#ottawa tornado
thecanadianweeb · 1 year
Ottawa Valley? more like Tornado Valley!
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newsbites · 1 year
News from Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, 17 July
1..Navigating Elizabeth Avenue in St John's will be a nightmare as various construction projects come together over the next year, including plans for a shared use path.
2. The Port of Argentia is describing its new shipping yard for monopile transit to an offshore wind installation as a sign of bigger things.
3. Family from NL found themselves in the path of a tornado that touched down outside Ottawa, in the town of Barrhaven [per VOCM].
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bentuckett1997 · 1 year
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ponysoprano · 1 year
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Hope everyone in Ottawa is staying safe. There was a tornado
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thevioletcaptain · 3 months
the youtube algorithm has helpfully blended the [skilled outdoorspeople building shelters in the woods] content i frequently watch for visual background noise with the [stormchasers surviving despite catastrophic miscalculations] content i've been mainlining for research purposes this week and served up this utterly insane video of a dude in ottawa who was building a bushcraft shelter with his kid brother when they got hit by a tornado and somehow survived what looks like every goddamn tree in the forest being thrown directly on top of the shelter.
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wanderingmind867 · 5 months
A character idea I had at school today:
A person wakes up on an isolated area somewhere in North Ontario. This would be weird enough on it's own, except that he quickly discovers that he also has a body which is seemingly impervious to harm (and slightly graying). After a run-in with a criminal gang in the forest, the shocking truth becomes clear: he's an Android. A very lifelike looking android, with no memories of his life before today.
The only thing he has to identify himself is an identification mark on his exoskeleton. An identification mark branding him "Subject Delta #5". Knowing he'll need to enter human society to figure out who he is, he steals the identity of a dead man after he broke into a cemetery. He is now William Nielsen, a man who died in 1983 with next to no living family. (Although he might have some distant relatives still around).
Using this identity, our android man heads for the Ottawa area, hoping to blend in and try to figure out his real identity. He tries to infiltrate the government and ends up as a member of the liaison team assigned to the Justice League Canada under his new identity of William Nielsen.
After like maybe a year or two of espionage, "William" gives away his secret in order to save the Justice League from an attack by a powerful supervillian. And even though he knows Red Tornado is an android who may understand his predicament, he flees Ottawa immediately after this and goes on the run as a fugitive.
This leads to him getting his own comic for at least 10-20 issues, as he becomes a fugitive from the law, traveling the globe searching for answers to his condition. His book is just one long story arc that ends shortly after he finds the answers to his existence.
My one problem, I don't yet know any of the answers to "William's" condition and existence myself. Hopefully at some point answers will come to me. If not, I will gladly let someone else try to resolve the story of "William Nielsen", the amnesiac android.
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clove-pinks · 7 months
After a lot of driving back and forth on Anthony Wayne Trail—named for General "Mad" Anthony Wayne himself, Revolutionary War hero and apparently a Founding Father—we made it to the Fallen Timbers Battlefield and monument.
Our first stop (by accident) was the actual battlefield site, which has a plaque, a few nature trails, and a visitor's center that wasn't open.
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I know this is the battlefield site, because it's right next to a mall called "The Shops at Fallen Timbers." Yeah, they built a shopping center adjacent to/basically on top of one of the most important sites commemorating the Northwest Indian War (1785-1795), which saw the United States defeating a confederacy of Indigenous peoples and their British allies, opening a huge territory to US settlers.
It prefigures the War of 1812, which involved the same Chippewa, Lenape, Ottawa, Potawatomi, Miami, Shawnee, Wyandot, United States, and British belligerents. The 1795 Treaty of Greenville, which followed Fallen Timbers, set aside large tracts of northwest Ohio for Indigenous use.
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It was edifying to read the 1795 Treaty of Greenville, which names the Indigenous nations I've included from a list on a monument at the site as well as "Eel Rivers, Weas, Kickapoos, Piankeshaws, and Kaskaskias." (Make of the spelling what you will, because the Treaty even spells European names wrong e.g. Fort Lawrence instead of Fort Laurens). The Treaty carves out a number of exceptions for land in the territory ceded to U.S. forts, and a guarantee of free passage between the forts.
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Obviously this is very significant in the War of 1812, which mostly took place in a region of Ohio that was granted to Indigenous people not even a generation earlier. William Henry Harrison, military leader and politician, was known for his manipulative and deceptive agreements that kept putting lands into U.S. hands without honoring past treaties. It's a lot of interconnected conflicts between opponents who are already familiar with each other (Harrison, Tecumseh, and Procter come to mind, but it goes even deeper).
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I feel a lot of sympathy for the settlers and even the U.S. military personnel engaged in these conflicts; but this park is a rather one-sided presentation of a complicated history. There is an attempt at including more of the Indigenous perspectives, which is something that I think needs a lot more attention in Western War of 1812 history. They wouldn't make a monument like the 1929 Anthony Wayne memorial again.
Fallen Timbers Battlefield is confusing to locate because the historic site with the 1929 monument is also in the wrong place. Only in 1995 did researchers uncover the real location of the battle (near the present-day shopping center).
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The GPS took me on some unnecessary adventures, but as you can see, people have been getting this wrong for over 200 years.
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We didn't go walking on the trails (at either park), although it was a warm sunny day. I would like to do that in the future. I think you can still see some of the actual fallen timbers (trees knocked over by a tornado) on the real battlefield 230 years later!
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butterflyintochains · 4 months
How It All Began
A view back to the past, I've alluded to the 2011 All Star Game in my past TangerKarlsson fics, like, a lot. It is the hinge of everything for this little brainrot I've had for them since last august. So... Let's go back there, to Raleigh 2011.
Some say the tiny flapping of a butterfly's wings can cause a tornado half a world away. A tiny action can have massive consequences for one's life. Some say that there's one single moment where you find everything you've ever needed in life. Kris Letang doesn't quite know if he believes all that, he knows he's excited to be in Raleigh for the 2011 All Star Game. Sid and Geno are at home with injuries, but he's got Flower, and that's even better, someone to be a menace with for a weekend. It's a bit sunnier in Raleigh than it is back home in Pittsburgh. They're driven to their hotel, and check in for the weekend, then head down to the rink for a practice session. Kris notices the Sedin twins chatting in a little conclave with the other Swedes by one of the benches. He and Flower go to hang with Giroux, Briere, and St Louis. ''Bonjour, gents.'' Martin says.
Flower goes to set up at the net, sliding his blocker on. ''Hi, Marty. Looking forward to the draft tomorrow?''
Martin laughs. ''Not even a little bit, I know I want a Sedin, both if I can convince Lindstrom.''
Claude remarks, a wry grin on his face. ''Yeah, Vancouver would riot if you split them up.''
Kris jokes. ''Just like Philly would if you and Danny were split up, don't lie, Giroux.'' He keeps it to a last name basis, Sid would kill him for getting too friendly with Giroux. ''Got me there, Letang.'' Giroux says.
The French-Canadians chat some more, Martin gains a weird look on his face, and says to Kris. ''Tanger, I think Karlsson is looking at you.'' Really? Kris slowly turns to face Karlsson, who just shoots him a bright smile. Kris feels something in his chest, and swallows through some dryness in his throat. Probably just nerves for this weekend, right?
The draft comes, and it's like being eighteen all over again. While they're all getting seated, Kris finds himself looking for Erik Karlsson again, secretly hoping they end up on the same team this weekend. Erik catches his eye, and they share a slight smile across the seating row. Flower, being annoying, elbows Kris. ''Eyes up front, ami, the show's starting.''
The draft kicks off with Staal picking his teammate Cam Ward, and Lindstrom picking Stamkos. The third picks are the most heated, with the two captains splitting the inseparable Sedin twins up, Daniel to Staal, Henrik to Lindstrom. The twins laugh it off, but everyone can see how weird it looks to see them parted. Flower is taken with Team Lindstrom's ninth pick. Team Stall make their twelfth pick. ''With our twelfth pick, Team Staal select, from the Pittsburgh Penguins - Kris Letang.''
Kris takes his jersey, and his seat, sharing a cheeky glance with Flower. Claude Giroux, of all people, joins him one pick later. Then, the fourteenth pick comes. Lindstrom taking Martin Havlat. Eric Stall steps up to the mic. ''With our fourteenth pick, Team Staal selects, from the Ottawa Senators - Erik Karlsson.''
Erik makes his way up to the stage, a bundle of nerves in his stomach for some reason. Erik sits himself down next to Kris Letang. They share a glance, and a smile, and turn their attention back to the draft. They're on live television, after all.
After the draft, they all go for dinner and drinks. Kris and Erik sit together, and talk over burgers. ''My first all star game, a bit nervous for it, actually.'' Erik admits.
Kris nods, sipping his beer. ''Same, we can be debutantes together, I guess.''
Erik smiles. ''I think that sounds fun.''
They end up getting so lost in their conversation, that their captains for the weekend need to remind them about tomorrow. ''Northern Sweden sounds beautiful.'' Kris says as they make their way back to the hotel. Erik smiles wistfully, clearly homesick. ''Yeah, it is, especially at this time of year. I miss it sometimes, the quiet of it all.'' Kris nods, and says. ''Yeah, I sometimes feel the same about Val D'Or, it was only two years, but the place is so friendly.''
Back in his hotel room, Erik is struck by something. He barely knows Kris, they just met properly tonight! How can it possibly feel like he's known Kris his entire life? He gives his head a shake, bigger fish to fry.
The Skills Competition is the following afternoon. Kris is due to skate in the first round of Fastest Skater against Duncan Keith. The boys skate out for warmups, Kris catching Erik's eye from across the rink. Giving him that warm feeling he had at the restaurant last night. After warmups, they head to the benches, Kris sitting himself down next to Erik. ''So, what d'you say my odds against Keith are?''
Erik thinks it over, smirking as Kris is left to wait. ''Well, you're younger and faster, and skating backwards. But, you've got that gorgeous hair that might slow you down.''
Kris downs some water. ''Gorgeous hair, huh?'' Erik looks him in the eye, their eyes the exact same shade of brown. ''Just stating facts, Kris.''
Kris nods, and goes to take his place. He waits for his signal, and shoots off backwards around the rink, effortlessly gliding along the ice. He's on the top pair for a reason, right? He leaves Keith in his smoke, and takes the win for his team. Erik remarks, a slight pink tinge to his cheeks. ''Well, how was that?'' Kris asks.
Erik clears his throat. ''Impressive.''
Team Staal win the Fastest Skater, and Accuracy Shooting - with Daniel Sedin pulling off a clean sweep of the targets. Ovechkin also nails the Breakway Challenge.
At dinner that night, after Team Staal win the Skills competition, Flower leans over to Kris, and says to him. ''I see you're warming up to Karlsson. Anything gonna come of it?'' Kris looks over to Erik, who is happily chatting to the Swedes. ''I don't know.''
The game itself is the following day. The two teams get ready, and hit the ice one last time before this weekend is over. Warmups are over, and the game begins. Kris finds it weird to be on a different team from Flower, there's something wrong feeling about seeing Flower across the ice. He, Sid, and Geno belong in front of Flower, not across from him. But, it's just for this hour, so that's fine. Ovechkin scores barely a minute into the first period. Paul Stastny following up soon after. Claude Giroux nets one to put Team Staal up 4-0 midway through the first period. But, Team Lindstrom quickly settle in to level the score 4-4 before the end of the period. During intermission, Erik asks Kris. ''You okay, Kris?''
Kris nods, stretching his back out. ''Yeah, it's just weird to not have Flower in the net behind me.''
They get back to work, Sharp getting them back ahead quickly. Five minutes later, Daniel Sedin and Zdeno Chara feed Kris for a goal to widen the lead to 6-4. He skates back to the bench, and sits down next to Erik. In all, the second period ends at 7-6.
The third period gets going Eric Staal tying the score to 7-7. Daniel Sedin and Alex Ovechkin feed Kris for his second goal. ''Hatty watch, Kris?'' Erik asks him.
Kris smirks, he's never scored a hattrick, but it would be funny if his first was in an all star game. ''Hopefully.''
It's not to be, Team Lindstrom take the game 11-10. But, Sharp gets MVP for the weekend.
After the boys are back in their suits, Erik scribbles something down on a strip of paper. He presses it in Kris' hand. ''Call me if you want to, we're rivals again as of tomorrow.''
Kris nods, and does the same, handing the slip over to Erik. ''Here's my number. Call me when you're back in Ottawa.'' He says, adding. ''Y'know, we're only rivals again come tomorrow, as far as anyone's concerned, we're still teammates. Wanna get out of here?''
Erik visibly swallows, but a smile rises on his face. ''Sure.'' They sneak back to the hotel, hoping no one notices them as they do. They opt for using Kris' room, and lock the door behind themselves.
They check their teams' schedules after breakfast the next morning before it's time to leave for their separate cities. Their teams play against each other on the 15th of March. As well as both teams having a very brief couple of days off in mid February. But, Pittsburgh are on the road then, while Ottawa are at home. They arrange to get together when their teams do, and head down for their cars. Kris gets a look from Flower. ''Well, care to explain what that was all about?''
Kris just simply says. ''Not really.'' He loves Flower like a brother, but there are certain things that must remain with him. Same goes for Sid and Geno once they're home. Besides, barely anything has happened, why get everyone all excited, and alert the media, when they've only spent one night together?
Kris and Flower arrive home in Pittsburgh. and catch up with Sid and Geno for training the next morning. Sid notices how happy Kris looks, happier than usual, and asks Flower. ''Flower, is Tanger okay?'' Flower nods, smiling brightly. ''Yeah, he made a friend, that's all.''
Geno asks, cheeky as always. ''He's not replacing us, is he, Legenda?'' Kris smirks, occupying himself with some puck handling. Oh, if only Geno knew the half of it. ''No one can replace you three, G, promise.'' That little crisis averted, the core get on with some shooting drills on Flower. Kris finds himself looking forward to the 15th of March already. But, he'll not rush anything, that can only blow up in his face.
Ottawa 2012
This is not going to be fun, Kris grimly thinks to himself during training ahead of the game this afternoon. Sure, he's in Ottawa, and him and Erik are in the same place for the first time since summer. But, he's got Geno with him too. He has no idea if Geno suspects anything, or if he's going to start asking the uncomfortable questions. Erik sidles up to Kris, seemingly equally anxious about his own teammates figuring them out this weekend. ''Do you think they know anything?'' Erik asks him.
Kris takes a deep breath in and lets it go. ''I don't know. I think Geno is too busy talking to Datsyuk. As for your guys, what do you think?'' Erik fiddles with his stick, busying his hands. ''No idea, Spez might be too occupied with media, Danny is basically my brother, so, if he suspects us, he's not saying anything.''
Kris nods, this last year has been so much fun for them both, but he's scared of the media attention they'll inevitably get if this all comes out. ''Cool, I'm fine keeping this between us for now, aren't you?'' Erik chuckles, they've had this conversation probably fifty times by now. ''Yeah, like you said when we were in Portugal this summer, look how everyone monitors Sid and Geno. The entire hockey world knows about them.''
Kris nods, he's had to see that for the last four years, the stress it sometimes brings up with two of his three best friends. That press intrusion makes him sick. ''Okay, good, just so we're on the same page.''
Erik assures him. ''We're alright, Kris, don't overthink things.''
The game comes, and Geno takes an assist from Iginla for 2-0 for Team Chara. Kris has the honour of assisting a Henrik Sedin goal later on in the first period. Alfredsson gets an unassisted goal midway through the second, and then takes assists from both Sedin twins for another goal just two minutes later. That one has the entire arena lit up. Team Alfredsson end up losing despite best efforts 12-9 to Team Chara.
The following day is the Skills Competition, with Fastest Skater being the first event of the day. Kris sits with Erik, they're both in this challenge, Kris is up against Brian Campbell. Kris fist bumps Erik, and takes his place on the starting line. He shoots off, skating forwards this time. That was fun in Raleigh last time, but the novelty would wear off. He crosses the finish line first, and skates back to the bench.
Erik goes fourth against Marian Hossa. ''Good luck.'' Kris says. Erik clips his helmet on, and says. ''Thanks.'' He takes his place, and waits for the signal. He takes off for his lap, leaving Hossa in his dust as he goes, this is his building, he won't lose here. He crosses the line, taking a massive round of applause from his home crowd. ''Bon travail, Erik.'' Kris says in french.
Erik says. ''Thank you, Kris.'' He suddenly gets an idea, if they're going to go forward, shouldn't they know how to talk to each other? ''Kris, can you maybe teach me French?''
Kris beams at him, his face lighting up as he does. ''I could kiss you right now, you know? Yes, of course I can, I'd love to. Can I ask you for a favour too?''
Erik nods, heart racing with happiness already. ''Yeah, of course.'' Kris asks, seeming nervous at first. ''Can you teach me Swedish while I teach you French?''
Erik clears his throat, feeling a bit overcome. ''Yeah, can't wait to hear your accent already.''
After the skills competition is over, they head back to Erik's apartment, an unspoken agreement between them. They're going to be learning each other's languages now, they both know what that means. But, for some odd reason, neither wants to say it. ''Erik, do we start putting labels on this now? I'm ready if you are.'' Kris asks.
Erik takes his hand. ''I think that'd be nice.'' Kris nods, ecstatic at finally getting to have what Sid and Geno have. Kris had no idea if this would go anywhere, when they had that weekend in Raleigh. But, they're both so excited to see where this goes.
Summer 2012, Montreal
Summer is finally here, at long last. After a letdown of a regular season for Erik, and a letdown in the playoffs for Kris. Their second summer together now, but their first as an official couple. They told Flower and Alfredsson about a week ago, but both are under strict orders not to tell anyone else. They know this is not going to be easy, a long distance relationship, but they're ready to make this work. Erik's eyes sting as he wakes up next to Kris. The july sunlight offensively bright. He grumbles, and rolls over to face Kris. Still deep asleep. They'll be going over to Sweden for a couple of weeks soon. Erik sighs, and gets up to get the day going, leaving his partner to sleep.
He gets on with breakfast, Kris' house in Montreal already feeling like home away from home. Kris comes down while he's cooking, and gets the coffee going. ''We should probably pack today.'' Erik says while they eat. Kris nods, clearly looking forward to Sweden. ''Yeah, anything I need to know about Sweden?''
Erik says. ''Treat the place like you do Canada, and you'll be fine.'' Kris nods. Who knew a weekend in Raleigh could lead to this?
This was complex to write, that's for sure. But, this is the genesis of the relationship that set the 2023/24 locker room alight. Erik is, of course, still with the Senators here, so this was difficult to figure out. It's so much easier when they're on the same team.
Anyway, this is the fun and light third of a mini trilogy within the grander narrative. The next part is the angsty one. I'll begin work on that tomorrow, and hopefully have it done soon enough. I'll not give too much away, but it's not gonna be fun.
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kashisun · 1 year
I hope all of y’all in Quebec and Ontario are staying safe!!!! I saw that there were tornadoes in Ottawa! My wifi and my lights cut off so i’m using my data 💀
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prezohhh · 1 year
so jealous of the rain ur getting. i need that..
every time there's rain im scared a tornado gonna appear cuz they've been constant in ottawa braaaa
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pvtchurch · 1 year
wait there was actually a tornado in ottawa earlier??? 😭😭
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newsbites · 1 year
News from Newfoundland and Labrador, 14 July
1. Police continue to investigate stabbing in St Johns in Topsail Road.
A 34-year-old man was seriously injured in a stabbing in the west end of St. John’s.
The assault took place between Bay Bulls Road and Topsail Road.
Police are urging anyone with information or video footage of the area during the specified time to come forward.
2. A man from Bell Island is facing charges after being caught on 12 July with drugs in a car which was pulled over for speeding.  He was driving while his licence was suspended and showing signs of driving impaired.
3. Near miss at Braya refinery.  A Stop-work order has not been issued by the department. 
Occupational Health and Safety is investigating a "near-miss" incident at the Braya refinery in Come By Chance, involving drilling on a repurposed line that had previously been in nitrogen service.
The line was not in service or under pressure at the time of the incident, and internal analysis was conducted before sharing the findings with OHS and employees.
This incident comes almost a year after a fatal explosion at the refinery, which resulted in a criminal negligence investigation by the RCMP.
4.  Clean-up underway after an unexpected tornado in Half Moon Bay.
5. Electrically-serviced campsites in loops A and B of Newman Sound Campground in Terra Nova Park are currently without power.
6. Oceana Canada is concerned about DFO’s failure to close Capelin Fishery [via VOCM].
OC says that the Canadian government, specifically the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO), is not effectively incorporating climate change data and research into fisheries management decisions, which is exacerbating the depletion of fish stocks.
7. Candidate Tony Wakeham is releasing his healthcare plan for connecting residents with a primary provider for healthcare.
Tony Wakeham's health care plan focuses on improving access to timely care in Newfoundland and Labrador by connecting every resident with a primary health care provider and establishing family health care teams.
The plan prioritizes job offers to health care professionals at the beginning of their training to address the shortage of healthcare providers in the province.
Wakeham emphasizes the urgency of addressing the lack of access to health care and believes that waiting for the long-term vision of the Health Accord is not feasible for the province.
8. Musgrave Harbour failed to respond to two access to information requests, the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner has found [per VOCM].
9. It is peak tourism for Newfoundland and Labrador right now. Business has picked up but the sector still faces challenges, including air access [per VOCM].
Small businesses in the hospitality industry, such as restaurants and tour companies, are relying on a busy summer season to help cover costs and repay loans taken out during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Staffing shortages, inflation, and rising food prices are adding to the challenges faced by businesses in the summer, but increased tourism can help offset these difficulties.
Business owners are implementing strategies such as menu changes, hiring immigrants, and raising prices to adapt to the current economic conditions and make the most of the summer season.
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brookstonalmanac · 1 month
Events 8.21 (before 1900)
959 – Eraclus becomes the 25th bishop of Liège. 1140 – Song dynasty general Yue Fei defeats an army led by Jin dynasty general Wuzhu at the Battle of Yancheng during the Jin–Song Wars. 1169 – Battle of the Blacks: Uprising by the black African forces of the Fatimid army, along with a number of Egyptian emirs and commoners, against Saladin. 1192 – Minamoto no Yoritomo becomes Sei-i Taishōgun and the de facto ruler of Japan. (Traditional Japanese date: the 12th day of the seventh month in the third year of the Kenkyū (建久) era). 1331 – King Stefan Uroš III, after months of anarchy, surrenders to his son and rival Stefan Dušan, who succeeds as King of Serbia. 1415 – Henry the Navigator leads Portuguese forces to victory over the Marinids at the Conquest of Ceuta. 1680 – Pueblo Indians capture Santa Fe from the Spanish during the Pueblo Revolt. 1689 – The Battle of Dunkeld in Scotland. 1716 – Seventh Ottoman–Venetian War: The arrival of naval reinforcements and the news of the Battle of Petrovaradin force the Ottomans to abandon the Siege of Corfu, thus preserving the Ionian Islands under Venetian rule. 1770 – James Cook formally claims eastern Australia for Great Britain, naming it New South Wales. 1772 – King Gustav III completes his coup d'état by adopting a new Constitution, ending half a century of parliamentary rule in Sweden and installing himself as an enlightened despot. 1778 – American Revolutionary War: British forces begin besieging the French outpost at Pondichéry. 1791 – A Vodou ceremony, led by Dutty Boukman, turns into a violent slave rebellion, beginning the Haitian Revolution. 1808 – Battle of Vimeiro: British and Portuguese forces led by General Arthur Wellesley defeat French force under Major-General Jean-Andoche Junot near the village of Vimeiro, Portugal, the first Anglo-Portuguese victory of the Peninsular War. 1810 – Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte, Marshal of France, is elected Crown Prince of Sweden by the Swedish Riksdag of the Estates. 1821 – Jarvis Island is discovered by the crew of the ship, Eliza Frances. 1831 – Nat Turner leads black slaves and free blacks in a rebellion in Southampton County, Virginia, which will claim the lives of 55 to 65 whites and about twice that number of blacks. 1852 – Tlingit Indians destroy Fort Selkirk, Yukon Territory. 1858 – The first of the Lincoln–Douglas debates is held in Ottawa, Illinois. 1862 – The Stadtpark, the first public park in Vienna, opens to the public. 1863 – Lawrence, Kansas is destroyed by pro-Confederate guerrillas known as Quantrill's Raiders. 1878 – The American Bar Association is founded in Saratoga Springs, New York. 1879 – The locals of Knock, County Mayo, Ireland report their having seen an apparition of the Virgin Mary. The apparition is later named “Our Lady of Knock” and the spot transformed into a Catholic pilgrimage site. 1883 – An F5 tornado strikes Rochester, Minnesota, leading to the creation of the Mayo Clinic. 1888 – The first successful adding machine in the United States is patented by William Seward Burroughs.
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The tornadoes that ripped across suburban Ottawa and near Montreal on Thursday highlight a growing concern for researchers.
Preliminary data trends suggest Canada's most densely populated zone — in Ontario and Quebec — may become the country's epicentre for twisters, with increasingly devastating consequences.
"What we're seeing is lining up with climate change projections," David Sills, executive director of the Northern Tornadoes Project (NTP), told CBC News. He pointed to information collected in recent years by the team based at Western University in London, Ont.
Canada's Tornado Alley, long considered to be largely in the Prairies, appears to be moving east, home to millions more people. [...]
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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isfeed · 2 months
Researchers heading to Ottawa area to document damage from tornado
A team of researchers from Western University is heading to an area near Ottawa to document the damage caused by a tornado that touched down there earlier this week. Source: CP24 Researchers heading to Ottawa area to document damage from tornado
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