older than them come up behind bluewer
"S-sis!" He gasped as he suddenly surrounded by all his sisters four youngest (two of them are even twins) and three older
'It look exactly like violet drawing' ciel though still hugging his brother close everything and everyone is tuned out by him now all he could see is his dear little brother
"Astre how's the ride? You're feeling okay right? There's so many people here don't forget to tell me if you start feeling overwhelmed--" astre laugh and pat his brother shoulders "I'm fine ciel, calm down a bit"
"My, Lawrence isn't that the phantomhive boy you talk about in your letters?" Suddenly one of bluewer older sister come up to them ciel hug astre closer but keep a smile
"Why hello, Nice to meet you" they shook hands
"Aww! What a gentleman! And a cute one at that"
"His looks, brains, and lineage are all good" another one of bluewer big sister come up to them
"And there's two of them! Say how about taking our little sister as your wife!"
"W-what!? Sister"
Ciel politely hold a hand up another hand wrap around his brother "I apologize madams but I have a fiance and" ciel squish astre defeated face "I'll rather die than hand my adorable little brother to anyone soon!" He claimed cheerfully
"Ah of course the perfect one's are brocon" both ladies sigh as their younger sister scold them for embarrassing her
Eliizabeth sigh with a smile behind them Edward and aunt Francis is there two bored with the scenery
"Ciel, I can't believe you'll rather be with your brother than my adorable little sister you brocon" Francis look at her deadpan "are you hearing yourself Edward"
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SuperChat September 15- Animal Curse
Adrien waved with Marinette, a sad smile on his face as they watched Chloe, Sabrina, Nino, Nathaniel, and Marc leaving in Chloe’s SUV. Starting their trip back to New York from Metropolis. He reached out and grabbed Marinette’s hand, squeezing it gently. She squeezed back neither looking away from the retreating SUV. “It’s normal to be scared right?” Ciel, Adrien’s soul animal, a beautiful golden retriever, barked looking up at his mate, panting slightly, tail wagging gently, Aswad, Marinette’s soul animal, a black panther, simply looked up at the two, tail swaying lazily. “Cause I’m scared, I don’t know if I’ll be able to do this without you or them. We went from living together in one city, to spread so far apart it hurts.”
Marinette smiled turning to him pulling her brother into a hug.
“It is normal Adrien, but we aren’t gone. We’ll always be there for you and my home is always open. After all I am home base am I not?” This caused Adrien to laugh as he let go off her stepping back, Marinette smiled stepping back as well towards her new bike. Aswad followed her sitting regally next to her feet. “This isn’t goodbye Adrien, this is, see you next time.” Adrien nodded, tearing up slightly.
“See you next time Mari.” He said softly watching as Marinette got onto her bike and Aswad jumped up as well, situating himself so that he would not fall off. “I love you, and I’ll miss you Mari.” Marinette smiled holding her helmet.
“I love you to Kitty, take care of yourself, and you better call me every night.” Adrien laughed nodding He and Ciel stood watching as Marinette turned on her bike and rode away, returning to her penthouse in Gotham.
“It's just you and me, Ciel.” Adrien said watching her leaving Metropolis, thinking of how they decided on where to go.
“Why don’t you two simply go where your soulmate is?” Nathaniel said from his spot on the couch head in Marc’s lap, their soul animals cuddling on Nath’s stomach. Nathaniel was surprised to find that his soul took the form of a red fox, while Marc loved that his soul was a cute black and white ferret. They had been talking about where Marinette and Adrien would be going for University for a week straight. Marinette sat up pulling Aswad to her chest, much to his disgruntlement however he did not fight it.
“I like that idea.” She said softly thinking about how to go about it before looking down into Aswad’s intelligent green eyes. “Do you live in France?” She questioned softly smiling when he shook his head. After a few hours, Marinette and Adrien had discovered their soulmate’s cities and were applying to Universities.
“Alright let go get ready for our first classes tomorrow!” Adrien said turning back to his apartment building, walking in and towards the elevator with Ciel following. He took the elevator to his floor and stepped out with a bright smile walking down the hall. He noticed his new neighbor right away. “Hello Mrs. Lane-Kent!” He said with a bright smile and the woman and soul turned to him. Lois smiled at the young man she had met a few days ago while he was moving in with the help of his friends.
“Hello Adrien! Oh and you can call me Lois you know! I take it all your friends have left.” She smiled softly at the sad look in his eyes when he nodded. Clarck’s soul, Kryo, walked over to Ciel sitting next to the slightly smaller dog.
“Yes, I’m really going to miss them. We’ve never been this far apart before, and it doesn’t help that Marinette and I are both alone.” Lois nodded her head in understanding, smiling knowingly at the dog soul animals.
“It is always hard at first but you’ll get used to it, and don’t you worry you will always have me if you need help. The help of my husband and boys as well, that's a promise.” Adrien grinned mischievously at her while nodding his head.
“Does that mean when I see a giant spider You’ll send one of the three over?” This caused Lois to burst into laughter with him, finally sparking her family's interest. The three had been listening in with their advanced hearing but it wasn’t until the comment about a sprinter that the my decided to meet their new neighbor.
“Hey mom.” Connor said, opening the door Jon and Clark. “When are you planning on coming in?” He teased softly before meeting Adrien’s eyes, with a smile. “You must be the new neighbor! I’m Connor Kent, the oldest son!” He said holding out his hand, his mate, a small and fluffy Robin resting on his shoulder. Adrien shook his hand, smiling brightly, neither noticing Jon’s mate,a black-footed cat, slipped past and began rubbing against Ciel. Jon peaked around his brother, his eyes widening as he made eye contact with the blonde. Lois watched amused as the two froze together.
“Well, Adrien how would you like to come over for dinner?” She slashed amused as she made Connor move allowing Jon to step forward. Ciel barked, wagging his tail while bouncing around, The cat following him.
“I’d like that.” Adrien said, smiling. “I’m Adrien Dupain-Cheng, nice to meet you soulmate of mine.” Jon grinned back, shaking his hand.
“I’m Jon Kent, nice to meet you my soulmate!” He replied not releasing Adrien’s hand. “What do you say about me showing you around Metropolis before dinner?”
“I’d like that Jon.”
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miidnightglosss · 3 years
Boston Tea Party - Part 3 (Matt Connerly: Chapter 1)
Matt Connery - Chapter 1
Matt aggressively threw himself into a chair, scattering multiple bags on M&Ms, nails, and old Pokemon cards. "I'm gonna need chicken blood, salt, five candles, and a bottle of vodka," he said.
Johanna peered over his shoulder, bottles of soda in one hand while she settled her sunglasses on her head with the other. "Vodka? For the ritual?"
Matt sighed dramatically. "No, that's just to make me feel better about ripping a hole in the universe."
"We're just setting up for a party," Sebastian reminded, rolling his eyes. He grabbed the M&Ms from Matt and poured them into a bowl on the nearby snack table.
"Dude, what the fawk," Johanna scoffs with a sort of frat boy-valley accent, lightly punching Sebastian a couple of times in the back.
"We have to get ready, don't we? The party starts at two and it’s already--" Sebastian pulled out his phone and checked the time-- "1:48."
"Shit, he's right. What's all that stuff for anyway?"
"Well," Matt started, "before your boyfriend so RUDELY took my things without ASKING, the M&Ms were for shooting up our noses, the Pokemon cards were for Kiss and Blow, and the nails were just for cinematic effect."
"First of all, I'm pretty sure someone will snort something regardless," Johanna started. "Second of all, those are my Pokemon cards. Gimme back my fucking Flareon. We'll use something else for Kiss and Blow. Third of all, nails are a delicacy that shouldn't be wasted for trivial recreational purposes. Fourth of all, we're not dating."
Yeah, fucking right, Matt thought to himself. It was totally obvious they had a thing for each other. Johanna called it "brotherly love", Matt called it "sexual tension". "Okay, maybe not yet, but eventually."
"Nah, she's engaged to Bartholomew," Sebastian teased. Johanna punched him in the arm, more harshly this time. Laughing obnoxiously, Sebastian ran around the house while Johanna chased him close behind, pillow in hand, smacking him when she was close enough.
Matt rolled his eyes just as Bart, Ciel, and Lizzie walked through the door, all with different snacks in hand. Lizzie's wearing her usual pigtails down, a much more mature look from what everyone is used to.
"Hey, guys," Matt greeted. "We're still setting up snacks and stuff, but feel free to get comfortable."
"Awesome," Bart replied, setting his Mountain Dew: Code Red down on the table. "Where's Johanna?"
Matt shrugged. "I don't know. Currently somewhere with Sebastian and a pillow." Right after that sentence dropped from his mouth, Bart power-walked through the house in search of the girl. "I probably could've worded that better."
"I'm not even going to ask," Ciel sighs.
Elizabeth went up to Matt and enveloped him in a hug. "You look so cute today! Normally dark colors aren't my thing, but they suit you perfectly! Although might I suggest..." The blonde reached into a pocket on her overalls and pulled out a cat ring, placing it in Matt's hand. Matt observed its white body as he pushed it down on his left middle finger, its rainbow eyes reflecting the light.
"I bought one for Johanna, too," Lizzie continued, hardly able to keep her excitement. "I know how you two always go to pride every year together and once I saw how cute it was, I couldn't resist."
"Believe me, she couldn't," Ciel huffed, dropping down on the couch.
Normally, Matt cringes at how enthusiastic and cute Lizzie is all the time. However, this time was an exception. "Thanks, Lizzie." Reluctantly, he returned the hug. It's only a few seconds before Ciel mumbled a "too long" under his breath, the three of them laughing as Grell, William, Ronald, and the others walk in.
Within minutes, everyone had a drink in hand and is settling into the party. Matt felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around to see Sebastian. "Oh, hey, man. What's Joey doing?"
Sebastian rubbed the back of his neck. "She and Bart are arguing over something. Nothing serious, I don't think."
"Oh." That's weird. Those two hardly ever fight, Matt thought.
"Yeah..." Sebastian trailed off. "Anyways, you said your dad was supposed to be performing? That would certainly kick the party off to a good start."
"Oh, shit, yeah, you're right." Matt handed his solo cup of blue Mountain Dew to Sebastian. "Hold this for me."
Hearing Sebastian mutter a "what the fuck", Matt made his way outside to the garage his father had converted into a studio. He named it Santa Monica Discharge, whatever the fuck that means. He still has no idea where the fuck that idea came from but his dad practically took LSD every day of his 20s.
Without knocking, Matt quietly opened the door to the studio to see his father listen intently as another masculine figure, probably a couple of years older than him, played a few notes from an Elvis Presley song on a keyboard.
"Oh, hey, bud," August greeted with a smile as he stood up. The other figure turned around as well, still holding the last note he left on.
So, he's got brown eyes, floofy hair, pretty fucking sick tattoos, he's actually pretty skinny but has buffed out arms, and is an overall bean, Matt thought to himself. It wasn't that bad of a description. The brunet was about as tall as August, his hair falling ever so slightly in front of his warm ivory face. His brown eyes met Matt's gunmetal blue before he had to break from whatever trance this stranger has put on him.
Matt shook his head, returning his attention to August. "We were, uh, getting ready for you to perform, whenever you ready." He nodded towards the other male in the room. "Who's this?"
August patted the stranger's back. "This is Christian. I'm pretty sure he goes to your school."
"I'm a senior," Christian chimed in.
"Yep. He came to me seeking musical guidance so I decided to help him out a bit," August explained. "I didn't mean for it to cut into your party, though. I didn't forget or anything."
"Yeah, I should probably get going," Christian agreed, grabbing his bag resting on the floor. "I've got a little project I'm working on anyways."
"H E Y, why not come veg with us cool kids for a bit," Matt offered shakily, immediately mentally kicking himself for acting so stupid.
"Aren't you guys just a bunch of freshmen?"
Matt felt a pit fall into his stomach. "Well, I mean--"
"Nah, I'm kidding. I'm playing with August today, actually."
"Oh, cool," Matt chuckled to himself. Wait, weren't you just about to leave? That don't make no sense. "See you in a couple of minutes then. With that, he turned and left the studio.
The entire way back to the house (a quick 35-second trip, at most), Matt couldn't help but yell at himself for acting like such an anxiety-ridden freak. A gorgeous man WHO GOES TO YOUR SCHOOL walks into your house and what do you do? You go 'oH, hEy, SoRrY, dO yOu CoMe HeRE oFtEn? Really? CUZ I LIVE HERE AAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHHH--
Bart came storming out of the front door, holding his nose, wincing quietly.
Matt began to ask, "Dude--"
"Don't fucking talk to me," Bart yelled, making his way towards the sidewalk, pulling out his phone a tapping a bit.
Slowly, Matt walked inside, hoping someone would have an explanation for what just happened. Alas, everyone was just as stunned as he was.
Someone get a moving van because these last 5 minutes have been a lot to unpack.
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Oh, and pretty please also some happy Alois scenario's? Like, he's with Luka and Hannah and they're all happy and healthy. No pain nor any spooder demons, please. (You're a godsend. I've literally been following blogs like yours for years and not many write for the characters that I like. I hit the jackpot with your blog. Thank you~)
Ah man… words cannot express how much I needed to write this
and how much I would love to write more things like this!!
Alois needs so much love!
And you know what, bby? I’m more than happy to keep writing all these characters! They’re ones I love deeply, with my whole entire heart!
Everyone seems to write Ciel, Sebastian, the Reapers… and, of course, I love them too, absolutely! But if I can be a source of content for the characters that people can never find content like this for, then I want to do that as much as I possibly can. It seems that the characters few people write for are often my favorites, so I’m all too happy to oblige!
Because we’re doing a pain-free spiderless Alois AU, but I still wanted to have it make sense for these guys to be in the manor – he and Luka eventually got picked up by the old Lord Trancy, but it was because Alois was tracked down as the rightful heir, and, well, the old Lord Trancy suddenly died about a week after they arrived, leaving Alois to be the new head of the household. (thank you, Hannah!)
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“Missed me, missed me! Now you have to kiss me!”
Laughter rings out in the manor as (Name)’s fiancé chases after her nearly as soon as she walks into the parlor where he seems to have been waiting for her. It’s perhaps strange of him to say something like this when she hasn’t yet made a comment that she missed him while she was out… then again, they know each other so well. That she’s told him before that she’s always overjoyed to see him after they’ve been apart may also have something to do with it.
As soon as ALOIS catches her, his arms tight around her waist, he twirls around with her once before bending her backwards ― dipping her so low the tips of her hair brush the floor. It’s then that he comes in for a kiss, despite the fact that both of them giggling makes their lips very misaligned.
“You silly boy!” She hooks her arms round his neck in an attempt to hold on for dear life. (Not that he’d ever drop her. Of course not!) “You think I wouldn’t have greeted you with a kiss even if you hadn’t said that?”
It’s a little hard to believe, with his rounded face and mischievous personality, that the young earl is pushing twenty. Even though he’s been like this since she met him a few years ago, he finds new ways to woo and surprise her with every passing day. “Yes, but… you know I’m impatient! And your kisses are just so sweet, I can’t resist taking one before you even offer it.”
She shakes her head at him, pulling herself up a bit so she can nuzzle the tip of her nose against his. “Oh, of course. Who am I to keep the most handsome man in the world waiting?”
“The future Lady Trancy, that’s who!” Finally he straightens them both up; he steals another kiss as he does, of course. He glances past her toward the doors, and when he looks back, he’s raising an eyebrow, a smile playing at the edges of his mouth. “… Oh, dear. Have you lost Luka?”
(Name) scoffs with a grin and gives Alois a playful smack to the chest. “No, I would never! Hannah met us at the door and mentioned something about fixing him a snack. I’d imagine he’s halfway through a roast beef by now. Speaking of, I already bought him a caramel lollipop while the shop owner and I discussed my order for the wedding. I’ve never seen a boy with such an appetite! He eats more than I do, and he’d probably still fit into my dress.”
A snort is Alois’ answer as he heads into the other room. “He’s still growing! Now that you mention it, though, I could picture him wanting to wear your dress. While you were out, I was nearly tempted to try it on myself.” He pauses to thread his arm through hers. “Ultimately I decided I had best leave it, though. You’ll look much lovelier in it than I would.”
The two of them don’t get very far when the triplets appear out of nowhere on the stairs. “She will, yes,” Thompson quips. “In fact, I do believe the Lady’s beauty will outshine the dress itself.”
“No offense,” Timber titters, “but Lord Trancy will look so plain next to his bride!”
“Goodness, what shall we do?” Canterbury adds. “Perhaps he should wear a dress as well.”
Alois rolls his eyes. The trio speak so bluntly and outlandishly, it really is a wonder he hasn’t thrown them out entirely yet. Hannah is just too fond of them, considering them as brothers or friends, and they do their jobs fine. It would be too quiet without them, at least, so might as well keep them around for now.“You three have no idea what you’re talking about! We’ll both be stunning! Now, care to make yourselves useful and direct us to where Hannah and Luka have gone? Are they in the kitchen?”
Timber clicks his tongue. “No, no. They’ve retired to the young master’s room.”
“He took his second sandwich up there with him.”
“Oh, dear. We’re going to have ants.”
“Alright, enough!” Alois snaps, more annoyed than truly mad. “Can you three ever shut your mouths??”
(Name) sets her hand on Alois’ shoulder to help ground him. “Oh, love, did Thompson say Luka’s taken his second sandwich with him? By God, the boy works fast!”
Immediately the earl’s temper is calmed as he glances toward his fiancée. Her remark is enough to bring a smile to his face. “We should catch up with them, then.” He reaches up to grab her hand with both of his, darting up the steps. “And, Timber! Do make sure you and your brothers are prepared to do battle with the invading ants!”
The two of them laugh once more as they race through the halls like children, clutching hands, without a care in the world. When they reach the door, Alois pulls (Name)’s hand back from opening it. He puts a finger to his lips, gently leading her to one side. “Shh, stay quiet,” he whispers. “I’m going to pull a trick on Luka.”
“Hehe!” She covers her mouth with one hand. “Of course!” Big brothers like to play around with their younger brothers, after all, don’t they?
Alois bites down on his lip in an effort to keep himself from just bursting out in laughter. He can’t give himself away before he’s even done what he wants to do! As soon as he’s gotten composed, he opens the door and sweeps into the room in such a way that neither Hannah nor Luka can see his fiancée. For added effect, he paints a concerned look onto his face. “Luka!! Oh, my god, Luka, where’s (Name)?! Did you leave her all by herself in town?!”
True to the triplets’ word, the teenager is sitting on his bed, holding half a sandwich that he seems to have just taken a bite out of. With his mouth full and his eyes wide, he stares in shock at his older brother.
“Whhht?!” Luka throws the sandwich down on the bed and immediately jumps to his feet. “I-I swear, Alois! She was right be’ind me, ‘onest! We rode back in the carriage t’gether, then I got out ‘n’ came inside, ‘n’ she was ― I swear ta ‘igh ‘eaven I ‘eard ‘er ‘eels be’ind me!!”
It’s a miracle how Alois manages to hold back his laughter. “We ― well, I can’t find her!”
One can practically feel the panic rolling off of Luka. “O-oh, my God!! We ‘afta search ev’rywhere! ‘Annah! ‘Annah, g-get the triplets! They can split up, ‘n’ we’ll cover all the manor ground, ‘n’… ‘n’ I don’t understand! How could she ‘ave jus’―”
Hannah, who up until now has rather silently been perusing the bookshelf in the corner of the room, clearly thinks Alois is being too cruel. “Luka, calm down. It’s okay. Alois is just having a go at you. (Name) is right outside the door, and she’s safe.”
As if on cue, Alois pouts and opens the door for his fiancée. “(Name), come on in! Hannah ruined everything!”
“(NAME)!!!” Luka has his arms around the woman like lightning, a relieved smile taking over his face. “I’m so ‘appy y’ didn’t go missin’ fer real! What was that all ‘bout, y’ two, givin’ me a ‘eart attack?!”
(Name) giggles and returns the hug. “I’m sorry, Luka! It was Alois’ idea!”
Luka lets go of her before falling back on the bed, throwing an arm across his face. “Me own brother, stabbin’ me in the back! Oi, Jimmy, ‘ow d’you live with yerself, ‘uh?”
“Oi, yourself, don’t call me that!” All at once Alois is removing his coat in one flourish so he can pounce on the bed. He wrestles around with Luka for a moment, both of them laughing and trying to pin the other down. “You’re next, (Name)! You sold me out!”
Hannah walks over to stand by (Name), having finally picked out a book. “Our boys,” she sighs. When she glances over at the other woman, there’s a hint of a smile playing on her face.
(Name)’s smile is unabashed, warm, and full of love as her eyes focus on her soon-to-be-husband and her about-to-be-brother.
“Yes,” she agrees softly, “our boys.”
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