#our blond baby peter
leviathxn · 7 months
Hi! I have a request! If you would like to do it...😊
Uhm, so what if y/n and Miguel are married for years and have kids but the Spider society doesn't know. And the shock on the Spider crew faces when they find out about Miguel's sweet side.
(N/N) is nickname or whatever spider name you want to go by
“Who are you?”
By no means were you a strong spider. In your universe, you were the first test subject. You got minor powers of a spider. They weren’t very prevalent so the lab tried another experiment, and that person became the true Spider-Man of the universe. You guys were close friends you ended up becoming their sidekick. People assumed there was a relationship, but actually your heart belong to someone else. That somebody was Miguel O’ Hara.
You met Miguel when your partner had ran into the portal and you followed shortly after. Love at first sight might be a reach. You were definitely in love, Miguel was too… he just had to open up to it. He did. It took him a long time but he did.
However, just like him, nobody had any idea. They figured it was on sided, nothing special. So it stayed a secret between you and Miguel. In the span of 5 years, you and Miguel had gotten married, moved in together, had a kid and had another on the way. You never did much at Headquarters so you stayed home taking care of the kid while also staying healthy for your 2nd baby. You were sure nobody knew you existed in the new society, anybody that you had originally met never said much. Since nobody knew your relationship to Miguel, you were seen as a once in a while friend to chat with.
However one day you decided to take your 2 year old and plumped up self to see Miguel and meet new spiders. Not only that but Miguel left your home-made empanadas in the fridge. Your child knew he was spider-man, well as much as a two year old could comprehend. As you walked through the portal it felt like you were looking at an entire new place. You hadn’t been in the Headquarters since the renovation, but luckily you remember seeing the layout blueprints on Miguel’s desk. You got stares, and every now and then a spider would come up to you and “catch-up”. They would ask why you were there, you would say “I’m here to see my husband”, and surprisingly they wouldn’t think much of it. You figured most would assume it was your former partner (Miguel was deathly jealous of him). They said hello to your 2 year old and then would leave you on your mission.
Finally making your way to his office, you picked up your child and gently opened the door. He was standing by his computer screens while a small group of spiders seemed to be… harassing him.
“I think our mission went fine! It wasn’t even a big mistake, nobody died. You can just say your hate me and move on, don’t ban me from the cafeteria”. A teen with bleeding armpits(?) shouted at him. Another blonde spider laughed and smacked his arm
“Miguel wouldn’t get rid of you, he’s running out of reliable people”. You could hear Miguel’s grumbling from a mile away. A British man threw up a random gadget before catching it again (definitely not a toy).
“Well maybe if he wasn’t so mean”. Miguel snatched the gadget out of his hand before an old friend of yours caught eye. Peter B. Parker, with MayDay, ran over to you.
“Oh my God it’s (n/n)! With a kid- two kids? Oh my god this is amazing, long time no see!” He gave you a big hug, playing little hand games with your child. You said hello to Mayday and put down your kid. They two of them already started running off (you were worried about Maydays powers but the place is full of spiders, what could go wrong?). In typical Peter fashion, he runs after the kids and plays with them. The rest of the teens stared, none of them knew who you were. Miguel stared at you across the room, his face softening.
As you walked over to him, you packed his cheek and handed him the empanadas. He gently grabbed your waist and smiled, before taking the empanadas and putting them on the table. You hear Peter gasp as he watches the scene from across the office.
“You should be resting cariño”. You smiled and but a hand over your belly.
“It’s fine bubs, it’s a spider baby, they’ll come out just fine”. He kisses your forehead and holds your hand over your belly.
It was eerily quiet in the room, you had almost forgot that the spiders were there. As you turned your head to look at them, it was pure shock from all, even Mayday was looking at you guys (although she didn’t really understand why).
“It’s nice to meet you guys! You must be the crew I hear all about.” Peter almost fell off the ceiling, luckily catching himself and the kids (when did your kid get up there).
The teens immediately ran up to you as if you were an anomaly, “Who are you and how did you do that!”
I love doing like backgrounds and then boom the moment, especially for shorts like this. Let me know if you guys liked it, and thank you for the request!
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cherienymphe · 1 year
Basic Training XII (Peter Parker x Reader)
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Warnings: NON-CON, DUB-CON, MURDER, violence, kidnapping, captivity, public sex, degradation, forced pregnancy, forced marriage, stockholm syndrome, ptsd, housewife kink, cop!Peter
➥ banner by @vase-of-lilies​ | divider by @whimsicalrogers​
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➥ series masterlist
summary: A pit stop during a road trip ends tragically when a small town cop sets his sights on you. You’re the newest addition in a long standing fucked up family tradition.
“Why do you listen to everything Steve says?”
Peter’s movements paused at the sound of your soft voice. The bath water had cooled some but was still warm and soothing on your skin. Your chin rested on the side of the tub as Peter sat before you on the floor, squeezing the rag and raining water down on your back. At least, he had been until you voiced what had been on your mind for some time.
Outside of the obvious thing they had in common, Peter seemed so different from the blond. He was so much more gentle, understanding, and you couldn’t fathom what the connection was. Why was Peter so content to hear the man out or even give weight to the things he said? Why did he even care about Steve’s opinion? Why did he even care about Steve, at all?
“I don’t listen to everything he says…”
“No...not everything,” you relented, recalling that if that were true, you would’ve been in the basement several times over. “…but what he thinks clearly means something to you.”
Peter was gently brushing your shoulder, now, and when his dark eyes met yours, he gave you a brief crooked smile.
“Steve does mean a lot to me.”
You frowned a bit at that, and Peter noticed, taking his free hand brushing his fingers along your cheek.
“He’s my brother,” he told you.
You blinked at that, and you were sure that your confusion was all over your face. Your gaze rose as Peter stood, and you watched him lean over to let the water out. Taking a bath with Peter, or with him simply there, was not uncommon for you, now. Sometimes he sat behind you in the water, gently scrubbing your skin, and sometimes he was merely next to the tub, talking to you and occasionally washing some part of your body.
Sometimes even your hair.
He wrapped the towel around your shoulder, helping you out by your shoulders. You found yourself leaning into him as he dried you off, leading you into the bedroom as he did. When he sat you down on the bed, he moved towards the dresser, picking out something for you to sleep in.
“They all are,” he continued as he returned to you. “Our parents took it upon themselves to adopt as many children as they could handle.”
Your eyes were wide as you listened to him, lifting your arms when he motioned for you to, and the nightgown slipped down over your head.
“All of us were babies or practically that when they did,” he told you. “I was the last to be adopted, and growing up in a house full of older brothers was something.”
Peter smiled as he said this, like he was thinking back on fond memories, and you found yourself wanting to know what they were. Your mind whirled as you took in this new information, and you felt silly for never considering that before. You’d thought their closeness and camaraderie came from being friends for years as well as coworkers.
Not brothers.
At that, you looked around the room, taking it in through different eyes. This house was where Peter—where all of them—grew up, and your lips parted. You had the hardest time imaging Peter or Steve or Sam running around the yard as children, running through the house as children. You briefly wondered if this was Peter’s room, the one he’d grown up in, and you voiced that thought.
“It is,” he answered, gently rubbing your arms as your eyes met his again. “…and when I decided that I was ready to take a wife too…when I decided that I had to have you…”
He leaned in, gently brushing his lips over yours.
“I made it so nice and pretty for you.”
You looked down at that, unsure of how to feel.
“I never did ask…but I assume you like it since I haven’t heard any complaints,” he softly said.
You nodded.
“It is pretty,” you quietly assured him. “It’s the prettiest room I’ve ever had.”
That wasn’t a lie, and you almost felt bad for saying it, briefly thinking of your mom. Peter took your hands, kneeling before you, and your frown deepened.
You trailed off, wondering if you should voice your thoughts.
“Why do you do this? Why did you take me? Why did Steve take Margaret? Laura? Sharon? Surely your parents can’t be happy with this…”
You said that, but in truth, you didn’t even know. In fact, there was a large part of you that wondered if they were even alive. While possible that they simply left and left this house to their sons, you doubted that, and you found that your suspicions were correct.
“Well, they both died about six years ago,” he informed you, looking sad about it. “Our dad was a cop too…”
Peter stood, joining you on the bed, and you found yourself enraptured by what he was saying, getting a glimpse into his world and life.
“Died in the line of duty,” he confessed, and without thinking, you wrapped your hand around his wrist. “Mom had been with him for so long, forty something years, and it broke her heart.”
His tone of voice gave you an inkling of what he was going to say before he said it.
“Tony found her about a week later. They said it was a heart attack.”
Against your will, your heart sank, and you found yourself feeling…sad for Peter. You didn’t know why. He’d kidnapped you, after all, and knowing great loss himself, he’d allowed his brothers to make you go through the same. Still, if you changed your mind right now and decided that you wanted to see how your mom was doing, you didn’t doubt that Peter would do it.
He didn’t have that luxury.
“I’m sorry,” you eventually whispered, and he gave you a rueful smile.
“I’m better about it, now,” he assured you. “…and…about everything else…?”
He exhaled, leaning back on his elbows.
“Our dad did the same to our mom when she was only nineteen.”
His words had your eyes widening some more, and you looked at him in shock. Peter had said it so casually that you didn’t quite comprehend what he’d said at first, but when you did, you moved closer, bringing your feet up onto the bed.
Peter nodded, looking like it was the most normal thing in the world, and you supposed that for him, it was. If he knew that was how his parents had met, then clearly it wasn’t secret. Or…at least…not a well-kept one.
“By the time I was adopted, he didn’t have to punish her as much, but Steve says that when him, Bucky, and Tony were taken it, it was a regular thing to hear her crying in the basement or see him give her a few lashings.”
The thought made you swallow, and now, you couldn’t imagine Peter growing up in this house for a whole other reason. His mother’s life sounded horrible—familiar—and you recalled that Peter implied she’d died of a broken heart. You didn’t need to be a genius to realize that she’d succumbed to her own captor, and fearfully…that realization also sounded familiar.
You were pulled from your thoughts by the feel of Peter’s hand on your arm, tracing patterns into it with his fingers.
“She grew to be really happy with him,” he tried to assure you, and he didn’t need to address the words that went unsaid.
So would you.
The implication was there, and you let him twist his fingers with yours.
Now, it all made sense. They’d grown up in a house with a rapist and captor for a father and victim for a mother. They grew up witnessing her abuse, internalizing, accepting their version of normal as it was passed down to them. They grew up to repeat history, and you got the sick feeling that their father would be proud.
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You looked over as Natasha swayed, worriedly eyeing her as you distractedly stopped what you were doing. This was the second day in a row that she didn’t look much like herself, almost haggard. You both were preparing dinner, Christine having stepped outside to grab some thyme from the garden.
“Are you okay?” you finally asked her.
Truthfully, she didn’t look the best, but you didn’t want to say anything lest that wasn’t intended. The redhead didn’t respond right away, and for a moment, you were worried that she’d ignore you. Natasha had been a little off as of late, quieter around everyone really, not just you, and it worried you. It wasn’t like her.
“I’m…fine,” she breathed. “Just feeling a little lightheaded, that’s all.”
At that, you completely stopped what you were doing and neared her. She shook her head when you asked if she minded, your hand out, and you pressed it to her forehead. She didn’t feel feverish, and you told her so.
“I don’t think I’m coming down with something, so I wouldn’t expect to be,” she sighed.
Her tone and the expression on her face made you think that she had an inkling as to what was wrong. You started to voice that when a familiar voice drew both of your attention.
“That smells great, pretty girl.”
You smiled before you could stop yourself, only allowing it to fall some when you blinked, silently chastising yourself.
“…and Nat,” he teasingly drawled, making his way to you.
“Thank you, Peter,” the redhead evenly said, returning to the food before her.
You eyed her again as Peter’s hands settled on your waist, frowning to yourself as you watched her continue her work like nothing was wrong. You seriously got the feeling that something was going on with her, and it’s not like you felt comfortable to bring that up with Peter in the room.
You only just realized that Peter was saying something.
“Do I get a sample before the rest of the house?”
He already knew the answer to that, and you gave him a look.
“I’m barely even done,” you told him. “…and besides. You know that Steve wants us all to experience it together as a family.”
You made sure to face away from Peter when you rolled your eyes at that. Steve being the equivalent of the first-born son made it click as to why he seemed to be the head of the household for the most part. Learning about their childhood and their relationship with one another also made it clear why Peter only took half of what Steve said to heart.
It’s why you were unsurprised when Peter reached around you to taste the pot of soup anyway.
“Needs more salt,” he said, but his tone was light. “See…”
He gripped your chin, turning your head and making your lips meet his in a small kiss. It took you by surprise, and you made a noise in the back of your throat, more shocked with yourself when you started to kiss him back just as he pulled away. Peter smiled at you when his gaze met yours, and he quickly kissed your cheek before finally pulling away.
“I guess I can just add more at the table. It tastes great.”
He squeezed your sides, saying goodbye to Natasha. You looked after him as he went, oblivious to the fact that you’d stopped staring in order to do so until Natasha called your name. You softly apologized, and you could feel her gaze on you. It was silent between you two again…for a while.
“You seem to be adjusting pretty well.”
You looked at her, thinking on it.
“I guess I am,” you slowly told her, frowning. “I don’t think I ever apologized for my birthday dinner, by the way. I know it was weeks ago, but…”
“Don’t,” the other woman argued. “You had every right.”
You watched her heave a sigh.
“None of us enjoyed our first birthday here. Considering your…circumstances, I would’ve been worried if it was anything other than what it was,” she sadly said.
In truth, Natasha had been off ever since she found out just how you’d been taken and her husband’s part in it. You imagined that it had to affect the way she saw him, and as she grew quiet again, your desire to check on her won.
“Natasha, are you okay?”
She briefly paused at your question.
“You just seem really unlike yourself, lately, and… You look unwell.”
You watched her face harden, lashes fluttering as she blinked, and for a moment, you didn’t think she’d answer. She glanced over her shoulder, and when she spoke, you almost didn’t hear her.
“I think I’m pregnant,” she told you, making you sharply inhale. “…and I don’t want Bucky to know. Not yet.”
You felt flattered that she trusted you wouldn’t tell, and you wouldn’t, not even to Peter, but you did wonder why she didn’t want Bucky to know just yet.
“I kind of hoped I could avoid this, you know…? I’d always been told it would be hard for me to conceive, but not impossible, and it’s not like Bucky hasn’t been trying…but…”
Her shoulders sagged, and she wouldn’t look at you.
“Either Bucky was going to take someone else’s baby, and two more innocent lives would be ruined or…a miracle would happen. Bringing another life into this was inevitable, anyway, but I’d hoped…”
She shook her head.
“I’d made peace with starting a family with someone I’d trusted who grew up to betray me in the worst way possible…I’d made peace with who I thought he was, but… He murdered your friend.”
She looked at you, and your chest tightened.
“…and he might as well had murdered the rest too. I don’t know if I can make peace with that…”
You could see it on her face that she was struggling with all of this all over again with these recent developments, but you didn’t know what she was getting at. You didn’t understand where she was going with this…or if she was just ranting.
“…and you’ve known all along and had to be around them this whole time and try to suck it up and cope as best as you can…and…Peter…”
She breathed his name, a look of disgust and anger on her face. She shook her head, and her eyes met yours again.
“I can see that…you’re taking all of this better than before,” she noted, eyes falling to your ring. “…that you’re trying to find some peace in this, but there’s something you need to know about Peter. I know that you-.”
“So much of the thyme wasn’t even edible, anymore,” Christine said as she came into the kitchen. “I had to pick through so much.”
Her presence had Natasha swallowing her words, and your brows were drawn together as you stared at her. You weren’t paying attention to a word Christine was saying, too focused on what Natasha was going to say. You feared that with the other woman’s presence, you wouldn’t even have another chance to know what Natasha was going to say.
As the brunette pulled the other woman into conversation about stuffing the chicken, you forced yourself to let it go for another day. After all, what didn’t you already know about Peter?
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You sat on your bed twiddling your thumbs as you waited for Peter to return. He was downstairs with the rest of the men, talking about work, you assumed, and considering that Steve hadn’t had much appreciation for that night you’d dozed off on the stairs, you decided to wait for him here.
As much as it was killing you.
Every time you were away from Peter, you just felt so anxious, and you didn’t like it. Truthfully, you should feel relieved and like a breath of fresh air anytime he was gone. After all, when you were alone, it was like he couldn’t get enough of you. You absentmindedly reached up to touch a tender area of your neck, and when a shudder traveled down your spine at the memories, you weren’t so sure that it was one of fear.
The only time in this house where you could just be was when you were with Peter. More specifically…when you were under him. When you were with him, it was the only time where you weren’t obligated to pretend. He let you be sad, and ask questions, and talk about your friends. Peter allowed you to have a space that was safe…and the irony in that was not lost on you.
When you were under him, your mind was blank, unable to process anything but the feel of him inside of you. It was a feeling you were starting to crave whenever you felt overwhelmed, and you hated it. You shouldn’t want Peter. You shouldn’t enjoy Peter, but your only safe space was Peter.
As if your thoughts summoned him, the room door finally opened.
“Oh, hey!” he said with surprise when you hurried off the bed, wrapping your arms around him. “Not asleep yet?”
Still at war in your mind and unable to voice your thoughts, right now, you shook your head.
“You should be getting more sleep,” he told you, touching the skin beneath your eyes when you pulled away.
“That’s hardly my fault,” you dryly reminded him, and Peter chuckled, a half smirk on his pink lips.
“Sorry, pretty girl,” he said, pressing a kiss to the corner of your lips. “I just can’t get enough of you.”
When he started to lead you towards the bed, you stopped him. He looked at you in wonder, and you pulled your lip between your teeth.
“What is it?” he softly asked, concern dancing in his gaze.
“Can we go outside?” you quietly wondered, continuing before he could refuse. “I didn’t get to go outside, today, and… I don’t know, I just feel really down.”
Natasha’s confession and your feelings regarding Peter were weighing you down. You knew that the men liked to know as soon as possible if their wife was pregnant, but Bucky wasn’t your husband, and it wasn’t up to you to tell him something so personal about the redhead. Besides, as long as he didn’t suspect that she or anyone else knew and kept it hidden, it wouldn’t be a problem.
…and Peter…
You tilted your head at him, just wanting to be outside and feel the air on your face with the one person in the house you felt you could be open with. Peter told you that he liked that you wore your heart on your sleeve, and it had made something bloom in your chest, a feeling you’d quickly tried to squash down.
“I know I’m not allowed to be out this late, but…”
You couldn’t tell if Peter was considering agreeing or not until he threw you a soft smile, tightening his hand on yours. You both were quiet as he led you through the wing and down the stairs. You didn’t know where Steve was, but you knew that if he came out like the boogeyman, Peter would protect you.
He always did.
It was so much cooler with the sun down, the half-moon taking it’s place. You really loved the pond, and so you weren’t surprised when Peter started to lead you there the moment you both made it outside. You kept looking up at the stars, recalling how while living in the city, you hadn’t been able to see them. It was something you always envied rural areas for.
“You’re like a little kid, sometimes…”
You looked at him at that, sitting down.
“Always need to come outside and play in the grass and see the water,” there was a smile on his lips as he grinned down at you. “It’s cute.”
You wanted to tell him that being trapped inside for days on end would do that and what else did he expect? However, proving what he said to be true, your thoughts were clearly all over your face.
“I get it,” he exhaled, lowering himself next to you. “Of course, you’d want to be outside all the time.”
Peter reached up, brushing his fingers along your cheek.
“…but you understand why, right?”
He continued before you could say anything.
“To keep you safe. To keep all of you safe,” he told you. “There’s so much that could happen to you out here, and…”
He trailed off, but you finished for him.
“You don’t trust us… Me.”
Again, you didn’t know what Peter or Steve expected from you. If you’d wanted to make a run for it so badly, you would’ve tried already.
“I know you would never,” Peter whispered, taking your face into his hands. “…but just think of what would happen if you did manage to get away and tell anyone.”
He frowned at you.
“It would take a miracle for them to believe you, and on the off chance that they did…”
Peter sighed, a sad sound, and now you frowned.
“Imagine what would happen to Margaret and poor Sarah. Growing up without her dad? Her uncles?”
You looked down at that, having never thought about that before.
“…and Jane would be heartbroken without Thor. It would be so hard for her to move on. I don’t think she ever would to be honest.”
No, you never had any intention of escaping, but these were things that had never crossed your mind. God, you hated Steve. You hated and feared him more than anyone in your entire life, but from what you’d seen, he thought the world of Sarah…and she adored him just the same.
You shook your head, not wanting to think about that.
“I’m not saying you would…just something to think about.”
“I know,” you mumbled.
Peter tilted your head up, his dark eyes searching your own.
“You wouldn’t…right…?”
“Of course, not,” you quickly assured him.
He stared at you for a long while before nodding.
“Good,” he murmured, leaning in. “I would be really hurt to think that you would.”
Peter kissed you then, and you didn’t kiss him back.
At first.
His lips were so soft against yours, they always were, and you hated that it was something you noticed. You noticed a lot of things about Peter lately, most of them when he was touching you. You noticed how toned he was. Not as muscular as Bucky or Thor, but enough to tell you that he could hold his own with the rest of them, could hold his own against you if need be.
You noticed the way he always needed to touch you. Not even sexually, but just to feel you and confirm that you were there. He liked brushing his hand over your back at dinner or resting it on your thigh. He liked walking up behind you in the kitchen and touching your waist or resting his chin on your shoulder.
He especially liked bathing with you, taking it upon himself to clean you and look after you, like it was his responsibility to make sure you were well cared for in the best way possible. Especially after sex. Peter loved cleaning your skin and holding you while you caught your breath and telling you that you were okay. The contrast of how roughly he could thrust into you and hold you from how gently he cared for you when it was over was great.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered into your shoulder.
The night air had you shivering as he undressed you by the pond, and your movements were hesitant, almost refusing. You were outside, and even though you weren’t right in front of the house, it was still within view. The thought of someone seeing you made you shrink in on yourself.
“It’s okay,” he murmured against your lips. “It’s just you and me, pretty girl.”
You gasped when he pushed himself into you, stretching you out slowly. Your fingers pressed into his arm and back, thighs opening for him as he pulled his hips back. Peter loved having sex with you, and you guessed that if he had it his way, he’d be inside of you all the time.
You hated that you didn’t hate it.
You could feel yourself relaxing beneath him, letting yourself go on the grass. It really did feel like it was just you and Peter whenever he was inside of you, curving his hips into yours and forcing moans from your lips despite how much you wanted to swallow them down. You didn’t want to give him the satisfaction, but you thought to yourself—who cares? It’s not like Peter didn’t know how much you needed him. You’d made that clear the day you’d almost lost your mind at him having to go back to work.
You made it clear when you couldn’t even make a decision without looking at him first. When you couldn’t sleep without him. When his mere presence put your heart at ease. In this nightmare, you needed Peter, and you wrapped your legs around his waist. He groaned at that, leaning in to kiss you again.
“Atta girl…”
When his lips trailed to your neck, leaving open mouthed kisses, you turned your head. The house wasn’t completely dark. It was still kind of early in the night, so, you wouldn’t expect it to be. However, what was unexpected was a figure standing in an upstairs window. It was in a different wing of the house than yours, and you blinked in shock at the sight. A shudder of fear traveled through you, and you turned your head towards the crook of Peter’s neck…
…trying to block out the unmistakable sight of short blond hair.
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zombiewhor3 · 2 years
i was wondering if you could make a rick grimes x reader fluff! <33
rick grimes x fem reader (season 5 era)
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WARNINGS: reader has slight baby fever, young Judith, Alexandria era, cuddly Rick, soft reader/Rick, really just some fluffy stuff,
a/n: sorry for not posting my break ended so i had to go back to school and it's been hectic making up assignments and trying to get everything back in order, i've also been sick all week so enjoy this fluffy request while i try and catch up on more posts and stories to make up for the time i have been gone !!
she hummed softly as she lifted the once whining Judith into her arms, now she was happy as a clam and babbling while she carried a stuffed toy in her hand, y/n smiled as she looked over at the still sleeping Rick who just looked to damn peaceful to wake.
She sat with Judith while pulling off a story book Daryl had found on one of the runs thinking that maybe Judith would've liked it and sure as hell she did, her eyes brightened each time she looked at the bright colored pages and the illustrations, her hand ran over the bunnies that were drawn out on the page.
the light coffee colored pages had small paragraphs of words printed in black ink and a pretty font that y/n had started to read aloud to her, Judith sat back in her arms holding onto the bunny she had while she was focused on the book.
she was just a little over a year old so she was so focused on touching and exploring everything around her, she giggled hearing y/n say the words peter rabbit to her with a bright smile on her face.
Rick had heard the giggle as he flipped around flickering his eyes open to see the two sitting on the love seat in the room, he smiled so bright he thought he was going to explode.
"morning sunshines" he spoke covering himself in the white bed-sheets watching as y/n looked up at him, his daughter to focused on the book to even such as look up at him.
"morning sheriff" y/n teased sitting up with Judith in her arms and placing her down against the bed, she had thought about her own kid with Rick, she thought about giving a sibling to Carl and Judith.
she simply just wanted a family with rick, "what are you thinking about? i can the gears in your brain turning" rick asked propping Judith up against his chest as she fiddled with the book happily content with the pages she couldn't read yet.
"just a family" she spoke rubbing some of Judith's blonde hair from her face while she smiled softly, "the one we have now with all our friends or the family with Judith and Carl?" Rick asked while he rubbed his thumb in circles over the soft skin of her thigh.
"i mean the second one yes, but a new addition to the family would be a better way to put it i guess" she admitted looking down at his hand still rubbing small circles on her.
"like a baby? like Judith?" he asked watching her nod her head she knew it was stupid, she knew it was reckless but somehow someway she just wanted it so damn bad.
"tell you what if things blow over well in the next few months i will give you a baby, hell i'll give you as many as you want" he spoke with a smug smile and a wink referring to the baby making part.
"one little angel will do"
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rxmqnova · 1 year
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Y/N: 14 years old Peter: 16 years old Wanda: mama Nat: mom Story: Y/N finds out Peter is Spider-man… ——————————————————
NO ONE'S POV This year has been crazy for Natasha and Wanda. Their daughter Y/N has started high school which both women hate, cause their little girl is growing up. Especially when their little girl started talking about this one boy from higher grade who also happens to be her friend. It's obvious that the girl has a huge crush on him.
Wanda finds it sweet that her daughter has a first crush, but Natasha hates it. Y/N's her little girl and she wants to stay it like that for as long as possible.
"What are you guys doing after school?" Ned asks his friends. Peter and Ned have been Y/N's closest friends ever since she met them her first school day. Just like the two boys, she's not really popular. Yes, her mothers are Avengers, but the girl is using a fake surname just to stay safe as her mothers wanted it.
"I got that job at Stark's" Peter says on which Y/N furrows her brows. Peter has mentioned a few times something about his Stark's intership, but Y/N still hasn't figured out what that is. She's pretty sure her uncle doesn't employ kids at Stark's industries.
"What exactly are you even doing there?" Y/N question, trying to figure this whole thing up. Once she's after something, she won't stop. That's something she got after Natasha.
"You know… just stuff they tell me to do" Peter shrugs, but it's definitely not an answer Y/N wanted to hear.
"Like what?" The girl asks, curiousness getting the best out of her. She could just read his mind and find out as she has powers like Wanda, but she has a deal with her mama not to do that. One time she did it to pass a test and Wanda somehow knew right after the girl came home, so Y/N decided to better respect her mother's wish. "Just some stuff. Hm.. I-I gotta go now or I'll be late. See you later!" Peter waves and leaves, leaving Y/N completely confused.
Y/N makes an excuse why she can't come with Ned and makes her way out of the school. Her aunt Yelena is already waiting in the car for her, so the young witch just slips in the passenger seat.
Yelena isn't one of the Avengers just yet, so it should be fine if Y/N is seen with her. The blonde agreed to help in some fights, but she only just got out of the Red Room a few months ago, so she's still enjoying her life without any commitment such as the Avengers.
The two make it home safely and Y/N immediately goes to the kitchen, knowing her mama is there by the smell of her favorite paprikash.
"Hi there, my little monkey" Wanda smiles at her daughter who hugs her mama tightly, receiving a kiss on a forehead.
"Hi, mama" Y/N smiles back before turning around and spotting Natasha sitting on the bar stool. "Hi, mommy" She smiles at her other mother who gives her a smile back and greets her back. "Mama, can I have that when is done?" Y/N asks with puppy eyes, pointing at the paprikash Wanda's been cooking.
"Sure, baby" Wanda smiles before turning her attention back to the food.
Y/N makes her way to Natasha's arms, hugging her tightly while Natasha kisses the top of her daughter's head. There's nothing Y/N loves more than hugs from her moms.
"How was at school?" Natasha asks with a smile, running her fingers through Y/N's hair.
"Boring as usual" Y/N sighs before remembering the thing with Peter. "Although… I think Peter's lying about his job at uncle Tony's, cause he's been acting super weird about it when I asked him"
"Guys, we have a new Avenger. Tony wants us all in the meeting room" Steve informs before disappearing. Wanda turns off the stove as her paprikash is done and together with Natasha and Y/N walks to the meeting room.
Y/N sits between her moms, getting cuddles from both of them immediately. Tony then walks into the meeting room with the boy Y/N only just said goodbye to at school.
"Guys, this is our new Aven-" Tony starts, but gets cut out by the youngest one of them.
"Peter?" Y/N asks, Peter locking his eyes with his friend.
"Y/N? Wha-What are you doing here?" Peter asks confused, Y/N also tilting her head in confusion.
"Me? What are you doing here? You're the new Avenger?" Y/N blurts out, surprised her friend hasn't told her anything.
"Yes, squish" Tony agrees, using his nickname for Y/N which makes the girl roll her eyes. "If you let me finish I'd tell you that Peter Parker is our new addition to the team. You might know him as Spider-man" He finishes, making Y/N even more confused. Peter is Spider-man?!
"You are Spider-man? Why didn't you tell me anything? You're my best friend" The confused girl blurts out, Natasha hiding her smirk as she'll be able to control what's going on between her daughter and Peter now.
"I see… so this is the Peter" Wanda smirks, Y/N giving her a glare and Peter tilting his head in confusion.
"Wait. What are you doing here?" Peter asks again.
"Kids, you can talk about this later" Tony rolls his eyes, getting impatient.
Y/N rolls her eyes too, leaning to Natasha who wraps an arm around her little girl and kisses the top of her head. Tony explains how will everything work, how will it be with missions for Peter and stuff which isn't exactly interesting for Y/N as she's not an Avenger… yet.
Once Tony is done with his speech, Y/N is ripped out of her daydreaming and follows everyone out of the room, rushing to Peter.
"Why didn't you tell me anything? How did you even get the powers? Oh my god, does Ned know?" Y/N blurts out as soon as she reaches Peter.
"Me? Why didn't you tell me anything? What are you even doing here? You're not an Avenger and you don't have powers" Peter says, looking at Y/N completely confused.
"I do have powers… I'm just not allowed to use them. I would beat your ass in less than 10 minutes" Y/N says, pulling out a smirk similar to her mothers' smirks. "And I live here, my moms-"
"Y/N/N, honey, do you want the paprikash?" Wanda calls from the kitchen, cutting Y/N's sentence off.
"Yes, please! Thanks, mama!" Y/N calls back.
"Just so you know, if you land your hands on my daughter, I'll beat your ass myself. And I don't care you're only 16" Natasha being the overprotective mother she is, she warns Peter, wrapping her arm around Y/N protectively.
"Mooom" Y/N groans in response, mentally slapping herself for talking about Peter in front of her overprotective mothers. -------------------- I didn't know how to end this…
WandaNat masterlist
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When the cat's away...
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Peter B. Parker x Blackcat!reader
description - Peter B. Parker didn't end up at MJ's house that night. Instead he found his way into the arms of the woman he never thought he could have until the multiverse showed him differently.
Miles shows up to the spider society and finds Peter in the arms of someone who is definitely not MJ
warnings - babies, sexual innuendo, brief angst, SPOILERS for across the spiderverse, Miguel being Miguel.
word count - 1.7k
authors note - I have found a new character to write about! I mean I loved Peter B in Into the Spiderverse but then I recently watched Across the Spiderverse and something about seeing him with Mayday just ignited that love again. Also hears to me finding another cartoon baby to obsess over!
Requests open - here
I watched from the rafters. Perched so precise. Peter had promised he wouldn’t take Mayday to work anymore, it wasn’t a safe environment for a child. And since he hadn’t caught me with her at the spider society yet, I still had the moral high ground.
“Don’t be too hard on the kid, Miguel. He had a terrible teacher.” Peter swung in and was wearing…oh god. He’d stolen my robe, again. But I couldn’t be too hard on him, he did look so sexy in it. Just something about seeing him so domestic that really got me going.
Peter and Miles hugged each other, having not seen one another in months. They continually talked over the other, having so much to say, before Miles took note of the baby carrier Peter wore so stylishly. His suspicions were confirmed when Mayday swung into the scene, giggling so beautifully.
“You have a baby?”
“I have a baby!”
“Don’t forget to keep your little day pass on honey.” He then spotted the one Miles sported. “You have one too? I didn’t know they made them for adults?”
I watched her in awe until she latched onto the wall and began to crawl up to where she saw me, babbling ‘mama, mama’. Peter swung after her, moaning about how he shouldn’t have made her that web shooter. We thought it was a good idea at the time!
He put her back in the carrier. “I shouldn’t have made her that, that was an actual parenting mistake.” But because he forgot he was upside down; our little angel fell right out. I giggled to myself just watching the goofball, I got to call my husband.
I squirmed up further into the dark, not wanting Peter to see me just yet. What? I’m a sucker for a dramatic entrance.
“You guys want to see pictures!” That was when I zoned out. I mean I loved Mayday so much and I took a lot of pictures, but my definition of a lot cowered in the face of Peter’s amount of photos. “Oh my god, Miguel’s gonna die!” He swung back over to the stoic fang man, as I liked to call him.
“Miguel, look at this one.”
“I’m trying to hold a serious, adult conversation.” Yet the sight of Mayday crawling all over him whilst babbling nonsense, was a nice juxtaposition to his stern demeanour.
“You’re the only spiderman who isn’t funny, we’re supposed to be funny.” He’s not wrong there, well, at least my spiderman is funny!
“The fate of the multiverse—”
“You always lose me with that. You say the fate of the multiverse and my brain dies.” Miguel handed Mayday back to Peter after she had unceremoniously fallen into his arms whilst Peter was talking.
“You smell that? Mayday took a crap.” Peter swung back to Miles, Gwen and Hobie and made a makeshift changing table out of web.
“So did MJ take you back or?” Miles questioned.
“Well-not exac—” He then smelt Mayday’s diaper. “Yep, she’s a Parker. That’s what happens when a Parker eats an avocado.”
“And yet I still married one.” I attached one of my hooks and allowed myself to be lowered down in front of Miguel’s pretentious staircase.
“Wow.” All 3 teens exclaimed at the same time. I strutted forward clad in my costume. God, it had been a long time since I’d had it on, but it felt so good. It made me feel strong and powerful. Even the ice blonde wig of curls, (that always appeared every time I put on the black cat suit for some reason), fell down my back and flicked with each step. My heeled boots clicked as I walked. Some people *cough Miguel cough* may think they’re impractical for fighting but I guess you just have to be an amazing fighter to pull them off.
“Miles meet my wife, y/n Parker. Or. The Black Cat.”
“Hobie, Gwen, good to see you again. Miles, it’s so great to meet you! Peter talks about you constantly.” I embraced him tightly.
I jumped over to Hobie and spider punk lifted me up into his arms.
“How’s my favourite vigilante!”
“I’m doing good how are you.”
“Still taking a crap on the establishment.”
“I’d like to help you.”
“I will take you up on that.” And he slipped a bunch on junk into my pocket. I didn’t understand but when it came to Hobie, I knew I eventually would.
“I don’t think ‘constantly’ is the most accurate word –“ Peter interrupted. He never liked seeing me with Hobie. He made him insecure, but I would assure him he was cool in his own way.
“Did you or did you not say to me last night ‘I miss Miles so much more with each passing day.’”
“I wouldn’t say in those words—”
“No. those were you’re exact words.” I had walked over to him when I began speaking.
He brought me into him in a bruising kiss.
“I thought you weren’t working today?” As he spoke, Mayday recognised my presence and began to whine loudly for me to pick her up. Which I did happily.
“Well, I woke up and my baby wasn’t in her crib? How weird?” I bounced Mayday up and down in my arms and she shrieked excitedly with each new movement.
“Wait, you’re not a spider-person?” Miles suddenly questioned.
“God no! I couldn’t think of anything wo—” I trailed off when I looked around at the disapproving faces.
“I mean no, I’m a black cat. We’re in every spider’s universe in some respect. In everyone we’re in love with Peter Parker. He only loves us back in a few.” I looked back to find my husband already gazing back at me. Both of us might as well have had little hearts in our eyes.
I unleashed the claws from my gloves. “See, no web. Just claws.” Mayday clapped when I did that. “You like that baby? You like mummy’s powers!” I threw a hook with a line attached to it onto Miguel’s consoles. “But I did have to get these to keep up with you people and your webs.” I swung on the line and dropped gracefully, close to Miguel, just to annoy him.
“Yeah, but those claws are no joke one time we were in the middle of—” “Peter!” I scolded him. Peter then whispered to Miles “I ended up having to get stitches down my back.” Miles grimaced when he realised the context. Miles then continued his previous thought.
“I meant if you’re not a spider-person how did you get a pass? You’re not even a spider and you got a pass before me!”
“I felt with her skills and expertise she would be—”
“Don’t lie Miguel. I stole the bracelet off of you and you can’t get it back from me.”
“It was my choice to let you keep it.” I waited a beat before gesturing to Miles that it really wasn’t.
 Miguel was explaining canon events to Miles and was showing all the spider-people the most horrific moments from their lives. When the Uncle Ben scene was shown I cradled my husband’s head in my neck to shield him from the other’s eyes. Mayday didn’t understand what was going on but had fallen silent when she had felt the sadness in her father’s body.
I zoned out of Miguel and Miles’ argument. I knew their plan and I knew about Miles. He didn’t deserve this, any of this. He was a good kid; I knew this because Peter told me he was good and I believe him. I focused only on my husband and my daughter. My daughter more so, so she didn’t have to be exposed to the fight that I felt was about to break out.
I bounced Mayday up and down and cooed to her as Peter explained to Miles that if Uncle Ben hadn’t died, many of them would’ve never become who they were meant to be and the lives they had saved would be gone.
Miles began to get more agitated when he realised, they were all asking him to let his father die. I scoffed to myself. They really expected this to work. It was hardly a sound argument.
“You can’t ask me not to save my father.”
“I’m not asking.” Suddenly, Miguel had trapped Miles. Woah. This was too far.
“Miguel that’s not funny! Let him go right now.” I held Mayday into my chest to shield her from her mummy’s harsh words.
“You don’t scare me.”
“I think we both know I do.” He turned away from me. I knew it.
Miles was panicking in the box as the audience around him screamed and argued. I was still holding Mayday as Peter had stern words with Miguel. Hobie winked at me and gestured me to come over. I saw what he was looking at, which were the little sparks coming from Miles’ fingertips. I showed Miles what he was doing wrong and laid my palm flat in front of me, as the other held Mayday’s bum up. Miles righted his hands and the electricity bubbled up. I smirked.
The cage erupted around him. The spider-people began to organise under Miguel’s command to seize Miles. A portal opened up behind Hobie.
“For the record. I quit.” He sauntered in backwards. That was my queue.
“Well, I gotta head.”
“You’re going?” Peter questioned.
“So, you just came to annoy Miguel and show Miles how to escape?”
“Yeah, pretty much.”
“God. I love you so much!” He kissed me hard. I handed Mayday back to her Daddy and she happily complied.
“Get a picture of her first chase?”
“You got it.” He pulled down her knitted spiderman beanie and took off. I opened up another portal.
“CHICKEN PLEASE, HONEY!” My husband shouted back as he swung off with my baby in his baby carrier ready to save a 15-year-old spider-kid from a million other spider-people. Because that’s a totally normal sentence to say.
Bit different from my usual stuff but this just randomly popped into my head!
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petersprincesss · 1 year
Security Measures
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It’s been a long time since I wrote anything… but I decided IM BACK BABY!
It felt like it was time for some good old fashioned smut. I really went back to my roots with this one. I still personally prefer to refer to this character as Peter Ballard, and that’s gonna be his name in the fic. I apologize if that’s not your thing, but you don’t have to read it 🫶🏻
Genre: Porn with minimal plot
Rating: so crazy explicit lmao. Minors please leave 💞
Tags: dom!Peter, sub!female!, bdsm kinda?, edging, fingering, orgasm delay, orgasm denial, dubcon? kinda?, choking, hitting, hair pulling… all that good stuff
As always, I appreciate any and all feedback. You know I love to hear you, baby 🙏🏻
Hawkins National Laboratory was going to be the biggest story in my journalism career. Like many children in this area of Indiana, I had grown up hearing all kinds of rumors, stories and conspiracies surrounding the mythic brick building in the woods.
Being a casual column writer for the Indianapolis Recorder gave me access to plenty of information, but most of it felt so mundane compared to what I might be able to uncover in the source of all my childhood nightmares. Through my boss, I was able to secure an interview with one Dr. Martin Brenner, the supposed mastermind behind the madness. The only question now was whether or not I would learn the truth.
Parked outside of the structure, it felt no different than those creepy campfire tales my friends and I had swapped in our youth. This time, however, I knew I was going to go inside. I was going to settle fact and fiction.
I smoothed out my smart pencil skirt and clutched my notepad and two pens close to my chest (I had to have two, just in case one ran out in the middle of the interview, but I had tested them both twice before leaving the house). My modest high heels clicked against the pavement before stopping at the tall glass front door. I took one final deep breath before pulling it open.
The lobby was beyond what I was expecting. Panels of sleek, dark wood lined the walls, and a kind-eyed brunette woman sat behind a mahogany desk with a warmly lit lamp set atop it.
“How can I help you?” She spoke, folding her fingers together and resting them on her appointment book.
“I have a two o’clock with Dr. Brenner,” I replied. I could feel my knuckles turning white around my notepad.
The young lady glanced down at her calendar before tapping twice on my name.
“You’re right on time. I’ll buzz you through the main doors. Go down the hallway and go through security. They’ll guide you from there.”
“Thank you so much,” I responded, already making my way around her desk towards a set of hospital-like doors. She pressed a button behind her desk, sending a buzzing ring throughout the lobby, followed by the click of the door’s lock. I swung it open and entered a lengthy hallway lined with sterile white tile.
Scents of various disinfectants stung my nose as I rushed down the corridor. My watch read twelve minutes before two, and I prayed whatever security measures I had to clear wouldn’t take long.
Around the hallway’s corner stood a second pair of doors with a metal detector and X-ray machine before them. A slender, blonde-haired man dressed in all white stood patiently with his hands clasped in front of his belt next to the machinery.
“Hi, I have an appointment with Dr. Brenner,” I sputtered, paying no mind to the orderly as I set my belongings on the conveyor belt into the X-ray.
“Just remove your shoes, jacket and anything in your pockets,” his gentle voice instructed me.
I followed his orders, sending each of my items into the machine before I stood tall in front of the metal detector. The spotlessly clean man mirrored my stance on the opposite side. Our eyes met for a second before he silently raised two fingers and motioned me towards him with them. I felt a sting of intimidation rush through me as he locked his eyes on me while I stepped forward. My heart skipped a beat when the metal detector beeped.
“It’s okay. Step out and try again,” he commanded, his eyes still motionless.
I did as I was told, stepping backwards and then forwards. The metallic chime rang out once more.
“Are you wearing any jewelry?” He questioned, tilting his head slightly.
“None at all…” I trailed off, touching my earlobes, fingers and neck.
“…Any I can’t see?” He spoke softly.
My eyes shot up to his, half offended by the question, “No.”
“One last time, then. Raise your hands above your head this time.”
I repeated my action, raising my hands as instructed. As predicted, the machine buzzed again.
“I’m going to have to pat you down. We’ll step into the security office for some privacy, okay?”
“Excuse me?” I spat, feeling my eyebrows raise with my temper.
“You don’t have to,” he smiled kindly, “you can always leave.”
I wished in my heart that he was joking, but I could tell he was deathly serious.
“Fine,” I spat, shaking my head in disbelief.
“You can put your shoes back on,” the orderly spoke gently. He picked up my blazer and notepad for me as I slipped my feet back into my heels impatiently.
“Let’s get this over with,” I sighed.
“Right this way,” he gestured into an open door. I walked in before him, nervously kneading my knuckles.
He set my items on a sterile steel table and turned to face me as I glanced around the office. The walls were the same bland tile, nothing on them except for a clock, which read ten minutes before two.
“Please hurry, I don’t want to be late for my meeting,” I pleaded, feeling the rising urge to tap my heels.
“You won’t be, I promise,” a cheeky smile spoke, “I’m Peter by the way.”
“Great, nice to meet you Peter. Let’s go,” I hurried him, not bothering to introduce myself to the security guard orderly that I would never see again.
“Arms out, feet shoulder-width apart,” he instructed. I obeyed yet again.
His palms clasped around the top of my right thigh and began to slowly pat inches at a time down my leg.
“You don’t have a female security guard to do this?” I huffed.
“I’m afraid not. The only women here are the nurse and the secretary,” Peter sighed. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at the response.
Once down to my ankle, he raised his hands to check left leg, but the tip of his thumb grazed me where I was most sensitive, causing my breath to hitch. I prayed he hadn’t noticed as he worked his way further down.
“Nothing yet…” he reported once down to my foot.
A lightbulb went off in my head. My IUD. I had a copper birth control device in my cervix. Could that have set off the metal detector? Surely copper couldn’t trigger it. But what else could it possibly be? I knew that I genuinely had nothing, but how could I tell Peter that without proving it?
Peter began to pat down my right arm, from shoulder to wrist, before moving to my left.
“Listen, I swear I have nothing. I’m just a journalist…” I began to bargain.
“I actually do believe you, but it’s just laboratory protocol,” Peter grinned. His eyes shone a bright blue even in the dingy fluorescent lighting, and I felt a twinge of happiness that at least he was a gentleman.
“The metal detector indicated something at waist level, so I’ll need to examine there further. Again, you may leave at any time.”
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, exhaling slowly through my nose.
“Okay. Let’s get it over with.”
“I’m just going to slide two fingers into the waist band of your skirt, okay?” Peter informed more than he asked.
“Okay,” I nodded with a deep breath.
As he had narrated, his slender index and middle fingers from each hand slipped into the top of my skirt next to my hip bones, resting atop the hem. As I exhaled, the pressure on his knuckles decreased, the warmth of them abandoning the crisp caress of my blouse.
“Just going to slide them around to the back now,” he gently described his action. As promised, those slim fingers slithered around my hips towards my spine.
With his arms around my waist, I paused to glance at his sapphire eyes, preciously surveying his work. A breath left his lips and cascaded down my chest just as he lifted his touch from my body.
“All looks well, but I’m afraid that means I still have searching to do,” Peter sighed, clasping his hands in front of his belt buckle.
“This is ridiculous,” I fumed, “look, it must have been a fluke. I promise I just want to go to my interview and then leave.”
Peter’s doe-like eyes blinked innocently as I ranted.
“I believe you, miss, I really do. Unfortunately, it’s not my decision. You may either continue, or leave the facility,” his honeyed, overly calm voice stated.
“Fine. What next?” I asked, placing my hands on my hips.
Peter cleared his throat as his eyes darted to the floor between us before responding, “I’ll need you to remove your skirt so I may assess what’s underneath.”
“Assess what’s underneath? What are you, a fucking cop?” I protested, my voice growing in volume with each syllable. Peter didn’t bat an eye.
“You’re welcome to leave at any time, but this is protocol,” he assured me, “I’ll turn away while you undress.”
I thought back to all the time I had spent dreaming about being able to interview Dr. Brenner. The countless nights of sleep I lost staring at my ceiling dreaming about what I would write and what questions I would ask. Was I really going to back out now? Could I just chalk this up to one of the things a girl has to do to fulfill a dream?
I silently nodded and Peter turned on his heels to face the door.
The parting of the zipper was the only noise in the uncomfortable silence. I shimmied my skirt off my hips, allowing it to pool around my ankles before picking it up and grasping it timidly at my waist. The cool, sterile air brushed across my bare backside, sending a wave of goosebumps up to my neck.
“Okay,” I spoke shakily.
The orderly turned back to me and immediately placed his hand on my skirt. I allowed him to take it, kneading my fingers anxiously with nothing left to protect my modesty.
Peter crouched curiously at eye-level with my panties. I felt like a common whore standing before the stranger in nothing but my undergarments and high heels. Of course, today was the day I had decided to wear garters instead of regular pantyhose, which only amplified my bashfulness.
“Could have been these,” he noted, slipping his index finger beneath one of the nude garter straps holding up my stocking, snapping one of the metallic clasps against my thigh.
I felt my heart rate increase dramatically beneath his touch. Blood rushed to my core, causing a noticeable temperature increase between my legs. The visual alone of golden blonde locks kneeling before me was enough to create a knot in my abdomen that grew harder and harder to ignore.
The orderly tsked and shook his head, “I think that’s too small of an amount of metal. It must be something else.”
My palms began to grow clammy as I debated telling him about my contraceptive. 

“Could there be something… inside you? A medical device, perhaps?” Peter asked, his eyes shooting up to mine from between my legs. I had to tell him now.
“Yes,” I spat out, feeling my stomach turn, “I have a copper birth control device.”
“I see…” he trailed off, shifting his gaze to the floor.
“That’s it. I know that’s all. I was just scared to tell you, I had this crazy idea that you would have to confirm it or something.” I blurted, vomiting my words all over him.
A silence grew between us, and Peter’s choice not to disprove my absurd theory became increasingly worrisome. Finally, he rose to his feet, returning to his polite stance with his hands held above his belt.
“I”m afraid that actually is the case,” Peter finally confessed.
My head fell back as I took a deep breath. I closed my eyes imagining what exactly this process might look like. I glanced back at the clock on the wall. I had seven minutes left.
“You better be fucking fast,” I voiced sternly, turning back to those blue eyes.
“Not a problem. Remember, you may leave at any time,” he reassured me.
I nodded as he gestured towards a padded table lined with parchment-like paper, beckoning me to lay back across it. I relaxed back against it, closing my eyes as the orderly shuffled over and stood patiently next to the table.
“Would you like to remove your undergarments, or would you prefer I work around them?” He asked cordially, as if any of this process was anything less than crass.
“I’m in a hurry, just do what you have to do,” I instructed, closing my eyes and clasping my hands above my stomach.
His fingertips wasted no time snaking under my panties and pushing them aside. I exhaled slowly as his warm touch glided over my pussy.
“Breathe for me,” he guided. On my next inhale, he slipped a finger inside me.
Something between a pornographic moan and a wince escaped me, and I found myself biting my lip to prevent more from following it.
“You’re doing such a good job,” that silvery voice cooed.
A twinge of shame crawled from my stomach to my chest as I realized that I was already dripping wet from the interaction. Something about his maintained innocence -everything from his crisp white uniform to his “this is strictly protocol” attitude”- ignited a craving I didn’t know I had. Whatever it was, I knew it was going to make me miss my interview.
“Okay, I think I feel the string,” Peter remarked, shifting his body to give his arm a better angle.
I felt his finger begin to slide out of me when I jolted my eyes open and gripped his wrist assertively.
“Are you sure?” Was all I could managed to spit out.
I lessened my grasp on his wrist and relaxed slightly, “I mean. Are you positive? You don’t need more time?”
“I’m fairly certain, I mean…” he trailed off, clearly missing the memo.
“Peter,” I finally spoke his name, “I think you need to check more thoroughly.”
“Are you sure? You’re going to miss your interview…” those blue eyes batted at me, and suddenly I wasn’t the one feeling so bashful.
“Fuck my interview,” I moaned, guiding his middle finger up to join his index inside me.
“Oh my,” Peter’s voice dropped an octave and those precious blue eyes shifted infernal.
“Please?” I urged, shifting to allow him better access.
“I don’t know,” he falsely contemplated, sinking two fingers into my pussy as he spoke, “are you going to be good for me?”
I choked on a moan rising in my throat before closing my eyes and nodding rapidly. Peter clicked his tongue, uncertain of my answer. I squeezed my eyes tightly and allowed my chest to relax. The grim, florescent light suddenly felt warmer as his slender fingers thrust into me.
“Jesus,” he remarked, slowing his pace, “tightening up on me already, hmm?”
I whined a vague response, bucking my hips against him. Wordlessly, Peter grabbed my leg nearest to him and swung kit over his head so it rested atop his shoulder and stepped forward, forcing my back to arch to accommodate him. Whimpers flowed freely from me as he quickened his pace, and I couldn’t help but open my eyes to look down and take in the sight of his fingers sinking into me.
With his free hand, he reached up and snatched a fistful of hair at the crown of my head and jerked forward, “That’s right, watch my fingers fuck you.”
Whimpers fell into wanton moans, and Peter switched to using his middle and ring finger, curling devilishly where I needed him most.
“Shit, Peter, I’m going to c-“
Before I could even speak the words, the orderly removed his touch entirely from my pussy and released his grip on my hair. My leg slid off of his shoulder, hung carelessly off the edge of the table. Dumbfounded, my misty eyes searched for his. Peter stood motionless, watching me with no readable expression on his face.
Once I had managed to find my breath a little, he spoke, “Are you done?”
“What? No, I was about to and you-“
The back of Peter’s hand landed a heavy smack across my cheek as he leaned in close to whisper, “Are you done being a needy bitch?”
Holding my stinging cheek, I gazed up at him in erotic trepidation.
“Y-yes,” I whispered, not even convincing myself of my answer.
“Good,” he praised, creeping his hand back to my pussy, “let’s continue.”
My panties were pushed to the side once more, and my body lurched forward onto Peter’s fingers as they writhed back into me. He leaned over me, placing his free hand at the base of my neck and whispered in my ear, “I knew you were fucking dirty the second you walked around that corner.”
I felt myself grip him tighter as he accused me, enthralled with his whorish perception of me.
“Fuck, I’m so glad you had to search me, Peter,” I panted, squirming beneath him as his grip on my neck grew stronger.
A sinister chuckle crept from his throat, “I know, baby. Almost like it was meant to be, hmm?”
His question would have felt more ominous if the orgasm that I was fighting against wasn’t growing stronger by the second. I writhed beneath him harshly, now with the intention of staving myself off until Peter was ready. I spread my legs further for him, wrapping my right calf around his waist to give him direct access. My toes curled against the inside of my shoes as I struggled to pull him closer to me.
“Please, Peter, I can’t hold it back much longer,” I squealed, my vision blurring as I starred up at the bleak white ceiling tiles.
“What’s that? Are you begging me to let you cum?” Peter mocked, slowing his pace ever so slightly.
I nodded intently, feeling my chin brush against his knuckles.
“Almost. I know you can hold out just a little longer. Can you do that for me?” He positioned his face just inches from mine, tilting his chin up so he still looked down upon me. Appearing pathetic no longer mattered to me, I just wanted him to grant me release.
“Yes,” I told a half-truth. If he quickened his pace in the slightest, there would be no more waiting.
The stern grip on my throat vanished, his hand now working its way to the collar of my blouse. Without breaking eye contact, Peter effortlessly undid two of my buttons, leaving my sternum and the center of my bra exposed. Nimble fingers pushed the cup of my bra to the side, leaving half of my chest fully exposed. He traced around my nipple slowly at first, sending a shockwave sensation through my abdomen. As my pleasure peaked higher and higher, Peter’s lips swapped with his fingers, sucking teasingly at my flesh.
“Christ, I can’t- I have to-“ I stuttered between breaths.
“Go ahead. Let me hear you cum,” Peter permitted.
My leg’s grip on his waist doubled, and in my senseless passion, my hands clawed at his shoulders and across his back, finally releasing myself upon him. A stream of curses and lustful whimpers echoed through the overly-hygienic office, mixing flawlessly with Peter’s determined grunts as he pushed himself. Peter lifted his head from my chest as my climax began to fade, a bead of sweat falling from his furrowed brow to my sternum. His sapphire eyes bore into mine as the two of us panted back and forth.
“Taste yourself,” Peter commanded, sliding his fingers out of me and up to my tongue. I obliged, pleased at how his scent mingled with my taste. Pearly white teeth smiled approvingly at how eager I was to fill his request.
“I have a confession to make,” the orderly informed, bracing his weight on his palm, now resting next to my head.
“Yes?” I replied, slipping his fingers out of my mouth and holding them delicately between my own.
“I always set off the metal detector when pretty girls come through.”
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adharastarlight · 10 months
Tis The Season
Five: Calendar
The marauders are in a band, and discussing potential merch ideas... a slutty calendar is suggested as Regulus - who's been accompanying them as they tour - is very interested in at least one of the band members participating in that. (It's not quite smut but it's very obvious where it's heading... oops?)
“I think it’s a great idea! Our fans would love it!”
James shook his head at his madman of a best friend. They’d started the band in uni, with Rem and Pete and hadn’t expected so much success. He still got shocked sometimes by the size of the crowds, by how loud they were. It was mental to him. Not as mental as this though.
“Love, we’re not making a fucking nudes calendar!”
“Remmy, you’re so dull! Please?”
“No! I’m not having the whole world seeing my boyfriend like that. No.”
Sirius flushed at the possessive tint to Remus’ voice but didn’t concede, “I didn’t say nude, I said slutty!”
“I personally think it’s a great idea.” The voice drawled from the corner of the room, the man sprawled out on the sofa. The man who was also short-circuiting James’ brain. Sirius’ brother was just as dramatic as the band’s lead singer, but he was also just as, if not more, pretty, and it was entirely unfair. He’d joined them on their tour to avoid being at home and it was beyond distracting to see him every time he walked into the trailer. Especially when he walked out of the shower in a single towel, jet black locks dripping down pale skin in tantalising trails James wanted to follow with his tongue. Not that he would. Sirius would kill him and the bloke probably wasn’t even interested.
“See! Reggie agrees with me!”
Regulus smiled a devil’s grin and ran his eyes unabashedly over James, once, twice, a third time, “I think your fans would appreciate the view.”
The brunette swallowed thickly and just stared at him, willing his voice to work after the blatant staring which apparently no one else had noticed. Pete luckily cut in before he had to think of a rebuttal to that, “I think it’s fine, but I’m not stripping. Pads, you can be in charge of the sex appeal.”
Sirius jumped up, apparently deciding this was his victory, and tugged his boyfriend up after him, “great! We’ll go and get outfits now! And I’ll tell Marls to bring her camera over!”
His boyfriend sighed but relented, “yes, fine. Come on, Pete, James, you have to help me stop him going overboard.”
The blonde laughed and stood up to follow them out, nudging the brunette who was still staring and drooling at the younger brother, who’d gone back to idly picking at his nails. “You coming, prongs?”
He cleared his throat and nodded, stretching as he stood up. He felt the weight of the gaze on him before he looked and had to force back a smirk, “yeah, sure.”
Reg’s voice drawled out again then, “actually, Potter, the hot water’s not working. D’you think you could take a look at it? I want to have a shower.”
His brother shrugged and tugged on Rem’s hand again, “I’ll get you something good, Prongs. A hot shower would be nice when we get back, right, cheri?”
Remus scoffed and urged him out, muttering as they went, “yes, baby, we can stay in there longer if it’s hotter.”
Peter grimaced as he followed them out, letting the trailer door bang closed behind him. Leaving James alone with the gorgeous man who was currently eyeing him up as though he was a three course meal and he were dying of famine.
The brunette swallowed thickly and forced a carefree smile, “I’ll go and have a look at the water.”
“Thanks, Potter.”
He nodded and headed into the small bathroom. He hollered when he was done and almost cursed when the younger man walked in, almost pinning him against the wall due to the small space, “all sorted.”
Reg smiled that goddamn grin again and turned his back to him, “grand, could you help me with the corset? It’s awfully fiddly.”
“God help me.” He hissed the words under his breath as he started loosening the ribbons, training his eyes on the ceiling as cool skin was slowly revealed under his touch. He carefully pulled it up over the other’s head when he lifted his arms and rested it on the side.
“Mm, thank you.” He turned back to the brunette, his smile fixed in place.
James stared at him, letting his eyes track every freckle and mark and along his chest, over his surgery scars and down, down to the V and the trousers which he realised a moment too late were being undone. He almost choked, “Regulus-”
“What’re you doing?”
He shrugged daintily and ran his hand up the other’s torso before resting it against his chest, “having a shower, why?”
The older man shivered and forced himself to look up and meet his eye, “don’t you want some privacy?”
Reg laughed, head thrown back and fuck, that neck was right there and it was almost impossible to resist, “are you playing dumb or are you really this innocent, darling?”
“God, what’re you doing to me?”
“Do you think I don’t notice you staring?”
James flushed crimson and ran a subconscious hand through his hair, “sorry, I-”
“Don’t apologise.”
“I think I should, this-”
“Don’t think. Don’t think about it.” He gripped the tee his hand was resting against and tugged him slightly closer, “don’t think at all.”
The brunette almost died on the spot before he managed to get his brain to cooperate and surge forwards, cupping the younger man’s jaw and dragging him up into a tantalising kiss which had him feeling like if he died right now, he’d die happy.
Reg groaned against his lips and buried his free hand into messy curls, he gasped as a warm hand covered his lower back, pressing him closer, dipping lower until just the tips of his fingers had slipped under the waistband of his trousers, “James.”
“Tell me to stop, Reggie.” He breathed the words against his lips, trailing kisses across his jaw and up to the spot just below his ear, whispering into his skin, “tell me to stop before I forget why this is a bad idea.”
“Not a chance.”
James cursed against his skin before kissing the same spot, biting lightly to drag out a breathy moan. He pushed against his chest gently, urging him to walk backwards out of the small bathroom. At the indignant huff he smiled, trailing his kisses black up to his ear, “I need more room to work.”
“Mm, someone needs to teach you the joys of fucking someone against a wall.”
He smiled and lifted him up, humming appreciatively when those legs wrapped around his waist, lazy arms draped around his neck, “next time.”
Reg scoffed but it was breathier than his usual, “bold of you to assume there’ll be a next time, Potter.”
“James, if you want me to touch you.”
The younger man huffed again but tilted his head back without an ounce of resistance when the brunette’s lips started their descent again, “we don’t have this much time, James.”
“I’ll bloody make time.” He almost tripped on his own drumsticks on his very distracted path to his bed, lowering the other down carefully and leaning over him, “fuck, I’ll steal time if I have to.”
“If you were so desperate, you should’ve just said something, darling.”
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hangmansgbaby · 5 months
Songbird P R O L O G U E
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"This is what I call a target-rich environment." Maverick smiles as they walk through the bar, their white naval uniforms on.
"You live your life between your legs, Mav." Goose replies to him.
"Goose, even you could get laid in a place like this." Mav smiles patting his back 
"I'm telling you, I'd be happy to find a girl who'd talk dirty to me." Goose replies walking up to the bar counter. He looks up and spots a pilot from earlier. "Mav, you want to know who the best is? That's him. Iceman. That's the way he flies, ice-cold, no mistakes. Just wears you down. You get bored, frustrated, do something stupid, and he's got you." Goose points out taking a swig of his beer before turning around. "Hey, hey, Slider. Thought you wanted to be a pilot, man. What happened?" Goose asks, playing with Slider's badges.
"Goose, you're such a dickhead. Whose butt did you kiss to get in here?" Slider questions.
"Well, the list is long but distinguished." Goose jokes.
"Yeah, well, so is my johnson." Slider returns, downing a shot.
"So you're flying with Iceman?" Goose asks.
"It's Mr Iceman to you." Slider bounces back.
"Hey, Mother Goose. How's it going?" Iceman says, shaking hands with Goose.
"Good, Tom." Goose shakes before introducing Maverick. "This is Pete Mitchell. Tom Kazansky."
"Congratulations on Top Gun." Iceman replies, turning to Pete.
"Thank you." Peter shakes his hand.
"Sorry to hear about Cougar. He and I were like brothers in flight school. He was a good man." Tom tells him.
"Still is a good man." Pete says.
"Yeah, that's what I meant." Tom replies.
"Thought so."
"Say, you need any help?" Tom asks Pete.
"With what?" Pete asks.
"You figured it out yet?" Tom questions, a smile on his face.
"What's that?"
"Who's the best pilot?" Tom smiles.
"No, I think I can figure that one out on my own." Peter returns.
"I heard that about you. You like to work alone."
"Mav, you must've soloed under a lucky star? I mean, first the MiG, and then you guys slide into Cougar's spot."
"We didn't slide into Cougar's spot. It was ours, okay?" Goose interjects.
"Yeah, well, some pilots wait their whole career just to see a MiG up close. Guess you guys are lucky and famous?" Slider takes another shot.
"No, you mean notorious. I'll see you later." Tom tells Maverick and Goose before him and Slider walk away.
"You can count on it." Pete replies. 
"They were abused children." Goose tells Pete.
"We're gonna have a good time." Pete smiles, clinking bottles with Goose.
"Always." Goose smiles before both take a drink.
"Okay, I guess it's my turn, isn't it?" Maverick says as a couple of girls smile and wave at him and Goose.
"All right, the bet is $20." Goose directs.
"$20." Pete nods.
"Right. You have to have carnal knowledge of a lady this time on the premises." Goose gives Pete.
"On the premises." Pete looks across the bar to see a blonde woman sit down, he smiles in her direction.
"Come on, Mav. A bet's a bet." Goose pushes, spotting who Maverick is looking at.
"I don't know, it just... It just doesn't seem fair. For you, I mean. But..." Pete places his hand on Goose's shoulder. "...she's lost that loving feeling."
"She's lost... No, she hasn't."
"Yes, she has."
"She has not lost that..."
"Goose, she's lost it." Pete walks away picking up a microphone.
"Mav. Come on." Goose follows him. "I hate it when she does that. Shit."
"Excuse me, miss." Pete taps the girl on her shoulder.
"Hey, hey, hey." Goose jumps between them with his aviators on. "Don't worry, I'll take care of this." 
"You never close your eyes any more, when I kiss your lips."Pete starts to sing.
"There's no tenderness, like before in your fingertips." Goose sings as the two boys rock back and forth snapping.
"You're trying hard not to show it." Pete sings.
"Baby but, baby Believe me I know it You've lost that loving feeling Whoa, that loving feeling You've lost that loving feeling Now it's gone, gone, gone Whoa, whoa, whoa Ba-doom, ba-doom ba-doom boom boom ba-doom." the whole bar starts singing along.
The girl smiles and nods to the seat next to her. "Sit down." Everyone cheers and claps as Pete takes a seat.
"Ba-doom ba-doom boom boom Ba-doom, ba-doom... Baby, baby get down on my knees for you Ba-doom, ba-doom Ba-doom boom boom."
"I love that song. I've never seen that approach." The girl smiles facing Pete. "How long have you two been doing this act?" She asks.
"Oh, I don't know, since..." Pete tries to come up with an excuse.
"Puberty?" She questions.
"Right, puberty." Pete laughs.
"I'm Charlotte Blackwood." She smiles.
"I'm Maverick." He introduces himself.
"Maverick? Did your mother not like you or something?" She laughs.
"No, it's my callsign."
"You're a pilot." She gasps.
"That's right, a naval aviator." He replies, matter of factly. 
"Oh." She nods.
"No, actually, we've only done this, twice." He tells her.
"Oh, how'd you do?"
"Well truthfully, I got my little girl out of the first. Not much else." Pete nods. 
"And second?" Charlie asks.
"I don't know. I'll tell you tomorrow. But it's looking good so far."
"Well, uh, Maverick, my friend's just arrived, so it's been great talking to you." She turns to her friend and hands him her things. "Oh, I'll be with you in just a second, okay?" She turns back to Pete. "Listen, can I ask you a personal question?"
"That depends."
"Are you a good pilot?"
"I can hold my own." Pete answers
"Great. Then I won't have to worry about you making your living as a singer." She smiles and walks away from him.
"I'm gonna need a beer to put these flames out. Yo! Great, Mav. Real slick." Pete sighs, taking a drink from his bottle. He notices her get up from the booth and walk to the bathroom and he follows her immediately after she makes eye contact with him.
"It was a long cruise, was it, sailor?" She asks, washing her hands.
"It was too long." He smiles walking up to her.
"What did you wanna do, just drop right down on the tile and go for it?"
"No, I actually had," he tests the durability of the bathroom counter, "had this counter in mind."
"Great, that would be very, very comfortable. Yeah." She says, throwing away the paper towel.
"It could be." He smiles moving closer. "Actually, I came in here to save you from making a big mistake with that older guy."
"Really?" Charlotte asks. "So I could go on to a bigger one with a young guy like yourself?"
"Maybe. No?"
"I've gotta be at work very early in the morning." She turns to walk away.
"Then what are you doing here?" He asks following her.
A few moments later she walks by Goose who sits at the bar with a beer.
"Your friend was magnificent." She tells him, walking by. Pete walks up to stand beside him as Goose looks between his best friend and Charlotte's retreating figure. Maverick holds a smug smirk on his face.
"Nah. Nah."
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"You still awake?" Goose asks, walking into Maverick's place.
"Yeah. What's up?" Maverick asks.
"Can't sleep." Goose says sitting on the arm of one of the chairs. "You know, when I first realised that we were going to Top Gun, all I could think about was getting that trophy." He sighs. "I gotta be straight with you, Mav. Right now, I just hope we graduate. I got a family to think about. I can't afford to blow this." Goose sighs. "Hell, you've got that little girl to think about."
"Yeah, I guess that flyby wasn't such a big hit, huh?" Maverick laughs lightly.
"Look, man, I know it's tough for you. They wouldn't let you in the academy because you're Duke Mitchell's kid and you have to live with that reputation. But it's like every time we go up there, it's like you're flying against a ghost. It makes me nervous." Goose tells him, pausing before he continues. "Ya know, she's turning into you day by day. Carole called me and I could hear her in the background tell Carole that she wants to fly like you. You gotta change the Mitchell reputation, otherwise she's gonna struggle like you are."
"I know," Pete sighs. "Ya know you're the only family I've got, right? I appreciate what y'all have done for us. I'm not gonna let you down. I promise you." Goose laughs before getting up to leave. "Get out of here." Goose leaves and Maverick goes back to thinking about the days events. The hop, breaking the hard deck, Viper's words. 
"Lieutenant Mitchell. Top Gun rules of engagement exist for your safety and for that of your team. They are not flexible, nor am I. Either obey them or your history."
He sighs, turning out the lights before going to bed.
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"This music." Pete smiles listening to it in the Sun Room of Charlie’s home.
"An old friend?" Charlie asks, sitting down after turning on the music.
"My folks loved it. I haven't heard this in years. My mother used to call down from her room and have me play this over and over again. I got so sick of it. But not her, she... Just sit up there alone, just listening, hours. Just listening. She died shortly after him." Pete explains from the doorway.
"What happened to your father?" Charlie asks, sitting up from the bench.
"I guess I kind of figured, with your security clearance, you'd know more about him than I do." Pete tells her.
"Well, I didn't get that far."
"Well, it's a big mystery. He disappeared in an F-4, November 5th, 1965. The stink of it was, he screwed up. No way. My old man was a great fighter pilot. But who the hell knows? It's all classified."
"Somebody must know." Charlie says
"Yeah, somebody knows everything." Pete mutters.
"Is that why you're always second best up there?"
"You are direct, aren't you? I'm sorry I was late." Pete apologizes
"I'm sorry for being direct." Charlie apologizes.
"No apologies." Pete mimics her.
"Well how about your daughter?" Charlie questions. "You kind of mentioned her at the bar."
"Oh Delilah? She is awesome, honestly the best 4 year old you will ever meet." Pete laughs.
"Does she live with her mom? Ya know since you're so busy in the air?" Charlie asks.
"No, actually her mom passed away when Delilah was born. She, uh, was a naval aviator too, and was on maternity leave at 8 and a half months pregnant when there was a massive emergency and no other pilots available to go up and help so she jumped on a jet and rushed out to help, completely disregarding the orders being shouted at her." Pete looks down while he talks. "She got hit, both engines out, she ejected and hit her head in the landing. " By the time they found her they had two options, save her or save the baby. Obviously they chose Delilah." Pete laughs slightly, looking down at his shoes.
"What's she like? Delilah, I mean." Charlie asks.
"She's a handful. I don't know a whole lot because of how little I've been around since her first birthday. She stays with Goose's wife and his son during my missions. But, uh, she told Carole that she wanted to be a pilot just like me. And gets into a lot of trouble at daycare cause she doesn't like being told what to do. Her words, literally." Pete laughs.
"Sounds like someone I know." Charlie laughs.
"Yea," Pete laughs. "I honestly can't wait to see her, Carole is flying in with the kids tomorrow."
"Oh that's great." Charlie smiles.
"Yea, I should uh, get going." Pete stands. 
"Where are you going?"
"I'm gonna take a shower. Thank you. I enjoyed being here." Pete smiles before grabbing his jacket, climbing on his motorcycle and leaving.
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"I told her how tough it is here." Goose says, talking to Maverick. They sat in one of the booths at the airport. "You know, my ass dragging like an old, tired dog. I told her that you didn't even have a woman here." Goose says.
"Oh, really." Pete laughs picking up his gift for Delilah.
"You know what she said?" Goose starts laughing as he picks up a toy plane and a single rose. "Said, 'Oh, he probably doesn't have one, he's got eight'." The boys laugh as they walk out the doors to the tarmac. Goose takes off running at the sight of Carole and the kids.
"Ahhhhh hi!" Carole screams as Goose places the rose in her hand and wraps her in a large hug. 
"Daddy!" Bradley and Delilah shout simultaneously, Goose squats down to give Bradley a kiss on his head before picking him up in a huge hug. Delilah talks off running towards Pete, he smiles and drops down to her level as she reaches him, her arms wrapping around his neck quickly.
"Hey kiddo." Pete has a huge smile on his face and Delilah holds him tightly. "I missed you."
"I missed you too." The 4 year old leans back and looks at the toy in his hand. "Is that for me?" She questions softly.
"Of course it's for you, my future little pilot." He hands her the toy F-14 and plants a kiss on her cheek. Delilah giggles as she plays with her new toy. Carole and Goose walk up to them with Bradley in Goose's arms. 
"Uncle Pete!" Bradley shouts, reaching for Pete. 
"Bradley!" Pete cheers as Bradley jumps into his other arm.
"So, Maverick," Carole says as they walk out of the airport. Both of the kids are still in Pete's arms while Carole and Goose carry the luggage. "Goose tells me you're in love with one of your instructors."
"Is that right?" Pete asks glaring at Goose before walking off with the kids.
"I... I didn't tell her that." Goose defends himself.
"Yes, you did." Carole replies.
"I can't believe you said that. That was a secret." Goose mutters to her before kissing her again.
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Goose, Carole, Charlie, and Maverick sit in a booth with Delilah and Bradley sat in between Charlie and Carole. 
"What should we get?" Bradley whispers behind the menu to Delilah.
"Our usual." Delilah giggles, tucked behind her menu. 
"I like your thinking, princess." Bradley calls Delilah by his nickname for her. No one quite knows where the 4 year old boy learned that but they find it adorable how the two are with each other.
"Looks like I won't be chasing any boys away when they are older, Goose. Bradley here will be doing it for me." Pete laughs, his arm slung behind Charlie on the back rest.
"That or you'll be chasing Bradley from Lilah." Goose laughs.
"What can I get y'all?" The waitress asks. All of the adults order before Carole looks at the kids. "Honey what do you want?"
"My girl and me want chicken strips, please." Everyone busts up laughing.
"I'll get right on that." The waitress smiles.
"Oh I'm definitely in trouble." Pete laughs.
"Shall we dance, my lady?" Bradley offers to Delilah.
"We shall." Delilah giggles as her and Bradley crawl under the table and onto the dance floor, dancing together.
"Now where did our son learn that?" Carole laughs.
"Oh honey I think he's watching us a lot closer than we thought. Shall we dance, my lady?" Goose asks his wife, pulling her from her seat and onto the dance floor. 
Soon Charlie and Maverick join them laughing and dancing before Pete interrupts Delilah and Bradley's dance to pick up his daughter and dance with her. Goose picks up Bradley and sets him down on top of the piano as the music ends. Suddenly Delilah is up there too before Pete sits down with Charlie and Carole.
"You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain! Too much love drives a man insane." Goose sings, playing the piano. The kids singing along. "You broke my will. Oh, what a thrill! Goodness gracious, great balls of fire!" 
"Maverick, would you go fetch him?" Carole asks, jumping in her seat at Goose's singing. "Doesn't he ever embarrass you?"
"Goose? Hell, no." Maverick answers. "Well, there was the time..."
"Admiral's daughter." Carole elbows Mavericks side.
"What?" Pete reacts.
"Come on. He told me all about the time you went ballistic with Penny Benjamin." Carole laughs, causing Charlie to start laughing.
"Did he? Well, that's great." Maverick smiles softly, looking at Charlie.
"He tells me about all of them, Maverick." Carole laughs. "How my little angel, Goose, goes home early for church, and you, you always go home with the hot women."
"All right, thank you, Carole." Pete's cheeks flush as he gets up. "I'm gonna go embarrass myself with Goose for a while."
"Dancing!" Bradley and Delilah cheer from their spots.
"You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain!" Pete joins Goose and the kids, messing with the kids while singing. "Too much love drives a man insane! You broke my will, oh, what a thrill! Goodness gracious, great balls of fire!" Pete shouts with Goose, his head next to Goose's while they make funny faces making the two 4 year olds laugh.
"I would love to be able to warn you off about Maverick, but I just love him to death." Carole laughs. "You know, I've known Pete for a lot of years now, and I'm telling you, one thing's for certain. There are hearts breaking wide open all over the world tonight."
"Why?" Charlie questions.
"Because unless you are a fool, that boy is off the market. He is 100 percent, prime-time in love with you." Carole points to Charlie before turning back to the boys and kids. "Hey, Goose, you big stud!"
"That's me, honey." Goose calls back from the piano.
"Take me to bed or lose me forever." Carole calls back.
"Show me the way home, honey." Goose calls, still playing the piano. "Come on, kids, sing with the family." Goose looks up at the kids as Carole comes up to them and sits in Goose's lap."You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain! Too much love drives a man insane! You broke my will, oh, what a thrill! Goodness gracious, great balls of fire!" Everyone sings as Charlie joins the group.
Taglist: @kmc1989 @og-baby-ob-14 @merishfit @mamamaystbr @atarmychick007 @hiireadstuff @els-marvelvsp @erospecies @mariaenchanted
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lazywolfwiccan · 1 year
The Badger and The Snake: 1
Note: All the first years are fourteen and graduate Hogwarts at twenty in this, Derek is sixteen while Stiles is fourteen
Tagging: @axelwolf8109 @ozzypawsbone-princeofbarkness @lynsrosegarden @pollyna @taechnology777 @greek-freak101 @thebejeweledwatercat
Board by the talented af @ravenclaw-seeker
Eventually pairings: Stiles x Derek, Allison x Lydia, Issac x Scott, Ethan x Jackson, Aiden x Cora.
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"Let me look over you" Noah Stilinski fretted over his son, Stiles was slightly uncomfortable but kept it in. To be fair, neither of them knew Stiles was a wizard until about two months ago.
"You write letters to me whenever you can okay?" Noah held his son's shoulder. "Of course dad" Stiles got surprisingly choked up. Noah hugged him close and let go after a minute.
"Give them hell kid" Stiles laughed and boarded the train.
He walked to the first compartment he saw. "Can I sit here?" "Sure" A tan skinned kid smiled politely, his companion rolling his eyes but not saying.
"I'm Stiles" "I'm Danny" Danny turned to his friend. "Jackson" The other kid rolled his eyes again. Another boy ran in, hiding in a corner. "What did you do this time McCall?" Jackson grinned.
"Might've angered the Steiner twins" He squeaked. "I told them Slytherin and Ravenclaw are for smart people and they aren't smart"
"One of this days you're gonna get punched" Danny laughed.
"Yeah yeah, I'm Scott by the way" He held out his hand to Stiles who shook it. "I hope I'm in Slytherin" Jackson said. "Ravenclaw" Danny said.
"Gryffindor" Scott sighed. "I don't really have one I want" Stiles shrugged. "That's smart, you won't be disappointed then"
Stiles giggled and even Jackson cracked a smile. "Hey Jackson" A young girl with long black hair walked in. "Hey cus" He teased.
"Stiles, Scott, Danny" He introduced quickly. "This is my cousin Cora" "Hi" She waved politely. "So Derek and Laura are definitely trying out for Quidditch this year"
"After they flew into our house twice?" Cora laughed. "I still can't believe my dad's gonna be the potions teacher" Jackson hid his face.
"Peter Hale?" Scott tilted his head. "Uh yeah" "Damn dude"
"Am I supposed to know this? I'm technically muggle born" Stiles muttered. "The rest of our family died in a house fire when we were babies, my dad and cousins survived, it was rumored that a rival wizarding family did it" Jackson said bitterly.
"What if I don't get sorted" Scott whined nervously. "Maybe they'll keep you because of pity" Danny joked. "Ha ha"
Stiles couldn't hear anything, not the headmaster who Jackson was glaring at, not the fricking hat singing.
"Allison Argent!" A teacher called out. Jackson looked like he was about to throw something, Cora glared. Two teens from the Slytherin table looked away like she was beneath them, a teacher clenched his jaw but manages to look unbothered.
"Ravenclaw!" The hat yelled out. "That was awkward" Scott said.
"Cora Hale!" Cora took a deep breath. "Slytherin!" She whooped and ran to her brother and sister, who Stiles deduced were Derek and Laura.
"Isaac Lahley!" A young boy with curly blonde hair but too pale skin walked up shaking. "Gryffindor!"
"Lydia Martin!" A girl with strawberry blond hair skipped forward with confidence. "Slytherin!"
"Danny Māhealani" Danny patted Jackson on the back. "Slytherin!" "Aw man"
"Scott McCall!" Scott squeezed Stiles' arm, Stiles squeezed back
"Gryffindor!" Scott almost ran to the table with the Sorting hat on, the Slytherin teen boy that Stiles saw earlier, Derek, covered his mouth to keep from laughing.
"Aiden Steiner!" Aiden shoved past Stiles. "Ravenclaw!" "Wait what?" Aiden's twin said scandalized. "That's what happens when you act like a fool" Jackson whispered to Stiles who laughed.
"Ethan Steiner!" Ethan looked absolutely miserable. "Slytherin!" "They can separate twins?" "I guess"
"Stiles Stilinski!" Stiles was happy that it apparently didn't show his full name. 'Hmm, you're definitely loyal and smart, let us see' The hat said in Stiles' head. "Better be, Hufflepuff!" Stiles went to the table that was clapping for him.
Scott gave him a thumbs up and a grin. "Jackson Whittemore!" "Slytherin!" Peter Hale smiled genuinely and clapped for his son.
"I'm Kira!" The prefect sitting by Stiles shook his hand. "This is...wow" He grinned at all the food. "The head of house is my mom"
"That's so cool!" Stiles grinned.
Allison Argent was laughing with a few other Ravenclaws, Scott was arm wrestling with another Gryffindor, and Jackson and Danny were flirting with a couple of Slytherins.
"Boys dorm is here, you'll have to room with Boyd and Liam" Kira said. Stiles was looking around the Hufflepuff common room in awe. "I love plants" He grinned. Kira smiled fondly.
"Yo" Boyd waved from his bed, Liam looked at Stiles with a small glare. "Hi" Stiles waved.
"We're second years, you're our only first year so..." Liam mumbled. "He's just cranky because he wants to cuddle with his boyfriend from Gryffindor. I still says Theo is crazy enough to be a snake!"
"Shut your face" Stiles laughed and sat on his bed, taping a picture of his dad onto the headboard.
Day one of Hogwarts had done well, hopefully the next months did too.
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themculibrary · 1 month
Rich!Tony Masterlist
Black AmEx (ao3) - copperbadge G, 4k
Summary: Bruce isn't sure he wants to use a credit card Tony gave him. Steve isn't sure he even knows how.
Brooklyn Cats (ao3) - SushiOwl steve/tony E, 29k
Summary: (No Powers AU)
Steve Rogers is an art student who is comfortable being depressed and alone. Tony Stark comes along and messes that all up.
buy the brooklyn bridge (ao3) - plingo_kat steve/tony G, 3k
Summary: It’s a whole new world, and Steve finds himself fitting in pretty well. Especially with Tony Stark as a guide.
Can’t Stop Us RoboDads (ao3) - justanotherpipedream, rebelmeg T, 13k
Summary: The story of how a genius rich kid from New York and a poor military-bound kid from South Philly meet, get into shenanigans, birth a few bots, and forge a life-long friendship.
Discretionary Spending (ao3) - midgetnazgul G, 7k
Summary: Fill for a prompt on the Avengers kinkmeme.
Original prompt: Tony really enjoys buying/building the other Avengers things they mention wanting or needing. Natasha mentions this obscure brand of expensive chocolates she once enjoyed on a mission and can't seem to find? Tony orders some in bulk. Bruce misses a certain tea, or mentions in passing that he wants a piece of lab equipment? Already bought it, and here I made adjustments so the equipment is even better than it was! Steve wants a really old film that's only on VHS and is really hard to find? Oh, I just had it in storage… Clint likes perching up high, but lacks enough places to do so in comfort? Was just about to remodel the place anyway. Thor mentions some obscure Nordic food that he misses? Tony knows just the place…
Point being, they eventually catch on to the fact that Tony notices things, and proceeds to do what needs to be done to get those things for them. No matter how often he stays in his lab for three days in a row, or how much he throws sarcastic comments, or acts just plain rude, he cares a lot. This leads to the entire team being nicer as a whole to Tony.
Diamonds Are A Girl’s Best Friend (ao3) - camichats wanda/tony E, 14k
Summary: Wanda ends up as Tony Stark’s sugar baby to help get her through college. Getting into that relationship was the last thing she expected and falling in love came as a surprise to both of them.
Down On The Farm (ao3) - tellxmebby steve/tony E, 7k
Summary: Tony laughs, throwing an old rag at the blond man, who bats it away in the air. "Fuck you."
"Mm," Steve rolls back under the car with a newly fitted socket, "maybe later."
Steve grins up at the chrome above him at the lack of response. It must take Tony a minute to recover, but when he does Steve hears him huff.
Faithless (ao3) - TheZev mary jane watson/tony E, 7k
Summary: While living in Stark Tower, Mary Jane decides she’s had enough of being Peter Parker’s broke wife. Now she’d rather be Tony Stark’s rich sugar baby.
Living ain’t cheap (ao3) - Strength_in_pain N/R, 2k
Summary: “I thought our utility bill would be lower. Shit shit shit.” May cried, running a hand through her hair. Or Peter is worried about May because their financial struggles have gotten worse and he ends up needing Tony Stark.
people like you must be the world’s loneliest creatures (ao3) - avienexjel bucky/tony N/R, 96k (WIP)
Summary: Tony Stark is rich, popular, and an arrogant asshole. In other words: his IQ rivals Einstein’s, he’s slept with most of his friends at least once, and he’s so fucking lonely that sometimes he wakes up in the middle of the night in the dark and cries into the cold sheets on the other side of the bed.
It’s no different at his new boarding school called SHIELD, at first. Half of the students love him to death, the other half want to murder him, nothing new. That is, until Tony accidentally breaks James Barnes’s prosthetic arm and he finds the most vulnerable pieces of himself crawling their ways to the surface whether he wants them to or not.
peter’s stars (ao3) - IronPengu, parkrstark steve/tony T, 175k
Summary: Steve and Peter lose their apartment and are kicked out on the streets. Steve has to juggle between jobs to earn whatever money he can, take care of his son while resfusing to let him realize how much they’re trouble in, and keep them warm and safe on the city streets in winter.
So, he really doesn’t have time to date the billionaire that flirts with him everyday as he buys his cup of coffee. Even if he did, he can’t let himself fall for the man. Because if he knew that he lived from a backpack and showered in a public bathroom there’s no way he’d still want him…right?
Rich Man, Poor Man (ao3) - sassyfangs13 steve/tony G, 1k
Summary: Steve grew up in a time when sharing what little you had was the norm so when Tony starts buying him rediculous gifts he doesn't really know what to say.
the weight of water (ao3) - citsiurtlanu steve/tony M, 31k
Summary: Tony Stark is a rich socialite who’s reached a dead end in his life. Steve Rogers is a poor artist who works from job to job. Both of them are passengers on the biggest ship in the world. Yup, it’s a Titanic AU.
To Destroy a Legacy, to Ruin a Legend. (ao3) - AniAuthor N/R, 1k
Summary: Tony Stark doesn't need his armor or even to fight Steve Roger's team to destroy them. He just needs what he always had: his empire that he and his father built, his wealth, and control over the media. After all, you don't take a multi-million empire and turn it into a multi-billion empire by letting others walk all over you. Read to find out how Tony Stark destroys Team Captain America without even fighting after T'Challa uses his influence to pardon them in the States.
Trophy of a One Night Stand (ao3) - BurdenedWithPointlessPurpose tony/stephen E, 35k
Summary: Becoming a professor had never been on Tony’s dream list. As a single parent with a child though he is hoping it will provide everything they need in their life. Stability. Structure. Satisfaction. It all sounds plausible in theory, at least until he really gets there and an Alpha uproots his plans. Although it’s actually debatable in the best way. He may have not sought his son’s birth Alpha out, but apparently life has its own plans after all.
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riveriafalll · 4 months
Writeblr introduction I guess?
Guess what bitches (affectionate) I’ve been here for like six months and I’m finally making a writeblr introduction. I have just vibed within the community for all this time, and I reckon it’s time to actually confirm my existence as an actual writer.
A bit about me: you can call me River, I mainly write fanfiction for quite a few fandoms, I’m a full time student, I use all pronouns (agender bitches for the win) and autistic currently seeking diagnosis.(in this economy? I know, right?)
I’m open for all tag games and asks (please include me, I promise I won’t procrastinate on the tag game until it’s three weeks later and it’s too awkward to post it then)
Here is my master list of wips, categorised by fandom. The majority of these are not being regularly written in, but they all will one day find a home on the archive I promise.
I will link them up to their respective WIP introduction pages as they happen, if you want to hear about one sooner, let me know <3
Harry Potter
No Time to Die: Drarry au where I kill off Draco in the first scene, have many clever plot-fixes and throw in as much LGBTQ rep as I can
Aelia Lovegood - Luna Lovegood has a pyromaniacal twin who is trying to fix racism by punching Nazi children in the face. It’s mostly working
Oh dear it’s a time loop fic - Draco and Hermione are trapped in a time loop, what will they do? (Troll everyone for basically eternity, and try not to go mad)
The fic where Harry is a sociopath, and goes full homicidal mode on Voldemort along with a scary Hermione and a power-hungry Ron - eh the title explains it well enough
when stars collide (a black hole forms) - a person from our world falls into the HP universe, and immediately tries to mother hen her family out of being evil. Callidora is the twin sister of Bellatrix, and spends the next thirty or so years attempting to fix everyone through the power of love. It works most of the time.
Harry Potter and the job he should have gotten - thirteen years after the end of the War, Minerva McGonagall has a staffing crisis and breaks into people’s homes until they agree to teach. Harry/Theo Knott, Hermione/Pansy and Draco girlbossing it by himself while figuring out how to be a single father.
Of Godparents and Aunt-sassins - Jokingly, a couple name the godparent of their new child as Loki. No one expects him to except. Ava is a menace, Loki is a gender fluid icon, a wonderful brother and a terrible influence, Natasha is the vodka aunt, Clint is the fun uncle, Cooper Barton is the responsible one, Peter is a tiny adorable baby who gets adopted, and the Avengers live the 2012 Tower life
SHIELD: An Unofficial Guide - based off the SHIELD survival tips blog here on tumblr, written up in a guide-book form, complete with neatly organised chapters and unique anecdotes
A Glitch in the System - Glitch, a winter-widow and the last remanent of HYDRA, is sent to assassinate the Avengers. When she fails, she runs away and meets a certain spider-child on a rooftop. Featuring a teenage Loki, an amnesiac Pietro and a certain blonde widow, who’ve all moved into May Parker’s apartment, and a lot of miscommunication between just about everyone
Loki doki timey wimey - set during Thor:Ragnorok, Tony and co notice that Loki has reappeared on Midgard, and promptly break into Doctor Stranges house to question him. Dr S promptly gets very annoyed by Tony and Lokis inability to get on, and sends them away to the magical equivalent of a get along shirt, which goes wrong and leaves Tony and Loki stranded in a time loop. They’re under the impression that the loop will break when they learn to get along, Dr Strange is doing nothing to disillusion them of that.
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(This is the image that my beta once_and_future_fandoms made when I ranted about it to them)
Another life - something I started before the Loki show came out (take that Marvel), starts at the beginning of Infinity War, when a female Loki dies at the hands of Thanos, meets the personification of the universe, merges with the Tesseract, leaving her with a shapeshifting familiar and teleporting powers. She then travels briefly through the multiverse and lands in the OG Marvel universe, with a Tom Hiddleston themed Loki and attempts to fix stuff through the power of having a giant snake and knives.
Bucky and the time he lived in the woods with his murder daughters - Bucky escapes from HYDRA in the 90s with Natasha and Yelena. They live in the mountains of Romania together, learning how to be actual real life people and incidentally becoming cryptida along the way. Natasha and Yelena join SHIELD in their early twenties, and continue happily along their way in the canon plot, until their father James comes to visit the Avengers Tower after the Battle of New York, and bumps into a familiar blonde…
Woahhhh it’s Emmy - Emmy, (long for MJ, short for Mary Junior), is the standard extra Winchester OC, twin sister of Sam, who is almost as bad at talking through her problems as Dean is. While Sam went to Smamford, and Dean ran around with John, Emmy started a weapons dealing company for hunters, travelling around under the guise of an occult shop. She reluctantly joins back up with her brothers in season 1, just to make sure her dumbasses don’t get themselves killed. She solves half of the shows problems with a glock.
Doctor Who
Who the fuck is Sally Sparrow? - Kat Sparrow has grown up knowing that things live in the darkness. The Sparrows are known by all the intelligence agency’s of the world, for their abilities to find and trap those things. Their specialty? Angels. When River Song appears on her doorstep one night, telling her that she has an angel to catch, Kat does the only thing she can, and joins the Doctor, River and Amy in the TARDIS to catch it. Kat thinks it’s fantastic, Amy enjoys having a friend whos roughly her age, and River is cryptic as ever. The Doctor, however, would really like to know how the hell a human girl is capable of subduing the most deadly creature in the universe.
Redo of Sally Sparrow except there’s no Sally Sparrow and a completely different plot line - When River tumbles into the TARDIS at the start of the infamous Maze of the Angels episode, she brings someone else with her - her adopted daughter, Astra. Unknown to 11, Astra is his child from the future, the result of a coupling between 12 and Missy, who was partially raised by both of them and the other half by River. Featuring: Astra is briefly evil and genocidial, Astra gets therapy with 14 and Donna, Astra flirts constantly with half of his companions, River, Missy and 13 all walk into a bar, and the combination of lesbianism causes a rift in time and space, and someone really needs to stop 12 from naming people after his past companions.
The Vampire Diaries
TVDeeznuts - Cassie Gilbert, twin sister of Jeremy, heads off to an out of state boarding school after being compelled by Damon in an attempt to protect the first person to have trusted him unconditionally in the last hundred and fifty years. Yes, he might have been a crow for half of it, but the thought is what counts, right? Unfortunately, being the danger magnet she is, Cassie immediately manages to befriend a local artist by the name of Nik Mikaelson. Three kidnappings later, Cassie is the first honorary Mikaelson since Marcel. Let’s just hope it doesn’t go quite as bad as his did.
Shadow hunters
Making my OCs be adopted by a bunch of vampires has nothing to do with my parental issues I promise - Autumn, a rather shy twelve year old, is Turned into a vampire rather unexpectedly by a less than stable Maureen who wants to be best friends forever. She immediately attaches herself to Raphael, who is horrified, but ultimately decides that he can use the situation to gaslight Magnus into believing that she’s always been around. Autumn has no objections, Lily thinks it hilarious, and Elliot is just happy to have a little sister.
Shadow hunting my multiple mental illnesses - Astoria Fray is perfectly normal. She does her homework, eats far too many chips, and goes out to parties with her best friends Lily, Elliot and Raphael. And then her mom gets kidnapped, her sister goes missing, her uncle won’t talk to her, and a very sparkly man tells her that he’s a friend of her mothers and that she can stay at his place. And as if that wasn’t enough, turns out that she’s not human, her dad is shadow hunter Hitler, and vampires, werewolf’s and warlocks are real.
At least Lily and Raphael are still normal. Right?
we'll never get free (lamb to the slaughter) - Magnus Bane is forced to baby-sit a precocious, morally-grey Warlock child. It goes about as well as you'd imagine.
Fourth Wing
Fourth wing more like fortieth wip - Elyrion Melgren (currently going under the name Elyrion Foxe) lived in Tyrrendor for the first fourteen years of her life, while her father led the armies of Navarre, spending her days exploring the city with her best friend Xaden. Six years later, she hasn’t seen Xaden since the apostasy, and has been forbidden by her father to go into the Riders, as he doesn’t want her to interact with the Marked Ones. Elyrion promptly ignores his orders, crosses Parapet, and joins the revolution.
Throne of Glass
Cadre Coparenting - what could go wrong? -Two years after Aelin Galathynius was born, her sister, Aurelia arrived. Born with powers of darkness and death, Evalin and Rhoe have no choice but to send her to the only person with experience in controlling powers like hers - her Aunt, Maeve. Maeve promptly passes the child off to her loyal bloodsworn until she’s old enough to be useful to her. Between the six of them, the Cadre just about manage to raise a singular child, despite Aurelia's best attempts to be difficult. It’s entirely her fault that half of Doranelle now believes that Lorcan and Rowan are divorced, and co-parenting their daughter together with Gavriel and Vaughan, their new partners, and Fenrys and Connall, her brothers.
Twi-mental breakdown-light - Twilight if Bella had a precocious ten year old sister, and Edward and Bella raise her in aroace solidarity. Esme is delighted that she finally gets a grandchild, and Emmett is not responsible enough to baby sit.
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andydrysdalerogers · 9 months
Yours Submissively ~ Consequences
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Steve Rogers X OFC Isabella Davis
Summary: Five Years after the events of Civil War, Steve Rogers has moved on from avenging and has started his own business, Grant Inc. He has a secret that would turn his world upside down. And he's good at keep that secret. Until he meets the woman with violet eyes that could bring him to his knees. Now his mission is to make her, his. But she is the key that could bring the world into balance... or chaos.
And she has no idea.
Series Warnings: slow burn at the beginning, smut, angst, sexual themes of BDSM, dom/sub dynamics, kidnapping, loss of virginity, (and a bunch of others that will come up)
A/N: I was guilt tripped into posting this. For the record, I wasn't going to abandon you on the last part. But after this post, we have just four parts left. Eek!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Banners by me!
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
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Previous: Devious
Series Masterlist ~ Main Masterlist
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Four months later… 
Steve walked down to the cells, lost in thought. He looked tired, deep in his emotions. Dressed in all black as he had been for months, he brought down a small package with him, a gift for an old friend.  As he walked through the empty cells, he thought back through his life.  How one person changed his life.  As he approached the final cell, he sighed.  “Hello Sharon.”  
“Steve!  I didn’t think you would visit me.”  Sharon Carter looked dirty, tired, her blonde hair dull and flat.  She had been in the cell for four months, stood trial and found guilty of treason and attempted murder.  She had planned Belle’s demise and now she would pay for it tomorrow with her life.  
Beck had left details of his plans and the players, all but sealing their fate when they were captured. It was the little solace that Steve found that justice had somewhat been served.  This was the final piece.  This person, not even a woman, had ended his hopes of a peaceful life. “I brought you something.”  
“A present for my execution. How curious.” Sharon looked at the man she loved with sorrow.  He was in pain, mourning.  “I could help you feel good,” she said with a sly smile.  
“Only my wife could do that,” Steve snarled at her.  “You are getting what you deserve.”  
“I wouldn’t have done it if I knew she was pregnant Steve.”  
“You’re a liar! You wanted Belle gone!” 
“I loved you!”  
“And I hate you,” he growled.  He threw the box through the slot in the glass.  
“What is it?” 
“Open it and see.” He stood in front of her, arms crossed.  
Sharon opened the box carefully.  She looked in saw a blue cloth. She pulled it out.  It was a blue onesie.  A tear formed in her eye when she spotted the pink color in the box.  Another onesie.  “Steve, I am…” 
“Save it!” Steve thought back to the day his life was turned upside down… 
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He jumped onto the jet with Belle and he and Bucky immediately started pressure on her as Tony flew, Wanda started IVs.  Peter, Nat, Sam and Clint stayed behind to gather intel and clear the scene.  As soon as the gauze was in place, Steve held Belle’s hand and the other on her belly.  “Please baby, please, don’t leave me,” he wept.  
“Two minutes Cap,” Tony called out.  “Where is she shot?” 
“The abdomen,” Bucky called back. “Its slowing but I don’t know about…” he trailed off.  
“I love you,” Steve whispered to Belle, kissing her knuckles.  “I need you.  I need our family, baby please, just stay alive.”  
Tony landed the jet at the hospital and Steve picked up Belle and ran her in.  “Please help, my wife, she’s pregnant and she’s been shot. Please.”  The doctors and nurses ran forward with a gurney and started to run her back.  Steve made to follow but a nurse stopped him.  
“We need to work on your wife.  Please wait here.”  
“Please, just do whatever you need to save them.”  
“We’ll do everything we can.” She turned to run after the gurney and Steve felt Bucky and Tony’s hands on his shoulders. His shoulders shagged and he began to sob.  The guys moved him to the chairs to wait.  Steve became quiet, staring at a spot on the floor.  Time felt like it was moving so slow.  The rest of the team showed up, sitting around. Tony began to pace as Pepper brought in coffee and snacks.  
“Captain Rogers?” 
Steve’s head snapped up to look at a tired looking doctor. He stood up with Bucky right next to him.  “Belle?” 
“Mrs. Rogers lost a significant amount of blood.  The bullet entered her side and nicked her liver.  We stopped the bleeding but luckily the liver is regenerative, and she will make a full recovery.”  Bucky sagged and clapped his back.  The rest of the team exhaled but Steve needed one more piece of information.  
“And the baby?” 
“Your babies are perfect.  The amniotic sac was not affected at all since she is only eight or so weeks pregnant.”  
Steve looked at the doctor, his face shocked.  “Babies?” 
“Oh.” The doctor looked embarrassed.  “I assumed you were aware.  Yes, twins. Your wife is carrying twins. As I said, she’s between eight to nine weeks.  They have strong heartbeats and are perfect for their age.” The doctor smiles.  “She is still unconscious after the emergency surgery but if you would like to see her, I can take you up?” 
“Yes, yes please.”  Steve headed to follow the doctor but turned.  “Buck?” 
“Yeah, I’m right behind you.”  
Steve looked at the team.  “Thank you, guys.”  
“We’ll be here Steve,” Sam said.  The team nodded and Steve and Bucky followed the doctor.  
“Captain, because of the blood loss it may take some time for Mrs. Rogers to come around.  We checked for any injuries to her head to be sure, but we didn’t see any.  Her body may just need time to recover from the shock. We have her hooked up to monitors and two fetal monitors, one for each baby so don’t be alarms by the amount of equipment.”  
“But she’ll be ok?”  
“Yes, like I stated, we expect her to make a full recovery. My recommendation is to relax, hold her hand and talk to her. We’ll keep checking on her until she is awake and discharged.”  
“Thank you doctor.”  
“Ok, right in here.”  He pointed to a door and Steve walked in.  Belle looked smaller than normal in the bed.  She skin was pale, a startling contrast to her black hair. She looked peaceful except for the noises of the monitors.  But what truly shocked him with the twin heartbeats coming from the fetal monitors.  
Steve froze.  The sounds stunned him.  His babies, his children, were real and alive inside of their momma. Bucky nudged him forward and Steve took shaky steps towards the bed.  He pulled a chair close and took Belle’s hand.  “I’m here, sweet pea.”  He kissed it gently.  “We’re all here waiting for you to wake up. I love you. I love you all so much and you are going to be so surprise.”  
Bucky came to the other side.  “Hey sweetheart. You rest ok.  You’re growing my nieces or nephews.”  
“God Buck. Two of them.”  
“I know punk. I can’t believe it.”  
Steve kept vigil at Belle’s bedside for the next twenty-four hours. Her heartbeat got stronger with time. The team rotated in with Steve with Nat and Bucky finally convincing him to change out of his suit and shower in the ensuite. As the warm water ran over his body, Steve took the moment lose himself in his feelings. He almost lost her. He almost ruined the best thing in his life.  He almost lost his children. He grew angry, thinking of the people who tried to take her away.  He climbed out of the shower and dressed.  He walked out to see Sam and Bucky sitting by Belle’s head.  “Any updates?” 
“Vision has Sharon in a cell in the tower.  I took all we found there for FRIDAY to analyze,” Sam replied.  
“They also have Lila there as well,” Bucky said with a hard voice. “Tony and Nat will begin their interrogation of her within the hour.”  
“Bucky, I’m sorry about Lila.”  
“Don’t be.  She used me and my love for her to take my best friend. I can’t forgive that.”  
Steve pulled Bucky in for a hug and held his best friend as he finally let some emotion shows. They talked quietly, with Steve never letting go of Belle’s hand.  A couple of hours later, Steve was leaning against the bed when he felt a movement in his hand. He blinked his eyes open and looked at Belle.  Her violet eyes open, still struggling but open. “Hi.” 
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He cuts Sharon off. “Jealous should be the word that comes out of your mouth.” Steve smirked at her.  “Belle is having twins. My boy and my girl.” He leaned forward to the glass.  “What? You think she died in that attack?” 
Sharon blinked. They never mentioned Belle’s status during the trial.  She just assumed she was dead. Sharon began screaming in rage, slamming her fist to the unbreakable glass. “You son of a bitch!” 
“I won’t be in the gallery tomorrow, Sharon. Enjoy death.”  Steve walked out of the cells, the sounds of Sharon’s screams fading with every step.  
“Was that necessary amore mio?” 
Steve spun to see Belle standing next to the doorway to the cells. “After what she tried to do to you and my children, absolutely.”  Steve placed his hand over Belle’s six-month bump.  “How are they today?” 
“Just flutters.  Should feel them any day.”  Belle smiled up at her husband.  
“I can’t wait. Wanna feel my princess and my boy.  
Belle smiled. “I wanna feel them too.” 
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“Hi sweet pea.”  He leaned forward to press his forehead to hers and then placed a gentle kiss to her lips. “I’m so happy you’re awake my love.”  He kissed her forehead and pulled back to look at her.  
“What happened?” 
“When you elbowed Beck, the gun went off and you were shot.  It was a through and through, but it nicked your liver.  You’re gonna be fine.”  
Belle nodded in understanding but suddenly gasped and sat up.  “The baby?” 
“Shh. Easy love. Everything is ok.  They are ok.  The babies are perfectly healthy and safe.”  
“Babies?  What do you mean babies?”  Belle reached for her stomach.  Steve laid his hand on top of hers.  
“Lay back Belle.  Its ok”. He laid her down and sat on the edge of the bed.  “You are pregnant with twins, my love.  They checked when they took you to surgery.”  
“Twins?  Oh my god, twins!” 
Steve lifted her hand and kissed her palmed and then placed her small hand on his face. The beard tickled her hand, and she smiled but Steve frowned. “I’m so sorry Belle.”   
“No let me finish.  I am so sorry for keeping the truth from you.  I’m sorry for lying.  I am so sorry that I put you here. Please don’t leave me.” Belle felt a few tears escape her eyes.  Steve cupped her face and used his thumb to clear the tears. “Please don’t cry love. Please, I am so…” 
“I’m sorry too,” she blurted out.  “I’m sorry I ran.  I’m sorry I didn’t listen. Please don’t hate me.”  
Steve climbed into bed with her as she clung to his shirt and cried. “I could never hate you.  You saved me from a life of solitude and darkness.  You brought color back into my life.  And all at once… 
You were the one I was waiting for,” she finished. “I love you.”  
“I love you. My baby momma.”  
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Belle spent the day of the execution in the nursery with Nat, Wanda, MJ and Hope, planning out the room. Mrs. Lewis was taking notes with Belle’s new assistant, Ava.  “I think we need to put the cribs here,” Belle pointed, “and the changing table and dresser here.  I would like to have twin rocking chairs because I know Steve will want to be in here with me when he can.”  
“Of course, Mrs. Rogers,” Ava said as she consulted measurements with Mrs. Lewis.  
“Oh Ava, before I forget, we have a dinner with the alumni association on Friday and I will need to attend with Steve. Bucky and Clint will also be attended but Clint is bringing Laura, so I need you to attend with Bucky.”  
“S-sure,” Ava stuttered, a flash of pink on her cheeks as she looked down at her tablet.  Belle noticed the flush but did not give it any attention but filing it for future use.  
“We need to make sure you have a formal dress, Ava.  So, we have a fitting at Vera Wang tomorrow.” She looked over the girl.  She was a strawberry blonde with green eyes. Petite but curvy. “Red, I think,” she said.  
“Oh, Mrs. Rogers…” 
“Nope, its Belle.”  She turned to Mrs. Lewis.  “Please make sure that Marco and Marie know it’s for three ladies.  Laura will be joining us unless of course Nat and Wanda are joining us as well.”  
“We can make an afternoon of it,” Nat said, understanding what she was trying to do with Ava and Bucky.  
“Perfect.” Belle clapped with glee until a look of shock crossed her face.  Her hand flew to her belly.  
“Belle?” Wanda looked at her.  Her eyes flashed red for a moment.  “Nat, we need Steve.”  Nat picked up her phone and called while the rest of the women crowded her. “Ok, let’s give her a moment alone,” Wanda said with a smile.  Steve and Bucky came running in.  
“Sweet pea?  What’s wrong?”  
Wanda approached Ava.  “Bucky, can you take Ava outside please?”  Bucky flushed slightly at the young woman and offered his arm.  He looked back at his best friends as they waited for the room to clear.  
“Baby, what’s wrong?” Steve looked at his wife.  
“Nothing,” she smiled.  She took his hand and placed it on the side of her belly.  
“Love, what…” 
“Just a second.”  They waited and then Steve’s eyes widen as Belle felt a kick to her side. He looked down at her belly and then back to her eyes.  “I think your son is saying hello.”  
“Oh…” he kneeled before his wife.  “Hello son.  Hey princess.  I’m your dad.”  A tear formed in his eye.  “I love you and your momma so much little ones.”  He stayed there a while, caressing her belly and talking to his children.  They were interrupted when Bucky walked in.  
“I’m sorry to interrupt but it’s done.” He looked down.  
Steve stood up and held Belle from behind, his hands on her belly.  “Did she say anything?” 
“Only professing her love for you and then Hail HYDRA.”  
Steve nodded. “Ok, well that’s that.  Come love, you should rest.”  
“Ok.”  No emotion crossed Belle’s face.  “Oh Bucky, since you will be attending the gala with us, I’ve asked Ava to be your escort for the evening.”  She watched as Bucky’s ears turned red as he patted the back of his head.  
“Oh, yes, well, ok, if you want, I guess I’m ok with that…” he stammered.  
Belle giggled.  Steve looked at her curiously before leading her to their room.  He laid her down on her sided and then climbed behind her, holding her to his chest.  “What do you know, sweet pea?” 
“I know that Bucky and Ava are crushing on each other,” she smirked.  “And I know that I love you.”  
“I love you more my queen.” He kissed her head and smiled.  “What about Clint?” 
“He’s bringing Laura.” She looked back at Steve, who had a shocked face.  “I think seeing what we went through, he didn’t want to be away from the love of his life anymore.  I know they divorced because he was an Avenger and thought he was protecting her.  I’m just glad he figured out that he couldn’t live without her.”  
“My little matchmaker,” Steve chuckled. “You need to rest love.”  
“I’m trying; I’m just so tense.  Carrying your children is tough.”  
“Hmm, well maybe something to help you with that.” Steve got a wicked look on his face as he reaches under her sundress and pulled her panties down.  He stroked between her folds. “Already so wet, love,” he whispered in her ear, pressing kisses to her neck.  
“Stevie,” she moaned.  He was aware of how sensitive she was so he went gentle and slow. He sank a finger into her and arched her back, her belly sticking out more. 
“Easy baby,” Steve held her close, letting her feel how turned on he was. He grasped her chin with his free hand to kiss her softly as he added another finger. She moaned into his lips.  
“Stevie, I need more.”  
Steve smiled as he eased her onto her back.  He snaked down as pushed her knees up. He kissed between her thighs and gently licked her folds.  She jolted up and Steve chuckled. “Feel good baby?” 
“Amore please,” she pleaded. Steve went in, tasting, sucking, drawing out unnatural noises from his wife.  Being pregnant made every touch be like a lightning through her. He could feel her starting to reach her peak.  
“Cum for me, my queen. Let me taste you.” With a silent scream, her body spasmed, making her see stars.  Steve coaxed her down before rolling her to her side again and he removed his jeans and boxers.  He got behind her again and lifted a leg, hooking it around his hip, opening her to him from behind.  Steve carefully slid into her heat.  She moaned loudly as Steve peppered her neck and cheek with kisses.  “You feel amazing as ever love.”  
“Stevie,” she cried quietly. He was gentle, not wanting to hurt or disturb his children.  
“You are a goddess, my love.  So warm and tight. Carrying my children.  You are even more beautiful now than before,” he whispered as he thrusted softly into her. She keened at the praise, placing her hands over his on her hips. She began to tighten again. “That’s my good girl, let go.” He wrapped his arms around her as she came again and he rutted two more times before spilling into her.  He could feel her body relax and she fell asleep with him still inside her.  He didn’t dare move, knowing sleep was hard to find for her now. But he was ok, in his happy place, inside his wife, holding his unborn children.  
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See... I can end a chapter on a nice note...
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braveclementine · 3 months
Chapter 23
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Warnings: None (anyone can read this story)
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. I do not condone any copying of this.
"𝓜𝓞𝓜! Mom!" Sebastian came running, his long brown hair flying out behind him as he raced across the ground. His little sisters- Scarlett and Winter- came toddling after them, their blond hair glistening in the sun. Their matching scarves tight around their neck.
"What's wrong?" I asked automatically, getting to my feet where I was sitting with Steve and Bucky. We'd been relaxing in the backyard of our house. Bucky was scrolling on a phone, his wedding ring winking in the sun by the firepit. Steve had kicked back with a newspaper, the complete contrast of Bucky. Meanwhile, I had been flicking through a new book I'd bought.
"Come look what we found." Sebastian said with a big goofy grin on his face. "You won't believe it."
"How about you bring it here?" Steve suggested, looking up. "Your mother isn't supposed to be on her feet to much right now."
That was true. I was pregnant with triplets that were due within the next month. I sat back down gingerly in my chair. Scarlett and Winter climbed up on Bucky's chair, both of them trying to get to his metal arm.
Without even looking at them, Bucky held his metal arm out over the chair and the two girls giggled, clinging to it as they dangled a few inches over the deck.
"What is so great about that phone?" Steve scolded Bucky.
Bucky barely glanced up. "Well, Clint told me I should check out Tinder. I don't know what it is exactly yet."
I started to laugh. "Oh my gosh that is such a Clint thing to do."
Steve looked repulsed, "Isn't that like porn or something?"
I dissolved into giggles again. "No! It's a dating site."
Bucky finally looked up and squinted at me. "Wait. But why do I need a dating site?"
"It's a joke." I replied, covering my smile terribly with my hand.
Bucky grumbled, swiping off the phone and clearly deleting an app. "What else did Clint tell you to check out?"
"Pornhub, but I already skipped that one. I'm not a complete idiot. Then something called OnlyFans, Reddit, and TikTok."
"Those are all complete garbage." I replied. "You don't have to look at them. Well, maybe Reddit if you're looking at cute baby animals."
"So what should I look at?" Bucky grumbled. "I don't understand."
"Umm. . . Pinterest. Instagram. Oh, definitely Wattpad." I rattled off my most used apps. "You can post about our family on Instagram if you want. And Wattpad is kind've like a fan base writing sort of thing. Although, I guess a lot of it is like written porn. And Pinterest is just kind've an aesthetic thing."
Sebastian came running back across the grass, holding a huge cardboard box.
"What in the world?" I asked. "Seb, what's in the box?"
"Look." Sebastian said, placing the box at my feet.
I peered in and saw that there were like eight or nine black baby kittens in the box. They could all easily fit in the palm of Steve's hand.
"Gosh Seb, where in the world did you find this?" I asked, eyes widening. "Was there no mother? They don't look to be old enough by themselves."
"There can't be a mother." Bucky said, having put the phone and children down. "Otherwise they wouldn't be in a box. This is a new box, they were only put in there today. Someone was. . ." He drifted off.
"Trying to get rid of them." I finished. "Like Mr. Peters did with me."
Bucky's hand clenched into a fist. Even after so many years, Mr. Peters and me being a kitten and him dumping me in the reflecting pool was still a sort spot for both Bucky and Steve.
"Yeah, that." Steve grunted, putting the newspaper aside.
"May he forever rest in hell." Bucky snarled.
"Buck." Steve and I patronized, motioning to the kids.
"I meant capital H- lower case e and two hockey sticks." Bucky rolled his eyes, patting Winter on the head.
"Bad daddy." Scarlett patronized, looking at him solemnly with her four year old eyes.
"That's right sweetheart, bad daddy." Steve said with a grin, winking at Bucky who grew rather flustered.
"What are we going to do with the kittens?" Bucky asked quickly, shifting uncomfortably in his seat.
"We can take care of them." I said with a shrug. "I mean, we'll have to get a special formula for them of course. Take them to the vet. But I don't see why we can't keep them, even if there are a lot of them."
"They're not any cousins of yours, are they doll?" Bucky asked with a sparkling grin.
I rolled my eyes. Every time we saw a cat, they immediately asked if I knew him or her. "If they are, I haven't been alerted to their Earthly presence."
Steve chuckled, standing up finally, coming over and rubbing my shoulders. "That's a lot of cats to name."
"I've got them." Bucky said comfortably. He pointed to each one as he named them, "Alpha, Calypso, Cloud, Cosmo, Luna, Nova, Sirius, and Stella."
Steve, Sebastian, Winter, Scarlett, and I all looked at him in surprise. Bucky shrugged, cheeks burning again, "They're all space names. I mean, you kids can name them if you want."
"I like them dad." Sebastian said eagerly. "They're great names."
"I like Luna the best!" Scarlett declared, scooping up the kitten that Bucky had dubbed 'Luna'.
"Gently Scar." Steve said and showed her the best way to hold the kitten and how you had to hold her gently. I caught Bucky's eyes and we both smiled. Every single time Steve did something fatherly with the kids, it actually turned both of us on. Except at the moment I was to big to actually do anything except lay there.
"Alright." Bucky said quickly, scooping up his phone and putting it in his back pocket. "It's been a long, busy day. Let's get the cats in, make sure them have some water at least, maybe a little chicken. Actually, it might be better if we started them off on cat food right? Then they won't be picky like you." He nudged me a little.
Rolling my eyes once more, I waddled into the house. Steve and Bucky helped the kids in the kitchen get the kittens all ready while I climbed into bed. I could only lay on my back at this point, but I knew very soon I wasn't going to be getting any sleep at all with triplets.
Steve and Bucky put the kids to bed, before coming in and laying down next to me. Steve slipped his ring off to put it on the dresser next to the bed. He rolled over again to hug me from one side. Bucky on the other.
"Kittens are in the kitchen. Kids are in their beds. All the shades are closed, lights are out, and all the doors and windows are locked." Bucky said before yawning, snuggling into me.
"Thank you love." I mumbled, closing my eyes, letting my men be my warmth.
"We love you Y/N." Steve muttered.
"I love both of you too." I said quietly, falling asleep as it started to snow outside.
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yelenasdiary · 2 years
Heyy! Could I request for the Advent Calendar Natasha Romanoff x reader where it's reader's first Christmas at the compound with the team and reader doesn't know what to give them. Reader asks Natasha cause she needs help for Christmas presents for the team. Thanks! Love your stories
☃️ Romanoff's List ☃️
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Summary: Natasha helps you buy gifts for the team.
Fluff | 0.8K | No Warnings | 
AC: Once again, I am here with crappy gift ideas lmao! I hope you enjoy this!!
Day 11 | Advent Calendar Masterlist 🎄
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"Agh! It's impossible!" You groaned while Natasha was getting ready for bed, "what is?" she asked, pulling her pj bottoms up, "What the hell do I buy the team for Christmas?!" you looked to her, "Besides Wanda, Thor and Scott, I have no idea what the hell to get the others" you explained while looking down at your notes on the small notepad you had written everybody's name on. 
"Just get them whatever you think they'll like" Nat suggested as she made herself comfortable in bed, looking over at you as you chewed the end of your black pen. "Nooo" you sighed, "I want to make sure I get everybody something they'll all love and enjoy" you added. Natasha reached over and grabbed your notepad and gently took the pen from your lips, "it's work it out in the morning" she spoke, "We'll go to the mall and look around, okay?" she smiles before placing the notepad and pen on the bedside table. 
"But Natty" you pouted, "no buts, baby" Natasha turned over and pulled you into her arms causing you to giggle at her actions when she started to playfully tickle you, "Fine, you win!" you said in laughter only then did the blonde stop and pulled you closer to her. "What am I going to do with you huh? My little stressing love bug" she whispered as she placed a kiss on your check before nuzzling gently into the back of your neck. "Did I just hear that correctly? The big, tough, black widow call me love bug?" You teased, "Tell anybody and that'll be the last thing you do" Natasha joked.
After breakfast and a sneaky shower together and you were both ready to hit the mall. You knew how much Natasha hated the mall, so you opted to make it a quick trip and not drag her around to every shop. You had your list of names to tick off, making sure you didn't miss anybody and of course, Natasha was quick to lock hands with you as you walked through the mall. "Are you going to help with this or are you just going to let me question everything?" you asked Natasha with a playful smirk, "Seriously baby, if you find something and you think that person will love it, get it. It's not about the gift, it's the thought. That's what you told me when we had our first Christmas together" Nat replied, kissing your cheek.
Store after store and you still couldn't find anything for the others. You managed to tick Wanda, Thor and Scott off your list as expected. Getting Wanda, a gift pack of the candles she loves so much, anytime you visited her room, all you could smell was one of her candles burning. Scott was easy, anything witty and stupid and he'd find a laugh in it so getting him the 'True Bonny Boy Liquor Dispenser' would get more than enough laughs out of him on Christmas Day. For Thor, it was super easy, anything and very thing was interesting to him and given that he'd recently been playing video games you thought why not buy him a controller holder of himself. 
Natasha shook her head when you proudly showed off the gift you had got Scott, "he'll love it!" you chuckled, "I think he's going to love it a little too much" Natasha cocked a brow, "now, for the others, what do you have in mind?" she asked. 
"Well, Vision I thought maybe some books, cooking books to be exact"
Natasha chuckled and agreed, "I think Wanda would appreciate that more than Vision" 
While sitting in the food court for lunch, you ran through some other ideas you had for Maria, Carol, Peter and Steve but the others you were too stuck on. Natasha threw a few ideas at you and eventually the two of you came up with the perfect little ideas for gifts. 
Sitting around the Christmas tree at the compound, you were sitting on Natasha's lap as she rubbed your back gently, something she always did to remind you she was still here even though you could clearly see her. You all let the kids open their gifts first, watching them throw wrapping paper everywhere was fun to watch but seeing the look on their faces at their new toys was something you enjoyed the most. After the kids had opened their gifts and took them out back to play, Tony started handing out gifts from him, Pepper and Morgan.
 When it was your turn to hand out the gifts from you and Natasha you were just excited to see the look on their faces, Christmas wasn't about gifts, but you couldn't lie and say that giving gifts wasn't one of your favorite things to do over the holidays. As expected, Scott loved his gift and couldn't stop laughing about it and at dinner was proud to walk around offering people a drink when the kids weren't looking. 
"I told you they would love it all" Natasha whispered while you two we cuddled up on the sofa with a blanket watching a family movie to get the kids to sleep, not your usual idea of family but you wouldn't change any of them for the world, "Merry Christmas, Natty" you smiled, "I have a surprise for you, later" you whispered.
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Taglist: @red1culous | @sayah13 | @charl-lally | @when-wolves-howl | @bentleywolf29 | @fxckmiup | @natasha-belova | @blackwidow-3 | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145 | @shin-conan-kun | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @apollo2907 | @wandaroman0ff | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | @santana1437 | @ahintofchaos | @fluffyblanketgecko | @puta1 | @inluvwithfictionalwomen | @tintedrose12 | @jaymieflorissssssss | @tita001 | @youralphawolf72 | @donnietarantino | @randomnessbecausewhynot | @natashamaximoff69 | @hehehehannahthings | 
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maremartinelli · 5 months
KingCaspian X Pevensie!Reader
summary: The Pilgrim's adventure ends, and everyone has to say goodbye to Ed and Lucy, as they have to return to their real world. But what about Y/n's heart, knowing that he will never see his brothers again??
Words: 1.2K+
Warnings: Lines from the film, mention of pregnancy, fights and bleeding. Aslan, and happy ending.
Author: Remembering that English is not my first language, I apologize for the spelling and scanning errors. I hope you have fun and wait for part 3. Hehehe
Part 1
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The Dawn Treader's journey was total madness. It was Edmund and Caspian fighting due to the effect of the green mist, Eustace turning into a dragon, Lucy disappearing during one of the days they spent on the island, Y/n bleeding due to her pregnancy.
As said, total madness.
But with Aslan's grace, everything turned out well in the end and now it was time for some to leave. Maybe forever and for some a 'see you soon'.
Reepicheep was already gone. And as much as he wanted to stay to see the birth of his king's son, Caspian said his principles were more important.
Now, after Reep was gone. Aslan was only in the presence of Ed, Lucy, Eustace, Caspian and Y/n.
Everyone knew that the kings of old would have to leave again, but they still felt hope welling up deep inside.
"It's our last time here, isn't it?" Lucy asks, as she approached Aslan.
Y/n had her left arm behind her husband's shoulder, while Caspian had one hand around his wife.
"Yes. You've grown up, my dear" Aslan gets closer to the girl. "Just like Peter and Susan."
"Will you visit us in our world?" Lucy asks, as she strokes the lion's mane and Ed approaches his younger sister.
"I'll be watching you always."
"In your world, I have another name. You should recognize me by it. That was the big reason you were brought to Narnia, that by knowing me here a little, you will be able to know me better there."
"Are we going to meet again?" Lucy asks almost in desperation.
Y/n, who was with her husband Caspian, wraps her other arm around him and sheds some tears.
"Yes, darling. Someday..."
Y/n suppressed a sob. Because she knew the same thing would happen to her and her younger brothers. Maybe she would never see them again, and that hurt her heart, because she and Caspian really wanted them around to live and grow with the baby that was about to be born.
With that, Aslan roars and the waves in front of them open into a portal.
Eustace, Lucy and Edmund approach Caspian and Y/n, who still had some tears falling.
"Y/n, the baby and you are the closest thing I've ever had to family" Caspian says, holding himself back from crying anymore.
Y/n smiles slightly, taking her arm away from him and crossing it across her chest. With the tears falling little by little now.
"...and that includes you, Eustace" Caspian smiles at the Pevensie cousin.
"Thank you" the blonde boy says smiling.
So, Edmund approaches Caspian and wraps him in a tight hug.
"Take good care of them" Ed murmurs and Caspian gets the message.
Meanwhile, Lucy was hugging her older sister, crying a lot and not wanting to be separated.
"I don't want to leave!!" Lucy cried a lot. "I want to stay here with you and Ed, I want to go back to Cair Paravel and see this baby born. I always wanted to be an aunt" she cried into Y/n's clothes.
And as the woman's hormones were unregulated, she cried a lot too.
With a lot of struggle, Ed managed to get Lucy out so he could hug his older sister too.
"I'm so happy for you" Ed says and hugs his sister. "Look at the person you've become!! A strong woman, warrior, queen and now mom. I've always been very proud of you" Ed says, crying too. "Like Lucy, I don't want to leave either, I wanted to stay here and live where I always wanted to. The world there is a mess, we don't see Mom and Dad anymore, and Peter and Susan have moved across the country." Edmund confesses, when he leaves the hug.
"I really wanted you to stay too" Y/n cries and hugs her brother again.
But he soon separates and looks at Aslan.
"Please make them stay" Y/n approaches the lion and looks at it with watery eyes, while making the request. "My heart hurts just imagining that I'll never see them again. It's enough Peter and Susan that I'll never see again. But please, neither will Ed and Lucy" Y/n cries while talking to the lion.
Caspian walks over to his wife and puts his hand on the woman's shoulder.
Edmund and Lucy were further away, but seeing the desperation of their older sister's request, they couldn't help but cry too.
"Well... there is another alternative" Aslan says, as he watched the large waves in front of them.
Y/n lifts her head and looks at him curiously. Meanwhile, the younger Pevensie brothers have grown closer to Aslan.
"If that's what Lucy and Edmund want too. They can stay, but know that they never returned to your old world."
Edmund and Lucy look at each other.
"But...but what about Peter, Susan and our parents?? What will they think when they find out that Ed and Lu disappeared??" Y/n asks.
"For your parents, it's as if you never existed. But for Peter and Susan, they know you chose to stay here, and the memories stayed in their minds until they took their last breath."
Y/n almost chokes.
"Does that mean my father and mother don't remember me anymore?"
Aslan nods.
"Yes. But Peter and Susan still remember you every day, and somehow they know you're better off here."
Y/n smiles slightly and clings to Caspian.
"I don't know if I can ask them to do that..."
"We were!!" Edmund appears behind the kings and Y/n turns around in confusion.
"Ed, did you hear what Aslan said?"
"Yes, and Lu and I want to stay. Things aren't going well there. Maybe here we can start over and be by your side. I know Peter and Susan will understand" Edmund stands in front of Aslan. "We want to stay!! For Narnia, for Aslan, and certainly to see our nephew or niece born" Ed says with love in the last words and turns to his older sister.
Y/n's eyes fill with tears and she smiles happily.
"Let's stay!!" Lu says smiling and Aslan agrees.
"If that's what you want. But know that you couldn't go back."
Edmund and Lucy nod in agreement.
"Well, I think I'll go back this time...I have a lot to learn there" Eustace says. "Well, I'll miss you guys, and I'm sorry for being a pain in the ass most of the time."
Edmund and Lucy laugh.
"Alright, we can leave this in the past"
Everyone says goodbye to Eustace and watches Aslan close the portal.
"Welcome back to Narnia" Aslan says before disappearing.
Y/n looks at her brothers and smiles.
"I love you so much" she hugs Ed and Lu.
"We love it too, Y/n" Edmund says.
"Now come on, come on. We have to go back to Cair Paravel to start tidying up the baby's room." Lu says and runs to the boat. "I'm really excited about this" she claps, which makes everyone laugh.
Caspian laughs and looks at his wife.
"This is going to be the biggest and best adventure of our lives"
Before heading to the boat, Caspian shares a soft kiss with Y/n and they both smile.
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Author: Sorry for the delay, but college is taking a lot of time away from me. As much as I was born to live in Narnia and become Edmund's queen, Aslan never really called me...
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faerieroyal · 10 months
𝒶 𝑔𝓊𝒾𝒹𝑒 𝓉𝑜 𝒹𝑜𝓁𝓁𝓎
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𝒹𝑜𝓁𝓁𝓎’𝓈 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒𝓈… music, writing, every shade of pink, making playlists, daydreaming, true crime, musical theatre, reading, comfortable blankets, scary stories, fairytales and folk tales, urban legends, twinkle lights, iced coffee, pretty things, baby animals, all kinds of magic and whimsey.
𝒹𝑜𝓁𝓁𝓎’𝓈 𝒻𝒶𝓃𝒹𝑜𝓂𝓈… the batman, dc comics, the wizarding world (all eras), the chronicles of narnia, dead poets society, the outsiders, good omens, ted lasso, triple frontier, formula one, stranger things, marvel, top gun & top gun: maverick, the slasherverse, twilight, x-men, the magnificent seven (2016), little women (2019), musical theatre in general, and many more !!
𝒹𝑜𝓁𝓁𝓎’𝓈 𝒻𝒶𝓋𝑜𝓇𝒾𝓉𝑒 𝒷𝑜𝑜𝓀𝓈… caraval, good omens, the janes series, harry potter, all hail the pumpkin queen, a darker shade of magic, wings of fire, heartless, the land of stories, anne of green gables.
𝒹𝑜𝓁𝓁𝓎’𝓈 𝒻𝒶𝓋𝑜𝓇𝒾𝓉𝑒 𝒶𝓇𝓉𝒾𝓈𝓉𝓈… queen, olivia rodrigo, p!nk, carrie underwood, billie eilish, hozier, ajr, sabrina carpenter, halsey, lainey wilson, lauren alaina, fall out boy, green day, billy joel, abba, maisie peters.
𝒹𝑜𝓁𝓁𝓎’𝓈 𝒻𝒶𝓋𝑜𝓇𝒾𝓉𝑒 𝓂𝓊𝓈𝒾𝒸𝒶𝓁𝓈… wicked, hadestown, beetlejuice, legally blonde, newsies, hello dolly!, sweeney todd, mean girls, oklahoma!, a gentleman’s guide to love and murder, assassins, mamma mia!, chicago, in the heights, rent.
𝒹𝑜𝓁𝓁𝓎’𝓈 𝒻𝒶𝓋𝑜𝓇𝒾𝓉𝑒 𝓂𝑒𝒹𝒾𝒶𝓈… ghostbusters, the princess bride, star wars, dead poets society, wandavision, community, welcome to night vale, the nightmare before christmas, the fantastic mr. fox, brooklyn nine-nine, the corpse bride, the batman, 9 to 5, coraline, the magnus archives, good omens, our flag means death, glee, the a-team (2010), harry potter, twilight, m*a*s*h, the league of extraordinary gentlemen, beetlejuice.
𝒹𝑜𝓁𝓁𝓎’𝓈 𝓈𝑜𝓊𝓃𝒹𝓉𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓀… 3 o’clock things by ajr, tough to be a dreamer by felix hagan and the family, vienna by billy joel, mirrorball by taylor swift, keep your head up by andy grammer, when you wish upon a star by cliff edwards, the fools who dream by emma stone.
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