#otp; there's a song in my heart // i feel like i belong // it's a better place since you came along. [abracaxfuckxyou [magnus] & alya]
jerzwriter · 2 years
A Quite Carrick Halloween
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Fic Type:             Fanfic
Fandom:             Choices – Open Heart (Post Series)
Pairing:                Tobias Carrick x F!MC (Casey MacTavish)
Rating:                 Teen
Category:            Holiday Fluff
Summary:           It's their first Halloween with baby Samantha, and they're wrapped in sugary sweet domestic bliss - but with these two, there's always a side of something extra. 🎃
Words:                1465
A/N:                     This was based on a prompt ask from this list.  “imagine your OTP handing out candies in amusing couple costumes.” I think I went a little “cuter” than amusing, but Tobias & Casey pack their own amusement into every event, as you’ll see 😊 I am participating in @choicesmonthlychallenge Spooktober - Candy / @fictober-event - day 1 - "I choose you" - and @choicesficwriterscreations Naugty & Nice Event - "Want to see what I turn into at midnight."
It was the perfect Halloween day. The sun was shining brightly in a clear blue sky, and the air was crisp, though not yet cold. There may have been more leaves on the Boston streets than on its trees, but those that remained scattered on branches helped paint a beautiful fall scene.  
Casey stepped outside and paused on their townhome’s top step. Tossing her head back and shutting her eyes, she took a deep breath until the cool autumn air filled her lungs. A genuine, joyful smile spread on her lips as memories of Halloweens from her younger days flooded her mind. The memories were precious, but the future was even more dear. A new mother herself, she was about to create new ones with her own baby girl, and she couldn't have asked for a more perfect day to start. 
She sat on the steps, smoothing her royal blue dress and placing the large bowl of candy on top of her lap. It wasn't her first choice of costume. But not having a family costume on their first Halloween as a family was not an option. Tobias had been calling Samantha pumpkin practically since conception, so her costume was a given, but her parent’s choice was not so simple.
"I got it!" He ran into the kitchen exuberantly. "Peanuts! Charlie Brown. Lucy. DONE! Sammy is the Great Pumpkin. It's perfect!"
"Sammy is a generic pumpkin, honey, not the Great Pumpkin. Besides, Lucy was so… mean in that show. Do you think I'm mean?"
"Well…” he smirked, “you do have your days."  He pulled away before she smacked his shoulder. He then wrapped his arms around her waist and lavished her neck with ticklish kisses. The rest of the night was spent doing things they had to be careful about if they didn't want Sammy's sibling on the way.
Casey never came up with a better idea, and that’s how she ended up sitting here in her blue dress and Mary Janes, eagerly awaiting her husband and daughter’s arrival.
Tobias was simply bubbling over, more animated than the character he was supposed to be. Decked out in his bright yellow shirt with a black zig-zag and matching shorts, he beamed from ear to ear as he spoke jibberish to the bouncing baby pumpkin on his hip. Casey's heart filled with joy watching them, but she couldn't help but chuckle.
"What?" he queried, quickly turning back to Sammy with a sing-song voice. "What? What's Mommy laughing at Sammy? Do you think she's laughing at you or me?"
"Oh, you," she assured. "A thousand times you!"
"Gee, thanks, babe!”
"It's not bad. I'm just thinking it wasn't too long ago that you were this playboy doctor. Mr. Non-Commitment and never settling down,” she joked. “Halloween activities were probably far more naughty than nice then… but now look at you. You're a natural. It's like you were born for this life."
"Well, maybe that's because I was," he said, sitting next to her and meeting her lips with a warm, tender kiss. "I just needed to find the one who could make it feel like a gift instead of a prison. I knew it was you the moment you came along and, well… when deciding between my old life and you, it was a no-brainer. I chose you."
"Awww," she giggled, snuggling close to his side. "That is so sweet. I'd say you were trying to butter me up for those naughty favors later… but then again, you know I'm a sure thing."
"Casey!" He exclaimed with feigned anger. "In front of the baby?"
"She doesn't understand us yet," she winked as her husband shook his head in bemusement.
"And this is just one reason I love you. But while Sammy may not understand yet," he pointed a few doors away, "those kids will. Now let's behave, baby girl; it's time to hand out some candy!"
Within minutes their steps were overtaken by neighborhood children. Sammy clung to her Daddy’s t-shirt, thoroughly unimpressed with the strange children, but her parents were another story. Tobias & Casey excitedly greeted each child, inquiring about their costumes as they dropped candy into their sacks. Witches, ghosts, a princess, a baseball player or two, the Carricks made a fuss over each and every one. 
The day was winding down when a little girl showed up with her mother.
“Trick or treat,” she said with a soft voice. 
Casey beamed as Tobias informed her that he knew she was Casey’s favorite costume of the day. Blue scrubs, a white lab coat, and a stethoscope on her neck. 
"Oh my goodness!" Casey squealed. "You’re a doctor! Do you want to be a doctor when you grow up?”
The girl's dark curls bounced around her face as she nodded. Shyness getting the better of her, she moved against her mother’s leg.
“That’s all she talks about,” her mom grinned. “I used to think it was a passing phase, but now I’m starting to think I should save up for med school!”
“That’s not the worst idea,” Casey smiled, squatting down to talk to the child at her level. “Hey, you know I’m a doctor, and my husband here is a doctor, too. I think you will make a wonderful doctor one day.” 
Pleased with the little girl's bright smile, Casey turned to Tobias. “Hon, give her a little extra candy. She deserves it for all that studying she will need to do.”
“You got it! But if you want, I’ll run inside and get my stationery. We can drop a letter of recommendation in there.”
“Oh, we may take you up on that in another fourteen years!” Her mom laughed.
Tobias looked at the little girl. “I went to Hopkins, the best med school in the country. They love when they get letters from people who went there. I’ve got your back.”
Casey turned to him, unamused. “The best! You were ranked fourth last year!”
“Still better than Perelman's sixth,” he winked.
Casey turned around and placed the candy in the child’s bag. “Sweetheart, when you are a doctor, you might want to think twice before marrying another doctor.”
“HEY!” Tobias yelled, sending little Sammy into a litany of babbling. “See, our daughter isn’t happy with that statement either!”  
Standing up with a chuckle, Casey wished the little girl and her mom well before reclaiming her place at her husband’s side. She took Samantha in her arms and snuggled her close. A warmth he never thought he’d experience filled Tobias’s chest as he wrapped them both in his arms. They sat in silence and let the moment linger, each sharing the same thought. This was pretty much perfection.
“I was only joking,” Casey finally spoke. “Marrying my doctor was probably the best thing I ever did.”
“Probably!” He sneered. “I know marrying you was the best thing I ever did, and if I forget, I always have my mother to remind me. But you go ahead and think about it.”
Casey silenced him with another tender kiss while Samantha began falling asleep in her arms. 
“We should get her inside. I don’t think we’ll be getting more trick-or-treaters today.”
“Yeah,” he agreed, “and Sammy is tuckered out. Besides, I want to pull those med school rankings up to prove you wrong.”
“Are you kidding me?” Casey laughed.
“Second in my class!” He said, picking the empty candy bowl up from the steps. “From the best med school in America. Where were you, dear? Sixth? Seventh?”
“FIFTH! And you know it! That’s from an Ivy League med school. Is Hopkins an Ivy?” she placed her pointer on her chin in mock confusion. “Hmm. No, it’s not.”
“Ivy Schmivy!” He said, opening the door, “did I tell you I was the most published student in Hopkins history?”
“Only seven dozen times… by our second date. But, Tobias?”
“Yes? Samantha is going to be out for the count any minute now. Is this really how you want to spend the first alone time we’ve had all day?”
“Heh,” he snickered. “Screw Hopkins. It was overrated. Now, the important questions. Do you have that other little Halloween costume we picked out?”
“Yes,” she smirked. “Operative word being little.”
“That’s the one! Why don’t you go put that on, and we’ll see what I turn into at midnight?”
“Sweetheart,” Casey teased. “Samantha can hear you….”
“It’s OK. She doesn’t understand us yet.”
“What are we going to do when she does?”  
“Got me,” he shrugged.  “But my Mom already has a trust fund set up specifically for therapy bills. She said with us as parents, Sammy’s bound to need it.”
“No arguments here,” she laughed.
“Good…” he winked, “now go get changed. I’ll put Sammy to bed, then we’re about to have an extra Happy Halloween!”
Perma Tags: @a-crepusculo @aishwarya26 @animesuck3r @annfg8 @annoyingmillenialnewbie @bex-la-get @binny1985 @bluebelle08 @bluerosesbloom @cariantha @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @danijimenezv @different4strawberry @differenttyphoonwerewolf @doriopenheart @fayeswiftie @forallthatitsworth @genevievemd @inlocusmads @jamespotterthefirst @jennieausten @kingliam2019 @liaromancewriter @lilypills @lucy-268 @mainstreetreader @mysticalgalaxysstuff @ofmischiefandmedicine @onikalover @openheartforeverinmyheart @peonierose @peonyblossom @potionsprefect @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @schnitzelbutterfingers @secretaryunpaid @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @toadfrog26 @trappedinfanfiction @uneravine @youlookappropriate @zahrachoices @jerzwriter-reblogs-asks @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let's spread the self-love🫶🏻
I’m curious to know your personal favorites! I’ll treat it as a fic-rec hehe
You are so cute! I love you! 🩵
Hm… this is a tough question cause I guess it depends on the day and what I’m feeling. I mean all my stories are honestly the same in terms of my ship being together and it ending happily, but the journey and the way I choose to tell it can differ. What exactly are quintessential lots of love fics? I guess currently I will go with these (I’m only doing Det Co ones cause I know you’re in this fandom, plus I don’t write enough for my actual otps in other fandoms)
In no particular order cause I don’t really have a true top five:
I Can Make Your Heart Race: They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, so then what’s the way to a woman’s? Obviously you have to get her heart racing. In which scare tactics does little to impress a scientist, instead it backfires on the detective. Well, maybe not completely. Rated G (ShinShi)
It’s really short, but I find myself thinking about this fic some days. Maybe cause it is a fix it fic of sorts since my heart will never keep the canon ship in tact, and it’s fluffy with the potential for more. They’re my most slowburn ship and it kills me
I Hate Accidents, Except When We Went From Friends To This: Post Black Org and Permanent Antidote. A month-long look into the relationship of Shiho and Shinichi. Written with prompts from flufftober on tumblr. Rated T (ShinShi)
I was actually proud of how I was able to follow not one, not two, but 31 whole prompts! Even though every chapter is super short, but still. I’m the worst at following prompts, so I got excited I was able to get through this and keep my brand of fluff
Lo Lo Love Me: The change from fighting to be Shinichi again, to being her Edogawa. Or the fic where Shiho becomes a little delusional.
“You’re not him.”
“I am.”
“No, you’re not Edogawa Conan. You’re Kudo Shinichi.”
Rated T (CoAi but technically it’s ShinShi)
Truthfully my ending for this verse is just the first chapter, this idea wouldn’t die and I still find myself thinking about it some days. I think I ended it too soon but also don’t think I should’ve added to it beyond the first chapter. So yes I still think about revisiting it all the time
You Belong With Me?: It’s a matter of principle. She was here first and they grew up together for goodness sake! Of course people can change their minds, but she waited patiently for two years with the title as his girlfriend, so how can it be over just like that? It’s not fair. Rated T (ShinShi told from Ran’s pov)
Who would I be if I didn’t include a song fic? And yes while I love that this love affair with this fandom began with Folklore Twist, but I really do have some strong feelings for Ran. And it’s all because of projection, so yes I want better for her and I want her to be her own knight in shining armor and let my queen be the one who gets the romance story book ending for once
A Day Out With The Kids: An impromptu date holds no weight against an already established play date with the Detective Boys. It doesn’t stop Kaito from wooing Shiho anyway, even with the children’s attempts at sabotage. Converting these CoAi shippers to board the kaishi ship may not be as difficult as one might think. It’s a good thing Kaito’s great with kids. Rated G (KaiShi)
I couldn’t resist okay, yes I know my most popular fic is probably one that’s rated E or even my fuck the childhood friends to lover fic. And yeah I do sometimes go back to those verses, but some days kaishi owns my entire heart. So yeah, I had to include one even though I know it’s a crack ship
(A bonus/ honorable mention would be the Fleeting Feelings verse. I would be unstoppable as a multishipper, but alas I’m not.)
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shadowsong26x · 2 years
And here we are with BSG mix 3 of 3 from Ye Olde Days of like 2010-2012 XD Previously I’ve talked about my Season Three mix, Days Upon Our Knees and my Cylon ship mix, Heart of the Machine.
This one is a Baltar/Six mix; generally focusing on Head!Six and Caprica. I did remember a couple of the tracks going in (one because it was an actual Bad Choice--the only one on all three of these mixes that I don’t think should be there at all--and a couple that were good ones. But a lot of it I hadn’t remembered, so it was nice to go through it!
Also, at the end of the Actual List of 14 tracks, there’s a list of songs I’d include now if I were making it (and/or I’m Considering making another one and most if not all of them would be on it.)
All right, let’s get to it!
1/touch (clay aiken)      ah, this one. i can’t say it doesn’t fit them (because it does), but it’s. uh. this was my song for ‘yes these two have a lot of enthusiastic sex’ and i definitely could’ve done better here XD that being said, i do like it for them? the angel references are always a bonus.
2/voodoo child (rogue traders)      i actually think this is one of the better fits on this mix. and yes, like many people in general fandom/online circles at the time, i picked it up from that one doctor who episode But it’s now...way more associated with these two (specifically caprica’s confession/the attack) than that. there was also something of a fanvid in my head (i was never able to make fanvids lol), and i particularly remember that the transition from the first verse into the chorus lined up with that One Specific Shot of her pushing him down as the house explodes around them. so there it is.
3/i’ll be seeing you (linda eder)      i mean. how could i not, lol (this was the first version i had; i was given a whole album of her broadway covers. also i always forget that this song technically comes from a broadway show....and yes, i am aware that it’s also on the s3 mix in a completely different context but Still.)
4/devil inside (inxs)      i think this actually should’ve been before track two, and i’m not sure why it’s here instead? but yeah it’s that reminder of ‘look i love these two they are 10000% my blorbos but they are. not great people’
5/gone with the wind (international victim)      another song that i still like for them, but this one i think is too early in the mix. i mean, we’re not...super chronological here, for this middle part of the mix, but this lines up with gaius in the back half of s3, so having it This Early in the mix feels off to me now.
6/protege-moi (placebo)      so i also use this song for anakin skywalker XD and while i actually don’t think gaius makes the best parallel there (that would be my best beloved athena), the song fits both of them so here we are. it’s definitely not one that developed Such a strong association Elsewhere that it ruined it for anything else, anyway.
7/liken a razor (adam pascal)      this one’s more about head!six, i think. it’s not my favorite on the mix, but i can’t say it doesn’t work/doesn’t belong. it hits that combination of fear and need/worship pretty well.
8/she’s always a woman (billy joel)      the first of two songs that can best be summed up with ‘i love you despite the warning signs.’ XD this one, again, mostly about head!six, but also kind of about caprica in the sense that...while they were together, the first time they were together, she actively planned to murder him and not just everyone he ever loved, but everyone he ever knew or could have known, using him to do it, and yet he can’t help remembering the way she smiled, the way they argued about idk obscure math theorems, spending lazy mornings in bed with her talking about everything and nothing...yep. yep yep yep. ((there will be more on this subject in either this month’s or (more likely) april’s fill for the otp meme))
9/he’s a tramp (lady and the tramp)      i really don’t have much to say about this one except...like...can you really say it shouldn’t be here XD (and yes, this is the second ‘i love you despite the warning signs’ pick.)
10/not me (aida)      a transition song, starting to come back from their estrangement. the more i listen to it, the more i like it here? although again, slightly out of order; it would need to be switched with the next one except...
11/antebellum (vienna teng)      this is the Mistake Track. and not just because this song is now Inextricably linked with satine and bo-katan kryze (but their relationship is not the subject of this essay, lol). but i think even before i got back into star wars/clone wars, i was having second thoughts about this one. the problem is, this song was supposed to be during their separation. when it’s not like they don’t love each other anymore (they never really stopped; witness how caprica continues to respond to head!baltar), but after everything that happened--with new caprica, with d’anna, with...just...everything...does that really matter anymore? and it’s really fucking hard to find a breakup song that hits right for the two of them. most of them are too angry or too bleak, or not angry or bleak for the right versions. antebellum comes close, because it’s a ‘what was and could have been but will never be again’ sort of thing but...it just. doesn’t work. i did not transfer it to my ipod with the rest of the mix, and while i do want a song for that particular part of their story...the mix as a whole does work without it.
12/casanova’s waltz (drew sarich)      and once again, i cheated in terms of my ‘don’t repeat artists’ rule. XD but i do like this song in terms of him choosing to dedicate himself entirely to their relationship, even after everything. ...and being a dramatic little shit about it, naturally XD
13/save the best for last (a capella/vanessa williams)      and this is her taking him back. the version i have is an unsourced a capella version i got on a cd a member of my high school shakespeare troupe gave all of us when he graduated a year before i did, so...who the hell knows, i just have it marked as ‘a capella.’ but yeah, i like it, it fits things here, and there’s that sense of ‘finally we’re on the same page for the first time in our Entire Relationship, we can move forward together now.’
14/i believe (altar boyz)      i love this song. and i love it for them. i wrote a quick fic a while back (that really needed to be two), but it’s about the way the two of them come together, they work together, because love, their love, is about choosing one another and forgiving one another, and, well, believing in one another. it’s just. a good place to leave them, a great song for where they landed. also iirc it’s Not Weird because in context this song is in fact about the band itself/Each Other. not jesus
And now, some additional songs I’d probably put on a playlist for them if I was making one now. If the prior mix skewed more Baltar’s POV outside of the shared-POV songs, I think this one skews more Caprica (or at least I tried). There’s also a lot less Head!Six.
This is not what I would call a Complete mix. There’s some redundancy in terms of moments/aspects of their relationship that are covered, and there are other gaps involved (in particular, I don’t have anything with even Vague Pretentions to being a Sex Song like ‘Touch’ was for the prior list). Also I feel like it’s not super balanced in terms of Tone. But it’s a starting point, anyway. Accordingly, these aren’t numbered and the order, while vaguely chronological, is by no means set in stone.
what am i feeling/galavant      played Completely Straight in a Very Different Way than the original context; this is caprica starting to realize that she’s falling for her own honey trap.
if i loved you/carousel      this is basically the ‘the things men do for love’ scene (or her asking ‘do you love me’ in the miniseries). they’ve each independently realized they love the other (though not that it’s mutual) but Saying That Out Loud Lol No Why Would I Do That (would it necessarily be this cover? no, this was just the first that came up on youtube, lol. but also it’s hard to go wrong with these two singers sooooo maybe XD)
your love is my drug/ke$ha      tell me i’m wrong XD (this might not go on a baltar/six mix Specifically, if only because i had vague plans at one point for doing a six mix of Entirely Ke$ha Songs, one for each notable six, in part because of this Perfect Fit, and in part because applying ‘blow’ to corinne/armistice station!six is just So Perfectly Terrible i couldn’t resist XD)
blonde over blue/billy joel      this probably would’ve made the first list if it weren’t redundant in terms of both the point it’s making (which is covered by...a couple of different ones) and artist, but...yep.
bad romance/lady gaga      again, tell me i’m wrong. this one, the ‘you’re a criminal as long as you’re mine’ line hits particularly hard for these two. also is it just me or are Some of the ways she’s styled in this video kind of...Hitting Some Familiar Visual Notes........
my immortal/evanescence      okay but hear me out XD like, yes, this song is Notoriously Cringe but a) i have no shame at this point in my fandom career and b) these two--when they’re together--have this blend of Melodrama and Painfully Awkward Sincerity and there is no band (or song) which hits that note quite as well as this one. also the lyrics actually fit pretty well if you pay attention to them so shut up, don’t at me, it’s on the list.
silent symphony/drew sarich      this one is about their first reunion, on new caprica, and there’s...a lot of Thoughts i have about that, about how the love is there and it is real, but with Everything Else going on it’s just...there’s a level of Desperation going on, too. and i haven’t been putting full lyric transcriptions in these summaries (because they’re long enough without them lol) but a couple lines stand out: ‘thank god for the night/pushing the complications from sight/hushing our battle drums til the sunlight/tosses a problem from every direction’; ‘you still see a man who knows wrong from his right’; ‘come on and quiet down/and wrap your arms around me/calmly for now’; ‘if i can’t see your eyes/then i can hear you breathe/and we can find a warm, firm platform to plan from’
how to save a life/grey’s anatomy cast      look this is the version i heard in full first and i like it so shut up and bear with me. anyway, this is a companion to the last one, because it’s about the way he pulls away from her, and the way she tries for as long as she can, and their relationship just falls apart during the first half of season 3, even when they’re trying Desperately to make it work. again, not doing the full lyrics, but the end of the first verse in particular jumps out at me: ‘between the lines of fear and blame/you begin to wonder why you came.’
model prisoner/adam pascal     i thought of this when i was writing up ‘liken a razor’ above. i almost didn’t add it, mostly because a) trying to focus more on caprica’s pov; and b) trying to make it more her and less head!six and the second verse is particularly head!six, but...it works. and adds a different Tone Color to the mix, i think, which is Useful/Helpful. i don’t know why i went for liken a razor instead of this one on the first mix, since at least now i think this is a better fit, but here we are.
style/taylor swift      this is actually the song that got me contemplating doing a second mix for these two, way back before i even tracked down the original one and listened to it all the way through again. i was listening to it and it had kind of the right Vibe, and then i got to the second verse. stopped. backtracked to the beginning, and went, ‘well, shit.’ and i kind of like this as a closing track. it kind of fits the same moment/hits the same note as ‘save the best for last,’ except...not exactly. it couldn’t go any earlier than their final reconciliation, though. but it also feels a little...lackluster, almost? for their happy ending. i feel like i want to end on a more optimistic note.
make our garden grow/candide      so this one is a Hard Maybe, and only made this post when i was realizing that ‘style’ doesn’t quite hit the note i want for an Ending song. this song was actually the closer for my hypothetical s4 mix--but it does mooooostly seem to focus on these two so maybe this would be a better place? (no, cunegonde’s verse doesn’t really fit in either case but the first and third do) and even if the lyrics are no more optimistic than style, the Tone of the song is a little better...although now i’m second-guessing it even more, lol. well, i’ll leave it here for y’all to have Opinions about if you so choose XD
and also i’d throw a different cover of ‘i’ll be seeing you’ on there (and possibly title the mix I’ll Be Seeing You (Again) because well i think i’m funny) because Come On.
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anthologyoflucas · 2 years
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“𝖶𝖾𝗅𝗅, 𝗂𝗍 𝖿𝖾𝖾𝗅𝗌 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 𝖨'𝗏𝖾 𝗈𝗉𝖾𝗇𝖾𝖽 𝗆𝗒 𝖾𝗒𝖾𝗌 𝖺𝗀𝖺𝗂𝗇, 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖼𝗈𝗅𝗈𝗋𝗌 𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝗀𝗈𝗅𝖽𝖾𝗇 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖻𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍 𝖺𝗀𝖺𝗂𝗇. 𝖳𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾'𝗌 𝖺 𝗌𝗈𝗇𝗀 𝗂𝗇 𝗆𝗒 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝗋𝗍, 𝖨 𝖿𝖾𝖾𝗅 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 𝖨 𝖻𝖾𝗅𝗈𝗇𝗀, 𝖨𝗍'𝗌 𝖺 𝖻𝖾𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗉𝗅𝖺𝖼𝖾 𝗌𝗂𝗇𝖼𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖼𝖺𝗆𝖾 𝖺𝗅𝗈𝗇𝗀.”
A MagnAlya doodle I had commissioned from this wonderful artist on twitter!
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lonniemachin · 2 years
ted!! alternatively j'onn
doing j’onn >:)
favorite thing about them:
• he is THE heart of the justice league, do not forget that. he loves it, he loves those he came to know since he began living on earth, he’s strong in heart and mind and yet he’s got his own struggles. he has a place he feels he belongs and yet he doesn’t feel like he can completely be his true self and it’s interesting, he can be vulnerable too.
least favorite thing about them:
• honestly? i haven’t j’onn’s solos to say, so i’ll just say that i wish he would be featured more as a league mainstay. he deserves as much love and attention as the other members do!
favorite line:
• see my ted answer.
• J’ONN AND MAXWELL LORD PRE-INFINITE CRISIS!!! some friends got me hooked on their relationship. i loved seeing it develop as JLI went on, they found a lot of common ground and genuine friendship in each other and they were able to bond about their roles when it came to the team and they had a lot of respect for the other despite who max was. i simply do not perceive CDTIC <3
• not for bruce but genuinely martianbat as of right now. or him and his late wife, of course.
• human target pairing up him and bea was a mistake. a big disgusting mistake.
random headcanon:
• he loves oreos, but i think it goes beyond that - he enjoys anything with the same kind of crumbly crunchy texture. it’s a good sensory feeling and better-tuned to his non-human palette.
unpopular opinion:
• haven’t seen enough opinions on j’onn to know if mine are unpopular.
song i associate with them:
• don’t really have one. i will though because i like him enough to eventually read him. i’ll get to it!
favorite picture of them:
• here is a very nice one
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lvlyhao · 4 years
『you’re dating him but he’s not your bias』
reaction fic; NCT Dream
A/N: this is nct dream’s reaction to realizing your bias is not him (and you’re a couple). gender neutral, got way too deep at some points and was NOT meant to be this long. enjoy.
note that english is my second language and i speak mixing slang, accents and spellings from 3283928 places so i did notice there’s practice written with both s and c down there so
just dont mind it pls
also, today’s photo theme is dream looking cute in low quality shots.
𝓖𝓮𝓷𝓻𝓮𝓼: fluff (♡), angst (❆), comedy (☼), crack (⍢).
𝓦𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼: lots of swearing, my tough love for the neos, one mention of cheating that doesn’t actually happen, a couple of mentions of alcohol and drinking, some violence hidden in metaphors, me being chaotic, it got a bit more angsty and darker than i intended, but we do have all happy endings.
word count: 6.8K
pairing: nct dream members x reader ( includes mark, renjun, jeno, haechan, jaemin, chenle, jisung)
disclaimer: the characters in the story below do not reflect real people or present real facts. this is purely fictional, and you may not copy, change, translate or repost my work in any way. all rights reserved © cherry-hyejin 2021.
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oh, poor baby
i feel like he would be a little heartbroken 
just a little
not so much if it’s someone from dream, because they’re his little brothers, but if it’s one of his hyungs from 127 or wayv,,,,,
boy might cry
he’s not super dramatic about it or anything but i don’t see him as being super confident about himself
so he might think like
“do they think he’s cooler than me?”
and it’s silly, yes, he knows
but it’s just something that pops up in his mind sometimes when you bring him up
so for the sake of this fanfic let’s pretend you’re johnny biased
because gods know i am
at least when it comes to 127
mark would be divided into fanboying with you and being like “YO, HE’S THE COOLEST GUY ON EARTH OH MY GOD I’M SO GLAD YOU AGREE”
“a h”
<gives you a little tiny smile to cover up the sound of his heart breaking>
would constantly try to get closer to you when johnny is around, and just
showing off in little (kinda dumb) ways
complimenting you
being even more whipped than usual
like yes he’ll give you all of his watermelon slices just please don’t look at johnny like that again
i think johnny would kind of play into it with the whole “imma steal your s/o” thing
and he doesn’t do it to make mark jealous or hurt
we know he’d rather get hit by a train than ever actually upsetting his son on purpose
but we also know he’s johnny
so yeah he might call you lil pet names (beautiful, cutie, you get it)
just to see you giggle 
(and see your soul leave your body)
might say he’s taking you out for dinner when he’s just driving you to get more ice cream for a movie night with the gang lol
and winks
expect a lot of winks
anywhere and anytime
which makes mark sometimes feel like he’s intruding???
and that you appreciate johnny more than him???
he genuinely doesn’t understand how you can date him and still not have him as your bias
don’t you like, love him above everyone else or smth lol
his “showing off” phase eventually fades tho
now every time you hang you with the boys and johnny is around, he’ll be a bit more distant 
he thinks he’s giving you space to interact with his friends but he’s just shying away from competing with one of his favourite people ever
and it’s a competition that Does Not Exist™
but he’s not 100% aware of that
and you’re not that dense 
so ofc you notice
and you wait till you two are alone to talk to him, and he BEGRUDGINGLY admits that you being johnny biased makes him feel kinda small and unimportant
he’d never try to make you change your bias or anything
he just needs reminders that he’s your #1 boy sometimes
which is fine by you
and by him
cus now it’s you calling him pet names all the time
and hugging him
and kissing his cheek
and praising his work
and blowing kisses from across the room
and just telling him straight up that no matter what, you’ll always go to him
(not that you ever had any chance with johnny lmao)
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wym donghyuck is your bias lol
literally are you fucking kidding him
don’t get me wrong ok
everyone knows renjun loves haechan
they’re bffs and could not live without each other
but at the same time,,,
what is wrong with you
who did he choose as his s/o gods help him
if it was jeno, or mark, or jaehyun, or winwin, or kun, or lucas, or yuta, or taeyong, or ten, or,,,,
literally ANY of his other members
he’d understand your point and be like “ok fine”
but haechan???? hmmm bestie no
he’s not gonna throw a fit
not after the first time you told him anyways
and he just whined very loudly after having laughed for 5 minutes thinking it was a joke
<flashbacks of that one time he had to sing the ottoke song with haechan on weekly idol>
if you don’t know that iconic scene, renjun had a whole ass meltdown in 3 seconds while yelling “aAAAAAH JINJJAAAAA” and getting ready to punch the living shit out of hyuck
for no reason other than the fact that it’s haechan we’re talking about and injun’s little body is filled with rage
would probably try to act all cool about it and be like “i don’t mind” but bruh does he mind
and it doesn’t help that haechan is such a little shit about it
he doesn’t even flirt with you
he just
constantly reminds renjun that he’s your bias—not him—and then constantly praises himself over you
“ah, y/n~ did you choose me as your bias because i’m the best vocalist? or was it because i’m the best dancer? mAYBE IT WAS BECAUSE OF MY OH SO BROAD SHOULDERS—”
(pause for injun to punch him)
and ok in the beginning it was funny seeing him all worked up but now it’s just annoying to be in the same room as these two
haechan won’t let either of you live
and renjun just wants to
so it eventually gets to the point where you’ll talk to renjun and jeno will talk to hyuck cus even the other dreamies are tired of it
except maybe for chenle, he always laughs his ass off when they start bickering
your conversation goes something like “oh my god renjun i’m literally dating you, i don’t like haechan better or anything you little pile of fury”
while jeno sits hyuck down in front of him and jaemin and just
“bro why are you like this”
no but renjun would apologize for going overboard with his protectiveness and jealous energy because he’s not generally like that
he’s angry all the time but never about something involving you, you know
he tries his best to treat you like the royalty you are
but something about hyuck being your bias makes him feel a bit like a castaway???
he’s very creative and as an artsy kid myself i know we’re very prone to feeling left out because we’re just different from the others
so he’d think maybe haechan really has a better voice
or better dancing skills
or he looks better
he is taller than injun after all, and has broader shoulders, and his hair is all fluffy and—
the whole thing just made him insecure about things he had settled with himself long ago
he was fine with being him
but not so much when it came to that
i don’t think you two would fight over it cus tbh i think renjun would really only get with someone who can be very understanding of him
and i think hyuck would actually apologize to renjun too
not when everyone’s around but like, maybe after dinner or something and he just needs to feel like they’re besties again
hyuck never meant for things to get out of control
he just really likes both injun and you as his friends, and aside from skinship his most prominent love language is,,,
he was really just trying (very poorly) to grow closer to the person his best friend loves so much—you—because renjun is SUCH a big part of his life it would just feel wrong to not be good friends with you as well
don’t tell them i said this but they hug it out
injun strikes me as someone that could take a bit of time to bounce back from something that hurt his pride or his sense of belonging
and his way of healing and bonding is just,,,
sure, keep being haechan biased, but also please read with him
and talk about his fantastic animal creations
and watch those buzzfeed unsolved alien theory videos because he really wants to discuss it and maybe even draw what he thinks the aliens look like
hyuck tones it down, you make sure renjun knows you like him for him, renjun starts to (secretly) appreciate hyuck’s talent along with you...
and now let’s take a moment to imagine the minute you watch their latest mv with injun by your side
and yes okay the first thing you see is CLEARLY how good renjun looks because holy fucking shit he’s an angel (and i’m clearly not renjun biased)
but then,,,,,,
(there’s always a haechan high note, just look for it)
and ok maybe he did scream a bit with you because of how good it all sounded
and you know what, it works out perfectly bc you two are my new otp and you were meant for each other
but we do have to mention the eventual happening of chenle saying like “oOoOoOoH y/N wErE yOu dRoOliNg oVeR hAeChAn AgAiN” after a special stage
and then you, injun and hyuck all attempt to choke him
i’m kidding
or not
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ah, lee jeno
aka samoyed boi
yes i do call him that no i will not stop
everyone is always writing jeno as being super protective and literally about to burst a lung if someone else ever does as much as look at you
but i just 
don’t see him that way
he’s a taurus and from what i know about taurus they can be v v jealous, yes, but they mainly seek comfort
so he’s fine with you biasing jaemin
as long as you’re not ditching him or anything lol
and ok, imma be 100% honest here even if it sounds like literal no fun (jenojaem wink wonk)
jaemin doesn’t flirt with you
not any more than he flirts with
every other breathing creature
he’s really only platonically interested in you, never remotely romantic or anything lol
on the other side, he is in love with jeno
basically, if jaemin is your bias, jeno is his
so nothing really changes
we know how nomin are, okay
they hold hands, they stare deeply into each other eyes, they nearly kiss at least once every time they go live
it's just them
you gotta respect it bruh
i know this is the most boring reaction ever so let’s create the one (1) instance where jeno would actually dislike that you bias someone else
i think he would feel a bit hurt if you seemed to be more supportive of jaemin’s work than his
and it’s not something big or on purpose
it’s just something like going with him to a recording session but not going with jeno because you have homework
or after a very busy practise day going to praise jaemin first
even if it’s just three words
“you did good”
and then you’re going towards him, he’s gonna feel like maybe he doesn’t deserve your praise as much as nana????
i actually feel like, among the dreamies, jeno is the least confident one when it comes to his performance
he knows he’s not an awful rapper or anything but i think it can be a bit too much, being around such bright and huge presences like the others while his nickname literally means “no fun”
his members are just so loud and full of energy most of the time
and sometimes he just really needs to be quiet and observe in silence 
(yes i do know he’s chaotic and a crackhead, i’m just saying as we know he can be a bit introspective)
so what if you just
stopped seeing him?
did he become invisible to you?
did you finally fall for jaemin’s beautiful smile and stupid pick-up lines?
he’s not gonna let it show that he’s affected, though
earth signs are nearly always the ones to “stay strong” because we have this image that people are relying on us???
so we do what we do
bottle everything up and overwork ourselves bc we only got two modes
1. chill, super balanced and down to earth (ay for the pun)
2. please make us take a break we’re literally about to cry if we work for one more minute but we can’t allow ourselves to fucking take it easy
so yes you’ve guessed correctly, we’re going with 2
jeno is going to go so, SO hard on everything he does 
literally every single activity you can think of from dance practice to photoshoots to cooking for the dreamies
he stays up later than usual to get that one tricky move in the choreo just right
he works out more because he thinks he has to look absolutely perfect for when they shoot the mv
jisung asked for ramen? he’s making it but you bet your ass he’s spending over 40 minutes just chopping so
but he’s doing it anyway for the reason being that it just has to be the Best™
and it’s not like he’s competing with anyone else to be diligent
this is just about being better than he was and showing himself—and maybe you—how painstakingly hardworking and driven he can be
maybe then you’re gonna acknowledge him as much as you acknowledge nana :((
writing this is making me downright sad, jeno is so underrated and unaware of his power UGH
and i need to point out this is NOT about making you change your bias from jaemin to him, this is solely about having you recognize his efforts, even if you already do
if you just thought jeno was like going off in work because it was asked of him to, jaemin would DEF notice and talk to you about it
turns out it’s a habit of jeno to go extra hard sometimes and he needs someone to make him take a break
so it goes down like you breaking into the practice room when jeno and jisung were practising
the first reaction is confusion
the second is oh hey babe how are you
third is
a-are you dragging jeno and his bag out of the door while screeching at jisung to order pizza and doughnuts for everyone??
yes you are and i’m proud of you
so jeno is still confused and making those cute “hUh” noises he does omg i love him so much
and you’re just rambling about how much of an amazing artist he is, and you love his voice, and he’s a fantastic dancer, and his expressions and gestures are on point, and he takes such good care of the dreamies and
he’s perfect
and he knows jaemin must have talked to you, and he feels so vulnerable to have you know how on edge he’s been
baby boy just needs some rest
and that’s exactly what you give him, with a bath full of those fancy bath bombs and flower petals and candles at your house/apt
then a quick sheet mask while you massage his shoulders and keep saying how much you genuinely admire him
the mask might be ruined cus he started crying out of exhaustion
after that’s been done and you’ve hugged for at least like 5 min nonstop, you head over to the dorms, where hyuck was in charge of setting up a blanket fort while mork and nana gather board games, jisung gets the food and chenle
well chenle just had to make sure jisung doesn’t forget to order for someone and doesn’t break like 10 plates trying to set the table lol
this is way longer than the others so imma wrap it up
make it obvious and loud that you see and respect jeno’s hard work and he’ll be alright again
and maybe make those game nights a weekly thing when possible, it would make him very happy
he’ll never again feel sad when you praise jaemin cus now he’s sure he does enough, and above all, he is enough
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haechan = full sun
why would you ever bias someone when you’re dating the goddamned sun
does not understand
but also does not care that much
actually, one out of two really depending on who your bias is
if it’s one of the members he has that tom/jerry relationship with, prepare for so
and clinging
donghyuck please stop screaming about doyoung not deserving to be your baby’s bias, it’s 2 am
on the other hand, if it’s one of the (few) members he,,,
adores with all of his heart and is not afraid to show it
ex: sungchan, jaehyun, taeil and yang2x
then you can bet he’s going to be right beside you whenever you feel like throwing a fit because he’s just so handsome and talented
i’m going to write you as being mark biased ok? ok
i honestly don’t know if he’d feel more jealous of mark or of you
he loves you both
a lot,,,,
and he really doesn’t like it when mark blushes when you compliment him
and he doesn’t like it when mark literally just walks past you and you trip over your feet because bro tf u doing, that’s some embarrassing shit
lowkey done with you two
or don’t, he’s fine either way (cue crossed arms and staring at you from across the room until you come give him a kiss)
“he’s pretty cute but i’m cuter right baby”
pouty pouty pouty if he ever feels neglected
will be so fucking annoying lmao i can’t write haechan, i love him but i do understand why renjun is always trying to beat him up
he’d be a show-off in a different way than mark because he can be so petty
will take every chance he gets to pull a one-liner
will sing everything he has to say just so you know he can hit those high notes
what do you mean dream doesn’t have a schedule today
oh man, he could swear they did
because that is the sole reason why he’s wearing his most expensive clothes and shoes + makeup to walk around the dorms, yes
no he doesn’t want to impress you
shut up
will text you like every single fancam he sees on twitter
and are they mark’s?
lol no, they’re his
he is so genuinely trying to make you a member of his sunflower cult 
<whispers> “tell me i’m your bias” 
“donghyuck what the actual hell why are you standing at the end of my bed in the middle of the night like a fucking demon child”
he really wants to act all cool and composed but he wants to be your bias so fucking bad
he’s a bad bitch all around and just does whatever
cus haechan privilege
and he tends to not care about what people say and think???
bc he knows he’s lee donghyuck
he’s fully aware of the effect he has on people
but you
not biasing him
naw, he can’t take it
will do anything and everything he can to make you say, JUST ONE TIME, he’s your bias
then you can go back to loving (his) mark
so for your sake, for his sake, for mark’s sake
just give donghyuck what he wants
i can promise he’ll keep being an ass no matter what you do
like yeah did you just buy him coffee and his favourite cake? well that’s sweet but iS HE YOUR BIAS YET
“aw babe thanks so much for taking a bullet for me but now please say i’m your bias”
if you still don’t do it, it’s time to be extra petty
will actually drop you for mark
his logic is something like: he can’t be your bias? pity, so he’s just gonna date him instead
and mark is mark so he has no idea what’s going on
everyone in 127 and dream finds this absolutely hilarious cus suddenly donghyuck seems to be doing his best to win over mark’s heart and i mean more than usual???? and he’s treating you like his bro????
<you leaving the dorms to go to uni or smth so you go to hyuck for a goodbye kiss> “no can do, i’m committed”
“i’m your partner”
“no that’s mark”
it’s not 100% a joke when i say i can see him getting down in one knee to propose to mark while making eye contact with you to
assert his dominance
and mark is just
what HAHAHA”
and you are so done, i’m so sorry you have to go through that bby
i don’t think there’s another way to fix haechan other than just admitting he was your bias for an era, or a comeback or something
like yeah with the other dreamies before him it’s bonding + healing time bc i wrote it all kinda angsty (lol sorry) but with donghyuck
“will you stop this if i say you were my bias during reload era”
“mark wasn’t in dream that era tho”
“yes i know”
i say he’s gonna take what he can get and now things can finally go back to normal
with the exception that something else comes along with hyuck being satisfied with you biasing him
he just has a full pass to fanboy over mark now too
what am i talking about?
new 127 mv is out
you: watching it beside haechan and going off about how pretty mark looks
him: going off even harder bc he’s whipped too
this is what a happy couple looks like 
but now i pity mark because he has you two idiots fanboying over him irl
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nana is just such a chill and fun guy
i can’t see him being actually jealous or anything if he finds out you bias someone else
and so the two of you become insufferable together
bitch, i’m telling you
he (ur bias) is not gonna have one peaceful day ever again in his entire life
cus you know the thing jaemin does where he just looks at someone doing some random shit and goes “oOoOoH sExY”
yes that thing
he’s doing it to your bias 
and you’re doing it too
and your bias probably wants to run away to some very far away land
i’m not gonna write this whole thing as if you bias him but let’s just imagine
two fully grown people
pilling on top of poor, poor park jisung playing games on his phone
i genuinely think he would avoid being around you two at the same time
cus individually he can handle it
like yes y/n please let me go this hug has lasted for about 4 minutes now
or oh hi jaemin hyung my cheeks hurt when you pinch them that hard
but when you two are together
a power couple not bc you two are v confident or some shit but bc you can and will be extremely affectionate towards anyone that comes too close
and now let’s talk about how it would be if you biased jaehyun
jaemin loves jaehyun
they’re 2jae
2jae are soulmates
therefore,,,, it’s also kinda hellish but in a different way???
bc 2jae are on the end of that spectrum about the neos that know how in love the entire world is with them
they’re too powerful
they’re aware of their charm and they do everything they can to rub it in our faces
so the flirting between 2jae and you would be insane
and i mean insane
insane as in even johnny is kinda disgusted tbh bc
they’re doing a photo shoot with the 23 of them for some shit, idk don’t ask me
and of course, you had to tag along
but oh my god you three, please stop calling each other sexy/hot in weird voices now, the staff is staring
there are def rumours the 3 of you are a poly couple lmao
jaehyun denies everything on social media (throwback to saying “no way lol” when we asked if he REALLY slept in the same bed as jungwoo)
but every piece of content there is of you and jaemin or you and jaehyun or just them is so ridiculously flirty
you can bet there are compilations on youtube like 
“y/n being in love with 2jae for 8 minutes heterosexual”
ok i was having way too much fun with that, moving on
i don’t think he’d ever be actually upset about you biasing someone else
he trusts you and treasures you a lot so he doesn’t see the problem in you also appreciating another one of his members
bc gods know he does
he’s a bit in love with everyone so why shouldn’t you be too lol
one time he would feel a bit blue because of it???
i think it’s possible he’d turn pouty or whiny or just kinda needy (not in a bad way, he just misses you) when he’s like
done with people
and needs some time away from everything
we know he’s an introvert, even if he acts very, very loud around the boys and it’s honestly just a matter of time until an introvert grows tired of being around humans
it depends on each person, of course, but there’s a 99% chance every once in a while he’ll start to feel too drained
and he’ll need a break to get his energy back
jaemin would probably want you around even when he feels like that, though
i see you being such a big source of comfort for him in a relationship
he enjoys taking care of people so please take care of him too
and for just this one day don’t talk about your bias that much, or don’t leave nana to go over to him to chat
and just cuddle him a lot
that will make him a smiley baby again
and then things are back to how they normally are
and by that i mean most neos hiding from you because they’re scared 
i don’t have a lot to say aside from that so let’s think about the neos that would be the most intimidated by your shared thot aura
dotae would be confused in different ways lol
taeyong would be just ????????????blush/awkward smile/hahaha??????
and doyoung might actually ask what is wrong with you
<points to jeno and his s/o> “why can’t you be like them”
mark would laugh-scream and slap his knee into oblivion whenever you two are cornering him
but then go super shy and be like “dUDE DON’T DO THAT”
resident confident gay jungwoo would rejoice in the attention and make so many goddamned jokes
a literal comedian i love him
i think sicheng and renjun would be on the same wavelength of repugnance towards you lol
chenle would deadass call you weird and tell you to leave him alone
shotaro and kun might faint (or kun will panic-scold you)
taeil is as confused by affection as usual (have you seen the face he makes when haechan kisses him LMFAO he’s smiling but like wondering wtf happened on the inside)
ten is not very amused but might play into it
yangyang: that’s disgusting, man (cue flashbacks to that live with renjun after the from home stage where renjun pretended to lick his hand and slick his hair back,,, catboy injun,,, you know the one)
xiaojun and hendery are such panicked gays they just turn to stare at whoever else is around and make that “help” expression like they’re on the office
haechan is haechan, kinda doesn’t mind it
jeno is used to dealing with this at this point
lucas and yuta love the attention but while yuta will flirt right back lucas is just gonna smile and try to jop his way out of there while screaming
sungchan will go hide behind haechan and say “hyung they’re being dumbasses again”
this turned into ‘how would nct react to you and jaemin being super flirty together’ and i’m not sorry
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chenle is so fun to write i love him lmao
okay so
he doesn’t strike me as the possessive type with anyone other than jisung (bc i swear he can be a bit jelly towards his bestie but i think it comes with sungie being the sweetest bean ever, he’s just protective)
he’s such a ray of sunshine and witty jokes and dolphin laughter i love him
back to the plot
he literally couldn’t care less about you biasing someone else
b u t
i will say there’s an exception
this exception is tall, kinda lanky, very awkward and born on the 5th of february
you’ve guessed it, it’s jisung
i think most of the time he’d tease THE SHIT out of you for it because c’mon
you had 22 chances not to mess up
and you still somehow ended up biasing jisung? lol do better next time
and this is not me and chenle hating on jisung, please—
he’d just find it funny that your bias is his best friend and
hold the fuck up
your bias is his best friend
i think after realizing that he would lowkey try to keep you two apart because he’s somehow jealous of both????
and if he can’t help it then you can bet your ass he will be screaming all along
it’s his sweet, dummy jisung
with his sweeter and dummier y/n
what is he going to do
probably has a mini-breakdown with kun because like he’s always wanted you two to get along bUT NOT LIKE THAT
kun will just sigh like the tired father he is and pet his back while saying “there, there”
and a genius idea is going to come to chenle’s mind
you know the teasing thing?
well it’s upgrade time
he’s gonna turn into such a try-hard with tmi and embarrassing shit you two have done
and he’s not trying to stop you from being friends
he just wants you to like
know who you’re befriending
bc i think since he’s really really close to jisung, he doesn’t want you getting closer to him bc you like his idol side alone
and he doesn’t want jisung getting close to you just because you’re his partner either
if you had high hopes for each other and ended up kinda falling face-first into the ground bc it was nothing like you had imagined—
he’d be so broken
because he loves you so much :((((
so like, if you can get past the teasing and annoying barrier he’s putting up, he’ll be more than happy to have two of the most important people in his life being buddies
so get ready for it
if you’re the type of person to go batshit crazy when you drink, oh boy, oh boy
so you and the dreamies are just having dinner when lele feels like it’s the perfect time to disclose some of your drunken adventures
“hey y/n”
“yeah babe?”
“remember that time you got really really drunk on vodka and candy and wanted to call your mom”
“chenle the hell don’t talk ab—”
“but then you tried using the microwave as a phone”
“or that other time you were equally as drunk and watched the make a wish mv and cried because you noticed the height difference between xiaojun hyung and lucas hyung”
yeah so now’s the part you get up to chase him around the dorms and try to land a kick
he likes doing that when it’s just the three of you though
so picture this
movie night the girls boys
chenle would 100% pick the most terrifying horror movie he can find so that he could see jisung clinging to whoever’s closest to him
and then right before a jumpscare, he’d whisper like
“why don’t you do that thing you were doing while you slept last night”
(honestly, i’d be mildly scared if i heard lele say this with no context at all)
and then the jumpscare happens and jisung is nearly fainting and crying at the same time
but chenle is laughing
and trying to get out what he wants to tell you between wheezes
“he-he” <dolphin wheeze> “hE WAS SINGING CHEER UP BY TWICE WHILE SLEEPING” <more wheezes>
and look this is just gonna go on for weeks until you and jisung are over it
and stop being weird and awkward around each other
lele needs you two to be bros ok
so be bros
once you do adapt to being pals with your bias i think chenle would take the teasing down a notch just to make you more comfortable
and like he’s so happy now the three of you can hang out and there’s just no tension
happy chenle is the thing i love the most i swear to gods
and if you don’t adapt to it?
i honestly think he’d be pretty disappointed, cus it means to him one of you isn’t ready to fully embrace the weirdness within????
and like what u scared of
jisung is a weirdo, what about it, so are you
either that or he’d think you’re maybe being judgemental
so yeah please accept jisungie and your dumbass boyfriend
then everyone can be besties
i love thinking about the three of you as just this hellbound chaotic trio
because chenji already wreak havoc wherever they go as the two of them
but now that you’re coming along,,,,
no neo would escape from your pranks ever again (and even members of other groups lmfao watch out sehun, i’m talking to you)
and it’s so incredible infuriating in a good way that it just turns to be endearing
you’re cute as fuck so no one gets actually mad with the shit you pull????
which is dangerous, someone should really keep an eye out on the three of you 
we don’t need sm to be on fire
well we kinda do cus they’re pretty bad but not my point
i said somewhere above that chenle would tone the teasing down but i don’t mean he’d stop
bc c’mon guys
he’s chenle
no limits here
but sorry, i really cannot write jealous!chenle cus his heart is just too pure and filled with joy for him to be jealous for real
last scenario?
chenle after a comeback stage: ya y/n, i was gonna ask how was my performance today but you were probably more focused on jisung’s arms right
jisung is choking on water somewhere behind you
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it’s maknae time <plays i.n’s maknae on top>
i don’t mean to picture jisung as being like
ridiculously innocent or just downright naive because i really dislike it when people do that
he’s a literal 19 yo and jaemin himself has said he’s not as innocent as we think lol
i do see him as being quite new to all things love 
i think you’d probably be his first partner and with first relationships comes a lot of other firsts
first kiss maybe, first time holding hands, first time being jealous….
first time being jealous, yes, focus on that
i don’t think jisung would be aware that like
you not biasing him is even a possibility
cuz you’re dating
doesn’t that come along????
ah poor baby i love him
if you biased chenle i think he’d be just
disgusted and weirded out but okay?? you do you i guess???
he’s comfortable enough with lele to not feel intimidated
but if it’s another member
ESPECIALLY one of the oldest ones
i think it would be a blow straight to his confidence 
you biasing ten, kun, taeil, taeyong, doyoung or johnny and maybe yuta would make him feel a bit hesitant and concerned
his first thought would probably be that you don’t like being with someone as young as him
and who knows, maybe you’re even younger than him, maybe you’re the same age, but what if you actually like older guys??
what about him then???
and jisung doesn’t mean to feel so worried and insecure, ok, pls understand where i’m coming from
first relationships normally take like a very long time to build trust and acceptance of the other person’s feelings bc it’s literally a whole new world for you
and that goes extra hard for jisung because he is so fucking whipped for you it’s still hard to believe you like him as much
and it absolutely does not cross his mind that you’d cheat on him with your bias, GODS NO
he really respects you and his hyungs 
so no, never
that’s not a thing that can happen
but you realize you’re too good for him and maybe see he doesn’t fit your ideal type?
well, yes, that’s what he’s thinking
probably goes straight to chenle or renjun (he talks about renjun so much asjahj) to vent and ask for advice
i think they’d be surprised to see what’s going on inside his pretty little head because it’s so obvious for everyone that you just adore jisung
and they do tell him that
however, i don’t think it would completely calm his nerves, and again, this has nothing to do with not trusting you
it’s just that
his hyungs are so cool…
would probably try to mirror your bias (i’m saying it’s taeyong for the sake of what i’ve imagined ok) and like
grasp onto some of his qualities?
so in his mind taeyong is: nice, sweet, caring, amazing, perfect, smart, perfect, sexy, mature and did i mention perfect
i can see him trying some new rap styles that mimic tyong’s a bit???
like would lowkey learn his raps from cherry bomb and superm’s one and listen to recordings frequently to pick up on how taeyong does it
i think he’d also just change the way he acts in general to dodge a bit from his maknae image
so now he tries to speak with a more formal-ish language and learns random facts about things you like to seem more intelligent???
“good morning y/n, you look as beautiful as one of voiello’s paintings today :]”
“wait i thought that was a pasta brand”
he’s just trying to show you he can be mature and serious if you want him to
long story short, he’s not acting like himself (not that he’s childish, he’s just out of it) and you don’t like it, so you ask about it and wait for him to feel comfortable with sharing
when he does talk about it breaks your heart so much :((
you’re going to need some patience to try and show him you’d choose him, and not your bias, even if you had the chance
they’re completely different people and you love him BECAUSE he’s jisung, not for any other reason
please reassure him so he can go back to acting like his authentic self, i think it would be such a relief for him too
your words and affection are obviously enough for him, but if it ever happens that he feels especially low and insecure again, it would help if your bias talks to him too
and taeyong wouldn’t have a problem with it
actually, scratch that, taeyong probably knew what was going on all along
he just has that motherly 7th sense (ay) that is even more acute with the dreamies cus like 
127 has him, wayv has kun, but dream has…
the dreamies
and that, my friend, is terrifying
anyway he’d come to talk to jisung asking like “what’s wrong buddy :(“ and sungie would be a bit ashamed because it sounds so silly when you say it out loud
of course tyong wouldn’t judge him, and he just really has to tell jisung what is it you and he are always talking about
it’s him
“when they come around to talk and hang out here it all goes back to you, jisungie. they can’t spend one second without mentioning your name
it’s so cute; it’s always like ‘oh jisung would love this’ or ‘jisung likes it that way’
so please be kinder to yourself and let yourself see that they’re in love with you, not with me and not with any other member they ever mention”
jisung would feel 10000000% better
and smiley
and giggly
and oh my god do you really talk about him that much
would just go over to your house immediately and hug you, burying his face on your neck from behind you
and not let go
ever again
the whole situation just teaches him a lot about accepting your love for him and not questioning it 
shut up i’m not crying
final notes: this was my first work after the humanity series and it was so fun lol i think next up is probs gonna be an ideal type scenario for ot23 (but if i really write it i’m gonna post it by subunit and its gonna be way shorter than this, don’t expect 23K words at once lmao)
if you’ve enjoyed this fic please consider reading my humanity series, which is a zombie apocalypse au with kun <3
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sapphire374 · 3 years
Thanks for the ask Anna!!
Simón the cinnamon roll!!!
Favorite thing about them:
His kindness that literally robs off on others. His sweetness is just so infectious and no one can avoid it, not even Ambar hehehe. Plus he’s always trying to help others and is very empathetic. He literally wrote the most beautiful song off the show, Eres and Valiente. Those words are like no others. Truly a heart of gold.
Least Favorite thing about them:
How he immediately believed and trusted in Daniella instead of listening to his childhood friend Luna. He quickly thought whatever Luna was saying was a lie and believed more a person he barely knows instead of his forever childhood friend. I understand he was going through a rough patch with her but it still didn’t feel right. I was upset at him when I saw that but the good thing is he learned from his mistake and didn’t do it again, which is the important thing 😌
Favorite line:
“Todo lo que quieras lo podras alcanzar.”
Luna/Simon/Nina. Love this iconic group. I explained it more in my last character ask about Luna but I just love how close they all are with each other and how Simon and Nina immediately hit it off and get along really well because of how much they care about Luna.
Simbar of course. I love their development and how Simon was able to soften her heart more and be there for her when no one was.
Simon and Daniela. That was a no for me since day one. She was evil, manipulative and so annoying that even Ambar was annoyed of her. Plus she was an extreme liar all because she was jealous of Luna, which was uncalled for. Btw if you pair up their names together it’s Simonella which sounds a lot like salmonella and that’s exactly how this ship is, icky. 😆
Random headcanon:
For fun growing up, him and Luna would play games relating to Harry Potter. He would always laugh when she would wear the robe because she owned one that was three times her size since it was gifted to her mom and originally belonged to one of her mom’s friend’s daughters. They would pair up every Halloween and choose costumes of the same theme. He once dressed up as Superman while she dressed up as Wonder Woman.
Unpopular opinion:
Okay so personally I feel like Simon had all the right to get angry and say all the things he said to Ambar in S2. Like yes I do feel bad that she had to head the words “your incapable of love” but think about it, you try being in his position. He thought she truly changed to be a better person and then discovers on his own that she was the one who started the fire in the rink and framed Luna for it. He couldn’t believe that out of all the people it was her, the girl he was falling for. It was almost earth shattering. He told her these words from how hurt and betrayed he was. This is reasonable. She did something wrong and because this is a Disney show, she didn’t go to jail but what she committed would most likely end her up in jail. It was a lot for him in such a short period of time, a lot to take in. He thought she stopped hurting others and discovered that it was a lie, it was all fake (we as the audience know that towards the end she did change but he doesn’t know this).
Song I associate with them:
Mercy by Shawn Mendes
Diva de la Escuela by Micheal Ronda (we all know he wrote this for Ambar lol)
A Little Too Much by Shawn Mendes
Somebody to you by The Vamps
* I don’t know but all I can think of is Shawn Mendes songs for him lol 😆*
Favorite picture of them:
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hopefulstarfire · 3 years
How about Ya Boy Guzma for that character meme?
favorite thing about them
God there's too many things I love about Guzma, but I think my favorite has to do with Team Skull. Guzma came from a very toxic and abusive household, on top of feeling like he could never stack up because he couldn't be a Trial Captain, he couldn't make it past the Island Trials and then the team he was originally a part of got demolished. He saw that there were others like him -- misfits, kids from bad homes, kids who didn't feel like they were enough -- and he made his own family. He gave them a place of belonging and also created one of the greatest Pokemon "villain" teams ever, like, I'm sorry Team Skull is the greatest thing, but I love the layers and complexities of why he formed them and how it also really highlights his growth throughout the story. Like in USUM, you actually find him talking about how he's going to protect the people he cares about, even without being a Captain and even after disbanding Team Skull, meaning he's not abandoning them.
least favorite thing about them
I don't necessarily think I have things that I dislike about Guzma specifically. There are things that break my heart about Guzma, such as his trauma responses of yanking his hair out and screaming "GUZMA, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU" and it's definitely something that came from his childhood and his father's abuse. But there are story elements that I wish were done better for his story; I would've loved to have seen him get a cut scene with Gladion while Gladion was part of Team Skull, or even more information about how he and Lusamine teamed up (they talk about her being the only adult that ever showed him "respect" but we don't see it before he shows up at the Aether Foundation when Nebby and Lillie get kidnapped), maybe something in the post game with Team Skull reforming but this time as something new entirely, or how about maybe not let it be the next time you see him in Sun and Moon is at his abusive parents house, his dad beat him with golf clubs cOULD YOU NOT HAVE JUST SHOWN HIM AT PLUMERIAS HOUSE OR SOMETHING -- LET THE MAN HAVE SOME PEACE --
favorite line
"Maybe when you bring out the best in others, it helps you find the best in yourself, too, huh?"
Him and Plumes all day every day bbyyyyy
I don't know if I have a set OTP for Guzma, but it's always fun seeing everyone make OCs to pair with Guzma. Also Guzma x THERAPY.
Him and Lusamine. Also him and Nanu.
random headcanon
I feel like there's one day where he and the others go back and remodel Po Town. They make it actually livable and the little town becomes a sort of safe haven for those who need a home, injured Pokemon and even kids who are traveling to Alola from other regions and need a home to stay at when they're first starting out. Guzma's the one who starts it at first, probably by himself because he's stubborn and determined, and then one by one there's a pour of people coming to help him, starting with Sun/Moon, Lillie, Hau, Hala, Nanu, the other Kahunas and Trial Captains, Plumeria and Team Skull, Kukui, everyone comes and helps make this a reality, with Guzma leading them on and I think it's after that that Nanu announces his retirement as Kahuna and Guzma is chosen by Tapu Bulu as the next Kahuna.
unpopular opinion
I don't know if this actually unpopular or not, but I don't like that his tattoos were fake/temp tattoos. Let him be tatted up. I want Guzma with sleeves damnit.
song i associate with them
Face Off by Tech N9ne
Everywhere I Go by Hollywood Undead
Homecoming King by Andy Black
Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea by Fall Out Boy.
Future by Mystery Skulls.
favorite picture of them
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I tend to really like the ones where Guzma just looks Feral
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canary3d-obsessed · 4 years
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed Episode 18, second part
(Masterpost) (Other Canary Stuff) (Previous Post)
Warning: Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!
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Hey OP where’s the funny header gif for this post? Sorry, it was murdered by an angst demon and the framing of these shots.
My Found Family Came to Find Me
Continuing our flashback from last time, we see Baby Wei Ying up a tree, refusing to come down because he's afraid there are dogs. Eventually he falls out of the tree, like a dumbass a child, and Yanli tries but fails to catch him. 
Unlike his grownup counterpart, Baby Wei Ying doesn't pretend he's unhurt when he is hurt. I'd like to put the change at Yu Ziyuan's door, but actually he admits to being hurt during his Gusu summer - he mimics Lan Zhan's stoicism when they're getting beaten, but it doesn't come naturally to him, and he whines a lot afterwards. 
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By the time of the Animatronic Dog incident, however, he's laughing off obvious injuries that have secret trauma behind them. By the time he comes back, coreless, from the burial mounds, he won't confide in anyone about his hurts any more, except possibly Wen Qing.
Yanli carries Wei Ying, in a sequence that will be echoed much later in his life when Lan Zhan carries him (gifset here). While they head back, she tells him that Jiang Cheng has a bad temper and to ignore whatever mean things he says. This will also be echoed in the future, when Wei Wuxian says it to Lan Zhan after their argument with Jiang Cheng in the shrine.
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Yanli also explains that Jiang Cheng loved his dogs and that he's been very sad since Jiang Fengmian sent them away, demonstrating once again that Jiang Fengmian is a terrible father. Yanli says that Jiang Cheng will be happy to have a friend with him, though. This kind of makes Wei Wuxian's role in Jiang Cheng's life "replacement dog."
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Jiang Cheng, after getting over this particular snit, got worried about Wei Wuxian and woke up Yanli to find him, and then went wandering around in the dark like a dumbass a child, and is banged up and crying when the other two find him. Yanli encourages him to apologize to Wei Wuxian and he does, which will not happen again until the very end of the show.  
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They all smile and laugh together, as Wei Ying looks to Yanli to guide him through the insanity that his life has suddenly become. 
(more behind the cut!)
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They head back to Lotus Pier in a sweet montage of walking and smiling together, with Jiang Cheng carrying the world's most beautiful candle holder with the world's most wind-resistant candle in it, to light their way back. Back in the present day for a brief moment, Jiang Cheng pretends to sleep and listens to his sister insisting that the three of them should always stay together, while a single tear rolls down the side of his face.
Soup is Love, Chapter 1 of 1000
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Then we head to the past again. In Jiang Cheng & Wei Ying's now-shared room, Wei Ying sits on the bed trying to figure out how to deal with his grumpy new roommate.
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Wei Ying is unsure what to do when confronted with pajama game this strong. Tiny Jiang Cheng is already a fashion king. 
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Then he tells Jiang Cheng he's not going to narc him out to the clan leader, since it was his own fault that he hurt his leg. This is all Jiang Cheng needs to hear to decide Wei Ying is all right, and he says that he will help Wei Ying chase away dogs in the future.  In fact, Wei Wuxian will protect Jiang Cheng from punishment basically forever, while Jiang Cheng will continue to threaten Wei Wuxian with dogs...forever.
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They shake hands on their new understanding and then jump up and down laughing, Wei Ying's leg being all better now, apparently.  When Yanli arrives (carrying a tray of...can you guess? I'll let you guess), they stop jumping. Wei Ying dives in to give Jiang Cheng a little tickle/embrace in an adorable moment that would have me saying "oh, my ovaries!" if I hadn't surgically sent my ovaries to hell a few years ago.
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Yanli introduces Wei Ying to the emotional and gustatorial miracle that is her lotus and ribs soup. He hesitates a long time before tucking in because he's so unused to being fed.
Consent? I Don’t Even Know Her
The flashback wraps up with Yanli conked out on the table from the drugs in the incense burner, while Wei Wuxian, who is somehow unaffected despite sitting almost as close to the smoke as she was, checks on her. Jiang Cheng and his Uggs period-appropriate sock thingies get out of bed to come stand with Wei Wuxian, and have feelings about sending Yanli away after she JUST said she doesn't want to be parted from them.
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Wei Wuxian: If she didn't want us to do this, she shouldn't have signed that blanket consent-to-medical-treatment form.   Jiang Cheng: Wen Qing made me sign one of those plus a durable power of attorney, is that bad?
This episode is all about people overriding each others' agency and making massively important decisions without the consent of the people who will be affected. But in a feudal context, it's not a violation, no matter how it feels to the person being controlled. In feudal life, your body belongs to your lord -- your sect leader, in the world of CQL. Jiang Yanli and Jiang Cheng's choices are overridden by their clan leader's final command to Wei Wuxian.  Wei Wuxian's core is arguably Jiang Fengmian's property--Wei Wuxian certainly sees it that way, just as his hand was Yu Ziyuan's to take if she wished.  
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The brothers tenderly tuck Yanli into bed in the rolly cart and hand her off to Song Lan. They talk about how important it is to get her to Lanling and that she's probably going to be mad, as they thank Song Lan for helping them. 
Yanli listens while she sleeps and, in what is becoming a trademark Jiang move, lets a single tear roll down the side of her face. Jiang Cheng points out that Yanli never gets mad at Wei Wuxian and Wei Wuxian is like, true dat.
How Can You Mend a Broken Heart?
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Song Lan is always so emotional about every damn thing, I love him. Here he's like OH GOD NO DON'T FORMALLY THANK ME! STOP!!!
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Then he starts to ask Wei Wuxian to pass a message to Song Xingchen for him, but then decides not to say anything, making it super obvious that they fought and aren't together. 
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Wei Wuxian reacts to this with confusion and distress, probably because he doesn't want to imagine ever having a breakup with his own soulmate. Which he soon will be having.  But possibly he's just upset that his OTP broke up.
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After Song Lan takes off, Jiang Cheng gives Wen Qing a rude & perfunctory thank-you bow, turning away before she can return it. Wei Wuxian tells her not to take it to heart - basically everyone who deals with Jiang Cheng gets a version of the "ignore what he says" speech. She says she understands and that in his place she would have behaved worse, which is so totally not true.  
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Then she asks Wei Wuxian if he's sure about the core transfer (not in so many words, because the script is being kind of being vague about it, without actually hiding what's happening). His reply pretty much encapsulates the whole Wei Wuxian experience.
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Then he and Jiang Cheng walk off, with Jiang Cheng giving us a rear view that had me googling Wang Zhuocheng's fashion shoots to determine if that wagon he's draggin’ is really as delightful as this belt makes it look. Alas, there is not a wealth of photographic evidence for this research, as compared to, for example, photos of Xiao Zhan's outstanding ass.
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Wen Qing and Wen Ning see them off, with Wen Qing wishing they valued their lives more. Although, what she and Wen Ning are doing is massive treason, so their lives will be pretty much forfeit if they're caught, so...
The Sunshot Campaign of Like 60 Dudes
Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng walk up the mountain for the whole beginning of the Sunshot campaign, which...okay. Maybe it's like Dunkirk or The Witcher where they intercut stuff that is happening in different timeframes, which is one of my least favorite new film style thingies.
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You know, for a guy Wei Wuxian constantly calls "peacock," Jin Ziyuan really doesn't wear a lot of adornment; just some subtle metalwork on his belt with no dangly bits at all, and a single reasonably-sized hair crown. Compared to the extremely fancy Lan Wangji he's almost plain. We already know that Wei Wuxian is a massive hypocrite when it comes to his idea of a perfect boy, however.
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So, this is the Lanling Jin army, which consists of literally 60 guys, including the ones on the stairs and Jin Zixuan and Douchebag Dad. How are they going to fight a war with this tiny group? Why do they have such a big plaza? Hasn't anybody on this production learned CGI cloning?
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That’s better.
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Nie Mingjue and his best bitch Baxia make quick work of the 4 Wen guys who were assigned to hold the Unclean Realm. 
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Hello, Daddy Da-Ge!
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Squeeee, it's Lan Wangji! He's taking back Cloud Recesses! Ooooohhh we've missed you Lan Wangji.
Look guys he's here! Look how beautiful he is. He's looking at the gate of cloud recesses and thinking thoughts that Lan Xichen or Wei Wuxian could probably see in his bewitching eyes if they were here to see him, which they aren't. But at least he is here!
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....and now he's gone again. *cries*
Hares On The Mountains
Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian continue roaming prettily around this pretty mountainside. The locations in this show are such eye candy. 
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Young laddies they run like hares on the mountains Young laddies they run like hares on the mountains  Young laddies they run like hares on the mountains  If I was a young lass I’d soon go a hunting
Jiang Cheng starts to have doubts about the whole Baoshan Sanren thing. Wei Wuxian's reply pretty much encapsulates the whole Wei Wuxian experience.  
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Then we have just the tenderest blindfolding scene, (more gifs here), which is fodder for your ChengXian dreams, if you have those.
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Here's a good place for a sidebar about what is and isn't incest. Whee! In the CDrama context, relationships tend to be more clearly defined than in western media. The mechanism of confession & acceptance means that people either are or are not in a romantic relationship, with few grey areas. So a character can literally say "we grew up as brother and sister, but now we are dating" and when someone looks startled they just say "there's no blood relation" and everyone is like "cool cool" and that's the new definition of the relationship.
For a strong example of this, the extremely wonderful Go Ahead is about a contemporary family in which a girl and two boys, who are not blood relatives, are all raised together, and call each other brother and sister. When they become adults, they and everyone around them expect the girl (now a woman) to marry one of the two men who have been her brothers, while whichever one she doesn't choose will carry on as her sibling. It's treated as the most natural, logical thing in the world; the only question is whether she wants to make that transition, and with whom.
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Looked at through this lens, Wei Wuxian's relationships with his adoptive siblings have just as much potential to turn into romances as his relationships with his friends do, and there's nothing creepy about it. As such you can expect my meta to always get into ChengXian moments without treating it as a wrong or forbidden love. Hopeless, of course, because Jiang Cheng is such a prick the power of WangXian is stronger, but that's a different matter.
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What is wrong is wearing this fantastic hat & veil combination when the most fashionable person on the mountain is blindfolded and can't see it.
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In the course of this blindfolded encounter with Wen Qing, Jiang Cheng gets to kneel before a powerful woman, be led along by a length of silk that's placed in his hand, and then knocked the fuck out and operated on. He'll wake up in a hotel room in a tub full of ice with "we took your kidney" written on the mirror in lipstick, and he'll love every minute of it.  
Soundtrack: 1. Still Fighting it, by Ben Folds 2. Hares on the Mountain, by Steeleye Span
Writing Prompt: The NEXT time somebody blindfolds Jiang Cheng
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profnodanna · 3 years
isana yashiro for the ask meme :D
send me a character and i’ll list:
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favorite thing about them: His cunning. For almost all season 1, even without memory he was able to keep up with all the crazy Kingly stuff that were thrown at him: he managed to trick Kuroh to save his own life, he lived in Ashinaka school even if he didn'y belong to that place (also thanks to Neko's illusion), he escaped from both Red and Blue clans. That's really impressive, if you ask me.
least favorite thing about them: his initial naiveness and passiveness. Shiro, or I should say Adolf K. Weismann, are you seriously telling me the army is funding your studies "to make friends"??? Also, I am still not over the fact that he saw what a Damocles Down brought at and he still chose to do nothing about it, even if he was the most expert about the Slates.
favorite line: I'd thought of many "important" lines, as when he say something like how the Lieutenant has shown him both his dream and the reality of it, but then I remembered this scene, which I think captures a trait I like very much about Shiro! xD Kukuri: "You brought a bento?!"
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brOTP: I am a simple woman who loves the old trio Addy-Klaudia-Kokujoji Daikaku. Also Daikaku devoting his whole life to make Addy and Klaudia's dream true? It moves my heart.
OTP: Considering the ending, I'm not even sure if I can say I ship them, if we intend "to ship" as in a romantical way, but I really love Kuroshiro dynamic.
nOTP: I don't have one
random headcanon: I don't have any particular one
unpopular opinion: I'm not very satisfied with his character's arc ending, which is not a criticism to the character himself, but about how the whole resolution of the story was handled. In short, I believe that, compared to the rest of the cast, Shiro got the easiest way to put an end to his arc; even his sacrifice doesn't have any impact on the audience, since we see him all fine like three second after the scene in the alley (imho a case of bad writing).
In ROK the main theme around Shiro is taking responsibilities over what he started by awakening the powers within the Slates, by renouncing to his original dream because he realizes that the way to obtain friends is not about power; but there have been and were other Kings with different beliefs, right or wrong they could be, and Shiro making this big decision for everyone doesn't look to me like just "taking responsibilities", but choosing for everyone, as if he owned the Slates. Idk, I feel like this whole theme could have been handled a lot better in general.
song i associate with them: Audiomachine - Empathy
favorite picture of them:
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omgkalyppso · 3 years
for the character thing - sylvain!
- 🌱
Thank you for the ask!
favorite thing about them
He's so passionate. He's full of love and plagued with hate. Most of the time Sylvain seems to me like he wants to do better than what people expect of him or die trying. Some of the time he just wants to die. His struggles are not relatable when you look at them under a microscope, but the weight of family and the struggle of loving people who either don't know or love you, the fear that people only want something specific from you and don't respect you as a person; he's very human.
least favorite thing about them
He's not canon bi.
But more seriously, I would love if he expressed more regret about hurting characters other than Byleth pre timeskip, or otherwise that there was more insight into his dating life. People keep accusing him of things, and he accepts each accusation, and even self-describes as willingly harmful; but how much of that is illusion and his mind, and how much is him just wanting another way to be a punching bag because he feels he deserves it? Since we have to take him at his word, it would be significant if he mourned how he'd used people.
favorite line
Flayn: I have heard that men and women alike have been seduced by your nefarious ways.
Sylvain: I hate to suggest my talents are being oversold, but...
Not even the canon bi's get to say anything like that...
I was trying to think if there's a character I can't ship with Sylvain. And you know what? It's Hilda. I love them as friends. I can see them as good standing exes in some circumstances. But I don't see them together long term.
I ship Sylvain with A Large number of characters.
If I pick 1 for an otp based on canon interactions, it's Felix. The huge amount of Sylvix content that exists keeps me from feeling like contributing myself, but I do have a Sylvix fic I've been thinking about writing since oct 2019, and suspect it would be around 25k. I need to finish my Hilorenz thing before I even think about it.
But when not restricted to canon, I have to mention Dedue... While in the trans bb server I asked who I should write a Sylvain concept with, and people voted for Dedue. After writing that I started seeking Syldue fics to read... I'm so attached. They're so sweet together.
Also in the trans bb server I was introduced to Sylvain x Edelgard as a ship. Something that drew people to this ship was that if anyone understood Sylvain's hatred of the Crest system it would be Edelgard. I think most characters can understand Sylvain's hatred of the Crest system and I'm just generally not a fan.
random headcanon
First the popular one: he needs glasses. At first I didn't understand why people thought this and needed someone to spell it out for me: "part of the glasses thing is that Sylvain's only(?) weakness is in archery, his dex stat is low, and the whole support point with Ingrid about accidentally flirting with a scarecrow gives people the impression he's horribly nearsighted." But now I'm attached. This is so funny: [X]
But also. It says in his likes that he likes Fine Art, but I would like to suppose that he just likes art: cultural art, trashy novels, folk music, a child's finger painting. He's just versed with fine arts, and is more comfortable offering critique and praise in a formal way that suits that fashion of art more traditionally.
unpopular opinion
I've glanced over so many fics that are like: His heart always belonged to Felix. That's not my jam. Let him be a little in love with everyone, and some more than others; and that can include Felix. But I don't think he was pining away his whole life. I think his love for the people closest to him evolves as they do, and as his relationships to them change.
But mutual pining is still a delicious form of angst (whether with Felix or whomever).
song i associate with them
don't worry, you will by lovelytheband
She said I can't find a thing I don't like about you And I'm like don't worry, you will I don't wanna find a reason to doubt you And I'm like don't worry, you will I'm a freak, I'm a fraud I'm a child, I'm flawed She said I can't find a thing I don't like about you And I'm like don't worry, you will
favorite picture of them
This one.
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rorygilmcre · 3 years
I was tagged by @dancearoundallalone 💕
tag 9 people to know more about their interests, hobbies, etc.
Fav genre: pop & alternative
Fav artist: t swift, young the giant, bleachers, dua lipa, & halsey
Fav song: mr. know it all by young the giant, stubborn love by the lumineers, levitating by dua lipa, and you belong with me by t swift
Most listened song recently: 100% cruel summer and august
Song currently stuck in your head: happier by olivia rodrigo
Fav lyrics: "the monsters turned out to be just trees" - out of the woods, "is this the end of all the endings? my broken bones are mending" - king of my heart, & "it's better to feel pain than nothing at all, the opposite of love is indifference" - stubborn love by the lumineers
radio or your own playlist | solo artists or bands | pop or indie | loud or silent volume I slow or fast songs | music video or lyrics video | speakers or headset | riding a bus in silence (because I like to read and I can't do both haha) or while listening to music | driving in silence or with radio on
Fav book genre: rom coms / modern fiction
Fav writer: iris murdoch & sally rooney
Fav book: a fairly unhonourable defeat by iris murdoch & conversations with friends by sally rooney of course
Fav book series: the hunger games my beloved
Comfort book: just one day by gayle foreman
Perfect book to read on a rainy day: harry potter
Fav characters: luna lovegood, hermione granger, finnick odair, & peeta mellark
Five quotes from your fav books that you know by heart: "if I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more" - emma by jane austen, "happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light" & "don't worry, you're just as sane as I am" - harry potter
hardcover or paperback | buy or rent | standalone novels or book series | ebook or physical copy | reading at night or during the day | reading at home or in nature | listening to music while reading or reading in silence | reading in order or reading the ending first | reliable or unreliable narrator  | realism or fantasy | one or multiple POVS | judging by the covers or by the summary | rereading or reading just once
Fav tv or movie genre: rom coms
Fav movie: the wedding date, love rosie, stuck in love, & moulin rouge
Comfort movie: harry potter series & 27 dresses
Movie you watch every year: harry potter series & love actually, always around christmas time
Fav tv show: gilmore girls, the good place, & the 100
Most rewatched TV show: gilmore girls, which I typically watch once a year
Ultimate otp: everlark, jess and rory, & luke and lorelai
5 fav characters: octavia blake, lorelai gilmore, jess mariano, katherine piece, & damon salvatore
tv shows or movies | short seasons (8-13 episodes) or full seasons (22 episodes or more) | one episode a week or binging | one season or multiple seasons | one part or saga | half hour or one hour long episodes | subtitles on or off | rewatching or watching just once | downloads or watches online
I'm tagging: this was super fun so I'm just tagging anyone who wants to do this 💞
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sincerelyella · 3 years
RAMifications Chapter 4 -  Who Do You Tell?
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Book: The Royal Romance (AU)
Pairings: Liam x MC (Ella); Drake x Alyssa Devereaux
Song Inspiration: Who Do You Tell by Tamia
Characters belong to Pixelberry; MC Ella Brooks belongs to me; Alyssa Devereaux was created by the brilliant mind of @burnsoslow
A/N: This entire idea came from Burnsy and her unBEARable series featuring her OTP Drake and Alyssa. This is Ella’s backstory and how she met the love of her life King Liam of Cordonia and became his Queen. This doesn’t follow much of TRR books, there is still a social season but not all of the players are present. Throw canon out the window!
Catch up here
Thank you to @burnsoslow​ for pre reading/commenting/calming my crazy self down. You know I freaking love you!
Warnings: Maybe adult language and some kissing
Words: 1826
It was the next morning, Ella made herself a cup of coffee, looked through some notes for school and hummed along with Tamia playing over her speakers. I hope I see him today. She bit her lip and thought back to when he kissed her. It was entirely too quick, but she loved how soft his lips were, how his fingers curled into her hips. She wished he didn’t let go of her, his hands gave her a jolt in her heart and her loins. Everything came alive when their lips touched … and then he ruined it by pulling away and saying it was a mistake. Ugh! What the fuck! She finished her coffee with a shake of her head and attempted to push back any thoughts of Liam and his lips. She put away all her notes and got ready to head to work. As she did so, she mentally prepared herself to possibly see him at the palace.
5 hours later
Ella saved her last delivery for the palace until the end of the day. I probably should have just gotten this over with. She sighed and pushed the cart into the large foyer where she met with the same staff member that always greeted her, Thomas.
“Hello Miss Ella.”
“Hi Thomas, where do you want these today?”
“You can leave the cart here, although one bouquet is for a specific person.”
“Oh?” Ella arched her brow. “Do you want me to deliver it?”
Thomas nodded. “Yes ma’am, that was the order I received this morning. I’ll show you to the room.”
Ella just followed Thomas quietly and she suddenly recognized the hallway they were walking down. The pair stopped in front of the person’s door and he knocked.
The door opened a couple seconds later and there stood Alyssa with a wide grin on her face. “Hi Ella! Thomas, thank you for bringing her over.”
“Of course, Lady Alyssa.” Thomas bowed and gave Ella a small smirk as he walked away.
“Come in Ella!” Alyssa grabbed her hand and pulled her inside, shutting the door behind her.
“Hey! These flowers are for you. From Liam? I mean … His Highness?”
Alyssa waved dismissively. “No, not from Liam. I ordered flowers for myself.”
Ella’s head tilted slightly and her brow wrinkled in confusion. “Wait, why?”
“I wanted to talk with you about something.” She sat on her bed and motioned for Ella to sit with her. “Come on!”
Ella obeyed and sat with Alyssa on the bed. “Okay, so you know Liam is a prince.” Ella nodded. “Alright, so he is the Crown Prince of Cordonia. This means that he will be crowned the King of Cordonia in about a month or so.” Ella’s eyes could have popped out of her head. Alyssa lifted her hand when Ella opened her mouth to speak. “Wait for it … okay, so being that he will be crowned the King of Cordonia in a matter of weeks, he is having a social season that’s happening right now. He needs to choose a bride and needs to be engaged in order to rise to succession. Now,” Alyssa took in a breath, “He has five suitors and … I am one of them.”
Ella’s mouth was open, eyes widened in shock for seconds. When she shut her eyes, they were dry from staring at Alyssa without blinking. She finally found her voice, eyes still closed and whispered, “So you” - she opened her eyes and looked at Alyssa - “you are a suitor for Liam?” Her eyes widened again and her voice got louder as she pointed toward Alyssa. “You are trying to … marry Liam?” The more she said it out loud, the more crazy she sounded. Am I fucking dreaming?
Alyssa put both her hands up, palms facing Ella. “I came here for Liam as a suitor originally, yes,” she explained calmly. “I fell in love with Drake in the process. We told Liam about our feelings and our relationship and he was fine with it. But,” Alyssa put her hands down and sighed. “I still had to stay on as his suitor until the coronation. Drake and I have to carry on our relationship in secret. Liam isn’t going to choose me, but I saw how he looks at you, Ella.” She waited until Ella lifted her face to meet her gaze. “I saw the way your eyes welled up the other day when you told me he kissed you and said it was a mistake.”
“Yes, I felt something when he kissed me …” she trailed off and willed those tears that collected in her eyes not to fall.
“He feels something too,” Alyssa said softly. “I brought you here to talk with you, to see if … if you’d like to take my place as a suitor.”
Again, Ella’s eyes widened and she stood up abruptly. “ME? A … suitor for a … prince?!” She started to hyperventilate. “I … I … “ she gasped for air in between trying to speak.
Alyssa stood from the bed and grabbed Ella’s wrists gently. “It’s okay, calm down, just breathe.” The two women’s eyes locked. Ella took a deep breath in through her nose, and let it out slowly through her mouth. “Better?” Ella nodded. “Okay,” Alyssa continued calmly. “Yes. That means you will be competing as a suitor to be with Liam. You want to be with him, don’t you?”
“I’m just a girl from California. I don’t know about” - she waved her hand around the room - “all of this. If I even belong here.”
“Hey, I’m just a girl from New York,” Alyssa smirked. “I flew here on a whim, I wanted adventure, and I’m still alive!” She paused and studied Ella’s facial expression. “You didn’t answer my question, Ella.”
Ella quirked her brow in question.
“Do you want to be with Liam?”
Ella’s mouth opened, shut quickly, then opened again. Do I? She thought back to Liam’s lips on hers, how he held her in his arms, even if it was for a few seconds, she felt … safe. She looked at Alyssa and nodded.
Alyssa suddenly let go of her wrists, wrapped her in a hug and squealed in excitement. “YEAAAAAAAHH!!!!”
Ella laughed and hugged her back. “Okay! Well, now what?”
Alyssa stepped back and grinned. “Now, we go tell Liam.”
Ella’s smile faded. “I have to return the truck to the capitol but, I can come back later?”
Alyssa nodded quickly. “Yes! Come back in a bit and we’ll both talk to Liam! Here,” she took her phone out and handed it to Ella. “Put your number in here and I’ll text you so you have mine. Just let me know when you’re on the way over okay?”
Ella nodded. She handed Alyssa her phone back and headed off to return the work truck.
2 hours later
Ella headed back to the palace, texting Alyssa that she was on her way. Is this really happening? She was meeting Alyssa and Drake in the foyer and they’d walk with her to Liam’s room. The car arrived at the palace, she paid the driver and nervously pulled her hooded knit cardigan tighter around herself as she walked up the palace stairs.
She spotted Alyssa and Drake a split second before she had time to react. “Eeeeeeeeeeeee!” Alyssa squealed and ran to envelope Ella in a bone crushing hug. Ella laughed loudly and hugged her back.
“Wow, for a small person, you’re strong,” Ella teased as she rubbed her side.
Alyssa scoffed and pointed her finger at Ella. “I’m the same height as you, woman,” she retorted with an arched brow.
Ella rolled her eyes and smirked. “Alright touché. Hey Drake!”.
“Nice to see you again, Ella. Let’s go see Liam, shall we?”
The women nodded and all three walked down the hallway to Liam’s quarters. They approached his door and the very large guard posted right in front of it stiffened and eyed them suspiciously.
“Come on, Sam, you know me and Alyssa.” Drake waved his hand in Ella’s direction. “This is Ella. The prince is expecting us.”
Sam relaxed a little bit and knocked on the door. Liam opened it a moment later, saw the trio standing there and nodded his head. “I knew they were coming, Sam. Thank you.” The guard bowed and stepped aside for them to enter the room.
Ella followed Drake and Alyssa, she walked by Liam and brushed past his chest, making eye contact with him and flashing a small smile. Liam closed the door and turned to face everyone, but his gaze never left Ella’s. He was getting lost in those eyes again.
“Good evening.”
She peered up at him. Shit, how tall is he? “Hello, Your Highness.”
He smiled softly and took her hands in his. “Just Liam is fine right now,” he whispered and lifted one of her hands to his lips, never breaking eye contact. “I’m glad you’re here, Ella.”
Someone cleared their throat loudly behind them. “Hi Liam! We’re here too!”
Liam chuckled and they both turned to face Drake and Alyssa. “Hello you two. You wanted to speak with me?”
“Yes!” Alyssa exclaimed. “Ella has graciously agreed to take my place in the social season.”
Liam snaps his head to Ella and, again, he’s caught up in her light brown eyes. “Is that true?” He finally whispered.
She couldn’t speak. The way he was looking at her made her heart start to race and she couldn’t swallow the lump in her throat. She just nodded meekly.
He smiled so big and wide that she thought she’d go blind from all the white teeth he flashed at her.
She cleared her throat. “So, what do I do now?”
“Well,” he took a step towards her. “You would need to move into the palace … all the suitors stay here until the end of the season,” he paused, waiting for her to process what he just said. “Then you would meet your sponsors. The Duke of Ramsford and Lord Maxwell Beaumont.”
“Maxwell is so cool, you’ll love him. Bertrand, he grows on you ...” Alyssa trailed off, shrugging.
Ella nodded slowly. “Oh … kay,” she mumbled.
She looks nervous. Liam took another step towards her, kindness in his eyes. “If you would like, I can go over some things with you about the social season. I’m sure Duke Ramsford has more lessons for you, but if I could answer any questions now, I can.”
Liam turned his head towards Drake and they shared a look.
Drake cleared his throat. “Okay, well we’ll leave you to it, goodnight guys.” He grabbed Alyssa’s hand and started tugging her towards the door.
Once they were alone, the pair looked at each other and an awkward silence filled the room.
“You’re … sure this is something you want to do, Ella?”
She met his gaze and remembered what he said to her the other night. “Why was kissing me a mistake, Liam?”
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wintcrdvst · 4 years
𝐃𝐘𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐂 𝐐𝐔𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓, part two ! under the cut you will find a masterlist of 113 quotes that can be used for otps, brotps and possibly even notps. these were gathered from various sources such as songs and pinterest for personal use, but i figured i might as well share. give a like or reblog if this was useful to you, and enjoy !! you can find part one here.
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i just can’t take myself away
under her spell i can’t break
it’s the sweetest taste of sin
let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain
you like your girls insane
you and i‚ we were born to die
the world was on fire and no one could save me but you
it’s strange what desire will make foolish people do
i never dreamed that i’d meet somebody like you
something always brings me back to you
i never wanted anything so much than to drown in your love
baby‚ i’ll bleed you dry
i loved and i loved and i lost you
we’re certain with desire
i can barely breathe when you’re here loving me
nobody does it like you do
you smiled; i fell in love
i found love in your laugh
i never craved attention until i tasted yours
i love you as certain dark things are to be loved; in secret‚ between the shadow and the soul
tell me that you chose me‚ that you love me‚ that you crave the darkness
and i was never sure whether you were the lighthouse or the storm
you’re worth every sin
dive my face between your thighs until i cannot feel my lips
i love you with a love that no one can understand
lately i wonder how it feels to taste your lips
i wasn’t looking for love but she found me
something tells me i’m going to love you forever
everything is better with you‚ everything has been better since you
i’d rather argue with you than be with anyone else
let me be your sickening desire
every revolution starts and ends with his lips
how was i to know this tiny spark would spread like wildfires
if we fall‚ we fall together
we loved with a love that was more than love
at dusk death came to me in the form of a man
you see? even death has a heart
you don’t love me‚ big fucking deal
all you give me is a heartbeat
my soul aches for nothing but you
i’m here now
before i met you i was drowning; now i am water
she longed to throw something at him; a chair‚ herself
since when did monsters have lips like yours
i write my name over your tongue so it is all you speak
if i could dream at all it would be about you
every cigarette you put to your mouth should have been my lips
lately i’ve been craving you more
i just can’t help desiring your lips against my neck
i want to taste you again‚ like a secret or a sin
my life will end and so will yours so just kiss me anytime
players only love you when they’re playing
loving you isn’t the right thing to do
to you i’ll give the world
to you i’ll never be cold
you say you love me but you don’t know
i know i could have loved you but you would not let me
love is a kind of killing; don’t you know that?
you think we’re bonnie and clyde but both of them fucking died
with tears in my eyes i begged you to stay
i can love you in secret but no one can know
you are a broken heart tattoo i’ll have forever on my chest
don’t you just love the desire taking hold of you?
i don’t have to remind you where you belong
i see your face every time i’m with somebody else
can’t you see that i want you?
i’m in control when you give me your body
i feel our souls burning up when i’m inside of you
you gave me comfort
falling for you was my mistake
when times were rough i made sure i held you close to me
i want you to stay even though you don’t want me
i said i didn’t feel nothing baby‚ but i lied
i almost cut a piece of myself for your life
guess i was just another pit stop ‘til you made up your mind
call out my name and i’ll be on my way
i claimed you so proud and openly
it feels like you don’t care; why don’t you realize i’m rare?
i’ll be there to pull you back up
i’ll be around you
i’m nothing without you
when the stars are falling down‚ there’s love in the dark
you said it was a great love‚ one for the ages
if the story’s over why am i still writing pages
for whatever it’s worth i love you
i’ve tried to fight our energy
you get high and call on the regular
i get weak and fall like a teenager
i go back to you every time
i just might love you forever
i hope you warm up to me
i burned so long and so quiet you must have wondered if i loved you back; i did‚ i did‚ i do
if i could dream at all it would be about you
you got me all fucked up‚ i’m in my feelings
you said love is touching souls; surely you touched mine
tiny gestures but big love
even her absence is something that’s with me
i like her so much i don’t know how to desire her
if i don’t see her i imagine her
i loved you long before i had the guts to let you know
i crave the side of you that you don’t show to anyone else
everyone fears me but i fear you
i want your heart‚ your skin‚ your smile
i want every thought‚ every touch‚ every secret
surrounded by art yet you’re the most beautiful of them all
i’ve been lost but i’m here now; you’re the only person who has ever been able to find me
you pierce my soul
i have loved none but you
you make my face red and my heart beat
i don’t want to forget how your voice sounds
light is easy to love; show me your darkness
i loved you so much it was making me sick
i would give anything to be loved by you
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anthologyoflucas · 2 years
@abracaxfuckxyou from here!
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Alya smiled blushing lightly as she’s pulled in for a hug. She still got butterflies in her stomach every time they kissed or hugged, not used to just receiving affection yet.
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polkadotpatterson · 3 years
Hi for the ask meme, Workman or Morse? *eyes emoji* -Kit
what if… Workman and Morse? I love them both so very much
favorite thing about them: Workman Gloom my absolute beloved. they're the best hitter of all time. they refused to die until they scored a final home run. they came back from the dead to kill a god. they love their dog so much. they're so warm and understanding and fun and just generally such a great person to be around. they can steal absolutely anything, including my heart
least favorite thing about them: one time they died and it was sad :( they got better though!
favorite line: This is not exactly a specific moment but the fact that they still have the best all-time batting average despite having not played since Season 7 is truly incredible
brOTP: Dot and Workman are my favourite platonic relationship of all time, they are qpps and they love each other so much and I love them so much. you know this. I hope everyone knows this. it's very important to me. and of course also Workman and Beasley! Do Not Separate Them (the sim did anyway but shhhhh) Also! I think they got really close with Kiki after being Hall Stars together and she's one of the few people who can really understand what they went through. Admittedly I don't spend nearly enough time on their specific relationships with the Thieves but I think they’re really close with Morrow (especially after they were Hall Stars together) and Esme
OTP: I'm not ultra opposed to actually shipping them with people in the same way I am with Dot, but also still I feel like they're just not really interested in dating. There aren’t really Workman Ships out there that I know of, anyway
nOTP: see above
random headcanon: I think coming back from the dead was a lot more difficult than they tried to let on. imo it was like their body was totally reset, they didn't have the gills anymore, didn't even have any little scars that they got from heisting or anything else, and of course their cloud had become CV. and they were kind of left wondering where they even belonged when all their history couldn't be seen on them anymore. I think they did eventually get moist adaptations again when they felt ready for it, and of course some new scars eventually, but they spent a lot of time wondering if they were even themself anymore. plus the guilt of getting to be alive again when so many other players in the Hall didn't. And Dot can relate to a lot of those things after being saved and transformed by the Monitor and feeling like a new person and feeling the guilt of having narrowly missed being a Pod and that's one of the many reasons why they're good for each other!
...that got kind of angsty so uh. bonus headcanon that you know about but the world doesn’t: for some reason, Kiki’s coffee preference changed to “anything” after she came back from the dead, and that's what Workman’s preference has always been, so I like to think that they introduced her to new exciting styles of coffee and bonded over that :)
unpopular opinion: idk, the popular opinion about Workman seems to be “they’re really fucking awesome” and it's hard to ever argue with that
song i associate with them: ok it's not them individually but have I mentioned often enough that Sun 2 is THE Workman and Dot song about Dot coming back from alting? bc it is
favorite picture of them: I love all Workman Art but I have to say this one by Sanic of them and Dot skating bc they just look so soft!!! (yeah I’m biased but shhhhhhh) also every art that's ever been drawn of their final home run is beautifully painful
favorite thing about them: someone once described him as “half star pitcher, five star person,” and like… yeah! he's just so good and kind and supportive and such a perfect team dad. he may have literally been one of the worst pitchers ever but his games were never a dull moment and he could be clutch when it really mattered
least favorite thing about them: he got feedbacked and then Shadowed and never pitched again and I miss him very much :(
favorite line: Ortiz Morse pitched a no-hitter long before PolkaDot Patterson ever did and that's extremely iconic of him
brOTP: I love his dynamic with Dot so much. they're extremely different people but they have so much respect for each other.
OTP: his husband! there isn't really lore for him but they're married and in love
nOTP: literally anyone else
random headcanon: I think he becomes like a father figure to Kiki once she starts hanging out in Seattle because Quack's there. love all these Moist Garages just hanging out and having a good time. Also Mike Townsend is there and I think Morse keeps trying to get him to meet Lachlan because he knows they could be good friends. can’t wait to actually finish the fic about it. maybe someday
unpopular opinion: this isn't exactly a Morse Opinion but I think it kind of sucks that we all love him for being a terrible player but a lot of people hate Lachlan for the same reason and he's not even that bad
song i associate with them: idk
favorite picture of them: I don't think there’s enough Morse Art in the world. we need more. there are of course some really good ones out there but the one that comes to mind is the one Joe did where he's trying to communicate with Dot through the shell
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